#[shes 65]
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inbabylontheywept · 8 months ago
so once me and my wife were watching a documentary where a snake ate like a million eggs. that snake just went to fucking town on eggs. and the snake made the eggs look so good that i kept thinking about it, and thinking about it, and thinking about it, and eventually it was 11pm and i ran out of willpower and decided to eat one (1) singular raw egg just to prove to myself that the snake was surely a liar.
the snake was not a liar. texture is like, super important to me and raw eggs are very Texture so i had another one, and then another one, and then another one, and eventually i ran out of eggs.
i had like, fifteen raw eggs.
i didnt really know how to explain this momentary madness to my wife, so my Plan was to put all the eggshells into a grocey bag, and then throw that grocery bag in the dumpster, and if she never noticed that would be Excellent and if she noticed immediately i could lie and say that the eggs went bad.
except i cant lie very good, and of course with murphys law being such, i got salmonella.
so i threw up a lot and my wife asked me what poisoned me so and i tried very hard to dodge the question but i was oozing shame like oil from a room temperature cheese and eventaully i gave in and told her everything and to her enormous credit she was more flabbergasted than actually upset. she did make me promise to not eat any more raw eggs, which i have stuck to, and she gives me weird looks during nature documentaries now as if desire was the only thing keeping me from eating thousands of pounds of krill anyway i made a joke earlier about being able to eat my age in eggs and my sister in law in law made a drawing to comemorate the moment and also because it was my birthday. she's excellent. thank you 10000000% @cintailed. you should all visit her page and admire her work.
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ibetittering · 6 months ago
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Come on guys 😔
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clarkgriffon · 9 months ago
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Willow Rosenberg + Outfits (Season 5)
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a-bad-case-of-the-stephs · 1 month ago
The biggest question Steph grapples with throughout her entire pregnancy is the question of whether or not she should give up her baby. By closely examining the elements from Steph's dream sequence as she gives birth the reason Stephanie eventually decides to give up her baby becomes apparent.
We first see this question arise in Robin #58, where sitting on a rooftop, pretty soon after discovering her pregnancy, Steph brings up the idea that she wants to keep the baby, and says she doesn’t know how she could give it up.
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Steph seems to continue with adoption arrangements despite this confession, although we can see that Steph seemingly spends the rest of her pregnancy arc secretly debating the matter.
We see this subtly illustrated through the usage of magazines. Steph begins her pregnancy reading magazines geared towards her age range and gender, ("teen" and "boys") with one magazine seemingly about pregnancy "9 Months".
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Robin #59
When we see Steph reading magazines again a few issues later, she has a "clothes for baby" catalogue and a "teen" magazine. She seems to be looking at the baby clothes catalogue when Tim walks into the room, causing her to subtly hide it under the "teen" magazine.
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Robin #61 / #62
Steph brings up a big question on that rooftop in Robin #59: how can she possibly give up her baby? And although it appears at first Steph accepts and moves on, choosing to give up her baby, we know that this question never really got answered for Steph, she’s still been thinking all the while throughout her pregnancy, while reading these magazines, while hiding her doubts until the last moment: how is she going to be able to go through with this?
But we don't get final confirmation of this fact until Steph finally voices her conflict to Tim, the same night she goes into labor. Notice how all the magazines around her are now all baby related.
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Robin #64
When Steph finally cracks and confesses to Tim her desire to keep the baby after all, Tim tries to reason with her. Although Steph seems to agree with some of his points, it’s very important to note that it still doesn’t seem like Steph’s committed to the choice to give up her baby for adoption. She says she knows it’s the right thing to do, but she trails off with a ‘but…’ making her indecisiveness clear. She still hasn’t really made up her mind.
Steph goes into labor later the same night, and due to unspecified complications is rushed to the hospital. Steph is given some kind of anesthesia, and enters her dream as a c-section is performed. When she exits her dream and awakes, baby born, something has changed.
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Robin #65
So if Stephanie, all throughout her pregnancy up has been questioning this, finally voicing her doubts the night before she goes into labor, and when she awakes, she has come to a firm decision she says she figured on her own, the only place and time where Steph could have made this choice is during her dream sequence.
