#{ lmao I thought my title was hilarious okay XD }
ganeshkfp · 5 months
and yeah! your thoughts? (sorry i know this is a lot to dump on you but i saw you reply to my post :D)
OMG HI!!!!
Missing fight scenes actually makes sense since they are older and more capable of taking down monsters. Also this was supposed to be more like a crack book, where they just hang out as teenagers, without more trauma XD
I agree on that old age thing, it was kind of cheesy? But still, made me smile. And tear up 👉👈 They are my kids, thinking of them getting old-
About Grover, I think it would link with the other books because on Read Riordan we know Grover is very sad because he thinks they gonna leave him- I think in next books Percy and Annabeth would realize this and show him that he is wrong :) In toa they left for college all together, Grovar was with them. I think like he would be left alone at Hecate's house since both of them would be in school and maybe we would see his feelings- They are all just guesses tho XD
Other than that, their dynamics were everything! I mean there was almost nothing serious about it and I laughed at every page. Percy's pov are everything and I MISSED it sooo much! The titles too! The new characters are very good too, minor gods( Hebe, Iris, that Lake god, GANYMADE) their were amazing! Them turning to 8 years old babies by Hebe! Omg I LOVED IT. Humor and fluff was everything. And my fav scene: Athena catching Percy XD Like I lost it! It was sooo good. Her helping her future son in law, finally accept him because her love for her daughter :) Love them. Zeus's Llama story... Well, lets say I kinda missed them too XD And of course, Sally, Paul, Annabeth, Percy acting as a family. Annabeth and Paul's interactions were adorable! Grover banging in for tofu was also hilarious lmao. And he was sad there because it was their last summer :( Sally and Annabeth being close, Sally giving THE NEWS. Baby Estelle is on the way! Percy's reaction, also being sad because he would miss many of her early life :(
I only had one problem with the book: Lack of physical decriptions. I didn't really understand the reason because like in every book we had at least one page of Percy gushing over Annabeth, talking about her gray eyes etc. Grover and the gods same too. I mean, this made me a little sad because I really wanted to know what they look like, I am into imagining while reading. I mean, Rick changing the descriptions with the show ones or something? Don't get me wrong I adore the show and the cast but I really think they should have their own canon timelines ❤
Other than that, I can easily say it was now my fav pjo book. I mean I teared up with happiness, nostalgia I felt... I love OG trio more than anything 🥲 I can't wait for the next book-
Thank you so much for the dump, it made me soooo happy ^^ I never miss a change to discuss my fav books with the fans ❤
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nightglider124 · 1 year
Titans: Season 4 - Ep 12: Finale, Dickkory + Whole Show - Thoughts
Oof, this is gonna be a long ass post. I'm gonna put into words my thoughts on the finale, my thoughts on dickkory in the finale as well as dickkory in general in the show and lastly a few thoughts on Titans as a whole since it began 4 years ago.
No word of a lie, I just sat and rewatched the finale with a notebook, noting every. single. thought. So... buckle up and good luck if you're gonna try reading to the end. XD
Episode 12: Titans Forever (Series Finale)
So, first, I'm just gonna talk about the finale without gushing over Dickkory. I will, obviously but I'm gonna separate them out.
I love that it got straight back into the action with little to no filler. Filler stuff fucks me off when you're so close to the end like in a finale, there should be no filler and for that, Titans got points from me.
I really liked that Rachel did her lil soul self projection - that was cool and not something we've seen her do before in the show (I don't think) so I found that a cool thing to throw in rather than having Kory just blow the door up which let's face it, still would have been boss af.
Lmao, Sebastian continues to be just such a little whiny bitch. XD I've said it every week but he's just so annoying. Don't get me wrong, I think Joseph Morgan did it well and he is a good actor but God, Sebastian is just so unlikeable for me. He fucking sucks and if I was in STAR labs, I would have thrown a punch like FUCK. The only time I was nervous of him was when he had my girl Kory for a hot minute. I did not enjoy that.
LOL. Trigon got like 2 mins of screen time and was then just gone. It was hilarious to me, I gotta be honest. Like Trigon was built up and then just got hacked by his son lmaooo. It had me laughing, ngl. Drinking the blood from his heart was weird af but was in keeping with the rest of the Blood cult and what the show has shown them to be like including Sebastian but still. Grim.
I really loved the title intro; how the images on the TITANS was the core four and then flashed as usual to the four of them from season 1. Idk if that was intentional but it felt like it and I appreciated it a lot.
GAR'S CRYING FACE THROUGHOUT THIS FUCKING EPISODE. MY POOR BABY, GOD DAMN IT. Conner's 'death', Kory's 'death'... like fuck give him a break.
GLAD TO FINALLY SEE GOOD BOI KRYPTO. I was wondering where the heck he had been, honestly. Good to see him there at the end. XD
Lmao, so I get it was to show like Dick was hopeful Conner would be okay but him whipping out his phone to make a dinner reservation had me cackling like bro, pick a better moment pls. Out of context, that would be so fucking funny. XD
I adored Tim's little rejoin with the team. He is such a Robin nerd, I love him. Everyone smirking like the cutie he is was sweet af.
Also really loved Kory and Rachel's power merge. It did fuck all cos he wasn't actually there but it made me happy. My girls. <3
Sebastian riding up to STAR Labs on his little blue bike - bitch, someone should have sniped your fucking ass off of it then & there.
I felt bad for Dr Espenson; I liked her. What a grim way to go too. Screaming, bleeding - ick.
Bernard literally getting up to see everyone getting murdered and was like well shit, fuck, I gotta move. XD
Lmao, Dick literally keeping a secret about a womhole; I was just... this is so on brand for him ffs. XD
Sebastian just being like, 'Fuck your password' and Calliope accepting it made me giggle. Idk why.
I really liked the explanation from Calliope about how powerful Kory really can be - Her strength is always downplayed in every media format, I swear. It fucks me off so badly. The woman can literally go toe to toe with Superman ffs like acknowledge her power, DC, you little bitch. God.
Kory getting controlled was a no no for me. When her eyes went red and she went a' wandering, I was like NOOO KORY! STOPPP! SNAP OUTTA IT!
I really liked the scene with Kory and Sebastian like my heart was racing and in my mouth cos it was like don't fucking touch her, you psycho but the tension was really good in that scene, I thought.
I won't lie, some scenes were weirdly paced however, I think it would work fine if you were binge watching the whole season. I like that it's straight in but it felt a tad all over the place in some parts but again, I don't think it would be an issue if you're just watching all the episodes together.
"You're no God." - Fucking GET HIM, Kory. Get wrecked, Sebastian, you glorified mama's boy.
The team takedown of the metahuman assault squad was rad; I loved the teamwork and the moves and it felt good to watch. I very much enjoyed it.
"I won't help you destroy my home - Either one of them" - Oh, Kory <3 You literally are such a sweetheart and I loved that it wasn't left to be ambiguous like gasp, which did she mean?
Gar & Tim's friendship gives me life. They're just such bros; the shoulder taps and smirks like they are SUCH boys. I love them.
I SNORTED at the way Dick just pops outta nowhere and sucker punches Sebastian. It was so funny. XD
"For the record, that game you made fucking sucks." LOL TIM, my fucking soul mate. I was DYING. XD
Gar almost getting dragged into the wormhole had me on EDGE. Like, not my sweet, cinnamon boy, no thank you.
Rachel waking Kory; I was SOBBING. The flashes of Kory memories. My actual heart hurt.
Nightwing literally fighting until he is deadass on the floor was giving me life. We love to see a determined fool.
Superboy showing up last minute was pretty dope like a secret weapon, I liked it and was wondering like is Conner gonna appear orrr...? XD
LOL Conner with Tim & Gar was cute and great. "Wait, was I dead?" and Tim brushing it off like, "I'll explain later" had me creasing.
My God, Kory's sudden power up and her just soaring straight through the fucking roof had be cheering loudly like it was the best and is a favourite scene by loads. It was so frickin' cool and something I like to see Kory do in shows and movies and shit cos she is just so slept on by DC. She is fucking amazing and yet... we never get to see her like that or very rarely. I loved it.
