#[and so is sleepy levi]
moo-blogging · 2 months
Nothing in my head, but Levi trying PDA for the first time.
It was snowing. The air was chilly, and the wind stung your face as you braced through the cold. Most of the cadets were back home to celebrate Christmas, but a few of you stayed back to stand by (and of course, without a home to go back to).
Nanaba, Miche, Levi and you were tasked to shop for some extra food for the Christmas and Levi's birthday celebration. Although you insisted that Levi should stay back but he came anyway. You were fresh in your relationship with Levi. Only Erwin and Miche were suspecting you were together, but Levi never said anything about it and you hesitated to tell.
After the cashier rang up everything, Nanaba was busy counting the change, you stood by the side of the road, each hand carrying a bag of goods, staring at the bakery's display window. There was a diversity of cakes, breads, tarts and fruit danishes on showcase. The window is slightly fogged up with the warmth of the fresh baked goods, and the sweet aroma of freshly baked danishes seeped through the slit of the door.
There was not enough budget for a cake large enough for all the cadets that stayed back, so it was decided to settle for butter cookies instead. Miche was paying up for the cookies inside the bakery. You could see his silhouette inside by the cashier, making small talks about something.
Just then, you felt a palm slid into yours. You turned to find Levi standing next to you, staring at the bakery's window as well. Your palm in the thin glove could feel the warmth of Levi's skin. You looked down to make sure what you felt was real. And yes, he was holding your hand in public. Levi squeezed your palm and you looked up at him. He was watching you with his head tilted to the side. "Anything you want from here?" He nodded his head toward the bakery.
"N-no, we've got everything." You swallowed nervously. Levi's eyes bore into yours, "not from the list for the brats, anything you want from the bakery?" You felt your cheeks heat up and you averted your gaze from his face toward the bakery.
"I'm fine!" You blurted out too fast. From your side eye, you could see Levi nodded. Before you could react, Levi took the bag from your hand and turned around. Nanaba, who was standing behind you, was stunned by what she just saw. Levi took another bag from you and walked away. You quietly followed behind. Miche exited the bakery and raised his eyebrows at Nanaba.
Nanaba mouthed "I saw them holding hands!" Miche eyes widened in surprise, shrugged and said "you owe my 5 bucks, Nanaba."
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leviraaaaaa · 1 year
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It'd been years after the war.
You no longer had to fight anymore.
The ODM bruises had started to fade as you don't have to tighten the straps anymore, so hard that they dug into your skin. You don't miss the familiar weight of the gas tanks and thunder spears around your waist.
No more recovering only the remains of your dead friend. No more running for your life. No more corpses, no more blood.
You don't miss that life.
You've found your peace, a life with Levi.
You would have never thought it was possible. Not just you and him, but the whole concept of it.
That finally, you can sleep peacefully, without being scared of an urgent call that a wall was broken through. Though you'd still have nightmares but still. And even then it was fine because you had Levi now, to help you get through it. You no longer hard to curl up to yourself and try to calm yourself down, hug a pillow and sob silently so none of your dormmates wake up. You had Levi now.
Or the mornings, you think. The odd sense of peace, the feeling of safety. You can wake up beside him and stay in bed for as long as you want. You don't have to get up and search for your uniform. There's no training to be late to. You just curl yourself around him and watch him sleep, peaceful. And you get to watch when he'd woke up, sleepy sleepy eyes peering through and then arms wrapping around you tighter. He looks so vulnerable then. But you're glad, you think. That he can sleep like that now. That he feels safe enough to, safe with you. His dark circles aren't so visible anymore and he doesn't look as tired as he used to. He still can't get a full rest, but the insomnia isn't that bad.
Life had changed. And for the best. Peace for him and peace for you.
But try as you may, and oh dear God did you try, you can't actually forget. Can't actually leave the life you had spent so many years living behind just like that.
No, the scars never faded.
Souvenirs, you think. Reminders etched into your skin, reminders of who you were and what you've done and all that you pray to forget.
Yours stopped bothering you at one point. It used to. Once. Severely.
You'd stare at the bruises on your thighs for hours or the livid pale slashes along your arms or your stomach. Rough knuckles and calloused fingertips, the constant usage of ODM had left marks there too.
It's more the memories than anything that comes with it.
You used to think, how could anyone possibly look at this marred mess you were and still love you?
