ravenna-reid · 8 months
Battle Scars
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Reader is from a planet of warriors. A planet where each scar is seen as honourable rather than ugly. When she accidentally sees Jason's scars, she can't help but look at them in amazement, much to Jason's surprise...
I really hope ya'll like this one...lmk!!
"Come on, lift you arms."
With an agitated sigh, Jason did as Dick asked and raised his muscled arms. Dick quickly pulled Jason's bloodied and torn shirt from his body and threw it to the floor, analysing the gash that sat across Jason's chest.
"What, did you get into a with Catwoman or something?" Tim asked, grimacing as he looked at the gruesome scene.
""I'll break your nose replacement." Venom coated his words, and Jason's expression read that he wasn't joking, so with that, Tim shook his head and left the room.
Just outside wandering the empty halls of Wayne manor was the girl Batman had found just a month prrior. Tall and toned, carved muscles on your arms and legs. A slick scar the colour of pearls ran down the side of your jaw to the top of your neck. A few more decorated your back and arms. A stern expression and soft eyes. You were a warrior from another planet Bruce had told everyone. He wasn't sure what planet though, seeming as whenever you told him the name, no records of it could be found. Not even those on the Justice League could find the unusual planet you were calling home. .
You weren't Kryptonian and you weren't an Amazon, even though your ideals and principles aligned with theirs. Nor were you a Martian, or an Atlantean or a Tamaranean. So what the hell were you?
Well, you kept telling them over and over. You were Idorian, from Idoria, but your home planet was apparently non-existent. 'A part of another timeline' was the theory.
"Non-existent as far as you're concerned." You had muttered with the roll of your eyes.
All they knew was that you'd accidentally been dragged to Earth when an incident a few months back involving portals and timelines threw you down from the sky into Bruce Wayne's garden. They also learnt that you had immense strength and durability. You could fly. You almost bested Wonder Woman in melee combat, almost. And electricity didn't affect you one bit. Other than that, you were a complete mystery.
And a certain seemingly uninterested vigilante seemed to liked that.
Tim watched as you looked out the grand windows lining the hallway, still amazed by the fact that Earth only had one sun.
A warm smile grew on his face. "Hey y/n, what are you doing?"
"Nothing much. You?"
Tim shrugged. "I was helping Dick mend Jason until I was threatened." He scoffed, trying to mask it with a bitter laugh.
A warmth grew in your cheeks at the mention of his name. Why? You had no idea.
"Why, what happened to him -?"
"Tim! You took the antiseptic with you!" Dick suddenly called out from the room, Jason's annoyed mumbles following.
Tim let out a huff, much to your confusion, "I don't wanna go back in there with that son of a bitch."
"It's alright, I can if you want." You offered, holding out your hand and questioning what a son of a bitch was. Humans were easily injured compared to your people, so it would be interesting to see the healing process.
"Are you sure?" Tim asked, his brow raising, "He can be a real ass, especially when people are trying to help him."
"Yeah, I'm sure." You replied, so Tim placed the odd looking bottle in your hands before you walked into the room.
Your footsteps echoed through the atmosphere. Instantly, Jason's eyes snapped up to meet yours, his cheeks burning a subtle red before he quickly looked away. A wince escaped him as he tried to subtly cover up his body. Too bad my shirt is on the damn floor he thought to himself. Picking up on Jason's change in demeanour, Dick turned to look at you, a charming grin appearing on his face immediately.
"Y/n! I haven't seen you in ages, how are you?" Dick had just finished pulling out the last shard of glass from Jason's slash and dropped the bloody tweezers on the tray beside him.
"I'm fine thank-you. Here is...well, this." You said, holding the bottle out to him. "Tim gave it to me."
"Thanks, y/n." He grabbed the bottle from you then looked back at the array of medical supplies sprawled across the table beside him. Hands cupped together in his lap, Jason stole glances of you here and there, glad that you were more interested in the odd looking tools Dick was focusing on rather than him.
"Shit, I just realised I forgot the stuff for the stitches," Dick turned to you and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, "I'm just gonna run and grab some things. Can you watch him for me real quick?"
"I don't need a babysitter Dick." Jason quipped, his eyes trained on his brother. Please just let her leave.
"I don't mind." You responded, and that usual glint of joy passed through Dick's eyes.
"Thanks, I'll be back in a sec."
With that, Dick left the room, leaving you two alone.
"Why did you do that?"
You looked over at Jason with a puzzled look, "What do you mean?"
"You don't have to watch me. You can go if you like." Jason swallowed hard, doing his best to act unfazed by the fact that you were standing right there.
"It's alright, I'm kind of curious to see how this all works on your planet."
His gaze averted back onto the floor, his body instinctively turned from you. You, however, were watching him. The wound had stopped bleeding, and it didn't look too deep, but it stretched across one side of his chest and onto his bicep. Looking at his arms, you couldn't help but think about how he looked like those perfect sculptures back home.
"Does it hurt?"
"No." So curt. So closed off. You were going to remain quiet until you did a double take. Silver streaks painted his chest. His abdomen and arms. There were even some on his back that caught your eye.
"Wow." The words fell from your lips, and Jason's eyes cut back to you.
"What?" He asked, meaning to sound more curious than defensive.
You walked over to where he sat, eyes trained on all of his scars. All of his accomplishments. Back at home, whenever someone attained a scar, it meant they had cheated death. They had been lucky and strong enough to survive. It was why you never hid yours. A scar is a victory. A glorious one too. And Jason had many victories.
A sickening tightening sensation began in Jason's throat as you neared, still obviously oblivious to personal space, especially Jason's. He watched as you stared at his biggest insecurities, the things that would taint his body forever and remind him of the horrors he was forced to endure. Immediately, he grew even more self-conscious. Sick. Angry.
"What the hell are you doing?" He snapped, but you ignored it.
"If the elders back home saw this, they'd call you a war hero." You let a light laugh.
His frown faltered a little, his glistening eyes watching you intensely. It was as though your eyes were tracing each and every tarnished bit of his skin. "You have so many."
His frown was back, a shot of anger burning through his chest at your comment. Why did you of all people have to say that? Jason drew in a deep, shaky breath, but before he could speak you told him how impressive it all was, and now the frown was even deeper than before. "What?"
You looked up at him, and suddenly his head was reeling. Jason found that some part of him, a hidden away part that was deep deep down, wanted you to look at him like that for the rest of his life. A look that said he was worth something. That he wasn't this ugly, scarred monster. Skin crawling and muscles tensed, he managed to ignore it. Just for now. Just this once. He quickly cleared his throat as he waited for your explanation.
"Your scars...they- you have so many victories." You repeated, "Many more than me." You pulled the sleeve of your shirt back to show him. Jason's eyes ran along the silver lines on your arms before his attention turned to your skin. The muscles on your arms. The glossy hair that ran over your shoulder. His eyes drew up your neck to your lips...
He quickly looked away, shame and bashfulness so blatantly evident on his face.
"What do you mean..." His tone was distant, until he paused. "Victories?" Now he was curious.
You frowned. "What do you mean? Scars are honourable. They show strength. Tell stories. You must be a valiant fighter. A survivor." You smiled at him gently, pointing your finger at them. And it was like something got caught in his throat.
Silence washed over the room like a soft wave. Jason kept to himself as his big, bright eyes watched you. He turned your words in his head, amazed at how you viewed this topic. He almost waited for you to correct yourself or take the compliment back. Because there was no way. No way you were truly being honest about how you viewed the ugliest parts of himself. Everyone had always looked at his scars that same way, with pity and aversion. And yet you...
"You really think like that?" He asked, looking up at you through his dishevelled, raven hair.
"Doesn't everyone?"
A soft, subtle smile tugged at Jason's lips, and suddenly your heart was hammering in your chest, faster than a hiccup. Jason watched you attentively now, still shy, but not as ashamed or ill at ease. Since when was he so comfortable around others, especially a stranger? Especially about the things that kept him up at night? Especially with someone that was on his mind 24/7....
Dick suddenly bursted back into the room, a needle and bobbin of nylon string in his hand. "Sorry Jace, had to get Alfred to look for it."
Jason shook his head at Dick as he got started on stitching him back up. "I can do it myself you know -"
"Shut it." Dick responded.
Jason's gaze fell back onto you and he almost felt like collapsing when you said you'd leave them be and see them later. You realised the longer you stood with him, the lighter your head was becoming. So with that, you left the room, and all Jason could think about for the rest of the day was you.
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parasolladyansy · 2 months
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Scarlet x Violet
Like with Sword x Shield, I decided to share the highlights from Ansy & Ikrit’s Paldean adventure, Scarlet x Violet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero! If you’d like to see the whole story, please visit my Instagram at parasol_lady_ansy 🌧️
While I did enjoy Scarlet & the DLC’s (going back to Unova in Blueberry Academy was a treat!), I didn’t like Scarlet nearly as much as I like (LOVE!) Sword, so this was a much shorter series, mostly focusing on the Indigo Disk DLC.
