#[ we just wanna make people blush we wanna make people weak im sorry ]
enavant · 2 years
okay who can j'isu do this to ?? like n i ferally send her to ur inbox
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kusundei · 5 months
god forbid i just woke up rn but. god. GODDD. god. im actually. still tweaking a little.
NO BECAUSE TODAY WAS SO. SOOOO. I feel crazy. i watched jt happen and goddd god he just always finds more ways to plant himself into my head. more ways to make me fold all the fucking time. more ways to ensure i will be actually infatuated by him and crazy im just soooo. SOOOO. UGHHH.
no cuz he literally. i. i was shaking so so MUCH TODAY he just makes me so nervous. it gets to the point esp in photography where i get nervous knowing im about to see him. THAT CLASS HAS ALWAGS MADE ME NERVOUS BUT NOW ITS JUST. godd. how i would do something. ialways want to do something. ANYTHING. i never really do unless he does it first cuz i am scared and afraid. i hate that ab myself i will. never take initative no matter how madly i want something i am too scared of fucking something ul that i never will do anything for myself. (jd how you would condemn me constantly. how you are a horrible tiny voice in my head reminding me i am not good enough always.) I just. UGH. i want to i always want to. THAT FIRST TIME when i grabbed his hand while walking past him and he literally like. idk how ti explain that but he like. grabbed me back. i. i am fucking WEAK. GOD IM ACTUALLY A WRECK HE JUSTMAKES ME INSANE??? god the way i stood up there smiling like an idiot while that guy talked i. am. i am sososo infatuated with you i cannot. my god and then sitting down. i kept pointing u out to the girl just like. god.
u r the one good actor there idk. heh. GOD. the way she asked me if we were a thing after you came pver the first time oh my GOD OH MT FUCKING GOD. the way you were looking at me. the way you kept smiling at me and when u sat down u laid your head on my leg im. immm. IMMMM. i was shaking. so fucking bad my face I WAS BLUSHING no thank god it was dark because when u ran off i just. put my head in my hand sfor a bit. perchance prompting the gjrl to ask. but god you. you make me. more crazy. fall in love with you more. i. cannot explain it. i just i WANTED TO i truly did god forbid you were standing sitting down there next to me and i just. wanted to touch you somehow. THE WAY I GOT A DUCKING PHOTO TOO im just i am sick i am SICKENNNEDDD i. cant stop thinking about it. i wanted to brush my hand through your hair or something. i. immm. IMMM. god. good. fucking. god. “i can tell from how you look at him” whaaat. WHAAAT. “you look at him and you were smiling the whole time i could tell you were in love with him or just really really gay” like thank you. i am. like. madly i cannot get him oht of my head hes the only thing i think about ever. the way she pointed out my constant giggling and blushing and how id point you out all the time. the way she said she thought we would be cute. yeabim fuckinf SICK
everytime you came back over there i wasnt really trying to ignore her but you just. take up all my attention. you always have all my attention i could stare at you forever but i feel weird jts just. youre so distracting. you are so cute. so. attractive??? you attract me. cloud my thoughts. GOD i wish i took some sort of photos of you today i had good chances but i didnt wanna be weird. but j do have that photo of you laying on me so i digress. im just so. UGH. no u r seriously the cutest thing ever i just. i. iiiii. i cant help it. YOU ARE SO CUTE WITHOUT TRYING TO BE everytime you looked at me i just wanted to freak out i love you. i love your face i love your voice . your mannerisms the way you carry yourself. how you interact with other people the way you laugh. hell even when youre tweaking youre so cute its distracting (sorry.) just i am seriously in love with YOU. everything about you. i genuinely adore you. i still cant believe its like reciprocated im so. baffled? im so used to pinning for someone. or someone pinning for me and i struggle to reciprocate. in a selfish manner that was ayden. pinning with no clear end goal. fun but alsohorrible. sickening. he also ruined me. jd as well. as much as i hate to admit when i first got into a relationship with her would i say i was in love wirh her? no not really. i actually was extremely detached from her it was just that. she was familiar. i knew she wouldnt go. thjs is my evil sam confession of tonight but genuinely i. had gotten wirh her in the most evil way. cuz i was off the rails on medication and delirious and i confessed to her (and 2 other people) on a whim to see what would happen. and j knew she would say yes because icwas fucking evil. do i deny and feelings fr her? no not at all. she became my everything. me being in a relationship with hercaused me to fall in love with her. hard. codependantly. thats why you baffle me. i havent felt this sort of way about anyone thjs quickly and in a long time. this is why i dare compare it to ayden and jd because. jd took time. but god i was inlovelovelove with her. ayden? i was also in love with him. i could compare it slightly closely to me right now ab you but i wasnt this crazy. also my attraction to him i realized qas maybe leaning more on a . physical side? and personality of course aiding his case but i digrees. jd i loved inside out for her. is she pretty? of course. but j never really considered it a factor to anything. bella? i didnt know her irl but i was also in lovelovelove with her and was infatuated but it was her personality that drew me in. its just i mention it sm because like. the way i feel about you is like jd (that sort of love where i loved her so much it made me sick. i wouldve done anything for her and i was in lovelovelove with her because she meant so much to me. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE) but i wasnt pbsessed with her. inever felt like how i did wirh ayden or bella with her. freaking out over snall things. with the other two, focusing on ayden more, i was like. infatuated. felt more like me fiending because i could imagine myself in a relationship with him and such. but it wasnt a lovelove thing. j wouldnt call it that . with you its so. different? i feel weird saying it because it truly does soort of feel like a selfcest thing but i like. i love you unconditionally. i am infatuated by you. i have never loved someone like this before in such a small amount of time let alone thjs strongly. and you just make jt sooo muchhh worse YOY ENABLE ME you make me crazy.
okay no more blabbing about jd and ayden (god.) tday i was just so. sooo. no because when i hadfirst gotten there and was following him around i felt like i was beinf judged. i mean of course like im not there normally but WILL. WIIIILLL. i was scared. also me following yoy into the black box the first time i started freakinf out in my own head becauseof qhat i kept saying before but godforbid i will never initiate anything. i just. iwanted to hold your hand. wanted to hug you. maybe. perchance. oh my GODD your smell its driving me jnsane now also just you in general im noticing mtself fall more in love with your appearance too yoyre jist so, ? CUTE?? i could stare at you forever you r so pretty. yourface i just. ugh. the way u smile the way u talk just everything i am seriously. in love with you. anyway your smell gets stronger everyday and god im trying to act like its not making me insane but it is. it is making me fiend more. YEARN. idk why i have such a weird thing with smell im lkke a dog. but god. GODD. im tweakijg out thinking ab it. when i was walking around stage following you. when i looked at you and you ran off. when you kept getting flustered? embarrassed? because i was looking at you? yeaah. i. IMACTYALLY IN LOVE WIRH YOU AOH MY GOD. i just no i cant. im trying not to mention that maybe i am also falling for youappearance wise cuz to me jts not super important and has never been but its aidinf in my insanity and sorry. heh. the suit. THE SUUUUITTT. i. yeah. makes me crazy. you r just sosoocute i want to stare at you without feeling judged i want to look at yoy forever. just adore you from afar. because i truly do. like ugh. UGHH. you stood so close to me all the time. in the blackbox god sitting there with jamario and will and . i forgother name. but they were all talking to me and ROSZA. i see you. im not blind. but god j felt like they all fuckinf knew. AND BEE. i see you from across the room. its just like oh my goddd. nk because you kept doing that thing to my knee and ugh AAYGHHH OH MY FHCKJNG GOD. i. i. you make me weak. i feel so dumb all the time you MAKE ME FEEL LIKE A GIRL I. GOD. when i grabbed you that time and put ur hands back believe me i wouldnt kept my hands there if i didnt get embarassed and u didnt say anythghinf. cuz oh my god GOD GDGOS. the way you kept freakinf out made me freak out mkre and more in my head i dont know how you do it. idk how you think i don’t reciprocate this and jm not crazy in love with you bcuz i am. im just so. SOOO. UGH. and when u moved to sit next to me and u rested ur head on my shoulder yeah that was my last straw. “youre crazy..” YEAH. YEAAAH. YEAAAAAAH. no i meant that you r crazy. and youre driving me insane. i want to do so many things with u i have so many ideas i am seriously in love with you but this feels like a situation. just a little. god forbid it im njst not the biggest fan of situations with no title to it. god jts entertaining though bht i like that confirmation. the title makes me more comfortable. more likely to do things. but i digress i do anything for you. happily im nusr. AUGH. i eish i stayed for cultural night but we had to go i wish in the car i held your hand or something nobody wouldve seen anyway im just. IM STJLL THINMING ABOUT IT i miss your smell. i miss your touch your hands r SO SOFT? IM? GAY???????????????? i literally i adore every inch of you i miss your voice i feel strange sleeping. god forbid i still dabble in those audios to sleep but they feel weird now. cuz i want to sleep to ur voice. like how j used to do with ayden (i hate you and j was crazy) jm just UGH. oh god today was justso. so sosososo lovely j wish it went on forever j wish i had been in drama (lying but not rlly) i wish i didnt have 10 thousand things to do this week and i wjsh i wasnt stressed and that i had my car and that jobi jjsf. goddd. GODDD. im. imm soooo. OK ILL STOP I THINK IGE MENTIONED EVERYRHING TODAY IM NUST SOSOSOS. SOOOO. SOOOOOO.
id put the lhoto i took in here but i feel bad. its for me only i suppose immjsr. so. in love. with you.
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fairyfuyu · 3 years
Which characters do you think your mutuals can pull? <3
ooh hehe this was fun
i definitely forgot some people and im so sorry but my brain is small sometimes i still love you <333
@yuki-no-akumu with my entire being, i know baji is so unbelievably down bad for momo. hes so immature about it too, refusing to actually flat out admit it to anyone, but the way he teases her incessantly—its just so obvious to everyone else that hes so in love w her. and the second momo flirts w him back, he blushes like crazy, and instantly gets hard <3
@kodzucafe ok solace its already obvious that you and nishinoya are soulmates n everything, but yuuji is hopeless in love with you and i will die on this hill. maybe im saying this because im an itadori kinnie and im so helplessly in love w you solace, but yuuji and you would be such a cute couple and him tryna win u over (which lets be honest wouldnt be hard bc its him) would be just the cutest thing <3 dnchjwbs
@drakendme kirishima. this is a no brainer. you and kiri seriously have been together in past lives, truly soulmates. an inseparable bond. sage u and him would be the strongest fucking couple ever im so ??? jealous. sad i know ill never match up to kiri’s charm and kindness and love for you :( but also, he makes u so happy so i guess im okay w it <3
@kazutoraloml my first instinct is to say satoru, but my final answer is levi. and thats so special bc as we all know, levi is a hard cookie to win over, but the moment hes sees u, hes screwed. he would be such a perv for you roo its not even funny. im so jealous. <3 also shigure is in love w u too but he is too busy with my cunt on his face so uh .. sorry bout that
@w-akasa winnie and ran i just — ran is such a sexy motherfucker i am sobbing over him .. but he sadly is not sobbing over me. he just wants to treat you right winnie, give you what you deserve because you are so fucking wonderful. also is in love w your lil guinea pig babies, and just wants to make sure you and your lil cuties are happy and healthy <3 and will also spoil the fuck out of u sjxhwjbe
@alert-arlert ryn i cannot explain it but every time i see you i think about inumaki. my brain just works like that. he would be so shy and nervous around you too itd be so ;-; idk. pretty boy just thinks youre so beautiful and wonderful and way out of his league, and when you show interest in him, he cant believe it <3
@cyancherub ok hear me out …. geto. aries i just feel it in my bones that geto is in love w u. at first, he tries to keep it lowkey, but the crazy in him just cant hold back his feelings. yall would be the hottest couple, so intimidating but in the best way possible. the kinda couple that walks in the room and everyone looks at and is like …. damn theyre so hot i want them both to fuck me <3 aka me im that person that stares at u and wants to join in on a threesome
@cafedanslanuit i wholeheartedly believe in porco being absolutely in love w u allie. and lowkey in a possessive, overly protective sorta way. is that toxic? maybe yeah, but honestly im kinda jealous. if anyone looked at you or made you laugh and it wasnt him, mans would be so fucking irate on the inside. and hes a little prideful in not showing his feelings bc he doesnt wanna seem “weak” but eventually he just cant help himself.. he has to have you <3
@saccharine-darling peach i really think eren is so down bad for you its sick. yall give off friends to lovers energy and its everything. you make him so nervous sometimes im so ;-; seeing eren get all flustered when he sees u smile or reach for his hand … yall are just adorable i fucking cant <3
@eru-lloyd satoru. i know u cant stand him eru but he would be so obnoxious about his love for u, always trying to impress u when youre around and doing everything and anything to get you to laugh and see your smile <3
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azucanela · 4 years
Hehe sooo how about Hawks, Shinsou and Kirishims straddling the reader, keeping them held down, unable to move. Instead of doing anything, he just stares at her in wonder for a long time until she furiously blushes.
STRADDLING THEIR S/O HEADCANNONS [ft. keigo takami, kirishima ejirou, shinsou hitsohi]
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SUMMARY: Y/N does not understand why they’re staring but it is causing a lot of feelings. 
WARNINGS: almost a curse word, flirting, kissing, hawks being hawks, mostly soft and cute, like zero angst
A/N: i see you anon akshdkajshd you didn’t specify scenarios or headcannons or both so i went ahead and did scenarios <3 also this is such an odd mix but i love it. 
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As a Pro Hero, Y/N had always viewed training as something necessary. To ensure that her skills were sharp and she was prepared for every possible thing a villain could throw at her. This is why Y/N always incorporated at least one day of training into her week, though this didn’t just benefit her, as she always invited her fell Pro, Hawks. 
Keigo had a very different outlook on training, one that Y/N thought would cost him his life one day if she was honest. This outlook being that training was pointless, especially since their jobs required them to work constantly, which Keigo viewed as a way of training since they both worked nearly daily as top heroes.
Now, other Pro Heroes had suggested training together in the past, Keigo had denied every single one of them. Of course, none of them were Y/N L/N, his partner in crime— more accurately heroism. His flirting had gotten him nowhere with the girl, probably because she was one of the most oblivious people he knew.
More likely because Y/N perceived his flirting as a joke. 
This is how Pro Hero Hawks and Pro Hero Y/H/N ended up in the position they are in now. Keigo had managed to get the jump on her while they were sparring, and now he straddled her waist, hands holding her down by the wrists as their faces remained infinitely close. 
Y/N could feel Keigo’s breath in her face as he spoke, a smirk dawning his face, “got you.” 
She’s glaring at him, hands jolting in his grasp to try and get free to no success. Y/N notices his smirk fade as he tilts his head at her, eyes falling over her figure as he sits on top of her. She finds herself pausing her movement as she eyes him, cheeks warming at his piercing gaze.
“Now is not the time for another one of your jokes, Keigo.”
His eyes snap back onto hers as he raises a brow, allowing a breathy laugh to escape him. “Jokes?”
Y/N practically slams her head down onto the mat in annoyance, averting her eyes from his as she responds, “yes. Where you flirt with me-”
“You think that’s a joke, sweetheart?” 
If her cheeks weren’t already burning, they certainly were now. “You just like to make me flustered, you pompous-”
“Before you finish that mean sentence.” Keigo mutters, using his free hand to grip Y/N by the chin and force her eyes to meet his, “I do like the fluster you. But I also happen to like you.”
Y/N lets out a small laugh at his words, “of course you like me, we’re friends.”
His eyes narrow at her as he releases her chin and moves his face impossibly closer to her own, “can I kiss you?” The breath practically leaves her lungs as Y/N’s mouth gapes open at his words, and she’s just about ready to tell him off until she sees the look in his eyes. 
He’s serious. 
Y/N finds herself nodding slowly, only for Keigo to tilt his head at her, “I wanna hear you say it, sweetheart.”
“Kiss me before I change my mind you as-”
And then his lips are on hers. 
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Y/N couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her as she ran down the halls of the dorms, Kirishima close behind as she made her way to her own room. This wasn’t necessarily an uncommon occurrence. Even before they were dating, their friendship had a lot of moments like this. 