Oh but Levi.
He never told you but you knew.
He thinks it's not enough. That he's not enough. That surely you deserve someone with all their fingers, and both their eyes.
And you think it's ridiculous.
But even now, after so many years, you'd sometimes catch a glimpse of him staring at himself into the mirror, fingers grazing his face.
The world had been so cruel to him. And he didn't know how to be kinder to himself.
Unlike you, who cried it out, he never learnt how to actually handle his emotions. So when it's one of those days, he merely shuts himself out. In his own dark little mind. And those days, you leave him alone, because he only curls into himself deeper if you try to get him out. And you learnt to give him space, for him to come out on his own. Though every inch of you wants to help him, but you don't know how.
And it was one of those days, you realized when you walked into the bathroom.
He was staring at the bathroom mirror, arms braced on the counter. So focused he didn't even hear you coming.
"Levi?" You called out gently.
He didn't answer, but his head tilts towards you, eyes shifting to meet yours. He only gives a slight nod.
"You... okay?"
"...yeah." He takes a moment but nods. "Fine."
And it was then you noticed how hard his fingers gripped onto the counter. And you noticed his expression, the look of guilt there. How he wouldn't even look at you properly.
Your heart hurt.
If only he understood.
You didn't say anything but walked towards him. And without a word, you slide on top of the counter, shifting so he was standing between your legs. You locked your legs behind him, pulling him closer. He was startled but he didn't say anything, his eyes downcast.
There was so much pain inside those gray eyes.
"Levi." Your voice gentle, soft. "Look at me."
At that, he only tilted his head, looking further away from you, eyes darting sideways.
"No, look at me." You held his chin, turning his head towards you. He flinched at your touch, but you could see the resistance breaking under your gaze. The walls coming down.
With that, you held up your hair, tilting your head to show him a slash that went up to your neck.
"See this?"
He looked at you, confused. And without a word, you tugged on your t-shirt, taking off the clothing in one pull.
"What are you... doing?" He asked, warily. Eyes on your face. Even after so many years, he still got shy.
"No, eyes here lev." You said firmly. "See this?" You pointed at a scar along your elbow, then towards the bruises that ODM had left on your chest. " And this?"
He only stared at you, expression hard. His jaw tightened.
"Tell me Lev." You sighed.
"Does these repulse you? Creeps you out? Do you think they're ugly? Do they make you love me less? Or not at all?"
Levi looked horrified. He was immediately shaking your head, desperate to deny the words. How could you even think that?
"No." He said hastily, eyes wide. "No, what are you saying? Of course not—"
"So why on earth," You gently cupped his cheek, shushing him down. "Do you believe that yours makes me love you any less?"
Your thumb pressed along the scars on his cheek. They were white now, no longer blood red and livid on his skin as it was back when Hange stiched them up. You swallowed, pressing your forehead to his.
"What made you think," You whispered. "That these makes you worth any less levi? "
He didn't pull away, but he stiffened. His face hardened but there was a look of despair beneath his eyes. "That's not the same—''
"How is it any different?" You cut him out, your voice firm. "You tell me, I'm waiting."
He hesitated, staring at you. And then he looked down.
"...I'm crippled."
"Your point?"
"You deserve someone younger. Someone whole. Someone who's more than me."
"There's no one that's more than you levi."
"I'm damaged. "
"We'll fix it. I'll fix you. So, help me fix myself."
"I'll hurt you. I've already hurt you. I don't know how to be better than this. I don't know how to love someone. "
"You're the only person who have never hurt me. You make me feel more worthy than anyone else in this world ever could. And holy shit, if you can't," You whispered. "If you can't, let me. God, I'd love the shit out of you if you'd just let me. So fucking let me in Levi, don't push me away. Don't shut me out. You've done that enough in your lifetime."
And Levi was still. He was made out of stone. So hard, so rough, the edges so sharp. He tries to soften himself for you, but it goes against everything he ever taught himself his whole life and he doesn't know how to do that. He tries, but somehow it never feels enough. Not enough for you. And he wish he could believe that you didn't love him because you do and he could feel it. He can always feel it . Like the way you were looking at him and he felt so, so exposed.
It makes him feel guilty. Someone like you doesn't belong with someone like him. And he wishes, for once in your life, you'd stop looking at him like that so he could convice himself that you don't want him and he could walk away.
