#[allow me to introduce myself;about damien]
elliespuns · 7 months
I was wondering, would you mind introducing yourself a bit? Your age, hobbies (except for blogging of coure), music taste, your favorite movies, etc? I love the content you post and i love you and I don't even know you. I wanna know my favorite blogger.. lol. Only if you're okay with it
First of all, thank you for such a lovely compliment. I love you too and I don't even see your blog, mate!
To answer you; I was answering something similar once. This anon sent me questions and I filled them in, so if you allow me to just copy and paste those so I wouldn't have to type it all again (nothing has changed since then, honestly) then I'll be happy to oblige.
How old are you? I'm 30
Tall or short? Very short, I'm only 5'1 ft, 1,56 m
Sexuality? Eh, I don't like labeling myself but if I HAD TO, it'd say bisexual/demisexual.
Describe yourself briefly I'm an introverted dork that doesn't vibe with most people. I dig music, art, and I love a lot. I either love too much or not at all. I've been vegan for over 10 years now and I love funny people. Other than that, I'm just a very poetic soul that also loves to play video games from time to time and I write. I write a lot.
Something you like about yourself? I'd say it's my knowledge in English. I've been self 'learning' it for 9 years now (never been abroad) and I was able to learn the language to the point where it became a huge part of my life. Like I literally use it more than my mother language. That's a thing I'd say I like about myself.
Favorite hobbies outside your blog? I write; creative writing, poetry. Both fulfil my mind. Then I love reading (ofc). I also draw, play video games, work with graphic programs and I love taking pictures.
Something no one would guess about you I have a very high sex drive, lmao 🫣😂 and people would never say so about me, because I literally look like I have a ribbon buckled to my vagina.
Weird quirks you have Oh, god, I can't stand hand cuts. Like you can literally show me a video of someone having their throat slit and I'll be fine, but then you show me a vid of someone having their palm sliced, or simply just someone cutting their finger and I'll go all asdfghjklsdfghjk.
One talent you wished you had Damn, I wish I could draw from imagination. I can draw but I can't seem to draw anything just by trying to see it in my head. That's so fucking frustrating. And weird. Anyone else having this problem?
A word your friends would use to describe you Idk about one word, but my best friend says I'm the funniest person she has ever met, so does that count? Lol, Idk why she says this. I'm literally a potato.
Craziest thing that's ever happened to you Omg, trauma alert… when my boss (a 70 year old male) caressed the top of my head telling me I'm pretty.
Have you ever been in love? Yes, for over 10 years now (no, it's not a fictional character, lol).
What is your biggest fear? Fuck, it's hurricanes and tornados. I actually have a phobia, it's called 'ancraophobia' and it's a fear of strong wind. (I swear I don't fear normal wind tho, I'm not that weird, actually, ok?).
Why did you start this blog? When I came here one day I realized that there were only a few blogs that were dedicated to the game stuff. So I said why the hell not? I didn't expect to have an actual fanbase here, it's crazy. Love you guys.
Your favorite food? Lentils, that's the shit.
Least favorite food? I'd say meat.
Favorite TV shows? Okay, not gonna mention TLOU cause it's obvious, but the very first show that pops into my mind every time is Breaking Bad. I love this show to bits. Then I also love TWD, OITNB, Better Call Saul, Wentworth, This Is Us, Lost, The Killing.
Favorite movie of all time? My most favorite movie of all time will forever be Ginger Snaps (2000). I've loved this movie ever since I was 11. It's been 19 years ever since and I still love it to pieces. Aaaaah!
Favorite musicians? I love a lot of music, but my most favorite is Damien Rice. I love that guy and what he does. Right behind him are Cigarettes After Sex and Mazzy Star (just pure love). Then it would be Joshua Radin, The Hope Arsenal, Yaeow, The Paper Kites, The Smiths, R.E.M., Blur, BoDeans...
Do you have any pets? My chonky boi guinea pig.
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winreyplace · 3 months
Hi! 💖 May we ask what was your first experience soulbonding like? How did you discover soulbonding and who was the first? We're very new to this and would love to hear your story if thats okay!!
Mel&: Hello! I, Mel&, and Lav are gonna answer this together, first me and then him.
My first munbonds started out as immersive daydreaming paras. I used to spend hours pacing back and forth in the dining room of my childhood home, neuronarrating out loud to myself and going on countless adventurers with my beloved (queerplatonic) best friend, Rune, and our father figure, Logan, along with a hodgepodge of my favorite characters. Around age 14 or so, I started interacting with them outside of their stories and imagining them alongside me in day-to-day life. At this stage, I called them Inklings after a book idea about a world of living characters which I have yet to put to good use.
Then I met Lav, and things advanced to a whole new level when she expressed awed enthusiasm and a genuine desire to get to know them as people, not just characters. Shortly after, one of my online friends at the time introduced me to soulbonding, and everything clicked into place.
Since then, the vast majority of our munbonds have been formed by both of us at the same time with characters from existing media. I’ll pass the ball over to Lav so she can recount one of our earliest experiences with this type of munbonding.
Lav: Logan very briefly shared what happened when he became my munbond in his intro here. Honestly, I just talked to Logan and Rune a lot over Discord (with Mel proxying) and also asked Mel tons of questions about who they were. This allowed me to get really close with them, establishing that deep emotional connection that is so fundamental to munbonds, so that when I actually tried to interact with them on my own, it was as simple as reaching out with a "hello?" in my mind and they just responded back (though as Logan said, it surprised me a lot when they did and
The first time Mel and I munbonded with a character together was with our munbond Damien, who is now my husband. Mel and I were in a long-distance relationship at the time when Mel told me she was experiencing some bond feels for a character in this podcast she was listening to. She then shared Damien's introduction episode with me. Despite him obviously being a jerkass, I felt a deep connection to what I heard behind his words: a boy aching for family and belonging. I immediately agreed with Mel that Damien needed us, so we decided to offer him a munbond connection in the hopes that he would agree.
We stole Damien away from his universe into a quiet room in our shared bondspace to talk with him. He was very wary about us and on guard, but he agreed to hear us out on the promise that he could leave right after if he wanted. We explained to him that in our world, he is a fictional character and we are people called munbonders who can communicate with fictional characters. We further explained that after listening to his story, we felt very drawn to him and were offering to munbond with him proper and if he accepted, he'd have a rent-free safe space to call home, all the food we could want, and most of all, the family and love that he always desired. It took him some time to process the offer, but his curiosity about us two peculiar girls and the strange pull he had towards us (bond feelings are often mutual!) eventually led him to become our munbond, though not without a few bumps in the road in our relationship. And he has been with us ever since.
So that's how munbonding typically goes for us: we feel a munbond "ping" with a character in their canon, learn all we can about their story until we know them, reach out to them or bring them to us, explain our position, make the munbond offer, and if they agree to it, we make an effort to strengthen the connection until communication feels as natural as speaking to someone in meatspace.
Damien: Also, before you get all up in arms about the "kidnapping", me being such a jerk and an ass at the time, I wouldn't have heard them out any other way. I am eternally grateful that they took a chance on me and wanted to love me, giving me better than anything I was gonna get in my source later on. I love my girls and they treat me very well.
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leafshakes · 9 months
allow me to introduce myself
welp. long time lurker both here on tumblr and (ages and ages and ages ago) the blue forum that shall not be named. figured i may as well introduce myself, get to know some of the people within the community, and (possibly?) share some of my own creations.
you may call me leaf or damien (not my real name). i'm an adult, my pronouns are he/him, i'm a college student with a part time job, and for the sake of brevity i'm asexual and gay. i love writing, both fanworks and original works. i'm very into audio fiction podcasts and sometimes video games, so perhaps you can expect content of that. kinkwise, i mostly enjoy snz, but colds, fevers, coughing, vulnerability, whump, and hurt/comfort are big for me too.
some boundaries: minors dni, obviously. i reserve the right to block any pages that are not clearly specified to be adults. i also reserve the right to block people who send me messages i am not comfortable with. this blog is not an invite to sexualize me. i am asexual, this is a non-sexual kink for me, and most of my posts will be sfw. treat me like a human being, please. also, i'd prefer if non-kink blogs didn't reblog my posts, though i probably won't do anything about it if you do so.
anyway, howdy! nervous but excited to be finally interacting. feel free to stop by and say hi or just message me about whatever, honestly.
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piiecesofovrpast · 5 years
Tumblr media
↳ Oh, wow, is that TOM ELLIS? Never mind, it’s just DAMIEN ROSS, the 40/2000 year old PANSEXUAL VAMPIRE KING. I did hear that HE is CHARMING & CONFIDENT but also really SARCASTIC & INSENSITIVE. In the great war, HE is on the AVERY side. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
TW: Death
Damien was born a vampire and triggered his gene after his best friend killed him. He wasn’t aware of what he actually was. When he awoke a vampire, he ended up returning the favor and killing his best friend. Draining him without second guessing it. 
His real name is something he doesn’t even remember nor his actual age in human years. Because of how old he is.
Throughout time he was alone building his empire, changing humans and doing his own thing. Even with Antonia protecting him. He treated her like family and didn’t want anything to happen to her. 
When it became time, Damien offered to change Antonia leaving the choice up to her. And when she accepted, he changed her. His best friend, his right hand woman. The person that had always been there for him.
He met his wife during the Roman Empire. She was a slave and he hated seeing her like that. Antonia actually encouraged him to spend time with her, show her what he really was and offer the life that she never had. So that was what he did. 
After he changed her into a vampire the three of them continued on, even building up their empire. They were family, the three of them. Even when creating new vampires. It was still the three of them. 
Now Damien owns a nightclub in the heart of the city called Pandemonium.
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
The Umbrella Girl (part 7 - final part)
What happened to Cillian's house?
Warnings - mentions of baby loss / angst / smut
Taglist @queenshelby @peakyscillian @ntmynouis @margoo0 @elenavampire21 @janelongxox @noctvrnalmoth
Cillian had flown home on the next flight following Orla's call, you'd stayed home to allow him time with his family, giving him the space he needed. He hadn't called for nearly a week, and you hadn't disturbed him either, when finally your phone rang.
"Cill? Are you okay?"
"The police are still investigating. It certainly looks like arson, but they can't say one way or the other yet. Y/n, I should've been at home last week, and she knew that! That schedule was planned for months in advance, I'd have been burned alive in that house!" You both knew this, but saying it out loud somehow made it more terrifying. "Does she know where you live y/n?" You paused to think back, but no, she had no idea. The address on your records was private, she wouldn't have access to that under data protection laws.
"Where are you?"
"I'm at Orla's, I'm staying here until the house is safe for me to go back to. It's a mess y/n... A complete wreck.." his voice was cracking, breaking your heart. You were desperate to hold him, but he was hundreds of miles away.
"I miss you so much... I so want to be there with you..."
"Is Emily at school?"
"Yes. She breaks up today for half term though."
"Good, I thought I'd got the dates right. I've booked you tickets for the ferry tomorrow morning, I know Emily is scared of flying.. come out here to me? I need you.."
You were stunned into silence.
"Is that okay?"
"Shut up Murphy! That's the best news I've had this week... Yes! We'll be there!"
"Thank god, thought I'd scared you off for a second!"
"You're an idiot sometimes you know that?" You laughed. "I'll see you Saturday morning, yeah?"
You arrived at the docks in Dublin just after midday, Emily launching herself into Cillian's arms as he swooped her up and kissed her cheek. He welcomed you into the embrace, kissing your lips and resting his forehead against yours. A younger lady approached you, judging by her blue eyes you assumed this was Cillian's sister, Orla.
"It's so good to finally meet you, he's told me so much about you! Here, let me help with those bags." She took your suitcase and pulled it along with you to her car. You arm linked with Cillians left, his right carrying Emily who was telling him everything about the ferry ride over and how much she enjoyed it.
"I've got another surprise for you waiting at Orla's, Em," he whispered loud enough for you to hear.
"Cill...." He shushed you playfully with his eyes. You hated him spending his money on either of you - you didn't want people to think that was all you wanted...
Getting into Orla's house just outside the city, she took your bag up to Cillian's room and led you all through to the dining room. A man walked in holding a wriggling toddler.
"This is my brother in law, Damien, and my nephew Leo. This," he introduced you, "is y/n." Damien shook your hand and you cooed over Leo, giggling away in his father's arms. Emily tugged on Cillian's shirt impatiently, generating a scowl from you.
"Emily we've just walked through the door - you need to wait!"
"Its okay, I'll take her." Cillian took her hand and led her into a playroom next to the kitchen area. You heard her squeal and walked through to see the biggest dolls house you'd ever seen, it was huge - fully kitted out with furniture and a family of 4.. it was breathtaking.
"Cillian... I can't..." You mumbled.
"It isn't for you, it's for her!" He laughed, and smiled watching Emily begin to place the furniture in the house and set her dolls up for what looked like a picnic in the little living room area.
He turned to face you, bringing you close to him.
"Thank you.. thank you for coming out.. and being here.."
"Together, hand in hand, remember?" You touched your nose against his, both of you smiling into each other.
The police called round later that evening. You were sat in the dining room, hand in Cillian's under the table, as they explained.
"We found petrol cans littered around the outside of the house. Three had been thrown through the letterbox, and set alight. Fortunately, your neighbour has CCTV cameras, and we caught images of the person who did it - take a look, see if you recognise them?" One of the officers opened the laptop and played the video. Cillian squeezed your hand, preparing himself to watch his home be destroyed. You could make out the image of a person dropping the cans, and the police froze the screen on the clearest image they had. They zoomed in, and Cillian's mouth dropped.
"I know him..." Your eyes widened. You did too...
"The fuck is he doing there?" You gasped. The Assistant Director of Peaky Blinders, James, was staring right back at you from the screen.
"We have him in custody - he's admitted everything. He'll be charged in the morning. We think you know he has a connected with Lisa?" The officer nodded to Cillian.
"He does. But why's he involved? He's got nothing to do with any of this?
"He's been in on this since the beginning. He's given us Lisa's location in London. The Net Police tracked her down this morning. Y/n, you need to know.. she was about half a mile from your house.." you gasped again.. James must have had access to your records... She must have seduced him to get close to them.. Cillian pulled you close and kissed your head.
"Thank fuck I got you away... Where's your mum?"
"She's gone to her sisters place in Manchester for the weekend.. Cillian she'd have killed us!"
"But she didn't, did she? And she's locked up.. fuck.. this might be over?" He turned to the officers. "Is it over?"
"They've not mentioned anyone else being involved, and James was more than happy to spill the beans - we'll continue to keep an eye on you for a while, just to be on the safe side."
"Thank you... For everything... Thank you." You whispered to the officers, barely able to form a sentence. You were still worried, but you felt safe for the first time in weeks.
Once the police had left, you fell into each others arms, holding on tighter than you ever had. The relief flooding you both.
"Where's Emily?" You asked, as he was kissing your neck.
"In the garden with Orla... You'll have to control yourself a little while longer Cillian, it's nearly dinner time..." You groaned, feeling his lips gently nibbling at your earlobe.
You felt his hand trail up your thigh, over your backside as he pulled you into him.
"You have no idea how much I want to bury my fingers inside you against this wall, right now y/n..." You turned your face to kiss him deeply, before pulling away winking and walking towards the garden, a sexy little sway as you walked, chuckling to yourself.
Dinner was a Chinese takeaway, Orla's insistence even though you'd offered to cook them all a meal to say thank you for having them. Once it was all cleaned up and the little ones were in bed, Emily set up in a small single Batman themed bed (another treat from Cillian) in Leo's room, the four of you sat in the living room with a bottle of wine. Your body was wrapped in Cillian's on the sofa, Orla looking over at the two of you.
"You two are like lovestruck teenagers, you know that?" She laughed, watching the two of you stealing glances at each other and stroking each others hands.
"Too much PDA from your older brother, Orla?" Cillian pulled a face making Orla laugh.
"No, it's so lovely seeing you happy, especially after everything that's happened these last couple of years.. it's been a tough one hasn't it?"
"It's been difficult, but it's over now. I can focus on picking myself back up now. I'll finish Peaky, and take some time off, I think," Cillian yawned, kissing your hand. "I'm beat. Orla, Damien.. we can't thank you enough." He stood, taking your hand in his and leading you out the room.
"What are family for Cillian, you're welcome here as long as you need to be," Damien smiled.
Within minutes you were in his room against the wall, jeans round your ankles, his fingers knuckle deep in your core pulling forward against your walls. His hand covering your mouth to quieten you so you didn't wake the kids up in the next room.
"Fuck... Cillian don't stop..." Your orgasm was already building following the constant teasing between the two of you that evening, and he increased the speed on his movements inside you. Your hand sneaking underneath the waistband of his jeans to grip his erection firmly, making him hiss slightly at the sensation as you pumped him slowly under his jeans, the fabric not allowing for too much movement.
"You gonna cum for me y/n? Let me feel it..." He whispered in your ear, making you shudder. You nodded, before moaning deep into his hand, your orgasm washing over you like a hurricane. Your hand gripped onto his cock a little tighter as his fingers came to a stop, before bringing them to his lips to taste you.
You kicked off your jeans from your ankles and sank to your knees, pulling his jeans down with you. He looked down at you and watched you tease the tip of his cock with your tongue, lightly licking around the head and down his shaft. He rested forward, one hand against the wall, the other in your hair, groaning as he watched you take him inside your mouth painfully slowly. Inch by inch, sucking gently, before he felt the back of your throat.
"Fuck yes..." He closed his eyes and controlled his breathing, trying not to blow his load down your throat. You started bobbing your head back and forth, your teeth scraping the underside of his cock as you did making him grip your hair tight. You really wanted to make him come in your mouth but your core was screaming for him. Standing up and pulling both your t-shirts over your head you led him over to the bed, pushing him onto his back. Crawling over his legs, you hovered over his cock, bringing your fingers down to you core and running them slowly over your wetness.
"Want this, Cill?" He groaned watching your fingers running through your folds and nodded quickly. You sank onto him, making both of you gasp, and started rocking your hips back and forth. He held onto your hips guiding you, and you leaned back, finding your rhythm. His fingers toyed with your clit as you rode him, and you could feel a second orgasm approaching. Sensing it, he flipped you over to lie on your front on the bed. Pushing your legs together, raising your hips slightly, he moved over them and started pushing himself back inside you, his chest now on your back as he started thrusting into you. You clawed at the bedframe, the new angle hitting your g spot perfectly.
