#[ turns out chi is the only muse i have alive (or not but yoU KNOW) right now ]
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spasmsofthought · 1 year ago
currents swept you out (high tide came and brought you in) [shang-chi x fem!reader]
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Almost a year later, but the muse came. (Sorry but also not sorry! xo)
I love all the melancholy and weight in Shang-chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. It's something I tried to explore here but I'm (of course) unsure if that was conveyed well.
Also shoutout to the sweet anon who asked about a part 2 to i'll be getting over you my who life many months ago! It kept some of my motivation for this up and kept me from deleting the draft.
Anyways, I love Shang-Chi and I would love to see more writing for him!!!
Please like, comment, and reblog! xo
You think you catch glimpses of him throughout the years. A mirage of his figure around the corner, in a shadowed hallway. When you lay outside among the trees, you swear you see a vision of his face as the sun shines down on you. In the brief moments where the quiet becomes too much at the compound, you glance over your shoulder to see if he’s waiting for you, like he did before when you would sneak around for a quick word or a forbidden touch.
But Shang-qi is not there anymore, not here at all, and you don’t see him anywhere. He feels everywhere but you also know he is nowhere you can reach. Nowhere you can go. He cannot appear to you, even when that’s the only thing you want.
He is a ghost that lingers, but he is a ghost nonetheless.
And when you finally escape the compound and head for Ta Lo, you resolve to leave his ghost where it belongs: in the past.
You aren’t expecting to see Shang-qi in Ta Lo when he finally comes. You aren’t expecting to see him at all. Nan had told you that they had prepared for both his and Xialing’s arrival, but you doubted that he would ever come.
You are not even part of the welcoming group when his company rolls up in the car. First treated as a hostile group, then welcome like family. Your duties keep you physically away but the longing in your heart pulls at you no matter the distance you happen to keep from Shang-qi or Xialing.
You long to see his face, to watch as his eyes light with recognition (if, in fact, he did remember you at all). An ache deepens, and the pulling in your heart becomes slightly painful. You decide you don’t know what will be worse: living with the pain in your heart and leaving him alone or being in his presence after fifteen years of absence and wondering and grief.
When you feel your heart has gathered enough courage, you go to find him. Though the scenery is much different, for a moment you are reminded of when you would look for him at just fourteen years old, willing to risk what felt like it all at the time just to see him transiently.
The teenage love you for him that felt so all-consuming now just makes you feel forlorn.
You sit down next to him and greet him, "Shang-qi."
He turns his face and looks at you. It takes a second but there is a little surprise amidst his recognition. There is something else, too, something deeper. Something that you may not have words for but you understand all the same. A tenderness and vulnerability is there, but also shadows and fog. The rawness of what he felt fifteen years ago has dimmed with age and grief
"It was a long time ago when we last saw each other..."
"I didn't even know if you were still alive." He shakes his head and clasps his hands together on his lap.
"I found my own way," You smile, leaning in to his space before retreating.
There is a brief silence that elapses. One filled with a strange, awkward sense of peace. Or maybe comfort.
"I have heard you are trying to find your own."
"That's one way of putting it." His brow furrows and his eyes take on a different kind of shine. It's not as light as it was.
There is a gap of fifteen years in which you both lived without each other. Whatever innocent little thing you shared with him before he left to make another life for himself has been overshadowed and forgotten for things far more substantial.
For a moment the teenage girl in your heart cries. She wonders if you will ever know his lips on yours or his hands in your hair or a smile meant only for you. It is all she has ever wanted. Adult you, however, knows that the chasm between then and now is something that may not ever be able to be bridged between the two of you. And though Shang-qi is sitting beside you now, you recognize that you may never get to find what was lost so suddenly fifteen years ago.
Shang-qi may never stop being a ghost that haunts all your what-ifs and maybes.
“You were so heavy,” Your hands close around his. “So hard. Brittle. When I was younger, until you left the compound, all I wanted was to help you bear your burdens, but I know now that you wouldn’t have let me. If I asked you now, I think you still wouldn’t let me.”
Shang-qi doesn’t say anything, but you can tell from his eyes that he’s listening. He’s always listening. But his muscles are still tense, his shoulders tight. Still listening but withholding at the same time. Always withholding.
“I know I can’t solve this for you — whatever it is you are trying to fix. I can’t do any of this for you; you must do it for yourself,” You remove your hands from their place over his and expel a deep breath. “But I hope you know you can lay some of what you carry down.”
It is still quiet when you stand from your seated position next to him, but the quiet has transformed. It’s no longer peaceful for comfortable or familiar, but solemn and weighty. No matter how much you may wish to, you cannot untangle Shang-qi’s knots for him. You cannot bridge the gap between the present and past for the both of you. You can only decide to do it for yourself and and hope that he meets you halfway.
“Shang-qi,” It takes a moment, but he tilts his head up and his eyes meet yours, “I know who you are. I’ve never forgotten. But you seem to have, and what we — I — want is for you to remember.”
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theinariakuma · 4 years ago
“There are no limits” - can I request this prompt with Lucifer please🥺👉🏻👈🏻 Or Diavolo (tumblr asks are broke and I can’t change what I’ve written without deleting everything) 💛💛💛💛
I know you’ve already seen it because I just can’t help myself. 
Angst Prompt:  “There are no limits when it comes to you. I’ll do anything to keep you safe.”
If you’d like to request a prompt, go Here
Diavolo x Female! MC x Lucifer
Rated: Mature for Themes of violence, death, gore. (nothing explicit.)
Read under the cut. 
It was bound to happen, something that Diavolo realized in hindsight. The current exchange students were trapped in his palace--not against their will, but having no way to go home. 
“Diavolo.” Lucifer’s voice was sharp. 
“I know.” The Prince looked out the window, brimstone fire and screams. “They have betrayed me.” 
A group had begun rioting against Diavolo after a rumor had reached the public. A rumor of the strongest demons in Devildom making a pact with a human. A non-magical, powerless human. 
They weren’t wrong. The female exchange student had ensnared the attention of many in Diavolo’s inner circle. The Avatars of the Sins had indeed made pacts with her, she had the attention and friendship of both Angels from the Celestial realm, and she had a tentative friendship with Solomon. Her kindness and caring personality had drawn in all of them. 
She offered friendship and love for all without asking anything in return. The pacts had not originally been because of even her own desire for a pact, but to help the relationship between the brothers. 
His mark of a successful exchange had been notified and it had caused the people against him to retaliate. 
It was late in the evening that the House of Lamentation and Purgatory Hall were attacked. No one was lost, however, the buildings were set ablaze. Cerberus had been set free against them. It was an image of horror to anyone unused to the brutality of the brothers. 
The twins had been the ones to get the little human. Her face and pajamas covered in ash and soot, coughing from the smoke she had inhaled--but alive. 
Lucifer had been a vision of death when he saw what had been done to his home. The home of his brothers and the grave of his sister. He showed the power he once carried as an Archangel and now showed as an Archdemon. 
Those that attacked the House of Lamentation had been slaughtered. Enemies of Diavolo and the brothers were of no use. 
“They nearly killed her, Dia.” The friendly name with so much anger behind it had molten eyes turning towards the Avatar of Pride. “She nearly died because of our enemies.” Lucifer nearly spat the words. 
“That wrath you once held is showing again, my friend.” It was the same level of wrath that had birthed Satan. Diavolo looked towards the cracked open door. Tucked into the massive bed was the young woman, her form tucked under the silken sheets.
Their enemies did not know that it had not been only Lucifer that she’d ensnared with her kind heart, but the Demon Prince himself. 
“I’ll destroy anyone that comes for my head… and anyone that comes for her, Lucifer.” 
Lucifer looked to the larger demon, his scarlet gaze was still sharp, his shoulders tense. He didn't like this situation. The rebellion had been because Diavolo was making progress and because of their little human. 
Both turned when they heard the tiny footsteps. 
She was so small compared to the two of them. When she arrived at the palace, Simeon had healed her throat--the damage done by the smoke and ash and Barbados had brought her some clean sleepwear after sending her to a bath. 
"This is because of me, isn't it?" Her voice was soft, somber. "Because of my pacts with you and the others?"
As her eyes looked to Lucifer, it was Diavolo that drew her closer. "You were just a reason in a sea of excuses to make a move, my treasure." 
Diavolo's feelings for the human hadn't been sudden, they were steady since he met her. Part of him was drawn by curiosity. She wasn't like Solomon. She was normal outside of her bloodline. 
He'd found excuses to see her, much to Lucifer's enjoyment. Where Diavolo allowed himself to be lost in her affection, their little cafe or study dates where she helped him or accompanied him places, Lucifer had been thrown off by her meddling in his family affairs. 
She'd quickly become important to both of the men. 
The warm embrace had caused her eyes to flutter shut, feeling fingers run through her hair. While Diavolo held her, Lucifer ran his fingers through her soft, sleep mused locks. 
"People like them… they always look for reasons to defy someone trying to keep the peace." Lucifer spoke softly, "Your pacts to myself and my brothers scare them." 
The public didn't think of the fact that they all had willingly bound themselves to the young woman. However, that is what they did. And had Diavolo not been the Prince, Lucifer expected that he would have chosen to make a pact with her as well. 
As the small woman was wrapped up in the embrace of Diavolo, the men were focused outside the window, watching the fires grow closer. 
Their civil war was coming closer, and they'd have to leave her. 
Large warm hands drew her back, earning a confused glance from the woman. When Diavolo cupped her face in his palms, he pressed a chaste kiss to her lips. "There are no limits when it comes to you. I'll do anything to keep you safe." He paused, seeing the tears forming in her eyes. 
"We will do anything to keep you safe." Lucifer corrected the man, his fingers brushed her cheek. 
"Why… why does this feel like you're saying goodbye?" Her voice trembled, and the tears began falling, creating warm streams down her cheeks. 
Lucifer had taken her when Diavolo released her. 
"It is not a goodbye. It is a promise." His arms wrapped around her, kissing her forehead. "We will be back. You will be kept safe." Lucifer began walking her towards the bedroom.
"We love you, darling." 
When the door shut, Lucifer put a charm on the door. Only they or Barbados could open it… unless they all fell. 
"Lucifer! Diavolo!" Her voice grew into frantic screams as the men could see the door shaking and hear her small fists pounding on the wood. 
She knew she couldn't help them, but they didn't have to trap her in here. Each hit go the door grew weaker before she was sobbing, "Please…" Her voice was begging. 
"You can hate me for this." Diavolo's voice was low. "I asked Lucifer to do this when you came in." He'd take all of her anger. "I refuse to allow you near the battle. This room will be safe from everything… and it'll be opened when we return." 
The Prince's eyes were hollow as he heard the weak bang of her fist on the door. 
"Let's go. The sooner we clear this. The sooner we can get back." Diavolo turned, his wings out. Eyes locked on the fire before a sneer graced his features. "They want to defy me? They'll earn their damnation."
Lucifer looked to Diavolo, "She has no idea, does she?" His voice was low as his wings were out, his eyes looking at the crowd. Even for demons like them, it was only a handful of demons versus a full riot of demons of all levels.
"That she's carrying my child? No." Diavolo chuckled a bit. "My friend, should anything happen."
"Diavolo, nothing will--"
"Should something happen. I absolve you of your duty to me… and I request that you protect her… and my child. I know you love her as much as I do… but do not let yourselves fall into Grief like you did over Lilith. Help raise my child and live a good life."
"It won't come to that." Lucifer would not allow his friend to perish. Not when they had something so important in their lives. Their little human and the new life growing within her. 
Lucifer was hissing low behind his teeth, Devildom was a bloodbath. Blood ran from his hairline down his face, blinding his left eye. He was unsure of how much damage there was. 
His brothers were all as bloodied and exhausted as he was. The feathers upon his wings were burnt, and he wasn't sure if they'd grow back this time. 
Diavolo had fallen. 
The Demon Prince laid bloodied and still. 
Thai wasn't how it was supposed to happen. "You foolish bastard this wasn't supposed to be your end!" Lucifer hissed at Diavolo, somewhere wishing the insult would stir him awake. 
"He isn't dead." Barbados had only been able to influence things so much. He could see all and warp much, but even there was a limit to what he could do. This battle had no favorable outcomes. "However, he will not be awakened for a long time."
The way this battle turned out was the best scenario. 
The Demon King, Diavolo's father, had done something similar. He'd spent a millennium asleep, getting his energy back after the Holy Wars, before he vanished, leaving Diavolo in charge. 
"How long?" Lucifer's voice was tired, weak. 
"Worry about that later. Go to your human." Barbados spoke in a low tone. "I believe if she hears this news from someone else, she'll be far more upset. I'll take the Prince back." Idly Barbados looked around at the carnage. 
Yes. This had been the best outcome. 
Barbados told himself that even when he heard the grief filled sobs from the young woman. 
Fingers brushed the sleeping form of the demon, stock still and just barely warm to the touch. They were soft and prodding at his face. 
"You should wake up."
"...And why is that?" When molten eyes open, the child that had climbed up onto the altar bed shrieked, falling backwards.
Still exhausted and in pain had not stopped his fast reflex, catching the child by the shirt.
Hauling the child back onto the uncomfortable Altar, Diavolo sat up. Idly thinking his father must have vanished to avoid this bed.
Bright, familiar eyes gazed at him. The familiar shade mixed with his features and hair made him smile. 
His son was beautiful and everything he had imagined the day he realized his treasure was carrying. 
"Papa said you might not wake up for a long time." His nose wrinkled, "But Barb always said you'd wake up when you would." The pout on the child’s lips reminded him of himself when he was a child.
Diavolo listened, a light smile gracing his features. "How about you show me to your mother and father? Because I believe I was asleep for long enough. 
The child paused, "Momma said you are my dad. But so is Papa." He shrugged, as if the though was too annoying to focus on before he hopped off the bed. "Follow me! But be careful, Henry is being mean again."
Diavolo found his body aching with every step, however he followed the child through the tunnels. Henry, the giant snake, would not bother them, not with the uncontrolled energy still coming off Diavolo.
The palace still looked much the same. His portrait up in the main room, however there was an added image of Lucifer, his Treasure, and the boy in front of him. 
Devildom needed a king while he was gone and Lucifer was a perfect choice. 
"Dia…" A breathless voice called out in surprise. 
Dressed in a comfortable dress, his Treasure was in front of him. A bit older in appearance, stronger in magic… Something he could practically taste. And against her shoulder was a young infant, the gentle motions of her bouncing the baby making him smile. 
