#[she needs a lot of it but u know if someone like basil who will be like HYPER FOCUS AND ALL EARS TO HER she will panic at first
sentofight · 5 months
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pineappleciders · 2 years
RW Omori squad (separate) with a s/o who has verbally abusive parents. Just like “oh it’s fine, it’s how we talk :)” and it’s clearly not, and the character can see that. (and the reader knows too but they don’t like to say that because that’d make everybody sad!)
RW OMORI gang with an S/O who has verbally abusive parents
TRIGGER WARNING: verbal abuse, physical abuse (mentioned), parental issues, arguing
reader is referred to with they/them pronouns
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sunny grew up in an asian household, and not to mention his parents favorited his sister. so he's faced his fair share of hurtful comments or impossible standards
although, he hasn't really gotten it to the extent you have, and he's a little. concerned.
like when he first hung out at your place and he heard your mother call you names and berate you,, he got really nervous and awkward
he really doesn't like arguing, and for many other reasons you two sort of decided it would be best to not chill at your place
but it doesn't mean he ignores it!!! he thinks about your parents all the time, and is kind of scared to pry but he asks about it for your safety
you two spend a lot of time at his house!!!! he prefers to not go outside and seeing as your parents erm. aren't the greatest, his house is usually empty and so it's perfect for hanging out!!!!
he never pries to the point of making you uncomfortable, but he is very worried. he'll constantly try to be there for you and lend an ear, as he knows your parents aren't the best listeners.
if you text him that your parents are being loud or yelling at you, he'll send you songs he likes for you to listen to to distract you and texts u constantly to keep you company
it. really pisses her off.
she had incredibly neglectful parents, and her mother would even get physical when drunk
so she knows what abuse is like. that's why although it angers her whenever she hears your parents degrade you, she never talks back to them or anything. she knows that would only end up worse for the both of you
although, she does express it a lot when you two are alone.
"dude, your parents are dicks, Y/N."
she's fully aware you're only playing it off for everyone's sake, but she never really talks about it. she knows how much it sucks for someone to call out a facade cough cough
she'll get you little trinkets or send you images of things that you like or that remind her of you throughout the day to hopefully cheer you up
her house isn't really available for hanging out either, so you guys often go to the lake or get pizza at GINO's, or just chill with the hooligans at the park
she never judges you for it, and tries to subtly let u know that she's there to listen whenever you need it. she wants to offer support that you otherwise don't really have
when your parents start saying shit at dinner, he looks kinda awkward and tries to change the subject. like if they started comparing you to him he'd be like "oh, haha i actually look up to Y/N! you raised an amazing kid :)"
he might dislike your parents, but he's always respectful of parents in general. he was always taught to respect his elders!!!
and then when you two leave the house he looks at you like a dejected kicked puppy
"man.. your parents are really something, huh?"
kel had only really been insulted by his parents during arguments or whenever he did something wrong, whereas he'd get spanked with a shoe and berated. they didn't verbally degrade him often, but they emotionally neglected him a lot.
he feels real bad for you, but he tries not to bring it up often. he knows it's a sensitive subject, he can tell by how you constantly say it's normal and it's just how they are
kel wants to wait until you're ready to talk about it. he doesn't push it, he wants you to come to him whenever you're comfortable!!
lots of walks and playing sports to get out of the house. he is constantly treating you to pizza at GINO's, and his family loves you to death!!!!! hero sees you as a little sibling and is always teasing kel about you
he tries his best to be respectful around your parents. he honestly wants to punch their faces in but he will not admit that
it concerns him when you lie and say it's nothing, but he doesn't push it often. sometimes he'll let you know you can be honest with him and that he's there to listen
with most parents, hero automatically wins them over and always tries to be polite and kind. but he doesn't really bother to get your mother roses or strike up conversation with your dad. he just can't really be comfortable around them
hero's family is very welcoming, so he'll always invite you over for dinner and his mother is asking constant questions!!! kel bugs you and jokingly asks why on earth you'd date someone like hero
(this earned him a smack on the head from both his mother and hero)
gets you gifts and flowers often, and leaves encouraging notes and compliments. he really doesn't want you to feel bad about yourself,, he knows it must be hard having parents like that
has a bit of a hard time finding words if you break down or cry, so he holds you in his arms and rubs your back.
"hey, hey, sshh.. i know... it's alright.."
similar to hero, your parents make it hard for her to control her anger. they're just so!!!!!&!!$&$ she has a general level of respect and awareness though, so she never really says anything
if she's at your place, she tries to be quiet but eventually can't take it and stands up for you.
"you should be a little easier on them. they've been doing quite well in school lately." she says, crossing her arms.
unfortunately this led to her getting kicked out, but she didn't really regret it
if you're ever feeling down about your grades or yourself in general, she's immediately showering you with compliments and encouragement. mari can't stand seeing you doubt how much you mean to her
i think mari has had a complicated relationship with her father, so she isn't a stranger to arguments and general mean comments and berating. part of why she's such a perfectionist is because her father pushed her,, so she's a bit of a hypocrite when saying you shouldn't let your parents dictate what you do
she's very supportive of wherever you want to go in life, always helping you practice and follow your dreams no matter what!!
always taking you out for picnics and dates!!! you spend a lot of time with the group to get away from things for awhile
she plays the piano for you to help you relax, and sometimes you fall asleep on her shoulder as she plays a calming song. she cherishes those moments the most.
he hates it, especially when your parents come into the room and start yelling at you. he can't stand it at all
it makes him angry, but he's far too scared and shy to say anything, so he opts for excusing the two of you and taking you outside to check up on you
he can only imagine how hard it is for you to deal with that, so he's always checking on you to see how you're holding up mentally
he isn't great with words, so you two often spend lots of time together!!! at the park, at his house, at the beach, anywhere is fine with him as long as it's with you
polly loves you dearly!!! she's always embarrassing basil in front of you
he's scared that you're insecure about yourself due to your parents' words, so he leaves little sticky notes and drawings around to encourage you in everything you do
"hi Y/N! i hope you have a great day!!!!! here's a sunset picture, it reminded me of you :) -basil" and there's a photo attached of a pretty sunset
you cook the simplest meal?? he's praising it like it's gourmet
he gets you into gardening and photography, always sending you pictures that remind him of you!!!! they're good coping mechanisms for him and make him happy, so he wants to share that happiness with you
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aubreysheadspace · 2 years
hi!! <3 can i rq the omori main cast with a reader who gets attached to people super easily + is rly affectionate :D (separate & romantic pls!! OHOH AND rw not headspace :3) if it's easier for you, you can just write kel, basil, & hero!! ^_^
WAAA TYSMMM I’m so glad ppl enjoy my work sm :0!! Hope u enjoy!!
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SUNNY is absolutely touch starved without realizing it, so he’s definitely stiff and awkward at first when you give him a hug or simply hold his hand
slowly but surely he’s gonna get used to it, and then he’ll be expecting at least a hug every single day at the point. he’ll be a bit disappointed if not but he’ll get over it
if you kiss him he’ll stop anything that he’s doing and stands/sits there for at least two minutes before his ears turn red and his cheeks slightly turn red as well
there was absolute silence, not a single movement from your boyfriend who you decided to kiss on the cheek/lips for the first time as a sweet reminder of how much you loved him. you grew to become a bit worried and poked his shoulders. "SUNNY?? SUNNY, are you okay??" you asked your stoic boyfriend. after a minute of poking him, you saw his ears turn a bit redder then usual and then his cheeks. you smiled a bit, knowing your boyfriend enjoyed the little kiss you gave him
SUNNY doesn’t mind if you get easily attached to others, and doesn’t mind if you two just met and you’re already attached to him
he’ll find it weird, but that’s basically it. he kind of enjoys someone being automatically attached to him for some reason?
if it’s someone else you’ve grown attach as well, SUNNY will feel a little jealous. he hides it pretty well, but always reassure him that you love him the most
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when she was younger, AUBREY would always take any sort of affection no matter what and even give back some of her own! although now that she’s hot-headed and a bit aggressive from everything that’s happen, AUBREY stays stiff when you give her a hug of some sort
she immediately look at you in disbelief before slightly smirking and letting out a chuckle. she secretly enjoys being hugged, especially when she’s feeling down the most. she also touch starved without realizing it from not receiving any attention from her mom and due to MARI’s passing
if you give her a kiss she’ll immediately panic a bit and look at you with an even more expression of disbelief like "WHY did u decide to kiss me?!" but she’ll think back to it when she’s alone and not even realize her cheeks are turning red from the feeling and thought of the little kiss
AUBREY’s cheeks grew flustered when you decided to kiss her on the cheek/lips, she looks at you in shock and a bit frustrated. "wh- what was that for..?!" AUBREY asked as you stifled a giggle out. "i just wanted to show my girlfriend how much i love her!" you responded, smiling a bit at her. "pfft— whatever.. at least let me know next time, you dork.." AUBREY looked away as she didn’t want you to see how red she was.
AUBREY will genuinely be a bit surprised that you’re easily attached to people at first, is that why you’re attached to her?
she kind of thinks you’re naive to be attached to others. i mean, what if someone is deep down a huge jerk to you?
this applies if you’re already attached to someone else that isn’t her. she’ll be a bit jealous at first, but then that jealousy dies down if you reassure her a lot with physical affection and words of affirmation
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KEL doesn’t mind if you’re so affectionate, because he is too! this relationship will be all about physical affection mostly but also a drop of words of affirmation
he’ll surprisingly give you affection more than you, and even be ECSTATIC when you give some back! he enjoys it no matter what and he’ll definitely need it when he has a bad day of some sorts
if you decide to kiss him, KEL would slowly process that you kissed him and once he does he gets even more ECSTATIC! he’ll gladly kiss you back with his dorky smile across his slightly red cheek
"woah!" KEL raised his voice a bit after he saw you give him a quick kiss on the cheek/lips for being such a good boyfriend. "you… you kissed me?" KEL said, kind of processing it which made you laugh a bit. "yes, yes i kissed you, KEL." you answered, and KEL finally processed it with a huge smile on his face. "you kissed me! you really did kiss me, [READER]! wow, i’m so happy!" KEL gave you a tight hug and plants a bunch of kisses across your face as his own reward for being such an awesome person to love him!
like the others, KEL does not mind at all if you’re super attached to others including him. that’s what makes you.. you! he won’t change it for the world
in a way, he’s sort of like that too! he understands where you’re coming from and even is a bit bashful is you’re already attached to him!
if you’re already attached to someone else that isn’t him, he won’t even consider himself jealous! he’ll instantly befriend the person as well!
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HERO absolutely enjoys the amount of affection you give him! sure, he’ll be a bit awkward and nervous about it at first but he’ll always enjoy the amount of affection you give him!
he’ll always do something for you in return. you needed to get some chores? HERO has already done them for you! are you hungry for a home cooked meal? HERO has already something cooking just for you!
if you decide to kiss him, HERO will instantly flustered but will give you his own charming kiss back as a little thank you
HERO looked at you with his eyes slightly widened after you decided to give him a kiss on the cheek/lips. he immediately turns into a slightly blushing mess and laughs nervously, "gosh [READER]! at least let me know when you’ll kiss me, haha!" HERO half-joked, looking away to hide his red face. "sorry, sorry! i just wanted to let you know how much i love all that you’re doing for me!" you explained your excuse, to which HERO looked back at you with the same surprised look before smiling warmly. "…thank you, [READER], i appreciate that you’re still with me."