And he knows he makes you feel like you're not good enough, because he sees your sad expression when he locks himself out. But it's not you, he wants to tell you. God, you're fucking perfect and it's never you. It's him. He's the fucking problem. The space inside his head was so dark he was scared that just might be enough for you to leave.
But you. The tempt of it.
The warmth of you. You were all softness and gentless and goodness, so so kind to him and it makes him want to hold you tight and never let go again.
But somedays it gets so hard.
He isn't used to this. To show his feelings. To feel so bare in front of someone. Instinct doesn't let him.
He isn't used to feel so loved.
But he thinks he'd try. For you.
Because now that it's you, he doesn't know how to go back to a time there wasn't you.
"Levi?" Your voice pulls him out of his mind. Like you always did. His saving grace, his angel. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling you closer and he can hardly breathe.
"Don't give up on me, Levi." You whispered to his ears. "On you. On us."
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@sad-darksoul @anxious-chick @raginginferno267
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appleblueberry-pie · 2 months
Worshipper yandere Levi Ackerman hcs?
(You just unlocked a whole new demon within me)
You go to sleep and wake up every day unknowing of the man who keeps you close to his heart.
You are the God he praises every day.
You are in his prayers when he eats and before he goes to bed.
He keeps you in his mind through all of his mental hardships and through all of his best moments in his life.
He tries not to stay too lost in thought, knowing he has to keep track of his wellbeing. For if he doesn't he won't be at his mental and physical best when you need him most.
The man he was a few years ago wouldn't recognize who he is now.
He acts almost the exact same on the outside. But his purpose and drive to continue living his life and taking every single breath and step is driven by the thought of you.
And he hates having to face you, because he never feels like he's enough in your presence.
No matter how normal he sounds when greeting you, no matter how many friendly laughs you give him, he's never enough for you to truly notice him.
He'd give up his liver, his kidneys, his lungs, his bladder, his biggest arteries up just to give you more life. He needs you.
Nothing makes sense in his mind when you're around.
And nothing made sense ever since he first met you either.
You need to be in a museum, so when you die, your legacy remains lingering in the town you were born in so people remember what beautiful purpose you brought to the people.
He's drunk on you and you clear his mind like no other drug.
You're his drink of water
You're his tongue that communicates what his mind thinks.
You're his eyelashes protecting his eyes.
You're his skin, the biggest organ continuously dying and reproducing to keep his insides protected, warm and safe.
You're him
You're the planet and stars.
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loveackermannn · 2 years
How do you think Levi sleeps next to you? Stiff as a board? Curled up against your side because you’re so warm and he subconsciously moves towards the heat? Does he allow you to cuddle him? Does he wake from nightmares often? If he can’t sleep will he lay awake stroking your side to remind himself that you’re still with him. What about things like sleep talking or sleep walking? Imagine waking up to find Levi trying to brew tea in his sleep. Standing guard by the kettle in his striped pajama bottoms and loose cotton shirt. I wonder if he hums little lullabies to help himself get to sleep. Thoughts?
☰ SLEEP A WHILE, SWEETHEART. .ೃ࿐𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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this is so so sweet i love this ask!!
levi is a very light sleeper, so even the slightest movement from you would strike him awake at any time. however, it wasn't easy to convince him to sleep in the same bed as you even when the two of you began dating. he was very much adamant that he needed to stay up to finish several documents for erwin, but you maintained your persistence – and just like that, he gave in too quickly.
you noticed how dark his undereyes have gotten and you would gently scolded him for not listening to you sooner about sleeping early. he merely grumbled into your shoulder as you tugged him along and into the shared room in which you mostly slept in – he always ended up falling asleep in his chair until a few hours had passed, you figured his posture must be horrid at this point.
so, you assisted in removing his jacket and loosening a few buttons on his dress shirt. he slipped off his cravat, setting it on his nightstand and slipped under the silky duvet to join you. he laid inches away from you, not making any effort to move closer as he didn't want to seem abrupt.
but, it was when you took his hand into your own that made him avert his eyes onto your tired features and he could feel the tension leave his body – you were just so pretty. his face softened just for you and he couldnt help but ask, "what is it?"
you lightly groaned, half awake and half asleep, muttering the last few sentences that you could manage, "you're too farrr.. come closer, it's freezing you know?"
he chuckled, hesitant and somewhat clumsy at first, "are you sure?"
