#[Yuugo Answers;;]
kitano-ren · 2 years
No it's not.
There was no official announcement or statement from the author (Kobayashi Yuugo) that says about the manga ending.
And by the looks of it, and based from the current situations in the manga, Ao Ashi still has a long way to go and is far from ending. The manga might be continued for another 5 to 10 years and we might probably still have World Cup, J1 league and Spain.
So it's safe to say, "No. It's far from ending."
"But some announcements in twitter says, "the author said it himself?"
Ask them to provide source. If the author really said it, then give the link to his post or any magazine or news that says "there aren't many volumes left before Ao Ashi end".
Because he never said anything. You can trust me by this.
I've been following the author since 2016, one year after the manga has been published, and I never saw any post or interviews or news him saying "ao ashi is ending soon".
You can follow the official accounts of the author:
Just a reminder:
Don't trust anything without source. Only trust official announcements.
Don't worry, if the author gave an announcement regarding this matter, I'll inform you all right away.
I hope this cleared your questions.
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pinkprimrose05 · 1 year
Can you do the whole favorite thing about them, least favorite thing about them, favorite line, brOTP, OTP, nOTP, etc. for Yuya?
Warning: Long post, contains slight spoilers.
I am so very sorry for long this stayed in the box- but thanks a lot for the ask!
Favorite thing about them: Why must you make me choose. I can't. I can't do that. There's genuinely too many things to choose from.
...fine, I can do honorable mentions. One thing that piqued my interest in the tomato son all those years ago was how layered his persona can be... if you squint. Or if you're like me and relate to him on a spiritual level. You see, at the surface of his character, Yuuya's your average protag boy: fun-loving, good-natured and full of innocent hopes and dreams-
Except, that's not all there is to it. Not even at the very start of the story. We see from the get-go how he struggles with the weight of past events and his own doubts and insecurities -which only gets more and more prominent as the show goes on- all while holding onto his smiles in defiance against adversity, and trying to help others do the same as well. Personally, I still think that this is a deceptively simple yet very powerful message.
Least favorite thing about them: Ah, that's a question I can't quite answer. You see, there isn't anything specific I dislike about him, as much as there's stuff I dislike that happen to him- as in, to his character. Like the last stretch of the Xyz and Fusion arcs. Those parts did irreversible damage Yuuya's portrayal- so much so that even I, known for being more forgiving of the story's flaws than most, was shaking my head in denial through the first, second, and third watch. Lord help me when I reach them in the fourth.
Favorite line: Quoting myself from the Yuugo version of this post: would it be cheating the question if I said there's too many to count? Because it's still true. I know for a fact that I'll mention a line here and then find another one I prefer not a day later- that's how it is with the faves, I suppose. For the sake of not leaving this empty, though, here's one quote that stuck with me longer than most:
"The dueling I've had up until now isn't something I made alone. Because everyone was there, I was able to make it this far!"
brOTP: Yuugo!
...Saw that coming? Yes? No? Look, Yuuya's the protagonist so he naturally has a lot of interesting friendships, some established, some made over the course of the show... and a few entirely hypothetical, like this one. What can I say? I just think they'd go great together. Picture this: two idiots with half a braincell between them, who meet each other proper and instantly click. And get on like a house on fire from there. Seriously, they're so different yet similar in so many ways, and I think that'd lend itself to a great mutual underdtanding between the two- almost as if they have some kind of telepathetic link (hmmm). Putting them in one room for extended periods of time will either result in the most fun sort of chaos or in talks so deep they both end up bawling their eyes out in each other's arms.
They're friends. Besties. Brothers even.
OTP: Look, I'm a bonafide vanilla when it comes to romantic ships. Fruitshipping is my first and main OTP in all media of interest, and the threatre kiddos get a badge of honor for being one of a scant few pairs that got me extremely close to crying on more than 1 occasion. That's more than can be said for... *checks notes* ...99.8% of the characters I know!
nOTP: Hmm... there's none that come to mind, honestly. I don't mind seeing Yuuya paired with anyone, as long as the ship is not inherently inappropriate and/or isn't portrayed in any weird ways.