Pushing her room door open, Y/N gasped as Kirishima practically tackled her to the ground from behind, twisting them to ensure he took the brunt of the fall, the redhead wasted no time taking advantage of Y/N’s shocked and flipping them over so that he could straddle her waist. 
“I caught you!” He exclaimed with a toothy grin, hands pinning her arms down onto the carpet as he pressed a messy kiss to her neck and pulling a laugh from her once more. 
They’re heaving as they try to catch their breaths, having run around the entire dorm. And a small silence overcomes them, Kirishima’s eyes trailing over her, a small crease forming between his brows as he does.
Y/N finds herself tilting her head at the action, confusion flooding her as she watches his mouth gape open slightly. She can’t help it when her cheeks begin to burn in embarrassment. 
“What?” She mumbles, averting her eyes from his.
Kirishima blinks, once, twice, finally her words register in his mind and he breaks out into a smile once more as he replies, “you’re just so...” He releases her arms, “beautiful.”
Y/N brings her hands to her face, a weak attempt at hiding her embarrassment as Kirishima pries them away, “you say such cheesy things.”
 “And you love it.”
Faking a pensive look, Y/N brings a hand to her chin as she hums, “do I?” 
Kirishima scoffs hands coming to hold her face in place as he peppers kisses across the skin, “you don’t?”
Y/N swatted playfully at his chest, a pointless try to stop his pecks against her face before he finally pressed a kiss on her lips, one that she melted into. Bringing her hands around his shoulders loosely, she hummed into the kiss, pulling him closer. 
“I love you.”
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Shinsou had insisted on training with Y/N, top of her class, the very class that Shinsou would be transferring to the following semester. Aside from being the top of her class, Y/N was also Shinsou’s only friend, something she hoped would change in the upcoming semester, especially if she managed to get him to join her lovely little friend group in Class 1-A.
These sessions benefited the both of them, seeing as Bakugo wasn’t the only target of the League of Villains at the training camp. Thankfully, Y/N had managed to escape them, but given how many times they’d attacked UA, she couldn’t help but feel the need to protect herself now. 
Not that Shinsou knew about it, and hopefully he would never know about that. 
Swinging her leg at his head, a hit that Shinsou used to be incapable of dodging, Y/N found these thoughts emptying her mind as he swiftly knocked her to the ground, legs coming to straddle her hips. Though Shinsou ensured not to place his full weight on her as his hands came to grip her own press them down onto the mat they’d been sparring on. 
“Sorry.” He mumbled.
Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at his words, apologizing for besting her. He’d certainly earned it after months of training. Though Y/N couldn’t help but feel shocked as she shifted beneath him, “Shinsou that was amazing! I’m so proud.” She offers him a grin, only to realize he’s not necessarily paying attention. 
“How many times do I have to tell you, call me Hitoshi.” There’s a small smile on his face as he nods, and his eyes are on her, and there’s a distant look in his eyes that leaves Y/N wondering what exactly is going on in his head as he stares down at her. A silence falling between them, Y/N can’t help but think back to all the times her friends had suggested he felt... something more for her.
These thoughts coupled with his piercing gaze cause her cheeks to begin burning as she inhales deeply, eyes meeting his with newfound determination. Y/N uses his distracted state to force them to switch positions, knocking his back onto the mat with a grunt, Y/N seats herself on his hips before bringing her hands to his face and pressing her lips to his.
This probably wasn’t the best plan she could’ve come up with. 
He’s frozen for a moment, but Shinsou’s arms come to hold her hips as one of Y/N’s hands leaves his face to move through his hair, causing Shinsou’s fingers to dig into her hips.
Pulling away, Y/N’s cheeks warm as she mumbles, “so, Hitoshi...” She clears her throat, “we should probably discuss that.”
Shinsou’s head falls against the mat as a laugh escapes him, “I can’t believe I like you.”
Y/N swats at his chest, though she laughs alongside him, falling onto his chest to lay her head against it.
This was nice.
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A/N: i got a lil carried away with keigos... oops. also if you read all my headcannons its basically following the same y/n and whichever character because i always do the same backstory akjsdhakjshdkjash everyone has just had a first kiss like 23479283749 times. also WHY IS KIRISHIMA SO HARD TO WRITE FOR I CAN’T DO IT thats why his is short im sorry kjashdkjahsdkjhs
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TAGLISTS[lmk if you wanna be added or removed via asks or replies]
BNHA: @shawkneecaps @1-800-schmacked
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daadddysprincessss · 3 years
We aren’t even related
paring: Jim Mason x reader
Summary: step siblings are not blood related - Your dad had been dating Sandy Mason for over a year now, and they had both agreed to move in together(unfortunately they chose your dad’s house), Sandy had 2 kids of her own, Medina and Jim - they were twins, but 2 very different people. You could admit you did have a small crush on Jim when you saw him at school, but so did every other girl, and now that the both of you would basically be step siblings you would never have a chance now. // 3.7k words, part one
Warnings: step siblings are not blood related, harmless flirting
tagging: taglist: @ghostiesbedroom @lovelylangdonx @queencocoakimmie@langdonsinferno @peachesandfern @gold-dragon-slayer @charlottelouise135 @hplotrfan @rosegoldrichie @taryn-just-happened@little-grunge-flowerz @ccodyfern @1-800-bitchcraft @langdonsoceaneyes @sojourne @starwlkers @bellejeunefillesansmerci @chicaluna2410 @crazycatchloe (hope its okay if i tagged you)
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Today was one of the worst days of your life, your dad’s girlfriend was moving in with her 2 kids - you either had to move your room to the basement of share with her daughter, you quickly opted out of sharing with a complete stranger. After you settled into the basement room you came upstairs and awaited the Masons arrival with your dad - he looked so happy, you couldn’t remember the last time you had seen him happy -
“Nervous?” you tilted your head and looked up at your dad
He continued to bounce his leg up and down - “a little” he smiled at you
“Don’t be, it’s gonna be amazing” you gave him a weak smile, trying to hide the annoyance in your voice - the only highlight of the day was staying home from classes, it seemed odd for someone to move in on a thursday but whatever - it kept you out of class.
The both of you had waited till 10:30 when your dad quickly jumped up when he heard the soft knock on the door - “hi Sandy” he smiled as he opened the door for her
You stood back as Sandy walked into your home - she gave you a weak smile - “Kids, come on in” she yelled
You placed your hands behind your back and fiddled with your fingers as you waited for them to walk in - you’ve seen them around the school before and never really talked to them so this was definitely going to be a big change - both Medina and Jim walked in, Medina smiled at you, and Jim didn’t even look up from his phone.
“Hey y/n” Medina smiled
“Hi Medina, Hi Jim” you said as politely as possible
“Hi” Jim’s voice was deep - he didn’t even look up from his phone
You rolled your eyes at him - Medina let out a little laugh, she noticed you roll your eyes -
Your dad walked in holding a few boxes labelled with JIMS ROOM “where should I put these”
“Whatever room I get I guess” his tone was rude
Your dad walked towards your old room placing them down
“If you want to follow me, I can show you guys your rooms” you walked towards Jim and Medina
“Yeah that would be cool” Medina smiled - she nudge Jim’s shoulder in hopes he wouldn’t be so rude but it clearly didn’t work
“Medina this is your room, im sorry its kinda small - it used to be my dads office” you turned to Medina
“It’s alright, there’s room for my bed, desk, and surfboard” Medina said with a shrug, she stepped into the room and walked towards the window. “it has a killer view - wow” she turned to look at you
“My dad said you love the ocean, so I made sure you’d get this room” you smiled at Medina - “Jim, your room is right over here” you turned to look at him
You walked towards your old room - “Jim this is you room, it uh used to be mine” your voice was monotoned
“Cool, so ill be sharing a room with you I take it” Jim raised his brow
Jim is one of the cutest guys at school, you knew you never had a chance with before - but now you really didn’t have a chance - “Uh no, my room has been moved to the basement” you said nervously
“Damn it would’ve been nice to share my room with a hottie like you” Jim smiled and walked into the room
You were a bit taken back by his confidence - a little bit of blush swept across your face from his weirdish compliment - you turned on your heels and walked back towards your dad and Sandy
“Thank you so much y/d/n” Sandy said as your dad carried in the last of the boxes - “JIM, MEDINA! Coming grab your boxes” Sandy yelled
The first thought that ran through your mind was ‘does she ever shut up’ like who yells that much for their kids
Medina was the first to come and grab her boxes, and than her surfboard. Jim came much later - as if he was preoccupied in his room - the first thing he grabbed was his surfboard(probably checking to make sure it wasn’t damaged) and than his boxes -
“The beds will be here later today - if that’s okay” your dad said nervously to Sandy
“I’m sure Jim and Medina won’t mind” she smiled
You went downstairs to your room, and flopped down onto your bed - you pulled out your phone and clicked the group chat labels ‘baddies’ - ‘well they are moved in now :/‘ you sent to the chat
‘Ooo at least you have that hottie to stare at!! ;)’ Heather texted
Heather wasn’t wrong Jim was the schools biggest eye candy, to us girls he was like a shiny new toy - of course you wanted to play with him but now that he’s technically your step-brother you can’t even touch him -
you tossed your phone aside to try and clear your mind “I can’t think of him like that anymore” you whispered to yourself - you looked up at the ceiling above you, you were directly under Jim’s room, you could hear him walking around above you - you even heard your window slide open a few times, probably testing if it will be quiet enough to sneak out (which it was). You turned your head to the side and looked at your new windows, they were big enough to get out of but a little high to reach, you quickly got out of bed and moved your nightstand under your window so you could still sneak out whenever - or so your friends/boys could sneak in without making a sound.
You laid back onto you bed - *ding* your phone buzzed on the other side of your bed *ding*
“Fuck who is it” you sat up reaching for your phone -
‘Bay party tmrw nite - u in?’ Heather texted
‘If ur cuming to the party wear something sexy - gotta impress the boys’ Amber texted
You rolled your eyes and laughed - ‘only if you were something cute with me;)’ you replied to Amber
‘Yeah i'll pick up Ambs and Vana’ you texted back to Heather - “fuck shes so annoying” you tossed your phone aside again - you turned to your side and started to doze off slightly until you heard a light knock at your door - “come in” your voice was soft
The door slowly opened “I was wondering if you wanted these back” Jim’s voice appeared from the doorway - he was holding up a lighter and incense
“Uh yeah! Thanks” you quickly walked towards him grabbing the items
“The best way to cover up the scent of pot is the smell of glass cleaner” Jim laughed - he knew exactly why you had incense
You smiled awkwardly “thanks” -
Jim pulled out a joint from his pocket - “wanna smoke up before dinner?” He smiled
Jim never talked to you - he actually labelled you a ‘snob’ for not showing up at bay boy parties often, so what was the change of heart here - “uh sure, why not?” You said softly - you flicked the lighter on and lit the incense -
The soft smell of lavender filled your room as Jim lit the joint - he inhales deeply, holding it for a moment - the smoke ghosted form his lips, he held the joint up for you. You took the joint and inhaled deeper than Jim(trying to show off) you held it in - when you parted your mouth to blow out the smallest bit of smoke came out - which made you smile.
“Wanna sit?” You tilted your head as you inhaled again
Jim nodded and took a seat on the end of your bed, you joined him on your bed, sitting with your back to your pillows - you leaned over(practically on your knees) to hand him the joint - Jim took the joint and smoked it
“I never would’ve thought a girl like you was into this sort of stuff” Jim laughed
“Into what? Smoking? Pv can be boring when there’s no parties, you have to find your own fun, you’ll quickly learn about me Jim” you smiled at him - you both were getting along, it felt slightly weird
“And what other things do you like to do for fun y/n” Jim’s voice was a bit higher as he held the smoke in
“Sometimes you can go whale watching, party at the bay, sometimes my friends and I go down to the train tracks and drink mindlessly - sometimes I go down there with guys” your eyes went wide realizing you overshared -
“Go on - im interested in what else you do at the tracks” Jim’s voice was low and raspy
You gave a weak smile as you reached over to grab the joint from Jim - you nearly fell face first onto his lap, but you quickly caught yourself before it could happen. Both of you started to laugh hard, “I’m so sorry” you took a deep inhale
“It all good babe” Jim laughed
You were a bit taken back by Jim calling you babe, like sure he probably called every girl babe but you never actually hung out with him - you took another deep inhaled before handing the joint back to Jim - you could feel your high kicking in, making you feel more relaxed. You watched Jim place the joint between his plump lips and inhale - god you wanted to kiss those lips - he parted his lips and exhaled the smoke softly, your eyes flickered up to his face - he was so fucking hot
“Y/N! JIM! Dinner is ready!” Your dad yelled from the top of the stairs - quickly getting you to focus
“Wait what time is it” you said softly as you grabbed your phone, ‘6:45’ was across the top of your screen - “we’ve been down here for almost 3 hours??” You started to laugh
Jim bit his bottom lip and looked at you “it was the best 3 hours I’ve spent here so far” he stared at you for a moment - you could feel the tension building up between you
“JIMMY! Y/N!” Sandy yelled
You both stood up together and walked towards the stairs to go up - Jim let you walk up first. When you came from behind the door the dinner table was set up with a nice dinner, there were 2 open spots next to each other - Jim and you had taken both those seats.
Dinner felt more full than normal, it wasn’t just you and your dad anymore - but it was a good feeling, you saw him laugh and smile a lot more than normal which warms your heart. After dinner you cleaned up the table with Sandy trying to get to know her more - she was a bit odd
“Thank you for dinner Sandy, it was delicious” you smiled as you load the dishwasher
“It was my pleasure - i'm glad you enjoyed it” Sandy smiled
You turned your head slightly and noticed Jim standing in the entrance of the kitchen gawking at you - you gave a playful smile and quickly stood up
“Hi” your voice was sweet
“H-hey” Jim stuttered out
“Do you need anymore help in the kitchen Sandy?” you turned your head to hide the blush sweeping across your face
“No dear, I got it from here” She smiled at you
Jim’s lips were pressed into a thin line - he parted his lips to say something but nothing came out
“Cat got your tongue” you teased - before Jim could say anything you walked towards the basement door, you went down into your room and threw yourself onto your bed - “why did I just do that” you raised your voice as you pushed your face into your pillows. Why were you being so flirty, you knew you couldn’t have him - you could feel your body tensing just thinking about him, your mouth started to water at the thought of kissing Jim’s plump lips, you could even imagine the of his ribs if he lied between my hips - your hand started to trail down your body, getting closer to the band of your leggings - *ding* you quickly removed your hand from almost entering your pants, you quickly sat up to see who messaged you -
‘Hey, I really enjoyed our smoke sesh. Maybe we can have another one soon;)’ Jim texted you
The first thought that ran through you head was ‘how did you get my number?’ -
‘Yeah, maybe tomorrow’ you texted back
‘Before the party ;)’ Jim texted back quickly
How did he know you were going? He never asked you - who told him? ‘Yeah sure, whatever works’ you texted back trying to sound cool
‘Sweet dreams ;)’ Jim texted back
You stared at your phone with a smile plastered across your face - “sweet dreams” you said softly out loud - you never texted him back that night. You laid back in your bed, you felt like you had a little school girl crush on Jim, but there was that little voice in the back of your head screaming at you ‘HE’S BASICALLY YOUR STEP BROTHER YOU CAN’T GO FOR IT’ - you closed your eyes to drown out the screaming in your head - after you closed your eyes you quickly fell asleep.
You woke up Friday morning to the smell of your dad’s world famous pancakes, you quickly jumped out of bed and threw and oversized shirt on, you ran up the stairs to see your dad humming as he was flipping some pancakes
“Good Morning sunshine” his voice was cheerful
“Good morning daddy” you smiled - you had forgotten what he looked like when he was this happy
“I made these ones special for you” your dad smiled and handed you a plate
When you took the plate you looked down to see mickey mouse shaped pancakes - “dad, you really didn’t have to” you smiled so hard your face started to hurt
“Think of it as a thank you” your dad pulled your head to his chest and kissed your forehead
You walked towards the kitchen table with your plate - you smiled at Medina who was eating her breakfast
“Morning” you spoke softly
“Morning y/n” she smiled
You placed your plate down and turned around to grab a drink - “Medina do you want anything to drink?”
