#[is he drunk? are they at another restaurant together? i have no idea but i am ready for it!!!!]
jqmalikhsgib · 2 days
planets aligned
note: this is for my plus size readers! as a plus size woman myself, we deserve more representation!!!
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you groaned as your alarm goes off. you reach over to slam your hand against the machine, but you couldn’t find the button. you frowned with your eyes closed until you felt someone turning in the bed.
you turned slowly to find your ex boyfriend cuddled up to you. you remember the events of last night. both of you had got really drunk, talking and laughing about the past. you remember the paparazzi yelling at you when you left the club that night, holding hands with trey.
you groaned once more before getting up and finding your clothes scattered all over the bed. quickly grabbing them, you rushed to get dressed before leaving his hotel room. you put on your shades, knowing the paps are most likely waiting for you outside.
when you spot them you groan once more before walking out the building.
“yn! yn! yn!”
“yn, what does this mean for you and trey?”
“are you and trey back together?”
“she we be expecting a wedding soon?”
you ignore every last question. thankfully your best friend was outside waiting for you. you didn’t even have to call.
you hop in the car quickly before she drives off and hands you a coffee. “you’re a lifesaver!”
“none of that. what were you thinking?! trey? seriously? you went home to him of all people?”
you frowned. you knew exactly why she was upset. trey had cheated on you for the whole two years you were together. he was a dick and mentally abused you for half of your relationship. he’s the reason why you’re so insecure about your body. for so long, many people have called you fat, you never really battered an eye. when trey did it, you became shy, closed off, started wearing baggy clothes, quit multiple modeling jobs, you became super depressed. your best friend was the one to pick up the pieces. if it wasn’t for her you’d probably end your entire career and move back home to your parents house, who cut you off until you come to your senses and quit this modeling nonsense.
of course if you let that happen you’d let them win. besides, you were a very successful model! you earned way too much money and had millions of women who adored you to pieces. you were one of the few faces to plus size and bigger women who struggled with their confidence because of bullies and internet trolls who had nothing better to do than harass a woman for being comfortable in her skin.
you enjoyed your career and your fanbase. you weren’t about to let some loser like trey or your parents take this way from you.
“i know, fariah, i know! i wasn’t thinking. i was drunk and horny. trust me, im kicking myself already.” you sigh.
“you better be lucky i explain to your date that it was an idiotic mistake and it’ll never happen again. he agreed to still meet you.”
you shook your head aggressively. “absolutely not! im not going on a date with another one of your boyfriends, friends. they’ve all been a total disaster, fariah. i have no idea jason had friends like that. you seriously need to tell him to hang out with better people.” you state.
“confessions? they’re more like jason’s brothers, friends.”
“that explains a lot then! jason’s brothers a dick.”
“come on! one more date, please? if this one turns out to be a dick, no more!”
“fine! what’s his name?”
“he sounds like an asshole! but i’ll give it a shot! no more after this, though! please?”
“cross my heart.”
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you’d been at the restaurant you were suppose to meet this preston guy. it had been an hour since you’ve sat down, waiting. you roll your eyes, realizing you’d been stood up.
finally getting the courage to sit up and head to the bar, you ordered a drink. you were extremely embarrassed. you felt like everyone was staring at you.
in that moment you decided to give up on love and just stay single forever. every guy you’ve dated had been boys men who clearly had committed issues or simply just assholes who didn’t know how to please a woman.
your sex life was completely sad and dull. most men just wanted to get off. they couldn’t care less about making another woman cum. it had been a while since a man has made you orgasm.
that wasn’t the biggest issue, though. you were just tired of getting your heart broken. you’d let someone in, they show you love and affection for a few weeks, suddenly they act like you don’t exist. it was exhausting!
you wanted—needed something more.
“penny for your thoughts?” you turned. you were about to tell the guy to leave you the hell alone but, he was none other than eddie munson.
you remember having multiple corroded coffin poster on your wall back home. you loved corroded coffin! your parents hated listening to them. they were into classical music and never understood why you listened to such ‘trash’ music.
you didn’t understand why you liked them either. you weren’t much of a heavy metal fan, but they sounded amazing. not to mention, eddie was your celebrity crush. he was handsome with his long dark hair, leather jacket, the multiple rings he’d wear, the guy-liner, most importantly, the tattoos and piercings. god, he was the most attractive man you’d ever seen.
you were ten when you started listening to corroded coffin. eddie was twenty-six. now you were twenty-six and he knew he was in his early forties.
but eddie was still handsome as ever. though today he didn’t have long wavy hair. instead he had someone of a bold cut. it suited him, honestly.
he definitely had more muscle to him, his facial hair was coming in slightly, he dressed a little more the same, currently wearing a black sabbath t-shirt. he looked amazing.
“you okay there, pretty girl?”
pretty girl?! holy shit!
“uh—yeah it’s just—you’re eddie munson.”
eddie chuckles. “that’s correct! but you’re yn yln! everyone adores you. including my daughters.”
“oh? they’re fans, huh?”
“yeah! all they talk about is you. ‘daddy, yn posted another photo!’ ‘dad, yn commented on my post!’ ‘oh, yn is going to paris. could we go too, daddy?!’ they like you more than me.”
yn giggles.
“well they should adore you! i use to listen to corroded coffin all the time growing up. my parents hated my ‘loud ass music’ but i couldn’t get enough. i still listen to you guys when i need to just feel, you know?”
“hmm, i completely understand, darlin. so i take it you’re a huge fan?”
“you’re kiddin right?! absolutely. i had the biggest crush on yo—” before you could stop yourself, you groan.
eddie smirks. “yeah? was crushin on me hard, sweetheart?”
“god, please tell me i can rewind that and start over?”
“don’t think that’s how that works, baby. but if it makes you feel any better, im crushin on you now.”
suddenly the room gets significantly hotter. eddie runs his hands against your cheek. “i got a hotel room right above the restaurant. why don’t we head up there?”
you hum as eddie grabs your hand and you both head to the elevator.
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the very next day you woke up to another alarm. immediately getting deja vu you shot up. when you turned you heard the bathroom door open. when eddie munson walks out he had a towel wrapped around his waist and he smirks at you.
“good morning, baby. slept good last night?”
you blush when you think about the events of last night. eddie had made you cum a number of times. you lost count after three. he’d been the best sex you’ve ever had in a long time. and the aftercare, fuck! he was such a gentleman. your brain soon starts to fumble though. you knew this was probably a one time thing.
eddie hasn’t dated since his ex wife died, leaving him with three girls to raise on his own. you didn’t expect anything else from him.
“yeah! it was great.”
you give him a fake smile before looking for your clothes. once you found them, you got up and started to put them on. eddie frowns.
“what are you doing, baby?”
“i get this was a one time thing. i don’t wanna waste anymore of your time. im just gonna head out.”
“hey! first, you don’t need to go, okay? second, i had a great time with you, and lastly, who said anything about a one time thing?”
“i just assumed you wanted me gone. i don’t know. most guys expect me to leave right after. guess im use to it.” you shrugged your shoulders.
eddie shakes his head. “those are little boys, darlin! im a grown ass man, alright! i definitely wanna keep seeing you. maybe take you on a few dates, get to know each other better, possibly start a real relationship, baby.”
you smiled widely. “yeah?”
“mhm! now take that goddamn bra off and let’s me order some room service and possibly fuck you some more, yeah?” eddie walks over to you and kisses you passionately.
“good girl.” he smirks as you shiver.
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randomshyperson · 2 months
My Sweet Valentine - Wanda Maximoff Oneshots
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Summary: Delayed in planning Valentine's Day, you and Wanda try to do something together. The spider routine ends up getting in the way, but that doesn't mean the date was lost.
Warnings: (+18) bottom!wanda, enchanted strap, creampie, fingering, dry humping, very fluff and domestic, established relationship, both r and w are briefly specified to be introverted. | Words: 3.206k
A/N-> I had this idea while I was rewatching Sound!Euphonium, I didn't catch the relation to it but I ended up writing this on my phone again so forgive me if there are spelling mistakes. It's always great writing Spider!Reader, I hope you enjoy it.
General Masterlist | AO3 |
To plan Valentine's Day with your girlfriend should be an easy thing. 
But for two Avengers who happen to be the most introverted antisocial people on earth - and those were Natasha's Romanoff words, not yours - the task could be really hard.
But it was you and Wanda's first Valentine's Day as a couple and you were really late on schedule.
While Natasha planned to have the most incredible and romantic trip to Greece with Maria and Tony and Pepper made reservations at some exclusive fancy Italian restaurant, you and Wanda were side to side laying on your apartment carpet. Trying to decide what you could do together by reading some flyers that were spread around the floor.
Wanda had one of the fancy restaurants in her hands when she suggested: “How about dinner?”
You gaze at the restaurant propaganda, recognizing the name and the building from your little web-swinging adventures.
“The Geller’s is nice but it will be really crowded during Valentine's. And we both hate when places are too full.” You reason, receiving an agreement sound. “Maybe we can ask for takeout?”
Wanda chuckles. “On Valentine's Day? Every place will mess up our orders, I'm sure of it. Places are normally understaffed, ordering food on holidays is like asking for them to mess up your food.”
You sigh deeply. “Yeah, you're totally right. So, maybe I can cook?”
She smiles. “We are going for food poisoning then, huh?” She teases making you chuckle with an expression of false offense. You playfully bumped your shoulder on hers but you don't move away after. The touch is warm and nice. “You cook then.”
“Yeah, but is not like we would find any free spots anywhere. We delay this way too much.” She mutters without sounding really upset. Her words were true, you both have been dancing around this date for almost three months now ever since Tony showed everyone his and Pepper's reservations. But neither of you was that anxious to be locked with another hundred couples in some loud restaurant with extra expensive and not-that-good food.
The restaurants were not the only thing discarded - Yelena and Kate's idea of a date, and band concerts were also politely declined. Mostly because neither you nor Wanda felt like facing a whole weekend of poor public hygiene and the crazy routine of musical festivals while babysitting Natasha's little sister who would definitely get really drunk with her girlfriend.
Steve was the one who suggested the most quiet and family thing, a road trip to the countryside. But since he was going with Bucky and you and Wanda didn't wish to be traumatized by their physical display of affection, their invitation was also declined.
Back on the floor of your apartment, you helped Wanda with the papers around the floor.
You were worried she would be upset about the lack of plans - even Sam with his eternal bachelor status was having a date night with some old colleague from the army. You worried that Wanda might think you're not excited to spend time with her when it is pretty much the opposite of it.
“You know, we don't really have to do anything just because everyone is doing.” You start, hands ready to catch the papers she's bringing. “We could just watch a movie.”
Wanda smiles, the papers are put in your hands but she doesn't move hers away.
“If you brought wine it would be like any other date night.”
“That's not a bad thing, right?” You retort immediately, eyes anxious towards hers. She frowns, a confused chuckle escaping her.
“No, I mean… you think that too right?”
You shrug; “I just want to spend Valentine's and any other day with you, Wands. What we are doing doesn't matter much.”
She smiles, coming closer to kiss you on the lips. But the kiss is quicker than you wished. One of her hands caresses your cheek as she speaks:
“Good to know, darling, 'cause I'll be watching you do the dishes tonight.”
You chuckle, rolling her eyes at her teasing but pouting when she escapes your attempt at a second kiss.
Valentine's Day is unfortunately a busy day for the spider.
It was true that you and Wanda didn't plan anything big but you wanted to bring her some flowers and her favorite chocolate but after fighting another dressed-up lunatic at the city hall and avoiding three different catastrophes, anything inside your backpack was definitely destroyed.
You swing back into your apartment with the mess of your gifts dripping to the floor. The wine bottle broke and soaked the chocolate and the poor flowers. Bye-bye to any college homework you forgot there.
Throwing the item at the sink, your body towards the couch was the second thing you threw. 
And against the soft pillows the day tiredness caught up at you. With the thought that you would rest your eyes for five minutes, you woke up hours later with the door locked.
Wanda's angry arrival was also an efficient clock.
“God, what is wrong with you? I've been calling you all day!” She slammed the door behind her, and the next second the day's newspaper was thrown at you. “Do you have any idea how worried I was? We have talked about this! You can't just fight some three-sized villain and vanish without a word! I thought-” But she stops herself, taking a deep breath when her voice cracks. You feel so terrible sorry. You know very well that Wanda has lost enough people for the whole ghosting thing to be too hard on her. Intentional or not. 
You get up. “Hey, I'm so sorry Wands, my phone broke and I came right here and closed my eyes for like two seconds. I'm sorry.” But Wanda shook her head, covering her eyes for a moment. She was not even that mad at you, it was clearly an accident that you forgot to call. But she has been so nervous all day worried about you that she needed a minute. Suddenly, she catches a glimpse of the wine-soaked flowers at the kitchen counter and frowns. “What is that?”
The slight indignation about the mess of an apartment you both worked hard to keep clean vanished the second she realized those were gifts.
You fixed your hair awkwardly. “Hm, I was trying to make a romantic gesture. But I forgot I'm always on some freak radar.”
Wanda's hands reached for the flowers and as gentle as her touch, her magic flowed from her fingers to take all the wine away. In no time, the petals were as beautiful and healthy as when you brought it.
“This is really not fair, darling.” She starts, moving to check the rest of the gifts. “You made it to the front page and I have every right to be mad you didn't call through the suit to let me know you're alive.” You wanted to mutter that you're still getting used to the new suit and its high-tech functions, but Wanda is turning at you again with crossed arms.
“It’s not fair, how hard you're making to stay mad at you.”
You gave her a lopsided smile. “So, you like the chocolate that much, huh?”
She rolled her eyes, trying to contain her smile. “Why don't you go shower while I make dinner? There's grease from Rino's suit all over your face.”
You click with your tongue, swinging a little. “Let me guess, you not joining me at the shower is my punishment for not calling through the suit?”
She finally let that smile escape. “Clever girl.”
You chuckle to yourself before nodding and heading to the bathroom.
Forgotten dinner plates at the living room table when Wanda reached the chocolate box. She shared them with you during the sitcom marathon you too were doing but after finding yourself hypnotized by her laugh for the fourth time in a row, you gave up eating at all.
The last chocolate was put away when she caught you staring.
“What what?” You retort with a chuckle, having some pride over the soft blush of her cheeks.
“You were staring.” She says then, drifting her gaze from the TV to you with some resistance. You know her enough that it's because Wanda is terrible at hiding her own shyness under your loving glance. She always was. 
“Can you blame me?” Your teasing just makes her blush more. You just decide to make it worse. “You're simply too charming not to be looked at. So gorgeous, so pretty. I feel so lucky.”
“Stop it.” She giggles with rosy cheeks at your praise. But despite her words, she opens her arms as an invitation for you to come closer. You practically jump from your spot - a few centimeters from her since your last trip to the kitchen to grab sodas - and greet the warmth of her embrace.
Wanda hugs your body while you melt into her, the soft caress on your spine being more than enough to bring back your interrupted slumber that evening. But somehow you manage to stay wide awake, perhaps because the way you press your face into her boobs makes her giggle and playfully tug at your hair, which happens to have a completely different effect on you. 
Her body tenses up a little when your lips start sucking at her collarbone, a heavy sigh escaping her lips. You suddenly recall that it has been some time, a week maybe two since you had enough free time to be this close. 
Your lovely girlfriend probably missed you as much as you missed her.
The soft sucking turns into something more determined, then into a bite and a licking that turns Wanda into a panting mess. She grows restless under you, fingers tugging at your hair with some guidance towards your movements in her neck until finally, your mouth meets her again.
Hot open-mouthed kisses before softer ones. You kiss and she kisses you back until all of your clothes are disheveled around your bodies and she looks up at you with pleading eyes and slightly open lips. Begging for more.
“Wanna take this to the bedroom?” You suggest inches from her lips but she shakes her head, fingers dancing under your shirt.
“You can have me right here.” She whispers back, stealing all your coherent thoughts for a second. 
Your hands are shaking a bit with eagerness when you pull at your clothes, with Wanda's help they are off in no time. Her chest heaves when you take her top off and Wanda stares back while you can't seem to be able to look away from her tits.
“You good there?” She teases you breathlessly when your lack of action lingers. You chuckle, hands at her sides. 
“Yeah, just give me a minute.” You retort managing an affectionate roll of eyes from her.
“You're such a dork.” She giggles but purposely lifts her chest in your direction, making you swallow hard. When you don't take the bait immediately, she sighs. “I would love for you to more than stare, detka.”
You groan, hovering over her. “Well, your wish is my command, madam” You reply, leaning down to capture her lips. Teasing Wanda with soft bites on her lower lip every time you break the kiss before starting another turns her into a needy mess under you. She gets impatient very quickly and brings her hands to your cheeks, pulling you down with determination. Her tongue takes the lead in a heated kiss that takes all the air out of your lungs. 
Panting against her mouth while trying to match the intensity of her demand, you let your hands grope around her body towards her chest, effectively taking the lead again when you start playing with her hardened nipples and Wanda loses her ability to kiss you back.
When she whimpers into your mouth, her hips restless while your fingers pinch her cute tits, you chuckle. “Ah, is there something you want, baby?”
She struggles to speak firmly. "I need you to stop teasing and fuck me." You grunt at her answer. You would have obeyed immediately if you hadn't been able to feel Wanda shaking. She gasps as you adjust, your knee finding her middle and giving her something to grind against as you resume your actions on her breasts. She throws her head back, biting her lip hard as her hips move almost of their own accord.
It's a hot mess, her first orgasm of the night. You didn't even have to take off all her clothes. When Wanda shivers terribly, and you feel the wetness against your knee, you bite down at her tit and that makes her let out a muffled scream.
Wanda is panting and her face is very flushed when you look at her again, her expression satisfied after an intense orgasm.
You hum happily, moving your hands down as you tilt your face to kiss her on the lips. She gasps into your mouth when she feels your fingers draw a path through her ruined panties.
"You made such a mess, sweetheart." You whisper between one kiss and another, two digits pushing gently without even removing her underwear. Wanda arches toward you, squeezing your shoulders for something to hold on to. Her green eyes are completely dilated now and you love how they display a vulnerable begging. Pulling your fingers out again, you let your thumb draw circles on her covered clit and enjoy the way her thighs tremble around you. "Tell me what you want, Wanda."
She has a little difficulty responding while feeling you teasing her, but despite noticing her heartbeat against your fingertips, you don't interrupt your movements. If anything, they become even more determined. Wanda pants, hips trying to match the rhythm of your fingers.
"C-can we use the strap tonight?" She manages out of breath. "I like feeling you come inside me."
Your witch girlfriend's favorite toy is somewhere in the room, and given the busy schedule of two superheroes, it wasn't used as often as you would like. Wanda has barely suggested, and you're already nodding, panting aroused just imagining yourself stretching Wanda again.
But suddenly your fingers push the fabric out of the way, and you sink inside her without warning, ripping a moan from her throat.
"Give me one more first." You demand, watching as Wanda nods in near desperation, brow furrowed at her rapidly building orgasm. Your rhythm is brutal, and she squeezes and squeezes until you can barely push your fingers inside her. You bring your free hand to one of her thighs, forcing her open as you adjust to improve your reach. Wanda sees stars. She lets go of your shoulders to grab the cushions and ends up destroying half of them with magical expelling when she finally falls over the edge.
An impressed chuckle escapes you at the scene. You're usually the one responsible for destroying things with your spider strength - It's always nice to see Wanda lose some of the control she's fought so hard to have.
Kissing her softly, you feel her smile in some exhaustion. She needs a few seconds, so you pull out your fingers and suck them clean while green eyes watch you from below. Wanda wants to kiss you again, but you adjust to carry her on your lap, and after two orgasms in a row, she won't contradict you.
She feels the soft blankets against her back a moment later and relaxes fully into the bed as you move around the room working to find and put on the strap. It doesn't take more than two minutes, yet Wanda sighs impatiently before letting her hands roam her own body, pinching her breasts and teasing downwards. She bites her lip at the soaked state she finds herself in, tentatively collecting some of that moisture before hearing a husky laugh that makes her look up.
"You don't have to play alone, I'm right here." You let her know softly, but Wanda swallows at the sight of your naked figure and the enchanted hardness between your legs. Of all the things she learned to do, that honestly has to be her best spell. One of your hands grabs the silicone, instinctively or not, imitating the masturbation gesture that Wanda is making and she shudders to the tips of her toes, her body on fire. Her hand moves out of her panties immediately, raising it into the air in a beckoning gesture. You don't need to be told twice.
It's a breathless kiss when you reach her face again, equally eager to feel each other, there's a little war of pushing and pulling until Wanda feels completely pressed into the bed, the strap rubbing against her entrance.
You pull away when she whimpers - It's just to pull down her panties, and Wanda kicks the item away as you climb back up. Your mouth finds hers again so that when you align the strap and sink into her, you can swallow her moans.
The stretch is slow and careful, very different from the breathless way you were making out a few minutes ago. Wanda lets her nails dig into your lower back as you fight the urge to be rougher.
She gets used to the size very quickly, the creaminess of her previous orgasms making an obscene sound that makes her ears redden. You break the kiss to ask if she's ready and the only response you get is a determined throw of her hips up that registers her impatience.
In all quickies, you're always rough. Desperate to feel her, because you miss Wanda as much as she misses you, and in the rush, there's no time to prolong moments like this. But it's the first time in many months that you're relaxed, and you can thrust slowly and sensually inside Wanda, letting her feel every movement of your cock inside her warm walls as you kiss her and whisper praises in her ear.
Heat is spread under your skin, and sweat accumulates with the slow stimulation. You feel closer each time you sink inside her, and when Wanda starts whimpering in your ear, it feels like an impossible task to hold it.
"You're close?" You pant, hips starting to buckle. "I don't think… I can hold it anymore... Wands-" You choke, letting your face fall against her collarbone. The knot in your abdomen explodes without warning, and you moan deeply as you spill yourself inside Wanda, the enchanted strap vibrating inside her. It turns out that feeling you come was the push she needed, and Wanda sobs as she feels the blinding pleasure hit her, following you into climax a second later.
For a moment, all that can be heard in that room are your breathless sighs until your hoarse and satisfied chuckles emerge.
You remain inside her when you adjust so that you rest your elbows on the mattress and see her face.
"Hey, little witch."
She pushes back her sweaty hair with one hand, the other moving to rest on your neck. "Hey, spider."
Your nose brushes against hers. "I think we nailed Valentine's Day."
She giggles before pulling you for a kiss.
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verstappensrealwife · 5 months
Just Friends - Lando Norris x Fem!Reader
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fluff. approx. 2300 words
warnings : drinking alcohol, mentions of drunkness, kissing.
a/n: fully aware i just posted the poll an hour ago but i was too excited to write this idea, its 2am, and it was winning the poll anyways.
lando norris masterlist - here. f1 masterlist - here.
You have known Lando practically since the day you took your first breath—well, maybe not quite that early, but close enough. He was barely two when you entered the world, your mothers having been friends since their school days. So, it was only natural that he made an appearance at the hospital with his mother to welcome you into the world.
His first reaction upon meeting you was a mixture of surprise and disappointment, his innocent query about your gender met with tears when your mother revealed you were, indeed, a baby girl. It's a story you never fail to bring up whenever he expresses admiration for you.
"Y/N, you're such an amazing person," he mumbled, his words slightly slurred from the alcohol, as you practically carried him through the pulsating lights and booming music of the club. His arm draped heavily over your shoulders, you were on a mission to save him from humiliating himself with an ill-advised karaoke rendition of a Queen song.
"You didn't think I was this great when I was born," you quipped, your own sobriety a stark contrast to his inebriated state. In fact, you hadn't planned on being in the club at all. It was Lando who had insisted on your presence, summoning you to "rescue him from this esteemed establishment!"
Today, Lando, you and a few others found yourselves dining together. The evening air was balmy, with the soft glow of summer casting a golden hue through the windows, illuminating your face in a particularly enchanting manner.
He won’t deny looking at you a little longer sometimes, and quickly coming to his senses by stopping immediately. Just a friend.
You found yourselves amidst the lively celebration of a friend's engagement, nestled by a large window that framed the enchanting evening sky. The restaurant exuded a cosy ambiance, with lush greenery draping the walls and vibrant artwork adorning every corner. Across the room, the exposed brick walls added a touch of rustic charm to the eclectic space.
The table before you was a veritable feast, adorned with an array of delectable dishes and overflowing drinks—empty glasses serving as a testament to the spirited revelry that had unfolded. Amidst the cheerful chatter of your companions, you found yourself engaged in a spirited discourse with your friend beside you, passionately expounding on the intricacies of drink measurements, though your slightly slurred speech betrayed your less-than-sober state.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a soft, ethereal glow over the scene, you settled your portion of the bill and rose from your seat, bidding farewell to each friend with warm hugs and heartfelt kisses. Exiting the restaurant alongside Lando, you were met with the cool night air and the anticipation of your awaiting ride.
With the Uber en route and a mere seven minutes away, you and Lando stood side by side in comfortable silence, the faint glow of his phone illuminating his features as he scrolled through Instagram. Occasionally, he would eagerly show you a post, finding amusement in the most obscure content, prompting an amused quirk of your eyebrow or an incredulous shake of your head.
When he insisted on the hilarity of yet another post, you regarded him with mock incredulity, your eyes silently questioning his sense of humour. His playful insistence only served to deepen your amusement, eliciting a hearty laugh that bubbled from deep within your chest.
The video showed himself as “Lando Norizz”.
"I do have ‘rizz’, you know," he declared with mock indignation.
“As if,” You snorted, “Prove it tough guy.”
Drawing closer to you with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. The proximity of his body, the warmth of his breath against your skin, and the intensity of his gaze should have rendered you speechless—if only you were sober. Instead, you couldn't help but burst into laughter, the sound ringing out into the night air.
Apologies tumbled from your lips between fits of laughter, though any offence Lando might have felt had quickly dissolved into shared amusement. Chuckling together, you settled into the Uber, the echoes of your laughter filling the night as you made your way home.
As you stumbled through the door of your apartment, Lando in tow, the weight of laughter and shared moments still lingering in the air, you tossed your keys onto the side table with a careless flick and collapsed onto the inviting embrace of the couch. Without missing a beat, Lando joined you, his presence a comforting anchor in the whirlwind of the night. With an affectionate eye roll, you nudged him playfully as he settled beside you, the warmth of his body a familiar presence against your own.
He reached for the remote, his fingers brushing against yours in a fleeting touch that sent a shiver down your spine. He flicked on the TV, the ambient murmur of the characters serving as a gentle backdrop to the two of you being occupied by other things. Despite the lure of the TV screen, your attention remained steadfastly on the book you were reading, Lando’s on his twitter feed.
"Was my charm really that terrible?" he queried out of the blue.
You glanced up, eyebrows knitting together in contemplation before offering a nonchalant shrug. "It wasn't horrendous," you admitted.
"So... any pointers? What went wrong?" he pressed, a hint of curiosity lacing his words.
"Because I was a tad more drunk thirty minutes ago, and besides, we're friends," you replied matter-of-factly, returning your attention to the book you had been engrossed in.
As the weight of your words settled between you, Lando felt a pang of realisation pierce through him like a dagger. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a truth he had been oblivious to until that moment. The casual dismissal of his attempts at charm stung deeper than he cared to admit, a stark reminder of the invisible barrier that separated them. With a heavy heart, he watched you return to your book, the distance between you feeling more pronounced than ever before. In that fleeting moment, Lando's gaze lingered on you, his heart aching with the silent acknowledgment of what could never be—a realisation that left him feeling more alone than he had ever felt before.
He coughed awkwardly, the sound breaking the tense atmosphere like a fragile thread snapping under pressure, and rose from his seat with uncharacteristic haste. "I- um- I'm gonna go to bed," he mumbled, his words stumbling over each other in a clumsy attempt to fill the silence.
