#[{super sonic 🌟}]
nightsky-blue-blur · 8 months
Like this post for ANY of my Sonic’s to spar with your character. Please let me know which one you want.
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lightningstar1389 · 6 months
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When the stars collide 🌟
(plus super duper sonic version)
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eddysmash2407 · 1 month
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Super Mario Bros. Wonder & Sonic Superstar🍄🌀🌟
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wereh0gz · 2 years
First time I did this I made a joke poll where the only option was werehog, but I decided to do an actual one this time. Let's see which one people like the most!
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blueratgrmln · 8 months
🌟OPEN DISCUSSION about the 2020's era of shipping culture, Sonadow in the Sonic Fandom, and how well-intended activism can circle back to the language and violence of oppressors 🌟
(Link to chapter PARTS >>>HERE<<<)
I gotta get something off my chest in regards to shipping. I wasn't super invested in the shipping part of the Sonic Fandom community when I was growing up. There were a few ships I liked and I enjoyed the fanart people made of those ships. And then I forgot about it for a number of years. Now in adulthood I am getting back into shipping Sonic characters a bit more, because it's fun to look back at the things I liked as a kid and seeing how my opinions have changed since gaining more life experience. Plus I've become much more active on the internet, in Fandom spaces, and more aware of social justice issues during adulthood. So here is a long-ish essay where I gather my thoughts about Sonadow shipping, fandoms, and activism together💙
It's odd being a Middle Child of the Sonic Fandom "family" that grew up during the age of "cringe culture" cyberbullying and shipping wars. I was aware of the stereotypes and disdain people had both on and off the internet toward the Sonic Fanbase and the notoriety it had. It influenced me to tone-down my external Sonic geekiness around my peers. While some of the stereotypes had some truth to it (when they weren't used as cyberbullying put-downs), I noticed that there was a very prominent difference how the Sonic Franchise/Fandom was viewed by the pop culture savvy public and how the fandom acted amongst/within itself as a creative and meaning-making community, despite the in-fighting that occasionally happened. On the internet, I oddly didn't experience or witness much discourse about ethics, specifically about shipping, when I was a kid cruising the internet for the fanart I liked. The spaces I visited were usually very supportive of people creating meaning, joy, and comfort with these ships. These shipping spaces loved Sonic × Amy, Shadow × Amy, Knuckles × Rouge, Sonic × Sally, Silver × Blaze and also any ship between Sonic, Shadow, and Silver. While there were specific ships that I enjoyed, I was happy to see other people enjoying other ships and hearing them geek about it. Yes, there was sometimes shipping discourse pitting pairings against each other, but I did not notice intense targeting or harassment in the name of "ethics" to the same degree as I am witnessing nowadays.
Fast forward to the 2020's age of the internet and fandom culture. I had no idea what the evolved discussion about "ethical vs unethical" shipping was beyond just "this ship is the best" mentalities until about a year ago. After reading about the various viewpoints, I started out not really caring about the ethics of fictional shipping and not fully caring on which "side" I would fit, even though my views in adulthood realistically lean towards anti-censorship sentiments. However, it's important to note that if I'd discovered this specific "ethical vs unethical" debate when I was younger, I would have leaned pro-censorship, a view directly influenced by the small-town evangelical church indoctrination that kept my mind closed-off from the nuances of sociology, psychology, and humanity. I was the type of person that got emotional and reactionary about the idea of people being sex workers, about the idea of kink and BDSM being a normal thing between consenting adults, and about other socially charged topics. Then as I learned from other people's experiences and researched those topics, my mindset changed to be more supportive and more aware of all the nuances that go beyond black vs white thinking. I learned to not demonize people and instead find out the reasons WHY something happens or WHY people do something, and actually LISTEN to the person and BELIEVE them when they give their answer. Similar mindset changes have happened in adulthood since I've done research about both the generational divides and social justice intersectionality of this cultural shift in today's internet Fandom spaces. I am noticing this divide and these debates happening more and more in the Sonic Fandom.
