nsfwitchy2 · 2 months
G o d between new episodes of doctor who every weekend, new episodes of dungeon meshi every Thursday, AND a W H O L E new season of bridgertons???
Besties I am F E A S T I N G 😩😩
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biitchcakes · 1 month
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STRIKEFORCE vol. 1 issue 7
( personals DNI. )
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deus-ex-mona · 3 months
save me mona-chan
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koushirouizumi · 5 months
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Katekyō Hitman Reborn! + Ep. #180 ~ Yamamoto & Tsuna {YamaTsuna} / 8027 + Moments & Interactions + Important Dialogues {Anime Ver.} + Character Development Parallels - Tsuna's Character Development{s}
"I put unnecessary 'Pressure' on you without realizing it..." - Tsuna, Initially
{"...I want you to stop."} - Tsuna, Later
Happy belated Birthday, Yamamoto! {Apr. 24th}
{Gifs by Me} {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Re-produce Without My Permission} (Please ASK to Use)
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#koushirouizumi khr#koushirouizumi khr cap#koushirouizumi tsuna#koushirouizumi 80x27#8027#yamatsuna#c: tsunayoshi#c: takeshi#c: hayato#khr: primo guardians arc#khr spoilers#(Just 80x27 Things)#({oK BUT} Lead in to Later Moments in Full)#(HI THESE CONCEPTS WERE G O O D)#(HI I NEED MORE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT + SELF A W A R E N E S S LIKE THIS IN S H O N E N SERIES *IN GENERAL*)#(Tsuna makes up for it later by c LARIFYING Too)#(Im honestly almost m AD this concept between them ISNT 'main' c ANON BC IT S H O U L D B E hHHHH)#(MORE ON THAT LATER T h o)#(Hi was it REALLY n ECESSARY to make {Takeshi} sound B r o k e n Voice'd while Watery e YES MULTIPLE TIMES BETWEEN BOTH This Sequence)#({Hayato} ofc gets pissed and is like 'k NOCK IT OFF I KNOW YOURE BETTER THAN THIS WHATS *WITH* YOU')#(&NEGL when I first watched like *2k10!!!* I had wondered if theyd Go There with Ch05 referring to BUT Yeah I Was Let Down in that regard)#(They Sure Did Get The Feeling of Ch05 {Takeshi} Down Here Though It Felt Like)#(Also {Takeshi} With The D r a m a t i c w INDOW SeatTM View)#(Tsuna WAS VERY GOOD STILL THOUGH in these eps and to this day I Long For More Like This From S h o n e n)#(Because this was TSUNA Trying to Give {TAKESHI} AN ***O U T***)#(TSUNA WANTED TO GENUINELY LET {TAKESHI} KNOW THAT TAKESHI COULD S T O P W V O N G O L A IF *TAKESHI WANTED*)#(*AND TAKESHI DECIDES TO CONTINUE f OLLOWING + P R O T E C T TSUNA a NYWAY* ALL BECAUSE OF SUCH MOMENTS BETWEEN THEM)#(LIKE YES ITS S H O N E N THATS THE GIST BUT ITS A GREAT DYNAMIC ID LIKE MORE OF IN SOME FORM SOMEDAY THANKYOU)#(HI THIS SET NOW RBABLE BUT PLEASE KEEP IN MIND I Have Blogrules That Should Be Followed I AM NEW TO K.H.R TAGS p OSTING PLS R E G A R D)#(I AM NOT New to K.H.R as a whole and actively followed m a n g a while it released in J.P.N until End but PLS BE KIND ON THIS THANKYOU)
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raichoose-gone · 2 years
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She’s squinting, unamused. “Who let you watch that movie. And don’t call me Stella! I’m your Mother.” 
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“What movie?” She blinks. “Uncle Andy told me to say it! He said to say it just like that!”
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“ ... Of course he did.”
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“Fufufu ... ”
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yourgirlsarchived · 1 year
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jungwnies · 1 year
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syn ' a-z alphabet (nsfw) jeon jungkook pairing ' bf!jungkook x gn!reader
i am so unbelievably down bad for jk right now, so this is in honor of seven and my current weakness in the knees for him?!?!?!
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a ⋆ aftercare - (how he is after sex)
BOY.... YOU KNOWWW he is taking care of you well
cleaning you up
cuddling you
just know that aftercare he gives is TOP tier
NIGHT AFTER NIGHT HE WILLLLL be treating you right ;)
b ⋆ body part - (his favorite body part)
you lips
your thighs
your ass
literally every part of your body he loves
c ⋆ cum - (anything to do with cum)
he comes on your stomach
or in you
if you don't want to fuck raw then he opts for the stomach
but he prefers coming in you
he likes seeing his seed spill out of you
d ⋆ dirty secret - (his dirty secret)
he loves when you beg
it's the virgo in him
he loves seeing you under his control
like seeing you so down bad for him
and just so submissive
he loves it
e ⋆ experience - (how experienced is he?)
