#{ daemonis.
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gothbingarbage · 9 months ago
I want friends from low places. Let's go summon them.
We participated in Ludum Dare 55. Check it out, if you dare.
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ddivilove · 2 years ago
─────── POLLS!
‣ a tiebreaker poll from this one!
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ONCE AGAIN Reminding y'all that I have Demonology PDFs in my drive!
I have:
Abremlin 1,2, and 3
Aradia Gospel of the Witches
Three books of Occult Philosophy
A letter by John Dee
Ars Goetia/Lemegeton
Pseudomonarchia Daemonum
The Book of the Offices of the Spirits
Book of Oberon
Black Raven
Ars Notoria
A Guide to Grand Jury Men
Forbidden Rites
Faust Tragedy
Grand Grimoire
Grimoirum Verum
Grimoire of Honorius
Grimoire of Turiel
Grimoire Imperium
Livre des Esperitz
Book of Treasure Spirits
Munich Manual of Demonic Magic
Black Pullet
The Demonology of King James 1
Testament of Solomon
Dictionairre Infernal
Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie
Daemoniality or Incubi and Succubi 18+
Irish Witchcraft and Demonology
The Necromantic Rings of Solomon
The Enchiridion of Pope Leo III
The art of drawing spirits into crystals
Compendium Rarissimum
Greater Key of Solomon
+ More!
I also have:
Goetic Common Sense
And now.......
Petitions To King Paimon!
Modern Satanism: A Review
Satanism: A Social History
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harleyhuke · 11 days ago
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Chapter 1 | The Prologue
Cor tuum daemonis flamma plenum, Manus tuae in gutture meo nodantur. Supplicavi pro alio momento; Sed nullum restat—tempus in fumum abiit.
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mephistos-executioners · 6 months ago
The Devil's Housecat (Felicus daemonious) is a species living on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd layer of Satan's Eye (formerly, the planet Earth.) They are an evolved form of the Felis genus. They've become and intellectual species, creating societies and jobs within their populations. They are defined by having; 1. A minimum of four quadrupedal limbs. 1a. A minimum of two of these limbs must be feline. 1b. All feline limbs must have retractable claws. 2. A minimum of two ears (though they may not be feline). 3. A minimum of two eyes. 4. A carnivorous nature, if they consume the flesh of other organisms. 5. The ability to purr. There are three different ways housecats obtain energy. 1. "Consumption" -> Gaining energy by consuming the flesh of other organisms. 2. "Synthesis" -> Gaining energy through photosynthesis through the skin or body part(s). 3. "Absorption" -> Gaining energy through absorption of other organisms matter by use of an appendage. Housecat size ranges greatly. A housecat can be anywhere between 81-685 cm (2'8-22'5 feet) in height, measured to the shoulder. ------- On the 1st layer, the largest and oldest official group of Devil's Housecat are called Mephisto's Executioners. They have existed since 1772, formed by Mephisto himself. This group originated as a way to imprison and profit off of less-advanced housecats. He did this to expand his territory and support himself using their skills. After Mephisto's disappearance and his era's end, the group became more refined and put a collection of rules in place that could not be changed. Executioner Law
1: Thou shall not bring slavery into law, nor exploit feeble-minded Housecats for personal gain. 2: The peoples may challenge their superiors if they are deemed inept.  3: Thou shall not deny the wishes of a Housecat seeking refuge. 4: If threatened, thou and the peoples may defend themselves.  5: The Executioners may never fall, even if it falls upon the shoulders of a worm to uphold the Housecat’s existence. The group lives on the west coast of the Lake of Fire. They house themselves in an abandoned Fire-breathing parasite wasp (Ignispiratio parasitus) nest– ie, the charred & mummified remains of a super-mammoth (height over 100 ft) unidentified mammal. Due to the mummification, this exact species has not been able to be identified. There are two main entrances, with the rest of their home existing within the beast's eaten-out organs and circulatory system. They call their home Ignis’ Domain. There are a collection of other dens located around their territory, called Ignis’ Dens, if a housecat needs to house themselves temporarily and cannot reach the domain. Their hierarchical system has evolved and changed numerous times throughout the years since Mephisto's reign. There are no laws against leaders changing this system, or adding, removing or changing laws (excluding the Executioner Law).
