#🙼🙼 ic; yugo
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geekgirles · 9 months ago
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I deeply respect the fact that the Ankama crew saw how only Amalia was going to get a redesign during the OVAs and not only did they give her a look that slaps, but they actually went the extra mile and gave her three different outfits. God bless.
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anthurak · 2 months ago
Okay here’s a fun bit of off-the-cuff, unhinged rambling:
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So I’ve been playing some Yugioh Duel Links lately, specifically the current Arc-V event focused on Rin and Lulu. And I noticed that Rin has some rather interesting dialogue when summoning both Clear Wing and Crystal Wing Synchro Dragons (for context, the ace-monsters of one of Arc-V’s Shonen-Protags; Yugo. For whom Rin is the plot-designated love-interest).
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Stuff like; "I know you'd rather fight by my side than with Yugo!” for Clear Wing Dragon and “A monster this awesome is wasted on Yugo!” for Crystal Wing Dragon.
And not only is it rather interesting and frankly fun for a designated-shonen love-interest to be making comments like that, but she’s also not exactly wrong either…
For one, mechanically-speaking the Clear Wing dragons slot EXTREMELY well into Rin’s Windwitch archetype, which is very effective at getting out Level 7/8+ WIND Synchro monsters. To the point of even being a bit better at it, or at least a bit more reliable/consistent, than Yugo’s own Speedroid archetype.
And aesthetics-wise, the Windwitch’s whole motif is that of Icy Wind. And well…
Clear Wing Dragon, Crystal Wing Dragon, Crystal Clear Wing Dragon…
Sounds like something what would go quite well with an ICE motif, no? Certainly just as well as the ‘speed’ motif of Yugo’s Speedroids. Heck, those crystals on Crystal Wing Dragon look quite a bit like ice crystals, don’t they?
So! With all that in mind, combined with both the fact that Rin frankly deserves another badass ace monster after all the disrespectful shit her series put her through AND how the idea of a designated shonen love-interest making off with the protag’s best cards and possibly even making better use of them is frankly EXTREMELY FUN…
Yeah as far as I’m concerned, Clear Wing Synchro Dragon is Rin’s monster now whenever I play Duel Links and will have a permanent place in all of her decks.
And heck, while we’re at it let’s take this idea of Rin using Clear Wing Dragon a bit further and envision the story potential of this.
Consider if you will: An alternate version of Arc-V where Yugo is the one who gets damsel’ed and/or fridged, and RIN comes into possession of Clear Wing Synchro Dragon. To the point of even eventually becoming/revealed to be that dragon’s TRUE partner.
Sounds ludicrous, right? After all, Rin is one of the fragments/incarnations of Ray Akaba, who is basically the nemesis of the four Dimension Dragons.
But consider also: This would have made for a way more INTERESTING STORY for Arc-V!
Imagine a version of Arc-V where multiple character, mostly villains/antagonists, spend the show hyping up how the four Yu-boys are ‘destined’ to become one and recreate the terrible Zarc, and that the four bracelet girls are likewise ‘destined’ to become one and recreate Ray in order to stop him.
Only for multiple characters and events across the show to subvert and DEFY this so-called ‘destiny’.
Like say, some of both the ‘Zarc’ and ‘Ray’ fragments rejecting merging together on such a fundamental level that they CANNOT merge like what we saw in the anime?
Or one of the Yu-boys learning a summoning method that perhaps Zarc himself originally rejected? As in, RITUAL summoning.
Or one of Ray’s incarnations defying all conventional expectations and actually bonding with one of Zarc’s Dimensional Dragons, to the point of said dragon rejecting Zarc himself.
I don’t know about you, but that sounds WAY more interesting.
Also, because Clear Wing Dragon seems to be a girl dragon, I am definitely shipping her with Rin for the sake of underappreciated Yugioh yuri*. Heck, it’s a fragment of Ray in love with one of Zarc’s dragons so it’s basically an ‘enemies-to-lovers via reincarnation’ thing XD
*NO, not the smug Melvin-wannabe who SHOULD have gotten his ass kicked by Alexis Rhodes.
