#[I can show you how to be strong/In the real way: Red Son/Inferno]
eclipsed-celestials · 2 years
[ @redbcy​ || Liked for a lyric starter!]
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“Nothing can break me.”
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jedimaesteryoda · 3 years
Brienne’s Off to See the Wizard
I’m feeling a little silly right now, and in that spirit I’ll say that Brienne's journey in A Feast for Crows draws a bit of The Wizard of Oz: a girl dressed in blue travels with three dudes and a dog along a road on a quest to return a girl home. 
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Brienne is Dorothy, the protagonist who dresses in blue (armor), and is given Oathkeeper which is sword studded with rubies in place of ruby slippers. At the start, she is accused of killing Renly when she was actually at the wrong place at the wrong time just like Dorothy with her house dropping on the Wicked Witch of the East. Dorothy ends up in Munchkinland of the diminutive Munchkins while Brienne travels through the riverlands which is predominantly made up of smallfolk. Dorothy was brought to Oz by a tornado while Brienne is from the stormlands. Brienne is sent on her mission to return a girl home by Catelyn, the Lady of the North in place of Glinda the Good Witch of the North. 
Professor Marvel: I see a woman. She's wearing a polka-dot dress. Her face is careworn. Dorothy: That's Auntie Em. Professor Marvel: Her name is Emily. Dorothy: That's right. What's she doing? Professor Marvel: Well I, uh, I can't quite see. Why, she's crying. Someone has hurt her. Someone has just about broken her heart. Dorothy: Me? Professor Marvel: Well, it's uh, someone she loves very much. Someone she's been very kind to. Someone she's taken care of in sickness. Dorothy: I had the measles once and she stayed right by me every minute. What's she doing now? Professor Marvel: Well, she's, uh...What's this? Well, she's, she's putting her hand on her heart. Oh, she's, she's dropping down on the bed. Dorothy: Oh, no, no, no. Professor Marvel: Uh, that's it, the crystal's gone dark. Dorothy: You don't suppose she could really be sick, do you? Oh, I've got to go home right away.
Go home, child. You have a home, which is more than many can say in these dark days. You have a noble father who must surely love you. Consider his grief if you should never return. Perhaps they will bring your sword and shield to him, after you have fallen. Perhaps he will even hang them in his hall and look on them with pride . . . but if you were to ask him, I know he would tell you that he would sooner have a living daughter than a shattered shield."
"A daughter." Brienne's eyes filled with tears. "He deserves that. A daughter who could sing to him and grace his hall and bear him grandsons. He deserves a son too, a strong and gallant son to bring honor to his name. Galladon drowned when I was four and he was eight, though, and Alysanne and Arianne died still in the cradle. I am the only child the gods let him keep. The freakish one, not fit to be a son or daughter."
- A Feast for Crows, Brienne VI
Brienne meets people along the way. Elder Brother tells her to abandon her quest, and think of her father who likely misses her while she is away from home just as Professor Marvel told Dorothy to abandon running away and go back home. She also comes across three people and a dog along her quest who end up accompanying her.
Septon Meribald is the Scarecrow. Dorothy meets him in the country where he wants a brain, yet throughout the film demonstrated himself to be intelligent and good on his feet. Meribald is from the country, and at first appears country bumpkin-esque, but actually proves himself to be intelligent with his Broken Men speech. His knowledge of the riverlands also proves to be useful to them throughout the trip.
Hyle Hunt is undoubtedly the Tin Man. Hyle Hunt’s body is covered in the metal of his armor like the Tin Man, and not having a heart appears to describe him pretty well. He calls Brienne ugly to her face when we see him first talk to her. He wants to find Sansa so he can sell her to the Lannisters. When Brother Gillum shows that a horse bit off his ear, Hyle responds by joking about it. When Brienne expresses sympathy for the children at the inn having lost their parents, Hyle’s response is to roll his eyes and mock her for her sympathy. He comes off as an insensitive prick who doesn’t seem very caring towards anyone. However, we are first introduced to him when he defends a smallfolk couple and Brienne from Tarly’s guards, and actually defends Brienne against his boss and liege, Randyll Tarly, which cost him his job. So there might be a heart to him somewhere after all.
Podrick Payne is the Cowardly Lion. Pod served lions, the Lannisters, and with a name like Payne with his distant cousin being Ser Ilyn the King’s Justice one would expect him to be more aggressive and intimidating. Yet, he is described by every POV character that meets him as timid, with Sansa noticing he blushes and stares at her feet every time she talks with him. He is clearly shy, but he rams himself into Mandon Moore just as he is about to kill Tyrion, and then pulls Tyrion to safety from the raging inferno on the Blackwater, saving his life. He later helps Brienne against the undoubtedly dangerous Bloody Mummer deserters. The boy can be shy, but deep inside is brave.
She finally comes across one figure who has gained repute in the land for his ostensible magical ability.  
“Oh, no, my dear, I... I'm a very good man - I'm just a very bad Wizard”
"The pink pretender, rather. I am Thoros, late of Myr, aye . . . a bad priest and a worse wizard."
- A Feast for Crows, Brienne VIII
Brienne eventually meets a man called the "red wizard," Thoros and just as the Wizard was just an ordinary man using smoke and mirrors, Thoros’s magic is usually just pyromancer tricks. Even he admits he isn’t really that much of a wizard or a red priest. But Thoros is a man who spent the entire war aiding the smallfolk of the riverlands, so while not much of a sorcerer, he still is at heart a good man. 
Auntie Em: You just had a bad dream.
Dorothy: But it wasn't a dream. It was a place, and you and you and you ... and you  were there . . . But you couldn't have been, could you?
Auntie Em: We dream lots of silly things when we...’
Dorothy: No, Aunt Em. This is a real, truly live place. And I remember that some of it wasn't very nice. But most of it was beautiful. But just the same, all I kept saying to everybody was, 'I want to go home.' And they sent me home.
“This is an evil dream, she thought. But if she were dreaming, why did it hurt so much?”
. . .
This time she dreamed that she was home again, at Evenfall. Through the tall arched windows of her lord father's hall she could see the sun just going down. I was safe here. I was safe.
. . .
"I saw him. In the woods."
"A fever dream, my lady."
"He said that he would hang me."
"Even dreams can lie. My lady, how long has it been since you have eaten? Surely you are famished?"
-A Feast for Crows, Brienne VIII
At the end, she wakes up from a dream, and while in the film, Dorothy is finally home, and her journey was revealed to be a dream, Brienne is far from home in the cave of the Brotherhood without Banners and she wakes up to a living nightmare. Brienne is reunited with the Lady of the North, though unlike in the film with Glinda, it is not a happy reunion, as she is accused of betrayal and her ruby studded sword given to her is used against her as opposed to helping her. 
“Bring me the broom of the Wicked Witch of the West.”
"She wants her son alive, or the men who killed him dead," said the big man. "She wants to feed the crows, like they did at the Red Wedding. Freys and Boltons, aye. We'll give her those, as many as she likes. All she asks from you is Jaime Lannister."
-A Feast for Crows, Brienne VIII
After finding the titular wizard, Dorothy in the story has to go on a side quest to complete her goal of returning home. Brienne finds the red wizard and is now told to prove her loyalty by bringing to them in place of the broom of the Wicked Witch of the West, Jaime Lannister, the twin brother and Lord Commander of Cersei’s Kingsguard sent to pacify the riverlands.
“I’ll get you my pretty, and your little dog, too!”
The queen regarded him coolly. "I had not thought you so niggardly. The king I'd thought to wed would have laid a wolfskin across my bed before the sun went down." Robert's face darkened with anger. "That would be a fine trick, without a wolf." "We have a wolf," Cersei Lannister said. Her voice was very quiet, but her green eyes shone with triumph.
-A Game of Thrones, Eddard II
As for Cersei, well, she is associated with the color green, is very vindictive and cruel, often associated with wildfire and comes from the westerlands. She also starts at the beginning of the story by having a girl's innocent dog, Lady, killed. Her subordinates are referred to as monkeys with Tyrion, her Hand, being called “a twisted little monkey demon,” Lancel, who served as her sword, is compared to “a mummer’s monkey” and she thinks of Falyse Stokeworth, whom she tried to have kill Bronn, as a “grasping monkey.” Cersei is also looking for the same young girl Brienne is, someone she blames for the death of a relative, and had imprisoned in her castle.
Just who could Cersei's parallel be?
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gabenathreversebang · 3 years
GabeNath Reverse Bang 2020 Masterpost
Lady in Blue
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When Gabriel akumatizes Audrey again, it goes awry and backfires on him. When he, Ladybug and Chat Noir are compromised, Nathalie decides it’s time for her to take matters into her own hands.