"Fuck you're so tight... This feel good baby?" His voice was back in your ear now, his lips kissing and biting over your shoulders and neck as his thrusts became more powerful. You had to muffle your cries of ecstacy into the pillow. "Good girl... you gonna cum again for me huh?"
You couldn't stop it if you tried, you came hard, your walls clenching every inch of him. His thrusts slowed slightly, before he pulled out of you and lifted your hips up so you were on your knees, your face still in the pillows. Lining himself you, he thrust hard into you, making you bury your face again and grip the bedframe as he fucked you hard and fast, the only sounds being your skin slapping together and the wet sounds where your bodies were joined.
"Fuck... Shit... Gonna come y/n..." He grunted softly as you felt him spurt his seed deep inside you, panting as he came down from his high, before pulling out and laying beside you, stroking your face gently.
"I love you.. y/n.." he whispered softly, taking your face in his hands and kissing your lips. You froze, gasped softly and pulled back. Was it too soon? Probably. Did you care? Nope. You saw a flash of panic in his eyes and smiled.
"I love you, Cillian. I do.. I've not felt this way for anyone else. Ever." He grinned, and pulled you into his arms.
"I've been thinking.. I need a change of scenery. What would you say if I moved to London? Permanently?" You leaned up on your arm and trailed your fingers over his chest hair.
"What about Ireland? All your family are here?"
"Yeah but they've had more than 40 years of me. You and Emily are in London - and that's where I want to be."
"Cillian I'd never make you leave your family - please know that?"
"No ones making me do anything anymore y/n. I'm doing this for us - there is an us, right?" You punched him lightly on the arm making him chuckle. "I've already started talking to estate agents. There's a beautiful 3 bed townhouse in Kilburn. It looks stunning y/n, you'd love it."
"What do you need a 3 bed house for? There's only you?" He looked down at you and raised his eyebrow - you felt your core throb slightly, that eyebrow raise was sexy as fuck... And you were certain he knew it.
"Well, Emily's gonna need a room. And us. And a spare room for guests maybe.. or..." Your stomach flipped.
"Cillian.. If you're asking me what I think you're asking me.."
"I'm not asking for anything y/n, I'm not even asking you to move in, unless you want to obviously... I just.. I just want to be near you. All the time. I know it's early days still, but we've been through more in a short time than most couples go through in a lifetime. I can't ever see myself with anyone else, ever.. what do you say?" He was stroking your face, and you were lost in his eyes.
"On one condition."
"Name it."
"I'm in charge of the decorating. I've seen the photos of your last house Cill, your taste is shocking.." he laughed and tickled you until you were back underneath him, and you groaned at his hardness pushing against your thigh. Kissing him deeply, he was soon back inside you, slotting in like a jigsaw piece finding its other half.
Epilogue - 1 year later
You and Emily had spent the afternoon tidying and cleaning, waiting for Cillian to come home after a month back in Dublin onstage at the Gaiety Theatre performing in Enda Walsh's latest production - Cillian's first work since finishing Peaky Blinders 8 months ago. The show was due to go live any time now. You'd moved into his Kilburn house 6 months ago after realising you were spending 5 days out of 7 there every week anyway. Lisa and James were in prison for a fair few years, being found guilty for arson, slander and harassment.
"Mum, he's here!!" Emily ran from the window after hearing a car pull up and you both went into the kitchen - Emily sat at the table pretending to do her homework and you at the counter on your laptop.
"Hey girls? I'm home!" He called, and you walked into the hallway smiling before embracing him tightly. He kissed you and dropped his bag on the floor and his keys in the bowl. Emily walked through and hugged him right, before standing as straight as possible in the hallway. You winked at her, and looked at Cillian who was staring at Emily.
"How've you both been? What have I missed?" He moved into the kitchen and put the kettle on, desperate for a home made cup of tea.
"Nothing much really.. Emily and I went shopping this afternoon and she's got herself a few new t shirts, I bought a few things I think we'll need soon." He looked at you and smiled, his brow furrowed slightly.
"Look at my new t-shirt Cillian!" Emily danced in front of him, twirling round in circles making him laugh.
"I can't see it while your spinning like a merry-go-round Em, stand still!" She stood still and you bit your lip. "What's it say on the front... Hang on.." he gently held Emily's shoulders and read the slogan. He paused, then read it again, before turning sharply to you.
"Big Sister?!" You nodded, grinning.
"Mommy's having a baby!" Emily yelled, pretty sure your neighbours knew now!
"You're pregnant?!" He moved over to you and placed a hand over your belly - no bump yet, but it still made you glow inside.
"Six weeks. Found out yesterday, wanted to surprise you..." He lifted you off the floor and kissed you, before reaching for Emily and pulling her into the hug. You felt safe, secure, and most importantly, loved.
And now with baby Murphy on the way, your family would be complete.
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soulmate-game · 4 years
Part1 ... Part2 ... Part3...
Marinette blinked, tilting her head a bit. The streets around them were loud and bustling with bodies and vehicles despite the sun being right at the horizon. Gotham would slow down soon, people being wary of the darkness in the crime-ridden city,but for now it was busy as usual. Marinette and Jon stood outside the stadium that would be hosting the World Fencing Finals, but a familiar face had stopped them right before they entered.
“I didn’t know you liked fencing,” Marinette mused out loud, making Damian tsk and look away. The boy got along with Marinette alright, but that didn’t immediately cancel out his natural standoffish nature.
“Of course you didn’t, I never told you,” he retorted smoothly, the youngest Wayne moving forward to reluctantly open the door for his two friends.
“You hardly talk about yourself at all, actually,” Marinette continued, humming to herself. “Are you keeping secrets?”
Damian scoffed again, even as Jon snickered behind them. “Everyone has secrets. Even a naive child like you should know that.”
Jon couldn’t quite wipe the smile off his face. He had long since gotten used to the strange way the two communicated over the past month since they first met. Marinette always seemed to know when one of Damian’s jabs were or weren’t meant as serious insults, just as Damian was somehow able to always pick up the exact second that Marinette’s caring nature switched from being rooted in kindness to coming from a place of fear.
Yet Jon was the only one of the trio of friends who could hear their heartbeats change pace when they spotted one another, or when their hands accidentally brushed. Neither Damian nor Marinette seemed to realize their own feelings yet, but Jon would be there when they did.
He just hoped their relationship didn’t develop too quickly. Both his best friend and his new sister were dangerously fragile, just in different ways. He didn’t want them accidentally breaking each other.
“Come to think of it,” Jon heard Damian say, pulling the young kryptonian from his thoughts. “You do not talk about yourself quite as much as it seems like you do. You’ve certainly never mentioned liking swordplay.”
“Ah,” Marinette gave Damian a lopsided smile, rubbing the back of her neck. “I like watching it sometimes, but I’m mainly here to see my friend. She’s one of the competitors today, she and I managed to convince her mom to let her sleepover at our place for two nights.”
“But only if she wins,” Jon added sourly. He and his dad had both heard that condition of the deal that Kagami’s mother had made loud and clear. “I’m sorry Mari, but your friend’s mom sounds way too strict and demanding. If she wins this competition, she can spend two days hanging out with you, but if she even gets as low as second place they have to go back to Japan for remedial training immediately?” Jon shook his head. It wasn’t right.
Damian raised both eyebrows at that, but seemed more intrigued than surprised. “I’ve seen stricter,” he commented casually, only succeeding in making Jon glare at him for the veiled reference to his own dark childhood. “But you are right, Kent. That is concerning treatment. Who is this friend of yours, Marinette? Perhaps I have heard of them if they are good enough to qualify for the World Finals.”
By then, the trio had already handed in their tickets and reached the stands. Jon and Marinette glared at Damian when they realized all of their seats were in the front row, right next to each other even, knowing without a doubt that the rich boy was somehow behind it. The two Kents had had much worse seats when they had first purchased their tickets online.
Marinette waited until they all sat down before answering. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you know her. Her name’s Kagami Tsurugi—“
“World class fencer from a long family line of Japanese fencers,” Damian interrupted, nodding knowingly as one of his hands raised to gently grip his chin. “Before Fencing was introduced to Japan, they were famous for their practice of kendo and katana technique. Especially considering their typically untraditional way of insisting that the females in their family take up combat. That, of course, traces all the way back to the ancient female samurai, or Onna-Bugeisha, Tomoe Gozen, one of the ancestors of the Tsurugi family before they split from the Gozen family.”
Marinette and Jon just blinked at the young heir, before Jon’s mouth slowly started to curve up in a mischievous smile. Damian’s eyes narrowed in warning.
“You’re a fan,” Jon ignored the warning, gleefully grinning ear to ear. “You did your research on her and her family, that’s some hardcore biggest-fan behavior right there. Do you want us to see if she can give you an autographkfgdjgdgj—“ Jon was cut off as Damian lunged over Marinette, the only person separating the two boys, and muffled Jon’s mouth with one hand as his other tried to slam Jon’s head on the chair’s arm. Of course super strength was no joke, and Jon’s head didn’t move even an inch as he laughed through Damian’s hands.
Marinette was somehow able to separate them, and Damian sat back in his chair with a huff and straightened his button-down shirt imperiously.
“I am not a ‘fan’,” he denied primly, but not even Marinette missed the slight pink to his cheeks even through his denial. “I simply acknowledge her skill. As a practitioner of swordplay myself, it is only me being proactive to research her family history. If she is so inclined, I intend to invite her to the manor sometime before she leaves for a casual spar.”
“Oh, she’ll love that,” Marinette agreed, nodding even as the first duel started. “Kagami is always looking for new sparring partners who can keep up with her, but so far only our other friend Adrien and her mom are capable enough. But…” her voice had dropped to a whisper out of respect for the current combatants, but both boys noticed her pause and the way she worried her lip.
“What?” Jon whispered back, worried. Marinette’s nose wrinkled.
“But I don’t know if it’s a good idea to introduce Kagami to Damian. They might end up taking over the world.”
Jon slapped a hand over his mouth to stifle a snort. Damian just smirked.
“Now you must introduce us. Perhaps I can finally meet someone who can conspire with me to get rid of my brothers.”
With that, the three quieted and actually watched the fights. Jon didn’t really understand the rules or what was happening, but he liked watching the footwork and the different styles that each competitor used when they dueled. Then, about the third or fourth match, a fencer in a bright red uniform walked out.
“That’s her!” Marinette squealed, leaning forward in her seat. She and Damian had occasionally whispered to one another about what they thought were good or bad calls on points, and critiquing different competitor’s techniques. It was a bit of an eye opener to Jon, who realized that he didn’t know much about what Marinette’s life was like back in Paris despite living with the girl for almost five months. In fact, he didn’t know much about her beyond what she actively showed at home.
Maybe Damian had a point earlier. Marinette had a weird way of making it feel like she spoke about herself a lot but in reality didn’t share much about herself at all. Most of what Jon knew about her came from experience. He knew her tells for whenever she started getting nervous, excited, worried, or was close to an attack. He knew how to tell when she was feeling overwhelmed or started retreating into herself because she didn’t want to intrude. But this?
Jon watched as Marinette stood up and cheered for Kagami when the red-clad fencer scored swift points.
He didn’t know the things that she liked to do besides designing. She mentioned listening to Jagged Stone, maybe that was her favorite kind of music.
Whatever. Jon wouldn’t let himself dwell on how Marinette didn’t open up as much as he would like—it was his job as the older brother for once to put some effort in too. Besides, with everything else Marinette had been through over the months it made sense for her to be a little closed off.
Jon moved his eyes back to the floor. Kagami lunged forward right then, ruthless as she slashed and didn’t allow her opponent a moment to do anything but scramble to deflect. But the red-uniformed woman was too fast, almost violent in her strikes, and she landed three hits on her opponent within one second.
Yeah. Now that he knew what was going on, he knew how to gently, slowly, learn more about his sister. Sorry Kon, but Jon had his eyes on the Best Brother prize.
Kagami won, without her opponent winning a single point against her.
“You know, Kagami’s fighting reminds me of someone,” Jon spoke up, ignoring the venomous glare Damian sent him. His sister looked over curiously as the fighters swapped out and Kagami was led to the back, where a locker room of sorts was set up for the competitors.
“Really? Who? I’ve only ever seen Kagami fight like that. Maybe her mom, but that’s different.”
Jon smiled, knowing he’d get some shit for this stunt later when he went on patrol with Damien but decidedly not caring.
“Robin. The newest one anyway, you can find videos online from different sightings of him around Gotham. He uses a sword.”
Marinette raised an eyebrow, obviously knowing that he partnered with Robin a lot as Superboy but not knowing that Damien was also intimately aware of that fact.
“Huh, that’s weird. Ryuuko, one of the Paris heroes, also uses a sword. But it’s a Miraculous weapon, so it’s a bit different than a normal sword.”
Jon winced. That backfired, he and his dad weren’t quite ready for the rest of the JL to know about the Paris situation. So much for the plan to bring it up later, when Marinette was better settled into life in America.
“Paris has heroes?” Damian asked, eyes sharp. All it took was one glance from the green-eyed boy for Jon to know that this would definitely be brought up to Batman. Great.
At least the next match started, distracting both of the fencing fans from continuing the conversation. For the moment.
Marinette was the loudest voice in the stadium, standing on her chair without shame as she cheered for her friend, Kagami’s lips twitching in the slightest hint of a smile before she bowed her head to accept her medal.
Marinette was not surprised at all to see her friend win first place in the whole competition. Damian was pleased, and suitably impressed. Jon was just happy that this meant Kagami’s mother couldn’t keep Marinette from spending time with her friend.
Hopping down from the chair, Marinette turned to her friend and brother with a large smile. “Come on! Kagami and her mom are going to meet us in front of the building once everything is done, but I don’t want to fight the crowds.”
Jon cringed, nodding and standing up immediately. Marinette didn’t do well in crowds nowadays, though it could certainly be worse. Inside buildings like the school wasn’t so bad, it was mainly outdoors. Jon and his parents never missed how Marinette would constantly hold Lois’s hand or stick religiously to the woman’s side whenever they walked outside around tall buildings or through thick crowds. None of them mentioned it.
Damien picked up on it, having observed Marinette’s behavior firsthand during the only time he had went outside with her somewhere other than school. They had merely gone to buy Damian a new tie that Marinette approved of, but the girl had scarcely gone further than a foot away from him the whole time they were outside in the city. Only the stern glances from Jon had kept him from commenting on it.
Moments later, the two had found themselves waiting outside the stadium at almost ten at night, though none of them seemed particularly uncomfortable. Marinette seemed downright at home, besides her occasional glances up at the building next to them and her refusal to leave Damian’s side. They waited a good half hour in the slight chill of the night air before Kagami Tsurugi, completely changed out of her uniform, walked up beside her mother Tomoe Tsurugi.
The older woman was, to Jon’s slight shock (Damian’s research was VERY thorough), blind. She tilted her head when she and her daughter stopped in front of the trio.
“Miss Marinette?” She asked in flawless English. “How have you been?”
Marinette smiled, the expression oddly soft compared to her usual beaming grin. “As well as I can be, Madame Tsurugi. With me are my adoptive brother, Jon Kent, and one of my new friends, Damian Wayne. If it is alright with you, we would like to go to Damian’s house for the night. My guardians and his father already approved.”
Jon and Damian blinked, never having heard Marinette speak so properly before. It truly said a lot about the kind of woman Tomoe Tsurugi was. The woman gave an icy smile, pleased but distant. She raised one delicate eyebrow.
“I am getting old, but not dumb Miss Dupain-Cheng. I know very well who the Waynes are, and referring to his home as a mere house is a gross understatement that you couldn’t hope to fool me with in a hundred years,” the woman remarked with subtle humor. Marinette chuckled.
“It was worth a shot,” she defended herself with a shrug. Tomoe shook her head in amusement before settling both hands on her cane and straightening her posture.
“If you vouch for your… friend…” Tomoe said with deliberate slowness. Marinette was quick to nod.
“I do. Damian is trustworthy, and I won’t leave Kagami alone, Madame Tsurugi.”
Tomoe’s mouth flattened, and she was silent for a moment. “You know that you are one of the few people I trust with my daughter, Marinette. I will trust your judgement this time as well. However, Kagami must still call me in the morning and when she does reach your new home as well. And you remember her vacation training schedule?”
Both boys looked at each other, wondering why Kagami did not even try to speak up even though they had their own suspicions. The Japanese teen found that to be the moment she was done being silent however, and sighed.
“Mother,” Kagami spoke, back straight and tone level and proper. “I am perfectly capable of sticking to my training on my own. I do not need Mari-hime to remind me.”
Tomoe pursed her lips, but nodded nonetheless. “Alright. Mister Wayne? I trust your father is alright with Kagami bringing her fencing equipment?”
Damian nodded, despite knowing that Tomoe would not see it. For some reason he got the feeling that she was fully aware of the gesture regardless of her lack of sight.
“Of course. I am actually a fencer as well, though not competitively. I was hopeful that Kagami would humor me with a spar, our manor has a rather nice gym that would provide a more than sufficient space for such an activity.”
At that, Tomoe seemed rather pleased. “That is, of course, up to Kagami since she has not seen Marinette in quite some time and likely has plans for her time already. But I encourage any opportunity that my daughter finds to hone her skills.”
“The competitors today were skilled, but lack knowledge of real battle,” Kagami added, locking gazes with Damian. “My mother trains me as if I were actually fighting, so I seldom find fencers able to match my reactions. If you believe yourself capable, I would be honored to cross swords with you.”
“Oh no,” Marinette stage-whispered to Jon even as her eyes stayed on Damian and Kagami. “This is where the world domination starts.”
Even Tomoe couldn’t resist a small grin at that, and it wasn’t much longer before the trio were picked up by Damian’s butler, who introduced himself as Alfred Pennyworth. Inside the limousine, Kagami visibly relaxed. Her back was still straight, though not overly so, and her face was no longer stringently stoic. Once they pulled away from the stadium, she wasted no time pulling Marinette into a tight hug.
“I am sorry I could not be there for you, Mari-hime.”
Marinette laughed, returning the hug enthusiastically. “Don’t be silly! You were at the funeral, and you video chat with me at least twice a week. That’s plenty.”
Kagami shook her head, tightening her hold. “My mother would have been more than happy to take you in. Sometimes I believe she likes you more than me,” Kagami finally pulled away, turning to level a hard stare at Jon. “But that obviously did not happen, so you and your parents better take good care of Mari-hime, or nobody will find your bodies.”
