#[ this was NOT supposed to be this long
onceonafullmoon · 27 days
rin headcannons🙏🙏
I think you and Rin would start off as childhood friends, with you both meeting in preschool
You’d always think that he was a little strange with his destructive tendencies but you’d also find him interesting, so you’d always ask him to play with you
And albeit, kind of quiet, he isn’t an unfriendly kid so he obliges, given that you’re willing to play monster trucks with him
Besides he secretly thinks you’re kinda pretty too, so he doesn’t mind hanging out with you
And eventually, those school hangouts turn into playdates at his house with his older brother supervising the two of you rather disinterestedly
He definitely promises to marry you in the future because you’re his best friend and he wants to “have sleepovers with you everyday”
Eventually as the two of you grow older, he stops saying stuff like that and blushes in embarrassment when you remind (tease) him about it
But the two of you remain close, with you watching all of his games and cheering for him on the sidelines, occasionally crashing on him and his brothers popsicle runs
(Sae won’t admit it, but he has a soft spot for the two of you)
And it’s all very comforting to Rin, even when Sae moves to go to Spain because he still has you, doesn’t he?
And with age brings awkward pre teen romance, or rather, the dormant feelings he already has for you and he finds himself thinking about you all too often, though he’s much too shy to tell you
Not that you’re unaffected either as you can’t help but notice how cool he is sometimes (on the field at least, he’s still a dork in your eyes)
But all of that is shattered with just one snowy night, with an argument that takes place after Sae comes back from Spain
You’re not quite sure what went down, as Rin refuses to tell you, but all you know is that after that day he seems more… withdrawn, cold even
He starts ignoring you, pushing you away and you find yourself hurt from the abruptness of it all
It all comes to a head when he’s accepted into Blue Lock, and you only find out about it because his mother mentions to you in passing
And you’re upset, because he hasn’t told you about anything, and he’s always pushing you away, and he fires back at you that you’re a distraction to his goals and he doesn’t need you around
And after that explosive argument, he leaves for Blue Lock and you resolve yourself to move on… or at least try to
It’s not until a few years after that, that you both find each other again, both of you visiting your hometowns
He’s a pro player now and you notice that he’s grown even more handsome since you’ve seen him last, but you try to ignore that as you awkwardly greet him, unsure of how to interact with him from your last sighting
Well, not like you’re the only one struggling, he’s also stunned by how gorgeous his childhood crush and ex friend is now as well as racked with guilt for his past actions
The both of you bumble through pleasantries, a million things left unsaid between you two, and you move to leave when he suddenly blurts out an invitation to lunch
You’re startled and he’s more startled, but plays it like he meant it all along, even though his look of relief when you accept is obvious
The tension is strange at first, but as you reminisce on old childhood memories, you find yourself loosening up, until you’re both acting the same as you always have
Obviously though, you have to address the elephant in the room and after a few days of dancing around the subject you ask him why he left you in that way
And, albeit hesitantly, he tells you about his falling out with Sae and how he felt so determined to be the best he felt the need to push you away
To which you quietly respond that he didn’t need to push you away because you would have done whatever you could to help him achieve his dream
And after that heart to heart you find the two of you growing closer together again, like you always were
Albeit, it's a little different without the blindness of your youth to cover up the obvious attraction you have to each other, but both of you are too shy
That is until one night when you’re talking, and suddenly he just realizes how… pretty you look, and the way the lighting hits your face… and suddenly he’s leaning in towards you
And he realizes what he’s doing too late, but you’re leaning in too, and when your lips meet, it just feels right
And that’s how you finally get together, after years in the making
As a boyfriend Rin can be… just a tad bit obsessive/possessive
It’s not like he’s gonna have you on lock down or anything, though he might think about it a bit too much, but he’s noticeably on edge whenever someone intrudes on the two of you
He’s also got infinitely more patience with you than anyone else (something that you can abuse if you’re feeling particularly evil)
He says he doesn’t like pet names, he is lying
Likes watching horror movies with you if you enjoy them (but he also doesn’t mind if you’re the type to get scared easily and cling to him)
He’s not very verbally affectionate, but he’ll make up for it with physical touch (always having an arm around you, pulling you into a hug when he comes back from practice etc.)
No matter how long you’ve been dating him, he still gets flustered when you’re overly sweet with him 
In all, a cute relationship, and you’re not getting rid of him anytime soon
After all, even though it was all those years ago, he said he was gonna marry you, didn’t he?