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Changing Hearts and Changing Tides
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The Agreste boys and their plus one, Nathalie, have decided to spend the week in a cabin by the coast. While Gabriel tries to mend his fractured relationship with Adrien, Nathalie is more or less there to keep the peace, but she soon finds herself out of her depth. With emotions shifting as frequently as the tide can the trio band together and take strides towards the future, or will they be swept out to sea and left hanging?
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Your Sword and Shield
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The last time the Graham de Vanilys showed up to the Agreste mansion, they proved they are not to be trusted. Nathalie should have known Amelie would go to treacherous lengths to get under her skin. After a tense confrontation and the shocking reveal of a new villain, Nathalie must step into a new role to protect the one she loves.
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A Moment of Reflection
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After a particularly upsetting defeat, Gabriel is feeling like it might be time to throw in the butterfly brooch and move on. Nathalie tries to encourage him to continue but even she has some reservations about the idea. The two have a heart to heart over some brandy and learn things about each other.
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well, of course i’ve tried lavender
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K O E L N @archekoeln you think, i didn’t know mayura was the type to resort to something like this? but you’re wrong, because now you’re being carried like a sack of potatoes above paris and, 3/11
K O E L N @archekoeln well, the view’s nice and all but you’re also in the arms of a villain??? 4/11
K O E L N @archekoeln you also think, how is she so strong??? because you know you aren’t as light as a feather (haha i’m funny) and her arms are skinny af, but you know, magic i guess 5/11
An online thread about Mayura sparks something in Gabriel. And as her boss (and friend, and villainous partner, and her something), isn’t it his job to… to do what exactly? Well, even he doesn’t know.
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Not All Heroes Wear Capes
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Superheroes, in daily life, usually remained hidden. Men and women, bestowed with god-like powers, living among those whose only powers remained in their knowledge and talents. One of these heroes was Mayura, a peacock-themed superheroine with the power to create new life. As more laborers were going on strike, Mayura’s efforts to keep the economy from deflating were more crucial than ever. Because of her, livelihoods were kept intact for the destitute. For the corporate overlords, however, she was the bane of their luxurious existence. But what does this mean to Gabriel Agreste?
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Broken Arrow
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Ordinary innkeeper Nathalie is plagued with visions of a captive Gabriel, begging for help. She sets out to recruit his son Adrien, the Demigod of Love, to aid her in freeing Gabriel from Emilie, the goddess of beauty. But Nathalie doesn’t know the secret that Adrien keeps from her that may tear them all apart.
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Gabriel’s Inferno
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Nothing seemed to predict how it all would end, and yet it had to have been obvious. It had been weeks since Mayura’s last appearance and he didn’t even let her go out to fight in person, but a broken miraculous doesn’t get carried away by precautions once it’s activated. With Nathalie balancing between life and death, Gabriel will have the opportunity to fix things or lose himself forever in a hellish battle that will overcome all nightmares.
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If I Could Turn Back Time
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Gabriel and Nathalie obtain the rabbit miraculous and travel into the paths of time as Velveteen and Mayura, with the goal of preventing the chain of events that would lead to Emilie’s death. But on their way to Tibet, they encounter surprising visions of possible futures that leave them questioning what is possible and what they really want.
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This is Hallowe’en
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With All Hallow’s Eve hanging over their heads, the Agreste household gets wrapped into celebrating Samhain. With Gabriel and Adrien following Nathalie’s knowledgeable path, they can not fail, probably. This moderately functional family will honor Emilie Agreste in the best ways they can.
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Malleable Fates
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A red thread starts materializing around Gabriel’s finger nearly two decades after he’s already found his soulmate. As he and Nathalie devise a faultless plan to finally win Ladybug and Chat Noir’s miraculous and bring back his wife, Gabriel fights the onslaught of confusing feelings brought about the mysterious reappearance of his soulmate string - including the sneaking suspicion that his soulmate maybe isn’t who she used to be.
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The Splintered Soul Staring Back At Me
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In the aftermath of the battle and a brief hospital stay, Nathalie is safe at home. Her recovery has been a bit stagnant, but she’s been granted leave from work and the miraculous is finally fixed. Things can only go up from here, right?
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With the Flap of a Butterfly’s Wing
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It only took one little thing, the barest of moments, for Duusu to feel their love, and decide that they had to do something about it. Which was how Duusu ended up roping Nooroo into trying everything under the sun to match up their two stubborn holders.
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The Orders He Defies
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After her husband’s death, Nathalie Sancoeur fell into deep despair. Determined to bring him back, she set her goal on obtaining the Black Cat and Ladybug miraculous, using the power of her own one. All her attempts for the last year, however, were futile. Should she remain careful? Or should she let it all burn, as her assistant Gabriel suggests she should? And is the goal even worth its price?
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Royal Pain
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Nathalie liked to think that she would make a pretty good king. If she had been born as the opposite sex, anyways. But as the facts were, Princess Nathalie Sancoeur had a duty thrust upon her that she would rather have not, all things considered: to be married to a foreign prince, in order to bring good fortune to her family and kingdom, and bolster their strength should the rapidly-cooling relations with one of the neighboring countries turn into a full-blown war. It was enough to make her gag every time she thought of it.
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Dancing on Broken Glass
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It was Lila that almost reduced Paris to rubble.It was that conflict that caused an irreversible change to two miraculous holders.It was that change that brought them together.
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«Define Hubris»
Gabriel never considered how much a Deus Ex Machina would cost.
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It’s been seventeen years since Nathalie and Gabriel sat in the cramped studio working hard to get the brand off the ground, and now he can’t help but reflect on those long-forgotten years.
Before Emilie. Before Adrien. Before the money and fame.
As he looks at her across his desk… he wonders if it was all worth it.
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A Witch’s Desire
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Gabriel Agreste was a peculiar man, who was known around town both as a famous fashion designer and a powerful witch who was able to read and control minds, though he never used that second power unless there was a real emergency. Heck, he barely even used the first. But after losing his wife, Gabriel becomes desperate to do anything he can to bring her back, even that means using his powers for evil, or tracking down a mysterious powerful witch who had disappeared many years ago, with the power to bring the dead back to life.
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Not a Minute of Peace
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Even though the akuma wants to shackle them, the Collector and Catalyst have more freedom than Gabriel and Nathalie ever had. They may be criminals turned into prey, but they enjoy the hunt. There is only one thing they are running from.
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Nathalie made the wish.
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The Woman With The Golden Feathers
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The annual Bourgeois masquerade comes at the right time for Gabriel. In a moment of personal uncertainty after his discreet divorce, he will find the possible answer in a mysterious lady with golden feathers.
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Time and Time Again
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The stress of being a young designer trying to make it in the fashion industry is taking its toll, and Gabriel’s and Nathalie’s marriage is slowly unraveling.
They’ve stood the tests of life since their first year of university, but when everything comes crashing down, Gabriel finds himself stuck reliving the day it happened. Failing and falling, time and time again with every passing ‘day’. Why is he here? How can he stop it? The answer lies in a choice as to what matters more: his career or the woman who has stood by him through it all.
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A year after Hawkmoth’s surrender, Gabriel asks Nathalie to join him to gaze at the stars. While she waits for him, she contemplates the empty space left by the removal of the portrait from the foyer hall. Growth ensues for them both as they learn to just be by each other’s side.
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C’est la Vie; C’est le Ballet
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After the death of his wife, upstart choreographer Gabriel Agreste is looking for a new star for his ballet, Miraculous. Hard to please and willing to do whatever it takes for the sake of the show, none of the auditionees fit his artistic vision…
…except Nathalie, a former prima ballerina turned ballet instructor. She’s stoic and very dedicated to her craft, but there’s a reason she stopped performing four years ago and it has dangerous potential.
Through the trials and triumphs and betrayals that run hand in hand with the world of ballet, Gabriel and Nathalie begin to find something more in each other’s company, and perhaps the seeds of new beginnings.
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I’m Praying (There’s Saving)
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It was to be Gabriel’s first party on Olympus, but little did he know it would also be the last. Not only for him, but for everyone. In the blink of an eye everything changed, sending the god of nature and his newborn son to take refuge with the Queen of the Dead. They thought they were safe, but even the depths of the underworld couldn’t escape the King’s wrath forever.
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rachaelslibrary · 3 years
March Wrap-Up and April TBR
I am so happy to say that I had a second strong reading month, reading seven books back to back.  I really thought it was going to be a slower month since my mom was in town for two weeks and I was doing a lot with her, but I guess I found time.  It also helps that some of these were audiobooks that I could listen to on the way to work and while I crochet.
Anyway, in the order that I read them, here are the seven books I read in March.
1. Dreamland by Sarah Dessen
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I have a whole post about how much I hated this book and the relationship in it.  I’ve never enjoyed contemporary romance, but I thought I’d give this one a try and I ended up regretting it. Here are my thoughts if you want to dive deeper
1/5 stars
2. A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro
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Murder mystery at a boarding school?  Check.  Romantic tension between two leads?  Check. Narrator who is sometimes annoying as hell? Check.  Read this post for all my feels.