“Kagami!” Marinette immediately reprimanded, aghast. “The Kents are wonderful! And what did I say about the death threats?”
Kagami rolled her eyes. “My cousin’s family still makes traditional katanas. I have plenty of available arms to carry out my promises.”
“If they treat you well, then they have nothing to worry about.”
Marinette groaned in despair, dramatically flopping over until she was draped over the side of Kagami like a limp towel. “I’m gonna get you a spray bottle, and every time you threaten somebody with violence I’m going to spritz you.”
Kagami’s eyes narrowed in playful challenge. “You will have to catch me first.”
Damian was smirking, enjoying this interaction a bit too much. “I believe the two of us will get along just fine, Tsurugi. Do you have a favorite katana craftsman, by any chance?”
“They’re so tiny!” The man did not seem to realize the danger he was in with that statement. He was apparently one of Damian’s older brothers, Jason Todd. Both Kagami and Marinette, the “tiny” people in question, glared daggers at the man. “Okay, you,” he said to Kagami, “You’re at least intimidating. Don’t unsheathe that sword please. Bruce already told us that you won the World Finals, and I would rather not die today.” He held his hands up in surrender. Kagami just smirked smugly, and crossed her arms.
Marinette narrowed her eyes. “And me?”
Jason blinked. “What about you? You’re tiny and adorable, even when you’re glaring at me!” He boldly came forward to rustle her hair. “Like a little pixie.”
Kagami covered her smile with a hand, eyes dancing with amusement. Bruce, who had been the first to welcome them all in and introduce himself to Kagami, was pinching his nose next to Alfred in the background. Damian’s other brothers were also gathered. Apparently they all had wanted to meet his new friend and Jon’s new sister.
“Be careful, I’m not the one you should be worried about. At least without my sword I am not as dangerous,” Kagami warned. Everyone blinked at her, and her expression quickly turned confused. Her eyes darted to Marinette, who was too busy glaring at Jason with puffed-out cheeks to notice. “Mari-hime… you didn’t tell anyone?”
Marinette finally looked over, shrugging. “I mentioned it to Jon, Clark, and Lois.”
“What are you talking about, Miss Tsurugi?” Bruce asked, curious after the warning from the fencer. Kagami looked up, and slowly a devious smile spread over her face. It was small, but sent shivers over Jason’s spine.
“Jason and Marinette should spar. Mari-hime is quite the combatant when she desires to be.”
Jason crossed his arms, raising his brow and looking Marinette up and down. “I don’t mean to sound rude, but I’m about double her size—“
“Hey Jon, why don’t you call Lois?” Marinette interrupted, turning to look at her brother with a small smirk. “We’ve got her a huge story— burly biker is too scared to spar a girl half his size.”
Cackles arose, the other two of Damian’s brothers leaning on each other as they guffawed. Bruce and Alfred even stifled chuckles of their own, and Damian’s smirk was infuriatingly prominent. Jon was much like the other two Wayne boys, nearly bowled over in laughter. Jason, after a brief moment of shock and offense, straightened up and grinned. He shrugged off his leather jacket with a small huff of laughter of his own.
“Alright, that was pretty good. You want a spar that badly, you got one. But you’re gonna have to really impress me if you want me to take back what I said about you being adorable and nonthreatening.”
“I’m putting fifty dollars on Marinette,” Kagami bet loudly, raising her hand. “Who wants to bet against me?”
Jason and Marinette both shook their heads in amusement, the big man leading Marinette to the family fitness room (the public one anyway, outside of the Batcave) as everyone besides Bruce and Alfred energetically placed their bets on who would win the spar.
Dick and Tim were betting on Jason, for obvious reasons. Damian withheld from betting, but it was clear he was hoping Marinette would somehow win. Jon just stayed quiet, refusing to share any opinion on the matter. But once Jason and Marinette started heading to the sparring mat that was already laid out, he stopped her.
“You sure about this?” He asked, pulling her away so that nobody else could eavesdrop. “I know I laughed and everything, but you don’t have to spar. Jason won’t hold back if you tell him not to, but he’s not a pushover in any respect.”
Marinette frowned. She had gotten a little caught up in the moment, but at the same time… she wanted this. “You guys are great,” she replied to her brother, voice equally soft. “But you and Clark don’t focus on combat technique. I haven’t had a real fight, at least not one where I don’t have powers to fall back on, in a long time. I need this.”
Jon sighed, but nodded. He squeezed her shoulder for a moment, before smiling at the shorter girl. “Then show everyone what you can do. And I suggest telling Jason not to hold back, or you won’t be able to show off as much as you want.”
Marinette bounced on her heels happily, leaning up to kiss Jon on the cheek. “I’m winning Kagami some money today!” She yelled with a fist-bump before jogging over to join a very amused Jason.
“Was your bro giving you some tips?” He asked, stretching out his arms as Marinette giggled.
“Kind of! Jon suggested that I ask you to not hold back!”
Jason froze, gaze sliding over to the young kryptonian, who only smiled back enigmatically. He might not have spent much time around the youngest Super, but he hung out with Kon often enough and he knew that Jon was fully aware of what he was capable of as Red Hood. He wouldn’t suggest that Jason not hold back unless he was actually confident in Marinette’s skill.
The rest of his family seemed to pick up on that as well, also frozen in shock. Jason was one of the most ruthless fighters of all of them, fearless and brutal.
“Kent better know what he’s doing,” Damian hissed under his breath, to which his father and brothers could only nod to silently.
“So the pixie wants me to not hold back? Alright,” Jason agreed to after a moment of stunned silence. Immediately most of his jovial manner drained away, replaced with focus as he spread his legs and sunk into a stance that came naturally to him at that point. If Jon and Marinette both wanted him to treat her like a real threat (without forgetting that this was just a spar, anyway) then he would. Maybe the girl had super strength or invulnerability like the other Supers. That would explain why Clark was so quick to take her in.
“Oh I hope we don’t regret this later,” Bruce groaned before stepping into the center mat and raising one hand. “Alright. Winner is whoever can pin or otherwise subdue the other first. Please, don’t break any bones or skin. I do not need an angry Lois Lane on my doorstep tomorrow morning. You can use the whole room as long as you don’t risk hitting or involving any of us innocent bystanders. Ready?” Bruce backed up off the mat. “Start!” He wasted no time backing away to a wall.
There was no moment of stillness. There was no waiting with baited breath or looking for an opening. As soon as Bruce called Start, Jason attacked.
He jumped over the distance separating him and Marinette, bringing his knee up to try and end this in one strike like he would have in the field.
Only Marinette wasn’t there to take the hit. Just as quickly as Jason had lunged, she had jumped. Instead of Jason kicking her in the stomach, the small Asian girl had leapt up, and landed on the upraised knee balanced on only one nimble foot.
Suddenly, they were face to face. They grinned at each other, and then they were nothing but movement again.
@fantasiame @thestressmademedoit @amayakans @resignedcatservant @too0bsessedformyowngood @chocolatecatstheron @mooshoon @jeminiikrystal @bigpicklebananatree @thezestywalru @bugaboosandbees @ironspiderstark @mikantsume @marinettepotterandplagg @more-or-less-human-i-guess @myazael @ladybug-182 @buticaaba @dast218 @maribat-is-lifeblood @elspethshadow @fandomsaremylifeline @moonlightstar64 @whats-she-gonna-post-next @toodaloo-kangaroo @maybemanymuffins @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @legendaryneckjudgestudent @goblinwhoships @yin-390
Part 5
This got long, so the majority of the spar will be in the next part so that I don’t get cut off. :D OMG, StOrY DeVelOPmeNT?! Who am I?!
More good stuff next chap.
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starkatana · 4 years
Everything Must Go
Jason Todd x Female Reader // Peter Parker x Female Reader
Yeah, it’s a Marvel cross-over in a DC universe! Because I can.
After deciding to leave Gotham, you need to say one last good-bye.
Warning: Light swearing, death (nothing graphic – just mentions)
Before Reading Background:
You and Jason were dating for four years before Joker ‘killed’ him.
Now you are dating Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Selina is your godmother. You are the child of Selina’s childhood friends. There is no family relationship between you and Jason even though you live in Wayne Manor
You are also a vigilante in the Batfam as Black Cat
Author’s Note:
So, here begins my various one-shots of Jason Todd/Red Hood x Reader//y/n AKA my current obsession. I may compile all of them into chronological order once everything is done. I just really wanted to write and post something. I just have too many WIP’s right now that I need to focus on.
Sorry I didn’t want to put the year of birth and the death year on Jason’s tombstone since I changed all their ages. I’ll deal with it on a different day.
They aren’t exact ages. This is just a world that I made using these characters because I can. In this story, Jason has ‘died’ at 21 and you and peter are visiting his grave a year later. The three of you are 22
This Peter Parker is more based off of the Playstation 4 Spiderman game.
Sorry if it's a little out of character, this is just based on my knowledge that Tumblr has given me.
Also! Thank you for all your likes and reblogs! It really helps my self-esteem in continuing to write and share this story! <3
After you had decided to leave Gotham, you immediately made the preparations to go back home with your mom. You told Selina and Bruce and as much as they’d miss having you around they understood your choice.
“About your suit.” Bruce brought up.
You shake your head no. You hadn’t even thought about taking it with you. “I don’t need it where I’m going.”
He nods. “You will always have a place here,” Bruce reassured.
“I’m going to miss you, KitKat.” Selina hugged you.
Gotham was about three hours away from home by train. You just knew you didn’t want to come back for a long time.
As for the rest of your ‘family,' they had some choice words for you and refused to let you leave. Damian threw a tantrum and ignored you for a few hours before coming to terms and quietly hanging around you, as Damien does. Cass, Steph, and Babs forced a sleepover with you every night. You went out to eat at your must-have locations with Duke and Tim, rotating with the others. Dick went around with you from place to place, to not only keep an eye on you but so you wouldn’t be alone. Occasionally, trading places with Roy when Dick had to go to work. You knew they were babysitting, but enjoyed your time with each of them anyway. Eventually, everyone came to terms with you leaving and reluctantly supported your decision.
Today was your last day in Gotham. Peter came down from New York to help you pack the finishing touches and spend your last day in Gotham. He had the weekend off and was going to go to your hometown with you. You were going to show him around and introduce him to your mom. After packing your belongings and moving the boxes from your room to the main entrance hall, you went through your list to make sure you didn’t forget anything.
“There’s only one thing left.”
“What’s up?”
You pause and fidget with your fingers before you take a deep breath to respond.
“I want to visit Jason’s grave.”
Peter nods. “When do you want to go?”
You shrug. “Today’s the only day I have. I don’t know when I’ll be in Gotham again. I just know I have to go and I don’t think I can go alone…I haven’t been there since…” your voice trails off. “Is that weird? Asking you to go with me to my dead boyfriend’s grave? It’s a little weird. You can say no.”
Peter lets out a light chuckle and gently grabs your arms to stop you from rambling, “No, it’s not weird. I’m more than happy to go with you.”
You place a soft kiss on his cheek. “Thanks, Peter.”
You two take a car to the flower shop, buying some of –your favorite flowers-, for Jason’s grave. Next was a train ride to the city suburb, finally following a short walk to the church graveyard. This was where Bruce’s parents are buried, along with Jason. It was all a very somber experience.
The day of Jason’s funeral was not the kind of weather you felt. It was a sunny day in Gotham. Light breeze, mid to lower 80’s, it was good weather. Abnormal for Gotham and abnormal for a funeral.
You hung your head low and cried the entire time at the funeral. Damien held your hand and Cass rested her head on your shoulder. You tried to be strong, but you were shaking. From sadness and anger. It wasn’t fair.
When the funeral ended, you went for a walk through the flower garden and Dick joined you.
When you two were far enough away from any people and crowds. You started bawling like a baby. Dick held you and you cried into his jacket.
“It’s okay.” He reassured.
“No!” you snapped up, “I hate the weather.”
Dick tilts his head slightly confused.
“It’s not fair! It rains any other godforsaken day in Gotham but when it’s Jason’s funeral and I’m sad! And I think the world should be sad! But it’s fucking sunny.” You try wiping away your tears that keep coming. “It’s stupid and it’s not fair!”
Dick nods giving you another hug. “You’re right, it’s not fair.”
“The sun is dumb and this is dumb and Jason should be alive.”
Dick caresses your head as he rocks you back and forth.
“And it’s all my fault!” you sob into Dick’s coat hugging him tightly.
“Y/n.” Dick grabs your shoulders to have you look at him. “It’s not your fault. What happened to Jay is not your fault.”
You hiccup between your sobs. “If I didn’t stop him from being on time, he would’ve been with you.”
Dick pulls you in for another hug. “Shhh.”
You came back from your thoughts at the sound of Peter’s voice. You two stood outside of the graveyard gates. You look at Peter, tears in your eyes.
“I’m sorry,” you apologize wiping your tears away. “I’m sad.”
He smiles and squeezes your hand, “That’s okay. You’re allowed to be sad.”
You sniffle, holding your tears back, return his hand squeeze, and take a deep breath.
“How long has it been?”
“Its been a little over a year,” You pause, “I still miss him.” You realize what you said. You look at Peter expecting to see some sort of reaction that you had told him you still miss your dead ex. He didn’t have one. He just watched you lovingly and listened contently. “I’m sorry, that was weird.” You hang your head trying to hide your face.
“Y/n.” He steps in front of you and tilts your face up to look at him. Gently he caresses your cheek. You stare into his brown eyes, the warmest brown that glowed like warm honey on a summer’s day. And with the sun shining in eyes, they glowed even more. So warm and kind it’s been a while since you felt like this and you felt a smile grow on your lips. He tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear.
“You don’t need to apologize. I’m here to support you. You can miss Jason all you want. I don’t it’s weird. I don’t expect you to just replace him with me either. This is normal. What you’re feeling is normal. You don’t need to apologize for missing someone you love.”
You two share a hug. “Thank you, Peter.”
He places a kiss on the top of your head. “Let's go in.”
You lead him towards the flower field in the graveyard. You stop a few feet away, being able to read his gravestone in the distance.
Jason Peter Todd
Son Brother
“You okay?” Peter asks.
“Yeah.” You two continue forward, stepping up to the gravestone. You crouch down in front of his tombstone wiping off the debris that was collecting on it from the year, but other than that it was in good shape.
“Hi Jaybird.” You greet the grave like an old friend. “Sorry, it’s been so long. This is Peter.” You put the flowers down next to the grave, “He’s the guy I’ve been telling you about. He came out with me because,” You pause to collect your thoughts and find your words. “Because I wasn’t sure I could come out here by myself. I still feel bad and I still feel like this is all my fault.”
Peter puts a hand on your shoulder giving you a small squeeze.
You touch Peter’s hang before continuing. “I’m working through it though. I’ve been seeing a counselor, keeping a journal, talking to family and friends.” You pause and smile at the grave. It felt therapeutic. “I wanted to say good-bye before I left Gotham. I….” You pause feeling Peter’s eyes on you and your mouth gets dry, “miss you.” You turn to face Peter. “This is weird isn’t it?”
“No.” Peter responds crouching next to you, “He was your best friend and first love. Of course, you’d miss him.”
You put on a smile. “I feel like you two would get along in another life. You guys have a lot of the same interests.” You stop again, “Oh, that felt weird.” You cringe.
Peter puts a hand on your knee to reassure you, “It’s not weird. I’m flattered. I heard great things about him.” You smile at him, no matter what you did, and said, Peter, is nothing but supportive of you. This is was what you loved about Peter, always so positive. That and so much more. This entire process was hard, but with Peter by your side supporting you, it made you feel less alone.
“I’d like to think that the night on the balcony, when we met, Jason guided you into my life.”
“Is this getting too weird for you yet? Me talking about my dead boyfriend who I’m clearly not over?”
Peter rolls his eyes at you and smiles at you. “Stop it, y/n. No, I don’t think it’s weird. I think it’s normal and I want you to know that I’m here for you through everything. I know you care about me and I know Jason will always have a place in your heart. I don’t want to take his place, I just want to make you happy.” He kisses your forehead. “We both just want you to be happy.”
You lean against Peter with a lighthearted smile.
“Now quit asking me if it’s weird. Cause I think you’re weird.” He playfully bumps into you causing you to lose your balance, but he catches you before you can fall over. “But that’s why I like you.”
You chuckle and lean into him, “I like you too.” You say while he puts his arm around you. “Thank you, Peter, for everything.”
He nods. “Thank you for introducing us.” He faces Jason’s grave, “I promise I’ll take care of her.”
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You're writing is just so good I just *chefs kiss*. I had idea, and only a moderately horny one this time, aren't you proud! So reader is smol cute lad and dark takes him home to meet the egos. All of them are like ??? How is this lil cutie dating Dark? The absolute DEMON BASTARD MAN? And so Wilford keep trying to ask invasive and personal question to figure out just how they came to date dark only for reader to snap and be all demony and scary. Dark meanwhile is just like :) he tops me
Pairing: Damien x Male Reader
Warnings: none
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I fidgeted with my fingers, standing in front of this door made me incredibly nervous. Damien squeezed my arm, trying to reassure me that everything would be okay. He took out his key and unlocked the front door, giving me an encouraging smile as we entered the building.
“Everyone, this is my boyfriend, Y/N” Damien introduced me to the rest of the occupants of the manor. Most of them got up to shake my hand and introduce themselves. However all of them gave me weird looks, as if trying to figure some complicated riddle out, I tried to brush this off.
We all sat in the living room, talking to each other about nothing and everything. Both Damien and I were on an armchair, I was snuggled into his side.
“They seem to like you, I knew they would” Damien whispered in my ear, proving that my morning of panic was for nothing.
“And then you’ll never guess, but I managed to grab onto the elephant’s tusk, pulling myself out of the ditch!” Illinois exclaimed loudly, getting to the end of his long story.
“Ah that be nothin’ me dear lad, wait til ye hear about me sailin’” Magnum shouted at the adventurer, as cheery as always.
“That’s for another time Magnum, I want to get to know about Y/N” Bim stated, turning the whole room’s attention to me. I chuckled nervously, seeing everyone turn to me.
“Yea, sounds good” Yancy agreed, nodding his head
“How do you put up with Dark? He’s a bastard” King of The Squirrels asked, not being afraid to show his opinion.
“Uh, he’s not really a bastard, I guess?” I replied, not really knowing how to answer such a question
“He’s not very nice, but you’re really nice, so like how’d that happen?” Bing questioned, I just nervously laughed and shrugged.
