#[[ Morty is sure that he'd have a great time ]]
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countlessrealities · 8 months ago
Hey Morty if you could spend a week as an exchange student as Shinji’s classmate and 3rd roommate, so you guys could hang out a lot more, do you think you’d have fun?
Unprompted asks || Always accepting !
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Morty ponders the question for a moment. It has been a long time since he has thought about the possibility that his life can be any different from what it is now. It feels so unrealistic that it's not really worth the mental energy. After all, Rick has infected his life since the day he has literally crashed his way inside it. By now he can't picture his existence unless it's somehow tied to the scientist.
Sharing a place with kids his age, without his weird as fuck family around? Going to school normally, without having the rest of the students expecting an alien invasion? Doing things normal teenagers do, without knowing that he will be snatched away any moment through a portal?
He can't even start to imagine how that is. Even considering Shinji's role as a Pilot.
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"I-I mean, maybe? I...It would be a good time, b-but a whole week? I-I don't know," he eventually answers, sounding a little puzzled. "I-I like Shinji. H-He's smart and nice to talk to, an-and he's really badass. I-I'm glad we're friends. I'd really like to hang out with him more, b-but...the thing is, stuff tends to happen around me, y-you know? An-And it's usually nasty stuff, so..."
The other boy already has enough on his plate, without Morty adding his insane shit to it.
"I-If I could have one normal week, t-then yeah. I-I'd say yes right away. I-It would be really cool an-and we could get to know each other better. B-But 'normal', it just...w-we can't exist in the same dimension. N-Not anymore. So, maybe...a-a weekend?"
{ @haus-der-mysterionmusen - mentioned }
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tsams-and-co-memes · 11 months ago
TSAMS Moondrop Canon Info
Updated - 11/10/24
Moon's likes:
Imagine Dragons
Spending time with his family
Magic (he's trying to have as little to do with it as possible now)
Six The Musical
My Little Pony
Hot water
Historical shows/movies
Knitting (he's expressed an interest in it)
Crunchy food (specifically BBQ chips)
His favorite land animal is cheetahs, his favorite flying animal is falcons, and his favorite sea animal is blue whales
Moon's dislikes:
Moon’s favorite MLP character is Fluttershy
Shadow the Hedgehog
Kids (<- he doesn't mind them as much anymore)
Witnessing any amount of affection between people or being subjected to it, even in a familial way (he always acts grossed out by it, but maybe he’s just messing around, I’m not sure)
Star Wars
Back to the Future
The creator
Cooking (Removing this, since he's expressed a desire to learn how to cook)
Flash (the TV series)
The bubbly sensation that comes with carbonated drinks
Moon is aroace (but if he were to ever date anyone, he would want them to have the same sense of humor and sarcasm that he has, and he'd want them to be a little bit sadistic (for some reason))
If he could have a pet, it’d be a fruit bat
He takes a lot of inspiration from Rick Sanchez (from Rick and Morty)
He’s not good with directions
He can drive, he just hates doing so
He does not have a driver's license
Moon takes care of himself by taking a metal buffing drill and rubbing it across his face. He has a machine that cleans the rest of him (Unsure if this is only a New Moon thing, if Old Moon does it too, or if they both do it)
New Moon tended to/used to have a lot of sleepless nights, trying to relearn everything he knew from before he was reset, contemplating his mortality, how he could be reset, and wind up “dying” again
He’s been kidnapped by an evil version of Sun, who he described as being similar to “evil Morty” (<- an experience that New Moon had)
New Moon (after being reset), doesn’t know how he identifies. At the very least he’s ace, but he’s not sure about if he’s romantically attracted to people or not
Moon is a fan of Rick and Morty, and he thinks Rick is the smartest person in the universe
He gets angry whenever anyone says the earth is flat
Moon talks to the Devil from the Bible quite a bit and they get along
When having conversations, Moon prefers it when people are blunt and direct with him
When confronted with problems, he tends to either shrug it off or get angry
Part of his anger towards the situation with Eclipse being back stems from feeling inadequate. He thought he took care of an issue created by his past self (Old Moon), only to find out that the issue (Eclipse) was back, once again threatening his life and Sun's
There was a kid at the daycare once that wasn't scared of Old Moon. The two talked back and forth, and upon hearing that the kid's home life wasn't great, Moon decided to sneak out of the pizzaplex. He followed the kid home, saw what his home life was like, and he took matters into his own hands, wanting to help the kid. The kid didn't survive whatever Moon did, and Moon (before being reset) carried a lot of regret with him over that incident
New Moon recently bought a Chili's from Monty (implied, since Moon recently bought it and Monty said that they recently sold it)
New Moon turned his and Sun's garage into his "experimentation area"
New Moon makes and sells technology to the government, but he doesn't specify which government that is
Old Moon once ate someone (during the episode where he and Sun fought, and he wound up punching Sun)
New Moon knows the cure for cancer
Moon frequents a cannibal sushi shop in Japan where the employees all come to work in cosplay. The chef there is a furry/scalie (Unsure if this is New Moon or Old Moon, or both)
New Moon occasionally goes to some weird anime dimension to blow off steam or find some amusement. In this dimension, everyone talks like anime characters and they all have internal anime character dialogue that gets spoken out loud. Simply saying "wind bullet" or "bang" is enough to defeat them, as they believe they're actually fighting battles similar to what happens in various animes (essentially Moon goes there for anime battle LARP-ing purposes)
Moon has bad handwriting
Moon has always been bad with interior design
Old Moon is still very much present within New Moon's head/mind/consciousness (by the time this has been updated, the two have since separated)
It was on the day of Sun and Moon's separation that Moon's Whacking Stick™️ entered the picture
Moon doesn't know how to cook
After coming back, Moon didn't know what was and wasn't food, so he just went around licking things
Moon used to work for the mafia, and they were the ones supplying him with most of the things he needed to work on his projects
Moon typically tries hanging out with mute kids more, when the daycare is open
The genre of music he primarily listens to would be like rock, metal, punk, and things similar to those (he does enjoy pop, too)
Moon seems to be a texture oriented person with his foods
Moon feels slightly better when he's in the dark (physically, I'm assuming)
Moon creates backups of Sun nightly
Moon prefers white or vanilla cake over chocolate cake
Moon is agender
Moon tinkers with things when he's nervous and he makes little barbie sized mechanical dolls/action figures
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demigodsanswer · 2 months ago
could we see the TUAP percababies first ballet recital?
Decided to make it The Nutcracker even though Nutcracker season is over
Lester's ballet school had been staging The Nutcracker every winter since before Percy joined. Back in his student days, he himself had been the Nutcracker once. And also Russian, and the toy soldier, and a rat or two, and the rat king. He may have only been around for two Nutcracker seasons, but even as a kid, he had a habit of doing everything.
So it was a great joy now to see his girls in the same Nutcracker he used to dance. This weekend, both girls had big solos.
It was Ella's first year. She was only four, but already a committed baby mouse. She was one of the mice who got killed during battle scene, and she had to play dead on stage. There was an audition process. Little as she was, she was a show stopper. She'd officially earned her first soloist role at four years old, beating out a handful of five and six year olds for the part.
Rory was playing Clara's little sister. She'd absolutely refused to show Mom and Dad any of her performance before the show. Not that they minded. Percy and Annabeth were committed to being parents and only parents, not coaches.
The curtain rose and there was his little girl, sweet, well-behaved, big sister Rory, absolutely selling the annoying little sister act. Her blonde hair was pulled back and put in pristine ringlets. Annabeth had been backstage helping all of the girls get their hair right (Percy had been declared "no help" and was sent to the front to help sell flowers for fundraising).
As party scene went on, he watched Rory time and time again steal the attention away from poor Clara. She never broke character, pranking her "sister," breaking the nutcracker, and running around teasing the party guests.
Annabeth was crying next to him, maybe the only person in ballet history to cry at Party Scene, but he couldn't blame her. If his girl didn't have him laughing so hard, he'd probably be crying too.
And then the party ended, and it was time for the mice.
Ella was the spitting image of Sally Jackson, even at only four years old, with the same brown hair and dark eyes his mother and sister had. But she was every ounce Annabeth Chase in attitude.
Percy had seen a fair number of home videos of baby ballerina Annabeth -- a little pudgy, itty bitty, and as serious as a heart attack, somehow possessing the balance and grace of a grown up dancer in a tiny child's body.
And even as a tiny mouse, Ella had that same serious quality. She hit all her marks, she knew where to be, and when the toy soldier "fired," she fell on her back, arms and legs up in the air, imitating mouse rigor mortis. Percy and Annabeth got odd looks from the people sitting around them as they cheered for the death of the little mouse.
The big mouse (one of the children's ballet teachers) came out then to drag Ella off. But another tiny mouse tripped over her, and plopped down next to where Ella was. his daughter, trained professional, did not flinch. And her teacher, thinking fast, simply grabbed both girls by the legs and dragged them into the wings.
