haunted-machines · 2 years
TRUTH to Shade: What were some of the worst experiences you had before joining Wily?
Send ‘ Truth ’ + a question, and my muse must answer it honestly, telling the complete truth.
Send ‘ Dare ’ + a dare, and my muse must do it right now, following through to the letter.
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"That is quite a presumptuous question!" Shade seems more stunned than actually upset.
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"Hey, you don't have to answer this-"
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"No, no, it's fine," he waves Metal off and folds his arms. He is quiet for an unusually long moment before he seems to settle into an uncharacteristically bitter demeanor. "You want to know what it was like back there? That's perfectly fine."
"Every moment I spent in that place was the worst experience of my life. I would hardly say it even qualified as a life, but what did I know. I supposedly did not have 'real' thoughts or feelings at the time, so it was not like my opinion of the situation mattered." He chuckles through clenched teeth. "The human patrons were disgusting, constantly leaving their garbage throughout my manor. The human employees were hardly any better. They weren't even around unless someone complained loudly enough to get their attention. Usually the ones who could not contain their fear properly and demanded reparations because the 'stupid robot' they swung at broke their hand with its abdomen." Shade's grip on his arms tighten, claws visibly tearing into the surrounding fabric.
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"Everything I did had to be a tightrope act! If I did not scare them, I would be killed. If I scared them too well, I could also be killed. My entire purpose was to taunt and threaten people who could command my death with a single request!"
Shade stops short, seemingly just now becoming aware of his own voice. He exhales, only mostly managing to mask the shakiness beneath it.
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"But even then, I was one of the lucky ones. I can tell you the worst of my own experience, but I am fortunate enough to have not experienced the worst of their treatment." His shoulders slump, no longer carrying the righteous anger he had begun with. No, now he just looks tired. "I was not the only Robot Master employed there. There were a handful, though I rarely interacted with any of them due to being confined to a single area.
"Except one. She was in charge of sanitation. I only ever saw her after hours, just before I was to power down. She was kind. Rather hot-headed, but very passionate about what she did. She was the only person I knew that I could speak freely to, without worry of any repercussion. Then one day, without any warning, she disappeared for some time. When I inquired about her status, I was told she had been shipped back to her manufacturer for 'repairs.' I did not think anything of it until she finally returned and introduced herself to me a second time. Nothing about her physical appearance changed, but the way she spoke, the way she carried herself, it all seemed muted. She did not appear to recognize me at all.
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"Apparently she had an unfortunate habit of being quite 'rude' to patrons who refused to clean up after themselves. Her attitude upset them, so they 'fixed' her. They completely culled everything about her former personality and reshaped her into something more palatable. If I had to chose, I believe I would call that the 'worst experience' of my time prior to now.
"When I realized just how utterly expendable we truly were."
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kenobster · 1 year
please i just love u talking abt ur fics
From this ask game.
Ahhhh thanks so much, anon!!! I'm super flattered. :D
I'm still sloooowly working my way through the asks I have in my inbox, but this one luckily had great timing so I'm doing this one before the others. (Though maybe this isn't what you wanted, anon... in which case, my deepest condolences. XD)
🗣️ Talk about your favorite WIP
We are using this question as an excuse to talk about the Vader Mpreg AU, which is, in fact, my favorite AU, but also is convenient for another post I was gonna make today, haha.
For context, there are a few things you should know about me:
I did not watch The Rise of Skywalker until literally three or four weeks ago.
I have never written an mpreg in my life. (It's true that lizard brain craves noncon in a way that compels me to read the occasional mpreg... But while writing my own fic, I do try to keep lizard brain's demands as realistic and in character as humanly possible.)
Perhaps the most important thing to note: lizard brain always wins.
Anyway... this all started when I happened upon the RoS spoiler: "Rey is Palpatine's granddaughter" in the year of 2022. Having not watched the movie, I immediately wondered who the fuck the grandmother is (a question to which my actual RL mother ceaselessly chants "Mommy Mothmama" every time; do not ask me why.) Of course, lizard brain, being lizard brain, immediately headcanoned a dubiously consenting Darth Vader somehow being this elusive grandmother person. (The "somehow" was not important to lizard brain.)
For a year or so, I actually put off watching RoS — in small part because lizard brain didn't want its headcanons to be refuted. Fortunately for lizard brain, I have amazingly supportive friends who informed me that Rey is actually the daughter of a strand (aka a special Force clone) which was cast into the world only to hook up with some unknown female. Unfortunately for my friends, lizard brain realized that this information didn't refute its grandma!Vader headcanons at all. Quite the opposite in fact. 🙄
Thus, began the saga of lizard brain's precious Vader Mpreg AU.
In summary, Palpatine creates a synthetic uterus to host an ordinary clone of himself. Then, he implants the uterus into Vader's abdomen and fucks the shit out of him to get some perverse dark-sided Force magic going. Why, you ask? :) Well, dear anon, in order to transform this regular clone baby into a strand of course, lizard brain replies. :) :) :) To be clear, there is no creation of a vagina nor any other method to give birth. Instead, this strand baby, once ripe for the picking, is simply plucked from Vader's abdomen via c-section, and a newly prepped uterus is inserted in its place. After that, Palpatine repeats this process and all of its trial-and-error glory every nine months for the rest of Vader's life. (But don't worry; Vader will eventually flee to Obi-Wan, who is horrified to find his once-Padawan eight months pregnant.)
Honestly, excepting dubcon/noncon, this actually isn't that weird for me. Lizard brain already possesses a plethora of headcanons in which Palpatine modifies Vader's body. The uterus implanting kinda just feels like an extension of that. (For an example of these headcanons, urinary and intrarectal catheters have been installed into Vader's body, not out of medical necessity, but because it would be inconvenient for Vader to have to pee and poop while dressed in the suit. For another, maybe Palpatine put in a full-blown mechno spine replacement to eliminate bothersome nervous-system functions such as the registration of pain.)
In fact, while this body-modifying headcanoning won't enable live births or lactating breasts (for now.... please don't tempt my lizard brain), it will go beyond the uterus. :) For example... prepping Vader for sex sounds like an incredibly tiresome task, and it's not like anyone else can do it. Vader doesn't have any limbs, after all. Instead, Palpatine wonders, why not have Vader's anus be self-lubricating in way similar to that of a vagina? Why not scifi-gene-splice the shit out of that butt canal? Why the fuck not?
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
I feel like the above AU description is pretty clinical, so I thought it would be fun to bring some emotion back to it via the use of a snippet. So, enjoy the wildly inappropriate noncon of a pregnant male villain:
At some point, he realizes the truth—that it isn't him being fucked into the mattress, face down, ass hooked on his Master's cock. Sidious isn't fucking Darth Vader or even his body. Sidious isn't even fucking Anakin Skywalker. In actuality, Sidious is fucking the uterus. The womb. The fetus. The uncast strand, the unborn infant. In actuality, Sidious is fucking himself. The truth of it has him choking on the respirator, on a dry and tearless sob, because this isn't about him, none of this was ever about him, it's about what Sidious wants, what Sidious likes, what Sidious craves. Vader is only the conduit of this ritual—far less than a pet or even a slave. Once, yes, he may have been an object of Sidious's obsession, and maybe he liked that, maybe he liked the way that Sidious took pride in what was once his greatest creation, in twisting Anakin Skywalker into this charred and rotten beast of a Sith. Because, even loveless, Sidious's pride burns value into Vader's flesh. Makes Vader feel as if he matters, as if he's worth something, as if he can live up to the magnitude of the pressure smothering him from the inside out. Punishment, after all, and pain and strife and sorrow, are their own kind of affection, ideal for the swollen carcass of need festering within his chest, and often better than the shame that blooms with praise.  Right now, as his sphincter clenches around the cock inside him, as the base of his spine shoots overwhelming pleasure upward, as a fetus kicks at its shrinking walls pressed against the mattress, Vader finds that he is being neglected. The absence of Sidious's intimacy leaves his furnace-heart chilly and black and hollow, and he chokes and sobs and chokes and sobs, and the monotonous blue-blue-blue of this bedroom becomes half-blurred and dizzy as a torrent of tears spills from his right eye's still-functioning tear duct. The thrusting crests, and tapers out. Sidious's breathing evens, but Vader's choked sobs just won't die.