Important headcanons for this story: Ansy & Ikrit ended up on parallel timelines when they came to Paldea - Ansy was on the Scarlet timeline (Naranja Academy, Koraidon) while Ikrit was on Violet timeline (Uva Academy, Miraidon). They could still communicate across spacetime via their Rotom phones & Union Circle (spots where the timelines blur & they can meet up).
Being around all these kids really brought up Ansy’s maternal instincts, as she “adopted” Penny & Arven lol (she would still check on how they’re doing).
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Professor Sada / Turo similarly fell into the parallel timeline years ago, though each concluded the other “left” following an incident with the Time Machine (the reason the timeline split in the first place). These two timelines converged in the endgame climax, & the Paldea that exists now is a combination of the two. The academies became Uva-Naranja Academy, & everyone has a combination of memories from the two timelines.
The epilogue to this series is what sets up the current story, Diamond x Pearl REWRITE, which you can read starting here!]
🍊 Other SxV Stuff 🍇
VS. Larry /
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probablyaseamonster · 9 months
Thinking about alternate timelines.
What if Lizzie let Cleo live with her, just not in an ugly addition to her house, and Cleo never based with Etho? Cleo letting Lizzie burn her old build with encouraging eyes. Now, they're even.
What if Lizzie followed Pearl out of gratitude, and after finding that Pearl and Joel were going to be on the same team, decided to become the fifth member of the Mounders? Either stubbornly making her mound as pretty as possible, or joining Pearl, Bdubs and Joel in their seeming rot of building skills.
What if Lizzie, realizing she had no one besides her husband, travelled to the other side of the map to beg Gem to let her join her alliance. "Pumpkin sisters?" she'd invoke. They'd change their name to accommodate the new girl, and Lizzie would be in an aesthetic environment again... but this time, with no threat of lava being poured down on them. This time, they're safe.
What if Lizzie still died first, but this time someone joined Joel in their mourning. What if they had a funeral for her, just like they had for Jimmy. What if they had a memorial, just like Martyn keeping his allies' bones to honour their efforts.
What if Lizzie was given the recognition she deserves... from the fandom?
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sleepycat63 · 12 days
artificer's pups in my AU!
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(the name of the collector was given to me by @ok1237! hope you don't mind the tag, it just felt right to give credit)
their story + more rambling under cut
Before I go into the characters' stories, I feel like I should add a bit of background to how I believe(or head-canon) the cycle works.
Basically, every creature is immortal until ascension (or other method of permadeath: ex. Rot). This means no matter what age, how you died, when you died whatever, you will wake up in the next cycle. There are no alternate timelines for each creature, if someone dies, it is never permanent. You die, you come back unharmed (physically, mentally however... yikes). Simple as that.
^^^ Less intelligent creatures, such as slugcats, are usually unaware of this fact. Specifically, Artificer is not aware of this. As far as she knows, her pups are gone.
The toll attack plays out as it does in the game. Blue pup is impaled and killed on impact. Arti and Green pup try to get away, but are hit by an explosive that blinds Arti, and stuns Green pup.
As explained earlier, Blue pup, nicknamed "Pearl" by Artificer, inevitably comes back in the next cycle, now separated from their family.
Green pup, nicknamed "Leech", does not drown. She escapes the leeches by stunning them, which is also the first appearance of the abilities she inherited from her mom. She tries to find her mom, but is forced to seek shelter before the rain kills her.
Within the following cycles, all three have parted ways. Pearl, now terrified of the Scavengers, flees the Garbage Wastes and finds himself in Industrial Complex. Leech finds herself in Waterfront Facility, still searching for her mother. Artificer.. well, we know where she is.
Pearl, inspired by Industrial's previous state as a factory, ends up learning how to craft items of their own (With help of the "fire spit" they inherited from Arti). They gave themself a title based on their love of the items they found, The Collector. He never lost his grudge against the Scavengers for separating him from his family (at this point, he believes them to be dead), only keeping peace with them for trade and convenience.
Leech, on the other hand, is still desperately searching for her mother. They're uninterested in anything but having their family back, and this makes an impact on their health (mental and physical). She lives off of only meat, favoring the Scavengers. She earned her title "The Parasite" from the Scavengers spreading word about her tendencies to target them. When they eventually give up on finding their mother, they stay in Subterranean, mindlessly feeding off the creatures there, only motivated to keep living from hope she will someday find her mother.
Other info:
> Both pups inherited some of Artificer's powers, but being half natural slugcat, they're dulled down significantly.
> Collector got her bomb jump, crafting skill, partial explosion immunity, and water sensitivity. They have a normal omnivore diet.
> Parasite got her bomb jump, parry, maul, partial explosion immunity, and carnivore diet.
> As of right now, only Collector is aware of how the cycle works. He is aware his mother and sister are out there somewhere, but he's terrified the Scavengers will attack and kill him again.
> Parasite is partially aware, as she has died and woken up again, but she doesn't know this applies to other creatures.
> Artificer is not aware. In her eyes, her pups were murdered in cold blood thousands of cycles ago.
> Everyone hates the Scavengers. Collie is afraid of them, Para eats them, Arti murders them. Family bonding!!!
that's it!! it's a work in progress as of right now, some details will be worked on and given more thought later on. feedback is VERY appreciated!! i am not a writer (these are some of the first OCs i've created and taken seriously ... ever) so i dont mind constructive criticism as long as you’re nice about it :))
btw....... if you’re interested in my OCs..... you should totally check out my askblog..... @ask-sleepys-slugs.... i've been trying to flesh out a story for my OCs and people asking questions reallyyy helps my creative process, so i'd appreciate it 🙏🙏
anywayyy byee :]
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autumnalmoons · 10 months
Truth or deal (sfw)
this was hard to figure out kldjfjf perhaps i'll do a second part with explicit rating, but for now :D
Viktor x fem!Reader | 1.4K
Notes: Academic rivals to allies to lovers, Fake dating, Mutual pining, Allusions to spiciness but nothing descriptive, Pre-Arcane timeline.
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If it’s an arrangement simple enough, then why it's getting so difficult to follow through?
Viktor looks toward you, feeling the faint touch of your arms around his neck. You’re dancing too close to his body; not that he minds.
Not that he’s going to tell you so, of course.
Viktor can’t say he fully trusts you—after all, your charms are the reason why he sought you out after the Student Knowledge Contest last year. He can’t help but gaze at your eyes and get lost in them sometimes, perhaps more than he’s willing to admit.
 You’re a brilliant student whose name has appeared in the first places of the grading rank since your enrollment to the Academy. Sometimes atop his, sometimes under.
This reminds him of what you two were doing last Friday night…
“Viktor?” you hum, snatching him out of his fantasies—his memories. “You’ve stopped dancing.”
His grasp on your waist relocates on your hips, feeling the supple skin underneath covered by the soft silk of your green dress, so familiar by now.
“I just saw Robert Yean passing by,” he says. One of your failed suitors, now that he’s here with you. It isn’t possessive behavior, Viktor repeats himself between mumbles against your hair.
“Very insistent man,” you mutter with a smile, sensing Robert’s gaze glued on your back as Viktor and you gently sway side to side with the music flowing around the ballroom.
“Luckily I am one, too,” Viktor says teasingly, his thumb brushing along the apple of your cheek before leaning toward your lips. He understands the nerve of the man wishing to whisk you away, with such a newly established family, a whole future ahead more than the dark, smoky sky in Zaun could ever offer you.
For the deal to work, Viktor had to convince you that trust could run both ways.
Sure, you were competing to be the top of the class, but contrary to the rest of Piltovans side-eying Viktor—silently reminding him of his place under all of them, back to Zaun—you have such soft, caring eyes. Curious, even, once he took a seat next to you at the table in the library.
“I talked with Mr. Xilas about your prototype to clean chemicals from the dam,” you say, taking a glass of wine from a passing waiter, your eyes sweeping over Viktor’s features, to the pearls of sweat sticking to his forehead.
You offer him a sip, rotating the rim of the glass where you left a stain of your red lipstick.
“Thank you, moje sluníĉko.” He takes a sip, locking eyes with you as he places his lips in the mark of your lipstick over the rim’s glass.
Feeling you all flustered, you settle your hand atop his over the cane’s handle. “You should go and talk with him,” you add. “Sweet-talking him a little, hmm?”
Viktor sighs. “Unless it’s you, I don’t think I can do it that well.”
Your giggle makes him smile, loving the way your eyes crinkle in happy crescent moons, a warm feeling of pride extending inside his chest.