“Hmm that’s a good question. Were you a prostitute or something?” Everything went quiet as Wilford asked that question.
“No he’s not Wilford, that’s not why he’s with me” Damien told Wilford, his voice cold
“Have you guys had sex yet, is that how you met?” Wilford continued
“That is none of your business Wil-“ Damien was cut off by Wilford, as I nervously chuckled, feeling uncomfortable.
“Y/N are you an alcoholic? Did you meet when drunk?”
“Could you not ask those questions Wilford?” I asked, trying to hide my discomfort
“Did you get cheated on? And then ran out crying and met him?” The room grew dark, but it wasn’t Damien’s doing. “Did you get abused, and he came to your rescue?”
“Please stop” I urged, the darkness grew with my discomfort. Damien was beginning to get furious with his friend, but I made sure he didn’t do anything rash.
“Ah I know! You realised that you’ll never be anything special and you’ll never amount to anything and-“ Wilford clutched at his throat, trying to make a noise, but he couldn’t.
Everyone’s eyes grew wide as they looked at me, I wasn’t the soft looking man from before but a horned hell creature. My eyes were focused on Wilford as I stopped his voice box from working.
“I asked you to please stop asking those questions” My voice rattled the room, demonically low and chilling. No one spoke, somewhat because they were scared and somewhat because they were shocked. Wilford nodded his head furiously, trying to squeak some noise out of his broken voice.
“Good” I growled, my horns, claws, and demonic presence disappearing as I unclenched my fist, allowing Wilford’s voice to return.
“I’m sorry” Wilford apologised, staring wide eyed at me, along with all the other egos. Damien just grinned, staring at me lovingly, as I wrapped my arm around him.
Why am I still awake, and thank you!!💕💕
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prettypaisleywitch · 4 years
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Fear of judgement & life inside the broom closet
|I took a big step & introduced my friends to my witchy side this sahmain|
The fear of what others may think has stunted my practice for many years, I've dipped my toes in and out of witchcraft for a long time: every time someone found out about my practice or pointed out something witchy about me instead of just embracing it or hiding it better I got in my head and stopped completely, I eventually gave up on stopping and starting and tried to forget that part of me.
Then covid hit. I slumped into one of the darkest periods of depression in my life and I couldn't see a way out. I felt like my mind was lost in a deep dark void and I accepted depression was going to be the death of me.
One day I decided to turn back to my old friend marijuana as an attempt to self medicate, I pulled out my laptop and clicked on the first trippy thing I saw on Netflix: 'the midnight gospel' - the third episode is centred around ceremonial magic (damien echols is the voice actor) & the series on a whole addressed a lot of things I was confused about. I took this as a sign and the following day set up an altar and began to meditate. The next night I waited for the moon to come out & prayed to the god and the goddess, the night after that I wrote a list of all the things that were contributing to my suffering and under the moon light set the list a light- I've not turned back since.
Obviously I wasnt socialising or going out much during this time so my practice was allowed to develop as I wasnt been stunted by the fear of what others think. However I had to face friends and family eventually and when we were finally allowed to socialise (in small groups), people again began to point out my witchy ways & again I felt afraid... however, now I had a new power to challenge that fear- the belief in myself and my practice. So I began to embrace being called a witch, and I came to realise that those close to me actually like that about me.
I'm currently still living in the broom closet as I've not out right admitted that I'm a witch to anyone (except to every user of tumblr) but I've began to talk to my friends and family about my practices recommending to them crystal's and herbs and this sahmain I even gave my friends tarot readings & despite my anxieties every single one of them embraced it and asked me to do further readings for them.
So if anyone is afraid and living in the broom closet this isn't a post to convince you to come out, it is however a post to encourage you to embrace your beliefs and individuality and a post to let you all know that you have a fellow witch with mental illness who's inbox is open for you any time.
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alphaofdarkness · 4 years
I wish to know more of your awesome OCs!! So, 19, 22(or maybe as an alternative if they don't, something you mischaracterize on some of them by mistake? Odd, but I sometimes mess up my own ocs XD), 23, 24, 26, and 32 for the OC questions!!
Oh! You beautiful person you! 💖🥺 Of course I shall tell you more about my many, many ocs! Hopefully I can fulfill! 🥰🤗
More undercut because this turned out to be very long ~ 😅
19.  Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why).
Aw, honestly all my OC’s mean so much to me! It is hard to play favorites sometimes lol. Though, if I had to choose, I’m going with two of them!
Samantha, or Sam, is definitely my baby and has definitely developed so much from her original self. Nonetheless, still the same shy, curious girl who has a big role to uphold as chosen Beta to her Alpha. Plus, being a Legendary Wolf Warrior of Light, even more so! Still, despite many the many hardships and obstacles she has faced, she is still hopeful and a total sweetheart. She just wants a settled life and live her with her closest pack mates. 
I have definitely put her though the ringer a lot, emotionally and even explored just several internal things with her. I know Danielle is meant to be me in a sense, but personality and emotional wise, I am more like this lovely Angel. Best girl and everyone loves her!
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Second is definitely Danielle (my BsD self insert). Personally, because I have started to embrace her and give her more of my personality and who I really am. Still keeping her as her own person with her struggles, in some aspects, but giving her more of me as well. She has definitely allowed me to have some more self love for myself. Even if it is come and go on most days. She has just grown to be more of a gradual part of me in the recent years since I got into Bsd. I truly love her as she gives me a reason to embrace the parts of me I never would have considered so much or even just not like about me.
Self shipping has definitely also helped, I just love Dany very much and hold her close, please she may be stubborn but she is hella fragile ;;;w;;;
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22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
Hm, I wouldn't say anyone has mischaracterized my characters so much that I know of, maybe my parents whenever there is a moment they see my Oc’s and just make a judgement on them on the spot lol.
I suppose me mischaracterizing my OCs would probably be the Seven Deadly Soul Sins? Maybe ^^, These seven, practically, ghost entities of the Seven Deadly Sins are meant to be perceived as the worst possible people/wolves. Their existence is the reason people do bad things and are the negative contrast to the Legendary Wolf Warriors. 
Take an old, unfinished draw of all 7 of them together~
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I know what they are, how they behave, what their very existence and presence entails. However, I have come to the bad tendency of redemption in my line of story telling, I often find myself back and forth whether there is any redeemable qualities that should be given to them considering their very existence and such. Envy, or Evelyn, is one that I can definitely see having something on that accord, but she is still at her core bad. 
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I don't know if I am saying this correctly or even answering the question well lol. But yeah, I say my Deadly Sin OC’s often can be mischaracterized in a way. I can definitely picture them being top favs if my story was an actual thing. I support the fans in all they come lol ^^
 23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
I can't think of one I changed too much out of concern for what they are like that I can remember to be quite honest ^^, 
I guess maybe Wisler? I know when I first came up with the start up concept of the LWW, I never intended for him to be a previous Warrior. It was always meant to be Dany’s Aunt who possessed it and Wisler was just a precautious elder wolf who needed to teach her to better her powers, less she gives it up like his daughter had. 
Of course, the whole concept and idea, just gives way for him to have been a possible warrior in the past. If anything I just the developed the idea more and made it more of a tragedy for Wisler. Normally, the concept of being a LWW is meant to be a blessing, a gift bestowed by a greater power, but to him, after giving up his power and remaining upon the world, he just sees it as a curse. Pride only solidified that into his mind. Nonetheless, he becomes a mentor to the other warriors to better themselves and keep them from giving up their power.
Second, was more of a momentary interest in the Chronicles of Narnia and being ever so salty about Susan being left behind, while her family died and went to Narnia ;;;w;;; 
Silly thing really, but literally chose, out of all the warriors, Lidia to be the one to be left alive, from whatever scenario I had at the time, because she refused her soul gift of the LWW’s. It was a momentary silly concept, I don't know why I would chose her for this scenario at all, she doesn’t deserve that ;;w;;
If anything, the ones that I can picture are Yamato and Danielle, just because of their mental state and emotional turmoil under such a heavy weight of loss. It was a silly concept I had thought of once, and just cry little at the thought ;;w;; 
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Heck, I would love to meet all of them... and heavy apologize for all the hell I've put them all through ;;;w;;;
But Jason~ most definitely...Not cause I self ship myself with him or anything but UwU,,, He is a sweetheart and a beautiful boi ~ I want to love him and give him a soft life pls.
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26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will? 
Ahh,,, All of them, in a way? ^^; my middle self was something else entirely~
I think design wise, most if not all my warriors, are still the same. Maybe just a few new upgrades in their fur shade, colored eyes, and maybe their human designs too. Most definitely will change more in the future, just for the sake of bettering myself to draw people.
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Old, high school art~ Cringe 
Any new design change is purely out of being in a more better mindset of design and just development of what make them unique. I have definitely changed all of their Soul Markings, I have changed Lidia’s name from Leafia recently, Taka’s formerly sky blue eyes to more of a pale green, Sora’s former tail scar to the claw ones on her shoulder, etc.
Origin, personality and relation wise on the other hand, GRADUAL SHIFT! Some points:
Sora, Yamato, and Takaru are heavily inspired by the Digimon Adventure kids of the same name, I kept their surnames of the ones from the series for a long time into at most Junior Year of High School. Til I learned, if I want to make them my own, I have to change this entirely!
So Sora, Yamato, and Takaru are definitely different entirely from their original selves, personality and kind of design wise.
Sam was kind of meant to be like Kari from Digimon in a way, but heavily refused to name her that or make her in similarity of the character.
Another Oc of mine named Jacob Wolfe was originally going to be the Warrior of Earth before I came up with Lidia.
There was originally meant to be just 5 Warriors, Lidia and Jason not yet part of it and, surprisingly, neither was Danielle.
Jason was originally named Damien and was kind of, for a while, Danielle’s twin sibling... Changed that drastically and entirely after renaming him to Jason.
Originally, had some other mythical beasts living amongst them in the Forest of Dreams, like dragons and gryphons for a while.
Originally, played with the idea of the warriors coming back to life if they didn't give up their powers, but... after much though it just became more of a “too cheesy of choice?” Especially for an ending thing before the next generation kids come in, it was just not an option after a while.
These are just some that I can think of at the top of my head at least, I am sure there is much more scrap things in my mind lol.
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why? 
...God I don't want any of them to fecking die grueso-(I should shut my mouth actually),,, even though I will admit I did internally put my warriors into a shitty thought-out idea of them in a Final Destination scenario...
Ahh, may Yamato in a way as that stoic, hardened protagonist with the will too try and survive, Wrath is his counter self sin, I find that fitting in a way. Same with Jason, just because of his slight nativity to being a warrior and how he left his former abusive living from his alpha and stepfather. Oddly enough, maybe Sam? Just because of her ability to see the worst things to happen in the future, but I am not sure lol.
Am thinking of the new Resident Evil game I see floating around with some gamer youtubers and I can see Yamato and/or Jason in the position and setting.
I truly enjoyed all these questions! It gave me time to think and reflect on my ocs! I do hope you enjoy some old, blurred and unfinished art from ya wolf girl~ I truly appreciate this and gives me the feels of validation! ;;;w;;;
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emospritelet · 5 years
#45 — “This should warm you up.” For the continuation of the Original Sin verse, please!
It’s Christmas Eve, and Belle just gave demon!Gold the news that she’s pregnant. Please see AO3 for tags as there are weird consent issues running throughout this series, despite Gold’s honesty with Belle about what he is. 
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [AO3]
Belle waited for the outburst. She had expected shock, disbelief, even anger. On the journey up from New York, she had mentally run through his likely reactions to her news, and had considered the best response to each of them. She had thought she was ready for all of those emotions, and had braced herself for the onslaught. What she didn’t expect was his usual thin smile.
“Well,” he said. “It seems that you and I need to have a conversation. Would you care for some tea?”
Belle blinked.
“Tea,” he said patiently. “I have a rather nice Earl Grey. Or there’s peppermint, if you prefer.”
She shook her head.
“Did - did you hear what I just said?”
“Of course.”
“I’m pregnant,” she repeated. “Pregnant. With your baby.”
“Yes,” he said slowly and carefully. “I heard you the first time.”
Belle felt her brow crease in confusion.
“You - you don’t seem surprised.”
“Yeah, surprised.” She gestured to her belly. “I’m having a baby. Our baby. You’re gonna be a father.”
“Yes.” He was looking as confused as she felt. “Are you telling me you were surprised?”
“Well, yeah!” Belle threw up her hands and let them drop.
“But we talked about children,” he said. “About you becoming a mother. You said it was what you wanted.”
“Yes, at some point, I meant!” she said. “At some point in the future, when I was married and settled with the love of my life! Not after a - a one-night-stand with an antique dealer!”
Gold winced.
“Ouch.” He shook his head. “Then why did you agree to go to bed with me?”
Belle put her hands on her hips.
“Seriously?” she remarked. “You’re putting this all on me?”
“I’m not putting anything on you,” he said, looking bewildered. “I’m delighted that you’re having my child.”
“So am I!” she blurted, and snapped her mouth shut with an audible click of her teeth.
Gold sighed, looking down at where his fingers were poised on the counter top.
“Belle, I have to confess I’m not entirely sure what it is you’re angry with me about.”
“I’m not angry, I’m just…” She faltered, trying to find the words. “I guess I’m confused. I thought you’d be mad.”
“Why?” he said, looking every bit as confused as she felt.
“Well, it wasn’t exactly planned, was it?” she said impatiently. “Given that I was taking birth control!”
“Birth control?”
If anything he looked even more confused, and she felt like picking up his present and hitting him over the head with it.
“Yes, Damien, birth control!” she snapped. “You know, the pills that people take to stop them getting pregnant?”
“Ah.” His fingers drummed slowly on the counter. “Well, I’ve heard of them, of course. You were taking those?”
He shrugged. “They weren’t working.”
“Well, I know that now!” she said sarcastically. “Blame Roni and her cupcake supplier with his activated charcoal fixation!”
Gold closed his eyes, then shook his head before glancing at her again.
“I have no idea what you just said, but let’s get back to the matter at hand,” he said. “I didn’t know. I didn’t know you were - trying not to be pregnant. I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, well…” She folded her arms and leaned on the counter with a sigh. “I guess we didn’t really talk about contraception, did we? I was too desperate to get in your pants.”
Gold grinned.
“Oh, I assure you the feeling was mutual,” he said. “Now. How about that tea?”
“You’re taking this very calmly,” she remarked, and he shrugged.
“As I said, I’m delighted at the news,” he said, and gestured to the side, where a pattern curtain hung across a doorway. “Please, come on through to the back room. I’ll lock up, so we can have some privacy.”
Belle gave him a long look, wanting to shake her head. No one’s this calm. Not about stuff like this. What is his deal?
“Well, I guess it’s pretty cold out there,” she said eventually. “Tea would be great.”
The back room of the shop turned out to be a cluttered sanctuary of antiques, with shelves filled with old books, assorted glassware, and boxes of what she assumed was china wrapped in newspaper. There were two large wooden workbenches, one with pieces of what looked like a brass scientific instrument laid out on black velvet. A single bed was tucked into a corner, covered in a dark red blanket, and she wondered if he ever slept at the shop.
“Please, take a seat,” said Gold from behind her, and she set her bag on the workbench and slid onto one of the wooden stools, taking off her scarf and gloves.
She watched as he made tea, boiling water in a kettle, spooning tea into a pot and setting out two china cups and saucers. Steam rose as he poured boiling water into the pot and stirred it. She could smell the tea, a pleasant, tannin-laced bitterness in the air. A small fridge tucked behind an old painted screen held milk, and once the tea was poured, Gold added a dash to each cup, setting them in saucers and carrying them to the bench.
“Here,” he said. “This should warm you up.”
“Thank you.”
The tea was steaming gently, so she left it to cool for a moment. The cup was white, with a blue pattern on one side, the saucer rimmed in gold. She wondered if it was part of a collection that he was planning on selling, or whether it was his own.
“So many things in here,” she said, glancing around the room. “You could probably open another shop.”
“This one keeps me busy enough,” he said.
“You don’t want to expand?” asked Belle. “I’d love to, if the bookstore was more successful.”
“Oh, I know your ambitions,” he said, as he put the milk back in the fridge. “Perhaps I can be of some assistance there.”
“I think any ambitions I had will have to take a back seat for a while,” she said. “I’ll need to find someone to run the store while I’m looking after the baby, for a start. It won’t leave much spare money to think about restocking, never mind expanding.”
Gold turned to face her, leaning back against the wooden counter. His eyes were gleaming at her, hints of gold in their dark depths.
“Well, let’s talk about that,” he said. “Firstly there’s your welfare, and the child’s. Are you well?”
“I - yeah, I’m fine. We’re both fine.”
“In order to ensure that continues, please allow me to pay for any medical insurance or expenses you might need.”
“I have insurance,” she said immediately. “Of course, it doesn’t cover everything, but—”
“I’ll make sure you want for nothing,” he said. “You mentioned getting help in to run the shop? Employing someone? I can pay for that.”
“Oh,” she said, shifting on the stool. “Well, that’s very kind, but you don’t have to. I didn’t come here looking for money as such, it was more…”
“More what?” he asked softly, and Belle licked her lips.
“I suppose I wanted to see whether you were interested in being a part of this child’s life,” she said. Of our lives.
“And so I am,” he said briskly. “I want to ensure this child knows where it comes from and is fully prepared for its future. And I’m prepared to compensate you very well for the sacrifice you’re making.”
“Sacrifice?” said Belle, confused. “I - I don’t understand.”
He had turned away, taking a piece of paper from the nearest workbench and a pen from the pot on the counter. She listened to him scribble briefly on the paper.
“I’m aware that bearing this child will be a burden on you, physically and emotionally,” he said. “I want to help as much as I can. So I want to give you this.”
He turned, holding out the piece of paper. There was a figure written on it, next to a dollar sign. Belle read it once, blinked, then read it again.
“Is this a joke?” 
Gold’s mouth twitched.
“I never joke,” he said quietly. “It’s one aspect of human nature I never quite managed to grasp.”
“This is a fortune,” she said, and he shrugged.
“You could buy that loft apartment,” he said. “Open that chain of bookshops. It’s what you wanted, correct?”
“Yeah, but I wasn’t expecting you to buy it for me!”
“In exchange for what you’re giving me, the price seems more than fair.”
Belle stared at him, but he kept the same steady expression. After a moment she shook her head, trying to understand what was happening.