The kids' sad faces when Kory is like 'No' to throwing Sebastian through the wormhole. I die. Rachel especially - Her face was so sad and if you look closely, you can see Rachel is like sobbing but trying to restrain her emotions after Kory lets go of her hand. She knew. She knew what mama Kory was gonna do.
Honestly, this scene with Kory still making the sacrifice was hard on my emotions and was the one that had me closest to tears - I was full on at the edge of crying ugly ass tears.
Kory's supernova was perfect to me. Like, yes, look at that damn powerhouse goddess.
Ryan's crying face had me wanting to cry this whole episode, omg.
Firstly... the Christmas scene is so weirdly placed, I thought and I have to say it. I don't get, and I've seen others question this too, if it's meant to be a flashback or a future vision. I assume it's the end of S3 cos Kory's hair, Tim isn't yet there, Rachel's hair is purple still... but Dickkory?? EXCUSE ME that is a bit cozy for just friends? Dick's hand on her waist and they are literally standing so close together wtf?? It was so freakin' cute regardless but yeah, it felt randomly placed. I agree, it should have been maybe used as a flash forward instead? Idk.
The float back down from space and the focus on her - Just really made me smile cos like it reminds me why Kory is and will forever be my favourite DC character and just fictional character in general. Thanks to Anna like Titans Kory has joined the roster for my top versions of Kory, idgaf what anyone thinks. I love her.
The dinner scene was so bittersweet like it makes sense for the young ones to go - it was foreshadowed multiple times for each of them really but I was so sad. I not like team splits. I recently watched a new hero movie... hint hint where this is the same ending and I sobbed in the cinema. I hate these endings but I also get it. Like I said, bittersweet.
Gar embracing The Red & doing something for him felt right and a 'Good for him' moment.
Rachel going to college!! I like the Bludhaven Easter egg - it made me smile.
Tim is such a cutie and I really love Jay's portrayal of him.
Conner, we all knew that was coming too. All the babies flying the nest, I am SOBBING.
Love Krypto sat at the fucking table of this fancy ass restaurant lmaooo.
I really loved the finale, I will be honest. I really didn't have issues with it other than the small few I've listed. Like, I wish we had more time with the characters but the episode ending left me on a high but that could be cos it ended on my babies... It felt like an upbeat way to end the series and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Episode 12: Titans Forever (Series Finale) - Dickkory & DK Thoughts
So, I'm gonna basically do the same as above. Ima go through the episode and just gush about the DK scenes lmao.
I really did feel like there was Dickkory moments in every scene. There were individual scenes but I felt it was always there in the background. All of Dick's choices and his motivations etc, I felt like he always had Kory in his mind, personally.
The freakin' RV scene with them had me feeling all kinds of ways. It had me giggling and tearing up. The banter about them first meeting and her stealing his car!! I am so happy that that got brought up since we never really had them talk about those things after S1. For a while, it felt like it just got retconned. Glad to see it was not and they reflected on it.
Dick's fucking sad eyes and his broken way of being like, "Please, don't." I die. Brenton expressions especially when Dick is with Kory have always been so top tier, I stg.
LOL, when they learn about Project Icarus, Dick's eyes keep shifting back and forth to Kory as if being like "Fuck, wifey so gon' be big mad."
UGH. The "Kory, wait!" when she leaves the RV and is getting into the porche. The way he calls and runs out after her felt very reminiscent of S1 in Angela's house after she attacks Rachel. Like, mmm, yes. It felt similar and I adored it.
Dick & Kory's continued banter in the porche. Their serious af conversation about what they're going to intermingled with the reference yet again to his car and how they're even for his car and Dick's smirk... I loved it sm.
I loved that Kory checked his ass about Project Icarus when he got into the porche before she could drive off. He's so quick to be like, "Babe, I didn't even know nothing." XDDD Honestly, it's giving husband and wife. It had me dying.
"We're stronger together; you know we are." - STOP IM SOBBING. I really loved that line.
Dick's eyes are literally trained on Kory so. much. in this episode. He is concerned af and I am so here for it.
Dick's concern in the lab when she is awol is so cute like he is STRESSIN' but we love to see it.
LOL, Dick at the doors like, "BERNARD!" Like fuck man, give him a second! XD He called out like 3 times and was so impatient, it was hilarious. He was really giving, "My wife is in there with a psycho pls open the fucking doors." XD
Dick's fighting was so love fuelled, i don't care what anyone says. He literally fights like not my alien Princess, you don't, you dick! xD I'm probs delusional but all I could think was Dick's more pissed cos Kory is in danger.
Dick was so hopeful after Sebastian went down. He was like woo, yeah, we did it, it's over. Let's throw him into space, no dead Kory today. And she is just like... I'm sorry and dfhjhsdlkh. I was in pain. You can see him crumbling and is still trying to find ways for her not to do this. I had full on tears in my eyes.
The face caress like... it's so painful. He looks so crestfallen. I cannot.
"I don't know how to do that... I can't" - He sounded so broken, my poor dumbass!! I was in pain with this whole sequence.
Dick's tearfilled eyes - I was honestly so emosh; Anna and Brenton did that scene so well.
I really love the pause on Dick whilst they think Kory is dead like it's as if he knows or legit just cannot fathom Kory being gone.
HIS LIL WALK BACK OVER TO HER ONCE SHE COMES DOWN FROM SPACE. IT WAS A WALK WITH PURPOSE. You CANNOT tell me he wasn't instantly like, "Ima kiss her" when she came back to Earth. He had that determination in his eyes. She was getting thoroughly kissed.
THE KISS!!!!! SQUEEEEEE. Guys, I fucking died. I know it was a very long time coming and overdue but it was a good kiss. Dick diving in for a second kiss made me melt. I loved it.
The boys all grinning in the back had me smilinggg. Whether it was cos mom and dad were kissing or cos Kory wasn't dead, Idc it was cute.
Kory's lil 'Whoa' after the kiss was so adorable.
THE HAND ON HER BACK. Dick's hand was glued to her as they went over for the group hug. He was not letting go and it was... so cute.
Honestly, Dick's heart eyes again at Dinner where she's like "Guess you never know what the future holds" and his smile like fuck man, she's yours. Quit it alreadyyy!
Sighhh, the whole conversation when they were alone was great and I espesh loved, "They're not even leaving us Krypto" XD
The 'It's weird' 'What? You and I alone together?' was cute and ughhhhh I was dying.
The damn stroller with the red balloon. We see you, Titans. GOD! I liked that we got the subtle hint without a flashforward to having had Mar'i. I put this in the tags of a reblog and like I would have still sobbed at that but I like the subtle route a lot.
LOL DICK's "Maybe we should get on that" HAD ME CHOKING HAHAHA like BRO, you are leaping ahead. Even Kory took a minute looking at him like is this guy for real rn?? Man went from 'I don't do feelings' to 'I've picked the paint for our baby's nursery' lightning fast XDDD. But, they defo went home after and slept together after those drinks. You can't convince me otherwise.
They were so giddy and cutesy. Like, ugh I'm not over it. I'm on such a dickkory high.
I LOVE the ending on the bridge. Sunshine Kory skipping ahead and holding hands with and dragging her smiley yet grumpy Dick along. It just felt so them and the little bubbly action from Kory felt VERY her. Like it really sang, Kory to me.
I'm so happy they ended with Dickkory in a place so happy and in love - it rarely happens in DC so I am thrilled.
Guys, I know at times, it felt neverending and I'm with other DK fans. I really wish they had done this with Dickkory earlier in the show, I really do. I feel like we could have skipped some exes and other shit and got to this point with them a lot sooner but it is what it is.
I'm actually just so happy that they ended it on such a fluffy, lighthearted note for them. Like, they are so loved up at the end of the show and it just makes me happy that we got that. Could they have done more with them through the whole show? Absolutely. Could they have gotten to this point with them earlier? Also, absolutely.
But, I am grateful for the moments through each season that we got with them. Like, I think if I was to rewatch from S1, bearing in mind that Dick's basically been a goner since the night at the motel in S1, I feel like the seasons and episodes would feel different.
I'm just really grateful that I have another show that gave me dickkory content. I've followed them through multiple versions. TT Cartoon, DCAU, comics, TT Cartoon comics, TTG (in parts), Live action... like I just love them in every universe, including this one even if it's been trying at times.
