#{ . Anri 02 . }
starcwrld · 8 months
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01 ditto 02 twilight zone 03 cool with you 04 soul to soul 05 lorelai 06 pung 07 rewind 08 remember summer days 09 telephone number
the album. era highlights. the vlog series moments. san fransicso. moments. styling. stages. promotional events. photocards
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"REWIND" marks the debut studio album from the acclaimed K-pop group Starcluster, celebrated for its enchanting city-pop sound and nostalgic atmosphere. The album stands out with a triple title track structure, with each title track featuring its own set of B-sides.
In Tape One, the title track "Ditto" shines for its cinematic brilliance and poignant storyline. The narrative follows the girls' journey from carefree teenage years to adulthood, delving into the fears of growing older and highlighting the solace they find in each other's companionship. The associated B-sides, "Twilight Zone" and "Cool with You," received their own music videos. Shot with Kodak film strips and old Canon digital cameras, the vlog-like style of filming adds an intimate touch. "Twilight Zone" captures the girls exploring the town before their graduation night, while "Cool with You" showcases the significance of their graduation. "Ditto" serves as a summary, encompassing various essential memories from their youth.
Tape Two, featuring the title track "Soul to Soul," unfolds a romantic storyline. The music videos for "Lorelai" and "Lights" accompany it, portraying sisterhood and platonic love, respectively. Shot exclusively with Kodak film strips, Tape Two takes on a more film-like quality compared to the vlog-like style of Tape One.
Tape Three, titled "Rewind," takes a nostalgic trip back to the 80s. Featuring covers of "Telephone Number" and "Remember Summer Days" by Junko Ohashi and Anri, respectively, this tape offers a unique retro experience. While "Rewind" received an official music video, the girls took charge of filming for "Telephone Number" and "Remember Summer Days," reintroducing the vlog-like feeling as they showcase their everyday lives. The time-traveling camera in the "Rewind" music video adds an intriguing element to this journey into the past. Overall, "REWIND" encapsulates Starcluster's ability to deliver captivating music, accompanied by visually stunning and thematically rich music videos.
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era highlights
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ not that expensive surprisingly even though each song got a music video… the three that really had the high budget were ditto, soul to soul and rewind. The b-sides were filmed and edited by the girls themselves to give that intimate like feeling. "
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ this got their first PAK and it got a good amount of music show wins. Ditto had the most performances with like 5 stages, soul to soul had like 3 and rewind had 2 so they were booked and busy ! "
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ some fans were mad though because the last two songs were covers and they were expected like 9 new songs …. "
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ ditto went viral on social media and the album’s filming style was the trend as well. Many people would do a compilation of clips similar to the style in twilight zone and cool with you. Old cameras were trending again too for the filters that were put on the video. "
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ a five video long vlog series went up with each girl documenting their experience with filming the music videos and their promotions. "
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ They also got a little reality TV show where they traveled to san francisco! "
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ there was a lot of cute interactions between the members and their fanbase really grew during this time as well. Hana and Soyi got the most new fans while Kiyoko began to get a lot of fan boys. "
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ overall a really fun era! Being very vague with the descriptions here because i’m planning on actually writing out a lot of their best moments during this era so this will be a multipart series kinda ! :D"
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prismaiden · 7 months
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PRISMAIDEN  ⚜ a heavily headcanon-based , highly selective & private interpretation of ANRI OF ASTORA from DARK SOULS 3 as avenged by Puffin . affiliated with the wonderful @culltist . ♡
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themes ↠ home is the first grave , survivor’s guilt , death and the maiden , the beauty of decay , remaining gentle in the face of horror , god loves you but not enough to save you , grief must be lugged , kindness is not weakness , vengeance as duty , cycles and inescapable fates, becoming the hero you once dreamed of .
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bio | prompts | verses | thread tracker | inbox : 09 rules beneath the cut :
01 . Puffin. 30s. Ireland. Slow-paced writer.
02 . l only engage with folks aged 21 and over. Don’t follow unless you plan to interact.
03 . OC and crossover friendly. Multiverse and multiship. Plotting heavy.
04 . Common roleplay courtesy applies. Be kind, be patient, it’s that simple.
05 . Mun ≠ muse. I curate my own online space and I expect you to do the same.
06 . Potentially upsetting and mature themes include but are not limited to : cannibalism, religious trauma, character death, gore.
07 . PSD, icon and textures from cavalierfou.
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kwnnys · 2 years
pls read thoroughly before sending in a request/ask (^.^)
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(01). genshin ; too many to list.. but I write for almost all characters
(02). demon slayer ; kamaboko squad, the hashiras, uppermoons, tamayo, yushiro, enmu, rui (platonic only)
(03). bluelock ; isagi, bachira, chigiri, reo, nagi, rin, sae, anri, hiori, karasu, otoya, yukimiya, shidou, ness, kaiser, kurona, kiyora, charles
(04). pjsk ; all characters except the vocaloids (😞)
(06). obey me ; the demon bros, solomon, thirteen
note; I tend to write way more content for the current media I'm hyperfixated on (which, currently is bllk)
STUFF I am willing to write ::
fluff, suggestive content, light angst, diff aus, any gender readers, platonic relationships, poly ships, fluff alphabet prompts (template here)
STUFF I will NOT write ::
underaged charas, dark content, yandere themes, smut/nsfw, oc x readers, heavy angst
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pls mention if you want hcs, drabble, or oneshot! (if not, I will usually write a short drabble/hcs since that's what's easiest for me).
gender will be kept neutral unless specified
sometimes I will ignore/delete reqs if they don't follow my rules, or If I rlly have no ideas for it 😭
dm/submit an ask for any questions!
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aletheapierce · 2 years
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you can discard my virgin ears and say what you like
// 01. i just wanna dance by tiffany young  // 02. root beer float by olivia o’brien & blackbear // 03. try by lawrence // 04. school nights by chappell roan  // 05. kissing other people by lennon stella // 06. trashfire by tommy lefroy // 07. is there somewhere by halsey // 08. i miss you, i’m sorry by gracie abrams // 09. wolves by selena gomez // 10. sun king by laurel // 11. down in flames by ella vos // 12. thinkin’ bout love by wild rivers // 13. the woulds by rachel mcintyre smith // 14. it’s called: freefall by paris paloma // 15. high again (acoustic) by hoodie allen // 16. windy summer by anri [[ xx ]]
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imigrasibaubau · 3 months
Imigrasi Baubau Peningkatan Tata Kelola Kearsipan di Era Digital Tahun 2024
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Selasa, 02 Juli 2024 - Kantor Imigrasi Kelas II Non TPI Baubau mengikuti Sosialisasi Tata Kelola Kerasipan di Lingkungan Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi dalam rangka Mendukung Program Aksi Kemenkumham Tahun 2024 di Hotel The Trans Resort Bali. Kegiatan ini diwakili oleh Kepala Urusan Umum, Bapak Arsad dan staff Analis Keimigrasian Pertama.