"Ow, my tooth hurts!" you say, fingers pressing your left cheek. "From so much cheesiness."
Viktor pokes at your sides, holding you close to feel the curves of your body against his when you try to wiggle out of his tickling grasp. "You little troublemaker, you scared me."
“You’re so silly.”
“You hurt me, my love.” He says, giving you back the glass of wine, brushing your fingers with his in a premeditated movement that makes your stance feel all wobbly. "But perhaps you could help me with the sweet talk, hmm? I don’t think it’ll be a good idea to call the merchant ‘my sunshine’, or ‘my love,’ don’t you think?”
“Hmm. No, unless you’d want me to be jealous?”
Viktor kisses your temple. “Perhaps later tonight. I might need some nibbles.”
Taking him by the hand, you two settle on the windowsill overseeing the balcony, with the breeze of the afternoon making contact with the bare skin of your back. Viktor’s right hand rubs gentle circles in there to soothe your shivering.
“You should’ve brought a sweater,” he muses.
You look at him, eyes pleading and mouth in a pout. “Aren’t you going to give me yours?”
He smirks. “No. I’m cold, too.”
"Such a meanie." Viktor laughs, opening his coat to envelope you within, almost against his chest. "Mmm, better—some nibbles, you say?” You smile, your lips brushing the edge of his collar, putting a red mark of your lipstick over the ivory dress shirt.
“Don’t,” he muses, pretending to be annoyed, yet his heartbeat jumps at smelling the sweet perfume of fruits and lilies. His hands shake slightly the stem of his wine’s cup. “Those stains are difficult to wash.”
“What can I say? You look handsome, Vikky,” you say, playing with the congratulatory badge reading 1st place Engineering Contest: 45 Edition. “I’m lucky for you to be my fake boyfriend.”
“You’re also breathtaking today." Though he doesn't repeat your phrase. He can't still decide if he tells you that.
At first, it’d been a clear enough arrangement—a fake boyfriend to keep you away from the annoying suitors, and for him, a charming socialite who could push his ideas around the wealthy Piltovan minds sponsoring the Academy. But the simplicity had worn out as month passed and Viktor wanted to invite you out to more dates.
To simply sit down outside the library to talk until the sun dipped in the horizon. And it didn’t help you let him get so close Viktor has memorized the features of your face so he could imagine it at night when you’re not in his bed.
Because it wasn’t part of the deal, you’re lovers only when the doors are open and the curtains withdrawn. And yet that faithful rainy day, you two stumbled over the threshold of his apartment soaking wet, the fine-crafted clothes of the academy uniform glued to your curves.
He couldn’t look away, and you didn’t mind it, either, settling your back against the cold entrance door as Viktor’s lips sought out yours, trying to impregnate himself with your taste.
"Perhaps we should return home today?" he says before he's even able to tell what just got out of his mind. Not that he could lie to you, only hide.
"Before Heimerdinger' speech about the Academy Anniversary?"
“I’d rather hear your voice.”
You laugh. “Vikky…”
“Everyone here thinks I’m whispering loving things to your ear,” Viktor says, nuzzling his nose against your neck when he sees one of the suitors sent by your mother watching you from afar. “Might as well sell the part.” So much, he’s starting to believe it.
“You do sell the part really well,” you mutter, liking how his now familiar hand always cradles the small curve in your back.
It's a straightforward deal, really. Even if you come from the Undercity, your parents had built quite a reputation behind them; not only a family rising from the abyss to the riches above by mere luck, no, this was a hard-work endeavor paired with an endless list of qualities you must master if wishing to have the family last name.
If it's so easy, why does Viktor dread the day when the deal will end?
Even when he wishes to hold you forever…
“Alright,” you say, looking at the sky turning orange. “Let’s go to your place, maybe? I like your mattress the best.”
Viktor chuckles. “It’s not like we’re going to have much sleep tonight, I assume.”
You poke his cheek, Viktor’s fingers wrapped along your wrist that he slowly drags toward his mouth, where he settles to brush his lips against the sensible skin there.
“You’re taking advantage of my inability to say no to you.” Your hands are by now yearning to cup his cheeks, reminiscent of how the amber in his eyes becomes burnt umber once your body is flush against his. He cradles you between his arms as if you were made of porcelain; as if you were a dream that would slip with the first light of the morning sun. "Shall we go?"
Viktor settles your hand on the crook of his elbow, the movement fluid and gentlemanly mastered by repetition.
"Hmm, we shall, my love," he says, giving you a seemingly innocent peck on the lips, though, at the end of the motion, Viktor decides to get a playful nibble on your lower lip. A promise of what is to come. "We shall."
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makowcy · 11 months
talk to me about spacing mining au martyn please plese i want to onow everything about him why is he kidnapping jimmy why is he an antagaonist why is he so handsom
clap alright
Martyn is a professional bounty hunter under Rens command aka he gets sponsored by the government to do his job (he is not a space cop but as far as the wanted characters are concerned he may as well be so if i refer to him as such thats why)
He had a brief encounter with Tango more early on, but for once Tango figures out quickly that this man works for the gov so not much happens there.
Quick timeline later Grian disappears > Scar burns Jimmy's house > Jimmy and Tango travel together for a while > they get separated by a commotion and Martyn meets Jimmy
Jimmy was wearing Tango's coat and since Martyn has already seen it once he followed him and decided to help him out, which immediately gained Jimmy's trust (+Martyn wasn't hiding that he's also from Earth). Now Jimmy basically ended up babbling about his life to Martyn and considering that his family members include someone so wanted as Pearl and whatever he has going on with Tango he's just a great leverage (side note most of the information he shared was useless to Martyn, the man has separation anxiety and the only people he ever speaks to is his family, ex husband and Tango, he just spoke his his heart out)
Also while it's a kidnapping Jimmy doesn't even realize it for the first half and Martyn finds him amusing, harboring criminals is not legal but he doesn't really care so nothing against the guy
Martyn used to be a criminal like many earthians and he ended up in his current work as a rehab thing, he proved himself to be very good at his job and stayed for the money (and ren). Currently he's Ren right hand and does a lot of the dirty work for him. He has his private information network and does things behind Ren's back which he is aware of, but he trusts him and can't quite bring himself to discipline him. One of many qprs in this au they are also not normal but a different flavor. Narrative wise while Ren is in a higher position of power than Martyn he's more of a supporting character for him
Anyways the reason for Grians disappearence is also Martyn and his little schemes, they had a quest with BigB, but the two of them did not trust Martyn one bit and BigB ended up helping Grian get away
Other important note is that Tango and Martyn are opposites in many ways and he absolutely hates him
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crazyunsexycool · 7 months
A love as sweet as honey
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: Sad Steve, Crying Steve, Lottie being cute, not much else
A/N: Here we go!! This is set in the My Little Love universe The rest of the story will be updated once My Little Love is completed so there aren't any spoilers. Timeline wise this prologue happens during chapter 30 of My little love and characters from that series will play a part in this one.
Series Masterlist
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The tower loomed over the street. It glistened in the light of day, a beacon that called out to you. Everyone rushed around as you stared up at your new place of employment. With a deep breath you make your way into the building. It was odd to be in the middle of the city at the Avengers’ tower. The initial job offer mentioned working upstate at the compound. You had even started looking for a place closer to it. It didn’t matter either way to you as long as you had the job.  
“Hello. It’s my first day and I was told to ask for Dr. Banner.” You told the receptionist that sat by the elevators. 
“Y/N Y/L/N.” 
She types your name into the computer.
“I need to see an identification.” She smiled and held her hand out as you dug through your bag. 
She grabs it to verify your information and adds something in the system. Then she grabs the phone and calls someone down. 
“You can wait to the side someone will be right with you.” She says as she hands you back your ID. “Have a great day and welcome to Stark Industries.” 
You mutter a thanks and move to the side of her desk. She was much too chipper for your taste but maybe that was why she worked as a receptionist. There are not a lot of people around the lobby but there are a few guards dressed in full on armor. You’d been to the lobby of the tower in the past and it hadn’t been this empty before. As you wait for whoever is coming you can’t help but anxiously fiddle with your pearl necklace. The elevator dings open and out comes a man in a black suit, slightly curly but short hair. His facial hair frames his smile as he comes up to you. 
“Dr. Y/L/N correct?” He asks as he stops in front of you.
“Depends on who you are?” You eyed him suspiciously.
He chuckles. “I’m Happy Hogan, head of security. Why don’t you follow me and I’ll get you all set up with the proper clearance and work ID. Then I’ll take you up to the lab. If you are in fact Dr. Y/L/N.”
“Lead the way.” 
“Excited for your first day?” He asked as you got into the elevator. Not really bothered by your standoffish attitude.
He nods. “Many people apply for those lab jobs but very few get it and even less get to be Banner’s assistant. You should feel proud about it.” 