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------ hello ! i am arthur (he/it/she). the devil's housecat is something i made up on a whim so that i could draw some monster-esc designs. i made this blog so that i could document the designs/characters/work i've done for the species !!!! yahoo !!! my main blog is @exocynraku
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damoselcastel · 29 days ago
2024 Author's Notes
Oof, my wordcount output really shows how this was a crazy year for me... in a bad way. Admittedly there's some things I worked on but aren't in any sort of show-ing shape.
Here's a yearly-sum-up of my personal thoughts for my written works in 2022 (ones with chapters updates count too), my own personal tradition. All of the fic I listed can be found on my AO3.
Petals and Shards - FE17 Diamant/Celine My gift fic for Nagamas 2023, for a rarepair I was shocked to find someone else also shipping. I honestly found the younger royal sibs interesting across the board, so very much enjoyed speculating on how various political-marriage type ships might go over. Celine could definitely hold her own anywhere, but Brodia seems particularly spicy (fully admit: I picture some stuff going down on the Firene border when Alfred dies too early)
Daemoni - FE14 Marx/Hinoka demon!AU A fic inspired by this great piece of fanart. I started with a full tank of gas in 2023 but sadly ran out and hit writer's block hard (I blame perfectionism towards the big fight scenes). The fic will end at 13 chapters, so I only have a few more...really want to get this fic finished considering how I'd initially came at it. Should also one day do some illustrations, to show off the horned babes.
Joyful Labors - FE17 Pandreo/Alear A pinch hit for Nagamas 2023, honestly probably my fave ship for Alear? I'm usually not very fond of Avatar-protags in FE, but Pandreo himself kinda won me over with their support dynamic. I definitely brought some downer knowledge with how friggin' long Cathedrals take to build.
Basking in the Glow - FEH Pandreo/Alear Cowritten with @mrmissmrsrandom , PanLear but in FEH's setting to take advantage of Alt silliness (to give Pandreo the vapors about being surrounded by his beloved god). Funnily enough, we speculated on a santa-lear but got the outfit colors wrong, lol.
When a Door Closes, Open a Window - Suzume fic, Iwato Tamaki/Serizawa Tomoya Got a gift of a Suzume/Souta fic and wanted to gift in kind, this being the other age-gap ship we came away with. Kinda irreverent by design, I have more ideas for chapters...just got to get over a particular nit-pick. Will likely be shortish, despite the multi-chap.
Hunger Pangs - FE16 ABO childhood Prequel to Sense of Taste, where it’s mostly the Faerghus four being cute kids and sfw. I’ve notice the trope very rarely ever deals with questions of like, what it’s like pre-puberty with all that presentation weirdness. And then I’m once again wasting Faerghus headcanons by sticking it somewhere no one will read them. I think there’ll only be 3 more chapters, though I have more ideas for the verse- like Dedue’s claiming and a SoT sequel.
Fully admit- failed to keep sanity this year, and I know I'll lose more next year... But I'm planning to crave more time to write, cause don't like this low-wordcount result.
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megaverserpg · 7 months ago
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Les Fléaux - daemonis
TRANSMISSION ‧₊˚ Leur existence est un joug impitoyable imposé par le venin qui coule dans leurs veines. Car un·e Daemonis voit le jour à la suite de la seule piqûre de l’illusionarya vagus, insecte venimeux dont la contamination s’avère incurable. La plaie se mue en une marque unique, laquelle s’entoure et s’orne d'arabesques violacées. Ces enluminures courent sur le derme, marque permanente du fléau insidieux qui se mêle à leur sang jusqu’à la fin de leurs jours. Cette piqûre rend un·e Daemonis esclave de ses désirs, le·a condamne à une quête éperdue à la recherche d'une extase inassouvie. Iel n’a alors de cesse de chercher à combler le vide dévorant son âme sans jamais trouver ce qui viendra un jour lui rendre ce sentiment de satiété et de complétion.