“Yeah sure, I wasn’t sure where anything was” she laughed
You grabbed to fruit juices and walked back handing one to Medina, you both sat in silence, eating breakfast till Jim came out of his room - he stomped his way to the kitchen, his hair was a complete mess, dark circles under his eyes - almost like he didn’t sleep. He didn’t say a word to either of you, he grabbed a plate of food and sat next to you - he closed his eyes for a moment and inhaled deeply -
“Morning Jim” your voice was low
He turned to look at you, giving you a weak smile along with a nod - he acted as if you meant nothing to him..
You ate your breakfast in silence, after you were done you brought your plate to the sink. You looked at the clock to see if there was enough take to shower before class - which there was -
You walked towards the bathroom(since the basement bathroom was being worked on) -you grabbed a towel and set the water temperature, you tossed the oversized shirt aside and stepped into the shower, you put a little bit of shampoo in your hand and started to massage it into your scalp -
“Holy fuck” Jim’s voice was muffled
Your eyes widen and you quickly covered your breasts - “Jim what are you doing in here, don’t you knock” your voice was full of embarrassment
“I did” Jim blurted out as his eyes trailed down your body
“Jim get out” you pointed at the door
“Or I could just join you, save water right?” He laughed - Jim walked towards the shower
“Jim no” you turned the shower off - you really did want him to join
“You know you want me to” Jim winked
There was a knock at the door - “Jim? Y/n?” Medina’s voice came from behind the door
“Sorry medina I’m almost done my shower” your voice was shaky
“Oh sorry y/n” Medina’s voice was quiet
“Okay Jim when Medina walks away your out” you covered your breasts again
“Nice ass” he smirked
The corners of your lips started to curve from the compliment(kinda compliment) Jim gave you -
“I worked hard for it” you spoke with confidence
“I bet it would look nicer with a few hand prints” Jim teased
You were a bit taken back by his boldness, you tilted your head and raised a brow - “Yeah I bet it would” you smirked
You could see a bulge build in Jim’s pants - he looked down and back at you, pink blush crept across his face from embarrassment - “Medina’s gone - sorry for the blue balls” you smirked
You could admit telling Jim to go away instead of fucking you senseless hurt a little - you gave yourself blue balls too, you quickly showered and went to your room, you got dressed and brushed your hair out.
When you walked upstairs and headed towards the door you saw Jim and Medina grabbing their bikes to ride to school - “do you guys want a ride?” You asked
“If you don’t mind” Medina squinted her eyes from the sun as she looked at you
“Yeah - please” Jim said as he walked towards your car
You unlocked the doors and Jim got in the passenger seat of y/car, Medina got in the back seat
“Thanks again y/n” she spoke softly
You smiled at her through the rearview mirror - you just wished she wasn’t so shy with you
You plugged your phone in for music and started to drive towards school - you got to school within 15 minutes which was early for you.
“Do you guys want a ride home after class too?” You asked as you parked
“Please” Medina nodded - she quickly got out of the car and walked towards her friends
“Yeah” Jim nodded
You both got out of the car at the same time walk separate ways. Jim didn’t acknowledge you at school for the rest of the day, it annoyed you how different and unflirty he was with you.
After class when the last bell rang you went to your locker as normal, and put your stuff away- you texted Medina and Jim letting them know you’d be a few minutes. When Amber and Vana walked up to their lockers(right beside yours) they wanted to know everything
“So what’s it like living with the Masons?” Vana raised a brow
“It's only been a day” you laughed
“Ugh fuck talking about that - so for tonight what are you wearing?” Amber asked
“Probably shorts and a tank, how about you guys?” You said as you put your backpack on -
“Y/n you gotta show a little - I heard Alex likes you” Vana teased
“Oh yeah right - I have eyes for someone else” you laughed
“No y/n Vana’s right, Heather heard that Alex was gonna invite you over after the party” Amber was trying to be serious
“Don’t pull my leg” you laughed
Both girls looked at you with a straight face
“I’ll see you guys tonight, you'll both be at Ambs?” You said as you turned to walk away
“Yeah - see you later!” They both said in sync
You walked quickly down the hall in hopes not to see Heather or Alex - they really annoyed you.
When you got to your car Jim and Medina we’re both patiently waiting for you - “sorry guys, my friends just wanted to talk” you quickly unlocked the doors.
The car ride home was silent again, you were thankful you had music to play though - when you got home, your dads car wasn’t in the drive away and no sign of Sandy anywhere - you went down to your room and picked out your clothes for tonight - placing them on your bed neatly.
Jim came down and knocked on your open door “you told me to knock right” he smiled
“Hi” you said coldly not caring
“Smoke?” Jim questioned as he held up a joint
“Why not” you stood up from your vanity
Jim lit the joint and inhaled, he nodded his head as he exhaled “its good” he handed you the joint
You walked towards Jim, taking the joint - your fingers brushed against his - you inhaled deeply and tilted your head back as you blew out the smoke. Jim and you sat in your room smoking - something about being with him comforted you, this joint hit you harder and faster than last time, your head went fuzzy, and your palms went calmly-
“I don’t know if I ever told you, but your so fucking hot” Jim’s voice was low - his eyes were glossy
“Wait what?” You were caught off guard-
Jim leaned towards you - his lips ghosting over yours - he placed his forehead against yours. You tilted your head up slightly - your lips meeting his - kissing gently, Jim’s lips parted slightly biting at your bottom lip. Jim’s tongue swiped against your bottom lip begging for entrance - you parted your lips, kissing Jim with an open mouth, his tongue massages against your tongue, you let out small moan into Jim’s mouth -
Jim pulled back from the kiss, a small trail of saliva trailed from your lips, his eyes were hazy as he started back at you -
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angelthebedsheet · 4 years
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a/n: @tom-hlover i hope this was to your liking! it was a lil hard but i do love tom holland’s spidey so here it is! i just assumed that it was a romantic relationship too !!
lets get it!
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okay so first things first?
yall are ATTACHED at the hip
ned and mj clown peter for this all the fucking TIME
like he always walks you to class and sits next to you in class
peter we get it you want this melanin dial it back
and you are a superhero FIEND
anyone who knows you knows you go feral for superheroes and spiderman specifically
mj knows this, ned knows this, peter definitely knows this
mj always just gotta give peter a look like
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whenever you start gushing about whatever spidey did that night
“peter did you see him last night?! he looked so amazing!”
“ah yeah n/n i saw!”
internal SCREAMING
like his beautiful amazing talented spectacular crush and best friend is fawning over him ???
mind boggling brothers
i mean your lockscreen is one of those press hold ones that move? so at first it’s a group picture of you, peter, mj and ned then you hold and boom its spidey swinging
peter found this out by accident and simply lost his mind in his room
you would do ANYTHING to see spidey in action and anYTHING TO HELP
bbg just wanna be a hero too 🤪
this day peter couldn’t come over to your house this time bc of his internship and had to leave early
aka code word for spidey shit to do lmao
and you’re a lil bummed
“but petey it’s wednesday and we were supposed watch mean girls and legally blonde.”
“i-i know i’m sorry n/n i’ll make it up to you”
mj and ned heard that and LOST IT
you frowned watching peter book it outta there like the lights were out
i mean my mans usain bolted it
mj and ned couldnt go home with you either so that sucked
you didnt usually walk home by yourself and honestly you really didn’t want to
it mf queens man. it’s not the safest place in the world
you started walking home and decided to buy some snacks n shit bc you saw them glazed donuts lookin real SCRUMPTIOUS AND FRESH in that packet
now you got the snacks secured in your bag and ready to go
you’re walking down the sidewalk when you hear some grunts and scrapping sounds?
you look down the alleyway and literally see your idol spiderman cornered
nuh uh not on your watch
you dropped your bookbag and tied ya braids/locks/afro back and took a running start
just as spidey was about to get punched you KICKED that mf straight in the cheek
spidey is like ????
“get got bitch!”
y/n???? awSHIT
its YOU
on one hand that was badass and two WHY ARE YOU HERE AND NOT HOME???
you grabbed a random pipe laying around and went ham on that bitch
peter is like confused and panicking as he stands up
you are handling your shit you aint need no mf powers
you got the black nasties on that was powerful enough
you are deadass yelling BITCH each time you hit them
peter snaps outta it and pulls you back
bc damn they knocked out alr you were bashing that hoe IN
you drop the pipe and turn to spidey with that big ol smile
peter felt his knees buckle
“you okay spidey? you looked like you needed some help?”
holy shit?
“u-uh t-thank you y–miss”
he had to speak from the belly with that
(i can hear my chorus teacher going SING FROM YOUR DIAPHRAGM)
while yall chatting it up another villain swooped in and threw some shit at yall?
idk how to describe it but it damn near almost impaled you but thankfully peter’s spidey sense kicked in and he pulled you out of the way
even though now you’re in fucking DANGER you’re losing your mind bc you are pressed up against peter’s chest
like damn spidey you really built like that?
peter on the other hand is like shit
cant let the loml aka crush slash bestfriend get hurt but i gotta fight these mfs....
he’s like fuck it man we gon dip just this once and picks you up
���hold onto me real quick?”
“o-oh okay????”
you’re living the fuckin DREAM and wrap your arms around his neck
peter’s trying to stay professional but ... girl you smell good asf and you basically intoxicating babyboy
then he just tHWIPS it outta there and hooks his foot onto your bookbag
shit was sexc even tho that didnt make much sense
yall SWINGING thru the streets with a lil funk and soul
you’re fully living the dream now baby!
he kinda just kicks his foot up and you catch your bookbag before wrapping your arms around his neck again
he swings yall onto a building roof top and you’re in awe
you’ve never seen queens like this before
he lets you go
“beautiful right? one of the benefits of being able to swing around”
“i know thats right...”
he’s just admiring you now
lil did we know tony stark PEEPED that shit thaNKS KAREN
you noticed spidey just staring at you and you lwk feel your cheeks heat up (bc black people don’t blush ❤️)
spidey you deadass left two CRIMINALS out in the open like hurry up
“h-hey can we take a picture together? i wanna show my petey that i met you!”
“o-oh uh sure? also who’s.... who’s petey?”
“oh he’s my best friend! technically his name is peter but i love giving him nicknames.”
bitch oh???
you turned on your phone and show him your lockscreen pointing at peter
“isnt he just adorable?”
palms are sweaty knees weak arms are heavy
“ah. do you. do you like him?”
you kinda just unlock your phone while looking away
“y-yeah i mean who wouldn’t? he’s perfect... 👉🏽👈🏽”
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“you like peter?”
“peter parker?”
“oh thank god”
“i beg your pardon?”
“oh i um i said that b-because i know him and im pretty sure he likes you back”
“y-yeah. he talks alot about you”
my mans are you really... snitching on yourself?
he really being his own wingman...
“yup. i get it too. you’re. you’re beautiful.”
you went
are my eyes deceiving me or is spiderman calling me BEAUTIFUL???
now yall both flustered
you’re thankful for your beautiful melaninated skin
peter’s thankful for that mf mask
“t-the picture”
“o-oh right”
cue tony PLOTTING like a mf
yall take two cute lil selfies together before spidey realizes he on the fuckin JOB
“ah i have to go let me take you home. where do you live?”
and you tell him your address even tho he already had it memorized by heart
he swang you to your doorstep and waved you goodnight before going back to handle those criminals
after that peter’s finally on his way home when tony pipes up
“was that the girl you always talk about”
“m-mr. stark??? you saw that??”
“all of it. she’s badass i want her on our team.”
that night you got an email from tony stark and you RANG UP PETER SO QUICKLY TO LOSE YOUR SHIT ABT NOT ONLY TONY BUT SPIDEY TOO
“t-that’s amazing n/n!”
the next day at school you absolutely GLOMPED him and mj
you are BUZZING with energy
mj’s kinda like?? did peter dick you down or some shit why you this hyped in the morning???
peter alr knows and is internally screaming into the void bc you like him back????
you’re already showing mj the pictures like “BRO LOOK HE EVEN HELD MY WAIST YESTERDAY!!”
ned is like 😏
mj is like 😌
they giving peter the LOOK
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bc bro.... cmon now peter.
mj and ned dip leaving you to gush to peter alone
“do you think i can really be a hero petey?”
“d-definitely n/n i mean you did save spiderman yesterday”
“you’re right!”
peter has lost his shit too many times
“also petey. i like you alot.”
cheek kiss and dip
petey boy is stunned standing there in the halls like 😳
then he revives himself like ik this pretty bitch didnt just kiss and dip me like that
now he chasing you
alls good
mj and ned got blackmail too
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A little Thank You Fic for @galagcica 💕
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Happy With You
Aone was a quiet guy, very quiet. He did not talk much unless it was with Kenjii or the rest of the team about volleyball. Most people in school were intimdated by him because of his height and constant upset face. But deep down he was a very nice guy just a liiiiitle shy. So when he saw you one day after practice his heart skipped a beat.
You were sitting under a tree working on homework by yourself looking pretty content and happy. The wind slightly kicked up sending petals around you for a second . It was perfect, Aone was starstruck and at a total loss for words and actions, the Iron Wall had found his one weakness and it was beautiful.
“Aone wanna grab lunch? Aone?” Kenjii jogged over to his friend looking up at him. “You okay?”
Aone pointed to you then gave his friend a worried look. He was so unsure about so many things right now; should he say hello? Will he scare you? How would he even get the words out?!? Kenjii looked over and just smiled .
“Y/n? They are in my math class, pretty nice. Wanna go say hi?”
“N-no..” yes he did “ho..w”
“Well you just say hi, ill go over with you.”
Aone shook his head running into the school leaving his chuckling friend to jog after him.
You noticed Aone when he was outside looking at you and it had made you giggle, he was so cute to you but seemed shy . Kenjii looked to be trying to get him to go over to you but instead he ran into the school. Maybe you should make the first move.
After classes you followed Kenjii to the school entrance where Aone was supposed to be waiting for him. He was leaning on the stone wall watching the other kids pass by.
“Aone?” You asked as you approached.
Aone jumped in his skin whipping around to see just you and Kenjii trying to sneak down the street. He was a visible flustered mess right now.
“..okay.. uhn..” he motioned for you to follow him and you giggled pointing the opposite way.
“Aone you wanna walk home together?”
“Or we could just spend time together.”
“My place is this way”
The walk to your place started off very very silent. Aone had his hands stuffed in his pockets staring at the ground. It had been 20 minutes and he had not said a word to you. You gave him all the time he needed, did not try to pull answers out of him, give him a hard time or anything. Just took your time to your place, taking the long way.
“ y/n........”
“You..” his face got red. “Pre...tyy.. you are pretty..”
You blushed leaning into him making him jump slightly and look down at you to see your happy face.
“Thank you, you are pretty cute yourself.”
Aone had never heard that before, he was so used to students cowering around him or calling him the Iron Wall he completely forgot compliments existed for him. Is this what it was like? His heart was all fluttery and happy. It felt nice.
“Thank you.” He told you as he put a arm around you.
“Hehe no problem!”
The rest of the walk was better, you both talked about your interest and volleyball and school. Aone opened up to you and he never took his arm off you. Turns out he liked holding you close.
Once you arrived at your home Aone bumped into everything since your place was so small especially for him. You had to help him to the couch and fell ontop of him.
“Ah sorry!!”
Aone was red in the face with his arms around your hips holding you securely. “Are.. are you okay?” He asked, freaking out inside.
“Uh.. i think so. Im so sorry , ill move.”
“Uhm.. i ... dont mind.. but if your uncomfortable ..”
You sat down on his lap giggling. “Im okay with it, can we.. snuggle.”
His heart jumped and he pulled you closer . “Like.. this?”
“Almost. Lay down heh.”
Aone sat you down next to him and laid down on his back like a board. You chuckled laying down nect to him with your back to him. “Okay face me and hug me this way”
Aone shifted over and wrapped a shaky arm around you over your chest and slid his other arm under your neck. “Like... this?”
“Yep!” You snuggled into his arms getting cozy with him. “Feels nice right?”
It did.. it really did.. you were warm and so sweet.. so soft.. so gentle.. he squeezed you tight for a minute. “Yes.”