"of course, my love," you confirmed, rubbing your eyes and inching yourself closer and closer to the warmth of his body.
levi tensed the moment you made full contact with his chest, not even registering the fact that this was really happening. the person he's wanted for all these years was sleeping soundly right by his side because you felt safe enough to do so. he couldn't fathom it, it almost didn't feel real.
though, when he finally moved his arms away from his sides and gently wrapped them around your limp form, it confirmed that this was real and that perhaps he could actually get a good night's rest because of you.
he looked down and upon hearing the quiet breaths that went in and out of your nose, he's never felt more at ease than he is now. he felt the corners of his lips perk up into a small smile that was only ever reserved for you, but since your eyes were closed to notice, he kept it to himself.
from then on, he cherished the nights more than he used to. he'd always been terrified of waking up from another nightmare, but with you by his side, everything seemed a little more okay. he didn't have them as frequently and instead, were replaced by dreams of where you existed in them. your warm smile that had him sinking into the ends of the earth or your tender embraces that had him cling onto the stars.
he got more than just 3 hours of sleep, eventually getting to the point where he could sleep peacefully through the night. he was truly indebted for all that you do, even if you don't realize it.
if there are some nights when he can't fall asleep for any reason, he'll just stay awake, making sure you're at least getting the rest you deserve. it's very grounding for him and it does give him the reminder that you're not going anywhere, you're still alive and well.
he'll word vomit sometimes too – conscious or not. what i mean, is that i can see him sleep talking, but only when he's having a nightmare. when he's awake and can't sleep, he'll just mutter sweet nothings into your ear about how much he loves you, it's very gentle.
"i love you. more than anything in the world, my love."
"my sweet girl. look so pretty like this.."
"for as long as i live, i'm gonna make sure nothing happens to you. i swear it."
and the concept you brought up that if he sings lullabies to help him sleep??! ugh that is just perfect, he most certainly does.
it's mainly songs that his mother used to sing back when he couldn't sleep as a child and it always seemed to work wonders for him every time. it must've been the smooth and calming tone of his mother's voice that put him to rest so easily or maybe it was the comfort it brought him to know that it wasn't all bad – that there was good in the world for him, big or small.
he'd do the same for you, if ever you can't sleep, he'll hum a little tune while you're curled up in his arms – it's a messy collection of different pitches, but nonetheless, the low rumble in his chest and soft ministrations of his hands rubbing your back is enough for you to close your eyes.
as soon as he knows your asleep, he'll kiss your forehead followed by an audible whisper that you're able to make out with the remaining bit of consciousness you had left,
"goodnight sweetheart. see you in the morning."
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happilychee · 9 months
fairy tail rainy day headcanons
because it's rainy where I am
♡ a heavy rain cloud hangs over magnolia, and it feels like the sky is sobbing and howling with the wind outside. juvia worries that her guildmates will be mad at her for the rain, but they insist that it's the perfect weather to spend some time bonding in the guild hall.
♡ mira enlists juvia and wendy (not lisanna. she's a menace in the kitchen) to help her make warm drinks for everyone. there's hot chocolate, warm mugs of apple cider with cinnamon, and mulled wine. the fairy lights floating above the first floor seem to burn brighter when the dark sky obscures the sun. even though it's the morning, it feels like evening.
♡ no one is eager to go outside in the rain, so they open the sacred board game closet in the back of the guild hall. there's a variety of games, from simple ones like connect four to the complicated four-hour agriculture roleplays. levy and fried settle down for the most intense game of scrabble known to man. cana drags laxus into a series of card games with gray and loke. pantherlily, mira, erza, and wendy clear a table so they can act out an entire kingdom's history as they try to save their farms from extinction.
♡ if she ever frees herself from scrabble, levy wanders down to fairy tail's archive, where lucy is curled up with asuka, happy, and carla, reading an old storybook. they're on one of the plush couches, surrounded by fluffy pillows and a blanket. lucy feels her eyes drooping, and eventually she dozes off with the little cowboy and two exceeds in her arms. bisca and alzack are grateful for the quiet, taking the time to read their own books.