CARACTÉRISTIQUES ‧₊˚ Ne vous fiez pas à l’apparence ensorcelante des Daemonis, car derrière le voile mystique et intrigant dont iels se parent se cachent des pouvoirs perfides. Habiles illusionnistes, iels se font marionnettistes, tissent des mirages pour attiser les esprits imprudents et les égarer dans leur monde chimérique. Pour ne pas succomber à la démence, les Daemonis s’égarent fatalement dans les addictions, qu’importe le genre : addiction au jeu, à l’alcool, aux gens, toutes sortes de consommations excessives semblent enfin devenir un refuge, puis une nécessité. Plutôt qu’un apaisement, iels n’y trouveront finalement que plus de vice encore, les expériences sans fin ne combleront aucun espace dans leurs âmes fragmentées, les vouant à seulement perdre un peu plus de leur identité plutôt que de la retrouver.
RELATIONS AVEC LA COMMUNAUTÉ MAGIQUE ‧₊˚ Ces êtres esclaves du manque suscitent à la fois la méfiance et l'envie dans la communauté sorcière, attirant autant qu'ils repoussent. Leur capacité à altérer la réalité les rend précieux aux yeux du gouvernement, mais leur propension aux addictions les rend marginaux au sein de la société. Approcher un·e Daemonis, c’est prendre le risque de succomber à son univers, et surtout ne plus savoir comment en réchapper, le fléau addict, oui, mais aussi et surtout addictif.
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skitariiposting · 1 year ago
I heard the call for skitarii photos, I hope you don’t mind Hereteks, I’ve got a whole army of them
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Now, as an admech loyalist, I *should* be against these. As a nurgle lover at heart, I can totally appreciate some heretek admech any day of the week. Just. Don't let the inquisition find out please.
Mars pattern, classic, lovely, very nice!
That daemon engine sporting the 'nid penis gun is a nice touch, very nice basing on all of them
Metallics are allll over the place in the best way possible. We've got weathered, we've got pristine, we've got glowy, we've got powered, holy shit these are fantasticly done!
Scary, daemony, skitty, amazing.
Just keep your heresying over there pls, I'm trying to be a pure little boy.
Skit's rating: 10/10
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docilepillow · 9 months ago
April 2024 Media diary
yea im good thanks PSEUDOREGALIA
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by part this game and by part not really this game's kinda burning me out lol like the games objectively good i think its just the game style and some of the design choices that kind of abbrasively make me not like this game as much as i should like i love goats i love platformers i love metroidvanias but after finishing this game i dont really say i lik it persay but at the end i can only bring myself to only hate aspects of it , more then anything? like the ccombats ok its nothing flashy. and like. the main mechanic of this is wall kicking, whicch feels cool as hell . the movement in this game is great. but with how hands-off it is , and in combination with the nonlinearity and intended sequence breaking you can do, it is * horrifically * easy to get lost. i hear an earlier version of this game didn't even have a map, which is awful for this genre in my opinion. id describe this game as very frustrating and it feels like 90 percent of the time you're hitting your head against a wall trying to go anywhere, which, for some people, is absolutely fantasstic. im sure trying to fedangle around with this moveset is awesome. but i spent most of the game just wanting to get the full moveset as soon as possible, because, allthough a completely deterministic game as far as i'm aware, progressing from place to place feels really convoluted. i feel like in between grunting " ugh " and " I want this to be over with " and " god i wish there was an upgrade for this " and " i'm SO lost..! " the game has great ambiance and area design and theres plenty to do, i just kinda wish you had like . a few more quality of life features in the game. like . idk. like an area completion counter for each area, or a cursor for where you're located on the map.... Then again , i dont think thiss game was designed with that in mind, so i think it's just a shame or for people that just aren't like me. Yea, sybil is cute, i guess. ill give credit for that. i just cant really see that over what's , for the bulk of it, a stressful affair that feels like guesswork and trail and error. if this game ever gets a big qol update, i'd probably love it a whole lot more, but once again, i'm pretty sure thats an intentional artistic decision to reflect the era it's from . i went into this wanting to like it a whole lot more, i promise, but this is like a 5 out of 10 game ( for me personally ) ... i basically spent alot of it mentally appologizing to nmh2 for some reason. i need a break for today. i'm kind of really dissapointed right now THE CROODS video game movie
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its cool
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Also, on the topic of mario maker 2, which, technically, i finished last month, i DID in fact finish mario maker 2's story mode! i simply neglected to before andd i think it's okay. i think its a little bit better then the 3ds version's array of levels, and, playing them so close together, i'm honestly surprised they didn't try to impliment the acheivements you can get in those levels in this game, given the fact that so much is tracked by clear conditions in MM2. i wonder if that was a prototype feature they tried early in 3ds before implimenting it in the sequel? Oh well. i'm glad they just ddint implliment the clear condition where you cant get grabbed by claws, those are just the absolute worst..!