But, there was nothing ambiguous about this ending for me. The point is to end them on a high all giggly and happy and thoroughly in love. I look forward to the fic writers for live action dickkory to cook up some beautiful fics after this just to keep the joy going.
I WISH there could have been an S5 to see Dick and Kory in an actually established place but that's what imaginations are for and luckily for me, I can imagine dickkory scenarios til the cows come home XD.
I've really enjoyed this version of them. It's been different but I still love them. I love Brenton as Dick and Anna as Kory respectively and I think their chemistry has worked so well in this show and it doesn't hurt that they are so close in real life. It's really sweet.
Idk, I have no issues with how they were ended. I was scared we wouldn't get a kiss but that kiss was adorable and ugh the last scene on the bridge just makes me so smiley, even now after hours of rewatching it XD
Titans - Whole Show - Thoughts
I have always been very back and forth with Titans, I won't lie and tbh, anyone that follows me or knows me, knows that I've dipped in and out of Titans constantly.
However, going into Titans, I have ALWAYS said from day dot one that I was watching it for three specific things. Kory, Gar & Dickkory. That was it, hence I've never really cared for much beyond those things so my opinion will be wildly different from others, I am sure.
Season 1 got me invested. I loved the core four; hated the fucking pigeons and will die on my hill that they were a waste of screen time. But, our core four were the best thing about the first season, it was amazing.
Season 2 I enjoyed greatly but I did pull back a little but there were moments that brought me back in. And, there were some characters like Donna that reeled me back in cos I love her and I enjoyed hers and Kory's friendship as well as her friendship with Dick. I liked the storyline since Slade has always been a Titans douchebag but we love him.
Season 3, lmao, I dropped, I won't lie. I watched pieces from mutuals and sought out scenes and episodes of interest but honestly, it died a little for me in S3. It was based in Gotham and it had a tiny rekindle of another ship which... I saw zero value in doing. I was so anti season 3 lmao.
Season 4 pulled me right back in as it reminded me of S1. We'd lost the annoying af birds and it was back to core four plus Tim and Conner but like I was fully on board for them cos they didn't deter from the team vibe. Whereas, other side characters absolutely did and it was frustrating. Season 4 has definitely been my favourite season in the show.
It probably goes Seasons 4, 1, 2 & 3 tbh.
I've always had issues with Titans in various forms but y'know what? Overall, I've loved watching it. I wish some things had done better but I still loved the show that was given to fans overall.
I'm so sad it's ended but I am glad to have had some fan interactions through the course of the show. Dickkory fans especially know the DK desert is dry af most of the time so this was really nice to have the tag vibing most of the time.
I'm sad to see the show go and I hope we don't have to wait long to get something else Titans related that isn't a fucking backwards af comic from the assholes at DC. The irony, huh? XD
Thanks, Titans. It's been fun.
Dickkory friends, I look forward to forthcoming art and fics to read cos I need them to keep me on the high for the next few weeks. XD
P.S, well done if you actually read this whole thing. You're either amazing or insane. <3
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storiesofwildfire · 5 years
I’m Blue
          { @forsakenmyths -- plotted starter for Lei }
♔—- Months had slowly drawn out since Loki’s banishment. Hel, sometimes he lost track of time to the point that he wasn’t entirely sure how long had passed, but it had definitely been more than a year. A solid year of unending torment, of pain that ever so slowly built up over time and left him to find the worst ways to cope with said pain. He turned to some of the most barbaric methods of releasing the pressure that Odin’s curse caused to build up within his own body and, truly, he was mortified by his own actions.
Lei, though, had been a blessing since the moment he met her. After everything, he’d been through on Asgard, with Thanos, and then the defeat he suffered on Midgard (the war he purposefully lost) that eventually led him right back to the man who had made so much of his life a living Hel...
Lei’s strength to show him kindness when he deserved none had been a saving grace, truly, and while Loki wouldn’t fall back on a cliche of saying that she somehow saved him from himself or pulled him out of the darkness or any of that other romance novel trope shit where a goodnatured woman saves a broken and battered soul from becoming the monster he believes himself to be, he would at least admit that she had a vastly positive influence on his life.
She helped with the pain, she offered distractions and ways to alleviate the pent up stress, and she acted as a support system that remained absent from Loki’s life for so many years. Was it any real wonder that he’d fallen in love with her? Was it any real wonder that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her if possible?
But no matter what Lei did for him, neither of them could deny the truth. Something needed to give because sooner or later, Odin’s curse would render Loki so useless, getting out of bed would prove to be impossible. Some days were worse than others, but his symptoms never got better for any extended period of time. One good day often equaled a horrible day the next. Two good days? Three good days? A week? Eventually meant he suffered greatly for them and it was unbearable for him, but it was also unbearable for his lover to watch.
Until a fleck of relief sprouted, a small hole poking itself into Odin’s defenses. Loki didn’t know what could have caused it. A drop in health, perhaps, falling into Odinsleep, someone figuring out how to siphon power from the All-father... Not being on Asgard meant Loki didn’t have many ways to find out, not unless he got in contact with someone he was still on relatively good terms with, but he felt it deep within his veins, the give of Odin’s hold on him.
For days, it weakened, and Loki’s magic seeped out, desperately attempting to push itself back into the normal flow of endless moving through and around him. The weaker Odin grew, the easier it was to push back and once Loki proved to himself that he could actually harness the seidr without harming himself in the process, he pushed Odin’s stolen power away, trying to break the lasting restraints so he could finally be free of the tyrant’s grasp.
Odin must have felt Loki’s pull, his attempt to regain control over himself because just the younger God neared severing their connection for good, foreign and ancient power stolen from many sources seized Loki, gripping him so tightly that not only did it stop his own spells, but it canceled out everything that impacted Loki’s physical and magical nature, including the shape-shifted form that kept him looking Aesir or, more importantly, human.
Given he lived on a realm that didn’t take kindly to creatures that didn’t look like them, running around as a Jotun would definitely prove to be troublesome, but his mindset couldn’t even get that far. That would have been a logical problem to focus on...
But this was the first time Loki had been forced back into the Jotun visage that had been hidden for over one thousand years since that trip to Jotunheim with Thor and the warriors. He’d never even been forced into a full-body shift before, only showing signs of the heritage by cobalt flesh stretching across normally pale features and crimson eyes. He did not deal with the foreign weight of horns curling from his head, nor any of the more intimate changes that took place beneath the veil of proper clothing--not that it would have been all that foreign to a shape-shifter who preferred neither a fully male or fully female form, but still.
Gods, Loki had never even taken the time to properly exam what the Jotun appearance looked like before and now, in the wake of Odin desperately attempting to clamp his chains tightly around the mischief-maker, Loki was stuck staring at a reflection that looked completely alien. Fortunately, he’d been home alone, as he’d asked Lei to pick him up a few things from various shops. The sound of shock and horror that fell pathetically from blue lips hadn’t been heard by any other ears as he reached up to touch the very real horns that protruded from his head.
Was this the reason his helmet had been designed in such a way, the God couldn’t help but wonder?
“No...” he whispered. “No, no, no!”
Several minutes ticked by, wide crimson eyes refusing to snap away from the mirror regardless of how much Loki wanted to look away. An attempt to shift back to the visage most associated with Loki proved fruitless and Loki kept waiting for the change to spark... When nothing happened in the course of ten minutes, he finally dropped his gaze to his own arm--the very same arm he’d seen shift when that Jotun grabbed him in hopes of freezing him. His opposite hand fell from the horn to his forearm and he tried, again, to spark a change, to shift back to that Aesir form that allowed him to pretend this wasn’t real.
Nothing changed.
And then he heard the lock to the front door turn and the door swung open...
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I Rate TLT Titles~
[Part 1]
I haven't done a PJO series post in so long! I have neglected it for too long, so here's my rating of the titles of TLT:)
The problem is, I'm biased towards the titles, so most are going to 10 or above lmao...don't mind it I guess XD
1. I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher
100/10. This is hilarious and I had so many questions- and the title pulls you into the story, so win-win:)
2. Three Old Ladies Knit the Socks of Death
9/10. Awesome. I can't explain why I took a point off though...Something just didn't click for a 10 I guess.
3. Grover Unexpectedly Loses his Pants
1000/10. I died laughing reading this title. I couldn't even pay attention to the actual chapter and had to re-read it (not that I'm complaining, any chance to re-read it, I will take).