he knows what he's doing that's for sure
he doesn't have a lot of bodies
but he's been in committed relationships before
and the sex never fails to please
f ⋆ fav position - (sex position)
missionary for sure
loves being able to see your face
but sometimes he just wants to do doggy and shove your face into the pillow
g ⋆ goofy - (how he acts in the moment)
he's not goofy okay
but he isn't serious
he's very very
he's about making sure you're pleased
h ⋆ hair - (how groomed is he?)
he is very well groomed
but he isn't ... bald down there
there's hair there
but not a lot
it's trimmed
not completely gone though
i ⋆ intimacy - (how passionate is he?)
very passionate
like i said
he's a romantic
j ⋆ jack off - (how often he masturbates)
like once or twice a week if you're not there
but if you're there
then never
unless it's mutual
k ⋆ kink - (one or more)
lowkey sadistic???
he kind of enjoys hearing your sobs
or when you cry for him
but if you're genuinely hurt or sad
then he will be there for you
but if you're just in tears cus the sex is
THAT good
then he's super into it
l ⋆ location - (fav place to do it)
the bedroom
sometimes in the car
but mainly in the bedroom
or just anywhere in the house
m ⋆ motivation - (what keeps him going)
your moans
your cries
your sounds
the way you moan his name
it's like fucking music to his ears
n ⋆ no - (something he would NOT do)
would neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
do anything like somnophilia
he's just not into that
if he's going to fuck you
you're going to be awake
o ⋆ oral - (giving + receiving — is he good?)
he goes crazy
especially when he's giving
HE GOES CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and when he's receiving
his basically fucks your throat
oh my god
p ⋆ pace - (fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
rough yet sensual
he goes hard
but not fast
q ⋆ quickie - (his opinion on it + how often they happen)
all the time
on set
before award shows
when people say he has the "we just fucked look"
it's real
because you guys literally just fucked
r ⋆ risks - (is he willing to experiment, does he take risks, etc.)
he is willing to experiment for you
he will risk it all for you
but he sets boundaries
and he respects yours
anything you both are down to do will be done
s ⋆ stamina - (how long can he last?)
he lasts pretty long
but it's not round and round
it's like
longgggg foreplay
and longggg sex
he takes his time
he wants you to feel good
stimulated in every part >.>
t ⋆ toys - (does he use/own any?)
no not really
he's kind of into teasing you in public
it makes it easy to get you to finish shopping
u ⋆ unfair - (how much does he tease?)
that's all i have to say
he teases a lot ok?
v ⋆ volume - (how loud is he + what noises does he make?)
he moans loudly
he's very vocal about how he feels
not growls but groans fs
just always says your name
and is like
i love it
yeah... ANYWAYS NEXT???
w ⋆ wild card - (random headcanon for him)
he thinks about marriage and kids the second he looks at you
he's never been one to think that far into the future
but the second he realized he loved you aka the second he looked at you
he just fell immediately
it's like his whole future flashed before his eyes lol
x ⋆ x-ray - (what’s under his clothes?)
he's not long
he's not thick
he's average
like ngl it's not that big
but it gets bigger when he's hard
so it makes up for those lost inches
we all know he's built
the abs the muscles
he's works out
very nice bod
we all know this yes?
y ⋆ yearning (how high is his sex drive?)
everyday he is down to do it
but he doesn't actually do it everyday
as long as you're open to it
then he is also open to it
it's above avg. but not high
z ⋆ zzz - (how quickly does he sleep after?)
not quickly
he has a hard time sleeping tbh
he falls asleep quick but he doesn't always feel the need to sleep
he sleeps once he knows you're comfortable
and he will be able to sleep once you wrap your arms around him
and tell him you love him
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2022 © jungwnies | tumblr
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Dean Winchester NSFW Alphabet
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We made sammy one, we gotta make dean one! This was also requested by an anonymous user! Enjoy!
Rating: MINORS DNI!! 18++
Warnings: Its NSFW thats a warning enough;)
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A= Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
Dean is definitely a cuddler, He is always holding you and making sure you are okay. You come first in his mind.
B= Body part (Their favorite body part on themselves and their partners.)
Dean's favorite part of his own body is his smile. He knows he could get what he wants in seconds with one flash of it. On his partner he loves their thighs and mostly when they are around his face ;)
C=Cum (What does he do with it. I AM disgusting)
Dean loves when he sees his cum all over you. Your face, your stomach, but he loves it when it drips out of you.
D=Dirty talk (How much do they dirty talk?)
This Man's mouth is DIRTY, he could get you on your knees in no time.
E=Experience (how experienced are they?)
Dean is definitely experienced to say the least, so rest assured he knows what he is doing.
F=Favorite position (goes without saying)
Cowgirl- Dean is a SUCKER for this position. He loves when you take him how you want him, plus a face full of tits? Yes please.
Doggystyle- Dean loves looking at you taking him, pounding into you to show you who you belong to.
G=Goofy (how goofy or how serious they are in the moment?)
Dean can be goofy or serious. Depending how you both feel or the heat of the moment.