Kepala Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Bali, Pramella Yunidar Pasaribu, membuka kegiatan Sosialisasi Tata Kelola Kearsipan di Lingkungan Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi Tahun Anggaran 2024 pada Selasa (2/7) di Trans Resort Hotel. Acara ini dihadiri oleh Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi, Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama Kanwil Kemenkumham Bali, para Kepala UPT Keimigrasian di lingkungan Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Bali, narasumber dari ANRI dan Biro Umum Kemenkumham, Kabid Pembinaan, Pengembangan dan Pengawasan Sistem Kearsipan pada Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Kota Denpasar, Pejabat Struktural dan Fungsional di lingkungan Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi, serta Satuan Kerja Keimigrasian dari seluruh wilayah Indonesia.
"Saya mengucapkan selamat datang, Rahajeng Rawuh kepada semua peserta yang telah hadir, serta terima kasih kepada panitia penyelenggara atas pemilihan Bali sebagai lokasi acara," ujar Pramella dalam sambutannya. Beliau berharap agar seluruh rangkaian kegiatan dari awal hingga akhir dapat berjalan lancar tanpa kendala.
"Saya mengajak seluruh peserta untuk memanfaatkan kesempatan ini sebagai sarana pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dalam bidang kearsipan, yang akan mendukung peningkatan kualitas kinerja pada masing-masing satuan kerja," tambahnya.
Pramella menekankan bahwa dalam era digitalisasi yang semakin berkembang pesat, manajemen arsip dan dokumen menjadi aspek yang sangat penting dalam menjaga integritas, keamanan, dan keteraturan informasi di instansi pemerintah. Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi, sebagai salah satu lembaga yang menangani berbagai dokumen penting, harus memiliki tata kelola kearsipan yang efisien dan sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan.
"Dalam konteks mendukung Program Aksi, Target Kinerja, dan Reformasi Birokrasi Kementerian Hukum dan HAM, kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan dampak positif secara keseluruhan," jelas Pramella.
"Saya mengajak seluruh peserta untuk mengikuti kegiatan ini dengan penuh konsentrasi, sehingga masalah pengelolaan arsip di satuan kerja dapat diselesaikan dengan baik sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku," tutup beliau.
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corporativoarcanos · 1 year
Yuusha Ga Shinda! HD Animes #CorporativoArcanos Eps. 1 al 12
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Disfruta de nuestro contenido y entra a nuestra web como redes sociales para ver mucho mas..  El siguiente contenido a ver no es de nuestra autoría los derechos están reservados al autor de la obra y al estudio de la adaptación Descripción: Muy al norte del mundo se encuentra la Puerta del Infierno, un portal utilizado antiguamente por el Señor de los Demonios para invadir el reino humano. Gracias al legendario héroe Shion Bladearts, portador de Excalibur, y a su leal banda de compañeros, la Puerta fue sellada y la amenaza demoníaca fue derrotada. Por desgracia, el sello estaba incompleto y ha empezado a debilitarse, permitiendo que los demonios vuelvan a atacar. Preocupado por la seguridad de su aldea, el egoísta y pervertido granjero Touka Scott excava trampas para defenderse de los demonios. Pero no temas, porque Shion está en camino para volver a cerrar la Puerta del Infierno y salvar a la humanidad. O al menos lo estaba, porque el legendario héroe está muerto, tras caer en una de las trampas que Touka cavó. Por suerte, tratar con los muertos es la especialidad de la nigromante Anri Haynesworth. Aunque no puede revivirlo, Anri puede al menos salvar su búsqueda forzando el alma de Touka en el cuerpo putrefacto de Shion y arrastrándolo a la Puerta del Infierno en su lugar. Yuna Yunis, la amiga de la infancia de Touka, no quiere quedarse atrás y le acompaña. Juntos, los tres parten como el grupo más inadecuado para intentar salvar el mundo. Episodio 01 Episodio 02 Episodio 03 Episodio 04 Episodio 05 Episodio 06 Episodio 07 Episodio 08 Episodio 09 Episodio 10 Episodio 11 Episodio 12 Catalogo 2023 Series de Anime Esperamos que les guste el contenido recuerda compartir lo y dejar tu DONACION eso nos apoyara Read the full article
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judocritics · 2 years
WCup Sen Riccione, Ita: ‘niet-elite’ nog niet klaar voor de opstap.
>> 2022 WCup Riccione, Ita (ijf.org results)   
Met ‘niet-elite’ bedoel ik dan die groep van gemotiveerde judoka’s die een duidelijke belangstelling tonen om deel te nemen aan internationale competities, teneinde, zo vermoed ik dan, via uitslagen, ook ooit deel te kunnen uitmaken van die selecte ‘elite’.  bvb. in de context van dit tornooi, judoka’s zoals Jeroen Casse, Karel Foubert of Maxine Heyns aan Vlaamse kant, en een Jitse Van den Herrewegen, Yves Ndao of Jente Verstraeten aan Waalse zijde ?     
Welnu, hier hun uitslagen, samengevat: 4 wedstrijd-overwinningen door 6 judoka’s.  -- Jente Verstraeten (°01; /-48kg; 121° WRL): out (1 own); verliest van de latere 5° Abiba Abuzhakynova (°97; Kaz; 22° WRL): 3° GSL Ulaanbaatar’22; 2° ACh’22; -- Maxine Heyns (°95; /-70kg; 133° WRL): out (0 own); verliest (01s0/00s2) van iemand die ook out gaat in de volgende ronde, junior  Gabrielle Barbaud (°02; Fra; 165° WRL); -- Jeroen Casse (°98; /-73kg; 71° WRL): out (0 own);  verliest (00s3/00s0) van 1ste-jaars Samuel Gassner (°01; Aut; 225° WRL; 4 ECup medailles bij de jeugd), die zelf out gaat in de volgende ronde na verlies tegen de latere winnaar Luca Otmane (°95; Fra; 83° WRL); -- Jitse Van den Herrewegen (°01; /-90kg; 197° WRL): out (0 own);   verliest op shido (00s3/00s2) tegen Luka Fettkoether (°99; Ger; 221° WRL), die op zijn beurt sneuvelt in zijn volgende kamp tegenb de latere 7°.   -- Karel Foubert (°99; /-90kg; 114° WRL): 5° (2 own);   
in zijn 2de wedstrijd tegen Ben Tenenbaum (°99; Isr; 201° WRL) wordt Karel heel de wedstrijd gedomineerd en zit hij bij het ingaan van de GS stik-kapot (en 2 shido’s achter); Tenenbaum maakt echter de fout om het te willen forceren en Karel ziet nog kans om hem na zowat 1′50″min GS door te sturen; terechte, en mooie score van Foubert, dat wel: >> video   
In de 1/4-fin tegen Loris Tassier (°97; Fra; 251° WRL) wordt Karel 4 minuten overpowered, om luttele seconden voor tijd ten onder te gaan (01s1/00s2) >> video  
in zijn repechage mag hij gewoon afgroeten: de sterke Murad Fat(h)iyev (°99; Aze; 158° WRL) is dit jaar overgeschakeld naar de /-90kg en won in juli de WCup Cluj Napoca; als junior pakte die 2 EK medailles, als /-81kg behaalde Fat(h)iyev vorig jaar 3x brons op een GSL; hier echter in zijn 1/8-finale kwetste hij zich op het einde van zijn winnende kamp tegen Anri Egutidze; forfait voor de rest van het tornooi en vandaar de vrijgeleide voor Karel. Mazzel, want hiertegen wint Foubert nooit. 
voor brons tenslotte blijkbaar het omgekeerde scenario: Karel die forfait geeft tegen de ervaren Li Kochman (°95; Isr; 20° WRL).
