wildhcartcd · 4 years
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↳ Oh, wow, is that MATTHEW DADDARIO? Never mind, it’s just GAVINO “GAVIN” DE LUCA, the 30 year old PANSEXUAL HUNTER. I did hear that HE is LOYAL & GENTLE but also really OVER-PROTECTIVE & INTRACTABLE. In the great war, HE is on the NEUTRAL side. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
** see disclaimer in frankie’s intro.
— gavino de luca was born in rome, italy to cosimo and ada de luca-- he was the third son in the de luca family and with two older brothers gavin grew up with a multitude of men in his life he considered his role models. his family moved from rome to long island when he was three when his father received a job offer and the de luca family made the decision to move for that and to be closer to gavin’s mother’s family who had lived in the us for years by that point. having been quite young when they moved gavin adjusted to their new life in the states far more easily than anyone in his immediate family. he adopted gavin as his preferred name on his first day of school in america. 
— long island was quite a bit different than rome-- they had lived in the suburbs in both cities but there was something about long island that gavin adored even if he couldn’t put a finger on exactly why that was. it wasn’t until gavin was ten that he learned his family had moved to the united states at the behest of his uncle-- a prominent hunter on the east coast who had implored his father to join him and make a better living for his family and be that much closer to an area where he could groom his children to become hunters themselves. it was around that time that the de luca family up and moved again-- this time to windham, new york-- a small town with a supernatural community unlike any gavin had known up to that point in his life. 
— gavin, a naturally mellow boy, had little trouble adjusting to the various new environments he was placed within every time they moved and he settled in to life in windham quite quickly-- a process made that much easier by the fact that he met tommy gibson on his first day at his new school and bonded with the other boy immediately. by the end of his first school week in town he considered tommy to be his best friend in the entire world. it wasn’t until he was thirteen that he began to wonder if his deep love for tommy was something he wasn’t “supposed” to feel for his best friend and it took several conversations with his older brothers ( who were surprisingly relaxed and supportive of him and his questions about sexuality ) for him to realize that he had an honest to gods crush on tommy.
— it changed very little about the way he interacted with the other boy other than the fact that he’d catch himself staring every once in a while or quietly admiring tommy’s smile or getting jealous when they both began to crush on other people as high school progressed. he was constantly nervous about admitting his feelings-- regardless of how strong they were-- because tommy was the most important person in his life outside of his family and he was terrified of losing him for any reason. 
— as they got older gavin’s natural mellowness only seemed to deepen and his brothers constantly teased him about being the most lowkey hunter they’d ever interacted with-- he took contracts when absolutely necessary and only when they were for what he considered to be a good reason. he wasn’t defiant of the order in any means but he had a deep sense of justice and what right and wrong looked like in his eyes and he had no issue challenging authority without being openly disrespectful if it meant he could advocate for doing the right thing in every situation he was capable of it. even with his background as a hunter and the war going on around them gavin has maintained his naturally cheerful personality -- he can be prone to periods of depression if he’s forced to take an assignment he deeply disagrees with but overall he’s an incredibly warm, sunshine-y person to be around and it delights him to make the people in his life happy whenever he possibly can.
— one of the few times he gets marginally more ferocious tends to be when something threatens his friends or family-- it’s not difficult to get him to fight when that’s the case and he got into more than a few fights growing up to defend tommy or any one of his other friends. he has a handful of scars to prove it.
Full Name: Gavino Cesare de Luca.     Nickname(s): Gavin.   Age: 30. Date of Birth: 13 March 1990. Zodiac Sign: Pisces.  Place of Birth: Rome, Italy.  Ethnicity: Caucasian. Nationality: Italian, American. Gender: Cis male. Sexual Orientation: Pansexual. Religion: Roman Catholic.   Occupation: He’s a hunter-- primarily-- but he works as a bar tender when he’s not doing that.    Language(s) Spoken: Italian, English.    Accent: He has the faintest Italian accent but for the most part he sounds relatively American. 
physical appearance
Face Claim: Matthew Daddario. Hair Color: Dark brown. Eye Color: Hazel. Height: 6′3″. Weight: 196 lbs. Build: Slim. Tattoos: He has two full sleeves of tattoos on each arm and a few smaller tattoos on his legs.   Piercings: He has his lip pierced and his septum pierced though he has a tendency to take his lip piercing in and out when he’s working.   Distinguishing Characteristics: His height, his accent. 
