#[IDW Skywarp Headcanon]
michaela-o · 2 months
Hi! If mini doodles are still possible, can you maybe do skyward just holding the human in his palm? Like, he's just admiring the small bean
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I personally think Skywarp would love to have a human pet he could just hold and mess with.
( and to slightly torment.. 🤭💜)
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cozzzynook · 9 months
the elite trine x bee pls 🙏🫶
- Thundercracker is the easiest to talk to casually. He’s also the first one to pick Bee up after they botnap him and hold him to his chassis while reading old Vosian novels.
-Skywarp is by far the funniest and helped Bee get comfortable by pranking him and enjoying the pranks Bee could pull right back.
- out of them all Bee complained the least about being warped though he had the harshest reaction. His tanks would churn and he’d purge after doing it more than once. So Skywarp only does it during emergencies.
- Starscream is the one who got Bee to open up. It was in private just the two of them gazing at the stars when Bee told him he missed his sire most. That he doesn’t remember his original carrier or sire, far too fresh from emerging to etch their plates to core bitlet memory. That Optimus is the only sire and creator he’s ever known.
- Starscream reveals pieces of his difficult and complicated relationship with his own carrier and that he took care of Skywarp and Thundercracker when they were all younglings.
- Skywarp and Thundercracker get a little jealous seeing how close the two become after their time alone and want in on being close to Bee’s spark like Star. They’re surprised when Star tells them as trine leader to let Bee open up at his own pace. Let it be natural.
- oddly Skywarp is next and its Skywarp getting comfort from Bee after an injury do they connect a little deeper. Skywarp doesn’t want to be separated from his family again and Bee tells him other than Optimus he doesn’t really have a family, not above the surface anyway. He’s friends with the bots on the ark, everyone - even Prowl, but he’s not close with them. They may tell him things but he doesn’t share anything of himself. Skywarp wants to ask so badly of Bee to tell him something, anything. But he wills himself quiet and Bee reveals he finds he likes holding Skywarp like this.
- skywarp flutters his wings as he buries his helm further in Bee’s lap. For the rest of seven cycles he flutters his wings happily.
-thundercracker is all but feel left out and ready to share his feelings with Bee when the mini comes and sets himself upon Thundercrackers lap with a warm blanket. Curling himself into a small ball and falling asleep like he owned the spot. He may not have gotten words of the past or tender touches like Star and Sky but he was Bee’s safe spot to rest and for that he was happy.
Just them all healing in every cycle ways they didn’t know they needed.
When Bee is found he isn’t in a hurry to go back just yet and makes up a story on them being able to set up neutral ground. The trine goes along with it because, hey they want peace believe it or not and it means more time with their future conjunx so they don’t complain.
They just fear for their sparks when Optimus comes after them with the spark fire of a sire missing their bitlet.
Bee is so oblivious to how terrifying Optimus looks as he hugs him.
As always free 🇸🇩🇵🇸🇨🇩🇭🇹🇾🇪
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mecha-milkers · 1 year
I feel like Skywarp's love language would be affectionate bullying. If he's got a crush on you, you better damn well be covering yourself in bubble wrap because that motherfucker is going to PUSH YOU DOWN THE STAIRS-
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Oh I have this interesting headcanon that Thundercracker was the Decepticon Dot Malto saved in battle leading to Megatron partially defecting to the autobots, and that's why we see Nova Storm instead of him with Skywarp and Starscream.
Whether he's a full on autobot, or a semineutral ally like Megatron is is up for debate. (I don't consider Megatron a full on autobot but not necessarily a decepticon anymore but in "alliance" territory. Also because it means Megatron isn't under Optimus's command, no matter how much GHOST treats the situation as Optimus being Megatron's "keeper")
Based on the information I have been given, I believe TC (or another decepticon but I honestly think it would make sense to be TC) was downed and Dot n her unit proceeded to take him in and get him medical help. And, Megatron seeing how Dot "showed more care to his own soldiers than he did", left the decepticons because he realized how far he has fallen. This vaguely feels less like a sudden change of spark and more like the last straw that broke the camel's back. Shockwave's Allspark shock troops idea did not help.