In act two, Rory came on again as one of Mother Ginger's children. She had another solo moment as she did acrobatic skills across the stage. Percy wondered if he was that flexible and agile when he was seven and just didn't know it. But Rory was fearless, doing kart wheels, aerials, and back bends across the stage. Percy knew Lester had given her permission to just do whatever tricks she wanted.
A week ago, Percy and Annabeth had done a weekend of guest performances as Sugar Plum and Cavalier for the school, while their girls watched in the audience. Now it was nice to sit back and watch them. Whether they were here, in Virginia, or at New York City Ballet, Percy was always sure he could hear them cheering for Mom and Dad, so when the girls came out for their bows, Percy and Annabeth made sure they could hear Mom and Dad.
Annabeth was still crying when the house lights came on, and Percy made a note to get the tape from Lester.
"I hope they had fun," Annabeth said through her tears. Percy just pulled her in for a hug, before nudging her to get out of the way of people trying to leave.
Backstage, Ella spotted her mother first, and ran towards her. It was clear to Percy that in Ella's eyes, he was simply spare human. Mom was absolutely the favorite. But that was alright with him.
"Omph!" Percy said as a small force ran into him top speed. Rory was hugging him tight a big smile on her face. She was still in her pink and green Mother ginger costume with pink paper circles taped to her cheeks, her blonde hair in pigtails. Percy picked her up easily.
"Great job girls!" He said to both of them. "Did you have fun?"
Ella nodded. With her speech delay, she didn't say much, but she always understood.
"Lots of fun," Rory said.
"Great!" Annabeth said, setting her little mouse down. "That's most important. Now let's get changed and head home?"
They had a cake at home to celebrate the girls' debuts, and a pair of new ballerina Barbies.
Annabeth chased the girls to their street clothes and started helping them change as Percy stepped out, giving the girls who weren't his kids some privacy.
A minute later, they stepped out, bundled up against the cold. It was a short walk to the car -- an investment Percy had finally broken down and made after he got fed up lugging strollers up and down subway station stairs.
Rory chattered on about every detail of the experience, her smile wide. Percy held her hand for safety as they made their way down the block.
"Did you like it?" Rory finally asked.
"Of course! I loved it!" Percy said, picking her up under her arms and lifting her into the air before setting her back on her feet.
"Can I put my feet in the ice bucket when we get home?" Rory asked, turning her attention to her mom.
"You can try, but you might not like it," Annabeth said.
"I want to try!" Rory proclaimed.
Ella stopped walking. She turned to Annabeth and lifted her arms, and Annabeth complied.
"You were such a good dead mouse," Annabeth told Ella, who still hadn't said a word. That wasn't unusual for her. Annabeth always worried she'd feel left out of conversation, though, so she made a point to always include her.
"It was funny when the Savanna fell on you," Rory said.
"You handled it like a pro," Annabeth told her.
For the first time that day, Percy heard his daughters little voice loud and clear: "I was mad. Can we have some professionalism please?"
Percy was one-hundred percent sure he'd heard his wife say the same thing, more than once, in the same tone. Ella really did hear everything.
Percy and Annabeth laughed, and he could tell from Ella's smile that she knew they weren't laughing at her.
"Oh, girlie," Percy said through his laughter, "you are your mother's kid."
Ella looked at him, confused, before just leaning into Annabeth, as if to say yeah, duh.
The girls loved their cake and their dolls. Ella sat hers carefully on her nightstand, while Rory just held onto it and fell asleep with it still in her hands.
The apartment was finally quiet. Lucy, their cat, had fallen asleep under the Christmas tree. And Percy and Annabeth were splitting a third piece of cake.
Annabeth had her thinking face on. Percy gave her a second to see if she might start speaking, but she didn't. He moved a bit, got her attention, and still didn't get a word out of her.
"Want to tell me what you're thinking about?" Percy asked finally.
Annabeth was quiet for another moment before finally saying: "I was thinking, what if we had another one?"
"There's plenty of cake if you --"
"A baby," Annabeth said.
Percy stood to kiss her head and rub her shoulders. This wasn't the first time they'd had this conversation. Sometimes it was his impulse, sometimes it was hers. It was always the perfect days like these that made them think they should test their luck. Percy knew that by the morning, the two girls would be running around like chickens with their heads cut off, disturbing the peace. And the impulse would go away again. Their two were perfect and enough.
"You're thirty-eight," Percy reminded her. "You're doing the best dancing of your career."
"That's a sneaky way of saying no," Annabeth pointed out.
"If in a week you are still determined to have a third baby, I will never say no. Just think it through," Percy said. He'd raise half a dozen of her kids if she wanted to have them. But having them meant taking a year off. And they didn't know how many they had left.
"My initial plan said no more after thirty-eight. There's still a little time," Annabeth said, taking another bite. "And anyway, it's not like I'm going to ask you to get up in there and take out my IUD yourself. There's nothing we could do tonight but play pretend."
"We could play pretend," Percy repeated, more suggestively.
Annabeth smirked and turned to face him. "Would that just be some fun dirty talk, or do you actually pretend? Make me do it missionary and stay flat on my back for fifteen minutes after?"
"The first one," Percy said, "definitely the first one."
In the morning, Percy woke up and found Ella and Rory playing together quietly with their new dolls and a few other toys.
"Ella lined these dolls up," Rory said, pointing the two parallel lines of toys, "and I thought it looked like they were on an airplane, so we're playing airplane."
Ella held up her new Barbie. "She's going to Richmond to be the Sugar Plum Fairy!"
"Wow!" Percy said, before slowly leaving them to their fun. Maybe a third baby would be great. The perfect addition. He snuck back into his bedroom, and saw Annabeth laying there on her phone, tears in her eyes.
"What is it?" Percy asked.
"Oh, nothing, Lester just sent me the video, and I was reliving it," she said with a small sob. Percy crawled back into bed and pulled her in close. "I think I went crazy last night. I love these girls, but they are more than enough work."
"So, no third baby?" Percy asked.
"I don't think so," Annabeth confirmed.
"Well, then, stay in here until they stop being so cute," Percy warned.
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thesoftboiledegg · 1 year ago
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I wasn't sure what to make of "That's Amorte" before it aired. When signs pointed toward "the spaghetti comes from aliens," I wondered if we had a rehash of Futurama's "The Problem with Poppers," where the crew finds a delicious treat on a planet only to learn that the "popplers" are underdeveloped alien offspring.
Rick and Morty's take on Soylent Green also seemed likely. Everyone knows the twist: Soylent Green is people! A dark sci-fi concept like that could be a ripe parody for this series.
However, "That's Amorte" adapted a concept that other shows have referenced a thousand times and took a right turn. No one's angry at the humans for eating their suicide victims: in fact, they love the spaghetti and turn it into a corporate product.
This is an obvious shot at capitalism and how companies will destroy the environment, brutally slaughter animals and turn cities into concrete wastelands just to make a buck. And I mean--chowing down on this spaghetti isn't that different from eating meat. I'm an omnivore, but I kept thinking that at least these pasta producers chose to die.
The suicide element gave this episode a poignant touch instead of turning it into an edgelord slog where the humanoids kill people and throw them in a meat grinder. Admittedly, the clones leaned in that direction, and that scene also shows how Rick struggles to understand the world outside himself. He doesn't react when the clones kill each other, but one of his daughters is a clone, and he'd be horrified if anything happened to her.
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On its own, "That's Amorte" is a great episode. However, when you take the whole series into account, the plot retreads the same old Morty narrative: Morty tries to do the right thing, it backfires, Rick dodges responsibility while antagonizing Morty to be petty, Rick gets stuck fixing everything and Morty tries to pretend it never happened.
I keep waiting for something good to happen to Morty. Rick has plenty of episodes where he makes positive changes: going to therapy ("Analyze Piss," "Air Force Wong"), improving his relationship with Jerry ("Final DeSmithation," "The Jerrick Trap"), trying to do right by Beth ("Bethic Twinstinct"), being kinder to Morty ("Full Meta Jackrick"), etc.
Season five doesn't emphasize his character development as much, but plenty of scenes show how much he's changing. Even season four has moments where he's gentler.
Rick's being his petty season-two self in "That's Amorte," but even here, he does the right thing by showing the world exactly what--and who--they're eating. In earlier seasons, he would've done that just to be an asshole. Here, I don't think that he was trying to torment people as much as he just knew that this spaghetti shitshow had to end.
Same with the spaghetti itself. He didn't feed it to the Smiths, then show them the dead body just to torture them. I think he genuinely wanted to share the spaghetti because it was delicious, but he also figured that they don't want to know where it comes from.
On a similar note, I enjoyed Rick's moments of physical gentleness. Great animation detail.
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So Rick gets a little character development and saves the day again, and Morty gets...nothing. Just a rehash of old storylines. "Mortynight Run" in particular has almost the same plot, beat-for-beat.
"That's Amorte" touched on Morty's depression and his family's coldness toward him but didn't go further than that. Morty keeps cycling through the same issues with no resolution. He blows up in one episode, then shuts down the next. His attempts to do the right thing go astray. When's this kid going to catch a break?