Father: Cosimo de Luca.   Mother: Ada Rossi.   Sibling(s): Dante & Emilio.  Pet(s): He has a one year old German Shepherd named Mickey.       Financial Status: Middle class. 
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starry-nxghtss · 5 years
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Oh, wow, is that Meghan Ory? Never mind, it’s just Adrienne Ryan, the 36 year old pansexual Blackstone werewolf beta. I did hear that she is positive & outgoing but also really headstrong & sarcastic. In the great war, she is on the Blackstone side. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. 
TW: Death
Adrienne grew up to a single mom. She had no idea who her father was and every time she tried to ask about him, her mother wouldn’t tell her a word. 
Times were rough growing up. Her mom worked three jobs just to put food on the table. Adrienne wanted to help out anyway she could, but being a kid, there was little that she could do. 
When she was sixteen, she turned to street racing, finding that the winners often got paid really well. She never told her mom where she got the money. And for a while, it worked.
During one of her street races, she lost control of her car and ended up hitting one of the other drivers. They were killed on impact and she fled the scene.
She told her mom what happened and that’s when she found out that she had triggered the werewolf gene. Turns out that her mother was a werewolf and had tried to keep it from Adrienne. But now that she had triggered the gene, there was no use in hiding it anymore.
Adrienne now works as a bartender at the bar and grill, owned and operated by Riley Taylor.
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inxbreakableheaven · 5 years
↳ Oh, wow, is that DANIELLE CAMPBELL? Never mind, it’s just PHOEBE MOLINERE, the 22 year old BISEXUAL WEREWOLF. I did hear that SHE is HELPFUL & CREATIVE but also really NAIVE & HASTY. In the great war, SHE is on the AVERY side. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
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Phoebe Anne Molinere was born to two loving parents in Pierre Part, Louisiana. Her mother was a homemaker, her father a farmer who hunted alligators during the summer. With both parents at an advanced age when she was born, she had to learn farm chores at a young age to help out. 
She and her brother helped out, especially during alligator season (the entirety of the month of September) and after school. She was homeschooled during the September season, much like most school-aged children in the area. 
Ever since she was little, she showed major interest in baking and culinary arts. Her mother often baked pies and other baked goods to sell and Phoebe often helped her. Once she graduated high school, she moved to Baton Rouge to attend Louisiana Culinary Institute. It was an hour away from home and it let her come home on the weekends to help out. 
One weekend before alligator season began, Phoebe was on her way home from the bus stop and she spotted what appeared to be an injured animal on the road. When she went to go inspect it, it bit her on the leg and ran for the woods. A trip to the hospital and the bite was gone, despite the amount of blood spilled. 
When the full moon rose, everything changed, including Phoebe. Bones cracked, teeth extended, skin became fur. She became an entirely different species and she found herself naked in the middle of the woods the next morning. The animals were afraid of her. Her dogs snarled at her and the horses stayed away. 
It wasn’t long until The Order got wind of her existence and moved her to New York under the guise of a fully-paid scholarship to the Culinary Institute of America. She was taken into the Kane pack with their Alpha protecting her and helping her settle into pack life.
She still desperately wants to be around animals and her biggest goal in life is to somehow handle being around them again.
Tiny Cajun werewolf who will mom the fuck out of you, but does not swear. Ever. Loves flowers. Loves cooking and baking.