HERO is genuinely a bit surprised how attached you are with people, but doesn’t judge you for it. that’s who you are and he doesn’t want to change you at all because he loves you!
he does know that there are actual jerks out there who’s take advantage of how nice people are, so he wants you to be extra careful!
if you’re already attached to someone else that isn’t him, HERO would love to meet them! he starts up a conversation with them, and just to make sure, let’s them know he’s your boyfriend
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BASIL is another touch starved one, and it’s pretty obvious. like AUBREY, he’d panic and be all flustered when you give him physical affection
he tries to calm himself down and slowly get used to all the love he gets from you, but he can’t help it! he appreciates all the attention and affection he gets from you but sometimes he gets overwhelmed easily, so make sure you start with him slowly
if you decide to kiss him, BASIL will immediately become all flustered and nervous. he’d excuse himself to the bathroom for a bit and once he does, he immediately tries to calm himself down. he can’t help but smile a tiny bit and cover his face in embarrassment
BASIL let’s out a tiny squeak as you one day decided to give him a kiss on the cheek/lips for how much he’s come so far. his face immediately turns all red and looks at you with a stunned look that said 'did you really just did that..?' you stifled out a tiny laugh and spoke, "sorry, sorry! i’m just really proud of you BASIL for how much you’ve come so far! i guess that was a bit too much for you, so i apologize..!" after you explained yourself, BASIL simply nodded and asked with such a meek and nervous tone, "sorry.. could you excuse me for a bit?" and immediately heads to the bathroom and locks himself in there. he couldn’t stop smiling and blushing for minutes!
BASIL is also surprised when he finds out you’re attached to people quite easily. he used to be somewhat the same four years ago and so he doesn’t judge you for it
although he’s closed off a bit now, he does secretly want to be your number one and never wants you to leave him for someone else
if you’re attached to someone else that isn’t him, BASIL will panic a tiny bit on the inside as he sweats more on the outside. he tries to reassure himself that you love him, so make sure his reassurance is correct!
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MARI absolutely enjoys all of your affection! she’s pretty affectionate herself, so expect a lot of hugs and kisses on the forehead
she also uses words of affirmation as one of her love languages, so expect a lot of compliments and flirting coming from her!
if you decide to kiss her, she’ll blush a bit before smugly looking at you. she definitely tease you a bit just for fun before kissing you as well!
"oh my!" MARI had a bit of a surprised look on her face as she looks at what you did. you decided to give her a kiss on the cheek/lips for being the best girlfriend ever!! you stifled a laugh at her response but immediately recognize the smug look on her face and realized what you put yourself through. "my goodness [READER], i had absolutely no idea you were bold enough to do this, hehe!" MARI said, right before she surprised you with her own kiss. "..but i guess i am too!" she said as she giggled a bit, knowing that her plan to fluster you worked.
MARI doesn’t judge you for how easily attached you are when it comes to people. she’s somewhat the same way?? she could make conversation with someone and immediately earn herself a friend!
of course she’s always be your number one, MARI would make sure of that by giving you all of her affection and love, and inviting you to little dates like a simple picnic with just the two of you
if you already grown attached to someone that isn’t her, MARI would be HAPPY to meet this person! she’ll invite them to a picnic as they, and you too of course, chat it off! like HERO, MARI would let the person know that she’s your girlfriend just in case!
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lunarfied · 2 years
AUBREY AND BASIL HATE MAKES ME SEE RED….mostly because they always refuse to acknowledge that the reason they act that way is because of their respective trauma and also the fact they experienced that stuff at such a young age? like a mentally i’ll character is showing signs of mental illness and it influences their behavior and relationships??…in a physiological horror game…god! who would have guessed!! idk those people make me question if they played/watched the game w their eyes closed…also just wanna say i love kel sm 😭🙏 hes such a sweetheart and a big comfort character for me…he made me so happy when ever he was on screen <3 we need more kels in this world 💆—🦦
convinced we share the same braincell because i COULD NOT AGREE MORE!!!!! it’s 1:17 am as i am writing this so forgive me for going on a tangent but this game means so much to me ANYWAYS ive said this before but i’ll say it again:
aubrey not only had to deal with mari’s death, but her parents divorcing, her father leaving her AND her mother becoming an alcoholic. whether or not her mother was an alcoholic prior to the divorce or not, we don’t know (as far as i’m aware) and boy let me tell you,,,, going through that stuff is HEAVY for a what?? 11– 12 year old??? aubrey saw mari as the only healthy older sister/mother/woman figure in her life and to have her be taken away from her when she was barely a teenager? yeah hello ONVIOUSLY SHES GOING TO ACT OUT SEVEN STAGES OF GRIEF BRO
and basil… do not even get me started this post will become a five page essay in five seconds no i will talk so basil’s parents literally abandoned him. yes they travel a lot but fr his parents suck and his grandma is literally on life support and is implied to die by the end of the game if that isn’t indicative enough of basil going through something intense and hard as it is… girl idk what to tell u plus his whole thing was that he was really anxious as a person in general so the fact that aubrey (someone who is naturally extroverted) befriended him and introduced him to everyone just for him to help cover up mari’s death??????? broooo is going through itttttt idk HOW people look at basil and think hes annoying or a bad friend… like pinche pendejo say that to my face i dare u ‼️
kel was the only thing keeping me happy through my playthrough then i get hit with hoe trauma and had to take a lap around my room 💀
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sunnysviolin · 4 years
I myself love the idea of transmasc nb Basil. one of the things that really stuck with me is how on the nose his name is. like, Id get it if other people had on the nose names but their names are pretty normal (like Mari, Kel, Aubrey...) and then just... plant boy with plant name. feels like he picked it on purpose to me!! what do u think???
Nonnie your creative genius! It inspires me. Now consider the only other character that goes by a funny weirdly specific nickname......Hero. Run with me  dear sweet nonnie, this ends up being a little bit of a roundabout way to get back to Basil 
So we get the in canon reasoning of the hero sandwich, but yk what? I reject canon when I feel like it!! Or rather I do a soft retcon of canon. Also I only use he/him pronouns for Hero here to alleviate confusion but in reality they would probably be using she/her pronouns for him. Skip to the next set of bullets if you only want Basil (I probably should make these each their own post but whatever)
Mari and Hero have known each other their entire lives. They were born in the same year and their mothers are best friends. They’ve never known a time they didn’t have one another. So Mari is the only one in their group to really remember how Hero was before he transitioned
Hero’s birth name is Aurora (I really like to remind people that trans people don’t need to pick a name that’s anywhere near their birth name. There’s this thing in media where trans people only pick a name that’s like the masculinized/feminized version of their birth name. If that’s your journey then power to you and I love you for it. No judgement whatsoever because we all choose the name we feel destined for, but I want to share other journeys as well!!! My name is nothing like my birth name! purposefully!!) His mom thinks it’s very pretty and perfect for her eldest daughter 
Hero...disagrees. He disagrees with a lot of it, but most of it he doesn’t know how to put into words
The other kids sometimes tease him and call him Sleeping Beauty. It’s always meant as a joke, but he gets really upset by it. His teachers tell him it’s not meant to hurt him, but it does.
He’s six when he tells Mari that he doesn’t like his name. He can’t really tell her why (because he isn’t even sure why. It’s a nice name) but it doesn’t feel like it belongs to him. He tells Mari while they’re sitting at lunch
He feels small and fragile when he hears his name. Like he’s a princess who belongs in a tower waiting for someone to save her. He doesn’t want to be Sleeping Beauty. He doesn’t want to be that. He wants to feel strong. He wants his name to make him feel good.
Mari doesn’t understand the fullness of it yet, but she does see how upset her best friend is. So naturally her mind is racing to come up with a solution. Then she finds one. 
“Aurora is the princess right? Well then let’s make you the Hero! You can be Phillip”
Phillip doesn’t feel right either....but something in it does
“Hero,” He tries it out on his tongue, and it rolls off in the way that Aurora never did. He says it again, unable to hold back a happy burst of laughter. 
It feels right. Nothing ever felt right like this. Like putting on a pair of comfy slippers after only wearing too small shoes his whole life. Mari seems absurdly pleased with herself as well. She vows that no one is going to call him anything else. He’s too happy
That afternoon though as they’re walking home with their moms, she corrects Hero’s mother and tells her not to call him Aurora anymore. Everyone stops and asks her why, and Hero is next to her looking scared. So Mari panicks
“Because of all the sandwiches. Hero brings a hero sandwich every day, and I think that he might turn into one.”
The mothers think it’s a funny joke, but they’ll play along. By the time Hero comes out when hes ten, everyone has been calling him Hero for years, so no one accidentally calls him by his birthname anymore anyway. 
Okay now that HeroMari time is over, let me explain how this relates back to Transmasc Basil. I love parallels, so Mari helped to give Hero his name, and I think Sunny helped to give Basil his name. 
Basil is a nervous little bean. He isn’t really used to having friends, and he loves them all a whole lot. He’s only eleven and a half, but he already knows he never wants to lose them. They’re the best part of his life, and he wants to always be able to be there for them and never hide anything. 
But that doesn’t change how he feels inside. And he feels....not like who everyone thinks he is. Is that lying? Is it lying not to tell the others? 
Basil doesn’t know Hero is trans at this point. Aubrey doesn’t either. Hero doesn’t tell people unless he has to because he passes pretty well (and even though he’s 14/15 at this point he’s still working through some of the enforced cisgender society shit. He isn’t quite ready to be out and proud) 
So Basil thinks he might be the only person in the world who feels like this. He doesn’t have his parents to ask,  he’s too scared to tell his friend, so he just withdraws. They won’t want him once they know, so it’s better to go away now. 
Sunny is D20 perceptive though. 
Sunny waits on the stoop of Basil’s house until he comes out to talk to him. Basil is terrified, but he can’t hold it in anymore. He can’t keep this secret. 
So he blurts out that he thinks he might be a boy, but he doesn’t know. He doesn’t know what that means, and he still likes some “girly” stuff, but he doesn’t know what anything means and he doesn’t want the others to look at him and think it’s wrong. 
And Sunny is just like “oh okay”
Basil is about to have a heart attack. It can’t be that easy. Sunny just shrugs because he grew up with Hero, so he gets it. He tells Basil Hero is like him too, and they should go talk to him. But first does Basil want to be called something else? 
Basil hadn’t even considered changing his name. He wouldn’t even know what to call himself. Before he can even start to spiral about making another huge decision, Sunny sees his best friend start to go into his mind, and makes the decision for him. 
Basil? The other boy gives Sunny a questioning look and Sunny blushes but he keeps going. 
“Basil is a plant. You like plants. Besides didn’t you say basil means good wishes and it’s synonymous with royalty. The “King of herbs”...right? That would be good...for you”
Sunny is blushing furiously at this point, and so is Basil. He knows that he goes into long tangents about plants, and the others sometimes let their eyes glaze over during them. Sunny was listening. Sunny cared enough to remember. Basil. 
“I like it,” 
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bittykimmy13 · 4 years
The Gardener (GT Angst/Fluff)
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In which Sylvia meets Will :’)
Trinket universe and characters belong to me and the lovely @marydublin5​ / @little-miss-maggie​ <3
(( More from the Print/Trinket Universe ))
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The rebellion base was more expansive than Sylvia had assumed— being a trinket may have had something to do with it. Each day she explored, she found a new room or corridor. This time, when she turned the corner in a direction she hadn't tried before, a wave of humidity hit her. Curious, she pressed on.
"Whoa!" She jogged to the railing of the walkway to take in the sight of the massive room she had found. Rows of shelves had been rigged into planter boxes with a light system. To her delight, the print and trinket walkways connected to the shelves.