4. My Mother Teaches Me Bullfighting
9/10. I know Sally doesn't actually teach him bullfighting, but I thought she did the 1st time I read it, so I loved it :D
5. I Play Pinochle with a Horse
7/10. It wasn't as flashy as all the others and the title was kinda a letdown. The chapter wasn't tho.
6. I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom
10000/10. As you can see, I love this title. I won't even explain why. Just.....LOOK AT IT!
7. My Dinner Goes Up in Smoke
7/10. Same as the 5th one. Even tho the chapter was cool, the title wasn't.
8. We Capture a Flag
6/10. The 1st time I read it I went, "Okay...So?" Kinda disappointing, this title.
9. I Am Offered a Quest
6/10. Same reason as the previous one. I guess I want ~flashier titles than this~ XD
10. I Ruin a Perfectly Good Bus
8/10. Awesome. Tells me everything but arises more questions than answers, I love this.
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
I did my homework and i did my chores, time to tackle on the third book of this series, Son of Ogre
Chapter 1
Okay but the fuck is Baki planning to do if he stops fighting? That's literally all he has, he's not smart
King just went to have a snack. Also FUCK does that meat look tasty FUCKKK
This baby so cute 🥺
I'm so glad Yuji is doing stupid hilarious shit again it had been a while
Congrats on Baki for that mantis
Chapter 2
Who tf is this kid?
Poor kid lmao, i assume he will meet Baki
Look at my boyyy
Imagine Baki actually kills this kid HSJDYSSHCBT
Third comment with a ton of likes is "we do not condone child violence. We do, however, find it hilarious"
Chapter 3
But i like Baki memeing a round a lil
Chapter 4
🥺🥺 that's so sweet...
Yujiro is such a fucking threat to society lmao
I love seeing Baki with his eyes open, he's looking more like his old self
Oh, shadow boxing incoming, alright
Chapter 5
Yuri? 🥺 /j
Chapter 6
I love how there's our silly little mains after every cover LUV em <33
Baki just dissociating his ass out and using it on his favor, the king
Why is Baki eating sour prunes aren't those meant to be sweet?
We all salivating
Chapter 7
Love to see there are even more swears there now
I can put my face next to my foot too tho
Also i would LOVE to see Yuji fight an Orca
I love how everyone in the comments is calling out Rumina for not seeing issue going down to a dark hidden basement with a shirtless man older than him
Chapter 8
"piggy back me" USHSYFLFUDSY
This fight is going to be good
Chapter 9
Imagine Baki dies right here right know against an imaginary mantis lmao
Okay Baki getting damaged makes sense but the WALL?
Ffs it's true Baki COULD create himself a stand 😰
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
This fight is so boring i had to take a 6 hour break
Baki just can't win against nature eh
This reminds me of Garland pulling a suplex on that Anaconda
Chapter 12
I can't wait for the main cast to ACTUALLY appear, instead of just, you know, them in the covers
This fight is slow but cool but slow
To fight a mantis you must think like a mantis 😎
Though it's true in this manga you will most likely win if you steal your opponent techniques so
Chapter 13
This is so dumb i luv it
That mantis be swearing lmao
Love it when Baki goes full Yujiro
Chapter 14
Holy fuck do mantis fly?
Secret Chapter?
Is this how Yujiro got born?
Idk girl i would have killed him if i was you
I might just be sleepy but this is so confusing
Chapter 15
Why is he like this?
Is "he" with us right now?
...gotta admit that IS true...
I love Strydum sksgwhwg
Yujiro really went XD
I don't think my man Arun in the comments is aware how gay what he said is, though maybe I'm wrong
Chapter 16
I can't believe Bush is dead
8 of January? My god he's a Capricorn
I'm sorry, what?
This explains why Baki was in prison clothes in the anime teaser
Chapter 17
That one mf like 😐
Glad Baki is 18 now at least 😌
Love to see Oliva back
Chapter 18
This page not even bothering to charge the pages anymore
I'm sure there were better ways to go to jail, well, actually, no, but still
Toba used to just chew that off
Baki did that mantis hit you in the head too hard?
I. I watched way too many prison movies and shows. I don't like seeing someone as young and pretty as Baki in such a place. I rlly don't.
Chapter 19
Yanagi baby i miss you...
Mfkhsjsys 😳🥴
Eh got my hopes too high
I hope he swears too i want to see a boludo o pelotudo PLEASE
I mean para pelotudos lo veo a Yujiro todo el tiempo pero igual JSGWKEGWG me pone bien argento ver al Che carajo
Chapter 20
I can't take this omfg new fav I'm sorry Doppo but he just said boludo 😭
Pendejo is more used as pibe here but i will let it pass bc idk the lingo in Cuba and he spent some time there so
Why don't i speak like this too ffs? All i do is say eh and call it a day
He's cocky enough to call anybody any age pibe so I'll let that pass too
Por favor no lo hagas che sksgwj
Chapter 21
Che, pibe, it's a good day to die...
Chapter 22
GSHAGSTSG he should have said "no boludo"
I'm falling in love with this boludo myself
That's talented and brutal
Chapter 23
Hm that's, cringe
Honestly i too get pissed off when called American or European, though i won't throw shit to Baki, he's some random 18 yo japanese boy, no way he would recognize latinoamerican lingo lmao
King shit Baki boy
Chapter 24
Oh that's why he's called Jun Guevara, that's fair
I like how they are mixing a bit of truth and a bit of lie it's fun at least
Chapter 25
I like how they are drawing nipples now, occasionally
I can't wait for Viêt to complain about propaganda in the comments
😳 :Y
He's sooo nice 😍
Chapter 26
Only three? You mean the third is... 👁️👁️
I can't believe he works for the USA I'm crying and shaking rn
What a progressive manga, the three strongest and most dangerous men and none of them are white 😍
Chapter 27
Why is this guy sweating sm?
I like how the only time Baki was willing to kill a person was when he thought Sikorsky had hurt his girl
Chapter 28
I feel like Ian will die
Man i love how Baki is drawn in this book
Ffs i called it, i have watched way too many prison things to know how shit goes down
I have seen these three before in fanart but I'm curious to see what they can do
Chapter 29
Their faces remind me of Doyle
I'm gonna struggle to tell em apart but i think I'll manage
Okay I'm not the only one who thinks they look like Doyle, fair
Chapter 30
The mouth vs Yujiro when?
Someone mentioned the have the same vibe as the dudes that worked with Gaia and like 👁️👁️
Chapter 31
Lmao someone in the comments recommended the same thing
These three must be great at sex (sorry)
KSHALDHDKD NEW FAV COMMENT: "go to Japan and look for the word "defeat". That way you won't feel cocky anymore"
Chapter 32
Hehe hello Junnn~
La luna
Chapter 33
Okay that's funny, hocico instead of mouth (hocico is used for animal mouths)
I'm so glad i know Spanish
The two things that drive me insane and make me ramble are Doppo's beauty and this stupid argentinian
Chapter 34
Imagine he's doing that illusion thing Dorian did
With his own blood, that's so cool...
I did that once when i had a terrible nose bleed, didn't go well
Chapter 35
This book is fucking boring NGL
"now that you got no more urine left in you"
Chapter 36
HHH he kinda cute...
Oww :(
God piantao is an old word i had never heard it before
AND he took a piss.
Se me cayó un ídolo y yo que le quería dar 😔
Let's see if he lied to Baki about just liking eh /j
Chapter 37
I luv Oliva lol
I too wonder where the fuck Kozue is
Chapter 38
He is jealous of what you two have, it's normal, el Che just rejected his love after all ;/
Oliva is a king
Oh shit Oliva is like 45?! He looked so young
Te fuiste a la mierda, Che, el chabón estaba siendo re bueno con vos
Baki is just dead
Chapter 39
I love how realistic Che's fear is, he's rather smart, though not this time
I didn't realize Che said "what more, it may be a woman!" but to be fair they ARE in jail so
Chapter 40
I'm feeling kinda bad for him ngl
I feel happy for him tho 🥺
Bruh they added one page after the ending of some naked anime girl tf 😐
Chapter 41
These prisoners having fun is kinda sweet
Bitches be complaining about Maria's looks are just jealous 🥰
Chapter 42
Damn she lorge
He loves fighting naked eh
Only valid person is the one saying Oliva deserves better treatment which tbh true
Chapter 43
Fun fact i wear my jacket like El Che too, unless it's too cold
El che with the hair lose is so cute bro,,,
Something something fingering joke
Sikorski could fold a coin too
I bet the bandana will break
Chapter 44
I would have just fallen on top of him, how is he gonna counter that, eh?
