#[this is kind of a rambling mess but imma just leave it for tonight]
rebelliouscupid · 3 years
Temporary pinned post until I can go through and update stuff, but name’s Abigael, I’m over twenty one, and I’ve been roleplaying this chaotic gremlin witch since 2017 with a three/four year break in between so, y’know there’s that. Everything’s like still accurate, I just need to clean it up and make it look ~aesthetic~ and all that. Also as a head’s up that pretty much everything is running on a queue right now. I’ll try to respond to things throughout the week, but we’ll see if that actually happens. You can absolutely throw a meme or starter at me anytime though, because I’m dying to get some thread started with my girl!
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ellaenchanting · 5 years
Hypnovember 2019 Master List
Jesus. Jesus Christ, that’s a lot of writing. I don’t really consider myself a writer generally and this is definitely the first time I’ve written this much this quickly. I’m going to look at my word count soon, but- I think I may have written a novel’s length of words? Wow.Thanks to everyone who encouraged me during this or provided support/ideas: thinking of @daja-the-hypnokitten , @liminal-wanderings , @mr-ackerman , @spiralturquoise , @wellgnawed , @sex-obsessed-lesbian , and @hypno-sandwich especially here but there were lots of y’all who reblogged or made kind comments. I appreciate every one of them. :)
Here’s a catch up of everything I’ve written so far this month. In honor of @jukeboxemcsa, I’ve also included a HypnoBS rating where 1 is absolute bullshit and 5 is normal Tuesday night.
Icons- 📰- story. 🔊- audio 💻- technology 😍- romantic 🌈- queer 😴- regular ole’ hypnosis 🛀- brainwashing and/or hypnotist in a tub 👻- spooky 🐈- at least one happy pussy ❓- bad or reeeally questionable consent ✝️- author's weird religious feels that somehow kept coming up
Day 1: Base Character-F/f 📰😍🌈🛀🐈 
Choice quote: ”Or maybe it was the ship of Theseus- Janine seeing how many little pieces of her she could replace until she fundamentally just wasn’t the same person anymore.”
HypnoBS- I haven’t done this kind of play and have no first hand experience. Let’s say 3.
Newly added 11/18: @undersleeper requested some extra information on how the brainwashing was actually done in this story so I added this non-canon sequel. (I think the sequel boosts the BS score to a 4.)
Day 2: Colors- F/nb 📰😴 🌈
Choice quote: “Bri used to consider themselves a bad hypnotic subject.”
HypnoBS- 4. I haven’t done this induction specifically but love doing these kinds of overloads
Day 3: Dizzy- no gender specified🔊😴
Choice quote: “When you take deep breaths, you feel like you’re getting more oxygen, but actually the opposite is true.”
HypnoBS-5. Should get you in trance, we’re not ranking the accuracy of all the science herein.
Day 4: Sing- m/f kinda I guess? 📰👻❓
Choice quote:  “Tonight wasn’t the night to give in, he told himself. Not yet.”
HypnoBS- 1. Thank God.
Day 5: Poison- M/f 📰😍🛀🐈
Choice quote: “Lila could admit it. She was kind of a brat.But Sean? He was worse. He was a fucking troll.“
HypnoBS- 4? Haven’t done it, could probably make something in this realm work with the right person.
Day 6: Summon- F/f 📰😍😴🌈🐈
Choice quote: “Number one, there is no butch street cred. And number two- if there was such a thing, you and I both know that being seduced by a beautiful woman would only increase it.”
HypnoBS- 3 or 4. It’s quick and there would need to be a lot more talking generally. But sure.
Day 7: Underwear- F/f 📰😴🌈
Choice quote: “Under….where”, Destiny tested the word out loud. It sounded like a portmanteau of some sort. She understood the word “under” and the word “where” (or “wear”? “where are” maybe? maybe it was German?) but those two words together didn’t form much of a picture.”
HypnoBS- 5. Although have only done this as a hypnotist so I can’t speak to subject POV. This kind of thing is adorable to watch, though.
Day 8: Neighbor- F/f📰😍🌈 ❓
Choice quote: “When Jiyeon tapped her pencil, Alyssa tapped her pencil lightly to match.”
HypnoBS- 1. Maybe 1.5 since there are no monsters or demons.
Day 9: Idiotic- no gender specified📰😴
Choice quote: “Because Id-iotic. It’s literally what you want deep down”
HypnoBS-4. Not my thing but with the right people- sure.
Day 10: Smell- F/m 📰😴😍🛀🐈
Choice quote: “Belinda had also woken up from sexy dreams at night to the feeling of Ray’s head buried in her cunt.”
HypnoBS- 3 on the details. Some parts are more plausible than others. We’re outside my realm of experience here so others could probably rank more accurately.
Day 11: Broadcast- Hypnovirus/f 📰💻🛀✝️
Choice quote: “It felt important to present herself to the screen in a way that demonstrated her vulnerability and openness to instruction.”
HypnoBS- 4. Probably not likely, but I could see this kind of symbolic bleed with the right person pretty easily.
Day 12: Stage- M/m 📰😍🌈😴
Choice quote: “Brandon had not mentioned the hypnosis thing to Scott- it felt weird and personal and he had already half-convinced himself that he was being creepy in response to Scott’s platonic friendliness. He didn’t want to scare him off. He had never expected to see him here.”
HypnoBS- 5. At least as far as the hypnosis goes
Day 13: Bath- no gender specified 🔊🛀😴
Choice quote: *insert rambling about Pat Collins here*
HypnoBS- 5. But also a high general BS score. I was tired and needed to finish a thing. I am surprised but grateful people liked this one. :P
Day 14: Machine- M/f 📰😴💻😍✝️
Choice quote: “For as long as she could remember, Deidre had longed for self-annhilation.”
HypnoBS- 1. That’s not how brains work.
Day 15: Ooze- there’s a m and a f 📰😴🛀❓
Choice quote: “For example, your badge- did you know that putting all the stickers on the top of your badge like that usually means that you’re a hypnotist?”
Amy’s eyes widened a bit. “It does?”
HypnoBS- 2. Sadly.
Day 16: Wedding- something/f 📰👻❓
Choice quote: “She knew then that she was alone. No one could help her. No one could even see her.”
HypnoBS- 1.
Day 17: Gentle- a different something/f  📰 kinda 🐈❓✝️
Choice quote: “As long as she didn’t focus on it, it would write the story for her.”
HypnoBS- 1. I think. :P
Day 18: Infection- not stated/m 📰 🛀❓
Choice quote: “If he could just get the song out of his head, maybe he’d have a chance.”
HypnoBS- 2. 
Day 19: Hideout- F/f 📰  🐈 😍😴🛀🌈
Choice quote: “’Come to me, pet. Come to me.’ 
 She could always sense when Galaxy Girl was weak. She consistently picked the perfect time to strike.
And now, she had found her apartment.”
Day 20: Watch- no gender specified 🔊 😴
Choice quote: “Feel your thoughts just tick tick tick tick ticking gone”
Day 21: Fighting- F/m 📰 😴
Choice quote: “His mistress loved resistance play. She delighted in watching him struggle and strain against an irresistible impulse.”
HypnoBS-5 Mmmm :)
Day 22: Mistaken- F/an entire hypnocon  📰  😴
Choice quote: “Ginger- submissive, wide-eyed, bottomy Ginger- was holding a crowd of 8 people in her hypnotic thrall. Some had their eyes closed already, while others were staring at her with the rapt look of early trance.“
HypnoBS- 4. But only because I haven't seen it yet. :P
Day 23: Heist- F/m  📰  🛀❓(😍 but it’s pretty messed up)
Choice quote: “The inside of the vault had gotten somewhat sparse-looking- David had been cleaning out the bank out at a much quicker pace recently- but there were still plenty of treasures here to bring to his mistress.”
