#[Drunk thorin is the best thorin]
lotrthobbit · 2 years
Hi! So I've read your Fili fic the line of durin and I can honestly see Thorin having a breeding kink. Could you write something for Thorin please? Absolutely fine if you don't want to 🤍
Hi! Thanks for requesting ! Ill gladly write one ! I honestly have to agree with you there lol.
Also apology for the late post since I am in school rn and just trying to get done with my assignments before I start typing any stories ! Also I am sorry I sometimes cringe at my own writing b/c ngl I am not the best smut writer lol. but thank you for trusting me to write this. I hope you like...
Minors DNI 18+ ONLY !!!!
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Warning: contains smut, breeding kink, harsh language, Dom Thorin
The reader will be gender neutral but I will be using female anatomy since that is what I know
Thorin X GN!Reader
The room was hot, all that was heard was the sound of skin slapping against one another, the sounds of moans cascading the walls.
The maids ran from the halls, their faces flushed as the sounds from the King's room seem to get louder, the bed frame hitting against the wall as the mattress creaked against the wood.
Screams of pleasure resonated as Thorin's beloved [y/n] wrapped their legs around his torso. He smirked when realizing they arched their back when hitting a certain spot so deliciously. Their bodies coated with sweat after hours of continous love making.
[y/n] could feel themselves leaking from the countless times Thorin buried his seed into them. The creamy substance mixed with their own made a squelching sound as Thorin placed their legs around his shoulders, slightly lifting them and pounding deeper, if that was possible.
They felt as if they were in eternal bliss, nothing but pleasure.
" Do you feel how deep I am ?" Smirked Thorin as they moaned loader, unable to formulate words. He chuckled at their cock drunk appearance, nothing but pure utter bliss written across their face as their nails dug into his back. Their pelvis kissing one another, surrounded by the silk bedsheets stained with spirts of cum from both of them.
" I will make sure to fill you up to the brim, not letting a single bit spill." Moaned Thorin. He had one goal in mind, to make many heirs to rule Erebor, he will make multiple prince's and princesses under the mountain. Just the image of a swelled up breast filled with milk, all for him to suck and pinch at his leisure and a big belly holding his children. Oh what a sight it would be to him, just thinking about it quickened his pace before he came once More, together they moaned in ecstasy.
Staring into one another's eyes as Thorin began to go once again.
a/n: I cringe at my own writing so I could not proofread it all. But I hope you enjoy it. To all the readers: you may continue to request just know it'll take me some time (: Also I apologize for how short it was.
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TH fic idea No. 2 (yes I have a weakness for MGiME sue me):
OFC used to pray to the Valar during her life (not believing in them at all but using them like a kind of spoken diary, reasoning that everyone is allowed to pick their own gods & they are just as likely to be real as the Christian one for example).
Then she dies.
And wakes up in Valinor meeting those of the Valar She has prayed to the most.
And they're like "well no idea what to do with you tbh guess you're one of ours now do you want cookies or sth?"
And she is like "bro are you for real this is brilliant I want to learn this and that and also..... "
And she hangs out with Yavannah and Oröme and Vana but mainly Aulë cus, yk, dwarves.
And he is like "sooo do you wanna join the halls of waiting?"
And she's like "idk lemme take a look" and there is Fili/Kili/Thorin whoever you prefer, hammering away at an anvil, and she's like NOOOOO fuck they already ded? Boooooh!"
And Mahal's like "yeah he's got trouble settling, feeling like he did not accomplish what he was supposed to" and she's like "well MAYBE that's because thats the TRUTH?!?!"
And the dwarves cannot really see her, she's more like a spectre with a distorted face merging with her background and a voice, but Fili/Kili/Thorin noticed her when she at one point breaks something in his forge while arguing with Mahal about how they deserve a second chance and while Fili/Kili/Thorin listen to how Mahal goes on about "we cannot disturb the music" she shouts "this music sucks anyway atm! Wouldn't hurt to change it! It's CLEAR some tunes are missing!"
And Mahal's like"wdym you HEAR the music?"
And she's like "well, yeah? And lemme tell you it can give ya a real headache at times."
Then she leaves saying that she's gonna bully Eru to give the Durins a second chance and Fili/Kili/Thorin, Who has been listening to that conversation, are like "ehem, Mahal, dear creator, am I high?" And he shortly explains about who the other voice was.
Well after some time OFC gets Eru to agree, and they take weeks to argue about the particularities and Option A is they end up with Fili/Kili/Thorin, Who has listened and therefor knows about what she's up to, to keep his memories of the quest while being sent back, but CANNOT disclose what he knows or how. Or something something bad will happen.
And OFC is like on the one hand "nice, hot dwarves and heroics" but then there are also orcs, the ring, no plumbing.... But whatever she'll make the best out of it.
So OFC argues that that's kinda harsh and convinces Dru to let her join them.
Option B and Eru's growing tired of her and is like "you know what? You can hear if the music starts to fuck up. You go down there as well! Be their personal Gandalf or whatever!" And the chosen Durin remembers os doesn't, or maybe just some vague stuff in dreams, I don't really care. But with this option there is nothing stopping them from sharing their knowledge.
She arrives quite literally at Gandalf's feet, explains stuff to him, and their first order of business is meeting up with Galadriel, Elrond and Glorfindel (she refuses to explain yet while she does NOT want Saruman involved, unsure if he ends up joining anyway no matter what she wants) and insists on freeing Thrain from Dol Goldur ASAP (using mostly book canon for this fic obv) so she has someone that can prove her story and give her some connections & shit.
OFC, with her fighting experience being drunk arm wrestling and nothing more, remains behind in Eryn Lasgalen while Legolas joins the aforementioned group in driving out Sauron.
Thrain is first treated in the Woodland Realm for the worst injuries, and during that time talks Some Shit through with Thranduil because, yk, they'll need him and his army later on.
Then they move to Rivendell, where Thrain heals and OFC gets SOME training (no, NOT Mary-Sue-ish, it takes YEARS to become properly adept at fighting, she has a few WEEKS, meaning she manages not to drop her sword any longer and shoot in the planned direction but THAT'S IT), then she has some kind of fight with Someone and leaves with some rangers for Ered Luin, Gandalf promising to deliver Thrain to his family as soon as he's fully healed.
OFC has been turned into a dwarf btw, INCLUDING the beard! In Ered Luin she finds a job at a tavern for starters and waits for either Thrain's arrival or Fili/Kili/Thorin to 'remember' (meaning his consciousness being sent back in time), because OFC herself arrived about a year before the start of the quest.
At one point, Fili/Kili/Thorin being regulars at her tavern, she recognises a change in their demeanor and introduces herself as *****(whatever name she had in Valinor) and they get to talking, F/K/T being SO glad to FINALLY having someone to talk about what happened.
They start hashing out the beginnings of a plan, but have to be careful for now so as to no one else picks up on their knowledge. OFC promises that *someone* (she totally is mysterious on purpose) will soon show up and help in that department.
One night, Gandalf arrives with Thrain, Thorin cries, Dìs faints, Fili & Kili get drinks ( and someone of course gets OFC) and joined by Balin & Dwalin the family celebrates and learns about Thrain & OFC's knowledge and they begin to form A Plan TM.
And then, there is plot I have no idea for.
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lucigoo · 4 months
Bagginshield-tober series Masterlist
So in light of me having finaly finished my Bagginshield-tober series I will link them all here with there summary. Each are stand alone (ish) but also follow one from one another. My love is vaster than all of Arda
Summary: Bilbo is sick in Lake Town, he doesnt want to be here at this pathetic excuse of a feast. He decides to take himself outside, lucky for him, the dwarf he loves follows.
We Can Heal Together
Summary: Its after the BOFA and Bilbo can see healing every where he looks.
Battle Dreams
Summary: Bilbo awoke with a terrible feelng in his gut, he had to check on his dwarves, his family.
Riddles in the Dark Brought into the Light
Summary: Bilbo had tried to be better at sharing his Battle Dreams, the nightmares that chased him throught the day. But one, one specific one followed him throughout the shadows of Erebor, a boggy man from his nightmares, one he was trerrified of becoming.
The Final Gift Before We Mix Our Lives
Summary: Its time for Thorin to give Bilbo his final courting gift, hopefully it will be good enough to show his hobbit they can mix their lives so a hobbit can live comfortably under the mountian.
Alstroemerias and Germinis for Forgivness: With a Bouquet for your Heart
Summary: Thorin has to find a way to make sure Bilbo knows he is loved, that he is wanted and what do dwarves do best? Craft!
So now he has to craft something to show his apology, his love for Bilbo and start courting him properly, with no sickness or shame between them. Its a good job he has good friends outside of the mountain who are willing to help him in his newest quest.
Forever and ever: You are my One and only
Summary: It is Bilbo and Thorin's wedding day. Thorin is slighty drunk and super sweet and Bilbo has no clue what half of the pet names he is giving him mean, but each one fills his heart with joy. After all, he has just married his dwarf.
A Decloration of Love
Summary: Bilbo has to go to Dale, not only for Harvest talks, but because that is the closest green space for his hobbity needs. Thorin is not impressed with this fact.
So What Exactly Is A Consort?
Summary: Bilbo has been blissfully married to Thorin for 4 months, so why is he only just finding out what a Consort is, and why is he doing all the paper work?
A Royal Breakfast
Summary: Bilbo wakes alone to find his husband gone and without having eaten breakfast. That wont do, that wont do at all.
No Wars on my Watch
Summary: Thranduil has come with a ridicoulus demand, Thorin is ready to argue, of course Bilbo has to sort it out, again.
Oh, He Plays The Harp Too
Summary: Bilbo is on a misson to find his dwarf, he missed a meal and every hobbity part of Bilbo says that isnt t be born.
Bilbo's going to give him a piece of his mind, and his picnic ......well he was.....
Turns Out Everyone Is A Lightweight
Summary: There is a dwarven feast and somehow Gaffer Gamgee's Hooch gets dragged into the occasion. Sadly all the other races in Middle_earth are lightweights and Bilbo will be the last man standing, At least if he doesnt die of embarassment when The Company are deep in their cups and open their big mouths.
The Bunny Under The Mountain
The first Ball to be thrown in Erebor since before Thror's madness is happening. Somehow Dis has convinced The Company to make it a Masquarade Ball and dress Bilbo as a bunny.
Thorin better apprerciate the things his hobbit does for him, and his subjects because he is NOT a bunny even if Dori made him a tail and ears
Hoot like a Barn Owl -
Summary: Bilbo and The Company are just enjoy time together, they have been working hard to ressuract Erebor and these moments mean everything to Bilbo.
Unitl his dwarves open their mouths of course, they often forget how hobbits thrive on gossip and social interactions. Even the Princess of Erebor cant talk around a hobbit.
Dragon Rot
Summary: There is a plague in Erebor. One that the dwarves cant control. Its up to one scared little hobbit to call on his friends and allies and ask for help. Ask for a miracle as his husband, Thorin, King under the Mountain is also sick. Bilbo will do what he can for those he loves, especially his husband.
There and home again
Summary: Bilbo has been gone for 14 months. Thorin understads. His husband had a faunt to bring home, but 14 months without his hobbity husband is hard and he cant wait for his boys homecoming.
Dwarven Tickles make Hobbits Prickle (and cry)
Summary: The Company of Thorin love their hobbits, especially Frodo, but some times they dont listen. They forget that he isnt a pebble, he is a faunt and he doesnt like it. So why wont they stop tickling him?
Flowers and Gems
Summary: Bilbo has no child for the night (thank you Aunty Dis) and wants to do something special for his husband considering they havnt had much time together recently.
What better then to write him a poem and have a picnic, a date worthy of a hobbit.
I Planted My Trees, And Watched Them Grow with You
Summary: Bilbo is 141 years old, much to old for a hobbit and he feels it.
Hobbits were giving a gift by Yavanna. They know 24 hours before their time is up.
This is Bilbo's time to say goodbye to all those he loves and all who love him.
Ereborian Pride
Summary: On the afternoon of Kili's 18th birthday, Thorin and the rest of the company and their families) remembeed their past lives. Their quest, living in a thriving Erebor.
Thorin remembered loving and losing Bilbo. 4 year later there still hasn't been any word from their burglar. Thorin needs to find the other half of his heart. Hope you all enjoy them <3
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gothicmama · 7 months
Pirates of Erebor Chapter 8 (Rough Draft?)
I'm posting this here before I post it to AO3, not sure how much editing I'll do to it later but it's just in case there's anything I missed during proofreading, or I fiddle with it some more.