You spent the day watching tv that way untill you fell asleep all snuggled up in Aons arms. He was not moving for any reason . 💞
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sugas-sweetheart · 4 years
Hello! - I’ve never done a request but can I request female reader who is shy, like hinata from naruto, around her crush! With Kageyama, Suga, Iwa And Akaashi? Thank you so much if you get around to this! I’ll probably send more because I love you’re writing 🥺💞 - ☀️
A/N: I’m honoured that I’m the first person you’ve requested from and I love your writing now that you’ve started too 🥺 ahh I’m on season two of Naruto atm and I’m really enjoying it but there’s so many episodes & I don’t wanna skip any filler - but yes please send more requests it makes me so happy that you like my writing 🥺💕 AND I APOLOGISE IN ADVANCE IF I MADE YOU WAIT AGES IM SO SORRY SCHOOL STARTED FRIDAY
The other three characters under the cut, and again, I’ll find time to edit it if it didn’t work on mobile
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Kageyma Tobio
Okay I’m not gonna lie, he’s a bit oblivious to it all.
He’s fairly shy too and doesn’t really talk to many people and can come off as quite mean, I guess? Is mean the right word?
(Well he’s mean to hinata and tsukki so it can be the right word but still)
He’s quite closed off. He doesn’t really show much emotion, so he’s very oblivious to your actions when in his presence.
If it’s not volleyball related he probably won’t notice.
Someone on the team would have to point it out to him, he’s so clueless, a lost cause honestly
And then he’d become all blushy once someone’s pointed it out that you like him
He’d also have like an angry pout and a blush because he’s just like “no stop”
He’d be in d e n i a l
Try tutor him like Yachi did! (And how Hinata tried to help Naruto)
because you know that part in the chonin exam where she tried to help Naruto because he didn’t answer a n y t h i n g
So try help him with his work if you have a little boost of confidence
It will help you two talk and get to know each other a bit and gives you a reason to meet up regularly until you feel comfortable to tell him, or until one of you asks the other to go on a date
Overall, he’s oblivious but he’ll be shy and in denial when hes tOld that you like him
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Sugawara Kōshi
He’d notice straight away how you act because he’s perceptive and smart and carES
And he’d think you’re sO CUTE
He’d tease you.
The chaos in him really wants to tease but his caring side is also kinda like “it’s cute I don’t want to be mean”
But he will tease a lot sometimes
“That blush on you looks pretty cute”
“Are you blushing? Because of me? That’s so cute!”
He’d probably playfully pinch your cheeks and boop your nose
He’d actually be so soft and happy that you’re all shy because of him and he likes knowing that he has that effect on you because you probably have that effect on him too (he’s just more subtle and can probably hide it better, he gushes about you when he’s with Daichi and Asahi)
I still thinks it’s sad that canonically no one ever showed romantic interest in him like- I’d love if a guy like that existed, an angel on earth, sorry, got a bit sidetracked there
He loves your shy nature and blush and hopes that you will realise he reciprocates these feelings one day
Although he’d probably get just a little impatient and be a gentleman and ask you out.
he’s a literal angel-
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Iwaizumi Hajime
He would probably notice it a little bit, then also overthink it and not really think it was him that caused you to become shy
I think he’d be shy around his crush as well though, so if you talk to each other he’d have a small blush and talk quite directly in short sentences or mess up some words
And then you’d be even more of a shy mess than he was
Like Iwaizumi’s definitely had some confessions in his life, but not by people he liked back
Oikawa would tease you bOTH because he’s like that and loves and wants the best for iwa-chan~
he also has a chance to see a blushy Iwaizumi, why wouldn’t he take it?
His usually stoic and caring friend who makes fun of him and calls him names is now blushing because yOu’re blushing as a result of talking to and being near Iwa, and Oikawa is enjoying the show
All in all it would be so so wholesome because Iwa deserves so much love and although he seems tough, he’s gentle and cares so much about the people around him and that includes yOU and your shy self
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Akaashi Keiji
He’s very level headed and likes to tease sometimes
He’s also quite perceptive and remembers things about the people he cares about (like bokuto’s weaknesses)
He’d notice that you always blush, maybe stutter a bit or get muddled up with your words when trying to talk to him
He’d definitely find it cute
He’d make a few small off hand comments on how cute he thinks you are just to make you blush a little more and see the effect he has on you
He’d give you these gentle small smiles when you’re stuttering a bit, sort of as a reminder that everything’s fine and he’ll be patient and listen even if you are stuttering
Apart from the small comments on how he thinks you’re cute, he wouldn’t mention your shy nature much because he knows it probably wouldn’t help if he were to mention it, he’s fairly reserved himself when not with people he’s close to, so he would know how it feels to be uncomfortable around unfamiliar people
In a very cool manner he’d ask you out to coffee, or to study, and inside he’d probably be panicking, he’s very observant but what if he got it wrong? And you didn’t actually like him and you were just like that with everyone?
but we know you’d say yes and he’d be at ease
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valkyrieofsmut · 4 years
I should be asleep but this haunts me. What head over heel romantic nervous like tropes so the skeletons usually do? I mean the whole "i can't stop staring at your lips when you talk ." Or "You smile and my brain short circuits." Or "I am usually really smooth but when you come around I get tongue tied." Or "I cant stop blushing when you're around" or "I talk a mile a minute" and etc etc I hope I worded this right
I think what it boils down to is "what are the skeletons like when they have a crush?" If I'm reading it right. Yes?
Classic- When he has a crush on someone, he plays it cool. He’ll be all buddy buddy with them, and very cheeky/ punny, throwing out humor, but none of this is really different than being really close friends with him- except the staring. In a situation of watching tv and hanging out; friends- joke, watching the show... joke about the show... laughing and watching the show with stupid commentary. Crush- joke, pretending to watch the show, steeling glances at them from the side of his socket. Joke about the show, laughing... watching them out of the corner of his sockets. Joke about the show, maybe a friendly bat with a pillow or soft food item like popcorn... It turns into an all out rough house, tickling, flailing, trying to escape, knocking each other over... whatever he can do to get close to them without it being obvious.
Creampuff- It is really hard to tell when this boy has a crush! And also not at all. He will be more excitable than usual, though he’s pretty excitable already, and he gushes about them, more than he does his friends, which is still quite a bit. It would look a little something like; friend- THAT PERSON IS AMAZING! THEY’RE MY FRIEND! THEY’RE ALWAYS DOING AMAZING THINGS, AND WE DO THEM TOGETHER, TOO! or crush- CAN YOU BELIEVE HOW WONDERFUL THEY ARE? THEY’RE AS GREAT AS ME! I HOPE WE GET TO SPEND MORE TIME TOGETHER, SOON! NYEH HEH HEH HEH!!
Red- Strangely, it’s hard to tell when he has a crush, unless you start looking for patterns. He flirts with everyone, and tries to get into anyone’s pants, casually. Friend- heh, nice shirt. it’d look better on my floor. Enemy- heh, if ya wanted me ta fuck ya up, ya coulda jus’ took off yer pants and bent over! Crush- hey, doll, nice haircut, it’ll look better after ya roll around in bed wit me. The patterns are what gives it away. He’ll fluster someone he’s good friends with, or even strangers if he’s feeling it, he’ll also just hit on them and proposition a one off with them. If they say yes, he’ll either tell them he was joking (if he’s just messing around) or they’ll go to it. If he likes what they’ve got, he’ll come back around, play a bit of game, and get another round if they’re agreeable. The next time, less game, and so on until it’s just, “hey, feelin’ horny. wanna fuck?” With a crush, when he jokingly offers a night together, if they say yes, he’ll get flustered, instead. “i- i mean- i was kiddin’, but if ya wanna-!” The second time he comes around, more game, more flirting, like he’s working them up to ask them for the first time again. The third time is like that, too, and so on, and so on, until their relationship changes. And then it’s just a cute little lean over and nuzzle to their neck and a soft, “hey, sweetheart, i got an idea... wanna go do somethin’ fun?” They’re also the only one he doesn’t talk about at all. He doesn’t generally boast about his conquests, but he’ll mention something if some asks about things he’s done, or needs advice. But his crush? He may admit that they’ve been together... but not much more than that.
Edge- One word- tsundere. He for some reason always ends up having to be in the same place that his crush is. “IT’S NOT LIKE I’M HERE BECAUSE YOU ARE! I JUST ALSO HAPPEN TO NEED TO DO LAUNDRY TODAY!” He also has a tendency to do things for them because of their “incompetence”; “JUST LET ME DO IT- IT’LL BE DONE FASTER!” Somehow, this mess of a boy can manage to be super abrasive, but also super sweet at the same time. And the glare when he’s trying to hide a blush... pretty cute...
Blue- The most noticeable thing? He’s quiet. And very talkative. In shifts. It’ll make your head spin! “I REALLY LIKE THIS ONE SHOW THAT’S ABOUT THIS HERO WHO CAME TO EARTH AND WAS CONFUSED ABOUT THE CUSTOMS HERE- I RELATE TO THAT A LOT SINCE IT’S SO DIFFERENT FROM MY HOME- AND THEN HE HAS TO DEFEAT THE BAD GUY AND HE HAS THIS PERSON HELPING HIM THAT IS REALLY COOL AND HAS NO POWERS BUT A LOT OF SKILLS, AND WE SHOULD WATCH IT TOGETHER SOME TIME! WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE SHOW?” *silence as he listens intently* He also stares a bit (a lot), and is silent while they just relax together. He’s also somehow made them believe that he’s just a super cuddly skeleton! He wants all those cuddles! ... so he can practice what makes them comfortable, and when they’re all comfy laying there one day, he plans to smoothly nuzzle them, and say, “You Know, We Do A Lot Of Cuddling For Just Friends... Do You Like Cuddling Me? ... I Like Cuddling You, Too... Maybe We Should Do More Than Just Friendship Cuddling... Maybe... I Could Kiss You, And We Could Work From There?”
Stretch- He might be the hardest to know. He has that thing where he doesn’t really like someone, but somehow, he still ends up being nice to them...? what the fuck... god damn it... i meant to tell you to go eat dick, not that your shoes are nice... hell... And the emotions that show on him the easiest are amusement and irritation. So he could hate someone and be laughing at their misfortune, but they think he’s just sharing friendly comradery. The easiest way to tell if he likes someone is if he actually spends time with them, not just, he happens to be in the same room and they’re both watching tv, but, he actually meant to find them and sit down to watch the show with them. Maybe share some snacks.
Black- For some reason, it seems like he’s always just trying to control some people, but... he’s really just trying to be friendly and spend time with them... It’s just a bit awkward when you don’t know how to people in a society where you don’t have to pretend to hate everyone, or be sucking up to them or that you're more forceful/ powerful than them. Back home a conversation between him and Alphys might go, “ARE YOU GOING TO COME EAT LUNCH WITH ME, OR GET WEAK AND DIE?” (want to eat lunch together?) “Fuck off, I’m doin’ other shit.” (can’t, have to finish this work/ bullshit) “OH, GOOD, GO EAT YOUR GIRLFRIEND’S TWAT, THEN!” (fine, be like that (friendly)) Nice, friendly conversation! But he’s lost here, and when trying to show affection, he’s just so caught up on how much danger it will put on those he loves/ wants to love, so he tries to protect them by making it seem like he’s big and tough, and forcing them to hang out with him- so that his enemies don’t hurt them.
Mutt- He cuddles them. He becomes super cuddly. But he's from the same world as Black where any affection puts a target on their back, so, by being super cuddly, he's basically taunting everyone else, telling them that he's not afraid of them, and he can take out anyone who tries anything, he won't even have to let go of his crush. Come on, bitch, I dare you to try, with a dash of, the second you get too close, you're dead, and a whole lot of, this person is mine. They're mine. Mine! Mine mine mine! Touch them and die. He actually loves that due to the cultural differences, his crush thinks he just wants to cuddle all the time, but he's actually being super territorial and getting his scent all over them so there's no mistaking it. They are his, and anyone who challenges that will be at the wrong end of a burst of overkill attacks.
Axe- Protecting. When he has a crush, he wants to make sure they don't get hurt, and will do whatever it takes to do so, including stalking like behavior, threatening those he thinks has put them in danger or maybe just done things he doesn't like, like make them uncomfortable.
Crooks/ Bun- He wants to be around them. He wants to spend lots of time with them, and take their wants and preferences into consideration. He'll stand up for them, do his best to find and give them things they like, and always try to defer to them. He's ace, so there's not a lot of making out, tension, that kind of thing, but there is lots of fond, friendly, loving cuddles.
Dusty- You won’t know. Hell, he won’t know. He’ll have no idea, just start the yandere insanity of, “i’m really obsessed with this person... i must be really wanting to kill them... i wonder why...” So... until about forever later, when he figures out that he doesn’t want to kill them, they should probably stay far away.
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abbyandersonbicep · 4 years
my mentors little sister
Part 4
Yelena Belova x fem!reader
Warnings: my writing and bad grammar except for that none
A/N i’m sorry this took so long i hope you all enjoy it! feel free to leave a comment:)let me know if you wanna be tagged in the next chapters
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The next day arrived way too fast for your liking.
Being woken up way too early by an excited Wanda wasn’t nearly as much fun as it sounds. Neither is being forced to help her pick out a dress.
„Wan just wear the dark red one it looks fine”
„But what about this one ?” Wanda exclaimed holding up a simple yet elegant black dress.
„Thats a nice one too, just please decide soon im getting hungry”
Wanda just playfully rolled her eyes at your comment.
After a few more minutes which felt like hours to you Wanda decided that she was getting hungry too.
„Come one (Y/N/N) let’s get you some food” she said while holding out her hands for you to take so she could help you get up.
You made your way to the kitchen to find Sam and Steve discussion something probably mission related but you didn’t really care all you had in mind rn was getting food into your system.
After one look in the fridge you groaned at it’s poor sight, basically no food was left. As you turned to ask Wanda about the food situation Natasha and Yelena walked into the kitchen.
Your eyes immediately fell onto the blonde girl who seemed only vaguely interested in what was going on around her. You shot a small smile at her which instantly caused you to blush when Yelena returned the smile. Noticing the blush on your face she shot a small wink at you while chuckling to herself. You turned away feeling your face get even hotter than it was before.
„We could order some pizza” Natasha suggested snapping you out of your thoughts.
„Pizza sounds good right now” Yelena added.
After lunch, which took longer than you expected it to, you made your way to your room to get ready for the party, planning on taking a long relaxed shower and getting ready slowly and wothout any stress.
Stepping in the shower you feel the hot water hit your tensed up shoulders making you feel relaxed. You just started shampooing your hair as you heard a knock and an enthusiastic Wanda
„Hurry up we don’t have all day! Nat and Yelena should be here in 10.”
You instantly groaned at the thought of socializing before the actual socializing even began. Getting out of the shower you put on some sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt letting your wet hair fall over your shoulders.
„You know I hoped I could have some time to relax before the party starts” you told your friend, who gave you an apologetic look.
„I’m sorry (Y/N) but I promised them that we would get ready together and you know your the best with eyeshadow” she says trying to get a smile out of you.
„You know you could just learn it yourself its not that hard” you shot back at the brunette.
„That would be way to easy” Wanda smiled at you while bopping your nose playfully finally getting you to smile a bit.
„I know it not easy for you with all these people around all the time but i think it’s good for you, i mean getting you out of your shell” she added while hugging your side to hers.
„I guess so” you nodded.
Upon hearing a knock announcing the arrival of the two ex-assassins.
„Come in” you said just loud enough for the both to hear.
Natasha walked in first carrying a curling iron having her hair already done nicely, straightened just long enough to touch her shoulders. Yelena on the other hand was in a state that could be more compared to you and Wanda at the moment, wearing sweatpants and a hoodie with her hair thrown into a messy bun.
About two hours and a lot of hair curling later you were finally done with your hair styles meaning it was now time for make up.
„I promised Lena that you would do her make up since she won’t let me near her face anymore and trust me you don’t want her doing it herself” Nat chuckled.
„I can do it! It shouldn’t be a problem” you replied while feeling a familiar heat rising uo your neck.
With Wanda and Nat already taking up all the chairs your room had to offer you had no other choice than sitting on the bed and doing Yelena’s make up there, which would prove itself way harder than expected.
„Do you have any specific ideas of what you want ? “ you asked shyly looking down suddenly finding your feet very interesting.
