#{ i gotta make an official tag for this verse for the three of them to use fdshfjkds }
mcltiples · 5 days
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"Morty and I -- w-we're reuniting, at last."
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"Unfortunately, the rumors are true. I've decided to take on another Rick as my second-in-command. So, that means I'll have two. One for general duties and the other for secretive reasons."
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"C-Can't wait to work with him, sir....."
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iamanonniemouse · 2 years
WIPs Ask Game
@hideyseek tagged me in this thirty-four (34) days ago and I am finally going to participate because I have (somewhat) broken my drought of fic writing and actually have wips I’m (somehwat) working on asldfkajsdf
Anyway, send me a number to get a draft excerpt of what I’m working on!
1. Zaundads Zine Fic (Collab with @1deabril)
A fic that I am definitely most certainly actively working on considering it has a deadline :wanders away innocently: but yeah Silco and Vander post-betrayal and angsty stuff and flashbacks to them being young and innocent and trusting each other and stuffffff
2. Winterhawk fic for @lemon-yellow
I mean...I started this, got really into it, then stalled out for a while because Bucky can’t make up his mind what he wants to do next but HEY WHAT ELSE IS NEW
3. Reality TV Dating Show for @flosculatory
An outline exists for this. It will be written someday, I SWEAR. Basically it’s The Ultimatum on Netflix but with our fave Inception characters and it’s going to be AMAZING (you know, once I write it)
4. AELDWS Week 6 write along
I have a really great opening and then Arthur and Eames kept being all mushy when I wanted them to be tough and badass smh
5. AELDWS Week 1 write along
SO MUCH ANGST POTENTIAL. just gotta (i pause and you all say with me) write it
6. Our Flag Means Death AU
What is says on the tin, OFMD but with Inception crew. Cobb is Stede, Saito is gonna be Blackbeard, Eames as Lucius, Arthur as Izzy, etc etc ( @freighttraininmybrain i SWEAR i am going to write this someday
7. Phillipa-centric fic for @mizunoir
Once again I’ve got a great start to this but am not sure where it should go next so it has been languishing in a dusty corner of my laptop waiting for me to decide haha
8. RobEames fic for @lemon-yellow
Lemon fucking incepted me with this idea and it’s so fucking good and I have like, three whole lines written of it but SOMEDAY. SOME. DAY. Y’ALL.
9. Inception/The Old Guard Crossover Fic
I....really should write more of this. I haven’t. Is anyone surprised? Cuz I’m not.
Also because once you get me talking about fic I don’t shut up, the ongoing list of ideas I want to write but haven’t really started an Official Doc for include
Rob/Nash ficlet/POV of a scene from @somedrunkpirate‘s as-of-now unfinished fic
A Tenet Pacific Rim AU that @halfofawhole got me thinking about
A Tenet/Inception fic where Neil is A/E’s kid or something? Just some way to mix dreamshare and tenet’s inversion tech, okay??
The fic in my nontraditional hanahaki verse that STARTED my nontradtional hanahaki verse even if it doesn’t exist anywhere at ALL yet aka the fic that, if you go back through my various fic tag posts, I’ve been talking about for YEARS at this point and I am going to write it someday dammit
More ace omega ‘verse. Just, like. All the scenes. Arthur working through his feelings, an Eames POV, Eames in a rut, them mating, just. ALL THE SCENES.
Okay someone get the hook and drag me offstage--
Anyway if you’re in the mood to share!!! (no pressure, no commitment, no interest for 6 months) I’m tagging: @fiamac, @somedrunkpirate, @darlingandmreames, @dingdangit, @slashmania, and anyone else who would like to do this!!
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astralaffairs · 4 years
on fear under stark, dying lighting || thomas jefferson, fotp-verse
title: on fear under stark, dying lighting
pairing: thomas jefferson x reader, an fotp-verse oneshot
words: 5k
request: how would thom react if lets say maybe his neo-nazi supporters get too passionate abt their anger towards mc’s articles and um try to shoot/mug/harm her to stop her from writing anything else against thom?
notes: ok so first off lemme preface this w the fact that thom is a self respecting black man who has another self respecting black man as his running mate so tbr the neo-nazi white supremacists r not exactly his demographic of supporters. that said i fucking loved this prompt; set in the universe of freedom of the press, but not canon w/ the storyline
tags: @stargazelaurens @ivory-haired-queens @exoticxchicken8@assbuttstyles777 @distinguishedpotsticker @fukaaaaaaaa@hereforthepsyche-assessment @ivetoldamillionlies@fangirl570 @thealaddinkid @lasciviouspeach@snazzydoesthings @shy-and-awkward-daveed@rachelhermionerose @soft-weeb-s @gryffinclxw @anamrnk@daveeddiggsit @ayayayayana @marinovakovich@cryinghazelnutt @thefandomgirl03 @a-hopeless-fan @cloudynblw @tinywhim @lolidunnoaboutnow  @siriusorionblackiii @fanfic-addict-98 @checkurwindow @nyxie75 @i-know-i-can @yxseminx @yavin4andor @sugacita @sstrawberry-fanta @youtxbemusic @queenwilty — hope i didnt miss anyone; lmk if you want to be added!!
Y/N scrunched up her nose as her eyes fluttered open, the gritty, incessant sound of the machine grating on her nerves — while she was no stranger to the sound of her own heartbeat, she'd never heard it like that. When she finally tried to look around the room, she winced. The sterile-white LED lights lining the ceiling made her eyes burn; as she adjusted to it, slowly waking up, she began to notice the steady click of an IV drip not far from where her head rested.
She didn't move at first, blinking hard as the ceiling was her entire range of vision, but when she tried to sit up, a sharp pain shot through her shoulder, and she cried out, her hand flying up to the spot.
"Hey, hey, hey, sweetheart, lay down, okay? Relax, please. You're gonna hurt yourself."
The beep of the heart rate monitor accelerated in a fleeting moment, and steady, familiar hands came to rest gently on her good shoulder and her upper back, easing her into the crinkly mattress beneath her. She turned with wide eyes to find the last person she expected at her bedside as he propped her head up onto a pillow.
"Thomas?" she asked breathlessly. "Shit, I... What are you doing here? Did you bring me here? I don't..." Her brow furrowed as she eyed his worried expression, the small, scared frown he wore. As she tried to shift in her bed, turn to look at him, she gasped at the throbbing in her upper arm — with that, it didn't take long for her to recall exactly what she was doing there, though the details were hazy. She didn't know what to make of her current circumstance, though.
"Here, d'you want me to raise the back of the bed so you don't needa hold yourself up?" Though she'd screwed her eyes shut, her jaw clenched as she tried to bear the pain, as his hand ghosted down to her forearm, as he brushed his thumb across her skin, he could hear her pulse beginning to settle. She nodded, laying onto her back with a grimace.
A moment passed in silence while she tried to collect her thoughts. She let out a soft hum when the reclined top of the bed began to fold upward, letting her shift into a sitting position, she withdrew her right arm from Thomas's grasp, pulling it back to instead lace her fingers into his. "Better?"
"Mhm." When she again opened her eyes, he'd pulled his chair closer. She frowned. "How are you here? You... We're in public, Thomas; you can't..." She trailed off, but when the concern in his gaze didn't subside in the least, she said, "Did I die? Am I... Is this even real? I don't understand."
Despite everything, at her words, a teasing grin split his grim expression, and he squeezed her hand lightly. "Well, first of all, 'm flattered that you think wakin' up here next to me might actually be heaven—" She rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help her soft, endeared smile. "—but no, you're alright, just in the hospital. You're gonna be fine."
"I guess that's a relief," she sighed, pursing her lips. She eyed him with concerned hesitance. "But what are you doing here?"
"What d'you mean, 'what am I doing here?'" he asked incredulously, his voice soft. "Three of my supporters just tried to fucking kill you 'cause they were tryin' to defend my image. Did you think I wasn't gonna come see you? Make sure you're okay? I've been worried sick, Y/N."
"I..." She swallowed the lump building in her throat as she remembered everything that happened, how quickly it'd all gone down. With the way they'd cornered her, she was lucky to have escaped with a bullet in her shoulder. She was lucky to have even made it out alive. "I'm really, really glad you're here," she said with a weak smile, "but we aren't exactly holed up in your penthouse, right now. How do you plan to explain that you came to visit me in the hospital?"
"Well, officially, 'm here to offer my deepest apologies on behalf of myself 'n my campaign and to let you know that I entirely denounce what happened," he said, and as his gaze fell, as he couldn't bear to meet her eyes, she could see the remorse in her demeanor. "Everyone's just gonna think it's damage control, and I get why. Some of that was just an excuse for me comin' to see you. But really... I can't tell you how sorry I am that this happened. 'M so, so sorry that people came out 'n tracked you down, tried to murder you in my name. You can't... I can't begin to tell you how much I wish I could go back and do somethin' different to stop this from happenin'. That I didn't spend so much time messin' with you on Twitter. That I woulda—"
"Stop it," Y/N said, her voice hardly more than a whisper. She could see Thomas's eyes welling up, his stare glassy; she could hear his voice beginning to waver. "Stop. You know this wasn't your fault. There was nothing you could've done to prevent it. You're a good person, okay? I know you. Please, please don't blame yourself."
She squeezed his hand, and he shut his eyes tightly. "Fuck, I don't—" He sniffled loudly, reaching up to wipe the tears from his cheeks. "Don't know why you're comforting me right now. 'M not supposed to be the one who needs it; I don't wanna make this about me. 'M sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for. You aren't responsible for this, and I don't blame you for it in the least." At her gentle tone, he let out a ragged huff, still not meeting her eyes. She frowned. "Hey, look at me. You didn't do anything to incite this."
"You're too forgivin'," he finally said, lifting his head to meet her gaze. "I don't deserve it."
She scoffed at the words, breaking his gaze to shake her head in exasperation. "Thomas, if you don't deserve to be forgiven, that's because there's nothing to forgive. Please, this isn't your burden."
There was a skip, silence aside from the IV drip and the staticky beep of the heart rate monitor. "That's enough talkin' about me," he finally said. Y/N sighed. His deflecting was overt, but he didn't seem to care. "How are you? I don't just mean your shoulder, either. No one would judge you for bein' rattled after everything that happened."
She shrugged, and he could see the pain in her eyes. "I'm not great, if I'm honest. I was just so scared." She drew in a shaky breath. He took her hand in both of his, pulling his chair closer to her side. "How'd you even find out about this, anyway? Lafayette?"
"Now, why d'you think Lafayette woulda heard about you bein' in the hospital before I did?" He could only feign offense, but the eyebrow he raised was playful. She couldn't stifle her amused smile. "That hurts, sweetheart, really. He matters that much more to you than I do?"
"Shut up; you know that none of my other friends would tell you about this," she groaned, but any exhaustion in her voice was contrived. "Alex and his sister-in-law are my emergency contacts. Which one of them would've ever called you?"
"Alright, alright." Thomas huffed, trying to purse his lips to hide his grin. "James called me. Dolley saw it on the news."
"Oh my god, it's on the news?" Her eyes widened, and Thomas was struck with a pang of guilt as he heard her pulse begin to spike — there wasn't much she could hide when hooked up to a heart rate monitor. "Shit, I– I need to call Mira and Orlando; they've gotta be terrified. And Angelica, holy shit, I'm sure she's heard. What time is it? How long has it been since the story broke?"
"Hey, calm down, okay? They're outside. They know you're gonna be alright," he murmured, rubbing the back of her hand comfortingly, and he sighed as he heard her heartbeat slow. "Everyone's out there. James 'n Dolley came, Lafayette came... Hamilton brought his whole family. I met Angelica, just now."
Her eyebrows shot up, but a laugh was etched into her surprised smile. "Oh, no, tell me you're lying. I can't imagine that went well."
He hummed in agreement, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he watched her enthusiasm begin to grow. "Nah, not so much. Think she woulda throttled me out in the lobby if Mira hadn't stopped her."
Y/N groaned. "Of course Mira's out there defending you. Some priorities."
"Oh, would you rather your friends killed me with their bare hands?" He raised an expectant eyebrow, and when Y/N only shrugged, he scowled.
"Listen, all I'm saying is that if someone shot you in my name and James tried to throttle me for it, I'd understand."
Thomas gave a reluctant hum. "Forgot how much you liked havin' people's hands around your throat. Guess you'd probably enjoy it, huh?"
Her eyes widened as her breath caught, blood rushing to her cheeks. She could feel her skin burning, and somewhere in the background, she was vaguely aware of the rush of her heart rate monitor. "Thomas. Shut up, I swear to god."
He laughed when she tried to shove his hands away, yank her right arm out of his grasp, but when he just squeezed her forearm teasingly, she turned her head. She couldn't meet his gaze with the scowl she wore. "Aw, what's the problem? You only into that when I'm the one doin' it?"
"Thomas." She whipped her head back around to him with a wearing look, appearingly taken aback, but her teeth were sinking hard into her bottom lip. When she saw the mocking pout he wore, a chill ran down her back; her stomach turned.
"Y'know, I'm kinda havin' fun with bein' able to hear your heart rate." When he winked, the corners of his lips turning up into a knowing smile, the heat in the back of her neck flared.
"You're exhausting," she grumbled. He shrugged.
"Mmh, I can see that." When she turned to him with an eyebrow raised, he grinned. "Nothin' to be ashamed of, sweetheart. I know I—"
He was cut off by the click of the door being thrown open, and a nurse rushed into the room, closely followed by the small army of people there to see Y/N. They both pulled abruptly back from one another. Y/N's heart was pounding.
"Y/N! Are you okay? Did something happen?" Eliza asked pushing through to see you with wide, worried eyes. Y/N opened her mouth to respond, but when she just gaped at everyone for a moment, Alex immediately cut in.
"Jefferson, I swear to god, if you laid a finger on her, I'll end you. I knew it was a bad idea to let him in here," Alex scowled, glaring at Thomas as he strode toward them, but Y/N's brows shot up.
"Hey, woah, stop it," she said holding up her right hand, a silent request for him to come to a halt. Reluctantly, he did, still eyeing Thomas skeptically. "Nothing happened. I'm okay. Why'd you all come in here like this?"
"Your heart rate was rising, dear. We thought you could've been having a seizure, or a heart attack, or... or something," Dolley said, and Alex glared when she pushed her way in front of him. "How are you? I saw the video online, and oh, Y/N, it was awful. I couldn't bear to see such a thing happening to you."
"Dolley, hey." Y/N wore a soft smile as Dolley came to her bedside, resting a hand on her calf. "I'm okay. Not the best I've ever felt, but it isn't anything I won't be able to sleep off. That, and some painkillers, of course."
Dolley gave her a wry smile. "Let me know if there's anything I can do. I have a neglected bottle of rosé sitting in our pantry and two pints of ice cream in the freezer, so go ahead and pick your poison."
Y/N laughed. "I'll have to see what flavors of ice cream you've got stashed away, but either option is dangerously tempting."
Dolley was about to reply, but when Angelica emerged to her left, she jumped back, startled. "Anyway, why was your heart rate so high? You don't look like you're going into a coma, so what'd he do?" Angelica nodded toward Thomas, the look in her eyes all business and her brow furrowed. Thomas raised an affronted brow.
"Oh, please, Thomas wouldn't hurt a fly." As everyone began to disperse themselves around her bedside, the group who'd come to see her made Y/N's heart warm. She resisted rolling her eyes at the doting smile Mira gave Thomas alongside her words, which he returned gratefully. (Suck up.) However, Mira also turned to Y/N with a hesitant look. "Right, mija?"
Y/N pursed her lips, glancing between Mira and Thomas dubiously, but Thomas looked smug. "Yeah, yeah, he's in the clear," she agreed reluctantly. "My heart rate spiked because I stupidly tried to use both my arms to shift where I was sitting. It didn't feel so great for, y'know, my bullet wound." When she gave a weak smile, there were sighs of relief scattered throughout the group (Thomas's was the most adamant; he hadn't expected her to bail him out quite that easily).
"Well, we are glad to see zat you are alright." Lafayette offered her a soft smile, and when she found him standing directly beside Thomas, she reached out to squeeze the hand he had resting on the rail of her bed. A flicker of dejection passed through Thomas's expression, gone almost the moment it came.
"I'm glad to see all of you here. It was really sweet of you to come," Y/N said, looking around the group. Her eyes lit up when she caught sight of James standing just behind Dolley, a small smile resting on his lips. "Aw, James, even you showed up?"
"Of course, Y/N. We on Thomas's campaign have been incredibly concerned."
She rolled her eyes at his formal tone. "Yeah, yeah, talk all you want about your political agenda, but we both know Dolley dragged you along to visit."
"I truly can't help but take offense at that," James said, his brow furrowed, and he shook his head. Regardless, he wore an amused smile. "As though I'm unable to cross partisan lines for an injured acquaintance?"
"Aw, aren't we friends by now?" Y/N asked, plastering on a pout, and James laughed.