"Alright," you replied, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of your lips as you watched him retreat. "No funny business in my spare room!" you called after him, injecting a note of levity into the moment.
His laughter echoed in the hallway, a bittersweet melody that lingered long after he had disappeared from view, leaving behind a lingering ache in his chest as he wrestled with the realisation that his unspoken desires would forever remain unfulfilled.
The next morning, as you nursed your slight hangover with a steaming cup of coffee, you sought solace in scrolling through TikToks in the comfort of your kitchen. The first few videos passed by in a blur of mundane content, until your own face suddenly appeared on the screen.
You weren't a celebrity by any means, but being known as Lando's friend had its consequences, as evidenced by the video capturing the previous night's awkward encounter outside the restaurant. Your groan echoed in the quiet kitchen as you watched the clip unfold, realising with a sinking feeling that your innocent moment with Lando had been misconstrued by the watching world.
He was mere centimetres away from you in the video, his gaze unmistakably fixed on your lips with an intensity that made your cheeks flush with embarrassment. It was clear to anyone watching that his intentions had been misinterpreted, yet the damage had already been done. As the video looped, each replay serving as a painful reminder of the misunderstanding, you couldn't help but wonder how something so innocent had been twisted into something else entirely.
As you read through the comments, a curious mixture of amusement and surprise washed over you as you noticed a recurring theme emerging: shipping you and your friend, Lando. At first, you couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all, scoffing at the playful speculation and fanciful theories concocted by strangers on the internet. But as you delved deeper into the comments, something shifted within you.
With each passing remark, you couldn't shake the nagging sense of recognition that began to take hold. You found yourself reflecting on the countless moments you and Lando had shared together— the inside jokes, the late-night conversations, the unwavering support through thick and thin. And as you considered the undeniable bond that existed between you, you couldn't help but acknowledge the striking parallels between your friendship and that of a romantic relationship
Suddenly, the playful banter and lighthearted teasing that had once been the hallmark of your friendship took on a new significance, leaving you grappling with the realisation that perhaps there was more to your connection with Lando than you had initially realised. With a newfound sense of introspection, you closed your phone, the words of the commenters lingering in your mind as you pondered the possibility of something more between you and your friend.
As the minutes ticked by and your thoughts swirled with newfound clarity, a profound realisation settled within you like a weight in your chest: you wanted him. Wanted him in a way that transcended the boundaries of friendship, in every conceivable sense. You wanted his laughter to be the melody that filled your days, his warmth to be the comfort that enveloped you in moments of doubt, his presence to be the anchor that grounded you amidst life's storms.
Yet, amidst the fervent desire that pulsed through your veins, a gnawing uncertainty gnawed at the edges of your newfound revelation. Did he feel the same? Did he see you as anything more than just a friend? The questions lingered, casting a shadow of doubt over your burgeoning feelings, and you couldn't help but feel a pang of apprehension at the prospect of laying your heart bare.
With a heavy sigh, you leaned back against the kitchen counter, the weight of your newfound realisation settling upon you like a mantle. The path ahead was uncertain, fraught with the potential for heartache and rejection, yet amidst the swirling tumult of emotions, one thing remained clear: you couldn't ignore the undeniable truth of your own heart any longer.
As he strolled into the kitchen, the sight of him shirtless and clad in joggers that seemed all too familiar sent a jolt of warmth coursing through you. Yet, as you met his gaze, the weight of your realisation pressed heavily upon you, urging you to confront the truth that had been swirling in your mind. "Did you know people shipped us?" you blurted out, unable to contain the urgency in your voice.
He shrugged nonchalantly, a flicker of something unreadable flashing in his eyes before he masked it with a casual indifference. But you knew better. You could see the subtle tension in the set of his jaw, the guardedness in his expression. He had known—had felt the weight of those speculative gazes just as keenly as you had. "I guess so," he replied with a noncommittal shrug, his tone carefully neutral. "Why?"
The question hung in the air, heavy with unspoken implications, and you found yourself grappling with the sudden urge to lay bare your heart before him, to confess the depth of your feelings and the tumultuous journey of self-discovery that had led you to this moment. But as you met his gaze, the uncertainty that clouded your mind held you back, leaving the words trapped on the tip of your tongue, unspoken yet pulsing with a fervency that threatened to consume you.
Without a word, he took a step closer, the distance between you shrinking until you could feel the heat of his body radiating against your skin.
In that charged moment, with the weight of unspoken words pressing down upon you, you felt something shift within you—a primal urge to seize the moment, to bridge the gap between friendship and something more. And so, fueled by the fire of your newfound realisation and the palpable tension that hung between you, you closed the whole distance between you in a single, daring move.
With a trembling hand, you reached up to cup his cheek, the warmth of his skin electrifying against your touch. And then, with a surge of courage that bordered on reckless abandon, you pressed your lips to his, the kiss a declaration of desire and longing that transcended words.
For a heartbeat, time seemed to stand still as you lost yourself in the intoxicating sweetness of the moment, the taste of him searing itself into your memory with every brush of his lips against yours. And in that fleeting instant, as the world fell away around you, you knew with a certainty that resonated deep within your soul: this was where you were meant to be.
As you pulled back, a shy smile tugging at the corners of your lips, you met his gaze with a newfound sense of clarity and certainty. And in the quiet understanding that passed between you, there was no need for words—just the simple, unspoken acknowledgment of the bond that had always been there, waiting to be embraced.
With a soft laugh and a tender squeeze of his hand, you knew that whatever the future held, you would face it together, hand in hand, hearts entwined in a love that was as simple as it was profound. And as you leaned in to rest your head against his chest, basking in the warmth of his embrace, you couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement for the journey that lay ahead—a journey that promised to be filled with laughter, love, and countless moments of simple, unadulterated joy.
El fin.
this is the best thing i have ever written in my many years of life. thank you me.
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kentopedia · 9 months
NB, idea I thought you might like—you know those memes/stories of boyfriends who get drunk and tell their girlfriend something like, “You’re pretty but I have a girlfriend,” or whatever?
Nanami. Very red-faced and very seriously.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ THE BOYFRIEND TRAP — nanami kento
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OMG THIS IS SO CUTE !! it's so funny you mention it bc i've been thinking about writing something like this for a while now hehe. this gave me a perfect excuse to write something sweet bc i've been feeling so emotional about him
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it was satoru's idea to go out drinking. ironic, really, considering he was the one that had a soda in front of him, no more than half-empty, a refill after the first sickeningly sweet one.
across the restaurant, at the bar, gojo was talking with nanami, nodding seriously with a small grin as kento rambled on about something that he would probably regret spilling to the white-haired man in the morning. it was easy to get kento to talk with some alcohol in him; he normally kept things locked up tight, but once you got a drunk kento going, it was, truly, hard to stop him.
"you should get him home," shoko said, smiling from where her hands were set in her hands. "i'm afraid of what satoru is over there asking."
it was then that you noticed the phone in gojo's hands, not so subtly hidden behind the edge of the table, filming as kento waved his hands around in the air. nanami wasn't normally such a lightweight—whatever satoru had ordered him must have packed a heavy punch.
you sighed. "kento is going to kill him tomorrow." with that, you said goodbye to shoko and stood from the table, heading over to the two men conversing at the bar.
as you approached, satoru waved gleefully, not even trying to hide the fact that he was filming the entire scene.
"are you ready, kento?" you asked, grabbing your phone from your bag to check the time; it was later than you thought. "we should probably leave or we'll miss the last train."
"you're leaving? it's still so early," satoru whined, a dramatic pout on his lips. "i can just call ijichi-"
"you bother that man enough." you rolled your eyes. not to mention, kento would probably be mortified if his younger colleague saw him in such a state. "come on, ken-" you placed a hand on his forearm, but it was only there for a moment before nanami, politely, lifted it off his arm and gave it back to you.
"i'm sorry," he said, his expression one of complete seriousness, despite his reddened face. "i can't go with you."
you glanced over at satoru, who covered his mouth, trying not to choke on his laughter. "why not?" you asked kento, your eyebrows pulling together.
nanami stood straighter, his eyes hazy as he regarded you apologetically. his tie was loosened, and the top button of his shirt was undone, cooling his heated skin. "you're pretty," he said, slurring the words a bit. "but i have a girlfriend."
satoru's laughter escaped in loud cackles as he held the phone up higher, shoving it into nanami's face.
you blinked up at kento, a small smile pulling onto your lips. "you do, huh? you don't think i'm prettier than your girlfriend?"
he frowned. "no. of course not." kento's hair had come undone, two blonde strands falling over his forehead as he sifted through his pocket, pulling out his phone. he showed you the lockscreen; a photo of you smiling widely beside him as he kissed you on the cheek. "see how cute she is? she's beautiful."
you laughed, your cheeks warm as you took the phone from his hands. "she sure looks an awful lot like me, kento." giving the phone back to him, you showed him your own lock screen, another photo of the same day; this one was just of kento smiling softly at the camera, the orange sunset glowing against his skin.
he stared at the photo for a moment, studying it, as if unsure why you had a picture of him. then, his face cleared. "oh," kento breathed, looking back at you and then the photo, a realization erupting behind his eyes. "that's why you're so pretty."
you smiled, and tugged his hand to pull him away from the barstool. "you are very pretty too, kento," you said, and his cheeks grew redder, his smile lopsided from all the alcohol. "i'm glad i won't have to drag you out of here like a toddler." though you exhaled a sigh, it was more amused than anything.
waving goodbye to satoru, you led kento out of the restaurant, his arms stringing around your waist as he clung to you. he kissed your cheek, your temple, and you laughed breathlessly, pretending to be exasperated.
"i love you," he said, squeezing you tight. "you're my favorite person in the entire world." the letters were drawn out, the syllables meshing together as he stumbled onto his feet. you were certain he would've fallen onto the pavement, had it not been for the tight grip on your body.
he repeated the words again, i love you, i love you, like he couldn't get enough of the taste of them on his tongue.
the feeling of him around you was warm, and you leaned back into his chest, just as in love with him as he was with you. though, you couldn't help but mess around with him a little more. teasing him was, perhaps, the one hobby you shared with gojo.
"you love me that much?" you asked, but you still kissed him softly, grinning against his flushed lips. "two minutes ago you didn't even remember who i was."
he hummed, pressing a kiss to your top of your head, stalling you in the middle of the sidewalk. he dragged you close, staring at you with hearts in his eyes. "'m sorry, sweetheart," kento said, running a hand through your hair. "think i drank too much."
you laughed, lacing your fingers with his own. "maybe just a little."
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peachhcs · 3 months
Could we get kinda what we go from “Sammy how she was really that Will was work it” but in this case how Will was also in a dilema because it’s his best friend and it take him time to understand but he is also willing to sacrifice everything because it’s Sammy his best friend the girl he loves.
the 3 times will's confused about his feelings and the 1 time he isn't
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
will's pining after his best friend, but is he really willing to risk their entire friendship for a relationship?
5.9k words
woo second longest fic of the series and i'm finally doing a request! guys if this is bad, i'm so sorry. i got a bit carried away and i don't like the ending but that's fine lol i'm still working through my requests but feel free to send more and i'll get to it at some point :) this also isn't proofread so if you see mistakes my bad i will try and proofread this soon lol
au masterlist
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the first time will's heart skipped a beat against his chest when he wasn't drunk enough to play off any of the feelings trying to make their way to the surface was watching samy's senior send off for her last homecoming. there were probably over 30 families in the small drive trying to take photos together along with couples everywhere navigating their way through the crowds. knowing the last homecoming was a big deal for samy, will convinced gabe and ryan to drive down to see her off knowing she'd really appreciate having them there.
the three stood with ellen, jim, and luke in a small corner of the lot watching the youngest hughes pack herself together with all of her friends for pictures. there was something nostalgic about all of it considering the boys didn't get things like this when all of their focus was on hockey most of the time. even if they denied it, they secretly loved getting to be a part of samy's senior year.
gabe and ryan talked mindlessly with luke and while will stood in their small circle, he definitely was not paying attention to what was being said. instead, his eyes lingered on his best friend. she stood some feet away from them immersed in her own conversation filled with laughter and large smiles with no idea that a pair of eyes couldn't leave her no matter how hard they tried.
for the entire day since they got to samy's house, will's eyes kept finding samy even if she wasn't looking at him. he'd be standing with ryan and gabe and his gaze would just drift away from them to samy whenever she was in the same room as them. even when she was just walking by, will's eyes followed every single move.
he didn't get it. it couldn't be because of her curled hair, sparkly dress, and makeup.
he's seen her dressed up so many times over the summers because their parents would drag them out to eat at a fancy restaurant no matter how many times they said they didn't want to. it happed at least twice in the three months they spent together, so will didn't get why he just couldn't peel his eyes off the girl.
there was another reason and one that the blonde hadn't fully come to terms with yet.
her date was this guy she'd been talking to on and off over the summer. will met him once when he stopped by in august to take samy out for their first date. he seemed fine—soccer player, good grades, a swimmer on occasion. nothing special, but not some jerk at least. samy liked him and that was all that mattered.
what no one knew was that will didn't fall asleep that night until he heard the front door closing and soft footsteps padding up the stairs where samy's bedroom door shut seconds later meaning she made it back safely.
the guy clung to samy's side the entire time taking pictures. his arm was wrapped around her waist at nearly every second like he was afraid she'd disappear if he let go. that gesture, seeing him grip samy's waist like that, had will's chest tightening into knots and his heart skipping a beat. something in him popped open—a feeling. an urge.
a jealousy.
as soon as those thoughts mixed into the blonde's consciousness, his face whitened even more than it was. his jealousy quickly faded into confusion then back to jealousy then back to confusion the back to—
"you okay?" gabe's voice broke will's thoughts. he snapped his gaze towards his friend who already looked at him expectantly. ryan and luke raised their eyebrows, but tried not to act like they were staring at him.
will's jaw immediately loosened and the color in his face quickly returned to normal as if the feelings in his chest moments ago were never there in the first place.
"yeah, why?"
gabe paused. he looked at his friend a bit longer before slowly shaking his head. "no reason. you looked lost there," the dark-haired boy shrugged.
"think i'm just tired," will forced a yawn to make it more believable.
he knew gabe was studying him like he didn't quite believe what he was saying. next to samy, gabe probably knew will the best which meant he knew when the entire truth wasn't being told. feeling a bit flustered, will drew his gaze away from gabe, but unfortunately, it led itself right back to samy and her date hanging off her side.
something inside of will was screaming as the warmth in his skin returned and his jaw unknowingly clenched seeing them so close together. the feelings returned along with the battle in his mind between jealousy and confusion.
was that why he couldn't peel his eyes away from her all day? because of her date being at her side at every single second and staring at her in a way that made will's stomach drop not because he didn't like the way her date was looking at her, but because he wanted to be the one looking at her like that—
"will! get over here!" this time samy's voice broke the boy from his racing thoughts.
she found his gaze, a soft smile on her lips motioning him over. his nerves eased and a smile replaced the confusion on his features as he shuffled towards her. ellen already had her camera out as samy's date (finally) dropped from her side and will took his place.
samy, who was as oblivious as ever, tucked her head into the blonde's shoulder while his arm found the same exact place on her waist. her touch shot a fiery sensation through will as he mustered up his best smile for ellen 's phone.
"you guys look adorable. i'll send these to your mom," ellen beamed before ushering gabe and ryan into the photo as well.
ryan grabbed samy's other side while gabe hooked himself onto will's side. the four of them scrunched together with wide smiles, but all will could think about was samy's hip pressing into his own marking just how close they were and the explosion it sent throughout the boy's body.
"so, so cute, i'm so glad you guys drove down," ellen said and finished taking pictures for now.
the three broke apart, but lingered close by as samy grabbed her phone to check her makeup. "i think you've looked at yourself twenty times in the span of fifteen minutes," ryan laughed.
"shut up, leonard," the brunette eyed him.
"i'm just saying. you look fine. stop worrying," the taller boy said in a more softer tone. samy rolled her eyes before her gaze fell on will, seeking confirmation because she knew he'd be honest with her.
will's poor blush got worse under her stare, "don't listen to leno. you look good."
his words made samy grin, "thanks, i trust you. thanks for coming down. it means a lot." she ruffled up some of his curls that surprisingly weren't hidden by a baseball cap for once.
"yeah, of course. wouldn't miss it for the world, hughesy."
her smile had will's heart skipping a beat for a second time and something in him wanted to make her smile like that all the time.
the reality of everything set back in when samy's date returned to her side and started whisking her away as everyone began leaving. the girl rushed out her goodbyes and thank you's before disappearing into a car.
"you guys are more than welcome to hang around the house for the night if you don't wanna drive back. dinner, too," ellen extended her offer to the three boys hanging around still.
"anything made by mama hughes is an automatic yes," ryan grinned making the others laugh.
"i'm flattered. you can follow us back up to the house," the older woman beamed.
later that night after the boys ate as much as they physically could, gabe found will sitting on the back deck looking blankly ahead. the dark-haired boy shuffled his way towards the edge of the deck using his foot to poke will's back, announcing his presence.
"what are you doing out here by yourself?" gabe wondered. the sun hadn't set yet, but the air was growing cooler as october drifted into november and there wasn't much to look at besides a playground and the family pool.
"just..thinking," will answered.
for a moment, gabe wondered if he should keep prodding because he definitely knew what will was thinking about. he saw it when they stood in the lot watching samy take pictures with everyone. he saw it in will's face when him and samy took pictures together.
"about?" the boy sat on the step above the one will was on.
"just stuff," the vagueness had gabe rolling his eyes.
"about samy?"
sure, the guys teased the two all the time about having feelings for one another, but it was never serious. they were always joking and will knew that which was why he could brush their comments off. this time gabe was being serious and they both knew that. will couldn't push his questions or comments off.
the silence from the blonde told gabe everything he needed to know. he saw right through will.
"seeing her with her date..i don't know. i didn't like it. it felt wrong. i-i think i felt jealous? like..like maybe it should've been me instead?" will hardly ever opened up about his feelings, especially regarding samy, but he knew gabe wouldn't stop asking.
"do you know why you felt jealous?" gabe wondered.
the words were on the tip of will's tongue, yet he couldn't bring himself to say it. those words have bounced around in his head since that stupid truth or dare game where samy kissed him in the bathroom. they were there when they were drunk and made out with one another, yet neither of them talked about it after. they were there when samy was the first person he went to after a game.
it was all there, but will couldn't say it.
"no, i don't."
if he said it, it made the feelings real and in will's mind, they couldn't be real. she was his best friend. that was all she'd ever be.
no one spoke a word in the locker room after coach's harsh lecture. the loss sunk into everyone's skin, especially since it was their first loss of the season and they were supposed to win this game. no one did anything right which was why they gave up three points to the other team. the buzz of adrenaline that usually danced across every guy was replaced with solemn and disappointment. will felt it extra hard after his coach pulled him aside to give him an extra lecture.
he was one of the team's best, the coach's favorite, the team's favorite, yet he let everyone down giving up those three points.
no one dared speaking to one another as everyone slowly drifted out of the locker room once they were showered and redressed. will hardly moved from his stall, though. his head fell into his hands along with a bitter line of frustration towards himself.
he couldn't step out of the locker room with the knowledge his parents were waiting probably disappointed in him and another harsh lecture to follow. the boy couldn't handle that right now. he needed to focus on breathing before he punched something and got into even more trouble.
a small knock caught his attention. will lifted his head fully expecting his dad, but when he saw samy lingering in the doorway, everything about his demeanor shifted.
"oh will," the brunette frowned seeing his state.
she went to him, hands pulling his own away from his hair and wiping the tears will didn't even know was falling down his cheeks. "ryan and gabe said you were in here still," the girl explained her presence.
"we fucking lost," the boy choked out.
"i know. i know. it sucks," she pulled him into her so she could run her fingers through his hair and massage the spots he pulled at in frustration.
something about her soft touch and soothing voice had more tears spilling out of the boy as he buried his face into her chest.
will was by no means a vulnerable person. he had a hard time being emotional with people, but everything with samy was different. he could cry in her arms for however long he wanted knowing she wouldn't ever judge him and let him cry for as long as he needed.
her gentle fingers wound around his curls which was a stark contrast to the way he roughly pulled at them minutes ago. they just sat there on the bench while will attempted to regather himself so he'd stop crying, but samy hardly minded. she hummed some mindless tune and everything about it had will's head spinning.
those feelings he had a few weeks ago were back and a lot stronger than before. jealousy, want, and need mixed themselves together creating a pretty lethal combination building in the boy's chest, but again, he couldn't understand it.
why, why, why, why, why.
"wanna talk about it at all?" samy wondered after some more silence.
will slowly lifted his head up so he could meet her gaze. he probably looked like hell, but if he did, samy didn't any anything.
"i let everyone down. coach is mad at me and i'm sure my parents are gonna give it to me once i go out there," the blonde frowned a bit making samy frown as well.
"you didn't let people down. you played your heart out. tonight just wasn't your night," samy said softly.
"but we lost a game we should've won. everyone was counting on me to prove that i'm good at his and deserve a spot on a d1 college team," will continued.
"this one loss doesn't mean you're not good enough. you are good enough. a bad game isn't a bad career. i think you're good enough."
i think you're good enough. her words tightened will's chest along with the way she stared at him—so loving and so sure of his abilities.
"you're just saying that because you have to," the boy almost scoffed.
"i'm not, i promise. i've always thought you're good enough, will. you lost a game and that sucks, but it's not a bad career. no one hates you because you did your best," her words warmed the hockey player's heart.
she wrapped her arms around his neck for a tight hug. will's own 'arms tightened around her waist and buried his face into the crook of her neck. if someone walked in who didn't know them, they'd definitely think they were dating just based on the way they were wrapped around each other.
will never wanted to let go, but he knew he had to eventually, so he drew back. samy smiled, placing a gentle kiss to the boy's forehead. she's done it before, but right now it meant a lot more to will than before. the gentleness of her lips had the boy wondering what they'd feel like against his own lips when neither of them were drunk to even really remember what happened the next morning.
"you wanna go out there together?" samy wondered.
the blonde nodded. he collected his things and wrapped his arm tightly around samy's shoulders as they finally faced his parents waiting for him. they spotted them a few feet outside of the locker room and will braced himself for the worst.
will's mom saw her son's state—dreary eyes, teary cheeks, messed up hair—and placed a hand on her husband's arm before he said anything he was planning on saying. colleen knew another lecture wasn't what her son needed nor wanted. she saw samy hanging off his arm knowing she probably calmed him down in the locker room and she hated disrupting the peace samy brought to him in whatever way.
instead, colleen stepped forward to collect will into a hug. "you did your best, yeah?" she whispered into his ear. all will did was nod.
"you wanna join us for dinner, samy?" colleen looked over at the girl.
she was about to decline the offer until she met will's gaze that said something like please stay and she couldn't ever say no to him when he looked at her like that.
"yeah, i'd love to. thank you."
with that, the four piled into the car back to the house. as soon as will got situated in the back seat, he reached for samy. the girl laid herself in her arms and for a second, everything felt okay. the feelings racing through his chest eased while those three words crept up further and further up.
after dinner, will dragged samy to his room to watch a movie while trying to avoid his dad's lecture for as long as he possibly could. they didn't even get 20 minutes in until samy was falling asleep against the boy's chest. it was a pretty regular occurrence, especially over the summer, but right now will was terrified to even move because he didn't wanna wake her up.
he found his phone, clicking into gabe's contact and staring at the chat for a moment before typing something. he stared a his message for a moment, debating on sending it.
if he sent it, his feelings became real. could he actually do that? could he actually admit something that's been plaguing his mind for months now?
what if everything went wrong?
before will could even think about sending it, his phone started buzzing in his hands as grace's contact flashed across the screen. he grabbed his airpods just as his sister's face appeared.
"hi will. i heard about your game," the older smith smiled gently.
"it was a shit show," will whispered.
"it looked like you were playing well though?" grace offered, but the boy only shrugged.
"i don't know. i guess?"
"why are you whispering?" grace wondered quickly making her brother's face flush.
he carefully directed his camera down to where samy could be seen sleeping at his side. the look on grace's face was a mix between surprise and a small smirk because she also knew all too well about her brother's feelings even if he didn't say anything.
"so when are you finally gonna ask her out?" grace teased.
"stop," will rolled his eyes.
"what? i'm not sure cuddling in your bed is something just friends do," the older girl stated.
"or drunk makeouts?" will muttered that part, but grace heard him nonetheless.
"drunk what?" she sounded nearly flabbergasted.
"never mind," the boy shook his head.
"seriously, will. you obviously like her. what other reason is there for feeling jealous of her homecoming date?"
grace stumped him with that one. will's gaze drifted down to the girl still sleeping peacefully beside him. his fingers found a place in her hair and gently wrapped it around his fingers like she had done for him. the blood roared in his ears along with a feeling of warmth spreading all across his chest watching samy sleep so soundly at his side like nothing else mattered.
"what if i'm scared?" will finally said.
"scared? of what?" grace grew confused.
"if i admit how i feel, it makes it real and i'm scared of making it real. she's my best friend, grace. i'm not supposed to feel this way," the blonde's admission had grace's expression softening.
"i think that's all the more reason to feel this way. the most unexpected feelings come from the most unexpected people, will. i doubt she doesn't feel the same way too."
when the siblings ended their call, will went back to him and gabe's chat feeling a bit more sure than he did before grace called. his message still sat in the box waiting to be sent. with one final look at samy, will hit send and he knew everything after this was gonna be as real as it could get.
from will i think i like samy
a loud buzzing pulled will from his sleep. the boy jolted, bleary eyes trying to adjust to the dark and find the source of the incredibly obnoxious buzzing. his eyes flicked around his room until his phone screen lit up and he finally realized someone was trying to call him.
he grabbed his phone, not even hesitating as he lifted it to his ear and sounds of a party came through on the other end.
"hello?" will rasped out, sleep laced deep in his voice.
"w-will? hey!" marcie's voice came through. the boy raised his eyebrow trying to remember if he ever gave marcie his phone number.
he pulled the phone away to read the screen, but nothing answered his confusion seeing samy's name on the screen. "marcie?" the boy mumbled.
"hi, hey. yes. sorry. i'm sorry for calling so late..i..jesus.." she stumbled over her words and for some reason, that woke will up more when he heard the slight slur in her tone and her fast talking.
"are you okay?" the boy sat up in his bed.
"yes. maybe. so..we're at this party..we're like..30? maybe? minutes from you? samy drank a little too much..and i-i didn't know who else to call? her brothers would've definitely killed her and..and you were like the first person on her emergency contact list. i know it's late..but like..could you come down? please?"
marcie didn't even have to ask twice as will jumped out of bed and got himself dressed as quickly as possible.
"i'm on my way. can you send me your location?" he was out the front door a second later with keys in hand to his car.
"yes, i did. don't freak out, she'll be fine i just..i have no idea where to take her," marcie explained.
"i'll be there as quickly as possible, okay? just keep her awake and make her drink water," will rushed and the two said goodbye after that.
about 100 thoughts ran through will's head all at once as he definitely went over the speed limit. something in him paled at the idea of samy at a party getting too drunk that she couldn't make decisions for herself. he wondered why she didn't invite him? or why she was drinking that much in the first place?
"just breathe, will," the boy muttered to himself before he gave himself a panic attack.
he made it the house in record time probably going the fastest he's ever gone in a car to cut the trip down. marcie and samy were on the front lawn where will rushed to them as soon as the car slid into park.
"hey, you okay?" he hugged marcie first.
"yeah, i'm fine. i'm sorry again. it's so late and i..i don't know why i didn't..i'm sorry," the girl became flustered and embarrassed she even let her friend get so drunk.
"don't apologize. it's not your fault. has she been drinking water?" will gazed down at the brunette on the ground.
"yeah, i've been giving her a little bit."
samy's eyes gazed up at will while a hint of recognition flashed through them before she literally jumped into his arms.