For some context, when I was a kid moderately involved with shipping content, I did not ship Sonic × Shadow. I somewhat avoided anything to do with gay ships or gay content due to my small-town church upbringing teaching me to not support anything LGBTQ+. So now as an adult having interest in shipping again, having discarded homophobia, embracing my own queerness, and having new understandings of the Sonic characters' personalities/backstories/dynamics, I am opening myself up to considering ships I hadn't been interested in before and ships that I actively avoided due to internalized homophobia. Watching Sonic Prime and the wonderful joy it sparked across the Fandom (in both shippers and non-shippers alike) was the marker when I finally started enjoying the Sonadow ship. It was after reading people's interpretations of Sonic and Shadow and understanding the ship more when I realized why Sonadow is such a beloved and timeless ship. In response to the new wave of Sonadow popularity, it's getting lots of heated criticism. People are having arguments everyday about both Shadow and Sonic's true ages, whether Shadow is 15 or 18 or 50, whether it makes any difference that SEGA quietly removed the characters' official ages. The debate creates these polarized "sides", with some people on one side claiming that it's an inherently unethical ship and claiming that you are a bad person, or at least suspicious in some way, for supporting it.
One prominent feeling I have about the common criticisms toward Sonadow and about other shipping discourse is feeling alarmed that a lot of Queer people end up getting harassed because of these debates, sometimes by fellow Queer people. From my Middle Child perspective in the Sonic Fandom, the reasons WHY many people embraced LGBTQ+ Sonic ships was to create and celebrate representation in a franchise that doesn't outright confirm or have much on-screen representation. Even though Sega has a general "no official confirmed couples" mandate, the company has consistently supported and encouraged the fans' shipping headcanons including LGBTQ+ ships, and the company has showed real, tangible, and financial support for the LGBTQ+ community (to my knowledge). Tangle and Whisper in the IDW comics are written with specific chemistry that leads most people to view them as a lesbian couple with the writers' and company's encouragement, even if they're not verbally stated as "officially canon." Sonic × Shadow, although not canon, has been a noteworthy ship acknowledged by the writers, company, and voice actors as being one of the most beloved and celebrated gay Sonic ships. It has given Queer people a sense of joy, hope, comfort, and visibility ever since 2001 when Sonic Adventure 2 released and Shadow debuted as a character. The reasons people immediately shipped these characters together was never about being creepy or encouraging "unethical" dynamics. It was simply Queer Sonic fans, both closeted and uncloseted, creating meaning via representation as an act of queer resistance and radical acceptance. This has been a constant throughout the present day, Sonadow being one of the most recognizable and longstanding ships that inspires widespread Queer Joy that even breaks the boundaries of the internet microcosm.
Now is where I will delve into the connection between Sonadow shipping (and overall shipping) debates and how well-intentioned activism loops back into mimicking oppressors. Thinking about how Sonadow is historically important to the Sonic Franchise, the Sonic Fandom, LGBTQ+ Sonic Fans, and maybe even video game history as a whole, I feel major discomfort and even dread when I see so many people (particularly those that are young) throwing around very serious accusations at (fellow) Sonic Fans and (fellow) Sonic shippers. Accusations supporting pedophilia or pedophilia itself is one of the most egregious. I've seen it thrown at Sonadow shippers, Vector x Espio shippers because Vector is 20 and Espio is 16 (despite it being another extremely popular LGBTQ+ headcanon-ed ship due to lack of representation), and even Knuckles x Rouge because Rouge is 18 and Knuckles is 16. It strikes me as counterintuitive and unnecessary at least, and actively dangerous at most/worst, seeing fellow Queer people utilizing the morality-policing, fear tactics, surveillance methods, censorship mindset, and rhetoric/language of our oppressors and using those things against the people in their own communities. Realizing that long-time Sonadow fans who felt inspired to come out and be unapologetically Queer because of that specific ship have been facing harassment and slander from fellow Queer people (who are likely younger than them), getting called "pedos" or "dangerous" or "suspicious" or "unethical" over the mere act of creating representation and Queer Joy with fictional characters and seeking some sense of comfort while surviving homophobic environments...bluntly, my stomach is churned and my blood is boiled. The last thing we need in this rapidly backwards-turning world is more in-fighting within the broader LGBTQ+ community that distracts our thoughts, emotions, time, energy, organizing, education, community-building, and activism away from the oppressors who are causing us real-world tangible harm, suffering, and death.
