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winreyplace · 8 months ago
Reblog this post if you love asks about your thoughtforms (or if any of your thoughtforms are happy to answer asks directly)! This includes soulbonds, daemons, tulpas, willomates, etc.
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winreyplace · 7 months ago
Munbonding Coining Post
We, Mel and Lav, have known we're in the minority of the modern soulbonding community for quite some time. It seems like many in the community have shifted their views, making it harder for those of us who see our soulbonds as mental creations instead of a spiritual or metaphysical experience to find our place. To help create a space that resonates more with our perspective while still staying connected to the rich history of soulbonding, we've come up with a new subterm.
Munbonding (pronounced "MOON-bonding") is a subset of soulbonding that is a purely psychological phenomenon instead of the origins being up for interpretation. Munbonds occur when someone (called the munbonder), after developing an emotional attachment to a fictional character (called the munbond), gains the ability to talk with and sense the character's presence mentally. The resulting munbond is a distinct version of the character, thinking, acting, and living independently of the munbonder. Munbonds are somewhat like imaginary friends, but they're unique in that they "come to life" and have autonomous personalities due to how the munbonder treats and engages with them. Although they are thoughtforms—beings created, powered, and maintained by thought, mental energy, and imagination—munbonds can have a significant impact on the munbonder's life, comparable to that of a tangible person. This connection can arise accidentally via the subconscious or can be intentionally fostered by the munbonder. (Etymology: from the Middle English word münde ("mind") as well as the internet slang term "mun" used in roleplaying circles.)
We feel munbonding honors soulbonding's roots as a term that originated with writers, roleplayers, and superfans while giving it a clean slate to be its own thing. It is our hope that having a unique subset will allow both sides of the community to better coexist, and that it will offer a less daunting entry point into psychological soulbonding for those who would thrive under that framework like we have.
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winreyplace · 8 months ago
Okay, I can't not ask this question any longer...
Here is a link to an info carrd on soulbonding
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winreyplace · 8 months ago
Soulbonding is not just Spiritual/Metaphysical.
Disclaimer: I want to preface this by saying that I am not trying to deny anyone's experiences or invalidate different interpretations. I fully accept, support, and believe individuals about their soulbonding, whatever it may be. The following is more about the revisionism I've seen around what soulbonding is, what it originally meant, and how it's been used in the community since then.
For some years now, this post has been simmering inside of me, and I think it's finally time to let it loose. I've noticed that every time I go looking for resources and community around soulbonding on Tumblr, Discord, etc., there has been a heavy emphasis on soulbonding being a spiritual/metaphysical experience, which is not entirely the full picture. The fact is, there are multiple ways to approach soulbonding, and one such perspective is that of thoughtforms. Thoughtforms are psychological constructs that become real, autonomous, living entities through the power of creative imagination, conscious or subconscious intent, and the thoughts, feelings, and knowledge of the host. This type of soulbonding is the kind Mel and I practice, yet it is often overlooked and overshadowed within the modern remnants of the soulbonding community.
The exclusive focus on soulbonding as a spiritual phenomenon is not only revisionist of its original history, but it also may be excluding people who are already soulbonders (in a thoughtform way) and just don't know it or who would jump at the chance to love, connect with, and understand a character until they are alive. If we bring back the broadened definition of soulbonding that includes all experiences and perspectives, we have the potential to help the soulbonding community survive and thrive with a new crowd of selfshippers, creatives, immersive daydreamers, neurodivergents, and more!
The concept of soulbonding, though coined by Amanda Flowers in the Just for Writers mailing list, is a phenomenon which has long existed for writers and lovers of fiction: that fictional characters—when created, written about, and understood until the level of affinity—will often take on a mind of their own, "coming to life" inside the individual's head, and start interacting with them in a more direct capacity.