“Okay, for now let’s leave aside this - uh - offer, and talk about what we’re gonna do about the baby,” she said, and Gold pursed his lips, nodding.
“You - you want to pay me a huge sum of money for looking after this child,” she said, in a flat tone. “But you also want to be a part of its life. So - what are we talking about here? Some sort of child support arrangement where you turn up once a fortnight and take it for fast food and a movie?”
Gold shook his head emphatically.
“Oh no,” he said. “I want to bond with my child, but I don’t feel that noisy human entertainment is conducive to that.”
“Okay,” she said slowly, and he took the stool across from her, knees parted and hands folded loosely in his lap.
“I’d like to share responsibility for teaching the child to read,” he added. “I want to take it out to the woods, introduce it to the natural world, teach it to identify herbs and fungi and poisonous plants. And when it gets older there are runes and crystals. Latin will be essential, of course, but there are other ancient languages which I’ve found very useful over the years.”
Belle opened her mouth, realised she had no idea how to respond, and closed it again, picking up her tea to take a drink in order to collect her thoughts.
“Of course, as soon as the child turns five, I expect you’ll want me to take it,” he added.
Belle almost choked on her tea, and set it down, wiping drops of hot liquid from her chin.
“What?” she exclaimed. “Why would I want that? I want to raise this child myself! I mean if you want to be involved, that’s great, but I can’t think of any reason why I would ever hand it over to you for good!”
“Oh, it’s just that as they get older, our children tend to do better with their own kind,” he said helpfully. “That’s not a criticism of you or your parenting abilities, it’s just a fact.”
Belle shook her head, as though by doing so she could have his words make sense.
“What do you mean, ‘their own kind’?” she asked, puzzled. “Do you have some sort of hereditary condition? Why do you think that would matter to me?”
“I mean demons,” he said lightly, lifting one hand and spreading his fingers. “Incubi. Succubi. Whichever our child turns out to be. There are those that shift in between, of course, but it’s rare that one of those is produced. I’d say not in twenty years, to my knowledge. At least not that I’ve heard. Given that I’ve been tucked away in this town for decades there are probably a great many things going on that have passed me by.”
Belle stared at him.
“What?” she snapped. “What the hell are you talking about?”
Gold sat back on his stool, knees parting further in their fine wool pants, that tiny smile back on his face.
“I’m just letting you know that since the child is mine it will be different to a regular human child, that’s all,” he said patiently. “I can’t predict how those differences will manifest, and it’s possible that you may find them difficult to deal with. My own mother abandoned me in an alehouse when I was barely old enough to walk. I’ve had to make my own way in the world, and I certainly don’t want my child to do the same.”
“I - that’s terrible, but I don’t…” Belle shook her head. “Look, I realise that my hormones are doing weird things right now, but it sounded like you were saying that you’re a demon, and so is our child.”
Gold looked puzzled.
“Well, I am.”
Belle glared at him.
“Would you stop making fun of me?” she demanded. “This is serious!”
“I’m being serious!” he insisted. “I told you what I was before you went to bed with me.”
“Yeah, as a joke!”
Gold sighed heavily.
“Belle, I wasn’t joking,” he said patiently. “I told you, I don’t joke. Everything I told you was the absolute truth.”
Belle ran her hands over her face, letting out a deep, shuddering breath. I should have known it was too good to be true. No one’s that calm when they get a bombshell dropped on them.
“Look, I think maybe we should both take a little time to process this,” she said, through her fingers. “It’s clear this has been as much of a shock to you as it was to me.”
“I’m not shocked,” he said. “I told you. I look forward to meeting our child.”
“Let’s take a little time,” she repeated. “Sleep on it. Think about what this means for both of us. For all of us.”
“Thinking about it won’t change my mind.”
“You can’t know that,” she snapped. “Anyhow, I’m staying at the inn, so - uh - why don’t we both talk again after we’ve had some rest? It was kind of a long journey and I'm not convinced I didn't fall asleep on the bus and dream this whole encounter.”
He was gazing at her with an unreadable look on his face.
“Great.” She pushed to her feet. “Thanks for the tea. And for not yelling about the baby. I don’t handle raised voices all that well. Especially now.”
“As I said.” His tone was almost a whisper. “I’m delighted at the news.”
She wound her scarf around her neck, and snatched her gloves up from the workbench, pulling them on. She could feel Gold’s eyes on her, running over her skin like spectral fingers, as though he could touch her without moving from his seat. It made her shiver, but the sensation was far from unpleasant.
“Right,” she said again. “I’ll - um - see you tomorrow.”
“Until tomorrow,” he said quietly.
Belle nodded, and took a step past him, that sensation of being touched with his eyes making her skin hum and her pulse throb in her throat. Her pace quickened as she entered the shop, and she reached the door without stopping, the bell tinkling as she wrenched it open and stepped out into the frigid night air. A plume of white billowed out into the air as she let out the breath she had been holding. Well. That’s one reaction I definitely didn’t predict.
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thesunshinebunny · 5 years
The incubi with an s/o that’s an Egyptian queen in their under realm
Uuuuuhhhh nice, I really like it. If I see you guys looooove it like I do, I’ll make a oneshot !!! Before starting, a little clarification. The S/O have their tattoos and skin in esmerald shade (sorry if it is not your favorite color) and can transformed into a snake of the same color, apart from being able to change the size depending on the situation; Aaaaand they can also transform into a black cat.
Let’s Goooooooo
_** **_
Both of tou met when The Demon Lord suggested that a marriage agreement between the two realms would facilitate the attainment of more power and strength.
James didn’t really like the idea of ​​marriage, and you less.
Buuut, keep a badasssss look you guys, no matter the circunstancies.
You and your parents traveled to his kingdom and let’s say the meeting between you five wasn’t the most pleasant.
Your parents accepting the offer, but only if you agreed to marry James, otherwise, there would be no agreement.
You on the other side, indifference to the whole situation, just wishing to get into the first library you saw and stay there until departure.
A shy and extremly nervous incubbaby James.
The Demon Lord angry AF, threatening to invade your kingdom if you didn’t accept marriage.
Aaaaanyway, bad first meetings to the side, you saw James again in the throne room when you were reading a huge book about war tactics.
“Who do you think you are, sittting comfortably on the king’s throne?”
That fucking imp, since you arrived he doesn’t leave you alone. Wherever you go, this bastard always has a criticism to make.
“It should be an action of treason, just waits until The Demon Lord knows about this, you’ll regr…”
“Leave her alone, NOW”
James to the rescue, anyone doubt it for a moment?
The imp left, cursing under his breath.
“Forgive his habits of meddling where they don’t call him, it’s quite irritating.”
“Yes, too much. It wasn’t necessary for you to came to defend me, if he had continued a little longer I would have injected my poison. He would have been paralyzed for a few days, damn spawn. ”
poison? James.exe stops working
You had to transform yourself so the poor baby could understand.
James.exe loves it
And when you stayed in a naga version, he may have discovered a new kink.
Leaving the “arranged” marriage, you really got along, even on the days you stayed in his kingdom, a little love story could’ve been born.
Heartbroken when you had to return to your kingdom.
The two of you gave each other a small memory to not forget.
You gave him a small jar with your poison to use in that unfortunate servant.
He gave you one of his favorite books.
More heartbroken to know he leaves with his brothers to the human world, leaving you behind, alone.
Both of you met in the gardens of your kingdom (strange thing, right?)
For some strange reason, which wasn’t an arranged marriage or an alliance, The Demon Lord decided to visit your parents’ kingdom, and with him he took James and Erik.
While The Demon Lord and his “favorite heir” had a private audience with your parents, Erik was allowed to roam the long, heated halls of the castle.
Your fucking kingdom is very veeeeeeeeeeery hot, what the hell !!
He found a large entrance with the rarest and most startling flowers he has ever seen and, out of simple and obvious curiosity, he passed the threshold, to end up up encountering an immense garden.
An incredible view if I say so myself.
And speaking of views … your emerald skin positioned in the middle of the garden could called the attention of any demon.
“Ah! Aren’t you a beautiful sight? I wouldn’t be bother to melt on your beautiful skin. ”
If looks could kill … your kingdom would already be at war with Erik’s.
“Is that how you generally introduce yourself? Without saying your name or bothering to know it of the other person with whom you blatantly try to flirt? ”
Matthew voice You’re going to need some cold water for that burn.
“I’m sorry, you’re totally right, it wasn’t my intention to disrespect you in that way. My sincere apologies ”
Okey-dokey, leaving bad impressions aside, let’s go to the good.
His stay in your castle made the free and boring time before your coronation more enjoyable.
Taking care of the garden.
Reading poems.
Allow Erik to participate in political meetings between the two kingdoms.
Long nights talking about everything and nothing.
You promised to see each other again on your coronation’s day.
Spend some time alone after so much stress.
Breakfast with the dawn.
Among many other sweet things.
But that meeting never happened.
First very bad impression.
At first he thought you were one of his damn father’s new wives. He received you with enough servers and put together a great banquet to introduce you to his sons.
With the cards on the table and Sam understanding you were actually going to be betrothed by one of the incubrothers, his angry face broke down.
Sam being Sam, he denied the option of being a suitor in that damn arranged marriage.
He tried to avoid you most of the time you were in the palace.
No speaking, No eye contact, nothing.
It started to be irritating.
He thought you were a silly princess who needed thousands of servants to survive and that your only goal in your pathetic life was to marry and be queen.
He had the audacity to say it in the throne room when you confronted him for being so rude.
He turned his back on you before you could even open your mouth and went to the door.
“I don’t think you know who you’re talking to”
You reached him in a second, like…how the fuck?
He then notice your esmerald naga form, with emerald snake eyes.
Fucking badass if he say so.
Maybe a little turn on.
He took his time to meditate and apologize. His pride didn’t let him looked at you in the eye.
He talks to you whenever he feels alone in this big fucking castle. He starts to enjoy your company too.
Loves when you become a snake to scare away his servants.
You may or may not let him get on your tail and take a quick and small walk in the … gardens? Back of the castle? Whatever
You are there when he need towreak his anger from a bad day.
He tried to take you with him and his brothers to the human world, but for you, it was impossible.
“I am the only heir to my parents’ kingdom, I am devoted to my people, I can’t abandon them”
You may have seen him shed a tear before he crossed the portal.
And that was the last time you see each other, for 10 long years.
While walking through the palace inventing new toys, he saw a small black spot moving with the corner of his eye.
When he turned his head, that spot was gone.
Back to bussines then.
But before he could even think of a new design, he felt something brush his leg.
He looked down and a little black cat with big emerald eyes was stroking his leg with its head.
He have diessss for cutenes !!!
He’s stroking his head for a while when an imp of his father appeared inside the map.
“It’s amazing that The Demon Lord continues to let you live in his castle, you’re nothing more than an immature and childish demon”
Matthew was already used to this kind of comment and it was better to ignore them than to confront them.
But apparently a certain cat did not think the same.
What was once a small feline with black fur, was now a huge emerald snake two meters long.
The snake squeezed the damn imp until he goes violet and left him unconscious for a good while.
Matthew may have been scared a little.
BUT… low key sattisfac.
“What would you do without me, sweet cheeks?”
He was taken back by the previous transformation that didn’t realized that the snake was now a succubus of emerald eyes and tattoos.
He never knew that a succubus could look good with snake’s eyes.
Also, whe he knew you’re a QUEEN?!?!?!
Fuck yeah !! You’re even more hotter.
Loves to give you some of his toys, even the weird ones.
Absolutly LOVES when he cooks for you..oh, OH, no, delate that. HE REAAAALLLY LOVES when both of you go to the fucking kitchen and cook the fucking living shit for the both of us.
Every plate cames out more delicious than the previous one.
He give you a few recipes for you to try in your kingdom at the time of your departure.
Cooking is a way to remember the sweetness and love that Matthew managed to give you during the few days you were in his castle.
That habit becomes a nightmare when a servant entered the kitchen to warn you that the children from The Demon Lord went to the human world.
The cake you planned to send was scattered all over the floor.
He was being ridiculed by one of his “father’s” trusted servants when he met you.
“It’s only a matter of time before The Demon Lord throw you out of the castle like a malnourished dog.”
Do you know what is the worst? Not the heartbreaking comments, but Damien getting used to hearing them.
“It is a miracle that you are still alive despite the non-existent food that we are allowed to give you. You are nothing but a hindrance to everyone here, why don’t you do us a favor, including you, and leave before our lord … “
The servant was paralyzed and turned violet … apart from falling to the ground completely rigid.
“Are you ok? Are you hurt? Do you need something? ”
An angel sent from heaven.
Regain your composure Damien !!!!
His little knight to the rescue
Ok, I’m done.
Hidden readings in the library at the time he told you about his illiteracy.
Even once in a while you allow him to read your mind to continue learning to read and pronounce the letters.
Ancient and current Egyptian writing and reading classes.
Human language writing classes.
Talks in one of his brothers’ rooms.
“How can you become a snake?”
“Why doesn’t the color of your tattoos match the one of your eyes?”
“Do you spend a lot of energy transforming?”
“Can you avoid reading people’s minds?”
Oopss, delicate subject.
When you returned to your kingdom, you gave him a small mirror which had a twin in another part of the realm (more specifically your castle)
When he wanted, both of you could see each other from a distance and you could continue teaching him.
You broke the mirror the last time you saw Damien through it.
You saw him … in human clothes, in the human world, and he didn’t have the decency to warn you … or to take you with him.
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piiecesofovrpast · 5 years
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tag drop for damien ross
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jovialyouthmusic · 5 years
Silver Service
A Royal Romance AU Fanfic sequel to Protect and Serve
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Damien arrives in Cordonia and discovers all Bastien’s secrets. Sophia is intrigued to meet Bastien’s former lover.
Word Count 3472
A/N Just a little smut, so No under 18s
6 Meeting up
Damien refastened his seatbelt as the private jet descended. It had been night time when he boarded and he hadn’t recognised the livery, and as it was a private flight he hadn’t seen it on the departure board to check where he would be going. The taciturn young man that had accompanied him on his flight was no more informative about their destination than Bastien had been. He wasn’t allowed to use his mobile phone on the flight so couldn’t check with a location finder – but he was pretty sure the water below them was the Mediterranean. It was early morning – most of the flight had been in the dark and he hadn’t been able to keep his eyes open so had dozed for an hour or more.
The jet swept over a pretty coastal town, over fields and an impressive building standing in extensive grounds before flying on to a small airport, snowy mountains in the distance. As they taxied to a standstill the other man spoke at last.
‘Welcome to Cordonia, Mr Nazario. Mr Lykel will meet you personally and we’ll make our way to Applewood Manor. Sadly the Palace is undergoing refurbishment at the moment’
‘Cordonia? Palace?’ Damien was barely any more well informed, and he puzzled as to where he was. True to the other man’s word, Bastien was on the tarmac waiting next to a large limo. He smiled in greeting and took his hand and slapped him on the back in a brief embrace. He noticed the cane he carried, and a slight limp as he moved to greet him. He had lost some weight and looked a little less than his usual hale hearty self.
‘Nazario – thankyou for coming. I guess you have a lot of questions. I’ll try to answer them on the way’ Damien noted that the limo had a crest of sorts that matched the one on the private jet.
‘Damn Bastien, you bet I’ve got questions. Where he hell am I to start with? I’ve never heard of Cordonia’
‘It’s not a well known country’ he answered as they got into the car. The other man got into the front with the driver. ‘As you guessed when we went to the restaurant in New York, we’re in between Greece and Italy. We have strong links with other smaller countries like Monaco and Auvernal’
‘Auvernal – now you’re making things up’ Damien complained
‘Well, as you’re having trouble believing me, I’ll just have to tell you more and assure you it’s all true. I work for the royal family of Cordonia. I’m head of the King’s Guard, who protect the King and his family. I have a number of men under my command.’ Damien goggled – it was all too much for him to take in so he honed in on his appearance.
‘Bas – something happened to you didn’t it – what’s with the cane?’ Bastien looked grim.
‘There was an assassination attempt at the new King’s coronation – I took a bullet to the shoulder and another to the thigh. The culprit was a lone gunman but we’re having trouble finding out if he was supported by any organisations. The person we want help to locate has kidnap and coercion under his belt, and may have links to anti monarchist organisations’ Damien drew in his breath at the news of Bastien’s injuries. He put his hand on his knee and squeezed it softly.
‘Hell Bas, I’m sorry to hear you got shot up. I’m glad you’re still around to tell the tale.’ Bastien nodded and dropped his head, but looked up at him.
‘Damien, we have to keep this professional’ he said, and he took his hand back.
‘We’ll have some private time together, I hope’ Damien said, but Bastien looked away for a moment.
‘About that. Last time we met, you asked if there was someone special, and I said no – well that’s changed’ Damien’s stomach did a little flip. Bastien’s expression changed, softened. ‘I think you’d like her – I’d met her just before the last time we met, but I didn’t know what was in store for me’ He looked out of the window at the passing countryside ‘She’s changed my life – I can see a future with her - perhaps even a family, who knows. I’m taking a lesser role in work – at least physically. I’m leaving field work to younger fitter men and working more on organising and advising’ Damien swallowed past a lump in his throat
‘I’m pleased for you’ he said brightly ‘I won’t do anything inappropriate, you can rely on that’ Bastien looked at him again.
‘You should meet – I’ve told her about you and she’d like to. We’re on our way to Applewood Manor – after the Palace it’s the Royal Families’ second home – we have quarters there and you’ll be staying in a guest suite.’ Damien laughed
‘You live in a Palace and we’re going to a Manor? Man, I’d never have worked that out for myself. I tried asking the hotel you took me to who had that suite – they wouldn’t tell me’
‘I told you you’d not be able to find out’ Bastien laughed. The two men continued to talk on the way to the Manor. They went straight to the security suite to work, as few people were up and about, and they had breakfast sent in to the office so they could cover more ground. Bastien gave him everything he had on Justin, and Damien got to work on finding as much about him online as he could. He asked to interview Lucretia, who was still being held in custody nearby, and made some phone calls to Interpol head office.
Bastien arranged for Sophia to join them in the staff dining room at lunchtime then showed Damien to his suite. Liam came along to introduce himself, and Damien was struck by how regal yet approachable the young man was. Damien felt in a daze at the sudden change in his surroundings, and had to keep pinching himself. He felt strangely light headed and disconnected from reality, but thinking about his work grounded him. When lunch time came he was ready to catch up on some sleep, but he was intrigued to meet the love of Bastien’s life.