She couldn't fathom why there weren't people here. It was like an indoor garden, teeming with life and green that she hadn't found anywhere else at the base. At least, she couldn't see anyone there. With the shelves blocking her view, she wasn't even sure how far the room stretched.
Winding her way to the shelves, she stepped onto the soil and strolled among the plants, feeling as though she had found her way into a rainforest. The little flowers she grew in Jon's apartment didn't hold a candle to these thriving herbs and vegetables.
She was so taken by the garden, she didn't hear the footsteps approaching until they were right around the corner. Sylvia froze, shuffling under the cover of parsley leaves. She caught a glimpse of a massive form—a human tending to the plants on the shelves across from her. Trying to calm her racing heart, she reminded herself that she didn't need to hide. It would take some getting used to, but trinkets were not playthings or pets here.
The human turned to face her, but his eyes were on the shelves below her. His curly brown hair ducked out of view as he watered the plants, slowly moving up the shelves.
"U-um…" Sylvia stepped out of the shadows when he reached the planter she was on.
His blue eyes landed on her. "Oh. I didn't see you there." His voice was quieter than she would have expected.
Despite what she knew about the rebellion, having a new human's attention on her was startling.
"Sorry for intruding," she said stepping toward the walkway. "I just haven't seen a full-fledged garden like this in so long. I'll—"
"Do you have a favorite?"
Sylvia stopped in her tracks, glancing around at the forest of plants before her gaze settled back on the human’s soft smile. Her chest loosened.
"Well, I was more of a flower person myself. Lilies, begonias, orchids… I did grow a lot of basil, though." She nodded toward the basil plant she'd walked past. "Did you grow all these?"
He nodded, though his brow furrowed. "Sunlight was easier to work with, but… I make do."
She laughed, shaking her head in disbelief at the thriving jungle of a room. "Buddy, I can't tell if you're gloating or being humble. I wouldn't blame you for gloating, though. This place is beautiful."
His eyes lit up. "If you've ever got some time, I could use some help with pruning the more delicate herbs."
"I'd love to help!" She all but bounded to the edge of the planter and stuck her hand out. "I'm Sylvia."
He hesitated visibly, smile faltering. But his hand came up from below, fingertips closing gently on her hand. "I'm Will."
A chill went down her spine, casting away her excitement in one fell swoop. She froze up, searching his face. Breath catching, she seized her hand back and staggered away from him.
Something subtle changed in his expression. His soft smile remained, but the light in his eyes dimmed. He looked away, even took a step back.
"So, you've heard of me," he said. His gaze flickered to her, but he couldn't seem to bear the look on her face. "I… I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. Please—enjoy the plants. I'll keep to the other side of the room."
He offered one last smile—a sad attempt at one, anyway—and straightened to his full height to walk away. He disappeared two rows away.
Sylvia stayed rooted for a few seconds after, her mind spinning with what she had heard about him. She snapped out of her shock and booked it for the exit. He didn't try to stop her.
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It was far from the first time he had witnessed that sort of look aimed at him, but this time had hurt especially. Maybe because she had been excited about the plants. Maybe because she had obviously worked up her courage to stay and chat, only to be frightened away.
Will shouldn’t have been shocked by Sylvia’s reaction, those tiny eyes widening in terror. It had been nice to talk to someone, even for a little while, who didn’t know about what he’d done. He had briefly considered giving her a fake name, but it would have come off as sinister when she learned the truth.
This was his punishment, maybe forever. He didn’t fight it.
A few days after the encounter, he returned to the concrete conservatory. He stopped at the first shelves, gingerly touching some mint leaves. He’d have to convince Cliff that they needed to set aside a safe area for an actual greenhouse with actual sunlight. At this rate—
He flinched and turned toward the tiny voice. Sylvia was at the miniature walkway near the entrance. She sat with her legs dangling through the railings, as if she had been waiting a while. He had walked right past her.
Unable to make sense of what she was doing there, he looked at the floor. “Sorry, are you lost? I can tell you how to get back to the common area.”
“No. I… I’m here on purpose.”
His eyes snapped to her in surprise. “Why?”
Although he was standing a fair distance away, he still felt like he was looming by the way she flinched. She pulled her legs back onto the walkway and stood. For a second, he thought she might run again. But she merely gripped the railing bars and fidgeted.
“You said you had some plants in need of pruning.” Her voice was uncertain and small, but not laced with terror. “And I said I would help, didn’t I? So, here I am.”
His instinct was to question her, but he held back. “There’s some rosemary that could use attention,” he said, taking a tentative step closer to her.
His hand lifted toward the walkway.
“It’s in the back. I could take you there if—” He paused when Sylvia shrank away, and he promptly pulled his hand back. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t going to grab, I swear.”
Sylvia wavered, then squared her shoulders. “You know, it’s a pretty long walk to get here. I do think I could use a lift.”
“Are you sure?”
She gave a firm nod. He closed the distance, making sure she could easily track the movement of his hand as he laid it down beside her with care. Her hesitance was visible, and he had to fight to the urge to give up immediately. After a few moments, she overcame whatever was holding her back, and she climbed aboard his palm, offering a shaky smile when she was ready.
He lifted her, cupping his other hand nearby in a practiced motion.
“You’re good at this,” she informed him as he carried her over to the rosemary.
The smile he gave her was genuine. He could feel the tension coiled in her minuscule frame, but the fact that she was fighting it at all made him feel like there was hope for him yet.
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clanonadventures · 3 years
𝗟𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘀
Dutch anon - dutchy
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
-Preferably goes by she/her
-They/them would also be fine
-Fairly tall
-M e s s y a s s h a i r
-Struggles to speak English
-Her room is full of orange, red, white and blue
-First option to anything is just violence
-Very athletic (but competitive)
-Gets hurt a lot while sporting
-Overworks a lot, so she barely get sleep
-Don’t insult her s/o if you enjoy not having someone go apeshit on you
-Give her a tulip and she’ll melt
-good friendship with rhinestone 👌
-Loves all pets of the other anons
-Pls pet her tail, she loves it <3.
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Squid anon - Squiddy
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
-19 years old
-Works at Anon city (AC) Aquarium
-Obsessed with sea life and pirates
-Is bi
-Occasionally wears a squid hoodie
-Was kicked out of the house at 16
-Loves musicals
Her eyes are purple
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☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
"A chaotic trickster entity with a dark and mysterious past that takes a form resembling that of popular character ENA. ENON shares many similarities and mannerisms with her counterpart, but is know to be more brutal. A lawful evil type to be sure. Her moral compass is a roulette wheel. Just wants to be entertained.
Come to think of it, I don't really think ENON had an "original form" Like she just kinda existed as a spirit/eldrich demi goddess who had it really rough before deciding to join the physical world like 'all I know is cause problems on purpose- what is love and friendship'"
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Satyr Anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
-Loves horror movies and scary video games
-18 years old and already wasted her entire life-
-Aspiring Therapist/Psychologist, is the mom friend ™️. Very sweet, with sarcastic and wise advice whenever she's needed
-Never gets enough sleep, ever.
She is actually a Satyr (goat ears, goat lower half with mostly human top half, long tail, horns, etc) with thick mane of white hair.
Peacock Anon - Viernes
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
-24-doesn't have a gender, but goes by she/her
-shapeshifter of sorts
-if she becomes overly stressed (which is somewhat often) her face begins to crack and give way to static
-only reveals her true form to people she trusts a LOT, and even then, she'll only reveal her true form in private
-somewhat energetic, full of herself and sarcastic
-can change her appearance to some extent (can't change her clothes tho)
-underpaid tv host
-actually quite introverted when off stage
-sounds like ruby vocaloid
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Rhinestone Anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
-Has had a bad past with relationships so it's hard for them to trust anyone
-Comes off as cold and unapproachable but once they trust you then they are sweet, affectionate, honest, and cuddly
-They're really fucking tall (9'3)
-They're a cuddle-bug
-Really soft hair
-Love language is physical touch
-Has never shown anyone their true form
-Big history nerd
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Bug anon
☑ Platonic - ☒ Romantic
-Average height (5’00”)
-Really nice but is quiet and likes to lurk. Really shy.
-Likes bugs, drawing, video games, reading, going on walks, sunsets, forests, cats, sweets and plushes!
-Has ASD!
-Tired (™)
-Drawing later
-Tries to be optimistic when she can
-Uses she/her, they/them, it/its and bug/bugs (in no particular order)
-Asexual and aromantic!
-Age unknown, but is a teenager
-Backstory: A sentient bug who dreamed of being an Anon so they could make friends, who’s wish was granted by a strange Higher Being/entity of light and rainbows. They live among the anons now as an anon, trying to adjust to their body and life.
-Her “hair” is her antennae- DO NOT PULL ON IT!
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Coke Anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
-Unspecified age
-Has no concept of personal space
-Someone referred to coke by they/them and they took off w/ that
-Their body is like jello in their blob form
-Their voice is autotuned on command, they do it to annoy people
-The red bit is a shirt
-Was originally named E-304 but changed their named to Coke
-Can shapeshift with no known bounds
-They CAN turn into other people, but you can tell its coke by a chunk of their hair being white/red
-Kinda stupid
-Enjoys bone marrow
-Also enjoys icecream
-Was kinda lonely for a long while
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Mask anon - Melian
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
- She/they
- 8'7 ft tall
- she's 19
- e n d e r m a n
- friendly, aggressive is looked at in the eyes
- wears sunglasses out in public bc for some reason she doesnt mind eye contact with them
- is only comfortable with eye contact with people they're comfortable with
- has terrible memory
- sleepwalks a lot
- loves to collect toys like dolls, plushies, action figures and small toys
- s o m e h o w manages to break an exact block of anything, even concrete
- if you mention you want something, she'll bring it to you, may or may not have stolen it
- doesnt understand what is means to steal
- can purr
- changes to enderman language when talking too fast
- knows how to speak Portuguese and will change to it when curssing at something
- used to have a brother
- knows how to play the piano and acoustic guitar
- adores calm songs like Cavetown, Mitski Mitski, etc.
- has a few pet moths that live in her pockets and two cats
- t o u c h e d s t a r v e d
- treats most of the other anons like her siblings
- only the ones closer to them can call them Meli
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Bamboo Fox
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
- A shapeshifting fox [REDACTED]? that guards and tends to a sacred bamboo forest on a mountain somewhere in the astral sea, I don't know.
- Has no concept of gender or age, but enjoys the sound of being referred to as he, or they.
- Is very small, like about 2 feet tall when standing on back legs in fox form.
- Has a very comforting aura to them, very chill vibe
- Will invite you in for tea
- Their rapping sounds like little yips. They can't speak, no matter what form they are in.
- If he likes you, he will offer you a single piece of bamboo with sticky rice inside
- If he does not like you, he will eat your soul
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Basil Anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
Is 7' tall. Hes a tall boy
Goes by he/they pronouns though is also agender.
Can shapeshift to an extent. Cannot shapeshift his eyes though.
Isnt even really human but doesnt talk about that, like ever.
Eyes are pitch black- like completely flat black- hair covers eyes always. (unless they really trust you)
Cheerful baby! But gets depressive episodes alone! Tries to keep a smile on his face. When in those episodes he is more likely to isolate.
Has a pet chicken named fluffy. Is actually immortal. Literally. The whole anon fam loves fluffy, and he keeps a chart to see who gets to pet fluffy, and who needs to be watched (coke).