„Please just don’t do anything too crazy otherwise im fine with anything” she blond smiled down at you at which you nodded and started to collect some basic items you would need.
„I’m not gonna do some thick foundation because you have great skin already and it would only look unnatural if thats okay with you” you started to ramble to the russian in front of you.
„That’s perfectly fine with me just do your thing and im sure it will turn out nice” she answered you in a rough but soothing and soft voice you never heard her use before.
You quickly got to work and got the face part done fairly fast and without any complications, the eye part however was a whole new level of complicated.
„Can you close your eyes please?”
Yelena closed her eyes at your request.
With her sitting on the edge of the bed and you sitting next to her it proved it self quite difficult for you to properly apply the eyeshadow. Yelena heard you shifting trying to find a comfortable way to apply the eyeshadow.
Suddenly she moved to the middle of your bed pulling you slowly to strandle her lap looking at your face for any sign of discomfort.
„Is this alright?” she asked softly looking at you
„Yes its good” you managed to choke out quietly, hearing Wanda and Natasha lightly chuckly at your surprised voice.
„You two are cute together you know” Natasha commented at the state you to were in right now.
„I agree with widow, you two are really cute” added Wanda sending you a smirk.
„We are gonna go change, see you later! Have fun” The red head smiled at you two already on the way out of the room dragging Wanda with her, just giving the younger woman enough time quickly shot you two a „but not too much fun”, leaving you with you and your crush alone.
Trying to hide your embarrassment from the pretty blonde in front of you, you started to quickly finishing up her eyes with some mascara moving to get some lipstick to finish up her look.
„Open your mouth a bit” you instructed which Yelena happily complied.
Carefully you started to fill in her soft lips, not noticing the way she looked at you with a soft look in her eyes as you were concentrated in not overdrawing her lips.
„Alright you’re done” you told her while closing the lipstick already making you way down from her lap, as she suddenly pulled you in softly by your waist closer to her body, so that now you were completely sitting on top of her legs. That familiar heat making its way up your neck onto your face leaving you blushing once again.
„Can i kiss you?” she whispered ever so softly to you, at which you nodded ,whimpering a small almost not noticeable „please”. Yelena wasting no time carefully pressed her lips onto yours. You felt you body go weak and you brain go fuzzy at the feeling of her lips moving in sync with yours. Not wanting to break the kiss just yet you felt your arms automatically moving around her neck pulling her in even closer to, you felt her smile at your attempts pulling her even closer not wanting to let go just yet, Yelena ran her tongue over your bottom lip slightly testing the waters when she heard you whimper quietly causing her to smile again. After a couple of minutes you both pulled away out of breath resting your foreheads against eachother not wanting to let go of the feeling.
Yelena was the first one to open her eyes looking at you with a soft smile she kept away from the public eye only letting it slip a few times around you. Opening your eyes you looked at her smiling.
„You’re adorable you know that right?” she exclaimed at your facial expressions only for you to bury your face into her neck.
A/N i hope you all liked it!
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robinrunsfiction · 4 years
A Long Way Home - Part 2
Part 1
Pairing: Gerard Way x Female Reader Rating: General Requested By: Anon Word Count: ~7900 total, about ~4450 in part 2 (minus the song lyrics used) Author’s Note: The song featured is Audience of One by Rise Against, it can be found in the playlist, here. I hope you enjoy the conclusion to the story!
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As the tour rolled on, (YN) started to wonder if maybe there was a chance that the crazy commenters online were right about the possibility of her and Gerard being something.
It seemed like he always made time to see them perform now, and talked to her when he got the chance. It was never overtly flirtatious, but she couldn't help but wonder and hope that he was trying to get closer to her.
Unfortunately the tour had reached the halfway point and that meant saying goodbye to Taking Back Sunday. (YN) felt so thankful that she could now count Adam, John, Shawn and Mark among her friends.
Now Crystal Lake Cemetery had joined the tour and the overall vibe shifted. There had been such a welcoming camaraderie at first, but the new band didn't seem to want much to do with anyone else, returning to their own bus after their set was done. Rebecca and Jake took their lead, leaving Liam and (YN) to hang out with My Chem whenever the opportunity presented itself.
Now it was finally one of the rare days where there was enough time between shows to get a night in a hotel. Everyone appreciated the chance to get a decent shower and sleep in a real bed.
Everyone except (YN). She found herself on a couch in the hotel lobby after going out for dinner and drinks with Liam. He had started chatting with a guy, and ended up bringing him back to the hotel. All she could do now was wait for him to let her know it was ok to come back to the room and scroll through social media.
Up in his room, Gerard was doing the same when he noticed the square icon at the top of his phone. He smiled to himself when he saw that it was a notification that (YN) had updated her story.  He opened it up and saw it was a selfie of her pouting dramatically. With the caption "i havent been sexiled from a room since that semester i went to college 😫"
‘Where are you?’
The DM from Gerard surprised (YN), not only because he saw her post, but how quickly after posting it he responded.
‘Lobby. Liam brought a guy back, so I'm waiting for the all clear to go back up.’
‘Wanna hang out in my room?’
(YN) felt her heart rate shoot up. ‘Sure’ she replied as casually as she could with shaking fingers.
‘529′ he replied moments later and she jumped up, hurrying to the elevator. The ride up felt like it was moving painfully slow. She tried to keep her pace casual as she walked down the hall and smiled at Luke and Will, two of the members of Crystal Lake Cemetery who were talking in the doorway of the room across the hall, before knocking on Gerard's door.
“Hey,” he greeted her with a smile and she tried to keep from letting her knees go weak.
“Hey, thanks for inviting me up. I was getting kinda bored in the lobby,” she laughed as she walked in.
“Of course. Umm, wanna watch a movie?" Gerard asked as he made his way over to the couch.
"Sure, whatever's on," (YN) replied as she sat down next to him. She couldn’t help but wonder who designed the layout of the room with the couch not actually facing the tv as she found herself sitting sideways.
"Looks like The Martian is about to start, have you seen it?"
"Once when I was in a hotel room in Rochester, but I had taken so many cold meds that day, I'm pretty sure I thought I was a martian," she laughed. "I was so sick that tour. I hate when they schedule shows in the winter."
“I agree, those are always kinda miserable, seems like everything is always cold and wet. Oh, do you wanna stretch out?” He asked when he noticed how she was shifting uncomfortably.
“Sure,” she laughed a little nervously as she stretched her legs out over his lap. It wasn’t much later that her eyelids began to grow heavy and the next thing she knew, she was waking up as the end credits were playing, and her head was against Gerard's shoulder. Then she realized his arm was around her, his other hand on her shin, rubbing small circles, almost absentmindedly. "I guess I'm never gonna see this movie," she mumbled, feeling a little awkward.
"That's too bad, it was pretty good," Gerard laughed.
(YN) picked up her phone from where it had slid to the floor and saw that Liam still hadn't messaged her. "Damn dude," she muttered.
"Oh, Liam still hasn't given me the all clear. I guess him and this guy really hit it off.”
"How are things with the other two? They never seem to be around much."
"Weird. I dunno, something is going on and no one is talking about it. Well no, they're talking about it, but not to us. Liam overheard Rebecca telling Jake that I’m selfish and I care more about the band as a concept than as four people making music together," she sighed. "And I do see it now that it's been pointed out."
Gerard shook his head. "I get it, I was the same way the first time round. I wanted everything to be the way I envisioned it in my head, I had that goal that I was working toward and that was all I was focused on. Though, for what it's worth, I think you're pretty great."
"Stop," she replied, covering her face with her hands to hide the fact that she was blushing.
"I'm not kidding," he said tugging at her wrists. When she looked up, he was smiling softly at her.
She shook her head. "Anyway, can I crash on your couch tonight? I'm not sure the staff would appreciate a rock star sleeping in the lobby."
"You take the bed, I'll sleep on the couch," Gerard replied.
"Gee, no, I'm the one who is invading your space!" She said getting up.
"I invited you," he replied, getting up as well.
"Share?" The word tumbled out of her mouth before she could even realize what she said.
Gerard looked a little caught off guard. “Oh, umm, yea-”
“I’m sorry, you don’t have to. Again, I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“No, (YN), it’s fine,” he shook his head. “Please don’t worry, we can share.”
She nodded. “Ok, fine.”
The next morning she woke up and Gerard was still sleeping peacefully next to her. That was a sight she felt like she could really get used to and had to restrain herself from reaching out and brushing the hair from his face. He looked so peaceful and it warmed her heart. She rolled over and checked her almost dead phone, and found Liam had finally messaged her.
‘Ok, you can come back now’
‘Yooooooooooooo where are you i wanna talk to you come back’
‘For real text me back, i’m getting worried, if ur dead an its my fault im gonna be so mad at you’
She tried not to laugh out loud and wake Gerard. ‘I’m fine, found another room to crash in, we’ll talk soon 😁’
“Hey,” Gerard mumbled sleepily next to her.
“Hi. Thanks for letting me stay here last night,” she said as she rolled over and smiled at him.
“Anytime. I really like hanging out with you (YN).”
“Same. We should do it more often," she offered with a shrug.
"I'd love that," he replied softly.
"I should get going, Liam sent me about 100 texts," she said shaking her head. She got up and gathered the few things she had brought with her to Gerard's room. "Thanks again," she said. She didn't realize what she was doing when she held her arms out for a hug.
He smiled and got up and wrapped his arms around her. Her heart was pounding so hard she worried he would notice, but he was so warm and smelled good, she quickly forgot her worried.
Eventually she pulled back, and gave him a wave before heading out. When she opened the door, she noticed the door across the hall quickly close. She shook her head in confusion as she headed back to her room.
From that day on, things began to get strange. Garden of Woe's gear and wardrobe carts were moved into different rooms, their dinner orders were cancelled, and at a soundcheck Liam and Rebecca both found their instruments wildly out of tune, despite the guitar tech claiming he had tuned them before any of the bands came in.
“It feels like someone is fucking with us,” Liam said shaking his head as he and (YN) hung out with My Chem’s in their dressing room.
“The only thing that’s different is Crystal Lake Cemetery is here now,” Mikey said cautiously.
“Why would they be messing with us though? Are they hazing us?” (YN) asked. “I’ve never experienced anything like this, and we aren’t close enough to them for this to be okay.”
“I’m gonna have the tour manager talk to them, it’s not right that this is happening to you,” Gerard said from his spot next to (YN).
“Thanks,” (YN) smiled up at him appreciatively.
“Of course,” he replied looking back at her fondly. They were again oblivious to the looks being exchanged by their friends around them.
The talk must have worked, as nothing further was done to mess with the bands stuff, but what (YN) didn’t know was how the rumor mill was now working overtime.
“I can’t deal with this, I fucking can’t deal with this. Fuck this, fuck you, I can’t believe it,” (YN) snapped before rushing out of the dressing room. Tears stung at her eyes, blurring her vision so she couldn’t see who she ran into. "Fuck, sorry."
“Woah, (YN) what’s wrong?” She heard Gerard ask. She just shook her head in response and looked up at the ceiling, trying in vain to keep the tears in place. She felt Gerard taking her arm and leading her into another dressing room for privacy. But as soon as the door was shut behind them, she couldn’t hold it in anymore.
"It's over, it's all over," (YN) sobbed.
"What is? What's going on?" Gerard asked, concerned, rubbing her arms.
"Rebecca and Jake are leaving the band at the end of the tour."
"What?! Why?"
"They're gonna go have a kid and be a family and leave us behind," she wailed, the tears coming harder again. Gerard pulled her in tight and let her cry on his shoulder.
(YN) had no sense of how long she had been crying when she finally felt herself calming down and her tears slowing. "I'm so so sorry. You don't need to be bothered by my stupid problems. You're like the most important person here and I'm nobody. I’m nobody with no band anymore," (YN) said pulling back and wiping her eyes. She was thankful she hadn't put on her stage makeup yet, or his olive jacket would have been ruined.
Gerard shook his head, his eyes soft and full of sadness for her. "No, you’re important to me. And yea your band is gonna change, but you’re so talented, so is Liam, you're gonna do amazing things.”
“You think?” she asked looking up at him and he nodded. “Thank you for helping me calm down.”
She realized his hands had settled on her waist, and she looked back up at him as she clung to his jacket, to find he was still smiling down at her softly. This was the dream for her. Well, not the part where she found out half her band was leaving, but being held by Gerard Way while on tour together. The fan fic was practically writing itself in her mind until she felt her phone vibrating in her back pocket.
“Ugh, I gotta go deal with this,” she replied when she saw the text messages rolling in from Clark in all capital letters with many expletives and exclamation marks.
Garden of Woe's show that night was not their best, but no one spoke of it, mainly due to none of the band members speaking to each other at all. The bus ride to the next town was silent and when they arrived, Liam and (YN) found a private place to talk about the situation alone.
"I can learn drums, and play and sing like Don Henley. Or we could call Dallon and Ryan and see if they wanna form a supergroup? I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND Garden of Woe?" (YN) suggested.
"Genius," Liam laughed. "But (YN), we're gonna be fine. We'll figure this out as we go along. Well take a break and maybe they'll even change their minds."
"Jake maybe, but I doubt Rebecca will. She's been on edge for a long time, I just don't know if this life was ever for her. Maybe she's doing exactly what she needs to."
"What was it she called you?" Liam smirked.
"Scene whore," (YN) laughed darkly as she shook her head.
"Yea, that was something else.”
"I don't wanna talk about this anymore. I got my call with my therapist in five minutes."
"You doing ok?" Liam asked, concern crossing his face.
"This whole situation just reminded me a lot of what my mom did. Bailing on us to form a new family and all that."
Liam nodded thoughtfully, remembering how betrayed (YN) had felt when her mom left. "I get it," he replied as (YN) got up. "But hey."
"What?" (YN) stopped in her tracks.
"Remember what got you through back then?"
A smile fought its way across (YN)'s face. "Listening to hours and hours of My Chemical Romance?" Liam shrugged with a smug smile. "I'll give it a shot," (YN) laughed.
That night as she stood off stage (YN) felt like she was going to puke. The crowd was already so loud and the lights hadn’t even gone down yet.
“Ready?” Liam asked.
“Not at all,” she shook her head. “But fuck it, let’s go.”
The duo walked out on stage, where two stools and microphones were set up, a spotlight shining down. “What’s up California?!” (YN) shouted and the crowd cheered. “We are half of Garden of Woe, unfortunately Rebecca and Jake are both feeling under the weather tonight, so we’re gonna do a short acoustic set for you and then Crystal Lake Cemetery is gonna be out here to do an extra long set to get you hyped up for My Chemical Romance!”
The crowd cheered, albeit less enthusiastically than before. (YN) felt like shit lying to the audience like that, but Rebecca and Jake couldn’t be convinced to come off the bus, and it was either they do a modified set, or give up their time on stage altogether. The duo started with a couple of their best songs that sounded good while being played acoustically.
“Ok, we have one more song for you, it’s a cover of a song that means a lot to me by Rise Against. It’s called Audience of One. Thanks again guys you’ve been amazing,” (YN) said and Liam started playing. (YN) knew that it would take a miracle to make it through the song without breaking down.
I can still remember The words and what they meant As we etched them with our fingers In years of wet cement The days blurred into each other Though everything seemed clear We cruised along at half speed But then we shifted gears We ran like vampires from a thousand burning suns But even then we should have stayed But we ran away Now all my friends are gone Maybe we've outgrown all the things that we once loved Runaway But what are we running from? A show of hands from those in this audience of one Where have they gone? Identities assume us As nine and five add up Synchronizing watches To the seconds that we lost I looked up and saw you I know that you saw me We froze but for a moment In empathy I brought down the sky for you but all you did was shrug You gave my emptiness a name Then you ran away And now all my friends are gone Maybe we've outgrown all the things that we once loved Runaway But what are we running from? A show of hands from those in this audience of one Where have they gone? We're all okay, until the day we're not The surface shines, while the inside rots We raced the sunset and we almost won We slammed the brakes, but the wheels went on We ran away And now all my friends are gone Maybe we've outgrown all the things that we once loved Runaway But what are we running from? A show of hands from those in this audience of one Where have they gone?