"I suppose so." He squeezed Dolley's shoulder, an eyebrow raised, and she shuffled aside, inadvertently crowding into Angelica's space. When James took a step forward, Y/N's eyebrows shot up at the bouquet of flowers he held, the envelope attached to them. "These are for you, on behalf of our entire campaign."
She had to shift in her seat to turn and take them from him in her right hand, but as she did so, she grimaced at the dull pain in her shoulder when she moved it. Thomas's hand shot out to support her before he realized where he was, and he stopped himself short, pulling his hands back into his lap with a wince.
"Thanks so much, James, these are beautiful," Y/N said, inhaling deeply as she held the flowers up to her nose. "Who picked them out?"
"I did." The sound of Thomas's voice among the group surprised her. Her eyebrows were raised when she turned to him, and she struggled to stop her small smile from widening at his words.
"Well then, thank you, Secretary Jefferson. I appreciate the gesture."
"It's the least I could do, Ms. L/N." She pressed her lips together; it was all she could do not to laugh at the formality in his tone. He gave her a sympathetic smile, but as she met his gaze, it was doting. "I'm terribly sorry that this happened. Please, don't hesitate to reach out if there's anything further we can do to support you."
She cocked a brow. "Care to pay my medical bills?"
"Wait, seriously?" Her eyes widened. "I was joking, but I'm holding you to that."
"As you should," Thomas said reasonably, giving a shrug. "I understand how difficult this has gotta be for you, and for your family, too. We'd like to support you in any way we can."
While his gentle tone made her smile, holding his stare, but Alex scoffed loudly.
"Oh my god, don't fall for that, Y/N," he interjected. Y/N raised a brow. "He's just trying to avoid a lawsuit. Or convince you not to start bitching online about how he almost killed you."
"He didn't almost kill me," she huffed. She glanced back hesitantly at Thomas, and he was watching her with guilt heavy in his expression. "One of his supporters did. It's not the same thing."
"Yeah, they tried to kill you in his name. Why are you giving him a pass?"
"If you shot him in my name, would it be my fault?" She pinned Alex with an expectant stare, and he huffed. "You know it wouldn't, and this is no different. If you're gonna spend the next few minutes attacking him, go wait in the hall until he and James leave. My head already hurts, so I refuse to listen to you picking a fight."
Alex folded his arms. "Why aren't you kicking him out?"
"Because you're the one getting worked up, right now," Y/N said matter-of-factly, but Thomas sighed.
"I understand that you all want me gone. I won't impose," he said, and when he began to push his chair out, Y/N and Mira wore identical, dismayed expressions.
"No, no, you aren't imposing!" Mira insisted. "Please, stay."
"'S alright, Mira. I know when I'm not wanted. I should be goin'," he said, giving her a reassuring smile, but his nervous gaze flickered back to Y/N. "Unless, of course, you've got any more grievances you wanna air? I'd be happy to listen, but I don't wanna overstay my welcome."
"Actually," Y/N started, pursing her lips. Thomas's tense demeanor softened as she went on, "I have a few more things I'd like to say before you go. You aren't off the hook just yet." Though her expression was hard, Thomas was struggling not to grin at her not sending him away. Y/N looked back around to her friends and family. "If you'd all give me another minute? I need to get some things off my chest."
While everyone obliged her easily, turning to give her space as they started toward the exit, Dolley and Lafayette shared a knowing look. Y/N's nurse smiled. "I'm glad to see you awake and feeling better. I'll be on call if you need me."
"Thanks so much," Y/N said quietly, and Lafayette caught her eye with a grin.
"We will be back in a few minutes, chérie. Do not do anything rash."
Y/N's eyebrows shot up when he shot Thomas a wink before following everyone else out, and they sat another moment in silence until the door finally fell shut. Thomas breathed a sigh of relief.
"So, now that everyone's outta here, you gonna rip me a new one?" he asked playfully, and Y/N rolled her eyes, finally letting herself grin as she turned to him, leaning fully back against her bed.
"Don't tempt me," she warned, and he laughed lightly. "But I just wanted another minute with you. If you want to go or have somewhere to be, I'll understand."
"I'm gonna stay as long as you're lookin' to let me," he replied, and when he rested his hand on the bed's rail, she took it in hers.
"I don't know how long I can believably pretend to be yelling at you, but I don't want you to leave just yet. I'm really glad you're here." She swallowed hard, glancing down at where their hands were linked. "I've just... been so distant recently. Is it silly to say I was afraid I was going to die without seeing you first?"
He let out a light, breathy laugh; the look in his eyes was akin to relief. "Jesus, I hope not, 'cause I've been up all night worryin' about the same thing."
Her eyebrows shot up, and he gave her a sheepish smile. "You've been up all night?"
"How was I supposed to sleep?" he asked, his eyebrows raised. He shook his head in disbelief. "You have no idea how scared I was, sweetheart."
"I can imagine," she said with a sigh. "Thank you for coming. I'm sure it wasn't easy to get in here with my friends all ready to bite your head off."
"Mmh, not exactly," he agreed, tone dry, and when she caught sight of his irked expression, she raised an eyebrow. "I didn't get too warm of a welcome."
"How'd you convince them to let you stay here until I woke up, anyway?" she asked, and a lopsided grin split his expression. He shrugged. "Don't tell me you just waltzed in here, and they let you into my room. I know them better than that."
"Lafayette vouched for me."
"Seriously?" Y/N furrowed her brow. "And said what?"
"That it'd be best for you to be able to get everything off your chest before everyone came in to see you." He shrugged, and though Y/N rolled her eyes, his smile was smug. "Guess I'm lucky you're takin' pity on me, huh?"
"Really, Jefferson. I should consider being a little harsher next time. Really making you pay for being thoughtful enough to show up here and comfort me when I'm terribly injured." She bit her lip, eyeing him tentatively. "Hey, can anybody see us right now? Are there any windows or security cameras I'm missing?"
He shook his head, brow furrowed. "Uh-uh. Relax. It's just you and me, alright?"
"Then will you come sit with me?"
His eyebrows shot up when she looked at him hopefully, shifting over on her bed, but it wasn't until a moment later that he answered, his words hesitant. "I dunno, sweetheart. I know you're in a lotta pain, and I don't wanna accidentally hurt you. You should just rest."
"Please?" The look in her eyes was hopeful, and she ran her thumb across his knuckles. "I just... wanna be held. I know you've gotta go soon, but..."
She couldn't finish her sentence, instead just trailing off, watching him with pleading eyes, and he sighed. "God, I hate not bein' able to say no to you. Move over."
Y/N grinned when he stood, delicately propping himself up onto the edge of her bed and swinging his legs up beside hers. His left arm brushed against her right shoulder, and she winced, trying to prop herself up onto the side of his torso. His hands found her waist. "This okay?" he asked softly, shifting her to lay against his chest, and her smile went soft.
"Yeah. This is good." She hummed contentedly when he absentmindedly began tracing patterns into her hip through her hospital gown. "Thanks for being here. Not many people would be willing to fight through my friends just to see me for a few minutes."
"Well, I did have some help," he murmured, his lips just above her ear. "I mean, since you gave Mira the power of attorney and all, she got the final say on who was allowed to come in and see you. You know she's got a soft spot for me."
Y/N giggled. "I guess your whole 'golden boy' act does come in handy once in a while."
When Thomas huffed, she could feel his warm breath tickle the side of her neck. She shivered. "Y'know what, I'm gonna let that one go, but only 'cause you're injured."
"Or because you know I'm right," she teased, craning her neck back to look at him with a wide smile, and he raised an amused eyebrow.
"Mhm, 'cause I'm secretly a terrible person, huh?"
"Good thing we agree." She pushed herself up to lightly kiss the underside of his jaw. "I just wish you could stay longer. I know you probably have a million things to get done, but I hate that you have to use some bullshit excuse just to come see me."
"So do I," he sighed.
"I just wish we could do... whatever this is in the light of day."
"What if we could?"
"Thomas," Y/N groaned lightly. "It's a nice thought, but you know it isn't possible. You aren't going to drop out of the race for president, and I'm not going to stop covering the campaign. I like my job too much. I don't want to give that up."
"And I'd never ask you to," he assured her, "'S just a nice thought."
"Yeah," she agreed reluctantly, her gaze downcast. A beat passed in silence; they were both too caught up in their own heads to pay attention to the steady click of the IV drip within a foot of them, the buzz of the dying LED lights overhead. Finally, Y/N said, "Is there any chance you can come up with some excuse to come back and visit me tomorrow? I'll have my phone on me, so I can text you when the coast is clear."
"I'd love that," he whispered, pressing a kiss to the side of her head. He hadn't realized it, but she'd begun to doze off, her eyes fluttering shut as she laid her head against the warmth of his body, the steady feeling of his heartbeat in his chest lulling her to sleep.
"Thank you," she murmured, covering his hand with hers. "I love..." She trailed off when she could feel him inhale sharply, his chest rising against her back, and despite her fatigue, she knew enough to hold her tongue. "Love that you could make it here. Thanks again."
"'S been my pleasure."
She didn't respond, content to just rest in his arms, and his smile was soft as he looked down at her. Several minutes ticked by, and the pair was at peace in the sterile environment, relaxed despite the bullet wound in her shoulder, the danger she'd been in hours before, despite the tension that always hung heavy in their dynamic, unavoidable with the risk they were taking being together.
"Thanks for keeping me around, sweetheart," he whispered, and his words were met only with the heavy sound of her breathing, leveling out as she drifted further and further from consciousness. He swallowed hard. "I love you."
She was too far gone to hear him.
A few more minutes later, the room's door clicked open, and Thomas's eyes widened, realizing the position he was about to be found in. His eyes widened.
"Y/N, is it alright if everyone else—?" Lafayette emerged from the doorway alone, cutting himself with a soft smile when he caught sight of Y/N laid against Thomas's body, perfectly at peace in his embrace. "Ah, Thomas. I am glad to see zat she is being well taken care of," he said softly, a teasing lilt to his voice. Thomas couldn't take it too personally. "Is she... asleep?"
He nodded. "Has been for a few minutes. Think she's been needin' some real rest," he replied, warm gaze drifting down to Y/N's calm, absent face. "Y'know, the kind that doesn't come from faintin' in pain and some anesthetics."
Lafayette chuckled lightly, folding his arms. "I think zat it is for ze best," he said. "But I was sent in 'ere to see whether or not Y/N was done, ah... lecturing you for ze 'arms done. I am not sure I 'ave any way to tell everyone zat she is still busy in 'ere."
"Sounds like it's time for me to head out, then, huh?" Lafayette nodded, and Thomas looked down with a reluctant smile. "Alright, gimme a minute. Send everyone in when I get out of here, yeah?"
"Of course." Lafayette departed without another word, appearing to be rather pleased with the scene before him. Thomas sighed, trying to shift Y/N off of himself without rattling her, and when he gently laid her shoulders back down onto the mattress, her head resting to one side on the pillow, he leaned down to kiss her forehead softly.
"I'll be back for you tomorrow, okay?" he whispered, disregarding entirely the fact that she didn't hear a word of it. He finally lifted himself off of the side of the bed. "Goodnight, Y/N."
His footsteps stalled another moment as he stood beside her; his tender gaze swept down the entirety of her stature, but it was clouded with remorse when he once again glanced to the bloodied bandage wrapped around her shoulder. He swallowed the lump of guilt in his throat.
He turned off the lights on his way out.
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goldenavenger02 · 4 years
So while everyone is stuck at home, I've decided to make a recommendations list of things I've watched on Netflix (U.S), Hulu and Disney+! But this list just had Netflix and Hulu, part 2 will be Disney+!
Netflix: US
The Politician (TV show)
Rating: TV-14
Summary: Payton Hobart, a student from Santa Barbara, has known since age seven that he's going to be President of the United States. But first he'll have to navigate the most treacherous political landscape of all: Saint Sebastian High School.
Seasons: season 1 on Netflix, season 2 Summer of 2020
My opinions: this show is so dark. Dark enough that I think it should be rated MA. But it's funny, it has Ben Platt singing multiple times, it's sad, it's dark and it's only 8 episodes. I binge watched all of it in two days.
Roswell: New Mexico (TV show)
Rating: TV-14
Summary: Centers on a town where aliens with unearthly abilities live undercover among humans. But when a violent attack points to a greater alien presence, the politics of fear and hatred threaten to expose them.
Seasons: season 1 on Netflix, season 2 airs March 16th, 2020,
Why should you watch it: it's a show about a woman trying to figure out the mystery behind her sister's death, and it's current, it's crime, there's aliens. What's not to love?
Victorious (TV show)
Rating: TV-G
Summary: Aspiring singer Tori Vega navigates life while attending a performing arts high school called Hollywood Arts.
Seasons: 1-3 on Netflix
Why should you watch it: chances are, you were either a Disney kid or a Nick kid. I was a Disney kid, but a friend of mine insisted I watched it when it got on Netflix, and I don't regret it. It's so funny.
Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated
Rating: TV-Y7
Summary: Scooby-Doo and the gang attempt to solve creepy mysteries in the town of Crystal Cove, a place with a history of eerie supernatural events.
Seasons:1-2 on Netflix
Why should you watch it: it's Scooby Doo (the best Scooby Doo in my opinion) and it gets really dark at the end of the show, plus in almost every episode, there are clues leading to the big mystery at the end.
New Girl (TV Show)
Rating: TV-14
Summary: After a bad break-up, Jess, an offbeat young woman, moves into an apartment loft with three single men. Although they find her behavior very unusual, the men support her - most of the time.
Seasons: 1-7 on Netflix
Why should you watch it: this show talks about sex a lot, especially in season 1, so if that makes you uncomfortable, I wouldn't recommend. But it's so funny, and Jess and Nick are so cute.
Parks and Recreation (TV show)
Rating: TV-14
Summary: The absurd antics of an Indiana town's public officials as they pursue sundry projects to make their city a better place.
Seasons: 1-7 on Netflix
Why should you watch it: it has Chris Pratt in it and it's extremely funny, even though it's very political.
To All The Boys I've Loved Before (movie)
Rating: TV-14
Summary: A teenage girl's secret love letters are exposed and wreak havoc on her love life.
Why should you watch it: this is a comfort movie I discovered after my sister insisted I watch it. I haven't seen the sequel, but I plan on doing so soon.
Solo: A Star Wars Story (movie)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: During an adventure into the criminal underworld, Han Solo meets his future co-pilot Chewbacca and encounters Lando Calrissian years before joining the Rebellion.
Why should you watch it: I don't like Star Wars that much, but Han Solo is my favorite character, and this is my favorite Star Wars movie, hands down.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (movie)
Rating: PG
Summary: Teen Miles Morales becomes Spider-Man of his reality, crossing his path with five counterparts from other dimensions to stop a threat for all realities.
Why should you watch it: it's the best Spider-Man movie and John Mulany plays a pig version of Spider-Man. It also has Nicholas Cage, Jack Johnson and Hallie Steinfeld.
After (2019) (movie)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A young woman falls for a guy with a dark secret and the two embark on a rocky relationship. Based on the novel by Anna Todd.
Why should you watch it: gotta be honest, it's a bit boring. Me and my sister who loves it watched it, and if you love romance drama, you'll probably like it as well. I mostly made fun of it the whole time.
Spy Kids (movie)
Rating: PG
Sunmary: The children of secret-agent parents must save them from danger.
Why should you watch it: this is one of my favorite childhood movies, and it's so funny. Also, secret agent kids.
Earth to Echo (movie)
Rating: PG
Summary: After receiving a bizarre series of encrypted messages, a group of kids embark on an adventure with an alien who needs their help.
Why should you watch it: it deals with some important issues for it being aimed at a younger demographic, and Echo is the cutest little alien ever.
Keeping up with the Kardashians (TV show)
Rating: TV-14
Summary: A peek inside the exploits and privileged private lives of the blended Kardashian-Jenner family, including sisters Kim, Kourtney, Khloé, Kendall and Kylie.
Seasons: all seasons on Hulu
Why should you watch it: you shouldn't unless you like trashy reality TV. Or if you genuinely like the Kardashians.
Looking for Alaska (mini series)
Rating: TV-MA
Summary: A new arrival at a boarding school falls in love with a beguiling female student
Seasons: all episodes on Hulu
Why should you watch it: I am a huge John Green fan. I've only watched the first episode, but it's so good so far and I love it.
Part 2 with Disney+ recs coming soon!
Tagging some people so they can reblog for others: @willelbyers @clover-roseee @blondsak @seek-rest @canary-warrior
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gottagobuycheese · 4 years
Tag Thingy
Thanks @silent--sonata for indulging my terrible sleeping habits XD
(fyi this will probably be unnecessarily long and rambly, so it’s going under a cut (EDIT: whelp the song list got a little out of hand, I’d apologize if I were even remotely sorry)) 
Rules: Answer 17 questions & tag 17 people you want to get to know better  
Nickname: Cheese (or Lactose Wedge, or Dairy Product of Unspecified Origin and Purpose)
Zodiac Sign: Gemini! 
