#{ you know what they say about hope. it breeds eternal queueing. }
hqtbells-blog · 7 years
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tagging  → keoone @supitskeegs
#mcm 😍 Finding new ways to watch the sunrise.
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hqtbells-blog · 7 years
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happy birthday katie! @elizajanetc
Oh, goodness.
Where do I start? Since you came into the group, we became fast friends. I was so excited for a Bob/Troian brotp. He’s so pretty, and you made him so interesting and it broke my heart to see you drop him. But..I could have never predicted how much of a blessing that would be because you took up Eliza instead and Troiaza was born. It was such an organic friendship that blossomed and it’s something so incredibly precious and dear to me. You get my character in all the ways I want and hope for others to appreciate her/understand her, and you’ve never been anything but supportive to me in every aspect of RP. Troiaza is so important and it seems to be on another level entirely sometimes which is all because of the love and dedication and heart you put into Eliza. I absolutely love what you’ve done with her so far and it’s very easy for my Troian to be fiercely protective and heart eyes over her, always.
What’s even better though is the real life friendship we’ve had. It started out quiet and small with occasional messages and likes of each others post. Constant effort to roleplay with each other, no matter what account we had. Talking from time to time about our fandoms, our likes, our dislikes until we just built up this natural rapport that made me feel like I’d known you for a very long time. Now, it feels strange if we don’t talk at least once a day. You’ve endured long rants and punch-drunk messages at night, you understand my flailing when Troian releases new photos or when I am just overcome with love for her (that’s a lot), and you’re there when I need somebody to talk to about anything and everything. You introduced me to The 100, you introduced me to Eliza, and sometimes you offer me such a fresh perspective that I never would have had and that’s what we need from the people in our lives - people who constantly make us want to be better versions of ourselves. You’re such a talented writer and roleplayer but most of all, you’re just a fantastic friend and I’d be lost without you. You’re caring, you’re warm, you’re hilarious and even though you don’t see it ninety nine percent of the time, you’re amazing and deserve a 144585468 reasons why I love you list. 
I hope you have the best birthday ever, even if you don’t feel like celebrating, and I hope you know you’re loved and appreciated always by me. Happy birthday again!
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hqtbells-blog · 8 years
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WELCOME TO PHILLIP MATTHEW ALLEN’S THIRD BIRTHDAY BASH! located at the keegan allen’s humble abode in los angeles, ca. there will be paint stations set up around the inside of the house and the outside of the house, smocks available to wear so no pretty clothes are ruined! please feel free to sign the large poster outside and add your handprints! cupcakes, rice krispie treats, pretzels, and other various food stations will also be set up. don’t forget to decorate your own cupcake with frosting, sprinkles, and more! goodie bags will be handed out at the end and there will be a video recorder throughout the day to share birthday wishes, memories, and to keep track of just how silly the kids (and adults) are being at this color me wonderful bash. thank you so much for attending and have a good time!
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hqtbells-blog · 8 years
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How lucky am I to have the BEST ladies constantly empowering me, inspiring me, and supporting me. The best kind of female friendships are fierce ones where you aggressively believe in each other, defend each other, and think the other deserves the world. When women support each other, incredible things happen. No matter race, religion, beliefs, shape, size, color..if you believe in me, I believe in you and I’ll go down fighting for our rights. I’m proud to be a strong, independent woman and I’m proud to know each and every one of you. Who run the world? Girl BOSSES. Happy #internationalwomensday ! @halethegoose @elizajanetc @iaamz @ikennyxo @emilia–x @itskinneyxo @hyfzoe @ashleybenzoxoxo @hyfdanielle @revival-gomez @joannagrcia @itsdianegpls @simplyscarlett @sophieteex @lilyjamesh @heardambsay @nina–dobrev @theeshaymitchell @caradevilqueen-x @rosie-huntington—whiteley @lovatodemi @angelkarliekloss @marie-xtina @fckwilla @vanessabutterfly-hudgens @britney-timberlake @dianna–elise @sharnaburxo
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hqtbells-blog · 8 years