3/5 stars
3. Chain of Iron by Cassandra Clare
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I have a full post about this book, so check it out if you want to know my in depth thoughts and feelings about this book, but regardless I liked it a lot.  It had everything you could want from a Shadowhunters book, and Cassandra Clare's writing seems to get better and better each time.
5/5 stars
4. The Duke and I by Julia Quinn
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Again, I have another full post about this book, so go read that, but I was not the biggest fan of this book.  I'm not sure if it was a bad romance, or I didn't like it just because I don't typically like romance, but the show, Bridgerton, is sooo much better in my humble opinion.
2/5 stars
5. Red Rising by Pierce Brown
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There will never not be a time when I say that this is one of my favorite series of all times.  I have a post about the whole series already, but also just know these characters will always have a place in my heart.
5/5 stars
6. Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb
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Again I have a whole post about it if you want to check it out, but this book made Robin Hobb one of my new favorite authors, easily.  Despite being a little on the slow side, I truly grew so attached to Fitz, the main character, and I seriously can't wait to pick up the next book.
5/5 stars
7. Admission by Julie Buxbaum
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This last one was a random read for me, and I truly was not expecting to enjoy it as much as I did.  Admission follows 17-year-old Chloe Berringer as she navigates through senior year of high school and applies for colleges, only to discover that her parents have paid someone to fake her applications so she could get in.  Now, her actress mother faces jail time, and she is left with the realizations that her parents have no faith in her, and her life might just be ruined.  This is definitely inspired by the Lori Laughlin, Felicity Huffman, USC scandal, but it also has a uniqueness to it of the main character having to come to terms with the fact that she has been born into privilege and really struggling with how to make that right.  It's also told in two timelines, a "then" that shows her in the beginning of the school year forming her applications and taking the SAT's, and a "now" that shows her mother being arrested and paparazzi stalking her house.  I found the whole story just really intriguing from the very beginning, and I did feel a real sympathy for the main character and what she was going through.
4/5 stars
Now that the wrap-up is done, let's chat about the books I want to read for April.
For starters, my English lit class is going HARD this month.  I have to have Beowulf entirely read by tomorrow night, in two weeks I have to read Dante's The Inferno, and then at the end of the month is the entirety of Hamlet, which I already know is going to suck.  I hate Shakespeare.  So that is at least three books.
For my audiobooks this month, I just started Jade City by Fonda Lee which is another one of my favorite series, and I have the audiobook of Golden Son by Pierce Brown to finish up when I'm done.  Both of these are rereads but the audiobooks seem to really enhance it, so I'm excited to get into those.
In the physical book category, I'm currently reading From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout that I've checked out from the library.  I'm about halfway through because I couldn't finish it the first time I had it.  I almost DNF'd it the first time but I know that so many people like it, so I've been trying to give it another chance.  I also have Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo which is the final book of the Grisha trilogy that I want to have read by the time the show comes out this month.  If I can finish all of those, then I also want to reread Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo because I LOVE those books, but also because the show is coming out.  And FINALLY, if I can somehow finish all of those first, my hold for Majesty by Katharine McGee should be ready.  That's the sequel to American Royals that I somewhat enjoyed, but I'm really just curious to find out if everything ends how I predicted
I just counted and realized that there are 10 books on my TBR somehow.  I mean, I'll do my best to try to get through them.  I also have a school project due in a few weeks that I have to try to finish so we shall see what happens.
Until next time :)
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katobobato · 4 years
To Say Goodbye
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➳ pairing: lee tamin x reader ➳ genre: angst, resurrection au, zombie au, a little fluff in there too ➳ warnings: body decay, blood and gore, witchcraft, death ➳ word count: 5158 ➳ rating: pg-15 ➳ prompt: It was halloween so if there was any time to try and resurrect your dead lover with an ancient incarnation, today was that day. ➳ event: halloween at kfn
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It had been coming up for half a year since the incident. Almost half a year without him.
y/n had been coping well it seemed, at least, that's what she showed on the outside. She was composed and fearless, still in mourning but life carries on, even without him. On the inside, however, she was barely holding herself together, the threads of her soul slowly fraying and unwinding.
She was heartbroken, lost in a monochrome world completely void of all colour, all alone yet surrounded by many. She had her family and friends, but that wasn't enough because she didn't have him.
When they'd started dating a couple of years prior to the incident, he was the first man to truly make her smile. They laughed together, they had fun together and most of all, they were happy. They had started out as friends long before that, back in high school actually, but only dared to push their relationship further once they reached adulthood.
To describe how deep in love they were, just before the time of his passing, would be a difficult task. Think of the deepest depths of the ocean, the gap between heaven and hell, the length of space between the Earth and the moon. Even then, it would not be enough. To say they were soulmates would almost be an understatement.
There will never be another like him, there will never be another Lee Taemin. No one, in this life or the next, would even compare to him. He was the stars in her night sky. He was the moon that pulled the tides. He was the force of gravity keeping her on the ground.
She couldn't live without him. At least, not without saying a proper goodbye.
And so, y/n found herself wandering the streets of New Orleans, the place she had grown to call home, a home she had shared with him. If you had seen her strolling through the streets you wouldn't think she was searching for anything in particular. Just a girl walking down the street, with no goal in mind.
But there was something on her mind, the reason fuelling her outing, she was going to find a witch that could contact the dead.
y/n was never one to really believe in the witchcraft and voodoo that was said to have found it's home in New Orleans but after moving here for herself, she could feel it. The way something magical would flow down the streets, in the air between the buildings. It was everywhere, like a presence you couldn't see. At times, it felt like a warm home, the smell of fresh flowers on a sunny day. At others it felt more like an ominous presence, a pair of eyes watching your every move from where they were lurking in the darkness.
The so-called magic of New Orleans, if it truly was real, had her wondering if it was good or rather the work of demons. Before losing her lover to the claws of death, she would have heeded the warnings she had seen on tv and read in books. Now, however, so distraught with grief, she no longer cared.
By the time she stopped walking, her feet had brought her to a little shop hidden in the corner of a crooked backstreet. It seemed as though a wandering soul would miss it, never even noticing it was there, but y/n had felt a pull to it from the moment she stepped foot outside of her apartment. A shop that picked the customers perhaps, rather than the customers choosing the shop.
The windows were tinted, making it difficult to see the dark interior beyond. A sign outside displayed the name 'Lucifer's Wing - Magic Supplies' in a fancy, golden text. It looked old, from the decaying wooden window frames to the rusted door knob.
Although y/n hadn't gotten her hopes up, she reached out for that rusty door handle and sucked in a deep breath before turning it and heading inside.
Her nose involuntarily scrunched up at the unusual smell that flooded into it. It wasn't a particularly bad smell, nor was it particularly pleasant. It was simply strong, a very strong fragrance of which she had never quite smelt before.
Not only was the smell weird, but so was the rest of the shop. Shelves filled with old books, jars full of all kinds of abnormalities, not to mention all the unusual objects that were littered about on pretty much every kind of surface. An ugly, red and green rug, that was more brown and faded from old age, sat on the floor in front of the counter.
"Just grind up the newt tail and mix it with the raven beak. You should see improvements by tomorrow."
Two normal-looking New Orleanians were at that counter, their shoes further dirtying the dusty rug beneath them. They didn't even glance at y/n as they left the shop, taking their small package out with them as they discussed things about their unusual instructions from the shopkeeper.
When y/n finally got a good look at the woman behind the counter, she wasn't particularly surprised by her appearance at all. Not when the shop itself looked so, well, peculiar. Her hair was long and crimped, frizzing out a little bit too much. Her makeup was heavy, layer upon layer of eyeliner paired with dark eyeshadow and matte lips. She looked, well, if y/n didn't know any better, she'd say she looked like a witch.
"Now, what can I do for you?" Her voice was hoarse as she tilted her head, examining y/n with a hazy gaze.
"A grimoire perhaps? Or maybe a simple hex bag?"
y/n stepped forwards, approaching the woman to ask of her what it was she had come for, "Can you speak to the dead?"
The woman hummed and placed a slender finger to her chin, "Who could the young girl miss so dearly? Her mother? Her father? A friend taken too soon? Or perhaps... a lost lover?"
y/n nodded, her words now suddenly stuck in her throat.
"How did they die?" The woman inquired, leaning forward with a sudden peak of interest.
With an almost shaky breath, y/n replied, "He was in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"I'm going to need more to go on than that, pretty."
It hurt to think of it. It hurt to speak of it. It hurt to remember it.
"H- He went out one day and never came home. It was a robbery gone wrong. He tried to stop them and they shot him. They shot him to rob a fucking cash register."