HypnoBS- 3, maybe 2
Day 24: Business F/f 📰 😴😍🌈
Choice quote: “Summer was a well-mannered southern girl at heart. She knew that if something was none of her business, it was impolite and rude to know it. Best not to think about it too much. She didn’t want to be nosey.”
HypnoBS- 4
Day 25: Babble F/m📰 😴 🛀 (💻 kinda)
Choice quote: “You can feel your access to language lessening….and lessening. Feeling those parts of your brain losing blood, quieting, going to sleep. Imagine what that might look like on the fMRI- the color draining, darkening, going black. Your ability to use language can be almost completely gone.”
HypnoBS- 5 (Neuroscience BS- closer to 3)
Day 26: Enemy M/f 📰 😴😍🐈 
Choice quote: “When she was denied for long periods of time, everything became sexual.”
HypnoBS- 5. Unf.
Day 27: Confidence F/m 📰 😴❓
Choice quote: “Dr Eleanor had been recommended to Richard by his friend Jon who had seen her previously. “She won’t bullshit you,” he had said, “she just gets right to the roots of your issues and helps you solve them.” He must have known what he was talking about- a year after visiting Dr Eleanor, Jon had recently married a wonderful woman. He was also running marathons and succeeding professionally. There were worse people to listen to, Richard thought.”
HypnoBS- 3 (although this kind of gaslighting is real and can be effective)
Day 28: Abduction F/f M/f background m/m 📰 😴😍🌈
Choice quote: “’And so she….’ Lilliana stopped. She stared for a moment in surprise at the space between Cirie’s fingers. Cirie looked like she was holding a small, invisible ball. Liliana tried to recall her train of thought (something about work?) but found herself strangely blank.
She looked at Cirie in astonishment. 
��You took it!’ she accused.”
HypnoBS- 5
Day 29: Doctor Doctor/Master (from Dr Who) 📰 😴🌈💻
Choice quote: “The doors in the Master’s mind all appeared to be open. The Doctor quickly scanned for malicious intent but-
Oh my.
So that’s why.”
HypnoBS- I...uh...1?
Day 30: Kink The author/her self-indulgent whims 📰 🌈
Choice quote: “Ultimately, she really just  liked her friends- and she especially loved hearing all of their stories.”
HypnoBS- Cake. Imma eat a cake.
Thank you all for reading these! I know this is a long post, but I’d really appreciate reblogs of it. If you’ve liked my stories, please consider leaving me a tip on Ko-fi! Also I’d be happy to give extra information on any of the characters or a bit of what happens next if you want to send me an ask about any of these stories. I’m finding myself with a strange craving to write. Funny how that works. :P
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nickmuch · 5 years
c.z.k - high school (part 1)
Note: another day, another nothing-to-do-at-work-so-imma-write moment! This time for my baby z bc why not. Also, this ended up being WAY longer than expected. Wrote nearly 5 pages, but that’s what happens when you’re bored
I walked down the hallway quickly. The bell would soon ring and I really didn’t feel like being late to class. Again. On my second official day on this new school. So, I picked up my pace thinking it was a good idea, but oh boy was I wrong. Keyword: boy.
Suddenly, I bumped into something and fell down. When I looked up, I saw a tall boy with pretty tan skin. He was beautiful. His hair was twisted into dreads and pulled together by a baby blue scrunchie to securely get them out of his face. He had mesmerizing deer eyes, his lashes so long and beautifully curled. And his lips. Oh god, his lips. Slightly pouty and parted. A hand was stretched out in front of me. He spoke first, making me abruptly stop staring at him and turn my gaze low.  “You good? Did you hurt yourself of something?”. Grabbing his hand, I allowed him to help me on my feet. “Erm … no, it’s all good. Sorry, I wasn’t really looking because I- “. The ring of the bell interrupted me. “- was gonna be late to class. And now I am” I finished. He gave me a quick nod before slowly making his way down the other side of the hall, probably already wondering what stupid story he had to tell his teacher for being late.
“Honestly, if you are allowed to skip, then I am too”. Startled by the voice I turned around just to be met by my friend Edwin. Beside him, a boy with glasses and tousled dark hair waved at me shily. We weren’t even really friends yet. My parents were no longer here so his mom decided that as the daughter of her best friend, I should stay with them from now on instead of a shelter or relative I didn’t even know. Truth be told, I hadn’t seen the Honorets in years since my mom used to always visit them on her own during her business trips to New York. However, they made me feel welcome and home quite immediately, so I didn’t feel uncomfortable with staying with them. At first, Edwin protested a little bit because me moving in meant that he had to room with his two little siblings, so I could have his.
“Edwin and friend of Edwin, go to class”. Rolling my eyes, I tried to make my way down the hall. “Mrs. Robertson won’t let you in her class now anyways. She doesn’t tolerate tardiness” his friend spoke. “And you are?” I asked kind of annoyed. “Oh, that’s Brandon” Edwin chirped in. “And we” he gestured between the three of us before locking his arm with mine and the other with Brandon’s. “Are going to enjoy this beautiful free lesson”. And thus, we reluctantly followed him into the empty art room, so he could finish his painting while Brandon and I just mingled around, occasionally saying a thing here and there.
“Ed, I am hungry! We’ve been in this room for hours now. Haven’t you finished your painting by now?” Brandon complained. I just agreed with an exaggerated nod of my head. “Ugh, fine! You guys are too uncultured to understand the true beauty and excitement in this. An artist needs their time and full concentration to paint a masterpiece and-” he rambled without an end on sight.
“Is he always like this? I’ve only been here for a week and most of my time was spent with the kiddos anyways”. His friend laughed and answered with a genuine smile and nod. “- but since it’s time for lunch now anyways and I am starving, I think it’s time for a proper break”.
Happily, we jumped up and dragged him behind us to the cafeteria. After getting our food, they slowly made their way towards a table in the back of the lunch room. Three guys were already sitting there talking and when we got closer, I noticed a familiar face. My cheeks burned under his heavy gaze. “Guys, this is my friend I told y’all about” Edwin turned to them to fully introduce me. “… so this is Austin” he pointed to the boy with the anime backpack on his side of the table. Austin gave me a quick smile before the shorter boy with a base cap on his head spoke up. “I am Nick. Nice to meet you”. He shook my hand firmly and sat down.
“And this is –“
“Zion” the boy from earlier interrupted Ed. “Uhm, yeah. This is Zion. Thanks for interrupting, man. I am totally used to this by now” he complained about his friend, which made the rest of the group laugh. Everyone, but me and Zion. His eyes never left mine when I sat down between Ed and B. It made me feel nervous to have a guy stare at me like that. It wasn’t even a staring, but more like an observing. I felt like he didn’t like me, though. His gaze made me feel uncomfortable and like an intruder to their group. Shaking my head slightly, I tried to join the conversation between the other four. “This party will be massive!” Nick exclaimed. “It’s the beginning of the school year, everyone will go. Trust and believe!”. Brandon and Austin seemed so hyped about it already, dragging Nick into their own little conversation to plan everything for the upcoming night. “We’re going, right?” Edwin asked me precisely.
Honestly, it was really nice and cute of him to include me in everything and making me genuinely feel like a part of his family and friends. He had even introduced me as his “twin sister from another mister” to our teachers. Our math teacher was very confused by it and asked Edwin how that was even possible, to which he only answered with “Mr. T! With all due respect, but you’re asking too many questions, sir. She’s my twin sister that used to live somewhere in Canada or something, ion even know. T’was Canada, right?”. He didn’t even give me a chance to answer him. “Doesn’t really matter. What matters is, that she’s here and she’s here to stay! And we might not look alike and she might have a different last name”. This made me cackle. “But! She’s still my twin sister and that’s all to know”. Mr. Toya seemed to regret even asking by the way he had already dragged Edwin out of his class in hopes of making him stop talking.