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Part 2
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Bitch talk about rapharl teaching Alec how to cook a good meal for Magnus and both deciding to work together after lot of bickering because of Magnus bane love juices (u said in your last answer to ask u this so I now demand)(also coz I m Intruiged)
bitch i literally have already told u about this but also sure uwu
ok so like….. alec doesn’t get food. that’s just how it is. he grew up eating nothing but institute food and you can bet your ass there wasn’t seasoning on that shit. on like shadowhunter christmas or fucking something they put salt on the food and that was real adventurous. in shadowhunter culture, food was always seen as nothing but means to an end, Nourishment™ and nothing more. i’m surprised they even had shit like pancakes instead of just being like “for my patrol i am bringing this raw kale, yoghurt and rice smoothie. it is the best combination of nutrients for this time of day & activity” or just straight up eating like nutrient paste like those astronaut food thingies, but i suppose for that last one you would need technological development. do shadowhunters even have blenders tbh. anyway
the point is, food isn’t culturally an important thing for shadowhunters, which is all but canon considering the face magnus made at institute food (seriously, like… the trauma), and there is NO WAY alec knows how to cook. moreover, he doesn’t really get the inherent connection magnus has with culinary as a way to keep tradition alive and express one’s feelings, including love
but he does understand the basic fact that food matters for magnus. it’s funny to me because during s1, every time they talked about dates, alec suggested drinks (as he knew it was something magnus liked), but magnus always went for restaurants. the ethiopian place he knows, the place they went to in tokyo for their second date... i think drinking is more flirting for magnus, but going to a restaurant is more romance. because like not to slut all over the place yet again, but food is love
all of that to say (can u tell this is gonna be a really long answer) that alec is smart enough to eventually realize that magnus would love it if he made him some food. but does alec know where to start? no. he can’t like, tell a carrot apart from a broccoli tree and that’s just how it is. so, he goes to raphael for help, because he knows for a fact that raphael loves cooking and that magnus loves raphael’s cooking
and because alec is Like That his approach is very much like… “okay so teach me right now how to make a michelin star-worthy meal” and raphael is like… rubbing his temples, stressed out already, because goddamn 
so raphael has to sit down and explain the facts of life, i.e. that it doesn’t work like that, to him. cue dramatic speech about how cooking is an art, it’s not just about following a recipe. raphael could teach alec the steps to the most intricate dish, and it wouldn’t be worth anything if alec didn’t understand food, how it worked and how it meant. you don’t expect someone to draw the mona lisa just from knowing art theory. it takes practice, and love, and dedication, and raphael is willing to teach alec all that, but he has to understand that it will take a long time
and alec is like. what the fuck is a mownay leezah and raphael has to sigh and be like. cooking is like mastering a weapon. you have to train. and alec is like ah okay understandable 
cue cooking classes, which will 100% be written here like some “the hero is trained by their wise, old uncle on the ways of fighting” trope because like, yeah. so put on some music that matches that tone
so for the first class raphael puts some soup in front of alec and alec is like. hmmm. and raphael is like “take some and tell me how it tastes” and alec of course goes all “soup……” and raphael raises his eyebrows at him and he’s like “vegetable soup……” and raphael makes go on gestures as patiently as he can and alec is like “i think there’s……….. potato” 
so speech number 1: to be able to cook, you need to know how to eat. cooking is something that you do with all your senses. you need to be able to taste, and tell what’s missing, or if there’s too much of something, and if the texture is right, etc. you need to know what you’re looking for, you need to understand how to improvise, you need to pay attention and be in tune with it. you have to understand the ingredients. and alec is just like, nodding along and doing his best, because look. he might be a himbo with no previous experience on this and he might have no idea what raphael is talking about, but he does want to get this right, and understand this part of magnus better, too. only reason he’s not taking notes is because raphael looked at his notepad like he was going to die
alec takes to describing and understanding textures pretty well (hypersensitivity, babey!), but struggles a lot more with tastes because he doesn’t really have the apparel to describe it accurately due to lack of experience with that. which quickly makes raphael kinda.. sad. he went years without eating (he WILL find a way to be able to eat AND be still a vampire if it’s the LAST THING I DO IN THIS STUPID LIFE) but he can still tell what everything tastes like from memory. it’s not that alec can’t tell, he just… doesn’t know what to do with them because he was raised in a culture that literally didn’t care (and possibly forced him to eat Bad Texture foods and shit like that because it’s not like he has the space to complain about that, does he? and as a fellow autistic raphael can sympathize with that very, very well) 
so slowly but surely alec starts to pick up on tastes and describing and telling them apart and recognizing them when together, you know, shit like this. and sometimes he can recognize something from places magnus has taken him to before and he’s like oh, ginger! that’s what it was! magnus likes this, and his eyes are so full of love raphael has no choice but to huff like a kid because he can’t be caught thinking that it’s cute that alec loves his dad so much
(but it earns him many points in raphael’s book)
once alec graduates in Eating, they go to speech number 2: Why You Have To Vibe With The Ingredients. maia is there for that one because i said so, and anyway they need to get to taki’s to have this particular class because they grow at least some ingredients there okay let me have this (one of the things that made maia’s heart melt for raphael the most was seeing the way he was so careful and loving with the plants, like….. especially if they’ve started working together before raphael could eat food, he would just treat them with so much care and longing and put his all into making sure they grew healthy and well and it was just… heartwarming and heart wrenching in equal measures). but anyway she mostly takes to sitting on the counter, watching this unfold, and being very amused
so raphael shows alec, who promptly almost steps on a really small basil tree, leading raphael to scream NO!!! like he is dying and making maia almost double over with laughter, what they have. obviously they can’t grow enough shit to run a whole ass restaurant but they have almost all kinds of herbs and a few quick-to-grow, easy-to-take-care-of ingredients like tomatoes and squash. bonus for these ones: their fruits are also very visible! so raphael gets to show alec how they grow, what the texture is like, how much they weight, etc. obviously he doesn’t expect alec to grow his own ingredients or anything, but it is important to pick the right ones, otherwise no matter what you do, your food will suck. and seeing some examples of them growing might help you understand why and how that works
so raphael goes around to teaching him how to select the best ingredients according to type of vegetable, then meat, chicken, etc. and like not to slut over raphael but for just a second can i say that he’s just… such a patient fucking teacher, even when alec makes him want to die on the spot, and he is clearly so passionate about the subject, like he talks about it with such conviction and care and wants to make sure that alec understands exactly how it works beyond just decorating what is the correct texture for what and maia is just making heart eyes at him the whole time. she came here to be amused but seeing her boyfriend like that really makes her melt. ugh i love them
also every once in a while alec will say something Painfully Shadowhunter-y and raphael will just stare right at maia with the deadest-looking eyes you’ve ever seen in your life, and she almost spits into her own coffee at least once. sometimes she pats his shoulders all like “hang in there, bud”. but also like, he can’t fool her and she knows that he’s proud whenever alec gets it right, and he’s happy that he gets to do this for magnus, even if kind of second handedly. he knows that it will make magnus immensely happy if alec manages to make him a good meal, and like, he deserves it. plus, raphael just loves food and being able to share what he knows about it is always a joy. not that he won’t complain the whole time. but you know
okay so for next time, alec actually gets to cook for real! some good ole’ s o u p. and alec’s like “hmm. i mean i wanted to make something nice for magnus, you know?” and cue speech number 3: if you aren’t able to make a really good soup, you won’t be able to make anything else. it doesn’t matter how simple the dish is, what matters is to do it right, to make it with love, and to make it taste like home. soup is not just soup, it’s warmth, it’s love, it’s caring, it’s peace. i want you to prove to me that you can pour your whole heart into whatever you make magnus. there are no better or worse dishes, there are dishes more suited to one’s taste, or to an occasion. if magnus is upset, some nice, hot soup is going to soothe him way better than the most delicate pastry. so make me some soup, lover boy, and prove to me that no matter what it is, you can put your love for magnus and take care of him all the same
and alec is not one to back down from a challenge, so he sets his jaw and proceeds to cook like he is heading to battle, or in an episode of hannibal, or some shit. and inevitably he overthinks every single detail and it turns out weird and suboptimal, and raphael is like “i can taste your nervousness in this” and alec is like “nervousness is not a taste” and raphael is like “and yet”
speech number 4: you don’t have to think about it, you have to feel. if you’re thinking too much, you’re stuck in your own head, you’re not paying attention. food isn’t made with the mind, it is made with the senses. pay attention to the textures, tastes, sounds, colors. don’t be out there trying to think of what the most accurate combinations are, or something. just pay attention to what you’re doing
and alec’s like. “i’m too autistic for this humbo jumbo i don’t know how to cook through following my heart” and raphael, ready to smack him with a newspaper, is like “it’s not about following your heart, it’s about following your body, paying attention to what you feel. you are more likely to notice texture differences, tastes, sounds, brightness. use that” and alec’s like alright
anyway so alec makes some and it’s like, alright, not fantastic, but good. then for the third one raphael just goes “ok just think about magnus” and alec is like *vibrating* man i sure do love magnus and he’s practically secreting heart emojis through his pores and raphael is like uggghhhgghhhghghhghhhhhh g r o s s, texting maia about his woes and pain lmao. anyway you guessed it the soup turns out great cuz i’m a corny bitch. raphael is like maia. maia. the soup was so good. just because he was thinking about magnus. he’s actually worthy of my dad. uggghhhhh put a stake through my hEART and maia is just like. pat pat
okay so then they go to more technical shit like chopping techniques and temperatures and stuff like that you know the usual shit. and raphael teaches him some more recipes until he eventually decides that alec is good enough to learn something fancier to woo magnus with - idk what that would be tbh so like insert something here. and okay alec graduates cooking class woohooo
and then a few days later magnus goes visit raphael and he’s all like “so… alec cooked for me the other day” and raphael pauses and softens incredibly and is all like “did he now?” and magnus nods, clearly so happy it’s unbelievable, possibly a little in awe because he wasn’t expecting the sudden display, not when he knew that alec wasn’t exactly interested in culinary, much less for it to be so good. like obviously alec had put thought and work into this and it’s just… really nice. and he felt just so cherished and loved and i just aaaaaaaa
obviously he tries to keep the lovey-dovey shit to a minimum, if anything because raphael already teases him enough (he’s still not over “because you’re totally unbiased”), but it’s just so obvious that he’s happy and he can barely hide a smile behind his tea and whatever raphael made for him (pan dulce maybe?) and he looks almost giddy, and that’s enough for raphael to feel accomplished. and he asks what alec made for him and magnus goes “soto ayam” and raphael’s eyes widen in shock and he smiles to himself like “the bastard”, because in the end alec made magnus soup, soup from magnus’ culture, because he understood perfectly exactly what raphael meant with food being love and care, and i just aaaaaaaaaaa
and don’t get me wrong he’ll make magnus fancy dinners too eventually, with roses and wine and the whole shebang, but he specifically chose soto ayam to be the first because he just loves magnus and wanted that to show through his food before anything else and i just doadsiahdaih im a soft bitch the end
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Carry On Countdown - Day 22
Wow, watch me use the @carryon-countdown to plug my skating fic lmao
I don’t know if this counts, since Angelina is an OC and actually, Baz would totally make friends with/practically adopt a 17yo Russian girl, so I don’t know how unlikely it is, but it’s here. And also, I just really want to share more of On thin ice content, but the fic itself isn’t ready to be published yet so have this instead. 
For context, Baz used to train in Russia aged 16-20, and now both him and Simon train in Montreal (no, idk why I chose Montreal out of all places but that’s how it is.) Also I think Gelya is the Russian diminutive/nickname used for the name Angelina, but I’m not sure. The fic is still in the works, so this scene is bound to change/expand (I did omit it a bit when writing because spoilers) but anyway, I’ll stop rambling now. 