So what about the dream changed her mind?
One of the big repeated themes throughout Stephs dream sequence is a conflation of her own childhood and that of her baby's. Stephs feelings and memories meld, and the line between her and her baby is shaky.
This isn't a random detail, or even an inevitability of a dreamlike state: it's a specific choice and I think it explains how and why Steph makes up her mind the way she does.
Stephs biggest influence towards the idea of giving her baby up for adoption is her fear that her baby might experience a similar childhood to her own. We see this argument start to convince Steph when Tim brings up Stephs own childhood the night she goes into labor and when Steph appears more confident in the idea of giving up her baby in the Secret Origins 80 Page Giant, it's directly connected to the idea of sparing her baby the same garbage childhood she was subjected to.
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Steph is convinced finally to give up her baby because the conflation between her babys potential childhood and her own childhood in her dream sequence convinces her that the elements which made her childhood so shitty have not fundamentally changed.
Crystal Brown
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Despite their relationship seemingly better than perhaps in years, Dream-Crystal is portrayed as completely oblivious to the danger Arthur presents, ushering him in and even scolding Steph for her concern. If Steph and Crystals relationship is at such a high point, then why would Steph’s mind portray Crystal as someone who opens the door to this danger and ignores this threat?
Because it’s something Steph is dredging up from her own childhood. It’s not malicious, but it’s apparent that despite being a target of Arthur’s physical abuse, Crystal historically has been quick to assume the best of Arthur and ignore hints of his worse nature. By the time Steph’s pregnancy arc has begun Crystal is able to recognize Arthur as shitty, but throughout Steph’s childhood that’s just not the case. (Both drug use and a malfunctioning ‘lie detector’ as Steph puts it, seem to be to blame for this).
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Batman Chronicles #22 / Secret Files 80 Page Special / Robin #111
Stephs subconscious doesn't have faith that Crystal has changed. Despite Crystal having progressed and become much more present and cognizant of the harm Arthur poses, Stephs subconscious is still wary. This is realistic. Maybe it's not fair to Crystal, but Steph can't help holding onto this fear, at least subconsciously. To be fair, it can’t have been over a year since Crystal was smiling at Arthur, seemingly accepting him back from prison soon before Steph dons the Spoiler costume for the first time. This breaks part of Steph’s counterargument to Tim in Robin #64 where she asserts she could raise her baby with the help of her mom. Despite all the progress Steph and Crystal have made, Steph still isn't able to fully trust Crystal with her baby, and her dream shows that.
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2. Arthur Brown
Cluemaster appears, the subconscious fear of how he poisoned Stephs childhood leaking over to how she thinks about her baby's hypothetical childhood with her. Would her baby be safe from Arthur?
Steph knows very well that Arthur is free from jail and as dangerous as ever: between their encounter in Blunt Trauma where he tried to kill her, and the fact that he destroyed her and Crystals house, the physical threat of Arthur Brown is readily apparent.
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Robin #54
But its not the physical harm that her father poses which the dream fixates on. As per usual for Steph, she seems much less scared of her father hurting her as she is frightened by the idea of his criminality as a symbol of her own wrongness.
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Just like Steph believes her own self to be poisoned by her relation to Arthur she fears that her baby might be tainted the same way. Her fear isn't absolutely unfounded either. Arthur is free, and he's ransacked and destroyed Stephs home during Cataclysm. His recent violation and destruction of what should be a safe place, much like he barges in and disrupts Stephs peace in her dream, signify how Arthurs still has and would have this huge presence in Steph -- and by extension her baby's -- life.
So, Steph has two reasons which warn her against keeping her baby, two things she is afraid would give her baby the one thing she wants to avoid: it having the same shitty childhood as her. But not everything is the same as when she was a kid, right? Now she has allies, friends even, who are powerful and capable. Hell, Stephs a hero too! That means something, doesn't it?
3. The Heroes Arrive
Stephs subconscious seems to think so, at least to a degree. Steph isn't left alone to save her baby. As her panic mounts, the heroes appear just in time.
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And just like that Steph is wearing her Spoiler costume, the symbol of her agency, the thing that allowed her to stand up to her father in the first place.