-- Yves Ndao (°01; /+100kg; 67° WRL) : 7° (1 own)    wint tegen Daniele Gasparri (°98; Ita; no WRL), verliest dan (logischerwijze) van Yakiv Khammo (°94; Ukr; 13° WRL): met 2x 3°WK & 1x 3°EK en 11 WTour-medailles; en tenslotte ook geen onverwacht verlies tegen Jelle Snippe (°98; Ned; 33° WRL).
    Als we dan verder kijken naar zij die al elite zijn: dan komt er voor de Vlamingen nog één scoreloze judoka bij en zitten we aan [2 wedstrijd-overwinningen door 4 judoka’s]. Udo Quellmalz weet meteen waar het op staat...  
-- Amber Ryheul (°98; /-52kg; 19° WRL): out (0 own)  verliest haar eerste rentrée-wedstrijd (waza-ari) tegen eerste-jaars Gabriela Dimitrova (°01; Bul; 133° WRL); iedereen kent ondertussen de agressieve stijl van Amber, én haar sankaku, en dus die deuren gaan op slot; Dimitrova wordt inderdaad een beetje overpowered, en incasseert daardoor een shido, maar ze  scoort wél waza-ari met een sode na 1′40″min; en Amber die blijft helaas zonder een deftige technische oplossing en de score verandert niet meer.  >> video .    Dimitrova wordt uiteindelijk 3°, na een verlies in 1/2-fin tegen winnares Mascha Ballhaus (°00; Ger; 15° WRL).    
Aan Waalse zijde hadden we dan nog militaire Loïs Petit, en Gaby Willems om de balans op te maken: 5 overwinningen met 2 judoka’s, geeft een Waals totaal van [7 overwinningen met 5 judoka’s].    
Loïs Petit (°99; /-48kg; 60° WRL; Top Niveau Tournai): 5° (2 own)   start met een ‘bye’ en vecht in 1/8-fin tegen Manon Urdiales (°97; Fra; 85° WRL); één waza-ari volstaat voor de Française, die wel ook haar verdere wedstrijden verliest en daardoor als 7° eindigt. 
   Gaby Willems (°97; /-70kg; 41° WRL; JC Andrimont): 5° (3 own) ze wint haar poule na 3 overwinningen tegen resp.: - Martina Esposito (°01; Ita; 72° WRL) - Samira Bock (°03; Ger; 54° WRL; deze zomer brons op het WK u21) - Anka Pogacnik (°91; Slo; 20° WRL; 3° dit jaar op het EK)  >> video  Maar dan verliest ze haar 1/2-fin tegen de latere winnares Sara Rodriguez (°96; Esp; 112° WRL); de 4de confrontatie tussen beiden, nadat ze in ... 2016, 3x tegen mekaar vochten; met dit tornooi erbij staat het nu 2-2;  >> video : een heel intense, evenwichtige kamp, die Sara uiteindelijk besliste met koshi-guruma na 2′37″min GS. Helaas verliest Gaby ook de kamp voor brons: wederom een nederlaag tegen Alina Lengweiler (°96; Sui; 70° WRL), en dat roept inderdaad déjà-vu gevoelens op: Gaby verloor immers ook van de Zwitserse in juni tijdens de WCup Madrid. hun 5de onderlinge duel hier : ‘3-2 für die Schweiz’ We nemen het mee (als ervaring) naar het WK denk ik dan maar, al zijn nederlagen tegen lager gerankte judoka’s van die orde nooit prettig ! 
>> (zoveelste onnauwkeurig) VJF verslag    
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@thelodestar || Starter Call
       The early morning gleam, still stale and rusty as it overtakes what little remains of the moon, reflects off of Falchion’s blade as it rests easily upon his lap; his fingers running along its tip. Scoffed, worn-out boots settles easily in the damp grass beneath his feet, and the old, military-style uniform he wears is dull and worn out; unfitting for a man of his position, but somehow it suited him perfectly, unlike the Divine Blade that looked otherworldly compared to her master. He’d never been one for politics or power; for social status or fame, yet it had all fallen upon his shoulders. And, despite how much he loathed the sound of the words ‘your majesty’ as they fell from the lips of men he had always dreamed of ending when they had once looked down upon his weak brother in the crowded streets with nothing but disdain in their pointed, worthless eyes, he was a king regardless. Every second he wasted in this inane words was another weight upon his younger brother’s shoulders; another prayer spoken to a God only he could hear, and another moment of weakness for the people who had come to depend upon him as their lord and savior (something he wasn’t, but if playing a role would keep them from the grimy hands of nobles he had wanted to slaughter as a child, he would gladly put on an act).   
         He had little interest in lending his strength to this world or its war; it wasn’t his to defend, and the lives of those who resided in Askr meant little to him - no matter the wonder that had greeted him upon arriving in this land or the legends told of him in the books lining the shelves of the library, or spewed from the lips of strangers he, frankly, couldn’t have cared less about. Words were meaningless in the face of action, and he’d yet to deem them worthy of his aid, even when they claimed his own world could fall into the hands of their foes if they were not kept in check here, he was skeptical at best and downright jaded at his worst - if these worthless curs, with no reason to subject his people to more suffering than they had already endured, dared try to so much as disrupt his kingdom, he would personally eradicate every last one (to Hell with the rest of the world; to Hell with every other world they threatened - he didn’t care about them). 
          With a sigh, he glared half-heartedly at the blade. He’s felt a faint warmth radiating from Falchion since he had arrived - one he’d chosen to ignore knowing it would somehow find a way to force him into this war. And he’d overhead enough conversations in this crowded castle to be aware of the fact that he wasn’t the only one in this realm to possess the Divine Blade (damn thing, he’d planned to take it to his grave - little did he know he would, and make its resting blade his personal tomb). And he’d made an effort to avoid the other wielders (it was easy enough when the blade gave away when they were nearby); if he’d learned anything, nothing good came out of it, and with a frown pulling onto his smooth features, he sheathed the sword. He would rather not fight for this world, but if he had to in order to keep Altea out of harm’s way, he would show no mercy to those who dared to stand in his way (no matter what the other so-called Heroes desired or what the stranger who had summoned here wanted - he had no ounce of mercy left in his bones). 