♡ of course, not everyone is happy being cooped up. erza has to break away from her game multiple times to stop natsu from going outside. she does not believe that him having fire magic will save him from getting a cold. eventually, natsu manages to slip past her, and he and lisanna splash around outside. lisanna drags juvia out, and they all end up soaking wet. erza and mira drag them back in with worried scolding.
♡ this prompts mira to start cooking a giant stew for everyone. natsu is tasked with keeping the huge pot hot with his fire while gray and mira chop vegetables and meat. the result is a hearty soup that the entire guild can enjoy. everyone leaves their board games (bisca gets lucy, asuka, happy, and carla) to settle at the guild's weathered wooden tables. the storm rages on, but inside the fairy tail guild hall, it's warm and lively as everyone shares a meal together.
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onemoredayart · 10 months
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Clearly… I have a problem. He occupies my brain at an alarming rate.
Also, sleepy Levi??? Ah, so cute!
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happybird16 · 2 years
Okay but Levi being the little spoon :(( His back pressed hard to your front, your arms wrapped around his little waist and one leg tucked between his :(( Every once and awhile he scoots back further, trying to snuggle in and absorb your warmth and comfort.
Or Levi resting his head on your chest, legs tangled up with yours, lulled to sleep by the calming rhythm of your heart. Just as he doses, Levi presses thoughtless, slow and sleep laden kisses to your skin :(((
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oopsallmabari · 11 days
wrote some levi Having A Time post leandra's death under the cut, if you're interested
It’s been a week, he thinks. Or days.
Or forever.
It’s passed in a blur, a smudge of sooty gray. The last speck of color he remembers is ruby, staining his hands, staining his face, etched and stitched into his mother’s skin. He hesitates, to call that his mother, but he has to–because she is not here, and if she is not here, and not with Gamlen, and not back in Lothering where sometimes the worst parts of him wishes she had stayed, then Leandra is in the ground, and she is in the ground because Levi has lain her there, after cradling her head in his lap like a babe, after brushing ashen hair from clouded-over eyes, after touching the join of her neck, where beads of rubies bubbled as though they were a necklace. A bridal gift, of stomach-turning proportions.
The ruby is what he remembers because he cannot erase it, cannot rub it out from behind his eyes. He gets to remember the worst of it, which is the Maker’s gift to him. (The Maker’s punishment, for his myriad failings.) His mother’s death is writ in stone, as is the strangled noise that came from his throat once the last vestiges of blood magic left her, as are the tears that streamed down his face. He will forever remember the pallid shock in Varric and Fenris’ expressions, the way Anders reached out a hand (to help, it was just to help) and swiftly recoiled when Levi screamed at him what good are you, if you can’t save her–the hurt in his eyes. The hurt in all of them when Levi could not help but offer the refrain, what good are any of you to me, if every waking moment I spend in Kirkwall is death and misery, and scooped up Leandra and began to walk away, without a glance behind. 
Walking, in a haze, until he found a suitable place to bury her. He does not remember the act. He is vaguely aware that he wandered back to the mansion after. He knows that he began to strip his armor off the moment he got in the door because it is still strewn about the floor, despite Bodahn’s initial offer to collect it. He’d sat, naked, in the bath until the dirt and viscera had left his skin, then found his robe and stuffed a bag full of sovereigns and handed the prize to Bodahn, telling him something to the effect that his family’s services would not be needed, at least temporarily, and he could find better lodgings elsewhere.
It is an empty manor, suddenly. But Levi feels that if his mother cannot be here, then it is not right for anyone to be. He finds the hallway that leads to her suite and cannot bring himself to push open the door, so instead he sits outside the threshold, in the fetal position, pressed against the wall with as much force as he can stand.
Beefbone flops down next to him, head on his paws and tongue lolling, waiting for a scratch behind the ears that will not come. He whines, and pants, and nudges, to his credit, but Levi is motionless, set dressing in his own home. And so it passes, long beyond the point where his legs feel pins and needles. He gets up when Beefbone all but shoves food and water dishes into his hands, refills them as needed while bread on the kitchen counter grows stale. But it’s always the threshold, that Levi returns to, only as conscious as his body requires, sleeping in the rare moments that his mind does not protest, focusing blindly on the yellowing spots of wallpaper when it does. 