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babygirlbites · 6 months
Okay thank you and I won't! Now... Imagine being Leah's Imprint and feeling that draw before she changed, leading you to be her very best friend rather than a lover for when she was with Sam... And perhaps to you legitimately threatening Sam once he broke her heart.
It could be kinda funny if that is the one thing non of the Pack knows - that you legitimately scared Sam when he had just imprinted on Emily? Bonus points if he has to act like nothing happened around you because you are always with Leah now, and aren't shy about that fact.
(I know this is weird, I just want to kinda punch him in the face or scare him.)
Best Friends to Lovers Pipeline Headcannon (Leah Clearwater)
Normally not a BF2L kind of girl but this ask was just too good to miss
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• the boys on the Rez used to pull your hair when you were a kid and call you names, typical childish tourment we all go through
• that is until the day another girl lands a surprisingly strong punch to a juvenile Paul Lahotes face to defend your honour
• Ever since that day you and Leah had been by each others side, inseparable
• sue would often joke that you were the second daughter she never had - and for a long while it did feel that way
• you shared everything; toys, secrets, clothes
• as the two of you grew up, your friendship often dwindled and reconciled
• you had different classes, made new friendships seperate too eachother
• as the dreaded teens and hormones hit the two of you would sometimes argue, both storming home to your respective mothers and crying to them
• but these arguments never lasted; being away from Leah felt as abnormal to you as trying to swim against a current
• Sue would ring your mom and they would laugh at how silly you both could be; their life experience meaning they could see things the two of you could not
• your parents never fretted or worried, they knew you two were never far from making up and returning to being thick as theives
• unlike the other girls in class, you two weren’t boy crazy, neither you or Leah had any interest in sharing your prescious time with boyfriends
• and why would you? You both had everything the other needed
• this all changed of course when Leah caught Sam’s eye
• She hurried home one day, forcing her younger brother from the family landline to ring you, to tell you all about her new obsession
• and you didn’t get it; the twist in your gut or the sick feeling in the bottom of your stomach at your friends new happiness
• you didn’t quite understand yet why you had such an issue with the boy; he had done nothing wrong to you
• you saw them together multiple times but still something was just so wrong with it all too you; everything was about Sam now
•”me and Sam did this…” , “did you know Sam…”, “Sam says he thinks…”, “me and Sam are going to …”
• at first you thought it was just a fear of being replaced; sure, Leah was spending less time with you now that she had a boyfriend, but she still made a furious effort to see you and was dedicated to keeping up your weekly sleepovers
• this confusion was cleared the first time you saw them kiss
•it was like being punched in the gut, a feeling of jealously so intense you had nothing to compare it too
• and it terrified you
• you pulled away from Leah, sleepovers turning to bi weekly, then monthly and then none at all
• you started going out with your other friends, taking your fake id to the closest town and partying with them
• for maybe the first time in your life you were being a “normal” teenager, acting out and mixing with boys
• you kissed boys, girls - anyone who would distract you from your best friend
• trying to be a promiscuous party girl felt like trying to fit a circle into a square shaped hole, but it at least gave you something else to use your time on instead of pining for your lost connection with Leah
• that was until you woke up to rocks at your window, Leah at your door, with tear stained cheeks and red rimmed eyes
• she told you how Sam had left her, the ins and outs and the gory details, every new tear down her cheek made you wince
• “I don’t even know why I came here, I just had to see you” she admits, and you want to get on your knees and beg for her forgiveness, to take back every second you spent pulling away from her
• instead you pull her into your arms and hold her there while she sobs
• days later you turn up to Sam’s house, unsure as to why you’re there or what you plan on doing, but as soon as you see his face behind the door screen your words just tumble out
• you lay it all on him; how vile you think he is, how wrong he is for leaving Leah for her own cousin
• he just takes it, staring down at you with wide eyes
• when he finally speaks you expect him to give some kind of pathetic apology, but instead he tries to tell you he didn’t have any control over his situation
• you’ve struck him before either of you even realise what you’ve done
• admittadly it’s a fairly shabby throw, but your nails catch his skin and break it
• you turn on your heels and storm away before Sam can even gather his thoughts enough to realise he’s just been slapped
• it’s a bitter sweet senario; Leah is more broken than you’ve ever seen her, but in some form you have your best friend back