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howxforeverxfeels · 4 years
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↳ Oh, wow, is that OLIVIA TAYLOR DUDLEY? Never mind, it’s just ASTRID CROMWELL, the 29 year old PANSEXUAL WITCH. I did hear that SHE is METICULOUS & RESOURCEFUL but also really OVEREMOTIONAL & A CONFORMIST. In the great war, SHE is NEUTRAL. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. (Tasha, 28, EST, she/her)
{Astrid’s Biography}
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fadiingstarliight · 4 years
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↳ Oh, wow, is that SEAN TEALE? Never mind, it’s just MARCOS SANTIAGO, the TWENTY NINE year old BISEXUAL WEREWOLF. I did hear that HE is LOYAL & PROTECTIVE but also really STUBBORN & HOT-TEMPERED. In the great war, HE is on the BLACKSTONE side. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. 
He grew up a human and his family life was far from happy, his father being an alcoholic who did everything to ruin his life and the life of his mother and siblings.
Things changed for him when he was attacked by Krystal in her werewolf form while he was camping a few weeks after his 19th birthday.
His father only complained about the medical bills he had to pay, while the rest of the family were worried for him but once he turned on the first full moon, the worry turned to fear. While Marcos had first refused Krystal’s help, after seeing his family’s reactions he simply left with her because he couldn’t stand to see them be so afraid of him.
He traveled far and wide with her for almost five years till he met a girl in one of their travels and imprinted on her, wanting to stay on with her and therefore parting ways with Krystal.
Unluckily for him, the girl died a few months later which absolutely wrecked him and a depressed Marcos began to travel again, finding company in other supernaturals as he wandered on, till he finally reached Catskill three years ago.
For the first time in his life, he decided on trying something new and finding roots for himself, joining the Blackstone pack after meeting Elias. While it had taken a while to get used to this new way of life and trusting the people around him, he is now a loyal soldier who would do anything to protect his pack and those who side with them.
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piiecesofovrpast · 5 years
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↳ Oh, wow, is that TOM ELLIS? Never mind, it’s just DAMIEN ROSS, the 40/2000 year old PANSEXUAL VAMPIRE KING. I did hear that HE is CHARMING & CONFIDENT but also really SARCASTIC & INSENSITIVE. In the great war, HE is on the AVERY side. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
TW: Death
Damien was born a vampire and triggered his gene after his best friend killed him. He wasn’t aware of what he actually was. When he awoke a vampire, he ended up returning the favor and killing his best friend. Draining him without second guessing it. 
His real name is something he doesn’t even remember nor his actual age in human years. Because of how old he is.
Throughout time he was alone building his empire, changing humans and doing his own thing. Even with Antonia protecting him. He treated her like family and didn’t want anything to happen to her. 
When it became time, Damien offered to change Antonia leaving the choice up to her. And when she accepted, he changed her. His best friend, his right hand woman. The person that had always been there for him.
He met his wife during the Roman Empire. She was a slave and he hated seeing her like that. Antonia actually encouraged him to spend time with her, show her what he really was and offer the life that she never had. So that was what he did. 
After he changed her into a vampire the three of them continued on, even building up their empire. They were family, the three of them. Even when creating new vampires. It was still the three of them. 
Now Damien owns a nightclub in the heart of the city called Pandemonium.
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scxrlettedrexms · 5 years
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oh, wow, is that avan jogia? Never mind, it’s just leandro ‘ leo ‘ valentine, the twenty-seven year old bisexual witch I did hear that he is fun-loving & charming but also really flighty & secretive . In the great war, he is on the neutral side. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
brief info & background.
name — leandro  valentine
species  — witch
nicknames — leo
age, dob — 32 / nov 1st -- scorpio
personality — balanced, faithful, ambitious, intuitive, jealous, secretive, resentful, manipulative,  fun-loving, charming, flighty and secretive
appearance —  tall athletic and slightly slim build. He usually wears all black; black skinny jeans, and black shirts. The designs range from plain, band shirts, all the way to sheer mesh tops that he wears if he’s feeling frisky. He also wears either a long black trench coat or a long cardigan type coat that is flowy. His hair is either half up or completely down. He has a few random tattoos he’s gotten from his travels. As well as piercings and stacked rings.  
power — hedgewitch primarily. He’s also well versed in green witch powers and is learning to be more clairvoyant as well as communicate with spirits better.
brief backstory
Leo has been all over the world and then some. He comes from a long line of powerful witches that have all been masters of different aspects of their craft. The Valentine family, despite their power, have always been tricky and enjoyed using their powers for personal gain. Leo grew up in a fast-paced and hustling world dominated by strong and crafty witches. Compared to most Valentine witches Leo’s powers were quite lacking.