Waking up with a hangover wasn’t an unfamiliar occurrence for Thorin. He’d done it many times during his traveling, on nights when drinking was all he could do and the weight of missing his family and the responsibilities he took upon himself grew too heavy. But waking up with a splitting headache, a special kind of pain that only the strong alcohol provided at Ered Luin could cause, and finding himself staring up at the wooden ceiling of his bedroom, brought about a strange feeling. It was like confirming he really was home and for a moment he closed his eyes and let himself lay, boneless, on the thick rug that covered his floor. For just a little while he could pretend nothing had changed and everything was okay.
But the longer he lay there, the more awake he became, and the more reality began to disturb the peace he wanted. The responsibilities he’d burdened himself with wasted no time in pushing to the forefront of his mind, despite his best efforts to not think about them. Finally, after several minutes of failing to go back to sleep, he let out a heavy sigh, rolled sideways, and got up on his hands and knees. Immediately his head and stomach protested the movement, but he pulled himself the rest of the way up anyway. The time for relaxing and celebrating had passed last night, with dozens of bottles of Ered Luin’s best, a few good-natured fights between cousins and siblings, and story after story from both himself and his family to catch everyone up. Now, it was time for work.
Standing upright, he took a moment to stretch and work out the kinks he’d gained from awkwardly sleeping on the floor for hours. As he moved, he became aware of various bruises all over his body, unsurprisingly he only remembered getting some of them. The others were mysteries that he discovered, with groans and pained hisses, as he moved about. Dropping his arms, he turned around and saw why he’d ended up on the floor. Not that it was the worst place to sleep since his room was big enough for two, a silent message from his parents who he knew were hoping he wouldn’t be alone forever, and the rug was thick, soft, and warm against his body. But when given the choice, he still would’ve chosen his bed, if it had been unoccupied. It unfortunately wasn’t, because Dwalin was sprawled out on it. His large frame dwarfed Thorin’s bed, despite it’s larger than normal size. That probably explained some of the mysterious bruises on him, as he and Dwalin had a habit of fighting over the bed after drinking. Snorting, Thorin lightly kicked his cousin’s leg and barked out, “Dwalin!” Dwalin clumsily kicked back at him with a sleep muffled curse before he returned to snoring.
Thorin chuckled as he moved past his bed to the other side of the room where his bathroom was. It was only the size of a closet, but it had everything he needed. He quickly relieved his bladder and got to work cleaning himself up. He was relieved to see he had changed at some point last night. He’d made the mistake of getting drunk in his good clothes before and they had almost always ended up ruined, either by blood or drink. He pulled off the worn-out pants and undershirt, both of which were surprisingly only stained with sweat, and briskly washed himself off with cold water in the tub. He didn’t have the patience to wait for hot water and after drying himself off just as quickly, he hurried to his dresser. He pulled open the first drawer he touched and randomly pulled out clothes. Everything was the same color, so it was guaranteed to match. He dressed quickly and pulled his boots on, then returned to the bathroom.
He took a quick look in the mirror above the sink before he ran a brush through his hair in record time, wincing each time he caught a tangle. He tied his hair back with a piece of leather and kicked Dwalin’s leg again on his way to the bedroom door. He ignored his cousin’s sleepy grumble but made a point to slam the door on his way out. He heard a muffled shout from inside, right before someone else yelled his name. Flinching, he turned to find his mother glaring at him from the end of the hallway. She looked just as put together as she always did, with her hair done up in the same intricate braids she always wore and her colorful clothing neat and clean. She’d clearly been awake for a while and didn’t appear to be as affected by the previous night’s activities as he and Dwalin were. Which was astounding because Thorin knew for a fact she’d drank as much as, if not more than, they both had.
He ducked his head to avoid her glare and walked towards her, apologizing, “Sorry, mother. I was messing with Dwalin.” He stopped in front of her, head tilted up slightly to meet her gaze.
As the seconds passed, Fris’ gaze softened until finally she cracked a small smile. “It’s past time he woke up. Past time you woke up, as well, son.” She reached up and began fussing with his hair, brushing down the loose strands into some semblance of control. “Did you get into a fight with the hairbrush, Thorin? Goodness.”
Thorin smiled sheepishly and stood still as she cleaned him up to her liking. Or as much as she could when he was only wearing a shirt, pants, and boots. She straightened everything, tucked his shirt in, laced the front ties up, and with a sigh let his hair loose so she could redo his ponytail completely. Her hands were insistent but gentle as she combed through the unruly curls with her fingers, likely because she knew his head was pounding with his hangover. As much as he wanted to protest, remind her that he was an adult and he liked the way he looked just fine, he found himself leaning into her touch. It had been many months since he’d last felt it, since she’d last lovingly fussed over him. That was his own fault, of course, he was the one who ran off on his own. Guilt surged up in him and he couldn’t stop himself from suddenly wrapping his arms around her. She let out a surprised gasp before she returned the gesture, hugging him just as hard as he was squeezing her.
Neither spoke for a long moment, until finally he whispered, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” she replied immediately. She gave him one extra tight squeeze then stepped back. He dropped his arms as she stared at his shirt, needlessly untying then retying the laces. He didn’t need to see her eyes to know they were filling with tears. “Enough of that now. We had enough last night.”
“Aye, you cried plenty for the both of us,” he teased. He gently grabbed her hands and pulled them away from his shirt. He gave them a careful squeeze which she returned.
“I’ll have you know, you cried more than me.” After reluctantly pulling her hands from his, she raised her head with a sniff and turned away from him. She started down the hallway towards the dining room and he fell into step next to her, loosely wrapping his arm around her shoulders as they walked.
“And Father cried more than both of us.” He chuckled, vividly remembering how many times his father had randomly started crying into his cup.
Fris rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t hold back an affectionate smile. “He’s always been an emotional drunk. But I don’t think anyone can blame him this time.” Laughing softly, he nodded his agreement.
The conversation stopped for a moment when they reached the end of the hallway and the door they were looking for. He automatically stepped ahead of her to open the door, the action engrained in him from years of seeing his father and grandfather do the same for his mother and grandmother. She patted his cheek, pulling a soft smile from him, then she entered ahead of him. He followed in after her and wasn’t surprised to see the table was already occupied. His father was slumped over, head in his hands. He looked much like Thorin had when he'd first awoken, his hair and beard a frizzled mess and his clothes rumpled and stained. In contrast, his sister, who was sitting next to him and gently pushing a bowl towards him, looked almost as put together as Fris did. She'd left her hair down, save her important braids, and she wore an apron over her clean clothes. She looked up when they entered and smiled.
“Good morning, mother, Thorin. I fixed a little breakfast for us, would you like some?” Ignoring Thrain’s moan in response to her cheerful voice, she stood up and moved over to the counter. She didn’t wait for them to answer before she began fixing them both plates. The “little” breakfast wasn’t actually so little, there was a large platter piled high with various meats, two bowls full of soup, and a smaller platter stacked with bread. She picked up an empty plate and quickly filled it with meat and bread. Just as Thorin sat down, she set the plate in front of him. It was quickly followed by a bowlful of soup and a cup. He knew not to get his hopes up but he was still slightly disappointed when he lifted it up and smelled nothing but fresh water in it.
Despite the disappointing lack of alcohol, the first sip had him chugging it down. He hadn’t realized how much he missed fresh water after months at sea. All too soon his cup was empty and his face was wet with the drops that had missed his mouth in his frenzy. He set it down and, ignoring his mother’s glare, wiped his face dry with his sleeve. Dis refilled his cup without having to be asked and he managed not to gulp the second cupful down, too. Setting the cup down half empty, he pulled the bowl to him. The smell hit him immediately and sent a brief bit of nausea curling in his stomach, but it was squashed by the sudden hunger exploding through him. He’d had his fair share of food while he’d been drinking just hours ago, but months traveling and eating whatever he could scrounge up needed more than just one night of good food to be completely erased. He dug into the soup ravenously, earning a good-natured huff from his mother. She reached over and brushed some loose hair behind his ear before it could land in his bowl.
“Just a few months at sea and you’ve forgotten all the manners I taught you,” Fris huffed, though the affection in her voice made it clear she was only teasing. Dis set a plate, bowl, and cup in front of her before she sat back down by Thrain. The older man had yet to raise his head and hadn’t moved since Thorin and Fris had entered. Thorin wasn’t certain he was even awake until Dis patted his back and his father let out a loud, painfilled groan. Fris glanced at her husband disapprovingly before she began to eat, with much less hurry than her son had. She dipped the bread into the soup before taking her first bite. Mouthful, she closed her eyes and hummed approvingly, then after swallowing she said, “This is quite good, Dis, darling, thank you.”
Without looking at her husband, she added, “It’s too bad your father can’t appreciate it. But I suppose when you get to be his age, you just can’t handle your drink like you did when you were young.”
Her teasing worked and instantly Thrain picked his head up, grumbling, “At my age? I’m a perfectly respectable age and I can hold my drink just fine, thank you very much.” Still grumbling, he rubbed his eyes repeatedly to clear them, then blinked a few times before they focused on Fris. As if only just realizing she was there, he stopped grumbling and his face brightened immediately. He clumsily reached over the table and grabbed Fris’ free hand with both of his She hid her smile by taking another bite of bread, but she let him entwine their fingers. “Fris! My dear, Fris, my darling jewel, you look ever so lovely this morning!”
Ignoring Dis and Thorin’s snickers, Thrain scooted his chair around the table to Fris’ side. When he was close enough, he leaned towards her, lips puckered for a kiss. Instead of her lips however, he was met with a large chunk of bread. He leaned back, eyes growing wide with confusion, and the bread followed him. Fris rubbed the bread against his lips, and he followed the silent command and opened his mouth. Under her watchful gaze, he took a bite, chewed it up slowly, and swallowed it. Satisfied, Fris smiled at him and reached out to caress his cheek. He leaned into the touch until she was holding his head up. Still staring and smiling dopily at her, he let her feed him, opening his mouth each time she offered something.
With their parents focused on each other, Dis and Thorin looked away from them, an attempt to offer them some semblance of privacy. Huffing, she stood up from the table and picked up the bowl she’d been trying to give Thrain. Still eating, Thorin watched her pour the soup back into the bigger bowl and put the now empty bowl in the sink. After she rejoined him at the table, he swallowed his mouthful and asked, “Are you not going to eat?”
“I ate earlier, while I was cooking,” she explained. She glanced over at Thrain and Fris, rolling her eyes even as she smiled. “I’ve been trying to get him to eat something, or just drink some water, for almost an hour.”
Thorin followed her gaze and watched Fris literally spoon feed his father a bit of soup, being careful not to let any drip into his beard. Chuckling, he stuffed a bit of sausage into his mouth and said, “He’s always been a fool for mother, Dis. You know only she can get him to listen when he’s hungover.”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full, Thorin, goodness,” Dis leaned away from him, fighting back a smile, and shooed her hand playfully at him. “How old are you, brother? It seems you’ve forgotten.”
“I’m old enough,” Thorin responded after swallowing his mouthful. He took a long drink of water to wash it down and pushed his plate away. Now that he’d stuffed himself, his hunger was appeased, at least for the moment. Wiping his mouth dry, he stood up. Neither of his parents reacted to his movement and he wasn’t about to disturb them, but he couldn’t sit there and watch them either. He set his empty bowl in the sink with the other dirty dishes, finished the rest of his water before adding it to the growing pile, and then set his plate that was still partially full on the counter, out of the way of the rest of the food.
With his mess cleaned up, he leaned over and kissed Dis’ hair. She caught his sleeve before he could walk away and asked, “What are you going to do now?”
Shrugging, he replied, “I’m going to find Bil- Master Baggins and get started with planning. We can at least get something started, and Father and everyone else can join us later when they’re ready.”
Something gleamed in Dis’ eyes in response to his answer. She smiled sweetly up at him and asked, “Could you wake the boys first, please? I want them to eat while the food is hot.” He was instantly suspicious of her smile and the sweetness in her voice, but there was nothing unusual in her request. So, staring at her with narrowed eyes, he hesitantly nodded. “Oh, thank you, brother!” She grinned and pushed him away from the table, causing him to stumble before he caught himself. He glanced back at her, still trying to figure out what she was planning, but when her smile didn’t budge, he had no choice but to let it go.
Sighing, he turned away from her and left the room. Whatever it was, he was confident it wasn’t as bad as anything else she’d done to him when they were younger. He could handle it. Holding onto that confidence, he leisurely walked through the hallways. As much as he wanted to rush and get the boys up as quickly as possible, so he could get started planning as fast as possible, being at home for the first time in months was enough to calm his impatience. He was surprised by the simple joy he found just being in the familiar halls, seeing the doors to his family’s various rooms. He passed a few people, a few cousins, but most people were still sleeping off their hangover or they’d already started their day’s work.