"I'm back, my Treasure." To him, she was more beautiful than the day he left her side. 
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audrinahq · 4 years ago
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AUDRINA CHOI from GLENDALE UNIVERSITY! the TWENTY FOUR year old JENNIE KIM lookalike is most known for being SELF ASSURED and GENEROUS. but they can also be ARROGANT and CALLOUS. the GENDERQUEER always reminds me of JUMPING FENCES TO GET AWAY, VODKA IN A WATERBOTTLE, AN OLD LEATHER JACKET TAKEN FROM YOUR MOM'S CLOSET. that’s probably why they currently have CANDY BY MGK on repeat. with THEM around, this school year is bound to be interesting.
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♡     ───   basics
full name: audrina choi nicknake(s): audrey, rina age: twenty four birthday: january ninth sexual orientation: [redacted] relationship status: unknown, assumed single occupation: heiress, student, model
♡     ───   background
place of birth: seoul, south korea hometown: upper east side, manhattan, new york education: graduated from constance billard school for girls, currently attending glendale university
♡     ───   physical
faceclaim: jennie kim eye color: dark brown hair color: black height: 5′1 
♡     ───   relatives
biological parents: choi myung-dae (father) & choi chi-yon (mother) adoptive guardians: viktor trimme & anika kuhn siblings: none, only child pets: casper, an orange cat & bandit, a german shepherd
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♡     ───   biography / personality
when it comes to audrina’s adoption and their parents, there is no scandal- much to the disapintment of new york city. instead of being raised in south korea, audrina’s birth parents made the decision to give them up for adoption. it was an open adoption and audrina grew up with their birth parents as close family friends and their guardians, viktor and anika. viktor and anika were unable to have biological children of their own and after adopting audrina, they started a foundation meant to help in the adoption process for parents struggling. 
it’s not as if audrina is hiding their sexuality. yhey just love having that part of their life hidden from the media and prying eyes. very careful not to be spotted, audrina has become the master at hiding their personal life from not only page 6 but gossip girl as well. it’s become a big speculation if they’re dating anyone at all and who is might be. anyone spotted with them is subject to the “are they dating” questions before it’s clear that whomever it is, is not audrina’s partner. 
audrina is the person you want with you when things get complicated. they have a knack for either talking their way out of anything and when words don’t work, money sure does. most of the time the reason someone is in trouble is audrina’s fault but they don’t leave a friend behind. they do, however, leave pawns behind. “pawns are meant to be sacrificed for the queen to win.” high school it was clear they thought themself the queen bee of constance billard. it seems in college that mentality hasn’t died away but no longer are they making it known they want to be on top. not as obvious, at least.
audrina is a very “love them and leave them” type of person. commitment is a nasty word when it comes to relationships. rumor has it their best friend has a reward for the first person to get them to say ‘i love you’. 
♡     ───   in character questionnaire 
Parents names and occupations? Are they still together? Still alive?
“which set of parents are you talking about? myung-dae and chi-yon are owners of a ramyeon shop in korea. viktor is a criminal defense attorney and anika is a plastic surgeon. they’re all still alive.”
Where did you grow up?
“in the upper east side. manhattan. fifth avenue, to be specific.” 
Relationship Status?
“wouldn’t you like to know? next question.”
What is your major?
“education. and no, i don’t want to be a teacher but i need a background in education so i can sit on school boards and reform the education system.”
“you won’t get that answer from me. stop trying.”
Do you have a job?
“what? being a student isn’t good enough? i do some modelling as a hobby. i don’t need to work.”
Do you dorm at school? Have an apartment?
“i live in the same apartment i always have. i lived in the dorms for freshman year- it was required, and then moved out the second i could. community living isn’t for me.”
“aside from modeling, i like reading. i’m into fashion- what upper east side kid isnt? oh- dancing and art too. recently took up taekwondo.”
If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
“tiny but mighty? no. uh- probably something to do with how i would kick your ass. i don’t know, i’m not that clever.”
What have you been up to over the summer?
“you know that better than i do. seem like a gossip girl reader. ask her, sure she knows.”
Last image taken on your cell phone?
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Last text you received?
“next question.”
Where were you the night the fight broke out?
“korea, i was working.”
♡     ───   character inspirations 
blair waldorf
jenny humphrey
narcissa malfoy
harley quinn
ingui "queen" yoon
klaus mikaelson
caroline forbes
rebekah mikaelson
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♡     ───   wanted connections
sex money feelings dies ( open ) - think of exes but make it a one night stand but on top of that a frequent hook up. every time you say that won’t hook up with each other again. it’s not healthy, you both want past the relationship and let it go, but the moment y’all see each other from across the bar or at a party you just know you’ll end up in each other’s bed again
i saw you in a dream ( nadine alston ) - you guys were close. so close. thought there would never be a time you guys wouldn’t talk, but one thing lead to another and you’re left thinking about them when it’s just you and your thoughts. without them your life really hasn’t been the same, but is it worth getting past what happened to pick up the phone and call them?
painkiller ( juliana “jules” santos ) - best friends forever. literally. this person knows you inside out and you can’t see a day without them. they’re essentially your painkiller. you tell them everything and them back to you. they can tell if you’re feeling down just by the way you send your snapchat streaks that morning. you can’t see a day without them.
call your girlfriend ( open ) - this one is pretty messy. your muse is in a relationship, but there’s a huge flirtationship between these two. the flirtationship essentially becomes to both of these people attached to each other and maybe... even in love. but there’s still that relationship that’s in the way... YIKES
perfect places ( noah evans ) - party buddies but make it you guys just getting lost in the vibes because you don’t want to deal with life. it’s a good friendship. you guys get the thoughts in your head to go numb, but at a point it’s like what’s the point ?
femme fatale ( jared callahan ) - one muse is a huge fool for the other. they’re head over heels for them but they’re just playing around with the other’s feelings because hey ! it’s fun ! all of their friends tell them to ‘ just leave it you’re gonna get hurt ’, but they just continue to be boo boo the fool 
ex affair ( open ) - basically your muse was the cheater and audrina the other woman but it ended for whatever reason.
family friends ( luca cartwright ) - friends who met through family, could either be close or it be an awkward situation because they don't really get along or know each other well.
squad goals ( tatiana “tati” reyes , juliana “jules” santos , open ) - just a close knit group of friends. the group chat is always going off with someone’s dramatics, one or more of the squad constantly featured together in social media and the press. one or more or all of them constantly sleeping over at audrina’s place. doesn’t matter the university, these friends have been ride or die since childhood at least.
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♡     ───   wanted connections
these can be used in any direction the “you” does not mean your muse from the point of view from audrina, it can go either direction. i just like the #aesthetic of writing it this way. 
001. open. you pulled away from me, so i pulled away from you. i pulled away when you hurt me. you pulled away when the world hurt you. and now we are both pulled away during a time when we are supposed to be pulled together. at some point i needed to put it all behind me. forget about you. forget about the way you made me wonder. and what we could have been. because it never happened, and it always got later, morning always turned into nights and the day was eventually over and nothing had changed. but it doesn’t mean that i don’t feel a damn thing, i do still feel a hole in my heart when they talk about you, i do still want to scream when i hear you have another life with someone else, i do still want to feel your kiss on my skin. and i do still love you.
002. open. we have no idea what personal boundaries are and yeah we’ve made out before a lot and yeah it was ok but we’re friends ok friends and why are you staring at me like that? why are you holding my hand always? why are you telling me how much you adore me? oh we’re not dating? oh you’ve been in love with me for years and i’m a doorknob and now things are awkward and i don’t know what to do to fix it.
003. open. i confessed i might be in love with and you said you weren’t interested in dating me because we’re just friends and i’m getting over that heartbreak but you show up on my doorstep and kiss me and we end up in bed and in the morning you tell me this was a mistake and before i can stop you, you leave. you show up again. lather rinse repeat. it’s not good for either of us but we keep doing it.
004. open. we tried the whole dating thing and it didn’t work out and we’ve moved beyond that. you’re my go-to friend on anything and everything and any problem you got i will fucking mow down hell to fix. wow your smile just lights up my world and please don’t be sad. who made you sad i will throw them in hell and mow them down and – oh wow. i never got over you. you’re my fucking world and i just want you to be happy but you can only see me as a friend because when you look at me you see our failed relationship but i’m not the same person i swear.
005. open. we’ve been best friends since we were kids, grew up next to each other and even though we aren’t from the same family we get confused for siblings a lot when we were younger. we’re older now and people keep thinking we’re dating but it’s not like that, we’re just extremely close. oh hey, you’re at my house more often than your own cause i don’t like to be alone at night and the neighbors think we’re together or having an affair and it’s funny to laugh about at dinners and we always get each other valentine’s presents since we were kids and you’re the first person i call when anything happens in my life. what? no, i’m not in love with them, they’re just my best friend.
006. open. “hey, open your front door. i’m here with chips, pizza, ice cream, and your favorite pastries. yes, i know it’s like 3am but i’m your best friend and i know you’re sad right now and i am here to comfort you.”
007. open. you’re not my ex anything. you were a passing moment, an almost a maybe one day we’ll be something but one day never came, you passed by and ‘almost’ didn’t happen. and yet it feels like something did because i know your favorite songs, what you think about late at night and how beautiful you thought i was. and i know you knew even more about me. our story was like an acute angle, a meeting point and then off in different directions. so close and then farther and farther away. we were an almost, maybe, someday.
008. open. tell me where we went wrong because it’s still not clear to me. there are still questions left unanswered and they’re killing me. tell me why we end up here, i thought we’d last a little bit longer. tell me what happened, why all of a sudden you decided to live without me. you just left. tell me how far should i walk away from you because i can’t turn away on my own. i’ve tried my best to let go but my life keeps coming back to you. i’ve tried to walk alone but i keep on looking back, hoping that every time that i turn, you’re there walking with me. tell me when to stop loving you because i don’t know how to stop this feeling.
009. open. if you’re alone, i’ll be your shadow. if you want to cry, i’ll be your shoulder. if you want a hug, i’ll be your pillow. if you need to be happy, i’ll be your smile… but anytime you need a friend, i’ll just be me.
010. open. things were great for a while before suddenly they weren’t. commitment doesn’t look good on you or me and now everything ends in a fight. you pushed me away so i pushed you away harder, the distance became catastrophic and the relationship imploded. hearts were shattered in the process and now you just bring back too many memories of what it felt like to be happy and to be in love so i just ignore you cause it feels easier than facing the truth that i miss you.
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sasorikigai · 4 years ago
1, 13 ( Scorpion! )
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Asks for Superpowered Muses || @umtplex​ || accepting 
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1. What’s your full ability, to your understanding? (Bonus Q for muns: Does this differ from their actual full ability? Or their potential?)
Scorpion is most commonly associated with hellfire, the Netherrealm's variant of fire. He is immune to the element and primarily uses it to confirm the death of his opponents, spewing it from his skull while unmasked. He is very versatile with this element, for he can summon it under his opponent, light himself up with hellfire to create a damaging aura of flames and hurl fireballs that can explode. His other abilities include necromancy and summoning. After being betrayed by the Elder Gods when they resurrected his clan as undead, he still found use with his undead comrades known as Hellspawns, who are capable of summoning hellfire as well. His summoning abilities allow him to call upon demonic minions that can self-destruct and floating skull creatures that breathe hellfire and spew explosive projectiles. 
As a spectre, Scorpion is immune to death as his soul is still bound by revenge, allowing him to endlessly chase his targets until they have been silenced. He is capable of resurrection (even if his physical body is fully destroyed) as demonstrated in Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance where he was supposedly killed by Quan Chi when he kicked him into a pool of acid, but later returned to life in order to find the Deadly Alliance and their minions. He also came back to life in the Mortal Kombat X comic series after Havik brutally killed him by destroying his chest and lungs.
Like many ninjas, Scorpion is well-versed in the art of armed combat. He has wielded various weapons throughout the tournaments, from axes to the most recent twin Ninjato. His most recurring weapon is the Spear, a kunai attached to a sturdy chain, representing Scorpion's "stinger." At times, the spear is empowered with hellfire for more power.
As Grandmaster Hanzo Hasashi, he has gained new powers and abilities. He can burn away his own flesh, revealing a fiery skeleton that can phase through physical matter and burn (sometimes vaporize) anything he touches, making him difficult to harm physically. This implies that he has a powerful healing factor that can regenerate all of the flesh he burnt away. Scorpion can also manipulate wind to create a fiery tornado of hellfire. Although it is unknown if this ability can be used for combat, as this is one of his intros, I headcanon myself that he could when he is dealing with multitudes of enemies at once. His teleport can now produce afterimages that act like solid duplicates as shown in one of his moves where he leaves an afterimage behind to hold the opponent's arm before disintegrating. He can also create afterimages to trick opponents of his next move. His affinity with fire is so potent that he is completely immune to Sektor's high-power flamethrower, calming walking through the jet-powered fire without even so much as a singe on his skin or clothing.
He also has several physical/elemental abilities (Italics only apply for Scorpion, not for Grandmaster Hasashi, a resurrected human).
Enhanced Physical Prowess: Scorpion is physically superior to any normal person.
Wraith Physiology: Reborn from the fires of the Netherrealm, Scorpion is an undead spectre.
Master Martial Artist: Being a ninja, Scorpion is well versed in Pi Gua, Hapkido, and Moi Fah to create a well-rounded hybrid art that takes advantage of his fantastic mobility in battle. He is also incredibly proficient in chained kunai and sword combat.
Hellfire Manipulation: Being a native of the Netherrealm, Scorpion can call upon and shape the realm's hellish flames.
Hellfire Immunity: As a native of the Netherrealm, Scorpion is naturally impervious to any and all hellish flames.
Teleportation: If Scorpion ever needs to close the distance on his opponents, he can simply teleport over near them. Normally he teleports behind the opponent to land a surprise hit on their backs.
Netherrealm Portals: Aside from outright teleportation, Scorpion can also create portals to and from the Netherrealm. He does this to return home and trap opponents with him in Hell.
Undead Reforming: Should his body ever get destroyed via physical force, Scorpion will eventually reform in the Netherrealm.
Immortality: Because he's undead, Scorpion no longer ages.
Netherrealm Boost: Whenever Scorpion returns to the Netherrealm, his power begins to rise. The longer he remains there, the stronger he becomes, with all the boosts disappearing as he leaves.
Enhanced Awareness: Scorpion is capable of tracking targets that are far away. This proved useful when he could still sense Quan Chi even though he was nowhere in his sight after Quan Chi escaped the Netherrealm and fled to Outworld.