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maddiicake · 30 days
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Transformers / Seeker Headcanons (no specific series, continuity, or timeline):
Starscream isn't a morning person.
Skywarp is a lil gremlin, who absolutely fraggin' loves giving Star shit in their downtime~ >w>
and Thundercracker is just a wholesome cinnamon bun.
(...The T.C. one is more so based on his personality and character in the IDW comics lol)
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thunderwetter · 7 months
Shockwave's your icon, what about him?
Maybe medical play?
Shockwave! My favorite!!
Okay Imma try to keep this short and not ramble too much lol
Since you didn't specify any continuity, I'll just talk about him in my headcanon AU that is mostly based on IDW with some Prime thrown in. TLDR; - Scientific curiosity is equal to physical arousal - Outliers and other special frames are hot (Blurr, Megs, ...) - Partner is a bit like a science project, being analyzed and watched - Senator Past: Many flings, especially with commoners bc they felt like "forbidden fruit", likes being admired - Post-Institute: Not very active, still feels arousal but mostly ignores it for the sake of efficiency Curious about other characters? My ask box is open!
Longer version:
I think for Shockwave (any Shockwave, really, except for maybe Shockblast) scientific curiosity is kinda equal to actual arousal in terms of satisfaction. They go hand in hand. He'd be someone to overload with his mind instead/alongside of his body (if that makes any sense xD), he has a rather unique way of excitement.
I think one way this happens is that Shockwave would bring science "play" to the next level. Medical play, very similar, but he'd love to disassemble his partners, get to know them from the inside out. He'd probably never allow his partner to do the same to him though, he's been fully disassembled multiple times in IDW and I don't think it's very pleasant to him xD His partners are in a certain way test subjects, even if he's not taking them apart. His eye would watch and analyze every reaction.
He'd also be into Outliers. Big time. Why do you think he had his academy? They're one of the big fascinations that he kept from his Senator days. Whenever he sees Skywarp teleport or notice Soundwave read minds, his spark would skip a beat. He'd be keeping his eye on them for sure, heh. In general, I think he'd have a thing for "special frames", like Blurr with his super-speed or Megatron's warframe. Remember how in the Exodus novel he imagined an army of "Megatron-inspired supermechs"? (I swear I'm not making this up, that's the actual phrase the author used) Yeah, something like that.
I think as a Senator he might've had a thing for affairs with commoners too, with maybe a little bit of exhibitionism thrown in. Just the rush of being seen with someone of the lower classes would've given him this sense of tasting a forbidden fruit. Given how he used to be quite vain, he might also just have enjoyed being watched. I can see him as a mech who would prefer to ride his partners to make sure they see how his fresh paint shimmers in the dim light of a berthroom. Watch their faces and how they stare up to him. Oh yeah, Senator Shockwave was a whole different creature. He surely wouldn't have minded some body worship here and there, but only if it truly felt sincere, otherwise it'd be too much.
I don't think he indulges much in physical pleasure after the Epurata/Shadowplay happened, but his body and mind still reply to stimuli, even if he doesn't act on his desires. They get in the way of his science, mostly. He doesn't see them as illogical, but rather as bothersome. (He'd self-service if he couldn't handle the heat, but he has himself very well under control mostly)
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melyonza · 1 year
Transformers Earthspark LGBT Headcannons
Attention: These are only headcanons from the Transformers Earthspark series. The only exception is Nightshade which was confirmed to be canon.
Twitch: Demisexual.
Thrash: Gay. You are more likely to have a Decepticon as a partner.
Nightshade: Non-binary (100%canon)
Hashtag: Lesbian. It's kind of obvious since she first appeared imagining a romance with Skywarp, much like how she stared at Elita-1 when she showed him how she punched a rock.Not to mention, Hashtag seems to be a fan of the romance genre.
Jawbreaker: Demisexual
Bumblebee: Bisexual. Let's face it, the way they lived with Breakdown made us ship them.
Breakdown: Gay.Since the Prime adaptation, it was more than obvious that he was gay
Tarantula: Gay. Let's face it, Nightshade made him doubt his sexuality. Also, in IDW he got to date Prowl but their relationship didn't work out.