"willie! hey! what are you doing here?" the girl exclaimed as she practically clung onto him.
"came to get you. you doing okay?" will pulled his gaze down to hers.
"mhm, yeah. perfecttt," she dragged out the t.
"i'm glad you're perfect. wanna get in the car?" samy gave him a half nod as him and marcie helped the girl into the back seat. she practically collapsed onto the entire back row with small fits of giggles leaving her lips. 
marcie and will got back into the front. the first five or so minutes of the drive became filled with silence besides the soft hum of the radio and samy's quiet mumbling to herself. will glanced at her through the rearview mirror every five seconds probably—worry etched into his features and the hundred thoughts racing through his mind again. 
"i'm sorry again. i don't know why she got so drunk," marcie broke the silence, her voice small. 
"don't apologize. it's not your fault," will said. his words didn't convince the girl because she just shook her head. 
"i don't really know the details but i think her and kevin stopped talking. she was briefly talking about it with me the other day and then she proposed going to that party i think to get over him.." marcie's voice faded off into the deafening silence in the car. 
kevin was samy's newest guy—the same one she went to homecoming with. they had been talking for quite a long time with an implication of a relationship soon, so will wondered where it went wrong. 
"i don't know if i should be telling you this either, but samy started rambling on about you. it was broken sentences, but she kept saying how it's been you all along, even kevin knew. something like that," the girl's words tightened the blonde's chest into the familiar knots he's become acquainted with over the past few months. 
"i mean come on, will. you guys are so obvious yet so oblivious at the same time. why else do you think she kisses you in the bathroom?" there was something about driving down backroads at almost three in the morning that brought out the most vulnerable in people. 
"i-i don't think that really counts. she's drunk. i'm drunk," will swallowed nervously, his eyes glancing up at samy again. 
"well, yeah, but aren't drunk words, drunk actions sober thoughts? you're always the one she goes to by the end of the night," the two met each other's gazes. marcie had a pointed look on her expression that will tried not to read into too much. 
"i don't know. it still doesn't feel genuine though?" 
"what about the time you guys kissed sober during that truth or dare?" that was the only time him and samy were sober and kissing. will thought about that moment a lot. 
another silence filled between them. the boy's glance landed on samy who was close to sleep and everything marcie just said replayed over and over in his mind. there was a tug at his heart thinking about samy having him as her first emergency contact and another tug at the smallest idea that she might actually like him back. 
"you like her, right?" marcie spoke again. will's gazed flick over to hers momentarily. 
"yeah," the boy whispered knowing samy was too out of it to understand what they were talking about. 
"i know your scared about ruining everything with her if you did date, but i know you guys care a lot about each other to ever think about hurting one another. when i first met you last year i immediately saw your relationship. i saw the way you looked at her and the way she looked at you. i don't think i've ever seen a guy care that much about her before and that's coming from someone who's been her friend since middle school. you mean a lot to her, will. like a lot," marcie rambled on, but her words had a deep blush spreading across the boy's cheeks. 
will led marcie to the guest room while he sat samy down on the couch. he wanted to sober her up before he let her go to bed knowing she'd have a killer hangover in the morning and he feared she'd throw up in her sleep. 
"thanks for calling me, mar. i'll make sure she'll be okay," will said before the girl went to bed. 
a soft smile appeared on her lips, "i know you will. thanks for coming and getting us. i hope your parents won't hate you." 
"they won't. i'll explain everything and make sure you guys won't get in trouble," the two exchanged warm smiles. 
will returned his attention to the girl on the couch. he grabbed water, a snack, and tylenol in hopes that it will sober her up some more. samy gazed up at him as he came back into the living room, a smile on her lips. 
"aww, you're so sweet willie. i love cheez-its," the brunette hummed. 
"i know you do," the boy chuckled. he poured a few into a bowl, not wanting samy to overeat and make herself sick. 
"you should've been at the party. it was sooo much fun," the girl gushed. 
"it looks like you had fun." 
"i dumped kevin," her bluntness caught will of guard. he's never been around her when she was this drunk and was quickly learning that samy said anything on her mind. 
"i heard," the boy hummed. 
"i didn't really like him that much anyway. he kept arguing with me about stupid stuff. he thinks you like me! isn't that hilarious?" soft laughter tumbled from the girl's lips, but will wasn't laughing. the only thing he could hear was his pounding heart beating a bruise against his chest. 
"i started thinking about it a lot, actually. maybe it's part of the reason why i broke up with him. i don't really know. dating your best friend? that seems scary to me," she kept rambling and will had no idea what to say. 
he wanted to confess everything to her, but he knew she definitely wouldn't remember any of this in the morning, so how true was it really? it brought will back to all of the times they woke up the morning after drunkenly making out, but samy never said anything about it. they just acted like nothing happened. 
"yeah, it does seem scary," the blonde managed.
"i mean would you date me? i'm saying all of this and i don't even know if you like me," the girl laughed again. 
will's heart clenched, biting his tongue to keep from saying anything, "how are you feeling? it's getting late. maybe you should try and sleep?" 
"you're right. i'm exhausted and i'm gonna feel like shit in the morning," samy mumbled. 
"is sleeping in grace's room okay?" will collected her things, extending his hand out to help her up the stairs. 
"mhmm, sounds perfect." 
the two tiptoed up the stairs to the older smith's bedroom. will helped take samy's shoes off and he attempted to wipe some of her makeup off before laying her down. the girl smiled lazily at him. 
"thanks for taking care of me, willie. you mean a lot to me." 
"of course. i'll see you in the morning," the blonde returned her smile, but as soon as he faced away from her, it faded. 
once the bedroom door was shut, will leaned himself against it to just recollect himself with the ache in his heart that samy wouldn't remember anything about tonight. hell, marcie's words were probably just drunk rambling. 
goosebumps ran up will's skin when a delicate hand ran across his arm, pulling the blonde from the book he was reading. he lifted his head, a soft smile appearing on his lips seeing samy peering down at him. "hi," will said. 
"hi, pretty boy," samy returned his soft smile with one her own. hearing that pet name roll off her tongue directed at him was something will would never get used to. even though they've only been together for a month, he'd nevr get tired of hearing it. 
"what's up?" the blonde wondered as he reached his hand up to run across samy's skin. 
"just wanted to come say hi. you looked so cozy up here," the girl giggled. 
"wanna sit?" will offered the tiny space next to him. samy swung her legs over, basically landing in his lap because the seat was definitely not made for two people—or a 6'0 hockey player and his girlfriend. 
"how was golfing with jack, quinn, and luke?" the guys went out early to get a game in and samy did not like golf that much to get up as early as they did. 
"it was fun. i think luke killed all of us, but i think gabe and ryan had fun," the blonde laughed. he caught sight of his teammates down in the yard trying to play volleyball. 
"i swear, my brothers' profession would be golfing if it weren't for hockey," the girl giggled which was like music to will's ears. 
"you should come next time. i think you could definitely beat luke," will lovingly squeezed part of her leg that rested atop his lap. 
"are you just saying that because you want to see me in a skirt?" samy teased a bit which caused will to blush a deep crimson all the way to the tips of his ears. 
"shut up. that's not what i was implying," he playfully rolled his eyes. 
"i know, i'm just kidding. my brothers are way better at golf than i am, so i definitely could not beat any of them." 
a comfortable silence settled between the couple. will's gaze lingered on samy who glanced at her phone, so she missed her boyfriend's loving stare until she looked back up and flushed when he was already looking at her. 
"when do you leave for boston?" she changed the subject for now. 
"august 12th," will answered with a hint of sadness laced in his voice. the idea of leaving hurt will a lot more than he thought it would. especially after finally getting the girl. 
sure, he'd have all of his teammates following him, but the one person he wanted to always be around wasn't coming. 
"three weeks away?" samy wondered and the boy nodded. 
"i can't believe it's already here," will mumbled earning a tiny frown from the brunette. 
"you're gonna do so awesome at boston, will. i'm really proud of you." 
samy shifted so she could wrap her arms around his neck. he buried his face into the crook her neck, placing soft kisses against her skin. "i wish you were coming with me," he mumbled. 
"me too. i wish we got our act together and got together a lot sooner. maybe if i wasn't so afraid of my feelings and kept pushing them away," samy rolled her eyes, but will pulled back. he raised his eyebrow in confusion. 
"wait, how long have you known about your feelings?" 
samy's face flushed, "well..i kept pushing them away every time we drunkenly made out at parties. i don't know. prom i knew i had feelings, but i was scared and stupid." 
"so you did remember the next morning after the party," will chuckled in mostly amusement. 
"uh, yeah. i did. i never said anything because i just..i don't know. i didn't know how you felt. i didn't wanna make it weird and we had a thing going," she shrugged a bit.
"it wasn't obvious to you how i felt after?" will smiled a bit with a small tilt of his head. 
"looking back, yeah it was obvious. i was stupid," the girl flushed again. 
all will could do was laugh and pull samy closer to his chest where he never wanted to let go. everything they went through was worth it in the end to finally have the girl will's always had feelings for. for once in life, he was finally sure about something besides hockey. 
hockey's been a constant and he was too dumb to realize he had another one right in front of his face all along. 
as the hot summer sun danced between the clouds, will had everything he could ever need. samy laid against his chest and what was better than having his favorite girl beside him all the time now? he truly couldn't ask for anything more. 
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withcrossesandframes · 2 months
Double Time - Part 2
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Summary: Despite being a little more than an acquiantance, you find yourself at the doorstep of Craig’s studio. There you meet his guest for the evening, and you’re quickly pulled into an evening you didn’t quite expect.
Pairing: Nick Folio x f!reader x Craig Reynolds
Word Count: 6.4k
A/N: I’m so sorry for taking forever for this part two, but it’s here! This one is pretty filthy (but I guess it can always be filthier). I’ve been really excited about this one, but I’m ready to get it out to you guys. I think I could mess and nitpick it forever if you let me.
As always, I appreciate all feedback and support you guys give
Special shoutout to @the-way-of-words for being my sounding board and motivator to get this one finished for y’all
Warnings: cursing, alcohol and tobacco consumption, drug use (marijuana), sexually explicit content 18+ - MINORS DNI! (unprotected penetrative vaginal sex, oral m!recieving, oral f!receiving, digital penetration, squirting, dirty talk, some spit kink, light c*m play.)
Double Time-Part 1
You walk out of the restaurant together, taking the lead and stepping onto the wet pavement. The rain has subsided and night is still young. Exhaustion hasn’t taken hold of you yet, but embarrassment still rings in your mind. It doesn’t come close to the tension radiating between the three of you. Craig shuffles off to the side to order an Uber on his phone while you pair up with Nick close to the street. While you wait, he reaches into his pants pocket and pulls out a pack of cigarettes.
Surprised, you gesture to it, “Oh, I didn’t know you smoke.”
He opens the flattened pack and tugs a cigarette out between his lips, mumbling around the filter, “I’m not really. I guess it’s more of a social thing,” he explains with a laugh, digging out the lighter from another pocket.
You nod along with a hum, letting out a dreamy sigh, “Nothing like a drunk cigarette.” While you’re not either, from traveling all day with the whiskey swimming around in your stomach, one sounds really enticing right now. “May I?”
He offers the open pack, and you take one between your fingers. You notice an odd-looking one hidden amongst the others and give him a curious look. He flashes a mischievous smile before closing the pack and stuffing it back into his pocket. “That’s for later.”
You huff a laugh through your nose, rolling your eyes, “That I’ll believe,”
He reaches out to light your cigarette first, then his. You watch as the end transforms into a burning cherry as he pulls in a long drag, fixating on the way he parts his lips to blow out a smoky exhale. The throb between your thighs is instinctual with the feeling of them pressed against yours still fresh in your mind. He wets them with a habitual sweep of his tongue, and your innocent thoughts instantly flatline, leaving you with a burning cigarette between your fingers.
Craig’s voice interrupts, “Uber will be here in five.”
You nod, bringing your cigarette to your lips. Nicotine rushes through your system and anxious silence brews between you once again. There’s no clear prediction of how the rest of your night will pan out. At most, you considered the slight possibility of hooking up with Craig tonight and going on your merry way tomorrow morning, but Nick has thrown you through a loop in the plan, and now you have no idea what to expect from either of them. You’re a jittery mess, practically trembling despite the warmth of your coat wrapping around you.
Craig must’ve noticed your violent shaking because he steps close to you and says, “C’mere, you.”
Before you or Nick can say a word, Craig closes the distance and tips your chin with comfortable strength and control from his index finger. With an air of confidence that you once possessed and can only admire, he leans in and kisses you sweetly, much softer than what you’ve been imagining all this time. After giving you what might be considered a quick peck, he breaks away too soon, leaving you wanting so much more like the cheeky bastard he is. You whine across his hovering lips and stretch on your tiptoes to meet them again, chasing the fleeting kiss.
He hums, slipping his hand from its place on your chin toward the nape of your neck, tangling his fingers in your hair. The gentle tug of your roots fires off every synapse in your brain, making you the one to part their lips first. He flicks his tongue up yours and smiles, teasing your level of desperation. You groan out of frustration, and nip at his bottom lip.
He chuckles, deepening the kiss by slipping his tongue effortlessly into your mouth. He takes the lead and you fall into it without hesitation, matching his movements and rhythm with ease. There are so many differences between the two of them that it overwhelms you. Mint and cologne swim freely in your senses while his soft beard tickles your face with every brush of his lips.
It’s so dreamy, in a picturesque way. Street lights reflect in puddles across the street, the hum of car engines rumble by, the warmth of Craig’s tongue in contrast to the damp Scottish air. It almost makes you forget that Nick is standing by your side until he clears his throat awkwardly.
You break the kiss, but Craig doesn’t release you. He’s unbothered by Nick, sighing, “I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time.”
You drag in your bottom lip by your teeth, self-conscious of the fact you just made out with him in the middle of a sidewalk. Without looking at him, you ask sheepishly, “Yeah? Did I meet your expectations?”
He breathes out a soft laugh and starts to pull away, but seems reluctant to let you go, “You’re cute.” He steps back and strokes his beard, shooting Nick a look before glancing back at you. “I should be asking you that later tonight.”
You study Nick’s reaction and pull another drag of your once-forgotten cigarette. His eyes dart to everything but you and it’s clear that he’s biting back a smile. He focuses on finishing his own cigarette and tries to do a subtle readjustment of his jeans.
“You good with coming back to my place?” Craig asks him. It’s a loaded question, chock full of unknown implications. The kiss to you cleared any doubt about his involvement, and now you both wait for Nick’s response.
They lock eyes, and as if using telepathy, have a silent conversation. They finally come to what seems to be an unspoken agreement, and Nick nods, answering, “Yeah, definitely.”
Craig unlocks his front door, chauffeuring you into his place. “Welcome, welcome.” He strides in, tossing his keys into the bowl sitting on the end table by the door. You and Nick take in the space, following him into the living room. “Get comfortable. Go make out on the sofa or whatever,” he chuckles, gesturing to the two of you. “I’m going to make a round of drinks.”
Once Craig leaves the room, you turn to Nick and feel across his covered chest with open hands. His anxiety seems to settle with each breath, and whatever awkwardness you both felt dissipates quickly with your touch. “Were you ever going to make a move on me?” you ask coyly, playing with the strings of his hoodie.
He takes your hand in his and leans forward, kissing you with more confidence this time around. He tastes sweet and a little smokey — simply intoxicating with how his tongue dances with yours. “What do you mean?” he mumbles against your lips, guiding you forward toward the couch behind him.
He falls into the middle cushion, taking you with him. Your dress rides up as you straddle his lap, bunching at your waist. You fit together so perfectly, that the way he feels beneath sends your impulses over the edge. With nothing but lace and denim as a barrier, you rock slowly against his crotch, sighing, “I feel like you weren’t going to do anything unless I kissed you first.”
A low groan echoes in his throat and his hands slip under your dress to find their place on your hips. His eyes slowly drift down from your swelling lips and stop at your cleavage. You feel the twitch of his cock hardening against your bare thigh and think to yourself that you’ve never hated a pair of jeans more than you do right now. “Now in my defense, I thought you two were a thing at first.”
Nick presses his lips to your collarbone, breathing in whatever perfume that still lingers on your skin. The heat of his fanning breath drapes over you with every kiss to your neck. You almost lose yourself in it, but it's the slight nip of his teeth that makes you moan, “Even after I flashed my pussy to you?”
He buries the giggle behind your ear, and for a second you question whether you’re more drunk from the sound of it than the alcohol in your belly. “I didn’t know what kind of freaky shit you two were into.”
“I see that you two have gotten more comfortable with each other,” Craig jokes, entering the living room. You startle and turn to see him walking while balancing three drinks in his hands. He appears as nonchalant as ever, offering one to you and placing the second one down on the end table before settling beside Nick.
He relaxes into the cushion and sips his drink. You can feel his eyes wandering as you swallow down your cocktail, but Nick’s distracted spoiling your chest with his mouth. Craig skims a cautious finger along the outside of your thigh. “You’re fucking gorgeous, you know that?”
“So fucking hot,” Nick pants in agreement, exploring the curves of your back until his fingers find the tiny zipper of your dress. He tugs on it, freeing the fabric from your body as it opens.
You hand Craig your drink and shrug the straps from your shoulders, allowing it to fall down your arms to reveal your matching bra. Craig seems to be enjoying the show you’re giving, asking with a smirk twisting his lips, “You like being worshiped like this?”
“Is that what this is?”
He just laughs while Nick palms your tits through the delicate lace, giving them both a firm squeeze. Perhaps out of impatience or from the desire to show off, Craig reaches and unhooks the clasps of your bra with an effortless pinch of his fingers. “Don’t think we need that thing in the way.”
The straps slip with the release, and Nick takes over by pulling it off and tossing it onto the floor.
“Fuck,” they both groan in unison. Nick’s hands graze up your sides, the heat of his palms warming up your bare skin that has started to rise with goosebumps. You rock into the touch, letting out a soft moan when he cups your tits. He brushes his thumb over your nipple before leaning in to flick his tongue over it.
The sensation sends a shiver through you, making him laugh, “You like that, baby?”
He ghosts his pouty lips over the hardening bud in a teasing circle waiting for you to answer. You comb your fingers through his short, plush hair at the nape of his neck, sighing, “Keep going.”
He smiles into the supple flesh, and seals his lips around you, sucking your nipple into his mouth. The lazy roll of his tongue is electrifying, sending a shockwave to your core. You want to watch him, but you can’t stop your eyes from sliding closed. You then feel the dip in the cushion as Craig sets his drink down to shuffle closer to you both. Deciding that he’s no longer a spectator, his lips make contact with your pulse point.
“Feel good?” Craig purrs against your ear, rubbing a hand up your thigh and one down your back. You squirm harder into Nick’s lap, tickled by Craig’s beard as he kisses your neck. You’re already overwhelmed by the both of them, but he pulls away, letting his gaze fall to your chest. He draws a line across your other breast, pinching your nipple between his finger and thumb. “Fuck, your tits are perfect.
May I?”
You’re not sure who he’s asking, but Nick responds by releasing your nipple with a wet pop, letting the cool air prickle the drenched skin. Craig sees the chance and takes his turn. He’s more aggressive than Nick, skipping the playful teasing by sucking on the sensitive bud harshly. He swirls it right into the warmth of his mouth, painting a vivid picture of how it could feel if he was between your legs instead.
“Oh my god,” you whine against Nick’s swollen lips. He swallows your moan in a kiss, sliding his hand from your hip over the curve of your ass. He dips it between your legs, rubbing over the wet fabric with his fingertips.
“Holy shit,” he grunts in a heavy breath. “You’re soaked.”
Craig chuckles and lifts his head, showing you the shine on his lips. “What’s got you so worked up, darling?”
Before you find the words, Nick hooks your panties to the side and slips his fingers through your folds, coating them in your slick. There’s a gentleness in his calloused hands, powerful yet careful. He glides his middle digit over your clit once before nudging it into your entrance. You stifle a whimper and his grip on your waist tightens as your pussy clenches around his finger.
He nips at your throat while you try your best to keep your eyes on Craig’s icy blue ones. Through heavy lids, he watches you unravel and rock against Nick’s hand as he adds another finger inside you. Nick presses his nose into you, blanketing your neck in a panting exhale, “Goddamn, you’re so fucking tight.”
Craig’s brows dance and he flashes a smile. “Seems like he’s enjoying you quite a bit already.”
Nick retreats his hand, leaving you empty to bring his glistening fingers to his mouth. You see him pass them over his lips, licking them clean and sucking the taste of you off them. “I’ve been thinking about that all night,” he confesses in a breathy whisper.
You pull at his hair back to kiss him, licking into his mouth to taste that musky sweetness off his tongue. It’s filthy and obscene, and part of your lust-addled brain can’t believe you’re experiencing it with him. Craig scoffs, clicking his tongue, “So greedy.”
“Are you jealous?” You tease, breaking away from Nick’s lips.
“Maybe a little,” he tosses back. You’re torn wanting them both, but you have to be fair. You reward his patience by crawling from Nick’s lap to slide onto his, but you don’t make it far before he wraps his hands around your waist and pulls you the rest of the way.
Your squeal is cut off by his lips crashing into yours, and just like outside the restaurant, his fingers dive into your hair. He’s not gentle about it this time, tugging at your tresses by the roots. His kiss is far from controlled as if he's searching for whatever’s left of you on your tongue.
This. This is the tension that’s been building for months. You feel how bad he wants you — thick cock straining against his even thicker thigh. It’s a wonder how he has any self-control left to share you like this.
Nick isn’t frail by any means — built with lean, precise muscles grown from his drumming lifestyle. He’s stronger than he initially seems under his sweatshirt, but by comparison, Craig is massive, embracing you against his bodybuilder-like frame. You feel across his broad shoulders, roaming across his chest and up the sides of his neck, thinking how easily he could toss you around. His fingers dig into your hip enough to bruise, dragging you across his lap.
His lips scatter kisses along your jaw between the nips of his teeth, and a low-pitched rumble vibrates deep within his throat. “I wanted to fuck you the first day I met you.”
“Why didn’t you?”
A smirk plays on his lips and he hums with a shrug. “More fun this way.”
“You’re fucking killing me, man,” Nick says behind you, making you giggle at his frustrated state.
Craig moves your body effortlessly, turning you so your back is against his chest and you’re facing Nick, who has since stood up from the couch. That sweet innocence you saw in the studio is gone from his eyes, leaving his irises darkened with desire. He sheds his hoodie and t-shirt and tosses them onto the cushion beside you, revealing a collection of tattoos. The first one to catch your eye is the eagle across his chest, stretching from the center of his stomach up to his collarbones.
Nick drops to his knees, and Craig positions you so you’re stretched across his lap as the man in front of you settles between your open legs. He caresses the inside of your knees, inching his way higher up your thighs until his fingers find your panties. He pushes up your dress and hooks his thumbs around the band to peel them off, watching how you let your legs fall open for him.
“Fuck,” he breathes, tossing your panties to Craig while his eyes lock on you.
Your attention is brought to Craig playing with the delicate lace between his fingers, “Wear these just for me?”
You can only giggle an answer because Nick doesn’t hesitate with teasing kisses to your inner thighs. As if he wanted you to forget Craig, he throws your legs over his shoulders and dives his head between them, flicking his tongue to part you with an aggressive lick. He groans the second he tastes you again, rolling your clit into the warmth of his mouth.
“Oh, shit,” you cry out and your body tries to react by clamping your legs around him, but Craig stops them from closing by grabbing the inside of your thigh. He scolds you with a click of his tongue and squeezes the soft flesh. “Let the American boy eat your pussy, baby.”
You comb your fingers through Nick’s thick mane of hair, finding out that he devours you like he kisses you, wrapping his soft, pouted lips around your needy clit while his silken tongue laps every part of you. It’s wet and hot. Filthy.
Craig’s hand explores your body, traveling across the waves of crumpled fabric until he rediscovers one of your bare nipples. He kisses you, licking into your open mouth while rolling the sensitive bud between his fingers. You writhe across his lap, causing the bridge of Nick’s nose to drag up and down your clit with the frantic roll of your hips. Craig swallows down your moans, teasing you with that delicious pur of his, “Didn’t expect this tonight, did you?”
Thoughts are non-existent so only a fucked-out laugh bubbles out your chest, “Fuck no.”
His chuckle mixes with yours, and he pulls away to glance down. “Didn’t think he had it in him.”
Nick scoffs at the remark and tightens the hold he has around your leg. It’s already too much to process, but you force yourself to watch him anyway. With his eyes closed and brows knitted together in concentration, he looks so pretty tucked between your thighs, but now there’s a new intention behind the movements of his tongue because of Craig’s words, and he finds a pattern you seem to love so he can drown your clit with it.
He holds you under the surface, pushing two fingers inside you once again. He’s feral in the way he sucks and licks you and all you can do in return is soak his face, bathing his fingers that are curling deep in your cunt.
You claw at Craig’s arm as his hand snakes up your chest and wraps around your throat. He tests the waters with a cautious squeeze of his fingers that’s enough to remind you of his strength. “Be a good girl for us and give him one.”
That feeling stirs in your core and the lewd, wet sounds of his fingers working your pussy grow louder. Craig keeps his hand around your neck, and coos against your sweaty cheek. “Sounds like he’s gonna make you squirt.”
You don’t bother warning Nick because you know he heard him. It’s too late anyway, because with a swirl of his pointed tongue on your clit and a precise curl of his fingers, you feel as though you’ve blacked out as a warm release gushes from you. You can feel that you’ve drenched his face, the inside of your thighs, your dress, and Craig’s pants beneath your ass.
Nick leans back on his heels, revealing the evidence you’ve left on him. You’re dripping from his chin in tiny streams down his neck to his tattooed chest. If it isn’t for the pleased but surprised expression, you might be embarrassed about what you’ve done. “That was so hot.”
He must’ve earned Craig’s approval because he gets a simple, “Nice.” Nick blushes, and you watch as he takes his shirt and wipes his mouth and chest. “First try, too.”
You clamber from Craig’s lap onto the floor, ditching your ruined dress as you go with one goal in mind. He takes the opportunity to rid himself of his shirt and throw it, giving you a close-up view of his tattooed chest and stomach as he relaxes against the cushions. You kneel between his legs and admire the artwork along the contours of his body. “How many times you think of this?”
Adrenaline sends your heart racing while he calmly watches your hands travel to the waistband of his pants. He might've gotten away with the act if his fingers weren’t curling into a fist against the arm of the sofa. “Every time I got to look at that pretty mouth of yours.”
“So fucking depraved,” you tease knowing you aren’t any better. If you were to do this again, you might take the time to play and drag this moment out as long as you can, but you can’t wait a second longer. You pop open the button and tug down the zipper, finding his cock tucked inside his pant leg, throbbing and sticky with heat. He lifts his hips as you pull him free, panting a curse when you wrap your fingers around his thick shaft and give him a few experimental strokes.
He’s almost painfully hard and just as big as your imagination. You roll the pad of your thumb over the head, glazing it with the beads of precum that have been dripping freely from him. Experience starts to take over, and he collects the hair from your face with gentle sweeps of his fingers, holding it in a makeshift ponytail while you swirl your tongue around him. His satisfied hum evolves into a low growl that bellows within his chest, “Ho-ly shit.”
You lick him further into your mouth with the roll of your tongue, tasting him with every pass. There’s no chance he’s fitting all the way, so what you can’t bury in the back of your throat, you take care of with a twist of your hand. As you bob your head to a rhythm, his hand tightens in your hair while cradling your face with the other. You know he’s being careful, nervous to test your limits and risk breaking you.
If he only knew how badly you wanted him to break you.