It’s in the twilight moments that he remembers suggesting that Leandra might get out more. Find something else to occupy her time. He hadn’t wanted her to leave, exactly. If things ever got too unbearable, he would have given her run of the place–no difficulties between them could have changed that. She deserved her ancestral home.
(He would have taken a thousand thousand more of her jabs if it would have kept her here, in safety.)
The front door hasn’t opened since Bodahn last hurried Sandal out of it. It is perhaps for the best. He did not leave things well with the others. 
He does not know what to say if they come back, besides.
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vaugarde · 10 months
not set in stone at all but pokemon mainline anthro au concepts… this is some of team kanto, Pulsar (she/her) is the main protagonist and I’m not totally sure what personality to give her yet. Perhaps she’s someone who grew up very sheltered and unwilling to break the rules, and is only just now breaking out of that in her 20s.
Levi (he/they) is a former professor who’s gone into hiding after being suspected of illegal experimentation. They are Mewtwo’s creator, they struck a partnership with Mew and then backstabbed them to create the ultimate Pokemon. Mewtwo fled, but since Levi supplied his own dna towards Mewtwo, the two are linked. When Mewtwo is nearby, his arm begins to mutate. He’s become deeply remorseful for their actions and seeks to make things right with the Mews by uniting them. They also have a son, Blu, who is Pulsar’s childhood best friend.
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rainofthetwilight · 11 months
why is it always the times i write i get so sleepy
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moo-blogging · 1 year
No thoughts tonight but watching Levi making the bed before you sleep. Sleeping is a big deal to Levi because he jist learnt how to sleep good with you. He would be in his most comfy pjs, lit a scented candle 15min before bed and made you go brush your teeth.
Standing by the bathroom door, you watched as Levi pulled the sheets and unfolded the blankets just right for you to slip into bed. He would also fluff the pillow, slapping on the pillows gently and pushing the cotton to the middle.
After you washed up, you slipped into the matching pjs with Levi and slipped into your side of the bed. Levi then blew the candle and switched on a small night lamp before locking the door and switching the lights off.
You could see Levi's silhouette walked quickly to ward his side of the bed and slipped under the blanket. He moved closer to you and tugged you in, making sure your hair wasn't where he might sleep on. He then pulled more blanket to your side in care you got cold at night.
You gently caressed his face, finding his lips with your thumb in the dark. When found, you kissed him a couple of times. He tasted like mint and warm love.
"Goodnight, Levi. Sweet dreams."
"Sleep well, bunny."
*mooch* and you both snuggled close and fell asleep.
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morbidwlws · 1 year
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It’s my oc’s birthday !! So I’m gonna talk about him a lil bit to celebrate 🪩
Levi Gibson was born on August 10th in a small hospital in Vernon, KY that was torn down when he was seven. He didn’t know anything about that, though. The kid was already growing up like a weed on the banks of Dale Hollow Lake, keeping his daddy up at night, getting himself - and his little sister, Spencer - into all sorts of trouble.
By the time he dropped out he’d been suspended from school more times’n he could count, the first one being at the ripe old age of ten. That’d been the time he heard some of the boys talking about Spencer in a way that made him sick and when one of ‘em said it to his face in the lunch room he’d knocked him out. It hadn’t done either of ‘em any good.
He quietly observed the way she got blamed for the whole thing, like she wanted that rumor to be going around in the first place. Like she wanted any of the subsequent ones. From the beginning it was aparent to Levi that there was more to it that she refused to talk about. It bugged the hell out of him that there was something he didn’t know about her life.
He couldn’t stand to leave her alone for a minute either, especially then. They’d walk the long way home from school every day: follow the river up around town before crossing it on the highway. Once on the other side, they’d head straight into the woods on a well beaten footpath. For the entire hour between three and four o’clock the world was empty save the two of them. They filled the time by picking up sticks just to break ‘em, catching bugs and planting them on one another, shoving each other and laughing until they cried. She never brought it up and he never asked. The space between them was sacred - that much he knew - and he wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize it.
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fairybond · 1 year
talking with the squad(tm) a while back brought up the beauty of the Levy and Jenny potential and since I have Both of them as muses, I can make them friends :') which can in turn bring some different connections for them both. here's the gist.
Levy was familiar with Jenny, as most of Fiore was, via the articles and photoshoots in Sorcerer Weekly. She always admired Jenny's looks and apparent confidence, as well as her magic (my jen's public magic is Flower magic and Levy loves flowers). They met briefly in early X784, when Shadow Gear were interviewed by the magazine and Jenny was around doing a photoshoot at the same location.