Summoning: Scorpion is capable of summoning demonic Netherrealm minions that can attack and hold the enemy in place. They can also self-destruct, and the resulting explosion vaporizes the enemy's flesh out of the skeleton. He also has the ability to summon giant flaming skulls that can fly and shoot explosive projectiles and breathe fire.
Necromancy: With the Shirai Ryu now resurrected by the Elder Gods in an undead state, he is capable of summoning them to aid him in battle. These ninjas can summon hellfire below their opponent and often fight in numbers.
Demon Fire: Scorpion summons hellfire under his opponent to scorch them.
Fire Ball: If long range combat is necessary, Scorpion can shoot a ball of hellfire from his palms. To psyche out the opponent, he can also delay or cancel its release.
Flame Aura: Scorpion surrounds himself in flames, stunning any enemies caught in the aura upon creation. Anyone near Scorpion while the aura is up will be slowly consumed by his flames.
Toasty!: Scorpion rips off his mask to show his burning skull, then he breathes hellfire on the opponent to incinerate them. It is hot enough to vaporize enemies to dust.
Takedown: Scorpion slips onto his side, diving under attacks as he uses his legs to trip an opponent.
Backflip Kick: Scorpion performs a backflip, igniting his feet with hellfire as he kicks the opponent in the jaw.
Spine Rip: To finish off foes, Scorpion sometimes rips off the enemy's head, taking the spine with it.
The extent and potentiality of Hanzo as an esteemed pyromancer may have been undermined, simply because he was a feared ninja and a martial artist even before his resurrection as a Hellspawn spectre and mastered his kunai, when the real world equivalent (rope dart) is extremely difficult to even to properly wield. 
13. Have you ever used your power for petty and/or selfish (or silly) reasons?
At the first Mortal Kombat Tournament, after defeating Cyrax and Sektor, Scorpion was confronted by his nemesis, Sub-Zero. Sub-Zero showed great disrespect to Scorpion and his clan's memory, stating "To hell with your clan!", which enraged the ninja specter, who answered Sub-Zero with "No... To Hell with YOU!", and immediately took both of them to the Netherrealm, where they engaged in Mortal Kombat. Scorpion emerged victorious and decided to spare Sub-Zero's life, only to have Quan Chi appear, ordering Scorpion to kill Sub-Zero. Remembering his bargain with Raiden as the Thunder God saw the future consisting of Scorpion killing Sub-Zero, and the latter's rebirth as Noob Saibot, urged Scorpion to defeat but not kill Sub-Zero. Scorpion at first refused to do so until Raiden promised him that he would make a request to the Elder Gods to bring the Shirai Ryu back to the realm of mortals, but only if Sub-Zero remained alive. Scorpion contemplated Raiden's offer of bringing his clan back to the world of the living, and eventually looked towards Raiden and silently nodded his consent. Raiden nodded back, and left, leaving the specter to think on this new turn of events.
When given the chance to do so, Scorpion refused, stating that Sub-Zero had been defeated and no further bloodshed was required. Knowing that the specter would not kill Sub-Zero unless he was provoked, Quan Chi conjured images of the Lin Kuei slaughter of the Shirai Ryu. The entire event was shown to Scorpion; his village was swallowed by flames, many Shirai Ryu clansmen were struck down by a rain of arrows while others were decapitated by Lin Kuei assassins, and more were run through by katanas from horseback riders and by arrows from archer marksmen, among them Sub-Zero.
Another image was magically conjured by the sorcerer. It showed Scorpion's wife (Harumi) and infant son (Satoshi) huddled in a corner of their home during the Lin Kuei attack. The house's door slid open to reveal Sub-Zero, with a Katana in hand. Unsheathing it, and unaffected by the cries of Scorpion's wife, Sub-Zero brought the blade down. The vision faded and Sub-Zero, badly wounded as he was, was on his feet holding a hand up in mercy, telling Scorpion that was not him. Enraged and reneging on his deal with Raiden, Scorpion ripped the mask from his head, revealing a skull engulfed in flames of pure hatred. Back in the throne room of Shang Tsung, Scorpion reappeared and Shang Tsung smiled in anticipation. Wordlessly, Scorpion held up a scorched skull with the spinal cord attached. The ninja specter had killed the Lin Kuei assassin Sub-Zero, rendering his deal with Raiden null. Head hung low, Scorpion dropped the skull onto the floor and with a loud scream, burst into flames and disappeared.
(aka the MK9 madness, but justifiably understandable as Scorpion was manipulated by Quan Chi). 
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louisweasleyy · 5 years ago
[ & ; * - matt daddario / homosexual / he/him ] isn’t it weird how close { sebastian 'bash' monroe } resembles { matt daddario }? damn, i heard they are a { twenty three } year old { undergraduate } and a member of { delta sigma chi } studying { music composition }. outside of class { bash } participates in { art } and their party anthem is { colors } by { halsey }.
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hi guys! i’m madison and sorry for posting this so late. i have family visiting so my activity is gonna be a little spotty until after this weekend. i’m also playing rory (the kristine froseth fc!) anyways like this if you’d like to plot with bash and i’ll message you!
tw: child abuse, death
There he is, the Dean’s son and a Yale Legacy!
For as long as he could remember, it’s unfortunately always been him and his father. His mom died while giving birth to Bash and his Dad has never ever forgiven him for it.
Their grandparents are never really around except for when they need Bash and his father for publicity but mainly they benefit off of the school’s wages and go on extravagant vacations and want nothing to do with the Monroe boys.
His father is abusive though he hides it well because…he’s the Dean of the school. Both physically, emotionally and verbally. Since he’s been dealing with it his entire life, he’s sort of accepted it as something that he deserves so he doesn’t really fight it. After all, if it weren’t for him his mother would still be alive. And his father isn’t hurting anyone other than him so Bash has never…really seen the problem. A complete victim’s mindset.
So due to this he thinks he’s a worthless piece of shit that won’t amount to anything and who doesn’t deserve love or happiness. As his father constantly reminds him, he’s just a burden on the world and all around him, feeding to the country’s overpopulation. He was the biggest mistake of his Dad’s life.
Even though Sebastian is a MAN now, a whole 23 years, he hasn’t gravitated away from his Dad. Again, he thinks he deserves it and he believes he needs his father. Dean Monroe has convinced him that he wouldn’t survive a minute in the world without him. Bash is just…delusional and as much as he hates his Dad, he grossly respects and values his opinion. After all he doesn’t know better and doesn’t know anything more.
On the frequent occasions where his father beats him to where it’s visible, Bash will usually go to a bar and elicit a fight to get more flesh wounds apparent so that he has an alibi. So basically everyone at Yale just thinks he’s a drunken troublemaker who gets into a shit ton of fights. Which like…isn’t wrong. He is drunk or high 99% of the time and he’s getting into fights.
At least when he gets hit, he feels something. Whereas he’s gotten so good at numbing and shoving down any sort of feelings. Shout out to liquor!
He’s always loved music, it’s his sole happy place and when his fingers are gracing that of a piano it’s like…he’s transported away from the bullshit. As lame as it sounds, he feels like his piano is his only and last connection to his Mom. She used to play and when he plays, he feels like he’s playing for her and to her like…spiritually. He can feel her when he’s writing, composing and playing. She gives him the music and he puts it to paper.
Also gay af.
ALSO DO NOT CALL HIM SEBASTIAN. it’s a massive fucking trigger for him! it’s what his dad always calls him before he’s about to beat the shit out of him. i mean you can but he won’t react great.
His ex-boyfriend is Grayson and his father forced him to break up with him
Also Bash got into Julliard with a full ride scholarship but his dad is...possessive so he fucked with his admissions and made it so Bash could not get accepted into any other school.
He’s a sarcastic asshole who tries to act all tough but who is severely craving human intimacy and companionship. When people start to get close and he starts to trust them, he panics, literal panic attacks that cause him to just snap and do everything he can to push that person FAR away and out of his life. He’s really smart but he doesn’t think so which means he doesn’t apply himself. Doesn’t really trust anyone. Will party and sometimes when he’s really high he’ll like…relax and cut loose and be real with people but then the next day he’ll deny it ever happened.
In simple terms: FWB, Exes that he probably cheated on or pushed away, Hook ups, Friends, Study buddies, party buddies, smoking buddies, reckless shithead buddies etc.
[ current | fwb ] muse a and muse b met through mutual friends and quickly hit it off as friends. offhandedly one day, muse a mentioned something one day that muse b quickly turned sexual. they locked eyes and the next minute they were in a room, locked away, undressing each other. after exiting the room, the two agreed that it would never happen again…until a few days later, when it did. they keep saying they won’t come back for more.
[ current | just do it already ] muse a and muse b have been in love with each other for like, ever. neither of them are willing to admit it though, even to themselves. their friends are constantly joking about it and they both wave it off – but when one isn’t looking, anyone could see the adoration in the other’s face with ease.
[ past | dating ] muse a and muse b were the kind of people that immediately rejected each other, going to other people instead. then muse a found themselves in a room with their ex and pulled muse b aside to ask them to fake being their significant other for the night. over the next few hours, their fake date became a real one and soon things progressed into a relationship.
[ previous | friends…i guess? ] muse a and muse b were friends prior to their spontaneous hook-up and their world turned upside down. dazed, they decided to start dating that moment and to their credit, tried to make it work for a few weeks. muse a finally ( and nervously ) let out that they weren’t feeling it. to their relief, muse b admitted they were feeling the same. they decided to stay friends, but now have the added “i’ve seen you naked” awkwardness.
[ previous/current | on again, off again ] muse a and muse b love each other, but their relationship is toxic so they are constantly on and off. they always get along as friends, but the second they became lovers something always changes. they care a lot about each other, but something always goes awry.
[ your choice | hook up ] muse a recently broke up with their significant other, and in their post-breakup state got some revenge by hooking up with their ex’s best friend, muse b. neither expected the night to be so…memorable. your choice on what they do about it.
[ positive | two way street ] muse a and muse b frequent the same coffee shop and often made casual hellos to each other until the coffee shop raised their prices. muse a went to order their usual drink and lifted their eyes in surprise at the new price, hand helplessly prepared to hand over exact change. muse b quickly swooped in and saved the day, buying both of their coffees. next time they were both in the shop, muse a paid for muse b’s drink. they flip who pays each time as some sort of game now, but they’ve only had minor conversation as one or the other always seems to be in a rush.
[ positive | friends ] when muse a moved in, they didn’t expect to see muse b climbing up/standing on the fire escape right outside their living room window. they went to confront muse b and scared them, making both fear for the life of muse b for a moment. apologetic, muse a invited muse b in and the two connected almost immediately. ( muse b may or may not have explained their presence on the fire escape during this conversation // reason could have been that they knew who lived in muse a’s apartment before but didn’t know that they moved )
[ current | platonic or romantic ] *tw: alcohol. muse a and muse b met at a bar. throughout the night, muse b got more and more inebriated. being the good ( or bad ) samaritan they are, muse a decides to take muse b back to their house before they end up on the floor. when they arrive at muse a’s building/house, muse b ( loudly ) asks muse a how the heck ! muse a knew where they lived. turns out – they live a mere few floors/doors/houses away from each other.
[ current | platonic ] muse a is an extrovert – so much so that when muse b started moving in, they didn’t even wait for the moving truck to pull away before introducing themselves. in fact, muse a even started helping unload the truck without being asked. ( BONUS: muse b was super grateful for the help and their relationship is great // muse b is Grumpy™ and was annoyed that muse a started helping without asking and their relationship is tense. )
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scarletraven1001 · 6 years ago
Summary: The whole “Soulmate” thing was a sham, as far as Bulma was concerned. So, when she finds that her own Soulmate Mark had reacted to a handsome jerk that she ran into on the street, she is even more determined to prove that not even the gods can make her fall for someone, unless it was on her terms.
A Vegebul Soulmate Tattoo AU, based on this post.
Also on Ao3.
Note: I have always loved Soulmate AUs, so I finally decided to try my hand at it! This is my first attempt at a comedic multi-chapter, and it will not be very long; maybe 5 chapters, max.
Also, this chapter is my gift for @supersaiyanerd​! Advanced happy birthday!
I hope you like it! And as always, comments will be highly appreciated!
Chapter 1: Inked
The last week of September greeted Bulma with a powerful gust of freezing wind, right to her face.
Her phone – and by extension, her alarm – had died sometime during the night, and so she had woken half an hour later than usual.
She was running late, and with no time to primp, her curly blue hair fluffed annoyingly on her head. She angrily pushed the strands back, barely sparing a glance at the tiny mark that rested on her right inner wrist.
The deceptively nondescript mark, was Bulma’s Soulmate Mark.
It was a straight line that was barely a centimeter long, which was there to lead her to the one person who would make her life complete: her one perfect match, destined to love her for eternity.
Her Soulmate…
Pfft. Yeah, right.
She was thirty years old, and the mark had stayed exactly the same as it had always been, a frustrating red line of ink that clashed wildly with her blue eyes and hair.
There were some successful Soulmates, and one such pair were her own parents, who had truly fallen in love beyond being just predestined mates.
Tragically enough, she knew of quite a few people who had married their Soulmates, and ended up miserable.
The Soulmate Mark was a guide, and often, not a very good one. It was ultimately a problem, since some Soulmates had perfectly compatible souls, but not hearts.
It had also been the thing that prevented her from finding true romance, as the one man she had once loved, Yamcha, had refused to stay with her on account of their marks not responding to each other’s.
The tiny mark was supposed to grow, become more distinct and detailed, once one met their true Soulmate. And though Bulma had repeatedly willed it to grow even by a tiny bit, no amount of kisses from Yamcha had made it budge.
It was due to these distracted thoughts and her haste to get to work on time that Bulma had failed to watch where she was going, and as she walked with her head in the clouds, she managed to somehow walk into the middle of the street, right in the middle of moving traffic.
The loud blare of a car horn woke her from her trance, and she shrieked as she watched the car moving towards her, too close, too fast, for her to move out of the way.
“Eeeeeeeek!” she screamed, hands uselessly shielding her face from watching her certain doom, her heart pounding mercilessly against her ribs while her mind spun through a thousand scenarios of how she had wanted her life to go and how she failed to make it right, all in the space of half a second.
A heavy collision knocked the wind out of her, and she expected her body to fall brokenly against the pavement…
And was inordinately stunned when she found herself jostled, but relatively unscathed, lying on the sidewalk with a thick, solid human body above her own.
“Oh kami,” she whispered in residual fright.