Her emotion shot out like a whirlwind. You could hear the pain in her voice. How distraught she was to lose someone she loved for such a petty, pointless reason. Even she was surprised by her own words, she had sworn in front of a stranger. How rude. How unlike her.
"Please," Her voice was faint again, realising that she had lost her composure for but a moment, "I just want to say goodbye."
The shopkeeper smiled, although it was not a warming smile. Everything about it was cold, sinister even. As if she were amused by the tragedy that befell such a young couple.
"I can do you one better than that."
y/n watched as the woman turned around, rummaging through the shelves behind her as she searched for something. Something that, hopefully, was going to grant y/n that goodbye she wished for so dearly.
When she returned to the girl, the shopkeeper had an old parchment in hand. It looked ancient, so fragile that it would crumble away the moment she set it down. And yet, somehow, it remained intact.
"Take this. Speak the incantation over his grave at the witching hour on all hallows eve, when the veil between life and death is at it's thinnest. It will grant you what you wish for, maybe even more than that."
y/n took the paper, skimming her eyes over a language she only recognised as Latin before her eyes flickered back to the shopkeeper, "How much is it?"
"Free of charge, well, to me. You will pay your price when it is due, I only hope you will be prepared to pay it." The woman warned although y/n didn't take it as a serious threat.
"I'll pay whatever price, I just want to see him again. I just want to say goodbye." She held the parchment with great care and smiled, "Thank you."
With that, she was leaving the shop just as quickly as she had arrived. Taking a long, thoughtful stroll back to her apartment, their apartment.
Did she honestly think this incantation would work? No. Was she praying that she would be wrong? Yes.
It wouldn't work, there was no way it would, but she needed it to. Just a chance to say goodbye, that was all she wanted.
If only she knew what was to come.
y/n waited somewhat impatiently over the next few days but soon, all hallows eve was upon her. She had put a bowl of sweets outside, allowing any trick-or-treaters to help themselves as she would not be at home.
She knew she was going too early, she had to wait for the witching hour, after all. But she wanted to be with him. Just to sit with him for a while as she read the incantation over and over in her head to make sure that she would get it right when the time came.
Before long, the witching hour had arrived.
y/n stood up and placed a gentle hand on the tombstone. Her fingers ran over the engraving, 'Lee Taemin - Beloved Son and Cherished Friend'.
"It's now or never." y/n spoke to him, or perhaps herself, and took a couple of steps back.
With shaky hands, she held the parchment up in front of her and cleared her throat only to mutter under her breath, "Here goes."
"Hic en spiritum sed non incorpore evokare lemures de mortuis decretum espugnare de angelus balberith en inferno inremeablis."
Once she read the incantation, the wind seemed to blow, chilling her skin. She waited but nothing happened.
So, she read the incantation again and again as she prayed to see him one last time. All she wanted was to hear his voice, better yet to see his spirit before her. Just so that she could see him, hear him, one last time. Just to say goodbye.
But to no prevail.
"I knew it was fake. I was a fool to wish otherwise." y/n sighed, eyes already glassing over with tears.
In her hand, the parchment was crumpled to nothing, scattered pieces blowing off in the wind. It didn't work, it was never going to work. What was she thinking?
She fell to her knees, fingers digging into the soil that occupied the space over his grave, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I wasn't there. I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to say goodbye. I love you, I love you so much."
As her tears dripped down, wetting the Earth with her sorrow, she finally said goodbye. She would always love him, always.
It was with a heavy heart that she headed home, leaving behind the dream of seeing her lover again. She fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow, tears staining the soft fabric beneath her. Exhaustion had taken its toll on her. Exhaustion from hoping, believing too much in the unknown. Exhaustion from grief and being alone.
A few hours passed, night relieved by the early morning.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
y/n sat up, stretching her tired limbs as another knock sounded at the door. Leaving the warmth of her bed and submitting herself to the cold, she began to head for the door.
"Don't those kids know that the time for trick-or-treating is over?" She sighed, reaching out to open the door and tell them to go home.
When the door opened, her entire world stopped spinning. Or, perhaps, it began to spin so fast that she had grown dizzy and begun to see things that were not truly there.
Dark brown eyes. That fluffy, dirty blonde hair she loved to run her fingers through. Eyebrow slits he thought looked edgy, but she just found cute. Every single inch of his face was so familiar, so new, something she felt she hadn't seen in years but could have also been something had seen just yesterday.
"y/n... I- I didn't know where else to go."
The moment he spoke, confirming that he was truly there, she threw her arms around him. Tears rolled down her cheeks, tears much different than the ones that came before. It wasn't what she had expected, to be reunited with her lover like this, but he was alive. He was with her again and that was all that mattered.
When y/n finally released him, she stepped back to look at him once again.
Dirt. Lots of dirt, he was covered in it. It was matted between his hair, smudged across his cheek, wedged under his fingernails. Had he climbed out of his own grave? But his body wasn't broken, wasn't decomposed. It was as if he were as good as new.
"Let's get you in a bath." She smiled, gently taking his hand in her own as she led him inside.
Once the bath was run, steam warming the previously frosty room, she left him to it whilst she prepared some clothes of his that she just hadn't had the strength to throw away before.
He sat there, absentmindedly scrubbing the dirt off of him, thinking about so many things.
I'm dead. I died. Didn't I? So why am I here now? Why am I alive again? Am I really alive again?
He had so many questions but ultimately, he was just glad to be back home. Back with her. Back with y/n.
"So, what do you remember?" She asked, rubbing his hair loosely with a towel.
"I..." Taemin sighed, "I remember dying. I died and then there was nothing, plunged into eternal darkness. Until I woke up in- in front of my grave."
y/n looked at him softly, putting the towel down to cup her hand around his face, "I didn't know what to do without you. I didn't know how to go on. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. That was all I wanted. This... to have you back is more than I could have ever hoped for."
She was crying again before she realised it. A steady stream of salty tears wetting her cheeks once again.
Although hesitantly, he reached up to touch her, gentle fingers ghosting over her face. He wiped her tears away and took her hand in his, bringing it up to his lips for a tender kiss.
"How- How did you do this? How did you bring me back?"
He was so confused. He shouldn't be here, not that he didn't want to be. He wanted nothing more than to be by her side, to hold her in his arms, to kiss her softly and tell her everything was alright. But he didn't understand. He needed to understand.
"I found a shopkeeper... I think she was a witch. She gave me an old incantation and told me to read it over your grave at the witching hour on all hallows eve." y/n explained, her hand returning to his cheek, thumb stroking over it gently.
"It's Halloween? How long have I been gone for?"
She sighed and leaned forwards, resting her head against his shoulder, "Six months."
Instinctively, his hand went to her head, stroking it affectionately.
"I'm sorry," There was a pause as he leaned his head against her own, just wanting to be near her, "Sorry for leaving you."
y/n lifted her head, shaking it and looked at him with a smile, "Don't be. You're back now, that's what matters. It worked, the incantation actually worked."
The way his mouth curved so affectionately as he rubbed his head against her own slightly, much like a cat would to its owner, was so full of love. He may not have remembered anything of the afterlife, or perhaps there wasn't one to remember, but he felt as though he hadn't seen her for an eternity. He just wanted to treasure her, to love her, to hold her.
She reached for his hand, interlacing her fingers with his own.
"I love you," She said, "I love you so much."
He squeezed her hand as if to say; I'm here, I'm not leaving you again. With his other, he wiped the tears from her eyes, although soon the thumb that was drying her eyes was replaced by something else.
Each eye. He kissed under each eye, tasting the salty tears she had shed for him. He never wanted her to cry because of him again, he never wanted to leave her again.
Pulling her close to his chest, he nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck. It really was real, he really was back with her.
A part of her feared that he would be gone come sunrise. This was too good to be true. Was he really back for good? Was his soul truly intact? For now, she didn't care. She just needed him. She needed him almost as much as he needed her.
"I love you." She said again, pulling away to press a soft kiss to his lips.
"I love you too." His words were pure, romantic, gentle even. He was just glad to be back with her, back by her side.
They were soulmates, or maybe something more. Two souls, two hearts, two bodies, completely intertwined.
By the time morning came, he was still by her side. She smiled, hand smoothing over his chest as she looked up at him. His stomach raised and then, it fell. He was breathing, he was alive, he was with her once again. Not a spirit, not a monster, not a figment of her imagination, but flesh and blood.
He looked so peaceful, so angelic as he slept beside her. The sun crept in through the blinds, giving his features an almost golden glow. Maybe he was just that, an angel brought back to Earth in order to reunite with his lover once again. Maybe, if there was a God, they had sent him back to her.
Taemin's eyes soon fluttered open, his eyes rolling over the curves of her body that hid beneath the covers. He smiled and began to delicately run his fingers up and down her bare shoulder.