You take control and push them yourself, gagging hard enough around him to let drool leak from the corners of your mouth. You’re a mess with strings of spit connecting his cock to your lips when you break away to take a breath. Your eyes are clouding with tears, and you fail to remember if you wore your waterproof mascara or not. The image of you before him like this must’ve unraveled his composure because he makes the promise, “Oh, baby…one of these days I’m gonna fuck your face.”
You almost let your next words pass over your swollen lips but Nick reminds you of his presence by asking, “Hate to interrupt, but do you mind?”
You turn your head to see Nick standing behind you, holding the joint you saw in his pack of cigarettes along with his lighter. Craig laughs, “Light that fucker up.”
Before you can even process what’s happening, Craig stands to his feet and picks you up at the same time, throwing you over his shoulder. While all the air in your lungs is knocked out of you, he shows no sign of strain in tipping your world completely upside-down in seconds. “Craig! What the fuck?!” you squeal, holding on for dear life as the blood rushes to your head.
“Just moving things along to the bedroom.”
He moves through the house with ease, responding to your dramatic screaming with a smack to your bare ass that’s followed by the sound of Nick’s laugh coming from the living room.
“My legs do work. I could’ve just walked,” you grunt, fighting the force of gravity.
“They won’t for long,” he threatens, walking into another room. Instead of putting you down on your feet easily, he tosses you onto the bed without warning like a ragdoll. Your scream falls apart into a fit of giggles, but with how things are escalating so fast, he doesn’t even give you the chance to take in your surroundings before grabbing your ankle and yanking you toward the edge of the bed.
“Flip over,” he instructs but maneuvers your body himself anyway so you’re planted on your hands and knees.
After shedding his boxers and pants, he crawls onto the bed and positions himself between your legs, kicking them open with his knee. You arch your back and bury your face into the comforter as his calloused hand runs down the length of your spine. It’s becoming too real. The man you’ve been fantasizing in your mind for months is about to fuck you. You begin to wonder where Nick is, but the concern evaporates when Craig runs his fingers along your slit.
You ache with anticipation, trembling uncontrollably from his touch. He chuckles at your expense and glides the tip of his cock through your folds, coating himself in your slick. Impatient, you whine desperately over your shoulder, “Would you please just fuck me already?”
“American girls are always so impatient,” he quips back, but your response is quickly forgotten. With a hand secured around your waist, he lines himself up, and with a controlled push of his hips, sinks into your soaked hole. He slowly works you open with a few shallow thrusts, letting you adjust to the size of him as the slight sting dulls into pleasure before bottoming out with a groan, “Your pussy feels fucking incredible.”
“Oh fuck,” you gasp as you white-knuckle the bedspread, bracing yourself for how deep he goes when he really starts to move. Nick strides in, immediately putting the anxious thoughts in your mind at ease. You thought he might’ve second-guessed the situation and dipped, but here he is standing beside the bed taking a long drag of the joint he lit. He offers it to Craig, who plucks it from his fingers and stills inside you.
Nick lowers himself to you for a kiss and waits for you to accept the gift he’s holding behind sealed lips. You open yours and breathe in the stream of thick, pungent smoke he blows into your mouth. He lingers for a few seconds, and you can’t help but lick across his bottom lip. Although it’s a weak hit, the tingle of a buzz begins to hit your senses.
“I can taste her on this joint,” Craig mumbles breathlessly through his own hit before coughing out a cloud of smoke.
“You’re welcome.” Nick tosses back with a cocky smirk on his face. He strips down to his boxers, and the weed must’ve settled his nerves because he doesn’t hesitate to get onto the bed and slide beneath you. “Miss me?”
You hum through a smile, feeling up his tattooed thigh. Craig gives the joint back and starts to move again, sliding in and out of you with lazy strokes. The feeling of him gliding through your dripping cunt overrides your brain, and it takes everything to keep your focus on Nick. He stretches against the pillows, tucking his muscular arm behind his head as he brings the joint back to his lips. You palm his erection, squeezing your fingers around his length through the cotton. “What’re you hiding in here?”
He laughs, spilling smoke from his lips, and flashes a toothy grin. “Go ahead and find out, baby.”
It would be a lie if you said you didn’t love how the pet name sounds from this man you barely know, curious if all of his one-night stands earn it as well. Once bashful in your presence, he beckons you to pull his cock out while his friend fucks you from behind. You peel back his boxer briefs, and it reveals itself with a soft slap against his belly. He sucks in a sharp breath, watching how you touch him there for the first time. While not quite as large as Craig in length, he’s impressively just as thick in your hand. You pump a loose fist along the slight curve of his cock and lick him from base to tip, running your flattened tongue along one of the prominent veins.
He shudders and shifts his legs when you suck the tip into the wet, warmth of your mouth. He fills it completely, the weight of him heavy on your tongue. You believe you could make him cum within minutes if you wanted, but you decide against it. You have to feel him inside you first. Thankfully, he lets you play, but he’s sensitive, moaning as you spoil that sweet spot beneath it with rapid flicks of your tongue, “That’s it.”
He’s torn between watching you and allowing his head to fall back into the pillow. You know he’s fighting to be quiet, so the sounds he does let slip out become your reward.
As if he remembers the burning joint between his fingers, he asks, “Do you want another one?”
You release him from your lips with a wet, sinful pop, and nod. He reaches forward to wipe the spit from your lips with a sweep of his thumb and holds it for you while you pull in a drag. “And they say chivalry is dead.”
He chuckles and puts out the joint in an ashtray resting on the bedside table. Craig has slowed to an agonizing speed so you can share the joint. You love being able to feel every part of him, but right now you’re greedy. You want more. “Harder.”
Craig grunts and throws his hips forward, changing those delicate kisses to your cervix into an aggressive slam. You cry around Nick’s cock, nearly choking on it, but Craig doesn’t let up. You learn that he fucks like he drums. His rhythm picks up and the power behind his thrusts pushes you closer to your threshold. Nick would be concerned if he wasn’t hearing the moaned curses tumbling from your empty mouth. He holds your hand against his thigh while you struggle to stroke him with your other.
“I asked if you could handle us both,” Craig pants, tightening his grasp around your hips hard enough to leave finger-shaped bruises. “Had enough?”
”No,” you whine. “Please. Don’t stop.”
“And you’re doing so good,” Nick praises, petting the damp hair from your temple.
Craig’s hand leaves your hip and dips between your shaking legs to circle your clit while maintaining the merciless pace he set. Your vision splotches and your entire body begins to feel like fire. Your muscles lock, forcing your walls to squeeze around him as your second orgasm builds within your core. “I know you’re fucking close.”
“C’mon,” Nick encourages you through your pitiful cries.
“Give me one. I know you can,” Craig demands with a growl. He works off your body’s cues and the sound of your whimpers he’s knocking from your chest with every thrust. He takes you there, dragging you to your peak and pushing you headfirst off the cliff’s edge. He fucks you through it, leaving you a writhing mess before him.
He pulls out and announces through a heavy breath, “I’m gonna bust if I keep going like that.” He laughs, his breath ragged from exertion, and steps off the bed. They must have an exchange you don’t see because he then says, “Folio?”
You act first, barely giving yourself time to recenter and catch your breath before crawling onto Nick’s lap. He looks surprised to see your eagerness, but holds your waist as you straddle him, asking, “You sure?”
“Uh-huh.” You take his cock in your hand and lower yourself onto him in one fluid motion, gasping in unison when he’s buried to the hilt. You pause, soaking in the full feeling he gives you before you start to rock your hips. His restless hands move across your back and over the curves of your ass — his fingertips grazing your pussy as he slides in and out.
He’s in total bliss, mesmerized by the way you ride him. You take advantage of the brief moment of control you have and appreciate his features. He’s flushed and warm, staring at you through weed-heavy lids as you cradle his face to kiss him. He smells of you, that sweet musk of sex — the taste of you still on those pretty lips.
Even he seems surprised by how intimate this feels. He groans when he nudges against your cervix from a particularly deep roll of your hips. “Fuck, I can get used to this.”
“You do look hot together,” Craig notes before chugging half of a water bottle that was stashed on his bedside table.
You nip at Nick’s bottom lip, blushing at the thought and regretful that you’re not recording any of this. “Play your cards right and we’ll see.”
He smiles through your kiss, letting that ego of his show through, “Sound pretty sure of yourself. How’d ya know I’d want this again?”
You hum in thought, trailing your fingers along his defined shoulders until you meet the hair at the nape of his neck. “By the way you ate me out like your last meal and how your cock is—“ you lean in, making sure to brush your lips against the shell of his ear as you whisper, “—so fucking hard right now, I bet you’d beg for it.”
You swear he whimpers even if he tries to play it off as a broken moan. He doesn’t correct you, but he suddenly changes your position by guiding you backward to lay against the bed in the sea of blankets. Thinking you had him completely wrapped around your finger, you’re proven wrong with how quickly he’s turning the tables.
He stands on his knees and holds your legs open as he starts to set a rhythm of his own. His thrusts are deliberate, yet careful, as if mindful that you're on the brink of soreness. Through your cock-drunk daze, you make sure to study the changing expressions on his face and the movements of his body move with them; paying close attention to the toned muscles of his stomach working as he fucks you.
You feel Craig’s knee dip into the mattress beside you. “Having fun?”
You reach out for him blindly, giving him lazy half-strokes with a weak fist. He’s still just as hard as before, but your divided attention is barely enough to satiate his needs. He takes over with his own hand, but he keeps the head of his cock close to your lips. He tries to push himself past them to glide over your tongue, but you can’t control the string of curses falling from your mouth. He laughs at your current state, impressed that Nick’s capable of doing this to you.
Nick stills long enough inside to let his spit fall from his mouth onto your pussy, and lets go of one of your legs to sweep his thumb across your wet clit. He’s gentle with his touch knowing it’s past the point of over-sensitivity while he angles his cock to hit that perfect spot inside you. “Give us one more,” he huffs between the snaps of his hips.“You feel so fucking good. I’m so close. C’mon, baby. Cum on my cock.”
You’re delirious, trapped in the limbo of euphoria. You’ve already been here twice tonight, and you’re not sure how much more your body can take, but Nick’s determined to get you there, rolling his thumb over that bundle of nerves.
Just when you’re at the cusp, Craig feels across your bouncing tits and plays with your nipple. You crash right into your third and spasm around Nick’s moving cock. He falls forward grunting a curse, letting you lock your legs around his waist as the waves of your climax pull you under.
“Oh shit,” he mutters, ripping open the vice grip of your ankles at the small of his back. He pulls out of you in just enough time to push his cock through his clenched fist before shooting ropes of warm cum across your stomach.
Craig’s not far behind him, because once he sees your body glazed in Nick’s release, he follows within seconds, painting your chest with his own. It’s surreal how you ended up here, but it’s a memory you’ll never forget. You finally open your eyes, but the room spins around you despite the alcohol and a few hits of a joint wearing off long ago. You don’t dare move an inch, listening to the sound of your heartbeat thumping inside your ears.
“Holy. Fucking. Shit.” Nick laughs breathlessly, eventually breaking the minute of silence between the three of you. He straightens, running his fingers through his sweaty hair to push it back from his face.
“First threesome?” Craig’s voice echoes from across the room. You didn’t even realize he had already gotten up from the bed, but the next sound you hear is water running, and you assume it’s from the bathroom sink.
“Yeah,” Nick answers, catching his breath while he pulls his boxers up his legs.
Craig returns with a warm washcloth and sits beside you on the bed. While you embrace the post-sex endorphins, he tenderly wipes the mess from your naked body, allowing you to fully enjoy the come down without having to worry. “Maybe you can exchange numbers and you can help Nick check off one with another girl from his bucket list.”
You catch how Nick’s eyes widen and bark a raspy laugh, your voice raw from overuse. “Mind if I get a shower first?”
Craig places a chaste kiss on your lips before standing to his feet again. “You two go ahead. I need to make some food. I’m fucking starving.”
“You’re gonna eat?”
“Gotta refuel for round two, darling,” he jokes, watching the stunned look play on your face. “Tell me, did I meet your expectations?”
@josiee-gvf @nolanpattycakess @sacredthefran @thatchickwiththecamera @baddestomens @broken0mens @anameunmusical @to-be-written @slutfornoahsebastian @sammyjoeee @throughwoodsanddirt @romanreigns-supreme @v-a-l-o @foliosgirl
I tried to go through and add everyone that asked. I’m so sorry if I accidentally missed you for this taglist, I will do my best to get something for official going for this blog for the future.
122 notes · View notes
semisgroupie · 5 months
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toxic ex!semi eita x fem. reader
wc: 4.7 (I don’t know what got into me)
warnings: yandere, stalking, VERY toxic behavior, unprotected sex, creampie, dubcon, manipulation, biting, noncon recording, noncon filming, possessiveness, multiple orgasms (f!receiving), drugging, aphrodisiac use, fingering (f!receiving), semi is very delusional (but so hot), snowballing, cum eating
synopsis: you just need to get it through your head, you’ll never get rid of him
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Dating Semi might have been the biggest mistake of your life. You can only say that now because when you first got together, everything seemed perfect.
It really was the perfect relationship by your definition. He paid attention to every single thing you liked, remembered important dates that you told him, showered you with more than enough love and affection. Maybe all of that was what made you blind to what his true nature was. Maybe you were mystified by the idea of dating a famous rock star. He took you to his private studio sessions and let you in on the secret process of making his music. Even dedicated and wrote a few lines in a song that were for you. That was what really reeled you in.
But like a fish caught on a hook, you were roughly yanked to the surface. Forced to face the reality of the situation you were in.
After six months of dating it was like a flip was switched. The sweet and kind man you knew was no longer there. Everything felt cold whenever he was around, like he was a walking snowstorm blowing in your direction. Whenever you planned out dates with him, he somehow always ‘forgot’ or something always came up last minute that pulled him away. His kisses weren’t a frequent occurrence and the pet names he gave you were never used. Whenever you spoke about your day or just wanted to make small conversation, he just brushed it off and seemed completely uninterested in whatever you wanted to talk about. It hurt you but somehow you found the strength to continue to push through it.
You finally reached your last straw on your one year anniversary. You had called the restaurant two months in advance to make a reservation and Semi was aware of your plan. He even gave you the name of the restaurant and was even in the same room as you when you made the call. When the night finally came, you waited in the restaurant alone for an hour and a half. Every call you made to him went straight to voicemail, every text was left unread and you were frustrated and completely embarrassed. After a few more minutes passed, you went back to the apartment you shared with him, then about thirty minutes later, he came home and reeked of alcohol. Seeing him in that state made you extremely furious.
“Baby,” he slurred as he wobbled towards you, “what’s the matter? Why do you look so upset?” He opened his arms to pull you in and you pushed him away, the anger and frustration from everything that has happened in the last few months boiled to the surface. “What do you think? I bet you don’t even know what day it is.” You were met with a confused look on his face. “It’s our fucking anniversary. I was at the restaurant alone for almost two hours, do you know how humiliating that was? And now you’re here, completely drunk. I’m done, I’m done with this, I’m done with the coldness from you, if I’m going to be alone in this relationship then I might as well be single. It’s over.”
Your words quickly sobered him up and as you moved away from him he reached over to grab your wrist. “You can’t leave, I love you, we love each other. Just give me another chance and I’ll make it up to you.” You pulled your hand from his grip and shook your head, “I gave you chance after chance and all you did was fuck up again and again. I can’t keep doing this. I’m going to pack a bag and then later on in the week I’ll pick up the rest of my things. Maybe you can be useful for once and move whatever I leave behind in some bags or boxes.”
He followed you to your shared bedroom and watched you pack your things in shock. He definitely wouldn’t win the award for boyfriend of the year but he didn’t treat you that badly, or so he thought. He tried to convince you to not leave, making more empty promises to try to make you stay but you didn’t bother to listen to any of it. As you shoved whatever else could fit in the duffel bag, he made his way over to you and placed his hand over one of yours. “You’ll change your mind about this. You’ll realize that no one could treat you and love you the way I do. You’ll see it for yourself soon enough.” You looked into his eyes as he spoke and you saw something dark swirling in them. You pulled your hand away from him and adjusted the bag over your shoulder. “Have a good life, Eita.”
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It had been three months since you ended things with Semi. The first month was difficult to get through but after a lot of tears and snacks, you were able to push through everything. You blocked his number and blocked him on all social media you had him on and he became a thought of the past. There were still moments where you thought about him and the good moments but you didn’t dwell on those thoughts for too long. It would just sink you back into the abyss you worked so hard to climb out of.
Other things in your life got better. You got a promotion and a raise at work, it gave you more responsibilities but you were thankful that it was able to keep your mind busy. You were able to go out and have some more girls nights with your friends. But most importantly, you started to gain more confidence in yourself and after a lot of convincing from your closest friend, you started to put yourself out there. You recently made a dating profile and spent the first night scrolling through and swiping through the profiles.
You got a lot of creeps and weirdos but then you met someone interesting. After a few days of talking to him, you decided to set up a date for some drinks and dinner. You were looking forward to it but you were also extremely nervous. It was the first date you’ve been on since ending things with Semi.
Only if you knew that he’d make a surprise appearance.
You planned to meet at a local restaurant and you slipped on a dress that hugged your curves and put on some heels. You walked through the front door and made your way over to the hostess. “Hello, I have a reservation for two under the name ‘Tobio Kageyama’.” She looked through the names and nodded, “I’ll lead you to your table now, I have to say, he is very handsome.” You smoothed out your dress and followed behind her, looking around as your heels clicked and clacked along the floor. Your nerves started shooting through the roof as you got closer to the table and saw a mess of ashy blonde hair.
From all the pictures you saw, Tobio had jet black hair. But as you got closer you recognized who it was. You approached the table and the mystery man stood, “you look absolutely beautiful, come sit.” You were in complete shock to see Semi there in Tobio’s place. How the hell could he have known that you were going to be here with another man? He placed a gentle hand on your wrist and helped move you along to the empty seat and helped you sit down. Your mind was racing as he sat back down and the hostess left. “I already ordered some drinks, I got your favorite.”
You grabbed the glass of water that was already placed there and downed its contents. You couldn’t believe he was here. You didn’t even tell any of your friends about this date, it was just between you and Tobio. “You look nervous, my love. What’s wrong? Aren’t you surprised to see me? I would’ve expected at least a smile or something different than just a look of fear.” You shook your head and set the glass down, “how did you find out about my date tonight, Eita? What happened to Tobio?”
Your questions just received laughter in response. You started to grow more irritated by the second. “Eita. Answer my questions.” He combed his fingers through his hair and leaned back against his chair. “I’ve been keeping an eye on you since you walked out on me, my love. I just had to take some extra measures to make sure you’d be safe and I mean come on, who else would do something like this for you? Do you know how much money I had to pay someone to give me access to your phone and all your social media profiles? And do you know how nervous I was when I saw you made a dating profile? You can’t just go out and meet strangers you’ve spoken to online, what if you met some creep?”
You were taken aback by his words and scoffed, “the only creep I’ve seen lately is you. I didn’t walk out on you, I broke up with you. You’re insane.” You put your hands on the table to stand and he quickly moved one hand over the table to grip one of your wrists, you looked at him and saw the darkness swirling in his eyes. “What you’re going to do is sit back down and listen to what I have to say. We don’t want to make a scene in this quiet little restaurant now, right?” You chewed on your bottom lip and sat back down, pulling your wrist from his grip once you were seated. “Then speak.”
He chuckled at your harsh tone and looked over as the waiter brought over your drinks then waved them off. “What’s with the harsh tone? I would understand if I cheated on you, all I did was miss one little anniversary dinner and you want to throw everything away.” He spoke so lightly as if you were the one that was overreacting. You took a sip of your drink and narrowed your eyes at him. “It was more than just the anniversary. We didn’t go on any dates anymore, we didn’t spend time with each other, I couldn’t even talk to you about my day.” He sighed and shook his head, “enough of living in the past. Those were all mistakes I made, what do you want? Want me to get on my knees and beg for forgiveness? I can do that if you’d like.”
You scoffed and shook your head, you couldn’t believe him. How could he become so inconsiderate of your feelings? You stood up again and moved your hand away when he tried to reach for it, “I’m going to the restroom, maybe that’ll give you some time to become less of an ass.” He leaned back against his seat and watched as you turned the corner to where the restrooms were located. He didn’t expect you to be like that, he genuinely thought you would be happy or at least show a different emotion on your face. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a little baggy, inside were two small pills and he reached in to take one of them out. “I hate that I have to do this to you but at desperate times.” He mumbled to himself and dropped the pill in your drink, he watched it fizz for a few seconds before it settled. Thankfully for him, it settled just in time because you were walking back.
Once you sat down he combed his fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry, we got off on the wrong foot,” your expression told him all he needed to know and he continued, “I’m really sorry for how I treated you when we were together. You were the best thing that I had and I fucked it up. I tried to reach out to you for a second chance but you blocked me and that messed with my head. I just want to take this time to try to repair things, what do you say?” He looked into your eyes as you grabbed your drink and brought it to your lips to take a few sips. You set the glass down and shrugged, “fine. I don’t even know why I’m agreeing to this but I’ll give you this one chance. But get this through your head now, this isn’t a date and this doesn’t make me forget about what you put me through. Got it?” He smiled and took a sip of his drink, “yes ma’am.”
Everything was going according to his plan.
As time passed you continued to sip at your drink but the more alcohol that filled your system, the weirder you felt. You couldn’t put your finger on it but it felt like you were put in a heater. But you continued to try to push past it, trying to ignore it as you and Semi spoke. As time passed, the feeling in your body continued to intensify, it came to the point that you could no longer ignore it. To add onto the burning there was also an ache between your thighs that was screaming to be relieved. You shifted in your seat uncomfortably and Semi raised an eyebrow, “is everything okay? You don’t look so well.”
You shook your head and took a big gulp of your water in hopes it’ll cool you off but it didn’t help. He got up and pressed his hand against your shoulder, leaning in by your ear. “Are you okay? I think we should leave.” His breath by your ear made you feel even hotter and you nodded. “Let’s go.” He helped you up and held you close to him as he laid some cash on the table then started to lead you out. “You’re in no shape to drive, I’ll drive you back.” You just nodded along as he walked, your mind could only focus on one thing and that was how good his body felt against yours.
He led you to his car and helped you into the passenger's seat and then got in the driver's seat before he started the car and started driving. You rested against the seat and couldn’t help but start to press your thighs together to try to relieve the ache that was building by the second. You were more focused on the pain that was starting to develop and you didn’t realize that he was watching you. Watching how you writhed and whimpered as you pathetically tried to relieve yourself. At the red light he turned his full attention to you and placed a hand on your knee. “You know, I can help you if you’d like. You look like you’re in so much pain, I just want to help.”
Every nerve in your body tried to scream at you, tried to get you to realize that he was the one to put you in your current predicament but lust clouded everything. You spread your legs and looked at him with such a pitiful look, “please Eita. It hurts so much.” He moved his hand up your thigh and pressed two fingers against your panty-clad pussy. You arched your back and started to grind against his fingers, it felt good but it wasn’t enough, you needed more. “Needy girl, let me move your panties to the side at least.” He laughed and hooked a finger under the soaked fabric before moving it to the side. You whined as the cold air hit your wet folds and you opened your mouth to complain about his slow movements but the complaints died in your throat as he pushed two slender fingers inside of you. The pads of his fingers were slightly calloused from his years of playing the guitar but they felt perfect against your sensitive bits. He pumped them with ease and the slick sounds of your pussy filled the car, your chest rose and fell with each heavy breath and a light sheen of sweat coated your forehead. He scissored his fingers and curled them up slightly to press against your g spot, the motion alone made your toes curl in your shoes and a sultry moan of his name left your lips. You felt wrapped in the warm embrace of bliss and you were completely caught up in it, you didn’t even realize the car had stopped until he pulled his fingers out of you.
“W-Why did you stop?” A pout was on your face and it looked like you were on the verge of tears as you turned to face him. You watched as he brought his fingers to his mouth to clean them off, watching how he moved his tongue along his slick digits before wrapping his lips around them. Watching how he groaned as your juices fell along his taste buds like the sweetest ambrosia before he pulled his fingers out of his mouth. “We’re here. You don’t expect me to fuck you in the car right? Your a classy woman and classy women don’t get fucked in the backseat like cheap whores. Now, let's go.” His tone was light but his words hit like daggers into your stomach, at this point you would’ve let him fuck you right on the filthy sidewalk if he wanted to. He got out of the car and you fixed yourself as best as you could before he opened the door and helped you out. Your legs trembled slightly as you walked through the lobby of your building to the elevator. You were practically shaking with need and he didn’t even mention a word to you. He pulled you into the elevator once the doors opened and pinned you against the wall before pressing the button to your floor.
Your mind was so clouded with lust, you didn’t even pay mind to how he knew what floor you lived on.
As the doors shut he leaned in close and kissed you roughly, his teeth and tongue mangled and fought with yours and his hands groped your body bruisingly. You moaned wantonly against his lips and moved your hands up to lightly tug on his hair. You wanted more, you needed more from him. But the elevator doors opened. He pulled away from you with an agitated huff and gripped your hand to pull you along with him. The throbbing between your legs was unbearable at this point. You felt your juices run down your thighs and you tried your best not to whine or whimper as he led you to your door. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the key and quickly unlocked the door.
If you were in the right state of mind then you would’ve asked how he got a spare key to your apartment. Then he would’ve had to come up with a lie and try not to tell you that he had been keeping an eye on you since the breakup and was able to bribe your landlord into giving him an extra set of keys to your apartment. And he would have to conceal the details of the amount of times he entered your apartment while you were asleep or while you were at work. He would also have to hide the lie of how he was able to sneak in some cameras into places you never checked and how he watched you while you thought you were alone. Oftentimes with his hand wrapped around his cock and a pair of your panties pressed to his nose. But the aphrodisiac was working perfectly, if he had known it was that strong then he would’ve only slipped half into your drink (at least that would be the lie he’d tell himself to make himself feel better).
He pulled you inside with him and kicked the door shut before pinning you against it to go back to ravaging you. He bit and sucked along your lips and then moved down to your jaw and neck, nipping and sucking at the skin while you moaned and whined. His hands moved along your body, gripping whatever he could latch onto before he pulled away. “Fuck, look at you. Did you plan on doing this with Tobio? Hm? Is that why you wore such a slutty dress? Look at those fucking nipples, you didn’t even wear a bra and those soaked panties are so skimpy. I bet you wanted to get fucked by him tonight, but that’s too fucking bad, there’s only one person that gets to fuck you and that person, is me. No one gets to see you, let alone touch you like this, got it? You’re mine and mine alone. I’ll fucking kill anyone that tries to get in our way.” He spoke purely out of possessiveness and jealousy, to think that you got all dressed up for a man that wasn’t him made his blood boil. How dare you think that you could go out and date another man?
He bent down slightly and hooked his hands behind your knees before lifting you up, his cock was throbbing in his pants and he could feel the heat from your pussy pressed up against him. He walked to your bedroom in quick strides and dropped you onto your bed. He spread your legs and ripped your panties off of you and practically ripped your dress off in a hurried rush. He quickly shed his clothes and pressed his cock against your soaked pussy. “I should just deny you the pleasure from my cock. Since you think you could get fucked as good by anyone else, you don’t deserve it. But since I can see where you were so misguided, I’ll give it to you. Maybe once and for all, I’ll put it in your head that no one could make you feel like I do, no one could fuck you like I can, and most importantly, no one could love you like I do.”
He placed his hands on your inner thighs to keep your legs spread and shoved his cock into you in one fluid motion. A loud cry of his name left your lips as you trembled underneath him, your first orgasm ripping through your body as he started thrusting. But not even an orgasm could lessen the effects of the aphrodisiac, it just intensified every feeling. Your back arched off the bed as he jackhammered into you, his heavy balls slapped against the curve of your ass and the tip of his cock hit your g spot perfectly each time he bottomed out. Strands of ash blonde hair stuck to his sweaty forehead and he took his kiss swollen bottom lip between his teeth as his eyes moved along your body, capturing how your tits bounced with each movement and how your eyes grew emptier by the second. And wait, was that drool spilling from the corner of your mouth? Fuck, you were really fucked out for him.