He was born a hedgewitch, a witch that has the ability to travel between this world and the next. His powers are strongest when he’s secluded within nature. He can go into trance-like states and hear messages from the other side. He can help lost spirits cross over if they’re stuck and he receives cryptic messages from ancestors that take him either months or years to figure out what they mean. His mother was a green witch so he has a lot of knowledge when it comes to plants and used to help her run her shop before he left.
Nowadays he continues the Valentine tradition and is making his claim in Catskill. He’s kept himself neutral in Catskill so that he can sell his services to either side when they need him. Leo runs a shop that looks like it sells simple teas, herbs, and different odds and ends. However, in the back is where he’ll do readings and create black market potions and heal the wounded. He’ll also create hexes and different charms for an even higher price.
Leo is also a huge flirt and enjoys loving whoever is in the mood to have their heartbroken. He’s a love em and leaves em type, and he loves every second of it.
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↳ Oh, wow, is that NATHAN PARSONS? Never mind, it’s just HUGO SORENSON, the 31/73 year old PANSEXUAL WEREWOLF BETA. I did hear that HE is RATIONAL & PROTECTIVE but also really QUIET & SERIOUS. In the great war, HE is on the BLACKSTONE side. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. (LAUREN,25+,EST,SHE/HER)
TW: Mentions of death, WWII and concentration camps
Hugo was born into a family of werewolves in Norway in 1915
He triggered his werewolf gene in a bar fight at the age of 16, when the other man pulled out a knife and Hugo used the man’s own weapon against in him (which was later determined to be self-defense)
In 1935, he met a vampire who would become the first man he ever loved
The two lived happily until the German invasion of Norway, after which Hugo and his boyfriend were rounded up and put into a concentration camp
They struggled to survive in there, and were eventually freed at the end of the war
They moved to the states, where the two of them had a quiet wedding ceremony and a ritual that made Hugo immortal (tying his life to his husband’s via a spell)
They also have a wife, a witch who they married a few years later and who is now also tied to Hugo and Aleks via an immortality spell
Hugo is quiet, slow to open up to other people until he’s spent time with them
He’s very protective of his loved ones, willing to do anything to keep them safe
He currently has a cover as part of the human police department, a job which sometimes entails covering up the existence of the supernatural world
He’s also the Blackstone pack beta, and is almost as loyal to the pack as he is his husband and wife
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wickcd-impvlsc · 5 years
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↳ Oh, wow, is that CHARLIE HUNNAM? Never mind, it’s just ADAM BLACKSTONE, the 37 year old HETEROSEXUAL WEREWOLF ALPHA. I did hear that HE is ASSERTIVE & COURAGEOUS but also really IMPATIENT & POSSESSIVE. In the great war, HE is on the BLACKSTONE side. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
Sup guys. So I struggle with intros and bios --I find them soul-sucking and the bane of my existence, but if y’all could do me a solid and bear with me, here’s a little something about my dude Adam. 
FULL NAME: Adam Blackstone AGE: 37 ORIENTATION: Heterosexual SPOKEN LANGUAGE: English OCCUPATION: Blackstone Pack Alpha QUALITIES: Assertive & Courageous FLAWS: Impatient & Possessive
Love is the bane of duty. Those were the words ingrained in Adam’s mind after a resurgence of war between the Blackstone and Avery packs cost him his wife. Alongside George Avery, the Blackstone Alpha had worked hard to broker a peace, and a political marriage is what brought forth what both leaders had hoped would become an era of peace and restoration.
He possess a moral compass that heads true North, and a sense of honor instilled in him by his father since he was but a boy, and which Adam tries his hardest to abide by even when he must make a difficult decision; like marrying out of duty instead of love. 
The Alpha went into the marriage not expecting much other than for it to serve a strategic purpose -with both parties profiting from the binding. But then the unexpected happened, and he fell in love with his wife, imprinting on the younger wolf and becoming bound to her.