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djgreenery · 4 months ago
had a dream that the face-with-two-eyeballs god you can see in the key art was in fact a fully fledged humanoid god known as "the freeze." unfortunately i lack the artistic ability to convey the freeze to you all, but if the freeze ends up being even remotely accurate i shall swear fealty to them until the end of my days
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cocogum · 1 year ago
So today i took a cup of beer and a slice of cake and mixed the two together.
Guess what the hell I’ve been thinking about for the past hour.
Which is the ship name for Yugo x Amalia x Harebourg.
Is this the most random wakfu ship I came up with? Probably not.
Is it a weird fact that not a lot of people have heard about it? Most definitely.
Do I already have an AU where the eliatrope and count hate each other but have to shove their differences aside in order to be together with Amalia? ….maybe.
Do I think a crazed xelor who hides his real personality behind a polite and composed facade, and a depressed older primordial eliatrope would try to kill each other during the whole thing? absolutely.
The idea is haunting me and is not leaving 😀
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hi-speedroids · 5 months ago
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Ice cream :b
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chibi-taylormoon · 2 years ago
Yugo: you can't hide anything from me Yuto!!!!! we share memories and thoughts, I know how much you love Ruri. You're such a romantic, thinking about all the times you wanted to kiss-
Yuto: *who is blushing profusely and his hands are balled into fists* I swear if you don't shut up in gonna punch you
Yugo: Aw c'mon man, don't be like that! I know how you feel...Rin makes me feel the same way y'know.
Yuto: I know, like you said...we share memories now. You're such an idiot though, you should have more tact and common sense around girls, especially the ones you like
Yugo: >:( shut up
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heroesxdemons · 1 year ago
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...He's just going to stare at his teacher in astonishment.
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apple-----pie · 6 months ago
I wonder... How did The OVAs go exactly??
Hello! Sorry for the… VERY long answer😢👉👈
Well… they were very similar to canon, with some small differences. So I'll go over the main differences. First, Otomai is dead. His consciousness was transferred into the robot he created.
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Frigost is one of the few places where the remnants of the old world remain (such places also include the Sadida Kingdom, the Huppermage Enclave, Albuera). Count Harebourg not only offered to help with the flood, but also offered to unite to "restore the old world". For Yugo, this was hard news. Because he was fully aware that he loved Amalia. Yugo wanted to confess his feelings for a long time, but two things always scared him. First of all, he was afraid of losing Amalia. She does not live as long as Yugo. And her death from old age scared him. Secondly, despite his status as the king of the eliatropes and his help in the fight against Nox, he was still the same "savage" for the inhabitants of the Sadida Kingdom. He did not want to undermine Amalia's reputation in the eyes of her subjects.
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When the Brotherhood crossed the ice bridge, Harebourg did not help them, causing them to fall into deep ice caves. There they found a couple of dead mechasms frozen in ice. At the sight of them, Yugo had a bit of a panic attack. But the Brotherhood helped him calm down quickly enough. These mechasms would later play an important role in the plot. In Harebourg's castle, Yugo constantly said not very positive words towards Harebourg (and this included… a lot of swearing). Grougal and Chibi also went on an adventure, but unlike Flopin and Elely, they turned out to be more obedient and didn't go to save their parents.
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After the battle with Harebourg, Amalia shot him. Harebourg himself pointed the gun that Amalia was carrying with her at his forehead. As soon as Dally learned that he was a god, he had a panic attack. The thing is, in this AU, the iops are almost extinct (this happened mainly due to Brakmar). When Dally was told that he was a god, he realized that instead of helping the Iops, he enjoyed life and ran away from his duties. He also realized something else about the event that happened after the second season… Since Kerub and Atcham are young and strong, they had a fairly equal battle in the Ecaflip dimension.
