#{ Ough she'd be so fucking pretty }
decorobium · 2 years
🎁 + a lovely, blood red obi - covered in a delicate pattern of camellias mixed with dendrobiums.
send “ 🎁 + [ gift description ] ” to deliver my muse a gift !
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It's.. Beautiful. She doesn't really know what to say, if anything she didn't expect much of anything from the Yashiro Commissioner- let alone something so.. feminine
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"Kamisato san I-" The tengu bites her lip, her Father would be furious if she denied such a gracious gift from a clan head. Instead, she bows and holds it close, the tips of her ears almost as red as the obi in her hands.
"My deepest gratitude for such a gift Lord Kamisato. I'll be sure we of the Kujou clan, offer their own gift as soon as possible."
0 notes
dreamerwitches · 6 months
RIGHT! I'm going to judge everyone with their doppel choices!!! Get ready for long post
In all seriousness, you're entitled to your own opinions and this is just a bit of fun. I'm genuinely interested to see the most popular doppels and I KNOW there are no set rules for the votes as the account has stated so peoples choices may be for gameplay etc etc. So, no meanness, right? It's all in jest (m-mostly...)
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Giovanna time! I agree very muchee, I'm not a big fan of swimsuit Giovanna. Yeah she's cute but I dunno I just don't like the sail and that's such a big part of it. I understand why og and anime are equal cause anime Giovanna was FIRE and the new take on it in-game works well. Og deserves well because duh, its the og and anime deserves well too cause it's on par. But Infinite Giovanna ough, left the girls in the dust. Beautiful colours, beautiful combination of Giovanna and Shitori Egumo. She's beautiful and she knows it!
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The first disagreement. Tanabata Campanella falls into the 'its too busy i dont have a clue whats going on and thats not a good thing' camp for me. Yes the colours are pretty but damn there's too much going on. And the colours on her spine bit are way too much overall. I get it but it's not for me. I'm glad my choice is second though. Historia Campanella is.... is not Campanella that's the eiffel tower and anime Campanella is just ugly. They removed the lantern which is such a good part of the og. the hint of red works so well and the ugly four shoes are a) large and ugly and b) dont fucking fit! The only thing i like is the hat but do i like it more than og? Not really, its on par
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Alright THIS is my first 'um hello, what are you guys doing?' Tiracchana is awful, what are you on? I definitely feel the magis are affecting choice here cause I know Yuna is popular. I'm sorry but her doppel is shit. So ugly and such a mishmash of bad aspects. I'm sad Merkava is so low in comparison cause her theming is cool and she actually looks good. Done dirty... But like, how the fuck is halifax winning? She's just a fucking guillotine for petes sake... Im not a fan because it irks me but come on this is not the best design. Lakehurst done dirty waaa... she's such a cool mix of animal and machine and she works so well. Not too busy and has a clear theme. I suppose the only thing that isnt so great is the tongue since its colour sticks out so much. Very disappointed in everyone...
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W-Why none of y'all like Marguerite?? What's she done wrong?! She'd be my second choice. I think Cuauhtitlan is fine but I struggle judging her since Im not knowledgable on the culture. But she does look very nice and the colours are good. I like Marguerite for her kinda castle/tank-y feel. The colours are nice and the structure is interesting! She kinda falls into 'this doesnt look like a witch and moreso an object' bracket but its not that bad... im so sad she's unpopular... Now im surprised at Halomonas. Its just boring man... and she's definitely 'this doesnt look like a witch and moreso an object'. Just nothing in it is particularly fun or cool, I just find her so boring. I suppose Alexandra's integration is good though, but otherwise... Unbased. But I'm very happy with Vlastenske! I looooove clowns!!! And she's super creepy and fun! You should be winning, sweetie
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Sigh. Hepialidae is shit, what are you on? Moths are so important to the theme and story magireco and yet this rando has a moth witch? It's so out of left field and doesnt suit her theme as far as I know. I wanted her to be a vampire witch so bad back in the day... The colours are ruined by the leg parts too. Like hello? Where do those ugly purples and greens come from?! I suppose Kushu's integration is nice though. I understand Henrietta's low score. She falls into the object category but at least she's pretty. Sad about Don Rocinante though... I get she is a little boring but I do have metal bias... (looking at my fave Gisela... ) But compared to the others I still think she should be higher And man, I know Konomi is popular but... it... it's just flowers... c'mon...
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Yeah, shitty magirepo deserves to be last... I think all (not you rena-chan) are very good here and deserve to be equal. A little surprised Elfriede is lower... I suppose her theme is a little all over the place... the fingers at the bottom kinda come out of nowhere and the head is a little out of place. Cendrillon is very good but feels a tad like a number of things patched together. I think the neck and headpiece could be improved. I must admit I have a bias for Zola as Ive rather fallen in love with her (heehee oops!) I think she's so spooky and cool and the colours are great! It was kinda hard to choose out of three great doppels Oh uh, Cendrillon-chan... I forgot you were there... yeah Magirepo doppels are just lazy and awful, NEXT!
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Kogetsu winning as she should be... im furious the shitty Blot is not losing though... Komatsu falls into the mishmash category and there's a little too much going on. I wish she was more insect-like. I love Kogetsu though, the dragon is super cool as well as Chizuru's integration. It's just so satisfying to have such a circular silhouette too, she pulls it off well. Drekka Minni... sigh... does not deserve to be second. ITS A FUCKING BOAT. The only part I like is the dragon head but even then it doesnt fit in with ANYTHING else on the witch. I can barely even call her a witch... ugh... Oh and dear sweet Blot. Her witch is pretty good! But the doppel... The doppel is like 1/6th of the witch and they didnt even choose a good bit. Ugly, boring, lazy, and Gunhild has a shit utilisation. If you voted for her we are not friends.