While things had a rocky start between them, slowly things got better, both with the packs and with Marlo. For a short moment, Adam knew happiness. His pack was safe, enjoying a reprieve from the years long war, and he was in love. But all that came to a crashing halt the moment  long time allies of the Blackstones, attacked the Avery’s.
Bound by an oath given by his ancestors, Adam’s allegiance remained with their long standing allies, despite Marlo’s attempts to sway him. Which the Alpha truly considered, but given how enemies and allies equally seemed to be waiting for him to show even the slightest of weaknesses, he had to put his pack above his heart, so Adam refused, swiftly fracturing his marriage with Marlo. 
Now, the werewolf must lead a pack into war against the family and allies of the woman he loves, and uphold his duty as the alpha even if it comes at the price of losing the love of his life. 
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Wanted connections: 
Ω - A powerful ally turned friend who Adam heeds the counsel of, sometimes seeking it himself. 
Ω - A witch he trusts implicitly to perform the protection spells of the Blackstone compound, who can also be in charge of healing. 
Ω - His second in command, thusly a wolf and one of his closest friends. 
About the Blackstone pack/compound:
Their main form of income comes from owning and operating the town’s mine rich with precious metals like Rhodium, Iridium and Palladium. The latter being the most sought after given it’s magical properties, which is unknown by humans, but a hot commodity in the the supernatural market.  
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wildhcartcd · 4 years
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↳ Oh, wow, is that DOMINIQUE PROVOST-CHALKLEY? Never mind, it’s just CORA GALLAGHER, the 29 year old HOMOSEXUAL HUNTER. I did hear that SHE is ENGAGING & TENACIOUS but also really DISTANT & SHORT-TEMPERED. In the great war, SHE is on the NEUTRAL [THE ORDER] side. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
** see disclaimer in frankie’s intro.
— the gallaghers weren’t the most traditional family in the world and cora entered their lives with an older sister an older half-sibling to learn the ways of the world from. though her own parents seemed to cast lex aside at any given opportunity cora was devoted to both lex and rachel and could often be found toddling after them as she was growing up simply to be in their presence. she often wondered why her parents seemed so indifferent to lex as they were growing up and even the knowledge that lex was only her half-sibling wasn’t enough to convince her that what their parents did was right in any way. she adored lex and found it nothing short of ridiculous that her mother couldn’t seem to bring herself to feel the same way. it infuriated cora as she got older and a small part of her continues to resent her parents for even considering turning their backs on family.
— her family’s legacy as hunters was something cora became familiar with as a child-- her training began early and she took to it naturally though she wasn’t all that excited by the prospect of learning to kill anyone at all. the moment she learned all her parents could teach her she stepped away from hunting to do something she’d loved since she visited her cousins in san diego as a child and discovered surfing. she moved to california to pursue a proper career in the sport and lived with her cousins while she did so as she was still only sixteen and couldn’t bring herself to file for legal emancipation ( no amount of resentment for her parents could mask the fact that she did genuinely love them ). 
— surfing became her entire life and it was something she seemed to have a natural talent for-- she won several major tournaments before she was brought into the pro circuit first as a junior and then, when she turned twenty-one, into the adult circuit. it seemed that she would really get to do the thing she loved most in the world until she couldn’t possibly move anymore when, on a trip to hawaii with several friends, cora took a rough wave and blew out her knee in the process. it was an abrupt end to her surfing career and one that left cora deeply depressed and with no idea what she was going to do with the rest of her life. she’d completed a degree in photography remotely at the university of southern california and after extensive physical therapy she set out to make a career of that. it wasn’t until she was twenty-five that she made the move to windham to be closer to her siblings. 
— her life hasn’t turned out the way she’d planned when she was growing up but it’s better than she imagined considering she’s found herself involved in her family profession once more. it’s enough to have her siblings around and enough that she’s found people to connect with even when she considers herself to be a far more broken woman than she was prior.