I would say I'm sorry, but I am who I am lmao.
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izzysarchivedblogs · 1 year
So what are Clint's thoughts on the various members of his thunderbolts team?
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ANONYMOUSLY ASK ANYTHING -> Accepting All Anons, Asks, & Memes
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So this needs a little preface that I personally thing that T-Bolts / the writers fundamentally misunderstand Clint's character, as well as I think T-Bolts is a poor follow up on the Freefall storyline, which I do think was an interesting turn for Clint's character and than there was no continuation or pay-off, or more there should have been more.
There should have been a longer run for Freefall, or a Hawkeye book or run that explores how exactly Clint goes from end of Freefall, to making his way back to being included in greater superhero society.
I just think it's a poor handling, or there could have been a lot more. There's also the fact that it doesn't acknowledge that Clint is a good leader to most degrees; that he had for the most part done well with the WCA and than the original Thunderbolts? It's good, I'm reading that right now, and I feel like the very short T-Bolts run sucks for content, because it's just too short and not building up anything, besides the next big world ending arc event.
That and when I say it misunderstands Clint's character, they needed to show more of the aftermath of Freefall and see Clint having perhaps legal struggles, or see that something happened in those years between, to explain why he wouldn't be riding on Luke Cage a lot harder, cause Clint hates PR, hates marketing, and Tbolts feels corporate, like Clint made it clear if he had been alive during Civil War 1, than he'd have stopped the Superhero Registration act with A BULLET, and even in Civil War 2, he was again removed from that action; and he's the one who gave Carol this unknown to the readers deux ex machina to end the second one; like Clint to his core, would be against what is happening in the current canon of NYC in Marvel comics; like everything that we have based on this character that builds his personality, would be against this, like his last major character arc; we literally see him go against these laws, and be ronin, and like. . .
at the core, when he is presented with everything by Luke and the "PR" manager of the Thunderbolts "project", he should have been more against it based on what we have decades on his character; and he just agrees so quickly. like it just. made no sense. should have been handled differently. like clint was literally thinking about leaving new york, to start a team, because outside new york there weren't legally sanctioned teams / all these extra laws on superheroes, it's just in NYC. LIKE. he was going to leave, start somewhere else, where he wouldn't have these rules and things.
So just to preface, the mun's own bias about the 2022 run, and that will affect how i respond to this and what clint's thoughts are; and to be honest, I did not know most of the characters (i know one of them is new/created for this comic) before literally they appeared in thunderbolts.
like i don't know a lot about the others, so some of this is affected by the fact, that i know nothing of the others beyodn their tbolts appearance and my feelings of 2022 run is very poor.
But to preface a well, that I don't think there is anyone that Clint dislikes on the team. He likes the team, sees that roaster is good, but there's again in the really the issues lie with the fact that I don't think this Tbolts run understands Clint, or goes into the depth of why he would take on this team; like it doesn't recall on the fact that Clint was part of the original Tbolts team, as their leader in their attempt redeem themselve and turn their lives around.
LIKE I'm giving all this preface, cause like, I am a bias human, and thus this colors how I react and view things, and that to go into how Clint feels, which is generally he likes them, and respects them. wee gotta go into why i don't have much of an opinion or more to say there.
also just the way that no one really respects or listens to clint's lead or orders, as the leader. and like they do have moments where they allow him to be written as competent and doing a good job.
it's also why for my blog canon to explain why clint is not super good in this, or why he kind of seems to be a doofus that fumbles (which have we not established that's a bit of an act for clint), is the alcoholism and that he is an alcoholic ("functional") and that perhaps that's playing on clint more and affecting him
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This is who Clint knows the most about; they have been on teams together and been in the same sphere of each other plenty of times before as superheroes. Monica was on the East Coast Avengers team for a team, when Clint was running the West Coast Avengers; and worked together due to WCA Annual #1 (read it im not going into the plot of that).
He knows Monica, likes Monica, and trusts her. Clint knows what she was capable of, and is glad to have her on the team because they go years back at this point, before any of the other team members.
Clint has a great deal of respect for her and has known her from all her alias, from her being Captain Marvel, to Photon, to Pulsar, and now Spectrum. He is definitely glad to have her on the team, because he's old guard and she's old guard; and there's solidarity and understanding found there.
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This is the next person that Clint knows, personally knows. That's Kate's best friend, so he knows about her. Knows her deal, and has personal opinion formed on her. He likes her, he finds her dependable and knows she's a good kid, a good person. Why wouldn't she be?
They've worked together, were both there for Kate's West Coast team, and there's enough a history there to know how she operates and how to work with her. He respects her and he's glad that she's on his team.
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The new Power Man. Clint would know Victor from the Avengers Academy, although he was not a teacher there for long; but he would know at the least that he's a good kid, and than he would have known from through the extension that he was on the Young Avengers, which was Kate's original team.
He also gets that this is the personal tie in for Luke, because Luke's the original Power Man, and now Victor bears that title. SO Clint comes from Luke's side of view, in knowing what it's like to have a legacy and share a title. So he knows that there is some pressure on his shoulders, and tries to really give Victor some slack on that.
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Clint knows that she has been around, may as well be counted as old guard as well, but he's never ran much over lap with her. He knows of her, doesn't have too much of an opinion, besides knowing what its like to be worried about being their own father, about being in their fathers' shadow. He knows to give her the benefit of the doubt. There's respect there, knows that she's got to live up to and redeem herself against.
He's still getting to know who she is, since Clint's rarely ran in the same circles as Alpha flight, even if he did run in the same circles as Carol Danvers and Monica Rambeau.
Terrible taste in sports team though.
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Who the fuck are these guys? What the fuck are their deals? What's Gutsen's powers?
Clint's gives people the benefit of the doubt; and he doesn't really get the say on who is on his team or not. So he can't say anything more on that, would he have these two on his team if he had control of that?
Probably not, because Clint would need to know them a little better; he would need someone to vouch for them. and that someone, sure can't be the government to vouch for them. The government's word can mean shit-all to Clint. Just look at US Agent coming into the West Coast Avengers.
He doesn't like unknown entities or trust government-vouched for individuals.
NOW He doesn't dislike either of these two; but he doesn't have a good enough read on them. He'll trust them, cause he has to; give them the benefit of thde doubt and extend trust first before judging them harshly (if earned or deserved).
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lightofraye · 18 hours
To the Politics Anon:
I see you've been going around and sending this question to quite a few other bloggers besides me.
I chose not to publicly answer your ask because in the end, it doesn't matter. Whether one person registers for one party or another, it doesn't translate into them actually for one nominee or the other.
More, some states have voter registration public. Some do not. Some allow you to file to keep such information private, largely because one's address may be attached to it. (Which is why I suspect Jared's registration is unknown. Good for him!)
One person may be one party and behave and speak the exact opposite. A person's choice of party does not, in the end, reflect their heart. I've met many a Democrat that claim to stand for the party of and act the opposite of what they claim to support. And I've met many a Republican who are the same.
In the end, one's political party, one's religious beliefs, do not reflect their character.