Fast forward to X791. Levy sees Jenny is older and still popular, still so beautiful. They have a brief interaction at the ball after the games, where Levy compliments Jenny's magic and Jenny says its a shame Levy didn't get to compete, as she'd like to see her in action (Levy spends a while after trying to figure out if Jenny was flirting with her, which she lowkey was).
Their next interaction came via Levy's work with the Council during the disbandment year. As part of her duties, she visits various guilds to check they're following regulations. She stopped by Blue Pegasus and happened to find Jenny working on an upgrade to the Christina. Jenny's love of machines and engineering is a well kept secret, yet Levy ended up witnessing a full nerd moment of Jenny's and there was no denying it. Levy was impressed by Jenny's magic, skill, and knowledge, and they ended up talking about what she was doing and trying to achieve. They chatted excitedly for hours and worked together on the upgrade. This started their connection and friendship.
They regularly send each other articles and books they think the other would be interested in. They meet for coffee and go shopping together sometimes (this isn't always easy, as they're both recognisable figures, particularly Jenny).
They Get each other on an intellectual level, and also have a lot of fun, as they both can have quite teasing personalities around the right people.
Following the war, a few of their catch ups became more serious, they shared some of their fears and traumas, which helped deepen their bond. they found they relate on a lot, including having spent time in orphanages, and valuing birthdays.
Jenny became aware of Levy's occasional struggles with her body image, and she has been doing her best to bolster and encourage Levy, which has been appreciated. On the other side, Levy has been encouraging Jenny to think about embracing all aspects of herself and not hide her smarts.
Due to her friendship with Jenny, Levy visits Blue Pegasus quite regularly (which means she can be easy friends with BP muses). Jenny is also mentoring/teaching Kagura in Flower magic, which Levy is very interested in, so therefore....Levy is on good terms with Kagura (and Milli by extension, as they're together a lot).
On the other side, Jenny is now quite familiar with Levy's closest friends - Jet, Droy, Lucy, Natsu, and Lisanna, along with some of Levy's council friends (this could extend to include Gajeel and Pantherlily).
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howl-at--the-sun · 1 year
you kinda give off the same vibes as hypnos /pos
Oh thank you!! I love Hypnos so that’s really nice to hear!!
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chemicalcarousel · 2 years
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We are having an internal fight about our haircut and colour. It's too long again and I hate it
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temis-de-leon · 2 months
Who's their emergency contact
Lucifer: Mammon, his favourite brother and the one he turns to when things get serious. For the sake of his peace and sanity, there are things he'd rather keep secret from Diavolo and just for this reason he can't trust Barbatos either; telling something to the butler would only result in the prince knowing.
Mammon: you, whether you like it or not. Depending on the situation, Lucifer may leave him longer than necessary in the hospital (or wherever he's retained) and his younger brothers tend to make fun of him most of the time. If he has to face someone's wrath, please let it be yours.
Levi: Lucifer, the default option. As much as he loves and trusts you, he needs to be realistic: there are some things you cannot handle. Besides that, of course, his eldest brother is responsible when making decisions, especially if his family is involved.
Satan: Lucifer and he hates it. It used to be Asmo until he had an accident with a spell and ended up in serious trouble. When Asmo arrived he cried so hard out of worry that they had to call Lucifer, so he reluctantly changed it to save some time in the future.
Asmo: you. If something happens to him, the first person he wants to see when he wakes up is you and, if it were really serious anyway, you wouldn't go alone to get him. Plus, he'd also die of happiness under your care since he'd be receiving all your attention!
Beel: Lucifer, who he trusts the most in stressful situations. He loves Belphie with all his heart, yes, but he can't trust his twin to be awake at random times; emergencies can happen at any hour, after all.
Belphie: Beel. Does he have to explain? Besides you, there's no one in the family he trusts more than him, so it just makes sense.
You: Lucifer. Mammon tried to negotiate. He tried.
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This is so damn stupid. I promise I'm writing my normal posts, but I was watching Grey's Anatomy and it just happened. If it looks wonky, it's because I'm sleepy
Taglist: @ilovecandys2010  @ollieoven @kingofspadesdelusion
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