Prompt: Unlikely friends Word count: 1950 Rating: This scene is G, although the whole fic will be T or M 
The ride from the airport to the hotel is awful. Baz must’ve suspected this, because he made me sit in the front.
“Go on,” he said teasingly. “The only skater who has motion sickness.”
I have to say, sitting in the front almost didn’t make a difference. I may not know how to drive, but even I know you’re not supposed to drive like that. When the cab drops us off in front of the hotel, I don’t even bother hiding my relief. Baz laughs.
“I never want to experience this again,” I say, knowing full well that this is my life for the next week. The hotel might be close to the venue, but it’s still far enough for it to be a driving distance. I can only hope buses are less deadly than cabs.
“You know, Moscow traffic is actually tame compared to the rest of Russia,” Baz smirks, handing me my bags.
“Well then I never want to see the rest of Russia,” I mutter, slinging my duffel bag over my shoulder and stepping through the automated hotel doors. Baz scoffs and follows me.
This hotel is fancy – much fancier than the hotels we usually stay at. Baz doesn’t seem phased by it at all, the posh bastard. I bet the hotels he stays at when he’s on vacation are at least twice as posh.
He does, however, seem phased when someone yells “Basil!” across the lobby. Before either of us can register what’s going on, a small figure in a red jacket runs towards us at full speed and crashes into Baz, making him emit a surprised oof sound.
The moment I realize the figure is actually Angelina Nuriyeva is the moment she starts speaking in fast Russian. I don’t understand a thing, but Baz seems to, because he laughs and hugs her back.
I knew Baz and Angelina were friends, but I didn’t think they were this close. I mean, they’re the exact polar opposites; Angelina is an actual sunshine (she’s always hugging and smiling at everyone) and Baz is… Baz. (He’s a big softie, I know that, but he goes through great efforts to appear cold and closed off.)
But here he is, ruffling Angelina’s hair and telling her something in Russian. (I’m suddenly met with the realisation that being in Moscow means I’ll get to hear a lot more of Baz’s Russian. I am very much not complaining at this prospect, even if I don’t understand a thing of what they’re saying.)
Angelina is nodding along and she pulls out her phone to show him something, but that’s when Baz stops her, suddenly speaking in English.
“Wait, I think in the interest of Snow, we should switch to English. He already looks lost enough as it is,” he says.
“No, no, I’m fine, by all means…” I start, but I’m soon cut off by Angelina.
“Yes, of course! I’m sorry, Simon! Come here, it’s so good to see you,” she says and hugs me. (This is what I mean when I say Angelina is a sunshine.)
“Good to see you too,” I nod.
“I was just about to show Basil how his houseplants are doing. Do you want to see too?” she asks.
“Houseplants?” I don’t bother hiding the surprise in my voice. Since when does Baz like houseplants? His flat in Montreal doesn’t have any, spare the tiny cactus on the windowsill.
“I had a lot of houseplants when I still lived here, but I couldn’t take them with me on the plane when I moved, so Gelya took them in her care,” he explains, as if he’s reading my mind.
“Georgy is doing amazing but Ilya went a bit floppy. I changed his earth so now I’m hoping he gets better,” Angelina says, showing Baz a picture of two houseplants, side by side, one of them (Ilya?) looking slightly wilted.
“When it goes floppy, we say it wilts, and we don’t say earth, we say soil,” Baz corrects her. If I was Angelina, I’d probably be annoyed right now, but she just smiles at him.
“Thank you. It’s so much harder to learn English now that there’s no one here to practice with me,” she sighs.
“You know you can call me any time and we can practice,” Baz offers.
“Wait, wait, wait,” I stop them both. There is so much new information I have to process. “You had houseplants? And you named them Russian names? And you taught her English?” (That would actually explain why Angelina’s English is so good.)
“Yes, Snow, are you keeping up?”
“And when he gave them up, he wrote me a whole notebook on how to take care of them,” Angelina chimes in. “And another notebook with English grammar.”
Maybe I do have trouble keeping up. Who is this Baz? (And why is he so attractive?)
“I never thought of you as a houseplant kind of bloke,” I shrug. “You don’t have any houseplants in Montreal.”
“I’m still mourning the loss of my old children.” Baz deadpans before turning back to Angelina. “Show me Alyosha. He was always my favourite.”
Unsurprisingly, the jet-lag catches up with me right when it’s time to go to bed. I don’t know why I was naïve enough to believe I won’t need melatonin when dealing with an eight-hour time difference. I better take it now, before it’s too late.
I sigh and throw the covers back before picking up my phone to check the time. However, a text message notification from Snow grabs my attention before I can do that.
Is he nervous again? It would make sense, since this is a big competition for him. Would I be able to sneak into his room and sneak out the next morning unnoticed? I doubt that. There are only athletes staying on our floor, the coaches, press and competition staff are all on different floors, and I doubt the athletes would pay us much attention, but it’s still risky.
I’d much rather risk a few weird looks than have Simon spiral into panic two days before a major competition, though. I decide I’ll go to his room if that’s what he needs.
Maybe I should check why he’s even texting me before I devise any plans.
SS: do u have melatonine? SS: jet lag
I sigh in relief. He’s not having a mental breakdown. He’s just jet-lagged. (Which is a bit strange for Snow, but I suppose even his circadian rhythm can take a blow from time to time.)
BP: It’s spelled melatonin and yes, I have it. You can come get it if you still need it BP: Room 254
SS: yes ik where u r SS: I’ll b right over
I sit on the edge of the bed and wait for Snow to knock on my door. He’s staying a few corridors down, in room 273, so it takes him a few minutes. I jump up when I hear his knock.
He’s standing in front of my door, wearing joggers, a hoodie and those damned glasses of his again. His hair is messed up, like he’s been tossing and turning too.
“I thought you didn’t get jet-lagged,” I say, stepping aside to let him in. He settles on the edge my bed while I rummage my luggage for melatonin supplements.
“I don’t get sleep jet-lagged, but I do get food jet-lagged,” he says.
“What does that even mean, Snow?”
“It means it’s lunchtime in Canada right now and I’m so hungry I can’t sleep.”
I bite back a laugh. He’s an idiot. (An adorable one but an idiot nonetheless.) “You don’t need melatonin, Snow, you need this,” I say, throwing a granola bar at him. He startles, but manages to catch it.
“You’re just giving this to me?” he asks, audibly surprised. (Which is ridiculous. He gives me food all the time and here he is, questioning my generosity over a fucking granola bar.)
“No, Snow, pay up. Fifty rubbles.”
“I don’t have any Russian money,” he laughs, tearing the wrapping open. He’s going to get crumbs all over my bed, but I don’t shoo him away. Instead, I finally find the melatonin supplements and take one with some water. “Do you still want one?” I ask.
“Do you have any more granola bars?”
I laugh and pass him another one before sitting down next to him on the bed.
“Are you nervous?” I ask, just to make sure he’s really okay.
“Right now? I’m just hungry,” he says, tearing open the second granola bar.
“Right,” I nod.
“Baz. Are you doing that thing where you’re worrying about me again?”
“A bit,” I admit.
“Stop,” he says like I can just turn it off like a tap. (I wish I could.) We sit in silence for a while, me thinking about how much easier my life would be if I just stopped worrying about Simon Snow and him chewing through his granola bar. “I didn’t know you and Angelina were such good friends,” he finally says.
“We trained together for four years,” I shrug, but it’s not just that. The training environment in Russia was intense. It’s a bloodbath to even get on the national team there, so of course it’s intense, but I think every other skater the rink was looking at me sideways because I was an outlier. I wasn’t Russian, I didn’t speak Russian and I think they felt like I didn’t belong there. (I know now that I really didn’t.) They eventually accepted me and by the time I left Russia, even the ones who refused to speak during my first year there were sad to see me go.
But Gelya was nice to me from the start. She was only thirteen at the time and didn’t speak any English, but she clapped for me when I did something well and cheered me on when I was having a bad day. (Thanks to her, davai was one of the first Russian words I learned.) She brought me homemade pyraniki on special occasions and when I got injured and had to go back to England to have surgery, she sent me get well soon cards all the way from Russia and she made the entire rink sign them.
That’s just who she is. She’s this nice to everyone and it didn’t matter to her if I was Russian or English, I was just another person at her rink who she could bring biscuits to. Over the four years that I’ve lived there, she became like a little sister to me.
“Baz?” Snow’s voice snaps me from my thoughts. “You seem tired. I’m going to go.”
I have half a mind not to ask him to stay here. (We both know we can’t do that.) “Okay,” I say instead. He stands up and throws the granola wrappers in the bin. I stand up too, to walk him to the door (I have manners), but he waves at me to sit back down.
“It’s fine,” he says.
“Will you be able to sleep?”
“If my hunger doesn’t get to me again, yes,” he laughs. He’s already by the door.
“Wait.” I stand up and grab the last granola bar from my bag, offering it to him. “Just in case,” I explain. I want him to stay here, to make sure he sleeps well and doesn’t spend the night worrying about the competition, but I can’t do that, so this is the least I can do.
“Thanks,” he smiles, tucking it in his pocket. Then he hugs me briefly and presses a kiss to my cheek. “Sleep well.”
“You too.”
And he’s out the door.
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vexedtonightmares · 4 years
Hi, rank the skam france characters for chaotic vibes and rank them for energy levels. 🤗
ahh sorry this took me so long to answer but i’ve finally done it (maybe)
just so this isn’t a novel’s length, i’m just gonna do the grew and lamifex
chaotic vibes
lucas lallemant- have u met him even one time. king of chaos and that’s on periodt luv.
basile savary- the gang are the most chaotic characters in skamfr and we love them for it. sometimes i forget how chaotic baz is because he’s such a sweetheart too, but then i rewatch s3 and i’m like ah, yes, the one who fell over in one of the first clips he was ever in.
arthur broussard- got hit by a car on friday and went to school on monday. if that doesn’t scream chaotic vibes idek what does.
yann cazas- i would prepare a powerpoint of every instagram photo yann has ever been a part of as evidence, but that would make this even longer, so you’ll have to take my word for it.
jo- we barely know her but i just f e e l those vibes from her. everything she’s done in every clip i’ve seen her in is just so chaotic in the best way possible.
alexia martineau- pink and blue hair screams chaos vibes i don’t make the rules!! also, remember when she said we should organize a hunger games for population control?
emma borges- re: my other vibe post, she talked to a horse to help her solve her life problems. godspeed my queen.
max- all of lamifex rules by chaos and i think that’s SO sexy of them. i do be thinking about the beginning of the vid jo made where max kept accidentally getting in the shot quite often. 
sekou- vibe lord vibing and dancing with jo and max while lola and maya fall in love. the least chaotic of the jo/max/sekou trio, but chaotic enough. bless him.
daphne lecomte- we didn’t watch daphne go into full on chaos mode in season 1 and 2 over charles for her to end up at the bottom of the list.
eliott demaury- he’s more mysterious than chaotic, or maybe comes across as too cool to be chaotic. like, he has a secret street art persona known for getting to all these places other people can’t which, on the surface, is chaotic, but for some reason it doesn’t seem as chaotic because it’s him. idk i’m talking out of my ass at this point.  
lola lecomte- she slapped a bitch to the upside down. case closed. 
manon demissy- manon is the most feral of the nooras and u can quote me on that but otherwise she’s not as chaotic as most of the rest of our skamfr pals.
maya etienne- not much chaos, tbh, just a beautiful lovely flower who wants to save the whales and kiss pretty girls. valid, so valid. i’ll give her a lil chaos point for doing urbex tho.