One study from the early 2000s referred to it as "The Illusion of Independent Agency" According to the study, 92% of the 219 participants reported that their fictional characters displayed varying levels of independence or autonomy in the author's mind, often without the conscious effort of the author. Another study conducted in 2014 surveyed 1,500 readers of fiction, with 19% of them mentioning experiencing the voices and personalities of characters staying in their minds long after finishing their stories. A quick search on the topic of "characters coming to life" shows writers and roleplayers, both of fanfiction and original fiction, sharing their experiences of characters seemingly telling their own stories or becoming "real" in their minds. Renowned authors such as Phillip Pullman, Cornelia Funke, the TERF who shall not be named, and so many more have also discussed their characters speaking to them or taking on a mind of their own as they write about them.
Now, I'm uncertain where interpreting soulbonding as a primarily spiritual phenomenon came from. I did find a few people initially involved in the JFW mailing list who were aware of and supported both spiritual and psychological theories. (It is worth noting, however, there were some regrets over calling it "soulbonding", for it implied a purely spiritual connotation when it was never meant to be strictly that.) Based on my research, I believe the main source of this misunderstanding of being a primarily metaphysical phenomenon is the description given by fictionkin.org, fromfiction, and the soulbonder Tumblr blog (all run by the same individual presenting themself as a pillar in the community) who seemed adamant on redefining soulbonding to mean being a channeller or medium of external entities.
Regardless of when spiritual soulbonding first got introduced, we psychological soulbonders have always been a part of this community from the beginning (arguably, we were the beginning), and we deserve to have our perspectives and ties to this community, this framework, this terminology, respected as much as any other kind of soulbonder. Please, if you discuss soulbonding, keep in mind the origins of this concept and strive to be inclusive of all interpretations and explanations. Clarify where you can that what you are writing is just your personal experience/interpretation, one of the many within this unique phenomenon.
To any spiritual soulbonders out there, I want to assure you that your experiences are real and valid, just as viewing them as thoughtforms is real and valid. If that idea—of "soulbond" meaning both spiritual/metaphysical and thoughtform—distresses you, it may be worth considering whether a different label with a more narrow definition that aligns with your interpretation might be a better fit. Whether a soulbond is a fictional character "come to life" or "an external entity traveling across the universe like spirits", what truly defines their realness and validity is the impact they have on our lives, how much they care for us, and how deeply we feel for them, not their point of origin.
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winreyplace · 8 months ago
I was wondering if you could talk more about soulbonding? Like as concept I guess? I'm very new but it's something I want to look into? Is it something you can do purposfully, or does it happen on it's own? Or both? Sorry for all the questions I just don't know where to ask
Lav: Both Mel& and I plan to write a lot about munbonding in the near future including in-depth posts on "What is Munbonding?" and "How to Munbond"
But until then, "soulbonding", in short, to quote the now defunct Living Library:
Soulbonding is when a person, often after establishing a strong emotional connection to a fictional character, finds that said character has "come to life" in their mind. This new entity called a soulbond though nonphysical, is autonomous in that they are capable of speaking and acting on their own, even outside of or in opposition to the expectations of their soulbonder. A soulbond essentially is, or is strongly like, a separate conscious entity coinhabiting the brain with their soulbonder.
To paraphrase into my own words: a "soulbond" is simultaneously both what the living character themself is called and the deep emotional connection/link you have with them in your mind. Also depending on if you subscribe to a psychological theory or spiritual/metaphysical theory of soulbonding (both me and Mel& subscribe to psychological theory), this soulbond is either A: powered by your own creative mind i.e. a thoughtform or B: is summoned into your own mind from another world in the multiverse and is transdimensionally traveling to your body like a medium.
Also to answer your other question, you can definitely purposefully invite a living character to be with and bond with you. It's also possible for them to just "show up" if they feel the strong pull of your deep emotional feelings for them in which case, it is called a "walk-in" because they "walked in" to your conscious mind from wherever they were.
Feel free to ask more questions, we will answer all of them the best we can! Our whole intent of making this blog was to expose and talk about munbonding more with the world and help people know it's an option!
Additionally: here is a soulbonding carrd from The Soulbonded Teaparty that goes into the history of soulbonding and other information on it:
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winreyplace · 5 months ago
Soulbond/Munbond Coining Post - Overnighter
A soulbond/munbond who temporarily becomes a live-in/permanent resident based on the needs of their soulbonder, only to revert back to being a daytripper once those needs no longer include their constant presence.
