#{ munday }
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ask-my-memoir · 3 days ago
I'm off from work again, so Munday time! These can be for Kaine or Hathaway!
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Yellow Emoji OC Asks 🌟
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💛 (yellow heart) - What’s your character’s thoughts on friendship? Do they have a lot of friends? What do they like about their friends?
⭐️ (star) - If your oc could wish for one thing to come true, what would it be and why? How would this change their life?
🌻 (sunflower) - What’s something your character has grown out of? Did it happen gradually or was it a drastic change? What caused this shift?
🌙 (crescent moon) - Does your character have a moral code or a set of rules they have for themselves? If so, what made them adopt these morals or ideals? If not, why?
🌼 (blossom) - When a stranger meets your oc, what’s the first thing they notice about them? What kind of vibes do they give off? Are they friendly and open? Cold and standoffish? Is the first impression people get accurate to who they actually are?
👑 (crown) - How does your oc feel about power? Do they hold any? If so, what kind of power and how did they attain it? If not, would they ever want power? How do they feel about those that hold power over others?
🔑 (key) - What’s something your character has never told anyone? Why have they kept it a secret? What, if anything, would make them reveal it?
🍯 (honey) - What are some reasons someone would like or get along with your oc? Are these positive traits something your oc is aware of?
🐝 (bumblebee) - What are some reasons someone would dislike or not get along with your oc? Are these negative traits something your oc is aware of?
🐥 (baby chick) - How does your oc feel about parenthood? Do they have children? If not, do they want any? Why or why not?
☀️ (sun) - What’s your character like at their best?
🌕 (full moon) - What’s your character like at their worst?
✏️ (pencil) - Is your oc an artist? If so, what type (painter, writer, musician, etc.) and what is their work like? If not, what are some of their opinions of art in general and the different mediums of it?
🍋 (lemon) - What’s something your character never got over, if anything? Why did it affect them so much and is there any chance of them ever healing from it?
🏆 (trophy) - What accomplishment is your oc proudest of? Why?
🎺 (trumpet) - Is your character talented at anything? How did they gain this skill and why?
🔱 (trident) - Is there anything your character would kill for? Why or why not?
🧀 (cheese) - What’s the funniest thing that your character has ever done? Alternatively, what’s the funniest thing that’s happened to them?
⚠️ (warning) - What is your oc’s go-to weapon? Do they prefer melee weapons like swords or brass knuckles or do they prefer guns and other ranged weaponry? Do they even use a weapon? Why or why not?
⚡️ (lightning bolt) - Does your character hold a grudge or forgive easily? Why? Would they ever seek revenge on those that wronged them? Why or why not?
🌽 (corn) - What’s the hardest job your character has worked, if they’ve had a job at all? What made it so hard and what finally made them quit?
✨ (sparkles) - What gives your oc confidence? Is it something physical or more emotional? Do they inspire confidence in others? Why or why not?
🎷 (saxophone) - How charismatic is your character? If they have high charisma, what do they use it for? If they’re not charismatic, how does that affect their life?
🔔 (bell) - Is your character perceptive? Do they know when someone is upset or are they not good at reading people? How does this affect their personal relationships?
🍌 (banana) - What is your character’s diet like? Do they cook hearty homemade meals or prefer to eat out? Are they a vegetarian or a meat lover? Are there any cultural foods they’re particularly fond of?
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ask-the-royal-absol · 3 days ago
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( @asklalu really coming out here with the DnD class drawing thing. Of course I had to participate. Destino is definitely a bard. It’s the charisma class. Not getting into combat head on. Now if we’re talking homebrew subclasses, the College of Quips is pretty much exactly what Destino would be.
I found it here: https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/dungeons-dragons-discussion/homebrew-house-rules/85344-bard-subclass-college-of-quips?srsltid=AfmBOoqngt2De88OH4wgYn0gVcrVo078AkYSTjLKhyGUxLa8EPclnWtN
If no homebrew, probably the College of Eloquence. Still using words to influence others.
Destino is a tricky one for alignment but I’d probably say a true neutral. Fuck, I loved drawing this.)
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sinnohsiblings · 3 days ago
Happy Munday!! What is a character you loove to death but just dont get to talk about much because they don’t often get seen on blog??
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Dude Konai is my fucking FAVORITE child of the entire expanded pantheon! I cherish him and his busted schnoz. But he is a bg character so he won't see too much love here outside of some minor roles here and there in the plot. maybe one day I'll make a silly side blog for my weather trio cause honestly I love all 3 of these goons so much you have no idea
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These 3 are everything to me.
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wonderful-rp-resources · 26 days ago
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What is your first impression of the mun of this blog?
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Feel free to send on or off anon!
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unteriors · 8 months ago
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N Birch Avenue, Munday, Texas.
