#[I am e n a m o r e d]
andy-clutterbuck · 4 months
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Black T-Shirt + Sling | requested by Anonymous
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clownsuu · 1 year
Your possessive/obsessive Wally reminds me of the song “Smoke and Mirrors” by Jayn! I think he’d gladly kill someone to have Howdy to himself
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Don’t know much obsession/possessive songs, but I do think Mob!Wally would be “the red means I love you”-
as for normal Wally? I feel he’s a lil more “Stalkers Tango” or maybe even a “The tailor shop in Enbizaka” (though it’s a different culture and timeline all together JDHHDHDDHE- vibesl still there)
also Frank screams a lil bit of “my unhealthy obsession”-
cw more obsessive behavior, syringe
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Ai adventures with yours truly: day 90- We are not gunna talk about the “uno reverse” arc, or the “tea shop” arc-
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tagerrkix · 8 months
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rainymoodlet · 1 year
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Or, how an otherwise incredibly private man came out to the world because when I play-tested his first challenge he physically refused to flirt with women.
Kiss Me in Komorebi 🌹 New Save+
Below you'll find an explanation of why I'm starting this Challenge from the ground up, an apology for my former applicants, and the form to follow for your submissions! Thank you for indulging me for so long in my obsession with this blorbo of mine.
Why the plus? Because otomes will smack lil' plus signs on updated versions of their dating games, and I'm a dork.
Deadline for applications is April 1st! 🌸
Let's be real - I bit off a little more than I could chew the first time around! This new version of KMIK will feature gameplay-heavy storytelling with posed scenes in-between!
I want to make it up to the applicants who waited so long to see this Bachelor Challenge come to fruition, and I genuinely want Daniel to have a fair shot at meeting someone truly meant for him - so I'm opening twenty one slots: seven for my former Contestants (two of which are taken by Daithi Calloway and Josiah Bolton), seven for my former Outsiders, and seven slots for new sims! Of course, the final number will be decided by the number of slots filled!
These three houses will rotate group dates and challenges with Daniel as he whittles down the numbers. In-universe, Dan hates the spotlight of fame, and was an incredibly private man (bar his new cult following on SimTok) before being influenced to be the star of his own Bachelor Challenge by his (well-meaning) agent and siblings. He went into this in the hopes that the contracted work would mean he'd not have to worry about his mother's health bills or his nieces and nephews' college funds for a little while.
However, when he got actual applications in, pictures of real sims who had applied just for the chance to meet him, to fall in love with him... well, it gave him a cold shock of reality. After a period of radio silence, the studio released a statement that said Daniel was deeply sorry, but that he wanted to give this a fair shot, and that meant he'd have to be more open and honest about himself than he was ever comfortable being.
Name: Age: (lifestage and number, please) Traits: Aspiration: - please feel free to include any fun facts about your sim that you'd like to list! - i'm a dork and i love writing prompts based on the autonomous actions sims choose in-game. developing your sims' skills and likes will help them act more like themselves! - i will be using height sliders when i can, so feel free to include your sim's height! (for posing/gameplay purposes)
Please tag your application with #kmikapp! 🌸
Though I am excited for this clean start, I do want to apologize to all of my former applicants - both for the time it took for me to go through the acceptance process, and the time it took you waiting for me to get back to my desktop... only to learn that the sims you made weren't even going to be used. Believe me, I am no stranger to the loss of a Challenge sim: and I hope that by offering you all an automatic spot in this new save, I can make it up to you a little!
The two existing male contestants (Daithi Calloway by @buglaur and Josiah Bolton by @retro-plasma) will remain in the competition, seeing as they were already written to participate as contestants. But given that I'm forgoing the Outsiders concept for the ease of the Bachelor Challenge format, I thought I would offer all of my Outsider applicants the chance to make contestants! As some of my former participants are inactive, I thought this was the best way to reach out - I am really going to be better about talking one-on-one, though.