Full Name: Cora Brigitte Gallagher.      Nickname(s): None, really.    Age: 29. Date of Birth: 17 February 1991. Zodiac Sign: Aquarius. Place of Birth: — Ethnicity: Caucasian. Nationality: American. Gender: Cis female. Sexual Orientation: Homosexual. Religion: She’s not religious in any tangible way.   Occupation: She makes her living as a professional photographer.     Language(s) Spoken: English, French.   Accent: —
physical appearance
Face Claim: Dominique Provost-Chalkley.   Hair Color: Brown. Eye Color: Hazel. Height: 5′4″. Weight: 112 lbs. Build: Slim. Tattoos: She doesn’t have any at the present moment.  Piercings: She has two traditional ear piercings in each ear. Distinguishing Characteristics: Her smile and the way she carries herself – at least, that’s what she would assume her distinguishing characteristics are.
Father: — Mother: — Sibling(s): Lex, Rachel & currently unnamed siblings.  Pet(s): She has a two year-old golden lab named Lachlan.      Financial Status: Well-off.
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starry-nxghtss · 5 years
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Oh, wow, is that Karen Gillan? Never mind, it’s just Carolyn Palmer, the 34 year old pansexual Palmer Supreme Witch. I did hear that she is loyal & protective but also really devious & distant. In the great war, she is on the Blackstone side. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
TW: Death, murder
Carolyn was the oldest Palmer girl of the family. Because she was the oldest, there was a lot riding on her to take over for the coven when it was finally her time.
Because she was the oldest, she also did her best to take care of her younger sisters and protect them from the craziness of the family and coven.
Carolyn had no idea that Dinah was to be sacrificed and her magic syphoned until it was too late. Angry that her family had done that to her sister, she went to find Dinah’s twin, only to realize that she had fled and couldn’t be found as well. Having lost her two sisters, she blamed her parents and vowed that when she took over for the coven, she would change things.
Carolyn is now in charge of the coven and working to keep it on good terms with the Order. There are some members of the coven that still practice the art of human sacrificing and black magic but she is working to try and steer the coven away from it. Whether it’s working or not is still up for debate.
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inxbreakableheaven · 5 years
↳ Oh, wow, is that LESLEY-ANN BRANDT? Never mind, it’s just ANTONIA ROSS, the (35/1700) year old BISEXUAL VAMPIRE. I did hear that SHE is LOYAL & CUNNING but also really TEMPESTUOUS & SHARP-TONGUED. In the great war, SHE is on the AVERY side. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
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Antonia was born “Antonia Folorunsho” to a bloodline of werewolves dating back to the beginning of Lycanthropy. They were warriors and protectors for vampires and it was considered an honor and privilege to do so. The Folorunsho pack was renowned for creating warriors specifically as glorified guard dogs, but it was what they were made for. 
Soon it wasn’t long until a vampire named Damien Ross hired her for her services and a close bond was formed from there. Antonia saved his life time and time again when it counted and it soon put her in his favor. 
One day, he offered the gift of immortality to her and she accepted. Ever since, it was the two of them until the two became three when Damien met Octavia. 
Personality traits:
Will fight you at a moment’s notice and doesn’t necessarily need a reason to.
Hella fucking loyal to anyone she deems worthy.
Actually hella fucking soft deep deep down.
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marcosxxsantiago · 5 years
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Oh, wow, is that SEAN TEALE? Never mind, it’s just MARCOS SANTIAGO, the TWENTY NINE year old BISEXUAL WEREWOLF. I did hear that HE is LOYAL & PROTECTIVE but also really STUBBORN & HOT-TEMPERED. In the great war, HE is on the BLACKSTONE side. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.  
He grew up a human and his family life was far from happy, his father being an alcoholic who did everything to ruin his life and the life of his mother and siblings. 
Things changed for him when he was attacked by a werewolf while he was camping a few weeks after his 18th birthday. 
His father only complained about the medical bills he had to pay, while the rest of the family were worried for him but once he turned on the first full moon, the worry turned to fear and Marcos left simply because he couldn’t stand to see them be so afraid of him. 