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Cassandra deserves to be first for sure and I totally see why Vimala is low. Im not a big fan of Apebis but the design is still pretty good, deserves to be high. I see why Vimala is unpopular as she really just looks like an object. A very pretty object but just an object. Everyone is pretty good here so Im glad most are pretty equal. Magatsu is spooky and cool and so is Cassandra. Maybe they can be spooky gfs from across time
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What do you fucking mean no one likes Gosirsa??!! I'm mad Oaji is high hissssss Tara is very pretty and I love a Yokai cameo but she's a little too busy for my liking. Oaji.... Oaji is an object c'moooonnn... she's way too simple why is she top??? There are aspects I like like the reflection and stark red but not enough there. Marita is beautiful so im glad she's at least second. The theme is creepy and the colours are so pretty. But why no love for Gosirsa?! She's teetering on mishmash but I dont think she's that bad! The colours are nice and I love the mechanical bull theme! I get the wheels look a bit weird and not great but that's only one part... Poor girl...
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No Aztekium love... yeah, she's not great... the cactus rail gun is not made very well. It's just two objects splortched together... Glad Abigail is high cause she's super fun. Nice colours and fun theme. I'm surprised 9daime is so high since she kinda falls into mishmash... at least the colour scheme is pretty good. I dont like how most of the pieces just don't really go together. Makes sense that Oxford is second cause this isnt a very strong bunch. I hate Miyuri's shitty feet theme but at least Oxford has nice colours and although the legs are busy, I think its pretty okay and the mass of patterns are fun.
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WHAT ARE YOU ON JING IS BEAUTIFUL!!! Very unbased. I think the magi chose this one... >:( But... most of these are pretty good... but that doesnt mean Jing can be so low! Catacombe is very cool and has a good overarching theme and colour scheme. Im not so fond cause her colours are a little drab. I think Totentaz is a little boring, not enough going on I suppose and I dont think the wispy arms work. Otherwise she's fine, pretty but a little boring. But mannnnn Jing is so beautiful! I dont understand... the Chinese opera theme is BEAUTIFUL! I love her flowers and the trailing parts and how creepy she is when you look close... sigh... Casuarius is my least favourite here. Dunno, just don't get with her. The colours are very good and I love the symmetry and how Mikage is framed but I don't know if I like how the head part is put together, feels a little like separate things smooshed together without much thought.
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When I first voted Frederica was so high and I was SO mad. She's awful, one of the most boring witches. It's just eyes and a jpeg of flowers man... I'm so glad she's at the bottom now. I like the patterns of Hevelius but she is just a lump so I get why she's low. Etteilla is super pretty but I definitely prefer her witch. She's on equal par to Gibdaughter to me. I only chose her cause of my silly metal bias :)c heehee I love Gibdaughter, the metal punk bird is great and I love Kanae's unique hood. These two deserve to be equal
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This was a hard pick between ED Catacombe and Totentaz. The first two definitely fall into 'too detailed' for me. Like, man, look at Catacombe she has a whole party going on on her. Dunno if Elfriede deserves to be so low but they're all good. I like her pumpkin theme. I only chose Catacombe because Im not so fond of Totentaz. Does she deserve to be so high..? Eh, no... I think she's only so popular because she's the one that hurts your eyes the least. I think she's good, I LOVE the head cage thing but her bone scythe is too ugly and lumpy looking. I know ED Catacombe does look a little silly with her Papyrus Undertale skulls but I just love the colours and theme. She just works better for me.
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These are all pretty equal to me, no idea why Nenemu is so low. Do people just not like Nemu lol? Nolde is pretty, love her colours and matchstick theme. So is Nenemu though I get that she feels a little more busy. I love the eye hands and head, she's more spooky. I dont think Shitori Egumo deserves to be so high. She's nowhere near as cool as her witch but she's still good. Maybe my least favourite? But otherwise they're still pretty on par. I chose Sukhavati because I love her patterns, especially when she opens up. It's a bit of a disservice not showing that aspect. Plus I love a rafflesia lol
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Hmmmmmm. You want some controversy? Charlotte's doppel isnt that good guys. You know what the best part of Charlotte is? Her face. Her eyes and her huge mouth. And here..? Um... tiny mouth and no eyes. They took away her best parts! So sorry not sorry she isn't that good. Doppel Oktavia is way too stout for me. Why did they make her so fat? (not fatshaming at all, a plus sized oktavia would be beautiful but she usually isnt) Her head is so iconic why did they remove it and totally change her visor? I just think they ruined such a good witch. And Candeloro absolutely does not use enough of the witch. Its so painful cause I love Candeloro and Mami... She does not need to be that small and insignificant. I chose Ophelia cause um, the witch is actually there!! And I think the horse utilisation is actually smart! This definitely looks more like a witch popularity contest and no one actually looked at the doppels...
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Ehh... swimsuit doppels are hard... They're just always so... busy... Meh... Why does no one like Ophelia though??? You're lame... Oktavia is fine. I like the surfboard and colours. I think the different kind of fish is cool but she barely looks like Oktavia anymore... Swimsuit Candeloro is pretty and has nice colours but MAN its way too busy. Swimsuit Ophelia is a bit all over the place. Some colours dont fit in and the turtle looks kinda bad. Swimsuit Charlotte is probably my second fave cause the colours are nice and the mishmash theme kinda suits her but man, some of the pieces look so out of place. Stick with a consistent art style...
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Why is Luca so high? Egh... I think Luca's shape is overall so ugly and not good looking. The decorations a kinda okay but way too messy to see what you're looking at. I find her so hard to judge cause I know there's a deeper meaning I dont quite get so she's always on the fence for me. Im a Breadman hater. Why is she so unique? Why is she separate to Sudachi? What makes you so special??!! Too weird, feels like they're trying too hard to be cute. Gothel is pretty. Love the colours and the rapunzel spin. And I love me a set of ribs!! Valentines Breadman is a little better to me, I think a mishmash really suits the chocolate theme. Should be higher than regular Breadman.