Random headcanon: Thanks to certain happenings towards the end of the plot, Yuuya ends up developing the unconscious habit of hoarding things precious to him. He'll go to sleep curled up in the middle of a nest of blankets and pillows, surrounded by all his favorite plushies, random trinkets and gifts from friends, and of course, his pendulum and card partners (thank god in-universe cards are stupidly sturdy). The first time Youko chances upon him in this state, deep in the peaceful bliss of slumber, she stealthily snaps a photo and- huh? No, you didn't hear a thing. "Cuteness overload can be heard from over a mile away?" Pfft, nonsense.
Unpopular opinion: No idea how unpopular this may be, but... I don't get the claims that Yuuya's not a good duelist?
Several people point out that he relies on Action cards to stall out a duel until he can turn it around, and conclude that as such, he's less skillful than most of his opponents. That take confuses me more than anything; after all, isn't it in the nature of the Action duel rule that one must make use of the card scattered around them? They're not just there for show, nor are they solely used for their effects. And besides, it's clear that Yuuya's particular brand of entertainment dueling places heavy emphasis on the dynamic aspect, which is why he's always running around the field and trying to make a spectacle out of every move. That doesn't diminish his skill in any way I can see- he's just more inclined to using resources outside those in his deck, thanks in part to needing more combo pieces than survivability cards by virtue of using Pendulums.
Song I associate with them: Assuming any song qualifies, I'd say it's Future Fighter; because it's literally Yuuya's (and Reiji's) very own personal song. It highlights core aspects of their personalities through the lyrics- and what do you know, our boy has a very nice singing voice too! It was one among many highlights from the back half of ARC-V S1 to me.
Favorite picture of them: Look, I just want to see him happy. I think he deserves to display genuine joy more often. And the more sparkles the episode budget allows, the better! So with that in mind, here's a few of my favorite pics of the boyo.
....oh, you thought I could pick only one?
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sukugo · 7 months
Kinda want to ask about A because i love how you talk about sukugo but im very curious about C and D
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
SUKUGO. ofc haha. (im so happy to know u like my thoughts thank u!!!! 💖💓) i really don't know what to say about them, i feel i talk about them enough (well, in all honesty, no, i feel i need to talk about them more jhjfdhfd). yeahh i just love them a lot. sukugo has actually been my fave jjk ship since the beginning, but it's kinda funny how it's only now that i got back into jjk that i have really called it my otp. they're such a good ship and i think the fight has deepened their bond in a way that has left me no choice but go even crazier for them. love, LOVE they're in LOVE aside from sukugo, my main jjk ships u could say are tojigo, yuugo, sukuita, nanaita, tho lately ive mostly been gravitating to yuugo and itagofushi. oh! and sukugoyuu literally just allgojo tbh anon. i dont care who it is. im just interested in gojo getting fucked, and i think about everyone doing it. these last few days i was thinking about nobago. rikogojo strikes me every once in a while. allgo. yeah that's the ship i like
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
this.....is hard to say... i dont think there's any 🤔 im a lover of all ships hahah, i really dont tend to have notps. i think the only proper proper notp i had was gru//via (gray/juvia from fairy tail) but that was ages ago and i dont really keep my dislike towards them anymore (my hate was mostly bc i was team gratsu and annoyed by juvia lol) the only ships i can say i have neg feelings towards are probs sen//gen (senku/gen from dr stone) and sato//sugu, which i wouldnt even say i hate or call notps, im just kinda annoyed by them dfjdfdgfd. and well, i wouldnt say i'll never like them. i mean who knows? maybe i might warm up to them (i actually have liked both ships in the past so) (and now that im seeing the question is a ship i've never liked, so they dont even apply). so yeah. the answer is: none fdhfds im cool with anything and everything :D
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
hmmmm in line with the prev question, it's hard to say when i dont tend to dislike ships. i mean there's st//sg but it's not like i particularly wish i liked it, i really dont care jdffhjdss. if i did, it'd mostly be bc it's so popular and it'd be nice if i actually enjoyed seeing it Everywhere (like WHY is my personal instagram full of them. i dont want to See. i wamt SUKUGO)
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 138
Chapter 138: "Demon Search, Part 1"
Vincent once again being a human dictionary while sending endless praise towards Norman. I do like how we see Cislo having some temporary doubts about the extermination plan. Between him and the rest of the Lambda crew, he definitely seems the most easy going and wholesome. He's a good boy. I like him a little bit more now because of this.