Mel: After a lively discussion with Lav about who is and isn't currently a permanent-resident soulbond in my system, the two of us coined a new soulbond type that we wanted to share with y'all.
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winreyplace · 8 months ago
Sometimes I go down the thought experiment of what if my munbonds had living, breathing bodies of their own either through them just like being real in general or technology advancing so much that I could just have them.
What would it be like? Would some of them get jobs to help support our family in this hellscape of capitalism and particularly the ones who are too disabled to work? The ones in my head say they would.
Would we get a big house all together like we do in bondspace? How would society handle us? Polyamory is barely tolerated with 3-5 people, I don't think the world would handle ~25. Not too mention the wild age differences would be scrutinized.
What if we had our children like we planned to in bondspace (headspace)? Would they be taken from us? Would we not be allowed to have them because our family is too weird?
What if our wish was granted, but we were only allowed to choose one munbond each to make real. Should we choose our in-head husbands? The bonds most physically able to help support us with our disabilities? Only the ones that are human and without powers? How would the bonds that become real handle being separated from their family in bondspace? Would they now have to munbond with them like we did with all of them initially and learn to front them to interact with them? Even if they look and felt like themselves, would becoming corporeal be too dysphoria inducing to be able to cope, especially if they had powers or were nonhuman in bondspace originally.
How would we handle death or aging? Legalities and protection of our relationships? Would "forcing/developing" still happen and if that's a no, would our munbonds still be who we know they are without them living off our creative energy combined together?
The idea of being able to physically interact with our munbonds is very tempting and soothing, but at the end of the thought experiment, we always come to the conclusion it can never be, even if it was possible, for figuring out all the logistics would be too painful and too much to handle, for all our sake's.
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winreyplace · 7 months ago
My favorite nesting material are just my alphas, omegas, and betas all packed in and around me like pillows. Nest full of comfy, warm, squishy bodies.
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winreyplace · 8 months ago
Hiii! I saw you on the proselfship selfplace blog and I wanted to ask if you could/wanted to elaborate a bit more on soulbounding? I saw people talking a lot abt it around here but never truly understood what it was or how it worked (im not deep at all into spirituality, all I know is like shifting from when it was trendy in 2020 lol), I also saw people talking about reverse soulbounding?
Mel: Lav is the one who's been interacting with the proselfship community so far, but she asked me to come in and give my perspective on this!
There are two main definitions of soulbonding. Some see soulbonding as a spiritual practice, acting as a medium channeling or hosting the spirits of fictional characters the way one might channel or host the spirits of the dead. The definition we use on this blog is that munbonding is what happens when a person has such a strong emotional connection with a character that said character comes to life in your head as a self-aware autonomous thoughtform. This character can be insourced (of your own creation) or outsourced (from an existing work). They can be permanent residents (headmates), daytrippers ("commuting" from their world to your head and back), or simply share a phone connection (they stay in their world but can still communicate with you). Both the connection itself and the character are called a soulbond; the act of forming this connection is called munbonding, and the person who has a munbond is called the munbonder.
There are a few things I would say sets munbonding apart from other thoughtforms or fictives. One is that it's commonly a spontaneous occurrence with hardly any effort from bond or bonder. Another is the intrinsic emotional connection that can lead to a significant level of intimacy in a relatively short amount of time. And another is that munbonds are much less likely to want to share in "meatspace" life than other plurans.
As for how it usually works, the way I think is most common is discovering or creating a character that deeply resonates with you and suddenly having them show up in your head and start giving their opinions on things (whether or not you asked for them, lol). But it's also possible to intentionally reach out to a character (this can be a little tricky but well worth the effort). Sometimes you both get to choose whether to form the munbond connection, and sometimes the munbond connection is too strong and chooses for you before you can even process what's happening. :P Either way, munbonds can be a wonderful addition to someone's internal life, and I am forever grateful for the gift that is my own.