Again, this episode isn't bad. It's funny, original and well-written and has a lot to say about ethics and capitalism. Still, I don't understand why reviews on other sites keep emphasizing Morty's character development because I didn't see much.
I will say that everyone's horror at where the spaghetti comes from was a great takedown of the meat industry. Everyone loves sausage, but nobody wants to see how it's made!
Still, next time we get a Morty episode, I hope that it says more about him and less about the world outside his cartoon.
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the-far-bright-center · 1 year ago
In discussions of TCW-Anakin vs. film-Anakin, I understand why some people see them as being incompatible or entirely different portrayals. But whatever problems I personally have with TCW are more to do with certain OOC dialogue lines that I don't agree with, or the overly-contrived situations that TCW tends to force him into just so an episode or scene can function as a 'meta-commentary' on his character or storyline. Believe me, I have issues with specific aspects of TCW's writing for Anakin, but the fact he's more outwardly 'suave' or 'dashing' than some people expected is not one of them. If anything, I see the 'Skyguy' persona as perfectly in keeping with Anakin as portrayed at the beginning of RotS, and I would argue that a great deal of the TCW characterisation is pulled directly from those Battle of Coruscant scenes. TCW Anakin is also heavily inspired by Jake Lloyd's Little Ani in TPM, which, lest anyone forget, counts as FILM-Anakin. Seriously, do people not recall how much swagger and self-confidence little Ani has at the beginning of TPM? (🎵Do you see him hitting on the queen, though he’s just nine and she’s fourteen.’ 🎶 😅) He's a hotshot little ace podracing pilot and he knows it! And in AotC, the only reasons Anakin comes across as more 'awkward' at the beginning is that he's nervous about seeing Padme again after so long. Once he knows for sure she reciprocates his feelings at the battle of Geonosis, the suave, confident Anakin is back! And thus by the time of the Clone Wars, it makes sense that after being a general in the war in charge of many men, he'd have to have a certain level of outward charisma no matter how much inner doubt or turmoil he might be feeling. So, in my opinion, the actual baseline 'persona' for both versions of the character isn't as different as some seem to think. I'm tired of the idea that film-Anakin ISN’T supposed to be seen as ‘cool’ in-universe, just as much as I’m tired of the idea that TCW-Anakin ISN’T supposed to be viewed as a figure of pathos by the audience, either.
Imo, they’re both takes on the same character coming from different angles, set at different stages in his life, and portrayed through different mediums — an animated series heavy on self-aware, darkly ironic humour in a more contemporary style intended to entertain and increase enjoyment of the Prequels-era and its characters. vs. a more serious Greek tragedy with Shakespearean overtones made with old-Hollywood-style sensibilities as part of a mythic six-film saga.
While there are plenty of things that TCW gets wrong about Anakin (see my 'TCW discourse' tag for more on that), dismissing him because he is ‘too macho’ seems to miss the mark a bit. Just because TCW Ani doesn’t shed literal tears on-screen doesn’t mean he’s not emotional or emotionally vulnerable. As far as I remember, there's even a scene where Obi-Wan and Anakin discuss the fact that Anakin has trouble keeping his emotions hidden, especially when it comes to his feelings for his loved ones, which is the opposite of the stereotypical stoic, self-reliant 'macho' ideal. And the amount of times we're constantly bashed over the head with dramatic irony about his fate as Vader in that series surely drives home the point that his trajectory is a decidedly tragic one. (The way he cries out in agony in the Mortis arc, 'I will do such terrible things!' gets to me, every time.) Despite his powers and prowess, TCW Anakin is even shown as being physically vulnerable at times, as well — see the Jedi Crash storyline which he spends mostly knocked-out unconscious, the nod to his mechanical arm as a liability in the Zillo Beast and Citadel arcs, and the scene of him futilely struggling like a wild beast before being captured with ropes in the Zyggerian arc, or the fact he gets captured and tortured by Dooku in 'Shadow Warrior'. I see endless jokes about TCW Ani getting electrocuted every other episode, but then fandom uses this to fuel the dismissive view of him as just some dumb himbo instead of understanding that this, too, is supposed to add to the character's pathos.
Likewise, fandom claims that Prequels-Anakin is 'uncool' and 'cries all the time', which is simply not true. As noted above, film-Anakin banters, jokes, laughs, makes daring jumps out of speeders, does bold piloting moves, is in fact an imposing duellist, and so on. Sure, his character is not supposed to be seen as aspirational (obviously!) and the most memorable and dramatic moments of the latter two Prequels films feature him in the midst of extremely intense emotions. But the oft-repeated view of him as 'uncool' completely ignores the fact that by the time that RotS starts, film-Anakin is supposed to be a well-known and widely-admired charismatic general, aka the Hero With No Fear, who is viewed as almost singlehandedly saving the Republic. The audience may be privy to Anakin's inner struggles with his fear of loss, but in-story he is supposed to be seen as THE golden boy of the Jedi Order and the Republic. The RotS novelization frequently mentions that Anakin has 'dash', 'boldness', and a 'presence' 'like the Holo-Net hero that he is'. It literally says he's the best at what he does and he KNOWS it. He's not just supposed to be an awkward idiot in the way some people seem to perceive him solely based on certain scenes in AotC. Rather, he's supposed to be shown as falling from a 'great height'. By the time of RotS, film Anakin has just as much swagger and self-confidence in his role as General Skywalker as he does in TCW. Just because that side of him is not the main focus of the film doesn't mean it's not supposed to be there.
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proxylynn · 2 years ago
Lynn, what do you know about Tate Frost? I only know that he does not like liars, cats. He loves gambling.
{I'll be using quotation marks when using Mortis and Bile's lore. Seriously, they are amazing people. I can't thank them enough for making weird and messed-up characters that are also loveable. Lore and art provided below is by the wonderful creators mortisfox & bileshroom.}
[This is a bit of a hard one as Tate is in two projects. He was first introduced in Mortisfox's first game Purple and Frost Bite is set before the events of Purple. WARNING/TRIGGER WARNING (certain themes) Massive TATE FROST LORE drop!!]
"Frost Bite is set in 1995 and PURPLE in 1996. In Frost Bite, Tate is a butcher. In Purple, Tate chops wood and works on cars for a living. Tate is 6'1, his b-day is April 28th, he's 33 years old in Frost Bite and 34 in Purple. He's bisexual."
Why does Tate dislike cats? "he's just one of those cis guys who has never been around cats before and thinks they're weak and stupid. if Tate got a cat, he would hate it at first until it slept on his chest then he would take it with him everywhere and kill anyone who touched it. Tate just honestly needs to have a cat for a while. he'd still be a dog guy though."
"Tate LOVES to grill, but he's not like...the best at it. He sure knows how to heat the meat up enough for him to eat it but just barely, the bloodier the better! Tate would probably love someone who could cook for him though, anything to be lazier and still have food in him. But he's not very picky! He's usually a bit buzzed so pretty much anything you feed him he'll think is really good."
"so Tate would probably enjoy a feisty and rougher MC, especially if they're harder to kill cause he really likes the challenge."
Has Tate ever tried to track down or find out who his father was? "Tate's mom had a lot of partners before he was born, so she's not even sure who he is either. One of those random bar hookups ya know growing up, Tate wondered about it for a while but he lost interest. when he got older and has no desire to figure out who it is, at this point he's happier being independent with no familial ties, that way he can move around the country and not worry about connections. he likes to call himself a 'lone wolf' cause he's a dork."
Since Tate likes drinking, what kind of person is he when drunk? "OH lord he's usually really good at not seeming drunk when he is, but if you get him past that he gets REALLY handsy, very touchy, but after about an hour of that he becomes extremely sad and depressed, he has a hard time hiding that part of himself when he's shitfaced, but it does take a LOT to get him there and more than likely hed just pass out before that. He's not a violent or angry drunk at all though, if anything he gets more silly and nice."
Is Tate just, not interested in a real relationship like at all/ever, or is he open to it but it's just never really happened that he actually wants to stick around? "Tates has been very unlucky in love. he tends to get with people who arent really great people (not that he's any better), and he also struggles with feelings of caring or empathy for other people. I think in the EXTREMELY rare off chance he meets someone that's perfect for him that he doesn't just want to kill, the relationship most likely wouldn't last long cause he'd be the one to fuck it up. Tate's current mindset is that relationships are more trouble than they're worth and he'd rather just fuck around with people, but I wouldn't say him getting in a relationship would be impossible."
Who or what was Tate's first kill? "Tate's first murder (he was 18) was an old girlfriend (whom he lived in a trailer with at the time) who he caught cheating on him, they did not have a good relationship- often having screaming matches that lasted hours, so no one thought much of the screaming while he hacked her up with an axe."
"another bit of Tate's baggage He's always at least 25% drunk, but he gets these very depressing episodes and becomes very suicidal, these don't last too long, maybe a few days to a week, but they're very bad for him."