The tears streamed down (YN)’s face as she finished singing. She didn’t know if the crowd could see it or not, and she didn’t know if she cared either way. She waved with Liam at the crowd and retreated off the stage. As soon as they were out of sight, he wrapped her in a tight hug and she cried against his shoulder.
After calming down and washing her face, (YN) and Liam went out to the merch booth to sign for fans but not many turned up. As they headed back through the corridors of the venue, they spotted Clark heading toward them.
"If it isn't my favorite PR nightmare," Clark said, annoyance clear in his voice.
(YN) and Liam looked at each other. “Oooh, Liam’s in trouble,” (YN) sing-songed with a smirk.
“Not him.”
"Wait what did I do?" (YN) asked, eyes going wide, as Liam snickered.
“In here,” Clark said, nodding toward the dressing room door, shutting it behind them. "When did you start hooking up with Gerard?"
"What?! We haven't done anything, where did you hear that?!"
"Apparently just about everyone else on the tour is talking about it. They’re saying you've spent  nights with him, you’ve been spotted ducking into abandoned dressing rooms with him."
"Well yea, I mean I stayed over in his room when Liam was hooking up with that guy in Texas, but we just hung out! And the dressing room thing, I don't even know when that would be other than that time I ran into him and he was comforting me when I was upset about Rebecca and Jake. Who would make something out of nothing?"
“People love starting rumors, especially about big names,” Clark shrugged. "If this gets out of just this bubble, people are gonna think-"
"Yea, yea, I know what people are gonna think," (YN) waved him off.
"We have enough problems coming up at the end of this tour, can you at least make sure this isn’t one of them?" Clark sighed before leaving the room.
Liam let out a long sigh as well. "I'm sure he's making a big deal outta nothing, don't you think?"
(YN) didn't answer, she had her head in her hands, staring at the floor. "What if Gerard thinks I started those rumors? What if he never wants to hang out with me ever again because he thinks I read too much into when we've hung out and think there's more to our friendship than there is? Now even if we ever had a chance at something more, it's ruined."
The last few nights of the tour dragged by, but they were finally back in LA for the final four shows at the Forum. The bands were given the option of staying in a hotel near  the venue, but (YN) just wanted to go home. She was tired of going out of her way to avoid everyone, especially Gerard, and she wanted some peace and quiet, even if it meant dealing with traffic.
(YN) unlocked the door to her apartment and walked in, dumping her luggage just inside the door. She breathed in the stale air that filled the apartment from being closed up for two months. She felt like she was going to be taking on the world when she left, and now she was home feeling utterly defeated.
She wandered over into the kitchen and opened the fridge. It was filled with nothing but condiments that were very possibly expired. She checked the pantry and found a stash of canned soup and spaghettios. She got a pot of spaghettios heated up before moving on to her laundry.
As she threw her clothes into the washer, she wondered what she’d wear to the show tonight. Did it matter? These were the last four shows that the band would be performing together and she had to pretend like everything was fine. Should she really live it up, or give up? (YN) trudged back to her kitchen and started eating her half warm lunch straight out of the pot. Was this what her life was about to become? Miserable and alone?
That night when she arrived at the venue she hid in the dressing room until sound check. She continued to avoid everyone except Liam until the show started. After, she went to sign for the fans and for the first time she didn’t hurry back to see My Chemical Romance play. Her heart broke as she heard the first notes. She wondered if Gerard noticed she wasn't there. She wondered if he was glad she wasn't bothering him anymore.
As she laid in her bed the morning of the last show, staring up at the ceiling, she couldn’t help the tears that rolled down her cheeks. She had barely slept the last few nights, her mind racing, and she felt like shit. She dragged herself out of bed and down to the kitchen, starting a pot of coffee and staring at her still bare pantry, the last can of spaghettios staring back at her. She sighed, the feeling of defeat over everything hitting her harder than it had yet.
Her doorbell ringing made her jump, pulling her from her thoughts. For a second she considered not answering. But when it rang again she decided to check who was interrupting her self-pity fest.
"Gerard? What the hell are you doing here?" She asked when she opened the door. "And how do you know where I live?"
"Liam told me.”
"Has he told you my blood type and social security number as well?" She sneered, but held the door open for him to come in.
"I was worried about you, (YN)," he said softly, his eyes filled with worry.
"Gee," she started running her hands through her hair frustratedly. "How could you possibly care about me? I am useless damaged goods! I'm barely functional! I've been eating spaghettios for the last four days because I can't bring myself to go to the store. My band is about to break up, and meanwhile people think I fucked my way onto the tour of a lifetime. Everything is," her voice started to crack as she sank down on the couch. “This was supposed to be the best thing ever, and it was at first, but now it’s ruined and you should hate me.”
“Why?” He asked as he sat down next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.
“Don’t you think I started those rumors about us?” She looked up at him.
“No!” he replied. “God no, I know you better than that (YN). And I know those assholes from Crystal Lake Cemetery. Now I wish we never had to bring them along on this tour because it meant that I’ve had to spend time away from you these last few days.”
(YN) was dumbfounded. “Do, do you mean that?”
Gerard nodded. “Mikey told me like the second day of tour just to ask you out, but I didn’t think I’d have a chance in hell with you. And then I got to know you even better and I, I knew I was falling for you, but I still don’t believe you could feel the same way about me.”
“How could I not?” She asked, astonished.
“Because you’re this amazing up and coming star, you’re beautiful, and funny and could get any guy you could possibly want and I’m older than you, I got an ex that everyone knows and still brings up and a kid. Because I got this grey hair, and I look like this,” he said gesturing to his body as he looked down forlornly.
“Gerard, stop it,” (YN) snapped. “I will not tolerate you being so mean to someone I love.”
His head shot up, eyes wide. "(YN), do you mean that? Do you really want me?"
"More than you could ever know," she whispered, not breaking eye contact.
Gerard leaned in and kissed (YN) hard. She immediately responded by grabbing his jacket to pull him closer before reaching up to run her hand through his hair. His hands were on his waist as he leaned into her. She took the lead, pulling him back so he was laying over her on the couch. He deepened the kiss as she let him move his tongue against hers.
When they came up for air, Gerard brushed the hair out of her eyes and she laughed lightly. “I missed that sound,” he said quietly. “God, I love you (YN). Fuck what anyone says, I wanna be with you, if you’ll have me.”
“I thought that kiss made it pretty clear I do,” she laughed softly again and he blushed. “Because I love you too, everything about you.”
He leaned in and kissed her again. “Would you like to go get lunch before we gotta be at the venue?” He asked when he pulled back.
“I would love nothing more than to not eat another can of spaghettios and get lunch with you,” she laughed.
They grabbed lunch at one of Gerard’s favorite spots, finding a secluded corner where they could talk away from any fans who might just happen to stop in. (YN) had been spending so much time with Gerard before Clark told her about the rumors that she felt like they had so much to catch up on after just a few days apart.
“So how was this for a first date?” Gerard asked after they finished eating.
“Perfect,” (YN) nodded contentedly. Gerard was looking at her with a soft smile on his face. “What?” she laughed.
“I’m just really happy,” he said, taking her hand.
“For the first time in quite a while, I am too,” she agreed.
When Liam saw Gerard and (YN) walking into the venue together, he sighed in relief. “Hey guys,” he said tentatively. “Everything good?”
(YN) nodded. “Yea, we got it all sorted out,” she said glancing up at Gerard, who was smiling back at her.
“Good because tonight should be the best show of the tour, and I could not put up with any more of your moping (YN),” Liam laughed.
“Thank you for your support in my time of need,” (YN) rolled her eyes.
“Gerard, there you are, you’re on for soundcheck,” the very tired look tour manager called from down the hall.
“I’ll see you later,” he said leaning in and gave (YN) a quick kiss before heading down the hall.
“So when you said sorted out,” Liam started.
“We’re together,” she blushed.
“My god, your 16 year old self must be dying right now,” Liam laughed.
“Stop,” (YN) shook her head before heading back to their dressing room.
When Garden of Woe took the stage for the last time, everyone played well, and the crowd was going crazy, but (YN) was struggling to act as if nothing was wrong. Her heart felt heavy until she glanced to the side of the stage and saw Gerard leaning against a crate, giving her a nod and a smile, reminding her that everything would be okay.
“Are you ok?” Gerard asked, wrapping her in a hug after the band took their last bow.
“Yep. Things change, but I think everything has ended up exactly where it needs to be,” she nodded before leaning in to kiss him again.
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kindajared · 4 years
Hello! yes...this is 3k+ words because I got carried away...NSFW BABEY 18+ IM LOVE HIM YOU G U Y S (Looks like I’m big dumbass and didn’t incorperate his handicap and I hate myself, but please enjoy anyway)
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You were nervous, really nervous. Your friends pressured you into doing this and you couldn’t refuse them…you were weak when it came to these things; anything for your friends. Jeez, so much for having a strong will. But how could you refuse something like this? It would be a new experience and you supposed you didn’t mind, but God, you were nervous.
A Catboy…it was hard to say it aloud. The only reason you even thought this would be a good idea was because your friend had one, Gyro, and he was absolutely lovely. They wanted you to get this one in particular because he and Gyro were close or had been before he was taken from him. They couldn’t live without each other, yet your friend only had the means for one…So, this was perfect. They could see each other whenever the wanted.
This one’s name was Johnny. He had had soft blue eyes and shoulder length blond hair and was thinthin. He was absolutely adorable and you were happy to take him in. One thing you weren’t aware of, was his personality…which was something that largely contributed to your nervousness.
You were driving back to your apartment with him in the passenger seat, his arms crossed and looking out the window. You glanced over at him now and again, hoping he would speak up rather than you. You sighed.
“Are you exited to see Gyro?”
You asked with a small smile, watching the road. Johnny’s ear perked up slightly from under his beanie and his attention turned to you, tail exposed. He gave a nod.
“More than anything.”
He replied. Your smile only grew. So this wasn’t so bad for him, you were glad. You had a little more to say.
“I just hope this doesn’t feel traumatic for you. Does it?”
You asked with a glance. You heard him shift in his seat and he shook his head quickly.
“I knew it was going to happen eventually. I’ll be fine.”
You bit your bottom lip and nodded. Good. This was good. You thought to yourself before you arrived back at your apartment just minutes later.
You went to open the car door for him, but he got out himself, hunched over like a moping child. You took a breath in before you walked up the concrete stairs to your apartment, him following close behind.
You both entered after unlocking the door, both nonchalantly kicking of your shoes before closing the door. You noticed Johnny sniffing the air. You lifted your brows.
“Smell okay?”
You asked him, hoping for the answer you desired.
“Mhm. I think it’s safe to say it smells good actually.”
He finally cracked a smile and you felt your heart could sing. You walked forward then, setting your bag and keys down on the entryway table. You let out a happy hum.
“Here, follow me.”
You motioned for Johnny to follow you and he did, both just steps from the living room. You held your arms out towards the simplistic living room; couch, coffee table and a television, your laptop and a book laying out. Johnny looked it over.
“Not much, I know, but it’s cozy enough. I hope it works for you.”
You looked at him and he nodded.
“I like it.”
You smiled once more, walking towards your next stop, the kitchen. It wasn’t big. Enough for two people to stand in. Fridge with a freezer, sink, stove and a microwave and a few cabinets and drawers.
“I don’t always have much, but I stocked up. I don’t know what you like, so I got a lot of different things.”
You spoke before you heard breathing in your ear, sniffing. You turned to see that Johnny was smelling you, reaching up to touch your hair. You swallowed, not knowing what to do or say. You just assumed this was some sort of greeting, maybe even a sign of affection? You could only hope so.
“Thanks. I’m sure I’ll like it all. I honestly didn’t expect you to be so nice. I think I might like it here.”
He spoke softly and you couldn’t help but blush.
“You think? That’s great!”
You were getting exited and Johnny could clearly tell, smile back on his face You couldn’t help but relish looking into his blue eyes, they were so gentle. You cleared your throat and walked past him, showing him the decent sized bathroom before the bedroom, which you had the decency to clean for him, making the bed and all. You opened the door to reveal a queen-sized bed, small closet, vanity and a laundry basket. Johnny looked it all over, walking forward to sit on the bed, patting it.
“I like it- I really like it.”
He gave his approval, and you couldn’t help but clap your hands together.
“Oh, that’s great, Johnny!”
You could squeal then, but you held that back. You then put your hands back down at your sides.
“Are you hungry?”
You asked him. You knew for a fact that he didn’t eat kibble or lap up water with his tongue, so you assumed he ate like anyone else. He replied.
You put a finger to your chin and looked down momentarily before looking back up with an idea.
You offered. Johnny lifted a brow and you became nervous. Did he not like pizza? He leaned forward.
“You read my mind! How did you know?”
The excitement in his voice was something new. You wear so happy. This would work out, after all. You nodded, backing out of the doorway.
“What kind do you like?”
You asked. He grinned.
“I’ll eat anything. You choose.”
You nearly melted. You nodded and left for the kitchen, calling the local pizza place and ordering plain pepperoni. What could you say? You had simple tastes. You also ordered a sprite, not being able to hold back the temptation for soda.
You went back to the bedroom after ordering to find Johnny cuddled up on the bed with on of your pillows, grabbing and kneading at it. His eyes were closed, and he was smiling. He couldn’t have been more adorable if he tried.
“Pizza’ll be here in a jiff.”
You leaned against the doorway, not being able to help but watch him. He looked up at you then.
“What are you doing?”
His brows were furrowed in some sort of confusion and you widened your eyes. What did you do?”
“Uhhh, I’m sorry, I don’t-.”
“Come here, please.”
His lip was slightly pouted. You immediately went and crawled on the bed, quickly up next to him. He immediately embraced you, nuzzling his face into your neck. You noticed he was purring, and you giggled, reaching up to push his beanie off so that you could scratch behind his ears. He hummed softly and you felt his rough tongue against your neck, making you gasp. He pulled back.
“Is that okay? I can’t help it. It feels so good. No one’s touched me in a long time.”
He sounded worried, as if he did was completely unwanted. You shook your head, placing a hand on the side of his face.
“Don’t be silly. It’s fine. I like how it feels.”
You assured him. He smiled, his soft purr returning as he was quickly back at your neck, licking strips up to your ear. You shuddered at the feeling and Johnny noticed, arm sliding around your waist and pulling you close. You hummed, moving your other hand to scratched under his chin. Johnny sighed and moved his face so that he could press his lips to yours, you made a noise of surprise and he pulled away.
“Something wrong?”
He had that same look of worry. You stumbled over your words.
“No, I, uh...I’m not sure if I want this. I didn’t bring you home for this.”
You told him. He looked away, frowning. He sat up and brought his knees to his chest. Your eyes widened and you sat up with him.
“Johnny, all I mean is…”
You paused, finding your words.
“You don’t have to do all of that. I want to take care of you, that’s all. We don’t have to, you know…”
You explained. He didn’t look back, just buried his face in between his knees and spoke, voice weak.
“You don’t want to?”
He sounded like he was on the verge of tears. You moved up next to him and took ahold of his face, brining it up so that he would look at you.
“I do want to, Johnny. I wasn’t worried about me. I was worried about you. What you wanted.”
You sighed before smiling, hoping he might return it. He blinked.
“So you-?”
Then the doorbell rang before Johnny could finish and you set you pushed some of his hair behind his ear.
“Let’s eat first, okay? I think we’re both hungry. Sound good?”
You asked kindly. He only nodded before you moved off the bed and held out your hand for him to take. When he was up you placed a kiss on his cheek before hurrying to the door. Johnny stood in place momentarily, hand on his cheek, blushing. He smiled to himself before walking out to the living room where you had set everything up for the two of you. He was quick to plop down on the couch, he loved pizza.
The two of you didn’t even use plates when you ate, taking sips of sprite from two different glasses in-between bites, barely making conversation, just making sound of pleasure. You both hadn’t had pizza in a long time.
“This makes me think of Gyro.”
Johnny spoke up after finishing a slice. Your attention turned to him and you finished chewing before replying.
“How about we see him tomorrow? Wanna do that?”
You asked, of course knowing the answer. Johnny nodded excitedly.
“Yes please, (Y/N)!”
He went in to tackle you with a hug, but you blocked him with your knee.
“No way! You’re all greasy!”
You laughed when Johnny pouted, but he was quick to laugh himself.