I=Intimacy (How are things during the moment, romantic aspect.)
Deans eyes never leave your body, his hands are on you at every moment.
J=Jack off
Dean gets off at least 4 times a week, his sex drive is high and when he isn’t around you he has to release that frustration. Maybe even calling you for some sexy phone sex ;)
Dean loves to be dominant with you, but what a lot of people don’t know is that he loves to be dominated by you. He loves when you take control over him and take what you need.
He also has a knife kink… he doesn’t get why he does but just the thought of having it out against your skin or his skin… he loves it.
L=Location (where you guys would do the deed)
Dean would do it anywhere you would be game to do it at, but his favorite is in Baby the sweet 67’ Impala…. Mostly when you give him road head.
M=Motivation (what turns him on, or gets them going)
Dean loves seeing you in his flannels… plus eating pie, having whip cream all over your face? He is ready to pounce.
N=No (Something they wouldn’t do, or turns them off.)
ANYTHING that hurts your or puts you in harms way. You are his world, he won’t let that get hurt.
O=Oral (do they like giving, receiving, both?)
Dean LOVES giving you head, eating you out like a cherry pie. Your his fav flavor though.
Dean loves when you give him head, it relaxes him instantly.
P=Pace (Are they slow? Fast? Rough?)
Depends on Deans mood, he loves taking you rough and fast. But he loves being nice and slow.
Q=Quickie (Their opinion on it, how often would they have one)
Dean is always up for quickies, anytime you both need one he is up and ready.
R=Risk (Are they risky)
In deans line of work, risk is dangerous. But if your down…so is he.
S=Stamina (how long can you last? How many rounds?)
Sessions with a Dean are long, hot, and heavy. You can take 3 rounds but Dean… he can make you do as many rounds he wants.
T=Toys (Do you guys own toys? Do they use them?)
You guys explore with vibrators and sometimes restraints.
U=Unfair (How likely would they tease?)
You would be the one that would be a tease, Dean would definitely have his way with you later ;)
V=Volume (How loud are they)
Dean breathes heavy, low growls and grunts
X=X-ray (what’s going own down there)
Dean is beyond average…he is definitely bigger than most guys.
Y=Yearning (How high is their sex drive)
Deans sex drive is VERY high, you can’t deny that.
Z=ZZZ (how fast he would fall asleep)
Dean would wait till you were taking care of and asleep before even getting comfortable. You come first.
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mythicmin · 1 year
Overwatch NSFW Alphabet(s)
MDNI!! If you are under the age of 18, please DNI. Character requests are OPEN. Just slide into my ask box and specify which character you’d like to see :)
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𝑱𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆 𝑴𝒄𝑪𝒓𝒆𝒆 / 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒆 𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒚
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A = Aftercare ;
McCree is a firm believer in aftercare. Chances are you aren’t getting up to do ANYTHING for at least an hour. (unless he has somewhere he needs to rush to.) Need to pee? He’s gonna carry you. Thirsty? Hungry? Give him a second, he’ll be right back with your favorite drink/snack.
B = Body part ;
You can’t look me dead in my eyes and tell me he isn’t an ass man. He’s practically obsessed with it. Doesn’t matter where you’re at or who you’re with, chances are he’s got his hand on your ass or in your back pocket.
C = Cum ;
Bro is definitely a slut for facials if he can’t cum inside of you. There’s just something possessive about it, like he’s marking you as his.
D = Dirty secret ;
Secretly wants to get topped, cmon he’s a cocky little shit. Put him in his place and make him beg for you. ❤︎︎
E = Experience ;
I am a firm believer in thinking he’s got some kind of old fashioned way of thinking. He knows what he likes, but doesn’t have much experience with it. I know we all love fuckboy McCree, but him being a virgin makes me giggle.
F = Favorite position ;
Doggie. Need I say more?
G = Goofy ;
Bro is a whole clown in bed and you can’t change my mind. He knows how to act serious when need be, but he always wants to see you smile. Even if he’s balls deep in you.
H = Hair ;
I think he manscapes a bit, he’s never bare though. There’s always some sort of hair framing his cock, clean shaven just isn’t his style.
I = Intimacy ;
Lil western baby treats you like the princess/prince you are. Sure he loves fucking your brains out, but making love to you is another favorite past time.
J = Jack off / Masterbate ;
I don’t really know to be honest, I feel like he’d think he’s too busy to get himself off. But maybe it’s just hidden cockiness that only you can get him off.
K = Kink ;
Anal. I know this man eats ass as well. I just know it. Bro also definitely has a daddy kink. (or maybe that’s bc i’m projecting bc he’s so fine.)
L = Location ;
M = Motivation ;
He really gets going when you slowly touch his arms/chest while making eye contact.
N = No ;
Sadly, threesomes. I think he’s just too possessive.
O = Oral ;
He loves both giving and receiving, but he enjoys making you fall apart with his mouth. Playing with that cigar should’ve warned you he was gonna be a beast with his tongue.