"anyway lore drop Tate has a younger half-brother (on their dad's side) Dean or 'Coyote' as everyone calls him, they'd never actually meet in canon but Tate would hate his guts lol"
Does Tate eat meat raw? Or does he prefer them cooked? Is he messy when he cuts meat up? "Tate loves meat that's been cooked for all of 15 seconds, the bloodier the better!! he also loves to just eat with his hands anytime he can, he doesn't care what other people think of him so he just does that in public."
Is Tate a cannibal? "yep, and there will be a lot of those themes in the game! we'll be putting a content warning when the game is released, but just in case that's not something you're into heres your heads up."
Is Tate good at aftercare? What does he do for it and how would he react to a mc that cries after sex from all of the brain chemicals and such? "Tate, being the man he is, doesn't think of aftercare all that much mainly because he doesn't have sex in a lot of places that allow it- usually in his truck or a closet or backroom of some sort, BUT on the occasion he does end up in his trailer or your place he'd very much be the "no talking I'm holding you" type of aftercare, if you can really call it that lmao. BUT if the mc was a crier after sex, he might be a bit more gentle, more back rubbing and if you're real lucky some forehead kisses that he won't talk about the next morning. (though he does enjoy the sound of pleasured crying so it might just turn him on again)"
Does Tate enjoy warm cuddles all night long or is he more of the 'needs his space' type in bed with only some cuddles? "Tate is very much a 'grabs onto you and doesn't let go until he is awake' type, even worse is he a very naturally hot person so I hope you can stand sweating buckets all night."
What is Tate's ideal type of partner? "Tate is one of those people that gets very easily bored with any one type of person, he's very selfish and doesn't care much about anyone else's feelings. Like there are certain things that draw him to someone: -shorter -shy timid people -people he reads as prey -small soft hands but he doesn't stick around any one place for too long and he has trouble forming real relationships (not that it's impossible, it would just be difficult lmao he is VERY stubborn)"
"Tates favorite animal is wolves obviously, but he likes rabbits and pigs and LOVES to play with people who have aspects or identifies with those the best."
"If Tate decides he likes you, really likes you, he's going to become extremely territorial, making sure everyone knows you belong to someone, to /HIM/, by leaving any marks he can on you. Tate does not like to share, he'd barely tolerate you even talking to anyone else if he decided you belonged to him."
Why did Tate become Slasher? "this isn't going to be touched on in the game, so ill answer it since it's not a spoiler! Tate doesn't really have any specific trauma or mental illnesses or any real reason to be like he is, he just does what he wants. He sees himself as an animalistic predator that wants to hunt and he gets excited when he kills people. he hunted a lot when he was younger and grew up doing that and it just escalated into adulthood and it went from hunting animals to hunting people because they're smarter and have a high capacity for fear, which he enjoys seeing. he thinks of himself as a wolf. but this isn't to say he's just a wild animal, he's actually very charming and can convince people to trust him easily. The game takes place around 1994-1995 too so it was a little easier for him to get away with things and he moves around a LOT from state to state. I imagine the state that Frost Bite takes place in is the new england area, but he's originally from Louisiana and he's actually in another game that takes place about a year later and he's living in California in it (Purple) -fox"
[Lastly...We now have pics of not just Tate or that one of his mom, but of his dad and half-bro! Also if you think Tate is huge, think again, because his old man is giant!]
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(Lore and art provided by the wonderful creators mortisfox & bileshroom.)
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frogzzai · 2 years ago
do you have any headcanons of things the upper moons like to do when they’re not doing demon things? (specific hobbies or secret talents they have?)
I love this ask-
Ofc I do 🤞🤞
Send in requests I have no motivation :'( (I write for MHA, Creepypasta, Slashers, Demon Slayer, JJK, Harry Potter, Rick and Morty, Fantastic Beasts, Winx)
Characters included: Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Hantengu, Sekido, Urogi, Karaku, Aizetsu, Gyokko, Gyutaro, Daki
Uppermoon 1- Kokushibo
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So we all know Kokushibo has a flute, right? This leads me to think he'd enjoy music in his spare time and also be quite talented at it.
He wouldn't be able to play any of his instruments inside the infinity castle because it has to be silent on Muzan's orders, so instead Kokushibo would ask Nakime to send him to the outskirts of a serene forest with pretty views and clearings where he can sit and recite different tunes on whatever instrument he wants.
I think he'd prefer the flute, pan pipes and the biwa, he took a liking to the biwa after hearing Nakime strum on it day in and day out.
Another hobby/ talent Kokushibo would have it hair styling and hair care. This man has some of the nicest hair in the demon slayer verse and he is well aware of that.
He dons his usual high ponytail when he's out but he's definitely tried different types of braids on his hair.
He enjoys trying new products on his hair to enhance its beauty.
He isn't a fan of curlers or straighteners, you won't find a single sign of heat damage on this mans head.
Uppermoon 2- Douma
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Douma is a fashion fan. Fight me.
He enjoys scouting new outfits of different styles and trying them on to see what he likes best.
Probably one of the few demons that actually changes and washes their clothes.
He likes to try and match his outfits to his fans.
Speaking of his fans, he enjoys polishing them and sharpening up their edges.
If the colour gets chipped he'll carefully repaint them.
He doesn't do it often, but, Douma is a very neat painter. He isn't very good at drawing but he's great with all sorts of tone and texture.
Uppermoon 3- Akaza
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Pretty self explanatory, he loves all sorts of combat sports. Judo, Kung-Fu, Thai, Taekwondo, Jiu Jitsu, Kendo.. you get the point.
He can't exactly go to a proper teaching place due to, well, he's a demon. However, there's definitely some sort of demon fight club that he attends, it's not exactly training for him because he's incredibly skillful, yet, he doesn't just do it to get better. He does it because it brings a strange sort of comfort to him.
When Akaza isn't training his combat skills he's reading up on different forms and types of fighting to see if there's anything he's missed despite reading the same content multiple times.
He's very selective on who he spars with. In the demon clubs that gather he only chooses those with the biggest and most noticeable fighting spirit, whether that's a good or bad thing is up to the demon he chooses I suppose.
Pretty much his whole personality revolves around forms of combat. He by far prefers hand on hand combat but occasionally takes a small amount of time to learn different weaponry and it's strengths and weaknesses.
Uppermoon 4- Hantengu
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He's scared of literally everything.
I'm not really sure what hobby he'd have, nothing really fits his character.
I've been running through different things in my head and nothing clicks, I can't see him reading, drawing, enjoying music or enjoying nature.
He's just sort of, him?
I guess the one thing I can see him enjoying is people watching and day-dreaming about being in another persons shoes. He probably just sits in the shadows observing people and imagining what their individual lives are like.
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Enjoys rage rooms.
They fit well with his personality, he probably has his own makeshift rage room with things that are harder to break for a normal human.
I can see this man just hurling tables across the room or splitting a tire in half.
He likes to take out his unrelenting anger on inanimate objects in his spare time. It doesn't satisfy that angry itch inside of him but it lessens it.
That's one of the only things he's able to do, any other hobbies he's attempted lead to frustration and annoyance.
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His wings and abilities bring him great joy, (obviously).
He enjoys flying around, not really caring if he's seen. He likes to find high places out of reach of any ordinary person or demon and just sit there for a while.
As uncharacteristic as it sounds, he's seemingly one for stargazing, he can't observe the clouds so they're the next best things.
He takes great pride in his wings, he spends multiple hours a day preening and fluffing them.
Definitely parades around different forests showing off his wings to any bird or creature with wings he finds as if to say, 'Hah, my wings are way better, read it and weep bitches'. Urogi, honey, I don't think they care.
Likes to annoy his brothers about the fact they don't have wings, Sekido throws the closest object at him, Karaku uses his leaf to give Urogi 'extra flying lessons' and Aizetsu cries.
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Karaku's a menace.
One of his favourite past times is to sneak up behind his brothers and give them one of his famous 'free flying lessons'. Most of the time they know he's there and are able to evade his attacks but sometimes they pull the short straw and he's able to successfully sneak up on them.
If they do manage to evade him, they all have very different reactions. Sekido will throw something at him and use a very 'colourful' choice of vocabulary, Urogi will flip it back on him and instead give Karaku flying lessons by dropping him from at least a height of 120 feet and Aizetsu will run off to Sekido, most likely crying, for protection. It's impossible to tell if Sekido is more pissed at Aizetsu for bothering him or at Karaku for being the reason Aizetsu is bothering him.
Aside from bothering his brothers I feel like Karaku would enjoy studying different types of leaves and their qualities, not only does he like them for the fact his blood demon art uses one, he loves how they can vary in colour even if they're of the same species.
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We all know he's very sensitive, it's not exactly a secret. That doesn't necessarily mean he's soft though, (he is a bit).
He's a massive pushover when it comes to animals, it doesn't matter what it is, he finds it adorable and wants to keep it. He knows he can't though, Sekido wouldn't be happy having wherever they're residing at that time to turn into a jungle.