She watched the man groan above her, his shock of dark hair covering his face as he tried to brace himself back up with his thick arms.
He was shaking, clearly affected by the near-miss, and a brilliant smile lifted her lips as she finally realized what had just happened…
This man had pushed her out of the way of the oncoming car. The oncoming car that would have surely killed her…
“You saved me…” she said in wonder, looking dazedly at the thick torso clothed in a light blue button-down shirt. “Oh kami… I’m alive because of you! Thank y-”
“Pay more attention to your surroundings, you idiotic woman!” he barked, cutting her off.
Bulma drew back, offended.
“Well, I’m sorry, mister! Next time, please feel free not to save my life!”
“Indeed I will not,” he hissed, finally lifting his head.
Bulma was stunned into silence by the darkest eyes she had ever seen, on a beautifully masculine face framed by a severe widow’s peak.
She gaped like a fish as he stood, dusting himself off, before he turned to walk away, all without sparing her a second glance.
She too stood, gathering as much of her dignity as she could while the small crowd that had gathered began to disperse.
“You are an asshole, but thanks still! For saving my life!” she yelled at his back, pulling at her rumpled red dress, noting that he did glance infinitesimally at her before he turned the corner to disappear from her sight.
With a sigh, Bulma began walking again, in the opposite direction of her handsome asshole savior. She headed into the small academic publishing house that she worked at, only a block away by then.
She placed her right thumb onto the thumb scan machine to time in, noting the stiffness of her wrist.
“Huh. Must have sprained it when I fell,” she mused as she sat on her desk, shifting her handbag onto her other hand.
She dug around her cabinet for the small tube of liniment that she kept in there for her minor aches – she still refused to think that it was because she was aging – taking a small amount so she can rub it onto her painful arm.
The liniment and her bag fell out of her hands, quickly followed by her jaw, as she stared at her pained wrist.
For on it, her tiny red Soulmate Mark had somehow grown twice as long.
“Now Bulma… I understand that almost getting hit by a car is quite traumatic, but shrieking like a banshee in the middle of the office is not very professional.”
Bulma sighed as she sat in the office of her Manager, Mr. Piccolo.
“I’m really sorry-”
“I expect no more extreme behavior from you today, do I make myself clear?” he asked, brows furrowed, lips pursed in frustration.
She sighed again, just a tiny bit louder. “Yes, sir.”
“Alright. Go back to your desk and finalize the senior high Physics journal,” he instructed.
Bulma got up, walking forlornly to her desk, glancing at poor old Uranai, who had nearly had a heart attack when she let out her earlier, spirit-piercing scream.
Well, who wouldn’t scream, upon discovering that their Soulmate Mark had evolved?
She sighed, yet again, as she sat down, meeting the inquisitive eyes of her office bestie, Chichi.
The dark-haired woman raised a brow, before she leaned over towards Bulma.
“Bulma-chan,” she began, “What the hell actually happened earlier?”
Bulma groaned.
She was, frankly, devastated that her mark had changed. She didn’t really want a Soulmate, but apparently, she had one.
And seeing as Bulma had only had one interaction with a new person that day, she knew exactly who the gods – who were probably giggling, beside themselves with glee at their brilliance, those bastards – had decided was her Soulmate.
Chichi, on the other hand, would likely be delighted by the news, because she was one of the few people Bulma knew who was deliriously happy with their destined mate.
Chichi had met her mate through Bulma, as she had been fated for Bulma’s lifelong friend, Goku.
“Chichi, it’s nothing-” she began.
“Don’t you it’s nothing me, Bulma Briefs,” Chichi, the Biology writer, scolded. “What on earth happened to you this morning?”
With perhaps her hundredth sigh of the day, Bulma raised her arm, showing Chichi her wrist.
Chichi’s eyes bugged out, before she began sputtering happily, wringing her hands in delight.
“Bulma! You found your Soulmate?!” she whisper-yelled.
“I guess…”
“Oh kami, how wonderful!” Chichi gushed. “Who is he? What’s his name? Is he hot?”
“Some guy I ran into, I don’t know, and…” she paused, considering, “yes, he is actually hot, for a jerk.”
Chichi rolled her eyes. “Don’t tell me that ya actually got into a fight with him already?”
“He started it!”
“He saved me from a car that was about to hit me, then called me an idiotic woman, ok?”
“Back. The heck. Up,” Chichi said raising a hand, pointing at Bulma. “You mean to tell me that your Soulmate saved your life, and you had the nerve to get angry?”
“See Chichi, when you say it that way, it sounds way worse than it actually is…”
“Bulma,” Chichi shook her head. “This is ridiculous. Aren’t you even curious about the man whom the gods had destined for you?”
Bulma scoffed. “No, I’m not, and I refuse to just up and get with this guy just because I’m supposed to or-”
“Or just because he’s not Yamcha?”
Bulma’s lips snapped shut.
It was Chichi’s turn to sigh. “Bulma-chan… it didn’t work out with Yamcha, not because he isn’t your Soulmate. It really wasn’t working out.”
Bulma breathed in. “Yeah… I know. It’s just… what if it’s the same with my Soulmate? What if I’m the problem? I mean, if even my Soulmate couldn’t stand me, then who else possibly could?”
“Well, I tolerate you just fine.”
“Yeah, but you’re a masochist, Chi. You’d have to be, to put up with Goku.”
Chichi threw an eraser at her in response.
“Bulma, just try, alright? Just see if it works out. How hard can it be?”
Bulma sighed, yet again. “Well, firstly… I have no idea who the hell he is, or where to find him. So… there’s that.”
The small commotion in the Head Editor’s office caught Bulma’s attention, sometime after her lunch.
The HE, Kaio, with his round stomach heaving in excitement, sat with Piccolo, who also looked strangely happy.
Bulma watched as Piccolo turned to go out the door, and his small green eyes scanned the crowd until they fell on Bulma.
“Bulma, a minute?�� he called.
She was curious, so she gladly hopped up, walking into the office with a smile.
“You needed me?” she asked, taking a seat before the boss.
“Bulma,” Kaio said. “Remember how we promised to help you find a consultant for that one journal on astrophysics?”
She nodded.
“Well, I am glad to let you know that we had somehow convinced one of the lead researchers of EASA to come and help us for the next week,” he announced loudly, chest puffing up with pride.
She gaped. “Seriously? Someone from the Earth Aeronautics and Space Agency is coming here?”
“He’s already here,” Piccolo said, “and on his way to us right now.”
“Actually,” Kaio said as he glanced up, just as the door opened behind Bulma. “Here he is! Welcome!”
A strange hiccup, from somewhere deep in the center of her chest, made Bulma’s breath catch in her throat, but she shrugged it off as she turned to look at the newcomer.
When her eyes met his equally-shocked gaze, she choked.
Those dark eyes were entirely too familiar, as she had just been staring into them that morning.
“Bulma,” Kaio said, “I would like you to meet Mr. Vegeta Ouji of EASA. Mr. Ouji, Bulma is the physicist whom you will be working with this week.”
Bulma watched as he glanced at his left inner wrist, partially hidden by his long-sleeves, and she too looked down, only to see the inch-long mark in the exact same shade as her hair.
He then glanced at her wrist, and his eyes narrowed as he spied her own bright red mark.
“Well,” her Soulmate, now known as Vegeta Ouji, remarked, looking up at Kaio, Piccolo, then back at her. “This should be rather interesting.”
Oh, good. At least, they already agreed on one thing.
To be continued…
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mikazukikannagisjourney · 5 years ago
Solar Return Musings and other Stuff, May 27, 2020
Short note: These are just my solar return rantings and musings, so if you just need the energetic support to get through the crazy energies running around right now,  just go to the end of the post for an energetically-infused photo to fill you with love, hope, and courage =) have a great day! OK long-a$$ post coming right up lololol As of yesterday, I have entered my mid-30s, which I would have fretted over greatly have I not awakened to my infinite being-ness. Weirdly enough, priorities do change when a person reaches a certain point in life, and for the past 10 years, maybe more than than or something this body started its own awakening process. It felt weird just thinking about it because my brain took so much time before it awakened, so yeah basically I already manifested nearly ALL spiritual awakening symptoms and I still wasn't doing the work needed, I just though it was all work-stress. I had constant callings to meditate but I was too busy watching anime, movies, dramas, throwing too much of myself to my former uhm, life, stuff, insert words here. Fill in the blanks lol. And then everything just comes crashing down until I had nothing but my own shattered dreams. That's when I slowly started using binaural beats to induce something to happen to my body, or at the very least use my legs (they kinda died along with my hope and dreams back then).
Whew. That felt like a lifetime ago, but honestly it felt so far away even though I only started to consciously-awake 4 years ago or something? Maybe less? I really don't know. Then again, as many spiritually-woke people kept saying, these are interesting times, wherein you live inside a body with as many lifetimes as a buy-one-get a multitude free. Basically as long as a person consciously (or in my case my body freaking chose it for me, dang it) chooses to, anyone can live at least 2 or 3 lifetimes in the same body. I actually feel like I have lived 30+ years in a span of 10, I feel like after having so many losses, meeting so many people both nice and not, all the heck-ups that happened, it’s a miracle I am still alive. What’s even more amazing is that despite whatever hell on earth I experienced in the past 10 years, there were nice parts to be grateful for, like learning more metaphysical stuff, learning what needs to be healed and transmuted like traumas and other genetic stuff, regaining and embodying my old psychic self from my childhood days, establishing clear boundaries because unscrupulous people will DEFINITELY step all over wishy-washy, extremely-giving or doormat people, and whatever needs to be done in order to help clear not just my own morphic field but the mass consciousness energies as well. Seriously though, for me, my best takeaway was learning that I am actually able to channel energies, and if I didn't have a psychic friend to return whatever I channeled I would have doubted everything. So in a way, even though things were seriously slow-going, I guess I'm ok at this pace. It would be better if it was a lot faster though
Speaking of gratitude, I got fed up being ungrateful for quite a while, so for a change I just chose to find something to be thankful for, even if it's just one. I guess it started clearing my energies bit by bit. I couldn't do it all by myself though, so aside from channeling the energies on my own, I also started adjusting the flow of energies (chi or prana) in my own space by bringing in some fallen flowers (they just fall out of the plant even if they look perfectly fine), and I guess it sorta helped me manage my depressive states to a certain degree. In the beginning I honestly just wanted to see some other living thing other than myself and some lizards, or the occasional insects that pop in, and weirdly the flowers helped a lot, even if there were just 3 or even 1 of them in a bowl. I guess it became meditative for me to gather them in the afternoons, before night falls. The flowers resemble hibiscus but they change colors, from yellow in the morning as they bloom, to having red-orange petal tips in the late afternoon or dusk (I gather them during these times) to being fully red at night. After about 4 weeks of doing it daily, I found a trend on how many I can collect per day: Saturdays bring a lot, at most 9 (it's a day that promotes planting and other agricultural pursuits); Tuesdays bring at most, 3? (it is a Mars Day afterall); and the rest of the week ranges from 5 to 7 flowers. I did my best not to put too much attachment to the meanings, I just did my best to be grateful for how many I can pick in a day. As long as I get at least one per day, I'm all good.
Of course, on the day of my solar return, after having difficulty getting some work done (it was hot and humid and everything just feels fuzzy) I finally got out and decided to just check on my passionflower vines and see if I got any flowers from this weird hibiscus plant. As always, the passionflower vines went haywire with the growth again, and I have yet to figure out how to even manage them so they won't strangle the other plants nearby, including the weird hibiscus plant. Speaking of, here's the weird thing about the plant yesterday. It was a Tuesday so I was expecting to just get around 2 or 3, but I got a whopping 14, it was a miracle I was able to hold them in my hand. It felt like the universe gave me a nice birthday bouquet, and I just enjoyed the feeling as I gathered them while a rolling thunder passes over my head. It felt great. Even one of the other flowering plants that only bloom a handful of tiny flowers actually had so much flowers, so I guess it made me giddy. I guess it's nice to receive flowers from the universe, it was a gift that lifted up my spirits. Also it was a small reminder to just embrace my romantic-AF side lol So after thanking the universe for the nice flowers I collected all of the weird hibiscus flowers, gathered them into a bowl, and they looked like these:
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If you squint at the photo, the bowl looks like pizza lol but hey, that's a nice thing I could look forward to once citizen mobility becomes an actual thing. I mean, I'm not the only one who got stuck at home for their birthdays, there's like 2-3 months worth of birthdays that got stuck at home, among other things, so I truly feel for those who wanted to feel special even under quarantine. Yes the flower-bowl photo is also energetically-infused so if you're someone who didn't get to enjoy your special day due to the pandemic, please allow the loving energies of the flower bowl to fill you with universal love.
Other stuff I was able to be grateful for was getting a handful of birthday stuff, I mean, in times like these it's easy to expect people to take care more of themselves, and I honestly don't mind if people chose to just do their own thing today. My mother rarely makes birthday food (her birthday is 2 days ahead of mine so I normally just eat whatever is left of that lolol) but I got some fruit salad and it was great, but I think I had way too much and my tummy kept making U-turns. I also got some greetings from people that I care about, and it was nice. The thing about birthday energies is that it brings a lot of mixed emotions, and instead of enjoying the entire day, I had to transmute a lot of old traumas stuck in my head, in my body, all that stuff, to the point that I just decided to send my grateful replies to the messages I received like, today. I wouldn't wanna tie my low vibes with people who wished me well so I did the proactive approach and just cleared whatever low vibes I had. It took a long while, and by the time I was done, it was already midnight and I had to do some quick and soothing meditations just to feel great about myself. At times, whenever I had to do these things, I sometimes wished I never woke up in the first place. Unfortunately, this kind of awakening is like learning how to ride a bike, once you learn how to balance and move forward (hint: pushing the pedal faster makes falling down nearly-impossible lol), it’s forever bonded with your entire being.