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Here comes the sappy post.  Phillip Matthew, you’re three years old today. That’s 1,095 days I’ve gotten to love you with all my heart. That’s 26,280 hours I’ve spent thinking, worrying, hoping, wanting everything in the world for you. Since the first minute I knew you were in my life, I have made sure I was going to be the best possible mommy for you I could be. Gone were the days of not taking care of myself. Gone were the moments when I wondered what my life’s purpose was. I knew it was to have you and to raise you to be a beautiful man. You’re still my little boy right now, but you’re getting older and older. Smarter and sillier and sassier and stronger. You may have been born prematurely but baby boy, you are a fighter. There hasn’t been a single moment in your life where you haven’t proven to me just how lucky I am that you’re mine. Your kindness is infinite. Your charm is magnetic. Your baby blues, your smile, and your laughter are the three keys to keeping me solid and sane. You are everything I ever wanted and so much more. I didn’t know what true love was until I looked into your eyes and felt your finger wrap around mine. My love for you is steadfast hope that never fades. I know you’re going to change the world one day. I know you’re going to bring light and peace and beauty to a world that desperately needs it. You’re going to do so many things and my faith in you will never fade. The older you get, the more you might become embarrassed by my little acts of love - you’ll squirm away from me kissing your cheek, you’ll drop my hand when we’re crossing the street. You’ll yell, “Okay!” when I tell you I love you as you leave. That’s okay. That’s never going to change how I feel about you. My first born. My baby. My Philly. My prince. But you’re not that old yet and today, I’m going to fully soak in you wrapped around my legs and your insistence that Mommy sit by you and help you color. Phillip Matthew, you are my world. I love you to the moon and back and a second time around. You will always be the best part of me I put out into this world. #phillyturnsthree @keeoone, thank you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for him. He is your mini me and I’m so thankful that when I look at him, I see you too. Happy birthday as well to the beautiful man who raised the beautiful man whose love helped me create this munchkin and whose helping me raise our beautiful boy. I’m the luckiest woman/mother in the world. @supitskeegs
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hqtbells-blog · 7 years
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Guess whose back? Back again? Mama’s back. Tell a friend. As you can tell, my children inherit their kookiness from me. (But they look much cuter doing it) It is SO good to be home and back to full time mommy duties. Messy faces and all, I can’t stop kissing those cheeks. 
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hqtbells-blog · 8 years
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#tbt to crazy days and long nights filming that one show..what was it called..I miss these beautiful girls and can’t wait for our next big cast reunion! @lucyhale​ @sammyinla @shaym @halethegoose @theeshaymitchell
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hqtbells-blog · 8 years
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I also have to give a special mention to my best girl in the whole wide world - my Soph bug. Being your mommy is a privilege I don’t take for granted. You’re still so tiny and the world is so massive that sometimes I fear sending you out into it. No matter how old you get, you’re going to be my baby girl forever. I want to be the best example of a strong, classy, and passionate woman I can be for you and I want to teach you everything I know. I want /you/ to teach me things too. I want you to have a relationship with me that you’ll never fear, doubt, or not feel comfortable with. Rain or shine, night or day, I’m your number one fan and I’ll always be there to save the day. I’m Super Mom.  One day, you’re going to look back on this and I want you to remember these little life nuggets of wisdom I’m handing out right now: Never let fear keep you from doing something you want. Never count yourself out; you’re worth twice whoever tries to tell you you can’t do something. What makes you beautiful is your kind heart, no matter what those magazine ads try to sell to you. Don’t EVER dumb yourself down for anyone (especially a man, Sophia Avery.) The getting there is the most exciting part of the journey. Love knows no gender, color, or religion. Disney movies are always cool. Being a nerd is the best thing you can be. Your body is as important as you mind, so please take care of it. And you matter. Nobody what anybody else says, thinks, or feels YOU matter. You are the only Sophia Avery Allen in this world and you’re so special. Always. Here’s to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we RAISE them. I’m proud to be raising this little one. #internationalwomensday
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hqtbells-blog · 8 years
plot bunnies masterlist. ✍🐰
Hey guys! So one of my goals for 2017 was to make my year in Scandalous as enriching and inclusive as possible. Come August, I will have been a member of this group for four years - that’s insane. I’ve never been part of a role play group for that long and it’s all due to the fellow writers that surround me here. It’s been so much fun playing Troian here and getting the chance to interact and write and plot with as many of you as possible. Sometimes I wonder how I haven’t run out of muse for her just yet since with other characters, I lasted only months feeling creative on them but I know that the biggest reason is all her connections. From gif chats to paras to chatzies to text threads - I love all of it and I’m so thankful you guys seem to care about my fictional queen. As much as I love real life Troian and hope that I’m playing at least all of her best qualities as true to life as possible, I also feel like I’ve made her my own completely with her own backstory and her own history that’s mine entirely. I’m probably never going to actually meet Troian (but hey, just standing next to her and hearing her voice in my ear was enough), so my characterization of her comes from interviews and articles and just..me, I guess. So thank you for indulging me in playing her because she’s honestly my true escape.