"Morning." His voice was groggy, full of sleep and love.
A warm smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, "I've missed this."
They spent all morning in bed, lying by each other's sides. Pillow talk and tangled legs.
By lunch, however, rumbling stomachs finally pulled them from their bed.
"Pancakes?" Taemin opened the fridge to collect the eggs and milk.
y/n was already looking in the cupboard, pulling out a bowl before searching the drawers for a whisk, "Already one step ahead."
Cooking was always an adventure when it came to the two of them, especially when it could easily get messy. Flour covered every surface, including their own hands and faces. They giggled, laughing together as they finally began flipping the pancakes.
Eating lunch was as fun as making it. Giggles and whispers of love as they smiled oh-so warmly at each other across the table.
By the time it began to grow dark outside, they were lying on the sofa watching a movie. It was one of their favourites, one they'd watched so many times together. y/n thought she'd never get to watch it with him again but here she was, lying in his arms, completely content as they quietly watched the movie.
Neither of them was truly paying attention to the film. Both of them were far too focused on each other. The way it felt to be so close, feeling the warmth of each other's body heat seep through the clothes that separated them. He loved this, the feeling of holding her in his arms again. She too was the happiest she'd ever been. She thought she'd lost him forever but they had been granted another chance. A miracle perhaps.
Or maybe... something a little more sinister.
A couple more days had passed and everything seemed well. They had been on a date in the park, his first time outside since coming back. The two of them had talked about how they would tell others that he was alive. How they'd explain it to everyone. He wanted to see his parents so dearly. Both knew that this might not be the best idea, however. They would freak out, they wouldn't understand. He had died, they all knew that. They, although distraught, had made peace with it. If he was to see them, he needed an explanation that didn't sound ridiculous or simply scare them away.
Their date had gone well. They had had fun together, walking around, taking in the fresh air. It was a good day. It was only when they returned home, later in the day, that Taemin began to feel that something was wrong.
"You okay?" y/n asked, noticing the way his eyes seemed somewhat sunken.
With a smile, he nodded, "Yeah, just tired."
It was a lie. A lie he almost believed himself. A lie he so desperately needed to believe was true because he didn't want something to be wrong. Instead of worrying about it, or worrying her about it, he hid it. He ignored it.
They bathed together that night. Both soaking in the bath until they went pruney. y/n rested her head against his chest, smiling as he softly ran the tips of his fingers along her arms.
"I've missed this. I've missed you." She sighed, taking his hand in her own.
He hummed against her hair, pressing a loving kiss against her head, "I missed you too."
He truly did miss her, even if he had no perception of how much time it had been since he last saw her before he died. Perhaps time simply wasn't a thing after death and that was why it had felt like so long but also only hours at the same time. Six months. She was without him for six months, and he was without her. For her, it was agonising. For him, well, he only noticed how much he missed her once he came back.
He held her close that night, smiling as she slept quietly in his arms, for he was beginning to feel as though he might lose her again. He knew she couldn't bear the thought of it happening all over again, watching helplessly as he was taken from her again but, as the sun set far below their feet, the cloudy night sky now overhead, he began to feel as though it was going to happen again. It was going to happen again and much sooner than they had wished for.
He kept that feeling, that knowing, from her for days. Everything was normal, even as his eyes began to look more sunken than usual. I'm just tired, he would tell her. She, like a fool, believed him.
It was his idea to try out a new recipe, a recipe his mother used to make for him. They had always liked to cook together, always treasured that time with each other. They were having fun, reading through the recipe on her phone. He stood behind her, head on her shoulder, hands holding hers as they mixed the ingredients in the wok.
Stir-fried Korean beef, a recipe from his home. He already knew how to make it but pretended not to so that he could learn again, with her. A meal to remember him by, a meal to enjoy. He didn't want to leave a sour taste in her mouth. He wanted to leave behind a pleasant taste, a lingering goodness that she could enjoy. If she liked the meal, that was.
"It's so good!" She grinned from ear to ear, devouring the delicious food they had created together.
He felt his lips curl upwards slightly, smiling so gently. It was a sad smile.
"You'll have to try out new things when I'm no longer around." It was a mumble, but she still heard it.
y/n dropped her food and tilted her head, confused, "What do you mean? You've only just come back, you're not going anywhere."
He avoided her eyes, watching them search his face as if trying to decipher what he was staying, and moulded his face into a reassuring smile, "So, after dinner, I was thinking we could go for a walk?"
She knew he was avoiding the question but didn't press on the matter. A part of her didn't want to know. She didn't want to know what he meant by that, what he was trying to say. Although, she couldn't stop the feeling of unease that had settled into the very core of her bones, shaking through her like waves of nausea.
A few more days passed and he left her during the night, droopy body heading for the bathroom. He turned the tap on, hoping the steady stream of water would ground him, and looked into the mirror. His face was pale, almost deathly so. Any rose he had in his cheeks seemed to have been painted over. His eyes were sunken, dark circles surrounding them. Dry skin, chapped lips, no colour. He looked like a walking corpse, or perhaps simply someone who was rather unwell.
y/n had noticed it. She hadn't said anything out of fear. If she acknowledged it, asked about it, she feared it would truly become real. Something was wrong, very wrong. Taemin knew it, y/n knew it. She was scared to ask, he was scared to tell her. He didn't want to see her in pain again, he couldn't watch it happen again.
Fingertips ran along his protruding cheekbone until it reached that dark skin under his eye. His nail looked black around the edges and, with a sleepy curiosity, he pulled at it with his other hand. It was such a light, delicate movement. And yet, the nail slipped so easily from his body, coming off with a trail of goo. A mix of blood and God knows what else.
He closed his eyes, focusing once again on the running water. It was calming, peaceful. The darkness that surrounded him, the lack of anything. It was pleasant, it was familiar. It was death.
Before he had realised it, he had already adapted to the life after death. It wasn't the same as life on Earth, it was different, empty. It wasn't, however, in any way bad. He couldn't remember much but he knew he felt at peace. He had made his peace with it, she had not. The living didn't know how to let go but the dead... the dead had already moved on.
She called him back. She forced him back. He wanted to see her, he was so glad that they had just a little more time together but that time was quickly running out. He only released it then, as he opened his eyes and looked down at his nail-less finger, tugging ever so gently on the limb until it broke free from his body and fell down into the sink. The stream of water fell down onto it, claiming it as death had already claimed him.
There was no pain and very little blood. He was already dead, he was never truly alive again. His time had passed and he had made peace with that. She hadn't, y/n hadn't.
She was in the doorway not long after feeling the chilling cold beside her in bed. She almost asked, she almost confirmed it. But, when she saw her lover, his body slowing starting to break down, it was too late. It was real.
"I can't stay much longer." Taemin sighed, finally understanding what was happening to him, to them.
He wasn't sad. He had had time to see her again, to say goodbye. That was what she wanted, wasn't it? A chance to say goodbye.
The witch had never said the incantation was permanent, nor had she ever said it would bring him back to life. He wasn't here to stay, he was here to help her move on. Truly a dead man walking.
y/n felt like she was suffocating, it was as if the whole world was crumbling down around her. It was raining, distorting the painting before her. He was alive, he was with her again. The painting had lied and now, those lies were washing away.
"Don't cry." He stepped forwards, wiping away the tears she hadn't even realised had started to fall.
Her world was crumbling. Her life, his life, fading away.
"It's okay, y/n. It's okay. I'm here, I'll always be here."
She couldn't listen, she didn't want to listen. She didn't want to hear this, to hear his goodbye. She wasn't ready... she'd only just gotten him back.
"I- I- I can't-" Her voice was strangled, hands balling into his shirt, "I can't lose you again." She held on tight, too afraid to let go, "I- I'll go with you, I'll die with you-"
He sighed and pulled her to his chest, feeling her warmth for one last time as he cradled her head in his hands, "You can't. You have to live on."
She cried harder, holding onto him even tighter than before.
"You don't need to worry. You must live in the present and remember me when I'm gone. Until the day comes when I must leave you again, treasure these last few days we have together but, when it's over, I need you to move on. Live a wonderful life, live a happy life. For me, for your friends, for your family. Fall in love again, have children and grandchildren. Teach them how to cook, make pancakes with them. Just... be happy."
He wasn't going to leave her that day. He might not even leave her the next, but the day was coming. The day he would have to leave again, to go back.
"I love you." He whispered into her hair, a memory she would treasure.
He loved her and she loved him. They always would, but time moves on, people move on, and she would too.
Tears streaked down her face, a steady stream mimicking the running tap, "I love you too... So much."