Optimus Prime: Bisexual
Megatron: Pansexual
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altraviolet · 1 year
1&2 for Soundrod and Mirage/Skywarp (is there a shortened name for that?? Warpage?? 😂)
I don't know of a shortened name for Mirage/Skywarp. Some people use "Mirwarp" but I don't like how that sounds xD I just write it out.
A'ight let's do Mirage/Skywarp first, since they were my first OTP ever!
1) What made you ship it?
Ok this is actually a long story. I wrote it out once and I can't find it so here's the quick(ish) version.
-> used to write a ton of fanfic in a different fandom, a long time ago. never ever ever understood why people liked romance stories or OTPs or anything like that
-> become TF fan mid 2010's. still don't get OTPs and they're still everywhere
-> silly little troll at heart, make a list of ridiculous TF rarepairs to make fun of OTPs as a thing overall and of myself for not understanding them
-> list includes Mirage/Skywarp because they're both outliers and they can both disappear in their own ways
-> decide to write TF fic
-> write a disturbing one shot of them gettin' in on. (the disturbing stuff is unrelated to them). get reviews. people want to know why they're together
-> ?? I thought people only wanted PWPs for rarepairs! I didn't know they wanted stories explaining why they're paired up
-> decide to write a story
-> write a really fucking long story exploring how they got together
-> oh shit oh fuck fall in love with the OTP while writing the story
I dun trolled myself into getting an OTP. Transformers finally got me!!! gdi
2) What are your favorite things about the ship?
Ummmmm... well it's pretty unexpected for anyone who's never heard of it. I like their colors. I like that they both disappear. I like my own headcanons for them =) My fav hc is that Skywarp can see Mirage when he's invisible, and that outlier powers are connected to 'another world' (like... dimension-wise).
You didn't specify MTMTE/TFP but I'm gonna say that because they were also on that aforementioned list of rarepairs that I made (along with other rarepairs in Echo Garden, like (IDW) Nautica/Blaster and (IDW) Bluestreak/Hot Spot!)
1) What made you ship it?
Well... it's like the above. I put them together foremost because it's a deeply unexpected rarepair. I know Cyberverse came out around 2018 and Hot Rod/SW was a thing, but I specifically paired MTMTE Rodimus and TFP Soundwave because it's freaking weird. Like, it just is. Pretend it's 2015. MTMTE is still ongoing. TFP ended a while ago. CV hasn't come out. Everyone's wondering about Cygate and CDRW. Who the hell would pair MTMTE Rodimus/TFP SW?? Why??
Me, and because they're opposites (hot/cold, emotional/not-emotional) and they're both GORGEOUS designs. Because how the hell could it ever happen? Because WHY?! Why would you do that??
That's why I ship it.
2) What are your favorite things about the ship?
HEHE well now, honestly, it's that so many people are reading Echo Garden and enjoying it. I mean!! That's amazing!! When I posted the first chapter I was so nervous, because it's such a bizarre concept, and I thought there would only be two readers because people would just skip right by it. I knew it would be a really long story, very ambitious, would take a lot of my brainz to even try to pull it off. And!! People like it!!!! C'mon that's like the goal of rarepairs, right? To get other people to ship it, too? =D
Buuuuuuut other than that. I think I like it cuz they have such pretty designs. A Rodimus all curled up in biolighty tentacles is a lovely sight. Rodimus is so brash and bold and (let's face it) jackass-y. Soundwave is so cool and competent and foreboding and alien. It's like the Large Hadron Collider: smash 'em together and interesting things are going to happen ;D
Thanks for the ask! =)
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ok ok ask game time
if you want Bee you can write for him too
im most curious about Starscream, Megatron and Optimus and maybe Jazz! choose which ones you'll like talking about, im just brainstorming myself
Ooooh all good picks!! Thank you, friend! :D
I love talking about TF so so much!! Although this made me realize I have to start reading Robots in Disguise AKA the other side of IDW.
one aspect about them i love: He's a menace, he's got trauma, he's wild and obsessive, he's fuckin SMART, he's the whole package! But on top of it all, he's a sad, lonely, poor little meow meow who in the end is really trying to do good by his Planet. I will fight on this.