The way they act to opposing opinions do. The way they act when dealing with someone they dislike.
When someone makes death threats... believe that's who they truly are. When someone makes threats of violence to someone with a different opinion... believe that's who they really are. When one resorts to name calling, insults, and dehumanization... believe that's who they really are.
Not their voter registration.
That's my piece.
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sweetdevil-sims · 5 years
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Store Sophisticated Bun retexture & age, gender conversion
Such a cute hair! I have a bunch of hairstyles put aside for maybe-working on, and after throwing a retexture on this as a trial run I was surprised by how good the UV mapping is for once.
For child-elder, unisex (separate files).
Enabled for random for females, disabled for random for males.
Set unknown From the Ambitions registration reward pack (thank you, Anon!), but the original file isn’t required.
Original filename: afHairEP2Bun.
Custom thumbnails.
Download: child-elder female | teen-elder male
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frost-queen · 6 years
Marked // Au Soulmates ( Reader x Edmund)
Requested by: Anon, Forever tag: @hanbinwsrt, @alex--awesome--22, @mrs-blythe72, @fandomnerdsarecool
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You’ve always found the mark on your arm strange, at first you thought it was a birthmark but none of your relatives shared that same mark on any place of their body. Your mother told you later when you were old enough that you had been marked, marked with a soulmate. She told you that a few people have a mark that connects them to a soulmate.
You found yourself a bit special as you were chosen to bare this mark, your family was proud that they had someone in the family with such a blessed mark. The mark on your arm seemed to the naked eye nothing special as it had a weird shape. You knew better as the mark on your arm resembled a lion, you didn’t know why it looked like that, but it made you feel powerful and strong.
As you grew older you never found anyone that shared the same mark as you, your mother had explained to you that your soulmate would bare the same mark as you. You were at a certain age that you wanted to find him desperately, you tried to find every possible way to look at the arms of the boys from your school. You almost had checked out every student as you were being transported to another location.
Your hometown was cleared of bombing, but something changed as new airplanes threatened the skies. Your mother had taken cover with you as you heard the bombs fall from the sky, the deadly whistling of bombs dropping sounded loud and clear from the shelter you were in. The two of you were crawled up together with other families as you wanted to war to be over. It was only a year ago that the bombing had stopped and that everyone felt safe again to come out of hiding but everything changed again.
You saw some little children cry soft and bury their heads between the arms of their mother as you wished the planes would just leave. You hated the war and everything that came with it, this meant that the children had to be send away again. Everyone made their self-smaller as they heard a bomb explode near you, some dust fell from the shock. You moved closer to mother as you placed your head against her body as she held you close. – “Everything will be alright Y/n…” – she said soft as she started to stroke your head.
No matter how old you were, you wanted to have your mother close to you and protect you. Another round of dust fell from between the cracks as everyone crawled closer to each other. You covered up your ears at the sounds of the bombing and loud sirens, you could feel the whole building shake as a bomb exploded in your street. Some small children almost started to scream and panic as an older man shushed them as he was sitting close to a gap, so he could see what happened above them. Everyone staid quiet as you heard heavy boots march on the gravely road and puddles, everyone held their breath as they had no idea if they were the enemy or their own military.
After several hours of bombing and being worried you were relieved that the siren sounded loud in every street. This siren let everyone know that the coast was clear until the next siren, everyone in the shelter room sighed deep and started to hug each other as they were glad to be alive. You hugged and shook hands with unknown people as everyone thanked God and the military for being alive. Your mother helped you to the upper floor as you had to go back home again, you gasped loud at the sight of the street. Whole houses were gone or broken apart as there was only standing some empty hulls.
Your mother took your hand as she leaded you back home through the maze of holes in the street and dangerous pieces of buildings that could collapse. You tried not to look at the damaged as the war scared your heart, your mother held the door open for you as she pushed you inside. She closed the door behind her as she pushed you further down the stairs to a safe place underneath your house. – “Y/n …” – she said soft as she had closed a second door behind her.
You knew by the look in her eyes that she was saying goodbye, - “I have arranged for you to be taken away from here…” – “I don’t want to go!” – you interrupted her as she grabbed your shoulders tight, - “Y/n I will sleep again when I know that you are alright…” – you shook your head in protest as you moved your arms back. – “I’m not leaving you!” – you called out as you felt tears come up.
“Listen to me Y/n!” – she called out again by grabbing your shoulders again, - “You are getting on that train… and …and… you will have a nice place to stay with a professor … a lot of other children will be there too…” – she called out to you as you kept shaking your head, - “I’m not going without you!” – “Yes, you are Y/n, don’t worry…” – you had started to cry as she wiped some tears away, - “We will see each other again… if not in this life than in the next…”
“How can you speak so easily of death!” – you yelled at her as you started to cry harder, - “Assuming that I might not ever see you again!” – your mother started to cry as well as she tried to comfort you, - “Y/n think off the possibilities you can have… perhaps you will find your soulmate their?” – “You think I care about that!” – you cried out at her, - “I only want to be with you!” – she sighed again as she knew it would be hard to let you go. – “We have no other choice, Y/n…” – she called out again and you gave up trying to reason with her as you knew there was no escape.
The next morning your mother took you to the train station, it was very busy as you held her hand tight or you would have been lost in the crowd. A policeman was standing a bit further and leading everyone into small ques for registration, he leaded you and your mother to the left one as you were being pushed closer to other people. Both of you kept quiet as you listened to the instructions and just wanted to enjoy each other’s company in silence.
As the que moved forwards you noticed several children on the other end of the line crying or clamping their selves to their parents. You swallowed the knot in your throat as you hated to see young children being taken away from their parents. – “Name please!” – the man behind the desk called out loud and you turned your attention towards him in seconds. – “Y/n Y/L/n” – your mother replied for you as you watched him move his pen over a list of names and stop midway. He crossed your name out and took another form where he scrabbled all sorts of information on.
“Don’t lose this!” – he said to you as he handed you the name tag, you accepted it with a small nod as he waved his hand to the left, signalling to you to move on. – “Next!” – you heard him call out behind you as you placed the name tag around your neck. You looked at the tag and felt uncomfortable, it seemed as you were just another number in the line. – “The professor lives on the countryside, I think it’s a good way for you to clear your head…” – your mother said to you as she took your hand and leaded you towards the train.
The station was filled with people who were saying goodbye or checking each other’s nametag to where they would end up. Some steam released itself from the wheels as another policeman walked through it towards the group you were standing with, just outside the registration desk. He was holding a clipboard and called out several town names as he leaded the children to their places in the train. You saw the group grow smaller and smaller until there were only 3 more left, the policeman called out the hometown of the professor and you followed him to a part of the train. You quickly said goodbye to your mother as you knew there was little time for it. – “Wherever you are, know that I will always love you Y/n” – she whispered to you as she hugged you quick.
“We will see each other again…” – you replied as you heard the policeman call out to get on board. Before you stepped on the train you looked back at your mother who was holding back her tears and blowing you kisses. You returned the action by doing the same and that was the last thing you saw of your mother. You seated yourself down in a cabin with the other children as you ignored their introductions and just looked out the window. A cloud of steam emerged before the widow as a loud whistling filled everyone’s ears. The train started to move slowly as its wheels made a loud noise, you caught a last glimpse of your mother before the train rode out off to the countryside.
You slowly lifted your sleeve to look at your mark as you felt like a stranger in your own country. You let your fingers go over the figure that resembled a lion as you felt a comforting feeling overwhelm you. – “Maybe …” – you whispered soft because you didn’t want the other children to know about your mark, you knew they would ask you a lot of questions or be jealous and you wanted to avoid conflicts. The closer you got to the country side, the more relieved you felt as a heavy weight was lifted from your spirit.