“Sure” I answered him with a soft smile. It was clear that they wanted to go and I didn’t want to be the party pooper by saying no. “Great! Aye yo Z, you picking us up by 8 then?”. That’s when I noticed that his eyes were still on me. Zion nodded shortly without ever breaking eye contact.
Later in the evening I found myself in Edwin’s room – or how he liked to call it “the twin closet” since more than half of it was full with boxes of mine and also his clothes. He sure had more things to wear than I did, though. “Look, if you wear this white crop t-shirt” he rummaged through a box of mine. “And this silky thingy here” he was holding up my darkish red silky jogger pants. “Plus your white air force one’s and this dope black fanny pack” he handed me all the items. “Then, you won’t overshine my fit and we gucci”. His smile was so dangerously serious that it made me not want to mess with him when it came to outfits. So, I just gave him an “Okay”, and got up to get dressed in the bathroom.
Even though, I didn’t feel like going, I still found myself in the backseat of Zion’s car quietly humming along to the Drake and PARTYNEXTDOOR song that was playing. It was nice and chill rather than too loud and hype on our way to the place. The boys didn’t even let him finish park the car before running off to god knows where in the house. “I guess it’s only you and me then, tonight” he said. I was okay with this, even though his presence did make me feel nervous since I couldn’t really read him as easily as I could with the rest of PRETTYMUCH. Apparently their 5-person-group had a name due to the fact that he used to over-use the word back in middle school and thus, it just stuck with them from then on.
“Z! Over here!” A girl with long and straight dark hair waved from the other side of the front yard. Her black dress was cut low in the front, complimenting her curves perfectly. With her heels-clad feet, she tried to make her way over to him. “Shit, gotta go! You on your own, I guess”. He rushed over to her before she could reach us, giving her a tight hug and leaving me all by myself in a foreign neighborhood of a foreign city with foreign people surrounding me. Great.
I spent most of the night in the kitchen, drinking some soda out of a blue solo cup. A couple hours had passed and three drinks later, I found myself wandering around the big house trying to find the bathroom. The one on the ground floor was obviously occupied by some horny teenagers, so I went upstairs. On my way down again, I heard faint music playing from one of the rooms.
Curiosity took the best of me and even though there was a high possibility I was going to walk into a couple trying to have fun, I still decided to open the door. To my surprise I didn’t find anyone in there trying to do the deed, but instead I found Zion sitting on the edge of the bed. One hand playing with his cup and the other gripping onto his phone securely. He didn’t even notice me with his eyes lowly staring at his feet.
“I sure hope it’s just some water you’re drinking”. His head shot up, tensing, before letting loose once he realized it was just me. “It’s coke. No alcohol. I don’t really drink”. He gave me an all over look before motioning for me to sit down next to him. The bed was small, so our legs were touching.
“What happened to your lady friend? Why are you chilling here all alone?” I wanted to know. After all, they did seem very familiar earlier. “Asya? Nah, she’s just a good friend of ours. A bit like a little sister”. Understanding what he said, I nodded and just continued to aimlessly look around the room. “And for the all alone part” he spoke up after a while. “I don’t feel like partying.”. “Yeah, same” I breathed out.
“Tell you what?”. He looked up with his full attention on me now. “You seem stressed and I think you might need someone to talk to that’s not part of your little PRETTYMUCH group” grinningly I said. With my hand I pushed his chest to make him lay down on the bed. Zion obliged and I waited for him to get comfortable before grabbing his phone to play another song. “Now tell me”. My head rested right next to his and my body was pressed right on him. Every inch of my left side was touching him somehow. “I’ll start then if you want?” I figured it would be easier for him to open up that way. With that, I told him about it all. From the reason I ended up in New York to Edwin’s glorious idea that I would be his twin. “I should’ve known. Edwin and his egghead always on some weird shit, I swear.” He had said in realization. Also, I let him know about my worst and best childhood memories, or the first time I tried to sneak out and how my dad caught me. Basically, everything that came to my mind.
“I don’t know what to say. It’s hard for me to talk about feelings and stuff” he finally said after I was done talking. No more stories were left to be told, I think he knew me better than I knew myself by now.
“Oh, so you like someone? Feelings and all?”. Patiently I waited for him to answer. This time, it was me who searched for his eyes to lock them in place with mine. For a second, I could feel him stop breathing. The soft voice of Bryson Tiller took over the room.
“There’s a time and place for all this
This is not the place for all this
Is there a reason why you’re saying all this?
And can we talk about it later?”
His gaze flickered between my eyes and over my face. “Maybe”. He licked his lips nervously. “Kinda. Or maybe not. I don’t know”. He grew more and more anxious by the second and I was sure he thought he was doing a great job by keeping a poker face, but really he was horrible at it. I could finally read him and to tell the truth, I didn’t mind what I found out.
Now, my heart started beating faster and doubt was slowly taking over me. Yet, I still said “Then find it out. Just take the risk”. With one last inhale of air, Zion took all of his courage and leaned in, capturing his soft lips with mine. It felt different, but a good different. A different I could get used to. My hand cautiously crept up his arm, delicately going up and down while we found a steady rhythm. A small moan escaped his lips. I silently prayed to god and begged him to make this moment last forever. He didn’t seem like a stranger to me anymore. It was as if we’ve known each other longer than we really thought, but at the same time this was crazy. All of this was crazy. Yesterday, I didn’t even know the name Zion existed. And yet, here I was, him kissing me and gripping my thigh. (I’ve been listening to Phases on repeat for days now, can you tell?)Promptly, he pulled away with full force. “I can’t, I mean we- we can’t! We shouldn’t” he bursted out. “Edwin is gonna be so disappointed in me when he finds out”. I wanted to silence him and say how that wasn’t true, but next thing I knew, the door flew open revealing – of course because the universe wouldn’t let me kiss a cute boy in peace for once – Edwin. Behind him the other three reluctantly followed like lost puppies. “So, I put two and two together and my senses did not betray me! I had a feeling y’all were up to something nasty in here!”. With a sigh, he was interrupted by Austin. “He’s lying, someone saw how first Zion and later you went in here. And for some odd reason, Eggie is playing protective brother”.
“Okay, so whatchu tryin’ to tell me is that we goin’ home cause Ed had some to drink and you need my car?”.
“… Yep”.
Zion abruptly got to his feet, pulling me up with him in the process. The ride home was actually quite peaceful. Nick and Brandon fell asleep, all cuddled up while Austin tried to stop Edwin from drunk texting some random girl he hadn’t talked to in years. We drove them home, one after another left. When we arrived at the Honoret house, Edwin was quick on his feet. “I need my bed” he mumbled, rushing into the house.
This left me and Zion alone. Shily, I dared to turn my head towards him trying to see the expression his face held. “You know …” he began. His voice sounded a little shaky, yet it didn’t stop him from saying what was circling around in that precious head of his. “I think we can. And I think we should”. The smile on Zion’s face was contagious, I couldn’t contain myself from smiling back. Before walking to my front door, he gave me a long chaste kiss on the lips leaving me dizzy and occupied with my own cloudy thoughts.
“I think so, too” I whispered to no one in particular but myself while drifting off to a much needed peaceful sleep.
NOTE: I legit wrote all of this today in like idk 3 hours?? Whew chile, but it was worth it because I passed some time. Only two more hours left at work and I have nothing to do. Might start writing another imagine to pass some more time.
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Klaus and Elijah Mikealsons, friend? Part 9
This part of the story is in readers Point of View.
The witches have had my body for a few days. I remember everything that had happened. Kathrine came up to me and pulled my heart out, but there was something else. She was under compulsion. I could tell, she really didn't seem like she wanted to do it because she hesitated. But That doesn't make since, nobody can compile a vampire other than a original, but why would they... Oh my goodness, Mikael. My compiled Kathrine to kill me, it all make since. I was klaus’ weakness, killing me draws Klaus out. 