It took him a few minutes to finally reach the door to the room that his nephews shared with Gimli, but for once he didn’t mind the time it took. He was so calmed and relaxed by the walk that when he reached it, he’d forgotten all about Dis’ strange behavior. He stopped in front of the door and paused when he heard voices on the other side. He recognized his nephews, it was impossible not to with how loud they were, and he knew one of the other voices had to be Gimli. But the fourth eluded him, even when he leaned closer to the door he couldn’t place it. He wasn’t worried, as he trusted that no one could make it to the family side of the inn without permission, but his curiosity was piqued.
He really wanted to open the door and surprise them all, his nephews, Gimli, and the stranger, but he restrained himself. He raised his fist to knock, but before he could, the door suddenly opened. He looked down and suddenly found himself staring into Bilbo’s eyes. He froze, his hand stuck in the air. Bilbo was just as frozen, his mouth dropping open. They stared at each other, neither moving nor making a sound, for a long moment. Finally, they both snapped out of it. And then they, simultaneously, spoke.
The Italics are Khuzdul and if I missed anything or something just doesn't seem right, please let me know!
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obsidiancreates · 11 months
Hey-Ho To The Bottle We Go
(Lots of drinking, because it's a fic about Bilbo outdrinking everyone- as a Hobbit should. I don't drink though so. Did my best.)
The great feast in Laketown is going well, ale and wine and food flowing from The Master's kitchens. None are happier about it than Bilbo Baggins, who positively gorges himself on the most plentiful meal he's had in months.
It's about an hour in that Bofur blinks, and then smacks his brother's arm and points. "Are all those tankards Bilbo's?"
Indeed, sitting at Bilbo's elbow is not one, not two, not even three, but four empty tankards of various ales- and a fifth beside him, all piles up, as though he'd been so impatient for more he couldn't even bother to refill the same cup and simple took a whole new one that was already filled.
"That's impossible," Dwalin snorts, halfway through a third of his own. "He'd be drunk enough to drop."
Bilbo, at a separate table from The Company purely to accommodate the sheer size of his meal, happily chugs his fifth, gets up, and returns with a sixth tankard.
Dwalin's jaw drops open. "No."
"Well now I know where that song came from," Bofur laughs incredulously.
"Oh aye, the one I sang in Rivendell- noticed Bilbo hummin' to himself one night along the path and got him to teach me what he'd written of it so far."
"That was Bilbo's song?" Dori says, a little slurred, as Nori occupies himself by trying to steal pins from his older brother's braids and Dori bats his hands away.
"Surprised me as well! I did change up the tune a bit, o' course. ... D'you think Hobbits can't get drunk? It looks like he can't get full."
Nori looks up. "There's a wager. Who can outlast Bilbo in a drinking game? BILBO!"
The hobbit in question looks up and walks over, not quite steady enough on his feet to be considered sober but also not quite as drunk as he really should be, carrying his ale with him.
"Bofur here wanted to challenge you to a drinking game," Nori says, shooting a grin at Bofur as Bofur looks at him with betrayal.
"Well, I don't know about that," Bilbo says, bracing a hand against the table and taking a quick drink. "We're going to be traveling all day tomorrow. We shouldn't get too drunk."
"... You've had six," Ori says, a look almost like horror on his face. "You're smaller than I am. And less to you."
"And?" Bilbo knocks back the rest of his ale and then reaches out blindly to grab a full one on the table- stealing from Nori, effectively, but Nori is too delighted to care. "It's not exactly strong, Ori."
It's not not strong, either.
"How's about I sweeten the deal on Bofur's behalf?" Nori chirps. "If 'e wins, you teach him some Hobbit songs. If you win... 'e teaches you how to carve some of his famous toys."
Bilbo thinks it over. "... How much is Thorin drinking tonight?"
All eyes turn to the king, who sits in a corner and argues with his well and still-standing nephew, a tankard in his own hand and a slouch to his posture that suggests it's far from his first.
"... Well, I do know some good quick-sobering breakfasts we could have," Bilbo relents, raising his new drink. "Are we counting from this new round, or what we had before?"
Bofur's eyes cross and struggle to focus as Bilbo, only growing more chipper and lively as he drinks and drinks, suddenly stamps up on top of the table!
"None of you know how to do this," he says, swaying no small amount but keeping his footing remarkably well despite. "No-no singing yet, even! Where's the singing from-" he pauses to take a drink from his who-knows-how-many-in now- "-from my poor smial, hmm?"
"Why don't you give us a song then?" Nori cheers. "Show us 'ow it's done!"
"As usual," Bilbo sniffs as Bofur's eyes roll back into his head and he slumps, falling under the table and disappearing among the food scraps and discarded pints and ales and wine-mugs.
Bilbo thinks for a moment. "I did-" He laughs to himself. "I did come up with-with a song I could've sung to the-the spiders."
"The spiders?" Dori leans on Nori. "How many 'ave I had to drink?"
"My trumpe' needs cleanin'," Ori declares, at this point in the night practically laying on his brother's side.
"I did! If they- ha! If I told it to children!" Bilbo clears his throat and begins singing a surprisingly merry tune.
"Old fat spider spinning in a tree, old fat spider can't see me! Attercop, attercop!" He laughs himself silly, stamping his feet on the table to provide a bit of rhythm, singing on a silly, half-baked song of insult to spiders- but a song with an easy enough rhythm that the dwarves and men alike can stamp along with it.
Bilbo nearly doubles over by the end of it, pushed back upright by Gloin as the whole room cheers for another song!
"See?" Bilbo says, grinning down at his companions. "Helpless, the lot of you! Come to Hobbiton for my next birthday and see a real party! Now where's Bofur? He knows the next one!"
"Oh, we all know the next one, laddie," Dwalin chuckles.
"Good! More voices is better! The whole- the whole Shire sings along when a song starts up at the pub!" Bilbo makes a grand gesture, spilling ale all over poor Ori's head. "There's an inn, there's an inn, there's a merry old inn-!"
The next morning is slow, indeed- for all but Bilbo. As dwarves blink awake with groans and shielded eyes, Bilbo is finishing setting up an array of foods and non-alcoholic drinks.
"Who'd've thought you lot were lightweights?" Bilbo chuckles as he helps Oin sit up. "Or does ale not stolen from my pantry just hit you harder?"
"No' so loud, lad," Oin groans.
"Come on, eat and drink up and you'll be good as new." Bilbo places a large tray in front of Oin, and then goes to do the same for the rest of his company- save one. "Where's Bofur?"
"Pukin' his guts out in the lake, maybe," Nori moans. "You don' even look tired!"
"As I said, not that strong. I drank more and hardier at my grandfather's last birthday." Bilbo flicks a bit of food off of the top of Nori's head. "Now dig in, it's a family cure for hangovers. Better than anyone in Hobbiton's, no matter what The Gaffer says. Ha! You should taste his home brew- no party is complete without it."
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dreamingofimpalas · 1 month
A quick hello and welcome to my new followers and mutuals ❤️
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Thanks for following me! I hope you're all doing well and feel free to reach out whenever. I'm on sporadically, so I may not always respond right away, but I'll get back to you when I can. Keep it kind - I don't tolerate or condone hate anons, bullying, discrimination, etc. Additionally, trigger warnings are always tagged as TW ____ (such as "TW blood").
About My Blog
My blog is a place for multi-fandoms, multi-shipping, and "ship and let ship" (for new users/those who don't know, that means no ship bashing, please!). Just a reminder to minors, please block and do not engage with the NSFW tag! Here's my taglist in case you need to block anything. It's undergoing construction at the moment, so things may change in the future (I'll update my pinned post if that happens). A few of the fandoms I post about: Supernatural, Marvel, Sherlock BBC, LOTR and The Hobbit I also reblog: Star Trek (occasionally), anime, art, movies, tag games, and more. (Note that Twilight has moved to @twilight-volterra so that I can post my aesthetics there) Fandom welcome messages below for fun ❤
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For the Supernatural fans, we keep the pie and beer in the fridge, the hunting equipment in the trunk of the Impala, and the rock salt on hand at all times. When in doubt, don't panic - there's always Devil's Traps, angel wards, and Bobby's panic room. Sit down for a while and enjoy the best of Led Zeppelin and AC/DC. Most importantly, remember that "family don't end in blood," so if you need a place to vent or some cheering up, my DMs are always open and my anons are on.
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If you're here for Marvel posts, welcome to the mayhem! You might see some other variants here (cosplay, Loki series, Marvel movies, and Loki in Norse mythology). Loki keeps us on our toes around here, always welcoming change and breaking routines to keep us at our best. Additionally, I'm Lokean in real life, so if you have any questions or just want to discuss working with Loki, I'm down for it.
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To my fellow consulting detectives (or, alternatively, their counterparts), join us at 221B Baker Street! We might play the violin at odd hours, get drunk and play a game of "Guess Who?", and there's always a possibility of a nice cuppa with Mrs. Hudson. Make sure to grab your "I Believe in Sherlock Holmes" pin at the door and don't mind the holes in the walls (Sherlock gets bored sometimes). Want to discuss Anderson's theories or John's (awful) mustache? Feel free to message me or send an ask!
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For those that carry the One Ring, Legolas will lend you his bow (and Aragorn, his sword). Welcome to the Fellowship (or Thorin's Company, if you prefer)! Feel free to grab a second breakfast, celebrate with Pippin and Merry, and travel through Rivendell, Mordor, and the Shire. I'm always interested in trading bits of lore and cool fanart, so go for it!
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middleearthpixie · 1 year
Better Days ~ Chapter Seventeen
A/N: I wanted to apologize for the lack of updates, but I'm in the middle of working on two fics for the 2023 TRSB, so updates and the like might be a bit spaced out for the next few weeks. Thanks so much for your patience!
Summary: Frerin Durin had the perfect life, until he found out his wife was cheating on him. Now, he’s navigating uncharted territory as an about-to-be divorced single dad. Dating is a mess, he’s dealing with the fallout where his kids are concerned, and really, he would just love a vacation away from all of it. 
Elena Madison is new to Sidleburg, and also navigating life as a newly single parent. The last thing she needed was for her daughter to come down sick, when she hasn’t even had time to unpack the moving boxes, never mind find a pediatrician. And the last thing she ever expected was to meet a man like Dr. Frerin Durin…
Neither Elena nor Frerin were looking for anything, but fate has a way of messing up even the best laid plans. However, both have been hurt and both aren't at all sure they trust themselves, never mind trusting someone else...
Pairings:  Modern!Frerin x ofc Elena Madison
Characters:Frerin, Elena, Dan
Warnings: None
Rating: T 
Word Count: 3k
Tag List: @mrsdurin @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketchy-loo6195 @sherala007 @enchantzz @knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @sorisooyaa @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow @quiall321 @dianakc @buckybarnes-thorin @glassgulls @evenstaredits @heilith @asgardianhobbit98 @albionscastle @absentmindeduniverse @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @sazzlep @court-jobi @masterofhounds
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here. 
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“Someone got lucky this weekend.”
Frerin looked up at the man now standing in the doorway of his office. “Do you ever knock, Mark?”
“The door was open and I didn't want to startle you.”
Frerin sat back in his chair. “What do you want?”
“Nice greeting.” Dr. Mark Edwards, head of Obstetrics and Gynecology, grinned as he came fully into Frerin’s office. “And I notice you did not correct me.”
“I’m not dignifying it with a response.”
“But you’re not denying it and that’s what counts. So, who is she?”
“Go away, Mark. I’m busy.” He gestured to the stack of charts that needed dictating. “I’m about two weeks behind and admin’s breathing down my neck about them.”
“I thought you were admin.” 
“I’m as much admin as you are, and you know it.” 
“Fair enough.” Mark beached his hands on the back of one of the two chairs opposite Frerin. “Just tell me if I’m right?”
Frerin sighed softly. “Okay. Yes, you’re right. I had a very nice Christmas and that’s all I’m saying.”
“Oh, you can not leave it at that, Frer. Have some mercy, already, won’t you? What do I have to do? Drag you off to the Dunraven and get you drunk to get you to give up any details on this mystery lady, like I had to do in med school?” Mark skirted one of the chairs and sank into it. “Just take five minutes and catch me up. I’ve been away, remember.”
Frerin sighed, setting down the microphone he’d been using in his attempt to get caught up on the charts that needed transcribing. “I don't know what you’re talking about.”
“Come on. I was down in the ER before on a consult and Carol Kingsley told me you brought a mystery woman into the ER with you when you were following up on an admit. All she said was this mystery woman was a cute brunette. So, spill… Besides, you have that look—tired but in the best way possible—which just screams that you got laid sometime in the last forty-eight hours. Most likely more than once, too, you lucky dog.”
Frerin couldn’t hold back his laugh. “I’m not gossiping with you. I tell you anything and by tonight, everyone in this building will know. Including the patients.”
“Just tell me her name.”
He sighed and he couldn't hold back his smile as he said, “Her name is Elena and she’s someone I’ve been seeing for a few weeks, more or less.”