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But Percimol did not participate in the battle, since in the AU, all representatives of this people went crazy, starting to behave like ghouls. Adamai also met Echo, but he attacked her first. He didn't listen to her words, but listened to Otomai, who confirmed that dofus could lead to the destruction of an already destroyed world. When Yugo and Adamai started fighting over a dofus, they injured each other. Adamai was left with a scar on his shoulder and a torn ear due to Yugo's laser. For Adamai, Yugo's betrayal was the last straw. He literally lost hope and faith in trusting anyone in this world (and this will drive him crazy in the future). He always felt like a "second brother" and less important to Yugo compared to Dally. Because of this, he will try to kill Percedal in season 3. One time, Brakmar tried to kill Ogrest with a radioactive explosion. However, Ogrest did not die, but became a ghoul. He is stronger, bigger, and more dangerous.
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Despite the radiation, the dragons that also became ghouls became intelligent ghouls. This is a certain feature - all dragons retain their minds when they become ghouls (for example, Phaeris was also a ghoul) When Ogrest's dofus were taken away, the robot into which Otomai's consciousness was transferred was broken. And Ogrest-ghoul was shot by Yugo. Well, and the most important difference is that when Echo invited Adamai to come with her, he refused, because he could not trust anyone else. He flew away, left completely alone
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kerubimcrepin · 7 months ago
Wakfu OVA - Book 1, The Throne of Ice [PART 2]
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Ankama is soooo good at writing manipulative characters 😑 and writing in general.
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Except it's not her call what Yugo does with the Dofus of his people for someone who just insulted him, and Harebourg is clearly breaching their deal?
Anyway later in the OVA she says exactly what I just said, for some reason. As if the writers forgot they made her completely disregard Yugo's wishes at this moment. Incredible. 😀
(God I fucking hate this OVA's entire Frigost part.)
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I really do wonder, what the plot of Welsh & Shedar is, for it to concern the Winds Kingdom and Sipho, as was recently revealed...
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HUMMINA HUMMINA AWOOGA WOOF WOOF. GRRRR. Thank you for the meal, Sipho. You're the only one making this OVA bearable.
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God I hate the OVA for lobotomizing her. I hate the simple villainy-for-the-sake-of-villainy. Does Tot think Amalia is stupid? Does he think we are stupid? Is this a normal way to write a show? I think I hate the concept of watching shows now.
Season 3 will be like eating nails.
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"Yeah man, just let me try and kill two innocent kids for no fucking reason in front of armed people who will kill me immediately afterwards, and yeah it's in no way benefitting my goals or the goal of my master. surely this will end well for me when i'm done and either have to fight these people or face my master and his wife."
Ankama has become more feminist now: they have decided to write male characters with the same amount of not caring.
Anyway, I don't have anything to say about Yugo and Amalia and Harebourg and the "interrupted wedding" scene, because this is actually braindead and I am sad to be rewatching this.
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This is so unserious.
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Thank you Sipho... For the meal...
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fluffalpenguin · 10 months ago
Arc-V 10th Anniversary Cafe (April 2024)
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Why can i only upload 10 images per post on the app sigh
I went twice, because the menu changed halfway!
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Actually it was prohibited to take photos of the projector screen for some reason (I don't get it, because it's the same art on the merch) but ummmm let's just keep it between ourselves okay
My first visit was near the end of the first menu, so seats were readily available! (We don't talk about when I was like oh maybe I'll go today- oh fuck what do you mean there's no more slots oops guess ill go tomorrow)
When I went in at 6.30pm it was pretty empty, and since I was first in the queue I got to choose where I wanted to sit! And of course I made a beeline to...
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While waiting for my food, of course I had to hit up the gacha (do not recommend, highly do NOT recommend) They had a bunch (think like 50-100 of those blind packs all stuffed into a basket and you do choose it yourself, but.....