The witches have been doing spells on me for about a good two week. I can tell that they have been doing spells on me, because I have yet to reach the other side. I can see everyone around. I can walk around places, but only as a spirit, or what other people call it, a ghost. back when I was alive, I used to read about spirits and stuff like that, but the only way to get rid of them is to let them go through the anchor of the other side. I was just hoping that they could help me before the anchor ends up finding me and dragging me off of earth and onto the other side. It seemed like they had everything under control. I was just walking around town waiting, while everyone else worried that they were never going to get me back to life. 
I talked to Klaus and them through a Ouija board that marcel gave to Klaus, telling him it might work to connect to me- it works. I talk to them all the time. Klaus never stops talking it seems like. Every time I  turn around he is trying to connect with me. I would always talk to him. I just want him to know I’m there for him even though I'm technically dead. 
I made my way through the mansion, getting tired of walking around the mansion. So I decided I would go out for a while. I made it to the front door and opened it when I heard someone call my name. I listened to the voice and made it to the person talking, Rebekah. “Y-O-U C-A-L-L-E-D?” Y/n spelled out on the Ouija board. “We are getting you back tonight. We need you to be at the cemetery at 12 tonight, understand?” Rebekah rambled out as she placed her hands on the board allowing Y/n to use her energy. “I U-N-D-E-R-S-T-A-N-D”  Y/n spelled out. She moved the chip to goodbye and left leaving the mansion to walk around the city while she waited for the day to go by. 
That night I made my way to the cemetery and the witches noticed my presence. The wind got a bit rougher, and began to howl. I leaned against one of the tall headstones. Waiting for everyone to be ready. The witches were talking amongst themselves, they waited for Klaus, Elijah, Kol and Marcel to show up. Marcel and I have met before, its just kind of a long story, Lets just say; we know each other like the back of our hands. Anyway, I listened as the witches grabbed the herbs that they needed and they laid them across the table. after what had felt like hours Klaus, Kol, Marcel and Elijah finally made it back to the cemetery. They each brought something of mine. Klaus brought my picture, Kol my neckless that my father had given me on my 5th birthday and marcel brought my grimoire. The witches invited them inside and they got started. 
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As the ritual started the wind began to blow harder and harder. It began to howl I began to fill myself be moved from the wind blowing so hard. I had to move closer to them to hear them, but they didn't even seem to be moved by the wind. It was like the wind was only where I was at. The wind was messing up my hair moving it into my face and eyes. Whereas Rebekah's hair hadn't even moved a inch. I began to think. what if the reason why its blowing is because I’m fighting from going on into the other side. 
“Y/n, we need you to grab this knife and cut your hand, just enough to put some in this bowl.” One of the witches said. I grabbed the knife while looking at everyone who seemed amazed that the knife was moving. It confused me at first until I understood, I was dead and was moving solid objects. I cut my hand and had enough blood into the bowl. I put the knife down and waited while the wind was still blowing harder this time. The witches started to whisper some words in Latin. I understood the words. They were saying; “Rise from the dead and take only one.” Over and over again in Latin. That's when I felt my skin start to fill lighter, I looked around and everyone seemed to fade. I heard someone shout my name once. My skin then felt as if it was on fire and I started screaming. It felt like someone had poured a billon gallons of vervain onto my body, drenching me in it. Or as it I had stood in the sun without my daylight ring on. Then I screamed out, then I blacked out.  
3rd pov:
“What's going on?” Klaus asked as he saw a bright light then nothing but darkness. The candles that once lit the ground around them were now out. Nobody could see anything around them. One of the witches mumbled a word and the lights lit back up. all the ritual stuff around them were gone. The blood bag the witches had left on the table next to the bowl of herbs. Y/ns neckless, grimoire and picture was gone. “Its done, she is back. The phoenix is back.” The witch smiled. “Phoenix?” Kol asked looking at the witch confused. “We brought back your brothers girl, but she was also one of the most important witches in creation.” The witch smiled looking at the others. “Why is that?” Klaus asked looking around trying to see if Y/n was anywhere In sight. “Where is she?!” He yelled getting flustered. “I SAID WHERE IS SHE!!” Klaus yelled as he moved in front of the young witch. “She will be here soon, she is getting things settled with the ancestors.” The witch answered scared. “Why?” Elijah asked looking at the young witch.
 “it is un-natural to resurrect someone from the dead, unless done with the help of the ancestors. If they agree then its okay, but if we are using black magic well then we all would have to suffer the consequences.” The witch answered looking at the oldest Mikealson. “When should she be back?” Klaus asked looking at the witches for an answer. “anytime now, she could be here in a minute or tomorrow. No later then tomorrow though.” the oldest witch answered as she walked in-front of the youngest witch. “Thank you, sincerely thank you.” Klaus said looking at the witches. They all nodded and scattered around the cemetery. 
 About ten minutes later there was a sound that made the heads of the originals turn. The sound of a scream then silents. Klaus was the first to react and ran to it. The others ( Elijah, Kol and Marcel) followed just  behind him. He walked into a tomb and saw Y/n sitting on the floor her clothes were bloody as if someone had ripped out her heart even after they had changed her clothes. Klaus hadn't seen her face but he knew for sure it was Y/n. He walked over to her and place a hand on her back. She jumped at the contact, but once she saw it was Klaus she had calmed down and pulled him into a massive hug. “I love you, I love you, I love you so  much.” Y/n repeated as she kissed him. He kissed back full of passion to show how much he loves and cares for her. “I’m so sorry, love.” He said as a tear went down his face and he hugged her closer. “Its okay, I know who did it. and Imma kill that dopplebitch.” Y/n said making the others chuckle. “Marcel! Long time no see.” Y/n said as she saw marcel behind klaus. “Kol and Elijah too, Thank you guys for helping. I know you guys helped out too.” Y/n said making them smile. “I missed my mischievous partner.” Marcel said making Klaus growl at him. Klaus hybrid face showed some and Marcel backed off. “My apologies.” Elijah said to Y/n making her lean her head to the side confused. “Why are you apologizing? You had nothing to do with this. Mikael did.” Y/n said confused. “I know but we could have done something before he got to you.” Elijah said with a frown. “Don't pout Elijah, it gives you wrinkles.” Rebekah said as she walked up to them. “Bekah.” Y/n said as she vamp sped to Rebekah crushing her into a skintight hug. “I missed you so much, (Your nickname).” Rebekah said as she hugged Y/n in a tighter hug. 
“What happed with the ancestors?” Kol asked as he looked at Y/n. “They told me I was something different. I was more than just a witch, and vampire. Turns out I have more supernatural in me then we thought.” Y/n started looking at them. “What then?” Kol asked looking at Y/n confused. “I am a vampire, doppelgänger, werewolf, Witch, and phoenix.” Y/n said making them all shocked. “So that makes you super powerful.” Rebekah said with a laugh. Y/n nodded with a chuckle. “So what does a phoenix do?” Kol asked making Y/n chuckle. “I cant die, a phoenix dies then rises from the ashes, which is why they were able to raise me from the dead.” Y/n partly explained. What she didn't say was that she no longer had a heart because when Kathrine ripped it out, she died but when she came back it didn't. She is living without one. “why cant I hear your heart?” Marcel asked after a quiet silents. “Because I no longer have a heart. Kathrine ripped mine out, but once I came back for some odd reason it didn't come back.” Y/n said with a shrug. “well lets go back to the house, I think we need to celebrate.” Klaus said giving Y/n a wink. She nodded and they were off. “Do you think we are ever going to have a niece or nephew?” Rebekah asked Kol.  “ After tonight maybe.” Kol said earning a laugh from his sister. 