Vigilantism is therefore empowering, and the connections (albeit highly tenuous connections) Steph has made in the hero community are empowering also.
Steph has new factors, factors which weren't present in her own childhood which can step in, the situations are not actually identical, maybe she can keep her baby, maybe it will be safe.
Some of the heroes she conjures make a lot of sense, Steph is very close with Robin, he's supported her especially during her pregnancy and he's one of the last people she saw before entering her dream. She's had a positive encounter with Connor Hawke which clearly influenced her. Even her tenuous encounter with Huntress proved to Steph Helena was highly capable. I honestly don't know why Nightwing is there, they haven't met. And Batman. The Batman.
Notice Batman's dialogue. If it sounds familiar, that's because Steph said an almost identical line in the last issue, in that same moment Tim and her are discussing Steph keeping her baby.
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Dream-Batman parrots the same language as Steph, the same sentiment, but not about Steph, about her baby. How much has really changed, then?
The heroes fight, but its to a standstill. The assorted heroes present fight the assorted villains that Arthur has brought with him, but Arthur himself is untouched, her baby is still in harms way. And Steph, stands there in the middle of it, horrified and still as Crystal laughs behind her.
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Steph's subconscious decides its not enough. Theres so many of these heroes, sure, but they can't stop Arthur, can they? They couldn't when it was Steph in danger, when it was Steph who needed saving. It's no ones fault. But Steph knows.
Just like it always has: Steph knows it comes down to her.
4. Catch
Arthur throws her baby into the air, and we've arrived at the final moments of her dream. And so, the final question, the deciding moment. Can Steph rely on herself?
After spending the rest of her dream remaining uncharacteristically helpless and inactive, Steph finally leaps into action.
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Let's hone in on that middle panel. It stands out, for good reason. Despite the rest of the dream taking place during the afternoon, with clear light in the sky and a cloudy purple hued sky, the sky in that second panel is pitch black and dotted with stars. And below the baby, there's this light purple grid.
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It's not random, we're being shown a time and location we know. That's the exact roofing of Steph’s house, we're looking at Stephs rooftop, at night.
We've seen this time and location before, during Stephs pregnancy, way back in Robin #58, when Steph first questions whether or not she should keep her baby.
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This is it, this is the moment. We saw Steph first question how she could give up her baby on this roof, and now, as her baby plummets into an identical scene, right before Stephanie wakes up, we're getting our answer.
But this isn't the only time we see this setting during Stephs pregnancy.
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Secret Origins 80 Page Special
The second scene with this framing is a flashback, to a young Steph, sitting on the roof of her house alone, looking at the moon. The attached dialogue is Steph’s narration explaining how she used to dream that she’d see Batman some day. This is a scene about faith and hope. About dreams, about wanting to get saved.
So why do we see the same roof and sky again, for the third and final time during Steph’s pregnancy arc while her baby falls?
Stephanie’s dream sequence is a checklist of reasoning for why she can’t keep her baby. She is reflecting her own childhood onto the baby and she is concluding not enough has changed, she is suspecting her baby could very well be subject to the same circumstances.
And it culminates in this final moment. Crystal, while more present than ever is still not fully reliable in Steph's mind. Arthur is on the loose and as sadistic as ever. The heroes can show up, but they can’t save her baby, just like Batman couldn’t save Steph on that rooftop years and years ago. Just like then, it’s down to Steph on her own. Thats why when she lunges out for her baby, the baby is falling onto that rooftop. It’s both a reminder of the question Steph is stuck considering and an explanation for how she reaches her answer.
Because she can’t rely on anyone else, because she has to leap out, reach out, save her baby, and ultimately that look of horror as the baby falls isn’t a look of anticipation, it’s a look of utter and horrific acceptance. I don’t think Steph believes she reached her baby in time. I think Steph doesn’t think she can save her baby at all.
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Steph is a very proactive character. It's strange to see her hesitate towards action, and extremely strange to see that when that action is saving someone from danger. But she's indecisive throughout her pregnancy, and she's helpless throughout her dream sequence until the very last second. Even donning the Spoiler costume doesn't help. She's helpless in this dream.