You give a tight lipped smile. In reality you were ecstatic about this job because word around town was that this position as Bruce Banner’s assistant had been vacant for close to a year. It wasn’t necessarily the work itself but the famous scientist had specific requirements when it came to an assistant. You still didn’t know what they were but you assumed you had whatever it was Bruce Banner needed.
Happy leads you into an office where he proceeds to hand you a temporary badge with the right clearance. Then he takes your picture for your actual badge. He goes over a few general safety protocols and procedures. Finally after what feels like an eternity Happy takes you up another few floors up to where the labs are. 
“Good luck.” Happy says as he knocks on the office door. 
“Dr. Y/L/N it's great to see you again.” Bruce says once he’s opened the door. He waves to Happy as he’s walking down the hallway. “Please come in.” 
You follow him in and take a seat across from him, only his sleek black desk separates you. The office itself is very clean, the walls are so white they almost hurt your eyes and there are barely any knick knacks or photographs lying around. 
“I’m very excited to be working with you.” Bruce says and gives you a small smile. 
“Me too. It’s an honor to be working with you. Still can’t believe I’m here.”
“Well believe it. Your work was very impressive and I’m sure we’ll do great things. Now before I show you your office and work space do you have any questions?” 
“No, I think everything was covered at orientation. But, I get an office?” You perked up. The thought of having a space just for yourself was thrilling. 
“Of course, everyone needs a quiet place to work. It’s attached to a much smaller lab if you have other things you’d like to work on. I insisted on it. I wouldn’t want to limit your own work just because you work with me. And Tony loves to fund new ideas so keep that in mind.” 
You nodded along but were about to burst at the seams that you had such an opportunity. Clearing your throat you ask, “so if there was something I wanted to work on, do I have to ask for permission or present any preliminary research or documents before I can work on it?” 
“Nothing so formal. As long as we know what you’re working on and we’d both like updates on your progress from time to time. Also if you need someone to look over anything or bounce your ideas off of please don’t hesitate to come to us. Other than that you’re free to work on whatever you want. Any possible equipment or materials are at your disposal. But it can’t interfere with our work.”
“Absolutely not.” You shake your head. 
Bruce smiled, seeing the excitement in your eyes. He stands and waves you to follow him. First he shows you to your office where you drop off your bags. Then he lets you look around the small lab that was meant just for you. You roam around and marvel at how well equipped it is even if it’s small. Finally Bruce takes you to his lab and you can’t hide how impressed you are. You don’t hide your eagerness to explore either. It’s like letting a kid roam around freely in a candy shop or toy store. 
Bruce doesn’t waste much more time. He quickly hands you an official lab coat with Stark Labs embroidered on it as well as your name. Then he shows you what you’ll be working on first. The two of you fall into a very comfortable rhythm for the next few hours. 
“Banner.” His name is called from the doorway and you look up from your station to see none other than Natasha Romanoff standing there. “We have a lead and we leave now. He’ll be needed.” 
He, as in the Hulk. You forgot that Bruce turned into the Hulk with how quiet he is. Bruce nods but sighs as he takes his white lab coat off and hangs it. Then he turns to you. 
“I’m off now but I sent instructions to your email for what to do next and Friday can also help you if needed. Friday, please introduce yourself.” 
“Hello, Dr. Y/L/N. My name is Friday and I am at your disposal.” 
“Hello Friday.” You say. “A.I?” You ask Bruce and he nods. 
“She has access to absolutely everything so you can ask her for anything. Of course if you don’t have clearance she won’t give you the information. Now about the mission. I may be gone the rest of the afternoon and evening so make sure you just head home at a reasonable hour. Friday will make sure to lock up the lab and help you set up your own codes to give you access. If I’m not back tomorrow just keep working on what you are now or work on one of your own projects.” He informs you. “I know it’s a lot but-“ 
“I’m your assistant, this is what I signed up for.” You reassure him and he nods. “Good luck on your mission.” 
He nods again and says a quick goodbye before leaving. You look around the empty lab and just take a moment to appreciate that you were actually at your dream job. It was incredible. After everything that you went through to finish school with no support and the previous jobs you had where you weren’t valued you finally got to where you wanted to be. You smiled to yourself and asked Friday if she could play music. She asked what you wanted to listen to and you gave her the name of your favorite artist. Music started playing through the room and you got back to work. 
For the next few days you followed the same schedule. You’d get to work at around 8:00 am, look at the instructions that Bruce had left for you on that first day and stopped when you felt like it was time to do so. Most nights you’d leave by 7:00 or 8:00 pm. It was easy to lose track of time when you were doing something you loved. 
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Bruce was finally back a week later. There was a defeated and tired look on his face when he greeted you that morning. You weren’t good with comforting people so you weren’t sure if asking if he was ok was the right thing to do. He didn’t give you much of an opportunity because he just dove into work and explained that he would need your help with some kind of testing in about half an hour. 
Sure enough the half hour went by quickly. It was punctuated by the arrival of a little girl to the lab. She had stunning blue eyes and black hair that both framed her face beautifully and accentuated her rosy cheeks. Next to her was a boy with similar beautiful eyes and shoulder length black hair. You assume that they’re siblings. Behind them were four people. An older man, a young woman with red hair whom you thought was part of the Avengers, Steve Rogers and Tony Stark himself.
“Mowning Buce.” The little girl greeted as she bounded over to your boss. She smiled up at him while hugging a pink teddy bear. 
“Good morning Charlotte. How are you this morning?” 
“Am kay.” 
“That’s good.” 
The corners of your lips quirked up at the interaction. Kids were sweet, you liked kids more than you did adults. They never seem to have ulterior motives and were innocently but brutally honest most of the time.
You felt eyes on you as Charlotte continued to talk with Bruce. When you look over you see the boy with his brows furrowed, trying to decide if you’re a friend or foe. You give him a small smile and look back over to Bruce. This time you see Charlotte looking over at you. 
“Hi.” She says as she gets closer to you. “Is Buce new fwiend?” She points at you. 
“Yes?” You look up at Bruce for help and he just nods. “My name is Y/N.” 
“Y/N. Is cute.” She approves of your name and you smile. “Am Wottie an is bubba an gwandpa an Wanda an Tony an Steebie.” She points at everyone she mentioned. 
“Hello.” You give an awkward wave.
“Is Avenguh?” 
“Me an Avenger? No. I just work here in the lab.” 
“Can be fwiend?.” 
“Of course.” You nod and Charlotte smiles at you.
“Alright Charlotte are you ready?” 
“Am weady Buce.” She moves back toward Bruce and takes his hand. 
As everyone follows Bruce around you look in their direction only to find Steve Rogers looking your way now. He gives you a small grateful smile before walking away.
“Y/L/N, good to finally meet you in person.” Tony stands besides you. “Your work was really impressive, I’m sure you’ll fit right in.” 
“Thank you for the opportunity.” You say first as you go from looking at him to the small group at the end of the room. “She seems sweet. If you don’t mind me asking why is she here?” 
“Lottie can see the future. Her brother Henry can turn invisible. We run some tests just to make sure they’re hitting their regular growth milestones and that there are no underlying conditions we should worry about.” 
“Oh.” Now you were intrigued. 
“You’ll see her around here a lot. They live here, and their parents are on the team.” He gives you their names. “You seem to have the approval of our little social butterfly over there. She likes to roam around so don’t be surprised if she pops in for a visit.” Tony chuckles.
“What do you mean?” 
“Trust me when I say that you’d know if she didn’t like you.” 
You nod as you watch Bruce pick her up and set her down on an exam table. Tony excuses himself and joins the group. Moments later Bruce asks for your assistance. You’re mesmerized by the readings as it seems that Charlotte is having a vision. 
You definitely loved your job.
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You had just walked back into your office from a small break when you heard it. Someone was in your lab. If it were Bruce or even Tony, you’d be ok with it. But someone else poking around your things annoyed you beyond belief. The doors that connected your office to the lab slid open as you went to see who it was. There was a man with his back to you. His shoulders shaked lightly and you could hear some sniffling. You took a step back with the intention of leaving him alone but he turned his head to look over his shoulder. The moment he heard you he looked in your direction and he composed himself. 
“I’m sorry. I thought this place was empty.” He says and turns around completely. 
Steve Rogers was standing in your lab, crying. He didn’t seem the type to cry at all but even less to do so in a semi public place. You stand there awkwardly as you think about what to tell him but he beats you to it. 
“I’m Steve. You must be Banner’s new assistant right?”
“Yeah, Y/N.”
“Sorry for this,” Steve looks sheepish at the fact that he had been caught by a stranger. “It’s been a couple of tough weeks. One of my best friends is missing. Her family is devastated.” 
“You must be too.”
Steve nods, his eyes suddenly glued to the floor. 