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Naomi is one of the first doppels I saw so maybe im biased lol. Broiderie is too grey and complex for me. But otherwise she's very beautiful and suits the mushroom theme very well. Not a fan of her weird foot though. Sigh... Heide Jekyll (shit name). I get it, I really do. But you could have made the design better!!! I know its a sensitive topic but you've still gotta make something that looks good! Naomi is beautiful, beautiful colours, I love the dual heads and stark red between the bodies. I kinda wish the arms matched the rest more but otherwise a clear winner. Yeah, Ganni deserves to be last. It's just a helmet man... A very beautiful helmet but just a helmet.
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Theresia at the top like she deserves! I LOVE how awful and grotesque she is! You go girl! Go torture someone! Yu Hong is good but a little boring to me. Wish there was more than just the balloon. Beatrice is very good but I kinda hate the bright purple and fleshy pink. Ouch that hurts the eyes. She's a little tooo weird for me (not a good overarching theme) but I like how grotesque she is (wow second time saying that, gross girls forever!) Also how was I today days old when I realised Beatrice-chan is differently coloured... fake fan... but still not great... Theresia sweep is deserved.
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Hrrnngghhhh Old Dorothy isn't that good guys.... It's just a bunch of circles c'mon... and the Nightmare-esque creature is so out of place. Why does she have it? You know, the things Homura made in her isolation field? Eh... Sad McDougal is so low, she was my second choice. How dare you put her next to the shite that is Hund Balou. But... she isn't great... very object-y and what is going on with that pink thing? I think Im biased cause i love her magical witch. Winchester is a great translation of the witch. Love her, no notes (well...) Only critique is that the colours are boring but that's obviously her shtick. Hund Balou... is like one of the only doppels that just look so badly drawn. The hands are awful, the hair is awful and the headpiece looks stuck on. BUT... the colours are very pretty and I love her dress. Oh and Hanna's utilisation is so unbearably lazy.
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This was kinda a battle of the worst for me... Only chose Winchester cause I like main Winchester. Old Dorothy is too busy, Yu Hong is just green with barely any additions, Cuauhitlan is WAY WAY too busy (but aside from the centre she is very pretty). Man, no one served at this party...
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Huh, another battle of the worst... Can we please not have a variant doppel that is unbearably busy? I chose Oktavia cause her colours are really pretty as well as the additions. But... w-why is she fat again??!! (see before, nothing wrong with large Oktavia but she... she isnt in the anime so where has this come from?!) Totentaz is finneeee... but its just a little boring... The green is ugly and the arm bits detract too much from the rest of it. (though i like the repeated red stripes). Tara is just WAY too busy and so is Henrietta. It's so hard to see what's going on... They are pretty but man... tone it down a bit!
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I hate Carola so so much its unbelievable. Its such a bad doppel... I need the full description to tell you how awful she is. I am so passionate about how much I hate this doppel (this is from a wip doppel ranking)
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Final Carola is... better... I wish this was her usual but im so weighed down by its previous shitness that I didnt vote for her... The colours are pretty and so are the patterns. Caterina isnt a win for me. I have no idea why she has a butterfly theme and I wish it was more like a book. Its beautiful... but not Umika. Im biased for Antonio cause I just think he's so cool???? It's... it's not Kaoru (like hello?? Where is the football theme?) but I just like him aaaa... this was kinda another battle of the worst. I think Final Carola is the best here. (Kazumi Magica you deserve so much betterrrr)
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I LOVE SYLVIIIEEEEE! :) ah, where were we... Im very on the fence with Vayu. My opinion changes every time I look at her... I like the shape and the utilisation of Shizuku makes sense but Im not so sure about the colours and the uhhh bag head..? Doesnt make sense to me. Her main witch works so much better. Gela is high for me cause I love cloowwnnnsss! Just kinda wish she wasn't 60% huge beige bag. Love a dual jester hat and two faces but the colours juusstt dont match so well. Tongue and wings dont work so great with everything as a whole. Mmmm heehee Sylvie!!!! I love wind up monkeys, I love maids, I love body horror, I love purple... hello? This diva has no flaawwssss! Why is Paparazzo so high.... its pretty lame... The colours are alright and I love the repeated circles theme but eh the camera body isnt doing it for me. And the eyes feel a little lazy. She's just a little lazy overall...
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Forget battle of the worst this is battle of the best! A-and Kriemhild-senpai... Doppel Kriemhild is sooo good... it is a total shame she kinda isnt Kriemhild but a Portable reference wins brownie points in Kit's book! Original is great! No notes. Swimsuit is also very good but it wasnt the winner for me cause she is just a liiiiittle too busy... otherwise the colours are GORGEOUS and she is very good. Haregi Kriemhild is also so beautiful. I think the green is integrated well (they could have fluked that so easily) and the circular background works so well with her overall. Deserves to be on par with the other two, not that low :( And uh Kriemhild-senpai..? Oh look, we've run out of time!
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Hrrnnnnnn...... okay Homulilly is great, very good interpretation of Portable Homulilly. Only gripe is that she's kinda one-note on colours. She could've used the red of Portable homu. Now... guys... cool Homulilly isnt that good... Rebellion Homulilly is such a good design and what did they use here?.... oh... oh uh... n-nothing... Where's the spider lily? Where's the gramophone? WHERES THE SKELETON?! It just doesnt do it for me, champ (and i know, this isnt specifically Rebellion Homulilly but c'mon! They were going there with everything else, why not go the whole way!) I think the Lotte are way too busy, if you were gonna do the Clara Dolls, do the fucking Clara Dolls, you have ALL the assets for them! No, she does not deserve to be top y'all are liars and skanks Swimsuit Homulilly... COME ON THE COLOURS ARE LOVELY! This was before variant doppels were stuffed to their britches with too much shit. She's so cute, I love the contrast of the blue and the cute spotty arms aarrghhh y'all are missing out... Haregi Homulilly is too busy and the colours are kinda wack. The 7 Gods of Fortune Lotte just don't work for me... it's too messy and ugly... very unbased here...