Daemonis Algebra
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This one's actually nice and special, because i can say some friends of mine made it! It's for a gamejam, so it's pretty simple, but i think it's relatively effective for the kind of hectic gameplay they were going for with it. I'm actually a little bit clumsy when it comes to assembling the little " creature " you're putting together by running around the map, and, i get the sense they're supposed to match,but, given my luck / level of coordination, my creatures usually end up looking something like this --
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Oops. It very much affectionately reminds me of older styled flash games you'd find on coolmath, though it's definitely a lot more polished then most of the ones i think of aestetically and mechanically. You just kind of dash around and collect charming little monster parts. It's a little hard to figure out what part's a leg or an arm or the like sometimes ( I actually thought my animal's head was an arm ); but i'm really confident in saying thats a genuine creative decision- it's kind of like a cute little cartoon dilema. i absolutely love this game's cute spritework and music!!!!!!!!!! go play it right now stupid!!!!!
( I Got Sidetracked And Am Doing The Entries For Everything Below At The Last Minute Because Of Nocturne ) THE PRINCESS BRIDE
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I've seen this movie before, but i think it still holds up good. An overall solid movie with basically everything you could want from a classic film. Very very watchable with people or alone. You can't really complain with the film at all but i dont havve any new thoughtss on it or anything pokemon scarlet violet epilogue
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TLDR; techniiicallly i've finished scarlet-violet a long, long time ago, and i mostly just.... forgot about it up until decently recently, after the prior movie i think, and was prodded to give it a try by a friend. I think some of the writing at the start is charming enough and it's not completely a waste like the rest of the game , but i'm still of the strong opinion that this dlc isn't even half the bar set by Swoshi's entire DLC lineup, which is a little bit sad.... I guess that's what happens when you rush out an open world supermassive entry in a series known for scopecreep and capital interest..? That seems a bit cynical, but I don' t really remember much of my thoughts about it in retrospect, now. It's a little out of the way, but i'd hate to see what happens to this event when servers go down and you can't get pecharunt's item anymore.