You started to interact more with the other children and got to know more about their background. After sitting on the train for almost three hours you arrived at the countryside of the professor. You jumped off the train followed by the others with your luggage in your hand. – “I hope his house is big enough for us?” – A boy said to you as he had jumped off behind you, - “I guess…” – you replied as you pulled your luggage closer to you. You followed the others to a carriage where an old lady was waiting. – “Come, come children we’re in a hurry…” – she called out as she ordered everyone to take a seat.
You climbed on the carriage and seated yourself between 2 girls as the old lady ordered the horse to start walking. The ride towards the house was bumpy as the ground was gravely and full of cracks. When you arrived at the house, the old lady ordered everyone to get out of the carriage as she wanted to be on time. You walked in the big house with your luggage in your hand as she kept giving orders to everyone to keep up and to not touch a single thing. – “This way! Follow me!” – She would shout as she was leading the row of children.
She gave everyone their rooms as you were being pushed into a smaller room with a large bed and a nightstand. You walked in gazing at the ceiling as you moved around, this was better than you’ve ever know as it seemed as you had the bedroom of a princess. You placed your luggage down and jumped on top of the bed, giggling soft at your own childish behaviour.
The other children knocked on your door and asked you to play around, you accepted and followed the line of children at the end. They walked past several doors and furniture as you suddenly paused before a door, it was as something was calling for you. The other children were walking further as they didn’t know you had stopped, you breathed out slow as you moved your hand closer to the doorknob. You paused for a moment as you looked around to see because you had a feeling the room was off limits, still something strong was calling for you.
Like a melody it enchanted you and you took the doorknob firm and swung the door open. You were shocked, you expected the room to be filled with wonders but there was only a huge furniture covered up with a white blanket. As an order your hand with the mark moved in front of you as it was pulling you towards the closet. The closer you got to the closet, the louder the calling got in your body. Your hand stopped hard against the frame of the closet door as you felt your breath quicken of excitement.
You moved a piece of the blanket aside as you wanted to look clearer at the door frame that was carved with several curls and lines. You let your fingers go over them as you suddenly jumped back from a loud voice. You turned around and saw an old man standing in the doorframe as he chuckled soft at the sight of you. – “I … I … I didn’t mean to intrude…” – you quickly told him as he removed his hands from his pocket and moved closer to you. – “I had an idea, I would find you here…” – he replied casual as you frowned at him.
“How … how did you…” – “the mark!” – he said back as he pointed at your arm, you gasped and placed your hand on the spot underneath your sleeve. He chuckled again at your sudden reaction, - “No need to be afraid … I knew before you came here that this closet would draw you in…” – he moved past you towards the closet as he placed his hand against it.
“Professor…” – you said soft and he moved his head towards you, - “How… how is it that this closet is calling for me?” – “Ahh!” – he replied as he moved his finger against his noise and tapped it brief. – “That is something you must find out for yourself…” – he replied as he moved back to you and placed his hand on your back, leading you out of the room. You looked one more time back to the closet as the door was being shut before your eyes.
“Now go to your room before someone suspects something…” – and with that he left you alone as you were totally confused why he was acting all strange and mysterious. You rolled up your sleeve and admired your mark as you found it curious how he knew about it as you hadn’t seen him before or showed it to anyone. You quickly rushed to your room as you heard the bossy tone of the old lady, you nearly bumped against things as her voice echoed through the entire house. You rushed in your room and closed the door before your eyes as you heard her voice loud and clear. You then slowly backed away and let yourself fall on your bed.
You were woken at night by a sudden tingling around your mark as you softly scratched it. You wanted to close your sleepy eyes again but abruptly woke up as you felt the same calling from before. It sounded as a faint whisper, your marked arm moved again in front of you as you let it lead you out of your bed. You decided to let it lead you as you enjoyed the feeling it gave you, opening the door you didn’t care if anyone would see you.
The closer you got to the room the louder the calling got, you opened the door to the room without thinking twice and let your mark lead you to the closet. You took a piece of the blanket in your hand and pulled it off with one movement, the blanket fell in a slow pace as it gracefully landed next to you on the ground. The calling was now so loud and clear that you could feel it through your bones. Without hesitation you turned the closet knob and a soft breeze overwhelmed as you were curious to why you would feel it.
You placed one foot in the closet and let the rest of your body follow as you moved some fur coats away. You expected the closet to end but you kept moving forward, your brain was a bit out of space as it suspected to find an end of the closet, but it never came. Moving more fur coats you could hear soft chirping of birds, you didn’t pay much attention to it as you were memorized by the feeling around your mark that kept leading you further in the closet.
Suddenly you tripped, and you fall with your face on a different type of ground than the closet. You looked down and noticed you had fallen on a ground filled with dirt and grass, you gasped and rushed to your feet as you looked confused around. You were somewhere else as the green trees surrounded you and in the middle of some sort of crossroad was standing a lantern. Moving closer to it you felt a strange feeling overwhelm you as it felt that someone you love had been here before.
You placed your fingers against the lantern as you gazed in front of you at the view. – “Who are you?” – you suddenly heard behind you and you quickly turned around. You wanted to say something, but nothing came out as you saw a strange figure standing in front of you. – “Who are you and how did you get here?” – you looked a bit down at the smaller figure as it puffed annoyed as his ginger beard almost touched his toes. – “Never seen a dwarf!” – he called out as you kept staring at him.
“I … I … I’m sorry…” – you responded as you tried to look at anything but him. – “How did you get here and who are you!” – he called out again as his face started to look red. – “I … I came through the closet?” – you pointed your finger at the place you came from but only saw trees and smiled nervous as you knew you just sounded as a mad person.
He gasped soft and before you knew it he had moved his short legs towards you, - “Hey!” – you called out as he pulled your arm down and pulled up your sleeve. – “The lion!” – he said to himself and you pulled your arm back and covered back your mark. – “You had no right to do that!” – you yelled at him as you didn’t like it how he reacted.
“Finally…” – he said to himself and then mumbled some things you couldn’t understand. You gave him some dagger looks as he kept mumbling to himself and suddenly whistled loud, you covered up your ears as it pierced loud through it. – “Can you maybe not do that!” – you shouted at him as he ignored your shouting, - “And can you tell me where the hell I am!”
He rolled his eyes at your shouting as he was impatient for someone, - “Where am I?” – you shouted again as you stomped angry against the ground, then suddenly some sort of horse creature jumped almost over you as you fell on your back. You started to scream at the creature in front of you that was a half horse with the body of a man. the dwarf came standing next to him and mumbled something to him as he pointed at you.
“I’m going mad!” – you called out to yourself as you tried to tap you awake, - “Or this is just a dream… of course this is…” – you felt saner as you told yourself that it was merely a dream. – “I’m just going to wake up in a few moments…” – you started to smile nervous as you didn’t wake up, the centaur gave you an intriguing look as it started to sink in that this was no dream. – “Do you bare the mark?” – he asked you in a deep voice as his hoofs stomped nervous on the ground.
You gasped again and got quickly to your feet as you held your arm behind your back, - “I have no such thing!” – you called out as the dwarf took a few steps closer, - “I saw it myself… she bares the same mark as the king…” – “I do not!” – you shouted back as they started to come closer, - “I’m warning you! Stay back!” – you yelled as you looked around for something to defend you. The centaur and the dwarf kept moving closer to you, - “We mean you no harm my lady.” – the centaur said as he held his hand near his heart.