“I’m sorry. Is that what the missions are about? Dr. Banner has been pulled for a few of them.” 
Steve nods again. 
“I’m sure you’ll find her soon.” You murmur. 
“I hope so.” 
There was an awkward silence between the two of you. All you wanted to do was get back to your office. It was right behind you all you had to do was take one step back. It’s not like you were really good at comforting people. 
“Steebie.” You could hear Charlotte walking through the hallway. 
“I should go get her. It was nice to meet you.” 
The sliding door behind Steve opens and in walks the charming little girl you met a few weeks earlier. 
“There’s my best girl. C’mon.” Steve picks her up, giving her a kiss on the cheek. 
“Oh hi.” Charlotte says when she sees you. “Is new fwiend, Steebie.” 
“You’re just making friends all over the place, sweetheart. Can you say bye to Ms. Y/N.” 
“Bye bye Ms. Y/N.”
“Bye Charlotte.” 
Steve gives you a tight lipped smile and a small nod and starts to walk out. The little girl in his arms waves and smiles as the doors start to close. 
You walk back into your office and blow out a breath. In all honesty that interaction wouldn’t be the weirdest thing you’ll ever witness while being employed by Stark Industries. 
It would also be the first of many interactions that you would have with the blond haired, blue eyed super soldier.
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theminecraftbee · 5 months
just revisited scs, and was wondering if pearl still joins hermitcraft in season 8 as she does? and if so, what are three's thoughts and feelings on this? if we go by hermitcraft rules, it'd have to had voted her in, and it does care about pearl in some capacity due to her link with martyn and jimmy so it'd want her somewhere safe, but is their relationship still rocky at that point? has it gotten better? and how does it evolve through their time on hermitcraft? is boatem still a thing, or do three and pearl give each other more space?
sorry if you've answered something like this before, but i'm curious
so here's how it goes in my head, although as always, anyone is free to have their own headcanons for it:
so by season eight, given the messy timeline i've created, three has had some time and distance. additionally, i like to think that it and everyone else DID keep up their promises to stay in contact. pearl and three's relationship will probably never be as close as pearl and grian's, but pearl is TRYING and three is willing to give her a shot when they're not standing right next to each other and she isn't in the middle of grief as much, so they form a tentative bond.
pearl doesn't join season eight because of three; three doesn't invite her. however, i'd like to think that pearl, maybe on the prodding of "her friends are actually talking to her again", has tentatively started doing her own builds again and showing them off and something like that dragon build of her blows up. so when names are being floated for season eight, and someone's already floated gem as a possibility, someone says pearl's name. and three doesn't know. three doesn't know if they'll be able to handle each other living on the same server. but it's now been at least a year and a half since scs and with scs's messy timeline probably longer, right. three is much more self-assured and has a better idea of who it is. and like, it thinks about it, but maybe pearl gives away she's still living on evo in a call, and three thinks about it, and...
the thing is: three had needed someone to say "you can come here when you run away" two years ago about the same thing. it can at least try.
this is to say: pearl joining hermitcraft is not three's idea or three's invitation. but three gives her its endorsement, and eventually its vote. pearl joins in season eight. three and pearl then proceed to try to completely avoid each other for like, at least a month. i don't want to take pearl and impulse bonding away from the world, so i think maybe pearl still bases near there, but the friendship groups in three's timeline are a little shifted ANYWAY, even if they're similar, so we can shift people around a little. maybe three drags mumbo off to go follow iskall and etho into the shattered savannah. god, can you imagine, actually, that would be hysterical.
but the thing is, even though the hermits spend a lot of time alone, they also spend a lot of time together, and like... three IS friends with impulse. and it is Conspicuous that they're avoiding each other, and they can't do it forever. it's pearl who screws her courage to the sticking place first and invites three to help her with an interior room of her build. three, not actually quite good enough at emotions to recognize "here come do an interior, thing i know grian hated but you like" as the very deliberate olive branch it is but good enough at emotions to know it probably shouldn't avoid, accepts.
and it goes... well. it surprises both of them how well it goes, actually. maybe it shouldn't; they've been in contact after all, and they've had time to soothe and process their relationship. they part back to their own bases again with the promise to do it again, and they do not avoid each other for the rest of the season. they don't seek each other out, often--they're not quite ready for that--but they don't avoid each other, either.
it's not perfect. pearl still sometimes looks at three like she's looking at a dead man. three still sometimes wants to scream when she does.
but there are many times, now, when they can forget how they met in the first place, and just chat about build pallets and pranks and shapes and llamas and everything else together.
that's close enough to healing.
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
For who would go crazy in TWST trying to save u over and over i have thoughts:
Vil - Mr. Perfect? Not being able to reach his goal, trying to get to the person who understands him best? ESP. thinking about how he's based on the Evil Queen, someone well known for having a Very Poor reaction to not getting her way? He'd absolutely lose it, have a "where are they now" episode about washed up celebs cause EVERYTHING he has is dedicated to saving you
Malleus - He wields some of the most powerful magic in the world, but he can't save you? Absolutely not. He refuses. Also in his case he's probably resetting the world himself, so the repeated deaths he can't save you from are arguably being caused by him to. He has no sense to pet go - you love him, know him so intimately that a world without you is meaningless. Reset.
Azul - There's no bargain he can make, power he can steal, trick he can pull strong enough to fix this mess. He's blindly ambitious, and refuses to hear the word "no". How could he give up his precious pearl, the one person he knows could see through everything he is that's nasty and gross, and love the whole of it? He knows, deep in his mind, that he can't change this fate. But to give up on you? Truly impossible.
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notes: referring to this shitpost here, discussion of spoilers for all currently available books including book 7, I'll slap Malleus's part under read more to make those a bit more avoidable
No but annon your mind... so correct about all of this for all stated reasons and more. Seriously how did I not think about Vil? That's genius?
Assuming the original timeline follows the events currently evolving in game, I assume that Yuu ends up dying as part of Grim's overblot. I think it makes sense for the boys to die that first time too, only to wake up alive and in the middle of preparing for NRC's entrance ceremony. After they make sure that this isn't a dream, and that they really are alive and somehow back in time they start making plans.
I can see og timeline Vil regretting that he didn't pay attention to Yuu before VDC, and trying to figure out how to stay in their life during his fourth year internship because (even if his feelings technically run a bit deeper) genuine friendships are important to him. Remember how happy to see everyone he was in chapter 6? It's all he can do to remind himself you probably don't know who he is anymore when he sees Crowley drag you into the mirror chamber, he just wants to kiss your preciously confused face.
Something Rook immediately picks up on because I'm pretty convinced he would notice if something was that majorly off script about his queen. Vil's raised eyebrow is .3 centimeters off from his normal concerned face :/ he needs an explanation.
Vil's relieved at first, he has Rook's help and you are surprisingly receptive to his advances. For just a brief moment he has you in his arms and you are alive, and then you are torn away again. And again, and again and again and-
Vil's signature spell is a curse, he can recognize the traces of one, and I agree he would be so determined to break it he would slowly start to deteriorate into a actual villain. It's not like time is advancing forward otherwise, it's not like he can advance his acting career while he is stuck in this time loop trying to save you, trying to not let your zero percent of survival stay zero. I could see him spending a loop killing the other overblot mages before they build up enough blot to hurt Yuu only for that not to work and him to get even more unhinged as a result.
Ok so you remember that bit in the Ghost Bride event where Azul gets borderline creepy over the thought of being rejected? Or that part of New Years where he suffers a bit of sunk cost fallacy over the grab bags and gets back in line to spend more money on more stuff he doesn't need? Or how about his level up lines? Laughing at the thought of being satisfied with "just this much power" or warning that you will just be taken advantage of in this world, and inviting you to seek safety with him when that inevitably happens?
Well you did and he failed you. And no he isn't really someone who lets go of things. He goes out of his way to tell Riddle that he thinks being greedy is a good thing; you could have had a very long and happy life together that hit every milestone you set out to achieve and it still wouldn't be enough for Azul. He will never be satisfied, never have enough of Yuu.
But he's smart, he knows when things just aren't possible. It makes him more determined to prove himself. If he can't outsmart something as trivial as fate, can he really claim to be a brilliant mage?
Unlike Vil, I don't think he would immediately tell the twins what was happening. I do think they would figure it out eventually, and I do think they would help, but I think they would also maybe... eventually... realize that there was no saving you and maybe it's best for everyone involved if that's accepted. I could see Jade and Floyd going to Yuu directly and asking what you want, not because they are opposed to saving you but because they want Azul's suffering to end.
I don't know if you have ever played Amnesia Memories, but I could see Azul following a similar path to the Joker World/Ukyo (they are not similar characters but meh) in a situation like this. Won't spoil that here but I highly recommend it if you like otome games.