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          He feels heat radiate from the blade - frustration and annoyance creasing his brows as he lifts his head up at the sound of footsteps; faint as they were on the lawn just outside of the castle. Fate always seemed to have a funny way of toying with him. “What do you want?” Comes his harsh greeting - it’s unlikely the other has approached him knowing nothing; perhaps he’d been sent to reason with him - to convince him to fight in the battles of another kingdom in a world that wasn’t his own. Regardless, he held little interest in the Divine Blade’s other users - not who they were, what their relation to it was or, or what their relation to him happened to be. Perhaps it was cruel, but he’d never been a saint. “I’ve no interest in playing soldier with you lot, if I must act in order to defend my country then, and only then, will have my aid.” He can feel Falchion pulse against his leg, but dismisses it - whatever it happens to desire, he wants little part in.        
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zivazivc · 2 years
Got tagged in a “WIP game”
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
I have a lot of wips, some i haven’t touched in months/years and I don’t know when it stops being a wip in that case... and I don’t have a wip folder... i’m not organized like that so this was quite a ride finding some unfinished projects burried between finished ones.
i’d like to thank @p-artsypants for tagging me because otherwise i wouldn’t run bridge to search for all my unfinished psd files and find some gems i completely forgot about. like i’m definitely finishing one of the comics now that i know it exists and is still funny after two years
dark origins
Three is Better Than None3 2022
tmnt close_enough2
first kiss
A Lifetime Ago
ramona - post brain worm
Meet Your Match
S01E01-02 Rise of the Turtles
meet rawr
wreckingbull sketches
Colors Are a Distraction
Kinya's redemption
S02E07 Slash and Destroy
S02E10 Fungus Humungous
repete alkimist
S02E17 Newtralized
ml stripi
adrien kebab
Taking Care of your Dead One
MLffic acrocat začetek
all the titles are in no kind of order so it’s more of a surprise
EDIT: forgot the part where i tag people
I tag: @carpisuns @anna-scribbles @tizzymcwizzy @sabertoothwalrus @turtle-ika @kc-sketches @anris-resurrection  @snuffes @syrva and anyone else who wants to do it :)
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edelfie · 3 years
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#LINK UP! frequently asked questions.
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yes! i mainly write full/multi-chaptered works beside my education, so i don’t often have the time to fulfill requests, but i do accept them! i will write just about anything, and if i don’t write what you ask for, i’ll just delete the ask. no biggie! ++ i also accept matchups, which you can read more about here.
of course! i don’t have many mutuals, and even then they are other authors/readers who support my work and vice versa. if this is you, then if you follow this account i might follow back. ofc, if you’re an empty blog you’ll need to send an ask (with your username) for me to follow back and if you’re not i may not pick up the hint you’re dropping, so just send an ask or dm my way. tldr; if i follow you then we’re mutuals (or i’d like to be lol)
03. CAN I BE ____ ANON?
yes! just send me an ask and i’ll add you <3
actually, no! it doesn’t make much sense for me to have a beta since i usually edit mid-writing (perfectionism vibes) and i don’t know anybody who would. i may have my moots test read my content occasionally if we’re close enough. if anyone is willing to and has experience/credibility (ie. no empty blogs, not younger than me, preferably other writers, etc.) then please send me a message!
nobody is gonna ask this question, i just like talking abt myself lol. anyways, i’ve been writing fanfiction since i was 9. my first one was an oc-insert aphmau fic on quotev, of all things…unfortunately i don’t have it anymore but i really wish i did. i don’t consider myself a veteran, but i am very experienced in fanfic and all that comes with it, so if you’re starting out and need help, feel free to dm me!
i do! i have no published works, but i do have a manuscript that i’m working on. many of my ideas for ff get turned into ideas for my novels lol. please support me however you can in my writing!
generally all of them! a few obvious exceptions, like only platonic for child characters and nothing romantic between a minor and an adult. other than those, just ask and i’ll either answer or delete the ask if i don’t personally enjoy writing for those characters. that being said, i do have some characters i enjoy writing more than others that occasionally change from time to time. here are a current few:
+ chigiri hyoma, benedict bridgerton, rantaro amami, sanemi shinazugawa, lyon vastia, kaveh (my beloved <3), semi eita, aventurine (also my beloved <3), hawks, solomon, wolfgang akire, jamil viper, wise, among others…
+ anri, eloise bridgerton, toko fukawa, mitsuri kanroji, juvia lockster (THE loml), candace, yachi hitoka, robin, momo yaoyorozu, thirteen, cassidy amber, nicole demara, among others... (can you tell i like girl failures)
a3, alice in borderland, arcane, assassination classroom, ayakashi reborn, blue lock, bridgerton, bungou stray dogs, danganronpa, dangerous fellows, demon slayer, edens zero, ensemble stars, fairy tail, free! iwatobi swim club, genshin impact, haikyuu, honkai impact 3rd, honkai star rail, idolish7, jujustu kaisen, mahoyaku (promise of wizard), marvel, minecraft diaries anthology, mob psycho 100, my hero academia, mystic messenger, nekopara: catboy’s paradise, noragami, obey me, one piece, osomatsu-san, overwatch, part-time idol, project: eden’s garden, project sekai, scott pilgrim vs. the world, a tale of crowns, tokyo revengers, trash of the count’s family, twisted wonderland, wayfarer, zenless zoneless zero
* italicized text represents new/unfamiliar fandoms
** bold text represents fandoms i write for
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THANKS FOR TAGGING ME: @superkingofpriderock​
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Originated in the medium of kamishibai (japanese street paper theater) in 1931, and later having expanded to the mediums of three live actions movies and one anime series in the 50s and 60s, Ogon Batto is a supersheroe created by Suzuki Ishiro and Takeo Nagamatsu. A being from ancient Atlantis who was sent forward in time 10,000 years to battle evil forces threatening the present day, he lives in a fortress in the Japanese Alps. His superpowers include superhuman strength, invulnerability, and the ability to fly, and his weak spot is dehidration.  Ogon Batto has an evil counterpart known as Kurayami Bat (暗闇バット "Dark Bat") and his main enemy is Dr. Erich Nazō (ナゾー), the leader of a crime syndicate bent on world domination, who wears a black costume and mask with bat-like ears, a red eye and a blue eye. To some of the brazilian audiences, he is kown with the name Fantomas, trough the 1960s dubbed anime series.
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Characters created for the cartoon Super Friends by the creative team of Hannah-Barbera, the twin brothers Zan and Jayna’s dinamic worked like this: They would punch each other’s hands, fusing the rings they used, and say “Wonder Twins: Activate”! So, Zan would take the form of anything water related (vapours, ice, etc.) while Jayna would take the form of an animal. The reason they are on the list? If you say “Super Gêmeos: Ativar” (portuguese for Wonder Twins: Activate) to anyone who was a child in Brazil during the late 1990 and early 2000s, we will know what are you talking about, and sweet childhood nostalgia will manifest.