imane bakhellal- none of the sanas are very chaotic, i mean, someone has to balance out the rest of the squad’s chaos, and imane comes in clutch for them.
energy levels
jo- she koala jumped on eliott the first time we met her. i cannot wait to see what other energetic fuckery she gets up to.
daphne lecomte- relating back to her levels of chaos, these two are intrinsically tied together, but her energy edges out the chaos. bubbly hyper energetic icon.
eliott demaury- sunshine baby who is physically incapable of not bouncing while he walks and smiles hard enough to create world peace. 
alexia martineau- another ray of sunshine, plus, she dances and has a million hobbies which i’d say requires much energy.
basile savary- remember when they had to yell at him to quiet down when lucas introduced eliott as his boyfriend? yeah.
lucas lallemant- every party scene. he do be dancin. he’s just a bit more subdued than some others in everyday life, but he still got energy to spare.
sekou- smart ppl aren’t always the most energetic but u can tell he’s the kind of person who dives into one topic and can talk about it for days on end, and that’s a special type of energy that we love to see.
arthur broussard- u gotta have a lot of energy to bounce back out of bed after you’ve been hit by a car. (i’m sorry about all the car jokes, no i won’t stop)
manon demissy- manon leaning over to daphne on the bed in season one saying “i bet i can make you excited”. that’s all.  
max- all of lamifex has an inherently strong energy level, but i think that jo takes up about 75% of it sekou has about 15% and max and maya have 10% and 5%, respectively.
maya etienne- enough energy to keep up with the rest of lamifex, but she’s definitely the most chill and serene of their crew. jo, max, and sekou are probably going off on the reg and maya’s there to bring them back down to earth.
yann cazas- least energetic of the gang but that’s just because his vibes are so strong on their own that he doesn’t need extra energy to back it up. live ur truth king.
emma borges- she has energy when the situation permits, but she’s mostly pretty chill. yes girl go girl give us nothing!
imane bakhellal- definitely not the most energetic but it works in her favor because it provides a nice balance within the girl squad. imane is on one end of the spectrum, daphne is on the other. 
lola lecomte- i don’t think energetic is a word i’d use to describe lola, and i don’t think it needs to be. i just want her to be HAPPY goddamnit.
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kyunsies · 3 years
madch madch <3 hello love!
how are you my love :D YAY I'M SO HAPPY YOUR COLD IS GONE OMG!! Do you feel properly better now? the sleep nose cloggs is the worst, i'm super glad it's gone for you.
YES for a whole month - like it makes me miss summer holidays when i was a kid and you could take the time off like that. do you ever feel like you didn't appreciate that stuff like when you were a kid? like being able to have long sleeps and stuff or just running about the mall with no consequence? we really do have the same situation going on! i just want to be able to buy my mum a better house and a better car and nicer holidays and stuff? like that small stuff which sounds a bit boring but like, idk that means more to me than the overly flashy stuff? like i'd love to be a mum one day but seeing how much my mum does sometimes i'm like... IDK if I could hack it you know?
ah wow ok! my school i really get what you say about catholic guilt as it's super similar from my cultural influences as well? YES like, it's bad to think too well of yourself, or just that you shouldn't do it? or you're gonna end up inviting bad things if you do think too much of yourself? i get really confused about it sometimes. like - almost like there's a difference between self love and thinking too well of yourself? and i can appreciate myself without ever thinking i'm too good at something etc? does that make sense? idk i'm worried about self love it if means it makes my ego bad and over arrogant and all that stuff? I GET YOU tho - it is that line between contentment and like feeling yourself to the point it's ... ick? it's hard isn't it?
THAT FACT STEALING TOILET PAPER WAS YOU USING BAD LANGUAGE omg do you see what i mean you are just so so so so pure of heart and sweet and thank you for being so kind <3 are you looking forward to going back to uni in some ways? or is it all general *internal screaming*? remember you're mega and amazing <3
omg we literally had a HUGE HEARTWAVE to the point where I have so many bites everywhere - i'm glad you've had a bunch of sun but YAY TINY TINY SQUAD!!!!!!! I AM 5'1" so yay to us being tiny together <3 I am always the tiny one too! i used to hate it but i like my height more now - and like the fact i can fit into kids stuff on sale? or like shoe sizes not being a problem? but then sometimes the sizing is a bit weird like you said before! YOU GET IT WITH THE BF JEANS. It is a neverending quest RN. I've figured out the size I can really get for them but so few stores make it :/ we will see how this saga unfolds. do you lampshade a lot with clothes? i find i always end up doing that even if i don't mean to haha XD
OKAY SO JO MALONE I like the smell of pomegrante noir but IDK if I'd wear it but the lime and basil is another fave of mine. I just really really don't like musky smells I'm with you with the citrus! like, stuff that reminds me of summer and fresh stuff? musk makes me feel like i'm walking into like a noughties teen clothing store i just can't hasjdakshd. like i hate lynx smells? WHY DO BOYS WEAR IT?
AHHHH OMG ok mutual blue moon love YES HELLO <3 <3 <3 I ADORE lofi jazz garage I honestly die/simp for that sound. like they dabbled a bit more with those vibes in OOAK and that's why I loved the new album so much I guess? just so so so beautiful. i just wanna drown in like the sounds of moonlight and suggestions of other things by candlelight or long city drives? does that make sense? ugh LOVE IT. getting up in my feels here hahahajsdkhasda
YAY HI TO YOUR MOM <3 I hope she's having a beautiful beautiful day too and that's getting rest as well! never worry about getting back to me late, I know you're so busy and that's always okay, love you lots and lots <3 <3 <3
MY BEST PAL <33 hello my sweet, how have u been doing these days? i know i must sound like a record on repeat, but i miss you all the days that i don't hear from you, i'm always thinking about how you are doing ;____;
but YES after like ,,,,,,2 and a half weeks of being sick with the cold i am FINALLY over it :') it's not so much the stuffy nose during the daytime that annoys me it was the freaking clogged nose at night for the love of GOD i hate breathing with my mouth open it's so gross ;___; and sore throats ......... honestly i wouldn't wish a sore throat on my worst enemy lol like i'd rather have the flu for 2 days than a sore throat for a whole week ldkfjsdkf i'm such a baby <3
about being on holiday as a kid LOL IT WAS !!!!! the absolute best time !!! i know at some point we need to be functioning human beings in society lol but honestly at the age of like 13 where ur too young to work but u can't drive yourself anywhere ?? it's the best time (besides the driving part lol) bc you literally do not have one ounce of responsibility it's so great ;____; it's good to work and help ppl but i miss that too ....... and about our experiences with our single moms !!! pls this is all i want for her lol ; like u said nothing overly flashy but once i'm established i would like for her to live comfortably without being at the hands of someone else so i wouldn't mind like buying her a nice apartment ;____; when she was younger she traveled all the time and once i was born she coudn't do that with me bc she simply didn't have the money so she's always telling me after i graduate we should take a little trip to europe or go out west :( i think that would be so great :(((
OH GOOD OLD CATHOLIC GUILT LOL listen ..... there are a lot of things that the catholic church has done in the past that i don't agree with at all and stuff but ;____; i'm still grateful in some aspects bc my moral compass is like . a super big part of my life and it guides me to lead me away from decisions that aren't the best for me lol and i'm really grateful again for my mom for sending me to catholic school all these years :') and i think it's good to have this sense of humbleness (i hate ppl that are so boastful about themselves like truly no one cares sdjfslkf) but i do agree that catholic guilt can sometimes be a hinderance like i keep on saying i wish i had at least one ounce of self dignity SDLKFJ idk like u said it's a fine line between being humble and having no self worth :') i guess at the end of the day u need ppl surrounding u who make u feel like u are worth something and that it's okay to think positively about urself <3
honestly babe no ,,,,,, i'm not looking forward to going back to my final year of uni at all ;____; i don't know when i got like this but nursing school has literally scarred me to the point where i'm so anxious to even finish this year :( the ICU, my preceptorship, exams, finding and landing a job successfully before i graduate ???? i want it to all be over with so quickly but i'm so nervous for the future ahead of me ;____; will i get to where i am meant to be ???? i'm going to sOB IM NOT READY FSKDJFDS .............................
YAY TINY SQUAD LOL SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS !!!!!!! everyone on here is like boo hoo i'm 5'3 and im like ?????? ur inching near normal height shut up ?? SDKFJ :') truly shopping is so hard literally u can kill pants every fitting u perfectly unless u hem them and omg ??? pls explain to me what lampshading is LOL I HAVE NEVER HEARD THAT TERM BEFORE ?? :o !!!!!!!!! but also yes almost all of my sneakers are kids shoes LOL JOKES ON TALL PPL WE CAN GET THEM FOR CHEAPER <3
and about jo malone !!!!!!!!!!! the lime and basil one i've had my eye on it omg !!!!!!! bc i love love the smell of basil :) i'm actually visiting my grandparents this weekend and we are going to the mall so i'm going to finally pick up a new scent !!! i've literally had the one i told u about for 2 years LOL but i also agree everyone loves musky scents for some reason but i don't lsdkfjs i feel like those heavy scents "weigh me down" ????? do u feel that way too? it's hard to explain :')
ALSO OMG OKAY you are my blue moon ride or die now <3 have never met a mbb yet who loves blue moon as much as i do LOL it's just *mwah* perfection ........... absolute perfection like it fits all moods its fresh its lowkey it's perfect and YES YES i felt heaven kinda had the same vibe ??? not so much the dark garage jazz sound but more of the light and airy garage jazz sound LKDFJS i know that sounds dumb but it's lighter and happier but has that same lofi sound i'm obsessed with <3
okay bubbie but YEAH mom and i are healthy now we are in good spirits and we are hanging in there !! again i'm sorry for getting back so late hun really i always want to respond right away but like i always say quality over any short answer hhhh <3 i hope u have a lovely rest of the week if i don't hear from u soon okay? always sending love and hugs xxxxxxxxx !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
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pineappleciders · 2 years
This mostly isn't a request but your works are so good I'm just reading every post you do it's beautiful
(here's the actual request
(also take your time I like your posts enough to read them all
One of the main four(dream or real world doesn't matter) with somebody who has like an almost morbid fascination with death(they aren't weird I swear)
-glass anon
A/N: i decided to do the realworld main four, hope you dont mind!! also thank you it means a lot <3
TRIGGER WARNING: lots of death mentions and mentions of violence, reference to MARI incident
SUNNY, AUBREY, KEL, and HERO with a reader who has a morbid fascination with death
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he understands tbh. like i dont think he necessarily is fixated on it but i think BASIL would be and BASIL is his best friend so he hears a lot about death,, specifically the decomposition process
he doesn't think you're weird for it, but he's a little scared of death and what it means so maybe it helps if you talk about it with him casually
i think SUNNY is the type of fella to want to just. be in the frozen meat section at the grocery store because he had a weird obsession with raw meat and butchery n knives and stuff. so he understands the fixation
if you tell him little facts and things about death and decomposition he's probably a little unsettled but he'll listen nonetheless. he likes listening to people even if it's about rotting corpses
honestly since the incident he's kind of scared of death, and hates thinking about dead bodies
she's definitely thinks ur a lil weirdo but you're her lil weirdo
doesn't really get some aspects of it but she has her own weird little interests,, like violence. and stealing. she's weird herself so she has no place to talk
if ur ranting or freaking out about your fixation she'll listen intently and kinda nod her head and wait for u to finish before she says anything. honestly she thinks anything ur interested in is cool
she appreciates it if you come with her to MARI's grave. even if it has nothing to do with death, she knows you won't be unsettled or weirded out being in a graveyard and u two leave flowers for her
i'm imagining her like coming to your house and saying "i saw a dead animal on the way here" and when u take her to go see it she complies but she looks away from it and goes blegh
she thinks ur funky but that's one of your best traits :3
idk i feel like he'd just go oh okay :D like he doesn't mind
he's kind of worried that ur like mentally unstable or something but he's used to being around unwell people atp,, look at his friends
he doesn't really like to think about death. thinking about what happens afterwards and all that just gets him anxious so he tries to avoid thinking about it. he'll probably appreciate if you tell him not to worry about that kinda stuff or something
if you like. idk want to visit a graveyard or a morgue or something like that or if your eyes spark when you hear about someone dying on the news he'll be again a little confused but he knows you mean well and always tags along wherever you go
he's kinda worried about u but he doesn't say anything. everyone has their own little interests and sometimes weird aspects! it's what he likes about you, how you go along so casually as if you didn't just say the most horrific fact he's ever heard
like KEL he's a lil worried but he calms down if it's just a weird interest and not like. mental illness
he likes seeing your eyes light up whenever your interest is mentioned, even if it's strange,, and he'll politely listen and talk to you about death even if it's not his favorite thing to chat about
HERO prefers id you don't talk about decomposition or any body stuff around him,, he has a weak stomach but he's up for chatting about the afterlife and psychological things about death
he's kinda scared of what comes after death but he just ignores it,, no need to worry about that anytime soon! hopefully
he's great at accepting flaws and weird parts of people, so while he does think it's a little weird to be fascinated with death he doesn't mind :D
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aubreysheadspace · 2 years
Hi! Can I please request the gang Sunny, Aubrey, Basil, Mari, Hero, and Kel, with an s/o who has children? That their s/o is a teen parent who had them when they were really young but is already a really great parent.