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stanbangttan · 6 years
School Trip | Jin Oneshot 2/2 [21+] M
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Jin x Reader (Andrea) [all members included]
* (there won’t be more than 2 parts)
Warning: strong language, smut, sex, dom/sub relationship, a lot of sexual connotation
Genre: Smut, angst, flirty, comedy, character (I don’t like Y/N, so I put a name but I don’t repeatedly use it and I write in first pov so you’ll never notice)
Summary: Summer came, your school trip to Greece with your classmates came to. In the plane, your seat is next to a boy, named Jin who you got to know better on this long flight. You two keep meeting and doing stuff together, that you thought would never do in your life. Like getting lost on purpose and run in the wrong direction, hand in hand with a boy you didn’t even know yesterday. But will you fall for him? What secrets do you keep and will it ruin the trip?
A/N: Hi guys. This ff is for my friend Andrea. Therefore the name of the reader is Andrea. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BABE! Love you! 💜
I am showing a snippet where we left of, to read that go to [part one]
Now our faces are directly in front of each other. Bodies practically intertwined. His legs between mine. One hand still holding mine while another one was holding him steady above me. I’m still not daring to move. He’s too close. My eyes went from this forehead to his eyes, glaring at me. I'm blushing. The heat coming to my cheeks, I feel it. Maybe I can feel it as much as the sexual tension. Sparks flying like we lit the sprinklers at Christmas. His lips parting. He came even closer now. Eyes pinned on me. Is this really happening?  
Yoongi opened the door with Bianca's key and a charger in his hand. Jin quickly stood up, signaling with his eyes to Yoongi to cut it. To stop asking and making me more uncomfortable than I already am. He handed the phone charger to Jin. It was almost like he backed out but Yoongi wouldn't be Yoongi if he didn't use this chance that opened for him. "Miss Andrea, I came here to give you the key and to collect the key for Bianca but I didn't think I will witness this!" If I didn't know him better I would say he hated me. Oh he wasn't finished, he continued, - "But couldn't you two wait for a little, for that food you just ate to settle before you jump at each other."
Jin cut him - " That’s enou-" but not before I came to my senses and spoke "For your opinion, not that I care for it either wise. We-" , I said like there was even 'we' between Jin and me. - "We actually managed to keep our tongues and private parts in the places they belong at the dinner table unlike some people. We are in a private room. We can do anything we like in here." - I turned to Jin. -"Jin, cardkey." - He quickly fished for it In his pocket.
I took Bianca cardkey and gave Jin's cardkey to Yoongi - "And now If you excuse me, we have something planned, and you are in Our way. " - and pushed Yoongi and his confused face out of the room.  After locking the door, I sprinted to the  bathroom, and lock it behind myself. WHAT. THE . FUCK. JUST. HAPPENED.  
After half an hour in the bathroom and no sign of life Jin knocked. "Andrea, you alive?" I can't face him. How to go on from this point. "I know you overthink it now. Everyone will think we hookup, right?" "Jin jezz, I didn't even think about that. Fuck." I desperately say behind closed doors.
"Then is it about the almost-kiss?"
"Kind of."
"Why? So we wanted to kiss each other.. Is that so bad?"
"I guess not."
"Get out please. Imma pee myself here. That coca-cola worked its way down."
"EW." I ran out the bathroom.
After few minutes he was out the bathroom and I faced him. "Did you wash your hands?"
He looked at me with the bored face. It was a silent language. Of course I did. He stood in front of me. "Get up."
I did. "Let's just get over the awkwardness, please. I wanna sleep soundly tonight and you want that too. I don't want this trip ruined with bags under my wonderful eyes. So, Ms Bold, let's just kiss and get over with it." "What?" "I said let's just kiss-"
"I know what you said. I'm just processing.."  - I looked at nothingness.
He cupped my cheeks, made me look at him. I just realized two things. (1) This is happening. (2)He IS bold. In fact, he is so bold that he made a step towards me and closed his eyes. So I closed mine too, instantly. Like that's the most natural thing ever. His hand moved to the nape of my neck, which sent chills all over my body. He pulled me closer. Our breathing matched, I could feel the exhale of his on my lips as they lightly brushed. Noses flushed onto each other's. My lips parted.  Why did they part? Do I want this? Does he want this? What if he's doing this from pity he feels for me? I don't want his pity. Am I the kind of girl he needs to pity just so she'll be kissed? The suspense is killing me. The suspense he makes kills me. The suspense he makes ON PURPOSE makes me crack. So I push my lips on his. I kiss him. I kiss him first. I am not here for pity. That's what he wanted. Consent. I place my palm on his cheek. I turn my head a little to the left. I graze my teeth to his lower lip. Pull on It lightly. Then he kisses me. He deepens the kiss. His tongue enters me gently. It intertwines with mine so gracefully. They dance the waltz until we're out the breath and the kiss ends. And now I have to open my eyes and face him. Yet I look down after it so he doesn't see how much I actually liked it.
"See. That wasn't that bad. Right?"
"Yea.. Um.. Ca-can I shower first, i-is that okay?"
"Mmm yea, I will facetime my mom just so you know. Knock on the door when you're done. So I can hang up. I don't want her to see you in the room.."
I just murmur a sad mmm-hm and go for the bathroom knob.
He continues - "Because she'll think we're hooking up, not because I got a girlfriend or anything."
And I enter the bathroom without a word. I don't wanna think about anything. I just wanna shower and feel the heat of the water on my skin. I just want to shower in peace, lay In peace and sleep in peace. I just want to be alone, but that kiss is not getting out of my head and I am not alone in this room tonight.
The lights are finally off. Each of us in beds. Me, in the smaller one even though I called dibs on the one that Jin is sleeping in now. It's just that I couldn't face him and tell him that's my bed after we kissed. So I just went to Bianca's bed instead. It smelled like Bianca. I am literally cursing you right now Bianca. I can't sleep. I am in a room with a guy I don't know. And yet I ran away with his hand in mine, kissed him and talked to Yoongi like I plan to have sex with him. And here I am, cursing you for leaving me. That slut knows I would never say anything about Jimin to Yoongi. That's why she abandoned me. Traitor. Not like I can even say anything. If I do I will just make it worse and everyone will end up getting hurt.The heavy rain started pouring. The drops one by one hit the windows. You could hear the thunder far away, coming closer. And if you really concentrated, you could see the small streaks of lightning becoming bigger with each thud. I am not sleeping tonight. This trip is cursed too.
"Are you sleeping?" - he asked. He is awake. Did he hear me ranting in my head? Did I rant out loud? Nah..  
"Nope" - I turned to him, to face him, even though it was pure darkness. "Is it insomnia?" "No.…" - I said drifting off to my thoughts. The kiss.
"Change of the beds?" - as he asked that the lightning strikes lit Jin's face as well as mine. I hate storms. Thunder the most. I must have made a face because the next thing he asked is "You okay?"
"Um.. I'mm-m scared..." -it was the lowest tone ever.
He didn't say a word. I heard the rattling of the bed sheets. My hearing is so sharp since I can't really see. The lightning struck again. I saw Jin patting the empty side holding the covers opened, just for a millisecond, loud and clear. What am I gonna do? Say no? I took my pillow that smelled like Bianca. Got under the covers. It was dark yet I felt like that bed is the safest place in the world. The storm was coming to us. The thunderstorm started and yet his embrace was the safe heaven I managed to get into. Still, he is a mystery to me. He put a left arm beneath my pillow, right tangled into my hear, plants a kiss on my forehead - "Is this okay?" "M-hmm." - is all I murmur before I dose off to the dream land.  
I was woken up with a kiss. A kiss. Still tangled, his body and mine. I didn't want to open my eyes. This is a dream. Let's just enjoy it. I kissed back. Three or thirty kisses after, I feel his fingertips graze the skin on my arm going up and down, up and down until they reached my neck, my ear and then my hair, playing with it. "Morning sunshine."