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Remember the mexican actor dressed up as a bee in The Simpsons? Yup, he is a parody of this little fella. Writen and acted by the comedian Roberto Gómez Bolaños in the 1970s to be a superheroe that represented the latin american audiences, El Chapulin Colorado is a guy who, despite being very bumbling and frightfull, always appear offering the services of his shrinking pills, his vinyll little antennas, his bionical hammer, a book containing a story that he feels has a relevant moral and his friendship to anyone who is in need and says the phrase: “Oh! Quién Podrá Defenderme” (Oh! Who Can Defend Me).
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Virgil Hawkins is a fourteen-year-old honors student at Dakota Union High School who gains his powers by a mutagenic gas explosion, dubbed "the Big Bang" by the media, which grants numerous residents of Dakota superpowers; those affected are likewise dubbed "Bang Babies". Virgil lives with his widowed father Robert Hawkins, a social worker and the head of the Freeman Community Center, and his sister Sharon Hawkins, a university student and hospital volunteer. His mother Jean Hawkins died a few years prior, the victim of a stray bullet while she worked as a paramedic during a riot; her death causes Virgil to develop an intense fear/hatred of guns. This guy deserves his movie, Hollywood!
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Created by the team of french comic artists René Goscinny and Alberto Uderzo, Astérix and Obélix are the two greatest warriors from a undomitable village of celtic gauls, who resist the invasion of the romans led by Julius Caesar with the help of a powerfull  magic potion made by the druid Getafix. Astérix is the little man, whose greatest strenght is on his inteligence, cunning and witty. Obélix is the big man, gentle and innocent, who wants nothing in life but to eat delicious wild boars, find the love of a good lady and punch some romans in the face. The dwo has been around not only in comics, but also in animated and live action movies, and show no sign of slowing down and stopping to have adventures. They even have their own theme park in Paris!
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Kyojuu Tokusou Juspion ("Megabeast Investigator Juspion") is the fourth in the Metal Heroes series of Tokusatsu shows. The series revolves around space orphan Juspion and his eccentric android assistant Anri, who are sent by old wizard/scientist Ejin to destroy Satangorth and his army of Megabeasts (kyojuu), as prophesied in The Galaxy Bible. He has a giant robot at his disposal and is followed around by Team Pet Miya. While it was a success in it’s native Japan, when it was broadcast here in Brazil in the 1980s, it got extremely popular, being a mark in the surgence of geeks for japanese pop culture in the country.
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 Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya ("World Ninja War Jiraiya"), also known as Ninja Olympiad, is the seventh Metal Heroes series.  Jiraiya (real name:Tōha Yamaji) is an elite ninja warrior from the Togakure style of Ninpō. His mentor and foster father Tetsuzan Yamaji, the 34th Grandmaster of the Togakure School, has trained him for the day the ancient Yōma Clan will return. Sure enough, the clan, led by Oninin Dokusai, arise with their army of evildoers in order to seize Pako, a mysterious treasure which came from outer space over 2000 years ago which is said to have power equiparable to the Sun. With the help of his family, and an army of international ninja heroes, Jiraiya must stand tall against the evil ones. If Juspion started the phenomenon of interest in japanese Tokusatsu heroes on brazilian audiences, Jiraiya consolidated it. To the point that “Virado no Jiraiya” (Turned into Jiraiya) has become a popular brazilian, meaning that someone is mad at something. The fact that his actor Takumi Tsutsui constantly comes to visit Brazil also helps a lot in the popularity of the character.
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Dengeki Sentai Changeman (Blitzkrieg Squadron Changeman) is the ninth Super Sentai series, running from 1985 to 1986. In order to save the world from threat of invasion by the Great Star League Gozma, a special force called the Earth Defense Force is set up. One day, the Gozma launch an attack on them and have them on the ropes. That is, until the Earth itself grants five officers the power of the Earth Force, which lets them become the Changemen. Before the Power Rangers came to dominate the world’s pop culture, there four five Super Sentai that received a brazilian-portuguese dub and broadcast: Changeman, Flashman, Google-V and Maskman. Changeman was the first, and is my number one favorite.
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Guys, is The Black Panther. Do i need to say more? Ok, i will a little something: If you didn’t watched this film, go do it. Righ now!
Wakanda Forever, king T’Challa.
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Really, that mark says everything. Is freaking Zorro! He is one of the reasons the superheroe genre is what it is and is what we know. Without him, probably a lot of those guys wouldn’t have existed.
I TAG: @lioness--hart​ @ardenrosegarden​ @princesssarisa​ @mademoiselle-princesse​ @detective-jasminesa​ @johnnyclash87​ @visibilityofcolor​ @diversetolkien​ @anghraine​ @lady-sci-fi​ @butterflyslinky​ @margflower​ @amalthea9​
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
SWTOR: Secret Saboteur Quest
This website does not like showing people videos, but I posted the cut scene from the secret saboteur quest on Onderon under Ror’s tag. There’s that quest where you destroy the surveillance devices and then can do “Cutting off the Head,” a bonus mission where you defeat the commander. Except if you are a saboteur, you talk to the spy commander and tell them they’re not doing a good job. Love it. After the cut scene you have a short quest in Iziz city, where you plant surveillance devices. They were hard to find at first but once you spot the first one they are easy to locate.  This does add another wrinkle...in addition to Major Anri there’s now one other Imperial officer who knows the truth. I wonder if there will be any callbacks to this later. 
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Mission transcript:  [Daily] Cutting off the Head Tasks: Plant listening devices (6 total) Credits: 14,945 Renown points: 7012 (Ror has all the Renown boosts + the consumable boost) Repeatable- this mission can be repeated in the future.  Surveillance Commander Nellow is under pressure to provide intel to her superiors. To support the Empire, you have agreed to help her with her assignment.  Go to Iziz and plant listening devices around the city. 
Transcript of cut scene: 
Surveillance Commander Nellow: You made a mistake coming. Now you’ll die for it. Ror: Stop. I’m working with NR-02 and the Empire. SCN: Huh? Ror: It took no effort to find your team. You’re being sloppy. SCN: Hey, if I could get inside those walls I wouldn’t have long-range listening devices out in the open. Anyhow the way you destroyed my gear doesn’t look like you’re doing much “working with the Empire.” My quartermaster is gonna be mad. Ror: I had no choice. I have to keep up appearances. SCNL If you really are working with us, I could use a hand planting listening devices in the city. Ror: I can do that. SCN: Right! We need these planted in a few tactical spots through the city. Can’t believe you’re actually helping. This assignment just got a lot easier. 