So, checklist gone through, conclusions drawn, Steph wakes up and makes the only decision she can, the decision which goes against her very nature: Stephanie lets go.
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gideonisms · 1 month ago
I keep seeing these posts like "you have to have patience with men you can't exclude them" and I even saw one post suggesting someone needs to go out and try to find more friends who are men. And I am always like. You would not believe how much patience I've had with men in my day to day life. It will be fine if I am a bit wary when a guy tries to befriend me due to my many many bad experiences. It does suck for a dude who is genuinely trying to make friends but I made that my problem for over a decade and it is now no longer my problem. because I now have a job in which I don't need that to be my problem in order to continue having money. Enough. The men I willingly speak to understand I am doing so by choice and the ones who don't get that will be speaking to a brick wall
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captainjimothy · 7 months ago
feeling ill about kai winn again. Character of All Time. she's the planet-wide leader of a religion that has recently been scientifically confirmed to be true, as in, the gods are real and they live in a pocket of space just above the planet and they speak to people all the time. but they've never spoken to her. she clawed her way through the ranks because she wanted so badly to be close to her gods, and they still give her the cold shoulder. she was also elected president and has to juggle those positions during a turbulent post-war period where tensions are high and resources are low. she's politically and morally conservative, but she's willing to learn from her mistakes if you're nice to her about it. she is run so ragged by her responsibilities and the lack of connection from the gods she loves that it doesnt even take very long for dukat to convert her into his satanist death cult. she lets him, a stranger, sleep with her while he's doing this, because no matter how driven and ambitious she is, at the end of the day she's a lonely and isolated person who has never really been liked very much and she just wants connection. as soon as she discovers dukat's real identity she kicks him out of her bed, because he was the military leader who oversaw the occupation of her planet and oppression of her people--but she continues to keep him around as a cult partner because she refuses to stop working on the plans to blow up the world. she's like 65 and she's crawling down into the fire caves to summon demons like it's no big whoop. who is doing it like her
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beatleswings · 10 months ago
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corvidcrowned · 2 months ago
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Gwenom page 💥🕷️
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decepti-thots · 1 month ago
i need an arcee holoform where she's old as shit, extremely hot and about to kill you. old man yaoi this, old man i wanna fuck that, where is my hot grandma who could stab you and you'd thank her for it and she's soooo cool and butch representation for Canon Trans Lesbian Arcee huh. < asking for very unselfish reasons, i promise. god i wish i'd kept up drawing as a hobby so i could show you all my Vision
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every-grelle-sutcliff · 2 months ago
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alonadadonut · 2 years ago
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im posting this imodna wip bc i need motivation to finish it
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theyarebothgunshot · 4 months ago
I showed my mom the hospital scene and asked her to guess the dynamics. I didn't say "who is dating who", I wanted to keep it vague so that she didn't already know two of them were definitely seeing each other. She has never seen the show and the only thing she knows is that it's about firefighters.
My mom: I'm guessing the guy sitting next to [Buck's] bed is his partner
Me: partner how?
My mom: romantic. And the other guy is a coworker.
So there you have it, folks. I could not make this shit up lmao
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gipitothefrog · 7 months ago
the marauders greatest fears!!!!
Remus: Hurting someone he loves
Sirius: Being alone
James: Not being enough
Peter: Being left behind
Lily: Rejection
Mary: Losing people important to her
Marlene: Death. Just in general. Her, someone else.
Dorcas: Not being able to save everyone
Pandora: Not being free
Evan: Doing wrong in anyone's eyes
Barty: Spiders (there were a lot in azkaban)
Regulus: Being too much
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gwensy · 1 year ago
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im 9 years old and have seen literally everything
don't tag as sony spiderverse 🙏🙏🙏
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chicalepidopterareblogs · 4 months ago
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Domiziana Giordano as Gabrielle de Lioncourt???! She is the actress that played Madeleine in the movie and she's Italian. I can't believe I have never seen this fancast before 😱
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agreentealeaf · 1 month ago
happy birthday to my beautiful girlfriend lily evans who is definitely not dead and definitely wouldn't be turning 65 today!!
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