I wasn't dreaming. We were in fact kissing. He was playing with my hair in my half asleep state. And I can just imagine what a mess I am right now. I didn't think about it. That he will see my bedhead in the morning. My puffy face and can feel and taste morning breath. Andrea, what did you do? You didn’t even brush your teeth but you managed to stick the tongue to a guys mouth in like what, at like eight in the morning. What a show to be seen. Like he can read my mind he stops it rambling with another kiss. "You awake finally?"
"How long did you avoid moving me?" - I said half yawning
"About an hour or so?" - he said laughingly
"What? Why?" - I protest.
"I didn't mind. "
"When's breakfast again?" "From nine to twelve. Why?"
"I crave caffeine."
"Want me to grab some from the downstairs for you?"
"I don't wanna trouble you." - I said heading to the toilet.
After a quick shower and washing my teeth I enter the empty room. He really went to get it.
After some minutes, I hear the knocking. I opened the door to Jin with two cups of Starbucks.
"I thought you're going to get it from the lobby? Starbucks?"
"They open at nine, I told you that too." "Why did you do that Jinnie?" - I whined and he scrunched his nose to the nickname.
"I told you to not call me that." He came close to me, planting a quick kiss on my lips. - "I wanted to do this yesterday too. Just so you know."
I blushed but he continued to rant - "By the way it was not a trouble. I wanted coffee too. So it was just convenient. It's not like I went because of you. Also, you clean up nicely. "
"Thank you for grabbing me coffee too, then. And fuck you. You could try cleaning up nicely too."  - I bite back at him. "I would, but I was grabbing that coffee you’re just sipping." - he snickers as he entered the bathroom himself.
."You said you didn't go for me, but for yourself" I shouted.
It was 9.23am as we left the room for breakfast.
It surprises me how quickly it went from Jin and me to WE. We kissed. We slept in the same bed. We joked. We stood in the elevator. We held hands. We entered the hotel restaurant. We sat across from Bianca and Yoongi.  We.
"So, what's that?" - Bianca asked circling with her pointing fingers onto our hands.
"What?" Jin asked. "Oh, my pants. Puma x BTS." -he laughed like it was a smart pun. Yoongi didn't share his opinion.
Bianca just brushed it off.
Then Jin kissed me. Bianca just said "EW"
I just cut her with a look. She clapped back with the same look.
Jungkook and Tammy came down to the restaurant last, and we kinda ordered. To kill time Jungkook proposed to play a game. "What kind of game?" - Tammy said. "Truth and Dare." - Yoongi said smugly.
"YES." - Bianca supported him.
"Can I start?" - Yoongi asked.
"Yea, why not." - Kook agreed.
"Jin" - Jin turned to him - "Truth or Dare?" "Truth."
"When's the last time you had sex?" - everyone at the table was silent and the tension rose.
“A month and a half ago." He said, squeezing my hand below the table. Like he was saying, now is when you need to be strong bc shit is about to go down.
"Pfft.. lies." - Yoongi scruffs.
"I'm not lying Yoongi." Jin was serious and that says a lot.
"I saw you going at each other in the pile of your clothes, you couldn't wait to get to the bed, animals. Don't lie."
"You saw the aftermath of us bumping heads you crackhead." - Jin laughed in Yoongi's face and that rose the anger in him even more. "Picking up the clothes you left, ON THE FLOOR. I guess you do everything so quickly."
"But you kissed just now." - Bianca exclaimed.
"I mean we kind of slept together" - Jin said. I  hit him as hard as I can. "OUCH"
I cut in - "so?" - I kiss Jin again. Jungkook's and Tammy's eyes open wide. - "Doesn't mean we slept together."
"A-HA! I knew it." - Bianca and Yoongi sprouted in unison.
"We slept in the same bed. Don't let your imagination wander." - I disappointed them. Not that I cared.
"You're no fun, Andrea." - Bianca whined.
"Too bad." I muttered.
"Okay, my turn." Jin shouted. - " Tammy, truth or dare?"
"I piiiick… dare."
"Hmm.. Read the whole menu page in a seductive voice."
While Tammy read the wine page as she's having phone sex with the wine cellar owner, Kook's face got red as a tomato.
Bianca was so shocked - "Kook did you just get hard from her reading 'year 1948, sweet and sour red grapes' in a raspy voice? Didn't she blow you this morning or what?" Kook stuttered saying "N-noo. I mean yes. I don't know. Shut up." The whole table turned to a laughing mess. Tammy finished and asked me "Truth or Dare?" "Truth." "Best orgasm you had? I want a name." I can't say it. Not his name. Not now. Not in front of Bianca. What should I say? This can't come up now, in another country when I can't escape.. All eyes, including Jin's were on me.
"I'm so sorry to disappoint you, I don't have a name for that. Unless you don't already know mine." I said in a laughing tone.
"YOU NEVER ORGASMED? I mean with another person??" - She asked in shock.
"I guess so." - I shrugged. It's not a big deal.
Yoongi teased - "Maybe Jin can change that. Or when I think it through, nah.. You better go to Jungkook for that."
Jin was ready to grab him by his throat, Jungkook was uncomfortable and Bianca kicked him below the table. I shrugged again, "Well, I'm perfectly clear with why you didn't propose yourself to try to make me cum. You can't. Thanks, Jungkook but I'll pass. As it goes for Jin, he can try."  Yoongi sulked. 
Bianca just told him "I told you so. She will not be indebted to you. She'll clap back. You never learn." 
The tension rose gradually as we continued this sick game. We found out that Hoseok took Tammy's virginity in highschool. Jungkook was actually virgin until he was 20 while Jin had his first girlfriend as soon as kindergarten. Yoongi has a bite kink, and that's why Bianca can't wear off the shoulder shirts at home. Yoongi was dared to ask a waitress for her number. Which made Bianca mad. Because he succeeded to get it. And then Jungkook sent her a dick pick he had as his dare from Yoongi. Let's just say, everything wasn't okay in heaven. The tension went down at the same time our meals came. As we ate, we told jokes and Jungkook was in full on conversation with Tammy. Sorting it out and I smiled. We're a funny bunch.
Jungkook lifted his gaze up and cleared his throat, - "Guys, Tammy and I talkedd, so we are willing to sacrafice our room.. Are you up for drinking get-together at our room? We thought about grabbing vodka in the local store and snuck it upstairs.." I think we never agreed faster on something.
Jin slid his hand around my waist, where I'm ticklish the most, making me giggle as he whispered in my ear -
"I can try?"
I ignored him until we were alone in the room.
"You didn't answer. "I can try?" HAHAHA I can only succeed if you let me. Don't you see this?" - He pointed to himself in up and down motion. "Don't get cocky, it's not attractive on you or anyone else." "So you agree that I am attractive?" - he slid his arms to my lower back to get me close to him. "That's not what I said." "So you don't think that I am handsome?" - He was surprised or offended better said. How high is his ego?
"I do, but-" -as I said that, the thunder started again. Raindrops appeared on the window. "No buts. " - he kissed me. "No swimming today, too?" - I whined pointing at the window. "Netflix?" "You just want the chill, Jin, let's be honest." "Maybe, maybe not. You don’t know me." - He made that stupid face with his smile beaming. You just have to smile back.
"Exactly, I don't even know you." - I teased.
"So get to know me, fully." - His brow twitched in a teasing manner. "I don't knowww.." - Playing coy worked. "Get to know my taste." - the peck on my cheek, hands to my small back - "Get to know what I love." - a peck on my right cheek - "What makes me giggle. *peck on the nose* where I am the most ticklish *peck on the lips.* what turns me on *kisses down my sensitive skin on the neck* what you can do to make me cum" - now his hands were under my shirt, unclasping my bra. Kissing me as I am water and he is so thirsty that he's trying to savor it by drinking every drop of me.