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Humans outside of the farms are rare enough as it is, so which poor soul was it that perished here?? Unless said human was just leftovers from one of the mass production farms? Regardless, love Ayshe giving the dog some well deserved pets.
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This tiny family is so precious. I wish this search lasted longer so we could see them more. Same sentiment for after they found Sonju & Mujika so we can witness Ayshe relax and interact with others she understands more. If the anime actually stayed faithful to the manga, I still doubt it would've given us any spoken demon language between them though.
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Ahh bunker dad, may he rest in peace! He probably would've gotten along well with Ayshe, if only because she's quiet and wouldn't bother him as much as the other kids did. Speaking of others, who do ya think is the best sniper between Yuugo, Ayshe & Paula? Now there's a trio I would've died to see. (funnily enough, all three are in my top ten, haa!)
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Her sight, hearing, speed and accuracy are all on point. This girl is simply incredible.
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Way to stay positive, Don! But he's totally correct. Ain't no way Sonju would ever let any kind of harm to befall on Mujika, especially not from some Lambda kids.
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I like how Don says this while only holding a compass and not a map of any sort since we learned in ch99 that both he & Gilda already have all the maps that were available in the shelter memorized. I dunno if the map Norman showed them both a couple chapters ago was any different from those but I wouldn't doubt they could've memorized that one just as efficiently.
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The way Hayato is walking so calmly into danger combined with Ayshe sorta allowing it for a moment despite the warning from her dogs and her own senses is absolutely sending me.
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Emma's influence is so strong and the disadvantages Don gave about using their guns are completely valid too.
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I love how Gilda is all chill with Hayato but turns completely serious towards Don not even a second later so they can discuss their findings. Give the boy a moment to enjoy his snack!
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It took me a fairly long time to even notice that Ayshe was actually standing behind Gilda in this first panel. It's subtle with how the speech bubble covers her but it's great. More importantly, this moment between them gave me such whiplash the first time; to finding out that Ayshe does speak and understand their language, to the sheer amount of pressure she's exerting on the duo, forcing them to choose their next move carefully because who knows what she'll do if they answer incorrectly. Such a suspenseful reveal but it works so well! If you're gonna have a quite character, then you bet the first time they speaks has gotta be memorable, not only with what they say but also how and when!
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Favorite panel/moment:
It's sweet that Don makes an attempt, but it's beyond hilarious how quickly it falls apart. You get an A for effort, honey.
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IT IS SHE!! Just everything about her I love to death. Damn it, she's so amazing. One of my favorite panels of Ayshe for sure.
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Five TPN characters besides the trio you love and one reason why you love them (or more if you want lol)
okay this isnt in order but theyre still gonna be in a list
Nat. he is just so. yk??? he's so flair and cool and nice😭 also the part where yuugo gives him the nickname nose and he is SO proud BKSGKDJ ALSO he would have amazing fashion i still fully think he shouldve been in that one scene w anna and gilda in the bonus chapter where they try on the clothes smh
Sonju. listen im gonna be so real. he is. quite attractive. but im also just rlly compelled to his character as a whole. i still Really need to read the side story about him and mujika
okay maybe surprising answer but ayshe's demon dad. i LOVE him i love that they found each other and he was such a sweet dad to her despite not knowing what to do at all just😭😭😭😭😭🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
YUUGO. he makes me soooo profoundly sad but like. i just adore characters like him that drown in their depression and also the found family trope????? i was b a w l i n g the last time i read through the GP arc and B06-32 attack he's just so scrunkly and sooo traumatized🤍
yvette!!! shes just sooo sweet and her hair is so cute😭😭😭😭 every time she comes up in the manga im like. HELLO BABIE💕💞💕❣️💗💖❤️‍🔥💓💞💗💝❣️💘💞❣️❤️‍🔥💘💖💝
sheri!!! shes just so sweet the scene where she cried abt norman getting adopted even tho she didnt Know😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
lanni and thoma. they come as a package deal bc their friendship just makes me weeppppp😭💗💗💗
christy!! he is SO cute oh my godddd. he and yvette give me such baby fever i would do anything for them<3 ALSO THE TOO BIG SHIRT AT THE SHELTER THAT NEVER GOT HEMMED RIGHT😭😭😭😭😭he's so precious
leuvis. he's just so. he is suchhhh a cool villian ohmigodddd
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phantomknights · 1 year
4, 11, 29, but only however many you want to. At least this isn't a gushy ask, right, so there's no need for whale songs and rope, right?