“More or less?”
“We’ve only actually gone out twice. Dinner over the last few days.”
“Uh-huh. I’m listening. Is she cute?”
“What do you think?”
“Oh, my God. You’re killing me, Durin. You know that, right? Absolutely killing me.”
“She’s a hot little brunette, with a thirteen year old daughter who’s in the same math class as Maura.” 
“I’m liking her so far.” 
“Makes the two of us.” Frerin sat forward. “So, how was Jackson Hole?”
“I was with my wife and four kids, Frer. You were holed up with a hot brunette for how long?”
“She spent Christmas with me.”
“Holidays already? Nice.”
“No. Toni had the kids—still has them—and her daughter is visiting her grandparents, so it started out as just a plan for neither one of us to spend this Christas alone.”
“And let me guess, she moved in.”
“Ha. Funny. No. But, it was a nice few days.”
“Damn… let me guess, hot sex in every room of your house.”
“Not every room, but enough, and that’s all I’m saying.”
“I knew it.” Mark sat back in his chair, his grin fading. “How are the kids taking your dating?”
“They haven’t met Elena yet. That’s next. But, they seem okay with the idea of Dad dating, so, I’m only a little nervous about introducing them.”
“Good luck. I don't know how sticky it might be.”
“Yeah. Me, neither. I mean, like I said, they seem okay with the idea of it. But I don't know about the actual practice of it. And I’m sure they don't even want to think about the old man having sex with anyone. Although, their mother lives with someone now, and they know why we split up. At least, the older two do.”
“And Jake?”
“He’s blissfully innocent of it and I want to keep it that way.”
“Which is totally understandable. If Maura and Flynn are okay with your girlfriend, he probably will be as well."
“I haven’t really thought of her as my girlfriend, you know.”
“Well, are you seeing anyone else?”
“Is she?”
“I don't think so.”
“She’s your girlfriend.” 
Frerin chuckled. “I guess she is and I think they’ll be okay with her. At least, I hope so. I know they don't like Tim. They call him the Skeeze.”
It was Mark’s turn to laugh. “The Skeeze?”
“Yeah. Maura describes him as being like a used car salesman and she’s… not wrong.”
“Ah… it makes sense now.”
“Dr. Durin? Katie rapped on the open door. “You’re needed in the nursery.”
He sighed softly. “Please tell me it’s not bad.”
“No. Newborn delivered in the ER just came up. You just need to make sure he’s as healthy as they claim down there.”
“Got it.” He closed the chart he’d been working on and stood, sweeping his lab coat from the back of his chair. “I’ll catch up with you later, Mark.”
“Yeah. I want to hear all the details about your merry Christmas.”
“You’ve heard them all.” Frerin shrugged into the coat. “And I have no more to share.”
“Damn, you’re cold, you know that.”
“I don't kiss and tell.” He clipped his ID badge to the coat’s lapel. “I’ll see you later.”
“I’m getting details if it kills me,” Mark said as they left his office, before he strode off in the opposite direction. 
“Do we have gossip, Dr. D?” Katie asked as she came around the corner with a thin sheaf of papers in one hand.
“Not you, too.”
“I’m just as curious about your mystery woman.”
“What? We all just want you to be happy, is all. Promise.”
“I am. And if anyone needs me, I’ll be in the nursery, checking on a hopefully heathy newborn.” 
“And are we expecting anyone to need you?”
“You seem happy, you know,” she told him as she skirted her desk to tug out her chair.
“I am happy.”
“Good. Whoever she is, she’s probably good for you.”
“Her name’s Elena and yes, she is. And if she happens to call me for any reason—”
“I’ll let you know, unless you’re in with a patient.”
“Thank you.” He smiled as she went back to whatever she was working on, and continued on his way down to the nursery.
Sidleberg Memorial Hospital had had an infant stolen from their nursery the year Frerin was finishing up his residency and ever since, it was a locked ward, controlled by a keypad. Every infant had a band about their ankle with what the staff called baby LoJack that would set off an alarm system if the code wasn't entered in before the baby or their bassinet was wheeled out of the ward. Each newborn also had a hospital ID anklet, and the number on the band matched the bracelet worn by the mother and, if applicable, the father. No baby was to be handed off to anyone without first double checking that the ID bands matched. 
Frerin punched in his code and stepped into the nursery, where it was a rare quiet day. Only three infants were in residence and he smiled at the nurse at the desk. “I heard we have a newcomer to the group, Chelsea?”
“Hi, Dr. Durin.” Chelsea smiled as she looked up from the paperwork on the desk before her. “We do, indeed. Baby Girl Hillstrand came up from the ER a few minutes ago. Thirty-six weeks, without complications.”
“And where’s mom?”
“She is still in the ER. They were having a bit of trouble with her, but dad is right there.”
He looked over to see the lone man in civilian clothes standing at the bassinet in the corner, his clothes wrinkled and his expression a mix of awe and concern. Frerin turned back to Chelsea. “What sort of trouble?”
“How badly?”
“I don’t know. Carol Kingsley brought dad and baby up and told dad to think good thoughts and stay with his daughter.”
“Do me a favor. Get me the ER, Kingsley if possible.”
She reached for the phone. “Will do.”
“Thank you.”
With that, he crossed over to the man at the bassinet. “Mr. Hillstrand?”
The man looked up. “Max, please.”
“Max, I’m Dr. Durin, Head of Pediatrics. I’m just going to take a look at your daughter, if that’s okay.”
He nodded. “Yeah… uh… it’s fine…. Um… do you know what’s going on with my wife? They said they were having trouble getting her bleeding to stop.”
“It happens sometimes,” Frerin told him as he eased his stethoscope from around his neck. “I’ve got Nurse Ross trying to get me an update on her. Try not to worry, okay? She’s got good people working on her.”
“We’re not even from here. We live in Poughkeepsie and just came down to spend the holiday with my in-laws. Dana wasn’t even due for another four weeks, but her OB thought it would be fine for her to come to Jersey. Is that why the baby came so early? Because she traveled?”
“Thirty-six weeks is considered full-term, not early, and probably not. Babies are weird like that—they come when they’re good and ready or they get impatient. I doubt it was anything you or your wife did.” Frerin eased in the earpieces and bent over to press the diaphragm to the tiny chest of the baby girl who just watched him with big, slate-blue eyes. She was calm, those eyes following him. “Good girl,” he murmured, moving the diaphragm across her chest. “You’re just fine, aren’t you? Just felt like showing up a little early, is all. Impatient to get into the world, right?”
“Her name is Jessica,” Max Hillstrand told him softly, his voice cracking. “But, the nurses said… they said that Dana has to give them permission to call her that.”
“It’s standard policy,” Frerin explained, straightening up as he pulled the earpieces free and slung the stethoscope about his neck once more. He smiled down at Jessica, who still watched him intently. “Her heart and lungs sound good. Let me just—”
“Dr. Durin,” Chelsea came over to them, “Nurse Kingsley said to tell you and Mr. Hillstrand that they’ve gotten the bleeding under control and Mrs. Hillstrand is on her way up.”
Mr. Hillstrand looked over at her. “She’s okay?”
Chelsea nodded. “She gave them a little bit of a scare, but she is going to be just fine, yes.”
He just stared at her for a long moment, then he grabbed a very surprised Frerin in a bear hug. “Thank you! Thank you both!”
“You’re welcome,” Frerin chuckled as Hillstrand just as quickly released him. “Chelsea, make sure Baby Girl Hillstrand gets her LoJack as soon as possible and then see if Mrs. Hillstrand would like to see her daughter as well.”
“Of course.”
He turned to Hillstrand. “Congratulations, Mr. Hillstrand. Enjoy it, it goes by a lot faster than you think it will.”
“Thank you, Doctor.”
Frerin’s cell rang then, and he slid it free and smiled, “You’re welcome. If you’ll excuse me then.”
He left the nursery and brought the phone to his ear. “Hey, honey, you have perfect timing.”
“Do I? That’s a first,” Elena laughed.
He rounded the corner, stepping from pediatrics to Labor and Delivery and paused, leaning up against the wall. “What’re you doing up? It’s almost one in the morning.”
“I was thinking about you, that’s all. How’re you holding up?”
“After a weekend of nonstop sex? I’m beat, but apparently I look as if I’ve gotten some, so I guess that’s a good thing.”
She burst out laughing again. “What?”
“Yeah, one of the other docs pointed it out the moment he saw me. So, I look tired, but in a good way, I guess.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“Sorry? What on earth are you sorry for, Elena? This was probably the hottest Christmas I’ve ever had. You can screw my brains out any time.”
“I kind of like how that sounds.” Her voice lowered and the husky purr shot straight through him as she added, “And I’d like to try it again really soon.”
“Oh, yeah. It was amazing, Frerin.”
“It was good.”
“Good? Dr. Durin, you have a gift and you know it. You made my damn eyes cross.”
“Seems fair enough. You did the same to me, so…”
“So, when is your next night off?”
He grinned. “Tomorrow night.”
“Good. I’ve got plans for you, Dr. Frerin.”
His groin tightened at the promise in her voice. “Such as?”
“If I told you, I’d spoil the surprise.” Her voice grew throatier still. “Let’s just say I think you’ll like them.”
“Lena… honey… you’re killing me.”
“How? I haven’t even said what I wanted to do to you.”
“It doesn’t matter. You just sound hot enough to make me hot.”
“Good. So, can I steal you for a few hours tomorrow?”
“I’d have to be crazy to say no.”
“So don't say no.” 
“I’m not. What can I bring?”
“Just yourself. I’ve got the rest of it all taken care of.”
A soft tingle rippled through him at the sin in her voice. “I’m going to get spoiled by you, you know.”
“I can live with that.”
“Good. Although,” he switched the phone to his other ear, “I will return the favor, you know.”
“I expect no less from you. Okay, I’ll let you get back to work.”
“Probably a good idea.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow night.”
“What time?”
“Seven it is.”
Elena let her phone hit the pillow next to her. “What the hell were you thinking? I’ve got plans for you? Christ, you’re an idiot. You have no plans. You’ll fall on your face if you try to be sexy and embarrass yourself silly if you try to be kinky and you’ll send him screaming for the hills if you do both.”
She clapped a hand to her forehead. The words had popped out before she could think them through and she didn't know why. Didn’t Dan tell her she was the most boring lay he’d ever had? That was why he cheated. He looked for more adventurous women. More exciting women.
Less boring, vanilla women.
She was vanilla. Boring. Non-adventurous.
And now, Frerin was expecting some hot, sultry temptress.
She was none of those things.
She chewed on the cuticle of her thumb. It was late, but she could certainly text someone at that hour, right? 
She pulled up Heather Morgan’s number. Heather and her husband Chris lived next door to Elena and Dan on West Point Island in Lavallette and there was no one in the world Elena trusted the way she did her best friend.
Help! How do I do sexy for a guy without looking utterly stupid?
She hit send and set her phone on her nightstand. No sooner had she shut off the light, but her phone rang. “What are you doing up now?”
“I was going to ask you that,” Heather said with a laugh. “Is the guy there now? Who is he? What’s he like? Why didn't you tell me about him?”
“No, he’s not here now. I’m seeing him tomorrow. His name is Frerin Durin and I met him a few weeks ago.”
“Uh-huh… do tell.”
Elena smiled. “I had to take Lyss to the ER a few weeks ago and he was her doctor.”
“You bagged her doc! You slut!” Heather let out another laugh. “Oh my fucking god, Elena, how do you do it?”
“I didn’t bag him then. I just—he’s really nice, Heath. I bumped into him at the gym a couple days later and we got to talking and now—”
“You have to be sexy for him?”
“Oh, Christ, I called him a little while ago and I don't know what came over me, but yeah. I basically told him he’d be in for the time of his life tomorrow night and you know me… I’m so boring, it isn’t funny.”
“You’re not boring.”
“I’m vanilla.”
“There’s a reason why people love vanilla, you know.” Heather’s voice grew serious. “It’s not bad.”
“No, it’s just boring. And that’s why guys cheat on me.”
“Dan cheated on you because he’s a total dick and your doctor isn’t like that.”
“You don't even know him.”
“I don’t have to. He’s an ER doc. He’s already a better person than your prick ex.”
“He’s actually a pediatrician.”
“That’s even better.”
“What? It is. Is he younger than you?”
“No. He’s the same age. In the midst of a divorce and he’s got custody of his three kids, one of which is in one of Alyssa’s classes.”
“Oh, I like this man, El. He sounds like he might be a keeper, if the divorce doesn’t ruin him.”
Elena couldn't help her smile. “And that’s why I want to keep my promise that he’s in for the time of his life.”
“No problem. You’re on break, right?”