And that goes for Ian and now Lili as well! I took on Ian after several portrayals of him so I was lucky enough to get plots and connections instantly, but Ian’s friendships and the ship of Ian x Lucy has been so much fun to play as well. I’m not quite as educated on him as I am with Troian, or even Keegan for that matter, but I still love that adult man child so much so I’m happy you guys are always willing to interact with me on him as well. As for Lili, well - there’s literally not even a Wikipedia page dedicated to her yet. I’m going with scraps here so Lili’s also going to be a character I basically create from scratch. I can’t wait.
I rambled enough, and the whole point of this post is that I want plots. I need plots. On all of my characters. I want to write with as many of you as I can and I want my previous connections to thrive and new connections to grow. I know how nerve wracking it can be approaching players for plots and there’s always that “uhh..I really wanna write with you but I don’t know what to do..” since most of it is based on chemistry, yeah? You can’t just jump into a ship plot or a fwb plot or any sort of relationship plot without seeing if your chemistry meshes together first. So these ideas are more based on settings, and if any of them interest you, please message me and we’ll get more into detail! Like I said, this can be with Troian, Ian, or Lili. I don’t want to do repeat plots so please don’t ask me to do the same plot on more than one character, because we’ll both just get bored. We want variety, right? We want it all. So take a look over, see if any catch your eye and I can’t wait to write with you!
001. My character and yours decide to spend the night in a “supposedly haunted” house. It can actually be haunted, it can just be aesthetically creepy, but they’re spending a whole night in there with nothing but flashlights, their cellphones, a sleeping bag, snacks and maybe a video recorder.
002. My character or your character comes onto the scene to see m/y getting arrested or pulled over. Is it all a big misunderstanding? Is alcohol involved? Are charges pressed? The severity of it is up for negotiation! (Please keep in mind your character’s criminal history, the affects it would have on their life e.g. children, partner, work, and how any charges would impact their reputation.)
003. My character and yours are handcuffed to each other..and one of them has lost the key. Please note I did this plot on Ian with him and Lucy, and it took a more humorous route. It doesn’t have to be funny! Our characters can be pissed about having to spend the day together - it’s even better if your character is involved with another person or has to be on set that day. They have to spend a whole day together, a span of at least seven hours but the key eventually has to be found.
004. Somebody’s won the lottery - it’s the character of your choosing! The prize amount can range from one hundred dollars to five hundred. Our characters decide to have a Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Adventure with these winnings and cross items off their bucket list together. Keep in mind they have to stay in one state and obviously items checked off can’t be too big - no traveling to Europe or finding your long lost mother.
005. OPEN PROMPT - Troian will write a letter to her future self and your character can read it and respond to it. Note: We can also make this a plot! The letter can be left on her kitchen table, tucked into a book at the book store, etc.
(With open prompts, the post will obviously be locked so only your character can reply to it!)
006. M/Y character just got the crushing news that they didn’t make the dream audition they’ve been working so hard for - screw ‘em! They don’t know how good they could’ve had it. Alcohol (or something else if your character is a recovering addict) is the obvious cure and now the goal for tonight is to cheer you up and find you a new project.
007. This one will be pretty basic - think of something your character has always wanted to cross off their bucket list and ask my character to join you. They don’t have to be close, the whole point is that they do this together.
008. It’s late at night and m/y character is sitting down on the curb, looking sad and alone. They’re approached and pretty soon, they’re spilling their guts about their hopes and wants. They’re obviously in a pretty vulnerable spot, so maybe alcohol is involved. Maybe they’ve just been rejected. Maybe they’re having a bad night. This plot idea is pretty basic too - I just want our characters to have a deep chat. R E S E R V E D for; Lili + Keegan. @supitskeegs
009. OPEN PROMPT - It’s a game of truth or dare with Ian. No question is off limits, no dare too risky. (Please do not attempt to murder my adult baby tho.) R E S E R V E D for; Ian + Zendaya. @iaamz
010. OPEN PROMPT - Lili will write about her biggest regret, and your character will read it and be able to reply.
011. Last night is a blur - neither my character or yours remember it. It started out with a few tequila shots and then..just blackness. What’s even scarier is that our characters wake up in the same bed together the next morning. Note: Only with Lili will this plot extend to the possibility of our characters having slept together.