Height: 160.5 cm/5′3″ (Bubbles I refuse to believe you’re actually that much taller than me) 
Hogwarts house: Somewhere between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff allegedly, both of which I’d be honored to get sorted into, but honestly I’d just be stoked to get sorted at all 
Last thing I googled: I think it was something along the lines of “how to speed up audio playback in GarageBand,” but but my train of thought was derailed before I actually looked at any of the results so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (and on a related note, thanks again for the magical audio editing @imperiousheiress!)
Song stuck in my head: The end credits to Legacy of the Wizard (which is SUCH a jam, thank you for enlightening me @jessicafish) Following and followers: 227 (goodness just looking at that number is stress-inducing) and...104?! When the HECK did you all get here??? I think just last summer I was happily floating about in the 50′s. Anyways, to anyone I have not said hello, hello! Hope you enjoy your stay, and I am sincerely sorry if you expected Quality Original Content, or even just regularly scheduled other people’s content. Sadly, neither of these things tend to happen here. 
Amount I sleep: During the school year it’s usually anywhere between 30 minutes and 6 hours (DON’T EVEN START BUBBLES YOU HAVE NO RIGHT), usually landing in the 3/4 hour ranges if I’m smart about it, but now that I am on Unofficial Break, it’s usually at least around 6 hours (except today was 3 because Avatar is an excellent show and the weirdos in this house have regularly scheduled breakfast at 9-something every morning). Sadly my sleep schedule can only be forced to tolerate normalcy for so long before careening back in the other direction, so we’ll see if this is just a blip or if we’re back to normal mid-Atlantic Ocean hours!
Lucky number(s): I wouldn’t say these are necessarily favorite numbers, but I do like 2 and 9. But come to think of it, second attempts at Official Things do tend to go better for me than first attempts, so maybe there’s some merit there after all! Dream Job: Don’t think I’m really cut out for dreaming anymore, haha (unless you are a theoretical future employer in which case I am Extremely Full of Ambition and Passion). The bed-adjacent metaphor has been made, and not to brag, but I can sleep on pretty much any surface. Currently studying my Not Favorite aspect of STEM (was there ever a favorite or did I just like being good at things sometimes) and learning how to People™ properly (and also learning a gazillion convoluted drug names like what the heck dude, did you just fall asleep on your typewriter coming up with these), so I’ll take whatever place hires me and pays me enough not to depend on my parents for everything, I suppose. In an ideal world, that would entail a job where I could make friends, and even more importantly, a job where my shortcomings would not cause Massive and Irreparable Harm, but I don’t think this line of work really meshes with that last one, so I guess I’ll either have to get my shit together™ extremely soon or fake my death, adopt an alias, and flee to a completely new place with no ties whatsoever before trying to get another, less high stakes job. 
(Though I guess, less cynically, I like helping people well enough? And stories are fun! Maybe there could’ve been something with that. Not that there still can’t be, mind, but there’s still a long way to go between Here and There)
Wearing: Black shorts. Navy t-shirt. Brown some-specific-kind-of-jacket-I-forgot-the-name-of jacket. Is it summer? Is it fall? Am I in middle school? Who can say, but they are COMFY so sadly I have no cares to give
Favourite song(s): way way WAY too many to list here, and I do not have them all organized in a handy playlist separately, but to name a few (and these are not necessarily the MOST favorite okay, it doesn’t mean I don’t love stuff not on this list, it means you can’t force me to pick between my children and I am going to find at least one quick thing from a few things I like before I need to hit post and go back to looking like I’m being studious, and also things I think you should listen to right now, but for everything I’ve linked assuming I mean the whole OST), here’s a spam of links in no particular order: 
LoZ Wind Waker - The Great Sea (aka the epitome of optimism) 
Undertale - NGAHHH!! (I was about to link more but then I realized it’d be the whole soundtrack lol) 
LoZ Breath of the Wild - Hateno Village (Night) 
A:tLA - Peace (bad call BAD CALL NOW I HAVE EMOTIONS) 
Legend of Korra - Final Scene/Ending Theme (MISTAKES WERE MADE MISTAKES WERE MADE) 
Kung Fu Panda - Oogway Ascends (I feel like I’m taking you on a whole little album journey now XD) 
PMD: Explorers of Sky - Dialga’s Fight to the Finish (aka the Gotta Shower Fast song) 
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Pursuit ~ Cornered (aka the HURRY UP AND PACK UR SHIT YOUR FLIGHT LEAVES IN THREE HOURS song) 
Apollo Justice: A New Trial Is In Session (very underrated soundtrack imo) and also Apollo Justice: Telling the Truth (because these two are very closely associated in my head and it’s getting harder and harder to narrow things down so maybe I should stop lol) 
Your Name: Katawaredoki (in which I am forcibly thrown heart first into the bedroom of my second apartment at approximately 12-something A.M.) 
Digimon Adventure 01: Butterfly (MASSIVE 90′s childhood anime feels, and also Last Summer Before Everything Went to Shit feels (on a general scale I mean, not personal)) 
Pokémon: Lugia’s Song multitrack cover by Jordan Moore (would that I could have a talent of that musical talent) 
Pokémon the First Movie: Tears of Life (great now I’m on a Pokémon music spiral GUESS IT’S CHILDHOOD NOSTALGIA HOURS NOW) 
PMD: Blue Rescue Team - Farewell and Run Away/Fugitives (you CANNOT make me choose between these guys okay, my brain WILL explode, and whoops now I want to link the whole ost) 
Palette by A Dear Friend (wink wonk) 
Pokémon: Alpha Sapphire - Fortree City (wow talk about mood whiplash)
Detective Conan: Main Theme (I can’t find the specific version since there are so many, but it’s a Good Theme) 
Super Smash Bros.: Brawl - Opening Theme 
Pokémon Colosseum - Relic Forest 
Song for Lindsay by Andrew Boysen Jr. (oh great now it’s time for marching band feelings I guess)
Mt. Everest by Rossano Galante 
Deltarune - Field of Hopes and Dreams and A Town Called Hometown (orchestrated) (aka the Lots of Work To Do song) and You Can Always Come Home and Don’t Forget (hey guess what I wrote a bunch of fake extra verses for) (also it looks my pathetic attempts at narrowing things down are getting even more pathetic so I’ll wrap up soon XD) 
 Guild Wars 2 - Fear Not This Night (never actually played this myself but my friend got me addicted to the music) 
Lord of the Rings - May It Be (Enya) (aaaand now I miss choir, THANKS BUBBLES) 
Lion King - Can You Feel the Love Tonight (Multilingual) by Travys Kim (aka how I remembered how fun these things are) 
Original Song by Anonymous  
(The urge to add all the other songs I’m not adding is so strong but I’ve got so much work to do so just assume I mean all Nintendo music from any game I’ve played, all Ghibli movie music, every musical I’ve ever heard, and even more) 
Random fact:
Apparently as early as the 17th century, you could guess that a child would have a shortened life span if their foreheads tasted salty. Yes, there is a specific reason, and yes, you may already know what it is, and thankfully no, that life span projection no longer holds true, assuming access to Modern Medicine! 
Favourite Authors: Okay I have not read enough various books of enough various authors to be able to answer this, so I’m just gonna go with a few books instead. They are not necessarily all-time favorites, but I enjoyed reading them very much at the time and more often than not go back to them for comfort reads: The Martian, any of first three Harry Potter books, and The Rise of Kiyoshi. (That last one’s not really a comfort read but I am drowning in Loving Kiyoshi juice so here we are)
Favourite Animal Noises: Certain kinds of birds (UNLESS it’s some ungodly hour of the morning and you’re trying to sleep)? Ooh, and crickets! 
Aesthetic: A slob, but like...a comfy slob. An incredibly disorganized hermit who is happy to mill about in the uncontrolled entropy. (Are we talking about what aesthetic I give off, or what I like to look at, visually? Because I like space, and water, and mountains, and forests, and forests ON mountains, OOH and forests on mountains at night where you can see space, perhaps reflected in a body of water. Or just water, idk. Different things are pretty to look at at different times)
@pachelbelsheadcanon @averybritishbumblebee @shingeki-no-korra @sailorlock @yeswevegotavideo @soultheta @queenerdloser @ifeelbetterer @rogueofdragons @peppervl @amadness2method @mutalune and anybody else who wants to do this! This isn’t seventeen, and I don’t know if any of you have already done it/been tagged, but I hear people moving around upstairs so that means this break is over XD. And ABSOLUTELY no pressure to actually do this, this is pretty much just me wishing you well! (and YOU of course, my dear reader! I hope everything’s going all right, or if it’s not, that it does soon)
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Not to take anything away from other interpretations but the official line on Habit is that it’s about the fans. The fans are the habit he can’t break or the feeling he can’t put down. He took some time away from fans & fame but he wants them in front of him always, needs them right now. Regardless of other connotations, it’s how he got away with mentioning Princess Park. He’s come so far as an artist on all those stages since then. Gotta admire the layers of meaning in his work.
Hi anon,
So there’s two things here and I’m going to take the idea that Habit is about fans first.  I’ve seen some tags about this idea and got some messages and I actually think it’s a really interesting one.  
I think, particularly if you widen it out to performing and the music industry more generally, that it works as an interpretation. I can see how all three pieces of the song (the first and last verse, the chorus and hte middle verse) connect with ways that I imagine Louis feels about the music industry. 
And I think it could be true in a lot of different ways.  Louis could have connected with some of those feelings in writing that song.  And then it developed into something that sounds a bit like a love song - which is one of the things that happens in music (I actually wondered the same thing about BTY when it came out).  Or it could be that the song was conceived and will be presented as a way of communicating how he feels about the industry (which we will know soon enough).  
I am wary of saying a song is about something with any level of certainty without a strong evidence base. Personally if the song was presented as a song about the music industry/performing/fans I would understand it that way.  But unless it’s presented that way - I would think about it as one possible interpretations among many.
Which gets me to my other response to this anon.  What are you talking about? How can you know what the official line on Habit is? If this is an evidence based claim can you please provide a link?
I also find claiming that Louis ‘got away with mentioning Princess Park’ without evidence quite frustrating.  That’s very specific framing that makes all sorts of assumptions.
So I’ll wait and see, I think this interpretation of the song is interesting. And I think it’ll always remain a possiblity for me.  But we’ve only had one performance. We don’t really know how it’ll be presented. 
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Somebody to love pt.2 ; Queen x reader x oc male
*Author’s note*
Okay people we have unfortunately reached the last update for the day. Now again I hope to have the next chapter up by my bday hopefully but I can’t make any promises cause I’ve got papers due in all my classes in the upcoming weeks all this month.
Now after the emotional roller coaster that I put you all through the last chapter, I bring you a FLUFFY fic. But I want you all to do something for me. I have linked in the fic the Queen concert from Montreal 1981 the full length version of the song Somebody to love, I want you ALL TO watch and listen to it if you can cause it will help with what I had in mind, especially towards the end of the fic. TRUST ME YOU’LL THANK ME LATER. Thank you all for that and I hope you all have enjoyed the binge reading that I have given you guys my lovely readers, followers and tagged people. Hope it lighten ups your day like Queen themselves.
Taglist (as usual open)
*February 14th, 1984*
I woke up in my hotel room to feel arms wrapped around my waist.  I moaned tiredly until I felt those arms wrap around me tighter bringing me closer to the person’s chest before I felt a series of delicate and gentle kisses go up my neck.  I smiled which in turned woke me up as I turned to see Jack.
The sun peeking through the white curtains made him look like an angel sent from heaven.
“G’morning.” He said with a smile.
“Morning,” he kissed my temple and I moaned out. “Ohh I can’t believe I still get to wake up next to you.”
“I hope you mean that as a compliment otherwise I’m offended.”
“Of course it’s a compliment you rotter! In fact that’s the highest compliment you will ever get from me.” I teased as I turned around and faced him.
God I can’t believe its been six months since we started dating each other and nine months since we first met at that bar.  I can’t believe that I managed to snag me a really great guy who has made me feel so much love in just one look than Adam ever did in the first three months.
“How did I ever get so lucky to get you as mine?” I said as I cupped his face in my hand.
“Just right place right time, I’m really glad I went into that bar that day. Literally the best night of my life.” I awed at him as our foreheads touched then just before we were about to kiss, the door knocked loudly and I heard Freddie’s voice say.
“You two better not be fucking in there!”
“Fuck off Fred!” I yelled at him.
“Naughty, naughty language darling, whatever happened to my sweet little Rock angel?” I rolled my eyes and got up.  I was wearing Jack’s Led Zeppelin shirt and nothing else, I went ahead and unlocked the door and opened it just a crack as I said.
“What do you want Fred? It’s 9am and not even you are up this early?”
“Remember darling we have an early sound check to get to because apparently new management for Madison Square Garden fucked up the last show and I don’t want a repeat of the Rainbow 74 concert regarding power failure, less we get a temperamental Roger on our hands.”
“Alright let us get ready and we’ll meet you boys down in the lobby.” I shut the door and I turned back towards Jack and said. “You heard the hysterical queen, so I shower first then you?”
“Why not shower together? We’d save water that way.” Jack said with a suggestive smirk.  I playfully tossed my pillow at him.
“You’re even dirtier than Roger.” I laughed as I headed into the bathroom and proceeded to get myself cleaned up before the concert tonight.
Later that day we arrived at Madison Square Garden and the minute I walked on stage, it felt like I was transported back in time to just 3 years ago when Freddie brought me up on stage to perform my first song.  God I can’t believe it was just 3 years, it felt longer than that but I am so grateful to once again grace this stage once more as a popular Rockstar instead of a new star.
“Brings back memories doesn’t it?” I turned around to see Freddie standing behind me.
“I still can’t believe it’s only been three years, it feels like a lifetime ago.”
“You’ve come such a long way since then darling, and the boys and I couldn’t be prouder of you.” I smiled as I felt Fred’s arms wrap around me and he gave me a quick kiss at the top of my head as he swayed me gently from side to side.
Later on in the day, Fred and I were doing some vocal warmups together while the rest of the boys were finishing up getting dressed and ready for the concert.  Jack was sitting on the couch right beside Deacy as he was giving him another tutoring tip on the bass guitar.
Soon one of the stage handlers told us that we had five minutes left till the show began.  Deacy and Jack cut the tutoring short and the boys and I left our dressing room and as we hung out backstage I got myself pumped up and ready for the show, holding my gifted red special that Brian gave me in Japan ready to go on first.
As the lights went off and the crowd cheered loudly, I began playing my first song “Who I am” and the concert officially began.
The concert went on successfully and now I had come up along with the boys as well as Jack to do a combine duet of singing “Somebody to love”.
“Thank you everyone, this next song is our Rock Angel’s favorite and we’re so proud to welcome a new bassist. He’s been a couple of the shows already and he’s very special to our little angel, please give it up for Mr. Jack Kline!” Jack soon came out onto the stage and waved to the crowd. I smiled at him and we both hugged each other as Freddie sat down at the piano and began to start the song.
Play concert *REQUIRED*
Can anybody find me somebody to love?
Each morning I get up I die a little Can barely stand on my feet
Take a look in the mirror and cry
Lord, what you're doing to me I have spent all my years in believing you I just can't get no relief, Lord! Somebody (somebody) ooh somebody (somebody) Can anybody find me somebody to love?
        I then came up to the microphone and I began singing while my boys backed me up.
I work hard (she works hard) every day of my life I work 'til I ache in my bones At the end (at the end of the day) I take home my hard earned pay all on my own I get down (down) on my knees (knees) And I start to pray 'Til the tears run down from my eyes Lord, somebody (somebody), ooh somebody Can anybody find me somebody to love?
        I held the note and gave it a nice vibrato as Roger pounded the drums and at the next verse I gave it a little more soul as I put my body more into the song as I strutted across the stage.  At the ��yeah, yeah’ part I pounded my fist in the air and could see from the lights people following my lead.
(She works hard every day) Every day
I try and I try and I try But everybody wants to put me down They say I'm going crazy They say I got a lot of water in my brain Ah, got no common sense I got nobody left to believe in Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Brian then began the guitar solo coming up front of the stage.  I smiled and joined along side him, the two of us keeping eye contact with each other occasionally smiling at each other as Fred soon came up and sang the next part while we backed him up.
Oh, Lord Ooh somebody, ooh somebody Can anybody find me somebody to love?
Got no feel, I got no rhythm I just keep losing my beat (you just keep losing and losing) I'm OK, I'm alright (he's alright, he's alright) I ain't gonna face no defeat I just gotta get out of this prison cell One day (someday) I'm gonna be free, Lord!
        Roger pounded the drums in a steady beat as I raised my hands in the air and began clapping to the rhythm of Rog’s drumbeats.  The crowd echoed me back and Fred soon said in the mic.
        “Alright New York we want to see all those hands. Every single person clapping along. Three. Four!” At the bridge we all sang along and I could hear the crowd singing back to us.
        I would look towards Jack and he’d wink at me and I’d do the same by blowing him a quick kiss as I went back to singing getting ready for my solo.
Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love love love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Somebody somebody
Somebody somebody Somebody find me Somebody find me somebody to love
Can anybody find me
Somebody to
I felt Jack’s hand then take mine and when I turned to face him, I noticed that he now had the bass guitar behind him and he was down on one knee.  Deacy then quickly gave him his microphone and Jack said into the microphone as the song suddenly stopped.
“(Y/n), words cannot describe what being with you these past several months have been like. But the one thing I knew that mattered was that you have made me happier than I ever thought I could be. And—and if you let me, I want to spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way,” it was then Jack pulled out from his pocket a small black box.
The crowd all gasped and cheered as Jack opened the box and inside of it was a beautiful sterling silver engagement ring. I held my hands to my mouth as he finally finished.
“(Y/n) (l/n) my Rock Angel, will you marry me?”
*Jack’s POV*
I finally did it, I finally worked up the courage to finally propose to (y/n).  I can still remember back to when I first asked each member of Queen for their blessing before I did this, wanting to do this properly.  And thanks to the guys, this wouldn’t even be happening.
~Flashback to 2 weeks ago in Seattle, Washington~
We had just gotten done with the Seattle concert.  God I was so nervous but I knew I had to tell them, it’d be wrong not to ask them, they’re practically her family since she’s told me her parents are gone and her aunt and uncle disowned her for pursuing a music career in college.
I found Deacy cleaning up his bass guitar when I approached him.
“Hey Deacy,” he looked up and said.
“Ahh Jack come in, come in I was just cleaning up my bass before I packed her up. Hey great job out there on your first performance, I’m proud of you.”
“Thanks, hey John can I—can I ask you something?”
“Sure what is it?” My heart pounded and I was just about to race out of that room faster than a cheetah but I couldn’t back out of this, otherwise I may not get another ounce of courage to ask them again.
“Actually it’s something the rest of the guys need to hear, but not (y/n).”
“Of course, come on let’s head into the dressing room, they’re all probably still in there.” He set his bass guitar into its case and he lead me down the hallways towards the Queen dressing room.  Once we got there, Freddie and Roger were in their bathrobes and Brian was wiping his head with a towel of the sweat from the show.
“Ahh there he is. Jackie darling you and (y/n) were amazing up there!” Freddie proclaimed.
“Thanks Freddie.” I said with a smile.
“So you got the adrenaline rush yet kid?” asked Roger.
“A bit, is that what it’s like after you play for thousands of people?” I asked.
“Every night, your lovely lady can tell it better after her first performance.” Said Brian.
“Lads, Jack has something he’d like to tell us.” With that the boys of Queen gave me their full attention as they all sat down and looked right at me.
“Okay well……umm ehehe, well I know it hasn’t been a long time since we’ve been dating and hell it’s barely been a year since we’ve known each other but. I really, really care about (y/n) and….with each of your blessings. I would…..I want to ask (y/n) to marry me.”  They each looked at me intensely.
Ahh shit, I guess I should’ve waited.
The boys were silent as they each looked at me with either stoic faces, or wide eyes.  Brian who was one of the stoic ones said as he inhaled a breath of air.
“Could you give us a moment, please Jack?” I looked at him and he did his usual quick eyebrow quirk as a way to emphasize his point. Without saying another word, I got up from my seat and left their dressing room shutting the door behind me and waited.
*3rd Person POV*
The second Jack shut the door, Deacy turned to Brian and said.
“Why’d you do that?”
“I just wanted to see if he’d do it.” Brian joked. Roger scoffed out a chuckle. “So…..what do you guys think?”
“I honestly hoped this day wouldn’t come.” Said Roger.
“But it was inevitable Roger dear, we knew this day had to come.” Stated Freddie.
“But why did it have to come so soon?” Roger whined out. The boys then looked at each other in silent deliberation.
*Jack’s POV*
It felt like an eternity had passed by but when I looked down at my watch it was just ten minutes.  I sat beside the dressing room along the wall when I heard the door open. I quickly stood up and straightened myself out and Deacy soon came out, his hands in the pocket of his jacket.
“Will the defendant please reenter the court room? We the jury have reached our final decision.” I swallowed heavily but followed him back inside.  Deacy set me back down at the chair that now stood in front of the couch where Brian and Deacy took his seat beside him, Roger sat at my right while Freddie was to my left.
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“We’ve decided…..” Roger started. I turned towards him anticipating what would happen, “What did we decide?” he questioned as he turned to Deacy.
“Jack; you know that (y/n) has no other family member living or accepting of her choices. We the band members of Queen came to look at her as either a daughter, niece or sister the first day she came to us as an intern. And out of any boy in the world she could’ve chosen, any guy who would come to us to ask her for her hand in marriage…..we’re glad that it’s you.” Deacy said.  I looked at my mentor to see a smile spread across his face as he said, “It’s a yes from me.”
My heart skipped a beat.
“You’ve made her happier than we’ve ever seen her Jack. You both clearly belong together. You have my approval.” Brian stated with a gentle smile as well.  A smile soon came across my face and I felt a hand at my shoulder.  I turned to see Freddie standing over me and he said.
“It’s obvious our little Rock Angel loves you, and you clearly love her. Just make sure you give her the ring she deserves when you tell her.” I nodded and that’s when all of our attention turned to Roger.
Out of the four members of Queen, it was Roger’s approval I was seeking for the most.  He’s acted like a father to (y/n), and I knew that if I didn’t win his approval, then this proposal wouldn’t happen until he said he accepted me. Because I could never make her choose between the guys and me.
“Oh it’s my turn now?”
“Come of it Roger and just say it! You’re leaving the poor boy in suspense!” Freddie groaned out.  Roger sighed heavily and he said.
“(Y/n) has been my partner in crime, my sidekick, my best girl. I’ve seen her as my daughter and yet I share no blood ties with her whatsoever. I’ve looked after her for what feels like her entire life even though it’s only been 4 years. And I almost can’t bear to let her go so soon.” He stopped right there leaving me in anticipation.
Silence rang throughout the dressing room except for the light hums of the AC.  That’s when Roger looked me dead in the eye and said.
“But I think it’s time for me to finally step down, and let a new man take my place.”
At that moment, I knew what he meant.
Roger may not be the sentimental type, except towards (y/n) but hearing him call me a man instead of kid like he’s had since the beginning, I knew I had his acceptance.
I breathed out so much air, I thought I was going to pass out. I couldn’t believe it.  I had gotten Queen’s approval, (y/n)’s brother, uncles and father figures approval to marry her.
“Welcome to the family Jack!” Freddie cheered as he picked me up and immediately embraced me.  I let out a soft laugh as I hugged him back and that’s when Brian came up to me and the two of us hugged it out.  He patted my back and I did the same to him when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to come face to face with Deacy.
Brian stepped back and Deacy shook my shoulder before bringing me into a hug as he said in my ear.
“I told you, bass players always get the girl.” As we separated he gave me a quick wink and a grin telling me that he somehow knew this would all happen.  It was then Roger and I now stood face to face with each other.
Roger extended his hand out to me and I accepted what he wanted. I took his hand and the two of us shook on it, but suddenly I felt his arm wrap around me and was actually being hugged my Roger Taylor.
“Look after her for the both of us, promise me you’ll do that.” I heard his whisper to me.
“I promise.” I vowed.
It was after that they helped me with the best way to propose and that would be at the very first show (y/n) performed at, Madison Square Garden and since they were performing on Valentines day, it would be twice as romantic just like in a fairytale according to Freddie.  
They also helped me pick out the perfect ring by going in disguise to the jewelers with me to pick out the perfect ring and I managed to get me a sterling silver engagement ring with a big sized diamond ring at the center and engraved at the sides were mini diamonds with an intertwined band.
~End of Flashback 1st POV~
I couldn’t believe it.  Jack was proposing to me right here, right now.  Tears spilled down my face as smiled widely and I nodded not trusting my voice.
At my answer, the entire stadium went wild as Jack took the ring out and placed it on my left ring finger.  Once it was on, he stood up and I wrapped my arms around him kissing him with as much passion as I could before embracing him as the two of us swayed and the boys went straight to the last verse of the song.
Both Roger and Freddie alternating between the lead vocals.  Freddie would scatter some parts of the lyrics while Roger kept on beat with the amazing background vocals.
*Roger (Fred)*
Find me (find me)
Somebody to love (somebody to love) Find me
Somebody to love (To love, to love, to love)
Find me somebody to love (Ooh)
Find me somebody to love
(Can you find me, find me, find me, find me)
Find me somebody to love
Somebody to love (Ooh, somebody to love) *Fred (Roger)*
Somebody to love (Yeah) Find me, find me, (Yeah, yeah)
Find me somebody to love *Roger*
Yeah, yeah
By the end of the song, the boys rocked out hard. Roger played a long ending solo, Brian had his guitar carry the rift of the last part of the song for what felt like forever, Freddie banged on the piano with his forearm before leaving it and going towards Roger and doing their little stage acts they always do toward each other as Roger kept hitting the cymbals rapidly.
Once the song ended, people were roaring with applause, cameras were flashing and Freddie soon gestured towards Jack and me.
“Ladies and gentlemen give it up for Mr. and Mrs. Kline!”
After the concert was over, there was a small celebration for the engagement, Freddie giving out a small toast to Jack and I at a nearby bar.  And after the celebration, Jack had a mixtape playing on the stereo and for the rest of the night we swayed in a gentle dancing holding onto each other before ending it cuddling together in the bed.
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yessoupy · 6 years
annual writing self-evaluation
All answers should be about works published in 2018.
tagged by: @ferryboatpeak ⚾
i. Optional if applicable: link to last year’s self evaluation:
honestly i don’t remember if i did one
1. List of works published this year (in the order that they were posted):
At The Very Least (Lilo)
pastoralis princeps (dactylic hexameter about harry and farm animals)
don’t think, you can only hurt the ballclub (chapman/olson, oakland A’s)
Shared Space (desus, the walking dead)
A Taste Of Your Own (hitch)
ilia rumpens (desus)
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
MOST proud of... probably the mlb slash. I hadn’t published anything in that fandom seriously since December 2013 and if you know anything about the A’s, you know there’s like hardly anyone (Marcus Semien??) left from that season. When I got my camera I ended up with dozens of shots of Marcus and Matt Olson fucking around during warmups and I thought for months that when I finally wrote A’s slash again that would be the pairing but heartbreak will change you. I placed them in the rented house that the young bachelors of the early 00′s A’s had rented to reference the intense nostalgia I’d felt the entire season. The only really surprising thing is that this wasn’t fic about Tim Lincecum finally accepting that he was out of baseball and making a life for himself again. I guess I’ll write that when (IF) we get a retirement announcement.
Another reason I’m proud of this is that I was writing for basically one other person who didn’t know I was writing it and it’s not even her team, but I knew she’d read it. So it was truly a labor of love.
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
The pinch-hitting I did for the exchange I ran. I posted it in the day between my Texas Harry shows (and the afternoon before I got to the ballpark at Arlington to see NICK MARTINI had made it up) and I think if I’d had like ... a week of summer break to just focus on it it could have been much better. I’d actually cribbed a shitload of stuff from this thing I was writing for baseball that there was no way I’d ever finish/publish because I’d gotten too close to the player.
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
here’s a lil bit from each fandom, how’s that?
hitch, the reveal
The poetic license, Harry’s tongue flicking out to wet his lips as the arena fills in the wrong phrase, over and over, what he’d actually had and not what had sat there as a provocation on his person as Harry had leveled that slow-blink up at him and slithered down off the couch, naked still but for the ink needled into his skin. Mitch hasn’t recovered, not fully, for during these few minutes when Harry closes his eyes and embodies Mitch’s own confession in front of thousands of strangers he’s back on the couch.
TWD (shared space), daryl being daryl. helpful, but also generally confused by civilization.
Daryl clocked a shocked look on the face of one of the workers from the Kingdom. He glared until the man got his eyes off the pair. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Paul.” He kept his mouth shut the rest of the way to the kitchens where they were greeted like conquering heroes for their haul. He tried to put Paul’s weird shit aside and he succeeded for awhile. He took a watch shift out beyond the wall for a couple hours and repaired one of their fences inside. Maggie made a face at him when he trekked through Barrington House looking for some tool or another one of the construction guys was asking about.
“Least take off your shoes at the door, Daryl.”
Daryl was rummaging in a drawer in the kitchen and gave her a disbelieving stare. “You serious?”
“We’re building a civilization and you’re tracking in God knows what from God knows where.”
“Never bothered you before.” He spied a pair of vise grips and yanked them out of the drawer. Wrong tool for every job, he thought, should do the trick. “Anything else you gotta tell me?”
“Real glad to see you and Jesus hitting it off.”
Daryl rolled his eyes and slid the drawer shut. “Alright. I’m leaving.”
“I’m just saying.”
baseball, the consummate professional being made aware of something not baseball.
Maybe Matt shouldn’t have been surprised by any of this. Maybe this was where everything had always been going, this instead. With Olson’s mouth working over his slowly, gently, one hand hooked around his side and the other holding his head in place, maybe the 2018 season wasn’t about playing deep into October, but instead priming him for this moment right here. He’s never had a thought like that, that something was more than baseball, and it’s fitting that should come right here, wrapped up in his first baseman’s arms with the breath kissed out of him.
5. Share or describe a favorite comment you received:
@the-well-rested-one sent me a really nice message about the hitch fic, about how it has impact for being so short. When I was writing it I let a lot of conventions fall by the wayside in the effort to get the idea out of my head (idea was conceived and executed over the course of one day) so it was v nice to hear it had impact. My fandom buddy also screenshot the first paragraph and circled where I’d had “the the” and I also v much appreciated that. 😂
additionally, @runthroughthegarden‘s comments on my dactylic hexameter were such a pleasant surprise and i can now announce that i officially have a beta for my latin verse going forward. lollllllllllllllll
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
Well, when your fave character is still alive (and in a happy relationship with his boyfriend) in the original source material but you’ve known for months they’re killing him off, the week before the episode where that actually happens is a v difficult week. Although based on when my works are published, you could say that the first 5 months of the year is difficult.
7. A scene or character that you wrote that surprised you:
Oh well, I never had any intention to write from Mitch’s POV but it was surprisingly easy. I think it helped a lot to remember he was from Indiana (a state I know well) and had he been 15 years older he’d have been recording tracks in my uncle’s basement. Also so many of us feel like Harry caught us unawares and we were helpless in the face of his charms, and that’s Mitch.
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
Hmmm. Well, I finally wrote TWD fic after having been in fandom since the beginning???? That’s 2010, folks. Finally felt like I had a handle on Daryl Dixon.
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
It’d be great to actually have the ability to write something long. I feel like the ideas I have are for short pieces.
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
Let’s go with @chasm2018 because without her I definitely wouldn’t have written that hitch fic. She’s good at pushing me to write what I don’t actually NEED to be writing but absolutely SHOULD be writing.
11. Anything in your real life show up in your writing this year:
Oh that lilo fic for sure. And We Are All Mitch.
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
IDK that it’s new, more like reinforced, but just fucking write what you want to write. 
13. Any new projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
I can’t believe I left Poe and Marek alone this entire year, seems unbelievable. I didn’t REALLY, because there’s a couple of docs I definitely fucked around in (including one with Marek and Caz), but nothing got anywhere close to a complete story. I’ll rectify that in 2019.
14. Tag three writers/artists whose answers you’d like to read:
not tagging anyone specifically but if you’re reading this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged (and pls tag me so i can read yours).
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valflame · 7 years
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AYYY it’s Pigeon back at it again with the ooc nonsense. Somehow I managed to get 300+ followers on a blog for a character from a very old famicom game that’s never officially been localised which is just Wild™ to me, but I’ve gotta say it’s been a thrill already. This isn’t my first Fire Emblem character ( yoink, he’s second :T ) but it’s the first time I’ve ever bothered actually engaging with the community a little and I’ve gotta say, I’m super glad I did!! I still haven’t been here that long and I’m still all hearteyes at all of you guys. I’ve been Pokémon-Community-Ride-Or-Die for years but you guys make me so so happy about branching out a little bit; I’ve gotten to meet a lot of really lovely super talented people with incredible ideas and I’m just so glad to have been exposed to so many friendly creative folks.
                                                          Anywho I’m a weenie :T
Onward to the shoutouts!! Even though I love you all, but shoutouts!!