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There isn't really a good image to represent this game, so just the logo will do, i guess. TLDR, I think this is a fangame with a cute idea, and psudo-decent execution , but it's definitely still a work in progress. the earlygame grind where you're just trying to get started is absolutely brutal in a way that is simply just---- timeconsuming and not that much fun at all. If you want to check out the game yourself, I reccomend catching a paldean tauros as soon as possible so you can use it at the start of future runs. The basegame is set to last around 200 rounds, so it's definitely a massive time commitment to try, but once you do get a run going, it can be fun. I still think the earlygame needs ironing out and some of the moves aren't fully implemented yet because it's still new. I'll be honest and mostly say i jumped on this one out of a bandwagon. If you're curious to see me try a run, this clip might still be up for anyone to watch, but i wouldn't count on it forever - https://streamable.com/44j2v2 STRONG BAD'S COOL GAME FOR ATTRACTIVE PEOPLE
( The first 4 episodes, out of 5 . I ran out of time, once again, thanks to nocturne. Oops! )
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SBCGFAP on wiiware is a game based around homestar runner, which i've mostly come to appreciate only recently this year. I got into it around February, where me and my boyfriend incidentally started watching it around the tail end of our trip. A few months later, and i'm super endeared by this show's writing style! It sort of feels like how something like Castlevania or Spore feel like to me now, in that it's not really a thing that's upkept anymore that much, with sparing crumbs of new stuff to see thrown out in little rations . So, when i got home, and, having recently re-modded my wii u ( And, with a Vwii setup, in part due to my sister wanting to play the overseas unreleased Mystery Dungeon games, the means to play wiiware in a way that i'm sure would've been fine to set up, actually, because dolphin is also awesome, just, more convenient for me because it wouldn't be taking up my laptop's storage space ) ; i proposed playing this game with him in call , which we did for a while! I'd say as a complete novice to the Point N' Click and also Telltale Game genre that the writing was pretty suitable. The scenarios are mostly just standard homestar runner stuff, and it did keep a big smile on my face. I actually think my favorite episode so far was the first one, looking back on it, considering how much Homestar is in it and how the puzzles ended up being lighter, but that's to my own preference. I think these games are worth looking into if you have a modded Wii U around, which im sure some people do. I imagine most people getting into HSR would've already watched a lets play or something on youtube already..! Anyway, i think this is good. i think people should give it a try even outside the inherit fact that this game is nearly lost media. I didn't get to finish the trogdor episode more then halfway before getting sidetracked by college preperation stuff. Sorry.. PORTAL 2 - COOPERATIVE TESTING INITATIVE ( technically properly capitalized! )
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I've actually never finished any of the portal games! I'm too stupid to finish them ! But my boyfriend is hella into it and I know the story stuff already! And we both haven't done the co-op stuff before! So we did ! On a whim ! And i don't QUITE feel comfortable putting it on my backloggd until i at least finish the singleplayer campaign as well, so that puts me in a neat spot! id like to think i wasnt ccomplete dead weight in this playthrough but i was a little dumb. this game leads to fun banter and silly fun though it lends itself well to being coop and it's not as confusing as it would be when you're working with someone compitent who can backseat you as you completely misinterpret his directions. I'm honestly shocked how high the steam statistic for clearing this mode is , look at this ---
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Do a fifth of people really play this???? I can kind of believe that but really ? damn! ! ! ! thats pretty cool you dont usually see numbers like this for modes like this. I'm a little bit sad there aren't more multiplayer co-op experiences like this, but that's kind of what makes them special in the first place. SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI III - NOCTURNE
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This game has been one i've been procrastinating on trying since finishing SMT IV and IV-A nearly a year ago now, just in part because of it's reputation as a brutal, arduous journey of an RPG. I've heard many good things about this game. I've heard many bad things about this game. I've heard many things about this game's remaster, and I have it bought on both Steam and PS4. I dunno. Just because it was an SMT game on PS4. The primary thing that's making me finish it now is mostly just in part due to the only game i'm looking forward to, shin megami tensei V - Vengeance, coming out in around a little over a month as of typing this-- and, considering V on switch was how i got into the game, i MOSTLY know what to expect. Though, i never got to finish the DLC in that game . AND if i finished nocturne, i could confidently tackle every ounce of that game's new content under a fresher lens then JUST a series newcomer. I have really high hopes for V-V, but that's not really what this game is about. I knew already in advance that i would need to section off a very large period of time for this game going in , so I basically ended up sticking to logging in a couple of hours over the whole month when not fixating on anything else media wise or when not doing important college