He traveled alone for a while, but soon he found company in other supernaturals, learning everything there is about the world he thought existed only in fantasy. 
He met another werewolf and imprinted on her, traveled with her but she was killed in an accident which absolutely wrecked him. 
His travels brought him to Catskill in 2012 where Adam Blackstone convinced him to join a pack instead of wandering, he agreed and joined the Blackstone pack. 
Since then, his loyalty has stayed with Adam and the pack, and nothing changed when Adam became alpha and the war began. He is a loyal soldier who would do anything to protect his pack and those who side with them. 
Travel companion(s). Friends he made during his travels who can he in his side or the opposing side. 
Good/best friends he’s made. He’s not the most loquacious of people, but he would have a few friends he has formed since he arrived in Catskill. Preferably Blackstone side but it is possible to have friends in the other side too. 
Lone wolfs without a pack he’s trying to recruit for he knows from experience being in a pack is far better than being alone. 
Anything really, I haven’t given much thought yet but I am open to any and all connections!!
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fadiingstarliight · 4 years
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↳ Oh, wow, is that MICHAEL TREVINO? Never mind, it’s just STEFAN CASTILLO, the THIRTY year old PANSEXUAL WITCH. I did hear that HE is LEVEL-HEADED & PROTECTIVE but also really MANIPULATIVE & VICIOUS. In the great war, HE is on the AVERY side. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
TW: Murder, violence.
Used to be a devoted member of the Palmer coven. With his parents being an important part of the coven, he was trained from a young age to be an integral part of it, and they had high expectations from their son who they were certain would be supreme in the future.
That was until around 9 years ago when his best friend, Dinah was chosen to be sacrificed and her powers absorbed into the coven to make them stronger. He tried to stop the sacrifice but failed, and when she was killed, he murdered half a dozen members of the coven in his rage and hurt a fair few as well. He helped Dinah’s twin flee the town but he did the opposite, joining some rouge hunters, using their help to kill even more of the coven simply because he wanted to, and he did.
His anger worsened when he crossed the veil to see Dinah, to find that she had not found peace and that she wanted to come back home. When the Order found out about his ability to cross over, he was asked to do them certain favours, and he agreed to do them in return for Dinah’s resurrection.
Once Dinah returned five years ago, he decided to return back into a coven and focus on his magic, for that was his true calling. His old coven was dead to him and so he soon joined the Thomas coven, slowly working his way up into being Second in Command. While his anger may have diluted, he still fully intends to destroy the Palmer coven, and if all of the Blackstones had to go down with them, then so be it.
Personality wise, despite being capable of the most gruesome things, he can be very soft and caring towards those he cares about and if you gain his trust and friendship, he will protect you with everything he’s got. Everyone else though, is pretty much collateral damage to him, he doesn’t care if they live or die.
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piiecesofovrpast · 5 years
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↳ Oh, wow, is that KATHERINE BARRELL? Never mind, it’s just AIDEN KANE, the 28 year old LESBIAN WEREWOLF ALPHA. I did hear that SHE is LOYAL & PROTECTIVE but also really CLOSED-OFF & GUARDED. In the great war, SHE is on the AVERY side. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
TW: Death, Torture
Aiden was born a werewolf from her father’s side. Her father was a police officer, who was a former Marine while her mother was a school teacher who was also a witch.
Aiden is very much a tomboy, while growing up she was always helping her father work on cars, playing basketball and hanging out with the guys.
She learned about werewolves and witches at a young age because her parents didn’t want to hold anything back and her father was the alpha of his pack. So naturally Aiden was held up to a different standard and she tried to fulfill that.
She did really well in school studying all the time, while playing sports and becoming captain of her basketball team. When she was fifteen she came out to her parents. Because well she didn’t like guys at all. Sure, as friends but that was it.
Aiden had her first girlfriend at sixteen but also her first heartbreak. That was also when she decided that she wanted to go into the Army. Much like her father but instead of being a Marine, the Army was the better choice for her. 
After she graduated high school, she went straight to boot camp. Aiden ended up passing boot camp with flying colors and top rankings. Her unit ended up getting deployed. 