A random teenager on the internet drawing fanart of Sonic and Shadow holding hands, or even random adults on the internet drawing suggestive art or outright porn of these characters, is NOT going to be the catalyst that rapidly or gradually normalizes pedophilia or inspires worldwide support for unethical relationships. And yes, this includes content about the "weirdo/unethical/dark" ships that are found in the shadowy fringes of the internet and Fandom spaces. I am uncomfortable with a lot of it myself. But those ships and the people that engage with them ALSO DO NOT have the same level of impact and reach (key words: Same Level) that real life oppressive systems have to cause widespread suffering. The key difference that makes widespread abuse possible is that the real life oppressive systems are disguised as wholesome safe environments that develop trust and closeness with community members. Those oppressive systems and the harmful people that support them are usually NOT on the freaky/dark/weird fringes of society, they don't outwardly appear that way, and they demonize the "degenerates", not associate with any such label. The Catholic church institution is a big example, the institution covering up uncountable cases of their clergy members abusing minors while those clergy members are positioned as a pure, trusted facet of society that people actively look to for guidance, safety, and belonging.
At NO point am I ever going to say that everyone online is perfectly pure and that we should ignore everyone's behavior online. When we do encounter legitimate creeps causing harm to real people (not watered-down definitions of what being a creep means) we absolutely need to call them out and keep each other safe. HOWEVER, by pitting fellow Sonic Fans, fellow Queer people, fellow shippers against each other with this blanket "us vs them" mentality that overshadows the real life patterns and signs of how widespread oppression and real life harm happens, we end up accomplishing a lot of what our oppressors want anyway: divisions, distractions, and outright mimicking the violent language and behaviors that they display toward us at ourselves. This is the point where well-intentioned activism goes wrong and circles back around to oppression without meaning to.
Many people are super-duper-sure that they have dismantled all of their -isms and -phobias and now identify with labels and movements that are on the right side of history. But all of us STILL need to be aware of the fact that our thought patterns, behaviors, logic, and emotional responses can be tied to previously held beliefs and mindsets, and they can sometimes carry over and linger in our minds even after significant "character development". This is true even if we don't immediately realize it and think that we are a "safe person" within our own marginalized communities and for other marginalized communities. It can be really hard to identify if/when that is happening sometimes, but it is pertinent that we are actively checking in with ourselves, listening to constructive criticism, and cross-analyzing whether we are unintentionally mimicking the language, behaviors, and violence of our oppressors, and what effects that can have on the people in our shared communities and the people we care about.
Most of the fandom will continue arguing about Shadow's "true age" for the rest of time and how that "should" influence people's shipping headcanons. In my opinion, it is a very unnecessary thing to argue about simply because of the uniqueness and the fantastical nature of Shadow's existence within the Sonic Universe. Very specifically, he is a test tube science project super soldier who is immortal with an unclarified "birth date."
It's most likely that Professor Gerald Robotnik started the process of creating Shadow AFTER Maria was born and they discovered her incurable disease; Project Shadow could have taken a significant amount of time to complete considering all of the scientific processes, research, and intergalactic communication needed. It is also important to remember that Maria died when she was only 12 years old. If we are just talking about the amount of time that Shadow was physically and mentally conscious, communicating, and learning (excluding the 50 years he spent in cryo-stasis), this would mean that Shadow's age could be anything up to Maria's exact age at her time of death. Realistically his youngest possible age would be much greater than 1 day, since it probably took a noteworthy amount of time for Shadow and Maria to develop their trusting best friend and/or sibling bond.
Otherwise, in the less likely scenario, Professor Gerald could've had foresight and somehow gotten confirmation about Maria's condition before she was born with the scientifically and medically advanced technology aboard the Space Colony ARK, and then completed Project Shadow before she was born. But in EITHER possible chronology, Shadow could be around the same age or a handful of years younger than 15 (one of the possible ages in this debate), if we are to consider his game manual or Wiki-page biographies for his true age. This could put the Sonadow ship in the same boat of age-gap and maturity-difference criticism that the Sonic x Amy ship gets because Sonic is 15 and Amy is 12.