You can only buy a maximum of 10 per type, and I was mainly looking for just the pawnies, though I was also looking for some of the others for friends...............
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... I love Running Reiji because he's a reference to the manga, which I love dearly, but holy hell after his 3rd appearance I was feeling. something. The way I spent $[redacted] on these and I got only 1 out of the 4 I wanted (also how cruel is it that I got everyone in Group B except for hayaku yuri, damn
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Halfway through the packs the Reiji drink (an iced sweet potato milk drink) i ordered arrived! and it came with a random novelty item like every item on the menu (Why is everything in Japan gacha. Just kidding I know the answer its the goddamn c word) and I got Reira! Very happy because she's one of my faves and she is so mega cute here
Anyway food's here!
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The amount of pasta looks little because i only remembered to take a photo midway (was too depressed over my pulls when I started eating)
I was STILL unboxing the blind packs when it arrived and when I say do not gacha it's because the number of repeats was already getting to me and by the time I finally got around to my pasta it was already lukewarm...
It was alright, it was just a cream pasta (I think I was supposed to pour the lemon juice onto it maybe?)
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Me when I consume lemons me too yugo so true
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At the end you get to choose (yes CHOOSE and not gacha holy shit) a bromide of your own choosing for every 5,000 yen you spent (I guess that's why, because at that point you've already given them so much money the least they could do is to let you choose the little png to take home) took multiple of the yus so I can send them to friends!
Part 2 after I see if the airport gift shop has chiikawas...
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moths-are-better · 11 months ago
one time I stockpiled a whole bunch of incorrect quotes and I think I should finally post them
Eva: Why are you on fire?  Dally: This is just how my day is going.
Eva: We have to plan, we have to figure something out.  Yugo: Eva, when have any of our plans ever actually worked? We plan, we get there, all hell breaks loose.
Eva: How the hell are you still alive?  Ruel: Honestly, I’m just as confused as you are.
Adamai : Don’t weep for the stupid. You’ll be crying all day.
Adamai : What goes up but never comes down?  Eva: The amount of stress you're bringing this family.
Yugo, writing in their diary with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There's blood on my hands.
Yugo: Is that a gun?!  Amalia : It's not what it looks like!  Yugo: It looks like a gun!  Amalia : Okay, maybe it is what it looks like, but in my defense, it doesn't have anymore bullets, so I technically can't shoot it anymore.  Yugo: ...ANYMORE?!
Adamai , singing: He's making a list, checking it twice, gonna find out who's on thin fucking ice  Amalia , also singing: Santa Claus is calling you out!
Adamai : Can I borrow five dollars?  Yugo: If you’re only borrowing it, does that mean you’ll pay me back?  Adamai : Of course.  Adamai : Not directly, but with my love and affection.  Yugo: So that’s a no.
Adamai : STOP!  *Everyone stops*  Adamai : wAiT a MiNuTe-
Cop: What are your names?  Yugo: Don't tell them, Amalia .  Cop, writing: Amalia ...  Yugo: Crap.  Amalia : Nice going, Yugo.  Cop: Amalia : Uh oh.
Adamai : That's it, I'm cutting off the internet!  Yugo: No, please don't! I have a family to feed!  Adamai : Adamai : What?  Yugo: I need to feed my Neopets!
Ruel: You know, I used to play back in my gory days.  Dally: You mean glory days?  Ruel: Ah, that too.
Yugo: .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- [translation: I’M SORRY] Amaila: What's that? Yugo: Remorse code. Amaila: I'm even angrier now.
Yugo: Amaila and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's-  Amaila: Sentences.  Yugo: Don't interrupt me.
Yugo: What’s up guys? I’m back. Amaila: What the- you can’t be here. You’re dead. I literally saw you die. Yugo: Death is a social construct.
Amalia : You're violent.  Yugo: Yeah but I'm also short and that's adorable.