He took off his shirt breaking the kiss just for a second, opening eyes to lock with mine which were filled with lust. There wasn't an ounce of laughter in his eyes. This was something he seriously wanted. He was lustful for me and that made this even hotter. As the shirt touched the floor, my back touched the bed.
We heard knock on the door and Tammy shouting "Can you make her orgasm later? Booze is here." I quickly smoothened my hair as Jin opened the door, shirtless. Is he proud of himself? I was beet red, without an ounce alcohol inside me. "We'll be there in five." - is all Jin said as he closed the door in front of Tammy's face, not letting her finish. I put the hand on the knob as Jin stops me. "What?" "Wait five minutes?" "Why? I am ready." - I noted. "He is not." - his gaze went down. "Oooh."
Half of the first bottle is already gone as Jin and I enter their room. The room itself is actually tidy for what I can see. Jin sat on the floor taking the bottle out of Bianca's hands and chugs few gulps, handing it to me. I gladly take it.  I took a good gulp of vodka because if this is how this night started, I'd rather be drunk.
"Slow down cowgirl." When I didn't listen she yelled."A! Y'all gonna see the Wild A tonight, she started drinking serious amounts already." - Bianca laughed. If she knew where this night is headed she wouldn't laugh. Neither would I.
After an hour or so, everyone was wasted, loud and laughing. The 'best' idea of mine was to play something. Fuck, marry kill.
"B, break the ice.." - I began.
"Fuck Jimin", She's saying this she didn't fuck his brains six months ago. "Marry Yoongi and kill Tae, that jackass made me pay a small fortune for dry-cleaning of his "Gucci" ", she made fun of his attitude, "just because I made a pen mark accidentally while listening to the lecture."
"Jin?"  - B told him to play next.
"Fuck Andrea, marry - myself cause who wouldn't and kill Bianca, for not making Yoongi last longer. You're too good at making him cum fast, B." - Laughter spread like a disease.
"Okay, Jungkook, fuck marry kill between all of the people in our class." I continued.
"Fuck you, kind of want to see if could make you orgasm for the first time. Marry Tammy and kill that Jennie bitch."
Tammy was over the roof with the marriage thing that she didn't even notice his lust for making me cum. And totally forgot how he got rejected by Jennie.
"Maybe you could, but it wouldn't be for the first time. OKAAAY my turn." - I fucked up, again. I blame alcohol.
No one, except B wanted to know my picks. Instead, all of them replied to the first sentence I said.
"Did Jin already did it? I thought I stopped you in the middle of it though. Wahh he is talented." -Tammy commented, surprised, praising Jin. Which he knew he didn't do, but he kept quiet.
I continued the game without answering any of their questions or confirming any assumptions. I knew I had to get this from my chest. I can't lie anymore.
"I'd fuck Jimin, would've been good to go on that ride again." I say without any ramose. Cold hearted voice escaped my mouth.
"Marry Jin because who wouldn't, like he said. Jin is literally the husband material. He even brought me a coffee today in the morning. And kill Yoongi, because of obvious reasons." I snickered at him, taking another swig from the vodka bottle. I am hammered I'll admit, but this fire-y liquid felt good, almost as good as it felt taking the weight of the lie off of my shoulders.
I didn't want to lie to Bianca when she told me about Jimin. I wanted to tell her I had a crush on him so bad. Yet, I didn't want her to feel bad and sorry for sleeping with my crush. It was enough that she already regretted and felt bad for cheating on Yoongi. And then it happened. Last.Valentine's day, I was lonely, he was lonely. The only one that was not having a date, and stayed in the dorm was Jimin, which was unlikely for him. Later I realized that he wanted to take out Bianca. But she never paid attention to him. She never gave Jimin a chance, the chance I would gladly take. The chance I was waiting endlessly for. For her, Jimin was a mistake. Jimin was a drunk night she craved for attention and intimacy because Yoongi was back in his hometown. And she used him. What a poor love triangle. She is my best friend, but this is not something I would be proud to tell people about her. This was her one screw up. That can ruin trust Yoongi had for her, forever. Jimin was very much into her, maybe even in love with her. So behind his empty dateless Valentine's day, stood lack of balls to ask Bianca out. He knew he will be rejected. To be frank, it's better he didn't ask her out. He'd just make a fool out of himself. And I would hear about it and be more hurt. Clueless of this, I rejected every guy because I waited for Jimin to ask me out. He prayed Bianca will leave Yoongi so he will get a chance. It was pointless even waiting for it. It was pointless to even think I had a chance. But that night changed everything.
Everyone had other plans. Jimin and I played some sitcom that was already on the TV and snuck in a bottle of wine. Jimin was like a vacuum, wine disappeared really fast. I was trying to catch up to his drinking pace. And little do you know, we were all over each other. It’s impact alcohol had on me. I'm up for everything. And secrets do not exist anymore. So I told him how I wanted to fuck him for almost a year. One thing led to another. And he was drunk enough to make my wish come true. It came. Multiple times.
The next morning, I woke up alone in my room. He did walk of shame. And he pretended like nothing happened from that day onwards. I guess he was afraid I'd tell Bianca, like I am now, five months later. So I shut my mouth, swallow my pride and let go of my crush for him. In the end it was pointless, and it would never happen for us..
Tammy almost screamed - "You and Jimin fucked?"
"More like I fucked him but yea." - I say casually. Bianca’s jaw dropped. How didn't I tell her? That’s probably what’s going through her mind.
"I knew Jimin was a sub." - Yoongi protested
"How did you know that?" Bianca turned to him. Surprises don't stop here folks.
Yoongi blushed, "I don't know, I had a feeling."
"Mhmmmm", she murmurs.
"He's bi.", Tammy said. "I heard he was with Namjoon, medicine major."
"I know." Bianca confirmed.
"How do you know?" The tension rose as Yoongi questioned Bianca.
"He told me. "
"One day in class. How do you know that he is  bisexual?" She backfired.
"Who said I knew?" Defense is a poor choice, Min Yoongi.
"I didn't see you being really surprised." She pressured. Like she didn't sleep with Jimin at all in the first place.
"I didn't know that. That he is bi." I jumped in.
"How? You fucked him." Tammy noted. Everyone was tense.
"You know what, I don't want to play this game anymore." I whined.
"It's strange to think you were a dom." - Jungkook exclaimed.
"No, it's strange to imagine you actually dommed Jimin." Jin said. "I thought he was a dom."
"Rode him into the sunset, to be exact. Both ways." - I added, gulping the vodka away. "Well, I guess both of you were wrong."
"Who wants to play truth or dare?" Jungkook tried to lighten the mood.
"Not me." - I was again ignored.
"Yoongi, truth or dare?" - Bianca was furious. Did Yoongi know about the cheating? No way. What if he somehow found out and wanted to check on Jimin.
 Yoongi knew better. He can’t pick dare or B will cut his balls off. "Truth. "
"How do you know that Jimin was bi?"
"We kissed." THAT. Was not what any of us expected. Except for Jin. He was beaming. Chugging the beer in his hand. Is he watching the same thing as I am, right now?
"WHAT?" B shouted. Not on purpose.
"What ‘what’?” He screamed back. “We kissed. Once. So what? He kissed me. Drunk. I didn't think that much of it."
"But you kissed back, bro. Like it was a full-on make-out session at Tae’s birthday party.." - Jin casually added. Like adding oil on a raging fire. Bianca looked at Jin then at Yoongi. Furious. She has no right to be mad though.
"Can't you shut up FOR. ONCE. IN. YOUR. LIFE?" - Yoongi is mad at the wrong person.