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: He's legit smart. He's a scientist. He's got that curiosity and skill. He's not the 2nd in Command and Seeker Commander for nothing. He also knows EXACTLY what to say to get someone to do what he wants them to. He's good at words.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: He.. does care about his trine and fellow seekers.. They're not just canon fodder. Especially his trine. He's that bitchy friend that will may bitch about you occasionally but will pull the fuck up when you need him.
one character i love seeing them interact with: Bumblebee. Absolutely LOVE the duo they make. The banter, the ''i can make him better/worse'' vibes, enemies to friends? Beautiful.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: Again, Bee. I got it once and I want more. I crave it like I crave candy.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character: He has read all of Thundercracker's writing and has a datapad full of them that he keeps. He's too proud to admit it, but will slip up and mention something from them to TC who is mind blown but excited to talk about it all. He also does get wrapped into prank wars with Skywarp, whether out of annoyance, anger or just camaraderie, no one knows.
Okay, listen, I'm probably the only one in the fandom that thinks this, but I don't like Megatron much. G1 Megatron is the only likable one. Now don't come at me saying ''OH but BBDW!! What about Earthspark Megs?!" Yeah, yeah, yeah, I was excited for him because I love that actor, but I saw too much about him and it squashed it. He gets one more chance, thats it. I saw that goddamn field of blue in MTMTE and that was it. Nail in his coffin for me. Don't come at me, I'm full of unpopular opinions I won't change my mind on. But ya'll enjoy your war criminal and remember to have fun with it.
(I am only in the first season of G1 and have barely read enough IDW comics with him in it, so this is really a combo of G1 and Earthspark!)
one aspect about them i love: He's a dad. He's fully a dad. Caring, hopeful, optimistic, lifting. God he's such a dad! The way he can keep the Autobot's heads up and strong? Love it, appreciate it.
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: I think we all understand Mr. Optimus fine. I do wish IDW understood the memo on Dad-timus Prime though.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: Still forever trying to get his kids to get along. Forever trying to teach Rodimus how to be a Prime. He may not understand the new kid slang, but he does understand their feelings and rowdiness. He will indulge them.
one character i love seeing them interact with: Anyone, everyone.. All of them. Is that an answer?
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: I wanna see him interacting more with the Terrans in Earthspark! Let the Dad-timus come through!!!
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character: G1 Optimus takes the younger bots out for fun all the time. Listen I just.. He's a giant dad, okay? That's my FATHER, your honor.
Okay another one I don't know too too much about..
one aspect about them i love: Jazz is so cool! He loves culture, he love music, he loves sharing that with Earth! He really sees the best in everyone too, but don't let it fool you, he's still Special Ops.
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: I don't know much about him or understand much about him, what would ya'll want ME to understand? He seems ever evolving!
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: Silly guy, goofy guy, but definitely the one you go to for deep conversations late at night or around a campfire. He's like the cool Uncle that takes you to fun concerts when your parents say no.
one character i love seeing them interact with: This is really general because I'm drawing a blank but seeing the Special Ops vs the Wreckers stuff is really interesting to me. Jazz vs Kup in All Hail Megatron? Interesting. Tell me more.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: I look forward to seeing other interactions he has in canon! I'm not very far in G1 or the comics, soooooooooo.. I'm excited. I really like Jazz!
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character: Aaaahhh I don't know, sorry. :'(
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majachee · 2 years
Deffo wanna see what you think of my boy, Starscream!
I swear Starscream is one of my favorites-
First Impression:
Loser. (Context: i was a child)
Impression Now:
Loser. (Context: i am now an adult)
Favorite Moment:
But, like, in a non-G1 setting I essentially like it whenever he's being vulnerable or a conniving little bastard. I did enjoy him a lot in Combiner Wars (comics) and TAAO.
Idea for a Story:
Outside of what I have planned for him in my FC? Nothing, really. Just killing Megatron Caesar style.
Unpopular Opinion:
His relationships with Thundercracker and Skywarp aren't healthy and I don't see them being a healthy... whatever the fandom views them as in canon. Honestly, I don't care for most Starscream ships, sorry xoxo.