Aizetsu's favourtie animals to interact with are either extremely fluffy ones or ones that are a bit shy by nature like himself. One of his favourites are deer, the forests he visits are practically untouched by human so deer are common.
Aizetsu finds animals with defensive abilities fascinating, he's a massive fan of armadillos however he's never actually seen one. They aren't your everyday animal you'd find in a random forest in Japan, he's only seen them in little animal books he's got one of his brothers to steal for him. He's made it a mission of his to see one, however, seeing as they're only found in zoos or South America that might pose as a bit of a challenge.
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Ironic huh?
Actually, it's kind of obvious if you think about it, he did it while human, he incorporates it into his demon activities so of course he does it in his free time.
He doesn't just make pots though.
Pots are his all-time favourite but he also enjoys making sculptures.
If he is fond of another demon he'll make a little sculpture of them as a gift. Along with a pot.
Douma has one, he gave Douma a pot with snowflake designs on it and put the little figurine inside as an extra gift.
He's made multiple of Muzan. Muzan doesn't really care for them but seeing as Gyokko's pots bring in such good money he'll take them and stick them on a shelf somewhere.
Another.. hobby? of Gyokko's is being carried around in his pots. He gets one of the other demons (not necessarily an uppermoon), to bring one of his pots with them on their travels so he can come and go from that pot when he pleases, sticking just his head out and enjoying the ride. It's a bit like having an annoying younger sibling really. Or a little dog that won't leave you alone.
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His main interest is looking after his sister and making sure she's content. That doesn't mean he stays inside of her body all the time though.
The times he's out, usually in her room as he'd stick out like a sore thumb anywhere else, he likes to paint his nails, Daki does it most of the time because she's neater than he is and it brings her joy. The only colours he'll do is black or grey.
Occasionally he does Daki's hair, contrary to popular belief he's actually quite skilled at it.
He doesn't go near her makeup though, he leaves that area for Daki to do herself.
If she needs a container holding he'll do that but he'll never help her apply it. He doesn't want to taint her beauty.
Another one of his hobbies is people watching. He'll sit at the window, occasionally accompanied by Daki, and will mutter to himself about the different people walking by and what he thinks of them. Most of the time it's about how they could never even dream of being as gifted in looks as his sister is. He sneers at them from under the cover of darkness where they'll never see him even if they're looking around at the feeling of being watched.
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Anything like that and she's into it.
Seeing as she can pass off as human, she's often seen buying an average persons yearly salary worth of high-quality makeup and hair accessories. Nail polish and designer clothes. Expensive lotions and perfumes. Hair products and stylers. You name it, she's bought it.
He favourite things things to buy are hairpins. Even if she'll never wear them, she'll buy them just for the pretty jewels and designs.
She's got a glass cabinet specially designed to hold up her hairpins so they're on full display to anybody who enters her room.
Her wardrobe has a glass door to put her best clothes on display but still protect them from moths and other bugs.
She has different vanity cabinets and desks in her room all for designated items, one for perfumes, another for lotions, multiple for nail polish and many more for different makeup bits and bobs.
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bite-the-bloody-hand · 6 months ago
🌷- How does this oc take their coffee?
🍀- Around when does this oc get up in the morning?
🍂- What music does this oc like?
🌳- Does this oc collect anything?
🌙- Does this oc have any unusual hobbies?
🌈- What does this oc like and dislike about themselves?
❄- What is this oc's favorite and least favorite food?
⚡- How well does this oc sleep?
From Yunessa!
Oooh thank you Yunessa these are great!!
🌷- How does this oc take their coffee?
Zell really enjoys bitter and savory things, so he takes his coffee with a little bit of salted yak butter when he can get it.
🍀- Around when does this oc get up in the morning?
That implies he ever actually sleeps lmao. Generally he's an early riser so he can make sure to get in a full set of stretches before getting on the road. Gotta combat that pseudo rigor mortis after all.
🍂- What music does this oc like?
He can find something to appreciate about any kind of music, but he generally favors anything boisterous and brassy, and he's in love with the banjo. He can't play it very well on account of his fingers being a bunch of hypermobile little traitors, but to him the banjo is the most beautiful instrument ever devised by mortal hands.
🌳- Does this oc collect anything?
Zell collects spindles! One of his hobbies is spinning thread, and he likes to have a variety of sizes to work with. He currently has a collection of six - one mammoth bone, one rosewood, two walnut, and two cherrywood. Each have unique carvings; the bone one is cross-style, one of the cherrywood is supported, and the others all have unique whorls.
🌙- Does this oc have any unusual hobbies?
Party Crashing. He doesn't do it maliciously, and only started doing it for the free food, but finds that pretending to be one of the band and sneaking into a private event is *absurdly* fun for him. Something about getting into a place uninvited as a Dhampir is exhilarating to him. Usually nothing crazy happens, but he has been present for several high-intensity birthdays, weddings, and funerals where he was compelled to employ his unique brand of mischief to everyone's benefit. He'll tell those stories some other time ;3
🌈- What does this oc like and dislike about themselves?
Zell has a complicated relationship with himself in that he mostly likes *who* he is but he doesn't like *what* he is. He's tried to live up to his own ideals and be patient with himself when he fails to do so, but those ideals often come in conflict with his desperate hatred of being undead and celestial and how much pain it physically causes him to be alive. He's on the edge of lashing out more often that he'd like but has to be gracious because it's not like it's his fault for being born that way.
Sometimes he worries that he excuses himself too much because of the pain he's in, and that's what he like about himself the least.
❄- What is this oc's favorite and least favorite food?
Favorites: Illitu blood, Kulajda (creamy mushroom and potato soup with dill), garlic soup (no matter what it does for his digestion)
Least favorite: Most sweets (Aivu reaps the rewards here), most mortal blood, cold potatoes that had previously been crispy,
⚡- How well does this oc sleep?
Not very :( he has constant joint and nerve pain that worsens when he lays still for too long, and gets frequent migraines that upset his sleep for days after. However, if he has a very dark and cool room, and a pillowy bed he can snuggle up and move around as necessary without hitting any pressure points, that's pretty close to heaven for him.
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i-will-cry-you-a-river · 2 years ago
Hi baby ❤️ here's something short to snack on while you are waiting ❤️ love you @mortysanchez
All those years - counting the ones where only they were not frozen in time as well -, all those adventures and manipulations and grooming, finally came to fruition.
He was the smartest man in the universe, in the whole multiverse, really, but even he didn't expect this to happen so quickly. His fucked up daughters really helped with this one, didn't they?
Well, their loss, his gain. None of them, nobody can have Morty anymore. The kid was his.
Having him there, in his bed where no one could disturb them, not without dying in the process, his calloused fingers softly touching the flushed skin, kissing him again and again-
It feels like something his alcohol-filled brain would come up with to torture him. But no. It was real. Not even in his dreams could he make Morty feel this realistic.
So warm, so pliant, so sweet. And all his to take.
The Beths managed to cut any ties that kept Morty from leaving, they pushed him too far away with their miscalculated decision that they pushed him right into Rick's arms.
And he would never let him go. Not ever. Morty was his.
He might have had a Beth before, his own daughter, but she died long ago. She wasn't the one who married to Jerry, and kept being in the toxic codependent relationship where they both fucked up their kids, nor the one who just left, wanting to follow his absent father's footsteps just to come back and fall into the same trap her other self did. No. They weren't his.
Morty. Only Morty was his, and Sum-Sum in her better days. But even she couldn't compare to his sweet, delicious little boy.
"I-it's okay, Mo-ourgh-ty. You did great. Y-y-you are such a good boy," he whispered against his grandson's lips, tasting the salty tears that just made him even sweeter.
"B-b-but what i-if-" Morty sobbed, weeping into Rick's lab coat where he buried his head.
It was a heady feeling to finally be the one who didn't make Morty cry, but the one he turned to for love. The misplaced trust would be always abused, but he would never turn him away. Not when having Morty completely at his mercy, alienated from his family and "friends" was what he wanted all along.
"Y-yes, baby boy, y-you are so good. Th-those bi-urp-tches know no-nothing about us! Th-they ju-ust want to tear us apart. But we- we are R-Rick and M-Morty for forever! Right, Mo-ourgh-ty? J-just you and me, forever."
Pushing his nose against Morty's head, smelling his caramel scented hair, his chest rumbled with hunger. The kind of hunger only Morty - tasting him, touching him, biting him, making him into his in every way, shape and form - could soothe.
"P-promise?" Morty asked, leaning away from Rick's neck so he could blink up with his Bambi eyes at the scientist.
"R-Rick and Morty, baby boy! Rick and Morty forever!" he whooped, tickling the young kid in his arms. He would make sure nothing could stop them. Not even death.
Not even Morty.
Not even himself.
"R-Rick," the boy whined, hiding his red cheeks in his grandfather's chest. "C-can y-y-you-" he stuttered.
"What, baby b-urp-oy?" he cooed.