Jin just shook his head and murmured a sly “naah, this is more fun”
I can't believe these two managed to cheat each other with the same person. No shocker, that Jimin was waiting on Bianca to be single. He knew everything. Dang, he DID everything. The circle went on. Tammy kissed Jin. I wasn't fond of that. I didn't want to see that so I drank until they were finished on their ten second mark. Bianca and I had a dare to kiss each other. It's not like we didn't do this ever. Guys are so aroused while seeing two girls kiss, we had our wild days. Jungkook had to do a lap dance to Yoongi. And I be damned if that fucker didn't enjoy it a little too much. After few rounds and doing stuff I didn't really want to remember tomorrow, Yoongi was wasted and sleeping on the bed. Jungkook was deep throating his tongue inside Tammy's mouth in the bathroom and God knows what else. "You are so heavy while drunk, Yoongi, shit." Bianca tried to pick him up and carry Yoongi to their room. Even after hearing that he cheated.
"Move, I'm going to do it. He's light as a feather."
Bianca moved as Jin piggybacked Yoongi to their room. Bianca and I followed him. She slowed down so Jin wouldn't hear.
"Thank you for not telling to everyone that Jimin and I slept together." "You know i wouldn't ev-"
"Yes, I do. Still you could. You were drunk, and I know you drunk."
"Yeah.. No problem."
As we entered our room, still drunk, plopping our bodies on the bigger, Jin's, bed, he exclaimed, - "You are a good friend. Not a good liar though. Also you girls, can't keep your squeaky voices down for shit."
My eyes went wide. He heard that.
"Umm, you heard us?"
"Yea no shit." He laughed. "I guess it suits him well. He cheated on her. She cheated on him."
"Just it was the same person." I mumble.
"Not that I approve of cheating, but they deserve each other. They probably going at it right now, as we speak. They’re probably planning a threesome right now." He said with a full on grin plastered on his face.
"You think she'll tell him about Jimin?"
"I don't know, honestly. I don't know if he'll remember the outed himself in the morning." his drunk laughter filled the room. He continued, "That Jimin guy is really something."
"Oh yes, he is." - I said smilingly.
"What are you smiling for?"
"Nothing "- I was being coy.
"You know, I want you to tell me, babe."
"What happened with you and him. In great detail. Maybe you can show me. It'll be hot."
"Jinnie, are you up to be a subbie for me?" The playfulness busted out of me.
"Only if you show me what you did that made you cum, babe. Everything for your pleasure."
I prompted myself on the knees, standing tall on the bed as I instructed him to lay on his back. I lied on top of him. Kissing him deeply. My hand wavering to his hops, below my stomach to his member, palming him slowly. Playing with his balls until I could fell him whimper under his breath. I told him he is allowed to touch me, and he can choose one item to undress off of me. Straddling his hips, my clothed pussy humped his hardon. His hands wandered from my ass to my hips and playing with my breasts. He put one hand on my neck, pulling me down to kiss me. I repulsed
"Aa-a. Not gonna happen, babe. If you want to kiss me, be a good boy. Now slide down from the pillows onto the mattress." As he obeyed, he took off my shirt, leaving me in my white lacy bra. My legs spread over his head, moving my panties to the side, allowing him to eat me out. Sliding down his pants, and playing with his cock made moans filled the room, mine and his.
"Drawer, second."  
"You prepared babe? When?"
He kept silent. I stopped jerking him. He murmured in response.
"I am waiting for my answer."
"Starbucks? Remember."  
"Oh babe, sweet you wanted to fuck me since this morning?"  
He nodded, tongue deep down in my core.
"Is your wish coming true? Am I your genie, Jinnie?"
He chuckled at the pun.
I took his member in my mouth. Working my head up and down. Sucking in, twisting my hand, in rapid motions, and playing with his balls, which made him stop eating me out and mutter "Fuck, fuck, where did you learn that, I'm already close.."
Instantly I stopped, nothing is gonna be worth it if I don't edge him.
He begged. "Please babe, please. Let me cum."
"You want me to get blue balls?"
"Just a little."
I moved from his face. And went for a kiss. Tasting myself on him is so hot.
"I didn't know I was this sweet, you must've had a treat. I can treat you every day, baby."
I took the condom pack from the drawer, him having a full on sight of my behind, smacking it once, and sliding two fingers in. It made me whimper and shake beneath him. As he pumped me with his hand, I took the condom from the package and slid it on his throbbing dick. "I am gonna let you choose one position, and try to make me cum. You get one try before I make us both cum. One rule is that you can't cum until I say so."
"You have such low expectations of me?"
"You don't know what gets me off," I paused. "yet."
He took me by my legs, positioned them on his broad shoulders. Taking his dick in his hand controlling the tip over my folds, making me anticipate and crave his dick. Having two doms in one bedroom is dangerous. I hate teasing and he is teasing me right now. Is tip is massaging my clit up and down, then circular motions, causing me to shiver into the bedsheets. He backed out a little more and placed it on my entrance. In one second he is balls deep, my wetness lubing his dick and embracing him fully. "So tight." He chooses the pace that was rough, hocked his hand behind my knees, my legs spread more for him as he went forward to kiss me. Kissing me, my ass lifted into the air. His cock dipping out and in out of me, I was a moaning mess beneath him. He managed to hit my sweet spot and brush past it a couple of times. "Fuck, yes. YES, there." His teeth grabbed the lace of my bra and pulled it down so he can suck on my tits. As he hit the spot few times I started to tighten around his length. I can feel him pulsating inside me. "Stop."  I halt.
"Babe, please let me."
"Jinnie.." I said in a low steady tone. "Soon."
His cock was, hard as wood, pink from all the edging and denial. I could see him pulsating and resisting so he wouldn't cum. So I made it easier for him. I take off my bra and told him to lean his back to the headboard. He half sat on the bed, waiting for me. I positioned myself above him, wetted my pussy by licking my fingers seductively as he watched me. Lust load his eyes, and he trusted upward, filling me up to the brim. Sitting down on his cock, I took his hand and put two fingers in my mouth. Sucking them as I would his cock. "This is", lick, "the punishment", suck, then a pop "for not obeying me." I started moving up and down, on him, as my tits bounced. His hands on my hips giving me support and making me more and more closer to my high. I started grinding, full of his cock inside me, stimulating both my g-spot and nerves on my clit. His head between my boobs, sucking them alternatively, his hand wrapped around small of my waist, making it harder to move and tight into his embrace. "Oh god, yes." I held myself onto his shoulders. As it became more intense, I wasn't moving alone right now. I didn't mind, this was working for both of us. Him trusting in me made me more stimulated, our moaning became louder, our moves became more unclear, sloppy and I held the frame of the headboard to give me more stability. Front and back, messier and messier, harder and harder. Clenching onto him, tighter and tighter. "Fuck, fuck, fuck babe, I am close."
I am close I was out of breath. "Cum for me." I can feel the tremble I had in my legs telling me I will come undone any second now. At the same time, I feel the throbbing of his cock inside me. The knot in my stomach unraveled and I  reached my high, flickering. Moaning chaos. I continued moving my hips overstimulated. As he heard the approval, he tipped his head back on the pillow as he filled the condom. "Ugh.." He trusted a few more times, filling me more than before if that was even possible. We stay like that hugged, a few more minutes. I hear him mumble six words "Fuck, that Jimin guy is lucky." Breaths shallow, voice low. Coming from our highs. I moved from him and turned on my side. Chest heaving up and down, he continued "And stupid, if he didn't beg to be with you after this." He stood to throw the condom in the trash.
"Does that means that you'll beg me to stay with me?"
"That means, " he came to my side of the bed, picking me up bridal style, " I am taking you to the shower for seconds."
In the morning I wake up to a text from Tammy. "You two could have been a little quieter."
I hope you like this, like, re-blog and comment below what you think about this. And I am sorry in advance for any mistakes. Kisses til the next time.
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