Oh that super fun to know!
Oh the good ol dirty technique, i have seen this one before!
Chapter 45
This fight is super cool tho i love these two characters
Chapter 46
They just keep changing the rules i think Itagaki is just flexing at this point
Baki wants his protagonism back
I'm getting pissed off they keep putting semi naked underaged girls at the end of every chapter 😐
Chapter 47
Bruh just realized, the mouth got so hyped as this new cool villain and they died in their first appearance 😭
His damn bandana...
17 notes · View notes
The Final Day’‘
This is absolutely going to be long and rambley af so I’mma just put a cut here. This is just one massive post for the entire rest of the game.
Rindo is back in the RG somehow. Which makes less than no sense. What was that crazy beam. Shibuya is GONE there isn’t an RG to send him back to, even if someone did want to send him back?
That beam reminded me of the Jesus beams not gonna lie.
But… Fret. Presumably Nagi and Beat too. They’re. Gone. Poor Rindo… That’s the worst kind of gaslighting. Reality itself is gaslighting this poor kid. ‘Your best friend in the world is gone, so gone that no one remembers him. You don’t even get to mourn properly because there is no one TO mourn.’  I am also not okay.
I assume this random talking to us at Hachiko is the dude I saw a brief glimpse of in a screenshot from the final trailer. Hazuki Mikagi, okay. Everything about this is supremely weird. 
Leading this weirdo around and he asked how we feel about emotions? Um, what?
Was he responsible for that beam of light?
This whole thing is extremely unsettling, I don’t think I like it. The music is all… serene, this guy keeps asking existential questions, who even comes up to some kid clearly having a bad day and demands a tour of the city.
He knows Rindo’s name even though we never told him. Not sure if that was a slip or an intentional nudge that Something is going on but there we go.
‘I should take this chance to apologize for Kubo. He’s a real piece of work.’ WHAT. YOU SEND HIM TO SHINJUKU?!?! IS THIS KID GOD!? WHAT!??!
‘Exorcised’. Like a demon. Which is a psychic rank you can get in the first game, and probably this game, ergo, a thing that exists in this universe.
Okay. So this Hazuki guy is Something Else. I dunno if he’s an Angel or higher or WHAT. He’s something. And he “exorcised” what Fuckwad had Fallen to when he decided not to stop at Shinjuku and continue on to Shibuya. But he only did this after Rindo faught so hard to stop it. And then he gave Rindo what he thought Rindo wanted. And now he’s here trying to understand why Rindo is miserable. Which to us, as humans, is obvious: the people he loved, the connections and family he had made through the game are all gone and worse, no one remembers they ever existed.
And now he’s being offered the chance to try again. This feels like a double edged sword. And I don’t care.
Okay I actually kind of appreciate the thing Hazuki is pulling here. He knows what it is that Rindo wants, I’m pretty sure he’s listening to his thoughts, actually, and in order to make Rindo own up to it he’s arguing the ‘no’ position. Giving Rindo someone to argue against so he can convince himself.
Bruh some of these clips were in the announcement trailer.
(I can’t wait to read the secret reports. That’s gonna be a wild ride.)
Oooooh that’s what ‘exorcised’ means. That is hardcore. He definitely deserved it but that is uh. Slightly inconvenient.
Can we actually contact Rhyme this time PLEASE. Oooh Rindo worked out Kaie is waiting for Rhyme. :O I’M FINALLY GONNA GET MY MASSIVE COUNTER OFFENSIVE FUCK YES. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I’M PUMPED LET’S FUCKING GOOOOOOO!!!!
Who’s gonna protect them. Beat. Really. Just give them the damn pins at this point. They both know their ways around a fight and Kaie might need the backup. If we lose, we’re all toast regardless, and if we win everyone gets put back where they belong.
AAAAAAAAAAAH SHE’S HERE!!! RHYME!!!! Aw… She can’t see Neku and Shoka cuz they’re actually dead. That’s really depressing. Makes sense but like. Oof. Especially for Neku.
I love that Rhyme still has a saying for everything.
This timeline is going to be a mess by the time I get everything positioned correctly lmao
Beat’s ‘How do you know about my sister?! Right, future.’ is never going to NOT be funny. It’s very refreshing to have a time travel plot where people just listen when he tells them shit needs to happen.
Is it acutaly Shiki time ohh my god. I might cry. Please tell me she has a face now. If her face is still illegal I will actually scream.
I’m offended. We didn’t get to go see Shiki. The betrayal. OH but now we might be? Stop playing with me, game. GIVE. ME. SHIKI.
Rindo was freaking out that we weren’t gonna be able to get rid of all the Noise around the café and I definitely threw my hands up and yelled when I saw the word ‘zeptogram’. And I read it before he said it, cuz I read v. fast. Nice to see you again, idiot. Please don’t go berserk again.
I am. Very impressed that Minamimoto managed to work out where the Dissonance Noise are coming from, down to the exact energy source that creates them. He nailed it. Well done sir.
I think… he’s proposing we awaken the city and use the energy generated by the thoughts and emotions of the living people to neutralize some of the Dissonance Noise that are waiting in the pin. Erode some of its power.
“How about this: I’ll talk, you type.” Lmao.
I got denied Shiki again. Part of me is annoyed. The other part of me is like ‘are they saving her entrance for when she can see Neku again properly because I can live with that’.
OH the Hishima cutscene is voiced now OKAY. Guess that means this is the one. Rhyme is voiced too. This is gonna be it.
And she speaks Minamioto. Coo.
Huh. Neku’s power is to sync with people. Which he learned to do in the first game. From Mr H, with the harmonizer pin. (Twister is playing and I have Emotions help) And now he’s gonna do it on an absolutely MASSIVE scale. This is insane. I am 1,000% here for it. Sync, Dive, Remind. And if I had to guess, we’re doing this atop 104.
Alright Shiba. ‘Mere. Tsugumi’s eyes aren’t all freaky anymore yay. Oh snap. He’s gonna unleash the Plague Noise against the Dissonance ones. Nice. Turnabout is fair play. I’m kinda sad Fuckwad isn’t here to witness that.
Alright. Change. Our. Fate.
“07734.” “Ew. Hey! Don’t just spout off numbers and walk away, you jerk!” That was amazing.
FUCK ME SIDEWAYS. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. NO. NO WAY. I DIDN’T THINK THERE WAS ANY WAY. OH. MY. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. This is the first time Neku’s seen him since Joshua failed to stop Coco from killing him. I’m. A puddle. Help. Neku looked so happy. My cat is slightly concerned haha.
Neku still holds his hands like he’s got the headphones. The same pose as in the first game when you scan. This gives me all the feels.
“They’re just mindless thoughts” Okay so I’m mentally exhausted at this point and I processed that as ‘thots’ and it was hilarious. BEGONE THOTS.
Okay this thing right here? This is a final boss. And it is cool as fuck. Too bad it’s trying to END ME. So cool. SO. COOL. Here comes phase 2 lol. I died and had to redo it. FML.
That. Was awesome. A worthy successor to the epic final strike of the first game. 999% eh?
I continue to not like Shinjuku rules. Once you’re a Reaper, leaving means you get erased once the game ends? Disrespectfully, fuck that. Oh don’t you dare, Shoka. Don’t. You. Dare.
Oh, Joshua is here. PLEASE. Lmao Shoka’s reaction. I’m sure he appreciates that, the drama queen.
*facepalms* Joshua strikes again. I’ve missed you, you little shit. You are terrible, but I missed you. Rindo, I’m pretty sure she’s fine. I think captain helpful over here reincarnated her for you. Since you saved him and his city. I guess I’ll see though.
Uzuki and Kariya continue to be adorable. I love them. And yeah, good luck calling in that debt from Minamimoto, Coco. Gooooood luck.