When Sophia entered the dining room, he caught his breath at the sight of the attractive young blonde. Bastien had told him of the age difference and Damien sat squarely between them, five years older than she and five younger than his friend and former lover. Bastien leapt up – or moved as quickly as his injury allowed him to – and went to her side, beaming with happiness. He put his arm round her waist and kissed her cheek fondly, turning her to face Damien, pointing him out. He had never seen the older man smile so warmly, and he swallowed a lump in his throat at seeing him so deeply affected.
Sophia looked Damien straight in the eye, and for a moment her pupils darkened. Bastien saw the change, and his smile faded slightly as Sophia reached out to shake Damien’s hand. He barely heard the introduction as he stared at her, mesmerised. He saw an exchange between them as she broke eye contact and took her hand back – a quick look that told him that Sophia realised Bastien had noticed the look in her eyes, but she pressed herself into his side and gazed at him adoringly, snaking her arm around his waist before looking back at Damien. Her eyes and her body language now very clearly said I’m attracted to you, but I belong to Bastien.
The whole exchange took seconds, and Bastien was back to his stoic persona, Sophia smiling politely and saying how pleased she was to meet him. The three of them took a table away from the other staff, already set with bowls of soup and fresh bread, salad and cheese. Bastien watched them with a hint of apprehension. He needn’t have worried, as they talked easily and it was plain that they would become firm friends.
‘Bastien, I think Damien should come and have dinner with us tonight’ Sophia said. Bastien nodded as he spooned soup from the bowl, hot and fragrant.
‘If you’d like, theá mou’ he replied. Damien raised his eyebrows
‘Okay, you’ve used that name more than once. Can I ask what it means?’ Sophia smiled slyly and Bastien coloured slightly as she leant across to speak quietly
‘It means ‘my Goddess’ in Greek’ she winked ‘Isn’t it adorable?’ Bastien cleared his throat in embarrassment as Damien grinned
‘I didn’t know Bas was so sappy’ he laughed ‘You obviously bring it out in him, he’s a lucky man’ It was Sophia’s turn to blush now, and she sat back.
‘Careful now Mr Nazario, that invitation for dinner can be revoked very swiftly’
‘I’m sorry – you’re so lucky to have found each other, I don’t know who I envy the most.’ Damien said diplomatically. After they had eaten, Sophia went off to meet up with Riley, and Bastien suggested Damien go back to his room to catch up on missed sleep before dinner. He took him back to his room and stopped outside the door.
‘Sophia is amazing, I understand why you’re committed’ Damien said, and the guard smiled fondly
‘I’m glad you two seem to get on. I’m looking forward to you coming over tonight’ he said ‘Tomorrow we can go over a few more things you might like to help with – I’ll tell you later why we’re here and not at the Palace.’
‘Sure thing Bas, see you later’
Yet again Anton – or Justin as he was better known by Bastien and others in and around the Palace - was in a very bad mood. Their contact at the Palace had fallen silent and suspicious things were happening there. He didn’t believe the stories about a kitchen accident or renovations. His sources – which were becoming scarcer and scarcer – told him that the building had been evacuated and the army brought in, probably to scour it from top to bottom to look for security breaches. That meant his advantages had been lost – there was nobody there to get him access, and nobody there worth targeting even if he or his men had been able to get in.
‘Our contact’s phone has been deactivated.’ Claudius said ‘I suspect that she may have used the explosives to detonate it, and that’s why the Palace has been evacuated. She’s most likely dead, but as far as I can tell nobody else appears to have been injured or incapacitated. Lykel was seen making his way to Applewood, as was Liam and Regina. It appears they’re moving operations there for now.’
‘All that work getting the photographs down the drain’ Anton seethed ‘It’s all been explained away, and Adelaide is a serious security risk. How was the Duchess the last time you met?’
‘Compliant and voracious’ Claudius answered ‘I don’t know how much we can trust her’
‘Next time she contacts you, arrange to meet up in Monaco’ Anton said ‘We can’t risk you going back to Cordonia just yet. She can meet with an unfortunate accident and that part of the trail will go cold.’ Claudius blanched. He had enjoyed dominating Lady Adelaide, but although he didn’t hold any affection for her, he didn’t think she deserved to die for the cause.
‘I think she could still be useful’ he asserted ‘She’s well motivated to place her daughter in power as queen’
‘I’ll consider it’ said Anton ‘Meanwhile I want a meeting to discuss how to proceed in our bid for power. Call the others in, I want to meet face to face’
‘Is that wise?’ Claudius asked ‘It’s a security risk to have everyone in one place’
‘Lykel doesn’t have a clue where we are or who we are and we aren’t in Cordonia any more. I’ll be the judge as to how safe it is’ Anton snarled.
Bastien watched Sophia as she laughed at Damien’s jokes over dessert in their suite. He had worried about Sophia being threatened by Damien, now he was concerned that it should be him that was threatened by his former lover. He and Sophia were closer in age and they were getting on extremely well. He had endured some teasing about his personal habits - the way he always folded his clothes had come under scrutiny and he was waiting for one or the other of them to drop the bombshell that the only time he was ever untidy was in the throes of passion.
He got hot under the collar thinking about the trail of clothes he had left in the past – from Damien’s front door to his bed, from his own front door through the lounge to the bed he shared with Sophia. His thigh ached and throbbed and he wished he could just send Damien away and sink into a hot bath, or ask Sophia to work her magic with her soft hands. He was trying to hide his ill temper and embarrassment and stifled a yawn. Sophia looked at him sharply and he saw recognition in her eyes.
‘Damien, I know you caught up on your sleep earlier, but Bas got up very early this morning and…’ she started to say, but Bastien found himself snapping
‘I’m fine Sophia, you don’t have to make excuses for me.’ He put his hand to his forehead and her expression changed to one of concern. ‘Really I’m fine’  Damien looked a little sheepish
‘I should probably get back to my room’ he said ‘Before I got here my sleep schedule was shot so I didn’t actually got caught up before. I’m guessing you’re a hard taskmaster and I’ll need to be sharp tomorrow. If I get a lead I may have to leave at short notice’ He got to his feet and Sophia leapt up too.
‘I’ll see you out’ she said ‘can you remember your way back? It’s right at the other end of the building – the place is pretty full right now after having to close down the Palace’ Damien smiled weakly
‘I can always ask someone – don’t trouble yourself.’ He briefly put a hand to Sophia’s shoulder and gave her a kiss on the cheek, then turned to Bastien ‘I still can’t get used to all this – you working for royalty. I’d never have guessed, Bas.’ He made a move toward him as he struggled to his feet to say goodbye, and stopped awkwardly. He held his hand out for a brief handshake ‘I’ll see you for breakfast then’ he said, giving Bastien an apologetic look.
‘Yes, I’ll send someone for you’ he replied tersely. Damien turned away and Sophia followed him. He started toward the bedroom, his leg stiff and painful. Sophia got to the bed before him, and hovered by his shoulder.
‘Are you okay Bas?’ she asked ‘You look tired’
‘I am’ he said tersely ‘I’ll be fine once I’ve rested, don’t worry’ She stood by as he sat on the edge of the bed to take his shoes off, but he winced and she knelt to help him. He was too tired to protest, and sighed heavily
‘I don’t deserve you’ he said ‘You should be off with someone your own age, not looking after someone old and broken.’ Sophia stopped and looked at him sharply
‘Bastien, self pity doesn’t suit you.’ She scolded ‘I’ll admit I’m attracted to Damien – but I’d never act on it. We’ll be good friends, but that’s all. For all you know he’s probably more attracted to you than to me.’ She put his shoes away neatly, and he stared at his feet for a moment before leaning down to take his socks off, wincing again so she helped him, and knelt in front of him, forcing him to look her in the eye ‘Bastien, I love you and I’m going to look after you – don’t you remember doing the same for me after Justin…’ her voice caught in her throat and she hurriedly cleared it. He reached out and stroked her cheek as she pulled herself together ‘We’ll look after each other’
‘I’m sorry, theá mou’ he said ‘Sometimes I ask myself how I got so lucky, and I’m afraid of losing you, or waking up to find it’s all a dream’ She turned her head to kiss his hand.
‘That’s funny – I feel exactly the same’ she smiled ‘Two negatives cancel each other out, so I suppose we’re stuck with each other’ Bastien laughed
‘Thankyou, my goddess, I’m beginning to feel that I might manage to make you feel very happy before we go to sleep. I adore you, my English temptress’ He leaned forward and gently took her chin, pressing his lips to hers.
‘Oh, I’ll keep you to that promise, Mr Lykel’ she grinned ‘Get your clothes off and let’s see what happens’
Sophia stirred in bed, waking after a deep satisfied  post coital sleep, knowing something was different. Bastien was fast asleep beside her, but something had woken her – the sound of the suite door softly closing. She tensed, listening to stealthy footsteps. She was frozen, immobile, silent as the bedroom door opened. The hair on the back of her neck prickled but it wasn’t terror – it was a sense of inevitability. Normally Bastien was a light sleeper, always alert, but he lay breathing softly. Whoever it was, he or she had planned this – perhaps they’d been drugged – perhaps Bastien could hear too, but was also immobile. As she lay trembling with apprehension, the figure - she could see now that it was a man -  moved to the side of the bed and paused beside her, looking down. There was a rustle of cloth as he stripped naked, his contours revealed. The light was dim but she saw the glitter in his eyes.
‘Room for one more?’ Damien asked, and the spell was broken. She gaped, not knowing what to say as he slipped into bed beside her.
‘What the hell Damien?’ she hissed ‘Bastien’s right here…’
‘I certainly am’ her lover’s voice came as he stirred, rolling toward her, pressing his body to her back, his arousal obvious. He nuzzled her ear ‘We thought you might like something a little different, agápe mou’
‘What? Are you serious?’ she queried, receiving only a soft deep Mmm hmm in reply, and Damien reached out to touch her, his hand gliding over her shoulder and down to her hip, draping over her thigh and obviously making contact with Bastien too.
‘The first time we met, we had a female companion in bed with us’ Bastien explained ‘She enjoyed the experience, and I hope you will too’
‘I could see in your eyes you’d want this’ Damien murmured ‘But say the word and I’ll go’
‘I…’ Sophia was scandalised but unbelievably aroused having two men in bed with her. Her objection melted away and she groaned with desire. Bastien was working his magic and her body was revving up, already on the run up to orgasm, her centre throbbing. In answer she pressed her hips back into Bastien, but leaned forward in to Damien, her lips meeting his. He smelled different to Bastien – musky and spicy as opposed to fresh and salty.
She closed her eyes and stopped trying to identify who was doing what, just allowing her hands and mouth to wander as the three of them explored each other. She turned and twisted languorously, and barely knew or cared who went down on her and teased with lips and tongue and fingers, and who claimed her mouth and tongue and smoothed his hands over her belly and breasts and softly tweaked her nipples.
Waves of pleasure washed over her and she felt the shift of the mattress, the sound of a condom packet being opened and the snap of rubber, so she knew it was Damien who eased inside her – she would have known anyway as his size was less than her lover. He rose up in the dim light and stroked in and out of her as Bastien kissed and stroked her upper body, murmuring in her ear…
‘Sophia, wake up’ She snapped out of her dream and half snorted as Bastien lay gazing into her eyes with concern.
‘What?’ she mumbled
‘Theá mou, you were thrashing around and moaning – was it a bad dream?’ Bastien asked. Sophia shook her head to get the idea of Damien in bed with them out of it.
‘A bad dream? Uh – yes, it was a dream…’ she murmured back, and turned to him, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him deeply, hoping she hadn’t been moaning Damien’s name in her sleep.
Next chapter 7 Progress
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creator-zee · 5 years
   “I have found something the Daerites are willing to take in exchange for peace, you.” My father said flatly.
I stared at my father in disbelief, disbelief quickly changed to anger as his words sank in. Some people struck out in rage, screaming words and flying fists, but my anger was a quiet rage, at least outwardly, but for now I quickly fixed my face to one of indifference, my expression not matching my cruel words.
“I should have known. After all, what’s the use of a daughter except to sell away for peace? Forget soulmates. You’re more important than fate.”
His flat facade broke slightly, only slightly, only for a second, but I saw it, and I knew I had won.
“You leave in a fortnight. The Daerites are sending an escort to collect you.” He told me, reminding me that I may have won this battle, but I had lost the war. I was still being sold away, sent to the kingdom we had been fighting on and off for centuries.
With his cold declaration he turned and left. I also turned and left, heading the opposite direction down the hall. My anger was simmering and it was about to boil over. I broke into a run as I dashed out of the manor, heading for the training grounds. Technically, I was forbidden from entering since I was a girl, so as I ran I activated the charm on my bracelet and shifted. The charm on my bracelet allowed for me to easily switch clothes when I shapeshifted.  
Shapeshifting was a rare ability, but I had managed to hide it from my father with the help of the nursemaid who raised me. She and I were the only ones who knew of my ability and I intended to keep it that way. Where as Alexandra had to be a prim and proper princess, confined to her strict rule, Alex had the freedom to become a fighter. He was able to train and fight and wear pants and make dumb jokes and brawl with his friends. Alex had a freedom that Alexandra could only imagine of having.
As I entered the training fields one of the guards who was taking a break looked up. “Woah Alex, what’s got you so mad?”
“My fucking father.” I growled as I approached a training dummy that was meant for training hand to hand combat.
“What did he do now?” The guard, Ryan, asked.
My fists slammed into the dummy as I began burning my anger off through the premise of training.
“I have to move in a fortnight.” I grunted. “He accepted someone’s request to have me as their personal guard.”
“Is he even allowed to do that?” Ryan demanded, sharing a but of my anger.
“Yes.” I said shortly through panting breaths.
“That’s sucks. I’m sorry.” He said. “Unfortunately, I have a stupid late shift so I need go and try and catch some sleep before it starts.”
I grunted in acknowledgment, hoping that he wouldn’t take it personally. My anger only grew as I let my angry thoughts feed my fists, and I found it hard to focus on much else. Eventually, I managed to lose myself in the pounding hits against the leather padded dummy, and my own heaving chest as I panted for breath. Sweat quickly soaked my shirt and it seemed stifling under the heat of the sun. I paused to rip my shirt off quickly, throwing it out of the way.
“Damn.” Someone - Damien, I recognized the voice - muttered just loud enough to be heard behind me. “My offer’s still up if you ever want to change your mind.”
“My answers no Damien.” I replied, not looking up. “It will always be no.”
He sighed dramatically, but I know that it was mostly an act. “And yet you still tease me with that body of yours.”
I rolled my eyes even though I knew he couldn’t see. He was such a dumbass. It was lucky my father was too self-centered to realize what hid guards for up to under his nose.
“One day your going to ask the wrong person.” I warned.
“What’s life without a little danger.” He returned.
I paused in my training to glare at him. He just grinned without a hint of remorse and tossed a canteen at me. I caught it, nodding my thanks.
“I still don’t understand why you go around hooking up with people. You have a soulmate.” I pointed to his soul mark that peeked out from beneath his sleeve.
“And, when I meet them, I’m all theirs and only theirs. But, until then I’m not going to deny myself.” He gave me a pointed look. “Some of us like to have a little fun.”
I just glared at him. “Some of us have reasons to be serious.”
“I’m sensing that you’re talking about something specifically.” He said, urging mr to continue.
“My stupid excuse for a father decide to force his way into my life and accepted a personal guard assignment on my behalf. I’m leaving in a fortnight.”
“Damn dude.” He muttered, more seriously. “Need me to beat him up?”
I shook my head, knowing that could never happen. “No, thanks though.”
Damien walked over and pulled me into a hug. “I’m sure you’ll survive.”
If only he knew the truth he might not say the same. Who knew what the Daerites were going to do?
I returned the hug. “I wish I could be so confident.” I said quietly, too quietly for him to hear.
“Want to spar?” He offered. “Before you destroy that dummy.”
I glanced up at the sky, crap it was almost dinner time and I was a sweaty mess. “Sorry, I just realized I’m almost late for a shift. I need to get cleaned up first.”
“No worries dude.” He said patting me on the back one more time before heading to a different dummy, as I collected my shirt and left the arena. I needed to hurry if I wanted to quickly rinse off before arriving at dinner. I could shapeshift, but I couldn’t change the fact that I was a sweaty mess. As I ran across the fields towards the manor I did shapeshift. As Alex didn’t technically exist, he wasn’t allowed in the castle, Alexandra was. And, she had dinner to get to - I had a dinner to get to.
   A fortnight passed far too quickly for my liking. Soon I found myself in a barren room - everything having been packed away, but only a few sets of clothes were coming with me. The king wouldn’t spend any more on this than he had to. I glanced at the mirror, hating the reflection that looked back. It wasn’t the worst outfit. A humble (if that was possible for a princess) dress suited for travel, instead of some of the other bulkier things my father sometimes forced me in.
   I sighed, turning away and leaving my room. I put my blank mask in place and headed down the hall. Dread filled me, but I pushed it away. There was nothing I could do to change the fact that I was walking towards my doom.
   When I walked out of the lodge to where the Daerites were waiting, the last thing I was expecting was to meet one of their eyes and for a burning sensation to spread across my chest where one of my soulmarks was.
   A flicker of pain may have managed to slip through my mask before I managed to rein in my emotions even as it continued to burn. They managed to hide the pain as well, neither of us speaking.
   “Here is my daughter, Princess Alexandra as promised.” My father spoke, introducing me, although I’m sure everyone had guessed who I was. “May this mark the beginning of a long and fruitful partnership.”
   I tore my eyes away from my soulmate, staring at the ground instead. I would deal with this earth-shattering revelation later. Right now, I needed to get through this dreadful transfer.
   “As long as you don’t break from the terms of our agreement, we will have peace as long as our ancestors live.” The Daerite ambassador replied with a thinly veiled threat.
   The burning in my chest faded and I hasard another glance at the Daerite that was my soulmate. I couldn’t tell much about them, their armor causing them to blend in with the rest of them. I felt my eyes drawn to the main thing that differentiated us from them, the horns that sprouted from their heads. My soulmates’ were straight and rather short, but the ambassador had horns that curled around his head.
   Knowing I was being rude (and caring for some reason) I dropped my eyes back to the ground as I crossed the threshold into the middle of the Daerite guards. My father had already left. I don’t know what I expected. The ambassador turned to me.
   “I hope you can ride.” He said, pointing to a riderless horse.