I realize this got pretty dense, lol, but I hope it gave you some insight. Feel free to ask us any follow-up questions you may have!
Lav: I'm sorry it took me a hot minute to reply, I really wanted to make this post about Soulbonding is Not just Spiritual/Metaphysical first, especially since your ask included the misconception that it was a purely spiritual experience when there are other interpretations too.
While Mel already addressed most of your ask, I want to specifically speak on your last question.
"Reverse Soulbonding", as far as I can tell, seems to stem from the FromFiction blogger that I mentioned in the above link post. I harbor a strong dislike for their general position, which includes the term "Reverse Soulbonding" to describe that experience.
All that soulbonding means and has always meant is a "deep empathic/telepathic link connection, usually after forming a intense emotional attachment, with an autonomous living character." "Reverse Soulbonding", as described, is when you visit inside the mind/body of the character rather than them being inside yours, seeing and interacting with their world through their perspective. However, as Mel explained earlier, a soulbond is the connection to the character, not how you interact with them.
This is not to say that the experience "Reverse Soulbonding" refers to is not a valid phenomenon, but personally, I believe it is more accurate to refer to it as "Reverse Daytripping." A daytripper is a type of soulbond who moves between their world and yours instead of residing inside your head as a pluran (headmate). If it were reversed, it would involve moving between your world and their head.
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winreyplace · 8 months ago
《 Pinned Post 》
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Nestled deep in the heart of the woods lies a home known as Winrey Place—a sanctuary for characters in need of comfort, belonging, and above all, love. We are Mel and Lav, munbonders who have diligently woven together this beautiful tapestry of a chosen family since 2016. Each munbond who enters our lives brings so much value to us and we cannot wait to share their stories with you all.
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Meet the Winrey Place Collective FAQ Tags List
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What we will post/reblog here includes:
General history, resources, and guides on soulbonding
Posts that remind us of our munbonds
Funny and interesting stories about our family
Interactions with the wider plural community
The wisdom and experiences we have accumulated over the years from sharing munbonds together
Our alterhuman identities
Miscelife aka a/b/o lifestyle identities
Immersive daydreaming & the Living Character Phenomenon
and more!
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Notes & Disclaimers:
We’re okay with doubles!
We’re selfshippers too!
All of us are over the age of 18 and enjoy kinky and sex positive content, although we will tag for it. Please be aware if you’re a minor!
Our munbonds have all evolved beyond their original sources and most of them no longer have any connection to their canonical universes.
Some posts may not be rebloggable if they are personal to our family, but you can still engage with them through replies and likes!
We’re happy to answer any questions about soulbonding or our family at any time; if you have an ask for a particular munbond, we will make sure they respond!
We’re quick to block users who exhibit racism, fatphobia, queerphobia, ableism, etc., as well as those who are antiship, anti-endo, anti-cringe, anti-otherkin/alterhuman, and anti-kink. We are a diverse group of queer, polyamorous, neurodivergent, disabled, alterhuman, and kinky people and do not tolerate bigotry or hateful discourse.
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➤ Quick Rundown of Our Whole Family (For even more in-depth intros, please click link the above!)