I’m having a lot of Joshua centered emotions right now there is too much Joshua all at once help. “I should have known I could trust you.” You are killing me dude. You really, really should have. I’m going to turn that line over in my head for way too long, I just know it, but let’s try to get through this before my brain turns off completely. “Let’s not keep her waiting.” OKAY THANKS I’M GONNA CRY AGAIN.
What Hazuki was saying about ‘purifying’ as opposed to ‘destroying’ Shinjuku makes me think that restarting it in some form was always part of the plan, so hopefully they’ll have luck with that. It’s still profoundly fucked up that any of that happened, and even more so that it was sanctioned. I’m. Going to be hung up on that for a while once it sinks in.
This poor idiot hitting on Rhyme is about to get got oh no XD
Shiki is breaking my heart. Aaaaaaaah!!! Reunioooooon.
Ooof it’s been a month since Rindo saw Shoka. Big oof. Joshuaaaaaa.
And then they almost got hit by a car lmao. OMG HE MISSED HER FRIEND REQUESTS AHAHAHAHAH YOU GOOBER. Neku really should have warned them that Joshua is Like That lol. Even when he’s being helpful it’s in the must backhanded way possible.
I would very much like to know why on earth Shinjuku needed to be obliterated though. Like. Does that… Happen often? Maybe the secret reports say.
Speaking of, time to get those, along with the rest of the trophies.
!!!! The title screen updated, NICE. Can’t let anyone who hasn’t beaten it see that but NICE.
There’s another Another Day. Oh boy. I am not ready for that madness yet.
Random thought as I was moving this from word, where I typed it: I’m really, really fucking glad they didn’t decide to deal with Mr H the way they dealt with sleezy mcfuckwad. That would have been… I don’t have a word.
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im-the-punk-who · 3 years
20 Questions - Writer’s Edition
Tagged by @myrmidryad​ <3 <3 <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
40, which seems...low. lmao. but mostly because i never end up posting things i write LMAO
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
     96,197! which....is hilarious considering one of my eternal WIPS also jut hit 90k last week woops.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On AO3:
Black Sails (20)
Roswell New Mexico (TV 2019) (11)
Captain America (Movies) (5)
Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling (2)
Kingdom Hearts (Video Games) (1)
The Umbrella Academy (TV) (1)
Marvel Cinematic Universe (1)
On ff.net/LJ i had more Harry Potter stuff and i know there is still some Zim fanfic on my DA....
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Memories, Like Water, Can Be Tainted or Distilled; Sometimes Will Evaporate
is unfortunately always going to be first because it was written at the height of Stucky fandom and you just don’t recover from those sort of numbers xD
The Trouble With Jersey (Working title) - same deal. CapFam/Stucky fic at the height of CapFandom whoops
Between Breath and Love, I Choose Him - Okay I’m actually pretty happy this is number three because Black Sails fans are sluts and I love that journey for them <3 Also choking kink my beloved. <3
The Corner Booth - Drarry fic (antagonistic). what else is there to say.
Play, Boys - oh, abandoned WIP, my beloved. You deserved better but alas the hyperfixation wants what she wants.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Ohhhhh god i don’t know. I know the angstiest ending I ever *planned* was for I Couldn't Get The Boy To Kill Me but I never posted the rest of that. Hmm, otherwise maybe the On Purpose series, which is a Black Sails post London series about Miranda and James so like. Angst angst angst angst.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Bold of you to assume I’ve written an ending to any of my fics. Okay well, Tying Rockets To Shoe Strings  is going to have a happy ending if it kills me. Most of my one shots end ...fairly happily....? I think....?
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I don’t only because if I don’t hyperfixate on something the brain simply Turns Off.
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA almost exclusively. BUT I am very very into kink smut and D/s, A/B/O fic(although I don’t think I’ve ever posted any...) ot so much into the more vanilla smut - most of my explicit fics will have some level of light kink even if it’s just a little bit of choking play or like. Brat Michael.
9. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Oh god. You know how you go ‘I will do this when the Brain Returns From War’ ? Yeah. I do try to respond to comments but I’m....so bad at it. If I didn’t respond to your comment it’s not because I don’t appreciate it, it is that The Brain Turned That Function Off.
10. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
You know what I actually don’t think so which is weird but maybe I’m just not popular enough to receive that kind of attention. xD Although I have gotten plenty of hate on meta I’ve written so maybe that balances it out?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
God Bless if I have.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope <3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I had co-written or started co-writing a couple things but they never got published for one reason or another. I would really love to, though!
14. What’s your all time favourite ship to write for?
I don’t think i could ever pick a favorite but honestly Axel/Roxas will always get me. But Malex is right now the favorite child.
15. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Did You Mean, All Of Them? I am notoriously so bad at long fics that I feel like this is All Of Them but the one I absolutely know I will never finish is Play, Boys (Umbrella Academy) and I Couldn't Get The Boy To Kill Me (Captain America)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, I think? Also I think I’m pretty good at writing smut.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing my goddamn fics, honestly. I also tend to be not great at keeping a consistent verb tense and...if I let myself go on an internal character monologue I *will* ramble for one thousand words without any physical indicators.
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I LOVE it, i love it i love it i love it, although same as Gin, because I’m not *reaaaally* fluent in anything but french and english i haven’t written much actual dialogue. Although in Doubting Thomas I play around with how the language barrier affects the communication and such by using other indicators other than typing out hte dialogue, which has been a really fun process. (Although none of that part is posted because.....see ‘weaknesses’ LMAO
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Neopets. I said what I said. (actually it was probably Sailor Moon or Tamora Pierce’s Protector of the Small series.)
20. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
God okay listen I love all my children equally but honestly Doubting Thomas   and Tying Rockets To Shoe Strings, the parts i’m working on right now are just REALLY GOOD okay i know i’m never probably going to post them but they’re SO GOOD. Posted, I am actually REALLY please with how Sound Garden turned out, and Sometimes A Family and Into The Blinding Sun both just HIT that found family vibe that sets me off. Special shoutout to Hand In Unloveable Hand   and Some Boys Do for being my own personal comfort fics <3
UHHH TAGGING???? YOU WANT ME TO TAG???? PEOPLE???? lmao @queer-crusader, @angrycowboy, @ladynox, @bydayornight, UHHHHH literally anyone in the black sails discord please i know none of your tumblr handles but I know you’re all fantastic writers. @haloud IDK EVERYONE?????
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fishylife · 3 years
Back to Field Season 5, Episode 12
- Nomnomnom
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- One of the people who wrote letters was an X-back and Huang Lei asked Yixing why his fans were called Beike, which means shells. Yixing was like because they’re hard/tough, which is something I didn’t know lol.
- The name of this book is “if you can’t lead a team then you can only work to death” and He Jiong was laughing at how aggressive the title was XD
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- Yixing went to read the book because we know how these days he’s into learning how to be a good CEO. Also he has been working to death so maybe if he learns to lead a team he can live a longer life lmao.
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- Huang Lei was helping to fix a small table to a wall, but he backed out afterwards being like “I’m leading so I won’t work myself to death” as per the title of this book lol.
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- Not gonna lie, organizing books seems like a really fun job. First of all, I love organizing things. But as they were organizing the books, they would comment on the books that were there, or recommend some favourites.
- Yixing, Pengpeng, and Meimei went to greet the kids at the dock. After they left Huang Lei was like “where is that book about teams that Yixing was reading?” Turns out Yixing stole it for the road lol.
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- He continued reading it on the boat.
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- ASDJFKL; THE WU YIFAN PART. One of the kids in the group was called Wu Yifan. I can’t believe they let this air lol. (I believe this aired right before mid-July when his situation really blew up though)
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- Look at Pengpeng’s face though. He was like “!!! Are we allowed to talk about this?!?!??!!”
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- Basically this Wu Yifan kid just wanted to go home. Yixing was like “do you like to read?” and he was like no. And then he asked him if he liked candy and he was like no. What a tough customer.
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- They were trying to tell the kids about the opening of the library but the kids just kept talking haha. And then Pengpeng was like “Ultraman is gonna be there! Do you like Ultraman?” And the kids went wild lol.
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- Anyway the three were giving the kids candy and letting them know about the library’s opening. One of the kids went back to get another lollipop for their mom uwu.