ANYWAY, I'm so excited to go on this journey with Daniel, and I can only hope you guys are as eager to see what awaits us as I am! Thank you for reading this far - let's try this again, shall we? 🌹
@hauntedtrait @kawaiishitty @wastelandwhisperer @occultpuppy @gothoffspring @foxsimthings @king-tower @morrigan-sims @akitasimblr @wormsimblr @10000and1dreams
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biitchcakes · 1 month
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STRIKEFORCE vol. 1 issue 7
( personals DNI. )
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izzyizumi · 2 months
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Digimon Adventure/02/tri. ~ J.P.N Original Version + (A d o p t e e) Izumi Koushiro{u}'s (A d o p t i v e) Parents + Mrs. Izumi (Focus)/(Best Of)
"...And the 'People I love Most'
-Are MY Mother and Father!!"
-Koushiro in Adventure Episode #38, Definitively
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nsfwitchy2 · 1 month
G o d between new episodes of doctor who every weekend, new episodes of dungeon meshi every Thursday, AND a W H O L E new season of bridgertons???
Besties I am F E A S T I N G 😩😩
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taichi-x-koushiro · 1 month
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure {S e r i e s} x {T u m b l r} T{e}xt Posts M e m e ~ Koushiro{u} x Taichi {KouTai}
{Edit by Me} {Cap’d by Me} / @izzyizumi {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT RE-POST} {DO NOT SHARE TO OTHER SITES*} (Please ASK to Use!)
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fuckyeah-giripan · 2 months
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{H E T A L I A} W o r l d * S t a r s ~ "L a z y C o m i c C o u n t r y" + G R E E C E {H e r a k l e s} x J A P A N {K i k u} & T.x.t P o s t s M e m e + (B O N U S) C h i n a {Y a o}
{Cap'd by Me} (P l e a s e A S K to U s e/S h a r e) {DO NOT R E P O S T} {DO NOT R E P R O D U C E MY W O R K UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES} {DO NOT S H A R E TO OTHER S O C I A L M E D I A S I T E S}
(L I K E S O K!)
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koushirouizumi · 2 months
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D I G I M O N 02 {x Txt Post(s) M e m e} ~ 02 Chosen
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tophatandboots · 1 year
I haven't walked eleven whole kilometers since.... Since the medieval fantasy festival last year, I think, and that was before I hit rock bottom health wise.
My joint pain may be inevitable but I'm rebuilding my muscle strength and stamina, baybeeeeeeeee
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vahrutasgrace · 6 months
“ will you quit talking like that?! i’m not leaving you behind! “ - revali :0
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¯`°¤.¸.¤ ¯`°¤.-- ♕ II Through the pain, she smiled. She had seen a change in Revali recently, one that softened the doubts she once carried. The Revali she had once met a long time ago would have looked out only for himself. He would have claimed that her mistakes were wearing down his own potential and he would have left her behind. At least that's what she assumed given their various encounters.
Yet, here he was. At her side, declaring his loyalty; that he would not leave her behind.
She told him to go, to save himself and others when she believed there was no saving herself, yet still, he remained. She laid in the comfort of his wings, her body weak and limp, blood trickling from the corner of her lips where a sizeable cut formed. It hurt to smile, but she smiled nonetheless. Her heart was touched even as it pumped weakly.
"Oh, Revali..." She tried to take a breath. It hurt. Her gills ached and her lungs cried with every breath, but she held on for as long as she could. Revali and the others would have to go on without her.
She reached up, a hand caressing the feathers at his cheek. "... I am so proud of you-- of how far you've come." She coughed and shuttered, the will to breathe becoming increasingly harder. "What a marvelous champion you are..."
With one last inhale, her body stilled and the life left her eyes her eyes as they fluttered shut, the hand on his cheek falling limp at her side.
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tagerrkix · 6 months
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god(?) said i shall have a badly drawn hastur as my profile picture
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bigmammallama5 · 2 years
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biitchcakes · 3 months
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Thank you. ( @danversiism💖 )
( personals DNI . )
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izzyizumi · 2 months
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Digimon Adventure ~ J.P.N Version ~ Episodes 53~54 + Izumi Koushiro{u}’s (A d o p t i v e) Parent{s} (amongst other Families of Chosen Children group)
"And for the s a k e of THOSE WE L O V E, Who are W A I T I N G FOR US Back on E A R T H..." - Koushiro, adding on to previous Comments of Chosen, trailing off s o f t but F I R M L Y...
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