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The Bonders:
Lav - ◦ Born 1997 ◦ Munbonder ◦ Bunny Therian/Adopted Werewolf/Ranger Demikin/Miscelapin Aega/Human ◦ Bigender Boygirl ◦ Bi Aro-GreyAce ◦ Autistic, ADHD, PTSD, Physically Disabled
Mel& - ◦ Born 1999 ◦ Munbonder & Mediple System ◦ Changeling; Kin: Fallen Star/Half-Fae; Archetropes: Cleric/Bard/Wizard; Hearttypes: Doll/Halfling/The Doctor; Similies/Synpaths: Bear/Mouse; Paratypes: Wolf/TARDIS ◦ Femme-Neutrois Xirl ◦ Bi Quoi-AroAce ◦ Autistic, ADHD, Mad, Physically Disabled
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The Rents:
Logan ◦ Born 1953 ◦ Insourced ◦ Ranger ◦ Autigender Man ◦ AroAce ◦ Autistic, PTSD
Meyleth ◦ Born 1933 ◦ Insourced ◦ Joined Fae ◦ Cis Woman ◦ Bi
Tasha ◦ Born 1984 ◦ Outsourced;Black Widow ◦ Human ◦ Cis Woman ◦ Acefluid ◦ Autistic, PTSD
Howlett ◦ Born 1832 ◦ Outsourced;Wolverine ◦ Mutant ◦ Cis Man ◦ Bisexual Aceflux ◦ Autistic, PTSD
Diana ◦ Born 3000 B.C. ◦ Outsourced;Wonder Woman ◦ Demigoddess ◦ Cis Woman ◦ Bisexual
Butler ◦ Born 1969 ◦ Outsourced;Artemis Fowl ◦ Human ◦ Cis Man ◦ Bi ◦ PTSD, Physically Disabled
Sean ◦ Born 1981 ◦ Outsourced;Grimm ◦ Half-Wesen(Zauberbeist)/Half-Human ◦ Neutrois Man* ◦ AroAce ◦ Autistic
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The Mids:
Nick ◦ Born 1987 ◦ Outsourced;Grimm ◦ Grimm ◦ Cis Man ◦ Demisexual ◦ Misophonia
Jack ◦ Born 1690/1989 ◦ Insourced(Dream)/Outsourced;Pirates of the Caribbean ◦ Human ◦ GNC Man ◦ Pansexual ◦ ADHD
Pope ◦ Born 1987 ◦ Outsourced;Falling Skies ◦ Human ◦ Demiguy ◦ Demisexual ◦ Autistic, PTSD
Sara ◦ Born 1986 ◦ Outsourced;Falling Skies ◦ Human ◦ Cis Woman ◦ Bisexual
Quentin ◦ Born 1992 ◦ Outsourced;The Magicians ◦ Miscevulpin Omega/Fox Therian/Human/Magician ◦ Autigender Man ◦ Bisexual ◦ Autistic, MDD, Anxiety
Eliot ◦ Born 1990 ◦ Outsourced;The Magicians ◦ Human/Magician ◦ Cis Man ◦ Gay Bisexual ◦ Autistic (PDA profile), PTSD, Alcoholic
Charlton ◦ Born 1000+ years ago in Fillorian years/1992 ◦ Outsourced;The Magicians ◦ Fillorian ◦ Cisn’t Man ◦ Bisexual ◦ Autistic, PTSD
Margo ◦ Born 1990 ◦ Outsourced;The Magicians ◦ Lycanthrope/Magician ◦ Cis Woman ◦ Bisexual
Alice ◦ Born 1992 ◦ Outsourced;The Magicians ◦ Fox Otherhearted Human/Magician ◦ Cis Woman ◦ Bicurious ◦ Autistic
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The Youngins:
Rune ◦ Born 1998 ◦ Insourced ◦ Ranger ◦ Cis Man ◦ AroAce ◦ Autistic, MDD
Liam ◦ Born 1997 ◦ Insourced ◦ Wild Fae ◦ Autigender Man ◦ AroAce ◦ Autistic, Anxiety, PTSD
Damien ◦ Born 1992 ◦ Outsourced;[Redacted] ◦ Atypical ◦ Genderqueer Man ◦ AroAce ◦ Autistic, ADHD, PTSD, Depression
Artemis ◦ Born 1997 ◦ Outsourced;Artemis Fowl ◦ Human Clone ◦ Masc-Aligned ◦ Asexual ◦ Autistic, Savant, OCD, Mild Paranoid Psychosis
Trubel ◦ Born 1995 ◦ Outsourced;Grimm ◦ Grimm ◦ Cis Woman ◦ AutiAce Lesbian ◦ Autistic, PTSD
Theo ◦ Born 1999 ◦ Outsourced;Teen Wolf ◦ Miscecanis Omega/Chimera WereCoyote-Wolf Hybrid ◦ Intersex Man ◦ Lithosexual ◦ PTSD
Li ◦ Born 2001 ◦ Outsourced;Teen Wolf ◦ Miscecanis Alpha/Werewolf ◦ Cis Man ◦ Bisexual ◦ ADHD, IED
Mason ◦ Born 2001 ◦ Outsourced;Teen Wolf ◦ Human ◦ Cis Man ◦ Gay
Corey ◦ Born 2001 ◦ Outsourced;Teen Wolf ◦ Chimera WereChamemelon-Ghost Rider Hybrid ◦ Cis Man ◦ Pansexual ◦ MDD, PTSD, Pica