Wow that's all up to date! So? Did this make you hate me? I dont really mind lol Im half looking-forward-to, half nervous about what the rest of the results will be...
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sweetlywingedcreation · 2 months
for the character ask: shadowheart baldursgate3 . idek anything about her I just think she's pretty🙂‍↕️
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Hell yes!!! Shadowheart!!!
How I feel about this character
Okay, so I love Shadowheart so freaking much!!! She was the first companion I romanced in BG3 and has claimed a special place in my heart. (thank you to my bestie who convinced me to choose her instead of Astarion for my first playthrough. Changed my life)
She's like one of the very few women I'm genuinely attracted to and she makes me question my sexuality a little lmao.
Once you get her to trust you she stops being cold for the most part and starts being sweet and a little dorky and OUGH I just love her.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I ship a decent amount with her but my mains are:
Karius my Tav (I have so much shit written and in my brain for these two! That's his fucking wife your honor!!! In my brain I've labeled them HeartBeat)
Halsin (the other half of my CanonXOc OT3 They are in a very happy poly relationship I have dubbed UrsineHeartBeat)
Karlach (Any time I'm not playing Kairius I always think of these two since they're almost always on my main team and their banter is always so fun. Also 'she looks like she could throw me over her shoulder' Is a god-tier line from SH. These bitches gay! Good for them... Good for them.)
Laezel (I'm not the biggest shipper of them but I think they're neat! Love a good enemies to lovers speedrun)
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Astarion!! I've seen some good romantic stuff for them but honest to god I just think they'd be besties drinking wine and gossiping.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don't think I really have any???
Like I like her character arc of learning to trust you and opening up slowly. I know some people thought she was bitchy in the beginning but in her defence, she was literally brainwashed by a cult not to trust people, it's kind of understandable she'd be cold and distant.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
More romance options in Act 2.
I know she was occupied with all of the Shar stuff happening but both Astarion AND Gale (and probably others but I only really know these 2) have a second romance scene in Act 2. I genuinely thought I fucked her and Kairius' relationship up when I didn't get anything until LITERALLY the end of it (right before the boss).
IIRC all you get from her is a brief 'Hey we had somethin' going, didn't we? Sorry, I was too busy!' moment. Like Gale gets a whole scene under the stars, Astarion gets an entire moment where you can hug him and tell him you care for him.
Where's Shadowheart's version!? Let me tell her how I care for her and that I'm glad she's okay after everything that happened in the gauntlet! Let me give her a night orchid and hold her hand under the stars! Let me heal her sliced palm from the blood sacrifices and tell her how strong she is for betraying Shar!
Yes, I know they're technically story beats and not EXPLICITLY romance scenes but cmon man.
Hells, I even wrote an entire thing about Kairius dying her hair (despite that happening in Act 3) because I just wanted MORE for her.
Maybe she gets a second thing in Act 3 idk, I never finished the game lmao but still. Let me love this woman more dammit!
Thank you for asking!!!! I love Shadowheart ^~^ <3
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hetaari · 10 months
one of my favorite hetalia writers (you lol) is into vocaloid too?????? Bruh???? Do you have any bedroom or fashion headcanons for the cryptons???
ough this is long overdue I'm so sorry,,,,, I don't want this to get too long so I'll post fashion headcanons here and make bedroom headcanons a separate poast
huge fan of floral print
she has lots of those cute brightly colored sundresses
so obviously spring/summer is where she peaks clothing wise
she wears skirts and tights even when it’s cold out but she does have her limits. If it’s seriously painfully cold and she has no choice but to be outside she will absolutely abandon being fashionable for the sake of not freezing to death
that being said. she does frequently make the mistake of underestimating how cold it gets. "it cant be that cold," she says, clueless. and every time, she suffers the consequences
Occasionally borrows stuff from Luka
like Miku, she also peaks during spring/summer fashion wise
shes more of a shorts person, though. shorts and graphic tees
her skirts generally tend to be on the shorter side
lots of tank tops and camisoles
Also she’s got quite a bit of pastel colors in her wardrobe
but tbh she 'borrows' (50/50 chance of her having asked) stuff from Miku
she doesn't suffer as much in the cold as Miku does, even though she wears short skirts and tights in cold weather as well (better tolerance for the cold, really)
slightly better at dressing for cold/mild weather tbh
thats not to say that his warm weather wardrobe is bad or anything, its just a bit plain bc he doesn’t care that much, specifically in summer when he’s focused more on not boiling to death
He’s pretty much at his best in fall and mid-late spring
He does more light colors when it’s warm and more dark colors when it’s cold
He has a lot of hoodies, jackets, and cardigans
he unironically wears cargo shorts/pants; a tactical advantage over bags, he says
once late fall/winter hits. ooh boy you best believe he's gonna be 'stealing' Kaito's sweaters constantly (bigger = more warmth is the logic he’s going by)
Her sense of style is a bit more on the modest side tbh
She doesn’t go for anything overly flashy
Her wardrobe's got a lot of muted colors in general, though she does also have brightly colored things like sundresses and stuff
yes she wears skirts when its cold but she generally wears long skirts anyway so it's not too weird
she generally avoids things with hoods unless she's desperate
she has a lot of. long flowy clothing. skirts, dresses, cardigans, you name it
also a lot of linen stuff and sunhats
and she only wears trench coats or peacoats, she doesn't like zippers very much
World's biggest crop top stan
Also a fan of denim (but like, nothing outrageous)
plenty of tube tops
i think she'd have a collection of sunglasses
she doesn't tolerate cold too well, so when its winter, she'd be wearing one of them big ass coats with the fur on the hood
and maybe some timbs or something. she's a real boots gal
a lot of reds, oranges, yellows, and browns
like len, she also steals kaito's sweaters
unlike len, though, she usually asks for them and returns them without a fuss
Ngl he kinda dresses like someone's father when the weather is warm
button ups, khakis, polo shirts, the works
hell, he's even worn cargo shorts. and hes got watches. that's just how Dad he gets
he doesn't do socks and sandals, at least
once it gets cold, that's when he really starts dressing
lots of blues, black, white and gray
Constant victim of his sweaters getting stolen, namely by Len and occasionally Meiko (at least Meiko just gives them back, Len pesters him to say 'fuck' before returning them)
also once warmer weather hits he takes a bit of time to get used to having his neck exposed; he just feels really weird without his scarf or something at least partially obscuring his neck, especially when he's in public
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absolute-snzaster · 1 year
ok I'm officially tired of waiting for literally any other person on snzblr to get into the same weirdly specific visual novels as me so fuck it, here's the a/ndromeda s/ix snzcanons that literally no one asked for! under the cut because I write so many fucking words oh my god
dad sneezes, because of course he does
fully vocalized, throaty, with two separate and clearly enunciated syllables
literally sounds like "AAAH–CHOOO!" what can I say, the man's a classic.