In a twisted way I could almost see him being satisfied with being stuck inside a time loop trying to save you. Not at first obviously, at first Malleus refuses to believe he could fail in saving you. He is the fifth most powerful mage in the universe. He is a King, he can not think of anyone, anything that is stupid enough to tell him no.
Maybe he speed runs his own overblot and tries trapping you in a dream, only for that to kill you. Reset.
How about killing the other overblot mages? He'd arrive at that one a lot faster than Vil. Also doesn't work. Reset.
I don't think Malleus would bring Lilia, Silver, or Sebek into the loop of what was going on. Lilia- he's smart, old, and understands just how powerful Malleus really is, but I'm not sure he would be able to realize time itself is being reset. I think he would pick up on what Malleus's plan is in each individual universe and goes out of his way to prevent him from doing something stupid. You know who I could see picking up on it though? Leona and Idia, forcing them to work together to get Malleus to stop further driving a wedge between Malleus and the rest of the student body.
And then there is you, troublesome you. We don't really know what causes Grim to overblot, I could almost see a situation where Yuu does everything they can to save their friends, aware that time is being reset and thinking that finally, this time they can keep everyone from dying. They are completely content to die if it means no one else gets hurt, completely unaware that self sacrifice is what is causing all of this. What is one life compared to everyone in all of Twisted Wonderland after all?
Everything, it is worth everything, this world really is meaningless without you in it. Reset.
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nemeliis · 1 year
Cursed!Lord Oyster AU
Spoilers for all chapter's of A Mermaid's Tale!
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In this AU, Lord Oyster accidentally absorbs White Pearl's curse (NOT her power's, JUST her curse)— instead due to him clutching her pearl so dearly—because of this, when he returns from his voyage, seemingly unscathed despite the raw reckage and death of Abalone Cookie along with his entire crew, with a very odd smile on his face: almost like he knows something we don't, something has to be up. And because the curse seems to be fueled by rage, or the fact that it's supposed to be a Mermaids curse rather than a Cookies, his body takes the toll and he gets a serpent/mermaid half.
Which he hides via magic he also acquired during his curse. All of the rage he's been suppressing for decades comes broiling over in the worst way, and the leader of House Urchin has to deal with it before he's next on the chopping block. From a reclused, soft spoken Cookie with a humble heart—to a sadistic, conniving and unfeeling one filled with blinding rage overnight, Roasted Urchin isn't sure about the rumor's: or if he wants to believe them. The disappointment of House Oyster would never do something so vile as eradicating the entire Abalone House in cold jam in less than a day...right...?
Here's some fun facts about him!
In Lord Oysters original concept, before he was even drawn or sketched out—he was going to be a harpy-like creature with wing's and a tail. But that was scrapped because I can't draw wing's to save my life, and it wouldn't make since considering he's from the land. I was supposed to represent how deep his curse went, but I opted for color pallette changes instead.
Though Lord Oyster can hide his serpentine lower half, he can't hide his hair changes or eye color. If you're wondering why no one questions it (except for Roasted Urchin Cookie)—it's because there too focused on the Abalone House's demise to realize what's going on.
He likes terrorizing House Urchin in his spare time—particularly Roasted Cookie, like little kid and his uncle fights but actually dangerous and sadistic.
He has a HUGE form, similar to Black Pearl! But he prefers to keep in his smaller one unless prompted.
Fiercely protective over House Oyster, and got more fortune than in the original timeline due to some.. interesting scheme's (killing other house's to get to the top faster so he could feed his family). He really does justify that one in his head.
When a family member of House Oyster reaches there 10th birthday, Lord Oyster meets them on the sea side and blesses them with his protection —this is why Oyster Cookie always had nannies up until that age, it's protocol. It's a family secret, and everyone see's Lord Oyster differently. But one thing that stays true: you can have faith in him, for if you have a pure heart, someone shall watch over you.
A “pure heart” just means like. An okay person since Lord Oyster brushes Oyster Cookies political game's off.
Lord Oyster gained the following power's from his curse:
Super strength (like. Throwing around ship's type strength)
Night vision
Sharp teeth...(not even a superpower but..teeth,,,)
Enhanced senses
Weapon summoning/water control
Immortality, can only die from unnatural causes. (He outlived his entire family ☹️..)
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subway-boss-jericho · 13 days
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Queuing posts for most of my AUs! Check out this Masterpost! ᵈᶦˢᶜˡᵃᶦᵐᵉʳ ⁻ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵗʰᵉᶦʳ ᶦᶜᵒⁿᶦᶜ ᵏⁿᶦᶠᵉ ᵇᵃⁿᵍˢ! ᴵ ˡᵉᶠᵗ ᵗʰᵉᵐ ᵒᶠᶠ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʳᵉᶠᵉʳᵉⁿᶜᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵏᵉᵉᵖ ᵗʰᵉᶦʳ ᶠᵃᶜᵉˢ ᶠᵘˡˡʸ ᵛᶦˢᶦᵇˡᵉ.
The Spirit Keeper
-Premise- I am going to try so. hard. to summarize. (TW: Side character death(s)) When the sky turns red, all of Hisui falls into anarchy and chaos. The hero that Sinnoh sent to protect them was banished from Jubilife and never seen again- Whisked back to the present, to spare them from the calamity to follow.
Amidst the destruction caused by the worsening space-time distortions, after the deaths of too many to count, Ingo finds himself praying to a god that wasn't his atop the Shrouded Ruins that overlook the now erased Diamond Clan encampment. He offers a plea to Sinnoh, of Pearl, Diamond, both or neither, if there is anything they can do to prevent this tragedy from wiping the region away.
Sinnoh is displeased with the fighting of the clans, of the hostility between factions, and the cold betrayal of the hero it had chosen. It will not simply wipe the slate clean, after the callous actions of the Hisuian people- After their rejection of its help. However, Ingo is a brave and compassionate soul. In this moment and throughout his time in Hisui, he has never displayed these spiteful behaviors.
In exchange for a duty, those lost will be revived, that broken can be rebuilt, and this region can turn a new leaf. The stones around him bear representation of his new duty. He must collect them from all across the region- Any soul he is able to secure, protect from the distortions that would eradicate them, will be given a second chance once the calamity passes. The final condition is that, once those souls meet their second death, he must seek them out to contain them again. A punishment, a time to reflect on their actions. Once Sinnoh deems it enough, then they will be released to the afterlife and Ingo will be released from this duty.
Ingo agrees to all of these terms. And so he seeks out the souls of the fallen- Unceasingly and desperately saving every single person, and with the combined power of their lives he withstands the shattering sky.
They are reincarnated. They rebuild. The nobles have fallen, and there is much damage to undo. They may live their lives once again.
But when they fall, Ingo will return. He will collect them, and he will keep them. He will fulfill the full breadth of his agreement- No matter how many centuries pass.
-Noteworthy Points- Yes. That was me summarizing. This story is so complicated and has so many layers please understand.
Ingo is functionally a Spiritomb, Ghost and Dark type, with the combined life force of 442 souls. This makes him functionally immortal, with a supernaturally fast healing capacity and a very difficult-to-contain level of power. He can hear the thoughts of all 442 people and often manifests them in the form of little green soul orbs. Not all of them are happy with this arrangement, but some people get used to it faster than others. They are fully aware, under no strain, and are not hurt. Essentially, forcibly travelling with Ingo is their sort of limbo- It's not all bad.
Ingo unfortunately cannot say the same, it is extremely rough to be the container for so many lives and still keep oneself sane. His willpower is overwhelming, and it's the only reason Sinnoh made this 'deal' to begin with- Because it knew Ingo would be the only one capable of this sort of thing without bias or prejudice. The calamity is solved, Hisui is preserved, the people get a reasonable amount of mercy (then comeuppance,) and Ingo can be- slowly -returned to his own time period. It is not easy burden, but it will be borne. Now, all that's left is to wait.
(Forgot to mention, the reference on the far right- Spirit Farer Emmet -is a sort of branch in the timeline. It's not the canon way the AU goes, but a friend made it up and I liked it enough to keep it :> The concept is that Emmet also makes a deal with Arceus and basically helps ferry Ingo's many souls over to the afterlife, thus releasing him from his duty. Won't elaborate more, this post is already like 4x the length of all the others.)
If it wasn't obvious, this is one of my favorite main AUs and also one of the oldest
-Links- Artwork - Commission by Fronomeeps Artwork - Fanart by Pixelga1axy Artwork - Fanart by Rudeboimonster Short Comic - Being haunted by yourself
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sgiandubh · 1 year
It's all fake, anyway
Oh, my. The last two or three video snippets in Marina del Rey. The revolt. The pearl-clutching. The hate.