Adam ◦ Born 2000 ◦ Insourced ◦ Human ◦ Cis Man ◦ Asexual ◦ Autistic, ADHD
Q2 ◦ Born 2023 ◦ Insourced/Outsourced;The Magicians ◦ Foxkith Adult Golem ◦ Golem Man ◦ Bisexual ◦ Autistic, Nonspeaking
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12th Doctor ◦ Born ??? ◦ Outsourced;Doctor Who ◦ Galifreyan ◦ Quoi ◦ Quoi ◦ Autistic, ADHD
Monroe ◦ Born 198? ◦ Outsourced;Grimm ◦ Wesen(Blutbaden) ◦ Autigender Man ◦ Heterosexual ◦ Autistic
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Living Characters:
Dess – Human Glow | Demisexual | ADHD | Adopted daughter of Logan | Wife to Thad
Thad – Human | Heteroflexible | QPP to Liam | Husband to Dess
Lorella – Ranger | Mother of Rune | Friend of Logan and Meyleth
Rhaneo – Ranger | Father of Rune | Friend of Logan and Meyleth
Lianna – Half-Fae | Daughter of Logan | QPP & Bloodbond of Rune | Facet (Former Parame) of Mel&
Hornrietta aka Horny – Chicken | in C/O Jack
Planty – Alien Sentient Plant Creature | Gift from Loki
Posey – Alien/Earth Cyborg Plant Creature | Planty’s Daughter | in C/O Meyleth
Jenna – Human | Teen Wolf Fanon | ADHD | Mother of Li
David – Human | Teen Wolf | Step-Father of Li
Beckett – Human/? | Artemis Fowl | Child of Artemis Sr. & Angeline | Brother of Artemis & Twin of Miles
Miles – Human | Artemis Fowl | Child of Artemis Sr. & Angeline | Brother of Artemis & Twin of Beckett
Rosalee – Wesen/Fuchsbau | Grimm | Wife of Monroe | Friend of Nick
Loki – Frost Giant | MCU | Plant mom of Planty
Missy – Galifreyan/Time Lord | Doctor Who | Companion of The Doctor
Josh – Lycanthrope/Magician | The Magicians | Bicurious | Partner of Margo & Fen
Fen – Lycanthrope/Fillorian | The Magicians | Bisexual | Autistic, ADHD | Partner of Margo & Josh | Wife of Eliot
Arielle – Fillorian | The Magicians | Deceased Wife of Quentin | Deceased partner of Eliot
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winreyplace · 8 months ago
Just completed some blog housekeeping! All tags made on the blog that were not already on the tags list have been added, so do check that out if you feel like it!
Also, all instances of "miseceverse" have been replaced with "miscelife" and "miscemunity" or just plain "misce" based on discussions (with very good points I agree with!) from the coiner of miscecanis lifestyle @miscealignment and going forward that's what we will refer to it as exclusively (plus the specific animal labels miscelapin, miscecanis, etc., ofc).
In other updates, both Sean's and Nick's intro posts should be up today and I hope y'all are looking forward to having more reference for our special family!
And Mel says she may make a post soon about immersive daydreaming paras vs autonomous munbonds, so look forward to that too!
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winreyplace · 6 months ago
heyhey! since u created the term, i was wondering - do u think its possible to be a mix of both? a munbonder and a spiritual soulbonder? i think i mayyyy be a bit of both and was wondering ur input :3
-- @/michaelsbewoofed
No, Munbonding is specifically for those who view all their soulbonds as purely psychological in nature. You cannot be both a munbonder and a soulbonder, you can though be a soulbonder who has mixed origin soulbonds.