While she was overseas, she ended up triggering her curse. Her parents wanted her to come home but she didn’t so they sent her a moonlight ring.
During a mission, her unit got attacked and most of them were killed. Expect for Aiden and a few others. They got captured and was tortured by the enemies. Even though she healed quickly, she still has some scars from what happened and PTSD.
Her captors took her moonlight ring so when a full moon happen, she broke free and they weren’t expecting her to shift into what she really was. When she woke up, they were all dead, she let out her friends even though she was weak.
The Army sent her home with a hero metal and an honorable discharge.
After she came home, she got into the police academy and worked her way up to Deputy. 
Her mother was killed in a car accident and a few months later, her father was killed by a hunter. 
Aiden stepped up and became Alpha of the Kane pack. Following in her father’s footsteps and becoming the leader that he always wanted her to be. She is very loyal and compassionate.
Here is my little Alpha, she doesn’t bite much. Hmu if you want anything with her.
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scxrlettedrexms · 5 years
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oh wow, is that imogen poots? nevermind it’s just clover alexander, the twenety-six-year old bisexual omega werewolf. i did hear that she is goofy & excitable but also really reserved & untrusting. in the geat warm she is on the avery side. i guess we’ll have to wait and see. 
brief info & background.
name — clover rayne alexander
species  — werewolf
nicknames — clo
age, dob — 26 / october 13th -- libra
personality — goofy, excitable,  reserved, non trusting, tactful, romantic, charming, just, diplomatic, balanced, superficial, detached, unreliable, laid back, indecisive, self-indulgent
appearance —  small and slim frame. she dresses very casually, usually seen in high waisted jeans or shorts. as well as simple plain shirts, a couple band shirts, and tank tops. she also wears vans or her black boots with said outfit. her hair is long and a light blonde with messy curls and bangs. her hair is always a mess because she hates to brush it. she either wears is down, in a high ponytail or in a braid.
Clover was born to a single mother in an isolated field just outside of a rundown town in the middle of nowhere America. Her mother was an infamous woman in the northern states for loving and leaving alphas from different packs. Clover’s father was a strong alpha wolf from a pack that was notorious for its ferocity. When her mother discovered just how evil this pack was and that she was pregnant, she quickly packed her things and left with her newborn child. 
Together the two girls traveled all across America, running from this pack that desperately wanted Clover and her mother dead. They trusted no one and bounced from town to town. Never settling and never connecting with anyone else. It was always just the two of them. Through this Clover became a very social and bubbly girl. She and her mother were inseparable and had a bond so strong, they vowed to never betray each other. While Clover was blissfully unaware of the danger they were in, her mother always knew of the looming darkness that was growing. 
They stayed on the road for the majority of Clover’s life. Bouncing from different towns, cities, packs, whatever they could find they would stay. Due to this, Clover never received a formal education, instead, she insists that she knows everything she needs to from her mother and life experiences. Clover was seventeen when they found Catskill and the two women agreed to join the Kane pack. It finally felt like Clover had something normal to cling onto for once in her life. Clover felt so overjoyed when she and her mother were able to open up what is now Clover’s flower shop “April Showers.” Together they worked hard and put all their love into this shop. 
Clover is an exact copy of her mother. The two women look similar, act similar, and even ave matching laughs. They fill any room that they walk into and people are always drawn to their bright nature. Clover adores her mother and she is closer to no one else other than her. 
That was until her mother left. It had felt like any other day, and Clover woke up to an empty bed in her apartment. When she went to investigate the smell of a stressed wolf filled the room up. The living room was a mess with most of Clover's clothes thrown around the room. A note caught her eye and all it was said was clear instructions for Clover. She wasn’t to leave Catskill to find her mother. She was to stay in town until she came back. This was when Clover was 21. Now, five years later Clover is still stuck in the town without her mother. 
She’s kept this a secret from her pack and definitely keeps her emotions about all of this to herself. Clover tries to stay busy with her shop and with taking care of her pack and other people who are allied with the Avery’s. Clover is a hopeless romantic and is desperate to meet the one. 
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