"kzme," hissed Morty through his teeth, rushing it out so quickly Rick didn't understand a word of it.
He pushed his hand against Morty's head, pushing him a bit away so he could look at his enchanting grandson. "Mo-ourgh-ty?"
"K-kiss me?" The boy asked, his precious lips pouting, shoulders hunched over as if he was waiting for rejection.
As if Rick would ever do that now that Morty was his. His to keep, his to touch, his to kiss and his to use him however and whenever he wanted. And all Morty could do was to ask for more.
Rick didn't reply, not out loud at least. He leaned forward, kissing Morty like he'd never before, owning him completely.
His blood was boiling, his head was full of lust and desire and greed. Kisses weren't enough. He wanted to fully have Morty at his mercy, he wanted the boy to only be able to think about him.
Morty was his to savor, to devour him completely, be the only person who could ever hear those delicious sounds he made. To have his insatiable hormonal grandson at his mercy, to see how long it would take to exhaust him completely. He wanted to break him and rebuild him again and again and again.
And when - not that it would ever happen - he was done with him, Morty would never be able to look at someone else, because the only being who could ever satisfy him would be Rick.
His whole world would be Rick. Morty didn't need anybody else. Only Rick.
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2wrongs1write · 8 days ago
Shed (Demon x Demon Hurt/Comfort)
Summary: Every few months, Nox disappears for a bit without much explanation. A curious Mortis follows him to learn why.
Mortis usually wasn't big on reading, but today felt like a perfect day for a book. After grabbing his usual cup of coffee from the kitchen and a dusty tome from a shelf, Mortis settled on the living room couch.
It wasn't long before Nox sauntered down the stairs. "Morning" Mortis greeted him, most of his focus on his book.
"Leaving for a few days, Dready." Nox's voice was still thick and gravelly from sleep. At those words, Mortis finally glanced up from the book. 
 Somehow, Nox looked paler and more tired than usual. He also hadn't done his usual hair combing and morning routine, Mortis noted with alarm. Highly unusual.  
"Oh... Everything ok?"
Nox swayed in place a little before leaning heavily against a nearby door frame. He squinted at Mortis, rubbing his temple.
" Yeah. Just need some space. " 
With that, Nox turned and went out the door, leaving a bewildered Mortis behind. 
Once outside, Nox made a mad scramble to the forest treeline.  It was best if he put as much distance between himself and the cabin as he could. Once he was hidden by the thick underbrush, Nox dropped to all fours. His body shifted and elongated into his true demon form. After a brief pause, Nox continued his frenzied slithering.
 It didn't take long for him to find what he was looking for. A large cave. He slithered into the cool, dark space. No one would bother him here. 
Nox never particularly enjoyed molting, but it was unavoidable. Part of him was happy that it only happened four times a year. Even though he'd gone through the process many times before, it never got any easier. First, came the moodiness and loss of appetite. Then, came the gradual loss of vision and the infernal itching. 
Nox tried his best to stretch out. He could already feel his old outer skin starting to tighten around him, limiting his movement. His entire body felt raw, but all he could do was rest and wait. The spiky cave rocks looked so inviting, particularly begging to be used as scratchers. But it was still too soon for that. 
At least, Mortis wouldn't see him like this, Nox thought with relief. Time to get some sleep... if he could get comfortable, of course.
"Oh... There you are, kitten. You had me really worried..." 
Great. Now Mortis would know his disgusting secret and his life would truly be over.
" Dready! What part of "I need space" didn't you understand? "
"I just wanted to make sure you were ok. It doesn't look like you are, though..." The concern in Mortis' voice only angered Nox further.  
He could felt Mortis' hand rest gently on his head. The touch was supposed to be soft and reassuring, but it sent a stab of pain through Nox's body. He shrank away with a hiss
"Fuck! Don't touch me! Don't look at me! Just... Just go. Please!" 
"You don't have to hide from me, you know. I love you, no matter how you look. Besides, I'm not leaving until you explain yourself, mister."
Like always, Mortis was choosing to be stubborn and wasn't listening to Nox at all.  
"I'm molting, okay? You know, shedding old skin and growing a new one? There? Happy."
Nox expected Mortis to give him a look of disgust. Even in the dim cave light and with his poor vision, Nox could see Mortis' eyes light up with a mix of curiosity, delight, and fascination. This wasn't good. He was probably never going to leave now.
"Shedding? Like a snake? Oh... Neat! Can I keep some of your old skin?" Nox just sighed. This entire exchange was exhausting, and his patience was wearing thin.
"If I say 'yes', will you kindly fuck off?" Nox hoped this last ditch effort to get Mortis to go away would work. 
"No, I'm not leaving. Anything I can do to help?" 
 Not only was Mortis being annoyingly stubborn, he was being irritatingly persistent.
"Ugh, fine. Keep me company, I guess. Just stay back. No sudden moves. And none of your cute touchy, cuddling crap. My skin literally can't handle that right now."
Mortis sat down close to Nox. The normally vibrant blue of the eyes on Nox's back had dulled to a cloudy gray. The old skin looked so dry and crusty. Mortis bit his lip, fighting the urge to peel off a small piece. "Right...Um... So, you molt every few months? And it takes a few days?"
"Yeah. I hate it. It just feels so... icky. It's barely started, and I'm already sick of this shit." 
Over the next few days, Mortis didn't leave Nox's side. It was a slow process, the old layer of skin peeling away to reveal the new one underneath.  Thanks goodness, it was finally behind him
Back in his human form, Nox breathed a sigh of relief. He felt so free now. And hungry. He turned to Mortis, who had settled himself on a flat rock. 
"Got any food, Dready? I'm starving! Oh, and this is for you." Nox's skin had shed in one large piece. He carefully tore a portion off and handed it to Mortis. "Sorry for being an ass."
"Apology accepted. " Mortis grinned. "No more mysterious disappearances from now on, please. Some food sounds good right about now. Let's get out of here."
0 notes
countlessrealities · 2 years ago
I'm on the wrong blog lolol, but muse-inn? 8)
Send a URL and I'll answer the following || Accepting !
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{ @technodromes | @muse-inn - yes, this is for both }
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Do I Follow Them? Hell yeah 😎 I do and it Saby will have me, I'll stick around her and her amazing muses until this hellsite turns into a pile of digital ashes xD I'm really glad that our paths crossed, because I've been having so much fun having our muses bumping into each other and interacting!
Why Did I Follow Them? I think that she followed me first 🤔 But the truth is that I had been eyeing her blog through Locke for quite a while. Though I never dared to approach her because I didn't think she'd be interested...and man, I was wrong. So I'm REALLY grateful that Saby decided to make the first move, because who knows when my sorry ass would have gathered its courage to do it xD I followed because not only she writes muses I love and that I've never seen written, but she also does it amazingly 🤩 it was a must, once I saw that she was interested in interacting with me!
Do We Role Play? We sure do! We have a few threads and also several interactions / dynamics we have talked about and I'm excited about them all 😎 I love how our muses click with each other, at times in very unexpected ways xD
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: The answer to this question will never be anything but YES. As I said, I'm looking forward to seeing where our threads will go, and also to explore the newest combos! Saby has a beautiful way to bring her characters to life and I'm always amazed to see it 🥰 I'm particularly looking forward to Rick and Shredder meeting because that's gonna be a disaster till it's not (as in they are gonna be "meh" about each other till they find out just how much in common they have). Also exploring Subprime's real feelings for the fall of Kraang Prime. And SR and Bishop because they are adorable 🥰 And Ania and Morty on their little adventure, meeting Grum along the way 😌 And Carrion and Rick because that's gonna be interesting 🤭 Also all the Smith family shenanigans! ...Okay, I guess I'm just looking forward to it all xD
An AU Idea For Our Muses: Oh, damn, alright, let's see xD I'm really bad when it comes to thinking up AUs. Maybe a Star Trek based AU, where Rick is some sort of "consultant" of section 31, but the truth is that he just goes around and bothers every Starfleet crew he runs into (think of a mix of Mudd and Q xD). And ofc he has Morty with him, who tries (in vain) to stop him from causing disasters.
A Song For Our Muses: I suck at songs, so I'm gonna pick the ones that come to me first. Let's see..."Hot n Cold" by Katy Perry for Rick & Subprime, "E.T." by Katy Perry for Rick & Krang, "I’m Only Me When I’m With You" by Taylor Swift for Morty & Bishop, "Call me maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen for SR & Bishop xD
Do I Ship Our Muses? I definitely ship all the combination platonically (with different degrees of friendliness and hostility, depending on the pairs). Rick & the blorbs (including Grum), Rick & Shredder, Morty & Bishop, Morty & Ania, Morty & Krang, Summer & Subprime, Summer & T'Ana...it's a long list xD As for romantic / sexual ships, as I've said from the start Rick would shag the whole Technodrome squad (save for the manchildren ofc), and he'd definitely go for Carrion too xD Romantically wise, it's a little trickier because Rick takes ages to open up and he holds himself back when it comes to falling for someone 🤔 He definitely had chemistry with basically all the people he's sexually interested in (even if, tbh, I think that he works best as friends with Grum and Bishop from what I've seen so far). Then there's Bishop and SR and yes, I know it's a recent idea, but I'm getting such good vibes from them already 🥰
What I Think About The Mun: In this house we love, respect, support and cheer for Saby! She's a wonderful mutual, a great person and a fun friend 😺 I love sharing ideas and HCs with her, or just chatting about stuff or discussing meta! She always has such interesting ideas 🤩
Overall Opinion: Saby's blogs are unique and anyone who's not following them is definitely missing out A LOT. You have captivating muses, interesting HCs and lore, a mun who's engaging and also super nice, and did I mention the art??