Even though Shadow is one of the most complex characters within the broad Sonic Lore, at the same time he's one of the most mysterious characters, especially since we don't have any official content that shows the complete scientific/medical/technological details of his creation process from start to finish. Everyone has a different opinion whether the game manual and Wiki-page age(s) indicates Shadow's number of conscious years lived, his current physical age, or both. People also debate whether his current physical age matters in terms of shipping ethics. Considering that Shadow is an immortal science experiment with the DNA/blood of an alien species and he could have grown up in a test tube, I like to think that any of the "teen" ages used in this debate could simply describe what his physical vessel looks like (compared to 100% Mobian hedgehogs) at the point Project Shadow was deemed successfully completed. It's possible that his early development deviated from that of a human baby, a Mobian hedgehog baby, and a normal hedgehog baby. Maybe he grew generally faster or went through the same developmental stages of his Black Arms alien siblings. Deciphering what it would mean for Shadow to become "fully mature", or even what "age" in general means for him, would require solving the complex puzzle of his circumstances: the science of genetic engineering that splices Black Arms DNA with Mobian hedgehog DNA to design a being that is artificial and specifically exceptional in every way. We DO know that Shadow's Black Arms DNA gives his mind and body a connection to the species' Hive Mind (which is explored in the Archie comic books) and that Black Doom's DNA was one of the necessary ingredients to give Shadow immortality and disease immunity. But that's the extent of what we know about Shadow's Black Arms biology, its overall effects, its benefits, and its downsides. In addition to this, the "immortal artificial super soldier with alien DNA" context brings up questions regarding Shadow's mental processes, intelligence, and learning capabilities. He could have gone through rapid psychological development, or can learn and gain skills at an enhanced rate, have increased intelligence, or have alien mental capacities beyond his connection to the Black Arms' Hive Mind.
The limitless SCOPE of possibilities for Shadow's physical and mental reality is why I completely avoid any attempts at shoving this complex character into the same quantifiable boxes of human OR Mobian OR normal hedgehog maturity, development, intelligence, socialization, emotions, learning, and age. Which is why I do not judge people for their shipping preferences and don't assume the worst of the people that ship him with other characters. An integral part of the tragedy and isolation of Shadow the Hedgehog as a character surrounds him being the Ultimate Lifeform, a being that is so unique, advanced, artificial, medicalized, scientific, revolutionary, mystical and powerful that he cannot relate to most of the other Sonic characters and vice versa. TRYING to force Shadow to be 100% understandable, relatable, and quantifiable both by our real-life human standards and by the standards of the other Sonic characters can diminish his uniqueness and essence, and it hinders the broad Sonic Fandom from creatively exploring the magnitude of possibilities (both shipping and non-shipping) that his mysteriousness inspires.
(Thank you for reading and sticking with my train of thought! :) I expect constructive conversation in the comments if any are made at all, whether it's criticism or agreement.)
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7marichan7 · 5 months
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🌟Sonic Holographic Star Badges now in stock🌟
Shares SUPER appreciated! Iink below!
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nightcovefox · 10 months
~Nightcovefox About~
Fandoms I’m Into:
•Super Mario
•Undertale AU
•Tmnt (Any of the series-)
•R&F (Very rare to find my people-)
•You’re racist
•You’re a bully
•You’re a p3d0ph1|3
•You support rude content
🌟Okay To Follow.. 🌸
•You like the same fandoms I like
•You want to follow me (Only you read Dni)
What I do:
•I repost a LOT. (I apologize-)
•Posting random fics every day (Sometimes)
•Might post some videos
Stories I’m Working On:
Beauty And The Beast AU (1/??) (ON HIATUS)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (Working On It)
Working On Empires AU
• Fragment Memories (Intro) (Side Story) •Coming Soon~!