probably owns a fucking monogrammed handkerchief. or several
kind of looks like he's allergic to life but I feel like he'd lose his voice from all the dad sneezing so idk
one million percent the kind of stuffy, straightlaced bitch you want to see get absolutely wrecked by the worst stress cold of his life
the tiniest, highest-pitched, most adorable little kitten sneezes you could possibly imagine
can, will and has threatened the life of anyone who dares to mention it
this does not stop at least 50% of the crew from doing so anyway.
soft, wet, whispery/unvocalized sneezes
occasionally has (equally whispery) hitchy buildups, but never hitches more than twice per sneeze
probably the type to sneeze into cupped hands. or a crumpled tissue/several tissues/handkerchief in said hands
sniffly, probably rubs his nose a lot
has allergies and specifically stifles his allergy sneezes for whatever reason.
stifles by pressing one finger under his nose and somehow it actually works?
this might just be because he's my number one favorite best guy (sobbing crying I love him so much ough) but I could totally see him having the kink and being SUPER embarrassed about it. just so blushy and flustered and aaaaaa 🥰🥰🥰
I feel like I had another thought about this but I forgot it bc too busy thinking about June blushing 😊
he would just have the shyest smile after he sneezed like especially if somebody blessed him oh my GOD I would die for him my sweet sweet boy
long, breathy buildups and soft, satisfying releases
doesn't necessarily have the kink, but does seem like the type to really just enjoy a good sneeze
I could see her having the kink tho. just bc she probably knows how to cure a cold in like 3 minutes if she wanted to
also probably knows what plants to use to make people sneeze... 👀
I picture her sneezing into tissues, but like... weirdly oversized tissues. just for the Aesthetic™
soft, rapid fits
uses tissues. will give anyone shit for using anything else (hands/sleeves/etc because she thinks it's gross, and handkerchiefs because she thinks they're dorky :PPP )
sneezes eight times in a row, like, regularly. it's specifically eight
always looks surprised before/between/after sneezes
probably allergic to cats. probably puts her face on them anyway
would tease a partner to within an inch of their life if she found out they had the kink, and then indulge the almighty fuck out of it. like possibly to the point where it'd be like kind of a lot for them actually. it's really just another form of teasing
she'd fucking love that she could turn someone on just by sneezing tho
really snotty colds. probably gets a pretty bad cough with them too
absolutely the type to get laid up with man flu. just the most melodramatic when he's sick
probably goes to Ryona the second he gets a cold all sniffling and going "helllllllllp :("
can make his tattoos flash when he sneezes as a party trick but disables it when he has a cold bc it makes his head hurt
once accidentally did said party trick during sex. liked it a weird amount
not above using his grease rags as snot rags when nobody's looking
maybe even when they are looking, honestly.
angry, breathless fits that leave him doubled over and gasping every time
almost sounds like coughing... or snarling
sneezes into a loosely closed fist. with gloves on, usually
[redacted] used to worry about him when he got fits and would always try to rub his back and lend him a handkerchief
he would always try to laugh and act like he was way too cool and sexy to use a handkerchief.
he still has one of the handkerchiefs
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monards · 7 months
(I've just had Normal thoughts brewing for so long with nowhere to spew them I've thought about rhinedottir Genshin impact a normal amount) but another Bedtime story my brain tells me is where Alice sets up a surprise reunion because Rhine at her core is a loving mother, but mental issues and abyssal corruption warped her to slowly become colder towards Albedo until she left him. BUT!!! months later she showed up in front of Alice crying because she just now processed she pushed her human son out of her life and (after being like "I know😐 I had to take that broken child in😐") Alice finds a way to bring them together again (usually my brain says it's set up as her coming to see Klee). Rhinedottir was going to play it cool and try to keep her emotions controlled while she apologized, but Albedo was so shocked to see her again that he calls her mom while crying. The last time he called her that was when he first learned to speak, so hearing it now just breaks her. It ends with both crying and hugging each other because they deserve some familial love
Anon. i fear to tell you. these are not normal thoughts (sitll love them though.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as much as they've ruined my night and mad eme cry!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I always sort of imagined that Rhine was still pretty emotionally distant when khaneri'ah wasn't. gone. mostly because of how the culture there seemed to be,,, but thinking about this too…. the buildup would've been. insane. OUGHJSHHSIOO THIHIS IS KILLING ME. RHINEEEEEEEEEEE
I think it isn't acknowledged enough that Rhine DID seem to be good (at some point) at the beginning,, because as much as we can take into account the fact that most her kids don't perceive things normally; I doubt literally all of them (besides dorian. because he's a unique case. LMAO) would be so enamored with her as their mother/creator IF she hadn't been a loving mother at one point or another, or in atleast one aspect..,,, which is why she is most certainly fucked up after seeing half of those guys die. there's most certianly something, deep in her heart!!! you are so right!!!!!!!!!!! I appreciate the idea of Alice of all people being the one to facillitate it sooo mmuch,,,,, alice's character is built sosoo well on the idea of family and compassion... after chastising her for being a deadbeat mother,, i doubt she'd let the chance for her to plan this slip by (ESPECIALLY considering the fact albedo is so obviously keen on seeing her again) its just auguhhhhhh... they are such a little family and they make me ill.