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confused-stars · 4 years
hawksweek2020 - Day 3: Crossover
@hawksweek2020 ___ Phoenix Drifting (or: it’s Pacific Rim time, my dudes) „I just don’t think this is a good idea.” Toshinori Yagi looked tired. That was really the only adjective needed to describe the man, and maybe the only one that was appropriate. Gone was the hero millions of people had watched on tv and cheered on. There was only this skeleton of a man who looked like a stiff breeze could knock him over.  “How will we know if we don’t give it a try?” said Keigo’s handler, calm and rational as always.  Yagi just shook his head with a long, drawn-out sigh. “I’ve drifted with Enji enough times to know what he’s like. And I can only assume it would be even more difficult now, after…” He trailed off, but no one in the room actually needed him to finish the sentence. “Assigning him a new recruit as a partner, and someone he’s never even met?”
But they had met, Keigo almost wanted to protest. He bit his tongue on the basis that there was no way Enji Todoroki would ever even remember the tiny brat he’d saved that day. Or that he’d recognize the young man he’d grown into.  “The alternative would be him drifting with his son, you are aware of that?” the commission president pointed out, one perfectly shaped brow raised. Keigo sometimes wondered when she found time to do that. The world was sort of ending every couple weeks, and yet there were people who would just… sit down and have their eyebrows plucked.  “Natsuo is a medic. He’s not a pilot,” Kayama said from where she was leaning forward on crossed arms, a tiny crease between her eyes.  Keigo’s handler paused. “Oh, no. I’m talking about Shouto.”  “Absolutely not.” It was the first time Aizawa had spoken since they’d opened this discussion. Keigo had been sure the man had dozed off at some point, but apparently, he’d been listening the entire time. Stupid, of course he had been. Never underestimate people, especially those that you know are skilled.  “We’re not putting a kid in a Jaeger. He’d be ready, skill-wise, but he’s still a teenager.”  “Todoroki specifically requested for his son to be partnered up with him,” the president said, unmoved. “He’s been training for this purpose alone. If Takami doesn’t work out, Shouto would be our fallback plan.”  Aizawa’s glare was terrifying enough that Keigo wouldn’t have been surprised if someone was about to drop dead. “Takami’s barely more than a kid himself!” He gestured at Keigo, who couldn’t help but straighten up, making a low noise of offense in his throat. “I’m old enough to fight! I’m old enough to drift. My simulator scores are better than All Might’s ever were. I’m ready.”  Aizawa scoffed. “Simulator scores hold nothing against a real fight, kid.” Though his glare wasn’t as prominent looking directly at Keigo. Seemed like his anger was directed at the commission. Which, understandable and Keigo could relate. But they knew what they were doing. He’d been trained for only this since he’d been a tiny kid. He knew he could do this.  “They might not even be compatible,” Yagi said, almost placating, “Maybe we’re arguing for nothing. You know what Enji is like. Him and Takami don’t seem like a very good matchup at first glance.”  “Enji wasn’t a good matchup with Touya, either, but he pushed through anyway. And look what happened,” Aizawa replied darkly. There was a ripple of tension, and then the dark-haired pilot stood from his chair. “It’s not like we can stop you from doing what you want anyway. I’m just putting it on the record that I was against this.” He paused. “No offense, kid.” And stalked off.  Keigo didn’t… think he was offended. Was he?
__ The thing was, despite spending the majority of his life training to be the perfect Jaeger pilot, despite having honed his reflexes and his tactical thinking and his ability to make split-second decisions, Keigo had never actually seen a Jaeger up close. When he’d been saved by Enji Todoroki – callsign “Endeavor” – as a child, that had been before the Jaeger program had really been a thing. Or at least not in the public eye. No, Enji Todoroki had been a special ops agent at the time he’d blown the criminal operation Keigo’s parents had been a part of, and his fame had only come about a year later when the first Jaeger – Golden Inferno – had been revealed. Keigo had known from that moment on that he wanted to be a pilot, and he’d worked hard to get to his goal, until he’d been picked up by the commission’s scouts when he’d been eight years old.
So, no experience with real Jaegers. Only the training facility and the simulations.  He really, really couldn’t be blamed for sneaking up onto the walkway to take a look. Surely with all the young recruits living here, this was something that happened regularly. Why shouldn’t Keigo be allowed to do the same? He was about to step into one of these soon enough, if he proved to be compatible with Endeavor.  There was currently only one active Jaeger in this Shatterdome, along with two more being kept ready for pilots. They desperately needed another team out there to help against the kaiju attacks that had just been stacking up, and that was why Keigo was here.  He felt… kind of inadequate for the task next to the Jaegers though. They were so much bigger than he’d been able to even imagine.  Even stood on the walkway, at eye level, Keigo was suddenly and entirely aware of how tiny he was. How tiny he was compared to one of the kaiju, too. Actually piloting a Jaeger had to be quite something if it made you feel strong enough to take on those monsters.  “Do you have authorization to be here?” That voice… Keigo turned his head with an easy smile, and threw a lazy salute at the man who technically outranked him. For now. And, hey, even if they teamed up, Endeavor would always have seniority over him.  “No, sir, but that’ll change come tomorrow,” he chirped, dropping his hand again. Endeavor was frowning at him, but as far as Keigo could tell, he was always frowning. “… Takami, right?”  Keigo nodded, wondering if Endeavor remembered his parents at all, or if that had just been one case in a long line of forgettable ones.  If he did remember, Endeavor wasn’t showing any signs of it. Instead, he stepped up beside Keigo, leaning his arms onto the railing of the walkway as he peered up at the Jaeger in front of them. This one was a newer model, the finishing touches were still being worked out, and the colors were muted and grey. Keigo thought she would look beautiful in red and gold.  “Do you trust yourself to handle her?” Endeavor asked after a moment. Blunt and to the point. Keigo kind of appreciated that.  “I’m a quick learner, and a great pilot,” he replied, “And I’ll have an experienced partner to show me the ropes.”  Endeavor turned his steely eyes on him. “I’m not here to pick up your slack.”  Keigo raised his hands in a placating gesture. “Oh, I promise you won’t have to! I know what’s at stake here, and I’m ready.”  That got him a nod. Endeavor turned back to the Jaeger. “… she has booster jets on her back, and she was built lighter than any previous models. She’ll be the first Jaeger with the ability to fly.”  Keigo had heard that much. He knew it’d be more of a hover, but that they were working on full flight and would be modifying her when there were no immediate fights to be won. He leaned his elbow on the railing and rested his head on his palm. “Got any name ideas yet?”  Endeavor was silent for a while. Maybe he didn’t care for frivolous things like names. He seemed entirely stoic, just like on tv, and in the one memory Keigo had of meeting him. “… Phoenix,” Endeavor finally said, voice quiet but still clearly audible in the relative quiet of the hangar this late.  “I…” Keigo loved it. It was perfect. He could already imagine the accents of red in an almost feather like pattern, and the Jaeger had flames, too, because it had been built with Endeavor’s preferred fighting style in mind. “… Rising Phoenix?” he suggested.  He could feel Endeavor’s eyes on his face, scrutinizing, but he was too busy staring up at their baby. “… if you can keep up with me in the drift, we can name her that.”  “Oh, them be fightin’ words,” Keigo murmured, and he couldn’t help but smirk. __ Their compatibility was evaluated within a single fight the next day. As soon as Keigo went in for his first blow, he could almost physically sense something connecting them. As fast as he was, Endeavor blocked every single one of his attacks as if he’d known exactly where Keigo was going to move.  And in turn, Keigo managed to dodge every one of his opponent’s slower, more forceful blows. It wasn’t like sparring with other recruits, or with his trainers. It was… lighter, like his mind didn’t have to be constantly running, his thoughts fading to a pleasant humming in the background.  When they parted, Endeavor was smiling.  Keigo returned his expression.  And they were deemed ready to drift only an hour after that.