P = Pace ;
Whichever you want. He can deliver both fast or slow.
Q = Quickie ;
Loves them. Especially if y’all are out and about doing something.
R = Risk ;
He literally doesn’t care if y’all get caught with him balls deep in you.
S = Stamina ;
I feel like he cums fairly fast, but can go for a few rounds.
T = Toys ;
He’s iffy on them. He wants to be the one to make you feel good, but watching you thrash against the vibrator he’s holding gets him feeling some typa way.
U = Unfair ;
He’s so mean sometimes, bro is a WHOLE ASS tease and he knows it.
V = Volume ;
I don’t feel like he’s overly loud in the moaning or groaning criteria, but he’s definitely a smooth talker blowing your back in.
W = Wild card ;
Pull his hair while he’s giving you head and bro is putty in your hands.
X = X-ray ;
6” soft , a lil over 7” hard. (circumcised)
Y = Yearning ;
Z = Zzz ;
Always waits until you’re asleep first.
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god i love this man.
hope you enjoyed!! lmk who y’all wanna see next ! ❤︎︎
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jaybirdswriting · 1 year
Some Ship Dynamics For You To Consider:
A: Mysterious character X character who will explode if they have to keep a secret.
B: Social media influencer X can barely send an email.
C: Ghost hunter X librarian who knows all the lore on the cities haunted locations.
D: "I would die for you." X "Don't you fucking dare."
E: Person nobody trusts X person with trust issues who see's something in the first character that nobody else does.
F: Royal of a kingdom X witch who put a curse on their kingdom.
More Undercut
G: Character who assumes everyone is flirting with them X dense character who doesn't know what's going on half the time.
H: Cryptid most people are terrified of X character with anxiety who fully trusts that their cryptid partner will protect them.
I: Insecure X "You shouldn't be insecure because I think I am the most attractive person alive and you're in my league."
J: Traditionally masculine women X traditionally feminine man.
K: Professional ballroom dancer x extremely clumsy.
L: Hopeless romantic who gave up on the idea of love after a bad experience X loves them like the moon loves the stars.
M: Waiter x waiter at rival restaurant.
N: Just some guy X person hired by the government to watch them.
O: Mermaid who collects things X merchant who sells things.
P: Character with a buzz cut X character with long flowing hair.
Q: Has never dated anyone but has natural rizz X has dated a ton of people but is extremely flustered and made very nervous by the first character.
R: "Are you scared of me?" X "Yes, but bold of you to assume that I'm not into that."
S: Touch starved X "I am not happy unless I am sitting on someone's lap."
T: Character arc is becoming more unhinged X character arc is becoming more normal.
U: Character with time travel powers who believes time should never be altered X character with time travel powers who will go back in time for the mildest inconvenience.
V: News reporter X petty criminal who wants to give them something to talk about.
W: Doomsday prepper X never-ending optimist.
X: Speaks in metaphors X blunt character.
Y: Was raised in the middle of nowhere X was raised in the middle of the city.
Z: Character from one dimension X character from another dimension.
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biitchcakes · 4 months
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Thank you. ( @danversiism💖 )
( personals DNI . )
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vintagevixyxol · 4 months
The old language: the alphabet and some patterns
from the books Dark Rise by C.S.Pacat
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The old world holds many attractions for the readers: its mysterious history, culture, characters and language. There are inscriptions and phrases in old language in the books. At first glance, they look scary and inexplicable. Nevertheless, at second glance, the language opens up. In this analysis, I hope to show that the old language is amazing and share the delight I had researching it.
First of all, disclaimer. I am not a true linguist and, moreover, not Kettering, but a person who loves to find out patterns and tries to explain them. This article is just my theory, hypothesis and my point of view. It can be different from the canon.
There were phrases in the old language and their translations in the first edition of the Dark Rise. They inspired me to reconstruct the old language alphabet and to start my research. The inscriptions in the Dark Heir, the second book, proved the alphabet to be correct.
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The alphabet
As I have already mentioned, the alphabet is based on the translations of the old language in the first edition. I will use one phrase as an example to explain a deciphering algorithm. As I have applied the same algorithm to all inscriptions, I will only mention other phrases in the old language to show the letters they contributes to the alphabet.
The phrases from the Dark Rise: Decoding the alphabet
Step 1: selecting similar letters
Here is the phrase “Rassalon the first lion”.
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There are two S in “RaSSalon”; there is also S in “firSt”
Double S is between two A
The first word begins with R, and R is also present in“fiRst”
L — “Lion”
O —“liOn”
N — “lioN”
“...the First Lion”
T — in “The” and “firsT”
i — in “first” and “lion”
!(why “i” is small I am going to explain later)!
Step 2: non-repeating letters
New letters: H, e (!) and F.
Other phrases
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He is coming (Dark Rise, chapter 11)
New letters: C, M, G
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I cannot return when I am called to fight So I will have a child (Dark Rise, chapter 2)
New letters: U, W, D, V, I(!)
I and i are different. In my opinion, it might be because “I” is a pronoun.