Then the next idea struck him.
He looked over and grabbed your phone that fell on the bed with one hand and opened the camera. He pressed the record button for the video and brought the phone close to your face. “Okay my love, why don’t you do something for me? Go on and say, ‘hi Tobio’ for me.” You blinked dumbly at his command but followed, “hi Tobio.” Your words were slurred as you spoke and your empty eyes met Semi’s for the next command. “Now go on and tell Tobio what’s happening to you.” He moved the camera even closer to your face as you started to speak, “‘m getting fucked and it feels so good. Never felt this good before, I don’t want it to stop.” Your words almost made Semi cum right then and there, you sounded so sweet and so fucked out. He couldn’t wait to send the video to that idiot. “Good girl, such a good girl for me. Now, one more thing, tell him who’s fucking you this good and tell him who’s gonna fill this needy little cunt.”
His thrusts picked up in pace and you were on the verge of a second orgasm. “Eita! Eita is fucking me this good! A-and Eita is going to fill my pussy with hot, sticky cum over and over again! Only Eita!” Your words blinded him and he slammed his hips into yours as he reached his orgasm, as the thick white ropes started to fill you, your second orgasm was triggered. This time it was more intense, tears spilled from the corner of your eyes and your juices gushed out of you, coating Semi’s abs in your essence. He groaned as he continued to fill you then started to move the camera down your sweat covered body until he reached your pussy. He used his other hand to spread your pussy as he pulled out then moved the camera closer to your leaking hole, getting the perfect money shot of his cum leaking out of your spent hole. “And that is something you’ll never get to experience for yourself, consider yourself lucky and if you ever contact my girl again, I’ll rip your eyes out of your fucking skull. Now say bye bye to Tobio, my love.” He brought the camera back up to your face and you brought a hand up to wave, “bye bye Tobio.” Your voice was weak as was the rest of your body and Semi stopped the video, then unlocked your phone and sent it to the man you were supposed to be with tonight. Once it went through he deleted all the messages, blocked the contact and deleted the video. It's not like he needed to send it to himself, the camera that was on your nightstand had caught everything and it would be saved into a private folder on his laptop. Plus you really needed to change the passcode to your phone, if it had gotten into the wrong hands then they would have access to all your personal details.
He set your phone down and leaned down to kiss down your body, kissing in between your breasts and continued to move south until he was at your pussy. “Oh poor baby, this little pussy is swollen, was I too rough? Want me to kiss it better?” He cooed at you and you just nodded along, letting out a meek “mhm” before he pressed open mouth kisses to your cunt. “I’m so sorry, I won’t be so rough on her ever again, I promise.” He continued to kiss along your cunt before he stuck his tongue out and started to lick at your entrance, collecting his cum that had been leaking out. He licked and sucked for a few moments before moving back up your body. He gripped your face and pressed his thumb and fingers against your cheeks to open your mouth then he spit his cum inside. “Swallow for me, since you can’t keep it inside your pussy, I might as well give you some to eat.” You swallowed then opened your mouth for him to show that you had swallowed it, he smiled and kissed you, softer this time than before then laid down beside you.
“My sweet girl. I love you so much, you could never understand.” He pulled you close and you rested your head on his chest, the exhaustion of everything finally wearing on your body. Your eyes were heavy and half lidded. You just wanted to sleep. “You love me too, right? Say it, I want you to say that you love me.” At this point, you were so tired, you could agree to anything. “I love you Eita. I love you.” You mumbled your words before you closed your eyes completely but that was enough to fuel his delusions further. “I know you do, you were just misguided. But don’t worry, I won’t let you slip from my fingers ever again. And if you manage to do so, I’ll just reappear from the shadows, maybe I’ll slip a second aphrodisiac into your drink. That would be fun.”
You would have to face the consequences of your decisions in the morning but maybe Semi was right, maybe it was true. Maybe no one could love you as much as he did. Or maybe there was someone out there that could, you wouldn’t get to experience it. He had an invisible chain tethered to your ankle and you were stuck with him for the rest of your life.
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taglist: @punkgibsons @suyacho @tojjist @hitobaby @satmitsuplanet @litepowee @enchantedforest-network
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Prompt 79
Jaskier and Geralt have confessed and gotten together, and Jaskier couldn't be happier. It's like a dream come true, being able to kiss Geralt. Jaskier learns that Geralt isn't a big fan of PDA, a tad troublesome for him, but he'll learn and grow to be a better lover for his witcher! He just might forget and try to kiss him a few times before it actually stays in his noggin! However he also learned that Geralt.. Doesn't like talking about them in public. Or insinuating them in public. Jaskier can't even make dirty jokes or ask Geralt where they should go out on dates. Geralt hisses for him to stop talking about it and glances around. Jaskier has been longing to eat at this one fine restaurant in a crowded town for months, and they have a chance to! There's a table still open! With a vase of flowers, and candles, and a dark red tablecloth, and they're sat right next to a small stage where the performers play! Jaskier goes to sit down, only for Geralt to drag him out by the arm, saying that they can't eat there. Jaskier is of course asks if there's poison in the food, or a monster infesting the eatery, only to get a grunt. "Really, Geralt, why can't we eat there?" "We just... Can't." Jaskier just assumes the owners must be some sort of witcher-hating pricks who tried to... To sell Geralt their daughter in exchange for wanting him to kill something that doesn't need to be killed or... Or some other really hateable things. A pity, he's heard amazing things about that place.. But all is well! Soon enough, they head to an inn, and get settled in a room. Jaskier tries his best to seduce his boyfriend, but Geralt just glances around their room and shakes his head. "Not now." Jaskier shrugs, and heads down to play for some coin, and perhaps get a bit tipsy for the fun of it all. He wakes up the next morning with quite an awful headache, and a very annoyed-looking Geralt. Jaskier apologizes for going overboard with the drinks, but Geralt huffs and says that isn't what's upsetting him. What upset him is Drunk Jaskier telling people that he and Geralt are together. But come onnn! Everyone's been saying "The bard is fucking the butcher" for over a decade! Surely some villager's account of a drunk bard saying the same isn't worth all the fuss Geralt is making over it. Another night, Jaskier is sat by the campfire, idly strumming his lute. "Annnd even though today I had to hide in a tree~ I love my witcher, and my witcher loves me~" Geralt suddenly loses his focus and turns sharply to Jaskier. "That's a new song." "It's not a song, I'm just making things up for fun." "So it's not in your song journal?" "...No?" "Good." 'Good'? Jaskier could just play it off as another one of Geralt's teases about disliking his music, but something about this in particular made Jaskier feel nauseous. A week or so after that, Jaskier has finished his set and is excitedly skipping off to meet back up with Geralt when he overhears some conversation from where Geralt is sat. "Your bard sings well!" "He's not my bard." "No? I thought I heard you two were together." "No. Acquaintances at best. Hardly know him." Acquaintances at best? Acquaintances? Jaskier knows Geralt has been offput by the idea of telling people they are romantically involved, but he couldn't even muster up a 'No, we're just friends.' He's STILL not a 'friend'? That's when it clicks for Jaskier. Oh. Geralt's ashamed of him.
Is it because he's a man? Would Geralt be proud to show off his lover if his lover were female? Is it because of Jaskier's looks? He's been told he's rather attractive, but perhaps he looks quite small and delicate beside a witcher. He didn't think Geralt would care for such things, though. Perhaps it's his personality. Maybe the lighthearted remarks between the two of them were more barbed on Geralt's side than Jaskier at first thought. Maybe Geralt really hates his singing, or how much he talks, or how often he turns things into an innuendo. Is he just some quick fuck in the woods? The second they hit civilization he's not even a friend? Jaskier slips back up to their room, completely forgetting to let Geralt know where he is. Oh well. If Geralt gives a shit he can sniff out Jaskier's perfume. For now, Jaskier is going to curl up in their bed and try not to cry. Jaskier and Geralt have confessed and gotten together, and Geralt couldn't be happier. It's like a dream come true, being able to kiss Jaskier. But Geralt has to keep in mind how many enemies he has out there. Personal, blind hatred based on his reputation, blind hatred based on him being a witcher, the list goes on. Geralt worried for Jaskier enough as it is when they were best friends. Geralt would be powerless and completely devastated if anyone were to take Jaskier. Geralt would be putty in their hands if they so much as threatened the bard's life. Now that they're lovers? Geralt cringes to think at how many people would be chomping at the bit for an opportunity to kill the Butcher's one true love. To use him as a hostage for Geralt to do their bidding. For them to torture Jaskier in the hopes of learning things about Geralt. So Geralt makes a plan. He'll keep Jaskier at an arm's length whenever he thinks anyone could see or hear them. It's exceptionally hard not kissing the hell out of his bard whenever he feels like it, but he must practice restraint in order to keep him safe. Jaskier keeps making it harder on him, though. Kissing him, wanting to go eat at some romantic place, telling every soul he can how much he and Geralt are inseparable soulmates who can't live without one another, all in front of so many people. Any one of which could be just too loose-lipped. Any one of which could lead to a snowballing effect that ends in his beloved Jaskier's harm or death. Geralt just can't wait until Winter comes. He plans on bringing Jaskier with him, and they'll be able to do whatever they want the entire winter, with no fear.
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sleepysnk · 1 year
a/n: thank you @kxmisato for convincing me to make a pt. 2 of dirty secrets. i’m genuinely loving this, so it might be a mini series. who knows! but i hope you guys enjoy, tehe 😁🤍
pairings: hanma shuji x fem!reader
warnings: modern au, college au, nsfw, smut, hanma is reader’s older brothers best friend, mentions of alcohol, some possessiveness if you squint, dirty talk, praising, use of pet names (babydoll, doll, princess, good girl), kinda public sex, rough sex (?).
taste ft. hanma shuji
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Your dirty secret.
Unlike some people, your dirty secret wasn’t something embarrassing. Everyone had at least one in their life, but it was the total opposite for you. Your dirty secret was that you were fucking your older brother’s best friend, Hanma.
For the past two months, the two of you had been seeing one another.
Hanma had kept up with you since the night you both hooked up at that frat party. He made sure to keep your agreement under wraps because of your brother. He wouldn’t exactly be thrilled with the fact that his younger sister was having sex with his own best friend. You two maintained secrecy for a while. Sometimes, you’d see Hanma at parties and give him that “look” to hint that you wanted him. He knew very well what that meant, and he’d make sure to fulfill any desire you had. Other times, he’d link up with you in the middle of the night and fuck your brains out in his car. It was a recurring pattern, but neither of you gave much care.
Despite your “thing” being strictly sexual, Hanma often took you out. He would take you to some pretty nice restaurants or pick you up to watch a movie at his place. He told you that as much as he was attracted to you physically, he adored your personality.
You and Hanma weren’t exactly aware of this, but some people had figured out the two of you were a thing.
Some of his very own friends had seen the two of you walking around town together. They were friends with your brother, but none of them had the balls to actually go and snitch. Hanma could be kind of intimidating and he’s even gotten into some fights where the guys were left stunned by the damage he’d leave behind. They didn’t want to meet the same fate, so they kept their mouths shut about it. However, it could be comical at times to see the lengths you’d both go to keep it private.
It was a surprise that your brother hadn’t figured it out.
Speaking of your brother, he was hosting his annual birthday party that day.
It was his twenty-first birthday, to be exact. He had been hyping up the party for the last few months, and, of course, he allowed you to come because you were his sister. He also wouldn’t hear the end of it if your parents found out, so he decided to save himself a few arguments.
All of his friends would be there, including Hanma. It was also going to be a pool party since his birthday was in the summertime. He was beyond excited to have everyone come over. You were happy to celebrate, but you were also excited to see Hanma. He had been non-stop messaging you about how he couldn’t wait to see you and how badly he missed your presence beside him in bed. The idea of seeing him shirtless in the pool made butterflies swarming inside your stomach. You saw him naked enough, but it never got old for you.
You didn't think the circumstances would lead to what happened the day of his birthday party, but it aligned perfectly.
A little while into the party, your brother began to complain that the alcohol had been running low. His main goal that night was to get blackout drunk to the point where he couldn’t stand, but he couldn’t do that if he didn’t have enough alcohol. His friends were also there too. They wanted to drink with him, so the only choice they had was to go out and grab more.
Your brother had announced to you that he was going to go out with his friends to get more drinks. You figured as much, so it wasn’t really that shocking.
However, what was most surprising was that Hanma had offered to stay behind.
He had explained to your brother that he’d stay back because he didn’t want to tag along. He claimed that he’d rather wait and it wasn’t a very far drive anyway. Your brother, of course, believed Hanma because this wasn’t the first time this had happened. They were also best friends, why would he not believe a word that came from his mouth?
Well, truth be told, Hanma wanted to stay behind for a different reason.
You didn’t think things would unfold so fast. As soon as your brother departed with his friends, Hanma dragged you up the stairs to your bedroom. You wanted to resist him so badly. You knew your brother was bound to come back with the hour, but Hanma kept kissing you and touching you in places that made you melt. Your body completely betrayed you and gave into his touches.
Soon enough, you were lying against your mattress with Hanma’s cock bullying your walls.
It didn’t help that you looked so fucking sexy in your bikini. The black lace hugged your body nicely and showed off everything he wanted to see. He got so fucking pissed when he caught one of his friends staring at your ass as you walked by. He may have not known it, but you were Hanma’s. It took everything inside him to not sock his friend in the jaw. You drove him crazy.
He hovered over your body, tracing your waist and your hips with his fingertips. God, you were a fucking angel to him. He couldn’t have found a more perfect woman than you. “Fuck.. baby, you’re so fucking beautiful..” he groaned, squeezing your thighs with his hand. “Could fuck you like this for days and I’d never get tired..”
Your hands went into his hair, tugging at the curls on his head. Nobody else could fuck you like he did. He did everything perfectly when it came to you, and you couldn’t get enough of him. “H-Hanma! More.. please!” you begged, looking up at him with desperation swirling in your pretty eyes.
Hearing your voice made him smirk. He felt your pussy squeezing his cock. He fucking loved when you hugged him like that. “Yeah?” he asked. “Don’t worry, princess, I’ll make you feel really good..”
Hanma then used the hand with ‘Sin’ tattooed on the back to toy with your clit. His ego was stroked immediately when he saw you jolt instantly from the added pleasure. One perk of fucking you all of the time meant he learned what made your body go nuts. He picked up on everything faster than any subject he took in school. He took care of you so well.
You were his best friend’s little sister. You deserved all the princess treatment.
A sharp gasp pooled from your mouth at the double pleasure. His pace was absolutely relentless. You had already felt that coil in your belly appearing, and your vision turned slightly blurry every time his cock brushed against your g-spot.
He was about to keep up with his pace, but suddenly slowed down when you both heard the front door open downstairs. Panic began to flood through your body at the realization that your brother was now home with his friends. Neither of you were close to finishing, but you didn’t want your brother to catch you with Hanma. There’d be no proper way to explain this, and it’s not like he’d actually believe something wasn’t going on. Your brother wasn’t stupid.
Hanma felt somewhat nervous, but the idea of fucking you upstairs again only made him want to continue. The thrill of possibly being caught and having to shut you up drove him up the wall. Fuck, he wasn’t gonna get blue balls because of your brother. There was no way he’d let that happen.
Hanma’s hand went over your mouth as he slowly pumped himself into you. He could feel how shaky your breaths were from how he fucked you. “Shh.. keep quiet.. we don’t want your brother to hear us, right, doll? Don’t make a peep.. or I’ll stop right now.” he spoke into your ear. “Understand?”
You tugged at his wrist, signaling for him to remove his hand so you could speak. “Hanma.. you know I can’t keep quiet..” you whispered, intertwining his fingers with yours.
He knew it was difficult to maintain silence in that kind of moment. You were also really close to your orgasm, and who was he to shut you up? He couldn’t do that to you, no. He was going to make sure he heard your voice when you came on his cock. He knew it was risky, but he had a plan in mind that might get that risk out of the way. It’s not like your brother would come up anytime soon. He just had to finish you off, and that’d be it.
Hanma reached over to his cell phone which was beside your bed on the table. He quickly pressed on Spotify and played one of the many songs he used to play in his car while he fucked you. He turned up the volume nice and loud so it could prevent anyone from possibly hearing you.
He started to pick up his pace now that the music was playing. “How about now..?” he inquired. “You know how much I love hearing your pretty voice when you cum..”
Whimpers and whines began to fall from your lips from his thrusts. The familiar feeling of his cock reaching that delicious spot inside of you soon returned, making you feel such great ecstasy. You couldn’t hold in your moans anymore. It was too much for you to handle.
“Hanma! Oh, god, Hanma! Right there!” you cried, placing your arms around his neck.
Hanma placed your thighs around his waist, gaining a greater access to your cunt. He took the open opportunity to give you a deep kiss. His tongue darted inside of your mouth instantly, swallowing any moans that escaped your throat. You, on the other hand, struggled to kiss him back from how great the pleasure was. Your bottom lip trembled and paused at every move of his hips. Fuck, you were losing your damn mind and right now.
He then pulled away from your lips. He stared at you with lust-filled eyes. “Tell me you’re mine..” he grunted. “Fuck, say it.. now..”
Your mouth fell ajar from his request, but nonetheless, you wanted to fulfill it. “I-I’m yours, Hanma!” you moaned.
“That’s right.. fuck! You’re my good girl, (Y/N).” his pace then quickened, allowing his balls to slap against your sensitive clit. “All mine..”
The knot in your stomach threatened to snap at any second. There was so much going on around you it became almost overwhelming. Your brain had become foggy, your eyes saw white stars, and your body was shining with sweat. It was coming, and it was going to come hard. His dirty talk was only winding you up more. Hanma Shuji was fucking perfect, and you were perfect for him.
Hanma felt your walls slowly closing in around him. He knew your orgasm was close. He was going to give you the best one ever. You were his pretty princess. He wasn’t going to deny you a single damn thing.
“Come on, babydoll, cum around my fucking dick..” he cooed. “Don’t disappoint me, princess..”
Suddenly, your orgasm washed over you. “Hanma!” you screamed, your body trembling from how hard it hit you.
Hanma grinned so hard when he heard his name fall from your lips. Your gorgeous face looked amazing while you came. Your lips were glossy and so fucking pretty. He could kiss them for hours if he really wanted to. “Yeah.. that’s my girl..” he said, trailing his hands down your body.
“What the fuck?”
A familiar voice rang inside your ears. Hanma turned his head to meet your older brother standing right in the doorway of your bedroom. He quickly went to cover you, making sure that he didn’t possibly see you naked. He could see the embarrassment cover your features the second you realized he was standing there, watching as Hanma shielded your body with his own.
“Seems like the secret is out now, huh, doll?”
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judysxnd · 5 months
I have an idea for pedro and reader I just saw TSITP.
they are fighting and mad at each other she gets drunk and go to the beach. Pedro comes and drags her in the house taking by his hand
I haven't seen the show so I hope it's approximately what you expected!
You were sitting on the table, waiting for Pedro to come home. You've been waiting for him for a couple of hours now. The night had settled, and you were supposed to be walking down the street to a restaurant for your date night. But someone forgot about you, again. You were all dressed up, swinging your legs, your arms crossed. You sitting in the dark, as the full moon was the only thing lighting the room.
It was past 9pm, and no one was home yet. You sent at least a hundred of texts, tried to call him, but nothing. If he was still working on set you knew it would be pretty useless to try and reach him because his phone was either on silent, airplane mode or turned off. It always pissed you off. What if something happened to you? No one could reach him. As each minute passed by you were getting angrier and angrier and the bottle of wine was getting emptier and emptier. You were feeling so hot and a bit dizzy. But he finally came back. At almost 10pm. He came back.
"Oh there you are" you sarcastically said as he turned the light on, turning his head towards you
"Baby I'm sorry"
"Nope I don't want to hear about it" You got up from the table, standing still for a minute as the alcohol made you woozy for a sec. "I've been waiting for you for hours!" you almost yelled
"Sorry I was working" he said taking his coat off
"Did you even remember that we were supposed to go out tonight?" His eyes widened "I swear to god" you said walking to your bedroom.
"I didn't do it on purpose cariño!"
"Of course you didn't, you never do anything on purpose!" you yelled, grabbing some clothes more comfortable to change into
"What is that supposed to mean?" he asked, leaning against the door behind you “are you drunk?”
"You always forget about me, you spend your time working" you stopped “and I just drank the bottle of wine, you know.. the one we were supposed to drink together after our date!” You stared at him
"Well I'm sorry I have a job that requires working a lot" you fully turned around, facing him, shocked by what he just said
"Because I don't? Because spending hours, entire nights writing, editing, filming, this is not enough for you?" you said as you walked closer to him “this is not enough for mister Peedroo?” You added, your drunken mind starting to make you even more mad
"You know this is not what I meant"
"I don't care Pedro. You could at least text me or call me, which is what I've been trying to do all night, but I bet your phone was off?"
"Yeah I'm sorry, it was on silent"
"Yeah as usual!" you said, changing in front of him
"What are you doing?" He asked, looking at you moving quickly to get changed
"Well I'm changing into something more comfortable since we won't go out tonight"
"We can still go out"
"At 10pm? I'm freaking hungry. I’m drunk as hell because I haven’t eaten a thing, I don't want to wait another hour for my food! Oh my god you're impossible!" You said going back to the living room, Pedro close behind you
"It's better than nothing!" You gasped, looking at him
"I can't do this" you said, grabbing your jacket and leaving your shared apartment. You didn't leave time for Pedro to say something. You need to get out of here, you were too upset (and definitely too drunk) to have a rational conversation with him. Things were already getting bad, you were already starting to say things that shouldn't be said, so it was better to leave in order to calm down.
But as you left, you were still extremely hungry. Pedro probably ate something on set, but you didn't. Time passed and you didn't move, hoping he would come home and you could eat together. So now you were thinking what to eat. You needed something fast, so you walked to the nearest McDonalds, ordered your food, and walked to the only place where you knew you would calm down, the beach.
Living in L.A. had some good sides, meaning the beach wasn't far from your apartment. In ten minutes you were there. You always loved the beach, it was one of the reason you stayed here rather than somewhere else. It always calmed you down, the sound of the waves, the feeling of the sand under your feet, the smell, everything was different and so calm, the opposite of the city you were living in.
You took your jacket and put it on the sand, not far from the water, and sat on it. You took the smell in, setting the blanket on the sand, sitting next to your food. You didn't even realise when you calmed down, but the soothing sound of the waves and finally eating made everything better.
Now that your stomach was full, you could finally think normally. The alcohol seemed to have reduced a bit. You weren’t feeling dizzy nor anything else anymore. But you couldn't help but smile. Even at night the view was beautiful. After finishing your burger and fries, you also ordered a sundae. You were eating it quietly, when you heard footsteps getting closer to you. You decided to ignore it, it was probably someone just passing by.
"There you are" Pedro's voice startled you, making you jump a little "I've been looking for you everywhere"
"You remembered I existed I'm surprised" you sarcastically said, not looking at him, still eating your ice cream. The alcohol wasn’t totally gone. He sighed.
"I'm sorry" he said
"It doesn't change the fact that it happened and that it keeps happening" you said dryly, taking another spoon of ice cream.
"I'm working a lot so that we finish early so that I can spend more time with you"
"It's doing the opposite right now though"
"Get up" he suddenly said
"What? I'm not moving" you finally looked at him
"I said get up" he said in a lower voice.
"No" he saw you weren't moving, so he started to grab the jacket you were sitting on, forcing you to get up. "What are you doing!" you yelled, stepping back, looking at Pedro folding the jacket and grabbing the empty bag where your food was.
"Let's go" he motioned for you to get moving. You frowned
"I'm not finished"
"You can finish the ice cream on the way home"
"No!" you blurted. Pedro stepped closer to you, grabbing your hand and dragged you away from the beach. "What are you doing? Let go of me!" He finally let go of you once you were on the parking lot. "What was that about?"
"I can accept the attitude, but I won't let you run away from me" you frowned once more, rolling your eyes. "I did something bad, we talk about it, but you don't get to leave me especially in the middle of the night, alone!" He kept talking. He was right though. "So you finish your ice cream, you get in the car and we go home and talk. Deal?" You sighed
"Deal" you finally said. He held his hand out, waiting for you to shake it. "Seriously?" He moved closer to you. You sighed, shaking his hand. He took the opportunity to pull you into a hug. He held you tight, kissing your head. You gave in, holding him too. "I need to finish my ice cream" you said, breaking the silence. He stepped back, smiling when he saw you were also smiling a bit.
Once you were done, you stepped in his car, where he was waiting for you. The ride was silent, but not a bad one. You were not anticipating the conversation, you both calmed down, so you knew it would be okay.
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honeyaiyako · 1 year
I AM NOT THE BEST WRITER‼️ Y'all remember that part of JJK english dub when Gojo was like "you cryin?" 🥴💦💕✨ If not go look it up. yeah I got the idea to write this from that. I'm am currently tipsy/drunk as I write this so please excuse any mistakes if there are any😅 update: I edited my mistakes and change some stuff around ✨‼️
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You two were coming back from a mission, it was easier than you both thought so you two finished the job earlier than expected. Didn't even break a sweat, Gojo actually did all the work. You've know Gojo for about a year now, every so often you both were assigned missions together. You would never tell or show him but it was the most exciting times of your life. He was always so funny and cocky. He teased you a lot and picked fun but that only made time with him worth wild. You loved it all even his annoyance. Not only was his personality perfectly but god this man was beautiful. His eyes alone could bring a woman to their knees. You fell madly in love with this man ever since the first day met but you'd never admit to him you feel that way.
Word always got around about him being a womanizer a flirt and rumors about him going on multiple dates. You hated hearing that. That was the biggest reason you never pursued him. Honestly if you think about it you don't really remember him ever flirting with you, he treated you just as everyone else. You still kept your feelings distant. Your last relationship was so traumatizing you wouldn't dare put yourself in another situation to be hurt again. That was over a year ago and you haven't even entertained a male since. God why'd you have to meet him.
It was around 8pm and you both were walking back in silence to the car you rode in to go home. This was the part that bummed you out the most. You never knew when the next time you'd get to see him again, you two never talk outside of work. Even though you both had each others contacts, barley any messages were exchange between you and if they were it was always work related.
You both got in the car and you could feel yourself get a little sadder, the drive home was the last couple minutes you had me him. You honestly couldn't take this part anymore. You wonder why he suddenly was so silent. Your eyes glanced over to him and he had a normal blank expression you didn't know if you should break the silence or not.
Deciding not to, you leaned over against your arm and looked out the window. This isn't like it was your last mission with him so you'd get to see him again. You two continued riding in silence before Gojo's voice broke it.
"The night is still young, you wanna get food and hang out with me?"
Your heart skipped a beat hearing that. You have never did anything outside of work together. Your mouth spoke faster than you mind could think and you responded with a slightly nervous "yes." He probably noticed your nervousness too.
Trying to compose yourself and act normal you suggested several spots for you two to eat at.
"Orrr we could get food from this bbq place, I go all the time, no I want you to try this ramen place instead, no wait actually let's stop there!" So much for keeping your composure, you were so excited to spend time with him.
Gojo only chuckled I'm response. "We can go to all those places if you like."
"Sorry I'm just starving hahaha." You said rubbing the back of your head. Making to the restaurant you both walked inside and was greeting by a woman host. Immediately upon her greeting you two you could see the way she looked at Gojo, fluttering her eyelashes, being cute and eager to please. You would've lied if you would've said it didn't bother you just a little but who would blame her, look at him.
"Table for 2?" The host asked.
"Actually were getting Togo." Gojo responded.