TFA StarOp is silly in a way that I can enjoy tho... but only TFA StarOp. Not much of a Screamer shipper.
Favorite Relationship:
IDW1 Starscream and the weird Bumblebee ghost/hallucination thing. I don't care much for IDW Windblade after her involvement in Combiner Wars (she's just kind of there....). Hope the Bee ghost counts!
Favorite Headcanon:
G1 Starscream is autistic.
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Indp IDW Skywarp Blog 
 Rules || Headcanon || Verses || Relations || Navigate 
✈ Skywarp is a Joe currently. So he’s with his team at all times but mostly with Rock. He still wears his Decepticon insignia but he’s technically really no longer a Decepticon. He does still share some of his old factions values though. There’s reasons why he’s heavily just involved with the Joes over his own kind.
✈ This blog might contain explicit content from time to time and will be tagged appropriately. Mun and muse are both of age.
✈ There might also be some themes that might be disturbing to others, I will try my best to tag them as well but this is IDW Skywarp, he’s not exactly okay in the helm. He’s been through a lot so he might have these weird mood changes from time to time
✈ Mun doesn’t equal muse. He’s still kind of a Decepticon even though he’s a Joe so keep that in mind when interacting with him. Please respect that I am roleplaying a villain so he will say things no matter  if he’s with the Joes now or not
✈ Skywarp is multishipped and each will be set in their own appropriate universe. However you might see a certain verse shown more often than the others
✈ Feel free to contact me or Skywarp
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liaswritesrobots · 7 years
Thundercracker has Buster and obviously loves dogs so I was thinking about what Warpy and Star would have if they got earth pets.
I feel like Starscream would like cats and he would have either a Sphinx named Princess, a Siamese named Empress, or a Persian named Prince and/or possibly a very fluffy Pomeranian named Duchess (or he might have all 4 because they gave him attention so he automatically adopted them all because he's lonely)
Skywarp would get a cockatiel and name it Screamer or Screamy after Starscream because it absolutely would not shut up and he would teach it swear words and to knock down anything it could.
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Oh my goodness, I love the street circuit headcanons. Can you also do one for the IDW fliers like Starscream, Brainstorm, Skywarp, and any other arrogant/cocky jets you can think of. How would they react to losing to a human in a flying race?
Starscream: When he learned that you were a pilot he immediately started to scoff at your skills, which he hadn’t even seen. Surely, a human could never hope to achieve the skill of a seeker! If he ever competed with you then he would surely win! Huh? A competition? Hah! As you wish! But prepare to be brutally defeated! At least that was what Starscream thought. When the race started he was shocked to find himself unable to keep up with you. Impossible! But no matter what he did he could not overcome you. When the race was over (with you as the winner) Starscream would not stop pouting and going on about how you cheated and how he didn’t do his best. Just go along with whatever he says unless you want him to pout and whine for a week to come. Secretly he’s a bit impressed with your skills. All his bragging is not for nothing as he was the best flier amongst the decepticons so for you to actually beat him is extraordinary. Not that he will ever tell you that.
Brainstorm: Oh, so you can fly a plane? Where did you learn how to fly? When did you first start flying? He starts questioning you before jokingly asking if you want to race with him. When you accept Brainstorm is actually quite excited. He thinks it will be interesting to see your skills in person. So when you prove yourself to be an incredible pilot Brainstorm find it fascinating. But he’s also quite the competitive mech so he will do his best to win. When you ultimately come out as the winner he’s a bit sad but it doesn’t last long. Your skills amaze him and he wonders if it’s because of experience or is it genetically? Have you hit your limit or can you become better? Come S/O, you need to try this out! For science!
Skywarp: Is happy when he learns that you’re a pilot because like this you can fly with him! Not that you could ever keep up with him! Wait, that gives him an awesome idea! How about a friendly race between lovers? On three! Three! Hehe, poor S/O, they haven’t got a chan-nyooom! What the frag was that!? S/O!? How??? Perhaps he’s got to turn it up a notch? Skywarp tries to overcome you but to no avail. He even tries to cheat and teleport in front of you but you always zoom right past him. After the race he is a bit pouty and his pride have been hurt. But at the same time he can’t help but be proud of you. Wow, you really are talented! Where did you learn how to fly like that? Can you teach him some of your tricks? Oh, how about you compete with Starscream? He will cry in frustration when you win!