012. M/Y character can’t sleep. Tossing and turning, turning and tossing, and even counting sheep just won’t suffice tonight. Giving up the fight, they roll over and grab their phone. With eyes closed, they point to a contact in their address book and decide to text/call/FaceTime them to see if they’re up. Somebody’s got to lull you to sleep. R E S E R V E D for; Troian + Zoe. @hyfzoe
013. M/Y character has just gotten stood up. They worked really hard on looking nice too, even if they were a little reluctant about the date. Do our characters come across each other on the night out? Does someone call for a getaway car? Oh no - they can’t stop crying and now it’s up to the knight (or lady knight!) in shining armor to save the day! R E S E R V E D for; Lili + Grant. @theflashgrant
014. AU PROMPT - Zombie apocalypse! What do our characters do when the unthinkable happens? How do they fight off the zombies? Where do they hide? Note: This will probably be just a one shot but it could go into multiple threads if the story gets interesting!
015. AU PROMPT - Y/M character is homeless and has been that way for a while. Limited to stealing from the grocery store, sympathetic dollars from passersby, and soup kitchens, the other character comes across them one cold night. They’re trying to stay warm near and y/m takes pity on them and invites them back home. 
016. AU PROMPT - Y/M character is the king/queen of their kingdom and the opposite is the new handmaiden/stable boy/whatever other title we can think of. How do our characters get along? Is it a forbidden friendship? Are they plotting something evil? Do our characters fall in love and plan to run away together?
017. OPEN PROMPT - Troian writes about the most unforgettable moment of her life and your character will be able to read it and reply.
018. AU PROMPT - The world is ending in exactly one week. How do our characters prepare for it? How do those last seven days go for us, together and apart?
019. Y/M character comes across the opposite getting very publicly reprimanded/insulted/jeered at/harassed and it’s unclear whether they deserve it (though if it’s sexual harassment - you know they don’t.). Regardless, they’re embarrassed. Tears are streaming down their face, cheeks are turning red, and now a whole crowd has gathered. What do you do to stop it? R E S E R V E D for; Troian + Grant. @theflashgrant
020. OPEN PROMPT - Ian writes about who he would most like to switch bodies with for a day and your character will be able to read and reply to it. Note: This can also be a Freaky Friday AU prompt for any character!
021. OPEN PROMPT - Lili writes about the bravest thing she’s ever done and your character will be able to read and reply to it. 
022. Y/M character is getting hit on by a very intoxicated individual and they’re not impressed. Or maybe they’re amused. Or maybe they’re ready to grab that drink off the nearest table and throw it in this person’s face. Do you step in and try to get them out of it? Do you pretend to be their significant other? Do you distract them by adding yourself into the equation? What follows after is up to us! R E S E R V E D for; Troian + Keegan. @supitskeegs
023. OPEN PROMPT - Troian writes about the scariest moment of her life and the person who helped her though it. Your character is able to read and respond. Note: Depending on which moment I choose, I might also extend this open to the character she mentions if they are playable.
024. OPEN PROMPT - Ian writes about his biggest fear and your character is able to read and reply. R E S E R V E D for; Ian + JoAnna. @joannagrcia
025. Our characters go on a trip together. They don’t have to be close. They can be total strangers with each other, or they can be the best of friends. The point is that they’re spending a maximum of five days together in somewhere other the state/country they reside. How the trip comes about, where they go, what happens on it is entirely up to us and can be discussed! R E S E R V E D for; Troian + Nina. @nina--dobrev
026. Y/M character comes across the other writing/reading fan fiction. How embarrassing! Or not, if the character genuinely enjoys it. Our characters can talk about the fanfiction, can act it out (bonus points if they film it and share it with fans), or they can just be mortified and beg and plead to do anything so that the other person won’t tell their guilty little pleasure..
027. AU PROMPT - Ten years have passed for our characters and this is the first time they are seeing each other. What’s the relationship like? What happened in the past that they went years without contact? What’s been going on in their lives? Note: This plot works better for already tight-knit connections but we can make up histories! It is alternate universe, after all. :)
028. OPEN PROMPT - Lili writes about her biggest flaws and her biggest weaknesses. Your character is able to read and reply.