“Good. I’ll be up around ten with my bag of tricks and when I leave, you’ll be ready to treat your Dr. Durin to a night he will not forget any time soon.”
“Are you sure?”
“Hell, yes! You’re back in the saddle and I want you to enjoy every minute you can with this man. You deserve it, hon. But… where’s Alyssa?”
“She’s in Florida with Don and Alice.”
“Nice. So you can fuck this guy right there on the living room floor if you want.”
“I can, but that dose’t sound comfortable at all.”
“You’re hopeless, you know that?”
“I know. That’s why I sent you an S.O.S.”
“And don’t worry. I’ll save your ass and you’ll knock his socks off, along with everything else he might be wearing.”
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runesandramblings · 1 year
"To The Ends of The Earth"
Word Count: TBD / ongoing
Content Warnings: none, follows the events from The Hobbit so there will be the expected violence from the movies
Pairings: KilixOC
Themes: crossover Marvel x Tolkien, romance, fanfic, canon-ish events
In the wake of The Blip, the multi-verse has expanded knowledge of the universe in ways no one thought possible. For the first time, journeying between realms and realities is a tangible possibility.
Ex-SHIELD agent and Avenger, Lilith Lenore, is hiding from her past, shunning the life she once led. But when an offer from a wizard of another world is extended, she cannot refuse.
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Chapter 6: Blunt the Knives
Dinner with dwarves was an experience. Despite the plates, cups, and cutlery they’d set the table with, most of them opted for pulling food directly from the table and shoveling it into their mouth, sans utensils. Rolls, potatoes, and cuts of meat flew from each end of the table as they took turns catching things in their mouths, roaring with laughter at each miss and cheering at each success. Between bites they washed the half chewed food down with ale. They drank sloppily and it spilled down their beards and onto their laps. It was a raucous, rowdy mess. I should have probably found it more off putting than I did. Instead, I found myself giggling at first, and later laughing loudly right along with them. Despite their lack of table manners, their joy was contagious. Their antics proved to be amusing, rather than annoying. 
I’d been seated at the table beside Kili, and in addition to the distractions of the dwarves I’d also been plagued with questions from him about myself and where I was from. I had become a very guarded person over the years. With my past in particular, I often found it necessary to put up walls. It made things easier, not allowing myself to have connections or relationships. I was surprised at how quickly Kili was able to break the ice and make me feel at ease. I’d always been hesitant to bond with anyone, and the few friends I did make back home had clawed their way past my walls and into my innermost being. Within only a few hours, the young dwarf had charmed me with his wit and humor. I found myself entirely engrossed in our conversation. 
“So by far away, you really mean-” He started.
“Far, far away.” I confirmed, laughing. I’d just finished explaining the concept of my universe existing in an alternate timeline as theirs to the best of my ability. He seemed to understand, but he was also a bit intoxicated so I couldn’t be sure. Regardless he nodded along as I explained, seeming fascinated by the tales of a far away land.
I wasn’t entirely sure how much detail I was supposed to give. I didn’t know if divulging the secrets of the universe to people who had no idea it existed so far beyond their own world would cause issues. But Gandalf had not told me otherwise, and Kili was hard to say no to.
“And Gandalf brought you all the way here? To help us?” 
I nodded.
“It appears so.” 
He put a hand over his heart, feigning shock. 
“I’m truly honored, Lady Lilith. A visitor from another realm, come to help us lowly dwarves.” His stoney face broke instantly, his true grin cracking through his attempt at being serious. He giggled despite his best effort to mask it, and I found myself giggling along with him. I could tell he was getting tipsy, although not quite as sloppy drunk as some of the other dwarves at the table were. 
He cleared his throat and switched back to a rigid face, his lips twitching at the corners with a grin that desperately wanted to break through. 
“But,” he continued, trying his best to keep the serious expression. “I’m afraid I have to ask for your qualifications, miss. What exactly makes you worthy to join the company of Thorin Oakenshield?” 
“Ah, lets see.” I started, twirling my empty mug around the end of my finger. “I’ve saved my own world at least six times that I can count. Stopped the Chitauri from absolutely wasting New York City. Fought a tyrannical robot and his army. Went back in time and stopped a madman from outer space from wiping out half of the universe. I can go on.” 
He sat in silence for a moment, expressionless. I couldn’t tell if he didn’t believe me, didn’t understand, or just didn’t know what to make of it all. 
“I haven’t the slightest clue what any of that means.” He said finally, his giggles breaking through as he allowed a toothy grin to form once again. 
I felt the corners of my own lips begin to turn up in response. It was nearly impossible for me to get drunk, thanks to the serum. I’d begun to feel the faintest buzz after my third glass. If the ale was strong enough to have an effect on me, I could understand why most of the dwarves were falling off of their chairs after a few drinks. I was grateful for the small amount of confidence it had given me in this unfamiliar world. 
“Well which part interests you the most?” I asked, setting my glass down on the table and turning my body fully to face him. “I will do my best to explain.” 
“The shit- chit- the chittery?” 
“Chitauri.” I corrected, emphasizing the pronunciation.
“Right, start there.” 
Fili stood at the end of the table, with several overflowing mugs in his hands. The dwarves around me began holding up their hands, reaching out for him to give them a glass. I looked down at my empty mug, debating whether or not I needed another. Despite the faint buzz I was feeling, I knew it wouldn’t last. Steve and I had often attempted to test the limits while we were bored and on the run, and we’d only succeeded in getting truly intoxicated once. Even then, it was only after we’d nearly wiped out a pub’s liquor supply. One more couldn’t hurt. 
I raised my hand as well, and Fili’s face lit up in response. 
“Alright lass, coming right up.” 
I expected him to walk around the table, or pass the glass down the line of dwarves toward me. Instead he hopped up on the tabletop, stepping around the mugs and overflowing platters of food to tiptoe to where I sat.
“‘Ere you are.” He said, handing me the glass. 
As I took it from his outstretched hand he leaned in and smashed his own mug into mine, spilling ale across the table and all over the dwarves beside me. He tipped his glass back and began to down the entire thing, still standing atop the table in front of me. I looked at Kili and shrugged before following suit, downing my entire glass as well. Fili and I finished at the same time and I heard Kili and the other dwarves cheer in encouragement.
After giving Kili my best explanation as to what the Chitauri were and how we’d defeated them, I stood from the table and began to gather a few empty mugs, plates, and other dishes. Bilbo had calmed down somewhat, but he still paced nervously in the entry rather than coming to sit and enjoy dinner with the rest of us. I hoped by straightening up a bit I could put him at ease. 
Bilbo’s kitchen was just as cozy, and impossibly small, as the rest of the home was. I ducked my head to avoid smashing into the threshold as I crossed to the sink and began rinsing off the dishes. 
“We’re a bit much, aren’t we?” 
I whirled around in search of the voice, and found Kili standing in the doorway. He was smiling at me, holding his own empty mugs and dishes. 
“It’s not you guys.” I assured him as he crossed the room and handed them to me. “I’ve spent most of this year alone. It’s strange to be around so many people at once. But it’s been nice.” I gave him a reassuring smile in return. 
“Why have you been alone?” He questioned. He took a clean plate from my hands and began using one of Bilbo’s decorative towels to pat it dry. 
“It was a choice.” 
He stared at me curiously. 
“It’s a long story.” I continued. 
His expression turned back into a grin. 
“Longer than the ones you’ve already told me?”
I nodded. 
“Well, lucky for us we have a long journey ahead.” He reached for another dish. “We’ll have lots to talk about.” 
As I handed him another plate his hand brushed against mine. I felt his fingers linger for a moment, and I looked over to find his gaze locked on me. He was watching me intently. The intensity of his stare felt as though he were looking through me, looking for the real Lilith underneath the hardened exterior I liked to portray. I felt myself locked in as well, studying his features as we stood less than a foot apart. His eyes wandered from my eyes down over the rest of my face, and I felt myself snap back to reality. As much as I’d enjoyed his company so far, I wouldn’t be in Middle Earth forever. I had come for a reason, and I couldn’t allow myself to get sidetracked. No matter how tempting it was. I looked away quickly and turned my attention back to the bowl in my hands.
“So, you’re 77 huh?” I asked, changing the subject.
I saw his playful smile return out of the corner of my eye. He gathered an armful of clean dishes and turned away from me, moving over to the hutch in the corner that stored Bilbo’s finest China.
“I am. How about you?” He questioned in return.
“Thirty two.” I answered.
“More or less.” I teased, glancing over my shoulder to watch his expression.
His eyes widened.
“Is that included in one of these long stories?” 
“Well I quite look forward to hearing it.” 
“Kili, catch!” 
We both turned around just in time to see Fili sling a plate down the hallway. Kili caught it with ease, clearly having done this with his brother before, and effortlessly tossed it to me. I caught it delicately, aware of Bilbo’s watchful eye, and stacked it in the sink. As they juggled dishes between themselves and continued tossing them to me I heard the dwarves begin to sing. 
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“Blunt the knives, bend the forks…” 
Dishes continued flying through the doorway, bouncing from Fili’s to Kili’s skilled hands and then into mine. I kept one eye on the nervous hobbit in the corner of the room, offering a sympathetic smile, and the other focused on catching each item that came sailing through the air.
The song came to an end as the final dish glided into my hands, and I heard the dwarves erupt into laughter from the dining room. I shook my head, laughing as well as I began rinsing off the remaining plates and cutlery. 
“Is this how a dwarf event usually goes?” I asked Kili as he came back to stand beside me at the sink. 
“More or less-”
He was interrupted by a sudden knock at the door. I heard silence fall as the dwarves' laughter came to an abrupt halt, and Kili’s face suddenly shifted. 
“He’s here.”
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luna-writes-stuff · 2 years
I’m so glad you’re taking requests again! I love your writing. Reading your work always makes my day a little brighter 🥰 Could I please request some jealous/protective Fili headcanons leading to a first kiss? With she/her pronouns for the reader? I hope you’re having fun on your vacation!
Awwe thank you! And all we really need is some protective Fili being just a little bit stupid🥹 Also, this idea just seemed too good to be some headcanons, so I made a short fanfic. Hope you like it!
Everyone In The Room, Fili Durin
Fanfic, gn! reader
Very brief angst, turned to fluff
Word count: 1521
Tw: Not proofread hahahahha. Mentions of alcohol/drinking (no one is drunk though), confession time, some good old angst. It’s good for the soul. Smooching.
Summary: Fili never tot jealous. Until you spend a little too much time with someone he doesn’t know. And it leads him to confess some hidden feelings. Ones that you were too blind to see.
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Fili wasn’t usually the jealous type. Does he get annoyed at others when they pay a little bit too much attention to you? Sure. But jealous? No.
But this guy has been talking to you for quite some time now, and not once have you made a face to your best friend, signaling you wanted to be saved. And Fili did not want to interrupt your talk, as you seemed to sincerely enjoy it. But he could feel the heat rushing to his face as he watched your face smile brighter with every word the other guy spoke.
That was, until you finally met Fili’s eyes, and you hesitantly glanced to your companion. Finally seeing his chance, the dwarf marched up to the two of you, handing you his ale, which he lied to be yours. He made up a quick excuse of Thorin wanting to discuss something with you, and thankfully, the guy seemed to take the hint and walked off. Now it just left you with him.
“Thank you,” You mumbled, taking a swig of the drink in your hands, though you were fully aware it was his.
“The two of you seemed to enjoy yourselves.” The dwarf merely mumbled, placing one hand behind your back as to urge you to move forward, still following his lie.
You just scoffed in response, handing Fili back his ale.
“It started out as a fun conversation, but he kept asking about my love life.” You explained, rolling your eyes as you silently recounted his words.
“Oh yes, which is nonexistent.” The blonde mused in a low tone, still not amused.
You noticed his distant voice, and turned your head to look at him, frowning as you noticed his eyes were on the floor, while they were usually on you.
“Are you alright?” You asked, halting your steps, but Fili kept walking, his hand brushing against your back as he passed you.
Gawking after him, you blinked twice, before quickly following his steps.
“Fi?” You called.
The dwarf in question simply shook his head, as if to block out your words.
Blinking again in confusion, you placed your hand on his shoulder, not halting your steps.
“You know you can talk to me, right?” You tried, trying to look over his shoulder as to see his face. But he just seemed to pick up his pace.
“Mhm. As does everyone else, apparently.” He whispered under his breath, the words barely reaching you.
“Hey!” You called after him, trying to keep up with the speed. “Where are you going?”
“Not important.” He finally spoke aloud, roughly setting his ale down on a small table he passed in his rush.
With a frown, you neared him. Fili hasn’t been this agitated since Kili had filled his shoes with sand, which seemed to take years to get all of it out. He hadn’t shut you out like this, ever. So to say you were taken aback, would be an understatement. All you knew, was that he was obviously mad at you. Or annoyed at the least.