THE GENERAL FAM: @pxgtails​ @binarycolours​ @rebursting​
Ah yes, pops meema and fish. ‘But they’re not even in the Fire Emblem community’, I hear you say. WELL TOO DIDDLYDARN BAD, I reply, THEY’RE STILL THE FAM RIDE OR DIE. The last couple years+ have been a delight with you three, and you get permanent spots in my heart and on any and all infrequent bias lists I’ll ever make because firstly I Love You and secondly I just feel like I’ve benefitted immensely from knowing you. You guys taught me a lot, you’ve been inspirations, I’ve bounced so many ideas and had so many good times off/with you and I’m always jelly-kneed overjoyed over the moon whenever I think about how lucky I am to be able to call you guys my friends. The Best, all of you ought to follow them regardless of fandom. >:,T
HONESTLY THOUGH I REALLY DOUBT I COULD PUT INTO WORDS JUST HOW IMPORTANT YOU THREE ARE TO ME, I honestly consider you three of my best friends, not just in rp but in my life in general. You three are some of the most creative and fun loving and genuinely delightful people I’ve ever met, and after years of knowing you I still can’t get over how beautifully unbelievably thought out pops’ worldbuilding always is, or how incredibly humour filled and never forced meema’s writing is, or just how entertaining and full of life fish’s characters are and I’m Love Forever
JUGDRAL CREW: @nagablooded​ @steelsilk​ @lordofthewindsong​ @sinisteriisms​  @lightbranded​ @thundergoddessoffreege​ @princeoflenster​ @holysight​
AYYYYYY LEMME TELL YOU WHEN I MADE A BLOG FOR A GENEALOGY OF THE HOLY WAR CHARACTER I WASN’T EXPECTING ANY OTHER CHARACTERS ( save for maybe a Seliph or something ) FROM THE SAME GAME MUCH LESS AN ENTIRE SUBSET COMMUNITY, BUT LO AND BEHOLD!! THERE YOU GUYS ARE!! You guys are great, the discord server’s wild and I love you all. There’s a special kind of crew-ship that comes from being a bunch of folks playing characters from a lesser recognised part of a bigger franchise amiright. Anywho it’s always a delight talking to you guys, you do you >BV
M’KNIGHT MIMI/NOÉMI: @holysight​
does mimi getting her own spot even surprise anyone at this point considering she practically runs my hecking blog and about 50% of all my threads on here and a good 90% of all my memes are with/tagged by her smh
MIMI, THE SIGURD TO MY ARVIS, THE PROTAG TO MY ANTAG, THE CONSTANT VOICE NAGGING IN THE BACKGROUND ALWAYS THREATENING TO BEAT ME UP WHENEVER I SHOW UP IN A GROUP CHAT WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY VOWING TO DEFEND ME FROM THE WORLD SOMEHOW. Oh boy where do I even start. You’re hands down the best buddy I’ve made within this community and I always get this awfully huge grin on my face whenever a message notification pops up in my IMs from you, WHICH IS SOMETHING. I definitely didn’t expect to have gotten to like someone so much in such a brief amount of time in a relatively new community and yet HERE WE ARE, your writing’s beautiful, your characterisation is beautiful, your whole dang blog’s beautiful, your bully face is beautiful, you’re beautiful. Mimi For President Of Pigeon’s Blog 2k17
SURPRISE!!: @desbearer​
We’ve never interacted on this blog, we don’t speak super often ooc and we don’t talk on the daily. Why, then, are you on this list? BECAUSE, FUN FACT, WHEN YOU MADE THE TBFLYE GROUP VERSE AND POPS SEIZED ME BY THE ANKLES AND HAD ME ( gladly tbh, it’s always such a thrill ) JUMP IN WITH YURI I SAT THERE THINKING ‘HEY, I OUGHT TO BRING A SECOND CHARACTER INTO THIS FOR A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE BUT IDK, I’D PROBABLY NEED TO MAKE A NEW ONE. WHO’D BE A GOOD CHARACTER TO PLAY THAT’D FIT INTO A MURDERVERSE WELL??’ and BOOM, I wound up making Arvis on a mostly spur of the moment decision thinking it’d be fun to play a villain for once in a murder game setting. The first blogs I interacted with on this blog weren’t even fire emblem blogs, they were from your hecking murderverse, so if it weren’t for you this blog wouldn’t exist at all!! And for that I am immensely grateful
That and also, you know, you’re a phenomenal writer so more people ought to follow you >:T
A COUPLE OF COOL CATS: @murdermage​ @naglfcr
You two!! We haven’t talked all that much out of character beyond tags yet, but you two are super fun to get to rp with!! RP is a wonderful hobby where people get to express themselves by masquerading as characters they like online and working through scenario exercises throwing them at other characters, but every once in a while you find a single poppy in a field of rye that really just seem to take a character and run with them and make them their own while also totally getting a real handle on the character’s personality so that they seem like they’ve got their minds down pat, and I’m lucky enough to have found a pair of poppies. Henry is such an eccentric character that it always seems like it’s easy to just fly off the handle with him, but you play him in a way that does away with none of his eccentricity without tossing out the fact that his time with the Shepherds is starting to help him grow as a person, and I love that!! And every time you respond with Lyon it’s like I’m talking with Lyon; you’ve got what I think is a perfect take on his character, his psyche and all his hesitation and imperfections, and I adore that. You two keep being gr12 BV
                                                                      OH BOY
Let it be said now that I l o v e worldbuilding. It’s the best thing ever. I live for it. When a person devotes enough of their time to do real research and/or familiarises themselves intimately enough with a work in media to basically be able to recount it and call specific quotes up from it like it’s a piece of referential academia I weep with joy. When they go further than that to go further than canon and build and develop intimate, detailed facts about not only their character but about the environment surrounding their character I basically backflip over the moon. You two?? You’ve got to be a pair of the most devoted to worldbuilding and character study-ing blogs I’ve ever seen, and I live for it. We don’t even have to interact for me to get excited!! I get more alert whenever I see you guys on the dash, because whether it’s a thread or a headcanon post or just general conjecture pointing something out from canon I know I’m in for a stellar time with you two. You’re both a couple of my all time favourite blogs, not just in Fire Emblem but on tumblr in general. You do some truly beautiful work.
There are way too many lovely blogs for me to be able to specifically talk about all of them, so I’ll list a bunch of my favourites off the top of my head!! Even then, I’m probably missing a bajillion because I’ve just come across that many wonderful blogs and people here, which is saying something!! From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for showing any interest in me and for just doing the things that you do. You brighten up every dash you show up on. Onto the list!!
@incoronat @godpick @hikaup @sonxfdoom @quiveringshaft @wyvernbourne @windmxgic @exaltstolen @eirikc @exaltcurse @reginlcif @tacentpennae @youmaggots @invisibleimpossibilities @ikyc @praeceptumx @drakoonica @fellheaven @gentlexbloom @grandschemed @heiwanoryu @honorbourne @kazealous @laceur @zofiavanguard @nesufuratu @noblejourney @pacianse @nobiliis @pitifullypious @thcrcn @timidtaguels @sablya @ncblelineage @naschkattze @southfaire @northfaire @healor @heiwanoryu
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jaskiersbard · 7 years
Losing Your Memory - a Jacob/Queenie sneak-peek!
Tagging: @pinkdiamonddolphin
This isn’t part of my fanfic-verse – it’s an AU to that, just exploring the idea. Beware, it’s gonna be angsty!
The Kowalski Children: 
Tobias “Toby” – 15th October 1929 – 11 Daisy – 7th April 1931 – 9 (going on 10) Abel and Ruth (twins) – 20th November 1933 – 6/7 Elijah “Eli” – 28th January 1939 – 1 (nearly 2)
Okay, guys, so it’s a work-in-progress; things may change, but other than that…enjoy!
Ruth and Abel were the first to be escorted into the interrogation room by a MACUSA official, and both twins clambered to greet him eagerly; Jacob had to hide his tears at the sight of them – he couldn’t help it. The thought of not being able to remember them hurt him.
“Papa!” Ruth exclaimed, face brightening at the sight of him; she threw her arms around his middle, clinging tightly. “Are we going home now, Papa? It’s cold and boring here – don’t like it.”
He found himself swallowing, trying to think of words he could use. “Not exactly… See, things are…are kinda complicated…”
“Why are they?” She asked, frowning in confusion; she was Queenie’s mirror image, from her blonde curls to her blue eyes. “We have to go home.”
“You guys’ll go back home,” Jacob hurried to reassure her. “And your Ma, she’ll come with you…but I’m afraid I ain’t gonna be around for a while.”
Ruth looked simply appalled by this. “But you have to come home, Papa – it’s not home if you’re not there!”
“No, I know,” He said thickly; he had to keep it together, he reminded himself, had to keep it together for them. “But things ain’t that simple.”
“Is it ‘cause you’re not magic like us?” Her eyes were wide. “But we don’t care ‘bout that, Papa… Besides, you’re magic too, ‘cause you make the best pastries and you make us laugh!”
Abel had remained silent – no surprise there – but now he started to bite his lip. “Don’t say goodbye to us, Papa! Please!”
His time was running out – he could hear the guards shuffling outside – so he put his hands on each of their shoulders. “I know, I know; this ain’t fair. I’m real sorry…but you guys, you’re gonna grow up and be amazing wizards, and you’ll go to that big fancy school in Massachusetts-”
“I don’t wanna go to Massachusetts!” Ruth cried, tears starting to stream down her cheeks. “Wanna stay with you, Papa!”
“Please,” Abel begged, looking frightened. “Please don’t go!”
“I know, I don’t wanna go either,” Jacob admitted. “But I gotta, I got no choice. I need you guys – all of you – to watch out for each other…and your Ma too. Your Ma’s gonna need you.”
The two guards entered; both twins immediately knew and clung to their father desperately. Jacob wanted nothing more than to hold them tight and keep them safe, but he knew that this was for the best – it was to keep Queenie and the kids safe, his top priority.
All the same, hearing their wails as they were led away made his heart sink into his stomach.
Toby and Daisy were shown inside just minutes later, both looking rather anxious. The guards announced that they had a few minutes before closing the door behind them; as soon as the door clicked shut, Daisy was rushing forwards to embrace him, already weeping, while Toby gnawed on his lip.
“It’s not fair!” His daughter complained through her tears, shaking her head.
“We didn’t tell them anything, Pa,” Toby stated. “We were silent when they asked questions, didn’t say anything to get anyone in trouble-”
“I know, I know,” Jacob sighed, and he found himself hugging Daisy closer to himself tightly. “I told ‘em I’d come quietly… I know this is hard, but you guys, you gotta be real brave for me, alright?”
Daisy looked up at him miserably. “I don’t feel brave.”
“You’re the bravest girl I know,” He told her sincerely, wiping away her tears with his sleeve. “I know you guys are gonna look after the twins and Eli, but I want you to also look out for your Ma too. Your Ma’s gonna be sad too, and she’s gonna need you guys to be there for her.”
“This is wrong,” Toby muttered, and his eyes were glistening as he tried to stop himself from crying. “We haven’t done anything…this law is stupid and wrong.”
“Yeah, it is,” Jacob agreed, forcing himself to smile half-heartedly – for their sake. “But it really ain’t so bad. It’s like waking up…like getting washed in the rain. I won’t even know a thing.”
His daughter gave a choke. “You’ll forget us…you can’t forget us, we’re your kids!”
“Maybe you can run away, Pa,” His son said quickly, suddenly looking hopeful. “We could all run away!”
Jacob shook his head. “No. No running away. You guys deserve better than to be running all the time – it’s for the best, for everyone.”
“No, it’s not!” Daisy disagreed angrily. “How can you say that, Papa?! Everything will be horrible without you! Mama will miss you, and we’ll miss you, and it won’t be right!”
“I know, I’m sorry,” He apologized. “I guess I’m not real good with words…what I’m trying to say is that you kids, you need to be able to go to that school; you should be able to live and have fun, not running ‘cause of me.”
“We’d rather be on the run than not have you, Pa,” Toby declared, and he furiously wiped at the tears in his eyes with his jumper sleeve. “Please, Pa, there’s got to be a way.”
The door clicked open from across the room, and the two MACUSA guards entered. Daisy’s grip on her father’s waistcoat tightened and she buried her face into his stomach, as if she could hide; Toby immediately reached out for his father’s arm, as if it might deter to the guards from separating them.
It didn’t – both children yelled and screamed as they were forcibly dragged from their father, struggling against the guards who were holding onto them. Jacob found himself crying at the sound of them begging and pleading, and at the fact that in just an hour or so he would have forgotten about them; he couldn’t imagine forgetting about them, not now.
Toby, his and Queenie’s eldest, who they loved and doted on from the day he was born. Daisy, their first girl and his princess, so curious and perceptive. The twins, Ruth and Abel, who were so different but still kind and loving to a fault. And then Eli…he wouldn’t be allowed to say goodbye to Eli, but their youngest son was already so loved and cherished. There would have probably been more children, and they would have been extremely loved too, no matter what.
Jacob didn’t want to forget any of them, not one bit, and it was cruellest thing imaginable to do so – but he had made the decision, for his family’s own safety. At the end of the day, the most important thing was keeping the children – and Queenie – safe.
They brought Queenie in just five minutes later; her face was tear-streaked, tired, and she was in handcuffs. He tried not to wince at the sight.
“You’ve got three minutes,” The guard gruffly told them, and he shot a look at Queenie. “You stay in cuffs.”
There wasn’t a great deal she could do, really, seeing as they had confiscated her wand but she said nothing, eyes fixed on her husband. The MACUSA official left, slamming the door behind him – and then she flew across the room, pressing herself against him.
“Oh, Jacob!” She was close to tears again. “There’s gotta be a way outta this, there has to be!”
“It’s gonna be fine,” Jacob told her weakly, though his voice was failing him – saying goodbye to the kids had been difficult enough, but Queenie? The very idea of saying goodbye to her – to this beautiful, kind, quick-witted woman who he’d been lucky enough to call his wife and have a family with – was unfathomable. “Really. Don’t worry ‘bout me, I’ll be okay…”
“No, you’re terrified,” She stated, and her shoulders were shaking as she read through his thoughts. “You…You agreed to be obliviated? Why?!”
He swallowed the lump in his throat. “I thought…if I came quietly, then you and the kids would be safe. I don’t want you guys in any trouble for me.”
A tear rolled down her face, and it was obvious that she was completely heartbroken. “Jacob…” She rested their foreheads together, and he carefully embraced her – it would be the last time, he knew, and he wanted to make the most of it. “This ain’t right…”
“No,” Jacob choked out, shutting his eyes. “No, it ain’t.”
“I’ll find you,” Queenie murmured, only somewhat determinedly. “Once they let me go, I’ll find you and…and there’s gotta be a way, there’s gotta be a way we can get memories back…”
“Queenie, honey,” He sighed, pulling away to look at her pleadingly. “Don’t. You’re in enough trouble ‘cause of me. Just…make sure the kids are safe, right? They’re gonna need you.”
She was crying steadily now, reaching for his hands with her own handcuffed ones. “I love you,” She told him tearfully. “There ain’t no one like you – there ain’t ever gonna be anyone like you, not to me.”
“Queenie, you…you’re the best thing that ever happened to me, you know?” He was crying too now, not even attempting to hide it from her. “You and the kids…and I’m gonna miss you so much.”
There was so much he wanted to tell her, she realized, so much that it was cluttering up his mind and making everything feel ten times worse. “You don’t need to say anything, Jacob – I know.”
Jacob made a noise somewhere between a chuckle and a small sob. “Yeah… I love you, Queenie. I love you so much…”
Queenie didn’t need to hear it – she understood his pain immediately. Instead, she leaned forwards and pressed her lips to his for one final kiss; after more than ten years of kisses, of love, of intimacy, she was going to lose him, and it hurt her in every way possible. It was strangely reminiscent of that day in the rain outside the subway station so long ago – the first time she had lost him – but it was worse now after having lived and loved, had children together.
The door burst open before they finished their kiss, the guard storming in with his wand at the ready. “Alright, time is up.”
He pulled Queenie away, sneering in disgust, and pushed her towards the door; Jacob watched helplessly, well-aware that there were other guards just waiting for him to attempt to do something foolish. “Hey, don’t hurt her!” He shouted after them, feeling utterly useless. “And…And, Queenie, I love you! Don’t ever forget that!”
She could only sob, struggling as she was led away, because alongside her own pain she could feel his too – she could feel his worry and anxiety and how heartbroken he was because of how much he had loved her and their family. She could feel the disgust bubbling up from under the guard at the sight of them kissing, his revulsion at the very idea that she would breed with a No-Maj of all things, and she wished that she had her wand so that she could hex every last one of these guards, so that she could escape with Jacob and the children, so that they could go somewhere safe.
She wanted Jacob.
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spilledinkisms · 7 years
all the questions for louisa and otis :3
1. Who’s the one who’s reckless and always getting into trouble while the other gotta pull em out: louisa is definitely the more reckless of the two, but i don’t think either of them are the type to get into trouble like that
2. Who’s the one to send the other “I love my gf/bf” memes: both of them, but mainly lou
3. Who’s the one who listens to a music genre the other doesn’t like and how does the other react: surprisingly, louisa listens to a lot of grunge, alternative, and classic rock so otis probably wouldn’t be too into it? and i feel like he’d constantly tell her to shut it off and she’s so petty that she’ll end up turning it up louder
4. Which one spoils the other more and do they ever get competitive to show the other more love: without a doubt otis spoils louisa more, but she’s the main competitive one and would try really hard to give him that same love back
5. How many years did it take to get married or was it just not for them: not counting the years of them being together when they were teenagers and the time they spent apart, i’d say maybe a year or two? once they’re able to really work on their issues i feel like it’d be nothing left for them to do but make things official and finally do what they’ve talked about doing since they were young
6. What was their wedding like: STUNNING. the dream wedding lou used to tell otis she wanted and he was able to finally give it to her, only with the added bonus of zion being their flower girl 
7. Is their friends/family supportive: lou’s mother has loved otis from the beginning, took her dad a minute to warm back up to them being together after how hurt louisa was but he’s supportive of them now while her stepdad thinks they’re good together and wants the best for them, her sister is still salty about otis leaving lou but only wants her sister to be happy so she’s fine with it, and most of lou’s friends had to adjust from how hurt they know she was but now that she’s happy and they’re moving on they’ve taken to supporting her
8. How does one comfort the other when the other is in distress/having a panic attack/crying: louisa tries her best to show otis that she’s there for him regardless of what’s going on. if he wants physical contact from her or just moral support or anything in between, she has no problem asking him and taking the lead from him. and lou tends to want physical comfort when she’s upset like that, so all otis has to do is hug or cuddle her and that would be all she needs from him.