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zuleimtequiere · 4 years
Dove puoi fare il tampone in Serbia? Ecco la lista dei Laboratori per il COVID-19
Dove puoi fare il tampone in Serbia? Ecco la lista dei Laboratori per il COVID-19
Di seguito la lista dei laboratori che ti offrono il servizio di Tampone rapido antigenico per verificare la presenza di SARS CoV-2 Virus (COVID 19)
* IMPORTANTE: PRIMA DI VISITARE UNO DEI LABORATORI PER FARSI TESTARE, CONTATTATELI UTILIZZANDO IL NUMERO DI CONTATTO FORNITO DI SEGUITO PER FISSARE UN APPUNTAMENTO PREVISTO. E' POSSIBILE ANCHE USARE LA EMAIL. 1. Mikrobiološka laboratorija"Medilab" Novi Beograd, Pariske komune 26 tel: +381 11 40 40 111 e-mail: [email protected] MON-FRI: 07-21h SAT-SUN: 08-20h 2. Mikrobiološka laboratorija "Beo Lab" Beograd, Pjarona de Mondezira 30 tel: +381 11 29 10 787 MON-FRI: 07-20h SAT: 07-14h 3. Mikrobiloška laboratorija "Aqualab 49" Beograd, Kneginje Zorke 30 tel: +381 63 214 035 e-mail: [email protected] MON-SUN: 00-24h 4. Zavod za laboratorijsku dijagnostiku "Biomedica" Beograd, Bulevar oslobođenja 7 tel: +381 11 34 497 51 tel: +381 62 233 733 e-mail: biomedicazavod.rs MON-FRI: 00-24h SAT: 00-24h SUN: 00-24h 5. Mikrobiološka laboratorija „Hemilab“ Beograd, Daničareva 41 tel: +381 64 8226407 tel: +381 11 4089029 MON-FRI: 07-20h SAT: 08-15h 6. Mikrobiološka laboratorija „Moja mikrolaboratorija“ Beograd, Čukarica, Petefijeva 6V tel: +381 11 42 030 42 MON-FRI: 07-15h SAT: 08-13h 7. Opšta bolnica "Medigroup" Novi Beograd, Milutina Milanković 3 tel: +381 11 40 40 111 e-mail: [email protected] MON-SUN: 00-24h 8. Poliklinika "Beo Lab" Beograd, Resavska 58-60 tel: +381 11 36 22 888 e-mail: [email protected] MON-FRI: 07-20h SAT: 07-18h SUN: 08-15h 9. Mikrobiološka laboratorija "Beo Lab 31" Beograd, Ratka Mitrovića 148 tel: +381 11 420 90 98 e-mail: [email protected] MON-FRI: 07-14h SAT: 07-14h POŽAREVAC 10. Mikrobiološka laboratorija "Paster Lab Team" Požarevac Kneza Lazara 9 tel: +381 64 8734017 e-mail: [email protected] MON-FRI: 08-20h SAT: 08-14h 11. Poliklinka "Tectum" Požarevac, Knićaninova 19-21 tel: +381 12 531 041 email: [email protected] MON-FRI: 07-20h SAT: 7,30-15h NOVI SAD 12. Mikrobiološka laboratorija sa virusologijom, MEDLAB PCR Centar Novi Sad, Bulevar oslobođenja 65a tel: +381 21 422 332 tel: + 381 65 4422 332 MON-FRI: 07,30-19h 13. Dom zdravlјa MEDIGROUP dr Cvjetković Novi Sad, Balzakova 44 tel: +381 21 40 40 10 e-mail: [email protected] MON-FRI: 07-22h SAT: 08-20h 14. Laboratorija za mikrobiologiju sa parazitologijom Jugolab Novi Sad, Bulevar Patrijarha Pavla 20 tel: +381 21 6503 030 [email protected] MON-FRI: 07-20h SAT: 07-13h 15. Mikobiološka laboratorija LIN LAB Novi Sad, Bulevar Cara Lazaera 108 tel: +381 21 63 61 574 tel: +381 64 27 29 755 e-mail: [email protected] MON-FRI: 07-16h SAT: 07-13h 16. Zavod za laboratorijsku dijagnostiku BIOTEST Novi Sad, Koste Abraševića 31 tel: +381 21 503 724 tel: +381 21 505 913 e-mail: [email protected] MON-FRI: 07-20h SAT: 07-14h 17. Poliklinika EUROLAB Novi Sad, Laze Nančića 2 tel: +381 21 270 4444 tel: +381 065 270 4444 e-mail: [email protected] MON-FRI: 07-20h SAT: 08-14h 18. Laboratorija za mikrobiologiju sa parazitologijom Jugolab PE Petrovaradin, Preradovićva 22 tel: +381 21 643-5166 tel: +381 21 2102-170 e-mail: [email protected] MON-FRI: 07-17h 19. Laboratorija za mikrobilogiju NS LAB -MIKRO Petrovaradin, Preradovićeva 57 tel: +381 21 643 3825 e-mail: [email protected] SUBOTICA 20. Laboratorija za mikrobiologiju sa parazitologijom Jugolab SU-Mikro Subotica, Izvorska 30 tel: +381 24 415-0010 tel: +381 24 415-0011 e-mail: [email protected] MON-FRI: 07-19,30h KOVIN 21. Laboratorija za mikrobiologiju sa virusologijom Talija-Mikro-Lab Kovin, Trg oslobođenja 4 tel: +381 60 334 98 75 MON-FRI: 07-19h SAT: 07-13h VRŠAC 22. Laboratorija za mikrobiologiju Dr Ivković, Vršac, Žarka Zrenjanina 83 tel: +381 13 837035 MON-FRI: 07-20h SAT: 08-13h NIŠ 23. Poliklinika "Human" Niš Bulevar Dr. Zorana Ðinđića 14-24 tel: +381 18 538889 tel: +381 60 230 20 23 e-mail: [email protected] MON-FRI: 07-20h SAT: 08-16h SUN: 08-14h 24. Poliklinika "Medilab N" Niš Bulevar Nemanjića 63 tel: +381 18 45 10 111 e-mail:[email protected] MON-FRI: 07,30-20h SAT: 08-14h 25. Poliklinika "Vivalab" Niš 7 Juli br. 28a 18000 Niš Niš. 7 Juli br. 28a tel: +381 18 516 287 tel: +381 62 205 890 e-mail: [email protected] MON-FRI: 07-20h SAT: 08-14h PROKUPLJE 26. Poliklinika "Živković lab" Prokuplјe Prokuplje, Arsenija Čarnojevića 9 tel: +381 27 32 29 62 MON-FRI: 07-20h SAT: 07-14h KRAGUJEVAC 27. Mikrobiološka laboratorija „Kvark lab-mikro“ Kragujevac, Janka Veselinovića br.81 tel: +381 34 633 37 90 tel: +381 69 361 65 00 [email protected] MON-FRI: 07-19h SAT: 07,30-14h SUN: 08-14h VALJEVO 28. Dom zdravlјa Hemikal Valјevo, Sinđelićeva 28 tel:: +381 14 293 050 MON-FRI: 07-21h SAT: 08-19h SUN: 09-12h ŠABAC 29. Mikrobiološka laboratorija Zdravlјe 2 Šabac, Popa Karana 