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
ok i answered this one already earlier but i just thought of another. YUUGO'S BITCH ASS HAIR it's not even that complicated i have a perfect picture of how it looks in my head but my hands. they will not obey me. sigh
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
sometimes i have a single song on loop sometimes i have letsplays or something in the background but i dont really like. Seek Out music its usually just whatevr i already have going when i decide im gonna draw
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
wings of fire u_u
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goldiipond · 10 months
have you read any tpn fics? if so, would you recommend any?
OOHH so my answer to this miight be a little disappointing but unfortunately i have not done that much digging for tpn fics like. at all </3 a pretty huge chunk of tpn fics are ship fics and i. do not like any popular ships enough to read fic about them, but i would like to dig through gen fics at some point <3
HOWEVER i did come across a ray and yuugo fic on here a while back that made me sooo ill. the author (@/crowchelmist btw) writes their dynamic really really well. read it <3
and also since i just established myself as the guy who doesn't read ship fics i will now proceed to promote my wonderful friend ruby @/sepiamestus' raydon fic becuase the way they write ray makes me want to eat rocks. i love you
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1000sunnygo · 1 year
Hello! Its me, shobi! I was wondering on what your thoughts are on what if sister krone were to escape with the children? Would she and yuugo get along? would she survive getting chased by demons with the GF kids? Would she stay with don and gilda or go with emma and ray incase yuugo plans to kill them? How would she react if she found out that norman is alive and wants to genocide? Would she agree with ray and emma about their plan to not kill demons? would she trust and get along with sonju and musika? If they ever return to the farms, how would she react when she found out that isabella became a grandma instead of getting eaten by demons? I have so many questions. I'm sure having her around be a great benefit for the kids. I miss her sm. I wish she had more screentime. I get that she was a huge help when she gave the pen to the kids but still. I want an AU where she lives. OHH AND ANOTHER QUESTION! If you were given a chance to change sister krone's design to make her a great representative of black people, what would it be? What would it look like? sorry for disturbing you and if theres any grammatical errors. I would love to hear your thoughts and don't hesitate to ramble about it. Again, I would love to hear anything you want to say.
Sorry for the delay 😭 got a one piece brain bug so I decided to give this ask some time.
Initial hostility aside (with Krone around they may knock him out as soon as he brings out the gun lol), I think Krone would get along fine with Yugo. It would be Krone's first time interacting with an adult man, right?
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Don't blame my mind for going places 🌚
As for whether she goes with ER or stays in Bunker, I think she stays. She would agree with Norman but then support Emma like GP gang. Overall, the story would proceed just as it did, maybe smoother. Hope she survives Andrew
It's a good food for thought, leaving it here for anyone who wants to add more!
Since you brought up Krone's design, I remember recently rereading an interview where Shirai and Posu talked about her design. It's an extra info but I'd add it here in this opportunity.
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^ francetvinfo interview (2018), Shirai says he came up with Krone's design with Posuka.
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(upper two are Shirai's drawing, bottom one is Posuka's)
Posuka's inspirations for her style of drawing Krone (and others) was Rembrandt's arts, some video games and Little Prince's illustration book (snippet from the aforementioned interview):
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Frankly speaking, I feel that the answers aren't on the same wavelength as the questions, that speaks something for itself :re Shirai and Posuka's awareness on the matter.