• you never explain yourself for why you put the distance in place, and if Leah wonders she never bothers to ask
• Sue starts seeing you again, the sleep overs restart
• a strange sense of equilibrium sets in
• that is, of course until Harry dies
• and then she’s just gone
• you don’t even see Leah at the funeral; you hold Sue extra tight that day, hugging her for herself and her daughter
• and oh god do you miss her
• but every text you send is left unanswered, every time you visit the house there’s a new excuse for why you can’t see her
• it’s a month and three days before you see her again, and yes, you had counted
• it’s your turn to storm up too her;demanding an explanation right there in the fresh fruit aisle of the supermarket
• you have no clue what you expected her to say or do; but she just stares at you, openly gawking
• ironic really; you haven’t changed at all since the last time she saw you and she had grown about a foot and toned up massively - you can’t help but subconsciously search for steroids in her basket
• you find out much later that this was the moment Leah imprinted on you, right there and then as you sounded off about how lonely you had been and how much of a bitch she was for leaving you like that
• the dynamic shifted again between the two of you; it was like she couldn’t quite stay away now
• everywhere you went Leah was nearby, never really there but just hovering in the vacinity
• a walk on the beach? Leah’s in her car is at the car park
• youre out with friends? Leah is on the other side of the bar trying to not get caught watching you
• in the end she turns up to your house again, stones at the window and all
• it’s different this time, you’ve always been able to tell if Leah is nervous - you know the twitch and the lack of eye contact, traits she has carried from a very young age
• she shows you what she is and she’s scared
• she knows this is a huge thing, but she can’t stay away from you anymore
• and now YOURE scared, your best friend is a massive wolf and you’re just supposed to be cool with that?
• you run, still in your slippers from the house, and lock the door behind you
• you know the could catch up if she wanted too but Leah has always loved you too much to do that to you
• she knows you need time, and although she’s scared to death that you’ll never come back, she has to let you go
• and you do come back
• this time you’re at her window
• she’s rough, bags under her eyes and her hair is lank like it been washed since she last saw you
• (it hasn’t, she’s been so physically unwell by being rejected by you that she couldn’t eat, sleep or take care of herself)
• Seth had tried to get his mom to call the doctor but Sue just pushed him off; she knew her daughter and the truth behind her intense need for your company
• she knew the imprint bond, even if Leah hadn’t told her in so many words
• and most importantly, she knew you
• Sue had always known that no matter what, you and her daughter were fated to come back together every time you fell apart
• and as always, she was right
• Leah explained the imprint too you, selling it as a friendship bond as to not scare you too much
• you weren’t stupid, you knew the tribes tales, told around bonfires since you were young
• but you let her have you in her life how she needed you, you’d be there for her in whatever form she needed you
• you and Leah definitely have “ you fell first but she fell harder” vibe
• falling in love romantically is inevitable for both of you, but it does give Sue some giggles to watch you both fight it at every turn
• Sue has always had a soft spot for you, knowing you were destined to be part of her family somehow
• Harry used to bet that you would fall for Seth and always be around that way, but she was all too happy to admit that he was wrong
• you brought her daughter back to her, Leah could truly be herself in your company
• when you are around the pack there’s the added level of awkwardness by being around both Emily and therefore Sam
• your history is unspoken, not even Leah knows what happened that night you turned up on his doorstep
• the rest of the pack are left to theorise why Sam seems so uncomfortable when you’re in a room with just him, why he jumps slightly everytime you move too fast
• they find it hilarious, it is hilarious - someone as small as you in comparison to the literal leader of the pack
• Leah tries to ask you about it numerous times but you just bat her off and say you don’t know what she’s talking about
• and she lets it go, because she doesn’t feel any sort of way towards Sam anymore, her heart healed by you
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hayakawalove · 4 months
i beg of u. can we discuss our beloved: ovulatingki.
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Sure :))
I just feel it’s extra hot with him because he’s normally so composed. But every once in a while something inside him snaps and all he can think about is sex, sex, sex. When he gets in these moods and looks at you, all he can think about is how tight you are, how you sound when you’re beneath him. It's hard to function.
When you first started going out, he was hesitant. He didn’t want to scare you away. He’d let you come to him first. He was a bit like a dog, waiting for the go ahead from you.