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harmonia-university · 4 months ago
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This is all for tonight but will get to some more later 😴
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creation-quintet · 1 month ago
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Send in the words!!!
Status: CLOSED
Ty for submitting!
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poniquest · 4 months ago
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also i made this
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hymemena · 2 years ago
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ Munday Meme ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
Send a question to find out more about the mun!
What's your zodiac sign? Do you know all three? If so, what are they?
Do you have any pets?
What do you think about exotic pets?
What other creative hobbies do you have?
Do you have a piece of advice that you stick to for most things?
What is your favorite color(s)?
Any tips for writing with you?
How do you feel about formats other than the ones you use?
Do you have a green thumb?
What song is stuck in your head right now?
Favorite song?
Last song listened to?
Do you prefer to binge shows or pace yourself?
Favorite movie genre?
Favorite movie?
What is one thing that drew you to your muse? Please specify muse for multimuse blogs!
Do you have any other hobbies?
How do you feel about frozen yogurt?
Do you like boba tea?
What is your favorite candy?
Do you like complex flavors?
Are you lenient with typos?
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ask-eden · 2 months ago
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(( Munday Funday! See ya once next update is done! ))
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solusprime · 3 months ago
Get to know the mun
Answer the questions for your RP partners to know you better - you can always skip a question if it’s too personal!
Name: Logan (Lo, Gary, Mitch)
Height: 5’9 (175cm)
Language: English
Nationality: Canadian
Current time: 1100 am
Favourite season: autumn and winter because I like wearing sweaters and jackets
Favourite Scent: the ocean, forest after it rains and metal (not sure how to explain the last one but something about it is so inviting)
Favourite colour: purple, orange, green
Favourite animal: cats, cranes
Favourite Fictional character: Thats so difficult to answer! I love Solus but I also love Arthur Morgan from RDR2
Normal amount of sleep: 6-8 hours
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate?: I am a black coffee drinker (used to be double double in coffee)
Number of blankets you sleep with: One, maybe two if extra cold
Dogs or Cats: Cats! But would love to have a dog again eventually
Dream Trip: I’d love to meet some of the online friends. Also any trip where I’m not bound to my work since I travel that way mostly
Dream job: It used to be forensic scientist, however I think I’m happy now with being a Marine Tecnician
Reason for my URL: It’s her name so it was fitting lmao
Favourite style to write: love doing longer forms, angst has always been fun
Random fact: I am physically unable to burp. For the longest time I thought it was a skill you learn and that I just didn’t know how. Nope. Turns out I just can’t
Tagged by: No one, I just wanted to -w-
Tagging: Anyone who wants to steal it!
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ask-boreal · 24 days ago
Happy munday friends!
Currently working on the next post but wanted to say hi and share a doodle.
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I wanted to try to see what Boreal might look like evolved! So... Luxray! I might try to do a full body pic at some point, but it was fun to imagine the shapes, fur patterns, and how it'd all go.
Now I just have to figure out how to put a hat on her when she has a fluffy mane like that...... the true challenge
As always, hope the days are treating you all well!
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asklalu · 3 days ago
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If your character was in Dungeons & Dragons, what class(es) would they be? (Bonus points if you include their alignment and/or pick a subclass!)
Lalu would be a neutral good aberrant mind sorcerer or psi warrior fighter!
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wonderlandmemes · 2 years ago
Munday Questions. Send in a number(s) to get to know the mun better! Disclaimer: the mun reserves the right not to answer a question for their own personal comfort.
What is your preferred name?
What are your pronouns?
How old are you?
What is your zodiac sign?
What time zone are you in?
What other fandoms are you in, apart from this one?
What drew you to writing your current character(s)?
Have you ever met anyone outside of RP?
How would you describe your aesthetic?
What is your favorite fictional character (in or out of the current fandom)?
What are your favorite hobbies besides roleplaying/writing?
What is your first language?
How many languages do you speak?
How long have you been roleplaying?
Have you ever caught feelings for a roleplay partner?
What is your favorite band/music genre?
What is your favorite food?
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
If you could learn any language at the snap of your fingers, which would you learn, and why?
Who is your celebrity crush?
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life-of-kalos · 3 months ago
Happy Munday! How's it going? What would you say is, in your opinion, the funnest part about ask blogging?
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Especially when they can build relationships, good and bad. I love world building and seeing how others do their own thing is amazing. And when we bring them together, it’s just loads of fun! The big reason I still ask blog is because of all the friends I’ve made
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ask-the-royal-absol · 24 days ago
For Munday! Hope your day is going well! Do you plan to ever host an event on your blog? As far as one held in-universe.
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(So, the first one will be a relatively large one with a total of 12 characters to ask. Next one will be the beach event. Medium scale, I’ll say. The final one will be relatively small. All very plot relevant. I’ve kinda hinted at what the first one will be on this blog.
Thank you for the ask!)
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