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10+
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starship-imzadi · 11 months ago
S6 E3 Man of the People
(I typed most of this out a long while ago; this is just a much delayed posting with minor additions.)
Another episode to add to Troi's suffering and trauma. This is one of the tough ones to watch.
So I actually stopped doing these for a while because I got busy but also because I didn't feel like I had the emotional energy to watch this episode. (Now I can't quite remember what happens, so let's do this!)
I always love some silent eye contact between Riker and Troi.
I wonder, do they just hold them in the pattern buffer untill whoever is supposed to greet them gets there? Troi walks in right before the materialize; It's such perfect timing....
What a way to make a bad first impression. And Troi looks deeply uncomfortable.
This beginning has a little more exposition than I want with a few too many names that are meaningless.
Worf's tai chi class. For all of Worf's supposed physical training he never strikes me as an especially poised or graceful person.
Troi and this guy's interactions immediately seem a bit awkward and forced; like bad flirting. I'm not sure if that's intended or they're meant to be establishing a positive rapport (one of the down sides of characters confined to a single episode is there's never enough time to build what feels like real chemistry and tell both plot lines A and B).
Awkwardly long shoulder touch to end the interaction. I imagine this might have been intended to display comfort? but it makes me uncomfortable because we barely know the character. Anyone lingering like that, even if they're only touching my shoulder, would make me uncomfortable if I've only known them for five minutes. (For anyone who is interested, the field that looks at non-verbal, interpersonal interaction through touch is known as social haptics or haptic communication.)
This guy's "mother" is a HUGE red flag. From her jealousy to her impertinent question. Also telling a woman that if she "mates" with this man she'll regret it for the rest of her life.... is a pretty outrageous statement.
By contrast, the rapport Troi has with Riker feels very natural and authentic. Her body language and face expression seem relaxed. His voice is softer and seems more gentle too (which is to say they both seem at ease.)
It's funny, you can hear Troi pat Riker's knee
The old woman's hands are stiff like....rigor mortis already? (Is 93 old for this time period?)
Troi had such a strong reaction when the rocks touch, clearly negative, and I want to know what she's feeling. Does she realise something is wrong?
She has such long fingernails. Wow.
(ensign Janeway?!)
What's that little thing Troi has? A skirt?
I love Picard's jacket. It was such great costuem development.
I really want to know what Troi is feeling. She's exhibiting different behavior externally but there's really nothing to tell us how she is feeling about it.
"i don't know anything about you" sounds like a potentially alluring line but the reality is she really doesn't know anything about him so she has no idea if being alone with him is even really a safe place to be.
"if there's anything else I need I know where to find you" this statement immediately displays a selfishness and a self-centeredness that is uncharacteristic of Troi. Clearly the sexual interaction she just had with this crew member was about satiating her desires, with literally the closest available person. And it brings into question abuse of authority; she has no personal relationship with the man so their only connection is professional, and she out ranks him.
And then Troi's first question to Riker seems intent on instigating jealousy, and he handles it very well. (Which is a testament to his character.) I wish he'd been written to be concerned about her altered behavior rather than apparently annoyed (but we've still got 25 minutes to get through and if he got suspicious too early there wouldn't be a plot.)
Damn, Troi is really going off the rails.
Crusher getting clever for a work around.
Data is like a child, pointing out obvious but important details. Marina does look incredible in that dress. It's much more flattering than her typically bland one piece not-uniform.
The question is, is what Troi says born from whatever she's feeling or is it genuine perception?
I'm glad to see Riker intervening. I wonder if telling her she's "way out of line" is as a commanding officer? He certainly has a harsh tone.
Troi using "imzadi" as a means of manipulating Riker makes me cringe so hard. Rather than being in tune with him she seems oblivious to his emotions and social cues. "I'm worried about you" now feels like a it's coming from a friend despite still being stern. I feel like it should have been sooner but at least he is paying attention.
He is resistant to her, but still gentle, calling her by name and not outright rejecting her kiss. When she hurts him, literally drawing blood, he looks so confused and shocked; probably too much so to register being hurt. When she says "please" it sounds so desperate and genuine.
It really isn't clear why Troi desires this guy (or anyone) when he seems so disinterested in her. (He even pronounces ger name incorrectly). I don't know what his behavior was in the beginning (that awkward flirting) that he has done away with it now. Was it just to gain her trust for the ritual?) because he doesn't seem to have any other interests in her.
"I'm closer to Deanna than I've ever been to anyone." Aww 🥰
Deanna is really taking a turn for the worse, and fast. Picard's reaction to her is a perfect mix of shock and confusion.
Cute little moment between Picard and Crusher. It's funny that Picard as the patient assures Dr. Crusher that he'll be fine.
Crusher's impassioned "I don't care" seems more about her care for Deanna than a flippant reaction to a different culture.
This guy is horrible and he's totally fine with it. The arrogance; He's playing god and he's self appointed. A very important question that should be asked is why he chooses women to carry the burden of his "negative" emotions? It would seem to be an all too real display of how "great" men use and neglect the women whose support (chosen, coerced, or forced) makes them "great" without sharing the credit or benefits and while insisting they, as men, are more logical and capable than those same women.
Look at Riker's utter shock and panic when Crusher says Deanna has to die, as he turns to Picard for .... emotional support, or help. And you can see his panic rising more as the conversation goes on.
The makeup on Marina is incredible and also really ugly.
It's unfortunate that an episode were Troi gets so much screen time involves abusing her. That seems often to be the case; like the writers don't know what to do with her otherwise.
Is everyone in on the plan to kill Troi? Because Worf didn't seem phased.
This guy has an incredible ego. He's so manipulative and....predatory.
I don't know how the damage to Troi isn't irreparable. But okay. (The little brain defibrillator is so comical.)
It's cute that Riker is there the whole time and he's the first person Troi turns to once she regains consciousness. (Notice the optimistic little brass theme that signals that everything is okay again).
At least the experience seems distant to her, and potentially less traumatic.
Aww, little affectionate kiss. I love that.
"thanks for sticking by me"
"I always will"
And a cute cuddle
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fearnomorty · 6 months ago
As Alice leaned her head against him, Morty wished they were already awake and could see each other in person now. Really, there was no rush, no time constraints now that he was making his own choices on where he stayed and went between dimensions, but still … knowing they were in her home dimension made it much more exciting. He wanted to learn more about her, more than he ever could before in their past meetings. Had things been flipped and she was in his home dimension (well maybe not his original one — he and Rick had to escape that one years ago after a failed love potion turned everyone to Cronenberg's… he never wanted her to see that), he would be eager to show her everything he knew too, even if his home life wasn’t all that great. He was already much more content to be in her world though. 
As Alice answered his question, he realized that he had yet to explain his current situation, leaving her to assume this would only be a temporary visit like the other times. He clarified, “We’ll have all the time in the world. I-I’m uh … I’m actually looking for a new place to live right now.” A new dimension to live in. He didn’t exactly want to get into the details, but he’d certainly explain if she asked. “I wasn’t sure if this was where I’d stay or not, but I mean... if you’re here…” She was already reason enough. His initial goal was to find a place that seemed as normal as it could be, without any strange alien-like creatures or weird social norms he'd need to adjust to, but knowing someone he already knew was living here, someone he'd always wanted to spend more time with, he was content. Was that crazy? Maybe, but so was leaving his home dimension.
With his arm around her shoulder, Alice relaxed into the comfort he provided, leaning her head against him. She never knew quite what it meant, that she and Morty easily treated one another with such familiarity when really they’d only met so many times throughout the years—neither did she know what it would be like when they were both together in her home dimension for a change. But she did know that the moment she realized they were in the same universe, she had no intention of opening shop today. She was thankful, despite all the challenges that went along with being a small business owner, to be as free as a bird when it came to living on her own schedule.
“I would like that very much.” Her answer came without hesitation. “I’m my own boss, so I can take the day off and show you around. It is…a rather large island; one day won’t be enough to see it all. But perhaps we could spend more time…” Alice paused, chewing on the inside of her cheek for a moment. She had been so caught up in the excitement of Morty being here, she hadn’t yet wondered how long he would stay. It dampened her excitement to think of him leaving. “How long will you be visiting?”