__ They had an audience, Keigo knew. Everyone was anticipating a successful drift, and everyone was worried what would happen if it didn’t work out. No pressure. Keigo felt good about this, about himself. They could do this. Right? It didn’t matter that Endeavor had so many years on him, that he’d lived through what had happened to his first and second co-pilot, that their traumatic memories were probably about to mix up and create an incredibly explosive cocktail… Keigo took a breath and exhaled slowly.  He needed to focus on his surroundings. The feeling of the suit against his skin, the lights of the cockpit, the voices in his ear.  “Takami.”  Keigo jerked his head over towards Endeavor, who was standing calm and seemingly ready for the challenge ahead. “Yeah?”  Endeavor frowned at him. “Don’t think too much. It’ll only distract me.”  “Roger that,” Keigo murmured. Because that was so easy. Damn, what if this didn’t go right? Then they would lose so much more time trying to find a suitable copilot for Endeavor, and one for Keigo, too. This needed to work. It had to.  “Initiating neural handshake,” said a voice that Keigo was too nervous to assign to any one of the people he’d just met yesterday. “3…2…1.”  He was standing over an empty hospital bed, the sheets still mussed up from the body that had been in it only minutes ago. “It was my fault,” he murmured, fists clenched at his sides. A hand touched his shoulder. “Enji…” He whipped around and glared down at Rei, and she shrunk back from the look on his face.  He was twelve years old and had just broken a bone for the first time. He lay on the mat in the training hall, trying desperately not to cry as he clutched his arm. “We’re not finished, Hawks,” said the trainer coolly, “You won’t be able to take breaks when you’re in a Jaeger. You’ll have to keep fighting with broken bones. Now, get up and use your other arm.”  He was holding onto a gun, heavy and comforting in his hands, and leading his men down a darkened corridor.  He was in his bedroom with his father sneering down at him. “I know you’ve been stealing from me, little brat. Using my own teachings against me, are you?”  He gave his men a hand sign to swarm out as he pushed through the next door on his own.  He cowered from his father’s wrath, tiny body shaking. “N-no! No, I haven’t! I haven’t!” He’d taken food, but that wasn’t… he’d needed it so bad… he’d been so hungry… “D-Dad, please, I promise, please don’t-“  “Dad, please!” Touya was backing away from him with tears in his eyes and bruises on his face. “I’m tired, it hurts. Can we stop now? Can we please stop?”  “Don’t hurt me!”  “You promised we could stop if I did well in this one!”  “… losing connection…” “… unstable…” “… rabbit…”  Touya went up in flames before his very eyes, the entire cockpit was on fire, and he was burning, too, but he didn’t even feel it in his desperate attempt to rip himself away from the controls and get to his son. “Dad!”  The door to his bedroom was kicked open, splinters of wood sent flying as a broad man dressed in black pushed his way inside. “Step away from the child.”  He looked down at the little boy curled up on the ground, trying to make himself small. God, he looked so much like Touya like this, so scared. Enji looked back up at the man he’d come here for. At Takami.  Keigo looked up at his savior, at the gun in his hands. He scrambled to his feet and hit behind the stranger’s legs, clinging to him as if he was bound to disappear any moment.  Enji’s grip on the gun was unwavering.  “Don’t let him hurt me… please don’t let him,” Keigo whimpered.  “I won’t,” Enji replied.  Keigo held on tighter.  “… stabilizing…” “… fuck, that was close.”  The vividness of the memory began to fade, only bits and pieces fluttering through their joined minds now.  Seeing the man who had saved him on tv. Forming the word ‘Endeavor’ on his lips for the first time, in awe. Shouto, two years old, putting another block on his tower and clapping his hands. Walking into his new home at the Commission headquarters for the first time. Being given his uniform. Toshinori smiling at him at they stood in front of ‘Golden Inferno’ together for the first time. Toshinori on the floor and coughing up blood. His mom yelling at his dad’s friends, pointing a gun at whichever one moved closer to her. Holding Rei’s hand in the park. Passing his first piloting test with flying colors. Fuyumi’s awe as she saw his Jaeger the first time. The name ‘Hawks’ given to him by another recruit. Burn scars running along his body, but none hurt as bad as knowing Touya was gone. Pickpocketing strangers on the street and trying to buy food with the money before he was expected back. Giving Natsuo a piggyback ride. Shooting a gun in the training range. Facing down a kaiju with his partner at his side.  Keigo raised his hand. Enji did the same. They brought their fists together.  “Neural handshake initiated.”  The memories stopped. The connection flowed freely between them, almost like a lazy stream of consciousness.  Keigo gave Enji a playful, mental nudge. Enji huffed on his side of the cockpit.  “Let’s show these kaiju who’s boss, eh?” Keigo asked, both with his mind and out loud.  He could feel determination, and amusement, and relief. “I’ll show you how it’s done.” Hawks, Enji thought, I won’t let you down.  Keigo… Hawks smiled and leaned into their connection, allowing himself to feel the exhilaration of it all. “We’re gonna kick some ass.”  He mimicked an explosion with his fist, and Rising Phoenix did the same.
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naturezoneunite · 4 years
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Elemental Wars Book Of Wishes Chapter X: Rocco's Death|Devil Dragon Mode
(In Junis Mind at Germany Army Headquarters, he meets his father but in his memory.)
"Father!" "It's really you!" "The one and only." "Why are you here?" Junis said. "Isn't it obvious?" "To help you confront your fear." Jace Said. "My fear?" Junis said. "Why are you doubting yoursel" "Why are you giving up?" Jace said.
"I let my friends down, I let everyone down, everything is my fault!" "I'm scared of him!" "I'm a powerless being!" Jace got pissed at Junis and grabbed him by his shirt. He punched him hard in the face to knock some sense into him.
"Is that what you think!?" "That you are some powerless being!?" "You are not powerless!" "This is what you are going to do!?" "Give up and run away from your problems like a little bitch!?" "I didn't raise you for nothing!" "I raise you for one god damn reason!" "To avenge my death!" "Your mother's death!" "Your brothers death!" "The entire Yakamura race!"
"If he kills you now, the entire country of Japan will be engulfed in flames!" "Do you really want that to you!?" Jace said after he put Junis down. Junis looked at his father seriously. "No, I don't want that!" "Now listen to me son, what are you going to do is face your fears, face them head on!" "Confront them, show Zero that you are a real powerful motherfucking dragon!" (End of Flashback).
Zero transformed into a 8 foot tall demonic beast of destruction, about to activate the spell but Junis stabbed his tail. Zero grabbed Junis and crushed him in the building. Uncle Rocco helped Junis for a while until Zero crush his body in the wall. "Uncle Rocco!" Zero Slammed Junis to the ground and used Hellspawn (Hellspawn erases your magic,attack, and defense and 90% of your life source).
Junis screamed in massive pain unable to move, Zero activated the curse. (The Curse is called eye of causality, it kills every being except its enemy and its host.) Everyone except Kimichi and Junis was dead.
"Uncle Rocco! Uncle!!!!!" Junis looked at Kimichi seeing her unconscious. Junis was crying in tears, very angry. "You bastard!!!!" "You took everyone away from me!" "You ruined everything!!!" Junis yelled extremely loud, every part of him changed, he transformed into a new form (Devil Dragon Mode).
Zero right arm was destroyed, Junis opened his left eye. "I had enough of your shit!" "No more!" "But how did you manage to break through my Hellspawn!?" Junis took out of Combustion blade that transformed to Hellish Inferno Blade and slashed through Zero.
Zero coughs blood, lost 85% of his blood. "This is impossible!" "You will pay for what you done to everyone!" "You just like to do anything you want and get away with it." "NOT ANYMORE!" Junis ran at blazing speed slashing Zero using Hell Decapitation, Zero was close to his limit, he lost 125% of blood, losing the advantage he had to slaughter him.
"How are you gaining this much power!?" "That girl distracted me when I had the advantage!" "YAKAMURA!!!" Zero charged at Junis but he was being engulfed in flames by Junis's Heatwave Ray (Heatwave Ray is a 80% ray that can engulfed the entire forest in flames, turning the host's opponents to ashes.)
Zero was losing his cool, he was back to his final form at his limit. "THIS IS POSSIBLE!" "HOW CAN YOU BE THIS STRONG!?" "I WILL END YOU AND YOUR PATHETIC RACE!!!" Zero charge at Junis, Junis dodged all of his attacks since he is the one that is overpowered.
Kimichi woke up seeing Junis new transformation, she got up slowly watching the battle. Junis grabbed Zero's face really hard. "It's over Zero Astaroth." "You will stay away from my friends." "If you hurt Ishikawa again, I will destroy you." Junis threw him really hard. "Ha!" "You think this is over!?" "I AM THE DEMONIC BEAST OF DESTRUCTION!!!" Zero said as he used Dark Plasma. (Dark Plasma is a dangerous attack that will destroy mankind in one Country or Two.)
Junis looked up at it, closed his eyes, and raise his sword. "I won't run away from my destiny!" "Heroes never run!" "We stand up for each other!" "We fight!" "We rise to the top to save all mankind." "All of the dragon race will fly to end all evil!!!!" " Zak, Akamine San, Riku, Elena, Anstice, Allison, and Ishikawa is my strength, my power, the light to shine through the darkness!!!" Junis eyes are brighter red as he used Overheated Inferno Rush. (Overheated Inferno Rush is a Deadly Attack the can engulf 100% of the location, even the enemy.)
Kimichi hides in the Shrine so she don't get burned, she saw the battle, she noticed how beautiful Junis Flames were. Zero's curse was broken, his scythe destroyed, Zero was dying, at any moment he will die. "CURSE YOU YAKAMURA!!!!" Zero died wasting his breath.