9. Which one dissociates: louisa does. a lot. she mainly does it when it’s late at night or when she doesn’t have zion around her, but it happens from time to time and scares her sometimes
10. Which one stares at the other’s booty like “damn” and how does the other react when catching them: otis stares at louisa and she’s fucking basks in it. he inflates her ego without even realizing it, so him checking her out like that will have her feeling herself way too much
11. When they live together what kinda place do they live in? What does their home look like?: if they decide to stay in louisa’s house, then they’ll be in a cute three bedroom condo that feels really homey and comfortable. everything is really bright and open and has a fun atmosphere that louisa created for zion, and it’s just a really nice place for them to begin their lives together in.
12. What do their dates look like: either basic stuff where they’re at home having movie night or she tags along with otis to the studio, or it’s dinners out and clubbing or awards shows that they’ll spend time with each other at
13. How does each act when getting drunk: lou is a giggly drunk and sleepy drunk, so expect her to be laid up all over otis laughing at something that probably wasn’t even funny
14. Which one rolls over in the morning to wake up the other one just to give kiss them: probably otis does this, lou is more likely to wake up and let otis sleep and just watch him for a little bit instead
15. Have they saved each other’s lives before: otis doesn’t know it, but there were times when they were younger that his support and love for louisa kept her from really losing control sometimes, and with how fragile her mental state can be when she’s overwhelmed he definitely managed to save her life a bunch of times back then
16. Does one have an interest the other think is weird but wants to listen to it regardless: idk if any of them have something like that? i mean, lou kinda likes watching anime so maybe that?
17. Which one uses cropped hentai as reaction images: LOUISA’S NERD ASS
18. Does one of them kinkshame the other: they both probably do it jokingly to each other 
19. Is one of them self conscious about their body? If so how does the other comfort them: louisa gets like from time to time just because she’s so used to staying in shape when she was dancing, and i feel like otis just supporting her through those moments would be enough for her
20. Say they were cuddling on the bed while listening to record player playing the background. Which song is playing?: if louisa picks the song it’s probably something soft and sweet, so probably something by sza or fka twigs or daniel caesar
21. What is their song? Like the song that gives them overwhelming feelings?: ooh idek tbh! they’d probably have a bunch of different songs like that bc they both love music so much that it’d be hard for them to choose just one that gives them feelings like that
22. What song do they listen to while going on a joyride: probably anything by migos tbh
23. What kinda joyrides do they go on? Relaxing ones or wild ones?: both, but more relaxing ones 
24. Where would they vacation for a honeymoon: louisa would probably suggest they go to their hometowns or birthplaces for their honeymoon, so new orleans for otis and spain for her
25. Do people ever get annoyed of their pda: if they do they know to not say anything, because that’ll only make them act more extra about it
26. Would they live in the city or the country: i feel like they’re city people, so definitely the city
27. Which ones the red which ones the blue: otis is blue and lou is red
28. Are either of them mentally ill, if so how do they help one another cope: louisa is, and she kinda hides that from otis and doesn’t let him see her get in her moods when her depression skyrockets, so the best way she’d be able to cope is to just continue on with him like nothing is wrong and just gain comfort from being around him
29. Does one have a spot on them where they would melt when the other kisses them there: forehead or neck kisses for lou, if o kisses her there she’s a goner
30. Do they dance together: their goofy asses probably dance with each other all the time tbh
31. Do they sing together: yeah, with otis sounding as perfect as usual and lou sounding like utter trash
32. Which one is better at cooking than the other and makes most the dinners: i definitely feel like both of them cook, but louisa does a lot of it because she loves it
34. Are they a reckless couple or safe: used to be reckless, now they’re safe
35. What be they kinks and do they try each other’s kinks: i don’t think lou has any specific kinks, she just like shit to be rough and i think otis would be good at giving that to her. but she’s completely open minded so she’d love being able to try out otis’ kinks with him and see if they like them
36. What would their valentines gifts be to each other: i don’t think it’d be anything set or specific, it’d just be whatever they know the other has really wanted or been thinking about for a while that they would surprise each other with that
37. Do they get into fights often? If so what do they fight over and how do they make up?: tbh i feel like with all of their past drama now being out in the open and they’re working on things that they probably don’t fight much anymore, and if they do it’s probably about any issues that have to do with otis leaving and louisa’s lying/secret keeping she’s done since then
38. Which ones top, bottom, verse: otis tops, lou bottoms
39. What kinda sex they be having (gentle rough whatever): 90% of the time it’d be rough, but i definitely think they’d have gentle moments where they’re making love and it’s more passionate than anything else
40. Who would fight in honor for the other if someone would insult them: both of them! otis wouldn’t let someone say anything stupid to or about louisa without stepping up and shutting it down, and lou is hype enough that she’ll try to fight someone if they come at otis the wrong way and she feels like he’s been wronged
41. Which one has a favorite movie that they have the other watch with them again and again: lou is so fucking childish for this, but she’d have otis watching ‘moana’ all the fucking time if she can
42. How would one react if the other was to die: both of them would be devastated. i don’t think either of them would be able to keep it together and it would be a long, strenuous grieving process for them. probably the only thing that would make it easier is having zion around, but she looks and acts so much like both of them that she would end up being a reminder of them that they could hold onto
43. Who dies first: idk why, but i feel like lou will be the one to die first
44. Do they want kids: they already have one little munchkin, and if otis wants another & zion wants a sibling louisa would be more than ready to have another baby
45. How would they spend their last moments together: reminiscing, telling stories of their lives together, being with zion if they can, just reveling in the life they were able to create together and how they actually managed to have the life they always wanted with each other.
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teleportia · 7 years
SHIPPING INFO           
answer  the  following  for  your  muse(s)  so  people  know  how  shipping  works  on  your  blog.   REPOST.   don’t reblog.
1.   WHAT’S  YOUR  OTP  FOR  YOUR  MUSE? : miles: himXsupernaturals is my fav!! miles with any human is not bound to last, or if it does, it’ll be a very unhealthy relationship that will drive him into alcoholism to cope with his partner’s Voices. that’s not to say i won’t ship him w humans, lmao i will lit ship miles with everyone. 
chayse: herXhealthy happy people!! chayse aint got the time nor patience to go around fixing people she dates. i want her to find the healthiest happiest person and fucking marry them, right there, on the spot. species be damned! sex/gender be damned! she don’t care!
ro’shawn: himXa boss ass bitch. ro’ needs him a stronk lady that will call him on his shit and support his weird projects. 
nasira: like chayse, i want nas to have the happiest healthiest relationship, but the nature of her ability puts her in contact with broody gritty monsters and u know what? im okay with that too. so idk, i don’t really have an OTP for her. 
2.   WHAT  ARE  YOU  WILLING  TO  RP  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  SHIPPING? : everything except rape, i guess. hookups, breakups, smut, fluff-- give me all of it. i love writing angst, and any time i can mix angst and romance is a good time for me. 
3.   HOW  LARGE  DOES  THE  AGE  GAP  HAVE  TO  BE  TO  MAKE  IT  UNCOMFORTABLE? : okay okay i’ve gotta put this disclaimer here: in miles’ main verse he’s physically like, mid 40s. mentally though, he’s like, mid 20s. when he was 22ish his brain literally reset itself and he’s spent the last 20 years relearning everything, so there are some things he’s oddly immature about. but he looks like a grey old man, and some ppl with younger fcs/characters are uncomfortable with this, and that’s okay!! if you ain’t wanna ship with old man miles, that’s absolutely fine, i’m not gonna push it. 
that being said, most of my muses are between 25-40 and they are not dating anyone under 25. not happening. when i bring my younger muses in, they’re not dating anyone more than 5 years their senior ( this includes supernatural immortal beings, sorry ).
4.   ARE  YOU  SELECTIVE  WHEN  SHIPPING? : lmao no. we gotta be mutuals, but if we both feelin’ that connection? let’s fuckin’ go! i’m open to all types of ships, c’mon let’s do this shit. 
5.   HOW  FAR  DO  STEAMY  MOMENTS  HAVE  TO  GO  BEFORE  THEY’RE  CONSIDERED  NS.FW? : i know i have a few followers who are sex repulsed so for their sake as soon as it’s any more than steamy make outs i’ll tag it as n.sfw. 
6.   WHO  ARE  OTHER  MUSES  YOU  SHIP  YOUR  MUSE  WITH? : look, i’ma be honest here. i ship my muses with damn near everyone i follow. miles is married to @xaoli, but with all of my blog moves, most of my muses have lost specific ships. 
7.   DOES  ONE  HAVE  TO  ASK  TO  SHIP  WITH  YOU? : i mean. that would be? ideal? u lit just gotta mention in the tags or some shit like “damn so-and-so has a crush on so-and-so” and i can almost guarantee i’ll reply with “IT’S OFFICIAL” 
8.   HOW  OFTEN  DO  YOU  LIKE  TO  SHIP? : all the time. 
10.   ARE  YOU  MULTISHIP? : yup yup. each ship takes place in a different universe, unless stated otherwise
11.   WHAT  IS  ( ARE )  YOUR  FAVORITE  SHIP  (S)  IN  YOUR  CURRENT  FANDOM? : i don’t have a fandom but i love most ships i see on the dash, especially if it’s like, rough n tough meets soft n golden, and they figure out how to love. 
12.   FINALLY,  HOW  DOES  ONE  SHIP  WITH  YOU? : like i said. lit, just drop a hint in the tags. come into my inbox, dm me--- chances are if we’re writing i’m already shipping our boos together anyways, but don’t wanna seem like im doin The Most 
tagged by: nobody tagging: @yunafied, @theeternalsun, @sinninggod, @warmst idk anyone else this was a lot of fun 
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ifishouldvanish · 7 years
Objects In the Rear View Mirror
Part 4 of I Must Be Warmer Now
Summary: When Gold notices Lacey’s stopped listening to her Queen single, he wonders if he should be concerned. Rating: T Words: 2,481 Tags: Implied/Referenced Abuse, Panic Attacks, Hurt/Comfort, A little bit of fluff, fluff is good
@barpurplewrites​ said: Could I make a request for the wonderful and amazing I Must Be Warmer Now verse? Gold gets worried about Lacey when her Queen album is put away and she starts listening to Meatloaf Bat Out of Hell II on repeat. The reason behind this change is your choice.
[Read on AO3]
Gold wipes his feet as he steps into Lacey's apartment, grocery bags in tow, and smiles to himself. The first time she'd noticed him wiping his feet, she laughed and told him not to bother because she knows she's a slob and that her place is a pigsty. He continued to do it anyway of course— but over past few months, he has to admit that the place is looking a lot cleaner. For one thing, the pile of stilettos in the entryway is no more. Well—actually, it's just relocated to her bedroom, but he's willing to consider it progress.
He hitches into the kitchenette to set the bags down and starts taking out the ingredients for the baked lemon chicken they’ll be preparing together tonight. It’s a win-win, cooking together. He loves having somebody to cook for, it gets Lacey eating something other than Coco Pops, ramen, and pizza, and it gives them both an excuse to spend more time together. Lacey also takes her role as official taste tester very seriously, much to his delight. It feels so rewarding to have his work in the kitchen appreciated.
Milah would always inhale her dinner without a word and immediately disappear out to the back patio to talk on the phone. Some would say a meal devoured in silence was the greatest compliment a cook could receive, but it certainly never felt like one. And Bae, of course, was still just a boy. He couldn’t fault him for not displaying his best manners at home— besides, his jubilant, “Yes! Chicken pot pie!” as he barrelled down the stairs was always more than enough. But Lacey— she loves to watch him work and always offers to help— be it chopping vegetables, keeping an eye on some pasta as it cooked, or just giving him a peck on the cheek and commenting on how delicious everything looked.
Gold's rummaging through the cupboards for the baking sheet he likes when he realizes Lacey hasn't come over to give him a kiss yet. Odd.
“...Lacey?” He wanders deeper into the apartment and pokes his head into the bedroom, steam rising out of the master bath. Ah. The shower is running. He steps up to the threshold and gives a light knock. “Lacey?”
“Oh, hey!” Her voice comes muffled from behind the curtain. “Shower— be out in a minute!”
“Take your time.” He says. He's pretty sure it was too quiet for her to hear, but he feels too foolish to repeat himself at all, let alone louder, so he walks back out to the den without another word.
The little skulls scattered about every surface and every corner are like familiar friends to him now. Gold smiles at the row of tiny succulents she added to the window sill last week, potted in wee little skull-shaped planters. To think of Lacey caring for something living, as low-maintenance as they may be, gives him a pleasant feeling in his chest. His eyes drift over to the record player, and he has to blink a few times to make sure he’s seeing things correctly.
He frowns at the record on the turntable. Bat Out of Hell II. A quick look at the crates on the floor below reveals the record's sleeve— a rather frightening image of… well, he's not quite sure what he's looking at, honestly. He squats down and plucks it from the crate for a closer look, and is able to make out the image of a figure riding a motorcycle? Soaring straight into a… demon? Some kind of winged beast— perched atop a skyscraper like bloody King Kong, looming over a desolate dystopian landscape consumed by red hot flames.
His curiosity getting the better of him, he flips it over to read the track listing on the back.
The title of the first song makes his heart sink— I’d Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That). The idea that Lacey might identify with such a sentiment makes him feel uneasy. What might ‘that’ be? He's all too familiar with not being chosen. All too familiar with not being worth anyone's while. What if Lacey feels the same way? Where might she draw the line and ditch him, like everyone else inevitably does?
He scolds himself. They haven't used— well, that particular word with each other yet. Love. It's too soon for that. Isn’t it? What right has he to feel so threatened? Christ, it's just the name of a song on an album she happens to be listening to, he thinks. Stop getting ahead of yourself. He shakes his head and skims through the rest of the titles.
Life Is A Lemon And I Want My Money Back. Wasted Youth. Back Into Hell.
Now, he knows perfectly well that Lacey's endured a less than stellar past, but he likes to think that he makes her life better— even if just a little. She certainly makes his better. Was something wrong? Why would she be listening to such… angry, bitter music? What happened to her uplifting Queen single?
Gold sighs and peers inside the sleeve for the lyric sheet, relieved to find it still in tact. Sneaking a furtive glance toward the bathroom, he slides it out and scans over the finely printed verses. His eyes gravitate toward one in particular, and his mouth goes dry.
And my father's eyes were blank as he hit me again and again and again.
He sucks in a breath and clenches his eyes shut. Just like that, his pulse is thumping in that old, familiar way. He takes a deep breath, trying to steady his pounding heart before peeking his eyes open again.
I'll hear that ugly coarse and violent voice
And then he grabs me from behind and then he pulls me back!
“Stop!” He cries out, dropping the sleeve onto the floor where it lands with a smack , the lyric sheet slowly floating down with it. “N-no!”
“You uh… alright there, Gold?”
He stares at his feet, rubbing his sweating palms against his slacks, and flinches when he feels a hand rest on his shoulder. “I'm sorry, da!” He yelps, drawing his arms up to shield his face.
Lacey jumps back, almost losing the towel wrapped around her chest as she holds her hands up in surrender. “Sorry! I'm Sorry. That was bad—”
Gold wraps his arms tightly around himself, his eyes fixed on the turntable as his breaths grow faster, out of control.
“Gold? …Are you okay? You— you have to slow down, you gotta breathe.”
He can hear her voice, but his racing mind can't focus on it. It's flooded with impressions of his father's flat in Glasgow. The smell of the mill that would come home with him, the glimpse of blood on the walls, the sound of him yelling, the taste of dirt, and the unceasing weight of fear.
Lacey steps in front of him slowly, blocking his view of the turntable, and looks into his eyes. He's looking at her, and yet he's not— he feels like he's looking through her, like she's an apparition and not really there.
“Shh, shh… it's fine. It’s just me, baby…” She tentatively reaches a hand out for one of his, and he lets her take it. He squeezes tightly enough that he’s probably hurting her, which is the last thing he wants to do. For all the spinning his mind is doing, he can focus on that much. “It’s okay. He's not here…” She continues. “Just— Just try to count with me? Can you do that?”
He nods slightly, though his eyes are still distant and unfocused.