“Was it something I said?” You voiced your concerns, now grabbing the back of his tunic as you forced him to halt, his back colliding with the wall.
He looked at you, before looking at your hand, which slowly retreated. But he didn’t speak. And you took his absence of words as an answer to your question.
“It was something I said.”
“No, it's something I didn’t say.” He mumbled, his hand running to the bottom of his tunic as he toyed with the fabric.
“So what did I say?” You asked, not having catched his words. “What can I do?”
“Nothing.” He answered quickly, dropping his hands. “Give me some time, and I’ll figure it out again.”
He set his foot forward again, preparing to leave, but you shifted your place, now coming face to face with him.
“No,” You announced stubbornly. “I’m not letting you leave while you are upset, remember?”
His head fell down once more, and you sighed loudly, wanting nothing rather than to help your friend. And so, you reached up to his chin, forcing his head up and his eyes back on you.
“So, tell me what I did and tell me how we can fix it.”
Swallowing thickly, Fili shook his head. “We can’t,” He spoke. “And you didn’t do anything wrong.”
His eyes fell on the wall behind you, as if looking for a way out, but it was only you and him, and the doors that seemed to be too far away to run to.
“I despise this sometimes.” He confided through a whisper.
Your hand fell to his biceps, squeezing it in reassurance.
“Despise what?” You wondered.
Now looking back at you, he groaned deeply. “Your absolute blind eyes.”
Narrowing your eyes at him, you tried to determine whether he was being true, or if he was warning you before he’d dump his drunk all over you again. But his eyes appeared sincere.
“Every person in this pub has done nothing but stare at you the entire time, you could have everyone you want here. So why make this so difficult?” He ranted, finally breaking.
You chuckled mockingly, knowing his words were meant in good heart, it just fell into wrong ears.
“I didn’t fancy him!” You exclaimed, referring to the guy you were speaking with earlier. “I’m sorry, okay? I appreciate that you are concerned about my love life, but you-“
“I am not talking about him. I am talking about me.” He interrupted, his voice quick and low, but you heard him.
Confusion just seemed to like up as you swallowed your words, your voice dying on your tongue.
“I have been insanely in love with you since we first met and it is killing me that you cannot see it. So are you just playing a game with me, or are you truly blind?” Fili confessed, all his hidden words falling out at last, a heavy weight lifted off of his shoulders.
You were too stunned to respond to him, trying to find the right sentences to say, but they all seemed to vanish into thin air. And so you spoke the only words you could - stupidly - think of.
“Were you jealous?”
“Yes!” He answered gleefully, a long sigh escaping his mouth. “Thank you for noticing.”
But once more, all you did was stare at him, slowly processing his words. This dwarf, that you have been friends with for nearly as long as you could remember, was throwing his entire heart out in front of you, and you could not come to think of any words.
Every sentence he had spoken to you this night was rapidly running through you head, as you remembered the stare he had held on his face as he watched your entire encounter with the guy at the bar earlier. And so, you decided to speak up.
“I am not playing some game with you.” You whispered, your concerned attitude fading with the wind. “You just seem too good to be true.”
A shocked laugh escaped Fili’s mouth as he ran his fingers through his hair, before letting them fall down, holding them in front of you.
“I am.” He assured. “I am right here, so you either reject me now and we can forget all of this or you can take my hands and show everyone here that they can stop staring.”
Glancing at his hands, you considered your options. Though your decision was already clear in your mind, you needed to remind yourself of what was about to change. And how his hands looked completely different than the last hundred times you had held them. Because this time, they wouldn’t be held the same.
Yet, you took them, accepting his hold as he took a step closer to you. His eyes searched yours in a way they never had before, but frankly, the feeling wasn’t foreign.
“Anyone in there would be lucky to have someone like you.” He muttered, referring to the people in the busy pub. His hair fell down his face as he stared at you.
“But they won’t.” You spoke quietly, letting one hand trail up to his cheek as you gently cupped it.
Without any hesitation, the dwarf leaned towards you, his lips brushing over yours gently, before finally colliding. The hand that held his cheek now moved to the back of his neck, pulling him closer as his free hand held your waist.
Though the kiss was nowhere near everlasting, nor breathtaking, it was mesmerizing. And nearly everything you had imagined his lips would be like. The light scruff of his beard tickled your chin as his cold beads ran down your face. But it was pleasant, and simply unforgettable.
Slowly pulling away from him, you leaned your forehead against his, sighing contently.
“I cannot wait to do that again.” You shamelessly spilled, laughing slightly as you processed your words.
Fili laughed with you, his breath fanning against your lips as now both his hands made their way to your waist.
“Neither can I.”
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teacupcollector · 2 years
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Main Masterlist
My Discord
(Please feel free to make requests!)
Fluff Dialogue Prompt List Angst Dialogue Prompt List Smut Dialogue Prompt list
Bilbo Baggins
Drunk and In Love
Summary: Being married to Bilbo has always been an adventure and with this unexpected journey done. There is now time to celebrate!
A Braid and Two Promises
Summary: After a close call Bofur decides that now is the time to act on his feelings for you.
The Art of Giving a Kiss Summary: As you a Fili develop a slight flirtationship (Mainly on Fili’s side) in the dungeons of Mirkwood, you work on a project that may help you express how you truly feel.
Requested: My Lover, My Monarch, My Friend
Warnings: Mentions of ED
Summary: Thorin notices changes and unhealthy habits begining to form. All he can do is do his best to show you that he cares.
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hello. it is i. so! i was wondering if you could do a little ditty abt nail polish with the company and/or the fellowship? basically like modern girl in middle earth type stuff, and she realizes that she has nail polish on her which is something they totally don't have in middle earth. basically headcanons abt like how they would react to painted nails and which one of these mfs would let me paint their nails. cuz like - they dont know its just a "fem" thing here so no toxic masculinity. ty <3
OMFG I'M SO HYPED FOR THIS! I just picked a few random Tolkien characters that seem to have a lot of attention, so I hope you like this!!
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I feel like Frodo would be very skeptical at first
Because, come on, a girl falling into Middle Earth out of nowhere??
However, his interest is certainly peaked, seeing you twist the brush away from it's blue colored bottle as you smile down at it
"What's that, you've got there?"
"Oh, just some nail polish!"
He watches with curiosity as you perfectly decorate your nails with the periwinkle color
"How interesting..."
He may not want to have his nails painted at first, but has this deep fascination with how perfectly you can paint them without screwing up
Soon, he forgets all about the ring as you paint your nails, sitting cross-legged and starting with those huge blue eyes with interest
If he allows you to paint his nails, he would smile the whole time
What a bean 🥺
Tries his best not to chip the color when he leaves for Mordor with Sam
Gollum is actually really interested with his nails
"whAT IS IT prECI0us?!?1!1?"
But Frodo will swat his hands away, because "it's a gift from someone important."
The one thing that keeps him smiling along the way 😊
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Elf prince is so interested!!
He thinks the spring green color looks so pretty in the bottle
He's obviously not used to most thing from your world
Asks politely;
"How do you use this?"
"...can I show you?"
So whenever the Fellowship stops for the night, he watches with amusement as your brows furrow and you stick your tongue out in concentration
Legolas sits very still, so it's easy for you to paint his nails
How does he keep them so clean?!
He's low-key obsessed with how satisfying it is...
Now HE wants to paint YOUR nails?
He's so good at it!
Legolas is so patient and calm
He says it reminded him of making flower crowns I guess?
And he doesn't even mess up once 😳
He gets so happy with how the color matches him!
Forgets that you have to let it dry at first, so it gets a bit smudged when he draws his bow
Upset Legolas :(
But you fix it for him, and he's happy again!
He's amazed!!
And so proud!
Pretty Elf 🥰✨
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Pippin is very confused, to say the least
He though it would be something relatively close to a nail filer
But once he sees the pastel yellow color, on your own fingers, he has to have some!!
While you're trying to paint his hands and feet (by request), he's telling you great tales of the shire, a throwing his limbs around to exaggerate his story
You've to clonked him on the head and scolded him quite a few times
For some reason, he's saying it tickles??
"It does! The brush is like feather!"
Painting his toes it a lot easier, seeing he can't really feel much on his feet
The color goes perfect with his green eyes 🥴
Also, let's not forget that Pip is the definition of "disaster-on-legs"
After the polish dries, it immediately chips, since he's busy causing trouble with merry or practicing his hand with Boromir
He really wants to paint your nails, and you let him do so...
Poor hobbit has zero clue with how this shit works 🤦‍♀️
He feels so bad about getting it all over your fingers, but you assure him it'll be fine and that it will eventually wash off in a few days
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Pink, as cliche as it sounds, suits him so well
He's just amazed!
Also, really likes the smell 🤔🤔
Is grinning like an idiot while you're painting his nails
"Such talent and patience you have!"
"Pfft, it's really nothing. Takes a bit of practice is all."
Afterward, is flashing his bright pink nails at everyone
"Look at Y/N's spectacular skill of hand!"
I think Boromir would have a habit of picking at the polish after it dries
But that's okay, he doesn't mind too much
It gives him more time to spend with you while you repaint them!!
He's afraid he'll screw up your nails if he tries to paint them, so he never offers
That's alright though, since you know he only means well 😊
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Oh he's so regal
You were in Rivendell, digging through your purse, and suddenly
A deep navy blue bottle, probably about half empty was revealed
He was curious, but tried not to let it show, since that would damage his royal ego 🙄
"What is that?"
"Oh, just some nail polish. Wanna try some?"
Thorin would insist that you show him how it works first
And so, you did
He definitely admires the color
But defied any suggestion of you painting his own nails
That would be "un-kingly" 😤
Okay so maybe he lets you paint his pinky finger when nobody is around
But he smiles (a rare sight) while watching you paint your nails
And does give a somewhat compliment at your articulate handwork
"It looks exceptional as artwork."
"Erm... Thanks?"
He definitely thinks the color matches you beautiful skin tone 😌
Kili ~
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Prince Dumbass LOVES red
It reminds him of Tauriel 🥰
One night, you left your bag opened on the ground as you went off to get some food from Bombur, and Kili couldn't help but notice the glittering ruby bottle inside
He grabbed it, being the nosy prince he was, and examined its glow in the firelight
"What kind of jewel is this?"
"Oh hey, my nail polish!!"
Very confused
"Why does it smell so strange?"
Thankfully, being a dwarf, his fingernails are a bit bigger, so there's more room and it's easier to paint
He, like Pippin, has issues with sitting still and gets you really annoyed
"I swear to all things fluffy, if you don't sit still I will cut off all of that hair in your sleep-"
He immediately smudges them, and then you have to paint them AGAIN
Once they FINALLY dry, he won't let anyone touch them
"Stop it, Fili! You'll damage them!"
He can't stop touching them, since it's so smooth!
The others tease him, but he doesn't mind, as long as they stay nice and clean
Turns into a whiny toddler the MINUTE they chip
"Y/nnn! I need you to repaint them!"
"I just painted them yESTERDAY-"
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A mix of Thorin and Kili when it comes down to it
Definitely prefers gold 😌✨
Sees you painting your nails one night in the library in Erebor
"What have you got there sagh (friend)?"
"Just some nail polish. Wanna try some?"
Once again, he wants to see what it does like Thorin
And you of course happily oblige
Admires the color greatly
He says it reminds him of the gold floors in his kingdom, and it makes you chuckle
Fili loves to have his nails painted, and especially with such a regal hue 💅😌
DAMN does it bring out those baby blues 🥴
After that, you stare at his hands a lot, proceeded by his flirtatious teasing
Shows up Kili's sparkly red polish with his "more extravagant" color
He is also very protective of his nails and tries his very best to keep them from chipping
You love watching him hold his weapons and spar with his pretty nails 😳
Even with his larger hands, made for forging and wielding huge swords and axes and smelting, he had an incredibly steady and gentle hand when it comes to this subject, so he's AMAZING at painting his and your nails
Fili insists that you have matching nails all the time, and it's a regular thing for you to hang out and talk about your day while you paint each others nails 🥺
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Have you MET this man?!
At first, he's very weirded out
"What do you have in your hand, mellon (friend)?"
"Oh, just some nail polish."
Thranduil watches intently over your shoulder as you carefully decorate your nails with a glossy black polish, sitting directly next to his throne
"Do you want me to paint your nails?"
He reluctantly agrees, placing his BEAUTIFUL hand in yours and stares down at your gentle talented work
He loves the color more than he cares to admit, and much like his son sits very still as you lead the brush over his clean nails
The elf king loves seeing your tongue stick out in concentration
You remind him that it'll need time to dry out
And as he says in his notoriously sassy voice;
"I thousand years is a mere blink in the life of an elf... I'm patient... I can wait."