Seriously, this whole conscious awakening business is not exactly all sunshine and rainbows, and I often find myself cringing whenever I come across a post or a video about spiritual awakening and the path of enlightenment as something all unicorns and ice cream sprinkles like I have to use ALL of my powers NOT to judge them. Because that's what they have at that given moment, and that is what they wanna share. As for me, even if my own experiences weren't 100% magical, they're not all that bad either. I just choose to embrace all of the experiences as stuff that helps me move forward, good or bad, ugly or beautiful, crappy or not, intentional or accidental, they are all for a better good. It's normal and OK to feel victimized every now and then, we have deep programmings that need to be rebooted so that we can enjoy everything in 3D, regardless of whether we got extremely lucky or extremely screwed. I mean, that's the weird thing about duality and playing that game: seeing both sides of the coin and accepting the fact that it's all the same coin is what brings back our lost power, instead of just choosing all that is light or all that is dark. Everything is connected and that is what sets people free. The only thing that people must consciously choose is to live in their own truth, otherwise choosing to live other people's truths will continuously run their lives, and that's what breaks people. I should know, I was stuck in that crap for a long time. Now I'm currently in limbo but I am doing my best to continuously connect to the higher dimensional realms, and to heal and increase my capacity to feel and receive universal energies so that I won't have to live someone else's life anymore. That's what I promised to do for myself and I am doing the best that I can to uphold that. I honestly don't know where I am right now but I am hoping to become a whole lot better in my own personal journey.
In relation to that idea, I am doing my best to be my own support group, cheerleader, therapist, and all that stuff because to be honest, for the next years and decades after this pandemic issue, there will be a call for independence, of being able to fix the self, because the energies are coming in to change the excessive interdependent natures of people. I mean, don't get me wrong, nothing bad about that right now and we will all continue to be dependent on others, and others will be dependent on us, but certain parts of humanity will start to go inwards, like finding the truth within themselves. Also, there will be a greater need to be kind, understanding, and forgiving to the self, more so than others. Denying the self's needs are what caused disorder in the first place, and universal energies are coming in right now to push people to be more selfish, in a healthy way, in a more abundant setting, because excess greed has taken a toll on the psyche of humanity for a very, very long time. And this time, the higher dimensional realms are ensuring that balance shall be achieved. So if you think this pandemic thing is the worst, well sorry to burst your bubble but more bumpy rides are ahead of us, and adjustments WILL be done to accommodate the new things that need to happen in this timeline, and beyond.
Oh glob, that's a lot of stuff lolol I guess that just flowed out of my hands, and I feel like I'm not even done yet. Oh well, I can always post something else, like I dunno, as needed? Anyway, for those who are only here for the energy-infused photo, here it is, to support your need for hope, love, and courage in these trying times:
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I hope you enjoy, just relax and let it come through your being. And if you’re wondering, yeah the cactus has a white bloom. Cute, right? Thank you so much for your time in dropping by this post, I know that times are changing really fast and it feels like we're at the mercy of the elements, but also know that despite things, the universe will always work in our favor, but first we must feel that we're worth that universal assistance, otherwise it's just going to stay outside the realm of our experiences. Our worthiness is more important now, than ever before. Because you are indeed, worthy. I pray that you become your truest and best self. Wishing you all the best, Mikazuki
PS. If you found the information in this post to be very helpful, insightful, and of great value to you and your own personal journey, please feel free to reblog, share and heart/like, or if you feel super-generous, energetic exchanges are welcomed! Please click here and use this email address: [email protected]
Thank you so much and be blessed!
PSS. If you’re interested to get a personal card and energetic reading, for inquires please send an email or an anonymous ask in this page. Thank you! =)
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theshatteredrose · 8 years ago
Hey can I maybe request Lynus having a "low-grade fever" and brushing it off to go to the Labyrinth but Axel is having none of it
Title: Feeling Feverish
Summary: Lynus reluctantly admits that he has a ‘low-grade’ fever. Axel, of course, doesn’t believe him.
Pairings: Axel/Lynus
AN: I’m not necessarily open for requests at the moment, but I couldn’t help myself~ Enjoy!
It was becoming more and more common for the members of the Guardians to be personally requested for an important quest. Whether it was fighting a certain type of monster that had become dangerous to rookie explorers or missions of search and rescue, more and more quests handed into the bar was geared solely toward them rather than a free for all for other guilds.
It was a sign that the Guardians were becoming popular, while also becoming trusted amongst locals and explorers alike.
Normally, Axel didn’t mind such requests. It gave him something to do and it was a way to contribute back to society, back to the people that welcomed him and his guildmates so warmly.
On this quest, however, there were two things that were annoying him. One, it was a search and rescue. Now, normally, that didn’t bother him. Guilds and guards get into trouble all the time. Accidents happened. Unpredictable things were a common occurrence in the labyrinth.
But this one involved a flighty landsknecht who suddenly decided that she had a point to prove and set off into the labyrinth – alone.
Yeah. That was beyond reckless. Axel was pretty confident in his own skills, but he wasn’t arrogant enough to head in alone. Her guild had a right to be worried for this idiot. He looked forward to giving her a piece of his mind. If she was still alive that was.
The second thing he was slightly agitated about was the fact that he knew that there was something wrong with Lynus. As a highly trained and regarded medic, it was no surprise that he was often requested to accompany them on these search-and-rescue quests. If the person (or persons) they were looking for needed immediate medical help, none was better equip than Lynus himself.
But as of right now, Axel knew he wasn’t feeling well. Lynus insisted that he was fine and by appearances he looked fine. But something still felt…off. Whether Lynus knew it and was hiding to prevent worry or concern, or legitimately had no idea himself, Axel felt that Lynus was off-colour.
There was a slight flush to his cheeks and it wasn’t from the pleasant autumn air of the second stratum. And his beautiful violet eyes looked slightly unfocused and it wasn’t from the glare of the midday sun. He also wasn’t moving as fluently as he usually did and it wasn’t entirely due to having worked a few hours at the hospital before being sent on this quest.
Axel wanted to ask again whether he was really all right, but held his tongue. He had already asked that question a couple of times so far. He didn’t want to push his luck and have a slightly huffy Lynus to deal with.
Oh, he wasn’t hard to deal with when huffy, mind you, Axel just didn’t want to stress him out any more than he already was.
The sooner they found this reckless asshole, the sooner they could leave and the sooner he could try to convince Lynus to spend the rest of the day with him in peace and quiet.
Axel was pulled from his musings when a prickly feeling of being watched raced up his spine and he pulled himself to a halt. Beside him, Jhon and Tobyn did the same while Lynus instinctively ducked behind them, not uttering a word. Chi-hung took it upon himself to stay close to Lynus as possible to protect him; reassuring that he would be safe and Axel could fully concentrate on the possible danger around them.
They stood in complete silence for a few tense seconds when a flurry of leaves and twigs suddenly burst through the thick shrubbery of the naturally formed walls around them.
Axel immediately reached for his axe and drew it as two figures suddenly appeared directly before him. Tall and the colours of red and green. Withering vines with flowery buds filled with sharp teeth that were snapping and chattering hungrily.
A couple of fangleaves.
Axel wasn’t particularly worried. They were annoying, no doubt about that, especially when they tried to bind them in some way or boosting their own strength, but still relatively easy for them to deal with. His axe could cut through the vines easily.
Gripping his axe in both hands, Axel sprung forward to engage the bristling fangleaves in battle. Jhon was beside him while Tobyn stayed behind them, expertly and effortless firing off accurate and deadly arrows. Axel and Jhon had both grown used to the sound and feeling of arrows whizzing by their heads, neither of them remotely worried of accidently being struck. Tobyn could shoot a venomfly in mid-air and leave its wings perfectly intact.
The battle against the fangleaves was a short one with only the plant monsters themselves receiving any injuries.
With a satisfied sigh, Axel lugged his axe back into its usual position on his back and he stepped back to allow Tobyn to see if there was anything worth salvaging from the monster corpses while Jhon watched over him, still cautious.
Instinctively, Axel turned around to look for Lynus, to see if he was all right. But when he realised he couldn’t see him anyway, he immediately began to internally panic.
He didn’t sense a back attack. And there was no way those fangleaves got pass them, pass him, for even a second.
He was about to shout his name when Chi-hung suddenly bolted toward one of those seemingly man-made stone and mortar pillars. He then stopped and was focused in on the other side, a place Axel couldn’t directly see where he was currently at.
So he jogged forward as well and made his way over to where Chi-hung was.
As he rounded the corner, he breathed a sigh of relief when his gaze fell upon the tangerine-haired medic. A fraction of a second later, however, he felt his brow furrow with concern.
Lynus was leaning his back against a tall stone pillar as he desperately, and shakily, dug around in his medical bag for something. He honestly looked worse than before. He either wandered off during the battle in hopes of healing himself quietly without arousing concern. Or had suddenly felt sick and wandered off without meaning to, which was a dangerous thing to do regardless. Whatever the case, he looked simultaneously flushed but pale. He was trembling, shivering, as he leaned heavily against the pillar behind him and unfocusedly dug around in his medical bag.
Next to Axel, Chi-hung made a low growl, one that revealed that he was rather displeased. Axel understood exactly what he was feeling and idly ran his hand along the mighty white-tiger’s neck in an attempt to pacify him. He then turned his full, undivided attention onto Lynus and reached out to place his hand on his arm, slightly fearful that he could just keel over at any second.
“What’s wrong?” Axel asked again, this time adamant that he won’t be satisfied with ‘I’m fine’ or ‘it’s nothing’ like numerous times before.
Lynus glanced up at him, his gaze unfocused and he attempted to smile. But it was shaky at best and he swallowed thickly. “Just…feeling a little dizzy all of a sudden.”
Axel was about to ask if dizziness was the only thing he was experiencing and what needed to be done to help, when Jhon and Tobyn both made their ways over to them as well, their concerned expressions focused in on Lynus immediately.
“Is something wrong?” Jhon asked as his gaze shifted from Lynus to Axel.
Knowing that it was Lynus instinct to reassure and deny his own ailments, Axel answered for him. “He says he’s feeling dizzy, but I think there’s more to it.”
Jhon’s expression was that of concern while Tobyn seemed to scowl lightly next to him. “I knew something was off,” he muttered as he turned a sharp gaze in Lynus’ direction. “You should have told us sooner.”
His shoulders slumping in defeat, Lynus sighed as he reached up to press his hand against his forehead. He closed his eyes and pressed his lips together tightly. Axel had to tighten his hand on Lynus’ arm when the medic suddenly swayed, on the verge of becoming off balanced. “I…I have a fever,” he said simply.
Honestly, Axel had figured as much. “You had one before entering the labyrinth, didn’t you?”
Lynus peeled open his eyes, of which were still unnaturally unfocused and gave him a somewhat sheepish look. “It was just a low-grade one,” he insisted. “Nothing to worry about.”
Axel was highly sceptical. Had anyone else had this ‘low-grade’ fever, Lynus would have insisted they stayed in their beds and rest for the day.
Axel turned to look at Jhon and Tobyn. “You two, along with Chi-hung, continue the search for that brainless idiot,” he instructed. “I’ll take Lynus back to town.”
“No, Axel, I’m fin-” Lynus automatically started to protest.
“I’m not having you risk your life for someone who doesn’t value their own,” Axel said sternly, interrupting him.
He didn’t like to speak like that, especially to Lynus, but he felt he had no other choice. Lynus may not truly value or care for himself, but Axel did. And he wasn’t going to let anything hurt him. Including Lynus himself.
“You’re far more important than this idiot we’re searching for,” Axel added, his voice firm, but kind all the same.
Lynus was silent as he blearily looked at him before the words he had just spoken seemed to register in his fever-hazed mind and he looked positively meek and ashamed as he simply nodded his head.
Though Axel was glad to see that Lynus had decided to cooperate rather than insist they push forward regardless of his ill-health, he couldn’t help but feel his concern for the sweet medic grow. He must be feeling really unwell if he gave in so quickly.
He might have to make a quick stop at the hospital just for reassurance.
“Getting Lynus back to town is a good idea,” Jhon said with an agreeing tone as he glanced reassuringly in Lynus’ direction. “Don’t worry about us. Tobyn and I have been through these floors many times before. And with Chi-hung with us, we’ll be sure to find this person. And for added measure, we’ll take her straight to Dr Stiles and let him deliver the much needed lecture.”
Honestly, Dr Stiles giving that lecture would be more intimidating than Axel could ever hope to be. Best leave that stuff to the experts, yes?
“I’m sorry,” Lynus murmured meekly as he suddenly looked frailer and paler than before.
“It’s fine,” Jhon returned kindly. “We’ll meet you back at the inn to check on you there soon. Don’t worry about a thing.”
With that said, Jhon motioned for Tobyn and Chi-hung to follow, and they did so silently, Tobyn glancing worriedly at Lynus while Chi-hung paused for a second to rub his head against Lynus’ side before trotting off to follow Jhon.
Axel watched until they were out of sight before he turned his attention back to Lynus. He immediately noticed how tired he looked and he knew that he was feeling intense guilt for not only worrying the others, but also, in his mind at least, slowing them down. But he choose not to point out how silly his guilt was as it wasn’t silly to Lynus, and instead reached out to remove his bag from his shoulder.
Slinging Lynus back over his own shoulder, Axel quickly but carefully pulled Lynus toward him before picking him up into his arms. Lynus had long grown used to Axel picking him up, sometimes literally sweeping him off of his feet, that he quickly settled down in his arms and got comfortable for the walk back.
With his armour in the way, Axel couldn’t hold Lynus the way he wanted. He would have to wait until they returned to town before he could physically comfort Lynus the way he needed to be comforted.
“Are you angry?” Lynus softly asked as Axel began to walk.
“I’m not angry,” he said before he uttered a sigh and shook his head. “Not really. I’m just…frustrated that you can seem to apply your caring, nurturing nature to yourself.”
Lynus looked unfairly ashamed as he turned his gaze to the ground. But Axel couldn’t apologise and say he didn’t mean it. He did. It did frustrate him to no end that Lynus didn’t seem to care for himself at all. He knew why, but it still got to him.
“It…honestly frustrates me, too,” Lynus said softly as he subconsciously curled closer to him. “I don’t do it on purpose or anything. I just…”
Axel resisted the urge to utter another sigh. Instead he leaned forward to press a chaste kiss to the top of Lynus’ head, subtly and gently curling his arm tighter around his shoulders and knees.
“We’ll work on it later,” he said softly. “Now, let’s get you back to town. Also, if you do anything like this again, I will have no choice but to get Dr Stiles involved.”
Lynus made a noise, a whine that was of slight fear. “That’s mean,” he murmured as he ducked his head under Axel’s chin.
Axel simply chuckled as he headed for the geopole to warp home as quickly as possible.
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kuro-me · 8 years ago
Desperate Measures
Warning for implied rape!
The pain in his leg was excruciating, but it was nothing next to the damage done to his pride.
Ordus had just met with the Crown Prince, his direct superior, who was displeased with his progress. The fact Ordus was alive was a miracle in itself, knowing what the prince did to those he perceived as failures, but the ultimatum presented had the Tribunus at his wits end.