Again, you know nothing, Jon Snow. It's all about the medium being the message, again: carefully calibrated snippets of information, destined to a captive, deeply divided and (how can I put that without sounding offending, I wonder) unexperimented (yes, that's decent enough) audience.
During the last 24 hours, we've got the Marina del Rey gin promo & MPC teambuilding (hardly an orgy, btw) and C's MUA (or is it hairdresser? irrelevant) hinting on Instagram about a photoshoot at a gin distillery in a #beautifullocation, somewhere on Earth, presumably in Scotland - given her last IG follow. No further details, of course. Very probably a (late-) latergram, too, when she finally got the green light to publish it. Implying nothing, but leaving a boulevard bandwidth for people to infer whatever suits their own narrative. Expect FMN news soon? I highly doubt that and stand corrected: the last photoshoot (with McSideburns, in London) was on May 3rd, when she needed to somehow show the world the Two of Them were continents apart. Identical modus operandi. And always, always via tertiary players.
As for the Marina del Rey teambuilding, if you think that is 'S living his life' you are: a) living in a remote mountain/island area or under a rock; b) an impenitent Mordorian with an agenda to boot or c) incredibly incompetent with the way of the world (or at least, that world). Allow me to translate?
It is alcohol promo, duckies, disguised as teambuilding. The intended message is aimed at a younger, non-OL related audience (as I already warned you) and it roughly goes like this:
'we are a fun loving, no nonsense, start-up business in the spirits industry. Because we don't have a huge advertising budget, we're testing the waters with a cheap, reality-TV snippet to better evaluate the number of social media clicks and new followers and help gauge & calibrate the next step'.
Was it poorly executed? Yeah, you could say that, but then what to do, in a very restrictive, highly regulated tobacco & spirits advertising market, hum? Is it my cup of tea? I don't drink, therefore this type of message touches one ball without really moving the other.
Yes. Start-up business: if we take into account the COVID logistic delay, I believe we're still in that three-years frame. And this detail is essential in order to put context around a very forgettable snippet. Selling a brand-new, more democratic product. Selling it clumsily, in an effort to build relevance, because even bad advertising is, ultimately, good advertising. But make no mistake: it's nothing more than that and it is all they can do, in the current context.
This brings to mind another aspect of the charade, namely the fact that after the Remarkable Week-end (and with the exception of some carefully scripted 'slips'), released and available information progressively became (at least) two-tiered.
First tier: information carefully calibrated for immediate release and general consumption, primarily but not exclusively by the fandom. This includes: spirits shilling, innuendos galore, look-here-not-there latergrams. It also entails less direct interaction with the fans on socials and delegating the media management to secondary players (often called to the rescue, too).
Second tier: public information with a limited availability (you have to take the plunge and pay), for sleuths able and willing to go the extra mile. They paint a very different landscape. And draw two copycat timelines of people who are investing, buying and selling property and overall branching out of their primary source of income with a plan.
I am not a photo sleuth. But with a little bit of time on my hands, I am a decent paperwork analyst. Accounting is not my forte, but legal and business is. I saw what I needed to see and it holds.
So before you start screeching (bad idea, right?), remember this (credit given to @dillon7fan, thanks):
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Not really: it is doctored make believe. Bless your heart, honest guy.
Next stop, Tehran. Yes, you read that correctly.
This evening or tomorrow, at the latest. Because context is everything and this fandom severely fails at this.
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sunny-porridge · 24 days
fics that stole my heart like a summer fling in august
Alterity - by @toyouhellohowareyou
I think this is the first time I add a full series to this list, and there’s a reason for it: I read Two Moon Pearls and the Master Sword and Ocarina, Oracle last month and I couldn’t decide which one to add to the list. But why choose!?
I was expecting to have a great time reading these fics. I did not expect to be completely blown away by how intriguing the plot is, how well-written the characters are, or how ingenious the timeline shenanigans are. And did I mention how funny they are?
Seriously. Instant classic.
Also if you’re very sad when you reach the latest Ocarina, Oracle chapter - go read Mandatory Puppy Pile by serbii, and then you will no longer be sad. You’re welcome.
Aspects of an Aspect - by @tashacee
When I lay down to sleep at night, I like to pretend that this wasn’t the last Aspects chapter and in fact this series will go on forever.
But seriously, we’re so lucky to have such a wonderful ending to this series. Tash introduced a brand new character that somehow feels so familiar and yet the more I learned about him, the more I wanted to keep reading. Aspects of an Aspect was the culmination of a little over a year (!) of building up to this moment, and the story development still surprised me - not because of an explosive plot twist, but rather by exposing a different lens through which we can understand Wild’s purpose.
Like all other pieces of this collection - it was full of heart, humor, and lots of love. Giant cat men, you will always be famous.
Enshrined - by @wolfsong6913
Have you ever wondered how the Sheikah monks came up with the trials they left for the Hero? And what was their role with the first Calamity? And what was their relationship with the ancient Link and Zelda?
And why are there so many of them?
Enshrined is intriguing, funny, witty and follows an engaging cast of original characters in what is one of the most interesting, unexplored eras of the Legend of Zelda timeline.
Dear Sir Landlord - by Anonymous
This story gets a special spot for being the funniest thing I read this month. I laughed so hard I had to stop to breath, and reread it back to back three times.
miniscrew anon, whoever you are, wherever you are, I hope your pillow is always at the perfect temperature on both sides.
In the Wind Fish’s Dream - by Anonymous
This is more than a character study - it’s a love letter to Marin’s unexplored depth. She’s Legend’s dream girl, yes, but this story is about her. Her kindness, her cleverness, her frankly disturbing existence, and her drive to understand her world.
It’s short and sweet, and proves an excellent backdrop to understand Marin’s place in her world, in the war of Eras, and with the Chain.
Fair Warning: This piece by itself is not NSFW, but the series it belongs to is. If you want to read a Linkshipping story with wonderful characters, world building, an exciting plot and lots of spice, and if this story catches your attention, give the rest of the series a shot!
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blueishspace · 1 month
Last Life with divine domains
Part 3: Session 3 & 4
"Galaxy duo" was used as a duo name for Scott and Pearl only after Double Life so yeah, @shortystack75 is right: their name is going to be Season Duo or something. Also, Empires is at the point in time where Scott gets his powers so people start connecting the two series.
And yeah, the Southlands are going south and just because of Mumbo...really makes you think.
As for @easily-distracted-by-fandom they sure love the Bdubs analaogies: From Bdubs being icarus AND the sun to Bdubs being the light that blinds Grian's eyes.
(Also, I found a good song for White Winter Scott, It's Freezerburn by T!LT:
"You always used to freeze the things I loved the most, I never understood it was a sympton of loss. I wonder if your father did the same to you and if the bread inside your fridge has a little more chew... as well. Now I always seem to freeze the things I love the most, they last a little longer when they're covered in frost. The muffins on the counter always get gobbled up and they grow stale...")
Also also, Scarian Third Life followed by Redscape Last Life...we just need a Grumbo Secret Life and we'll have them all.
Session 3
Lizzie is still the Boogeyman, Grian is made aware of there being one boogeyman.
After Scar got killed by Pearl last session he has the chance for revenge by linking Pearl and Jimmy for this session.
Martyn is given these 3 rules to choose from for this session: Everyone must wear a chicken head. Nobody is allowed to chests. Everyone must set their game language to pirate speak. I was undecided between first and third as I feel Martyn would choose one of them because they are kinda funny...so I rolled and pirates it is.
The sugar cane escapades happen in this timeline as well so Mumbo didn't lose much by choosing Scar over Grian... Jimmy is discovered by Joel like in canon and also has to run off without sugar cane.
Scar goes out selling crystals and his bonus gifted life, as in our timeline Grian brought a "soul" pretty willingly I think he actually buys the life. By session 3 Scar has given 2 of his bonus lives to Grian and one to Mumbo.
Lizzie tricks Pearl to get her boogey kill and suceeds getting cured... And dooming Jimmy to red lifeness 3 sessions in. Jimmy is forced out of the Southlands so uh... The Southlanders are really going south.
As Joel and Bdubs both bet on Jimmy being out first get 2 lives each from Tango.
Pearl and Scott find a zombie villager and hide it under their base for now.
Then Grian drops Yellow Snow in lava, becomes enemies of Magical Mountain and lets Joel burn their walls. This all happened in canon but yeah Southlands? More like Murphy's law...-lands.
Scar has 5 lives.
Mumbo, Tango, Joel and Bdubs have 4 lives.
BigB, Etho, Lizzie, Ren, Grian, Pearl, Cleo, Impulse, Skizz and Scott have 3 lives.
Martyn has 2 lives.
Jimmy has 1 life.
Session 4
The boogeymen for the session are Ren and BigB, Grian knows there are two boogeymen.