“Fair enough, I guess.”
He gave up before finishing his drink and sighing, rubbing his stomach.
“Thanks for this. It was awesome, if I do say so myself.”
He thanked you with a nod of his head. He stood up then.
“Can I go shower?”
He asked. You finished your slice and nodded.
“Of course! Everything in there is self-explanatory, so I don’t think you need a manual.”
You told him. He chuckled and nodded.
“Good to know. I’ll be back.”
You stopped him and he turned around.
“I got you some clothes to sleep in. They should be on my bedside table. Thought I should let you know.”
He chuckled, lifting his shoulder before he just nodded and walked away. You sighed before turning back to finish your drink, proceeding to clean up, extra pizza in the fridge. You listened as the shower ran. You couldn’t help but imagine how Johnny looked…the water running down his back, ears and tail soaking, blond hair smoothed back. It made you bite your lip as you continued to your bedroom.
You proceeded to put on some loose shorts and a long T-Shirt, nothing special. The water had been off in the shower for long enough, so you went and knocked on the door.
“I hope you’re still alive in there.”
The door then opened to reveal Johnny in nothing but a towel. He looked as you imagined but better. You had to keep yourself from staring.
“I-I just gotta brush my teeth. I got a toothbrush for you too.”
You slid by him and retrieved your toothbrush from its place next to the sink, pointing to Johnny’s. You both brushed your teeth together, bumping you hips together now and again, making each other smile. Once you were done you looked at him with a toothy smile.
“Look good?”
You asked. He nodded.
“Those are some pearly white if I’ve ever seen any.”
He complimented. You chuckled before moving past him, butterflies in your stomach. He was too perfect; you couldn’t believe it.
You then slid into bed; nightstand lamp the only think lighting the room. You nearly drifted off to sleep before you felt Johnny slide in behind you, youbbeing on your side.
“You can turn the light off now.”
He told you, and you did as he said, reaching up for it. Johnny was quick to wrap his arms fully around you, pressing his frond up against your back. You felt his breath against the back of your neck, but the smile you had faded when you felt something hard against your back. You swallowed as Johnny began to rub himself up against you, purring  loudly into your ear.
He replied in a gentle tone.
“You uh-have-.”
He chuckled in reply, pulling you as close as he could. You gasped when his cock fully pressed up against your back.
“I can’t help it. I’ll stop if you want…”
His tone changed to one you had heard before…disappointment. You could practically see his pout without even looking his direction. Even if you were, it was pitch black. You sighed,
“It’s fine. I don’t mind.”
You just felt you should point it out, though now you felt stupid. Of course, he knew he had a hard on, it was his cock, after all.
You gasped when you felt something phallic slip in between your thighs. You whimpered as it began to slide in and out. Johnny spoke.
“Can I do this? It feels good.”
He asked you, giving the shell of your ear a lick. You arched your back into him and nodded.
“Yeah- Yeah, go ahead.”
You gave him approval and he continued, cock shifting higher and higher until you could feel in against your crotch. You let out a hum and your chest tightened. You could feel yourself quickly getting wet. Johnny was purring and biting at your ear, groping at your breasts. You let out a soft moan.
You placed your hand on his, over your chest. Johnny gave your neck a soft nip.
“I want you- I want to be inside you, (Y/N).”
His voice was still so sweet, breath hot. You pressed half of your face into the pillow.
“Another night? Not yet, okay? I’m sorry, just…not yet.”
Johnny whimpered at your answer to his question. Though he had to sigh in acceptance.
“Can I touch you?”
Was his follow up. Your licked your lips and curled your toes, letting out a shaky breath
“I-If you want to, g-go ahead.”
You gripped your pillow. It’ not that you didn’t want him to fuck you, you just felt it wasn’t time; you had just met that day. after all.
You gasped when you felt slim fingers slide into your shorts, bypassing your panties to touch your bare pussy. You squirmed, breathing quickly.
Johnny hushed you as he slid his finger into your slick folds. He hummed.
“You’re really wet. That from me?”
He asked you. You nodded, whimpering softly.
“Mmm, mhm.”
Was what you managed to reply with. Johnny took ahold of your ear with his theeth and tugged at it as his middle finger began to circle your clit slowly. You sucked in a breath and clenched your jaw. It had been a long time since anyone had touched you like this.
“You’re so cute.”
He did in fact purr as he pressed his finger down, wiggling it. You took your bottom lip into your mouth.
“Mmm, Johnny, that feels-.”
“Good? I could have guessed.”
He knew what you were going to say, but that was no surprise. His ring finger slid down to your entrance and you pressed your ass up against him, making him grunt in pleasure.
“Keep doing that, please.”
He breathed. You began to roll your hips back up against him and he groaned.
He nuzzled is face into your neck as he slid a finger into your hole, eagerly rubbing your slick walls.
“Nnn, Johnny, fuck…”
Your breath hitched. His purring only made this hotter. You could feel his tail wrap around your thigh and you hummed. Johnny slipped another finger into you, surprised you were already ready for it. You grabbed at the sheets, gasping as he pleasured you with his fingers, sliding them in and out at an agonizing pace.
“Johnny please, go fast- I want it faster.”
You practically whined. Johnny did as you asked, fingering you quickly, slipping a third one in for the hell of it. You squirmed up against him, gasping over and over again. You reached behind your own head to tangle your fingers in his hair, scratching the back of his head. He groaned, pressing his lips against your neck for a sloppy kiss before he opened his mouth, sucking and biting to create a mark.
You could barely speak as he fucked you with his fingers, pressing them against your walls as he hooked them now and again. Your eyes threatened to roll back as he spoke.
“Do it for me. I want to feel you on my fingers.”
He panted into your ear. You sucked in a breath as you felt that familiar white-hot feeling in your core, an amazing stinging feeling. You reached your climax with one last thrust of his fingers, cumming all over them, coating them in their entirety. You panted and shook in the aftershock of your orgasm. You took your hand away from Johnny’s head and were quick to flip yourself over to face him.
You spoke his name through challenging breaths.
He licked at his fingers, sliding them into his mouth and smiling, though you couldn’t quite see. You managed to find his face when you reached for it, pulling him in for a sloppy kiss, as you missed your mark. You both laughed softly.
So, this was a Catboy…well, this wasn’t just any Catboy, this was Johnny…and he was perfect in every way. You would care for and love him for as long as you could; he was yours now.
“Hey Johnny?”
You spoke.
“You haven’t cum, have you?”
Johnny chuckled.
You kissed him again, correctly this time.
“Then, I suppose it’s your turn. Is that fair?”
Johnny’s purring returned.
“That’s fair.”
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missmorosis · 3 years
ik i just asked but here is my info for the 600 event if there is still an open spot
- i am a female that uses she/her pronouns
- my gender preference is male
- i am an INTP who usually seems like a lazy, uninterested , and cold nerd. but when i get comfortable enough around people i can be energetic(sometimes), sarcastic, stupid, and playfully teasing, but it takes me ALOT of time to get used to someone and trust them. i am usually a pessimist but also somehow a realist. i tend to comfort people using words and logic to solve their problems, but in some cases when people mean alot to me i do overcome my awkwardness and give any kind of comfort that i know helps that specific person.
also hq wise i kin tsukki, kenma, iwa, akaashi, suna, tendou, osamu, and sakusa
- i don’t really have a specific hobby as i tend to get bored with things quickly but i do enjoy painting and baking from time to time. i also like watching anime and reading. but my favorite hobby has to probably be sleeping
- what i love about myself is that i can be very true to myself. like i do admit to my mistakes and weak points (even if not loudly), i can also realize when im facing a mental problem or personality issue although i never tend to fix any of that but hey,, knowing the problem is part of the solution amiright ???
- what i look for in a partner is nothing really specific, i just want someone that i can be comfortable around and be my true self. someone who wont judge me or make me feel bad about myself. another thing i would love to have in a partner is that we both can have some things in common like interests or even personal traits but even if we dont i would still try to learn more about his interests and hobbies to support in my own ways. i can be very insecure and self destructive at times even if i dont really make it obvious so i might need a little bit of reassurance every now and then. personality wise i don’t really think i have a preference i just know that i don’t really do well with super energetic people as im not the most patient person out there and i dont wanna end up hurting others feelings
- ok soo i love rock music in general as its my favorite but i tend to like many random songs
my current fav 3 are :
hayloft by mother mother
sweater weather by the neighborhood
whyd u only call me when ur high by arctic monkeys
- for the tag games im not really sure i understand but i think u mean i should chose one out of the two options
dark / love is pink / introvert / movie nights / slow dancing
- for my looks i dont think im anything special. i wear glasses, im pretty tall (173) compared to others my gender and age (17), i have brown eyes. im not really comfortable describing the way i look so im sorry i didnt give u much to work with
that’s about it ! sorry if i made it too long...
also CONGRATS ON 600 🎉🎉🎉
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now playing!
Love with Yamaguchi Tadashi sounds like soft grumbles first thing in the morning. The light filtered through your window, and you now realized that both you and Tadashi fell asleep with the curtains open. A quick glance at the clock told you that you two were asleep for about 3 hours too long, but you didn’t mind.
Your fingers traced through his hair, and you smiled at the sight of his peaceful, sleeping figure.
“Oh- g- good morning,” your boyfriend mumbled. You gasped, not knowing Yamaguchi was awake. The moment his eyes opened, and he processed the situation, a blush grew on his face immediately.
“Good morning,” you said, with a whisper of a laugh.
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kiegosbby · 4 years
hawks x f!reader
chapter 8 I think. I’m sorry guys itll get better I promiseeee
word count: 1.6k
warnings: drinking, and just making poor decisions
✁- - - - - - r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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when you finished your work you left quickly trying to avoid talking to him any further.
You stopped at a liquor store. This wasn't your best idea. But In the moment, you needed it badly.
you never really drank before, not knowing what to buy so you bought vodka. People drink that straight right?
she bought her bottle and put it in a paper bag, having to keep her hero appearance.
she flew home and sat down on her couch. She popped the cap off and chugged it. It burned as it went down. She thought it would be worse it tasted like medicine. Kind of.
She looked across the room and saw her phone. She was now slightly tipsy, she stood up and walked over to her phone. Picking it up it was slightly cracked but it still worked. You turned it on and while you waited, chugged some more because why the hell not?
as your phone turned on you saw all the messages hawks had left you.
10+ plus new messages from: Birdy ❤️🐔
Birdy ❤️🐔
Hey baby bird I'm sorry about last night I probably seem like a dick.
Birdy ❤️🐔
I had to help endeavour on a case and I couldn't say no. Please let me make it up to you
Birdy ❤️🐔
I still owe you ice cream even if you don't wanna go out anymore
Birdy ❤️🐔
Don't forget that you have to come to my agency tomorrow and fill out some paperwork and set your office up
Birdy ❤️🐔
Angel where are you? Your 10 minutes late
Birdy ❤️🐔
Angel I'm starting to worry it's been a hour. Please just let me know that your ok
Birdy ❤️🐔
Y/n please text me. Im worried and I swear if anything happened to you I'll kill someone
Birdy ❤️🐔
Don't make me go to your apartment. I will don't test me.
Birdy ❤️🐔
angel please reply
Birdy ❤️🐔
Angel? Please..
Birdy ❤️🐔
I'm about to go to your apartment. I don't know which numbers yours but I'll go through the whole building if I have to.
well now you felt like a bitch.
It was still mean for him to do that to her. But maybe she should forgive him. he apologized and he seemed like he actually cared.
You decided to call him and talk to him. Maybe apologize? Ask him what his favourite drink is. Alcohol is good you should do this more often.
you pressed the call button and took a big swig of your drink getting ready to talk.
"Angel hello?"
"Hey hawks" you slurred your words slightly. "I wanted to call you because it's so difficult to type! The buttons are so little and I keep messing up. Now I know what your thinking, she's drunk right? Well no actually I'm just a little tipsy. Oh! I forgot to say what I was calling about. I wanted to apologize, I was being a total bitch don't you think?" You took a quick swig and went back to talking "but you were kinda mean to me. But I liked you! I even bought a fucking dress for you. And I don't do dresses. Believe that? I got all dressed up for you. And you never showed. But hero duties are more important than anything" you took another swig "damn this shit is strong!"
He sat there trying to take in everything she had just said. To be fair it was a lot to handle. " Y/n your drunk why are you drinking?"
"Because why the hell not?" She said and laughed
"You want to apologize I want to apologize to face to face."
"Come over them Birdy I need some company I can't finish this big bottle all by myself." At this point you really couldn't think straight. This was 100% a bad idea but did you care? Absolutely not.
"Y/n your drunk we should talk tomo-"
"No come over nowwww pleaseeeeeeee" you whined
he sighed "Ok leave the balcony open I'll land there."
"Yay! I'll be waiting for you im so excited!"
You quickly hung up and went to wait for him on the balcony. You sat with your legs crossed and kept drinking. You got up and looked over the ledge. Damn that was a farrr drop. You stumbled a little leaning a little to far, and almost fell until you felt a warm pair of hands wrap around your waist. "Are you fucking crazy kid? Do you have a death wish?"
You started laughing "oh my god I almost fell good thing I have wings. You saved me! Your like my knight in shining armor" you smiled and went to take another swig only to have him take it away from you.
He looked at the bottle. "You drank almost half of this already! Are you crazy? Oh my god come on" he lead you inside trying to figure the layout of your house. He went into your kitchen and got you a water bottle from your fridge.
"Here drink this your gonna need it. Let's go sit down ok?" He lead you to the couch, you almost fell a couple times but with his help you made it.
"Yes angel" he looked over to you, you were both now sitting on the couch, and he was trying to make sure you did nothing stupid.
"Thank you for coming I was sooo lonely. And I'm sorry for this morning I was being a big poopy head" you said and at the end you stuck your bottom lip out and gave him puppy eyes.
"It's no problem angel. I would always help a friend in need more matter what. And you don't have to apologize it was mostly my fault I was being a dumb bird and messed it up." He said looking at you with guilt. You felt bad honestly. But what stuck the most was when he said he would always help a friend..
"I wish we were more then friends I really liek you.." you slurred and went on "your really cute to. And your wings are so pretty I just wanna touch them. Can I touch them?" You asked already reaching out to them
"Of course baby bird just be careful you have wings to so you'll know how it feels." He pulled his wings further out so that you could reach them easily. He was a little scared only a few other people had touched his wings. And they had never been drunk before. His wings were quite sensitive, he was touch starved and that made it feel amazing when someone touched his wings.
You leaned in and touched the middle of his wings first, slowly running your hand over them. You face lit up like a kid opening his presents on Christmas. You raked your hands through his feathers.
"Your feathers are so soft! How do you get them so soft!?" You asked excitedly. Your feathers weren't as soft as his, they'd been through a lot and due to some harsh training were trying to recover still.
"There just n-naturally soft I guess are yours not t-this soft?" He asked as he was trying to keep back his groans. Your fingers felt so good rubbing against his feathers.
"They were but after bad training there not as soft anymore. Want to feel?" She asked excitedly, taking her hands away. He tried to hide his disappointment, and shook his head yes.
she pulled her wings out, giving off a soft glow as her quirk made her. He reached out to his hands. He softly touched the tip of her wings. She sat back and relaxed feeling calm at the touches he was giving her. It was way better then the little kids that tugged on her wings when she had them out.
"What kind of training did this? There still soft just seem like they've been through a lot.."
"Well it was a really rainy day. And they were working me so hard. We were in a empty field and I was paired with one of the higher ranks, so I had to try my hardest. They thought I was weak so they pushed me a little to far, until my wings were covered with mud and all the nasty shit on the ground."
He had a apologetic look on his face as he continued to stroke your wings. "Who's they?"
"I-oh I don't really tell many people but when my parents had found out I had wings, they had to report it to the government, who wanted to put me in intense training from when I was just 4. I knew how to kill someone before I knew how to write my own name correctly. I've heard you went through the same if I'm correct?" Y/n was almost surprisingly sober now.
"Yeah it's not something I like to talk about. I'm sorry they put you through that. Me and you are more alike then we seem arnt we?" He asked while taking his hand away from your wings.
you internally sighed in disappointment when he took his hand away. "I guess we might be. C-can we watch a movie or something?" She asked hoping he would stay just a little longer.