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Enter only those who can (Dark Rise, chapter 15)
New lettres: Y, E
E and e are different. Perhaps, it is because “E” is in the beginning of the word “Enter”.
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The horn all seek and never find (Dark Rise, chapter 15)
The new letter: K
Note: The letter design in the figures is a little different from the original design due to qualities issues.
The phrases from the Dark Heir: Proving the alphabet relevance
There are also inscriptions in the Dark Heir. If I use the same strategy here, it does, here are the proofs.
The first proof
One of the inscriptions is the name Undahar. Names are not translated. All letters in Undahar match the letters of my alphabet except U. It turns out to be V in the previous inscriptions, so I will write two variants U/V because I am not sure which one is correct.
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The Eclipse/Finem Solis (Dark Heir, chapter 26)
The second proof
Here is the phrase: “He is coming.”
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(Dark Heir, chapter 2)
Although there is one unknown letter, we can identify it by using the similar phrase:
He is fighting — Ar ventas
He is coming — *r uentas/ventas
The new letter is A. I think this A is different from the regular A because it is the first letter of a pronoun. Pronouns start with capital letters to avoid confusion with other words that include “ar”.
The result: alphabet
Of course, I admit the possibility that not all letters comply with the original alphabet as it is in the U/V case.
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Issues in deciphering
The same phrases in the old language are written differently in the Dark Rise and the Dark Heir. I do not know whether it is due to errors in the first two editions or it means something else.
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He is coming, Dark Rise (chapter 11), edition 2021
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He is coming, Dark Rise (chapter 11) edition 2022
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He is coming, Dark Heir (chapter 2)
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The past cries out, but the present cannot hear, Dark Heir (chapter 2)
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Only a Steward may enter, Dark Heir (chapter 37)
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Dark Rise (chapters 2, 10, 11, 15), edition 2021
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The structure of the language
There is more to the old language than the inscriptions. Here are my thoughts on the other aspects of the old language. The old language is likely to be the parent language to all languages in the books, the language from which modern languages have derived. The old language has similarities to Latin and Sanskrit, borrowings from Sindarin, Quenya and some unidentified languages.
Analyzing new information, I have found patterns that helped me to identify word classes. The word classes of the old language are shown in the table below.
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Data summary sheets
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----------- ✶ ----------- Nouns and names
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Most nouns end with “ar”, but there are two nouns that end with “or/er��. The pattern is pretty apparent, so I am going to discuss only the nouns that do not fit the pattern.
Aladharet and adharet
My suggestions about meanings and forms of the word “adharet” are based on this dialog:
‘He said, ‘I am not aladharet.’ <...>  ‘I cannot do magic,’ he said. ‘I have never trained with the’ – there was no other word for it – ‘adharet.’ <...> ‘I only know what I have seen, watching the adharet cast spells as I fought to protect them.’ (Dark heir, chapter 38).
There are two variants of the word: aladharet is singular and adharet is plural. Perhaps, “al” is the marker of a singular form, I would no more touch on single/plural forms because we do not have enough information.
The closest meaning from the context is a wizard /enchanter. This noun is interesting because “ar” is in the middle of the word. I think it is a verbal noun (a noun derived from a verb), such as spell – speller, enchant – enchanter.
According to the book, “Vara kishtar” is a shadow hound. “Kishtar” is highly likely to mean a hound or hounds. (Chapter 21)
The root “Kisht” means field, sown-field, tillage, cultivation, (at chess) check in Sanskrit. Of course, the meaning of the word in the old language is different, but it is still quite an interesting coincidence.
Similarities to Latin
There are some Latin names in the books like “Finem Solis”. Besides, some words in the old language are very similar to Latin (see the examples below).
“Callax Reigor” (The Cup of Kings) (Chapter 46)
“Callax” reminds Latin “Calix” (the Cup).
Reigor (Kings)
The root “reig” resembles the Latin root “reg” in “regio,-are”, “regium” (to rule/ royal).
English translation is “dauntless”, it is the name of Sancean`s horse. It has the ending “ar”, probably, because this adjective plays a role of a noun as abstract adjectives can be nouns in English. Synonyms of the “dauntless” are valorous, valiant. They derived from the Latin word “valens” – strong, powerful. This meaning of “val” seems to be suitable for Valdithar as well.
Similarities to Tolkien`s languages: Sindarin and Quenya
As some readers know, C.S.Pacat is a big fan of the J.R.Tolkien, so I decided to compare Tolkien`s languages with the old language and found out some borrowings from them. Several names look like Elvish words in which some letters are altered.
The ending “ion” is typical to Elvish.
He is the Light’s greatest fighter who served the Sun King. That name consists of two parts: “Anar” is the Sun and “ion” is a son in Elvish. The sound “h” is pronounced with exhalation, so it might be omitted. Anharion means the son of the Sun in this case. In addition, the name was given to him by the Light side (the Sun King) and it is not his true name.
Ekthalion is the Sword of the Champion.