Thisss would actually be. so fucked up in my head. because albedo would be the first of pretty much all her children who she'd see after sending out. Elynas, durin, even the unicorn who's mentioned once,, all just either died or vanished after Rhinedottir set them off (not including riftwolves bc those mfs were an accident.) ,,, imagine how bittersweet it'd be to see your last remaining son alive. and better than before. OUGH Albedo was taughtt sooo much about family and love in mondstadt,, and I swear I've made a post before on how he'd obviously realize at SOME point that rhine wasn't really completely horrible, as mean and strict as he was... annd oughhh him seeing her again... after so longn.... they hurt me. they both hurt me so much. I think. i think that if albedo called her mom I would tear in half. because the wayy hoyo keeps using the mother narrative in this game has already teared my emotional state to bits... and albedo calling the great sinnner..... gold... rhinedottir his mother. i'd throw up. everywhere. the most evil women on the planet but he's still her mother. OAUUGHHHHHHHHHHHH
i hope you know these asks are making me. so incredibly sick. I love them. THankyou.
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remyfire · 1 year
Redo! Assign them all an eeveelution :pleading_face:
This is for aesthetics, and my personal interpretations of their personalities in my personal verses, and nothing else, do not come AT me fans—
—Hawk: He gets a sylveon because he is the least cis and most fairy (affectionate) out of everyone on this list to me— But he's also one of the most loyal people you'll ever meet, and if he's Picked You, you feel like the most special fucking person in the world. So the trans pokemon who has to already be gay before you make it your best friend ofc evolves from his eevee. —Trap: Jolteon, and not JUST because of his pretty robe, thank you. He's a driving energetic force among those around him, known to bring just as much light to the others as Hawk does. Normally his skies are pretty calm, but in the moments where he turns his full wrath on something, perceiving it is incredibly terrifying. —Beej: Flareon. California sunshine boy. Golden retriever. Bringer of a smile to every face around him as often as he can. If you touch him for too long, he's liable to leave you red, blistered, burned, needing to heal. But also you can't stay away from him for long, or the world feels like it's freezing you into ice. Also he turns people pink a lot because he's handsome— —Peg: Vaporeon. An even temperament, taken to laughing as gently as a babbling brook. She's stunning on the surface, but a lot of people are willing to take her at face value and not dip beneath and see how fucking much is buried inside of her. Able to move, to weave, to change with her surroundings rather than being rigidly solid. She wears down barriers and walls and invites people to come rest by her, to let their troubles be washed away. —Margaret: Glaceon. In a narrative way, I think she would actually get unsettled if it evolved this way, if it didn't require a tool to do so—she'd wonder if she was responsible for it, and she'd be correct. Rigid, chilly to the touch but aching to melt. Every agony in her life has chipped something off her, leaving her with sharp edges. But god, she gleams. She's gorgeous. She's thawing and changing shape, and this time she gets to decide what she'll become in the aftermath. —Charles: Umbreon. He reenforces so much distance from people, stays cool, keeps them at bay, tells himself over and over and over again that he'd rather be as far removed from their light as he possibly can. But god, do they bring out the best in him, that really lovely golden gleam. I think about some of the abuse and horrors he's lived with that have forcibly changed the color of his skies. I think again about the friendship requirement for umbreon, think about how the moment Charles decides someone is His, they're hard-pressed to get him away. They just have to earn it first. —Sidney: I'm being stereotypical and giving him an espeon, but the man went to med school and fucking EARNED IT. Incredibly elegant as well, so watchful, the kind of man who is happier sticking to the edges of a scene and observing rather than wanting to be in the thick of it. He knows what you need just by looking at you. —Father Mulcahy: He gets a leafeon because we see him working in a garden but also because he's able to coax so much fucking growth out of people. He's unconfident in believing that he can help prune away areas that cause people emotional pain, but he's so fantastic at it. —Radar: He gets an eevee because he's full of potential and he just needs to believe in himself and train up a little to see it!!!!!
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lightlycareless · 1 year
OUGH CHAPTER 33,, this ones RICH theres so much here all of y/ns letters,, i wonder how hinata would feel if she actually got to read them?? not that she'd get through all of them before trying to break in there herself to get y/n out i imagine
NAOAKI,, calling y/n cute straight up now?? we're just straight into it there's no denying anything anymore. full on flirting out there-- good for them. and the GRAPE,, feeding her the grape,, im obsessed. hinata turning naoaki away bc of his resemblance to naoya-- i get why girl but also MAN you are missing out on the sweetest man in the world. n also the possibility of the zenin's getting pissy over hinata and naoaki talking to each other?? they are DERANGED for real its unbelievable.
mariya and tatsuro,,, i really do think she COULD tell hitomi i like to think she'd understand. and also backing herself into a corner w lying about to everyone i just can not imagine that ending well at ALL somewhere down the line
THE BOXES FULL OF RECORDS MY GODDD,,, naoya is going to give y/n a HEART ATTACK. its a thoughtful gesture but she is so (understandably!!) put off anything to do with him she just finds it creepy as fuck. it is so funny tho "there has to be another reason for his actions,, but what,," girl,,, hes trying to be nice for once this is not a murder attempt,,
and the idea that naoya's gonna eventually try to ask how she liked the gift oh MAN-- he's already gonna be torn up beyond belief over that last chapter ending (must be why we don't see him this time he's too busy crying) and to see her respond cold to like... what's probably the first real big thoughtful gift he's tried to get her?? devastating. obliterated.
this chapter is driving me insane and up the walls (in a good way) i am SO ready to see whats coming.. ur setting up for somethin big i know it,,,
Hello!!!! I’m glad you liked the bit of… lore I guess? I don’t know how to call it lol regarding Y/N’s letters! I only went through them briefly, in the aspect of what she must write and what not to keep a low profile, but never really showed what she was writing… and boy, was it sad.