   If it wasn’t for Alex, I wouldn’t be able to, but luckily I had learned to ride as him. As I mounted the horse though, I realized that I didn’t know how to ride in a dress.
   I tried to control my anger as this small inconvenience built on my anger that had only grown with time. It wouldn’t do for them to see me breaking down on the first day, in the first ten minutes.
   The ambassador seemed slightly amused at my struggles as I finally managed to get the damn dress to sit correctly, but finally I was ready and we were off.
   It didn’t take long for my soulmate to sidle up to me. Riding closer than was strictly necessary for protocol.
   “Are we going to talk about this?” They asked, voice muffled by their helmet, but also they were speaking quietly so as to not be overheard.
   “Probably should.” I answered, lacking the emotional energy to deal with this right now.
   “Later?” They asked. “Not here.”
   I shrugged, not knowing if I truly had a choice. They moved away again, but only slightly. Despite myself, I couldn’t help missing the closeness. Stupid soulmates.
   Luckily, they didn’t try anything for the rest of the two week journey to their capital city. While in our kingdom, my escort had garnered strange looks, but while in theirs, I was the only one who garnered strange looks. As I had looked at their horns the villagers we passed seemed to look at my head, finding my lack of horns strange.
It was weird being the odd one out. I normally didn’t have a problem fitting into new situations - when I was in control that is. My shapeshifting ability made it quite handy to help me fit into new situations that I willing entered without my father’s knowledge. But, I couldn’t exactly just grow a new pair of horns right in front of watching eyes. I had two secrets I would never reveal no matter the cost. One, my shapeshifting ability, and two, the fact that I had two soulmarks, one across my chest and one that wrapped around my lower left leg.
I realized as we travelled that those may be increasingly hard to keep in a foreign kingdom and now that I had discovered one of my soulmates. If I hadn’t had years of practice at hiding all emotions from my father, my despair may have shown on my face. As it was, occasionally a hint may have peeked through my mask.
Finally, we reached the large manor where the Daerite royal family lived. I wasn’t sure if I was relieved that travel was over or terrified that I had to face my new life head on.
Surprisingly, the King was waiting out front of the Manor when we arrived.
“I hope your journey went well.” The King greeted kindly. “I’m sure you want to rest. I can have a guard show you to your room. Introductions can wait till dinner if that suits your needs.”
I nodded, barely masking my surprise at his seemingly genuine kindness. It was foreign, and so different from my father’s cold exterior.
The guards left and the ambassador went inside, while a guard stepped forwards from their post at the entrance at the King’s beckon.
“Show our guest to her room please.” The guard nodded, bowing slightly to the King before I dismounted, a groom taking the horse from me, and followed them inside. They led me down a hall, up several steps of stairs, and down another hall before stopping in front of a door.
“Your room, my lady.” The guard bowed.
“Thank you.” I said simply, entering the room as they left. It was a large room, but plain, no decorations. I didn’t care that much as long as it offered me privacy. I glanced through the wardrobes, hoping that there were pants somewhere. Anything to get out of this dreaded dress. Nothing. Dammit.
Wait. An idea occurred to me. There were no guards outside my door, the one who had led me up here had left. I could be Alex, I would probably need to add a pair of horns, but I think I could manage. It would be a relief to finally drop this stupid princess act for the first time in two weeks. I quickly shifted, feeling my new horns experimentally. Not happy, per say, about looking like a Daerite, but it could be worse. They had been surprisingly not horrid so far, but I couldn’t just put the war behind me so easily.
I left the room, hoping that no one would question a strange new presence. No one had in my manor, but this was completely different. I realized how different when I promptly got myself lost, unable to find an exit. I accidentally ran into someone while looking around desperately for some sign of where I was.
”Sorry.” I muttered, quickly moving on.
“Wait.” The stranger said, grabbing my arm.
Fear began to fill me. Was I already found out?
“You look lost? Are you new?” They asked, and I looked up and met their eyes, pleasantly surprised, but when a burning sensation, gentler this time, spread across my chest fear and panic quickly replaced it. Crap. I wrenched my arm out of their grip and turned and ran.
Smart, no, but I hadn’t considered the possibility of running into my soulmate, or that it would have any effect while in this form. I should have figured it out. I really should have. I mean the soulmarks never went away no matter what form I took as far as I could tell. It was harder to tell on animals, presumably they were still there though beneath the fur, scales, or feathers.
Running truly had been dumb considering I was lost, but luckily I found an exit. Unfortunately, it led into a large gardens. I hesitated slightly, but it was long enough for my soulmate to catch me. They grabbed my wrist, but when I yanked it away and kept running they tackled me to the ground. I struggled to get out from under them, but they had the advantage. They managed to pin me even as I struggled to buck them off or free a hand or anything. No luck.
“Who are you?” They demanded. “What the hell is going on?”
I couldn’t believe I had been found out so early, so horribly. One secret gone already, one giant ass secret that I had kept my whole life. Did Daerites even know that shapeshifters existed? I wouldn’t last here. My father had sent me to my death, I opened my mouth, but no words managed to escape my tightening throat as panic grasped me. My heart pounding practically right out of my chest. My breathing way too rapid and not from my short sprint.
It didn’t help that the burning on my chest was still there, only slightly, but enough.
“Are you okay?” They asked, concerned.
Unable to form words I just shook my head. No. No for so many reasons.
They sat upright, still straddling me, but giving me space. “What’s wrong?”
“Everything.” I managed to choke out, as my panic faded ever so slightly.
“Everything?” They repeated, confused.
I nodded, taking advantage of their relaxed position to wriggle out from under them, pushing myself to my feet. They also stood, grabbing my wrist, presumably to stop me from running again.
“I don’t suppose you can just forget this?” I asked, my throat having opened back up.
They shook their head. “No, I can’t.”
I sighed, hanging my head. “I figured.”
“We can start with introductions?” They offered.
I nodded.
“I’ll go first.” They started. “I’m Tathri. She/her. The princess's personal guard.”
“She/her?” I asked, unfamiliar with the expression.
“My pronouns.” She clarified. “It’s custom here to add them when you meet someone for the first time.”
“That’s smart, actually.” I muttered.
She smiled slightly. “Yeah. You’re turn.”
“Uh, Alex...” I debated whether to say my full name and decide not. “He- she-“ I stumbled over the pronouns completely unsure. “I don’t know. I guess he/him?” I shrugged. I had always used those in this form, but she/her in my other. It was necessary for the disguise I had never considered otherwise.
Tathri gave me a slightly strange glance, but it faded quickly. “Now, however I would like an explanation, and there is something else we still need to talk about. I was actually looking for you before you ran into me.”
I knew this was coming, but I still hated it. My eye dropped to the earth, and I yanked my wrist out of her grasp, grabbing my elbow with my hand, crossing my arm across my body.
“I - I am....  I can...” I stumbled over my words never even having prepared to say these words. “How much do you know about shapeshifters?”
“Shapeshifters?” She repeated, shocked.
I nodded, still not meeting her gaze.
“Well... they can shift shapes?” She said uncertainty.
I nodded.
“They’re rare...?” She added, reaching.
I nodded again.
“You are one?” She hazard to guess.
I hesitated, but nodded again.
“How? How does no one know?” She asked, still shocked.
I shifted under her gaze. “I tried very hard to keep it a secret and I succeeded, until I didn’t take soulmates into account.”
“Why keep it a secret?” She asked.
I gave her a ‘duh’ look. “You met my father? You were in my kingdom? You are seeing what I like to shift into?”
She didn’t respond right away and I added. “It was the one thing I had that my father couldn’t control.”
Understanding flashed across her face. “I’m sorry.”
I wasn’t sure what she was apologizing for, but I was surprised she apologized at all.
“Now we still need to have my talk. If you don’t want anyone else knowing, I suggest you shift.” She advised.
I nodded, but hesitated. “Can you look away?” I asked. “I’ve never shifted in front of someone else before.”
She nodded and turned. I quickly shifted.
“Okay.” I said, back to my princess act.
She turned and gasped slightly. “That’s weird. I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to it.”
“Don’t worry I don’t plan on shifting in front of you or anyone else again.” I said calmly, as fitting of Alexandra.
“Still he/him pronouns?” She asked as we walked back to the manor.
I shook my head. “She/her.”
She nodded. “Okay.”
“Now, what are we talking about?” I asked, a hint of curiosity breaking through my mask.
“I think it’s more of a see it and believe it thing. We are going to meet the princess, everything else should make more sense then.” She explained, without explaining anything.
“The princess? What does she have to do with this?” I pushed.
“Everything.” She answered, mimicking my response (intentionally or not) from earlier.
I realized I wasn’t going to get any answers so I just followed her silently through the confusing halls. We stopped outside of a room near mine (I think).
Tathri knocked on the door. “Zan. We need to talk.” She called though the wood.
Zan? It must be a nickname. I was pretty sure the princess's full name was Shraiazan.
The door opened. “What about Ri? You sound serious is everything okay?” The princess asked as she opened the door.
“Who are-“ She stopped mid sentence as our eyes met. A burning around my left leg. I stumbled slightly, the sudden pain catching me completely off guard.
Tathri reached out and steadied me. “I suppose that makes things slightly easier to explain.” She muttered as we shuffled into the room.
“Alex...andra,” She stumbled slightly over my first name, unsure. “Meet Shraiazan, she/her, who is also our soulmate, which you have probably figured out. Shraiazan meet Alexandra, she/her, the Letikin princess.”
“I can see that.” Shraiazan muttered.
This was all too much to take in. Both my soulmates were Daerites. Both my soulmates had two soulmates. One of them knew I was a shapeshifter. I had lost my two secrets. I had lost control. I stepped away from both of them towards the door.
“Don’t run Alexandra.” Tathri pleaded.
“This... this is all... all too much.” I muttered, before quickly leaving the room, shifting as I closed the door behind me, changing into a small bug. I landed on the wall, watching as Tathri stepped out of the room, glanced both ways and cursed. The princess also stepped out into the hall, force morphed into confusion.
“Where in the world did she go?” Shraiazan asked.
Tathri shrugged. “No clue, I have no idea how she got away so fast.”
Both returned to the room, and I flew away. Once I managed to get outside I shifted into a bird, deciding that a flight might help clear my mind before I would be expected to face them again later for official introductions.
   It was almost dinner time. I flew back towards the manor, shifting and landing in a secluded spot, before entering the manor on foot. I paused as I realized that I had no idea where the dining room was.
   I glanced around at the hallways that all look the same and decided to go for my tied and true method of wandering around until I found it or someone. It turned out to be the latter, I saw the King as he rounded a corner in front of me.
   Unsure of the formalities expected of me, I decided to play it safe and bow.
   “There’s no need for that Alexandra. You’re our guest.” The king said as he came closer.
   I straightened. “With all due respect your majesty, I think we both know that I’m not your typical guest.”
   “That may be true, but hospitality did not just fly out the door when you walked in.” He said as I followed him through the hall.
   I gave him that and didn’t respond as we entered the dining room. The Princess and Tathri - although she was in armor now - were inside.
   “I would like to formally introduce you to Princess Shraiazan, and her personal guard, who was part of your escort, Tathri. Both she/her. And, I’m King Ricard, he/him.” The King introduced. I was still slightly weirded out by the whole pronouns thing. It was all just foreign. But, it wouldn’t do to be rude, I made sure my discomfort didn’t show and I introduced myself.
   “I’m Princess Alexandra, she/her.” I introduce, my voice calm, my mask in place.
   “I see you’re familiar with our customs.” The king grinned.
   “Only a little.” I admitted.
   “Well, unfortunately I have a meeting so I can’t attend dinner, but you three enjoy yourselves.” The king excused himself, and I began to wonder if he knew. The Princess was his daughter, and although I never told my father anything, I couldn’t begin to guess at their relationship.
   I carefully avoided either of their eyes as I sat down at the table. From what I knew, the burn when you meet your soulmate’s eyes is supposed to become a gentle warmth as your relationship increases. Kinda like fates way of saying, be nice or you’ll burn. If your close enough to make eye contact you should be close enough to be nice. I didn’t know how I felt about fate.
   “If we try to talk about it, will you run again?” Tathri asked, hesitantly after the food had been brought out and the servants had left.
   “No, that would be rude. We’re eating.” I answered flatly.
   Shraiazan sighed. “And it wasn’t rude before?”
   “Maybe... I panicked.” I admitted, but kept my voice steady.
   We ate in silence for a while, before Shraiazan broke it. “Will we only see you at dinner or...? She trailed off.
   “I don’t know. I don’t know what’s expected of me. I’ve never been sold to another kingdom for peace before.” I said, my words not matching my same calm tone.
   Tathri chuckled. “It’s not all bad, is it? I mean you found us?”
   “You’re right. It could be worse.” I acknowledged.
   “Are you always so formal?” Shraiazan asked.
   “I’m Princess Alexandra, it doesn’t do for me to be informal.” I offered in response.
   “Aren’t you ever just Alexandra?” Shraiazan asked. “Not Princess Alexandra.”
   I shook my head. “Not that anyone else ever sees.”
   I felt Tathri’s gaze on me and made the mistake of looking up and meeting her gaze. The burn returned to my chest and I noticed her shift slightly.
   “You know that the burn gets better if we become closer.” Tathri told me, giving me a pointed look.
   I didn’t respond for a while, but my curiosity got the best of my. “What does my soulmark look like on you?” I asked, they knew from each other what theirs looked like but I was left in the dark.
   In answer, Tathri pushed up one of her sleeved rolling it up to her bicep. “Like this.”
   It was a strange shape, a wolf that changed into a snake that changed into a bird. It was like no soulmark I had ever seen. Tathri’s was two crossed swords with a chain wrapping around them and Shraiazan’s was to intertwining vines that wrapped around my leg from my ankle to my knee with flowers sprouting periodically.
   “Weird.” I muttered, but it did make some sense. I was a shapeshifter. The mark made sense when you looked at it from that angle.
   Tathri pulled her sleeve back down.
   “What do you do in your free time?” Shraiazan asked, in an attempt to get to know me. If only she knew how many walls Alexandra had up. Maybe if I could be Alex I could be slightly more honest, but the Princess couldn’t afford to let anyone found out how she really spent her free time.
   “I would help my father with whatever he needed.” I answered, lying.
   “What will you do here?” She pressed.
   “I don’t know.” I answered, still lying. I would probably spend it shifted, enjoying the freedoms that Alexandra could never have. The only thing I wasn’t sure of was whether to remain Alex or to become someone else.
   I felt Tathri’s gaze on me again, but I didn’t make the mistake of meeting it again. I had finished eating, but wasn’t sure if I could leave yet.
   Shraiazan sighed again. “Can you give us something to work with Alexandra, we’re just trying to get to know you?”
   “No one knows me.” I answered plainly. “It’s safer that way.”
   “Safer how?” Shraiazan pressed.
   “Everyone had secrets.” I answered vaguely.
   “Don’t you trust anyone?”
   “That must be lonely.” Shraiazan answered with a hint of pity.
   “I had friends.” I countered - well, Alex had friends. “I suppose now I don’t though.”
   “You have us.” Tathri supplied.
   I didn’t answer, knowing I shouldn’t offend them outright, but not able to overcome my prejudice.
   Shraiazan stood. “I suppose we’ll see you tomorrow for dinner then. Breakfast and lunch are casual, you’ll be able to find food here or in the kitchens next door.”
   Tathri followed her, and I left soon after. My exhaustion caught up to me so I decided to just find my way back up to my room and go to sleep for the night.
   I woke up as the sun rose. The morning rays that began to peek in through my windows raising me from my sleep. I moved quickly and efficiently trading my nightgown for a normal plain dress that I found in the closet, but I didn’t plan to stay in it long. I walked over to the windows and with a smile realized that they could be opened. I pulled open the window, crouched on the ledge and jumped. I shifted as soon as I left the ledge, flying away as a raven.
        I would grab food eventually, but I wanted to try to get down to the training fields before they were too busy. As I flew overhead, scouting the training grounds out, I realized that I was wrong in assuming they wouldn’t be busy in the morning. But, a crowd could work to my advantage. No one should notice an extra body. I landed in a hidden spot and shifted into Daerite Alex. I then entered the training grounds, blending in with the crowds of sweating training soldiers.
   I knew that both male and female Daerites fought, but it was Trang’s seeing men and women fight alongside each other. It occurred to me that I didn’t have to be a guy to sneak into the training grounds anymore, but considering I was already here, I decided against shifting. Someone patted my back, spooking me.
   “You look new. Care to spar? I like to get a feel for the newbies.” The tall man asked.
   Knowing that I could escape if he caught me in my lie, I nodded.
   He grinned. “Come on then.”
   I followed him to a clear spot and he settled into a fighting stance. I did the same. He attacked first a jab for my face. I sighed neatly, sending a kick towards his abdomen. He stepped to the side, stepping forwards to send a punch into my gut. I didn’t have time to dodge and grunted as I took the blow, but I didn’t let it stop me. I grabbed his boulder and drove my knee up. He grunted, but quickly returned with a jab that forced me to release my grip on him and move to the side.
      He sent a kick flying to my side, and I grabbed his leg, using his momentum to pull him behind me and throw him down to the ground. I turned and quickly pinned him, hands raised over his face.
          “Well done newbie.” He grunted, and I let him up. “But, you don’t dite like any Daerite I know.”
          “Well you know me now.” I pointed out.
          He chuckled slightly. “That I do. Cole, by the way, he/him.”
           “Alex, he/him.” I returned.
           “Well Alex, why don’t I take you to your commander. I’m sure they’ll be glad to have someone as skilled as you among their ranks.” Cole said, beginning to walk through the crowds.
         “Funny story...” I began, as Cole turned back to me when I didn’t follow. “I’m not actually a new recruit.”
         His face turned to confusion. “Why are you here then? How are you here?”
         “Because I wanted to train, and I walked in.” I answered nonchalantly.
   “So you snuck into the royal training grounds?” Cole asked raising an eyebrow.
   “Sneak is a strong word.” I commented, biding my time, waiting for a reaction - most likely an attack.
   Cole laughed. “Well, you are a good fighter, you should consider joining the guard.”
   No one was attacking me yet, that was surprising. “Unfortunately, I have other duties that take up too much of time.”
   “That is a pity.” He began and I waited for the words that would signal that I needed to get out of here. “But, I don’t mind you coming here and training. As long as you don't get into trouble you’ll be good practice for the other guards since you fight weird. As long as you don’t go around shouting that you’re not a guard I don’t think we’ll have a problem.”