Ofc, you just scoff at this and tell him it'll only take about five to ten minutes
He just nods and stares back down at them with admiration
Thranduil doesn't do much around his kingdom, except maybe get a bit drunk and direct orders to his guards, so it's no worry about him chipping or ruining his nails
I hope you liked this, just as much as I enjoyed writing it!! Have a lovely day, and don't forget that requests are open as always!! ❤❤😊
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hattiewritesalot · 3 years
My list of who I write for is here
Fem reader: *
Gender neutral reader: **
Favourite fics: ✨
Camilo Madrigal
- Gorgeous - (Y/N) doesn't like wearing dresses, but it seems her boyfriend Camilo will not stop pestering her about it ✨*
- Encanto characters with a French S/O **
- Secret - The Family Madrigal don't know about Camilo's secret girlfriend. What happens when Dolores finds out? *
- Deep Breaths, amor - Camilo's girlfriend is hypermobile, and she can get herself into trouble when she forgets. *
- The Way You Are (1/2) - (Y/N) is bisexual, and she is super duper nervous to come out to her boyfriend, Camilo. *
- So proud of you, mi vida (2/2) - (Y/N) came out to her boyfriend as bi with great success! But now she has to tell the rest of the family… *
Isabela Madrigal
- Come, mi corazón, let's rest - When Isabela has a stressful day, her girlfriend is always there to help her out. ✨ *
- Encanto characters with a French S/O **
Bruno Madrigal
- Encanto characters with a French S/O **
- Worthless - Bruno and (Y/N) love each other more than anything, but it's easy for Bruno to feel like he isn't good enough for her. *
- Never Again - Bruno left his child (Y/N) when he went to hide in the walls. How will they react to him coming back? **
- If I'm Lucky - (Y/N) and Bruno are in love, but they just won't confess to each other, thanks to Bruno's self-loathing. ✨*
Dolores Madrigal
- Encanto characters with a French S/O **
Pepa Madrigal
- Encanto characters with a French S/O **
Pietro Maximoff
- Bedtime, princesa - (Y/N) Stark, Pietro's beloved girlfriend, just will. not. sleep. *
Wanda Maximoff
- Dance with me - Late night drunk dancing with Wanda is not how (Y/N) expected their night to go, not that they were complaining. ✨**
- You Are My Sunshine - There's nothing better than spending time with your girlfriend Wanda on a sunny day.✨**
- Promise - When Druig leaves his daughter and wife behind to help fight with the Eternals, his wife (Y/N) makes him promise something for her. *
Peter Maximoff
- That's What He Knew - (Y/N) and Peter are finally meeting for the first time, and it seems Logan is very keen on their friendship, to the confusion of both of them. *
Kili Durin
- Amrâlime - (Y/N), Bilbo's sister, is starting to get annoyed at her lack of knowledge of the nickname given to her by a certain Dwarf prince. *
- The Durins with a Crystal-Obsessed S/O **
- The Hobbit Characters With An S/O Who Has Eczema **
Thorin Oakenshield
- Best Of Wives And Best Of Women - After reclaiming Erebor, Thorin is working a lot. Far too much for a very tired (Y/N)'s liking. *
- The Durins With A Crystal-Obsessed S/O **
- The Hobbit Characters With An S/O Who Has Eczema
Fili Durin
- The Durins With A Crystal-Obsessed S/O **
- The Hobbit Characters With An S/O Who Has Eczema **
- Boyfriend - When (Y/N)'s brother Legolas tries to flirt with her best friend Tauriel, (Y/N) reminds her that she would be a much better boyfriend.✨*
- The Hobbit Characters With An S/O Who Has Eczema **
- The Hobbit Characters With An S/O Who Has Eczema **
Johanna Mason
- Anytime, sweetheart - Despite being a little intimidated by her, (Y/N), Peeta's sister, tries to befriend Johanna Mason. ✨*
Sirius Black
- Loser (1/5) - (Y/N) is starting to get really fed up of Sirius' Black's constant teasing. ✨**
- Listen? (2/5) - (Y/N) sees Sirius again, and he wants to explain himself. **
Luther Hargreeves
- The Umbrella Academy's S/O having a panic attack **
Diego Hargreeves
- The Umbrella Academy's S/O having a panic attack **
Allison Hargreeves
- The Umbrella Academy's S/O having a panic attack **
Klaus Hargreeves
- The Umbrella Academy's S/O having a panic attack **
Five Hargreeves
- The Umbrella Academy's S/O having a panic attack **
Ben Hargreeves
- The Umbrella Academy's S/O having a panic attack **
Viktor Hargreeves
- The Umbrella Academy's S/O having a panic attack **
Jane Volturi
- Not Possible - (Y/N), Alice's twin, goes with their twin and Bella to stop Edward from exposing his vampire-ness. But what, or who, is waiting there is certainly a surprise **
Han Solo
- Never - (Y/N) and Han have always been good friends, but what happens when they start to catch feelings and don't know how to react? *
Percy Jackson
- How Percy Jackson would react to a little sister *
- Bad Dreams - Percy has frequent nightmares, and (Y/N) is usually there to comfort him. But what happens when one night she disappears from the bed? *
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lathalea · 3 years
It is too late for Thorin's asks box? I hope not!
I have two questions for the King Thorin:
50. Ask Thorin anything: Which of your nephews is your favourite?
46. What makes you feel uncomfortable?
— An anonymous person (surely not one of your nephew)
👑 Welcome to Thorin’s Royal Ask Box! 👑
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Dear esteemed Lady Shiinata (who surely is not one of my nephews pretending to be someone else)!
How kind of you to ask about my nephews, those two clever lads. I wish I could give you a straightforward answer, but it is quite a conundrum. I am afraid to say that it is almost an impossible task. Both are my heirs and I happened to be around them since the day each of them gave out their first cry and I had the privilege to hold those adorable little pebbles in my arms.
Which one of them should I choose as my favourite, my lady? The one who snuck into the bedchamber of a very respectable (and very beautiful) lady of Dale, left a scandalously passionate love letter, and was almost caught by the guards in the process? Or the one who pawned his sword at a tavern for a barrel of ale when his gold ran out at 2 o’clock in the morning? The one who lost a wager with Nori about who would steal the key to the forges, the one that hangs around the neck of the Forgemaster, stopping the work at the great furnace for a whole day? Or maybe the one who drew inappropriate symbols on Master Finnur’s face while the elderly dwarf was taking his customary nap during one of the council meetings? How about the one who secretly rode off to the Iron Hills for a week of drunk shenanigans with Thorin Stonehelm, Dain’s son, instead of taking part in the negotiations with the Miners Guild? Ah, I should correct myself, both of my dearest nephews took part in this little escapade, not just one, so you see, my lady, the choice is very difficult. Perhaps you could help me choose my favourite nephew?
There are not many things that make me feel uncomfortable. One of them is receiving letters from someone who poses as an esteemed lady and who thinks that his uncle would not notice. Another is when his tutors come to my study and speak of lack of progress in his studies. The third and the last uncomfortable thing in my life happens when my dear sister Dis comes to see me, asking me to scold her sons for yet another mischief, like the one with organising that “Wine Barrel Race” from Erebor to the Long Lake. May I inform you, my lady, that we lost a whole transport of perfectly good elven Dorwinion wine barrels (thank Mahal, they were empty!). Not only have we lost our deposit of 15%, but also we had to pay for the damage if we wished to continue receiving any wine shipments from the Woodland Realm in future, and you know how much your mother loves Dorwinion wine, Kili!
Best regards,
👑 Thorin Oakenshield
📜 Thorin’s Ask Box question list
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fizzyxcustard · 3 years
Hi, I love your blog! For a christmassy prompt: Thorin and a first kiss under mistletoe!
Both of you had been actively trying to avoid the other seeing any glances from across the hall. Neither of you believed that you liked each other. However, that couldn't be any further from the truth. Thorin had been in love with you since you had joined the quest to re-claim Erebor. And you had been in love with him ever since you clapped eyes on his majestic form.
The hall was alive with festive cheer; barrels of ale had been rolled in especially for the occasion. Musicians were playing their instruments, children were laughing and playing. Couples danced, chuckled with each other, whilst groups of male Dwarves got more and more drunk.
Then there was you and Thorin. Both standing on opposite sides of the hall, trying to avoid detection in your glances. Eventually, however, Dis shoved her way through drunk men to get to Thorin.
"I have never in my life seen someone so oblivious!" she snapped at her brother. "You two are completely besotted, yet oblivious. When are you going to go over there and ask her to dance?"
Thorin hung his head, his insecurity becoming clear through the words he told himself every day that you would never love him. King or not, you would never want to be with him in the way he wanted to be with you.
"Get over there!" Dis snapped.
"Oh, stop it!" Thorin growled, shrugging away from his sister.
Little did Thorin know, but Dwalin was talking with you, trying his best to navigate you across the hall and to the open door which led in. Dwalin's eyes kept darting towards the door, and he could see Dis also working her own magic on Thorin.
Dwalin's chit chat of how lovely the weather had been of late was beginning to make you suspicious. You could see him edging gradually towards the other side of the room, until you realised what he was doing.
"Dwalin, please. I wish you would let this all go. Thorin would never consider courting me..."
"And how do you know that, lass? Have you ever given him a chance to ask you?" Dwalin asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm sure he would have asked by now."
"Maybe now that Thorin has time to himself, he will."
By this time, Thorin was merely ten feet or so away. You caught sight of him and swallowed hard, then averted your gaze. Nowhere in your mind could you ever see him wanting you.
Thorin knew that he couldn't let the night go without at least talking to you once. "My lady," he said softly. "Are you enjoying the evening?"
"I am, very much, my king," you replied. Your body was shaking from head to foot in the sheer anxiety of having him so close to you. Blood was coursing around your body so fast that you began to feel dizzy.
"Please don't stand on ceremony with me," he said again, his blue gaze softening.
A voice broke through the tension like a knife. Kili was grinning at you both, looking up at the doorway and pointing. "Isn't that mistletoe?" he asked. "And you know what you have to do with mistletoe."
Kili watched in amusement as yours and Thorin's faces turned bright red. The king scratched the back of his neck and then looked up; he didn't know where to fix his gaze.
"Go get her, Uncle," Kili said, knocking the king's arm playfully.
Thorin stepped towards you. "If I am being forward..." he began.
By now, you knew he felt the same. It hit you hard. His reactions in that moment, his words....it spoke volumes that you had missed for so many months.
You stepped closer still. "Thorin," you whispered.
And there, under the mistletoe, you placed your lips against the king's. Your first kiss of any, and your first kiss with the man you loved. This would be the first of many kisses that would follow.
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laurfilijames · 3 years
Okay okay okay, my brain’s going again:
You sneaking under the table and giving the princes oral during an official meeting. How do they each respond? -E
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E you naughty thing!!! I was so excited to write this one, so thank you once again for prompting my own filthy thoughts (not that it takes much 😬)
Here’s how I think they would react:
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You had snuck in and positioned yourself beneath the table right at his spot. It wasn’t an important meeting, so you knew he couldn’t be too displeased with your intentions.
The door to the meeting room opened and dwarves started filing in, chairs around you pulling out, heavy boots surrounding you.
Fili pulled out his chair and paused, instantly locking eyes with you, a mischievous look matching that of your own.
He sat down and cleared his throat, spreading his legs and scooting his chair closer to the table.
Your mouth watered as his thick fingers pulled at the laces of his trousers, freeing his half-hardened member.
You crawled closer to him, your hands carding slowly up his thighs, your lips following suit, landing everywhere but his waiting cock.
The meeting had commenced but already you had drowned out the voices that filled the room, lost and almost drunk with lust.
Fili’s hips shifted forward when your mouth pressed beside his cock, his hairs tickling your lips as you inhaled his musk.
You continued to tease him, kissing him everywhere other than where he wanted you. You felt his boot nudge your bottom as a warning, so you complied.
Taking him fully in your mouth, you felt him tense up instantly, already trying to keep his composure.
Your lips turned up into a smile as you imagined his tense face and furrowed eyebrows as he attempted to listen to what Thorin was saying.
You bobbed your head up and down, rolling your tongue over his head every time you passed it before slowly taking him into the back of your throat again.
One of Fili’s hands reached down to card through your hair, applying slight pressure to the back of your head.
Continuing to suck and lick, you added in some attention to his balls, massaging his sack with your hand while your other gripped tight on his thigh.
Finding it difficult to keep your own composure, desperate to moan and whimper as you worked, you wondered how he was managing above the table.
Voices started to grow louder in a heated debate, and Fili took the opportunity to let out a low groan, his hand gripping your hair tighter.
You jumped when Fili’s fist pounded the table, startling you, his voice booming to join the others in the room.
Hearing him angry like this only encouraged your efforts, and you worked harder to have him come undone.
