#outofcaring (ooc)
rebelliouscupid · 2 years
Also! I have not disappeared into a void, unless we’re counting school in which case I have. I’m mostly lurking rn tbh, but I’ll eventually get to answering asks and the things I put in my drafts.
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dangxrhyde · 5 years
Why do I feel like making a Teen Wolf OC with Lewis Tan as Kira's older brother? I mean... Just look at this fucker.
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spoiledsovls · 7 years
solavitae replied to your post: solavitae replied to your post “*DABS* *WHIPS*...
why the fuck u lyin why u always lyin mmm my god
solavitae replied to your post “*DABS* *WHIPS*...
no im kidding I lov u too
>:::((((( you better or else i will b sad
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rebelliouscupid · 2 years
Stole from @macveigh​ and wasn’t gonna post it until I saw what it was: 
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rebelliouscupid · 2 years
So the site I got icons from has been down for like. Nearly a month maybe? (I don’t actually know, but for a hot minute, so.) Does anyone know of any great places to get screencaps from for Willa Holland? I actually have Photoshop right now, so I can try my hand at actually iconing for Parker.
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rebelliouscupid · 3 years
Temporary pinned post until I can go through and update stuff, but name’s Abigael, I’m over twenty one, and I’ve been roleplaying this chaotic gremlin witch since 2017 with a three/four year break in between so, y’know there’s that. Everything’s like still accurate, I just need to clean it up and make it look ~aesthetic~ and all that. Also as a head’s up that pretty much everything is running on a queue right now. I’ll try to respond to things throughout the week, but we’ll see if that actually happens. You can absolutely throw a meme or starter at me anytime though, because I’m dying to get some thread started with my girl!
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rebelliouscupid · 3 years
Hey! So it’s been over three years since I’ve been on here, so uh, this is mostly a kinda “what the hell” post but yeah. I’m going by Abigael now. I’ll be turning 22 in a few months, and I’m about to finish up my degree. Still love Charmed and writing, and really missed Parker so I decided to see if anyone else would be interested in writing with her. A lot of my old mutuals are deactivated now, but I think a few are on different blogs and stuff, so maybe they’d still be interested in this chaotic fucking disaster of a witch. But yeah, hi again! I’m (tentatively) back!
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rebelliouscupid · 6 years
Throwback Tuesday: @melliwell once thought I was scary, @psychwtch once was surprised that I sent her 14 memes at a time, and @btchywitchlighter- I actually don’t have anything off the top of my head, but Jess should be included, bc I like her, so.
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rebelliouscupid · 6 years
psychwtch replied to your post “I don’t get people who are patient??? Like I have to @ Molly and Shay...”
We get it we get it Jess is your favorite hmph xD
Excuse you, I do not have favorites. I love all of y’all, hmph. (Parker, however, has favorites. Except it’s not Chris, it’s Michael. Do you feel better now?)
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rebelliouscupid · 6 years
“I like them the best, because they’re my favorites, so they’re mine now, especially Michael, because he’s cute and I get to kiss his neck whenever I want.”
- Parker about Morgan (@psychwtch) and Michael (@bleedincut)
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rebelliouscupid · 6 years
I don’t get people who are patient??? Like I have to @ Molly and Shay immediately when they don’t like my mains post within ten seconds. (Jess is good tho and does it immediately, bc she loves meeeee.)
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rebelliouscupid · 3 years
I know that I literally just came back on Parker, but um. Consider: new side multi-muse with Pandora?? Rest is going under a cut, because I’m rambling.
Because I’ve been having feelings about time travel lately, because it has the potential for costing you everything and everyone you love. There’s something about being responsible for, and choosing to destroy your entire world to save it, but there’s something else about not having that choice. Because you lose everything and you had no control in it, and to have to rebuild some kind of a life in a world that seems familiar but holds no one you loved feels like a cold, beautiful day. It looks like warmth and love, but is instead ice cold and just off-kilter. And then to be faced with the option of trying to save your home, only to destroy the new one you’ve discovered and force others into the fate you so hate. 
There’s something heartbreaking and fascinating there, and Pandora was such an interesting character in that context because she was never the one to be drawn into that. She didn’t make the hard choices or was tasked to save the world. She liked to party and shop and have fun, and she loved people and people loved her and then it was all just ripped away by... what? Because she’s a stranger in a world that should know her and all she wants is to go home, but she doesn’t even know how to figure out what happened, much less how to fix it. And then to have the decision of letting her world stay in oblivion, or destroy the new one she’s in, is such a heavy decision and I don’t know how Pandora, who loves so easily and doesn’t want to hurt anyone, could make a decision that she’d be able to live with one way or another. At the very least, that guilt and despair would stay with her forever and how would that change her?
Look, I’ve been working on a next gen fic with uf!Chris’s memories, reading fanfiction about Jason Todd coming back to life, and just finished the Adam Project, time and loss and love are all kinda jumbling into Pandora’s life.
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rebelliouscupid · 3 years
So everyone remembers how the sisters just randomly turned into werewolves with the Blue Moon thing, right? There’s never any, like. Explanation for that, so basically, uh, thoughts on a werewolf verse for Parker?
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rebelliouscupid · 3 years
I’ve never had any real reason for Parker to develop a second Warren power, other than it serving as my way to make her “stand out” with the next gen before I really knew much about portrayals of next gen muses (look, I was seventeen and only had Bianca as a muse for about three weeks before I created Parker’s blog, don’t come for me.) That being said, I do actually think it’s kind of interesting because pretty much every Warren witch only possesses one of the Warren powers, and I’ve always said that Parker had no idea why she spontaneously developed premonitions.
I still don’t really have any big reason, so I can’t really make it a big thing for her character but I do still like it. I’ve always been torn between the ideas that power growth/development is connected like molecular immobilization → molecular combustion and what the recipient needs like Prue and astral projection. Premonition definitely doesn’t fit into the former, but I like it as an idea of what Parker needs. 
Jokes aside, I’ve always defined her as someone reckless, who never looks before she leaps, and while that’s worked out in the past, that’s not a sufficient operating procedure for a Halliwell witch, not if you want to stay alive past like twenty. There’s also the fact that premonitions show the very real consequences of things while offering the opportunity of changing your behavior. I think that’s something Parker desperately needs: to see the consequences and what’ll happen if she doesn’t think ahead before it’s permanent.
Also as an interesting side note that I may do something more with in the future: Prudence Warren, aka Melinda Warren’s daughter? She has telekinesis and premonitions according to one the novels. I don’t consider the novels as canon as much as stuff to play with, but I do think that’s interesting and might be fun to do something with Parker later on.
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rebelliouscupid · 3 years
Is Hollow-Art just not working anymore or is it a specific to me issue? Because that’s where I get most of my icons, so it’s kind of inconvenient right now. Also I hate Tumblr’s search system, at least with the only one you could go back indefinitely.
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rebelliouscupid · 3 years
Filled up with my queue with muse stuff and memes since I haven’t been able to work on replies recently, but I’m tentatively aiming to do some the beginning of next week, along with redoing/adding some headcanons that I want to do.
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