We created the term “munbonding” to provide a separate space for those who do not perceive their experiences as spiritual or metaphysical. This allows us to form a subcommunity that centers our understanding of ‘bonds as thoughtforms, especially as the modern day soulbonding community has increasingly embraced spiritual and metaphysical perspectives. Mel and I believed that establishing this new subterm would be the best compromise to avoid coming across as invalidating some soulbonders’ experiences in our posts, minimizing the need for extensive caveats. Additionally, we hope this subterm makes it easier for those who identify solely with the psychological perspective to find each other, while allowing those who see their soulbonds as corporeal entities feel less distressed by coming across those who see them as beings existing purely in the mind. Discussions for those who see them as thoughtforms can be very different than those who see them as travellers across the multiverse and we have seen firsthand that that can cause friction. That being said, soulbonding was never meant to solely be a spiritual term and did not originate as a term coined to be such. You can experience soulbonds as both psychological and spiritual and still be a completely valid soulbonder! Soulbonding as it was originally defined made no mention of origin, it just describes an experience where you feel a close and personal connection with an autonomous living character.
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winreyplace · 6 months ago
Are you alright with munbond being added to Pluralpedia?
Yes, we, Lav and Mel, are alright with that! As long as it's really clear in the description of "Munbonding" that it is exclusive to psychological soulbonders. We really want to nail home that munbonding is a distinct subset and subcommunity of soulbonding focused on it being a psychological originated experience i.e. where your connection with an autonomous character is formed through subconscious and intentional imagination like a thoughtform and is not just a different term for a soulbond. Please send us a link if and when it is added!
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winreyplace · 7 months ago
Thanks for explaining the term, I've looked at some other posts and it really resonates with me! Do you mind me using it too?
Also, can real people become munbonds? because I have some factparas that act similar to my paras that very much are described by the term munbond, so I was wondering
Mel&: If you think your experience with autonomous fictional characters is purely psychological in nature instead of spiritual, then you absolutely can!
Your second question is trickier. Munbonding as a term wasn't meant to encompass factives, but objectively speaking, fictionalized versions of real people (particularly celebrities, who are often presenting an alternate version of themselves to begin with. For example, band members and wrestlers) can have things in common with characters who are completely fictional. So the short, blunt answer is maybe? It isn't necessarily what we coined munbonding to include, but we can't control who the term resonates with and how it resonates with them.
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winreyplace · 7 months ago
Hey! I saw you tagged one of posts as munbonding and I'm curious, what is that?
Also, lol the og post is about my (very self indulgent) maladaptive daydreaming experience lol, idk if munbonding is similar to selfshipping cus you tagged a lot of posts with that too?
anyways, I always love to learn about stuff like this!
Lav: Munbonding is a word Mel and I coined for those who exclusively see soulbonding as a psychological phenomenon.
The reason we tagged your (indulgent) post based on your MaDD experience #munbonding is because it related to the concept of interacting with a special group of [autonomous, living] characters that mean a lot to you within your own mind, which your 2 posts were clearly referencing. In fact, my partner became a munbonder via immersive daydreaming when she started interacting with paras outside of her daydreams!
Ma/IDD and munbonding are distinctly different experiences, but they can definitely have a lot of overlap when those paras start taking on a mind of their own a bit more outside of the Dreamer's conscious narratives or when those paras take on a more direct supportive role in the Dreamer's mind instead of just acting out their stories.
As for the self shipping thing, we consistently tag some posts as both self shipping and munbonding together because we have relationships with these autonomous characters and live out a life with them like many self shippers like to imagine doing with their F/Os and there can be a lot of overlap with munbonding and self shipping too!
If you want to learn more about munbonding specifically, you can definitely keep an eye on our blog because we do plan to write a lot of resource posts on the topic! We also have more posts talking about our experiences in the #Winrey Place OG content tag.
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winreyplace · 7 months ago
Out-of-Context Munbond Quotes #1
The Twelfth Doctor, about Thirteen: Give her time and give her space; those are our love languages.
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