⚠️This is a sfw blog!!! Nsfw bots and users kindly FUCK OFF!!!⚠️
Thank you for reading~!<3
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vaekibouiny · 2 years
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Super Sonic 🌟
Instagram | Twitter | Commissions
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matrix--lazy · 11 months
Super Sonic 💫🌟
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victors-agere-spot · 9 months
🌟 here's all my sonic toys!! Sonic is so super cool I love him, most of them are on my window cil but the stuffies stay on my bed
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nightsky-blue-blur · 8 months
[continuing from here]
“Yeah, that was pretty cool. But check it, I can maintain the Super form for almost any length of time I want.” Super Sonic said proudly, and with a bit of smugness in his voice.
“I guess I’ve used the Emeralds so many times now I can just…stay like this forever. And it’s given me some weird side effects with how all this energy is always with me, but we can talk science later.”
A moment of silence before the golden hedgehog piped up again, looking a bit sheepish. His eyes closed, a gloved hand scratching the side of his head.
“Sorry, mini me. Guess I should have planned this whole thing out, huh?”
0 notes
th3d0nutl0rd · 9 months
ɪɴᴛʀᴏ ᴘᴏꜱᴛ
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Hi! It's your local clown freak here! I've slightly altered this post to keep up with things changing on my account ↓
I don't really have one preferred name or pronouns, because I've not found a name I feel fits me yet- but for the sake of naming conventions you can call me by my username or any of the following: Connor, Rain, River, Raven (I'm mildly indecisive)
This Tumblr account is a way of cataloguing my various mental problems-
Just kidding.
I mostly repost stuff related to my hyperfixations and ancient Tumblr fandoms +heritage posts.
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(ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇꜱ ᴛʜɪɴɢꜱ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʙʙᴄ ᴍᴇʀʟɪɴ, ʙʙᴄ ꜱʜᴇʀʟᴏᴄᴋ, ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀᴡʜᴏʟᴏᴄᴋ, ᴅᴇꜱᴛɪᴇʟ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ꜱᴛᴜꜰꜰ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʜɪɴɢꜱ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ᴛʜɪꜱ ʜᴇʟʟꜱɪᴛᴇ ᴅᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴍʏ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ.)
Other fandoms I'm a part of include:
BBC Ghosts 👻
Invader Zim 👽👾
Riverdale +Archie Comics 🍟🥤
It's Always Sunny 👰‍♂️
BBC Merlin 🧙‍♂️
Community (NBC) 👥
Monster High ☠️
Dan and Phil 🫶
Halloween movies 🎃
Saw movies 🌀🪚
Barbie 💖💞
What We Do In The Shadows 🧛‍♂️🦇
Sherlock Holmes (all media) 🕵️‍♂️🔬
Marvel- MCU 🌟💫
Anna and the Apocalypse 🧟‍♂️🌨️❄️
Red Dwarf 🌌👨‍🚀
Sonic the hedgehog 🦔💙
Pirates of the Caribbean 🏴‍☠️⚓
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Lisa Frankenstein ⚡
Deadpool & Wolverine 💛❤️
I'm also super into music!
I'll basically listen to everything (excluding UK grime music)
But my favourite bands are: Ghost, Nightwish, The Dresden Dolls, My Chemical Romance, Pierce The Veil, and Alice Cooper.
My music taste is basically a genre mishmash, and sometimes it varies from day to day.
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When I'm not making banger Tumblr posts about goncharov, shoelaces, November 5th or Merlin, I'm probably at college.
Studying Literature.
And History.
I'm also aware that I'm a part of some fandoms that have bad people involved.
So plz dni if you are the following:
Coquette Blogs
Pro Ana
People who dislike xenogenders or neopronouns
That being said, welcome to my Tumblr page!