You didn't really question why you two were getting food Togo, maybe he changed his mind about hanging out. You didn't say anything you simply just went with it. While you waited for your food you both sat at the bar.
"You wanna drink?" Gojo asked.
The last thing you needed was anything with alcohol in it, you were such a lightweight one drink could do almost do you in but it'd be nice to ease up the nervous feeling your having.
"Sure I'll take whatever your having." You smiled
Gojo smirked and got the bartenders attention. "2 long islands please."  Your eyes widen a little when you heard Long Island, that drink itself was like 5 drinks in one. You simply just told yourself don't drink the whole thing, the last thing you were going to do was get sloppy drunk embarrass yourself and have him looking at you differently.
You sipped your drink as you two waited for your order. Each sip make you a little more comfortable then the last. You could feel yourself getting tipsy. You became more open and fun. Of course you never were a dull girl with him but you did hold back. Each time you tilted your cup the more the world around you brightened. Every glance towards Gojo made your heart skip a beat. He made your mind run crazy.
"Here you go!" The bar tender sat down your food right in front of you all set and wrapped up in bags ready to go. You looked down at your drink that was only halfway finished and over to Gojo's that was completely gone. You slide the drink away from you knowing that another sip would probably ruin the night. Gojo grabbed the food from the counter and thanks the bartender for the service. You followed him out the door and back to the car. Since your drink calmed your nerves questioning the situation wasn't hard.
"Gojo, why did we get the food Togo, d-didn't you wanna hang out?"
Gojo looked at over you and smiled. " oh I didn't feel like being in public, let's go back to my place and eat, that okay with you?"
You've never been to his place, you were so tipsy and down for anything you only nodded your head. You just wanted to be with him you didn't care where you two went. You were just happy he still wanted to hang together. "Okay."
You arrived to a nice fancy building, they were condos, you knew Gojo was wealthy but seeing it in person was such a interesting feeling.
"We're here," he spoke as he parked and got out the car. He walked over the your door and opened it for you leading you two his home with his hand gently placed between your back and waist. Your heart was thumping, your mind only thought on the placed his hand touched. You could almost melt just from that. As he made it to his room door he unlocked it it walked in. It was so beautiful inside and smelled so nice. Your place was nice but it wasn't nothing like his. It felt so cozy here, if this was your place you'd never want to leave.
Gojo grabbed a remote and turned on the TV, he sat on a large couch and patted the seat next to him. "Come on don't be scared." He laughed. You sat down next to him, leaving enough space so you wouldn't be so close. There was a table infront of y'all where he placed the food down on. He opened the bag and separated all the food out of the table. As he was doing this you watched him. Every little move he made was so attractive. Being tipsy in the situation didn't help you at all, your appetite for the food vanish and you only craved him. Again you tried your best to hide it, you act normal as you thought possible.
Some time had went by and you both was watching a random movie on the screen. You both shared small talk here and there about the movie but just enough to not talk over it. Before Gojo could take a another bite of food he looked over at you who had a few crumbs on the corner of your mouth. He leaned over and placed his hand on your face. His hand cuffed your check as his thumb brushed the food away. You froze up just from his slight gesture. Now that you think about it you two have never had anything type of physical contact.
"You're making this so hard for me." He softly spoke as he somehow appeared closer to you. "Just come out and admit it already." That same thumb brushed across your lips and it sent shivers down your spine.
"Admit w-what?" You asked.
"Do you think you were being slick all this time, I can always see right pass that façade you put on."
"Just confess." Gojo asked smirking and cocking his head to the side.
"Confess what?"
"The way you feel."
"T-the way I feel?"
You tried to laugh off what he said, knowing Gojo, he plays around and teases you a lot. your laugh was cut short when you seen that he wasn't laughing with you. Those beautiful blue eyes burned into yours. It was like he was studying you from the inside out. You slightly turned you head away, this was starting to be too much and you knew you were blushing bad. Gojo turned your head back towards him putting himself back in your vision.
"If I were anyone else I would've definitely thought you weren't interested in the slightest but these eyes can see everything about you."
"Gojo stop playing around okay."
"I know the truth so just admit it, I won't let you go until you do"
You felt like you were having a heart attack, this man was going to kill you. There was no way in hell you were going to admit your feelings flat out to him like this, or even ever. You focused your eyes elsewhere again trying your best to run from the intimate situation and you noticed the room angle was a bit different. You looked back in front of you and you could see the ceiling. Maybe the alcohol messed with your physics but you didn't even notice you were laying on you back. Your legs were open spread over his and he hovered over you with both arms placed on each side of your head.
"You don't think it was hard for me too?" Gojo asked snapping your attention back to him. Everything in the room was a blur except him. The way he looked down at you as he hovered over your body drove you wild. Both your hands clutched onto your shirt not knowing where else to place them. The closer he leaned in the more his body spread your legs open. It's been so long since you've been in a position with someone like this or even had sex, you couldn't even remember what it felt like anymore.
The situation you were in wasn't something you were able to fight off, your body didn't listen to your words, every inch of you begged for him. "Gojo, what do you mean?" You whined. He leaned down and ghost his lips gently up your neck.
"Can I kiss here?" His voice flowed right through your ear and right between your legs causing a sensation you forgot existed. You only whined not wanting to answer him. You knew the only answer you wanted to give him was yes but you couldn't verbally give in. Every promise you made to yourself about staying away from him went out the window.
~Just kiss me already~
You gambled with yourself that maybe just giving in a little wouldn't be so bad, don't let him have too much of you. A little intimacy wouldn't hurt right?
a moan left your lips as Gojo's attached to your neck. It was soft and warm. He kissed the spots that tickled just right. Your hand gripped tighter and tighter into you clothes. The more you didn't object the more he gave you. You could feel his hips push down against you and spread you legs more. Kisses turned into sucking, licking and bites. You were being completely devoured by him, he took complete control, your body didn't belong to you anymore, it was his to do whatever he wants with.
He pulled away from your neck and came face to face with you. "Admit it." His eyes stared down into yours as he waited to see were you going to answer. You looked up at him with a small frown on your face, your chest rising and falling trying to retrieve back the air you lost trying to hold your voice in. Your face was completely flushed from blushing.
Gojo just chuckled as he pulled both your hands from you shirt and only used only one of his to pin them both above your head. "Speechless huh?" He went in again, this time his lips attached to yours. He didn't waste any time tonguing you down, it was almost as if he wanted to suck the life out of you. His hips pushed down completely into you now, spreading your legs so wide so you could feel it. He was hard, it felt hot against you. You moaned into his mouth as you felt him grind it against you. Over and over again he teased you with it.
You couldn't believe what position you were in, you were so scared to become just another one of the girls he messed with, so scared to become another rumor. You were in love with him, your heart couldn't take being played with again but you loved this man so much, you wanted him to take whatever he desired from you. Maybe this is where you mess up. This is probably the new start of a different heartbreak. You was at war with yourself.
"All you wanna do is moan, don't wanna answer me?" He said smiling down at you. "Alright."
You could feel hands pull away at the buttons on your shirt. The cold air in his home hit your chest but before your body cold completely grasp the feeling of being cold a warm hand gripped firmly into you.
"Nghh." You moaned out, closing your eyes and looking away as he fondled your chest. His hand rubbed and gripped all over your breast. Your back arched when his thumb ran over your nipples.
"That sensitive? They're so pretty, so soft, let's see how they taste." Gojo leaned down and glided his warm tongue across your bud, you bit down on your lips as he took it into his mouth and sucked it.
Over and over he practically made out with your breast till it was swollen and took on a different shape. He stayed on one breast so long that when he attached his mouth to the other it felt intense.
His hand still held yours above your head locking you down in place, he could feel you struggle against him but only because you couldn't handle what he was doing, it felt too good. He was so strong. You wanted to grip onto something but the only freedom you had with your hands was balling them into a fist. Gojo unattached himself from your breast and came back in for a kiss. You could feel Gojo's hand traveling down your chest to your stomach, it went lower and lower till you could feel his finger break past down through your clothes and past you panty line. He stopped just a little past the line of your panties, his fingers rubbed and teased threatening to dive down and touch you.
There was nothing you could do to close you legs, his hips kept them open. You knew when he stuck his hands down there he was going to get every answer he needed. You broke the kiss when his hands finally stopped teasing and touched you directly.
"Damn you're so wet." He breathed out. His face went from cocky and playful to being completely filled with pure lust. He took his middle finger and rubbed it across your clit back and forth.
"Nghhh, Gojo." You could only whine and moan as he played with you. It felt so good you could barely finish your sentence. "Aahhh!" You threw you head back as you felt him insert a finger inside you.
"Fuck, this is what you feel like?" Gojo asked as he fucked you with his fingers. He was two fingers deep in you completely driving you crazy. "I'm gonna make you cum so much for me." And he didn't lie to you, over and over again he fingered orgasms out of you. He was so good at this, he was showing you things you didn't even know your body was capable of. Your body was becoming overstimulated, slob was running down the corner of your mouth and tears begin to fall from your eyes, your body was shaking, you felt like such a mess.
"You cryin?" He asked cockily with a smile on his face.
knowing this, he wanted to just put his dick deep in you and give you a real reason to cry. He pulled his fingers out of you and presented to you the mess you made on his hands. "Is this how you feel about me?"
You eyes slightly widen and you looked away in embarrassment, to think he would even tease you in this moment as well. You wanted to wipe the tears away but they just kept flowing, plus your arms were still trapped above your head. Gojo let your hands free and you couldn't even remember how fast it happened you were still in a daze but your body was completely naked under him. He grabbed your hips and pulled you close up to him. Your arms laid lazily still above your head as you watched him remove his pants just enough for his dick to slide out.
"Can I show you how I feel about you?" He said as he rubbed his hardness across the slits of you pussy. Coating himself in your arousal. He didn't need your permission anymore you were just ready to feel him. The way you looked at him should've gave him the answer you were still verbally unable to give him.
"Nghhh." He moaned out as he sunk himself into you. Your were tight, wet, soft and warm. Every inch deeper he went made him want to just fuck the hell out of you. The erotic look on your face was the last straw, he couldn't wait on you to adjust to his size, he wanted to make you scream. "Cry for me." he breathed out as his hips greedily slammed into you over and over again.
"Gojo, Gojo, Gojo, Gojo." You moaned out his name as he fucked into you. He was so big, between your legs felt so full, your inside tingled with pain and pleasure.
He felt so good, you knew you fucked up so bad you'd never get over this feeling, you were gonna always crave him now. The man you'd promise to stay away from has you completely under his spell.
Inch after inch, deeper and deeper, over and over he fuck you as he pleased.
"Argghh G-Gojo pleaseeee, it's too muchhh." You begged as you tried your best to use your hands to slow down his hips.
He felt so wrong for being so aggressive with your body but his hips couldn't stop he only wanted to ravish you more, just listen to those pretty sounds you made and that erotic look on your face, he loved he was the reason for all of it.
"You think I don't know how you feel about me, you love me, ahhh fuck, and now your body does too." He grabbed your legs and pushed the into your chest adjusting the position to go deeper inside you. His hands gripped into the back of your knees using them as leverage. "Look at this mess you're making, I've never witnessed something so wet."
Screaming, moaning, whining and whimpers has basically became your language at this point. You were so fucked out and in complete heaven.
"It was so cute watching you pretend to not to, but these eyes could see right through you, your acting is amazing, you could've fooled anyone else but sadly not me, I can see through your entire soul, Ik when your happy, your sad, your angry and I know every drop of what you're feeling and right now, I know that "I love you" is on the tip of your tongue."
More and more tears flowed from your eyes because he was right. He was absolutely right, you wanted to tell him you love him, you wanted to tell him how happy he makes you, how much fun you have with him, how sad it is to see him go, how excited he gets you, how good he's making you feel right now. You didn't know if you were drunk on alcohol or sex but you were a few strokes away from giving him what he wanted.
You were on the verge of cumming before Gojo picked you up and flipped you the other way till you were in the doggystyle position
"Maybe I'd be easier for you like this, since your so shy." He said wasting no time to thrust himself back inside of you. He pounded into you at the same speed as before, this angle hit you a little deep the other. "Tell me you love me." He practically pleaded pushing you down on your back to get rid of the slight arc you had that stopped him from reaching the best parts inside you. "Take all of it, it all belongs to you."
You could feel your orgasm building back up. You were so turned on by his voice and everything he said to you.
"(Y/n) your making my dick feel so good right now, you're sucking me in and don't wanna let go, scared I'm going to leave?"
This orgasm was going to be intense you could feel it coming.
"I wanna come inside you, maybe we should go ahead and start a family together." His hands gripped tighter around your hips as he slammed you down onto his length. "You wanna make a baby with me?" He could feel you throbbing all around him reassurance that you were putty in his hands. He could mold and shape you into whatever he wants and you'd just let em.
That's it he's won.
"Y-yes, yes, Satoru, you're right I love you, I love you, fuck this feels so good" You cried out into the couch as you came around him in complete passionate bliss. He could feel you throw your hips back as he fucked you through your orgasm. He was so excited to hear you say his first name but more excited to finally admit your feelings.
"Good girl, just like that, I love you too, I love you too." Seconds after you came he released himself inside of you. "You're all mine, I only belong to you, I'll take care of you, gonna make you so happy."
Gojo pulled out of you and put you back onto your back. You looked up at him awaiting some kind of reassurance of what he said was true. He smiled at you before leaning down and kissing you deeply. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you kissed him back with the same passion.
Gojo simply said "I love you." before thrusting back inside of you ready to repeat it all again.
A/n: And that's it🎉💕 feedback is greatly appreciate ✨ thanks for reading.
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sgstories123 · 1 year
Ignorance is Bliss
“The girls seem to be having lots of fun. It was a good idea to come to Phuket during our semester break. Right, bro?” Wee Kiat asked Bryan, as they sat by the hotel poolside bar having their drinks. They had been watching their girlfriends, Cassandra and Val, playing with a large ball in the hotel pool. Bryan responded by raising his glass of mojito to his lips, “Yup. The girls are happy. We are happy.”
His girlfriend, Cassandra was in a white bikini, which contrasted well with her bronze skin. The bikini seems to make her average boobs seemed much bigger. It showed more skin and its cutting made her cleavage more obvious. Bryan was pleased to see so many pairs of eyes ogling at her. It made him proud that he had such a sexy and desirable girlfriend.
But he was really attracted to Val instead. Val was Wee Kiat’s girlfriend. Unlike the three of them who were in Business school, she was from Engineering school. She took an Economics elective and ended up in their class. His best friend in the university, Wee Kiat, paired up with her for an assignment and within a couple of weeks, started dating. It worked well for Bryan because now that Wee Kiat had found himself a girlfriend, they could go out on double dates. Bryan had always felt a little guilty when he had to split his time between his girlfriend and his best friend.
Bryan had always thought Val was a little plain. She seemed to be always wearing a tee-shirt and jeans. No dresses, nothing sexy, lacy or colourful. It was all very Plain Jane. Val had been hesitant about coming to Phuket with them. She made an excuse that she had several assignments to complete during the break but Cassandra managed to coax out of her that the real reason was that she did not have any swimwear. The two girls went shopping and Cassandra had selected a nice, luminous lime green bikini for Val. It was a little more conservative than Cassandra’s but it did show that beneath her usual dressing, Val had a very nice body. Her breasts were not large but she had a slim waist and a full ass. Put together, her body curves were good.
“Bro, you are one lucky guy to have Cassandra as your girlfriend. Look at all the guys staring at her.” Wee Kiat said enviously.
“Val is pretty too, Wee Kiat.” Bryan consoled his friend, giving him a friendly punch on his shoulder.
“Nah. Look at those breasts. They are huge when compared to Val’s. You must enjoy sucking them.” Wee Kiat turned to look at Bryan. “Have you ever breast fuck her?”
“Not my thing, lah.” Bryan laughed. “I prefer doggy-style, with her breasts all swaying about when I am fucking her.”
“Fuck, lah. You don’t know what you are missing. Val also like doggy, and missionary. Basically, she just wants to lie there and let me do all the work. Damn tiring.” Wee Kiat put down his drink.
“Then maybe we should switch partners.” Bryan joked, watching Wee Kiat carefully. But Wee Kiat did not seem to hear him, his gaze still out towards the girls.
A few hours later, they were in a nearby restaurant, eating a delicious seafood dinner. There had grilled prawns, black pepper crabs, sambal stingray, mussels and sotong. Food was so much cheaper here compared to Singapore. They also had plenty of cheap beer.
When they returned to the hotel, it was almost 10 pm. The boys decided to go for another round of drinks at the hotel bar. When they return to Singapore the next day, alcohol would be a luxury item. The girls were tired and decided to go back to their rooms.
Wee Kiat seemed to be in a good mood. He downed several mugs of beer before changing to cocktails. He was sharing many jokes and stories with Bryan, as they laughed over their drinks. By 2 am, the bar thinned out and Wee Kiat seemed to be drunk. He was much more quiet, his body hunched on the bar counter.
“Let’s go, Wee Kiat.” Bryan pulled Wee Kiat up. Bryan slumped Wee Kiat’s arms around his shoulders while holding on to Wee Kiat’s waist. They made small, unsteady steps towards their rooms. When they reached Wee Kiat’s hotel room, Bryan realised that he would need to rummage in Wee Kiat’s pocket to get the card key. Bryan did not want to set Wee Kiat down at the corridor as it would be too difficult to get him up again. Neither did he want to wake up Val as that might make things difficult for Wee Kiat later on. He decided to bring Wee Kiat into his room instead.
They moved one door down along the corridor to his room and he fished out his card key from his pocket. The door opened quietly and Bryan set Wee Kiat down on the sofa. In the dark, Bryan could just make out Cassandra’s silhouette. She was sleeping soundly. Bryan went through Wee Kiat’s pocket and found the hotel card key. A thought flashed through his mind. He looked at Cassandra and Wee Kiat again. Both of them seemed to be fast asleep. He lifted Wee Kiat’s legs onto the sofa, in a more comfortable position for sleeping. Wordlessly, he left the room with Wee Kiat’s card key in his hand.
Bryan entered Wee Kiat’s room quietly. It had the same design as his room, a double bed, a dressing table and a sofa. He walked over to Val who was sleeping on her side, her facing towards the door. She was dressed in a t-shirt and a FBT shorts. She had a slight pout on her face, which made her even sexier. Without another word, Bryan took off his clothes and got onto the bed. He slowly removed her t-shirt, without waking Val up. She was not wearing any bra and her breasts were now fully exposed. He grabbed them, squeezing them gently. Val moaned softly in response. He licked her nipples, flicking them with his tongue till he got them hardened.
“Mmm.” Val seemed to be waking up. He turned Val over, to face the windows, away from him. He hugged her from behind, still playing with her boobs and nipples with one hand while the other slipped into her FBT shorts. She was not wearing any panties either. Bryan was surprised that this Plain Jane was way more sexier than he had thought. His fingers fought through the pubic hair before arriving at her entrance. She was already wet. His fingers slid in easily through the lubricated walls. It was tight. He could feel her walls pressing against his fingers. He inserted another finger in, fingering her with increased pace. He was not sure if Val was fully awake but she was responding to him with moans that grew louder and more frequent. Bryan knew Val was near to orgasm. Her vaginal walls were clamming against his fingers and her ass was pushing back against his hard cock.
With a loud moan and a full body shudder, Val came. Bryan hugged her tight, his hands covered in her juices. He moved his head towards her, taking in her smells. Gosh, she smells nice. He gave her a kiss on her neck.
“That was so nice, Wee Kiat.” Val whimpered.
Bryan sensed that Val was going to turn around. He quickly pulled down her FBT shorts and guided his cock into her. He plunged in deep and hard, as he wanted to distract her with pleasure. It worked. Val moaned in pleasure, her body frozen with the unexpected invasion of Bryan’s cock. She clutched tightly at the bedsheets as Bryan started pumping her sideways mercilessly, in a spoon position. Then Bryan remembered that Val likes the doggy position as well. He withdrew his cock and turned her over, before plunging his cock from behind. Val screamed loudly. As Bryan banged her hard from behind, she panted with pleasure, trying to catch her breath. Bryan leaned forwards, kissing her neck and squeezing her breasts as their bodies rubbed against each other.
Val moaned louder and louder. With another shudder, she orgasmed again, her body arching backwards as the waves of pleasure washed over her. Her arms now weak, she slumped forwards onto her bed, her eyes shut with exhaustion.
Bryan turned her over. He spread her legs and insert his hard cock into her for the finale. He leaned down on her, squeezing her breasts and kissing her, as he got into the missionary position. As he rubbed himself against her, his cock sliding in and out of her vagina, Val started moaning again. She held his head, kissing Bryan deeply. Noting something amiss, her eye flew open.
“Wait. You are not Wee Kiat.” Val was confused. “You are Bryan. Stop. You can’t do this.”
Bryan did not answer her. He was so close to cumming. He kissed her roughly, drowning her protests while he thrusted deeper and faster into her. With one final plunge, he spilled his seed into her, washing her womb clean. He laid on top of Val, exhausted.
Val took the opportunity to quickly push Bryan off her, pulling the blanket to cover her body, in a desperate need for modesty.
“You should not have done this, Bryan. This is so wrong.” Val spoke softly as she finally realised what had happened.
“Look. You enjoyed it, didn’t you?” Bryan replied as he got up to put on his clothes.
“I did not know it was you. I thought you were Wee Kiat.” Val countered, her eyes red.
“Ignorance is bliss. If you did not know it was me, it was okay, right? You had enjoyed it, right? So, let’s pretend that you did not know and you thought it was Wee Kiat. Then everyone is happy.” Bryan offered his solution.
“Where’s Wee Kiat?” Val asked.
“He is sound asleep in my room. I will go get him now. Remember. Ignorance is bliss. Don’t need to let him know.” Bryan smiled before leaving the room.
Bryan opened the door to his hotel room quietly. As he entered, he was greeted by familiar sounds of moaning. He could just make out a silhouette of Cassandra squatting in front of a standing Wee Kiat, rubbing her breasts against his hard cock. Bryan cursed himself. He did not want to see this. He reminded himself. Ignorance is bliss.
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xurname · 1 year
Death's In Love With Us
Hwang Yang-jung x reader
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🔞 MDNI Warnings: physical abuse, domestic violence, mentions of alcohol, mentions of bdsm
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word count: 3166 🖋️ Authors note: I'm not a professional writer, nor a rookie one tbh, I have no idea what I'm doing. English is not my first language. Ignore the banner, it's a result of playing on my phone while daydreaming about our sweet ahjussi. 🖋️
POV: You broke up with your abusive boyfriend a year ago. Despite all attempts to get your life back together, you can't get rid of your ex, who still harasses you any chance he gets. One day, walking home from work, you spot him waiting in front of your apartment so you decide to walk into a sushi restaurant nearby (run by your friend Hwang Yang-jung) before he sees you.
"Good afternoon" - you greet politely, bowing your head slightly in front of the two men working behind the bar, and walk straight to the table. Surprisingly, there were no guests at all. Looking around the empty place you take a seat.
Yang-jung looks up from his cutting board as a smile spreads across his face.
"I didn't expect you here this early." - he’s just finished filleting, washing his hands.
"I know, I stopped by to see you and say hi." - you tried to hide your exhaustion and irritation behind a kind tone and a soft smile. After all, you promised yourself a better life, a normal life.
"Tea?" - he asked lovingly. Both Yang-jung and his sous chef Min-dong knew you well, you've been a regular ever since you've moved to the neighbourhood last year. 
"A beer would be better, but okay … " - you answer playfully.
"Slow down sailor, we still have evening to cover" - Yang-jung was somehow particularly in a good mood.
“Fine! After you guys finish-”, you made drinking gestures with your hands. Yang-jung smirked at your words.
“Actually, I’m skipping tonight” - Min-dong added, preparing the tea for you.
“Wow, ditching us already, it must be a girl, hmm?” - you started teasing.
“Yeah, yeah, I'm going on a blind date, no big deal.”  - he answered and his cheeks blushed, somewhat unusual for such a tall muscular young man.
“So it's just us? That's practically a date too!” - you turned to Yang-jung, winking at him.
He smirked again, shaking his head slightly, already used to your teasing comments. Yang-jung tried his best not to cross any lines when it came to you. You were young enough to be his daughter, and he reminded himself of that fact as many times as necessary since your flirtatious nature made the lines blur quite often.
"Dates don't usually end with one side carrying another home unconscious." - Min-dong spoke fluent sarcasm, where is this bravery coming from all of a sudden?
“A girl gets drunk once! Once!” - you insisted.
“Yeah, except you get drunk every time.” - Min-dong was speaking facts. But you never could drink a lot anyways. Two drinks were enough to lose your balance completely.
You scoffed. “Seriously, oppa, that's just mean...”
The guys laughed, amused by your annoyance.
“Light up, will you? I'd carry you to the end of the world if necessary.” - Yung-jung added casually, serving you a cup of hot tea. You didn't take his words too seriously, he didn't mean it like that after all, but your heart still fluttered to the thought of this charming man handling you in more than just a friendly way.
“Well, that's my cue. Cucumber rolls?” - Min-dong stood up and went behind the bar, feeling awfully uncomfortable by the sudden change of atmosphere.
“Please!” - you asked with a huge grin on your face.
“At least eat some fish. You'll turn into a cucumber roll one of these days if you keep this up.” - Yang-jung wasn't particularly fond of your food choices and he couldn't hide it.
“God, I hope so, maybe you'd take me more seriously then.” - you grinned.
Yung-jung just chuckled quietly at your silly remarks, not taking his eyes off you. It made you shy, the way he looked at you, and you hated the feeling of endless comfort when you were around this man. Or so you kept telling yourself. The truth was, you knew you were too young and didn't even stand a chance with him, no matter how much it tickled your thought.
“So, what's on your heart?” - Yang-jung asked as if seeing right thru you. He never seemed to beat around the bush anyways.
Hesitating, you answered, “I just escaped the king of assholes waiting in front of my apartment.”
Yang-jung raised his eyebrows. “Your ex again? What is it, third time this week?”
“God, sometimes I wish I could fuck up all of his limbs for good.” - you murmured. Memories of the night of your breakup triggered some insane bloodthirst in you, feelings you'd never known of before you got involved with your ex. You didn't feel like drinking the tea anymore, nor eating your rolls, your whole body trembled from the inside as your blood started to boil. Yang-jung knew the expression on your face very well, he silently inspected your reactions as you put all your strength into not letting your rage reach the surface.
“I feel you haven't told me the entire story at all.” - he stood up and walked to the window in the back. He saw a man in his 40s standing in front of the entrance of your building. He didn't look particularly dangerous, nor very muscular, but he wasn't a small guy either. Shaved head, 85 kg, 1.8 m, fairly strong arms and legs, broad shoulders, casual clothes. Something about the look in his eyes didn't feel right to Yang-jung. Finally he asked, "Is he into martial arts?"
"Taekwondo, black belt, first Dan."
Yang-jung smirked, still looking at him. "Knees and hips are his weak spot."
His cold remark went somewhat unnoticed by you.
He turned away from the window and smiled gently, "Care to tell me how you got yourself in this situation?"
Both chefs were now looking directly at you. Min-dong finished your cucumber rolls, served them and walked to the room in the back of the restaurant, leaving the two of you alone.
You sighed deeply. Awful tingles spread across your body almost momentarily, like hundreds of tiny bats swarming all over you, biting even into your palms. Your whole body was screaming on the inside.
Fuck! Here we go... Pity party time! So young and so ruined. All he's gonna see in me from now on are my past mistakes.
No, no, he doesn't need to know the full story, just tell him what you're dealing with.
Lump in your throat grew with each breath you took.
"Okay, take a seat, let's talk."