Scar ...well, Bdubs did try to steal the enchanter and Grian killed his horse so... Bdubs and Grian are linked now.
Martyn gets 3 rules to chose from: Everyone must gift a life to another player. Nobody is allowed to kill mobs. Everyone must whisper everything... I uh I'm going to say he choses either 2 or 3 as 1 is a big risk.. so randomizer says 3.
Bdubs in canon gives Scar a life for the enchanting table though Scar hasn't lost it this time around so he just takes it...
Lizzie and Scott separately get villagers for their respective alliances.
Predicting Jimmy is... difficult when it comes to him as a red life. He tends to be very erratic at that point, especially alone... However if we look at Jimmy's actions after being exiled I can tell that the Southlands are his first target. I don't think anyone dies from it as the traps are only placed later in the session but Jimmy definitely raids the Southlands.
Meanwhile the boogeymen do their thing, Skizz dies to Ren's trap and BigB kills Cleo... Cleo joins the Scottage and changes alliances.
Scar probably tries to sell his bonus life to someone but as the Magical Mountain has a lot of resources I don't think he finds something worth the life... So he probably gives it to Mumbo or Joel... I think Joel.
As Joel isn't red he also doesn't shoot Grian off the Nether bridge... Cleo's death is avoided for the same reason...
Grian not being shot doesn't change much as Bdubs falls to his death in the nether and causes Grian's death in the process... at least he isn't red.
Scar has 6 lives.
Joel has 5 lives.
Mumbo and Tango have 4 lives.
BigB, Etho, Lizzie, Ren, Pearl, Impulse and Scott have 3 lives.
Martyn, Skizz, Cleo, Bdubs and Grian have 2 lives.
Jimmy has 1 life.
Here we are again people, can't hear what your thoughts are on this one!
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eggz505 · 10 months
Okay. Lads. Jamie just put on their thinking cap and has an idea she wants to share. Hear me out here. I was re-watching Double Life, as one does, and I made a few connections.
1) This one is a stretch. But .Grian mentioned this "being his game. He can change the rules." And said something along the lines of a ritual of goathorns and amethyst. He could be referencing making a watcher like portal symbol whatever that thingy is called. The two L shapes with the dots making a portal shape. The L shapes would be the goat horns and the Amythest could be made into block that LOOK like they're portal blocks.
2) this is the better one. Grian spends, for the most part, The whole series OBSESSING over BigB and wanting to go against his own gimmick with the soulbonds to go after BigB (this is something I fawn over religiously. It has STUCK in my mind for AGES and I never knew why. Finally paying off oml) In the latest season, Secret Life BigB is doing the WEIRDEST things to the point people are theorizing that the watchers have recruited/shown great interest in BigB. This seems coincidental at face value but grian didnt just obsess over him as a bit, he spent the WHOLE SEASON being weirdly in love with BigB and BigB is spending this WHOLE SEASON doing weird things. Watcher level weird things. Ergo? I think Grian took a liking to BigB because of himself bring a Watcher which caused him to gravitate toward BigB, because BigB was either dormant as an already aligned Watcher, was newly recruited as a Watcher, or the Watchers first started to show interest in BigB in Double Life.
3) I just came up with this but in support of BigB being a Watcher I think the timeline really lines up. Double Life is the first time Grian obsesses over another player which struck me as uncanny. In Limited Life, the series that followed, what did BigB do? Watch. Other. Players. He was a nosey neighbour. PEARLESCENTMOON teamed with him that season. Pearl was there when Grian got recruited, what is BigB got recruited during Limited Life? He watched other players the whole season, he had a lookout tower, Grian gravitated towards him as an ally during the season. Now in Secret Life? Grian goes to see BigB EVERY. EPISODE. It is ritualistic. Like his "episodes wont be complete without seeing what weird things BigB is up to".
Okay. I am Jamie and I am taking off my tinfoil cone of a theory/thinking cap. I am fixated on the idea of BigB being with the watchers. I dont know if his intention is to REPLACE Grian or to have Grian be more involved in his Watcher duties/shenanigans, or if hes supposed to be like a trade offer from the watchers?? It could be that Grian liked BigB in double life and the watchers were like. :o "We could use that." But I am a sucker for the Life Series and the lore that other fans come up with. I am so shit at drawing but I can write like Alexander Hamilton, so let me know who wants more theories :D
TLDR: I think Grian made Watcher-esque references in Double Life. I think BigB has been a subject of Interest for the Watchers since Double Life. I think BigB was doing Watcher like things in Limited Life, either because he was recruited BY the Watchers in Limited Life, or in Double Life, or at the least he was being heavily influenced. I am a sucker for the Watcher!BigB headcanons fans are making. Thank you and good day. Jamie out.
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jemaniacreates · 6 months
Splatoon Fanfic Timeline
Remember when I said my fanfic has heavy reliance to the lore? Well, that is at the cost of the timeline.
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Since Splatoon moves in real time, it was challenging to arrange the events of the playable story mode without making the past too slow-paced.
To make the story make sense, the goal was to shave a year off the original timeline. To help me out, I took major Splatfests and some directs that mention of the playable story modes. I chose to ignore when the live performances originally took place, moving them to somewhere within the timeline.
Here's a TLDR:
XX15: Hitto (Captain) moves to Inkopolis Plaza and meets Cuttlefish, later defeats Octavio XX16: Pearl and Marina meet, Callie vs Marie Splatfest XX17: Maika (Agent 4) enters Octo Canyon and saves Callie. Hachi and Co fall into Kamabo Co XX18: Hachi leaves Kamabo Co., later moving in with Maika XX19: Hitto is made captain, Hachi and Maika resign from the NSS, Final Splatfest (Splatoon 2) XX20: Pearl and Marina start dating XX21: Maika graduates from high school XX22: Sanne (Neo 3) enters Alterna, Hachi goes on world tour. XX23: Hachi enters the Spire, Sanne saves the world, Shiver becomes leader, Hachi exits the Memverse.
Dual Complexity takes place 2 weeks later.
I want to make it clear that this is a fan canon, and these are just my version of the events prior to the fanfic so that enough people will have context that I couldn't focus too much on in the main story.
Longer Version:
Hitto (Captain) moves to Inkopolis Plaza in May. He meets Cuttlefish who tries to warn him about the Octarians. Hitto finally accepts, if it only means getting better at turf wars.
Hitto turns a new leaf and becomes a real agent, defeating Octavio in December, seven months after joining.
Pearl and Marina meet in January at Mount Nantai.
Callie vs. Marie Splatfest takes place in July
Octavio escapes and begins the “Octo Valley Rehab Project”. We’ll touch more in that when we get to it.
Hitto and Cuttlefish travel to the Cape in May, and the events of the Squid Sisters Stories take place.
Maika (Four) moves to Inkopolis Square for the Summer in July, casually living until she noticed Marie watching her. She follows her to Octo Canyon and stumbles upon the campaign.
Hitto and Cuttlefish survey the cape, encountering Hachi (Eight) in October and falling into the Metro.
Later in early December, Maika saves Callie. So, Octo Canyon took five months to finish.
Hachi and Co. escape Kamabo Co in June, taking him eight months to do so (heh).
After staying with OTH, Hachi moves in with Maika in July.
Hitto becomes captain in March and has Maika and Hachi resign from the New Squidbeak Splatoon.
Maika and Hachi begin working at Grizz Co. for the time being.
The final Splatfest takes place.
Pearl and Marina are officially in a relationship, starting in January.
Hachi is invited to Off the Hook's world tour.
Maika graduates from high school. This is the first time she gets contact from Marie since her leave, even if it’s just a casual conversation. She quits Grizz Co. and begins a job as a tutor.
In August, Hachi quits Grizz Co. for the tour.
This is where we really start screwing around with the timeline...
In September, the remaining members of the NSS notice some disturbance in the Crater, leaving Cuttlefish to watch Octavio. Octavio somehow escapes, and Cuttlefish goes to Splatsville to find a new agent.
Sanne (Neo 3) starts on Alterna in October, a month after moving to Splatsville, Hachi would end up in the Memverse months later in February (The same time the first Direct for the DLC dropped) when OTH would wrap up their tour.
Sanne saves the world shortly before the Nessie vs. Alien vs. Bigfoot Splatfest, when Deep Cut have finally seen the 'monstrosities' they spoke of. This means she was going in and out of Alterna for six months, and given she was not explaining why, it left her in a rough patch with her friend group. She hasn’t completely surveyed the haven however.
Hachi would 100% the Order Spire in September the same year (when the second Direct dropped) and after Shiver was made leader of Deep Cut. This makes the events of Side Order last for eight months, haha.
With OTH's tour over, the trio travel back to drop Hachi home, only to receive a certain message from Marie asking the gang to come back together after five years of radio silence from the NSS.
Two weeks later: Dual Complexity.
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