When he was holding himself back, you noticed his touches would linger, his kisses more deeper than normal.
He’s ashamed sometimes.
He knows it’s just his animal brain thinking, but he still can’t stop himself from feeling this way. He’s normally so in control, which is what makes it all the more fun when he can’t stop himself from being greedy.
Now when he gets in these moods? It’s obvious.
Aki would find you in the kitchen and stand behind you, settling his hands on your waist. He’d pull you against him, close enough that you could feel the bulge behind you. You’re trying to keep your breathing even, and he smiles to himself. You continue to talk, but nothing you’re saying is even making sense anymore. He hums behind you, letting his hands trail up and down your sides. He shudders when he notices your skin grow goosebumps. You wanted this as much as him? God, he hoped so.
He’d turn you around and kiss the side of your neck, his eyes rolling back when he gets a whiff of your perfume. He’s glad he’s wearing black pants, because if he wasn’t, you’d be able to see the dark patch where his precum is leaking through.
“What’s gotten into you Aki?” You’d ask.
You know what’s gotten into him.
Sometimes you like hearing him say it.
“Need you.” He’d say.
It’s sexy when he admits to this. Aki doesn't need anything, ever. He rarely asks for things. So when he asks for you, you know he needs it bad.
He wouldn’t even care if you didn’t go down on him (he’d appreciate it, but he wouldn’t be able to last longer than two minutes. Not with the way your eyes glaze over as you look up at him, spit dripping down the sides of your lips).
He takes his time with you, always always always. Pulls your pants down like he has all the time in the world to please you, because really, he does. He also just wants to make it last longer. If he eats you out for 45 minutes, that just means he gets an extra 45 minutes of your sex, an extra 45 minutes of pleasuring you.
He gets drunk off the taste on you. He isn't sure how that’s possible, but he’s always been a lightweight, hasn’t he?
It takes everything in him not to fist his cock as he goes down on you, worried that if he does, he won’t be able to focus on your perfect pussy anymore.
“It’s okay Aki.” You’d say.
That's all the permission he needs.
He grips himself, shamefully rutting into his hand as he licks you. Aki can’t stop panting into you, swallowing all you have to give him.
When the time finally, finally comes, he isn't sure what to do with himself. His cock is thinking for him, and he has no choice but to relinquish control. He’s tender like he always is, but there’s a certain bite to the way he fucks you when he’s needy. He takes his time as he slides into you, clenching his jaw as he waits for you to warm up.
When you do?
He’s gone.
He fucks into you harder than normal, not hard enough to bruise, but hard enough to make you remember that you’re all he needs. He’s talking as he fucks you, but you aren’t really sure who he’s talking to. You don't think he even knows. Repeating how much he needed this, how much he wants you, thank you’s falling from his lips. He babbles about how fucking good you are for him, how much he loves you.
He’d cum anywhere, as long as you let him cum. He always prefers for it to be inside your pussy, but he’s not a picky man.
Once he’s done, you’re out of breath, sweat coating your skin. He looks ready to go for another round. His stamina scares you sometimes.
He’s soft as he kisses your body, mumbling about how he still needs you, and how you’re so perfect.
You’ve never been good at denying him.
Round after round you let him use you until you’re worried he has nothing left to give. Once he’s had his fill, he lays beside you and holds you tightly.
He loves you. He loves you. He loves you.
The next day when he’s back to normal, whatever that means for him (you aren’t really sure), you laugh. Who would be able to tell he was such a freak? His skin turns pink when you tease him about it. You don't mind though. You’re already counting down the days until the next time he needs you.
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sisterdivinium · 2 months
Now is the time to place your bets on whether or not this hyper self-indulgent doctor superion Vampire the Masquerade AU fic will or won't get to 100 handwritten pages...
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bg3-npc · 11 months
If you remove Wyll's relation to Ulder from the situation, I think immediately exiling Wyll was not only harmful but fucking stupid. Imagine Wyll's exact scenario but with the child of a separate politically important person.
Ulder returns to Baldur's Gate and a politician's child is now owned by a demon. They cannot speak of the extent of control said demon has over them, and there is no evidence to verify their testimony of events. There is very little to see and at first glance the scene is pretty damning.
Now if you look at things for two additional seconds, which honestly any politician should default to doing, there are many things wrong with the picture being presented.