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Reader x ex boyfriend flashback
Your mind wandered, thinking about the countless times your ex prepared you the most horrible surprises. All those times he'd come home drunk and aggressive, slamming you into the wall as soon as he passed thru the door, squeezing your neck until you almost passed out, cursing at you, threatening, calling you names, using his strength to pin you down for god knows what reason. Every time he laid his hands on your body it hurt, taking caution not to leave bruises on any visible parts of your body. It got unbearable by the end. The more you feared him the more he enjoyed it, the more you cried, the more manic he was. Blaming yourself for ever telling him about your sexual fantasies along with feeling disgusted by yourself was a part of your everyday life until the very end of your relationship. He used it against you first chance he got. What started as a healthy exploration of consensual rough foreplay with a hint of rookie bondage, ended up as an abuser-victim hell of a situation you didn't know how to escape from. Your fight or flight response messed up your brain chemistry as each day passed and you no longer knew if that's even love or if you despised him with your entire being. He always found a way to make you stay, he even begged you on his knees not to leave him, swearing on his mom he never meant you no harm. It was a never ending circle of shit show. Even after you finally left his place for good, he kept finding ways to get in contact with you. Finding out where you live was an easy task for a twisted person like him. "I see everything, I know everything", those were the words he repeated so often while you were dating, as if giving verbal spankings, using any chance he got to feed you a dose of fear and insanity. Everything you did for him was always out of love and kindness, thinking if only you could be the best version of yourself, he'll be good to you. But he never was good to you, his actions never made sense and you never understood the reasons behind those words. He knew about every step you took, nevertheless, few of his paranoias followed him and echoed louder and louder in his mind, as his cycles of insanity were on the periodical rise and fall. He rambled about possibilities of you dumping him quite often, crying over himself, trying to make you feel sorry for him. He talked about his boss's employees constantly checking up on his location. He even tried convincing you how they spy on him during his lunch breaks. His delusions drove him to believe he's some sort of a public officer, or an intelligence agency employee with a task to be alert at all times, when in fact he was nothing more than a secretary working at a private real-estate agency. Soon, after the honey moon phase ended, you realized his whole persona was a big lie, that's also when the first troubles started, but it was all to late for you to leave, you were already in too deep. Your inexperience was exploited for the first time. Welcome to the real world, honey. Well, it took you long before you started getting up on your own feet, and you found a way to navigate thru his cycles of insanity. You took your time and learned all you could, only to find out he's been living multiple lives all along. The only thing he didn't lie about was in fact his black belt in taekwondo and that he was a divorcee. The last time he threatened you with physical force was the night you left him for good.
"I'm not as clueless as you think I am." - you hissed as he held you by the throat. His bloody eyes were filled with rage and his breath smelled like alcohol.
"One wrong move and you'll end up behind the bars. My family knows where I am, and don't think I won't walk straight to the police if you leave so much as a mark on me. I dare you." - your whole body trembled of adrenaline rush but your mind worked fast.
"Well, well, look at you all brave, who would've thought you'd turn into such a snake, finally showing your real face, huh-"
"I couldn't care less even if you snapped my neck this instant." you laughed, slowly losing every touch with sanity. 
"You lose either way. Or did you forget?" - your laughter grew louder as he stared at you in horror, not knowing how to react. He had you by the weakest spot yet the look in your eyes was telling a completely different story. He never saw you acting like this, his blood froze. 
"Your black belt", you spoke thru laughter on the verge of a mental breakdown, "your black belt is treated as a cold weapon in the eyes of the law."
Despite hating yourself as much as you hated him, the thought of this abusive bastard ending up behind the bars for cold blooded murder sent an unusual shot of satisfaction thru your entire body. You knew he never had it in him though. He was a coward on all levels and this round was yours. A solid threat works like a charm on scumbags like him who are usually scared of their own shadow. It was written all across his face that he's finally cornered. Any chance for him to plot a sadistic revenge on the only woman who was ever kind and loving to him was completely lost. You didn't know if he'd slam your head onto the kitchen counter or not, but you could feel his hand trembling. Your laughter echoed thru the kitchen as his grip became weaker and weaker, an expression of misery and regret spread across his face. He feared you. For the first time ever, he stood in front of you, completely falling apart. 
He got on his knees again, like so many times before, begging for forgiveness. Vomit of lies started coming out of him, how much he loves you and how this is just a minor misunderstanding. He'd never hurt you and there's nothing but love he feels for you. You're his everything. You stopped counting his strikes long ago and you knew if you don't walk out of there that same night, you may never see the light of day after this, for real. The change in his tone from all mighty to smaller than an ant sickened you. Of course, there's nothing but hatred left in his heart. Hatred and fear, jealousy and shame. Cowards like him hate it when they lose from someone weaker than them, and they would do anything in their power to win their victims back, just so they can hurt them again.
"Next time you decide to lay a hand on me, better make sure I have a well sharpened knife in mine. That's only fair."
Those were the last words he heard from you on the night of your breakup. Breakup from hell. And you thought the trash is out of your life for good, little did you know your fearless attitude and insane threats only awoke in him an obscure obsession towards you. 
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It didn't take long to finish the story of your rocky past relationship, considering you tried your best to avoid going into too much detail of how your ex abused you, physically and mentally. Yang-jung sat right across from you, staying completely silent. You looked down, not daring to look Yang-jung in the eyes any longer.
"A wife beater, huh? Who would have thought." - Yang-jung broke the uncomfortable silence.
"Brave." - he paused for a moment. "Was that him who kept calling all this time? Is that why you changed your number?" - Yung-jung's voice was extremely calm, a little too calm. You nodded silently.
"He kept calling from different numbers. And somehow he found out where I live soon after that."
"He probably tailed you, if he knows where you work, which I assume he does. It isn't that difficult. Why didn't you tell me any of this sooner?"
You closed your eyes, letting out another deep sigh. “Isn't it obvious?”
He didn't say a word. He looked at your face instead, trying to read your expression, but there was nothing. The facade on the outside hid a wild turmoil inside your head. Soft and gentle nature of your whole figure, along with your kind voice and elegant movements were completely the opposite of darkness you carried within you. It was hard to hold it in, especially now, but you didn't want to hide any parts of yourself in front of Yang-jung any longer.
“I wish I could fuck him up, you know? For all that he's done and for all that he's still doing.” - you said, looking him straight in the eye. “I'm not the only one with a dark past or present, but I hate these parts of me. I hate that I feel this way. I hate the desperation and helplessness. I hate the nightmares still haunting me. I hate that I let a lowly man take advantage of me for so long. And I hate that I have to tell you any of this. I hate that you won't look at me the same way you looked at me yesterday, and I hate that my ex keeps fucking up every part of my life, still, I hate it.”
Yang-jung's eyes were the softest and kindest eyes ever. The way he looked at you made you almost choke on your own words, those hateful words which made you feel like you're spewing poison in front of the one who never deserved to hear them in the first place. You could see tears in the corners of his eyes and the only thought that went thru your mind was I hate myself so. fucking. much.
You wanted to jump out of your own skin, or rewind the time and walk directly up to that bastard and face him all alone, instead of running to Yang-jung and hiding at his work place. That's not something one should do to their friends. It's not fair. He didn't deserve this.
Realising how much pain you've been carrying this entire time, Yang-jung spoke softly, "You should have told me… Out of all people, you should have come to me. I would have already made sure he never gets close to you again."
Was that a hint of anger in his voice? Or was it all just pity? It didn't matter. His words couldn't sober you back to your senses, they didn't even reach you. You were spiralling straight into a pitch black void. 
"It doesn't matter, it really doesn't. It is what it is." - you said in somewhat slow motion manner. "Just... don't look at me like I'm going to break into a thousand pieces, please, I can't take it."
"You've done well by telling me this."
You smiled softly, not feeling anything on the inside.
"Yang-jung, do you think I could turn his knees into a mush with a baseball bat?" - you scoffed. Dark humor was always your kind of thing, but saying something as dark as that now of all times didn't make it look like a joke anymore.
"There are far less demanding and easier techniques. But when the time comes I'll make sure you do whatever you need to do to him."
You wanted to burst into a hysterical laughter, but you held it in the best you could. A rush of adrenaline and relief washed over your entire body, leaving goosebumps on your skin. It took you a few moments to realise what the hell this man was telling you. But then it hit you like a cargo train. You opened your mouth trying to word out something. Yang-jung inspected the changes on your face, waiting for you to speak up. You couldn't tell if he's only comforting you, or are you seriously a meter away from a criminal who would move mountains for you, if only you asked. Moments passed and he was almost sure he got ahead of himself.
Seeing you all hesitant, he finally continued, "Unless-"
"Are you serious?" - you cut him off. "Are you...?"
You asked for reassurance, nothing else. Words stuck in your throat. Was Yang-jung really telling you what you think you heard? Is he really who you think he is?
"Don't make me regret my words." - he warned you, unsure of what's on your mind. He was dead serious.
"Ahjussi," - you whimpered, reaching for his hand across the table, "please, don't say that. You're the only real person I have. Do I need to spill my heart out even more?"
His face softened. He took your hand in his and kissed it.
"You're safe here."
Author's note 2: It took some time, but here it is finally. I know it's probably not what many of you expected, and I left the open (?) ending in hopes for part 2. Also, if I need to add any more warnings or notes on the classification or tags of any kind, please let me know, since I don't have much experience with these things. Thank you for reading 🫶🏻
tagging a few of sweethearts who interacted with my original posts (link 1, link 2) and expressed their enthusiasm for this fic, pushing me to write it (I hope it wasn't too underwhelming for you in the end): @quillinhand @slutforaemond @castleninja @posessedbytheinternet (I can't tag you for some reason :/)
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rogerswifesblog · 7 months
1 - The Devil I Desire
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
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A/N: Hi! This is my first Stucky Series and I hope you’ll like it. Tbh Steve is a dick in this one (at least in the beginning) and it won’t be Peggy friendly either. Also, READ TGE WARNINGS, it’s important since it’ll later on contain still like age gap, cheating and other rather controversial stuff.
Here’s the first chapter! Have fun reading!
And a big thank you to @jamneuromain who helped me with the idea and especially some things later on in the story…(especially some extra drama👀)
Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated ❤️
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Pairing: silver fox Steve Rogers x college student Bucky Barnes
Chapter summary: first meeting after a disaster….just leading into another one.
Warnings: age gap, alcohol consumption, past trauma
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Bucky wanted to get wasted. Like, really get wasted. His tinder date was once again a total disaster and right now he just wanted to spend a fun evening with his best friend (preferably by getting wasted).
> waitin at the bar < Bucky texted Wanda, while sipping at his second tequila sunrise, scrolling through Instagram. All those happy couples annoyed him, posting all those cute pictures together. Why couldn’t he have this? Why couldn’t he be in such a cute relationship too?
He wasn’t even picky. He just wanted someone who didn’t hate cats or wasn’t a serial killer. (Tho he’d probably be able to look past the second part. As long as nobody hated his dear Alpine everything should be fine.)
Bucky definitely didn’t want anyone like today's date. He hadn’t felt this bad in a long time, really. First he had already suspected the other guy to be very egotistical and vain. Turned out to be the truth.
But after Bucky pulled up his sleeves from it being too hot in the restaurant? God, that’s where it all started to go downhill.
From the first moment where his scars were on display Bucky could feel his gaze on them, interested in a way, but mostly disgusted.
He couldn’t describe the vibe the other guy was giving him.
It made Bucky feel like…like an animal at the zoo, in a way. Everyone was looking at him. Judging for something he couldn’t change.
So after faking a family emergency he left his date and decided to text his group chat about wanting to go clubbing tonight. And getting drunk.
Very, very drunk.
Unless he’d find a hot guy to spend the night with. Then he’d rather remember it.
“Bucky!”, Wandas voice sounded close to him, even with the loud music killing every sound existing. Sometimes he was surprised how loud Wanda could be if she wanted to. Especially since she was always rather quiet. “Are you okay?”, her arms wrapped around his waist, hugging him from behind. “Hi, Wanda”, Bucky smiled tiredly, leaning a bit into the hug, sighing,
He explained to Wanda what had happened and why he was in such a bad mood. She was understanding, especially since she knew how much it took Bucky to carry himself with the confidence he did now.
Wanda hugged once again after Bucky finished the story, finishing the tequila sunrise.
After a while also Clint and Pietro came to the bar, both of them immediately ordering shots.
“So, tell us what happened and how drunk we wanna be tonight?”, joked Pietro, the accent strong on his tongue, especially now after already having drank some beers with Clint before they came to the club too.
Bucky chuckled at that, only giving Pietro one exhausted smile before explaining the whole story once again to both him and Clint. Just like Wanda they understood how Bucky felt.
While complaining to his friends he hadn’t even noticed the lingering gaze of a middle aged man, watching Bucky as he sipped from his tequila.
Steve sat with Sam in the corner of the club, having a whisky on ice in his hands and only partly listening to whatever Sam was trying to tell him. It was hard for him to hear what he said and he also couldn’t really concentrate on him when his eyes were glued to the younger man’s lips wrapped around a straw.
Then he looked back at Sam, noticing he had stopped talking. “Can you repeat anything of what I’ve said?”, Sam raised his eyebrows, laughing when Steve lowered his head, clearing his throat. “I’m listening…?” “Sorry, I was in thought-“ “yeah, yeah, watching someone out of your age range. At least if I’m correct about you looking at the guy with the manbun at the bar. I’m jot even sure if he’s out of high scho-“ “of course he is. He’s in a club. Drinking alcohol. He’s at least 21”, argued Steve, already slightly Offended.
He may like younger partners than himself, but he’d never be interested in someone who’d be below 21. If he had to be honest with himself he’d rather meet with people closer to thirty than twenty, but this young man definitely didn’t seem like mid twenties.
It broke his heart to imagine he couldn’t spend the night with him, but he was definitely too young…on the other hand, it’d be just for one night.
But he also couldn’t be too sure if Mr Man-bun would even want him. Who knew if he’d be into older men? Even though Steve kept himself fit and took care of his appearance, he couldn’t hide the graying hair in his beard, the gray strands in his hair and the few wrinkles that were already covering his forehead the more he furrowed his eyebrows. Or the little crow‘s feet from all the laughs in his life.
Sighing he looked into his Glas, noticing how some of the ice had already melted, making the alcohol watery and less enjoyable….which was a good reason to go to the bar and- “don’t think about it-“ “already did it”, Steve answered, standing up and walking over to the table, purposefully stopping next to his object of desires. Who was alone. His friends were on the dance floor while he was drinking something light blue again.
“Isn’t that a bit too much for one evening?”, Steve chuckled to the young man, after ordering himself a whisky. The young man quickly finished his drink, sipping from his straw. His lips wrapped around it so nicely, as he sucked the liquid…god, Steve, keep it in your pants.
“You get me another one and I’ll stop after that”, he said flirty, winking at Steve.
So Steve was game. A smirk crept onto his lips as he called out to the bartender to get the young man the same drink as before. This time a double.
“I’m Bucky”, the young man introduced himself, holding out his hand for Steve to shake, which he did. “Steve Rogers. Nice to meet you.”
Hm, the name Rogers sounded familiar to Bucky's ears, but he ignored it.
Instead he was already looking forward to meeting this attractive man, “so…what are your plans for tonight? What are you gonna do?”
Hoped You. Was Steve's First thought but he kept his mouth shut. “I’m not sure yet…I think I’ll finish this drink and go home”, he shrugged, not being able to keep the smirk hidden.
Bucky felt like he should immediately tell this gorgeous man he would leave this place alone but…he was never one for one night stands. He actually never had one, hell, he never had sex with someone, he only had his cock sucked a couple of times or did it himself. The closest thing he had to a one night stand was when he rubbed off a guy in the toilets of a bar on a first date. Afterwards the guy never talked to him again.
He decided to be honest.
“I’d be lying if I’d say you wouldn’t be going home alone even though I’d love to say it but…I’m not that kind of guy. I mean-I really want to know what you’re hiding beneath those clothes because your shoulders seem wider than the doors but…-“ “hey, hey, don’t worry, we can just get to know each other, talk a bit…we can go back to mine and just leave it at a conversation”, Steve smiled even though he had definitely intended the night to be different.
But he was good with his words. And he knew it’d work out to his favor.
It wouldn’t be the first time anyway.
So he wasn’t surprised to see Bucky texting his friends he wouldn’t be home for the night as they were leaving the building together.
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Thank you for reading! I’d appreciate some feedback ❤️
What do you think why Bucky knows Steve’s surname?👀it’ll be important later on….👀
Taglist: @ozeriterchick @guiltypleasureisfun @ayronren (I’ve decided to tag some people that had reblog the series summary and might be interested! )
All posts taglist: @rogersbarber
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wonuwrites · 3 months
Birthday Boy
A Kim Mingyu B-Day Drabble
Mingyu x reader <3 ft. Wonwoo bc why not
warnings: fluffy as shit, cursing because that's the kinda author I am, mentions lingerie so Minors DNI. just a cute lil thing <3
inspired by: him being born 27 years ago so like Happy Birthday Gyu? Also this song helped
One word: Success. That is what you felt when you got the text from Wonwoo confirming your adorable boyfriend of two years had no clue your plans of his surprise birthday gift.
Kim Mingyu is a smart man and surprising him was a bit difficult. He always knew if you were up to something which is why you had to get his best friend and group mate Jeon Wonwoo involved.
You see, your boyfriend had thought you were in London today for a schedule which was true but schedule ended up concluding a lot sooner than You originally thought. So, you were able to celebrate Mingyu's 27th with him.
The game plan was that the guys were going to take him out to celebrate and you would have his favorite dessert and something you had been working on since he asked you out.
A mini scrapbook with memories you both shared together. It was a bit cliche but you both enjoyed that sappy stuff.
If he wasn't a fan, you made sure to wear a little red set you had bought while in Paris awhile ago with him in mind.
You put on a bathrobe as you heard your phone buzz causing you to quickly glance and see it was Wonwoo.
Wonu: leaving the restaurant. he still has no idea. Wonu: he's a little drunk btw. I tried to cut him off sorry.
Wonwoo's texts caused you to giggle and made you a bit less stressed. Gyu wasn't an awful drunk at all. If anything he was a bit cuter and wanted to cuddle a lot more which was fine with you. You just would give him the scrapbook tomorrow.
Tonight was all about him.
You were finishing up lighting some candles when you heard the door unlock and you couldn't help but smile.
Your world, your life, your everything was here.
The door opened and suddenly the momet you were waiting for was here. You're handsome boyfriend was walking through the door while taking off his jacket and shoes.
You stood at the end of the hall and waited for him to notice you and it felt like it took ages.
After a million years, Mingyu made eye contact with you and his jaw dropped.
"What?!" he whisper shouted while a smile spread across his face.
You then attempted to sing Happy Birthday to him even tho it was obvious he was the singer between y'all which made his smile grow even wider.
He ran down the hall and wrapped his arms around you and just started cooing.
"Babyyyyyy, you're here?" he said into your hair while rocking you back in forth, "I thought you were in London until Monday?!"
You just giggled and whispered surprise and he just kept hugging you and kissing you all over.
He would never vocally admit it, not to his members, not to you, not to anyone but just seeing you stand at the end of the hall made every birthday wish come true. You were his person and just being with you made everything seem perfect.
After awhile you broke away from each other and that's when he noticed what you were wearing. He looked at you with a curious look before you nodded and he got excited as he started to undo the bathrobe.
"oh Y/N," he gawked as he stared at the new piece you got. "please wear this every day not just my birthday."
This caused you to giggle and place another kiss on his lips.
"Anything for you, birthday boy."
AHH this was crap but I wanted to finish it before it was officially not his birthday EST. :( Happy Birthday Mingyu <33
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rocknrollbabe14 · 11 months
Stuck In The Middle (Joe x Reader) (Part One)
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Warnings: My spin on the enemies-to-lovers trope, cursing, drinking, vomiting, Joe being a little bit arrogant and assholish at times, hate sex (p in v sex, no protection), coercion to have sex (but secretly reader wants it too!), if  I forgot anything, let know!!
**Special thanks to @josephs-quinns for making my header!! ❤️**
It seemed like yesterday that your best friend, Melanie had moved to the UK—London specifically for her job. It was an offer she couldn’t refuse. It hurt like hell to see your best friend go, but you tried to understand. Every now and then, you’d go to visit her in London and stay at her “flat” as she called it—she said that’s what they referred to an apartment as. It made you laugh, picking up bits and pieces of their lingo the longer Melanie lived over there. The time difference was one of the biggest hurdles you both had to overcome. 
You were still awake while she was asleep and vice-versa. In the beginning, it was exhausting to try and wrap your head around. But as time went on, it got a little easier. You all made time to talk to one another, working around each other’s schedules. It’s like you all never skipped a beat—you always picked up right where you had left off. Both of your lives continued to change even if you all lived on two completely separate continents. 
Melanie had found someone—a British man. All you really knew was his name was Wesley and he was a really nice guy. You had met him a few times along with his annoying friend, Joseph. Wesley was always very nice and inviting, making sure to make you feel welcome and included. Sometimes, you felt like the third wheel. It was like watching a sappy Hallmark movie—hearing them laugh and giggle, going as far as to even rub noses together. It was so cute that it was nauseating. 
You’d order drinks, downing them quickly to try and get drunk and forget the entire thing. They told you how lonely you looked as if you needed reminding. You scoffed lightly laughing and they smiled at one another before telling you they had a solution. Their solution? Inviting Wesley’s friend Joseph along. You were told you’d love him and you both would hit it off, no problem. The idea was nice at first, but your delusional mind believed that may really work out. 
But your delusion was quickly shot down. The first time time you met Joseph, he came off as a pompous asshole who obviously thought a lot of himself. Even telling Wesley about all the girls who were in his dms. Not a great way to start a conversation. He appeared to be glued to his cellphone, barely making any conversation with you when you asked him questions specifically about his acting career and how it had taken off. He seemed bored as you tried to make a small conversation.
He would look off, seeming to eye the girls in the bars or restaurants where you all ended up with Wesley and Melanie. It was hard to talk to someone who seemed like they cared less about you or getting to know you. Wesley would apologize for his behavior if he went to order a drink or went off to the bathroom, saying he had just been overwhelmed since becoming famous. You’d just nod with a small smile, pretending like you believed him.
You’d count the hours or minutes until the night would end, returning to Melanie’s apartment. When asking you how you liked Joe, you lied. You hated to lie to your best friend, but she and Wesley acted like you all would just have some fairytale romance and that wasn’t going to be the case. Melanie smiled at your response, telling you she felt like you and Joe hit it off. Was she blind? Where the hell had she been? Or was she too busy in her little love-drunk bubble to realize? 
Either way, you were not excited to see him again and honestly dreaded it. You’d seen him a few times after this but did your best to just tolerate him for Melanie. 
“So……”, Melanie began, the smile evident in her voice while on the phone. 
“So what?”, you smirked back, lying down on your bed.
“Um, you wanna come to London and see me? Wes and I have some really exciting news.”
You sat back up abruptly, your heart dropping down into your stomach. “You’re not pregnant, are you?”
You heard Melanie laugh on the other end of the phone. “No—no. But it’s great news and I’d love to tell you and show you in person.”
“Um—okay.”, you began. “When do you want me to fly in?”
You blew air, thinking about taking more PTO off from work, but you wanted to see Melanie.
“Yeah—okay. Um, question?”
Melanie giggled. “Sure, what is it?”
“Joe’s not gonna be there, is he?”
There was genuine concern in your voice, evident you wanted to avoid him at all costs if you could. He was not your favorite person and that was clear. 
“At some point—but Wes and I can pick you up from the airport—just us. I don’t get what you have against Joe. He’s really nice once you get to know him.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. Was she talking about the same Joe that you were? Because you didn’t think so. 
A deep exhale escaped your lips as you rubbed your furrowed brows. “He thinks he’s God’s gift to women.”
Melanie laughed. “Well, he was GQ’s man of the year.”
“Melanie.”, you deadpanned before groaning. 
She laughed. “Well, just saying. You know, he still isn’t seriously dating anyone.”
“And I care why?”
There was slight venom in your voice as you closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. To be honest, you couldn't care less who Joe was dating and what kind of girls he was dating. You knew you didn’t match his type. He had been seen with a couple of women, the model kind. You didn’t fit that mold. And you were okay with that. 
“Maybe—just maybe you all will hit it off.”
“Doubt it.”
“You never know.”, Melanie sing-songed.
“Promise me it’ll be just you and Wes at the airport, please?”
“It will be, Y/Nickname. I promise, okay?”
Her answer satisfied you, and you hung up. Laying in bed, all you could think about was being forced to see Joe. It was going to be daunting, but whatever Melanie’s news was, you wanted to know and had to be there for her. She was your best friend, after all. You called your supervisor asking for time off and thankfully she didn’t seem to have an issue with it. You apologized for it being such short notice. 
The weekend passed and all you felt like you accomplished was packing clothes. Your flight left early at five thirty tomorrow morning and the flight was a long one to London. Laying in bed, you decided to scroll on your phone. Instantly, his face popped up. You groaned, throwing your phone off to the side. Could you not have one last night of peace? Everywhere you looked, Joe seemed to pop up. You knew he was famous and all, but it was becoming really annoying. 
Your phone dinged, causing you to pick it up again.
-Can’t wait to see you!! X
-Same here! Text you when I board the plane. :)
Setting your alarm, you closed your eyes and attempted to go to sleep. It felt like you barely closed your eyes when they shot open, hearing the alarm go off. You groaned, reaching for your phone on charge and unplugging it before shutting off your alarm. You blew air as you sat up and grabbed your robe, heading off to the bathroom to start getting ready. It was four in the morning. You fixed your hair quickly, put on some makeup, and got dressed in record time.
Grabbing your suitcase, you made your way downstairs and loaded it in your car. You closed your trunk, releasing a sigh. Nothing to do now but prepare yourself. Once you arrived at the airport, you texted Melanie that you were getting ready to board the plane. Here went nothing. What craziness would find you on this trip? Would you finally go off on Joe? Would you be able to hold your tongue? It was all a mystery. It all depended on what kind of news Melanie and Wes had to share.
The flight was long and exhausting. Your hips hurt from sitting in the seat for so long. When it was announced that you all were finally going to land, you couldn’t have been happier. The process still seemed to take forever as you waited for your luggage in baggage claim. Yours finally showed up, grabbing it and finally feeling excited to go see Melanie and Wesley. Your eyes panned the crowd of people, finally noticing Melanie who was waving widely with a smile on her face. Wesley was waving lightly beside her as you rushed over to them both.
“Oh my God, I’m so happy to see you.”, you smiled as you and Melanie embraced one another. 
“Same here. Look, Y/N, there’s something—”
“Wesley, you look so good.”
He chuckled as you all shared a hug.
“Welcome to London.”, Wesley laughed as he shared a nervous look with Melanie. 
“Y/N.”, Melanie persisted.
“Yeah?”, you smiled easily but your heart dropped into your stomach as he came into view. 
“Is she here yet? She’s taking forever.”, Joe didn’t look up from his phone, making his way back over to the group.
Your smile instantly turned into a frown as you crossed your arms, debating a smart-aleck response.
“You know I don’t control the airline.”, you rolled your eyes, finally getting his attention. 
“Joe came with us.”, Melanie smiled through gritted teeth. 
“I see that.”, you narrowed your eyes.
They promised you that Joe wouldn’t come with them and now, here he was. You felt overly annoyed and frustrated, wishing you could have five minutes to ask her what the hell she had done by bringing him with them. 
“I thought just you and Wesley were coming.”, you said, a hint of annoyance in your voice.
“Well, there is something we’d like to tell you and Joe. You’re our best friends.”, Melanie smiled, her eyes beaming.
You mustered a fake smile before Wesley offered to grab your bags. Joe stayed on his phone, never looking up as you all continued through the airport. The car was parked out front, and Melanie got in the front passenger seat, leaving you and Joe in the back seat. From your understanding, ever since Joe’s acting career went off, he had been hard to relate to and thought he was better than everyone. He thought he could pull any woman he wanted to— the thought alone caused you to roll your eyes.