Feel free to stay a while :)
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golden-boi01 · 1 month
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:・゚✨:・.🌙¡¡Hola Gente!!˚。・゚✨:・.:
⋆ ˚。 ⋆⚜️˚ Mucho gusto en conocerlos!! Mi nombre es Evie y les seré su servidor de contenido! ✨.*¨
💛₊˚ Espero que nos podamos llevar super bien y crear moots! Está cuenta ya se usaba desde antes pero decidí empezar a publicar desde hoy. En mi Bio se puede encontrar más datos de mi como artista!・₊✨
🌙⋆⁺₊Contenido el que hago es el siguiente:🌟°。
.*- Batallas
.*- Cómics
.*- Comisiones
.*- Fanarts
.*- Pedidos
.*- Freebies
.*- Sugestivo
.*- G♱re
.*- Animaciones
.*- Ships
.*- Maps
(⚠️No Hago: Realista, NSFW(Sin Censura), Anime, Orgullo MAP(Ew…quién quiere hacer eso?), Zoofilia(No.), G♱re con sangre roja(La sangre rosa es para censura del g♱re)⚠️)
༉‧₊˚También soy una persona “Multifandom” Qué significa esto? Pues que obviamente pertenezco a más de una comunidad de un juego, serie, video, etc. Aquí los fandoms en los que ando!: 🌼༉‧₊˚.
⋆.˚FNaF(Más probable que publique la mayoría de)
⋆.˚BATIM/BATDR(Más probable que publique la mayoría de)
⋆.˚FPE(Fundamental Paper Education)
⋆.˚Hellaverse(Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel)
⋆.˚Baldi’s Basic
⋆.˚LMK(Lego Monkey King)
⋆.˚Gravity Falls
⋆.˚Steven Universe
⋆.˚PASWG(No sé si tenga fandom)
⋆.˚Cuphead(Más probable que publique la mayoría de)
⋆.˚FNF(Friday Night Funkin’)
⋆.˚MLP y muchos más!
⭐️°。 Puede que en ocasiones pueda crear ACs(Alternative Characters) para ponerlos en mi OU(Original Universe)/AU(Alternative Universe), cualquier contenido que se realize con algún OC de otro creador será supervisado y si el creador del OC quiere que baje el post, el post será removido ⚡️⋆⸜🌟+
♱(ADVERTENCIA: Estos contenidos pueden que sean contenidos fuera de la trama principal o que contengan TEMAS FUERTES como es el: Alcoholismo, Malas palabras, Dr♱gas, Ab♱so(De cualquier tipo), Casos reales, S♱xo, Chistes Fuertes/Oscuros o temas adulterios. Se le recomienda discreción en el lector y en el seguidor de estos contenidos, si eres sensible, por favor intente no ver la mayoría de este blog. ESTE CONTENIDO SOLAMENTE SE DIRIGE A UN PÚBLICO ADULTO Y MADURO. Sí eres menor de edad, recomiendo que estés acompañado de un adulto para supervisar este contenido. La persona que haga: Insultos, Hate, Blackmail, Scam o Copy, SERÁ BLOQUEADO DEL BLOG. Cualquier reporte o denuncia a este canal de contenido, será discutido por la persona de manera personal para llegar a un acuerdo.)♱
₊˚ʚ 💫 Antes de terminar con la introducción. Aquí mi estilo de dibujo inspirado en!: ₊˚✨ ゚.
⊹₊ ⋆PASWG(Panty and Stocking with Gaterbelt)
⊹₊ ⋆Invasor Zim
⊹₊ ⋆PPG(Las chicas super poderosas)
⊹₊ ⋆El Laboratorio de Dexter
⊹₊ ⋆Pretty Blood
⊹₊ ⋆HTP(Happy Tree Friends)
⊹₊ ⋆MLAATR(La Robot Adolescente)
⊹₊ ⋆Puffy AmiYumi
⊹₊ ⋆Bloody Bunny: Don’t be my enemy
⊹₊ ⋆Vivienne Medrano(Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel)
°🌼⋆ Gracias por leer y espero que disfruten también! Soy Evie, su servidor de contenido! .ೃ࿔🔱:・
:・゚✨:・.🌙 Hello People!!˚。・゚✨:・.:
⋆ ˚。 ⋆⚜️˚ Nice to meet you!! My name is Evie and I will be your content server! ✨.*¨
💛₊˚ I hope we can get along super well and create moots! This account was already used before but I decided to start publishing today. In my Bio you can find more information about me as an artist!・₊✨
🌙⋆⁺₊ What I do is the following content: 🌟°。
.*- Battles
.*- Comics
.*- Commissions
.*- Fanarts
.*- Requests
.*- Freebies
.*- Suggestive
.*- G♱re
.*- Animations
.*- Ships
.*- Maps
(⚠️ I Don't Do: Realistic, NSFW (Uncensored), Anime, MAP Pride(Ew…who wants to do that?), Zoophilia (No.), G♱re with red blood (Pink blood is for g♱re censorship) ⚠️)
༉‧₊˚ I am also a “Multifandom” person. What does this mean? Well, obviously I belong to more than one community of a game, series, video, etc. Here are the fandoms I'm in!: 🌼༉‧₊˚.