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aturinfortheworse · 2 years ago
My cat died suddenly today. Yesterday we were told he had a stomach bug, this morning we thought he's in a lot of pain so we'd better take him back to the vet to be sure, this afternoon he was dead on arrival at the animal hospital.
They resuscitated him after fourteen minutes; the vet said normally they'd have stopped by then but he was really fighting to survive. He just turned ten, we all thought he'd live to twenty. He seemed healthy, he still played like a kitten, I've always been so cautious with any of his health problems, and he's always turned out fine. I was expecting a long, slow illness. I was expecting arthritis and blindness and contraindicated treatments and watching him every day trying to decide if he still had a good quality of life. I put his weight in my diary last week, expecting to weigh him every month just so I knew exactly what was happening.
He had an undetected mass near his liver that ruptured. There's nothing we should have done differently; he was just unlucky. When I think about how much pain he was in last night I want to die. I guess we'll never know but it seems possible that he should have been euthanized yesterday.
When my eldest nephew was twelve, his great grandfather—my poppy—died. We've always had open casket funerals. When my nephew saw the body he said "He doesn't look like he's sleeping. He looks dead." He's entirely right. Dead people look dead.
Chekhov has only been dead for about six hours. Rigor mortis has set in; he's curled up on his side like he was in the car, in my lap. I had to put him down in a chair when I got home; I had a fucking brutal and wildly unfair migraine and all I wanted was to hold onto him but instead I was curled up on the shower floor, in too much pain to even go and get the drugs to stop the pain. But he was curled up in his favourite chair and rigor mortis froze him in that position and he just looks like he's sleeping. He reminds me of the only other time he's been seriously ill, when he looked like he'd aged a decade in the space of a week, all beaten up and patchy shaved fur.
I literally can't imagine the future without him. I can't imagine this house without him. He's such an enormous part of my life. I can't begin to explain how much. It's like the concept of time just disappeared. I keep thinking about that w h auden poem:
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.
The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.
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nectar-cellar · 2 years ago
Does Mortimer know about Vlad? If so , what does he plan to do about it?
i am delighted to receive your inquiry anon...
allow me to tell you about the alternate universe that exists only in my mind...
bella disappeared (ALIENS?), came back with no memory of her past, and then took a long journey from strangetown to pleasantview to bridgeport where mortimer now lives and works, and where cassandra attends college. on bella's road trip to bridgeport, she drove thru moonlight falls where she met vlad and told him about her odd predicament.
so vlad vaguely knows about her piece of shit husband but bella didn't tell mortimer about vlad. pardon my language 💋
if mortimer knew about vlad, he would feel angry, possessive, and vengeful. he would probably try hard to prevent bella from leaving him, not because he loves her, but for his own ego. he'd be more upset at bella than vlad.
as a general rule, vlad prefers to stay out of human affairs that don't concern him. but if bella really wanted it, vlad could surely find a way to give ole morty a big scare, for funsies.
thank you for the question!
some more thoughts about my version of the goth family below the cut
mortimer is a successful cutthroat entertainment lawyer in the city which is how he made all his $$$. he first met bella when she was an up and coming fashion model from a working class background, while he was already established in his career. even though she didn't know it, bella had a promising career as a model which could have led to further tv appearances and business ventures. he saw her potential star quality and he convinced her to drop out of the spotlight to be a stay at home wife and mother instead, out in the pleasantview suburbs. naive, starstruck, and still unsure of her place in this glamorous new world, bella fell for his charming facade and the picture-perfect life he promised her. as their marriage went on, she started to realize who he truly was, and as a result she grew resentful of him and felt trapped in a gilded cage. although some part of her enjoyed motherhood, another part of her felt like this choice had been made for her by her husband's wishes, and wasn't something she might have chosen for herself if she could have a do-over.
BELLA worked as a model for a short time when she was quite young and she is only really known in niche fashion and social media circles. you can still find grainy photos and videos of her runway work and her magazine campaigns on the internet if you search for them. she is remembered for her great runway walk and her timeless, elegant beauty. her striking appearance and her mystique (what happened to this rising star? why did she disappear from the fashion world and the public eye?) has contributed to her small cult following.
MORTIMER had already been seeing DINA CALIENTE on the side for a while so bella's disappearance wasn't that hard for him to deal with, although it was great for his social image to play the heartbroken husband. his wife hated him and she was getting old anyways, he had to find excitement and romance elsewhere.
CASSANDRA has fond memories of her mother. as a teen, bella often took her out to the city to go shopping, to the spa and the salon, and out to lunch with her fun and fabulous friends while her father was at work. they bonded over fashion, which mortimer never particularly cared about or understood. to cassandra, bella was the cool fun parent, while mortimer was the strict fun-police. even though her parents doted on her and gave her everything she wanted, cassandra always thought something between her parents wasn't quite right. bella's disappearance has left a hole in cassandra's heart that feels like it will never heal.
and during all this, alexander is too young to really know what's going on, nor does he have as close a bond with bella as cassandra does.
so yeah <3 goth family drama!
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thecraftymagician · 3 years ago
A request for whenever you want: modern M6 and their favorite TV shows?
(Tumblr needs to stop deleting my stuff ugh!)
Okay let's try this again! I tried to use different genres and there are a few listed I haven't seen but have heard of that just make sense. I'm not sure especially after everything if anyone will be into things that are too intense or dark but their are a few
Modern M6's Favorite TV Shows
I can totally see Asra being into trashy reality romance shows. Mostly out of morbid curiosity or flat out hate watch, his favorite being 90 Day Fiancé. The one they actually do enjoy is Catfish and might get too invested/emotional with some couples.
Their all time favorite is probably heart felt like The Good Place or maybe This Is Us. They primarily enjoy rom-coms like Gilmore Girls, Jane the Virgin, New Girl, etc.
Likes to watch Rick and Morty or the Midnight Gospel to just chill and vibe with.
She would love most thing's Shondaland; Scandal, even Bridgerton (she doesn't care if it's a guilty pleasure) yet isn't as into Gossip Girl. She also likes Castle and detective dramedies like it. Even House of Cards is just so intriguing to her.
She likes Private Practice and Grey's Anatomy much to Julian's dismay. I can see her liking royalty biopics too like the Crown. It might not be completely accurate but it's entertaining.
At the same time she's kinda picky. She'll try most things but sometimes she just can't get into a show for whatever reason.
His favorites are things he doesn't have to think about after a long day but still enjoys a good anthology. He likes the Great British Bake Off for this reason and because they're all so nice to each other!
While he loves certain concepts and characters he just can't sit through most medical dramas (Scrubs however, he loves because it's a goofy fun time). He's open to most things and actually can get into alot of different shows. I'm almost convinced he'd love Sherlock or Doctor Who, definitely loves The Mandalorian and Andor.
I can see him liking period shows like the Marvelous Ms. Maisel or Downton Abbey (Nadia recommended it). I also get the feeling he'd like Better Call, Saul!
He'll watch whatever is on but isn't super partial to anything. When he watches something on his own or gets to pick there's a pattern in themes or aesthetics though.
Hilda, Anne with an E, and to an extent Outlander (sometimes might skip through scenes) are his favorites. He prefers light hearted, cozy shows but isn't opposed to some good plot heavy shows. Will cry when his favorites end or get cancelled.
At the same time just PBS cooking, travel, and gardening shows specifically are his favorite to put on in the background.
She gets really into the darker, spooky scary stuff like Black Mirror and American Horror Story alongside the Walking Dead. She has her own theories for everything! (Nadia also got her into Good Girls.)
I can see her getting really into Cartoon Network shows like Infinity Train, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Adventure Time, Over the Garden Wall, ect. She'd also love Summer Camp Island.
Besides that she's just really into Fantasy and Adventure. She's pretty open to trying out any show especially if it has those elements.
He has seen all of Jersey Shore and every single spinoff. No one is shocked, those are his comfort shows. He likes other reality TV like Big Brother too. I could see him liking Shameless for the same absurd antics and comedy.
As much as he loves adult comedies like South Park, and Big Mouth he does like other animated shows. Ren and Stimpy, Rocko's Modern Life, Cat-Dog, and obviously Fairly Odd-Parents to name a few. Basically, any cartoon from the 90s.
Still sometimes he gets invested in other shows but usually it's because someone else got him into it like How I Met Your Mother. In which case it'll be a struggle to get him to not binge it on his own.
Shows they all enjoy or even get together to watch:
Steven Universe, What We Do In The Shadows, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Friends, The Office, Parks and Rec, The Witcher, Game of Thrones, Stranger Things (maybe), Bojack Horseman (They refuse to let anyone/each other watch it alone though), Gravity Falls, Avatar the Last Airbender, Legend of Kora, The Good Place, Archer, Bob's Burgers, Bluey (I said what said), The Owl House, Letterkenny, Cheers, etc.
They are acutely aware of which characters they match up with each show and find it hilarious. Well everyone but Lucio for obvious reasons. (If anyone wants those matches, just let me know! lol)
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