“Breathe in— one, two, three… And out— one, two three. In—” she takes a deep breath to demonstrate and slowly exhales. “Now four. In— one, two, three, four. And out— one, two, three, four.” She keeps increasing the count but his breathing never seems to be slow enough. It’s still slowing a little bit though, so he keeps trying, keeps listening.
She's up to ten when he finally catches his breath and he swallows. “L-Lacey… Lacey?”
“Mhmm...” She nods, giving his hand a squeeze. He slowly forces himself to ease his grip, and she gives him another encouraging smile. “That's right… It's just me, baby.”
He nods again and she pulls him close, letting him bury his face in her shoulder.
“There… you're okay.” She says, stroking his back comfortingly.
“I'm— I'm okay.” He chokes out. She's being so patient and understanding, and she's so warm and soft around him. He feels the overwhelming urge to cry, but it goes as quickly as it came, and he takes a step back.
“Why don't you uh, sit down?" She offers. "I'll get you some water maybe? Or… whiskey?”
“...Water.” He whispers, staggering backwards and onto the couch.
 “Feeling better?” Lacey asks. “You kinda looked like you saw a ghost there.”
He swills down what’s left of his water and sets the glass on the coffee table with a heavy thud. “I suppose, in a way, I did.”
She pouts her lips and rests her head on his shoulder, sliding a hand across his lap to twine their fingers. “Your father?”
He swallows hard and she sees the corner of his mouth twitch a little. “Aye.”
She rubs her thumb over the back of his hand, and presses a kiss to his shoulder. “I'm sorry.”
“S’not your fault.”
“I know… I just—” she shrugs. “It sucks, doesn't it?”
He stares ahead blankly and doesn’t say anything, so she continues.
“Used to happen to me a lot. ...Kind of why I started getting blackout drunk, after um… well, you know. They’re not as bad anymore, though.” She assures.
Gold nods, and she can see the way his jaw clenches. It’s the same way it always clenches whenever she shares another detail with him about her relationship with Gaston.
“You stopped listening to Freddie.” He says in a terse voice, and Lacey can recognize a plea to change the subject when she hears one.
She clears her throat. “Yeah. I uh— I've been in the mood for something else lately.”
“Is something wrong?” He asks, and there’s so much concern in his voice that she almost feels guilty. “You.. you love Freddie.”
“No.” She answers a little too quickly, defensively. “...And I love lots of stuff.” She says. Like you, maybe.
That's what started it all. On her days off, she would spin through a dozen records or more— but at the end of the day, her copy of The Show Must Go On was always restored to its rightful place on the turntable. The other day however, she couldn't bring herself to stop listening to love songs, lying on the floor with her eyes closed and thinking about him. God, she felt like a teenager.
Gold looks at the record sleeve on the floor and presses his lips into a thin line for a moment. “Maybe we could listen to it? Together?”
Listen to it? She just watched him get a panic attack just from looking at it. “I don't think you'd like Meat Loaf, baby.” She says. Over the past few months, she's come to find that he enjoys her blues, folk, and pop records to her power rock and heavy metal— Not that it surprises her in the slightest.
“Oh.” He sighs and he looks so genuinely disappointed. “...why not?”
Mostly, she's just a little embarrassed. Not by the music itself, but what it might reveal to him. Her feelings. They’re hard to reconcile with the past several years she spent trying not to give a shit about anything or anyone. “I dunno. It's just kind of… over the top?”
“I've found most of the things you listen to are, sweetheart.” He insists with a lopsided little grin.
Lacey chuckles at that. She still loves it when he calls her sweetheart and she loves the fact that he never belittles her for her taste, no matter how much he may not like it. “Alright. But don't say I didn't warn you. It's… something else, and a little corny at times.”
“Corny?” He hikes his browse, seeming caught by surprise.
“Well, it's… kind of a rock opera? It… tells a story.” She explains, giggling at his baffled expression. “...You'll see.”
“I'm sure I will.” He smiles and his eyes flit across her features in a way that she's pretty sure is making her blush. How does he even do that?
“...Okay.” She pats his chest gives him a quick kiss before getting up and firing up the turntable.
 Whatever he's hearing, it's certainly not what he was expecting. A galloping and uplifting piano melody layered over a squealing guitar part that sounds almost… triumphant? They fade away, making way for the opening verse, and Gold realizes it's not a song about putting love second at all. It's a declaration of love. A celebration of it.
And I would do anything for love I'd run right into hell and back I would do anything for love I'll never lie to you and that's a fact But I'll never forget the way you feel right now I would anything for love But I won't do that
The piano and guitar return with all their symphonic glory as the next verse begins and builds into a booming chorus that he can feel in his chest with each pulse of the bass drum.
Gold looks down where Lacey's head rests against his chest, and smiles to himself. Settling more comfortably in the couch, he starts idly combing his fingers through her hair.  Her nose wrinkles and she looks up at him.
“Cheesy, right?”
He huffs out a laugh and shakes his head. “No. It's lovely.”
They sit through song after song about bright-burning, all-consuming love, being the answer to one another's prayers, making each other feel alive. He presses a kiss to the top of Lacey's head and she shifts and tightens her arms around him.
Before long, the song with the lyrics that frightened him earlier is playing. But this time, the account of the terrifying father grabbing the protagonist from behind doesn't bother him. Malcolm's ghost is trapped in that flat in Glasgow, thousands of miles away and decades behind him. He seeks Lacey's hand while the chorus rings over and over as the song ends.
If life is just a highway, then the soul is just a car Objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are
The next song isn’t much of a song at all, but rather a dramatic voiceover— It’s indeed very over the top and kind of corny. He smiles down at Lacey, who looks up at him with knowing eyes and a shameless grin.
“Let’s get dinner started, aye?”
She stretches up to peck him on the lips. “Let’s.”
3 notes · View notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
47 Funny Memes That Will Speak To Your Inner Basic Bitch
You’re working at a hedge fund? bro that’s awesome. you were always pretty unoriginal and I had a seeming you would do coin for a living. Can you maybe keep your accomplishments to yourself before it daunts everybody else at this party? Some of us are on a lot of drugs right now and frankly it’s rude to talk about you convene developmental milestones and having “love” in your life. Thanks. (@ cabbagecatmemes )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 3, 2015 at 9:51 pm PDT
hey … “xavier” … Have I told you that you are.. Hands down … my brand-new favorite person? oh, YOU say I exactly told you that thirty seconds ago but I recollect( belch) I will be, government officials magistrate of time in this gondola, Chavier. Because … I examined time in, college .. Chaviery ,,, whats the craziest act you’ve seen as a sled driver in this city. hahahaha oh shit I just said “sled driver ??! ” ahahaha Javier that’s INSANE … It’s, primarily, the reason for that, is earlier the other day there was a movie about sled wolfs and I guess it’s down there .. In, my subconscious. Melvin? I don’t kno- sorry, Xaviery? I don’t know if I have my keys to my, neighbourhood. So this will be, preferably entertaining your best friend, when I have to kick the door down to get In. But in the big picture I’m just so happy that .. Chavier saved me from that party tonight. Chavier, you are coming to my family’s thanksgiving. Yeah you are. You wait and look, Carlos when That request comes to Your Lincoln navigator, which I would like to tell your boss that you also Impede very clean and searching( belching) majestic. You’re gonna be there at thanksgiving with me as, my parents- behavior of thanking you for saving Me . . It’s how science toils. What’re you gonna wear? (@ cabbagecatmemes )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 3, 2015 at 7:29 am PDT
Really, bro? You got a picture of yourself sitting next to a minor luminary who seems uncomfortable and under duress? Got bottle service at the association and felt like sharing the receipt with the world? New sneakers? Congratulations. You precisely applied the most horrible, obnoxious humblebrag and now I’m legally allowed to drown you .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 3, 2015 at 5:09 pm PDT
damn, babe. we was texting backward and forward all day. then my epoch then was real brightened when that pic of u came through. there u were. my girlfriend. skimpy organization. iPhone pointed at that mirror in yo bedroom. u lookin mad cute. mad good. i ain’t consider no teeth but that’s cool cus ur lips was pursed in a seductive lil knowing smile. it was like yo look was saying “Yeah we did all kinds of sinful-ass things together last weekend but I ain’t relenting and merely my husband kno jus how freaky I am& far as the rest the world referred, I’m a actual angel. a angel that wear lingerie, for the purposes of our painting .’ I be smilin so hArd. then I check the instagram … YO! how person got into my phone and threw my phone on the Instagram ?? and who this nigga’ giantspro1 38′ script that my daughter “gorgeous.” hold up … Oh fuck no. you done uploaded my draw to the Instagram? why, daughter? I don’t adoration u enough? who u tryna share that smile with? damn … guess everyone gonna ascertain I went good taste that’s cool. and I ain’t callin I a chisel or a thirsty, but embankment. predict the freaky happens that we do, r exclusively between me and u& thousands of strange people that look our social medias .. not mad … precisely feelin like, 20% less special rite now
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 15, 2015 at 5:05 pm PDT
learning by star-wipes
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 13, 2015 at 3:29 pm PDT
the hills come alive, husband. fuck’s sake .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 13, 2015 at 10:03 am PDT
blessed to announce that I am anointed to announce these realistic seems .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 2, 2015 at 10:10 pm PDT
oh hey girl. or we could talk about potassium, k. Cherish some chemistry talk if u just knowing that amine
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 2, 2015 at 6:37 pm PDT
the fuckboy shirt, by @dizzle_saint_james
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 2, 2015 at 7:58 am PDT
hobbies include doing coin for a living. awaiting till I’m blackout wino to express any seems. and shorts with little swine on them to showcase my wild slope. do u even asset bank bro?( tweet by @stuartvcraig )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 15, 2015 at 11:59 am PDT
first baristas gotta find me … what’s 50 kors pouch to a motherfucka like me can you delight prompt me ?
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 8: 08 pm PDT
Yes, I’ll have a Venti mete child abuse with two kills of Okay This is Kind of Adorbs but Definitely Mentioning This in Therapy. Why white people need closer monitoring, Exhibit# 82,868 B “Train up a basic in the way she should go, and when she is old she shall not deviating from it.” -Kors 4:13 (@ periodictabledancer )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 4:12 pm PDT
I would give this target zero starrings if I could, but I’m legally required to give them one idol. I don’t commonly use the computer. But after “dining” at this hellish Turkish prison disguised as an alleged “restaurant, ” I enrolled in a continuing training direction at my town’s library to learn about the Internet so I could alarm others to prevent this situate that destroyed their own families. We made a reservation for two. When we arrived, there was a junk on the storey. When I objected this out to the “manager, ” he told me that there are tens of billions of junk corpuscles in the air at any right moment and that they may actually be composed of the representatives of my own scalp and rudely suggested that I would enjoy my dining experience more if I didn’t drawing my electron microscope to the counter. Nice try! When the liquid arrived, my teeth were rudely awakened by the most obnoxiously cold ice cubes I have ever been assaulted with. I now take medication to deal with the stress of ingesting here once. If I save simply one life by writing this, my sacrifice may precisely be worth it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to read Fifty Shades of Grey to my felines.( via @robfee11 )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 3:19 pm PDT
Did He like, come down from a mountain? Was there a burning bush that spoke to you? Did He give you permission to talk about it on Instagram? Did he send you the Kors pocketed or just give you the strength to evident one? (@ trevso_personal )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 6:51 am PDT
be safe. make sure Netflix& shivering doesn’t become Netflix& children( via @carolynduchene )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 14, 2015 at 8: 23 am PDT
hope this obligates your day astounding
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 6:25 am PDT
you know how that shit get .. missin’ that ex that was shit for you WOAH! yeah they are able to verse em and perhaps sexuality em but 3 hours later it’s like NO! I need a shower a Xanax and a brand-new country to GO
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 30, 2015 at 3:57 pm PDT
shoutout to all my sleepless friends in various regions of the world who are capable of play this tonight. first to pick up the phone and text a shitty ex loses. hang in there. trev loves you
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 28, 2015 at 8: 11 pm PDT
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 21, 2015 at 10:35 pm PDT
“Evolution of a Friday Night.” -by @ katethewasp Tag some1 u enjoy but u r too tired 2 realistically hang w/ 2nite !
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 18, 2015 at 7:41 am PDT
realistic friend points
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 13, 2015 at 7:11 am PDT
shoutout to those girls you’ve been following on Instagram for 3 years. U construed slew of thirst-trap mirror selfies with lots of creepy remarks under them from busters hopin’ they had a chance. Every now and then- something slightly unexplained like maybe a picture of a gift like a glistening duo of Loubs with no caption or explanation of where them shoes received from. Or maybe once every the three months you received her standing on a balcony of a neat Caribbean hotel and she smiling and it’s like’ who took this painting ?’ but you shrug it off and say it was probly her mamas. she close with her mommas and they are likely travel together. most of her feed be typical daughter substance. out boozing w/ pals. out at EDM celebrations with the flower headdress and the tit out and she lookin like a free spirit and prob on molly and u lurkin her sheet for years and the the working day BAM! “so this just happened can’t just waiting invest the rest of my life undertaking my perfect man.” Hold up hold out hold out run the goddamn infringes. You went 3,800 photos and not a single one of them boast a actual gentleman. not formerly. not one actual being. now you just discontinue this wedding missile on the world? girlfriend, what in the fuck else is you capable of obscure? u straight up attracted some talented mr ripley shit on the whole world. experience your wedding, assassin .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 10, 2015 at 11:05 am PDT
honestly whatever rn
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 7, 2015 at 8: 02 pm PDT
On the Internet, all the refrigerate children are like “sorry I missed your bellow, I don’t use my phone for that ” or “calling someone is the rudest concept you can do.” Nah son. Nah. You know what’s rude? Roping me in to a half-day long’ exchange’ where I have to stare at my radioactive telephone and sort shit while I dismiss the people I’m next to and read your abbreviations and emojis to are going to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow: that it would be better to meet up next week for dinner instead of tonight. Most of you are safe, but if you’re my lover or one of the 3 parties I care about- I might actually call your ass. Wrap yo mind around that. You and me. Voice to singer , motherfucker. Just like they did in caveman daylights. Paleo communication. Namaste .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 6, 2015 at 9:56 am PDT
literally done with negativity. getting all the negativity out of my life. going on a killing rampage to get rid of the negative beings. kors .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 16, 2015 at 10:27 pm PDT
don’t let fitness points prevent you from living the life you were meant to enjoy .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 16, 2015 at 11:49 am PDT
for anyone who saw you last night
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 16, 2015 at 7:25 am PDT
truly transportive know (@ dizzle_saint_james )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 12, 2015 at 6:50 pm PDT
priorities, bro. I’ve been steady laughing at this image all morning like an imbecile
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 12, 2015 at 10:30 am PDT
greet the sunup get back in touch with a whole cluster of random parties. Nervously alphabetize everything in your kitchen. Scavenge the flooring like it’s never been scavenged before. Forget what nutrient is for 10 hours. Appear a strange gumption of attainment although you invested the day focusing even harder on your distractions
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 12, 2015 at 8: 01 am PDT
The post 47 Funny Memes That Will Speak To Your Inner Basic Bitch appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2Co6BMf via IFTTT
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
47 Funny Memes That Will Speak To Your Inner Basic Bitch
You’re working at a hedge fund? bro that’s awesome. you were always pretty unoriginal and I had a seeming you would do coin for a living. Can you maybe keep your accomplishments to yourself before it daunts everybody else at this party? Some of us are on a lot of drugs right now and frankly it’s rude to talk about you convene developmental milestones and having “love” in your life. Thanks. (@ cabbagecatmemes )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 3, 2015 at 9:51 pm PDT
hey … “xavier” … Have I told you that you are.. Hands down … my brand-new favorite person? oh, YOU say I exactly told you that thirty seconds ago but I recollect( belch) I will be, government officials magistrate of time in this gondola, Chavier. Because … I examined time in, college .. Chaviery ,,, whats the craziest act you’ve seen as a sled driver in this city. hahahaha oh shit I just said “sled driver ??! ” ahahaha Javier that’s INSANE … It’s, primarily, the reason for that, is earlier the other day there was a movie about sled wolfs and I guess it’s down there .. In, my subconscious. Melvin? I don’t kno- sorry, Xaviery? I don’t know if I have my keys to my, neighbourhood. So this will be, preferably entertaining your best friend, when I have to kick the door down to get In. But in the big picture I’m just so happy that .. Chavier saved me from that party tonight. Chavier, you are coming to my family’s thanksgiving. Yeah you are. You wait and look, Carlos when That request comes to Your Lincoln navigator, which I would like to tell your boss that you also Impede very clean and searching( belching) majestic. You’re gonna be there at thanksgiving with me as, my parents- behavior of thanking you for saving Me . . It’s how science toils. What’re you gonna wear? (@ cabbagecatmemes )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 3, 2015 at 7:29 am PDT
Really, bro? You got a picture of yourself sitting next to a minor luminary who seems uncomfortable and under duress? Got bottle service at the association and felt like sharing the receipt with the world? New sneakers? Congratulations. You precisely applied the most horrible, obnoxious humblebrag and now I’m legally allowed to drown you .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 3, 2015 at 5:09 pm PDT
damn, babe. we was texting backward and forward all day. then my epoch then was real brightened when that pic of u came through. there u were. my girlfriend. skimpy organization. iPhone pointed at that mirror in yo bedroom. u lookin mad cute. mad good. i ain’t consider no teeth but that’s cool cus ur lips was pursed in a seductive lil knowing smile. it was like yo look was saying “Yeah we did all kinds of sinful-ass things together last weekend but I ain’t relenting and merely my husband kno jus how freaky I am& far as the rest the world referred, I’m a actual angel. a angel that wear lingerie, for the purposes of our painting .’ I be smilin so hArd. then I check the instagram … YO! how person got into my phone and threw my phone on the Instagram ?? and who this nigga’ giantspro1 38′ script that my daughter “gorgeous.” hold up … Oh fuck no. you done uploaded my draw to the Instagram? why, daughter? I don’t adoration u enough? who u tryna share that smile with? damn … guess everyone gonna ascertain I went good taste that’s cool. and I ain’t callin I a chisel or a thirsty, but embankment. predict the freaky happens that we do, r exclusively between me and u& thousands of strange people that look our social medias .. not mad … precisely feelin like, 20% less special rite now
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 15, 2015 at 5:05 pm PDT
learning by star-wipes
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 13, 2015 at 3:29 pm PDT
the hills come alive, husband. fuck’s sake .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 13, 2015 at 10:03 am PDT
blessed to announce that I am anointed to announce these realistic seems .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 2, 2015 at 10:10 pm PDT
oh hey girl. or we could talk about potassium, k. Cherish some chemistry talk if u just knowing that amine
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 2, 2015 at 6:37 pm PDT
the fuckboy shirt, by @dizzle_saint_james
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 2, 2015 at 7:58 am PDT
hobbies include doing coin for a living. awaiting till I’m blackout wino to express any seems. and shorts with little swine on them to showcase my wild slope. do u even asset bank bro?( tweet by @stuartvcraig )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 15, 2015 at 11:59 am PDT
first baristas gotta find me … what’s 50 kors pouch to a motherfucka like me can you delight prompt me ?