⋆.˚FNaF(Most likely to post the most)
⋆.˚BATIM/BATDR(Most likely to post the most)
⋆.˚FPE(Fundamental Paper Education)
⋆.˚Hellaverse(Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel)
⋆.˚Baldi’s Basic
⋆.˚LMK(Lego Monkey King)
⋆.˚Gravity Falls
⋆.˚Steven Universe
⋆.˚PASWG(I don't know if it has a fandom)
⋆.˚Cuphead(Most likely to post the most)
⋆.˚FNF(Friday Night Funkin’)
⋆.˚MLP and many more!
⭐️°。 I may sometimes be able to create ACs (Alternative Characters) to put them in my OU(Original Universe)/AU (Alternative Universe), any content that is made with an OC from another creator will be supervised and if the creator of the OC wants me to take down the post, the post will be downed ⚡️⋆⸜🌟+
♱(WARNING: These contents may be content out of the main plot or may contain STRONG THEMES such as: Alcoholism, Bad words, Dr♱gs, Ab♱se(Any kind of), Real cases, S♱x, Strong/Dark Jokes or adultery themes. Discretion is recommended in the reader and follower of this content, if you are sensitive, please try not to view the majority of this blog. THIS CONTENT IS ONLY INTENDED FOR A MATURE AND ADULT AUDIENCE. If you are a minor, I recommend that you be accompanied by an adult to supervise this content. The person who makes: Insults, Hate, Blackmail, Scam or Copy, WILL BE BLOCKED FROM THE BLOG. Any report or demand to this content channel will be discussed privately by the person to look for an agreement.)♱
₊˚ʚ 💫 Before finishing with the introduction. Here my drawing style inspired by!: ₊˚✨ ゚.
⊹₊ ⋆PASWG(Panty and Stocking with Gaterbelt)
⊹₊ ⋆Invader Zim
⊹₊ ⋆PPG(The Powerpuff Girla)
⊹₊ ⋆Dexter’s Laboratory
⊹₊ ⋆Pretty Blood
⊹₊ ⋆HTP(Happy Tree Friends)
⊹₊ ⋆MLAATR(My Life as a Teenage Robot)
⊹₊ ⋆Puffy AmiYumi
⊹₊ ⋆Bloody Bunny: Don’t be my enemy
⊹₊ ⋆Vivienne Medrano(Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel)
°🌼⋆ Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy too! I'm Evie, your content server! .ೃ࿔🔱:・
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eddysmash2407 · 1 month
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Super Sonic All-Out Attack 🌀🌟💥
(Sonic Frontiers x Persona 5)
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spikyegg · 2 years
🌟 Welcome to the Café! Below is a list of friends we've met on our journey so far; employed or not! 🌙
We hope many will enjoy our company soon, and come down for some delectable treats!
:: NOTE ::
this list is subject to change, including Voiceclaims and Themeclaims! Pictures may be combined in the future to accommodate Tumblr Mobile restrictions, if needed; and information will be grouped.
thanks so much for visiting my blog, and to those who have supported me and likes the story thus far!
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Pikkot is Psychic/Dragon type.
VOICECLAIM: https://youtu.be/ns1QoW24Kb4 (Knuckles, Sonic Adventure 2)
THEMECLAIM: https://youtu.be/e9r5hx47kxM (Jump Up, Super Star! Mario Odyssey)
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Nova is Psychic/Dragon type.
VOICECLAIM: https://youtu.be/bo8H8gHnB0Y (Plumeria)
THEMECLAIM: https://youtu.be/vKdHdv6NGf4 (Soaring Illusions, Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire)
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Ruben is ???/??? type.
THEMECLAIM: https://youtu.be/AgHaGrZkkv4 (People are Strange, The Doors)
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