"Only if I can still take you to get ice cream soon?" He asked testing the waters to see if she was still mad.
"Of course you bird brain." She grabbed the remote and turned on  {favourite movie}.
"Oh I love this movie!" He said with excitement as he got comfortable next to you.
You smiled looking at him. You were no longer mad but thought if this went on would that happen again? Would he handle it differently? As the thoughts were running through your mind, you felt the heaviness of sleep washing over you. You closed your eyes and let it involve you.
Hawks POV
I turned to check on y/n, and as I turned she was just falling asleep. Her head slowly made its way into my shoulder. I blushed slightly. Y/n was beautiful. Even with her hair a mess she was still pretty to him.
As he was admiring her, she moved in her sleep, grabbing his arm and hugging it as she slept.
'God she's perfect'
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gayoperatorgunclub · 4 years
For the ultimate ship meme, Lion and Doc? I'm sorry, I'm LionDoc trash-
it’s all good!! whenever someone sends in an ask, i get an excuse to talk/write about one of my interests! really, it makes me so happy to be able to create content that people hopefully enjoy!! 💝💝💝
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - until the end of time, babey
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - it was love at first sight but then they started talking i do think it was some form of ~interest~ in one another at first sight, but then all that drama and lack of communication happened so they didn’t really allow themselves to even dream about the possibility of a relationship. HOWEVER! once lion joined rainbow and they talked their shit out like people who know how to cope, there was a period of a few months that is now referred to as The Four Months of Pining™, during which glaz did a lot of paintings where the subject (who usually bears an uncanny resemblance to doc or lion) is staring at something (or someone) longingly. he calls it his french period. when they finally get together, a LOT of money changes hands. and goes straight into sledge’s pocket (he was the only one who bet that it would take them this long). diana gets a brand new collar (handmade), bed (handmade), dish (handmade), and many new toys (some handmade, some store-bought. sledge’s craftsmanship can only get him so far) 
How was their first kiss? - you know how the french are supposed to be super suave and confident??? and how gay people are trying their hardest but they’re just Not Good at things????? (i know these are stereotypes but stay with me). well, with their 5/8 french blood (i hc one of doc’s parents is fully algerian while the other is half french, half algerian), and their 4/4 gay blood, they have an 81.25% chance of success in matters of the heart. sadly, that 18.75% chance of failure came into play during this situation. picture it. doc and lion. romantic, home-cooked dinner. le festin is playing in the background. they’re holding hands over the table. suddenly, doc’s cat goes into labour. all hell breaks loose. lion is getting flashbacks to his son’s birth, so now he’s hyperventilating. doc carries him to the couch and turns on the fan so he can cool off and catch his breath, before carefully moving his cat, Rayie (arabic for gorgeous, pronounced rye-ah) to the living room in his handmade Birthing Box, then grabs a pile of blankets and a heat lamp and situates himself on the ground nearby so he can help her if she needs it. once the kittens are born (they’re twins!! Sadiqi is the boy, and Amirti is the girl!!!) doc makes sure they’re nice and warm and that Rayie is recovering, and gives her pets while she cleans her babies. once the happy family is all settled in for the night, doc walks over to the couch and just. lays down on top of lion. once he’s gotten over the adrenaline of the birth, he takes lion’s face in his hands and says “promise me you’ll be more calm if we ever decide to have kids” and gives him a BIG smooch while lion’s just short-circuiting like “does he know i have a son???? did i forget to mention my son?????? also what about these kittens??? are they not sufficiently childish to count as children????? DOES HE WANT KIDS????? does he want to marry me??????? wait why is he getting so clo-”
Who proposed? - lion. it was the day of their two year anniversary (yes i AM saying they got together the august after outbreak don’t @ me) and they were on vacation at doc’s family’s Secret Beach House. they were vibing on the balcony, watching the sunset, when lion suddenly clears his throat. doc turns to look at him and finds his boyfriend down on one knee, looking like he might flee to Bermuda. he’s reaching for something in his pocket. doc starts laughing. lion, completely misunderstanding his reaction, flushes and stammers out an apology. doc sees this, and immediately stops, though he’s still smiling gleefully as he catches lion by the biceps, then reaches into his own pocket and pulls the ring he was going to give olivier. they exchange rings, giggling like little kids, and spend the rest of the night making out on whatever surfaces are available. 
Who is the best man/men? - for lion? montagne. (his son is the ring bearer and doc’s niece is the flower girl). for doc? rook. he’s so happy he gets to participate in his dad’s wedding
Who is the bride’s maid(s)? - for lion: finka. for doc: twitch
Who did the most planning? - both of them!! do you know how hard they worked to ensure the ceremony was valid in the eyes of both of their religions
Who stressed the most? - s e e  a b o v e
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - lion’s parents. they tried to call him during the reception but doc’s grandma grabbed his phone and started cussing them out, talking about dishonor and how they tried to disown him so they’re not his parents anymore, and besides, his new family absolutely adores him, so really, it’s their loss. once she hangs up, she pulls lion into a hug and he calls her his favorite, if only, grand-mère
Who is on top? - who’s topping? lion. but sometimes doc gets bitchy so he gets to set the pace if you know what i mean
Who is the one to instigate things? - they are both lowkey horny 24/7 so 👀👀👀
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now (only because they do get to see each other fairly often. if one goes on a long mission without the other, once they get back they will bump it up to a 10 real quick)
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - idk long enough ig. maybe longer if someone feels they’ve been left ~unsatisfied~ they might go a few more rounds ;))
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - ok it depends on what they’re doing but usually it’s one or two each, but on ~special~ occasions it’s either doc getting edged and denied for hours, OR doc getting forced to come over and over again until he’s begging for something, whether it be more or a goddamn break even he isn’t really sure. either way he’s crying and lion is consistently asking if he needs to safeword and otherwise checking in because they may like it rough but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - unless someone’s hormones and organs get fucked, zero
How many children will they adopt? - probably none?? idk they’ve already got lion’s son and they’re both busy enough with work so
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - NEITHER!!!!! DISGUSTANG!!!!!!!!!
Who is the stricter parent? - god i wanna say both. like lion and his attachment to rules??? but doc and his Mom Friend energy????? but ig lion BUT HE’S NOT STRICT TO THE POINT HE’S A BUZZKILL OR ANYTHING HE’S JUST RESPONSIBLE (he will NOT allow his husband and son to go vandalize the property of some islamaphobic brits, as much as he agrees with the sentiment) 
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - doc will only allow vandalism if it’s in the name of righteousness. meaning, he’ll allow their son to spray paint the walls of a goddamn walmart with shit like “eat the rich” and a portrait of robespierre and a guillotine, but it is a HARD NO on defacing places like the library or community center (unless he has a good reason to do so). lion spends his time praying and making sure his son knows which acts of civil disobedience are acceptable and which are distorting their goal 
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - doc. he (privately) dreams of retiring (eventually) and living out his lifelong dreams of being a househusband. so
Who is the more loved parent? - SHUT THE FUCK UP RIGHT NOW GET OUT OF MY HOUSE IM GONNA BEAT YOUR ASS. but ig lion??? BUT ONLY BECAUSE THEIR SON HAS KNOWN HIM LONGER. doc is half Dad and half Cool Uncle Who Gives Me Spray Paint And Tells Me To Make Myself Heard (to clarify, i know doc is a pacifist, but im kinda projecting my own sentiment of “we’ve tried to be peaceful but you wouldn’t give us the time of day. now that we’ve “acted out” we’ve gotten your attention, and rest assured, things are going to change.” he won’t hurt anybody, he’s just tired of having to be everyone’s “muslim friend” and educating people on things they could google themselves)
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - it used to be lion out of necessity, but when people started asking about his “wife” he was really torn between telling them that he and his son’s mother separated, but now he has a partner and his son seems very happy about it. when doc finally attends a meeting with lion, people really struggle to hide their shock. a few clunky but well-meaning “we support you”’s and “we’re sorry for everything that’s been going on”’s later, doc has used his charm to make friends with literally everyone. from then on, he is on pta duty on behalf of lion and his ex
Who cried the most at graduation? - lion! his parents purposefully didn’t show at his, so it’s a big deal for him to show his son just how proud he is. doc tears up a little too, but manages to mostly keep it together so he can support lion, who spends most of the day heave-crying about how proud he is into his husband’s shoulder. gustave just pats him on the back and tells him that they’ll run out of donuts if they don’t get to the concession stand soon
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - doc. civil disobedience, baby!! he has never been caught. lion fears the law after his youth, so he tries to avoid any visits to law enforcement. he also can’t stand to see his son behind bars
Who does the most cooking? - doc. househusband, remember?
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - doc, but only because he can be a bit of a spice supremacist. he has to get his ingredients from these very specific farms and markets or else his great grandmother will begin manifesting in their house to curse them
Who does the grocery shopping? - doc, bc he does NOT trust lion to not just sweep all of the microwave ramen and kraft mac n cheese into the cart then sprint to self-checkout
How often do they bake desserts? - whenever possible. doc and maestro live by the philosophy “don’t do anything halfway” if they’re going to go through the trouble of making a meal, it will have multiple courses. 
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - doc is more of a salad eater but only for ease of consumption with halal laws. he adores filet mignon
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - lion! maestro enlists himself as assistant head chef after walking into the base’s kitchen one day to find lion covered in flour and lying facedown on the floor, crying
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - also lion! though he’s memorized doc’s order at all of their favorite restaurants, so he usually just gets take out and puts on a big show of being a “tired housewife who works in the kitchen all day just for this one meal” and setting up the table so it’s all nice and romantic
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - lion. he tried crème brûlée once. never again 
Who cleans the room? - lion. organization is everything to this man. doc helps with laundry and such, but for the most part he leaves organization to lion and his systems (think leslie knope levels of planning and organization)
Who is really against chores? - neither! they both understand that teamwork makes the dream work, baby!!
Who cleans up after the pets? - doc, since lion’s already asked him which color hanger should represent “clothes i can tear off my husband before we fuck” and he needs a Moment
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - neither. they don’t own a broom
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - lion because of the deep-seated catholic urge to appear perfect in front of others, and doc because people will gossip, olivier!
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - lion. he immediately called doc into the room and asked “is this your stash of drug money?” doc, who had been asleep because it was 3 in the morning on a saturday, just stares at him
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - it is so bold to assume they don’t shower together to “cut costs”
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - lion is known in their neighborhood as the man who walks cats. there is a facebook page where people post pictures of him walking his cats. vigil is an admin
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - LITERALLY EVERY HOLIDAY GETS DECORATIONS. lion makes his own for the muslim holidays since there really aren’t many “of good quality” in stores. when they first started dating, doc came home to find his house covered in ramadan decorations, and lion standing precariously on a ladder, trying to string up fairy lights while learning how to pronounce important arabic words. needless to say, doc cries
What are their goals for the relationship? - mutual joy and contentment!!!! 
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - doc. he’s sleepy
Who plays the most pranks? - lion, but they’re stupid ones like replacing certain pictures with danny devito. doc gets back at him by replacing pictures of jesus with ewan mcgregor, and putting yoda into his nativity scene. lion doesn’t notice
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jojo-daydreams · 5 years
angst 18 w/ josuke, im in such an angsty mood👀👀💕
just as a warning: mentions of blood + injuries in this one! uwu;
18 - “Don’t say that. You’re going to be okay.” (i’m not gonna be taking prompts from this list for much longer btw! just as a heads up!)
It had all happened so fast, it didn’t feel like it was real.
You still weren’t really sure it had. One moment, you’d been hanging out with with Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi like usual. Then there’d just been…. explosions. They came seemingly out of nowhere. You’d all been thrown around, and you feel like you’d been in so much pain, like your arm and leg had been ripped clean off. But your body was fine, somehow you were in one piece, even your clothes, though dirty, were intact.
Your ears were still ringing, but you could vaguely hear Koichi and Okuyasu yelling something about drawing ‘it’ away, as they ran away.
It. Right. It must have been a stand that attacked you. You didn’t have a stand, so you couldn’t see them, but your boyfriend, Josuke, had explained everything he knew about them to you. At first, it’d been hard to believe, but even without seeing the stands themselves, their powers could be demonstrated well enough. And anyways, you trusted Josuke with your life.
Which was proving to be trust well placed right now, you realized. Your arm and leg probably had been blown off, Josuke must have fixed them before your mind could even catch up. You were too scared to dwell too long on the fact that you’d just been dismembered and reassembled just like that.
You shoot up suddenly, scrambling to your feet as you look for Josuke. You remember when he’d told you he couldn’t heal his own wounds.
“Oh fuck!”
You could hear Josuke shouting in the kitchen, where he’d gone in there to get some snack for the two of you a few minutes ago.
Frowning, you pull yourself up off his couch and pad into the kitchen to see what had befallen your boyfriend.
“What happened? Is everything ok?” You ask as you move to his side. You can see he’s holding one of his hands in the other, isolating a finger, which was bleeding a decent amount.
He glances at you and then past you as he presumably looks for a napkin or something to help stop the bleeding.
“Yeah, sorry, I’m ok, just cut my finger on some plastic.”
You hand him a paper towel.
“Why don’t you just use… what is it called? Weird Diamond? Can’t he fix it?”
Josuke makes a face when you forget Crazy Diamond’s name, shaking his head.
“No, I can’t use Crazy Diamond’s powers on myself, unfortunately.” He pauses for a beat, then cracks a sly grin, “That’s why I have you!”
He thrusts his injured finger in your face.
“You can use your magic healing love powers to kiss it better!”
You roll you eyes, but lean forward and gently kiss the cut with a smile, before jerking back to laugh at the blush that appeared on Josuke’s face at your honest affections.
He’d asked you to kiss every bump, bruise, and cut he’d gotten since then.
You see Josuke, he’s only a few feet away from you, the damage to your ears had just made it hard to hear him. You move quickly, dropping to your knees at his side. He’s pretty beat up and bloody, but you’re not a fucking medic, so you don’t really know how bad it is, and you can see how bad your hands are shaking as you reach out to touch him and try to assess the damage.
He’s conscious, at least, and he offers you a weak smile.
“I’m glad you’re ok.” he says.
You take a deep breath, but you can’t stop shaking.
“Yeah, I have a feeling I have you to thank for that huh?”
Josuke winks as well as he can manage right now, but there’s a lot of blood coming from a head wound somewhere so it looks a bit more like a very painful blink.
“What can I say?” He’s talking so calmly, “Crazy Diamond is just as crazy about you as I am, we’ll always look out for you.”
When you don’t laugh at his stupid joke, he sighs.
“Hey, c’mon, cut me some slack, any of these jokes could be my last the least you can do is laugh.”
You ball your hands into fists, gripping his uniform tightly and close your eyes for a moment.
“Don’t say that. You’re going to be okay.”
When he doesn’t immediately reply, your eyes snap open and you look down to see if he’s still ok.
Josuke is looking at you with tired eyes, you can see he’s struggling to stay awake. Looking over him again, you can see he’s got a pretty bad wound on his shoulder, so you decide to focus on that now, moving to apply pressure and slow the bleeding. He grunts when you press down, but the pain does seem to jolt him awake a bit at least.
“What, no kiss to make it better?”
You clench your jaw. Any other day, literally any other situation, and the easy-going joking attitude that you’d fallen in love with would bring you a sense of comfort. However, right now all you can think about is how you wish you had a stand that could fix Josuke too, even if that’s the only power it had.
But you don’t have a stand, and all you can do is apply pressure to one of his wounds and try to keep him awake and talking, so you reply.
“If I give you a kiss you have to,” You pause for a second to clear your throat when your voice cracks, “you have to promise me that it’s not the last one.”
Josuke lets out a wheezy chuckle.
“It won’t be, you have magic healing love powers!”
You exhale shakily, leaning down to press a very gentle kiss to his lips, and as you lean back you can see the ambulance pulling up, thank god.
The paramedics rush him away from you, and while the last several minutes had passed so slowly, it felt like time was speeding up now, everything around you is a blur. People are talking to you, but you don’t understand what they’re saying, and you don’t know why they’re laying you down on a stretcher too instead of focusing all their attention on Josuke until you pass out, the last thing on your mind before you slip into unconsciousness is the shy blush on your boyfriends face from that day you kissed his first injury away.
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