WOAH?? i’ve seen this request in some other blogs as well, so here’s my take on it! hope u enjoy!
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SUNNY has never seen someone in his entire shut-in life who’s a teenager.. but also a parent. it surprised him a bit, but would feel bad for you. what if you still had school to go to but also have to take care of your kids?
he thinks you’re a great parent and wishes to help often, but isn’t sure how to take care of kids in general. if you still go to school, SUNNY would often do your homework and projects with the knowledge he has so that you don’t have to do it, and can just focus on your kid(s)
he would try to babysit your kid(s), but isn’t really the best person for the job. your kid(s) is/are probably a tiny bit afraid of him due to his usual stoic demeanor, but it’s not his fault!
if your kid(s) slowly start to warm up to him, SUNNY would try and be more comfortable to be around. he might even try to smile for your kid(s).
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another one who isn’t good with kids. due to her tough exterior, your kid(s) is/are probably terrified of AUBREY at first. she doesn’t want to scare them, but she isn’t sure how to approach them.
AUBREY feels incredibly bad for you, as being a teen parent is stressful enough. she’ll try her best to be there for you when it is definitely needed. she’s not doing so well in school, so the least she can do is offer to babysit
she’ll start to warm up to your kid(s) and be more comfortable around them, hell maybe even teach them something cool! she’d definitely be a great "big sister who’s a badass" figure
she practically has a lot of free time besides school and sometimes church, so she can maybe possibly take your kid(s) out and hang out with the HOOLIGANS
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while KEL isn’t so great at most things, he knows a thing or two about babysitting or taking care of a kid! he’s a big brother now, he’s knows a few things after taking care of SALLY
he’s the third person who’d be a reliable caretaker for your kid(s). he’s a bit confused on why you’re a teen but with (a) kid(s) but then feels bad for you, it must be a lot of work for you!
he’s not doing so good in school, so he’ll offer to babysit your kid(s) so you can focus on your studies for a bit. your kid(s) will probably love KEL for how much fun he is! he’ll always be there for you to help.
though his knowledge with kids aren’t as great as HERO and MARI’s, KEL is at least better than the other three due to having more experience
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it’s a tie between HERO and MARI for who’s more reliable when it comes to caretaking, but he’s a tiny bit more experienced since he has KEL and SALLY as little siblings. plus, he can also cook and practically do anything for you like chores, your homework, anything!
HERO would hate to see you stressed out, and so he would always be there for you. but since he’s at college most of the time, he’ll ask KEL to help you when he isn’t available.
your kid(s) LOVE(S) HERO, calling him big brother. a bit nervous at first, he feels absolutely touched that your kid(s) adore him! he tries to be a great older figure towards them and gives them a few life lessons as well
overall, he’s a great caretaker and would gladly take care of your kid(s) if wasn’t so much busy with college.
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BASIL is an only child and has his own issues to deal with, so he’s not really the person to rely on if you need someone to babysit your kid(s). he WILL try his best, but keyword WILL
it’d be more better if you let your kid stay at BASIL’s house for the time being if you needed to be somewhere, since POLLY can take care of the kid(s) for you. BASIL is thankful for POLLY for this situation
he will eventually get more comfortable around your kid(s) if they aren’t too noisy and reckless, and would even show them photos in the PHOTO ALBUM and all the flowers and plants he takes care of!
maybe your kid(s) will have an interest for gardening and or photography because of him! BASIL would love it if they did, because they’d have something more in common now!
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like with HERO, he and MARI are tied to who’s the most reliable one when helping to take care of your kid(s). and although she’s practically second place, she’s absolutely great at it!
when taking care of your kid(s), her big sister and possibly motherly instincts kick in. she’d be a mix of a slightly strict mom and a fun big sister. she would lecture your kid(s) if they make a mistake of some sorts but also takes care of them and plays with them as if they were her little siblings
MARI would always be there for you. while she’s not in your situation, she’ll try to understand it and give you anything needed. she might even take you and your kid(s) out for a picnic so that you can relax as the two of you watch the kid(s) playing outside and having fun.
she understands that it might be stressful for you even more if you’re still in school, so she’d also offer to do some of your homework and or projects if you want to spend time with your kid(s)
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theachvdwick · 4 years
hi friends ! i’m farah nd i’m coming at u live frm the pst timezone to bring u one of my favorite characters, ms. thea chadwick. i realized i accidentally deleted her intro a while back, so i had to quickly rewrite it from memory so i hope it makes sense ! like this post or send me an im, if you want to plot. rlly excited to be here !!
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💀  * [ kristine froseth + cis female + she/her ] —— have you met thea chadwick? they are a twenty year old sophomore currently studying art history. they live on decker house, and word around campus is that this gemini is lively + daring, as well as secretive + naive. i wonder if they’ll make it out alive. lipstick stained cigarettes. meeting eyes with your crush across the room. vivid dreams that make you question reality.
thea grew up on a ranch in montecito, ca. both of her parents were from old money on the east coast. they knew each other when they were kids, dated in high school, and decided to elope and move to the west coast to escape their families. since they both collected trust funds, neither of them have ever worked. they really just had “hobbies” per say. they also weren’t the most mentally stable people and shouldn’t have had children, but of course went ahead and had four of them.
out of the four kids, thea is the only girl. she has two other brothers and one younger. it’s safe to say the chadwick kids had a far from normal upbringing. because their father was a bit of a recluse, they essentially grew up very isolated with little to no contact with the outside world. they were homeschooled with an extremely rigorous curriculum, and as their father’s mental illness got worse and worse he continued to basically control every aspect of their lives. as a result, thea there’s a lot that thea doesn’t know about the world. for example, she wouldn’t have a lot of the same common experiences of other kids growing up, because she grew up so isolated from everyone else. her father also drilled a sort-of superiority complex into his children. always telling them that they were these gifted child prodigies who were better than regular kids. while thea didn’t pay much attention this, it was still there.
the thing about thea, though, was that she’s always had a very defiant spirit. she was always a troublemaker in her father’s eyes. she didn’t exactly know any different from the life she grew up in, but she knew there had be something else out there from the stories she’s read in books. this led to quite a few running away attempts on her behalf. the most famous being when he coerced her young brother teddy to run away with her to go live in the metropolitan museum of art in new york like in the book from the mixed up files of mrs. basil e. frankweiler. while they did make it on the bus, it was only a matter of time before one of their housekeepers caught up with them and dragged them back to the ranch.
over time, she realized she had to conform to the rules her father set forth, and this rebellious streak went dormant for a while. his punishments became too much for her, and she hated being sent off to this psychologist to be evaluated or put on this medication that made her feel numb and disoriented. so she did what she had to do to survive, and decided it was better to go along with things and keep up a happy face than to try her hand at making waves. it became easier to daydream the day away or live vicariously through the stories she wrote in a leather-bound journal she kept hidden under her mattress. ever since, she’s always been a bit out of touch with reality. or so it seems. she has a sharper eye than what she lets on and always knows what’s really going on, but she’s extremely good at pretending like she doesn’t know what’s going on and that everything is wonderful. it’s like she lives in her own imaginary world, but this has always been easier for her and essentially her main defense mechanism. which can be harder for some to grasp, because at a certain point it seems like she’s never being real.
however, there have been a few times where’s she’s dropped the act. the first was when she was sixteen and she caught her father cheating with another woman. it was by pure accident that she walked into her father’s study that afternoon but as soon as she locked eyes with her father, she knew she’d made a grave mistake. part of her knew she should’ve just acted like she’d forgotten it’d never happened, but the other part of her was so angry about it. it led to a major fight with her father and she was very vocal about how she was going to tell her mother, which led to her father getting a doctor to try and drug her to make her forget. she didn’t forget, but she acted like she did.
the second was when she was eighteen and her brother teddy died. teddy was thea’s younger and favorite brother. they were extremely close and he was her best friend. what happened was that teddy and thea’s father got into a terrible argument, teddy left to go sailing on the family’s boat to let off some steam despite bad weather conditions, and he died in a sailing accident due to the storm. this was just the most devastating thing for her to ever experience, because she couldn’t imagine a life without her brother. and deep down, she knew her father was behind it because without the argument, she knows he wouldn’t have tried to sail that day. at this point, she went a bit off the rails. she was acting out, not eating, chain smoking, and her father just couldn’t control her anymore. when an aunt of her that she’d never met died and left her money because she’d never had kids of her own, thea told her father she was running away to new york to become a model, and that there was nothing he could do about it. of course, he wasn’t going to let that happen. but when she threatened to bring up the cheating incident to her mother, they settled on college. it was not easy to get him to agree to it, but she was becoming to much of a problem for even him to handle. thankfully, for her family’s name and for her father kept extremely detailed reports of his children’s homeschooling, and she was accepted holloway. it’s the most free she’s ever felt, and it’s like she’s fallen in love with life and the world for the first time.
personality wise?? she’s extremely social and outgoing. can get along with anyone but as a mentioned earlier, she kind of lives in her own little world and always appears to happy so this might get on some people’s nerves. she’s extremely romantic and has probably had a ton of flings. isn’t the best at being committed and is always falling in love with someone new, so may have cheated on people or have broken up with them because she can’t exactly be in a real relationship when it’s hard for her to be real. there’s definitely a lot going on in her head and she rocks a ton of secrets, some may be in-tune to this while others won’t be. doesn’t talk too much about her family, but may let some things slip. she rarely visits home and may be seen hiding tears when she’s forced to talk to her father on the phone if she needs money and has to check in with him.
WANTED PLOTS: exes, flings, someone who’s in love with her, unrequited crushes, friends, enemies, someone who sees beyond her whole facade, someone who knew her family growing up in some capacity...i will add to this, but i’m honestly open to almost anything!