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 8: 08 pm PDT
Yes, I’ll have a Venti mete child abuse with two kills of Okay This is Kind of Adorbs but Definitely Mentioning This in Therapy. Why white people need closer monitoring, Exhibit# 82,868 B “Train up a basic in the way she should go, and when she is old she shall not deviating from it.” -Kors 4:13 (@ periodictabledancer )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 4:12 pm PDT
I would give this target zero starrings if I could, but I’m legally required to give them one idol. I don’t commonly use the computer. But after “dining” at this hellish Turkish prison disguised as an alleged “restaurant, ” I enrolled in a continuing training direction at my town’s library to learn about the Internet so I could alarm others to prevent this situate that destroyed their own families. We made a reservation for two. When we arrived, there was a junk on the storey. When I objected this out to the “manager, ” he told me that there are tens of billions of junk corpuscles in the air at any right moment and that they may actually be composed of the representatives of my own scalp and rudely suggested that I would enjoy my dining experience more if I didn’t drawing my electron microscope to the counter. Nice try! When the liquid arrived, my teeth were rudely awakened by the most obnoxiously cold ice cubes I have ever been assaulted with. I now take medication to deal with the stress of ingesting here once. If I save simply one life by writing this, my sacrifice may precisely be worth it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to read Fifty Shades of Grey to my felines.( via @robfee11 )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 3:19 pm PDT
Did He like, come down from a mountain? Was there a burning bush that spoke to you? Did He give you permission to talk about it on Instagram? Did he send you the Kors pocketed or just give you the strength to evident one? (@ trevso_personal )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 6:51 am PDT
be safe. make sure Netflix& shivering doesn’t become Netflix& children( via @carolynduchene )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 14, 2015 at 8: 23 am PDT
hope this obligates your day astounding
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 6:25 am PDT
you know how that shit get .. missin’ that ex that was shit for you WOAH! yeah they are able to verse em and perhaps sexuality em but 3 hours later it’s like NO! I need a shower a Xanax and a brand-new country to GO
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 30, 2015 at 3:57 pm PDT
shoutout to all my sleepless friends in various regions of the world who are capable of play this tonight. first to pick up the phone and text a shitty ex loses. hang in there. trev loves you
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 28, 2015 at 8: 11 pm PDT
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 21, 2015 at 10:35 pm PDT
“Evolution of a Friday Night.” -by @ katethewasp Tag some1 u enjoy but u r too tired 2 realistically hang w/ 2nite !
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 18, 2015 at 7:41 am PDT
realistic friend points
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 13, 2015 at 7:11 am PDT
shoutout to those girls you’ve been following on Instagram for 3 years. U construed slew of thirst-trap mirror selfies with lots of creepy remarks under them from busters hopin’ they had a chance. Every now and then- something slightly unexplained like maybe a picture of a gift like a glistening duo of Loubs with no caption or explanation of where them shoes received from. Or maybe once every the three months you received her standing on a balcony of a neat Caribbean hotel and she smiling and it’s like’ who took this painting ?’ but you shrug it off and say it was probly her mamas. she close with her mommas and they are likely travel together. most of her feed be typical daughter substance. out boozing w/ pals. out at EDM celebrations with the flower headdress and the tit out and she lookin like a free spirit and prob on molly and u lurkin her sheet for years and the the working day BAM! “so this just happened can’t just waiting invest the rest of my life undertaking my perfect man.” Hold up hold out hold out run the goddamn infringes. You went 3,800 photos and not a single one of them boast a actual gentleman. not formerly. not one actual being. now you just discontinue this wedding missile on the world? girlfriend, what in the fuck else is you capable of obscure? u straight up attracted some talented mr ripley shit on the whole world. experience your wedding, assassin .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 10, 2015 at 11:05 am PDT
honestly whatever rn
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 7, 2015 at 8: 02 pm PDT
On the Internet, all the refrigerate children are like “sorry I missed your bellow, I don’t use my phone for that ” or “calling someone is the rudest concept you can do.” Nah son. Nah. You know what’s rude? Roping me in to a half-day long’ exchange’ where I have to stare at my radioactive telephone and sort shit while I dismiss the people I’m next to and read your abbreviations and emojis to are going to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow: that it would be better to meet up next week for dinner instead of tonight. Most of you are safe, but if you’re my lover or one of the 3 parties I care about- I might actually call your ass. Wrap yo mind around that. You and me. Voice to singer , motherfucker. Just like they did in caveman daylights. Paleo communication. Namaste .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 6, 2015 at 9:56 am PDT
literally done with negativity. getting all the negativity out of my life. going on a killing rampage to get rid of the negative beings. kors .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 16, 2015 at 10:27 pm PDT
don’t let fitness points prevent you from living the life you were meant to enjoy .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 16, 2015 at 11:49 am PDT
for anyone who saw you last night
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 16, 2015 at 7:25 am PDT
truly transportive know (@ dizzle_saint_james )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 12, 2015 at 6:50 pm PDT
priorities, bro. I’ve been steady laughing at this image all morning like an imbecile
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 12, 2015 at 10:30 am PDT
greet the sunup get back in touch with a whole cluster of random parties. Nervously alphabetize everything in your kitchen. Scavenge the flooring like it’s never been scavenged before. Forget what nutrient is for 10 hours. Appear a strange gumption of attainment although you invested the day focusing even harder on your distractions
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 12, 2015 at 8: 01 am PDT
The post 47 Funny Memes That Will Speak To Your Inner Basic Bitch appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2Co6BMf via IFTTT
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
47 Funny Memes That Will Speak To Your Inner Basic Bitch
You’re working at a hedge fund? bro that’s awesome. you were always pretty unoriginal and I had a seeming you would do coin for a living. Can you maybe keep your accomplishments to yourself before it daunts everybody else at this party? Some of us are on a lot of drugs right now and frankly it’s rude to talk about you convene developmental milestones and having “love” in your life. Thanks. (@ cabbagecatmemes )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 3, 2015 at 9:51 pm PDT
hey … “xavier” … Have I told you that you are.. Hands down … my brand-new favorite person? oh, YOU say I exactly told you that thirty seconds ago but I recollect( belch) I will be, government officials magistrate of time in this gondola, Chavier. Because … I examined time in, college .. Chaviery ,,, whats the craziest act you’ve seen as a sled driver in this city. hahahaha oh shit I just said “sled driver ??! ” ahahaha Javier that’s INSANE … It’s, primarily, the reason for that, is earlier the other day there was a movie about sled wolfs and I guess it’s down there .. In, my subconscious. Melvin? I don’t kno- sorry, Xaviery? I don’t know if I have my keys to my, neighbourhood. So this will be, preferably entertaining your best friend, when I have to kick the door down to get In. But in the big picture I’m just so happy that .. Chavier saved me from that party tonight. Chavier, you are coming to my family’s thanksgiving. Yeah you are. You wait and look, Carlos when That request comes to Your Lincoln navigator, which I would like to tell your boss that you also Impede very clean and searching( belching) majestic. You’re gonna be there at thanksgiving with me as, my parents- behavior of thanking you for saving Me . . It’s how science toils. What’re you gonna wear? (@ cabbagecatmemes )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 3, 2015 at 7:29 am PDT
Really, bro? You got a picture of yourself sitting next to a minor luminary who seems uncomfortable and under duress? Got bottle service at the association and felt like sharing the receipt with the world? New sneakers? Congratulations. You precisely applied the most horrible, obnoxious humblebrag and now I’m legally allowed to drown you .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 3, 2015 at 5:09 pm PDT
damn, babe. we was texting backward and forward all day. then my epoch then was real brightened when that pic of u came through. there u were. my girlfriend. skimpy organization. iPhone pointed at that mirror in yo bedroom. u lookin mad cute. mad good. i ain’t consider no teeth but that’s cool cus ur lips was pursed in a seductive lil knowing smile. it was like yo look was saying “Yeah we did all kinds of sinful-ass things together last weekend but I ain’t relenting and merely my husband kno jus how freaky I am& far as the rest the world referred, I’m a actual angel. a angel that wear lingerie, for the purposes of our painting .’ I be smilin so hArd. then I check the instagram … YO! how person got into my phone and threw my phone on the Instagram ?? and who this nigga’ giantspro1 38′ script that my daughter “gorgeous.” hold up … Oh fuck no. you done uploaded my draw to the Instagram? why, daughter? I don’t adoration u enough? who u tryna share that smile with? damn … guess everyone gonna ascertain I went good taste that’s cool. and I ain’t callin I a chisel or a thirsty, but embankment. predict the freaky happens that we do, r exclusively between me and u& thousands of strange people that look our social medias .. not mad … precisely feelin like, 20% less special rite now
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 15, 2015 at 5:05 pm PDT
learning by star-wipes
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 13, 2015 at 3:29 pm PDT
the hills come alive, husband. fuck’s sake .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 13, 2015 at 10:03 am PDT
blessed to announce that I am anointed to announce these realistic seems .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 2, 2015 at 10:10 pm PDT
oh hey girl. or we could talk about potassium, k. Cherish some chemistry talk if u just knowing that amine
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 2, 2015 at 6:37 pm PDT
the fuckboy shirt, by @dizzle_saint_james
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 2, 2015 at 7:58 am PDT
hobbies include doing coin for a living. awaiting till I’m blackout wino to express any seems. and shorts with little swine on them to showcase my wild slope. do u even asset bank bro?( tweet by @stuartvcraig )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 15, 2015 at 11:59 am PDT
first baristas gotta find me … what’s 50 kors pouch to a motherfucka like me can you delight prompt me ?
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 8: 08 pm PDT
Yes, I’ll have a Venti mete child abuse with two kills of Okay This is Kind of Adorbs but Definitely Mentioning This in Therapy. Why white people need closer monitoring, Exhibit# 82,868 B “Train up a basic in the way she should go, and when she is old she shall not deviating from it.” -Kors 4:13 (@ periodictabledancer )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 4:12 pm PDT
I would give this target zero starrings if I could, but I’m legally required to give them one idol. I don’t commonly use the computer. But after “dining” at this hellish Turkish prison disguised as an alleged “restaurant, ” I enrolled in a continuing training direction at my town’s library to learn about the Internet so I could alarm others to prevent this situate that destroyed their own families. We made a reservation for two. When we arrived, there was a junk on the storey. When I objected this out to the “manager, ” he told me that there are tens of billions of junk corpuscles in the air at any right moment and that they may actually be composed of the representatives of my own scalp and rudely suggested that I would enjoy my dining experience more if I didn’t drawing my electron microscope to the counter. Nice try! When the liquid arrived, my teeth were rudely awakened by the most obnoxiously cold ice cubes I have ever been assaulted with. I now take medication to deal with the stress of ingesting here once. If I save simply one life by writing this, my sacrifice may precisely be worth it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to read Fifty Shades of Grey to my felines.( via @robfee11 )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 3:19 pm PDT
Did He like, come down from a mountain? Was there a burning bush that spoke to you? Did He give you permission to talk about it on Instagram? Did he send you the Kors pocketed or just give you the strength to evident one? (@ trevso_personal )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 6:51 am PDT
be safe. make sure Netflix& shivering doesn’t become Netflix& children( via @carolynduchene )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 14, 2015 at 8: 23 am PDT
hope this obligates your day astounding
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 6:25 am PDT
you know how that shit get .. missin’ that ex that was shit for you WOAH! yeah they are able to verse em and perhaps sexuality em but 3 hours later it’s like NO! I need a shower a Xanax and a brand-new country to GO
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 30, 2015 at 3:57 pm PDT
shoutout to all my sleepless friends in various regions of the world who are capable of play this tonight. first to pick up the phone and text a shitty ex loses. hang in there. trev loves you
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 28, 2015 at 8: 11 pm PDT
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 21, 2015 at 10:35 pm PDT
“Evolution of a Friday Night.” -by @ katethewasp Tag some1 u enjoy but u r too tired 2 realistically hang w/ 2nite !
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 18, 2015 at 7:41 am PDT
realistic friend points
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 13, 2015 at 7:11 am PDT
shoutout to those girls you’ve been following on Instagram for 3 years. U construed slew of thirst-trap mirror selfies with lots of creepy remarks under them from busters hopin’ they had a chance. Every now and then- something slightly unexplained like maybe a picture of a gift like a glistening duo of Loubs with no caption or explanation of where them shoes received from. Or maybe once every the three months you received her standing on a balcony of a neat Caribbean hotel and she smiling and it’s like’ who took this painting ?’ but you shrug it off and say it was probly her mamas. she close with her mommas and they are likely travel together. most of her feed be typical daughter substance. out boozing w/ pals. out at EDM celebrations with the flower headdress and the tit out and she lookin like a free spirit and prob on molly and u lurkin her sheet for years and the the working day BAM! “so this just happened can’t just waiting invest the rest of my life undertaking my perfect man.” Hold up hold out hold out run the goddamn infringes. You went 3,800 photos and not a single one of them boast a actual gentleman. not formerly. not one actual being. now you just discontinue this wedding missile on the world? girlfriend, what in the fuck else is you capable of obscure? u straight up attracted some talented mr ripley shit on the whole world. experience your wedding, assassin .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 10, 2015 at 11:05 am PDT
honestly whatever rn
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 7, 2015 at 8: 02 pm PDT
On the Internet, all the refrigerate children are like “sorry I missed your bellow, I don’t use my phone for that ” or “calling someone is the rudest concept you can do.” Nah son. Nah. You know what’s rude? Roping me in to a half-day long’ exchange’ where I have to stare at my radioactive telephone and sort shit while I dismiss the people I’m next to and read your abbreviations and emojis to are going to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow: that it would be better to meet up next week for dinner instead of tonight. Most of you are safe, but if you’re my lover or one of the 3 parties I care about- I might actually call your ass. Wrap yo mind around that. You and me. Voice to singer , motherfucker. Just like they did in caveman daylights. Paleo communication. Namaste .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 6, 2015 at 9:56 am PDT
literally done with negativity. getting all the negativity out of my life. going on a killing rampage to get rid of the negative beings. kors .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 16, 2015 at 10:27 pm PDT
don’t let fitness points prevent you from living the life you were meant to enjoy .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 16, 2015 at 11:49 am PDT
for anyone who saw you last night
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 16, 2015 at 7:25 am PDT
truly transportive know (@ dizzle_saint_james )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 12, 2015 at 6:50 pm PDT
priorities, bro. I’ve been steady laughing at this image all morning like an imbecile
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 12, 2015 at 10:30 am PDT
greet the sunup get back in touch with a whole cluster of random parties. Nervously alphabetize everything in your kitchen. Scavenge the flooring like it’s never been scavenged before. Forget what nutrient is for 10 hours. Appear a strange gumption of attainment although you invested the day focusing even harder on your distractions
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 12, 2015 at 8: 01 am PDT
The post 47 Funny Memes That Will Speak To Your Inner Basic Bitch appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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