“I have no idea where the hell I am and who you are and what you expect me to show you my mark!” – you shouted at them as you kept backing away, almost bumping against the lantern. – “Not that I have one!” – you quickly added as you didn’t trust the people in front of you. – “Allow me to explain my lady…” – the centaur spoke again as you held a stick defensive in front of you. – “Speak!” – you ordered him as you didn’t trust him.
“My name is Glenstorm and this is Trumpkin…” – he signalled to the dwarf who growled annoyed that he was taking his time. – “And you my lady are in Narnia” – you started to laugh at the mention of the name as you never heard of a land like that. – “Narnia?” – you said laughing, - “Are you playing a trick on me or something, there isn’t any place that is called Narnia!” – you were mocking the name a bit as you didn’t believe them now.
The centaur felt offended and made himself larger and stomped with his hoofs loud against the dirt, you jumped a bit back and quickly stopped laughing or talking. You had a feeling he was going to get dangerous, so you started to run away from them but soon you felt yourself lift in the air. The centaur had caught up with you in seconds as he grabbed you and lifted you up in the air. – “Put me down!” – you panicked as you saw the ground beneath you. He moved his arm back and placed you on his back as Trumpkin rushed with his small legs behind him, Glenstorm then picked him up and placed him behind you.
“This is kidnapping!” – you screamed out as the centaur turned around and rushed off with you and the dwarf on the back. You gave up screaming or shouting for attention as no one seemed to help you out, the people you crossed on your path didn’t make it easier for you. You were now going to an unknown place with these two who kidnaped you for your mark with no reason… you had heard one call out that some king had something similar but from the freight you didn’t think about him being a soulmate or something like that.
You tried not to think much on your way as you felt like slipping off his body any second, and the constant growling of the grumpy dwarf didn’t make it easier as he didn’t like to ride like this. You gasped when you saw a castle in the distance, it was standing on higher platform as it sticks out of the scenery. Only when you saw the castle you figured they were taking you to their superior, you looked behind you to the woods that you were leaving as you wanted to go back and be save in your bed.
His hoofs slowed down a bit as he ran on sand for a moment before running up a hill towards the castle. Several people and strange creatures stared at you as you buried your head deeper against his skin. You were surprised to see some people that looked like you as you thought there were only creatures as you had encountered. Suddenly the centaur stopped at a courtyard and lowered his body, so you could slide off him, you wanted to run off, but the dwarf figured you would do such a thing and held a small blade in front of him. – “I don’t think so missy!” – he growled at you as you gave him a mean look.
The centaur had gotten up and ordered you to walk next to him towards the great hall. – Where am I Glenstorm?” – you asked him curious as you started to slowly trust him or even more than the dwarf behind you that was still pointing his blade at you. – “Cair Paravel, the Castle of the kings and queens of Narnia” – he replied to you without looking at you, - “Narnia has more kings and queens?” – you asked him again as you thought it was strange to have more than one ruler.
He nodded and opened a big door as you gasped at the size of it, Glenstorm moved a bit faster than you and tripled to the place where four thrones were standing. You saw him talk to a blonde-haired boy as you wanted to come closer but Trumpkin stopped you by poking you in your side. You gave him another mean look, suddenly Glenstorm returned to you as the blonde boy had gone away. – “Was … was that the king?” – you asked Glenstorm as he came near you again.
“Yes, that was High-king Peter!” – he bowed his head a bit at the mention of his name, you looked past him and admired the four thrones that were decorated different. The high-king was sure taking his time as you had seated yourself down on the ground after a lot of complaining of the dwarf, but you were tired of waiting. The dwarf pulled you up to your feet as he heard the door open again and the High-king entered followed by another boy who was a few years younger than him but the same age as you.
You folded your skirt better as you wanted to look presentable for the High-king, you curtsied or tried to when the King was near you with the boy next him. the other boy had black hair and was rather attractive, you curtsied for him as well as you noticed the noble cloths he was wearing. – “My apologize for the discomfort.” – High-King Peter said. – “Discomfort!” – you nearly shouted but presses your lips together to deafen the sound as you were in the presence of not one but two kings.
“That was an understatement…” – both kings raised their eyebrows at you as you quickly added, - “your majesties…” – you bowed your head a bit again just to annoy the dwarf next to you, who almost poked you with his blade for not addressing them with the right title. – “I’m sorry for the discomfort, welcome to Cair Paravel” – the King said with black raven hair, you looked him in the eyes and started to blush soft but quickly looked away as you thought not to look directly to a king.
“She bares the mark, Your highness.” – Glenstorm spoke as he bowed again, both kings looked at you and you suddenly felt targeted. – “Which one?” – Peter said as he looked at the king next to him. Trumpkin wanted to grab your arm and show them your mark but you pulled your arm to you before he could reach it. – “I don’t mean to sound blunt, but I have no idea who you are? How I got here and what the hell I am doing here?” – The kings both looked at each other and gave each other a look as they totally forgot to introduce themselves and explain things more to you.
They wanted to say something, but you needed to get some things of your chest. – “Everything was perfectly fine, well except for the bloody war but anyway I got to this house with a serious weird professor and a room with a closet and before I know it, I ended up in Narnee?” – “Narnia!” – Trumpkin corrected you as he gave you a mean look. – “Whatever…” - You said, and it made his face even more red. – “And this man over here just barges into my personal space and everything while this man over here just kidnapped me!” – your face had turned red of frustration as both kings tried to follow your story.
“You came out of the closet?” – the dark-haired boy spoke, - “Yes…” – you replied uncertain of the outcome. – “We did as well… a few years ago, I am King Edmund, and this is my brother High-King Peter.” – he pointed at the king beside him as you already knew his name. “But about that mark…?” – he asked you as you moved your arm behind your back a bit. – “It’s alright …” – he reassured you as he came slowly towards you. – “It’s just we are very curious if you could be a soulmate of one us?”
“You … you also have one?” – you replied confused as both kings nodded, - “Do you prefer to show you ours?” – Peter asked you as you looked shy around the throne room, you then nodded soft and both boys rolled up their sleeve to show you their mark. You gasped as you came closer to them, you looked at the arm of Peter and rolled your own sleeve up to compare it. Edmund watched you walk over to his brother and sighed soft as he was afraid his brother would get you just like he always does.
Your mark was now visual, and Edmund quickly gasped as he took your arm and pulled it closer to him. you were totally blown away as he pulled your arm away from Peter’s. – “You have the lion!” – he called out as you looked confused at his arm. – “I do too…” – he then said as he placed your arm next to his. You always thought your mark resembled a lion but now it’s shape had changed and showed a clear lion, like the ones you would find on a shield. You widened your eyes at the sight of your marks new form as it also had changed with Edmund.
“You … you are my soulmate?” – you called out as Edmund couldn’t help himself from smiling, he then let his fingers slide over your arm to your hand as he entangled your fingers with his. – “I always knew I would find you… I had a feeling my soulmate would come from the other world.” – you started to blush at his touch as you felt the same that your soulmate was in Narnia, your mark had leaded you to him. – “I heard a voice inside of me and it called me to you… it let me feel things I could never lay my finger on but now that I have found you, I know that what I was feeling was you.”
Edmund started to smile bright as he quickly pressed a kiss against your cheek. Peter rolled his eyes next to him, - “I think I’ll leave you to alone, you have a lot to discuss…” – he wanted to walk back but paused and turned around looking at you. – “Oh, welcome to the family…?” – he gestured to you as you totally forgot to tell them your name. – “Oh Y/n … sorry” – you quickly replied as Peter nodded in approval. – “Y/n…” – Edmund said on a dreamy tone, - “Queen Y/n… like it was meant to be”
“Queen?” – you said laughing a bit, - “I don’t think I am Queen material?” – Edmund started to laugh soft at the sight of you and reassured you that you would be excellent at it. Edmund took your hand and leaded you to another room as he wanted to discuss more matters with you. You walked in another room with a large table in the middle, Edmund started to lean against the table as you stepped in front of him.