Yugo: Amalia and I are no longer dating.  Amalia : Yugo, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
Yugo: If there's going to be a big dramatic scene, wait until I get back. Amaila: Of course. I can't flip this table by myself.
Yugo: How petty can you get? Amaila: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
Chibi: You need a hobby.  Yugo: I have a hobby!  Chibi: Hitting Quilby isn't a hobby.
Eva: Guys, I’ve been meaning to tell you… Dally and I are dating.  Dally, Adamai, Amalia , and Yugo: *gasp*  Eva: Dally, why are you surprised?!
Amalia : Dally! For the love of god, please turn down that music. I have a hangover.  Dally: *blasting the mii theme at full volume* That sounds like a you problem, not a mii problem.
Amalia : Dally, this morning, I called you abhorrent and reprehensible, and I’d like to withdraw that statement-  Dally: Aww, thanks-  Amalia : But I can't. Those are the 2 words that best describe you.
*Dally is fighting a monster*  Adamai: Just stay calm! You already have everything you need to beat it!  Dally: The power to believe in myself!?  Adamai: No, a knife! Stab it!
I have more so I’ll post them eventually
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bluegumballmf · 3 months ago
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Quick ivory twins headcanon edit
Ramble about their headcanons below:
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i headcanon yugo to be a lightskin (adamai is a black albino girl) and he has curly hair, but he puts it in braids/ dreads around season 3. He’s cisgender (he/they) and bisexual, as well as polyromantic . He has central heterochromia that develops once phaeris unlocks his powers in the crimson claws archipelago as a side effect of an overwhelm of wakfu, and he has a lot of freckles from being outside so often. Yugo’s allergic to lemon grass and dust, and when he gets an allergic reaction, his wings flare up, and singe his hat, which he sometimes has to repair, so he learns how to sew when young. An example of his hair styles will be below.
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(Season one and two)
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(Manga-season four part one. Chibi, grougal and alibert helped/made him the accessories)
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(Season 4 and onward)
some of yugo’s style influences are like. I dont even know how to describe them honestly, it’s a blend between casual and comfy/ fantasy and like. Formal????
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Adamai’s changes are so drastic because i want him to look more like his mom; thus he has her markings. I headcanon him as a water/ice dragon, and as a trans woman (she/he). Adamai is allergic to lemongrass as well, and she also has heterochromia, but only in her human form, in which it’s sectoral heterochromia and split between blue and brown. She’s capable of using stasis, but prefers to use wakfu or brute force, and she secretly likes baking more than cooking because yugo is more gifted in the latter. Her pigmentation changes with the environment/season she’s in, going from blonde or darker blue to silver/platinum blonde or lighter blues come winter or snow. In her human form, i headcanon her to be a black albino, and she dies the ends of her hair blue, because she thinks it’s pretty.
some examples of her hair (hair color will be separate) below
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(Season 1-2. Not dyed yet)
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(Mangas to season 4. Chibi, grougal and alibert helped her with the accessories and she switches them out sometimes with others that she’s been gifted from oropo or others.)
an alternate design for her hair is to be curly and natural but pulled into a bun, like how i normally draw her.
here’s an estimate of her hair dye color.
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Her draconic scent is that of blueberries and lemons, as well as the ocean breeze, and she loves collecting seashells, sea glass, anything like that. She’s very tropical, and dresses in a light, island-like style, which is flowy for easier movement. (Examples below)
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I dont have an isolated design for her dragon form yet, so these two (the one above and the one below) are what i have so far.