One month. One short month, that was all he had left to attain the asset he had promised Prince Zenos, or else he would meet the fate of the Praefectus who had died for his failures in Gyr Abania. It wasn’t enough time, there was no way he was going to be able to break the man on time, which meant a new approach was needed.
“But what?” He mused aloud, limping his way down the halls of the palace in Ala Mhigo with a cane firmly gripped in his right hand.
He had been making decent progress on getting into in the beautiful boy’s head again, if he only had more time he was sure he could have broken him. Now he needed to change tactics, but he was loathe to admit that there was only one way he could think of to lure him in quickly. Ordus needed to make the boy angry, but the anger was…
A shudder ran down his spine, stopping dead while his free hand planted against the wall, breathing laboured. Ordus recalled the uprising, that masked figure that had cut its way through countless loyal Garlean soldiers, he had barely survived several ambushes by the one the Domans in northern Yanxia had called Kuro-Me. Deep down he knew it was luck, only luck, he was no skilled warrior.
But he was a keen strategist, he could come up with something.
“Breathe…” He hissed, gasping in breaths as he got over the mild panic attack that had hit him at the memory of that masked demon. “Think.”
What would incur his anger enough to lure him in?
Well, there was the Xaela and her children. He knew of them, a niece and nephew, a sister, that could do the trick. But she was well protected, rarely ventured out alone and when she did venture out there were many other Xaela with her, including that violent savage she called a wife. No, that would be more trouble than it was worth, he didn’t have the time for that.
If only he hadn’t slain the Maeda boy, he could have used his last true surviving clan member to lure him, but now that calculated move was wasted. His fist hit the wall as he slammed the door to his chambers within the palace behind him, all that hard work wasted because the idiot prince was impatient. No, no he couldn’t go thinking of Zenos that way, he feared he’d somehow hear it even if the thought remained solely in his own head.
Finally his thoughts turned to the two encounters he’d had with the beauty since he’d arrived in Eorzea, there was a constant there, something that had caught his ire both times in varying degrees of anger. The girl, yes that was the key he was sure of it, his beauty loved her or was at least very attached to her. No, no it was definitely love, nobody reacted that strongly without their heart being a major contributing factor.
“Hiina Kusakari,” he mused, limping over to a chair in his chambers and groaning slightly as he sat upon it, relief washing over him as he felt the pressure taken entirely off his leg.
She was a kunoichi, skilled enough to have drawn the boy’s attention- ironic how Ordus thought that strength of arms was all that would draw Yoshiro in- but not quite on his level. If he could corner her somehow, she would make easy prey for a few squads of soldiers lying in wait, the trouble was that since his failed assault on the refugee camp she rarely left Ul’dah alone.
Besides, taking her when he couldn’t see would be counter to what Ordus wanted, he needed the boy to be seething- that thought sent a small shudder through his spine but he pressed on- and wanting to chase Ordus down. So he should take the girl when the boy was there to see, make sure he knew he had failed to keep her from his enemy’s clutches, that would cut deeply and Ordus was nothing if not petty toward the beauty who’d escaped him.
“He cuts down squads too easily…” Ordus mused aloud again, tapping his fingers on the arm of his chair slowly. “I need something more.”
A colossus perhaps? Plus an entire century of soldiers, it had taken him five seconds to cut through his men and injure Ordus last time, but after that he seemed to have slowed down which was intriguing to say the least. To think he could somehow transfer the energy of the eye to his other eye too by regulating his flow of chi, what an industrious little beauty he was.
Ordus was going to crush the life out of him when this was over, take the eye fully formed, break the boy again the way he had before and then force him to watch as the girl was taken too. He hissed in a sharp breath suddenly, he couldn’t take the girl like that while Kuro-Me was free, it would be too much. Too far. He would never survive the wrath of that demon baring down on him, not this time.
Fear clutched his chest, seized at it for a moment, his breathing becoming laboured again as he slammed his fist hard into the arm of the chair. He would not falter, he would show the girl every hospitality short of taking her, soon as he had the boy he could force them to watch the other taken.
“Ha..” He chuckled, amused at his own sick machinations.
But he was getting ahead of himself and his mind was slipping off course, he had to focus on the task at hand for now. The two would inevitably leave Ul’dah together eventually, whether it be for training as Ordus had caught them before, or for some other reason all he had to do was keep a century at the ready to move the instant his spies informed him they were in the open.
The girl would be caged like a bird, in the very cage he had kept the demon in before, this would end at home for the both of them. He would need every soldier available to him to ensure the boy’s capture when he came, surely he would bring allies of some kind with him, there was no chance he’d come alone. Not this time.
“Not long now, Lord Yamauchi..” He whispered, smiling coldly to himself. “You and your little girl will both be mine.”
He shook slightly in anticipation, but the anticipation turned at once to a lingering fear, he was going to intentionally anger the boy. The boy might become the demon again, the thing that Ordus saw in his nightmares. But it was alright, he would use the one thing the demon cared about as a shield, and if he became too dangerous then he would break him by other means.
If the worst happened, he’d snuff out the girl’s life in front of him, all to drain the last vestiges of his resolve. His hubris of wanting both might well be his undoing, but it was just far too tempting.
“At least they’ll suffer together.” He said, a sick smile curling across his face as his tongue ran steadily over his top lip. “I’ll might even bury them together at the end…”
My, but wasn’t he benevolent?
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nessnessquik · 8 years ago
Them butterflies they come alive when I’m next to you
Kaiya “fed the fluff monster” with an idea about Philinda and butterfly kisses, so this happened. She’s basically my muse. Haha! Try to get to the end without rotting your teeth!
Title is from “This Town” by Niall Horan.
Also on AO3.
Phil woke up slowly and comfortably. He rubbed his eyes with his forefinger and thumb, lifting his head slightly to check his alarm clock.
A whole hour before he needed to be awake. Phil groaned internally.
That, of course, meant he would just have to wave goodbye to those 60 minutes because no way was his body going to let him fall back asleep now. Just one of those perks of being a spy for more than half your life.
Although he had to admit it wasn’t really going to be a problem, considering the person sleeping beside him; her slow, even breaths bringing a contented smile to Phil’s face. He rarely woke up before her, so he cherished the mornings he did.
Melinda had gotten in late from a mission the night before, well after he’d already gone to bed. Phil had mumbled a greeting and she’d pecked him softly on the cheek before she settled into his warm embrace. (More like snuggled, but Phil knew she’d blatantly deny it if he ever attempted to mention it. Or worse, she’d stop doing it in punishment. He definitely wasn’t going to risk that). He drew her close and kissed her shoulder and they fell asleep together for the first time in weeks. According to their brief phone call, the mission had gone well, but still...
He’d missed her.
Phil moved closer to Melinda’s sleeping form, careful not to disturb her, then propped himself up with an elbow to see her better in the dim light emanating from their bedroom door.
Her body was turned slightly away from him, head facing the other side of the bed and left arm draped loosely over her stomach. Phil’s heart warmed at the sight of her wedding band glinting faintly on her hand. He never got tired of seeing it on her finger. Melinda’s face was relaxed, vulnerable even, when she slept. Phil knew her face better than his own, but he still ran his eyes over her beautiful features as if for the first time. Her dark hair fanned out across her pillow and even extended to his own--off her neck, the way she liked it when she slept. He loved her hair this long, even though she complained that it was always in her way. Between that, the tank top she wore, and the fact that the blankets were pulled down to her waist, there was a great deal of tanned skin exposed to him, slowly driving him mad the longer he stared at her.
Phil drank her in with his eyes, struggling between wanting her to get the sleep she deserved and waking her up so he could give her a proper hello. Knowing Melinda, her internal clock would probably wake her up in a half hour or so for Tai Chi anyway. What was a mere 30 extra minutes of sleep when he’d waited 30 years to get the privilege of being this intimate with his partner? Melinda would roll her eyes at his dramatics, he knew (but then she’d smile ‘cause she knew it was true).
Still, he had to nudge her out of her sleep gently or this wake up call would take a bad turn very quickly. Phil remembered very clearly the few times he’d startled Melinda since they’d gotten rid of the boundaries established between them so long ago.
One time he’d been in a particularly silly mood and had creeped up behind Melinda while she was doing Tai Chi. He covered her eyes with his hands and barely had time to say “Guess who?” before he was knocked onto the floor.
Another incident occurred the first time he discovered Melinda had a ticklish spot. That one had ended up with a black eye and a lot of moaning on his part. Phil could tell Melinda honestly felt awful for her automatic reaction, but he didn’t let up.
“Quick, tell me the truth, am I going to need to have it removed?” He’d asked, clutching his eye.
The only way she’d gotten him to stop was by giving him soft kisses around his throbbing eye. He told her it was the only way it would feel better. Melinda had rolled her own eyes at his sappy line, but her kisses and fond smile had made it all worth it.
It was always worth it.
Phil brought his mind back to the present and considered Melinda a moment longer before a mischievous smile started creeping onto his face. He knew just how to wake up his wife and have fun in the process (though it might earn him another black eye).
Phil lowered his head down and allowed his nose to just barely brush up against Melinda’s bare arm. As soon as he was close enough, he started fluttering his eyelashes quickly, giving her butterfly kisses all the way up to her shoulder.
Phil counted the seconds she allowed him to do it, grinning as he did, certain that she would wake up almost immediately and demand to know what he was doing. He thought he heard her take a deeper breath than normal, but he wasn’t sure. He popped his head up to look at her face, but Melinda still looked asleep. 
Phil frowned suspiciously. Melinda was not a deep sleeper, but then again, it was a long mission and a late night for her, and they brushed up against each other frequently though the night...
Phil tried again, nuzzling her a little more obviously before leaving more butterfly kisses on her arm and shoulder, inhaling the scent of her that he missed so much while she was away.
When her breathing pattern still didn’t change from its steady rhythm, he knew.
Phil grinned. She was faking sleep, obviously. He looked up from her arm quickly, seeing the a flicker of a smile that she immediately tried to hide from her partner of 30 years.
“I knew you liked it.” Phil’s low voice broke the silence and he started trailing small, real kisses from her shoulder up to her mouth. He slid his hand over her arm to rest over her stomach and drew himself even closer to her. But she still didn’t move.
Phil was soon frustrated with Melinda’s lack of response. She continued to lay there, pretending to be in a deep slumber. He loved getting to see this playful side of her, and he loved the thrill of knowing he was one of the only ones who got to experience it, but right now...ugh. He just wanted his wife to kiss him back.
“Melindaaa,” he whined, nudging her cheek with his nose. He tugged on her so that she rolled over slightly and laid flat on her back, but she just let her head loll, keeping up her charade with an annoyingly convincing sleeping face.
Phil huffed and weighed his options. He really wasn’t sure what she’d do to him (this time) if he tried this move, but it would definitely get a reaction from her, so...he decided to risk the possible decapitation.
Phil distracted Melinda with more kisses on her neck and chest, slipping a hand under her tank top. He pressed his lips to her cheek and, ever-so-lightly, brushed one finger down Melinda’s side. The responding shiver and the laugh that burst out of Melinda’s mouth made up for the knee to the gut she gave him a half second later.
Finally, he thought victoriously, even as he grunted and gasped for breath.
He’s winded, but grinning happily, as Melinda rolled on top of him, effectively pinning his arms to the bed right above his head.
“Morning, Sleeping Beauty.” Phil wheezed out. It could have been a worse injury. Heck, he might even have to try this move again the next time she was exhausted.
“Is there a reason you thought it was a good idea to wake me up before I needed to be?” Melinda asked threateningly.
“I missed you.” Phil replied simply, feeling his whole body warm as he watched her face soften. He never got tired of seeing her dark eyes gaze at him with such tenderness and affection.
Phil brushed a finger on the skin he could reach of the hand that was holding him down and looked up at Melinda imploringly. Melinda’s face broke into a smile and she shook her head before finally, finally lowering her head to his and kissing him thoroughly.
As she kissed him and whispered that she missed him too, Phil found himself breathless all over again, but this time for a much more pleasant reason.
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texanredrose · 8 years ago
*whispers* more arranged marriage AU
*whispers* wish granted.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 (here) / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10
Time stretched and thinned, indecipherable outside of the sensations plaguing her. She could only tell that it passed at all by vague snatches of a kind voice muttering in her ear as she shifted violently between extremes; one moment, her body was on fire, the heat stifling and consuming, and the next she was colder than even the tallest windswept peak of the northern most mountains in Atlas. Weiss grit her teeth, barely managing to remain conscious, though she ultimately couldn’t be sure she was aware of her surroundings at all, the lines between reality and manifestations of her imagination blurred together. At some points, it felt like she’d been plunged into the coldest winter, with only the familiar heat of her wife’s chi to stave off a freezing death, and then at others her own chi spread through every fiber of her being to keep the overwhelming heat from burning her alive. She shuddered, curling in on herself and remaining dimly aware of hands smoothing down her back or threading through her sweat slicked hair.
There were poisons that granted kinder fates than this, she mused idly as the extremes abated for just a moment, gifting her with a small reprieve of coherency. The Atlesian couldn’t feign surprise, though, at how it all turned out; she’d tasted something different when she took the first sip, something that went down far too smooth given the absence of sugar or milk. The lack of a hard bite to the strong tea warned that it wouldn’t be what she anticipated and, after a few minutes, a heady sensation akin to the sway of alcohol began affecting her senses. She hadn’t objected- continued drinking, even- partially to preserve the tentative, mutual respect between herself and Blake, and if she truly wished to remain in good standing with Yang and her Faunus allies, she would likely need to get used to their customary drink.
But it was too strong, and soon she lost control. Of the rampant thoughts swirling around her head, of the words tumbling from her mouth, and finally her own body, collapsing in a useless heap into the blonde’s arms while poorly trying to justify her actions. The Warrior Queen was livid, then and now, her tone betraying the rage burning bright enough to renew the Atlesian’s sweating, nearly forcing her to pull away from the warmth before her ice cold chi enveloped her once more to shield her from the worst of it.
“This crossed a line, Blake.” The blonde’s voice held a dangerous edge, the arm wrapped around her waist flexing subtly, as if it took conscious effort to keep it where it was. “I never would’ve agreed if you’d told me in the first place, debt or not.”
“I was just trying to get her to relax; I didn’t mean to take things this far.” There was a warble in the Faunus’ voice, as if she was on the verge of tears. It could’ve been anger to match Yang’s tone but the genuine distress that seemed almost palpable heavily discounted that possibility. “I’m sorry, Yang- I don’t know what else I can say-”
“She’s the one you should be apologizing to, and we’ll be lucky if she forgives either one of us!”