“How was your flight?”, Wesley asked, closing the door.
Joe chuckled from beside you causing you to instantly glare at him. Who did he think he was?
“What’s so funny, Joe?”, you crossed your arms. 
“Your flight was long, that’s a bit of an understatement.”
You rolled your eyes. He was so insufferable. What right did he have to push your buttons like this? You narrowed your eyes, crossing your arms defensively. Even his presence annoyed you. Everything about him—from the way he fixed his hair to the shoes he wore on his feet annoyed you. 
“How does dinner sound?”, Melanie smiled, trying to break up the animosity. 
“Fine.”, you and Joe answered together. 
Silence took over the car ride as Wesley continued to drive. You knew you hadn’t been here long, but you already wanted to go back home. Especially if Joe was going to be part of your visit. Wesley and Melanie began talking amongst themselves, leaving you and Joe silent in the back. The car ride to the restaurant was agonizing, punishment enough already. You could only imagine how horrible dinner was going to be. What a disaster it would be. You’d have to drink. No, not just drink—get drunk to get through this night.
Then maybe after, this trip wouldn’t be so bad. You could only hope. That was all you could manage to hold onto right now. Wesley finally parked, pulling you all up to a fancy restaurant in Soho. Nothing like you usually had in the States. You all carefully got out, Wesley opening the door for Melanie before handing his keys to the valet, ushering you all to follow him inside. 
Inside, quiet jazz music played as the waiter asked how many you had. Wesley told them he had reservations for a party of four. The waiter quickly grabbed menus and told you all to follow him. Weaving in and out of the crowd, you finally found yourselves at a table. Melanie sat on the other side of Wesley, unfortunately leaving Joe and you sitting together. . You both ended up beside each other, you trying your best not to look at him or make accidental eye contact. 
You eyed the menu, trying to decide what you wanted. Wesley asked if you had any questions but you told him you decided on steak tartare, also ordering some wine to get started on your way to forgetting this night. After you all ordered, the waiter took the menus. Your drinks were served and you got a funny feeling while Melanie and Wesley were smiling at one another. 
“So….”, Melanie began as she grabbed Wesley’s hand.
“So….”, you repeated.
You grabbed your wine glass, bringing it up to your lips.
“Um, Wes and I have some news…..”
This caught Joe’s attention, causing him to look at Wesley with a confused look. Your mind instantly went to the thought that she was pregnant by him. 
“We’re engaged!”, they said together as Melanie flashed her ring, causing you to almost spit out your sip of wine.
You heard Joe take a deep breath as you grabbed a napkin to dab your lips.
“Congratulations.”, you finally choked out before coughing easily. 
Deep down inside, this felt a little sudden. 
“Yes, congratulations.”, Joe agreed, clearing his throat. 
“And…..”, Melanie smiled as she looked back at Wesley, he nodded encouraging her to continue. “We want you and Joe to be our maid of honor and best man.”
She was smiling so wide, she was showing all her teeth. She laughed easily, giddy as ever. You were stunned by her even suggesting that you could be a maid of honor with Joe—being the best man. What was she thinking?
“You’re our best mates.”, Wesley smiled before he and Melanie shared a kiss. 
You debated for a moment if you should agree to this—you knew what the maid of honor and best man did. Most of the wedding stuff was up to you all. Like bachelorette and bachelor parties, organizing a rehearsal dinner—you’d have to be in constant contact with one another. Did you really want that? But you didn’t want to let Wesley and Melanie down either.
“Um, sure—I’d love to.”, you spoke up finally.
“Yes, of course, I will.”, Joe agreed.
You met each other’s eyes, almost as if you all were thinking the same thing. 
“Brill! Can’t wait.”, Wesley smiled.
“So when is the big day?”, Joe asked, sipping his wine before tearing into his oysters.
“The 15th of August.”
Joe coughed abruptly. “That's like—two months away.”
Melanie nodded. “We can’t wait any longer.”
“So I need to stay two months?”
“Actually, we’re planning to have the wedding in Italy.”, Melanie smiled. 
“Yes, we’re planning to leave next Monday for Italy—but don’t worry—you and Joe are coming too, we hope.”, Wesley looked into Melanie’s eyes.
You and Joe exchanged looks for once, seeming to be thinking the same thing. Making a mental note, you knew you’d have to ask for an extension on your time off. 
“We wouldn’t miss it for the world.”, Joe smiled easily before bringing the wine back up to his lips, making a small face as if it was bitter.
But it wasn’t the wine that was bitter. It was the thought of you all having to be in the same place together for two months. What were Wesley and Melanie thinking? They knew you both clearly didn’t get along well. And now you all were going to have to work together to plan a wedding for your best friends. This was clearly going to be the hardest thing you ever had to do. 
“We’re so glad. And we got tickets to see the Arctic Monkeys tomorrow night at the music festival, try to relax and clear the air before things really start up.”, Wesley smirked to Melanie.
“Fun.”, you smiled easily.
“Cheers to that.”, Joe raised his wine glass. 
You all made a small toast before you and Joe began downing wine as fast as the waiter could refill your glasses. The rest of the dinner ended up being a blur. You didn’t remember getting in the cab or Melanie and Wes helping to carry you inside Melanie’s apartment and getting you in the bed in her spare bedroom she had prepared just for you to come stay. 
“How much did she drink?”, Wesley asked, your brain barely registering his voice inside a haze.
“I don’t know, several glasses. How’s Joe?”, Melanie asked.
So that idiot got drunk too. That made you feel a little better in your drunken state. 
“Drunk off his ass.”
“Do you think you’ll be okay getting him inside?”
Their voices were low, barely audible through the door.
“I think so. If I need reinforcement, I’ll call some of our other mates.”, Wesley laughed lightly. 
“Okay. Call me when you get home, I love you.”
“I love you too, babe. I will.”
There was the soft sound of Wesley’s footsteps departing along with the apartment door shutting quietly. You heard Melanie sigh before opening your door to peep in on you. 
“Are you okay Y/N?”
“Fine—sleepy.”, you responded. “Can you help me out of my clothes?”
You knew you weren’t being yourself. This reminded you of your college days when you and Melanie would hit the clubs, partying. But this felt even worse than those days did. Was it because you’re older now and your body couldn’t handle that stuff anymore? Melanie attempted to help you stand up, most of your weight leaning on her. 
“Okay, let’s get these clothes off.”, Melanie said as she tugged at your shirt.
It went up and over your head as she tugged at your dress pants, helping slide them down your leg. She fought against the fear you’d fall over. 
“Y/N, can you help me some?”
“I’m trying, Melanie.”, you groaned. 
After several minutes of fighting and frustration, your clothes were off leaving you only in your bra and panties before Melanie wrestled to get you in bed, covering you up. 
“Goodnight, Mel.”
“Goodnight, Y/Nickname.”, she sighed as she flipped out the lights and shut your door softly. 
Your head was pounding as you flipped over in bed in an attempt to get comfortable. It didn’t take long before you drifted off to sleep. Unsure of how many hours passed, you were awakened by that familiar sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. You shot up out of bed, throwing the door to the guest bedroom open and desperately looking down the hallway for the bathroom. Thankfully, you found it before throwing yourself over the toilet, emptying the contents of your stomach. 
Silently, you prayed your best friend wouldn’t find you in this state. Hanging your head over the commode, you tried to wrap your head around what happened last night. All you remembered was going to dinner, Wesley and Melanie announcing their engagement and wedding, and you having to be in contact with Joe for at least two more months in Italy before this wedding. Apparently, all that information had been too much and that’s why you felt like wine was the appropriate answer, drinking yourself into oblivion. 
You heard the door creak open softly. “Y/N?”
“I’m good, Mel. Go back to sleep.”, you groaned. “And no need to gloat on your way out.”
She chuckled lightly. “Hard to sleep when your best friend is puking her guts out.”
“I know—it’s my fault.”, you groaned.
“Was dinner really that miserable?”
“No. I’m happy for you and Wes, I really am. It’s just putting up with Joe.”
“Joe really isn’t that bad. I’ve had to put up with him a lot—he and Wes are kinda a packaged deal, you know.”, she crossed her arms playfully.
“Yeah, but he doesn’t hate you.”
You felt the nausea coming back on just thinking about him. 
“He doesn’t hate you either.”
“Unless you wanna see me throw up again, can we finish this conversation later?”
“I’ll go make tea. Want some?”
“No thanks.”, you grabbed your stomach.
“Suit yourself.”, Melanie shrugged her shoulders playfully before closing the bathroom door.
Several hours and a couple of tylenols later, you were finally beginning to feel like yourself again. You were lying on Melanie’s couch, staring at the white ceiling and debating your life choices. The only reason you had agreed to do this was for Melanie and Wesley. You had come to like Wesley a lot and you were happy to know he and Melanie were getting married. He was a good guy and seemed to genuinely care about her. You never expected her to find love in London, but you were happy she did. She deserved it after her last relationship.
“Wes and I are going to taste cake flavors today.”
“Sounds exciting.”, you responded lightly before turning your head to look at her.
She was putting her small hoop earrings in as she tried to simultaneously put on her heels. 
“Who doesn’t love cake? Are you feeling any better? Think you’ll be up to the concert tonight?”
“Yeah, I think so. The room doesn’t seem as swimmy, so that’s a plus.”
Melanie chuckled in response. “Good. You and Joe really need to try and bond. It’s important to Wes and I. You’re our best friends and this is our big special day. We can’t have you all getting drunk in the bathroom, trying to avoid one another.”
“He’s the one who comes off snarky and like a pompous asshole.”
“Y/N, please. Just try. For us.”
“Fine.”, you groaned, crossing your arms.
“Alright, I’ll be back later. Go explore London or something.”
You gave a slight smirk at her as she grabbed her keys, and exited the apartment. 
You turned on the television in an attempt to find something to watch, eventually leaving on the BBC channel and drifting off to sleep. The time difference was really fucking with you. Your phone’s annoying tones started you out of your sleep as you searched for your phone that you were sure you laid on the coffee table. 
Your voice was groggy.
“Hey. Can you do me a huge favor, please?”
Melanie. Her voice was desperate, she needed a huge favor.
“What’s up?”, you stretched easily, yawning. 
“Have you been asleep?”, Wesley chimed in.
“Maybe. Look, the time difference is fucking with me. I’m jet-lagged. What’s up, Mel?”
“I forgot our wedding planner at Wesley’s apartment. We really need it.”
Your brain was trying to catch up. 
“And risk running into Joe. No thanks.”
“Please.”, Melanie pleaded. 
“Joe won’t bet there, I promise. He’s out for a run. Said he had to pick a few things up.”
You sighed, knowing you were gonna give in. But for the record, you were only doing this for them. No one else. 
“Fine. Can you send me the address?”
“Thanks so much Y/N. It means so much to us. I’ll text it right over. See you soon.”
“Uh-huh, you’re welcome.”, you nodded through her endless appreciation.
You got up and threw on your shoes. For the weather, you had decided on jeans and a tank top. You had read that London’s weather could change at the drop of a hat. So far, it was warm and beautiful weather as you locked the apartment. You looked at the address to Wesley and Joe’s apartment, noting that it wasn’t very far from Melanie’s. You decided the walk couldn’t be that bad, right? Hopefully, you would avoid Joe’s running route. What psycho went running in the middle of the day? 
You passed a lot of Londoners, feeling like you stuck out like a sore thumb. It felt like everyone’s eyes were on you as if they knew you didn’t belong here. Some people were riding their bikes, running, walking with friends and you silently prayed one person you wouldn’t pass was Joe. You were not in the mood to deal with him today. Not right now, anyway. He was like alcohol, you had to build a tolerance. 
After a brisk twenty-minute walk, you arrived at the apartment numbered 213, knowing this was their apartment. Wesley had texted you, telling you there was a spare key under the mat in the event that he or Joe had forgotten their keys or locked themselves out. Looking around, you made sure no one was watching you as you pulled the mat up and grabbed the spare key. One step closer to getting in here, finding the planner, and getting out. That was your goal, that was your mission.
Clearing your throat, you slid the key into the lock. It opened with ease. You braced yourself as you entered their apartment, hesitant of what the smell would be or what you’d find but to your surprise, everything was fairly neat and in order. Shoes were lined up neatly at the door, the smell of bourbon filling your nose. You slid your shoes off, making your way into the apartment, feeling like you were in the clear. 
Their apartment was posh-looking, especially for be two men living there. It was neat and classy, but honestly you didn’t expect much less from Joe.
“I wonder where she left that stupid planner.”, you sighed as you began to look in the living room.
“Well hello to you too, love. What planner?”
You jumped, not expecting to hear another voice in the apartment—much less from the person you loathed. Your eyes shot over to the kitchen to find a nude Joe in the kitchen, the counter covering his cock and balls. He had a huge cheeky smirk on his face as he lit a cigarette. His curly hair was sticking to his forehead, his arms glistened in the kitchen light. You cursed your body as your stomach twisted into a pretzel. 
“Oh fuck—oh my God. I didn’t think you’d be home. Wes told me and promised me you wouldn’t be here.”, you stammered, covering your face. 
Instantly, you could feel the blood draining from your face and your cheeks heating up.
“I came home from my jog a little early. It’s hard not to stare right?”
“Um no I just came here—for Melanie and Wesley’s stupid wedding planning book. Where is it?”
Joe smirked as he took a puff from his cigarette as you flipped over pillows on the couch, turned over magazines, and moved anything that you thought could be in the way of you finding this planner so you could get the hell out of here. 
“I could tell you where it is—if you wanna do a little something for me in return, you know, help one another?”
“And what’s that?”, you snapped back, opening the cabinets to the entertainment system.
You were too focused in the living room to notice Joe coming out from behind the counter, his cock on full display. He chuckled softly, causing you to turn around and recoil. 
“Maybe give me a little something of yours?”
You knew what he was implying, your eyes narrowing. 
“Your sexy little cunt. God, it’s been a while since I had sex.”
“Please. You could have sex with any girl you want.”, you rolled your eyes. “And besides, I hate your guts.”
“Have you ever had hate sex? I mean you’re not looking away or telling me to put clothes on. It’s so big, it’s hard not to look, right?”
“Fuck off, Joe.”
He chuckled tauntingly like he was trying to make you mad. “Aw come on, you’ve never had one this big I bet. Have you?”, he asked, taking his cock in his free hand while he stroked the length of his shaft. 
“I’ve had one bigger.”, you lied as you turned your attention to the bookcase. 
“Really? Then you’ll have no problem taking mine, will you?”
“And just why should I?”
You skimmed through the bookcase, searching and hoping you’d find this planner. But it wasn’t looking to work out in your favor. 
“Because I’m sure you got the speech where we need to get closer, didn’t you? Wesley gave me mine this morning before I left on my run.”
“So sex will bring us closer?”
Your tone was condescending, making it sound like his proposition was the dumbest thing you’d ever heard of. 
“Maybe it just makes us hate each other a little less?”
“Where did she put this fucking book?”, you groaned, feeling like you wanted to pull your hair out while completely ignoring Joe’s question.
He watched you for a minute before putting his cigarette out in the ashtray, able to comfortably stroke himself now. You bent over looking in every place that you thought this planner could hide. Were you trying to entice him? It was like dangling a piece of meat in front of an alligator and expecting it not to bite. He bit his lip while watching you intently, thinking of all the things he could do to you. He’d make a mess of you, he just knew it. All he needed was the okay and he would.
You stood back up, running a hand through your hair and debating ripping some out in frustration. 
“Fuck me.”, you sighed.
“I’d love to if you’d let me.”, came his snarky response.
You glared at him. “You really know where the planner is?”
“Of course I do. Wes and Melanie always work on it here.”
“And if we do this, you’d tell me.”
“Of course, I would. I’m not a total dick, Y/N.”
“I’ve already been here fifteen minutes.”, you eyed your Apple Watch. 
“Fifteen minutes we could have utilized, hm?”, he hummed as he came closer—so close his breath was on your neck. 
You could feel his eyes staring at you, studying you. You swallowed hard, closing your eyes. You were not about to give in to Joseph Quinn, were you?
“You’re a pretty girl, you know that? It’s just that fucking bratty attitude of yours.”
You turned to meet his eyes, him continuing to steadily stroke his cock. You couldn’t help it—your eyes wandered down to his cock. You pursed your lips, close to saying something in response but the words weren’t forming. It was like your brain was mush and you hated feeling this way. You hated allowing a man to make you feel this way. Feminists everywhere would be so ashamed. 
“So what’s it gonna be, love?”
“Where?”, you sighed, gritting your teeth.
“The couch. Gotta make it quick and fast. You gotta get that planner to Melanie and Wes.”
“Thank you Captain Obvious.”, you rolled your eyes. 
“Just shut up and let’s fuck.”, he breathed as he pulled you closer, crashing his lips into yours. 
Your brain was running a million miles a minute, trying to think of every reason that this was wrong. He gently backed you up into the living room, beginning to tug at your jeans making quick work of unbuttoning them. You felt the button come loose, him tugging your jeans down so hard you were afraid he might have ripped one of your favorite pairs of jeans. Another reason you could hate him. He broke the kiss, allowing you to steady yourself by holding onto his shoulders as he bent down, helping you out of your jeans. Why was he being rough but nice? It didn’t make sense.
Closing your eyes, your brain was trying to convince you this was stupid. You hated this man. But you weren’t listening to your voice of reason, trying to bury it as one of his hands brushed over your cunt. 
“Let’s just see how wet you are for me.”, he breathed as he pulled your panties to the side, immediately inserting two fingers causing you to gasp and dig your nails into his shoulder blades.
He smirked up at you, brown eyes burning with desire and lust. Not those little puppy dog eyes all the girls claimed he had.
“Fuck. You’re soaked.”
You rolled your eyes, trying to look at anything but him. “Am not.”
He laughed at your attempt to convince him otherwise. “Oh you’re soaked, love. This turns you on—I turn you on.”
“It isn’t you.”, you laughed bitterly as his fingers traced your wet folds, going deeper.
“No.”, you argued more confidently. “Any human is gonna get turned on when sex is mentioned. Basic sex ed.”, you scoffed as you choked back a moan.
“I suppose.”, he agreed. “But you’re just a little too eager for this, aren’t you?”
“Fuck—you.”, you choked as he buried his fingers deeper. “Thought this was gonna be fast.”
“You want it rough and fast?”
“I’m sure Melanie and Wesley will be blowing up my phone any second.”
“Fine, we’ll fuck fast.”, he groaned as he slid both fingers out of your wet cunt, causing you to whimper before he picked you up and tossed you on the couch, grabbing your tank top, pulling it up and over your head fast and in a hurry. 
All that was left was your bra and panties. Grabbing one side of your panties, he jerked them down your legs and kept only one leg in so it would be faster to put them back on or so you imagined. Climbing on top of you, he pulled the cups of your bra down and exposed your breasts just enough so he could play with them. There was no need to take it completely off when you all had to rush through this, right? 
Wasting no time, he quickly lined himself up with your entrance. You inhaled deeply, bracing yourself for him. It had been months since you’d had sex and you weren’t going to lie, you were a little eager. Or your body was at least. 
“Fuck.”, you hissed as he split you wide open, burying himself deep in your cunt. 
“Thought you had one bigger than mine.”
You glared up at him. “It’s been a few months since I’ve had sex, okay?”
“Aw, you’ve been deprived, haven’t you?”, he feigned as he began to move his hips. 
You closed your eyes and tried to ignore him, feeling him working himself deep inside of you. It stung slightly, but you knew it was because you hadn’t had sex in a while.
“Fuck you’re so tight.”, he groaned as he quickened his pace, the burning sensation intensifying.
Fighting the urge to crinkle your face, you hoped this pain would soon turn to pleasure. It always did. You didn’t respond to him, choosing to ignore him.
“M’ can tell you haven’t been fucked in a while. How long’s it been?”
“I don’t know—exactly.”, you moaned as you turned your head to the side. 
“Sure, you do.”, he moved one of his hands to twist and pinch your hard nipple. 
“I don’t know…six months.”, you breathed in a moan as he hit the spot that made you forget your name, instantly turning the pain into pleasure—finally.
“Six months.”, he repeated, breathing beginning to hitch. “I’m gonna give it to you so hard.”
You opened your eyes. “What are you waiting for then?”
He chuckled, a smile spreading across his face. “Be careful what you wish for, love….”
Without warning, he picked up his pace causing your eyes to widen and your senses to heighten. He was putting a lot of force behind it, pounding you into the couch so hard you could almost see stars. 
“You—just—might—get it.”, he groaned out. 
“Fuck, Joe.”, you moaned as you gripped his shoulder tighter, sinking your fingernails in. 
“Your cunt takes my cock so well....”, he hissed as he grabbed one of your legs, slinging it over his shoulder, allowing himself more leverage. 
How did you end up in this situation? It wasn’t by chance. Would it happen again? Your brain couldn’t hypothetically answer those questions right now, much more focused on something else—someone else.
“Oh yeah—fits like a glove.”, he grunted as he rutted himself into you.
You closed your eyes, trying to focus on a climax. You needed to cum and at least get something out of this for yourself other than Melanie’s stupid planner. You deserved it for having to put up with his dumb ass. It was happening, you were climbing that hill and fast. Joe could read it on your face, he could almost see your heart beating out of your chest. Your pulse was skyrocketing, you just knew it. 
“Close?”, He breathed.
You didn’t respond. He was going to get an answer out of you—one way or another. Smirking, he pulled out abruptly causing your eyes to shoot open, a gasp leaving your lips.
“What—the—fuck, Joe?”
“You never answered me.”
You sighed, clearly annoyed. “I was close before you fucking pulled out.”
“See? Was that so hard?”, he asked.
You groaned. “Can you please just shut up and let’s finish?”
He grunted as he continued to fuck himself deep inside you. You closed your eyes, trying to focus on your own release. You needed this. Your stress was through the roof and you owed this to yourself to get through these next two months. Melanie never explained that you’d be coming to London for a wedding. It was just supposed to be catching up. Joe wasn’t supposed to be in the equation, not for the full length of time. 
“It’s easily been thirty minutes.”, you groaned.
“It’s hard to cum when you’re complaining, love.”
“You probably jerk off thinking about it—about my bitchy little mouth, don’t you?”
“I’m not letting you get in control.”, he gritted his teeth, clearly becoming close. 
The fight for power kinda of turned you on, helping you become closer to an orgasm. Anything to get you through this. His expression eased when he noticed the signs coming back—the signs you were becoming close to an orgasm again. He decided this time he wouldn’t be too mean. His curls were sticking to his forehead, sweat beading up on his forehead and face. One thing you learned in a short time during your stay here was that Londoners didn’t use air conditioning.
His single chain was dangling as he aimlessly fucked himself into you. What a grade-A douchebag he was. You knew he thought he was God’s gift to women. Hell, he’d probably have another one tonight at the music festival. All you were was a notch in his belt. 
“Fuck—I’m gonna cum.”, you hissed.
“Oh fuck—cum all over my dick.”
His words sent you over the edge instantly. You tightened your grip, sinking fingernails into his shoulders as your eyes rolled back in your head, toes curling as you felt your cunt tighten around him and your juices began covering his dick. 
“Fuck—fuck—fuck….”, was all you could hiss out during your orgasm. 
A proud smile spread across his lips as he watched you come undone right in front of him. He wasn’t going to coerce you through your orgasm, you were a big girl. 
“Shit, you squirted all over my dick. You’re a squirter, aren’t you?”
You didn’t answer him.
“Fuck, you are. And that’s sexy shit. Porno shit. Every man’s fucking wet dream.”, he laughed as he continued to fuck himself inside of you, only intensifying your orgasm.
Interrupting your moment of euphoria was your stupid cell phone. It took a moment for your brain to even register what it was. It was Melanie’s ringtone. 
“I’m working on it.”, he hummed. “Almost there if you’ll shut your bitchy mouth.”
“You have to fucking cum or get out of me because this means I’m taking too long.”, you rolled your eyes, squirming under him.
“Just relax. Gonna—cum—hold still, fuck—here it comes.”, he threw his head back. “Gonna fill you full.”
You feel his hips stutter as you held onto him haphazardly, instantly feeling his hot, sticky cum coat the walls of your cunt as you stretched just enough to answer your phone. 
“Hello?”, your breathing was quick and sounded like you had run a marathon.
“Hey Y/Nickname, did you find our planner? The baker is kinda waiting on us.”, she laughed nervously. “What have you been doing? It sounds like you’re working out or something.”
Joe held back a laugh only snickering as he finished cumming deep inside of you, holding himself there and making sure none was wasted.
“Uh—just nerves. Can’t find your planner and freaking out. I was hoping not to have to call you but I can’t find it.”
Joe slid out once he was sure he was finished, causing you to wince as some of his load seeped out behind him. He disappeared into another room, leaving you on the phone with your best friend, practically naked. 
“It’s in Wesley’s room. Just open the door and it should be on the bedside table or in the drawer one, I can’t remember.”
Joe came back with a towel and the planner, holding it like it was some prize. 
“Uh, I found it. Be there asap. Send me directions to the bakery. Thanks, love you, bye.”, you hit the end button quickly.
“Clean yourself up and go. Here’s the planner.”, he tossed the towel at you and laid the planner on the arm of the loveseat. 
“Really? What a gentleman.”, you rolled your eyes.
“And yet you could have just called Melanie from the beginning to ask her where her planner was, but you fucked me so I would tell you.”, he smirked. “Who really wants this worse than the other?”
You were lying there in disbelief, trying to process this. No way you wanted this more than he did. The only reason you considered this was because you hadn’t had sex in a while. That was the only reason—wasn’t it?
“You’re a dirty girl, Y/N. I’ll see you tonight.”
With that, he turned to go and disappeared into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. You groaned as you quickly wiped yourself off and fixed your underwear and bra before sliding your jeans on. You tossed the towel on the floor, leaving the remnants of the mess you made behind. You quickly looked at yourself in the reflection of the cabinet before grabbing the planner, you looked okay but you definitely needed a shower. In the bathroom, you could hear the sound of water cutting on. 
You looked down at the address on your phone, opening the door to the apartment to leave. The sun was shining, it was a beautiful day. Closing the door and eyeing your watch, you knew you had to be fast. That took a little longer than you were expecting especially since you had run into some…obstacles. Deciding quickly to hail a cab, you knew this would be the faster route. You had to make up time and it felt bad to know Wesley and Melanie were waiting on you. You couldn’t tell them the real reason for your delay. 
Ten more minutes passed before you arrived at the bakery, quickly paying your fare and exiting the cab, holding onto the planner for dear life. You threw open the door to the bakery to see Melanie and Wesley sitting with the baker, looking at designs and flavors while they apologized for the delay.
“Sorry, it took me so long. I looked everywhere.”, you laughed nervously. 
“It’s fine, thank you for doing that for us.”, Wesley smiled as you handed him the planner. 
“Yes, thank you so much Y/N.”, Melanie chimed in. 
Suddenly, your phone buzzed causing you to pull it out of your back pocket. The number wasn’t in your contacts but you instantly knew who it was upon reading it. 
-Thanks for earlier. We should do it again sometime. X
“No problem. I’m gonna grab some lunch and head back to the apartment and grab a shower before tonight. Have fun picking cakes.”, you smiled nervously, causing Wesley and Melanie to sense something was off with you but they couldn’t put their finger on it. 
You rushed out of the bakery, feeling like you were about to suffocate. The fresh air with the breeze didn’t seem to quail your issues in the slightest. You needed to come to terms with what you had done and quickly. Reality was hitting you full force as you felt something between your legs. This really happened and there was no undoing it. Your phone buzzed again, reminding you that you hadn’t opened or responded to the text message. And your dumb-ass self actually looked again. It was going to be a long two months. 
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