“So, …” – you said, - “So, …” – Edmund replied as he looked shy at the ground. You walked even closer to him as you were standing close to him. – “Are you going to ask me to be your queen?” – you teased him as you let your finger go up his arm. Edmund had to press his lips together as he softly placed his arms around you. – “Y/n…” – he said as a faint whisper, - “yes Edmund…” – you replied as he chuckled soft. – “I love you, will you please be my queen?”
Edmund awaited your answer but instead of answering you placed your hands against his cheek and pressed your lips onto his. You felt Edmund loosen up and wrap his arms tighter around you as he pressed you closer to him. both of your marks on your arm started to tingle and warm up as you felt your love for each other exchange bodies. You never knew you could love someone you’ve never met but with Edmund it felt as you loved him your entire life, that it was just hidden away in your mark and now with finding him it exploded.
Both of you pulled moments later away as you couldn’t stop blushing, - “I’ll take that as yes…” – Edmund called out as you shook your head in a playful way. – “I do have to tell you that it will take me a while to get used to everything and all, but I think with you by my side that I will feel quickly at home.” – Edmund nodded as he still had his arms wrapped around you, - “I will always make sure you feel at home, Y/n…” – you smiled again at him as you pulled him close again for another kiss.
It was now two years later when you first arrived at Narnia, in the meantime have you been crowned queen of King Edmund the just. You never felt so happy with Edmund by your side, you had adjusted to the royal life as you felt at home surrounded by the one you love. Edmund arranged for you that your mother would be able to come to Narnia, this way the two of you could be together.
All of you were sitting at the large dining table as you were sitting next to your King Edmund. He moved his head closer to you as he looked in front of him, - “Do you want to get out of here, Y/n?” – he let his hand move under the table and grab your hand in his. – “Yes please…” – you whispered to him as he placed a kiss against your sleep. The two of you excused yourself as Peter frowned deep at the two of you, you quickly walked to your mother on the table and hugged her tight. – “I love you mother…”
Edmund than took your hand and ran with you through the halls as everyone had to make way for you. You were laughing loud as you held a piece of your dress up to prevent yourself from falling as Edmund kept running around in the halls with you. You felt your crown almost falling off as Edmund leaded you to the stables, he slowed down and ordered someone to prepare a horse. Edmund climbed on the horse and helped you on it as he wanted you to sit behind him.
“Ready my Queen?” – he called out as he looked over his shoulder to you, you nodded and placed a kiss on his shoulder as he signalled the horse to start walking. The two of you galloped towards the beach as Edmund wanted to enjoy some alone time with you. You quickly got the beach as Edmund helped you get off, he then leaded you closer towards the water. You took off your shoe and touched the water brief with your toes as you jumped back from the cold. Edmund was smirking as he moved his hand in the water and splashed it towards you, you let out a shocked gasp as you gave him a mean face.
You then moved your foot in the water to splash him, Edmund laughed as you had opened a battle. Edmund was now trying to splash more water on you as you kept using your foot to splash at him. you were giggling and screaming loud whenever the cold water hit you, while Edmund was laughing his ass off. – “Take this King Edmund!” – you called out as you made a big splash towards him. Edmund was wet as he took his crown of his head and started to shake his hair to let the wet drops hit you. – “Edmund!” – you called out as you tried to move your head from his splashes.
He then grinned as he ran over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist as he lifted you up in the air a bit. – “Edmund!” – you squealed loud as he kept laughing at you, he then ran with you towards deeper water as he was still holding you. You tried to protest in every way as Edmund suddenly pulled you with him under water. Both of you were soaking wet in seconds as he pulled you back up, you wiped some water off your face as Edmund kept laughing soft.
“You think this is funny?” – you called to him as he nodded quick, - “I do, my beautiful queen” – you crossed your arms to tease him a bit, - “You think flattery will get you out of this situation?” – “I think it does…” – he replied as he pulled you closer again and presses his lips onto yours. – “I love you so much Y/n” – he said on a sweet tone as he let his finger slide down your cheek, - “I love you too Edmund…” – you replied as you kissed him again. Edmund than leaded you back to the beach as he paused you on the sand.
“I have to ask you something, Y/n…” – Edmund than pulled something from his pocket as he kneeled in front of you, you gasped soft as you had to hold back any tears. – “I know you are already crowed as my queen but still I want to officially marry you so, Queen Y/n of Narnia will you marry me?” – your tears started to roll down your face as you called out ‘yes’ a thousand times. Edmund smiled bright as he placed the ring around your finger, he then pulled himself up and kissed you passionate as he was glad to call you his wife.
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360digitmg-training · 2 years
Data Science Course In Hyderabad
 Chi- Square is a thesis testing system employed in Statistics, which is used to measure how a mannequin compares to factual observed information. One Sample T- Test One- Sample T- Test is a thesis testing methodology employed in Statistics. In this module, you'll study to corroborate whether or not an unknown population is different from a specific value using the One- Sample T- Test process. stoner- defined features stoner- defined capabilities are features created by the programmer to carry out any operation-specific operations. In this module, you will apply stoner- defined capabilities in Python exercising the def keyword. 
 Apply the ideas picked in this course and get conceded within the office. This Data Science demonstrates your proficiency in complex debit working with the most sophistical know- style out there. The Data Science instrument is your passport to an accelerated career path. The demand for Data Scientists is predicted to extend by 30% by 2021. On the occasions to come back a Data scientist part will not be just subordinated to specialised features but will rise to redundant of a collaborator and a facilitator's service. An entry- position job in Data Science earns aroundRs.4.0 lakhs. 
  In this model members can attend classroom, educator- led stay on- line and-learning with a single registration. A combination of those 3 will produce a synergistic print on literacy. One can attend multiple educator- led live online sessions for one time from different coaches at no farther price with the all new and exclusive JUMBO PASS. 
Yes, after efficiently completing the course you'll be awarded a course completion instrument from 360DigiTMG. 
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Since it entails varied aspects of superior applied lores, corresponding to Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence, amongst others, it's comparatively delicate to learn. Still, this Data Scientist coaching is offered by IIT Madras academy and Assiduity advisers who have plenty of moxie in the area. They make all ideas simpler to grasp as they explain each idea with the help of a number of real- life examples. This on- line program is curated by top Data Scientists from India and the United States. These SMEs have designed the course in such a way that indeed in case you're from anon-technical background and have nearly zero knowledge of this area, you conceivably can nevertheless be tutored and acclimatise all generalities fluently. 
  You'll be successful in entering the job gate after finishing this Data Science course and executing all the given exercises, systems, and case studies. The course is well- structured and the literacy operation system is an added benefit. My issue was resolved, due to the deep area moxie of the coach. I'm greatly obliged to 360DigiTMG for assigning similar knowledgeable and educated coaches for this instrument course. Derive intelligence for the business products by way of designing and creating Machine literacy models. 
Data scientists also must have an understanding of and exposure to reproducibility, decision- timber, and working with stakeholders and directors. So attaining an alternate parchment won't be the topmost option for professionals seeking to break into Data Science. Yet to be successful, they still need to speak about their experience, moxie, and buy information to implicit employers. I enrolled in 360DigiTMG's course to support my career and it was a fantastic experience. 
  Learn about ARMA and ARIMA fashions which mix model- grounded and data- driven strategies. Understand the smoothing styles and variations of those strategies. Get launched to the conception ofde-trending and deseasonalize the information to make it stationary. You'll study seasonal indicator computations that are used to deseasonalize the end result obtained by smoothing fashions. Revise Bayes theorem to develop a bracket system for Machine literacy. In this tutorial you will learn about common liability and its functions. 