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but uh yeah yap session over can you tell which twin i like more
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cyberdragoninfinity · 23 days ago
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it turns out you CAN AU already AU'd characters but the light of heaven WILL leave you, so watch out (putting together little pokemon teams for dimensionswap dennis and yugo because theyre in my brain Really Bad rn)
DSWAP DENNIS White Kyurem - haha, white boy. Also Trishula, Brionac, Lancea, all the Ice Barrier dragons… also ironically Kyurem is probably the closest pkmn Dragon to Yugo's ace Shattered-Wing. hmm Furfrou - Poodle but make it ungroomed and built for Attacking. Hunting Dog. Cryogonal - For all his Ice Barriers/ice motif also this is just a really fucked up explicitly a predator Pokemon. this thing Eats prey. Mr. Rime - YOU CANT ESCAPE THE CLOWNS FOREVER YOUNG MAN. Compliments the Mime Jr. I gave regular Dennis, ice magician, Mercury Mirror Magician essence... also just really stupid funny 'mon to give him Chien-Pao - i think it's fun to give dswap dennis and yugo treasures of ruin <333 Chien-Pao for dennis because of ice and snow and also rampant, blistering hatred personified but dont even worry about it Nihilego - god it's hard to assign an ultra beast for him, i got so spoiled with blacephalon. nihilego is just kind of a really terrifying pick though. 'i am nothing' vs DA dehumanization... ALRIGHT !
DSWAP YUGO Silvally - Yuri has the Silvally normally, I just gotta give the fusion yuboy the fucked up chimera science experiment Legendary. He keeps it Ground type mostly I think <3 Claydol - MAN HOW DO WE NOT HAVE LIKE. *ANY* PUZZLE POKEMON claydol gonna have to do i suppose... toy made of earth and weird energy. he would love this thing Incineroar - I somehow gave dswap yugo a tiger motif I need him to have the big goofy mean tiger starter!!! Absolute competitive beast!! Over the top heel!!! Fire type the closest im gonna get to radiation burns/his radioactive motif too. Houndoom - my other hunting dog <3 Also devil imagery for the Zarc of it all. Predapuzzler Crosswarg, too. Chi-Yu - originally I gave him Ting-Lu for fusion!Yugo's Earth element association/the element of fear but Chi-Yu reflects his smaller Predapuzzlers and also radioactive fire and ALSO a 'mon associated with envy makes me a little sick in the head with him. Stakataka - hes get the Fusion kid ultra beast >:] Stakataka is Kind of a puzzle...jenga tower ass Pokemon. Rock and Steel like the earthy elements of his monsters.
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discopolice · 3 days ago
so the thing is that qilby and chibi are very much "fated lovers" in the sense of being unusually suited for each other, complementary, dual flames, etc but not "fated lovers" in the sense of a happy end. more like in the sense that they're extremely divorced but they continue to look back and think "i should call him" at inappropriate intervals. and particularly for chibi, who doesn't know why the ice is there after some while, he keeps hoping it breaks and trying to break it while qilby's like "something this good could never happen again" so they just keep going past each other like morons
and ofc, having been completely alone for 10,000 years without his sister or chibi or literally anyone, qilby stumbles out and he's met with no sister, his ex is reincarnated as a literal baby, his nemesis is there, and he's like "god I just want someone to touch me. I want someone to care about me in both the emotional and physical sense" but also "man, wouldn't it be hilarious if i fucked yugo's dad?" and so he comes on to alibert, who he can tell is gay and similarly in a dry spell (and as a bonus, he's a top). and mid-getting railed he realizes to his embarrassment that it is not a joke anymore, and actually alibert is really sweet and he missed being cared for. this is how it occurs. this is my Vision
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cocogum · 23 days ago
Why you should care for Season 5.
When Tot announced that Season 5 would be Wakfu's true finale, I saw some fans expressing that a fifth season was unnecessary and that it seemed like a way to profit more from the series.
While it may be true from a financial perspective and given that it was previously stated that the fourth season was intended to be the conclusion, it’s always possible for Tot to change his mind if he receives support and attention from new partners and regional funding. He did mention at one point that he initially wanted Wakfu to be a trilogy, and yet he eventually made a fourth season.