Although “Fermaran, katara thalion” (Dark Heir, chapter 29) does not have a translation, “thalion” is a hero/a dauntless man in Sindarin. In my opinion, the coincidence is not an accident. “Thalion” is the part of the Sword`s name and the meaning seems relevant in context of the books.
Moreover, Ecthelion`s fate in the Silmarillion is quite similar to the fate of the Sword. Ecthelion slayed Gothmog, Lord of Balrogs, at the cost his life. The Sword`s fate is described in the book as follows:
…As a weapon to kill the Dark King. It’s said that a great Champion of the Light rode out with it to fight him <…> but could do no more than draw a single drop of the Dark King’s blood. That’s all it took to corrupt the Blade… (Dark Rise, chapter 13).
The name Ecthelion had its own evolution: its Qenya cognate was Ektelion.
Another thing
One of the characters mentioned this name in the following dialog:
‘This isn’t my first time at sea.’ Visander <…>. ‘Atlantic? Pacific?’ ‘The Veredun,’ said Visander. He looked out at the night expanse of black water. This did not feel like the Veredun, or like any sea he had known (Dark Heir, chapter 34).
Names are not translated, but I wanted to know more about this old world sea/ocean. There is no word which is exactly the same in any language relevant to my research, but there are analogs to its parts.
Vere/verus is “truth” in Latin
Dun is “dark/deep/gray/gloomy” in English
Dun is “West” in Sindarin
My translation is “The deep truth” or “The dark truth” or “The West truth”, but I do not pretend to know the truth.
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All verbs that we know end with “as”.
Aragas means “open” in the old language. I have not found any Latin roots. However, separate parts of this word exist in Sindarin: “ara” is “royal” and “gas” means a hole/gap/opening. Aragas is used for opening gates that connected the Kingdoms, for opening the oubliette under the Sun King`s throne and in the metaphor of opening the door of the Dark King`s magic­. All these cases are associated with something “royal” and “opening”. I might have gone a bit too far here and read too much into it.
Ar ventas
Ar ventas – He is fighting (The translation from the text, Dark Heir, chapters 27, 29)
Ar uentas/ventas – He is coming (The translation of the inscription, Dark Heir, chapter 2)
There is a possibility that these verbs are borrowed from Latin. The root of the word “uent” is the same as in the Latin verb “uenio/venio” (to come). Thus the ending “as” indicates a tense and a person (is coming). My guess is that V and U are interchangeable in Latin. Therefore, “ventas” means “is coming” and “is fighting” at the same time. I think “uentas” is right, because U turns into V.
One of the characters used this word in the following dialog:
With a tug of her horse’s mane, she [Visander] said something that sounded like Vala!, and they burst out of the stable doors (Dark Heir, chapter 21).
I think it is the command “walk/run” for a horse and the verb could be in the imperative mood. In my opinion, there is a parallel to Latin. Singular imperatives are formed by removing the ending “re” from verb roots, for example, monstra̅re (to show) – monstra (show). Nevertheless, “Vala!” could be another command, e.g. “gallop/forward/ahead”.
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I think the ending “ra” indicates adjectives. Valdithar looks like an exception, but I think it is not an exception because it is a noun (see the section about nouns).
The translation of “Vara kishtar” given in the books is “a shadow hound” (Dark Heir, chapter 21).
It also means “soiled” and “dirty” in Quenya. As far as we know, “Vara kishtar” is a creature of the Dark side, and all shadow creatures could be “soiled” in the Light side`s opinion. By the way, there is the Sanskrit word “vara” that means “the best, excellent, the eldest”. The meaning is opposite to the meaning in the old language, but the Dark side could use the word differently.
“Fermaran, katara thalion”(Dark Heir, chapter 29).
Katara ought to be an adjective because it ends with “ra” and because of its position in the sentence (before a noun). The text does not give a translation, so I decided to consult dictionaries.
Latin and both Elvish languages did not help, but Sanskrit has the adjective “katara”. It has several meanings:
Which (of the two)
Mean, poor, miserable
Timid, shy/cowardly, cowardly/fearful
I have never mentioned Greek before, but it also contains “katara”, but as a noun: κατάρα is a curse or a calamity/disaster.
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Other observations
I noticed other patterns as well, but I need more examples to confirm them.
Structure of sentences
Like in English, a subject goes before a predicate:
Ar ventas – He is fighting
Ar uentas – He is coming
An adjective precedes a noun:
Vara kishtar – a shadow hound
Katara thalion – a shy hero (?)
My own hypothesis
Old language adjectives agree with nouns in gender, case and number.
There is evidence that verbs conjugate and have different tenses. So far I managed to identify only one verb form (continuous, third person, singular). I suppose that the inscriptions contain other verbs as English translations provide other verb forms including modal verbs, various tenses and person.
The reconstructed translation
Only one phrase from the Dark Heir has no translation: “Fermaran, katara thalion” (Dark Heir, chapter 29). We know the hypothetical meanings of the words from the analysis, so the translation might be reconstructed.