25a tel: +381 15 343-197 MON-SAT 07-21h SUN: 08-15h ČAČAK 30. Mikrobiološka laboratorija Medilab Čačak Kralja Petra I br. 24 tel: +381 32 327 414 e-mail: [email protected] MON-FRI: 07-20h SAT: 07-14h 31. Institut za javno zdravlje Srbije „Dr Milan Jovanović Batut“ Dr Subotića br.5, Beograd tel: +381 64 8945 235 tel: +381 11 2684 566 tel: +381 60 71 71 892 32. Gradski zavod za javno zdravlje Beograd Bulevar Despota Stefana br. 54a, Beograd tel: +381 64 8503 057 од 15-21h tel: +381 64 850 3063 од 8-15h 33. Institut za virusologiju, vakcine i serume Torlak Beograd , Vojvode Stepe 458 tel: + 381 11 3953 700 e-mail: [email protected] 34. Zavod za biocide I medicinsku ekologiju Trebevićka 16 Beograd tel: + 381 11 305 4000 e-mail: [email protected] 35. Vatreno oko, Poliklinika Kliničkog centra Srbije Višegradska 26 11000 Beograd tel: + 381 11 3617 777 e-mail: [email protected] 36. Direkcija za nacionalne referentne laboratorije Batajnički drum 7 Beograd, Batajnica tel: +381 11 377 2080 e-mail: [email protected] 37. Klinički centar Srbije - Epidemiologija Pasterova 2 Beograd tel: +381 11 366 2351 tel: +381 11 3615 362 38. Zavod za javno zdravlje Požarevac Jovana Šerbanovića br.14 Požarevac tel: +381 64 864 90 28 tel: +381 64 808 44-86 39. Klinički centar Vojvodine Hajduk Veljkova 1-9 Novi Sad tel: +381 21 484 37 72 tel: +381 21 484 38 72- e-mail: [email protected] 40. Institut za javno zdravlje Vojvodine Futoška br. 121, Novi Sad tel: +381 64 802 88 94 tel: +381 64 802 88 95 41. Zavod za javno zdravlje Subotica Zmaj Jovina br. 30, Subotica tel: +381 64 100 92 76 42. Zavod za javno zdravlje Sombor Vojvođanska br. 47, Sombor tel: +381 062 195 68 66 43. Zavod za javno zdravlje Kikinda Kralja Petra br.70, Kikinda tel: +381 62 883 38 41 tel: +381 62 883 38 77 44. Zavod za javno zdravlje Zrenjanin dr Emila Gavrila br. 15, Zrenjanin tel: +381 69 210 11 02 45. Zavod za javno zdravlje Pančevo Pasterova br. 2, Pančevo tel: +381 62 886 97 21 46. Zavod za javno zdravlje Sremska Mitrovica Stari Šor br.47, Sremska Mitrovica tel: +381 64 809 29 11 tel: +381 64 809 29 38 47. Institut za javno zdravlje Niš Bulevar dr Zorana Đinđića br.50, Niš tel: +381 60 411 94 16 48. Vatreno oko 2, Niš Bulevar dr Zorana Đinđića br. 50, Niš tel: +381 18 415 12 61 49. Institut za javno zdravlje Kragujevac Nikole Pašića br. 1, Kragujevac tel: +381 65 877 69 14 50. Zavod za javno zdravlje Ćuprija Miodraga Novakovića br. 78, Ćuprija tel: +381 61 663 86 92 51. Zavod za javno zdravlje Leskovac Maksima Kovačevića br. 11, Leskovac tel: +381 64 864 88 25 tel: +381 64 864 88 15 tel: +381 64 839 24 05 52. Zavod za javno zdravlje Kraljevo Slobodana Penezića br.16ž, Kraljevo tel: +381 64 885 50 06 53. Zavod za javno zdravlje Pirot Kej b.b, Pirot tel: +381 69 345 21 08 54. Zavod za javno zdravlje Kosovska Mitrovica Anri Dinana bb, Kosovska Mitrovica tel: +381 28 498 275 tel: +381 64 825 28 20
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kaydeedc · 4 years
02-25-21 (late post)
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Happy Birthday to seiyuu Hanazawa Kana!
She is also the voice behind these characters Sonohara Anri (Durarara!!), Kawamoto Hinata(3-gatsu no Lion), Red Blood Cell AE3803 (Cells at Work), and Tsunemori Akane (Psycho-pass).
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supereuroflash · 4 years
Eurobeat Mixtape: Covers & Remixes 1
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01. Eskimo - Jump (Original: Van Halen) 02. Cherry - Happenin' All Over Again (Original: Lonnie Gordon) 03. Kevin Johnson - Never Gonna Give You Up (Original: Rick Astley) 04. Euroteam feat. The Big Brother - September (Original: Earth, Wind & Fire) 05. Carol Hitchcock - Get Ready (Earth to Moonbase Mix) (Original: The Temptations) 06. Euroteam feat. Annalise - Call Me (Original: Blondie) 07. MAX - Dancing Hero (Eat You Up) (Original: Angie Gold / Youko Oginome) 08. O-Zone - Dragostea Din Tei (Eurobeat Remix) 09. E-Rotic - Cat's Eye (Ventura Extended Mix) (Original: ANRI) 10. Speedogang - Jailhouse Rock (Original: Elvis Presley) 11. David Dima - Save a Prayer (Original: Duran Duran) 12. Veronica - S.O.S. (Original: ABBA) 13. Les Blue Belles - Sugar Baby Love (Original: The Rubettes) 14. Baby Dolls - Have You Ever Seen the Rain? (Mix Version) (Original: Creedence Clearwater Revival) 15. Bambee - Seventeen (Euro Mix) (Original: Saori Minami / Chisato Moritaka) 16. Cartoons - Witch Doctor (RM 2001 Mix) (Original: David Seville) 17. Tina Ray - Video Killed the Radio Star (Original: Bruce Woolley and The Camera Club) 18. Chumbawamba - Thumbthumping (KCP Happy Mix)
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teigeki-graph · 4 years
Sakura Taisen N.Y. Hoshigumi Show 2013 ~Wild West Kibou~
サクラ大戦 紐育星組ショウ2013 ~ワイルド・ウエスト・希望~
Release date:  November 27, 2013
Physical CD JAN: 4571164383101
Related studio CD: Sakura Taisen Review In Little Lip Theater VI
All songs by Hiroi Ouji (lyrics) and Tanaka Kouhei (composition)