Hinata would be very, very sad. Definitely. She’d first be upset, angry, quickly identifying that her letters are to set up a façade that everything is right, when it’s not. She’ll also be able to find some traces of Y/N being genuine whenever she speaks of the twins or her staff… perhaps. But overall, those clues end up being irrelevant to the fact that Y/N is in danger and needs to be taken out of there as soon as possible.
And her not caring for Naoaki…. Hahahahahah it made me laugh and a bit frustrated tbh, but how is she supposed to know?! yet OMG he's RIGHT THERE.
I did think on various occasions that her acting that way with him might’ve been... reckless, like it could’ve raised some red flags from him and be like “Hinata is acting weird” subsequentially, leading the clan to be further vigilant of her. However, Naoaki doesn’t know what’s up with his clan, and his priority is to help Y/N above anything else so… yeah. I wish she would’ve given him the benefit of the doubt and approached him, doing so on any other occasion I think, when she isn’t there for work and isn’t overworked either lol.
But yeah, she’s tired of all she’s been put through and couldn’t care less of engaging with other people as of right now. To Naoaki’s defense… Hinata didn’t talk to anyone else either, so there’s that 🤭
I’m still surprised the Zen’in weren’t lil bitches about it, they probably didn’t consider their interaction to be that important anyway—since their secrets are safely guarded… at least for now. Kind of. Hinata is still not out of their radar. Hmm. They’re probably thinking on how to not get involved in the crisis since they think so little of non-sorcerers lol.
Now onto Mariya…. I just love causing conflicts with her lmao. You could argue that she’s not doing anything… wrong per se, but man, lies and lack of communication can lead to some pretty terrible misunderstandings and that’s the least of the things I want happening between Y/N’s staff 😭 But essentially Mariya is afraid that speaking out loud of this situation might lead other members of the staff overhearing this, rumors begin to circulate around the house, and she loses her job 💀 It’s not that she doesn’t trust Hitomi, but she’d rather keep it hidden from everyone to avoid these risks. (also, the pain of having disappointed her is too much for her to even contemplate 😭 she cares too much for the sisters, and already gone through something like that with Y/N... no, I can't have her suffering 😭😭)
As for Naoaki… that freaking scene with the grape was like omg…………………………………………………… I wanted to go heavier on the subtle implications, but I was like no ma’am, Y/N pulled away from that one and I don’t think Naoaki would insist after seeing her reject his advancements sooooo maybe for another time 😊 This was also a way to show just how… bold the two had become after the whole Naobito/Naoya/Y/N thing went down, had this been before that, Naoaki would’ve never done something like that.
I can imagine Ranta watching the two from some undisclosed corner frantically hoping that Naoya won’t come out and see them lmao.
Finally… the mystery of whatever Naoya was shoving inside his pocket the chapter before is revealed!
Guess he was listening to what Y/N was telling him, however, for him to suddenly go out and buy them implies another motive behind them… or at least that’s what I intended to write 🤭 Naoya is trying something, to be nicer I guess, but without him taking accountability I don’t think there’s going to be any advancements soon. 😫 He’s still out there having some kind of war with Naoaki, when he should be focusing on Y/N and his marriage!!!!! Well, best wishes to him I guess lol.
Now… I won’t say much outside of that hehe because it will be expanded on the next chapter, it's a Naoya-centric one where we'll see what he was doing while this went down, as well as a bit of—
Anyways, thank you so much for tuning in for a new update!! The build up for the next chapter has me at edge, nervous… but excited too and I can’t wait to show you!!! (let the hype be appropriate) But for now, I shall take it easy, I got my birthday to enjoy (and this annoying cold out of the goddamn nowhere!!! To overcome)
Have a wonderful weekend, take care, and hope to see you soon!!!
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grellestie · 2 years
ive been playing a shit ton of darkest dungeon lately and here's my opinion on which black butler characters would be which class!!
darkest dungeon is really cool btw!! it kind of has the same elements of black butler (fucked up protag, supernatural creatures, mental health being explored in a neat way, and the running theme of everyone being the absolute worst besides like two or three people!). i really recommend it if you love sadistic video games with eldritch horrors!!
under da tag bc i dont shut up
ciel: ngl. he's the one that gets fucked over by the ancestor and has to build teams to kill eldritch horrors. which is what i thought at first
after thinking, he should be houndmaster and instead of a dog, it's just sebastian, pouting. /j
sebastian: BUT SERIOUSLY- for sebby, i'd like to think maaaybe occultist? there really isn't any classes close to a demon so someone who can summon eldritch horrors to fight other eldritch horrors seems like it'd make sense.
mey rin: musketeer. obvi. she go pew pew!! and also has the WORST ACCURACY IN THE WORLD- (this is personal salt, let me live. been so close to having party wipes)
bard: honestly. highwayman. he has one(1) attack that could count as an explosive. also they kinda have the same haircut!! i think it fits also theres no real explosives in the base game sadly. UNLESS you wanna talk enemies- then there's brigand vvulf who blows things the fuck up because he can! i think that fits him too! kind of!! since brigand is kind of a massive asshole.
finny: OH GOD,,, i had a toughie with this one buuuut- im probably going to go with bounty hunter or leper because of finny's SHEER strength. he's just busted man and you can beat the entire game with leper sooooo yeah! the mean part of me wanted to say abomination but again, thats mean but it's extremely wild to me that they pretty much have the same Tragic Backstory of experimented on for the lols and now just have to deal with it. at least finny got the better end of the stick! poor abomination...
now the reapers! (in order of appearance)
grelle: hellion! she is the biggest girlboss in the game so ofc she'd fit grelle, come on now. the hellion class is extremely broken powerful and puts out an insane amount of damage! a part of me wants to argue grave robber but it doesn't have a lot of flashy and powerful moves- this is mainly considering grelle is the 3rd strongest character in the series iirc.