The thing I liked most about this system was the standard of training. The academy has plenty of moxie in their fields and so they cleared all our doubts. I attained openings in 2 pots, one in HSBC and the contrary in Genpact. structure interactive dashboards using Tableau In this module, you'll learn how to produce an interactive Tableau dashboard and maps to organise knowledge. In this module, you'll discover styles to convert unshaped textual content right into a structured textual content to discover affiliated perceptivity. 
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 Still, Paula is apprehensive that class vitae generally do not align with the chops and experience wanted for a Data Scientist position. She may indeed see numerous CVs from academy graduates, she may see numerous resumes from women and men with several times of labour moxie still without any sensible Data Science moxie. But since this is an entry- position place, she's going to doubtless not see any campaigners with real information in the field of data wisdom. I searched nearly all the stylish institutes in HYDERABAD for Data Science.( newline) After the course, they will offer a paid internship. I'm doing the coding. If u rNON-IT background I endorse 360DigiTMG guiding institute to everybody. The job function of a Data scientist has been honoured as one of the highest- paid job places within the nation which is why numerous are asking for a profession in this specific sector. 
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It teaches us collaboration and proper angles as a platoon party in assembly of all the deadlines. In the world of computer wisdom, knowledge structure refers to the format that incorporates a set of knowledge values, their connections, and features. Keep yourself streamlined, know the current trends in Data Science trade and use cases for data viz and data liars. The mentorship through business stagers, BaseCamps, and scholar instructors makes the program extraordinarily partaking. 
  The coaches had been extremely knowledgeable and gave perceptivity into their real- time enforcing challenges and guests . Getting a Data Scientist is n’t easy for everybody; one needs to retain a volume of specialised capacities so as to turn out to be eligible for this function. The top specialised moxie you'll bear are core computation, statistics, abecedarian programming, machine literacy, knowledge wrangling, data visualisation, and the inflexibility to reuse large data sets. 
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  The multitudinous strategies applied for cooperative filtering, their pros and cons, SVD methodology used for recommendations of flicks by Netflix will be mentioned as a half of this module. Extension to logistic retrogression We have a multinomial retrogression approach used to prognosticate a multiple categorical consequence. Understand the idea of multi logit equations, birth and making groups exercising chance issues. Learn about dealing with multiple classes in affair variables together with nominal as nicely as ordinal knowledge. 
India will really witness around three lakh job openings in Data Science by 2021. India is alternate to the United States in terms of the number of job openings in Data Science. In 2019, ninety seven,000 positions in data wisdom and analytics had been vacant because of the lack of pukka campaigners. 
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  The Perceptron algorithm is defined grounded substantially on a natural brain model. You'll bandy the parameters used in the perceptron algorithm which is the alleviation of creating a lot of complicated neural community fashions for AI functions. Understand the operation of perceptron algorithms to classify double data in a linearly divisible script. Data Science design operation methodology, CRISP- DM might be defined on this module in finer rudiments. Learn about Data Collection, Data Cleansing, Data Preparation, Data Munging, Data belting, etc. Learn in respects to the primary way taken to churn the word, frequently honoured as exploratory data evaluation. 
It'll maximise your eventuality and possibilities of landing a profitable job. Both the coach's knowledge and guidance are largely appreciated. Amazon, one of the leading US- grounded-commerce pots, recommends wares throughout the analogous order to prospects grounded substantially on their exertion and reviews on other affiliated wares. Amazon wants to enhance this recommendation machine by prognosticating conditions for thenon-rated wares and add them to suggestions consequently. Along with this, 360DigiTMG may indeed present mock interviews and mock mcqs checks to examine your functionality for the interviews. Group case studies actually give a way of cooperation, because it happens in common classroom exploration. 
  Survival evaluation is about assaying this duration or time before the event. Real- time purposes of survival analysis in buyer churn, medical lores and other sectors is mentioned as a half of this module. Learn how survival analysis styles can be employed to know the impact of the features on the event using Kaplan Meier survival plot. As part of this module find out about one other Deep literacy algorithm SVM which can also be a black field system. SVM is about creating boundaries for classifying data in multidimensional spaces. 
The data science coaching in hyderabad is an erected- in an austere program that accompanies a nonstop analysis system. Each of the campaigners are estimated within the programs they take up by way of case exploration, quizzes, assignments or design reviews. “ The DSE Program has been designed to help campaigners jumpstart their careers in the field of Data Science. Hear from our campaigners as they partake in their program moxie and transition stories. Thispost-graduate instrument program in Data Science and Engineering will inform you through your profession path with Aptitude Skill Training and Development.
For more information
360DigiTMG - Data Analytics, Data Science Course Training Hyderabad  
Address - 2-56/2/19, 3rd floor,, Vijaya towers, near Meridian school,, Ayyappa Society Rd, Madhapur,, Hyderabad, Telangana 500081
099899 94319
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shattered-rp-blog · 7 years
Congratulations, Mipsy!
You are accepted as Yelena Belova, welcome to the family! Sorry for the delay, we were busy yesterday but we can say we loved the app from the moment we read it! It’s good to have more villains coming up to add to the bunch and I bet Yelena is gonna bring some trouble to many of our beloved characters. Please make sure to send in your account in the next 48 hours and follow every step on the checklist.
(This is the Yelena anon!)
App Form - Canon
Name: Mipsy
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
Age (You must be 18 or older to participate): 26
Timezone: CST
Availability (with a short explanation): I’m not currently working, but I do keep myself busy by job hunting and other activities in my day to day life. I am already in one other rpg, but that’s about it. With my life rn, I’d say I can get on at least 4 days out of the week, usually at nights (cst).
Do you have any triggers? Sexual crimes against children, Animal abuse, and Rape
Full Name: Yelena Belova
Second character choice (if there’s any): N/A
Alias: (The second) Black Widow/Adaptoid
Affiliation: Villain
Age (16+): 32
Faceclaim: Léa Seydoux
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Character quote: “I am the first student in history of the Red Room to surpass your marks. I may lack your experience, but I am your equal or your better in every other respect.”  
Why do you want to play this character? (Write as much or as little as you like and fangirl as much or as little as you like): I’d heard about Yelena Belova as Natasha’s rival, but I never knew much about her. Ironically, it was a post on Tumblr, or more comic book art of her and a general background I read, that interested me in her. So much, I wanted to try her out. She’s patriotic to her mother Russia, and she’s highly skilled spy, but she’s just not as good as Natalia. She’s not as experienced as her. She’s obsessed with beating her rank, she wants to be the better Widow, the best Widow, and I’m already in love with Natasha so it works! But she is naive, young in personality since she’s been sheltered by the Red Room, I don’t think she could think of any life besides them. And she liked it that way ( at least for awhile anyway ). And I just love this so much?? But, I’d love to explore her as a person, for her to get to know herself. For her to see her other options other than her life as a spy, but still combat them, because I’d still like for her to be a villain/nuetral with things! and of coarse for her to get into the middle of what’s going on in the rpg!! All just to lead her back to Natasha.
Biography (3+ paragraphs, you can use the skeleton to help you):
Her life before the Widow Program, none of it mattered now. When Yelena was fifteen years old, she was recruited by the Red Room to be the next potential Black Widow. The same academy that the Soviet’s trained the first Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff. Once it’d become clear that their beloved Widow had defected, the Soviets knew they had a lot of work to do with Belova. And so that is where her story, begins.