preperation shit that I need to get done and in fact STILL HAVE THINGS TO DO FOR. And still i only just barely about had enough time to do it!!! SMT nocturne , for the most part, and as long as you have some expectation and experience in the traditional RPG genre, isn't actually that bad difficulty wise. Like, as long as you're prepared, you'll actually fare way better then in some of the other games in the series that i've played, which is nice. Like, outside something like a super unlucky light / dark magic oneshot hitting you once and a while, as long as you're dilligent and prepare and use the systems you're given, you'll live. Like, i'm not gonna say this is how you get into SMT, but it's reputation is only MOSTLY overblown as unfair and stupidly difficult. But, because i'm stupid, and dont understand the ramifications of my actions, i went for the best ending on my first playthrough, cus, once again, i'm using it as a thing to do before SMT 5 V comes out so i can fully enjoy both. Now, apparently, for most people, it takes 110 hours or so to do the " true demon " ending, but i mostly went in , i dont wanna say rushing, but i mostly went through the game with as little as i'd need to thrive, i guess. optimized? Idk. I think most of the game is very intuitave and very enjoyable. its very somber and very dungeon crawly, and i think its gameplay rules. i think i like IV more still but i think this game is cool most of the time when you don't get cosmiclly unlucky . but like. the final bosses of this game are just fucking cheaterss that kill you . the last dungeon of this game took me like 10 hours by itself its insane thats like my only gripe. like. sometimes id pull up a guide when a boss has like null physical and it kills me because the game doesn't let you double check matchups like the games after it, or when theres a particularly convoluted way forward ( Note - by convoluted, i mostly just mean, i'm too stupid to navigate most 3d games without getting lost at some point unless it's perfectly linear ), or just for convenience, but it's a very fair level of challenge for most of the way if you know what to look out for. my only regret with this game is i'm sorry about any friend discussions ive completely halted by bringing this game up all the time in conversation. oops... That and it takes a surprising amount of effort to go through alos idkd idkd ddikd i just wnana get this log done its way too late at night also i was assuming naively that Nocturne would be my 100th logged game since i've started documenting my own media diaries, but because of how things turned out, it's closer to the 97th on backlogged. Oops! That's an arbitrary achievement only i care enough about! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aloi9Cj6wFA
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dcviated · 3 months ago
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affectionate :: open
send a symbol to show that gesture to my muse
@sercphs sent: 😋 Daemon's left it on Malkuth's desk again. 😋  to  give  my  muse  their  favorite  snack.
So like, on one hand it's really super nice of Daemon to do this stuff for her! But on the other, isn't like really mean of them to never be present for the reaction? Because there's always a reaction! A cute one. With some naive splendor to boot. This time, the receipt sees Malkuth on her way back from some training with her assistants.
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"Great work today, everyone~! Remember, the most important thing to do when under pressure is not panic! Do not roll on the floor and scream! No matter how much your sanity is cracking! Stay strong and-- WAAAAAAAA!!!!!!"
There's a bag of potato chips and seasoning flakes on her desk! Who put that there?! She's looking back to her assistants, none of which claim responsibility before chuckling in their own ways and departing. Malkuth is left to the morsels of potato and saltiness.
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"Oh wait, the labels! These must've come from the door too. Daemon, you big goof! Why didn't you wait for me to come get these? They're always so... so... Daemony!!!" She sighs forcefully, but lathered heavily with that exasperation is a measure of fondness and appreciation. She smiles, and tears into the bag.
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ddivilove · 2 years ago
─────── POLLS!
Green flags turn hehe
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imminent-danger-came · 1 year ago
"O my wife Aalo, who hadst at once the soul of a dove and the soul of a wolf—hast thou found peace at last? Now that thou diest a second time, will thy dear soul fly to the bosom of the Heavenly Father, in the folds of whose garment there is rest and everlasting peace? When thy sins are wiped away, canst thou too forgive the living?"
Quis novit Daemonis astus?
The Wolf's Bride by Aino Kallas
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hellsbellschime · 2 years ago
"“In the first season, she did a lot of mediating the Targaryen fire,” D’Arcy teases of series two. “I’m excited for her to be released from the endless navigation of people, of personalities – I think the energy for that has run out somewhat.” I like Emma but, Rhaenyra has done anything but navigate people. If anything she clearly doesn't care at all about what people think because she's a Targaryen.
LOL well honestly I actually think that's fair, like given her "who gives a fuck" attitude about people, the fact that she didn't just YOLO it and immediately go to war/let Daemon be Daemony actually was tempering her Targaryenness.
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magick-knives · 2 years ago
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Abhor: Sex Sex Sex (Ceremonia Daemonis Antichristi)
Gatefold Jacket.
Black Vinyl.