And to answer your question. I'm afraid I might not be able to provide a good insight to it based on my insufficient knowledge from news outlets and social media :re this matter. I'd like to hear your own thoughts though :)
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tsukasageorge · 2 years
im not scared by your threat so go ahead with the long answer 😌 (if you want alskd)
omg fr???? love u forever miki thank you for giving me this opportunity (now watch me forget all the other characters i like)
ranked by character category 4 funsies
kel & aubrey - omori
kashima yuu - gsnk
akarsha - butterfly soup
i feel like there are more who should go in this category. hm (its ging /hj)
yor forger - sxf
kyoko sakura - pmmm
mazikeen - lucifer
morgiana - magi
benedict blue - violet evergarden (source: trust me)
hornet - hollow knight
maka - soul eater
min-seo - butterfly soup
ran & sara - case closed
yuugo - the promised neverland ('he's gay pathetic to me' - guy who has not read the source material in forever)
mitsuba sousuke & kou minamoto - jshk
gozumaru - nurarihyon no mago (blorbo in law)
sugihara kei - yakuza's guide to babysitting
crona & death the kid - soul eater
shun kaido & kusuke saiki - saiki k
joe tazuna - your turn to die
periwinkle - starry flowers
mikoshiba - gsnk
dr doofenshmirtz - phineas and ferb
double trouble - she ra
OTHER (it can be argued that all of these characters are gay, but they don't quite fit silly/pathetic criteria):
nicki/charlotte and harriet/elena - greetings from witness protection!
pastille - starry flowers & syrup and the ultimate sweet (partially bc i haven't put anyone else in this category yet)
ouni - children of the whales
hanako - jshk
sayaka miki - pmmm
loid forger/twilight - sxf (edward cullen..... 😔 😔 😔)
canary & senritsu - hxh
luculia & violet & um. leo or something??? the guy who translates the book about the comet he's got longer hair - violet evergarden
neferpitou - hxh (just because they are more silly destructive than silly pathetic)
if im putting hk characters in here then myla & the stag - hk
killua zoldyck - hxh (would have been in the 'blue hair & pronouns' and 'sad. soooo sad' categories if i had them)
if this is turning into a tierlist no it isn't shhh. mermista and entrapta - she ra
alluka & kalluto zoldyck - hxh
gin ibushi & kanna kizuchi - your turn to die
yaeka sakuragi - yakuza's guide to babysitting
conan - case closed
anya & damian & becky - sxf
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jinjojess · 2 years
Hello!!! I think you don't do this anymore but I'll ask just in case: if you had to come up with a japanese first name containing themes like "Heart" and "Freedom/wind/sky" what would you think would be good? I have no idea how Japanese works with names and the whole "oh this character means this/is used for this word" so pretty please help a girl out 🙏
Hi! I don't mind doing name generation from time to time still, I just don't always have time to answer asks, haha.
Assuming you want a girl's name, you could do Fuuko as 風心 (wind heart) or Yuuko as 由心 (free heart), which would be a common name with an uncommon kanji combination. If you wanted to be less realistic but more distinctive, you could do Kozora as 心空 (heart sky) or something. Not a real name, but kinda sounds like one.
For a boy's name, it's trickier, but you could possibly do Yuugo as 由心 (freedom heart). It'd be very uncommon and people would have to ask how to read it, but a legit name with kanji you're allowed to use!
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introverted-ghost · 2 years
Top 5 devastating tragic deaths of fictional characters and top 5 animals you'd like to hug
Gosh if you asked me this like 6months ago I would’ve had shit ton of answers but let’s try, in no particular order
1. Def Yuugo from the promised neverland (actually couldn’t do anything for like two hours afterwards I was so upset)
2. Caleb wittebane from the owl house (does this even count? Probably not)
3. OH ZANE FROM NINJAGO (he came back like 2mins later but when I was young I would cry every time)
4. Deet from dark crystal: age of resistance (didn’t technically die if I remember correctly but still hurt like balls)
5. Tim stoker from the Magnus archives (really debated putting Marcy here but in the end they aren’t dead that long so Tim gets the spot)
Ok I assume you mean animals I’d like to hug but can’t so yeah (once again no order)
1. Any kind of bear really (no further note)
2. Megalodon (extinct and would eat me no hesitation but I think it’d be cool)
3. Alligator (they can literally stand up to give me a hug, wouldn’t that be convenient)
4. Brachiosaurus (one of my favourite dinos and also I could hug their neck and we could go places)
5. Great devourer (there’s no way this one counts it’s not even a real animal but 7yo me instantly wanted to hug it when I saw it so…)
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pinkprimrose05 · 2 years
hehe Yuya for the character ask game :)
also maybe Yuzu or Ruri if you want!