Ar ventas fermaran (Chapter 27)
Ar ventas, fermaran (Chapter 29)
In this case, “fermaran" is not used to address someone because there is a variant without a comma. Catalan has the verb “fermar”. It means “to stop”. The form “fermaran” is “they will stop” in indicative future, plural, third.
The reconstructed phrase goes as: “They will stop, mean/timid/poor hero”. It can fit in the context but it is still pretty questionable.
Unfortunately, I have not achieved my goal to identify words in the inscriptions from the Dark Heir. As I mentioned there is not enough data. For example, the words we know from the translations such as the adverb “only”, the negation “cannot”, the modal verb “may” and the English phrase verb “cries out” remain unidentified. These inscriptions are still the Phaistos disc:
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The past cries out, but the present cannot hear (Dark heir, chapter 2)
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Only a Steward may enter (Dark heir, chapter 37)
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Dark Rise paper editions 2021-2022
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The conclusion
Roots of the old language lie in Latin, Sanscrit, Sindarin/Quenya and, perhaps, something else. Four Kingdoms, four language families: Latin for the Sun/Undahar, Sanskrit for the Serpent or the home of the Lions, Elvish or unknown one for the Tower or the Rose.
I hope the third book will provide new data that will allow me to decode all inscriptions and get more profound understanding of the old language. Meanwhile, I am going to entertain myself with guesses, theories and attempts to decode the inscriptions.
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I would like to express my thanks to my aunt for being my editor, for all help and discussions about the old language, to my sister for all figures and to my friends from Undahar for the support and help! Thank you all very much!
All information is from the Dark Rise, the Dark Heir and dictionaries: Latin, Sanskrit, Sindarin and Quenya.
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The article also was written for the C.S.Pacat fanbook "Undahar" made by people from the discord server Undahar.
Please, credit me if you want to share the analysis.
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koushirouizumi · 4 days
{M.A.N.K.I.N} ~ Y O H & (A c e-spec!) M A N T A “P A P E R C U T”
Short Summary:
"CAN'T S T O P what i'm h e a r i n g we're f e e l i n g W I T H I N"
"--Right B E N E A T H--" Warning: Contains spoiler for Yoh vs Faust {O.G. Series} - The fight is a bit graphic, (no actual blood in this ver. but) Please be careful watching by the middle. (There is a happy end however!)
#yohta#yohta friendship#amidamaruxmosuke#bi yoh#yohxmanta#koushirouizumi posts#koushirouizumi sk#koushirouizumi manta#aut!manta#manta and mosuke#m. l. m mosuke#p a r a n o i d!amidamaru#panro manta#ace manta#demi pan manta#({HOPEFULLY this WORKS} {Makin r.b a b l e LATER} {OPENING OF IT IS A BIT c RACKY I WAS TRYIN TO EXPLAIN @NIME!MANTAs STORYLINE CHANGES BUT#({OK BUT} HI OK WARNING OVER 10+ YR'S OLD @MV AND IT VERY S H O W S Especially near beginning {Using Space'd txt to keep out of S e a r h})#(OK SO back in late elementary to middle s c h o o l I basically challenged myself to make GOOD attempts at Linkin P.+Ev@nescence A.M.V{s})#({But I usually try to NOT use ALL songs from an album ONLY FAVS bc yeahhh it skirts too close to Issues to me....} These always get)#({Issues with Other places too etc} {i.e. Y. T.} they seem to work here in comparison tho ANYWAY SO YEAH I heard this one and was like)#({'Number one ***why do i NEVER HEAR THIS ONE*** IN @.M.Vs of old' number two 'wHO AM I GONNA USE IT FORRRR')#(Sometime around this time I was still reading+watching O.G. M@nkin and had JUST finished my 1st M@nkin @MV w Horo focus)#({AND THEN IT cLICKED} AND I WAS LIKE 'WAIT I SHOULD TRY WITH mANTA IT FITS AND MANTA ALMOST ***NEVER GETS ANY MADE+THINGS IN GENERAL***)#(So I ended up going SUPER HARD ON THIS ESP near middle I was LEARNING HOW TO **BETTER TIME SPLIT UP PAN SHOTS** FOR *1ST TIME IN MY LIFE*)#(Yoh v F a u s t too is a REALLY INTENSE Fight I wanted to show F a u s t def had upper hand there but YOH GOES IN HARD TOO&IT SHOWED)#({By the middle-end of that bit yeah} W.M.M was def c RAP'ng out on me and I was hanging the rest together by t HREADS h OPING ITD WORK)#('PLS LET ME FINISH IT' 'P L S LET ME FINISH IT' AND THEN W.M.M DID SO I SHOVED IN ALL THE GOOD FINAL MANTA&MOSUKE REFS I COULD)#({+@NNA ACTUALLY BEING *VERY GOOD TO MANTA+YOH* IN THE @NIME+DEF SUPPORTIN MANTA IN VERY SMALL BUT WONDERFUL BLINK AND U MISS EM MOMENTS)#(In mang@ but @nna was always like 'NO IM THE w IFE OF THE M@NKIN' etcetc and its EXHAUSTIN to read but in @nime like OK SHE HAS MORE GOOD)#({A.K.A Me before I got d i a g n o s i s RE confirmed mAKIN... @MVS BC I COULD} Me Now in Era of 2.k.2.4 {'Haha. Hahaaaa. hhhhAHAA'})
0 notes
doumekiss · 2 months
Calling all my fellow Dungeon Meshi fans!