The warmth that she’d clung to throughout her dance with consciousness shifted and she reacted immediately, fingers reaching for any purchase available to keep her wife from leaving. There was no conscious thought to accompany the action, just an instinctual understanding that, as long as Yang stayed close, she’d survive the whole ordeal. As long as she was there, the Atlesian would be safe. A small whimper escaped her throat, the kind that would normally embarrass her to utter in the presence of others, but it effectively brought the room to silence, which was good in her opinion; the noise, even of hushed conversation, made her head pound all the harder.
“Weiss?” Cracking open her eyes and mentally cursing how bright the room seemed, the Atlesian looked up into concerned lilac orbs that had only recently returned to their normal color, vestiges of crimson remaining near the iris. The blonde was using her left arm to prop herself up and address those beyond the bed but remained on her side with her right arm around the smaller woman’s waist. It spoke of… protectiveness, if she could put a word to it. “Can you hear me?”
While her voice was softer this time around, the undercurrent of anger and despair lingered, forcing Weiss to try sitting up. Not that her body cooperated, her limbs seemingly made of lead and unresponsive. “Y-yes.”
Her vision blurred but she could make out how the woman’s shoulders dropped in relief though her expression pinched together. “I’m so sorry, Weiss. I swear, I didn’t- I shouldn’t have let this happen, I know but- I just-”
“Yang,” she said, mustering her strength to look at her wife, noting how the blonde seemed to tense up again. “Stop talking.”
Immediately, the warrior opened her mouth- either to agree or argue, though she suspected the former- but clicked it shut without a word escaping, merely nodding her assent. Her gaze darted away, as if contemplating removing herself from the bed and likely the room, but Weiss had enough strength to lightly tug on the woman’s shirt, discouraging that thought. Once the worst of her sickness passed, she would explain herself fully, but until then she could only hope what little she managed to accomplish would keep heads cool. This little escapade- although troublesome to a degree- didn’t warrant something as drastic as war, and while she wouldn’t normally suspect the blonde inclined to such measures, it remained difficult to tell sometimes. She’d read something about the Valen custom of paying one’s debts, and how refusing could be the ultimate sign of disrespect, so for Yang to imply she’d toss aside such a well regarded tradition for her sake… she remembered that moment in the clearing, how genuinely worried the warrior Queen had been at the thought of Weiss going into battle and the fury that had overtaken her when confronted with her father’s methods of child rearing their first night together. It really didn’t seem too far-fetched to think the blonde would defend her with physical means if necessary, even if that meant turning a blade on a friend.
But Yang would regret it in time, she thought, so the best course of action was to do what she could to keep the woman’s anger from boiling over. Keeping her still, silent, and allowing her to brood might not be the best method, but it was the only one available to her at the moment.
“Your Majesty.” Recognizing Blake’s voice, she turned, putting a hand on her wife’s arm to encourage her to allow the movement but not wanting to break contact completely. While not in the full throes of her fever at present, the heat radiating from Yang’s body seemed to keep her own chill in check. Much to her chagrin, they were not alone in the room; while she was aware Blake had to be there as well, she didn’t expect to see the Faunus’ parents standing by the door with Taiyang, the older generation of royalty observing the scene with trepidation. Any thought spared to her poor reaction to the Menagerian tea, and the lack of privacy regarding it, was quickly brushed aside as her gaze fell on Blake, the Princess taking a step towards the side of the bed before placing her right hand over her heart and dropping down to her right knee. “Please, accept my humblest apologies for my thoughtlessness. I am indebted to you and I swear to honor that debt whenever called upon.”
The words themselves were Valen, but the gestures Atlesian in nature- a knight or lesser lord pledging loyalty. It unnerved her, to some degree, how much of her former kingdom’s customs were known to the Faunus when so many Atlesians thought them creatures of myth. She almost thought she’d imagined the cat ears atop her head earlier, Blake’s countenance curiously absent of the appendages, but upon further inspection- her vision clearing for an all too brief moment- she realized that they were simply blending into the ebony of her hair, laid back in contrition.
“Rise,” she said, pleased that her voice seemed stronger and waiting until she could see amber eyes before continuing. “I will hold you in debt… and I accept your apology.” Her eyes fluttered closed for a moment, the energy she’d regained during her bout of unconsciousness draining quickly as she tried to force a smile. “Just… don’t serve me tea again… please.”
It was meant as a joke- her attempt at making light of the situation- but that didn’t seem to go over well with anyone else, unfortunately.
“Of course,” the Faunus replied with a frown twitching at her lips, bowing low before straightening and shifting her her attention to the blonde. “The Queen will need more rest to recover but she should be past the worst of it.” Her confidence flagged towards the end, looking over her shoulder towards her parents. It was difficult to tell if that stemmed from a lack of experience with negative reactions to the tea or perhaps the weight of Yang’s smoldering gaze upon her. “Right?”
“Yes, she’s out of the woods, so to speak.” Blake’s mother approached, setting a hand on her daughter’s shoulder and smiling. “But a day’s rest will be good for her health.”
At the very mention of more sleep, her body seemed to make the decision for her, eyes falling closed as she tried to turn back towards Yang. With gentle hands, her wife helped, returning the smaller woman to her right side and ensuring she was comfortable before settling down herself. Something about the way the warrior continued to shift indicated that Yang wouldn’t find sleep easily, even as the others ushered themselves out of the room and turned out the lights.
“Yang?” Forcing her eyes open again, she looked up, the room plunged into the darkness of the night. Still, she could see the moonlight catching in lilac, just enough of the glow present to make out the frown on her wife’s face. “Get some sleep.” Her eyes fell shut, a sigh passing through her lips. “Everything… will be fine.”
The tender, reverential kiss pressed against her forehead spoke of the woman’s lingering hesitations, but Weiss couldn’t properly focus on them as her consciousness slipped away, returning her to the realm of slumber.
The brightness of the room registered even through her eyelids- something that might’ve made her wince the previous time she awoke. Her head ached, a dull throb radiating through her skull, but it didn’t seem to be caused by the sunlight no doubt streaming through the window, warming her back in a way that her wife wasn’t at present. Her brows furrowed, worry rising as she reached out blindly and found the space Yang previously occupied empty and cold. Although some of the lethargy remained, opening her eyes did enough to invigorate tired muscles, allowing her to slowly push herself up and glance around the room. It looked to be late afternoon, which meant she’d slept far too much and still lacked any desire to get out of bed. Yet, with Yang gone, it felt strange to just sit there and wait. Trying to pass the time alone in the house while the blonde saw to her guests the day before was a futile exercise itself; she couldn’t concentrate on reading, food had no appeal, and even going for a walk through the forest did nothing to lift her spirits. Every time she started to become distracted, her mind would revert to the look of hurt splayed across her wife’s face when Weiss sent her away, too stubborn to admit her own failings and forcing the blonde to worry because of it.
Shoulders slumped, she shuffled back to lean against the headboard as a frustrated sigh escaped her lips. All this trouble would’ve been avoided had she simply spoken up. The blonde would’ve listened- of course she would have; she practically hung on every word that left the Atlesian’s mouth- and Blake had an irrefutable point, because she was simply too kind to begrudge Weiss her fears, no matter how irrational. Just like with learning the forms and the breathing exercises to summon her chi, Yang would’ve patiently listened to every vented frustration and smiled, assuring her everything would be alright, offering a hand to help her up or a soft kiss against her temple in reassurance. There was nothing to fear in admitting the truth to her wife, yet her pride had clouded her judgement, her own inadequacies piling upon each other until they quite nearly buried her.
“Heavy thoughts make for a weary mind.” Her gaze snapped to the door as it was shouldered open, her father-in-law striding in bearing a tray laden with bowls, cups, and utensils. “But… I’m beginning to suspect you don’t have thoughts of any other kind.”
She straightened up, her shoulders forming a line the same as her spine while she watched him walk to the bedside, setting the tray down where Yang usually laid. Over the past two months, aside from an introduction and a few greetings between them, they hadn’t spoken or interacted, with Taiyang often motioning for his daughter to follow him into another room to discuss anything regarding Vale. He had a way of hanging back, lingering around in the shadows without appearing to be hiding, like a tangible ghost. Looking at him now, though, she could see where her wife followed closely in his footsteps. He wore an open brown vest over his tan tunic, a dragon etched in faded ink circling one bicep while clutching at a stylized, incomplete depiction of a heart. Shaggy blond bangs fell over his eyes, the light stubble on his chin making rounded cheeks look rugged, but his blue eyes were kind, filled with the same warmth as his daughter’s. They even had the same lopsided smile as he glanced her way while setting the tray down.
“I know it might be difficult, but you need to eat and recover your strength.” He uncovered one bowl, the rich smell making her stomach clench. “Here.”
She accepted it with a small nod, fighting not to lick her lips. She’d hardly touched her dinner the night before, eating mechanically for a few minutes before becoming entirely uninterested in the remainder and pushing it aside to retreat to the bedroom. Her fingers tingled from the heat of the broth warming the bowl and she had to set it in her lap as the weakness in her limbs began to rob her of strength, the blanket acting as a suitable barrier so she didn’t burn herself. Dumplings bobbed along the surface of the broth, vegetables occupying the spaces between and sharply reminding her of the tastes she’d grown accustomed to over the past two months while also bringing back memories of similar dishes from her youth. The castle cooks always made the best chicken stew around this time of year, as a final flavorful meal before food became rationed for the winter.
“When people say ‘it looks good enough to eat’, they usually intend on eating it, rather than just staring,” Taiyang said, his tone soft despite the jibe. He pulled a chair over to the bedside, offering her a set of chopsticks while uncovering his own bowl. The third one on the tray, she assumed, would be for Yang, whenever the blonde returned from wherever she went. Likely some messenger requesting an audience; she hoped the blonde was at least being cordial despite her no doubt shortened temper. “And I made it myself, so you don’t have to worry about getting poisoned again. Thankfully, my cooking isn’t that bad.” He paused, clicking his own set of chopsticks together twice. “You’re lucky it passed swiftly, by the way; most would still be burning with fever by now. You should take better care of yourself.”
Weiss lowered her eyes to her bowl even as the man began slurping his way through his meal. Her grip on the chopsticks tightened as the noise grated on her nerves, a dull ache in her chest as she thought of Yang. The blonde’s table manners were equally horrendous by Atlesian standards, but the woman obviously put effort into minimizing any action that had drawn the smallest of frowns from Weiss, usually with a sheepish lift to her lips and shoulders, a wordless apology. Honestly, she’d started to find it charming, the way her wife would forget herself sometimes, halfway through licking her fingers clean when she’d obviously catch herself and quickly try to hide her activities. Yang tried so hard for her… and what had she done in return? “It wasn’t my intention to get sick.”
“So, you stopped drinking the tea when you noticed it was tainted?” Taiyang raised a brow, popping a dumpling into his mouth.
As if the past several hours of misery weren’t enough, now she had her father-in-law’s disapproval twisting her gut even further. Her gaze dropped to her bowl, using the food within as a distraction. Weiss lifted it to her lips, quietly sipping the savory broth, nevermind that it wasn’t as cool as she’d prefer, and then using her chopsticks to pick out the vegetables first. Her father’s never-ending disappointment prepared her for times like this and she steeled herself quickly, swallowing down a mouthful so she could reply. “I overestimated my resilience. It won’t happen again, Sir.”
The man paused in his motions, a small chunk of chicken halfway to his mouth before being deposited back in his bowl, the dish set aside as he reached out to lay a hand on his shoulder. She looked him in the eye, always surprised to find them a warm blue- a hue she’d never seen before, despite her lineage.
“Weiss, I’m just glad you’re okay. I…” He sighed, shaking his head before running a hand through blond bangs, pushing them out of the way. “When Yang marched with me into battle for the first time, I was proud. Every Valen becomes a warrior and I was incredibly happy I could be with her when she truly took that step. It was a coming of age, in a way.” Taiyang glanced around the room, a sad smile tugging at his lips before his expression fell. “But the wars… changed my perspective. My little dragon’s always been reckless, head strong and plunging into danger with little thought to the consequences. I couldn’t even be surprised when Ruby took after her, running off to chase whatever had caught her fancy with nothing more than the head on her shoulders sometimes. I’m proud of how strong they’ve become, and how brave, but I’m a father above all else and I worry for my daughters.” His gaze drifted back to her, the hand on her shoulder squeezing gently. “I just want one of you to think before putting yourself in danger like that, even more so when it’s not needed. I’m far too young to be digging another grave.”
“Another…” The word slipped out, her curiosity piqued a moment before his phrasing registered in her mind. The way he said the words, and the inflection, seemed as though he counted her among his children, one of his reckless daughters. The Atlesian hadn’t thought she’d be accepted into the family so quickly outside of formal acknowledgement, but the genuine concern that clouded his eyes before despair overtook it made her think otherwise. Winter got that same look when they were younger, when the smaller of the duo failed to meet their father’s expectations and would inevitably face the consequences for her shortcomings- a sort of kinship that spoke of great affection.
“Yang hasn’t told you.” The man pressed his lips into a thin line, withdrawing his hand. “It doesn’t surprise me. It’s… a difficult subject-”
“Tai, this set hardly looks used!” Weiss’ attention snapped to the doorway as the Faunus Chieftain stepped through, peering into the interior of a box only a few inches deep but almost two feet wide and about as long. She’d thought they were alone in the house but was obviously wrong and she had to clamp down on her immediate reaction being to reach for Myrtenaster, set in its place on the desk not three feet from her. Were she stronger, she might’ve flinched, but as it was she managed to remain perfectly still while the Faunus approached. When he looked up, golden eyes brightened along with his smile. “Ah, so you’ve awoken! Good.” Setting the box down at the edge of the bed, he pulled over another chair and picked up the third bowl, forgoing a set of chopsticks in favor of a spoon. “I worried Tai made too much again; I don’t think I’d be able to keep eating double portions and keep my svelte frame.”
The blond chuckled, shaking his head at the comment, and neither seemed to notice her momentary confusion regarding the unfamiliar word, somehow mixed into the fluent Valen with such ease. Taiyang replied in that flowing language the Faunus used, repeating the word and laughing, so she busied herself with another mouthful of stew. That plan was interrupted, however, when the burly Chieftain leaned closer, his gaze piercing as it met hers. He tilted his head before nodding, apparently satisfied with whatever he saw.