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wingwaver · 7 years
My headcanons for the seeker trine’s IDW holomatter avatars
Starscream’s holomatter is a Latina androgynous woman slightly on the chubby side with almost shoulder length black hair. Very good fashion sense even when dressing casually but is usually in extravagant suits and dresses (depends on whether Star is feeling masculine or feminine that day) these days since becoming ruler of Cybertron. When not in formal attire will usually wear black jeans, a white t-shirt (or crop top),a red bomber jacket with yellow pocket lining, and black biker boots. Also wears red eyeshadow sometimes.
Skywarp’s holomatter is an East Asian man of average build with short black tassled hair with purple tips. Most of Warpy’s attire consists of skinny jeans and long sleeve shirts (purple and black for both) and his purple and silver sneakers (and you bet your ass they light up and flash purple). Also, you know those baggy hot topic pants with zippers and chains? He has those… Really likes eye liner too.
Thundercracker’s holomatter is a strongman build Afro-Latino man with short curly black hair. TC likes experimenting with fashion so you might see him in a blue sports tank top and black cargo pants with army boots one day and the next day he could be in a blue and grey sweater vest with brown slacks, argyle socks and leeds. He usually sticks to the more sporty style though and gets confused when Marissa tells him “the nerd look is a better fit for his personality”. He’s also super stoked he gets to just affectionate-aggressively rub his face on Buster without the worry of hurting her.
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cloudraker · 3 years
☀ - Headcanons 
☁ - Drabble
☂ - Angst
♥ - Valentines event
Matchups are under their own tag and sorted by character
Holiday-specific requests are under their own tag
Lost Light crew playing Slime Rancher - ☀
Whirl, Fort Max, Drift, and Rewind+Chromedome with a female human s/o that likes chin scratches - ☀
Rodimus, Swerve, Ratchet, and Rung cuddle headcanons with an overwhelmed human - ☀
Fortress Maximus with a witty S/O -  ☀
Fortress Maximus relationship headcanons -  ☀
Rodimus with a competitive S/o -  ☀
Nightbeat with a sidekick S/o -  ☀
Cygate and Chromedome/Rewind adopting a child - ☀
Fort Max, Ultra Magnus, Drift, and Megatron being climbed by a human - ☀
Coming out to Ultra Magnus and Rewind - ☀
Megatron with a former gladiator S/O - ☀
Tailgate and Swerve with a brainwashed S/o - ☀/☂ 
Megatrons S/o gets mnemosurgery’d - ☂
Rodimus, Drift, and Tailgate being shown Just Dance - ☀
The Day Ahead - Spinster x reader -  ☁
And They Were Roommates - Chromia x reader -  ☁
Repair Bay -  Nickel x reader -  ☁
Return to Sender - Prowl x reader - ♥/ ☁
Doctors Note - Nickel x reader - ♥/ ☁
Anonymous Request - Nightbeat x reader - ♥/ ☁
Transformers G1
Soundwave with a parental S/o -  ☀
Ironhide with a transmasc S/o -  ☀
Skywarp with an S/o that can generate seismic force - ☀
Coming out to Optimus and Hot Rod - ☀
Mirage and Red Alert with a brainwashed S/o - ☀/☂
Transformers Animated
Bumblebee with a goth male S/O -  ☀
Wreck-gar with a friend who makes art out of recyclables -  ☀
Lockdown whos S/o was reincarnated -  ☀
Sunstorm and Mixmaster with a glass artist S/o - ☀
Rodimus with a crush on a human on Optimus’ team - ☀
Blurr with a crush on a human on Optimus’ team - ☀
Transformers Prime
Decepticons reacting to a small predacon - ☀
Knock Out, Breakdown, and Starscream hearing their S/o speak for the first time -  ☀
Ratchet being shown a plush version of himself -  ☀
OP, Bumblebee, Smokescreen, Dreadwing, and Soundwave with an S/o with a tattoo of them -  ☀
Arcee marriage headcanons -  ☀
Bumblebee, Ratchet, and Arcee with an S/o who cosplays -  ☀
Arcee with an S/o who’s Optimus’ younger sister - ☀
Autobots with a tall teammate - ☀
Skyquake with an S/o that can generate seismic force - ☀
Airachnid and Arcee with a female S/o - ☀
Arcee, Cliffjumper, and Airachnid meeting their thought to be dead S/o - ☀ 