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sunnysviolin · 4 years
tw // self harm
do u think sunny became a cutter after mari's death, perhaps as a grounding technique? trying to stay away from the dream world?
First of all thank you for the trigger warning for this I appreciate that! TW extends to the entire answer, but I will be putting it under a read more because let’s do our best for our friends who are doing their best each day! 
Secondly....I wrote out a huge thing for this and it all got deleted....Let’s see if this also gets deleted....also I forgot a lot of what I wrote
I think it was incredibly deliberate that Omocat never actually blatantly stated that Basil or Sunny self-harmed. If they wanted us to know for sure, they would have included some way to find out that Sunny self harmed I’m sure, and I think that it’s important that Basil and Sunny are never shown to physically hurt themselves. I think that Sunny fully committed to emotional self harm, and that was what was most significant. I think that rather than harming his physical self the White and Black spaces were his emotional self harming techniques. The dream world was his self harming tool. Let me explain a bit more
I really subscribe to Jungian dream theory which I’ve mentioned before, but I’ll mention it again very basically here- You are every single person in your dreams. Dreams are the subconcious trying to understand the things that you have gone through in your life. White Space for Sunny is how he isolates- a punishment he thinks he deserves for taking Mari away form their friends. 
Notice how Sunny doesn’t live in the Neighbor room where all his friends are with color and games. He gives himself a laptop that only has a journal and a game where he can pretend to die, tissues to cry with, a sketchbook full of self harming images of the Black Space, and Mewo. Sunny doesn’t even live in the fun world where Mari and Basil get to live. He lives in White Space, and he gets transported back into his self made prison any time he deviates from the norm or interacts with his intense guilt and trauma (When he sees the picture of the violin, when he talks to Basil in the barn, the library, etc.) Then he has to stab himself to wake up. It’s not physical, but it is Sunny harming himself. 
Then a part of the Black Space Basil/Strangers is Sunny lashing out in his anger at Basil (hence why everyone but Omori in the Black Space takes the form of Basil), but those Strangers are also Sunny interacting with himself in his mind. Sunny is lashing out at himself, using the form of Basil, and hurting himself in every way he can think because he hates himself for what happened to Mari. He kills Basil, but he’s killing himself. He hurts Basil, but he’s hurting himself. He’s using basil as a proxy because in his mind Basil is the only other person who deserves that pain because they were both involved in what happened to Mari. 
It’s only when Sunny answers Kel’s call that he sees that with his emotional self harm and his dissociation, he also hurt all of his friends. His isolation lead to a further splitting of them all along with Mari’s death. He knows he can no longer use the White Space as a coping mechanism because it isn’t helping, and he is reaching a point where he wants to forgive himself and stop hurting himself with the Black Space. That’s why Mari is constantly telling him to forgive himself, and the Something is teaching him positive coping mechanisms like calming down and focusing)
I think that the Black Space is concentrated inside of the lightbulb in the White Space in Sunny’s psyche. The choice to make the lightbulb black felt deliberate to me. It’s always near him, and he can never escape it, but when he destroyed the Black Space lightbulb, he also destroyed the White Space. In that he overcame his negative coping mechanisms and his self harming techniques and was able to understand the truth. 
I also think that when we saw Sunny finding out the truth in the game that was Sunny also finding out the truth for the first time. I think that Sunny fully repressed what happened to Mari- that he genuinely did not remember how she died. I say that as someone who has experienced major trauma and I have severe memory loss of that time. I know it happened, I don’t remember it happening. So then Sunny has 1) conquered his need to harm himself and Basil in the Black Space 2) Overcome his need to dissociate and hide himself away in dream worlds and the White Space and 3) Fully accepted the truth of what happened to Mari. 
All three of these things have never happened in the previous four years, which is why Sunny is able to confront the side of him that is Omori (aka the part that hates himself) and can defeat that with music, loving his sister, and acknowledging that what happened was an accident and a mistake. He loved Mari and he wants to be able to forgive himself and save Basil. 
I personally really really care that Sunny and Basil never cut themselves or did anything deliberately physically self harming, because I think it’s an important message about the existence of emotional self harm. Emotional self harm happens in patterns (Sunny’s self isolation and his constant repeating of the same journey to find Basil that inevitably always fails) and overcoming emotional self harm is ridiculously hard. The parts of us that hurt ourselves internally are just as important as the parts that hurt ourselves externally. I have my own struggles with self harm, but it’s almost 100% emotional internal self harm, and that isn’t as recognized or talked about in society. For Sunny to only hurt himself in his dreams and in setting himself up for isolation and failure in the real world shows that he is hurting himself, even if he never took a knife to his skin. 
This got lonnnnnng but I hope I answered you well! Also a minor PSA to everyone because I am really passionate about this I won’t write anything with Sunny self harming (I’m potentially open to writing about other characters slef harming, but I won’t for Sunny 1000%_ 
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delbeugre · 4 years
Tumblr media
im tommy im a freak and of course i am here to get freakalicious with u all... this is my newest frankenstein type creation named sadie i know .02% about her yet but i am more than confident she will b nothing but a fun time! like this if ur down to plot!
capricorn sun / virgo moon / scorpio rising
raised by her uncle Big (his name) who is a hermit shut in town local in the depths of the florida marshland like some goosebumps protagonist. hes gone far past socially acceptable in terms of his ability to connect with the modern person but is wise beyond belief... his whole vibe is a warped cross between a cryptid and a mountain man that forages and cooks neighborhood plants. married for 27 years before his wife passed from illness. its quite possibly the only thing hes ever been emotional about
but dels entry to his life throws a wrench in his sadness (despite abandonment being what they bond over). she takes the focus away from his loss with her presence; her dad, his brother, died in a tragic train-car collision around the same time (which is speculated to be a suicide bt nobody can ever really be sure). he was a single parent so her custody is thrown up in the air for a few months as cps decides what they r gna do with this freshly orphaned little scrapper
she just kinda turns up on his doorstep n from there they cohabit a space. shes arnd 6-7 at this time... big never seemed to b phased by the fact tht she was a child n tended to treat her more like an apprentice or guest. he was never close to her father because of their age difference, being the older out of the two, so to have his daughter become his responsibility is just..... weird
this doesnt mean that he wouldnt provide for her bt it was. not very parental whatsoever.... no conversation or interaction beyond what was necessary. she was a mute fr a while and still is? to a degree.... very short spoken
when she got to her preteens he offered her an allowance in exchange for little odds and ends of stuff to be taken care of around the house. errands n all tht.... sometimes he wld purposefully leave things for her to pick up n take care of without mentioning it for a bonus. taught her the importance of saving your money and the horrid corruptness of a society basing everythings worth off paper. big exposed her to a lot of knowledge and took advantage of her silent curiosity by fueling it with books, homeschooling, life skills (catching a fish, setting a trap, knowing your berries in the woods...... the works)
her teens carried out the same way bt with the introduction of a real job, a spot down at the local butcher shop checking people out at the register and helping around the back of house. del knows a great deal abt cow/pig/chicken/etc anatomy from her years here..... she committed to being 100% vegan into her early twenties because of her trauma frm this occupation
it paid very well tho n was the best gig she was going to get within a reasonable biking route from home. so she settled!
the plan wasnt to keep it up for long anyway. she worked rly hard for her spot at yates and didnt intend to ever screw herself over. her plan was to get her bachelors, masters, become a professor, pursue a personal hobby of agriculture and build an elaborate greenhouse to live in
bt things happen..... 
some 35yr old douche with a green thumb woos her at a gardening store n swoops in to teach her a little more abt romance; all of this, of course, under the guise that he had all these tips and tricks for living environmentally friendly. a lame hippie wannabe that shouldve never even approached her bt alas.... he did
love is a touchy subject n it hadnt been something she set her sights on, but she was interested in wht this dude could teach her n at 19 she ended up falling in love. she delayed her education to stay an extra year back home and work out another plan which included him
this was very disappointing to her uncle bt he didnt have anything to say abt it. it was never parental before n it was never going to be, so this was another lesson she wld just have to overcome on her own
it turns out that she doesnt care for infidelity. when the confession comes out its met with a lot of screaming, bawling, blistering white hot anger. the whole incident is blacked out of her mind to b honest....
matters of the heart are no longer something to concern herself with because of the repercussions of her rash behavior regarding heartbreak O________O she spent a year in jail n still has to attend therapy / anger management meetings
deep down she is still hurting. there was a lot of pain... bt the sadness is not over the loss of some noob. she is in a state of constant disappointment, detaching from herself out of shame. putting her own life on pause only for it to turn out like that? stupid stupid stupid... 
chugging along! tldr spectre-like swamp nymph aura with the slightest (not so slight) unhinged feral tendencies
delicate like a moth resting in the gleam of a flashlight.... her anger singes her wings when shes too comfortable staying in one place, so theres always constant stimulation, always shifting gears. shes prone to feeling threatened; that being said, sadie is wary of walking in crowds, a little bit skittish when approached without making eye contact beforehand. like a small grey kitten..... in a big wide world
has a hard time keeping a conversation bt is very interested in debate, and even more so in studying alongside someone in complete silence. it reminds her of home in the same sense tht her uncle wld nudge her to keep reading by always having his own book open
doesnt have many friends and is alright with that. rumors are tht she is still a virgin bt who really knows? not i...... bt i wldnt be surprised if this was true. shes not impressed by people nor material items so this whole yates crowd is a turn off
she is truly clueless when it comes to how to behave around anyone her age. i think she understands but it just doesnt compute. she could come off as impolite bt it is just standoffishness? some people cld try to crack her but i dont think even she knows what that would be, or what that would look like. even in her one (1) failed relationship it was never deep heart to hearts or sharing dinner..... solitude is her realm
del is very comfortable with herself, very open with her wardrobe! doesnt leave too much to the imagination? she appreciates the human experience n expresses that thru this whole “body is a temple” type thing.... not quite confidence, but proudness of being. has gotten multiple notices frm professors for her tops being too sheer, nylons too ratted up, etc. has dirt under her fingernails half the time, chipped polish, some chapstick. smudges her eyeshadow on with her fingers
doesnt smoke cigarettes all too often but is dependent on weed. it kinda perpetuates her paranoid demeanor bt at the same time it keeps her lax enough to be able to mentally handle city life
her room is a playground for huge monstera plants, christmas cacti, ivy creeping along the doorway. she sleeps on a tiny thin mattress on the floor with a linen sheet and has her books stacked up on the ground next to it to hold her ashtray. the whole thing is dumb empty
takes her studies seriously and pinches every penny she can..... she has never ordered herself a coffee frm somewhere before, ordered food frm a restaurant... nothing. i wld think the most she would branch out from harvesting everything on her own is buying a bag of sunflower seeds frm a gas station, but even then, she much prefers eating stuff she grows herself. has a tomato plant, some basil beginning to sprout, etc.... manageable crops for any college students tiny space
bt yea thats it thats all! connections cld be all over the place. im legit open to anything. theres only a few tht come to mind right off that bat: 
a few people that get along with her? same classes? they shared a bowl n now theyre getting into the nitty gritty of some personal conversation that is veering into no mans land....
some sort of clueless makeover moment? arent rly into sadie as a person bt see a lot of potential... perhaps need a plus one to a party on the fly and figure thats the best option theyve got
crushes? this wld be fun n potentially dangerous! like playing with a hot cast iron pan or something :)
again im vry new to rp so i wld like to leave a lot of stuff up to chemistry, brainstorming n stuff like that, but please consider everything on the table! what i hav mentioned is the tip of the iceberg im so burnt out n i wrote a lot more than i intended to i am so sorry but i promise i am friendly
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