The first one being the politician's kid has never displayed any behavior to make someone believe they are anything but good. The child was raised by a well respected, level-headed person, and they have a spotless record free of evil tendencies. This child loves Baldur's Gate, wants to make it a better place, and was doing everything in their power to become a worthy political heir. For them to suddenly align themselves with evil is inconsistent with their history and completely out of their character.
The next factor being the demon herself. Demons cause harm both directly and indirectly. They are infamous for not only lying, but manipulating the truth to make something look like the opposite of how it truly is. Demons are evil entities that know how to make you see what they want you to see.
Another factor is total lack of any evidence. It would be one thing if there was proof contradicting the child's testimony, but there is NO evidence AT ALL. This child is known for their honesty yet there is nothing to verify their story. This makes it appear they're lying, but there is also nothing proving they are. Additionally, they DO have proof in the form of scars and a newfound disability. They acquired them somehow but oddly enough there is nothing that explains them either. Finally, when you ask for details about the demonic contract, they physically cannot make words detailing anything come out of their mouth.
Look at everything we discovered from not jumping to conclusions! Combine all these factors and the once simple scene is more complicated than you first thought. Now to be fair, the result of the mystery scenario is still the main problem. The politician's child is now a threat to the city, and that issue needs to be resolved. With everything to consider however, could the best solution be made quickly?
Once again, there is a demon involved. Regardless of how straightforward a scenario may seem, is one involving a demon not always suspect? What if their goal was to get the child exiled? Maybe making a politician's child a threat is part of a larger, more dangerous plan. Even if the politician's child is the threat, isn't any threat involving a politician's child also a threat to a politician? Is a threat to a politician not also a threat to the city? Isn't any threat that involves a person with political power a threat to the city too? Is a threat involving the city not a threat that needs to be assessed before determining the best solution? A solution that might not be as easy as throwing the child out?
Ulder is anything but irrational. He analyzes and considers all possible angles of anything. Ulder wants to make the right decision, the best decision when it comes to the well-being of the city. He is not quick to come to a conclusion or decision unless necessary. Is it not in the best interest of the city that something involving a demon and a politician's heir is to maybe take a second look? To slow down and consider other potentials? To look at things objectively? To maybe get input from a third party? To perhaps reevaluate the situation?
Is that not part of the duty he carries out everyday? Is that not how he regularly handles situations? Is that not his typical thought process? Is a thorough investigation not the best for the city he swore to protect? Is that not standard practice? Is that not the most rational thing to do? Is there not a million different factors to consider? Why does everything and everyone else need consideration unless they're Uder's son?
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hangmanbradshaw · 10 months
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Lightning strikes every time he moves on ao3
Jake does not have a crush on Bradley fucking Bradshaw (he totally doesn't, shut up Javy), he doesn't want to be dragged along on this trip, and he definitely doesn't want to room with said pain in his ass/newfound almost friend. He buried all that shit long ago, but when Bradley asks if he'll teach him about sleeping with guys, he can't resist the challenge. Turns out no one had ever stuck, but Bradley Bradshaw is unshakeable.
About to be formed into a permanent squadron, the daggers take a group trip to a cabin in the mountains to enjoy some skiing and festive decorations. An unexpected blizzard unearths a crush that ends up being so much more, and Jake never thought he'd be writing both a complaint and thank you letter to Triple A.
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prettybbychim · 1 year
i read a fic recently and let me just say something
sensory tools do not need to be removed to “fully be present”
sensory tools do not mean you are not “living in the moment properly”
sensory tools make the moment tolerable so that you can live in the moment properly
i loved this fic otherwise, but this one comment left a rather sour taste in my mouth.
it was a violent slap to the face as someone sitting here day in and day out with their own headset on to dampen the noise of everyday life.
you can have alhaitham remove his headset. that’s not the issue.
this issue is making him out to be thoughtless and uncaring of others. an abnormality. that robot of a man blocking out the world because everything and everyone is needless and an annoyance.
this reflects right back on us.
alhaitham can fully enjoy an evening out with his friends with his headset. he does not need to take them off. know why? because if he did, it would all just be sound noise sound overwhelm pain get me out of here
again, i dare say, it makes the evening tolerable. so that he can be fully present, mentally and physically.