Ratchet, Optimus, and Ultra Magnus meeting their though to be dead S/o - ☀
Platonic Breakdown headcanons - ☀
Arcee being comforted by her S/o - ☀
Ratchet, Optimus, Arcee, Bumblebee, and Ultra Magnus with a military S/o - ☀
Predaking with a reincarnated predacon S/o - ☀ 
Soft Arcee headcanons - ☀
Bulkhead and Ratchet with a male S/o who likes their alt mode - ☀
Decepticons with a sparkling  -  ☀/ ☁
Transformers Cyberverse
Shockwave with a gender neutral s/o that’s interested in his robots - ☀
Megatron with a chubby S/o -  ☀
Coming out to Cheetor - ☀
Megatron with a shy S/o - ☀  
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pale-fairytales · 2 years
hi so i’m still new to transformers (I’ve been binge-watching several of the cartoons and only read part of the 2005 IDW comic—) but i have headcanons made of fresh brain juice and idk if anyone else shares them but they popped into my brain as I was working on my fanfic o3o
The Elite Trine, if they were to ever cook (hypothetically ofc, since they don’t really eat food??), are all terrible at it. Starscream’s the only one w/ potential bc his food is more edible/it can even taste good sometimes. Problem? he’s probably not gonna wanna cook and will probably order someone else to do so. Sometimes when he does cook it gets burned, or he seasons too much, but he’ll know a good brand of engex to pair with it. I feel like he might get upset if someone doesn’t want to eat it, depending on who’s not willing. Most people close to him know to just eat the food, or he’ll be really mad and probably yell at them. If it’s someone not as close to him, he probably wouldn’t cook for them at all imo, but hypothetically I feel he wouldn’t get as offended if he wasn’t close with them. 
Thundercracker’s a close second. Why? bc he gets an A for effort. His food, imo, is midwestern suburban Mormon housewife bland and drier than a desert. This goes for most foods he makes. Even soup. How does soup come out dry? No idea. Is it even possible for soup to taste dry? Maybe not. But Thundercracker seems to find a way, be it intentionally or not. He might be annoyed if someone doesn’t want to eat it but he doesn’t fly off the handle. I feel like he also wouldn’t really cook for anyone not close with him/outside the trine, so he wouldn’t be as upset, but he may be slightly passive-aggressive. 
Skywarp receives an F in all categories; his cooking is always either burned to the pits, undercooked, has chunks of weird things in it, and/or chances are he’s dumped too much of seasoning in it or something. He also more than likely has made a huge mess that Thundercracker will have to clean up. I’m on the fence about Skywarp; I feel like it could go one of two ways if someone doesn’t wanna eat his food. I can’t decide if he lets it go/doesn’t blame them (I lowkey feel like he’s purposely bad at cooking occasionally) or if he gets upset. I feel like he accepts he’s bad at cooking and it becomes a weapon in case anyone he doesn’t like comes to the home he shares with his trinemates. 
I imagine it goes like this; let’s say, idk, in a domestic AU where there wasn’t a war, Starscream has a few domestic hobbies. Like a bookclub or some shit. People decide to come to his place for the club meeting, which is fine, but Soundwave is also in the group and he had to bring Rumble and Frenzy. Skywarp volunteers to look after them while the group discusses the cybertronian equivalent of 50 Shades of Grey. He gives Rumble and Frenzy food. It looks like a soup. They try to eat. It tastes like soap. Skywarp grins. “What’s wrong?? Aren’t you hungry?” they make a rude remark but soundwave told them to behave. they try to eat again. There are legos in the “soup.” “What is this???” they ask. Skywarp grins evilly and does not answer. 
Starscream is forced to put Skywarp in gay baby jail and Soundwave is forced to leave Rumble and Frenzy at home from then on. 
don’t trust them in the kitchen, whatever you do
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