She was originally spotted for her exceptional physical condition, high marks on their IQ tests, and her talent in gymnastics. The KGB meant for her to succeed her predecessor, despite the program’s success. Their perfect spy failed them. So, for years Yelena was trained under a strict regimen by the trainers of the program. During her training, Yelena scored incredibly high on her tests. But instead of being proud about it, she stated Romanoff had scored better, under the same tests. She hated to be lesser than a traitor who deserted her country.
Pale Little Spider
The Red Room was her home, the little spider trained under for a decade. They fed her, clothed her. They played their vicious mind games on her, brainwashed her. Taught her how to fight, how to bleed. How to kill, and how to blend as a spy. She’d all but forgotten her life, before. One particular trainer she came to view, as a father figure. Pyotr Vasilievich Starkovsky, a Lieutenant Colonel who taught the new Black Widow hand-to-hand combat, weapon use, and knife work for over a decade. A trained hand in hand combatant, he was her main instructor. She’d become close to him, and Starkovsky too considered her like his daughter. Though Starkovsky started to develop a strong sexual attraction to her, as she grew, and it became his obsession. Yelena never thought anything of it. Yelena was starting to feel inferior and inadequate to her predecessor, but as much as wanted to defeat her, Yelena undoubtedly idolized her. Even if she wouldn’t admit it to herself. While Starkovsky’s deviant behavior found a substitute in a brothel with a woman named Petra, a look-alike of Yelena.
What happened next, Yelena doesn’t exactly know. Starkovsky was dead, killed by Petra. Belova was shattered by the news, and confused by the loss of her father figure. She’d been told Starkovsky had been stealing secrets from the Black Widow program, and Yelena decided to investigate, on her own. In the end, Yelena killed Petra, and proceeded to accept the role as the new Black Widow. Belova would go on to never know that the entire ordeal, and the brothel’s owner and the other woman in the room, Nikki was an exercise. And part of her graduation test.
Part Widow Part Adaptoid
Her time as the Black Widow was short, but not without making it’s bite on the various people who mattered. For years, she’d completed intelligence missions for the KGB under the moniker Black Widow. Though her efforts, and partially the name, were overshadowed by the scarlet Widow. The real Black Widow. Yelena worked in the dark. The only people who learned that there was a second Widow, were her targets, and others who kept tabs on her. But the world knew of the Black Widow as a superhero. Natasha Romanoff, the Avenger. Yelena watched the movements of Natasha and the rest of the Avengers, through the years. And she waited. Shadowed by her predecessor once more. Seeing her face on the screen, fueled her obsession and drive to beat her, and be the only Widow that still represented mother Russia.
Around the same time, Yelena had gone on another routine mission. This felt routine, but it wasn’t. She almost died from it. She’d come out of it with a badly burned body and beaten, a mysterious figure dragged her out to an undisclosed location. Hospitalized and brutally disfigured, they offered her another chance at life. She didn’t want to die, so Yelena said yes. The mysterious figured revealed himself to be a representative of HYDRA, and brought himself a team of agents from an organization he wouldn’t name. They were trusted to perform the operation that transformed her into something else, something similar to the creature known as Super-Adaptoid. Her Adaptoid abilities were very…unique. Unlike any spy the Soviets ever created. And so Yelena was reborn, and took up the moniker of their latest creation: Adaptoid.
Her time with the Red Room, deteriorated. Cut all ties with her contacts, and to this day, Yelena doesn’t know if the Red Room still exists or not. She’d rather not ask, or know. She’d given every piece of herself to the Academy, it broke a part of her to leave it in the past. But that meant another young girl could be training to be the next Black Widow. To take her place, and that meant the Red Room was after her. Just like Yelena was after Natasha, but Yelena had more pressing matters to attend to. A debt had to be paid to HYDRA, and to the unknown organization that successfully transformed her into the Super-Adaptoid. She doesn’t know who they are, what they are, or what they’re after. So she puts her trust in HYDRA, and follows their orders instead. Though the unnamed organization keeps their hands dirty in Yelena’s buisness. Studying their little ‘ pet ’ project, and Yelena has yet to find out what they’re really after.
With the onslaught of the mission in Lagos, Nigeria and the Sokovia Accords, Yelena is finding it increasingly difficult to complete her current mission: find and gather further intelligence on the Avengers. All of the Avengers. That includes Natasha Romanoff, but Yelena has her own plans for Natasha…and the Soldat. The Winter Soldier. As a villain, she didn’t have to sign the Accords. And she could care less about the mutants and their Registration Act, despite her abilities to be considered one. She tries to be careful because of it, because of all of it, she has to be aware of what’s going on to complete her mission. But, above all, she wants to win against the first Black Widow, and settle the title as the Black Widow once and for all. 
No mission is above her.
Ships: Yelena x Chemistry
Para sample (in character): (Removed for privacy)
Additional (optional): It can be anything extra about the character, Myer-Briggs? Horoscope? Favourites? Headcanons?
As the Super-Adaptoid, Yelena is able to copy the superhuman powers, abilities, and technological enhancements (ex. armor) of those around her. But from the strengths she copies, she also copies their weaknesses. Simply, she adapts. The extent of the Super-Adaptoid’s abilities are still unknown, and is very experimental, as the secret organization continues to study and record data on Yelena. The Adaptoid is in it’s early stages, so she’s only able to copy superhuman powers ( includes enhancements, ex. super strength ). She can only hold one power at a time, and the time limit varies. Because of this, it’s very sporadic. She’s very sporadic, until she learns to fully control it. She must remain close to copy their power, within at least ten feet. After that, she can freely use it. Much like the Super-Adaptoid, Yelena must be able to see and scan her opponent. Which is why she has a special headgear, much like a spider’s eyes, that scan her subject and begin to copy one random ability, to her body. At times she can choose, most times she can’t. She’s also capable of copying the appearance of her subject, or small parts of them, but this stage hasn’t developed yet.
Yelena’s been using a new identity, ever since she stepped foot back in America. For this assignment, she’s been given the identity of Bella Yolkov: A Russian-American, born in the United States, graduated at the top of her class, and became a successful businesswoman. Handling her work between numerous American companies. The French-Russian name was a play on her own name, with her last and first switched. That and Yelena refused to take an American surname. Her hair remains short, bob-cut, and blonde and she speaks with an American accent. When asked, she doesn’t speak any French, although Yelena’s studied the language too. She only pours out her Russian around those she knows. Occasionally, in casual conversation, usually with those who speak Russian too. Her personality is still strong, but much more friendlier and conversational, even seductive, if need be. Just as she was taught, in the Red Room. Yelena will blend in, however that may be.
Wanted connections: Natasha Romanoff, James Buchanan Barnes, Steve Rogers, Yelena/Avengers ( Since she’s undercover, if that’s not too much to ask ), Madame Hydra, Yelena/Villains, Yelena/HYDRA agents
Questions or requests?
I did take several liberties with Yelena’s bio to keep it closer to the comics, explain what she’s been up to, while also trying to merge her into this rpg. But if you need me to change the bio or anything, just let me know and I’ll try my best to fix anything! This includes the identity headcanon, because if anyone recognizes her ( besides probs Nat and James, if they do ), I don’t know if I’ll be able to use it.
Also, excuse my Russian. I’m trying to find different places to translate it.
Thanks for reading my novel my app! 
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haunted-machines · 2 years
♡ Snakeman?
((Snake is a scavenger and therefore loves collecting little trinkets. They don't have to do anything or be special, they just need to look cool and he'll add them to the growing nest that is his room. If you give him stuff you think he'll like, which is not a high bar, he will cherish it. Truly, too, because for as many completely useless things as he owns, he also has the mental storage space of a fucking NASA computer, so he can tell you exactly what he has, where it is, and how he got it.))
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