400 Copies.
Iron Bonehead Productions.
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megaverserpg · 7 months ago
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Particularités et compétences liées
Sur Megaverse, nous avons pris la liberté d'importer/créer quatre grandes familles de particularités, certaines inspirées de l'univers Harry Potter et étoffées par nos soins, d'autres créées par nous.
Les fléaux - Iels n'ont pas choisi leur condition, ont été attaqués/contaminés contre leur gré. Vampires, loup-garous, daemonis et moldu·e·s contaminé·e·s ne peuvent que subir le changement, s'y adapter, et vivre avec pour le meilleur et pour le pire. Cette dernière catégorie est la conséquence directe de la catastrophe d'Elysium, en l'an 2000. (cf. contexte)
Les êtres - Peuples vivant en marge de la société générale (et on parle pas de la banque), chacun de ces êtres possède une communauté à part et leur particularité est héréditaire. On y note notamment le peuple de l'eau dans les profondeurs de leur cité sous-marine, le clan fae dans la dimension d'Altea, le peuple vélane dans les forêts luxuriantes qui composent leur cité, ou les harpies, êtres isolés et solitaires, ayant pour coutume de ne se reproduire qu'entre elleux.
Les particularités innées - Ces particularités viennent à la naissance, mais ne sont pas systématiques, plutôt aléatoires au sein d'une lignée généalogique. On y retrouvera les oracles, porteur·euse·s du troisième œil, guides des fléaux à l'instinct hors du commun, les legilimens, capables de lire les esprits et fouiller les souvenirs, et enfin les métamorphomages, capables de modeler leur apparence à volonté.
Les particularités acquises - D'une certaine façon, ce sont les seules particularités acquises par la volonté de son/sa possesseur·euse, à la suite d'un rituel précis et rigoureux. Deux catégories seront à y retrouver : les occlumens, capables d'ériger une barrière autour de leur esprit, pour les plus expérimenté·e·s, capables de moduler ce qu'iels laissent entrevoir de celui-ci, et enfin les animagi, sorcier·e·s ayant la capacité de se transformer en un animal totem, emblème de leur personnalité intérieure.
Système de compétences
Loup garou tout juste transformé, ou vampire depuis plus de cinquante ans ? Dans un souci de réalisme et d'immersion, nous avons instauré sur le forum un système de demandes de particularités (à remplir avant de demander ta validation) pour déterminer les compétences de ton personnage. Selon son âge, il disposera d'un certain nombre de points d'expérience à répartir sur différentes branches de compétences, que nous te détaillerons en temps voulu. Ces points te permettront de personnaliser les capacités de ton personnage, en choisissant les niveaux de maîtrise appropriés. Ainsi, tu auras une vision claire de ses compétences dès son entrée en jeu.
Cumul de particularités
Nous autorisons un maximum de deux particularités cumulées par personnage, à la condition que ces particularités soient de nature différente (cf. les quatre grandes catégories).
exemple : un vampire ne peut pas être daemonis ; un·e fae ne peut pas être vélane.
Toutefois, il est important de souligner qu'un·e moldu·e contaminé·e ne peut pas avoir d'autre particularité — iel n'étant pas sorcier et bénéficiant déjà de deux aptitudes (nous t'en dirons plus ultérieurement !) .
Reste à l'affut pour la présentation plus détaillée de chacune de ces particularités dans les jours à venir ~
Note importante : d'une dimension à l'autre, les particularités ne seront pas jouables de la même manière, le contexte politique et historique de chaque île variant de façon notable. Nous ne te donnerons cette semaine que les informations générales à connaître pour mieux appréhender et comprendre les particularités disponibles sur le forum, mais te recommandons de patienter rien qu'un peu avant de commencer à construire un personnage !
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sarcasticdolphin · 2 years ago
Weekend writing plans:
Friday evening (and I really mean evening this time): Reprisal, chapter 2 (Alicent)
Saturday: Needs of the few, part 5 (things are about to get spicy)
Sunday: Second Conquest, Daemon I
Something Todolfy and daemony (as in the animal, not the character) might sneak in at some point.
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