029. OPEN PROMPT - Troian writes about a huge event in her life that changed her world forever. Your character is able to read and reply.
030. Y/M character has just received a gift from the other, and it’s very unexpected. It’s something they’ve been wanting for a while! Why did the character do this? What’s the gift? The only thing that has to be certain about this plot is that it’s positive. No negative gifts. No prank gifts. Just a simple, fluffy plot about the kindness of a character.
031. AU PROMPT - Our characters get thrown into a fictional universe for a day and have to live in that world. Where are they? Do they get thrown into a plot? How the heck do they get out?!
032. Y/M character is baby-sitting and oh shit, they’re baby sitting an actual demon spawn. They call the other character for help! Just how messy of a situation are they in? (I’d very much like to do this plot because Lord knows I have personal stories to back this up..) R E S E R V E D for; Troian + Sophie. @sophieteex
033. The weather is crazy outside. It’s practically hurricaneing/tornadoeing/snowing/earthquaking/whatever weather condition you can think of. The only thing that can’t be changed is that our characters are stuck together until it’s over.
034. OPEN PROMPT - Ian writes about his favorite book. Your character is able to read and reply.
035. Everything is going wrong today for y/m character. And now the opposite is dragged into it. Are they able to turn the day around? Why is the day going so bad? Did somebody break a mirror? Cheer up squad to the rescue. R E S E R V E D for; Ian + Grant. @theflashgrant
036. OPEN PROMPT - Lili writes about a time she was generous/somebody was generous towards her. Your character is able to read and reply.
037. OPEN PROMPT - Troian writes about the one thing she’d like to change about herself. Your character is able to read and reply.
So there you go! Plenty of options and I tried to make none of them require admin approval so that we have free reign to plot to our heart’s content. The AU prompts will be strictly chatzies since they have nothing to do with the present verse, and the open prompts will be more chat threads on the dash. I had so much fun compiling these together and if I’m lucky enough to get volunteers, I’ll be making a part two. Thanks for looking over and I hope some interest you!
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hqtbells-blog · 8 years
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Today, I am the little mermaid and nobody can tell me otherwise. Fiji, you are stunning. 
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hqtbells-blog · 8 years
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It’s officially midnight in Los Angeles, which means it’s officially this man’s birthday. @grantgust @theflashgrant Happy, happy, the happiest of birthdays to my best friend, my bub. You’re twenty seven today! God, you’re getting old. Don’t worry - I’ve got the hair dye ready, I’m gonna make sure those grey hairs stay hidden. (Is that joke only funny when it’s directed towards me?) We’ve been through so much together in the last three years and I know that there’s so much more good for us in the future. I’m so thankful for you. For your friendship, for everything you’ve taught me. I’m not a fan of always being so far away from you but at least it shows me that not even distance can quell the bond that we have. I don’t know what I’d do without you, bub.  We’ve come so far from where we started. /You’ve/ come so far, and I’m so proud of the man that you are. I’m so proud to call you my best friend. You’re one of the best people I know. You’re the best guy to party with, to talk to into the night, to have adventures in Vancouver with, and even to sugar up my children and pass them back to me. You’re just the best and I hope you know how much I appreciate you. I hope this year brings you a lot of joy, and new opportunities, and that you embrace everything you get with arms wide open because you deserve it. I hope you get your hearts desire. I hope you’re as happy as you make me with your friendship. I hope you save some adventures for me and that you travel to as many places as you can and I hope you’re able to be the person you want to be - the person that I love with all my heart. Thanks for sticking by me through everything, I love you, bub! Here’s to you! 😘💛🎈
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hqtbells-blog · 8 years
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The little mermaid. song “gold” by Kiiara
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hqtbells-blog · 8 years
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What a crazy week it has been. I’ve gotten drunk, I’ve thrown up too many tequila shots, I’ve met the most interesting people, I’ve gotten lost, I’ve gotten found, and I spent so much time in the water that I probably have salt water in my veins now. It’s been glorious. It’s been magical. And it’s been exactly what I needed. ✌️ out, Fiji. LA, I’m coming home.
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hqtbells-blog · 8 years
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Team Zissou 4 lyfe. #bsquad #butalwaysteamleaderofbsquad #wesandersonnerd
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hqtbells-blog · 8 years
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Adventure is still out there. Fiji, here I come. 
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hqtbells-blog · 8 years
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I’m officially a diver thanks to this beautiful man. VINAKA TAWAKE!
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