- They were passing by the kids going home as they rode back on their bikes. It was so cute.
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- This granny was carrying vegetables herself so the kids offered to drop her off where she needed to be.
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- There was a tape covering the stove because they were temporarily not allowed to use it. Now they’re allowed to, so they took off the tape, but Huang Lei turned it into a sash and whoever wears it is allowed to do nothing lmfao.
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- Everybody was required to sit with the guests for 10 minutes each and they were like bro lol. (I think they’re both writers, if I remember correctly)
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- He Jiong asked Yixing to explain what the book was about and he went on this huge spiel lol.
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- Zhi An was like but you have to take a look at who the author is and whether they’re a good businessperson and team leader and Shi Hang was like they definitely aren’t because why would they be writing books if they were such a successful boss? XD
- He Jiong, Zhi An, and Shi Hang were talking so much and Yixing was just like, oh, who to listen to? So cute haha.
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- The authors asked Yixing whether he would cry while he read books and he said no. But then Zhi An was like he read these non-fiction books, why would he cry? Lmao.
- Huang Lei, Yixing, and Pengpeng stayed at the Mushroom house while the others went to the library to fix up some signs and things. Huang Lei asked Yixing what he got from this show, since it was nearing its close. As expected, Yixing said he learned a lot but Huang Lei was like okay besides learning though? (I’m glad that Huang Lei asked him this because Yixing is the kind of person who only thinks in terms of inputs and outputs. Boy doesn’t know how to enjoy life, and that’s what this show is about. Just learning to go with the flow. Sometimes things are out of your control and that’s fine. You just learn to live alongside it.)
- Huang Lei asked him about his friendship with Pengpeng. They'd only met like once before, but we saw that they got together very well in this show. I think part of this is because Pengpeng himself is very relaxed.
- Shi Hang brought a lot of books for kids!
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- Zhi An brought his own books that he’d written.
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- Huang Lei said that Yixing had eaten a lot that day. Shi Hang was like “it’s because he’s eating for the rest of his team” XD
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- Yixing asked for recommendations on books for light reading. Zhi An had so much trouble making a recommendation and the other dudes were giving him so much shit for it lol. Zhi An asked Yixing for his interests because it’s hard to make a recommendation if you don’t know what the other person likes and Shi Hang and He Jiong were like IT DOESN’T MATTER> Shi Hang made a recommendation about a book that was about zoos, because he felt it was relevant to the teamwork book Yixing had been reading earlier. Zhi An thought it was a bit eccentric. (I don’t think he meant it in a bad way though, I think Zhi An meant that he didn’t have any books to recommend that were like that) And then Huang Lei was like oh what about The Three Body Problem and Zhi An was like ehh I don’t know lmfao. (I agree, I don’t consider the Three Body Problem to be light reading. It’s definitely heavy) So basically the dudes were like Zhi An you’re being too difficult! I understand Zhi An though. If somebody asked me some recommendations for light reading I literally only have like one book I would recommend because I wouldn’t consider the other books I liked to be light reading.
- Zhi An finally recommended a book called 人生的因素, and I looked up the English name for it, which is simply Collected Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham. Maybe I should check it out. Anyway, Zhi An’s advice was that the point of light reading is that the book should be an enjoyable experience first and foremost, and you needn’t worry whether the book has a good message or not.
- The kid Wu Yifan comes back lmao, he’s one of the first kids who arrives at the library (did they do this on purpose??). Anyway, looks like this kid is one of those who cannot be controlled lol. Huang Lei had to call out to him because he’d ran past their house.
- One of the kids asked He Jiong if he was a celebrity and he was like “no, we aren’t, we just live over at the mushroom house!” My guess is that he’s trying not to intimidate the kids, and also because kids shouldn’t have to think about stuff like celebrity and fame at such a young age. But also, imagined if there was a house in your village consisting of two dads and three kids with all different surnames XD That would be so hilarious.
- Anyway, all the kids are here! For some reason it makes me coo when friends hold hands. It’s probably because I’m a touch-starved North American.
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- This little boy got hurt on the way running there and Huang Lei went full dad mode being like 沒事,沒事, don’t cry. Later he helped him put iodine on his cut.
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- Here’s the audience. Yes, that is Huang Bo sitting with the kids.
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- Shi Hang and Zhi An were explaining to the kids what kind of books there are in the library. Shi Hang is so good at speaking to the kids.
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- Pengpeng was a bit nervous as the MC haha. He was a little jumpy, and you can see the nervousness because he smiles a lot (I do that too).
- Yixing on the other hand is a surprisingly good MC, but he’s had years and years of variety experience so this doesn’t surprise me. Anyway he set up a game for the kids where they would look for a specific book.
- Special guest ULTRAMAN!!!!
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- Wu Kai and Liu Xiaoyi put on a puppet show for the kids, which was kind of cute. It included some interaction with the audience, which is great for kids.
- Double entertainment where Yixing is in charge of ice cream dispensing, and Huang Bo organized a game for the kids that would determine their line up order for the ice cream.
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- After the event, some of the kids stayed at the library to read and draw and write, and it was very cute. One of the kids was like “Zifeng Jiejie don’t go!!” But Zifeng was like “I have to go home!” It was cute haha.
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ori-flails · 4 years
Rewatching Guardian - Episode 08 Part 1/2
Episode List || Episode 07 || Part 2
SPOILERS for upto episode 40, SPOILERS for the novel.
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The first translation is by AvenueX. The second translation is from the episode on Youtube.
Just the title of this episode is giving me second-hand embarrassment. I give you no guarantee whatsoever that I won’t skip this bit.
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I forgot all about this! This is so wholesome! Q~Q
Even Chu Shuzhi is clapping and smiling UGH my heart is mush
I genuinely have no clue how seriously I should be taking the SID barrier. It stopped Zhu Jiu, but it has no effect with Shen Wei or Ye Zun.
And also, does it only stop Dixingren? What about Yashou? What about humans? Cuz I’m pretty sure they don’t want a random person to come into the SID with the Hallows there, even if this person is a mere human with no powers or anything.
If the barrier only reacts to dark energy then it’s supposed to stop Yshou and Dixingren. In that case, what’s stopping Zhu Jiu from tricking a human in a vulnerable position into stealing the Hallows for him from the SID while everyone else is busy? The SID barrier really wouldn’t work as their primary security measure then.
About what Wang Zheng said, they’re taking into consideration that the human SID members might become something not human? Then that’s really weird cuz they’re still not meant to know anything about Ouyang’s research, and it’s just.. supernatural doesn’t translate well to sci-fi at all holy shit
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This is just such a terrible idea xD
Xiao Guo will be too scared of this thing to learn to control it xD
Lin Jing is a genius gremlin lol
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Again, the OST I can’t find. This is so sweet and adorable in the sense that Zhao Yunlan’s acting lik a school boy that has a crush and this is precious.
But damn, watching this idiot dig his own grave is making me wanna skip the entire thing
Even watching the first time, I could sense the second-hand embarrassment coming from a mile away.
Just look at this idiot’s happy smile when he’s talking about how fun it is top work with Shen Wei TT~TT
The dumbass really did throw all that money away lmao
[I didn’t take any screenshots hhh]
I skipped through it. I’m not taking screenshots. NOPE.
Lemme tell you something. Each bit I comment on, I go over it 3 - 4 times.
Once just to watch it, second time to take screenshots and note down the timestamps (just in case I accidentally lose the screenshots), sometimes I need to go over a couple more times for this to get the right screenshots. And the third/fourth time, I write down my thoughts and feelings in order and any particular dialogue.
I am NOT going over this embarrassment 3 - 4 times! I can’t handle stuff like this!
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I completely forgot that Ding Dun appears this early on.
Like, my earliest memory of him is from the episode where Zhao Yunlan visits Dixing. Then, it was like the show was expecting me to recognize Ding Dun as someone somewhat significant, except I don’t remember this scene at all, not his face anyway.
A lot happens between the two incidents.
Ding Dun is probably the child of the captain of the squad that Wu Tian’en was in  that was dispatched to Haixing 20 years ago, the one mentioned in episode 5. I can’t think of something else that Shen Wei is investigating at the moment that the audience is meant to know about.
I’m not 100% sure but this bit with Hai Pao Shi asking “what’s wrong?” is significant in some way. I’m just not entirely sure if it’s significant in the way I think it is.