william: OH ANOTHER HARD ONE- but i think he'd fit being a shieldbreaker! it's a bit of a stretch but hear me out- it's mainly the weapon and it's capabilities that would make william fit the class the most!! also her defensive end seeing as william being pretty good at Not Getting His Shit Wrecked or at least as badly (book of circus is def something i needa rewatch)
undertaker: oh this bitch. i'm probably going to go with the prophet boss! the prophet defied the ancestor by speaking facts and wouldn't die no matter what the ancestor did, kind of like how taker is with the dispatch. also the fact they're both blind but hit like a fucking truck fits!!
ronald: my BOY! now HE'D be grave robber!! he's not really too strong and kinda squishy but can still be formidable if not taken seriously. also the mental image of him hitting an undead with a pickaxe to the face is funny to me-
eric: either highwayman or man-at-arms! both classes are good at taking out a lot of enemies at once and eric is pretty good at killing people <3
alan: OUGH another hard one- i think character wise (more than attack wise), he'd def fit the leper. the leper goes through it and so does alan yet they still kick ass and get the job done!
othello: this dummy! i think antiquarian would fit! antiquarians are support heroes 100% and then they hit like a truck...! a toy truck...! a toy truck that's a stuffie...! unless you get a hit off with "nervous stab" but it's not really all that worth it. OH and the move "protect me" that's pretty much the same as othello using grelle as a meat shield fits.
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windy-trickster · 8 months
okay also 💗 for pyrotechnics/ceramdala bc they're new and shiny and are in my brain
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: 💗💗💗💗💗 Now while yes Dala does think she's quite pretty/cute, I do think Dala finds her personality more attractive tbh. So fun and full of life! Even if Cer's a little messed up in other ways, Dala can't ignore the fact there's a bright and clever girl under all of that fucked up-ness!
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗💗💗💗 They are so fucking girl buddies your honor. Even if they don't hang out a lot Dala still sees Cer as a good friend and tends to call her a special little nickname [That being "Sour tart"]
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💗💗💗💗💗 If Cer let her, she'd do unholy things to her. [Although with uh... QUITE a good amount of prep work first. Dala's a big girlie y'know!]
ROMANTIC INTENT: 💗💗💗💗💗 First off: Ough woman <- Dala's lesbian ass over here. Second off: Despite how Cer is, she does oddly mesh well with someone like Dala! Tall girl menace [Loud] x Tall girl menace [Calm]. The occasional flirting [even tho I can only imagine Cer's oblivious to it] and the little petname are two surefire signs that Dala does, in fact, have romantic interest in her.
💔 Non-existent 💗 Very low 💗💗 A little 💗💗💗 Hopeful 💗💗💗💗 High 💗💗💗💗💗 Maximum
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🧸; What sort of plushies do you think your f/o would like? Beanie Babies, Squishmallows, big or small ones, etc?
🎲; What's your favorite board game to play with your f/o(s)? Least favorite?
👜; Show a picture of your favorite outfit your f/o has worn and gush about it! Go absolutely ham too, keysmashes and heart emojis are encouraged!
~ rebeccaselfships
!!!FRIEND FRIEND HIHIHIHI!!!!!!! I'm gonna answer these with Diana ;>
🧸; What sort of plushies do you think your f/o would like? Beanie Babies, Squishmallows, big or small ones, etc?
She absolutely LOVES old Beanie Babies. I can't think of any she'd have atm but 47 and I have absolutely bought her one that shares a birthday with her!!! (I also don't know which one that is but when I figure it out I'll reblog this post HEHE). She also really likes the jumbo Squishmallows bc then she has something to cuddle whenever the three of us are apart,,,
🎲; What's your favorite board game to play with your f/o? Least favorite?
I fucking love playing Battleship IRL and with her!!! Like. It's so silly it's so fun the BANTER.....which makes it funny that the least favorite is Risk. She's just too good at it 😭. I don't last long in that game against her OR 47 LMAO-
👜; Show a picture of your favorite outfit your f/o has worn and gush about it! Go absolutely ham too, keysmashes and heart emojis are encouraged!
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She's just so fucking pretty like holy shit she's a goddess she's everything THAT'S MY WIFE!!!!!!!!! I just wanna slow dance with her in the moonlight and do the stupid dramatic leaving kisses from her hand all the way up her arm like in cartoons!!!!!!!! Like!!!!!!!!!
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goatpaste · 2 years
Sammi which jojo guy is THE ugliest jojo guy make them fight for top contender
really such a such a good topic, i defiantly think they should kill each other
lIKE ok, theres the clearly FUCKED UP looking designs out there, and i personally feel i shouldn't throw their hate into the ring because thats just too easy, like p5 was riddled with ugly fuckers and UGLIER fuckers
but man out of the "normal" looking bitches... ough
Fugo comes to mind, especially this picture
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Dio but specifically after he gets souped up and looks like my grandmother after she'd get high and put makeup on
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kira was really going for gold when he was doin this shit, like these look horrible
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Diavolo is a pretty horrible design, like i really didnt love Doppio's look but when i really started having to look over Diavolos look im like. Doppio looks like he has a set outfit going out. Diavolo looks so terrible and like a fucking mess of a design
like this just looks so awful to me. he looks like olive loaf meat. Please put a shirt on this beast
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YKNOW WHILE WERE HERE, this fucking one to. he's so fucking ugly, i hate blonde men. his stand was cool but i hate him i would kick him into space if i could
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I WILL ALSO SAY IN GENERAL. i think the p5 manga art style has a lot of charm. but i think that anime made the style look SO bad and so many of them look so much uglier and just horrible. everyone drawn like a fucking monkey creature and i hate to look at them.
oh also this is the funniest picture ever what a horrible thing
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and one last thing while were all here
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