Still rubbing his taught jewels in your hand, you began to press your knuckles on the spot just behind them, feeling him thrust up into your mouth forcefully in response, his legs that flanked you slackening from their earlier rigid stance.
Fili pressed into you even more, but you didn’t stop, fully aware he was ready to let go.
You quickened your pace, spit coating your chin as you sputtered around him, the wetness between your legs beginning to make you anxious for your own release.
Fili came harshly, his thick seed filling your mouth in spurts.
You swallowed all he gave you, but didn’t pull off of him until you sucked out every last drop he offered.
Wiping your mouth with your hand, you heard the meeting come to an end above you, Fili giving curt farewells to those in attendance.
The room was now empty and Fili pushed his chair back from the table, tucking himself back in his trousers and giving you a look you weren’t sure how to read.
He offered his hand to you and pulled you from beneath the table, stepping toward you to force you back against the table.
His lips consumed yours, his beard rough on your sensitive mouth, moving so you sat on the edge of the table.
Fili lifted your dress and dove his hand to your sopping core, spreading your abundant slick over your pulsing bud.
Two fingers drove into you and hooked to probe the spot that made you cry out and buck against his hand. Just as you started to clench around his fingers, Fili removed them and backed away from you.
About to protest, Fili stopped you by speaking first.
“I’ll see you back in our chambers.”
His tone was rough and a little harsh, and although you could tell he was trying to act upset with you, you easily took notice of his moustache twitching as he tried his best not to smile.
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The meeting was meant to have started five minutes ago, but the room was empty other than the two of you.
Your kissing intensified and hands began groping at each other’s clothing.
“Amralime, we need to stop! They’re going to be here any moment!” Kili pleaded, but even he didn’t believe his words, continuing to press himself against you.
The latch of the door gave a clank and you both panicked, Kili shuffling you both over to his seat, telling you to crawl beneath the table as he sat down in his chair.
At first you were slightly offended and thought you were sure to be found out, but then again you could make the best of this situation.
You listened to Kili give suspiciously pleasant greetings to those around him and you smacked his leg. He was never good at keeping secrets.
The meeting soon began, the room now quiet aside from Thorin’s deep voice.
You carefully reached your hands up to Kili’s trousers and began unlacing them, slowly moving so as to not make any noise.
He cleared his throat in surprise and you bit your lip to stop a giggle from becoming audible.
You pulled his hardened length out and stroked it, feeling his whole body tensing as you began to pleasure him secretly.
Placing your lips over his oozing head and lapping up a drop of precum with your tongue, Kili suddenly jerked and hit his knee on the table.
You heard Fili ask him if he was alright and he responded with a low “Yes.” But you intended to change that.
You encased him fully in your mouth and started a tantalizing rhythm, moving your head in long, slow lengths.
Knowing it would send him into a complete frenzy, you focused your attention to the tip and gripped his base with one of your hands, pumping him hard as you rolled your tongue around his velvety crown.
Kili was in a right state, his leg bouncing up and down frantically, his jaw set tight as he clenched his teeth together hard, praying to Mahal no one asked him a question.
But then you moved lower to his balls, managing to fit both of them inside your warm mouth, rolling them around with your tongue.
Your hand pumped harder on his shaft and you heard a stifled whimper escape his mouth.
Instead of laughing, you worked harder, not wanting to torture your poor Prince longer than necessary.
You returned your lips to his cock and sucked harshly, your tongue flicking over the opening before burying him deep in your throat.
His hips began to move slightly, thrusting in the same tempo as your head.
The meeting ended and the room began to clear out, Kili giving a strangled goodbye to his brother who asked again if he was okay, giving an enthusiastic nod as a response.
The door closed shut and Kili let out a groan. You knew he was close, but he quickly stopped you in your mission.
“Come up here, you temptress.” Kili ordered, patting his lap.
You did as instructed and straddled him, sinking yourself down over his aching cock, happy to ride him out to his end.
He pounded up into you harshly, his head leaning back into his chair, his features wincing with pleasure.
You ground hard against him, spurring your own climax, and felt him pulse into you just as you clenched tightly around him.
His lips covered yours as you both moaned into each other, each of you relishing in the aftershocks of your highs.
“That was the best meeting ever!” He exclaimed with a wide grin, and you couldn’t agree more.
Everything: @guardianofrivendell @midearthwritings @cassiabaggins @lilith15000 @trishthedishofreis @linasofia @unbeatablecurlgirl @the-poldarkian @lathalea
Fili: @shethereadinghobbit
Kili: @valquiria3000 @fandomfaery
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Forbidden, Part 4
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[1] [2] [3]
Character pairing: Thorin x Fem!Dwarrowdame!OC Thorin x Estel
Rating: E
Word count: 1,625
Warnings: Still some insinuations of smut. Swearing, (like a lot) and someone collapsing.
Translations: Afsêl mê: Fuck you
Ishkh khakfê: I shit upon
Damâm Mebelkhagâs: Bloody Elves (derogatory)
Kuf: Why
The next few days found me holed up within my chambers, curled up in an armchair with a soft blanket wrapped around me like a cocoon. I couldn’t remove the image of Thorin’s pale face from my mind, nor could I drown out his raspy voice as it replayed over and over.
I felt so guilty that my actions had caused Thorin such harm. I could no longer convince myself that what I had done was for the best. Not when I saw the outcome.
Yet, I couldn’t go back either. I had lost Thorin’s love the moment I had walked out of his chambers that day. In his words, I had betrayed him.
I pulled the quilt tighter around me as I stared sullenly into the flames dancing in my hearth. It wasn’t fair that I couldn’t get Thorin out of my mind. He was always—
My door swung open and hit the wall with a thump. My head snapped to look over at the intruder and, well, speak of the devil himself.
Thorin Oakenshield himself was inside my chambers, looking just as horrible as he had when I’d last seen him. Catching sight of me in my blanket cocoon, he hurried over to me with a worried look on his face.
“Estel, what’s wrong?” He asked in a low rasp, and I shot him a confused look. Getting out of my chair I put it between him and I.
“I have no idea what you are talking about,” I replied warily. Unconsciously, I began studying his face; taking in his unkempt hair and the lines cutting across his forehead. I couldn’t remember Thorin ever neglecting his mane of hair, even on the Quest.
Nor had I ever neglected it when I…
Realizing how far my thoughts had wandered, I reined them back in, quickly turning my gaze away from Thorin and back to my door. Which, oddly enough, was swinging closed.
“Wait—” I called out, hurrying around my chair towards the door, panic spawning in the depths of my stomach.
The door shut with a thud just as I reached it. I turned the knob with the intent of opening it, only to find it wouldn’t budge. I could vaguely make out the sounds of quiet laughter on the other side. “Open my door this instant!” I yelled to no avail.
“Not until ye’ve kissed and made up!” Dwalin called back, and I gritted my teeth.
“Dwalin! Open up the door right now or I swear I’ll—”
“What is going on?”
Thorin was right beside me. So close I could almost feel his arm brush against mine.
Mahal, this was dangerous. My self-control was so fragile.
“Dwalin’s blocked the door. He wants us to,” I made air quotes, “kiss and make up.”
Storm clouds gathered on Thorin’s face and he glared at the door like it was Azog himself. “I knew I shouldn’t have listened to them…” He muttered, and I shot him a look.
“Thorin, how does he know about us?”
My words were quiet, but they stopped Thorin in his tracks as he started towards the door. “What did you say?” He asked, turning to look at me.
“How does Dwalin know about our past relationship?” I repeated, putting the emphasis on ‘past’. “We never told anybody.”
A flush rose up Thorin’s neck and disappeared beneath the dark hair of his beard. “Well, about that…” He muttered, and I raised an eyebrow.
“Thorin, why did you tell them?”
“I didn’t do it willingly, Estel. They brought me down—”
I cut Thorin off. “Okay, who is ‘they’?”
“Balin and Dwalin. They brought me down to the pub for a few drinks.” Thorin paused, looking vaguely sheepish. “I do believe I got quite drunk and told them everything.” He finished quietly, and I turned away from him, throwing my hands up in the air. Irresponsible dwarrows!
“So they are bound and determined to get us back together then? Which, speaking of that, why are you even in my rooms in the first place?”
I looked over my shoulder at the obsidian-haired dwarf. He stared back, unashamed. “Dwalin told me you were ill and refused to go see a healer,” he replied.
“So you came to force me to see one?” I questioned, and Thorin finally looked away from me.
“Of course… I couldn’t just ignore…” He trailed off as if realizing his thoughts were wandering.
I bit my bottom lip as his words sank in. After everything I had done to him; after all the pain I’d caused this warrior king, he still dropped everything to rush to my side when I was (supposedly) ill.
“Ah don’t hear the both of ye getting on with it, what’s the problem?” Dwalin’s loud voice came suddenly through the door to break the moment.
Thorin marched up to the door, glowering at it. “DWALIN!” He bellowed, “open the door this instant or I will—”
Dwalin’s laughter stopped Thorin’s angry rant. “Ye’ll be singin’ a dif’rent tune once ye and the lass bed down.”
Thorin’s face grew scarlet and he threw his shoulder into the door to no avail. The wood was quite sturdy, just like the dwarves that had crafted it. “Afsêl mê Dwalin… Ishkh khakfê--”
I cleared my throat, stopping Thorin’s tirade of foul words. “I don’t think cussing Dwalin out is going to get us anywhere.” I pointed out, and Thorin shot me a narrow-eyed look, chest heaving from his exertion. I found it odd that he was already winded after only one go, but brushed the thought aside.
“Then what is your suggestion to get him to let us out? Follow through with his plan?” Thorin’s voice turned sarcastic.
I returned his glare. “No, I was thinking more along the lines of civil negotiation. I have no intention of taking you to my bed.”
Hurt flickered in Thorin’s eyes for the barest instant as I spoke. “Of course not. All of that is behind us.” He muttered, squaring his shoulders.
“Correct, Thorin. It is behind us. Lady Erusa or Lady Ashaki or several other dames are quite taken with you though. I would be more than happy if you pursued one and settled down.” I forced out, pulling a tight smile.
“Mahal, you sound like my sister…” Thorin rolled his eyes. “Would you though?” Thorin’s voice went low. “You would like for me to find another woman to warm my bed?”
I clenched my teeth against the wave of jealousy that poured over me. “Yes, Thorin. I would like nothing more than to see you settle down with a nice dame and start a family.”
It did not matter that such a thing was exactly what I’d always envisioned with him. In my youth, I’d fantasized about starting a family with a boy I fancied, but it was only once I met Thorin that the men actually had faces—his. I could not see such a future for myself without him.
“You are really starting to sound like Dís, Estel.” Thorin watched me cautiously, his jaw set. “But I cannot. When we dwarves love, we stay true to that person. There never will be anyone beside you, Estel. You are my One, I am sure of it.”
So was I. I knew that fact with more certainty than I knew my own name.
But I couldn’t say that. “Allow it some more time, Thorin. I’m sure someone else will catch your eye in time.”
“You don’t understand, woman…” Thorin growled, but didn’t continue the argument I knew he wanted to make. Instead, he shook his head, focusing his anger at the door.
He threw his shoulder into it again, shaking it on its hinges. He muttered under his breath as he repeated the action over and over, his chest heaving beneath his ill-fitting tunic. The fabric was loose—too loose—around his frame, a detail I only noticed now.
“Damâm Mebelkhagâs…” He gasped out as he threw himself against the door again. “Kuf—” He lacked the breath to go on further as the blood drained from his face. His knees gave out and he slumped against the wood, sliding down to the ground.
“Thorin?” A note of panic entered my voice as I stepped towards him. It was so odd for him to act this way. “Thorin?”
I received no response, and I hurried to kneel beside him, brushing the tangled strands of hair out of his face so I could get a good look at him.
His eyes were closed and his facial muscles relaxed. I called his name again, but still got no response. Adrenaline was beginning to course through my body at this point, and I shook his shoulder. Like that would do anything after he’d failed to respond to his name.
When even that failed, I really began to worry. “Dwalin!” I called, “open the door!”
“Nay, lass. On my honour as Thorin’s friend, I canna do tha’.” He answered, exacerbating my exasperation.
“Dwalin, Thorin’s passed out or something, he just collapsed and I can’t wake him!” I pleaded, and instantly, I heard something heavy scraping against the door before it began to open. “Easy, he’s still on the door.” I cautioned, and Dwalin eased the door open wide enough so he could slip through.
He crouched beside Thorin’s motionless form, taking in the sweat beaded on his pale face. “Mahal, ah knew this would catch up te him…” He muttered, “run for a healer, lass and be quick.”
I was too stunned and worried to put up a fight. After all, I still loved the dwarrow lying so still on my floor and deep down, I desperately wanted the future he had painted for me in the darkness as we lay together.
Just, nobody could know.
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