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Zhu Jiu just standing there touching leaves on the side of the street.
This is simultaneously hilarious and very sad.
So, plants aren’t much of a thing on Dixing and neither is fresh air.
Also, from the way they interact, it’s like Ding Dun and Zhu Jiu are of similar importance to Ye Zun.
Not exactly important for this scene, and I’ll elaborate on it properly sometime later, but I’m starting to think Zhu Jiu’s whole wannabe-Ye-Zun act has more to it.
What if that’s a permanent side effect of long-term/chronic brainwashing?
Just a thought.
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What even is this soundtrack, it’s so nice TT~TT I can’t find it (18:53 - 19:32 of the episode)
Also, like... Ding Dun’s dead, but he was clearly alive enough to steal and destroy the Dijun booklet and then stab Zhao Yunlan with scissors. Gotta actually remember this Ding Dun this time around for long enough to understand the explanation for this if we do get one. :/
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So which is it? It might not be important here because we already know that Shen Wei won’t use his full powers on Haixing and endanger his identity. We know Zhu Jiu also knows. But still. That’s some difference.
The first translation is in the ‘English’ captios, the second in ‘English (United Kingdom)’
I won’t be trying to take screenshots of the fight sequences, as usual, but I loved them so much okay. One good thing about Zhu Jiu is he helps show off Shen Wei’s awesome close combat skills.
Also, it’s been two whole months since the Zhang Danni impersonator case??? What????
Cuz that was when Shen Wei hurt Zhu Jiu, and he just said he’s fully recovered now after two months. A timeskip and I had no idea there was one at all until now.
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Ugh I somehow find the Yashou so confusing. Their neutrality, their normal lifespan, how integrated to human societies they really are, why they’re fine with being on Haixing for so long despite having dark energy, etc.
Yashou came with Dixingren, so Yashou should have dark energy too. And I think Zhao Yunlan’s anti-Dixingren gun works on Yashou too. But they’re all living on Haixing in background white energy. Does this not effect the Yashou? Or do they have a way to deal with it?
The use of the term “gods” is again a reference to the novel
Or not, but it feels like it.
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Here, Shen Wei sounded so young and soft and just... My heart breaks for him.
Also, “loved one”. Very subtle. Bromance indeed.
I wonder if this particular flower tribe Yashou has any idea who Shen Wei is beyond Professor Shen the nice Dixingren.
It’s the way she’s talking to him that makes me think. She seems to be acting in an older sister manner. She’s also pretty casual and borderline rude with him. She hands him honesty free of fear or reverence. She worries for his safety, something no one did until Zhao Yunlan and until he started getting significantly weaker. At this point, he doesn’t really need to be worried for, if that makes sense. If she knew he was Hei Pao Shi, she’d know that he’s crazy strong.
And then there’s how Shen Wei’s talking to her. There is none of his commanding Hei Pao Shi attitude, or that cool detachment. He’s being just Shen Wei with her. He isn’t like with anyone who knows he’s Hei Pao Shi, except for Zhao Yunlan later of course.
And then there’s the fact that later when Zhu Hong’s fourth uncle meets Shen Wei, he knows immediately who Shen Wei is and treats him with the appropriate respect. But then the other members of the snake tribe has no idea. So the chiefs of the tribes know only.
Shen Wei has something akin to friends on Haixing Q~Q His Yashou friends Q~Q
(Continues in part 2)
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bienmoreau · 6 years
The Dork Reads The Lightning-Struck Heart: chapters 13-18
@lio-zehel​ & @glitterghost​
Does Gary have such an obsession with wanking because he can’t?
Aayyy Ryan has a Darcy MomentTM
“That was erotic.. ENLIGHTENING!”
Whispers “I’m a foxy lady” LMAO
Fukin lmao. Ryan fukin fell into the river ‘cause of the innuendo Gary set up for sam. They both idiots. When can we have them being idiots together
Ohh this back story is written so nicely. Sams narrative voice is such a mess. But TJs writing is really nice when he wants it to be.
“Who knew the forest was infested with twinks”
“No tiggy, no smashing, we don’t smash little twinks. We let them grow up so they can provide a valuable service by having sex with men.”
“Honey-bear you are the gayest thing I’ve seen since I last saw my own reflection”
OMG! OMG! OMG! Ryan = Nox! That’s hilarious and fantastic and I love it! I thought it might be something like this when he mentioned being from the slums. But OMG! I love it.
Aww time for all the honesty (well most likely not ALL the honesty but some! And it’s good stuff.)
Look at these boys from humble gutter origins working hard and striving for better and becoming the best versions of themselves.
What a great duo.
“Name one thing I have ever done to you- wait don’t answer that I just thought of 40”
xD xD xD poor poor Ryan.  Sam has so many extremely sexually active acquaintances
Yes Sammy! Lay down those rules.
“Thank you for having me to you whore house. I mean your home. Eh, Where people pay to have sex”
“Is he broken”
“Please let it be known that from this day forward my working title for the business is ‘Queen of the Fuck Palace’”
“I like him”
“What? Why? You don’t like anyone”
“I’m standing right here.”
“Still standing right here. And I don’t know what proletariats are but I feel like someone is insulting me, somehow”
“Feeeeling a little objectified now.”
Lmao poor Ryan. He is so very very out of his depth.
DAMN! What!? What kinda backstory teaser drop was that!?
“You’re being interviewed for a job” LMAO. oh ryan. You fool.
And now Sams the idiot again.
(Like he ever stopped)
“Won’t his one true love know when he breaks the engagement?”
“Are you really that stupid”
“Why does everyone keep asking me that!?”
“Ryan would you care to-“
“Nope. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You’re fired. Pack up your shit and get out”
I feel like half the time the way sam says ‘no’ is like John Mulaney’s “NOOoooooO!”
Awww Ryan’s so bitter abt how much Sam likes Todd’s ears.
“Everyone has ears”
Also Sams an idiot and just completely missed a very relevant conversation
Ryan is so jealous of the almost fairy wedding
I love that Ryan knows to ground Sam without even knowing what he is to him.
Baby wizard xD
“And by lookers i mean, you looked at them and said ‘eh, why not’”
xD xD
Omfg Sam. Why. Why did you just strip in front of your crush because a damn unicorn taunted you.
“Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat” 👀👀👀
Ooooh my goood! Ryan is talking very clearly abt the fan club shipping him and Sam and is just STARING AT SAM the whole time and sam is mass and an idiot and he’s totally making a massive fool of himself and YET! Ryan is totally still completely smitten.
Oh good! A bard.
Omfg. The guy doing live pre-show advertising 😂😂😂
“Yaaaaaay rystin!” “whooo rystin”
Cheesy dicks and candle sticks.
What. What?  What???
“If I was a unicorn glitter would be pouring off me right now”
Back at it again with the 5 star one-liners!
Also yay for the lil pep talk (interspersed with the logistics of an 12-way)
Things I’ve actually literally been called by real people i know before and have now just read as describing Sam and so don’t know how to feel abt that: “you’re a conundrum wrapped in an enigma” (thanks dude on my course at uni)
“Fine! Uugghh sorry”
“It’s okay. Who do I need to kill?”
(Gotta get me a freak like that!)
“Can we please talk about ‘knight delicious face’. what the hell does that mean?” Bruh im thinking you could probably work that one out yourself. they have not been being subtle 
“Sounds weak. I bet I could take him in a fight. Probably doesn’t even work out or anything. I work out. A lot”
Ryan. Dude. Chill.
“How is this your life?”
Ryan out here asking Sam the eternal question.
“It’s not little”
“I’ve seen bigger”
“That’s not what you were saying when it was poking you in the middle of your date. You know, with Todd. Who has ears.”
Also like lmao @ this whole extended innuendo abt Ryan’s sword.. and the dark wizards reactions.
ALSO HOLY SHIT LMAO THEY HAVE A VERSION OF FRIENDS!! And liken them to ‘Russ’ and ‘Rochelle’
“Ooh You mean Companions? I love that story. It’s always will they or won’t they.  I just want to push their faces together and scream at them to kiss”
“I just don’t like chewing in the morning”
Oh hey. Lightning.
“Sooo. That was a thing that happened.”
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