   That was definitely not the reaction that I was expecting. But, it was a good reaction.
   “Really?” I gasped, shocked and surprised, even as a smile began spreading across my face.
   Cole nodded. “Really, as long as I can trust you not to abuse it.”
   I nodded. “Just training, got it.
   “In that case...” He smiled. “Go again?”
   I nodded, and he struck first. We sparred until we were both sweaty and exhausted. Cole was a good fighter, and fought with a different style than I was used to. After my first victory her had managed to beat me for a long streak, before I got a better read on his fighting style and managed to get some victories for myself.
As I offered Cole a hand, he said. “Unfortunately, I so have real recruits to train. See you around Alex.”
I nodded as he disappeared into the crowd, and I began making my way out, to go get breakfast. As I was exiting the training grounds I saw the princess out of the corner of my eye. It took me a second to recognize her since she wasn’t in a dress. She was in clothes more suited to a guard. But, what did I know? Nothing, at least not here. I carefully kept my eyes trained below eye level, not wanting a repeat of what happened with Tathri.
“Not training?” The princess called out, and I withered a bit inside. Of course she would try and make conversation. I kept my eyes trained just past her head, even as I looked up.
“Just finished.” I answered.
“Have energy for a few more rounds?” She asked. “All the other guards look busy, and I need someone to spar with.”
“Yes.” I really should’ve said no, but I was in no position - as Alex - to say no to the princess.
“What’s your name?” She asked,a s we walked back over to the training gounds.
“Alex, he/him.” I replied, the introduction feeling slightly less foreign in my mouth.
“Princess Shraiazan, she/her, but I’m sure you knew that.” She chuckled slightly.
I just nodded, and when we arrived at the training grounds, I realized just how hard avoiding eye contact was going to be. Fighting - even just sparring - without looking my opponent in the eye was difficult, but my fear of slipping up and being caught in a lie and my secret being revealed gave me enough motivation to make it through.
Shraiazan was a good fighter I realized after the first round when I ended up flat on my back.
“Why do you even need a guard?” I grunted as I picked myself back up.
She chuckled even as she jabbed at me. “Tathri is an exceptional guard, and besides one person can always only do so much against numbers.”
I ducked below another swing, returning with my own left hook. “An exceptional guard who is nowhere to be seen.” I pointed out.
She didn’t reply right away, grunting as I landed a kick. “Everyone needs breaks.”
I dodged her kick and she was knocked off balance so I followed up by stepping behind her and shoving her down. She ended up face down in the dirt. I straddled her back.
“Yield.” She muttered, and I immediately climbed off, offering a hand.
“Come on. I have time for one more before she tracks me down.” She said, beckoning me forwards.
“Breaks? Huh.” I chuckled.
“Okay... I may have ditched her.” She admitted as she blocked my punch. “She doesn’t like me training with all the other guards. Says that crowds pose too big of a threat.” She grunted as I landed a blow, before continuing. “I call BS. I’m literally surrounded by guards. I couldn’t be safer.”
The irony was not lost on me as she so confidently sparred with someone who was definitely not a guard, not even a Daerite.
She grabbed my arm when I put too much in my next punch and pulled me forwards, following up with a knee to the gut that left me gasping. She then grabbed me and flung me to the ground.
“Yield.” I wheezed out, still recovering when she pinned me to the ground.
She quickly got off me and offered me a hand which I took. “Thanks for the spars Alex, but I don’t want Tathri yelling at you, so I’m going to make myself scarce. I suggest you do the same.”
I nodded. “Good luck with that Princess.”
She offered a small grin before disappearing. I did the same leaving the training fields to finally go get something to eat.
I did remember to duck in a secluded place and shift before entering the kitchens, but I still gained strange looks from the cooks.
“Odd time to eat.” One of them - a young teen - commented, and an older cool slapped their hand over her mouth.
“Sorry Princess. What can we make for you?” The older one said, bowing slightly.
“What do you have left from breakfast?” I asked, not wanting to trouble them, knowing that I had come in at a weird time.
The cool paused to think. “Eggs and bacon but-“
“That’s fine.” I assured the cook, cutting them off. “Really, you don’t need to cook me something special.”
“I’ll get that for you right away m’lady.” The teen said, hastily putting together a plate.
When they handed it to me I gave them a small smile. “Thanks.”
I took the plate and sat in the dining room, feeling awkward alone in the large space, but not knowing anywhere else to eat. I ate as fast as possible while still being refined. Some habits are hard to drop even when no one is around. When I was done I dropped my dishes off in the kitchen, and returned to my room to figure out what to do for the rest of the day. I had dinner with the others in the evening but until then I was free to do whatever having no real role in this kingdom except a prize to use as leverage over my father with. I still didn’t understand the whole deal. It wasn’t even an arranged marriage he just sent me off.
I walked into my room, quickly realized I would have nothing to do here and debated between finding the princess and asking if I could do anything and just running around the woods as an animal and perhaps taking a dip in a river if I could find one. I knew the first option would be better in the long run, but the second one was so much more appealing. For one it didn’t invoke being Princess Alexandra, and for two, well it meant not being Princess Alexandra. I decided that I could at least pretend to make an effort at doing the first option before giving in and doing the second.
I left my room and took the short few steps to the princess’s room and knocked. Not surprisingly, I got no response. Now, I could go for that run in the woods. I turned away and met the princess’s eyes and then Tathri’s as I saw them found the corner into the hall. I quickly hid my wince as burning spread across my chest and up my leg. I quickly dropped their gazes and the burn slowly began to fade.
“Hi Alexandra.” Shraiazan greeted.
“You know if you just talked to us and we’re nice then you wouldn’t have to constantly avoid eye contact.” Tathri pointed out, and Shraiazan slapped her lightly on the shoulder.
“Ease off Ri. She just got here.” She chided, then turned back to me. “What are you up to?”
I debated my answer, looking for you, or going for a walk in the woods. The second sounded a little odd, especially for Princess Alexandra, so I went with the first.
“Looking for you.” I answered.
“Really? Why?” Shraiazan asked, sounding very surprised. Tathri looked similarly surprised and oddly, slightly apologetic.
“I have nothing to do. I thought that I would see if I could be of some use.” I explained, making sure my disappointment didn’t show through in my tone.
“Well... today we don’t have any court because it’s Rawaza, so nothing to do politically. But, you’re welcome to tag along with us as we just goof around.” Shraiazan answered, shrugging.
“You’re allowed to just ‘goof around?’” I asked, eyebrows raised in shock.
“You aren’t?” She returned.
I shook my head.
“Well, now you are.” Tathri said, chiming in unexpectedly. “But you might want to change out of that dress, since we’re going riding.”
I had to admit that did sound kind of fun. On the few occasions I had managed to ride as Alex I had enjoyed it despite falling off twice on my first try. I hesitated though because I had a problem.
“One problem.” I began. “I don’t actually have anything to wear that’s not a dress.” It was technically a lie. I had Alex’s clothes but I can’t use that.
“Really? Well, we’ll have to fix that, but for now you can borrow some of my clothes.” Shraiazan offered.
And I nodded, following her into her room. She pulled some clothes out of her dressers, handing a shirt and pants to me. I took them but stood filled with uncertainty, with both their eyes trained on me. Did they expect me to change right here?
“Oh.” Shraiazan gasped, looking embarrassed. “Sorry, we’ll turn.”
Once her and Tathri turned, I quickly slipped out of my dress and boots and pulled the pants and shirt on. It felt strange wearing clothes like these in this form, but I liked it.
“I’m done.” I said as I bundled up my dress.
They turned back around and Tathri gave me a slightly strange look, before fixing her composure. I wondered why, and ultimately decided it was because she was comparing me to Alex.
“Come on. Let’s go.” Shraiazan said, leading the way out of the hallway.
“How well can you ride?” Tathri asked. “I know you rode here, but that was just a walk on a road.”
“Not very well.” I admitted. “My father never saw fit to teach me how to ride.”
“How do you know how to ride then?” Shraiazan asked, confused.
I didn’t know how to answer because I definitely couldn’t give the truth - that I was a shapeshifter and that Alex occasionally went riding with friends.
Luckily, Tathri answered with a chuckle. “Like you’ve never broken the rules Zan.”
“Hey.” She protested, but laughed. “Okay... maybe that was deserved, but Alexandra doesn’t seem like the type to break the rules.”
Knowing full well that she was right if you excluded my time spent shifted. I answered in a completely neutral tone. “Don’t I?”
Shraiazan looked completely stunned by my response. “That’s, Uh, I didn’t mean. That’s not...”
I laughed, perhaps the wardrobe change had let a little of Alex sneak through. “I’m joking relax.”
Tathri bursted out laughing at that and Shraiazan looked slightly appalled before chuckling.
“Didn’t know you had it in you.” Tathri chuckled.
I smiled before my mask was put back in place. We walked outside and made our way over to the stables, where Shraiazan began walking towards the paddocks behind them.
“You can ride Red. She’s a good mare, reliable. Do you know how to tack one up?” She asked, as she stopped by one pasture, grabbing a halter.
I nodded. “Yes.”
“Great.” She smiled. “You can meet us in the stable then. Red’s the chestnut mare over there.” She pointed to a horse that was grazing by one edge of the pasture.
I took the halter from her, easily caught Red - she was right she was a good mare and led her back to the stable where Tathri and Shraiazan were grooming their horses.
Tathri tossed a brush to me after I tied up red and I easily caught it, getting to work. Tathri and Shraizan were chatting about something, but I wasn’t paying much attention until I heard Shraizan mention me, well not me - Alex.
“I managed to find a nice guard named Alex. He was willing to spar with me despite having just gotten done.” Shraizan said nonchalantly and Tathri’s eyes immediately shot to mine.
“Oh, really?” She asked while still staring at me, the increasingly familiar burn spreading across my chest.
Oblivious, Shraizan continued. “Yeah, he fought a little strangely, but was pretty decent.” She paused. “I think he was a little shy though, because he never met my eyes. Although he did seem comfortable joking around with me. Maybe he was just trying to follow some weird custom. I didn’t want to bring it up.”
“Strange.” Tathri murmured. “He must just have an odd tick.”
She had helped keep my secret. She could’ve just given me away. She had obviously figured it out.
“Huh, that reminds me. Alexandra?” Shraiazan turned to me. “Do you go by a nickname? Like I call Tathri, Ri and she calls me Zan - you can call me that too. I know my full name is a mouthful.”
“Uh.” I shrugged. “No, not really. I don’t have anyone to call me one.”
“Do you want to go by one?” She pressed.
I debated. I had always kept Alexandra and Alex separate. But, here, everything was changing. I mean I was wearing pants, as Alexandra. But, I didn’t just want to go by Alex. She might draw the connection too easily. Although, she seems to already have connected it somewhat.
“Uh, I’m not sure.” I finally said, realizing that she was waiting for an answer.
“Ok. Just let us know.” Zan said, shrugging it off. “Now, let’s get these horses saddled. I’ll show you where Red’s stuff is.”
I followed her into a tack room where she handed me the tack. I tacked Red up, much slower than Zan and Tathri, but I did it. They waited patiently for me, chatting until I had finished fastening the bridal in place.
Seeing that I was done Tathri asked. “Ready?”
I nodded.
“Let’s go then.” Zan smiled.
I followed them and mounted with significantly less struggle then a few days ago since I wasn’t in a dress.
“We’ll start off slow going through the woods, but when we get to the Lemder meadow, Ri and I are going to go ahead. We’ll wait for you on the other side, so go your own pace.” Zan explained, as we walked along a trail in the woods.
I nodded. “I understand.”
I watched the two in front of me as we rode through the woods. I found it interesting that despite the fact that we were ‘goofing off’ Tathri still seemed on guard. I guess that was her job. She was on alert making sure that we weren’t going to be attacked.
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inkribbon796 · 5 years
A Father’s Worst Fears
Prompt: Spooked
Word Count: 1423
Whether or not it was genetic, Bim seemed to carry Wil’s lack of a fear of death. Which was as much of a good thing as it was a bad thing. Today they were at the mall because enough people in town had seen the boy and Dark needed to completely the theme. Besides, Wil wasn’t getting Bim new clothes, he was making sure the clothes he had were always clean. Dark, as Damien, was busy trying to find suitable clothes and turned around to ask Bim which color he wanted. And turned around to see that Bim was nowhere in sight.
“Bim?” Damien called out, checking the closest clothing rack. “Bim, come out now.”
Nothing. Bim was normally very prompt about at least looking him in the eye, but the boy was nowhere in sight. Damien pulled back the clothes to look into the racks. Dark refused to even think of panicking. Bim was just hiding, he was good at it, he just didn’t understand that a shopping mall was the worst place to play hide-and-go-seek!
After five minutes of looking, it surprised Dark that the first part of him to panic was his red soul, usually Damien’s blue soul was the first to spiral into panic mode. Either way, Dark was perfectly justified in his panic. Dark was the twisted king of Egoton’s underbelly. He knew what kind of horrible things could happen to a child like Bim who was too friendly and fearless for his own good.
So the one thing he knew he could not do is panic and advertize there was a missing child before he could chose to alert the authorities. Bim could just be playing, but that didn’t change the fact that Dark needed to find him and fast.
First course of action: call Ed. This way, if anyone tried to turn Bim in, he could find them, and strangle the life out of whichever unfortunate degenerate had found Bim before Dark could. Second, he needed to locate the boy, which was easier said than done. Wilford’s first parental obligation, as soon as the boy began displaying any time of ability or aura had been to teach the young boy how to mask it.
Dark had been proud of Wil’s forethought in protecting their son. Now, the entity wanted to strange the madman.
So, he’d need to do this one of two ways: the human way, or the way Dark typical got people to do what he wanted. He could switch back and terrify the entire mall into giving him Bim. But it would risk reigniting the search for the boy and if security had him, then they would call Silver or one of his motley crew to protect his son. But if they turned what appeared to be some random child over to Dark blindly, they were equally likely to report the incident to Silver or his friends, and a manhunt for the child would inevitably begin again. Dark might even lose Bim in the chaos.
With an inward groan, Dark decided on option: Number 1. He stayed as Damien, because Dark had walked in as Damien and went to the first store employee he could and explained the situation. After what was probably only five minutes felt like an eternity to a worried parent, security showed up.
“Yes, Sir, what seems to be the trouble?” one of the guards asked.
“I’m looking for my son,” Damien told them. “He’s got black hair, glasses, very friendly.”
Dark had the sudden urge to kill something, but held his form together. “Bim! Where were you?”
Bim was holding the hand of another store patron, who looked relieved to see Damien and security. He quickly let go of Bim as the small boy rushed towards Damien, immediately the entity began checking Bim over for a hair out of place, thanking security for their time. They left Damien alone with Bim and the good samaritan.
“Thank you,” Damien told him. “He got away from me.”
“I’ve got nieces and nephews, I know how it is,” the good samaritan smiled, then he smiled at Bim. “Glad I could find you so quickly.”
“Donsen,” Damien lied, holding an outstretched hand.
The man nodded, shaking his hand, “Name’s Mark.”
It took every muscle in Dark’s stolen body not to decapitate the man in front of him for merely sharing the same name as the cretin who had stolen so much from every part of the stitched together entity. “Nice to meet you,” Damien smiled. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, we have to finish up shopping and then I have to take him home.”
“I thought we were getting ice cream,” Bim pouted.
“Not if you disappear again,” Damien’s smile fell and he glared at his little charge.
“Good luck,” Mark told him, both adults blissfully unaware that the individual in front of them was exactly the same person they’d tussle with on the top of a roof in less than a week.
Returning to the area they’d been at before, Dark kept much closer of an eye on Bim, hee got him into a fitting room to try on some clothes, and then the two left. Damien pulled Bim through the Void the instant he could and slipped back into his stable form, appearing in one of Dark’s warehouses, the shopping bags slung over his shoulder. Dark cracked his neck and glared at his son, the ringing that usually accompanied Dark’s existence starting to drone on. “You’re grounded Bim, I’m cutting your station time.”
“No!” Bim whined. “You can’t.”
“Do you even know what could have happened to you?” Dark roared, throwing the bags down. “You could have been taken from me!”
“I was playing hide-and-go-seek,” Bim argued back.
Dark’s ringing and glitching blue and red echoes shadowed him. “I did not agree to it, and we do not play hide-and-go-seek in a mall!”
“I’m going with Dad!” Bim shouted back at him, already going for the familiar phone in Dark’s pocket. Dark grabbed his hand.
“He is coming to the Manor, you are not going with him,” Dark ordered sharply as the two began to argue. A shrill wringing pitched in the air. Some of Dark’s hired goons nervously looking in on the two’s argument. Dark nearly broke one of their necks out of spite when they approached him too quickly.
Once both of them calmed down, Bim momentarily placate with a piece of candy from Dark’s pocket, but neither of them forgot the vicious argument they’d had mere moments ago, Bim followed Dark as he led him through the warehouse.
“Edgar!” Dark yelled, still angry at the situation with Bim, but most of his worrying was gone. He walked into what looked like a main break room mixed with a relaxed office. Ed’s office to be precise.
“I didn’t find him,” Ed spat, then froze when he saw Bim. “That him?”
Dark pulled Bim to stand in front of him. “I want you to memorize his face,” Dark ordered. “Because if anyone tries to bring him in to you, you are to kill them and call either me or Wilford. Am I clear?”
Edgar looked at Bim in concern, “Yeah, but are you sure you want me to call Wilford. I know you and him are close, but come on.”
“Do I need to repeat myself?” Dark growled.
“Yeah, loud and clear, your Royal Highness,” Edgar sneered. “He got a name or do I have to make one up?”
“He is my prince,” Dark introduced. “You and more importantly the men who work for you don’t need to know his name yet.”
“My name is—” Bim began happily.
Dark quickly slapped his hand over his mouth and ignored Bim when the boy vindictively began licking and biting his hand, fueled mostly because the boy was still frustrated at his father. “Excuse us, I have to take him home.”
“Right,” Ed agreed. “Good luck, I’ll pass the word around.”
Dark took Bim home after that, making sure to grab the clothing he’d tossed at the ground before the bulk of their argument. Wilford came to smooth things over after work, having to calm both Dark and Bim in the process.
After that Bim was allowed to go to the station after an apology to Dark, Wilford making sure to give Dark a soothing hug to calm the entity down a bit. Leaving Dark free to take his anger and frustration out on the multitude of projects he had to complete.
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