Warning: Long Post, may contain spoilers.
First things first: My friend, I'm really sorry for how late this answer is. School just came back and wrecked my schedule with a sledgehammer, so it's kinda hard to sit down and properly talk about characters these days. Unfortunately, that means I'm not sure if I can do Yuzu, but Ruri has been done in answer to another ask that you'll find by clicking the "character breakdown tag".
With that being said... let's talk about the disaster tomato child!
1) What I think of this character:
It's kinda hard to be coherent about this, but I'll try to put it simply: Yuuya is my blorbiest blorbo ever, among all faves I have, across all fandoms I'm in. He's a pure beam of sunshine, a soft blanket of comfort, a cute ball of enthusiasm and flair that is never boring to watch, and a joy to see and hear on screen at all times. Also relatable on a spiritual, personal level. Also perfect headcanon material. Also adorable design and an actually cool aesthetic with the S2 riding suit. Also might have been my first fiction crush, but I never really stopped to verify that when I was like, twelve.
2) My romantic ships for them:
Yuzu! I'm a classic vanilla when it comes to romantic ships, and they have undeniable chemistry even if you ignore the "childhood besties" cliché. They're just so adorable together, and I'm glad the writers managed to make their main ship actually convincing, because the track record is all around terrible (aside from Faithshipping, that is).
3) Platonic OTP:
Oh come on, this is Yuuya we're talking about. Half of his canon platonic ships can and do count as OTP for me, and that extends to other potential friendships. All of that includes, but is not limited to: Yuugo, Yuuto, Yuuri, Serena, Sawatari, Sora, Shun, Jack- hell, he would've been good friends with even Zarc if given the chance. I'm not even going into crossovers with other series (though I would like to give a shoutout to Juudai, because he and Yuuya just have. so many things to bond over. It's a little uncanny in retrospect, but it won't stop me from seeing them as the bestiest of besties among the protagonists).
4) Unpopular Opinion Corner:
It's not as controversial around here as it is on other spheres of social media, but despite my misgivings about the way the Smile philosophy was used in the Xyz arc and the early half of Fusion, I actually like Yuuya's character arc more than most.
This kid had locked himself behind a smile and a chuckle for three whole years, following his father's footsteps all the way along, without any sense of signature or independence to call his own. Even after acquiring Pendulum and becoming the pioneer of a new form of entertainment, Yuuya still struggles to balance his father's ideals and his own original flair, but it doesn't stop him from trying to reach for that which lies beyond the Pendulum (pun wholly intended :D), and eventually, through many trials and tribulations, he makes it. He makes it when he realizes that Pendulum and its evolution is his specialty, that it's fine -good, even- to share it with everyone else, that it's still unique to him in that he's the reason it exists at all, that it's the brand of his style and his Entertainment Dueling, and that he can use it to spread and share joy his own way. Because sometimes a smile is not enough to fix one's life, but it's a start that opens the path for you to go forward and find what you seek.
This is why the Friendship Cup finalé was the peak of Yuuya's development, and why most of S3 feels like such a drop in said development, when it simply focuses on other aspects of his outlook that he needed to address (like the tendency to trust and forgive anyone, even in the middle of a warzone). Sure, it does relegate Yuuya's sense of identity to smile propaganda for the stretch of an arc and a half, and sure, that was rather painful to watch, but it doesn't negate the improvement that already happened; just goes back on it on a few occasions, as is the natural human response of returning to comfort in the face of great adversity. And to be fair to the back half of the season, well, one can't exactly keep their cool with YuGiOh's closest equivalent to the devil telling them to commit atrocities... in an environment that very much deserves all atrocities coming its way.