So I’m trying to get back to writing more oneshots (for the last month I mostly just been translating my old stuff to english) and so I decided to do an A to Z challenge for Dungeon Meshi fanfics. What I want you guys to do is to send me a one word prompt + a ship in the notes.
My main ships are labru and farcille, but I also like laishuro, kikimari, kabumisu, laistle, chilshi, cithadol, mithmil and am also interested in writing gen for any platonic dynamics :D 
Also if you guys want to check out the other stuff I've written for this fandom in the past you can see it here
A - Alcohol (Chilchuck/Senshi)
B - Breasts (Cithis/Pattadol)
C - Cicadas (Laios/Shuro)
D - Dance (Mithrun/Milsiril, Laios/Kabru)
E - Esteem (Kuro and Mickbell + Chilchuck)
F - Flavor (Marcille/Falin)
G - 
H - Heartache (Marcille/Falin)
I - Intentions (Laios/Kabru, Marcille/Falin)
J -
K - Keeper (Mithrun's Brother and Mithrun)
L - Lamia (Laios/Kabru + Mithrun)
M - Motherhood (Milsiril and Kabru)
N -
O - Offspring (Laios/Kabru)
P - Poison (Cithis/Pattadol)
Q - 
R - Ramen Noodles (Milsiril and Mithrun)
S - Succubi (Laios/Kabru, Kabru and Mithrun)
T - Taste Testing (Kabru and Mithrun, Mithrun/Milsiril)
U - Unrequited (Kabru and Rin)
V - 
W - White Day (Laios/Kabru)
X - Xerochrysum (Marcille/Falin)
Y - 
Z - 
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yourgirlsarchived · 1 year
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fischltao · 2 years
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plot: random bf tsukki headcanons. reader insert.
a/n: your honor i love him. also i wrote this on a whim while listening to body paint by arctic monkeys
proofread?did i proofread this??idk :D
"and if you're thinking of me, then i'm probably thinking of you"
tsukishima wakes up super early to have enough time to be a hater
he really doesn't, he probably sleeps super late, spending the time on his phone and wakes up moderately early, like 10-11 AM
doesn't want akiteru to find out about him being in a relationship, he'll probably annoy him the fuck out and make him uncomfortable
so you don't really hang out at his house and the one time akiteru saw the pair of you walking down the street, he jumped in to ask you if you were his s/o and you kinda lagged out, not really knowing what to answer since you knew kei didn't want him to know for the time being but also feeling guilty for lying
kei saved it though
lmao no he didn't, akiteru was sure that you were his partner after that encounter
you, kei and tadashi are such a power trio,its kinda like those shonen trios (nobara/megumi/yuuji, aki/power/denji)
ukai teases you a lot as his assistant and eventually takeda sensei starts doing so too in his own ways
but whenever hinata or kageyama do so, tsuki goes well, tsuki mode
tanaka and nishinoya probs ogle after you but when guys from other teams do so they protect you out of respect for you and their teammate's honor
tsukishima often sends you songs that remind him of you, he never outright tells you so but you figure it out after the first few times he sends them to you.
looks over at you after scoring a point or doing a great block to see your reaction, his chest swells with pride
dumbass (affectionate)
tries to annoy you a lot but you know it's out of love
you're kind of like the default settings for him. sad? go to y/n. happy? y/n. wants to go out? y/n. is hungry? y/n might be hungry too so he's gonna pick up something extra for you too.
would die if he made you feel uncomfortable, like you don't understand how sick with himself he would feel if he ever made you feel like that.
super proud of you when you say something he would to the team. everyone's like "YOU CORRUPTED THEM >:(" and he's in the back smiling smugly and patting your head.
cuddly when sleepy. my brother in christ will on god lay on top of you, literally almost crush u, push his face in your neck and whine but as soon as you coo at him and say something along the lines of "aw is my baby sleepy?" he'll DENY e v e r y t h i n g. he's worse than youtubers getting caught red handed committing a crime. like tf you mean, there's literally evidence📸
he thinks about you so much throughout the day, you're his safe space <//3
he is kind of insecure though. when he notices other teams approaching you, it's then that others' comments about him begin to soak in.
of course he wouldnt admit it but you can see it in the way his face falls
tell him you love him and wont leave him 🔪
sometimes cries about this at night
he knows other people could be more open about their feelings to you and you deserved to be told how perfect you are as much possible
but he tries so much :(
he never saw it as "just a relationship" what you have is one of the few things he actually takes seriously
tsukishima is great bf and i said what i said
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