The city of Japan was saved, even though 75% of the city was destroyed. However the real monster himself appeared on top of the Building holding Zak. "Well Well, isn't this peachy." I'm impressed that a weakling like you burned my replica to death." Junis turned around and saw him. "Zukino!!!" "Been a while you fool." "Let Zak go you bastard!"
"Or what?" "You little shit?" "Fight me?" "I like to see you try!" "But look at the time, I got shit to do so farewell." "DON'T YOU RUN AWAY YOU BASTARD!" Junis tried to fight him but Kimichi hold him back so he don't get hurt. "Let go Kimichi!" "He's too strong for us!" "But he will take Zak if I don't do anything!"
"You should listen to her, you don't have what it takes to save him, now sit there and stay out of my way." "You poisoned his mind with your incoherent nonsense like Friendship, Happiness, and love." Zukino said as he carried Zak.
"He deserves to be free and happy, away from you!" "I believe in Zak!" Junis said. Zukino laughed at Junis for a few minutes and sighs. "That's rich coming from a weak mortal like yourself." "Face facts kid, comparing you to me, like a human to a powerful monster, you are nothing compared to me!"
"Farewell weak mortal." Zukino disappeared laughing evilly holding Zak in his hands. "Zak!!!!"
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shinygoku · 7 years
OG DB Anime - Mini Thoughts
I wanna have a little moment for an Anime Retrospective before I advance on to Z! Not much took me by surprise, having read the mangas cover to cover beforehand, but the anime is another beast...!
The first draft of this post went on and on, so if you’re sufficiently interested in a more deep version of my regards to a particular arc, feel free to ask, but I’m not good at writing for too much at once lol
So! My likes, my dislikes and if anything much was changed by the anime~!
Pros: It gets things started, which is always nice. A lot of important characters are introduced, as well as several elements that’ll reoccur, like Kamehamehas, Oozarus and speculation on what the heck Goku is (even if it’s clearly a joke instead of foreshadowing!)
Cons: I’ve always felt that this is the weakest offering by Classic DB, the characters being much flatter and the filler being tedious padding. Some is necessary evils, you gotta start somewhere, after all, but the crass jokes don’t do anything to help out here. I hate the pinball episode as it’s 20 minutes of precious time wasted. Goku is lacking a lot of his personality outside the iconic scene where he meets Bulma, mostly being a food-charged punching machine.
Anime Changes? Pretty much just more filler. And Goku eats a hamburger instead of a meat bun? Curious.
Pros: This is actually where DB starts to find itself and take off. Seeing Goku and Kuririn grow is satisfying and Lunch is also added to the roster. Kuririn’s growth from resenting Goku to becoming his bro is excellent. The Announcer Man is introduced. The Jackie Chun vs Goku fight is great and helps establish how strong and tenacious that little monkey kid is. A rad insert song for the Budokai!
Cons: Still rather lowbrow, cringy humour. Half the characters in the 21st are joke gimmics who bring nothing but quick yuks. Or yucks, because Ew, man, I can do without some of this stuff.
Anime Changes? Roshi gets cockblocked many times in karmic ways. Giran and Namu are expanded in filler, which makes their presence a fair bit more interesting. I’d list Namu as a Pro, but sadly he only makes a couple of brief appearances going forward after this, but at least we do have this filler!
Pros: Goku adventuring solo and beating up the weird jerky soldiers who keep getting in his way. All of Muscle Tower and Hachan. Bulma forcing her way in and getting more than she bargained for. Goku, Kuririn and Bulma in the Pirate Cave. Arale in Penguin Village.
Cons: Blue makes for some very uncomfortable watching. I don’t particularly want to go into depth here but hoo boy is this homophobic. Also Silver is boring. You’re boring me!!
Anime Changes? Boring ass Silver filler and a brief moment where they make Blue a pedo as well. Urrgggghhh. HOWEVER! Also some nice filler with the Jingle Village crew. We get introduced to the man who made Hachan (Jinzonigen Hachigou / Artificial Human #8) who will get forgotten about during Z where some ugmo is the new Jinzo maker guy, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Pros: All of it. Bora and Upa’s relationship! Tao Pai Pai being the first villain to actually be high stakes and also does it while being entertaining! Goku’s character development when he resolves to avenge Bora and wish him back to life with the Dragonballs! Karin-sama! Goku obliterating TPP and the RRA base! The image song! The Baba Miniarc! Jiichan Gohan!! The first time Shen Long revives somebody...!
Cons: Almost nothing, really, mostly that dirty joke moment with the invisible man lol
Anime Changes? All for the good, expanding the characters and training to give it more substance. Goku’s character growth is really highlighted and he goes from a tough, nice kid who happens into foiling evil into much more of the bringer of hope and justice! He makes a very clear choice here which is still present in the manga but the anime really performs it better.
Pros: The filler, which I like to refer to as “Purple Goke Adventures” is all high quality stuff, and even makes the bold move of introducing Tenshinhan (and Chaotzu) early to give us a taste of what’s to come, and what will change! The 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai is Fantastic, with much less dumb gimmicks and much more interesting fights, personal stakes, gorgeous animation and that sweet, sweet character development. Also, Yamcha gets a rad image song.
Cons: Honestly nothing much is coming to mind lmao. I’m not saying it’s flawless but the dirty humour has largely been shed by now. I will say that Namu shoulda been a featured character instead of New Randos we don’t give a rat’s ass for, but that’s a small complaint.
Anime Changes? Great exclusive content here, and also Yamcha listening to the radio for a lot of it. Lunch also beats dudes up while holding an ice cream cone, which is amazing.
Pros: You thought the shit got real with Tao Pai Pai? Well boy, the shit gets so much realer here!! Damn though, this arc goes hard in all the right places! We see Son Goku at rock bottom and higher than he’s ever been before, while also having an interesting side story focused on Tenshinhan. After all that, there’s a bunch of training Goku’s gotta go through, which makes him again much more compelling, as even though we’ve seen him do what no one else can, we also catch a glimpse of how much further there is yet...
Cons: Some animation and filler antics are a bit of a let down, though only in a couple of episodes. Nothin’ too big, mind you.
Anime Changes? Filler, almost all of it is really good! Of note is Goku and Yajirobe searching for the Super Actually Real This Time Magic Water, which makes Goku’s Massive Powerup feel a lot more earned (hey, if it’s poison does that mean he Zenkai’d into more strength?) and the training he goes through with Mr Popo, which shows how much of a noob he is on the grand scale and makes the stuff he does in Z more noteworthy and well deserved, too! Also I sure love the Back to the Future Episode~
Pros: Another lot of characterization and beautiful fights! Watching Goku vs Piccolo really reminded me of how many notes future fights in Z, most of all Goku vs Vegeta, would take from this. Everyone (who isn’t Chaotzu) gets some time to shine, even Yamcha! After the tournament, we get the adorable pair of Goku and Chichi on their five-episode quest to put out the blazing inferno on Frypan Mountain, which really intensifies my love for them as a couple~
Cons: Not a whole lot, really. It’s main crime is maybe not being quite as rad as the adventures 15 year old Goku was having. Also no insert songs. And the Gochi pacing as a little odd, poor Gyumao is stuck in the burning castle in each of the eps as Goku and Chichi meander about (not wasting time, but it’s very fetch quest-y) and I was honestly really shocked to see all of 3 minutes dedicated to their wedding! What?! We don’t even get half of an episode?! Even 1 more episode would have been a lot nicer, imo.
Anime Changes? All the Gochi content after the tournament, smaller character moments during the Budokai, too. We even get to see Piccolo saving a young boy from a poorly-timed clock falling (haha), before doing a dick move by squashing something or the other the boy had, but it foreshadows his eventual Heel-Face turning in a neat way~!
There we are, I hope this sums it up nicely~
Coming soon: The Liveblogging of the second half of the story!! Which has rather overshadowed this one lol
Obviously I’m looking forward to most of Z, but it’s still bittersweet to be done with DB. Even when I knew the plot beats seeing it all in order and high quality for the first time was wonderful! I’ll return to it, some time after I’ve consumed all of Z and GT too, so it may be quite a while anyway. Maybe watch other things to make DB feel more like coming home? I’m getting rather ahead here, my main point is that
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eclipsed-celestials · 2 years
Beacon, what do you think of Inferno?
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“Y’mean my nephew?” Beacon quirked an eyebrow. “...he’s got quite the temper, and I can’t say I like how he somehow manages to be around for tons of blackmail material...” He shuffled, leaning back on his summoned cloud as his tail whipped out his staff.
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“Can’t really say much since I haven’t seen him around in ages... Wonder how he’s doing.... Eh, if he was in trouble, his parents probably would’ve disappeared or come to me by now.” Self-assured in that, the monkey turned away from the inquisitive soul. “He’s stubborn with a blazing temper, but he’s smart... So sometimes....” I wonder. “..he’s a good kid.” The previous thought had been dropped.
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