Some people might overlook the fact that a fifth season could resolve several lingering storylines. The World of Twelve is expansive and filled with numerous conflicts and mysteries among its characters. A fifth season with 26 episodes could be just what we need to address these unresolved issues. Additionally, it's been quite a while since we had a season with 26 episodes. The last time we experienced this was in 2011 when season 2 concluded.
And speaking of unfinished business, it seems like based on the teaser we have received today by the Ankama team, Count Harebourg will be our antagonist of the season! For those who haven't watched it yet, here's a link to it that brings you on Ankama's official insta 👇
Based on the teaser, several hints suggest that Harebourg will be the antagonist of the new season. The fact that he is in Waven assigning missions, along with the wording from the teaser video that indicate his return, both clues point towards this conclusion. Additionally, the ice-themed visuals of the teaser and the mention of Harebourg’s name in the eleventh chapter of the Great Wave further support this idea. So it is completely safe to say that Harebourg will be our antagonist for the finale and will pose a far greater threat than he did in the first episode of the OVAs released in 2014.
The fifth season will likely explain how Harebourg survived Oropo's bomb and how he came back to the World of Twelve. We will also most likely get to learn how Frigost's situation has been growing worse without him and how he will react to it once he'll reunite with his people.
And most importantly, we may get to see the Eliacube again. This artifact had completely been forgotten by the Brotherhood despite how it had played a significant role in their lives (but especially to Yugo and Adamai). I say this because when we take a look at the Season 5 kickstarter's information, we can see that the cover for the kickstarter has the Eliacube featured on it.
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Adamai had only been capable of retrieving the six dofus eliatropes in Season 4 because he was capable of sensing their energies. He wasn't, however, able to get the Eliacube because it doesn't come from eliatrope origins. Because we're now seeing the Eliacube make a sudden comeback, it's very possible that Harebourg may have been the one to have found it first before anyone else. This would explain why the Eliacube is even presented so clearly to begin with.
(Speaking of the kickstarter, if you don't know already, it will launch on February 12th and has many great rewards depending on the amount you may decide to contribute. You can find the kickstarter here 👇)
You can even find some more clues in the kickstarter cover that suggest Harebourg will be involved. For example, there's a feather that could reference the time Echo gave everyone feathers to bring them into the Inglorium, except for Harebourg. Additionally, the cover features a destroyed piece of architecture that Oropo used to create a portal to reach the realm of the gods.
Also fun fact: at the time, I didn't believe that Harebourg could have died, so I came up with a theory about how he might have escaped unnoticed (and then only recently wrote it all down). Now that he’s actually returning, I find myself believing my theory even more! If you're interested, you can check it out right here.
So here you go! If you're unsure whether Season 5 is worth it, then I hope that my reasons will make you consider seeing it.
Please keep in mind that it's perfectly okay to feel that the fifth season may not be as enjoyable as the others. If you've already made up your mind about this final season, then at least you know what to expect! However, for those who are still uncertain, I hope my reasons encourage you to keep an open mind and consider giving the season a chance.
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randomalistic · 1 year ago
I'm still so crazy about Golden Wind's soundtrack. that part has the BEST SITUATIONAL SOUNDTRACK I've ever heard in Anything. does this even make sense. LISTEN. PLEASE
This is the OST that plays during a fight scene involving a high speed car chase - the pursuer has ice powers and is ice skating after the car (lmao)
IT LITERALLY SOUNDS ICY. INTENSE HIGH TENSION ICYNESS. THIS SOUNDS COLD. 0:35 . 0:35. do you hear 0:35. listen to 0:35.
The fact you can fucking hear All of these aspects in the soundtrack through the incorporation of unique instruments/sound design in the Song Itself ..!?!??!?!!!!?? God i love Yugo Kanno
--- Some other honorable mentions:
mold - this track sounds like it's alive. like its a horrid pulsating mass. i love it so much.
mud - Specifically 20 seconds in- The musical equivalent of "there's a monster in the ground and its digging right beneath your feet"
mirror - glassy and mysterious <3
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