“You’ve recovered well. By tomorrow, you’ll be back to full strength, I’d wager. Or, at the very least, be able to leave the bed without trouble.” He sat back, one hand beneath his bowl and easily dwarfing it while the other used the spoon to stir, the steam billowing up in puffs. “You take better to bed rest than Blake or Yang. The one fidgets like there’s no tomorrow and the other gets…” He paused, searching for the right word with a sardonic smile. “Moody, shall we say.”
“Where are they?” She ventured, keeping her voice even despite the slight tremble in her hands. Being confronted with a disappointed father-in-law upon awakening wasn’t bad enough, now she had one of the Faunus nobles judging her recovery from her ill advised endeavor. On top of that, she still worried what her wife might do; she seemed so angry, the red flashing in her eyes briefly, glowing like malevolent gems in her scrambled memories during the tea’s hold.
“Yang’s in the clearing, bleeding off her excess energy with some training. Her chi flared far too bright during the past day for her to sit here and stew.”
Taiyang looked up, curious. “Who’d you send out with her lunch?”
“The twins were hanging around the docks when we saw off Kali and Blake, so they volunteered. Knowing those two, they’ll challenge Yang to a fight before giving her the food.” He shook his head, the black mane cascading over his shoulders sent flying a little with the force of his laugh. “They’ll never learn.”
“In time, she’ll be grateful for the added exercise and they’re strong enough to weather her rage.” The blond ate a bit more of the stew, his movements purely mechanical as his eyes seemed fixated on a point in the distance, his mind many miles away. “They’ll be fine.”
The Chieftain nodded and spooned a bit of stew into his mouth, blowing on it a bit to cool the hot liquid. When he swallowed, those golden eyes found hers again, a small smile on his lips. “My wife and daughter send their best regards, by the way, though I’m not sure what that’s worth. I can assure you, Blake will be suitably punished upon their return but they were both needed back in Menagerie.”
She considered, briefly, asking for leniency for the Faunus Princess, but expected that the Chieftain’s mind wouldn’t be so easily swayed. It was mostly her fault, she thought, but one could argue she paid the price for her foolish decision spurned by fear. Instead, she offered a small smile, one she hoped would be taken as polite as she defaulted to the mannerisms she’d always known. “I’m sorry I couldn’t see them off, Your Majesty.”
“Oh, my dear, just call me Ghira! No need for formalities, right?” His genuine smile gave her a little hope. “Besides, it’s understandable,” he replied with a chuckle. “Were things different, they would’ve stayed to see you through your recovery, but I’m afraid the issues are rather pressing.” He leaned forward, lowering his voice as if someone might overhear. “Our court is in a bit of disarray, you see- something to do with our last tourney and some sign of disrespect since.” He shook his head, rolling his eyes towards the ceiling. “I’m quite glad to stay out of it; thankfully, my part in the grand scheme of things dramatically reduced once we united Menagerie.” Her lightly elbowed Taiyang. “I’m a little surprised your daughter’s handling the crown so well, honestly; she never seemed the type to take such headaches with the patience she’s shown.”
Suitably snapped out of his trance, the blond stirred his food with his chopsticks. “Yang’s always been more level headed than she seems.” Her lips pulled back into a grin. “I think she just actively ignores her sense, some days.” The two of them laughed, leaving the young woman to watch, a tad curious. Seeing them side-by-side like this… she could see the overlap with their daughters- the same easy smile shared by the blondes, the tilting of their head shared by the Faunus- and it made perfect sense that Yang and Blake would be just as close. Weiss busied herself with her food, hunger falling away to nothingness as guilt filled the empty space in her her stomach; she continued eating because she needed to, forcing back the innate desire to simply set the food aside and retreat. After their amusement died down, the blond scrubbed at his nose, leaning back in his chair and looking at Weiss. “Yang’s taken you to the clearing, right? The one she uses for training?”
“Yes,” she replied warily, unsure if she could take much more guilt weighing down her soul. Some part of her scoffed- she was a Schnee, after all, and the disappointment of at least one parent remained a constant throughout her entire life; just because she changed continents didn’t mean that particular facet of her life was suddenly void- but the remainder kept those self admonishments locked away where she could deal with them later and met those blue eyes evenly, signaling she was fully prepared for the next round of chiding.
“The next time the two of you go out there, ask her about it.” Taiyang lowered his eyes back to his bowl, the blue misted over with unshed tears. “Maidens willing, she’ll tell you.”
Her brows furrowed initially, the non-sequitur throwing her off balance before she caught onto his meaning. He seemed to have picked up their earlier discussion where they’d left off, or near enough. Unfortunately, his cryptic directions were more confusing than a stilted answer might’ve been.
“Blast it all, Tai; whatever it is, just tell the poor girl.” The Faunus frowned, directing his gaze at the blond. “It’s not like you to withhold information like this. Has old age made you less talkative?”
Despite the friendliness of the banter, Taiyang kept his head down. “It’s not my place to tell her about Summer.”
He continued eating even as Ghira recoiled, his shoulders slumping as he turned his attention to his own bowl. Though she’d never experienced it herself- her grandfather passed away when she was very young, existing as nothing more than paintings in the castle’s hallways and a blurry figure in her earliest memories- Weiss could recognize the sadness of a lost loved one, a pain that never seemed to fade entirely, in their countenances. With every casualty report during the wars, she watched newly minted widows and bereaved parents become blanketed in the same weary silence that filled the room now, once their bargaining with the heavens failed to bring the departed back. Whoever Summer was, she meant a lot to the man, probably a lot to Yang as well, and was at least known by the Faunus.
Definitely a conversation for a later time, she thought as the sound of chopsticks and the clinking of a spoon filled in where conversation couldn’t. Once the blonde returned, she would likely want to talk- or, rather, apologize, again- for Weiss’ blunder, which would be another battle to wage while trying to explain herself, to justify her own actions. In hindsight, she wished she’d simply told Yang the truth instead of hiding it and resolved to not forget this lesson. She wasn’t sure if Vale could survive the consequences of its Queen’s fury were she to make another such misstep.
“Weiss?” She looked up, seeing Taiyang’s gesture towards her mostly empty bowl. All that remained at this point was about half of the broth. “Are you finished?”
Although it made her cringe internally, Weiss had watched enough Valens eat to understand that she was expected to drink the remnants straight from the bowl, tipping it back until nothing remained. It still seemed decidedly uncouth to her mind but, at the same time, she couldn’t turn down the nutrition given her situation. With only the slightest hesitation, she lifted the bowl’s rim to her lips and tilted it, drinking down the rest of her lunch before surrendering the empty container to her father-in-law. He collected up the other empty bowls and started for the door while Ghira handed her a cup that had cooled enough to feel pleasant against her palms.
“You’ll be happy to know this is a Valen drink, and it’s rather good,” he said with a slight smirk, picking up his own cup. “Legend says that the people of south east Vale were under attack by demons centuries ago and they prayed to the Maidens for help. In response, the Maidens gifted the people with a bush that produces tea leaves all year round and, depending on which season the leaves are harvested, it grants the drinker boons associated with the patron Maiden.” The Faunus gestured towards her in a toast. “While I’m not sure I put much stock in the old legend, this summer blend will boost your strength.”
She lifted the cup in return, smiling politely. It still seemed surreal to be alone in the same room as one of the Faunus, people she believed were themselves the products of myths and legends until a few short days ago, but she didn’t feel as nervous and alert as before. Perhaps it was a product of the lingering lethargy in her limbs, beckoning her back to bed now that she had a full belly. Resisting, Weiss cleared her throat softly. “Are you… very familiar with Vale’s legends?”
“Just the ones Tai taught me.” He swirled the pale yellow liquid around, a thoughtful expression on his face. “I’ve heard variations over the years from others but I’ve known Taiyang since I was a lad helping my father on his ship, so his versions are the ones I remember best.” Ghira chuckled. “It seems so long ago, now. Those were simpler times, when I thought I would be a merchant like my father and he hoped to be a woodsman like his.”
“Neither of your houses were noble?” Weiss furrowed her brows slightly, confused. Before civil war broke out in Mantle, her family served as stewards of the land, controlling a large swath of territory on the north side of Atlas. After the dust settled and all the remaining noble houses bent their knee to the Schnee crest, the noble lineages were redrawn to validate heroic deeds performed by knights serving their liege and so forth, but for the most part the lot in life for the people of her kingdom remained the same as their forefathers. She couldn’t imagine the shift from a merchant’s life to that of royalty.
It belatedly occurred to her that her word choice might’ve been poor, considering the look Ghira gave her before he busted out laughing. “Sometimes I forget that, despite our similarities, our people are worlds apart from one another. No, my dear, I’m no noble- not by blood, at least. I grew up with my father aboard his ships, learning to sail the seas and trade at ports all over Remnant.” He reached over, picking up the box from earlier as Taiyang returned to his seat. “Kali, on the other hand, now she was born to a noble bloodline.” For a moment, the Faunus seemed lost to recollection, a fond smile pulling at his lips. “I still remember the first time I met her; I’d put into the largest eastern port during Carnaval to sell my wares for a bit more coin. I didn’t know who she was at the time- she’d snuck out of the castle against her mother’s wishes, wanting to see the sights without a retinue of guards trailing after her- and I delayed weighing anchor for a fortnight just to talk to her in the gardens. My love for the sea and my trade dwindled even as my love for her grew; when she started courting me, I would’ve given up everything had she only asked.” Nodding to himself, Ghira looked up at her and the Atlesian couldn’t help but be taken aback by the earnest contentment in his expression. “She never did, though, and I’d still be running the business were it not for the civil war in Menagerie. I ended up turning over all my ships and cargo to a young bunny with a knack for figures, seeing as Blake preferred leading our people over the minutia of Mistrali import tax laws.” He paused to take a sip of his drink, tilting his head afterwards. “Now that I think on it, though, I haven’t talked to Velvet in some time; I hope she’s doing alright.”
At that, Taiyang seemed to perk up, his previous melancholy left behind as the light returned to his eyes. Another thing Yang must’ve inherited from her father. “She stopped by port not too long before the wedding, actually; she forged an alliance with a Vacuon merchant. You’ve heard of the Adel Shipping Company?”
“Of course!” Ghira laughed. “Back in the days before the word ‘enemy’ involved bloodshed, the Adels were my biggest competitor! She really managed to wrangle them into a deal?” His expression pinched into one of concern. “She’s not being taken advantage of, is she? Kali doesn’t usually require our merchants to disclose their off shore dealings- this is the first I’m hearing about this.”
While the alliance was news to Weiss as well, that name at least rang a bell with the Atlesian. The Adel Shipping Company was one of the few merchant businesses willing to pay the taxes to sell their wares on Atlas’ shores. Now, she supposed, she knew why; having contacts in so many kingdoms likely did wonders for their profits, even if they paid a little extra gold here and there, especially if they were using Faunus merchants to circumvent normal trade restrictions and utilize more direct routes than Atlesian merchants could.
“Trust me, she’s being treated fairly.” Taiyang smiled, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I don’t think Yang would stand for it otherwise; she might not want to start another war, but she has other ways of being… persuasive.”
“That she does.” Ghira hardly suppressed his grimace, a hint that perhaps some other things had happened while she was unconscious. She just hoped it wasn’t anything a little time couldn’t heal.
“That’s enough about mergers and ancient history.” The blond motioned towards the box. “Shall we play?”
Setting his drink aside, the Faunus nodded and opened the container in his lap, retrieving two small bowls and setting them on the bed before turning the box over and revealing the bottom of it. Now that she had a better view, Weiss could see the lines etched into the wood, little unmarked squares that seemed to resemble an oddly proportioned chess board. Her father-in-law uncovered one of the bowls, revealing several small stones as red as blood in one while the other had bright yellow ones.
“What is that?” The words left her mouth before she could think better of it, confusion evident in her tone.
“It’s a strategy game every Valen child learns,” the blond replied, pulling a few of the red stones out to show her. “It’s part of our warrior training- to teach patience, discipline, and critical thinking on the battlefield.” One corner of his lips quirked up in a smirk. “Some pick it up better than others.”
“We have a similar game in Atlas.” She accepted one of the stones to inspect, surprised at the brilliant finish; she might’ve mistaken them for gems, given the way they caught the light. “I used to play with my sister.”
“You stopped playing?” Taiyang turned towards her while Ghira continued setting up the board, taking one of the yellow stones and placing it on one of the intersections made by the etched lines. “Why?”
“I had no one to play against,” she replied, offering a small shrug. “My sister had to attend the war meetings and my brother never cared for the game much.”
She left out the part about the other noble children being more interested in impressing her than playing the game, thinking a boldly foolish move or an obscure stratagem would elevate them in her eyes. The vast majority never constituted a real competition and the few who did have some idea how to play the game would never play her in earnest; better to gracefully concede defeat than risk earning the wrath of the royal family. Only Winter would play her without holding back and she could never defeat her elder sister, too adept at assisting their father in coordinating their real forces for Weiss to be anything close to a challenge. There were a few times when the heiress apparent would let her win, perhaps to build her confidence, but those were rare and hollow.
“I have the same problem.” Her father-in-law confessed with a small chuckle. “Yang’s usually busy and Ruby’s off in the north chasing who-knows-what.”
“And no one in the village will play you because you’ve beaten them too many times.” The Faunus pointed out, crossing his arms over his chest. “Your move.”
As Taiyang placed one of his own stones down, near the right corner closest to him, Weiss decided to take a chance. She needed to make amends, as much with Yang as with her father-in-law, and this appeared to be a step in the right direction. “Would you be willing to teach me how to play?”
Immediately, the blond looked over at her with a smile that lit up the room and reminded her all too much of her wife. “Of course!”
As the two players shifted their game so the Atlesian had a better vantage point, Taiyang launched into an explanation of the basic terms while she paid rapt attention. If nothing else, it would pass the time until Yang returned and the true reckoning began.
I… thought this would be shorter? Also, I am a terrible genie; I’ll probably grant your wish, but expect delivery 10-15 business days later, provided the moon and Jupiter align just right and no one steps on a crack for thirty-six hours. Reunion next installment, which I’ll try to have out before month’s end.
Also, the Valen tea everyone’s drinking here at the end is based off tieguanyin, a Chinese oolong tea that roughly translates to ‘Iron Goddess of Mercy’ and originated in Anxi, Fujin province, which is in the southeast part of China; the way the tea tastes varies depending on when it’s harvested, the part of Anxi it’s grown in, and how the leaves are treated, and there is a legend regarding the tea that basically says it was a gift from a Goddess (or a Bodhisattva). There. You learned something today.
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