Note: to purchase this from iTunes/stream it through iMusic, search using the Japanese title or just ‘サクラ大戦’
‘Wild West Kibou’ roles: Annie Oakley (Gemini), Wyatt Earp (Sagitta), Billy the Kid (Rika), Sister Diana (Diana), Pat Garett (Subaru), Wild Bill Hickok (Sunny), ‘Cincinatti Queen’ (Plum), barmaid (Anri), singer (Emma)
Full track listing under the cut
1. ストーリーパート01/Story part 01
2. ワイルド・ウエスト・希望/Wild West Kibou Uchida Naoya (Sunnyside), Asoh Kaori (Plum Spaniel), Honna Yoko (Yoshino Anri), Kobayashi Sanae (Gemini Sunrise), Minagawa Junko (Sagitta Weinberg), Saitou Ayaka (Rikaritta Aries), Matsutani Kaya (Diana Caprice), Sonozaki Mie (Kujou Subaru), Sonooka Shintarou (Dandy), Velo Takeda (Berumucho Takeda), Kitahara Rumi (Emma Schmidtmeijer) 3. ストーリーパート02/Story part 02
4. ダンディー/Dandy Sonooka Shintarou (Dandy)
5. ストーリーパート03/Story part 03
6. 恋バナ (ショート・バージョン)/Koi Bana (short version) Kasahara Rumi (Taiga Futaba), Saitou Ayaka (Rikaritta Aries), Matsutani Kaya (Diana Caprice). Futaba takes Sagitta’s place in this version of the song, which is originally from the 2011 show. 7. ストーリーパート04/Story part 04
8. シンシナティ・クイーン/Cincinnati Queen Minagawa Junko (Sagitta Weinberg), Sonozaki Mie (Kujou Subaru)
9. ストーリーパート05/Story part 05
10. 魔笛・夜の女王のアリア/Mateki: Yoru no Jo’ou no Aria [The Magic Flute: The Queen of the Night Aria] Kitahara Rumi (Emma Schmidtmeier). “The Queen of the Night Aria” is from ”The Magic Flute” by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. 11. ストーリーパート06/Story part 06
12. ミズーリキャット/Missouri Cat Matsutani Kaya (Diana Caprice), Saitou Ayaka (Rikaritta Aries)
13.  ショウは嬉しい/Show wa Ureshii Kobayashi Sanae (Gemini Sunrise), Minagawa Junko (Sagitta Weinberg), Saitou Ayaka (Rikaritta Aries), Matsutani Kaya (Diana Caprice), Sonozaki Mie (Kujou Subaru), Kitahara Rumi (Emma Schmidtmeijer)
1. ワイルド・ウエスト・希望 (ショート・バージョン)/Wild West Kibou (short version) Uchida Naoya (Sunnyside), Asoh Kaori (Plum Spaniel), Honna Yoko (Yoshino Anri), Kobayashi Sanae (Gemini Sunrise), Minagawa Junko (Sagitta Weinberg), Saitou Ayaka (Rikaritta Aries), Matsutani Kaya (Diana Caprice), Sonozaki Mie (Kujou Subaru), Sonooka Shintarou (Dandy), Velo Takeda (Berumucho Takeda), Kitahara Rumi (Emma Schmidtmeijer)
2. ストーリーパート07/Story part 7
3. ポアゾン ~「���レオパトラ」より~ (ショート・バージョン)/Poison ~from “Cleopatra”~ (short version) Minagawa Junko (Sagitta Weinberg), Sonozaki Mie (Kujou Subaru) 4. ストーリーパート08/Story part 08
5. BON-PSY Kobayashi Sanae (Gemini Sunrise), Uchida Naoya (Sunnyside), Suganuma Hisayoshi (Taiga Shinjirou)
6. ストーリーパート09/Story part 09
7. 愛してるって/Aishiterutte Kuno Akiko (Ratchet Altair), Asoh Kaori (Plum Spaniel), Honna Yoko (Yoshino Anri)
8. ストーリーパート10/Story part 10
9. ショウは嬉しい VS 魔笛・夜の女王のアリア/Show wa Ureshii vs. Mateki-Yoru no Jyoou no Aria Kobayashi Sanae (Gemini Sunrise), Minagawa Junko (Sagitta Weinberg), Saitou Ayaka (Rikaritta Aries), Matsutani Kaya (Diana Caprice), Sonozaki Mie (Kujou Subaru)
10. ストーリーパート11/Story part 11
11. ショウは嬉しい (ショート・バージョン)/ Show wa Ureshii (short version) Kobayashi Sanae (Gemini Sunrise), Minagawa Junko (Sagitta Weinberg), Saitou Ayaka (Rikaritta Aries), Matsutani Kaya (Diana Caprice), Sonozaki Mie (Kujou Subaru), Suganuma Hisayoshi (Taiga Shinjirou), Uchida Naoya (Michael Sunnyside), Asoh Kaori (Plum Spaniel), Honna Yoko (Yoshino Anri), Tamura Ren (Bob Lassie), Kasahara Rumi (Taiga Futaba), Sonooka Shintarou (Dandy), Velo Takeda (Berumucho Takeda), Kitahara Rumi (Emma Schmidtmeijer), Kuno Akiko (Ratchet Altair) 12. ストーリーパート12/Story part 12
13. KIRAKIRAと星を瞳に、また明日/Kirakira to Hoshi wo Hitomi ni, Mata Ashita Kobayashi Sanae (Gemini Sunrise), Minagawa Junko (Sagitta Weinberg), Saitou Ayaka (Rikaritta Aries), Matsutani Kaya (Diana Caprice), Sonozaki Mie (Kujou Subaru)
14. ここはパラダイ�� ~リトルリップ・シアターのテーマ~/Koko wa Paradise ~Little Lip Theater no Theme~ Kobayashi Sanae (Gemini Sunrise), Minagawa Junko (Sagitta Weinberg), Saitou Ayaka (Rikaritta Aries), Matsutani Kaya (Diana Caprice), Sonozaki Mie (Kujou Subaru), Suganuma Hisayoshi (Taiga Shinjirou), Uchida Naoya (Michael Sunnyside), Asoh Kaori (Plum Spaniel), Honna Yoko (Yoshino Anri), Tamura Ren (Bob Lassie), Kasahara Rumi (Taiga Futaba), Sonooka Shintarou (Dandy), Nishimura Youichi (Nishimura Yantarou), Velo Takeda (Berumucho Takeda), Kitahara Rumi (Emma Schmidtmeijer), Kuno Akiko (Ratchet Altair)
15. 地上の戦士/Chijou no Senshi Kobayashi Sanae (Gemini Sunrise), Minagawa Junko (Sagitta Weinberg), Saitou Ayaka (Rikaritta Aries), Matsutani Kaya (Diana Caprice), Sonozaki Mie (Kujou Subaru), Suganuma Hisayoshi (Taiga Shinjirou), Uchida Naoya (Michael Sunnyside), Asoh Kaori (Plum Spaniel), Honna Yoko (Yoshino Anri), Tamura Ren (Bob Lassie), Kasahara Rumi (Taiga Futaba), Sonooka Shintarou (Dandy), Nishimura Youichi (Nishimura Yantarou), Velo Takeda (Berumucho Takeda), Kitahara Rumi (Emma Schmidtmeijer), Kuno Akiko (Ratchet Altair)
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