5) Something I wish would happen to them:
SOMEONE TAKE THIS BOY TO THERAPY, HOLY SHIT. The writers really said "let's see how many ways there are to fuck with our protagonist" and just- threw their all at Yuuya, no holds barred. He needs a bonus episode(s) where he gets to catch a break for once in frankly too long, maybe sort out these old and new issues he needs to tackle, possibly go out with Yuzu and Sora to get icecream and just do mundane kid things... you know, just give the guy a moment to breathe, unwind, and prepare for what's next. He deserves it. Really. I would like to personally give him a break.
*snatches Yuuya to gently pat his head and hand him a strawberry candy*
Dear Lord, I really do love my tomato boi.
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omarwolaeth · 25 days
Hearing some thoughts on Rin's lines about Clear Wing.
I don't disagree that it feels off-putting or wrong (whichever you prefer to describe it as), but I imagine her reasoning doesn't necessarily boil down to seeing herself as above Yuugo (though it's very possible it partially is; they both lived in a dog eat dog world - the City - and they're commons to boot - so they're fighting one another to duel Jack up until she's kidnapped, even if Yuugo says they were going to do it together), as much as it boils down to her being the responsible one.
Yuugo really isn't, so it might possibly be that, given how dependable of a monster Clear Wing (and Crystal Wing) are, Rin thinks her burn deck is a better fit for such a monster than Yuugo's luck based deck. The answer to this is obviously no as soon as anything to do with Zarc or Ray comes into the picture (Clear Wing and Yuugo are both cut from the same quarter of the Supreme King Dragon, even if it was by En Winds.)
Or, Rin is probably jealous she doesn't have effect negation in her monsters, and is bullying Yuugo about it because she's seemingly never really dealt with her frustrations in any other way (because Yuugo's always there.) Or maybe because Clear Wing is a unique card and Rin wants a copy too.
Alternatively, this is somehow the same thing as Yuuri's sadistic streak; a hold over from their Original self, and Ray decided Clear Wing should've been one of her monsters. As if Zarc would lose one of his dragons without a fight, though.
(Additional note I think is important but couldn't figure out where to put it in; Rin's defeat line in the overworld implies to me that Yuugo expects her to win her matches, like it shouldn't be hard for her. Yuugo's never gotten angry at her even if she's gotten angry at him multiple times and she's probably afraid of what he'd think - either this hasn't happened and she's worried all his frustrations with her would ungracefully tumble out, only putting up with her because she wins and can get food on their table even if we know that wouldn't happen - he loves her so much he'll ramble about her to anyone given half a chance, or it has happened before and Rin doesn't want to experience that sort of thing again, as though it would embarrass her.) (So her self esteem is either rock bottom when it comes to losing. or she's got too much pride to admit any of her losses to the one person who adores her)
#marwospeaking#The City done fucked up these two kids. they gotta win or they're considered nothing more than dirt at the bottom of the slums#Not excusing her at all on this though. it really is rude of her. but it does present an opportunity to explore what's going on in her head#You know its bad when. out of the two responsible ones. Yuuto is somehow the less mean one. Rin what the hell#It's also possible these are things she'd never actually say in front of Yuugo. but DL doesn't have that so she says these words anyway#(she might not have ever wanted to voice that opinion either. but DL has her do so anyway)#I wonder how Clear Wing feels on this; She is more than dependable in getting a 7 out. designed to do that even#(which makes me think that Ray wanted to get a hold of Clear Wing - none of the others can intertwine their decks so easily..#.. so what reason/s could there be for that? other than it's the easy option for a character who only physically shows up in the last..#.. stretch of Arc V.)#But as There For Yuugo as Rin can/could be. she's still a part of Ray in the end. and Clear Wing is still scared of Ray from the last time.#I am willing to give DL the benefit of the doubt that Rin's feelings might be made clearer. and that this is just misdirection by omission#but this event also has Ruri to contend with. so I can only get so optimistic about Rin's character exploration here#on an unrelated but related note. Rin *please* just let Yuugo hug you. even just once. He missed you more than he'd miss anything else#Seeing him get nothing but kneed in the gut for wanting to hug Rin makes me more and more sad for his situation
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 112
Chapter 112: “Mourning”
The children may not score any kills against other humans, but Oliver is the only one to shoot directly at them, which is impressive, in a weird kinda way. Dunno how to explain it really but just thinking about how all the moms & sisters during the GF raid are armed with weapons and not one of them fires off a shot at the kids, Ratris or Peter. The anime did have one of the ladies give Barbara a warning shot and Isabella fired one in Peter’s general direction towards the disc he was holding, but no actual damage was done. Up to this moment, the closest thing our side has done to harm someone else with a gun is when Yuugo’s bullet grazed Emma’s cheek.
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For never shooting at another human before, Oliver’s precision was on point with those three shots. Yuugo & Lucas taught him well.
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I noticed this while doing that bday gift for Zack, but he’s randomly given black pants in this panel and only this panel instead of his usual white. (at least for now. he gets them eventually during the previously mentioned raid if memory serves correct.)
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I guess I gotta thank the wild demon for coming in outta nowhere for not only taking out this bastard and sparing Dominic another stomp on his already busted leg, but also saving Ray from more guilt as he was just seconds away from pulling the trigger on Andrew.
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We’re crying too honey and we didn’t even get to properly see them in the anime. Probably would’ve sobbed just as hard had this scene (and all previous ones from the ambush) were animated though.
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Not too surprised we don’t see Ray take a moment to cry out like so many of the other kids. I mean, he might’ve, but there’s just no panel of him doing so. He’s already so numb from seeing so many GF children walk to their death anyways and he assumed the bunker dads were gonna sacrifice themselves when they all left the shelter to begin with. He’s a bit preoccupied on taking out the “owl” too.
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Hey, be thankful you realized y’all were being followed at all. Better late than never.
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I love that she’s being honest with her answer. She may be upset/angry that there’s nowhere safe for them in this world, but becomes that hopeful beacon of light seconds later and really tries to radiate that positive kind of energy to pick up everyone else’s spirits.
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Not sounding mighty confident there, Vincent.
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Favorite panel/moment:
I also wish to be hugged by Paula. It’s precious how often we see her calm down the GP kids this way too. She’s gotta be the best older sister to them.
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And Ray just looks so grown up here and in a few other panels in this chapter as well. Once again love that no one objects when he’s giving orders.
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arpeggiiosm · 3 months
♔ — Does your muse believe people are innately good or innately bad? Why do they believe this? (Kanako!) ♖ — Do people, in your muse’s opinion, ever really change? Do they believe themselves to be capable of changing? (Kiko!) ♕ — What does leading a ‘good’ life mean to your muse? Are they satisfied with the choices they make? (Yuugo!)
For Kanako! Because Kiko raised her and raised her well, she truly believes that everyone under the sun is good, had Kiko not been the one in the orphanage to raise her? It probably would be a different answer.
For Kiko! It’s hard to say really, she wants to believe that people can change, but at the same time with how she grew up she saw a lot of bad and doesn’t know if it’s truly possible… someone needs to show her that change is possible. As for herself, she knows that she can change, but she has a hard time getting herself to if that makes sense? She’s afraid of change.
For Yuugo! Leading a good life would be getting to do all he wants to do, ideally getting Kiko to remember him, making good choices, etc. He’s satisfied with where his choices have gotten him to, and with all of them that he’s been making since… except for not jogging Kiko’s memory, but we won’t get into that here
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silvormoon · 1 year
C, Q, R.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
I had to think about this one for a while because there are a lot of ways I could answer it, but right now I'm feeling Yuuri/Selena from Arc-V. I mean... I get the impression that they've barely exchanged a dozen words and that they don't even like each other. People just kind of shove 'em together because the other pairs all like each other and they're what's left over, but I can't see any grounds for them actually caring about each other.
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
When I first started watching Boueibu, I was pretty well sold on EnAtsu (you can see it in some of my earlier fics). These days I'm way more committed to KinAtsu and really don't care for the other ship anymore.
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
Somewhere along the line, I conceived of the idea of shipping Yuugo with Sawatari Shingo. I can't recall if they ever even talked to each other in canon, but the dynamic of the spoiled rich boy who's always had everything material he wants but never had any close connections, and the poor kid from the slums who nevertheless has always had love and friendship, strikes me as a fun thing to play with.
(Ask me a question if you like!)
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