fuck right off with that ableist mindset
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professorchatwin · 2 years
Imagine one of those click bait videos ("we're going to drop this car into a swimming pool full of orbeez!!" Except it's "We're going to put a swimming pools worth of orbeez in our buddy Nick!!" And it's just a long ass video where they're being over hype and initially the guy is into it and holding capacity like a champ. The other guys are playing with his gut, poking, jiggling. And this guy manages to get down a kiddee pool of orbeez. Visibly stuffed to capacity so full you can almost hear the beads moving in him, almost see the little jewel tone colors through his skin. He stands, now unable to reach around his belly, almost knocked off balance by how gravid he's become. But it isn't over. "Like and subscribe for part 2! Not much of a pool without water!" Guys looks confused as one of his buddies pushes him back onto the chair, right onto a lubed up hose that slips into him and stops right against his prostate. His brain gets caught between a protest and a moan for a second too long and he misses the window before the other hose gets strapped to his mouth. The water starts flowing. Not fast. Not aggressive. But enough to make Nick hard and needy. The camera is rolling and he's shamelessly trying to pleasure himself on the hose all the while gulping water, his buddies playing with his gut. He'd be worried about cumming on camera if his belly weren't spreading between his legs and hiding it. One of the guys running his gut, the one he's pretty sure came up with this whole thing is rubbing his belly in all the right places. Then, the guy leans over and whispers in his ear about how he'd better have an amazing capacity because he wouldn't want his new toy to pop now would he?
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latenightsleeper · 1 year
Interesting fact about Tank is that they actually play the violin, very interesting for someone who’s covered in scars and can deal devastating damage to people and places. Tank grew up loving their violin, played and played and played as they grew up. Even winning a few trophies and medals because of it, every Asian parents dream ya know?
Even as their magic manifested and things got more and more complicated and more..painful, they still found great comfort in playing it. Sadly, they started to stop playing in front of people. Only playing in their empty house the older they got. When Christian and Tank got closer and they started to hang out more and more, Tank would sometimes play. In an empty room and away from Christian but they’d play in his presence.
He was so confused to first hear classical violin music suddenly echoing in the house but stayed quiet, playing on their tv but peeking where the music was coming from. He never got up thought, he felt like if he moves that magical music would stop. Christian felt like their air during those moments were so fragile, like spun sugar that would shatter should he even breath too heavy.
As it kept happening and they got more and more used to it, Christian would sometimes get up and slowly walk to where Tank was. Quietly standing against the wall next to the door, hearing how Tank would play and how the music would seep out and echo against the wooden floors. How their music made his core warm and fuzz in his chest, his eyes closed as he lead his head back. Then he’d slowly walk back to the living room, waiting for his Tanker to come back so he could switch out and let them play.
Then one day, Tank gently tugged his hand and slowly walked him to the room he had grown to know as their music room—maybe not officially but he knew that’s here they’d play their music. Christian remembers how they looked into his eyes, dark dark eyes looking into his mix matched blue ones, a question in them that they didn’t have to ask him. A soft squeeze, one of the softest touches He’d had ever given them at his point before Tank turned the door knob open and all Chrissy could see for a while was gold.
It was a small room all things considered, there wasn’t a lot to say about it. Just two chairs, a small table, a tiny bookcase and a music sheet stand with a window in the wall facing the door. The window that was open and letting warm golden light bath the room in its hue.
It was like Christian had stepped into a piece of amber when you’d hold it in the sunlight, that’s how the sunlight seemed to blanket the room. The window was open and letting cool air flow in as tank pulled him in, as Christian blinked himself back to his body he saw green.
So much green—plants there were so many plants in the room as well, on the bookcase it was like the plants that seemed to keep going we’re trying to eat the bookcase. Their bright green leaves a welcoming sight as they seemed to preen and bloom under the golden light.
“ I..wanna play for you..”
The thing about Tank that Christian had always found funny and—don’t tell Tank about this—liked was how..soft they were despite how they looked and were seen by others. Tanks voice was soft, always so soft even when they were angry, low in volume and monotone but he still found it appealing. Even when they first met and they hissed at him while he chided them for shit they could both care less about now. Tank was alway soft and gentle, in a way you’d never expect from them. How they always handled everything they touched with care, warmth in their fingertips.
Even now as they pulled him along and set him in front of the second chair as they stood in front of him, their hand on his hand was light, soft and full of a care and affection he didn’t question was there. Christian nodded, no snarky words there to say as he sat and look at them.
Looked at how they seemed to brighten at his nod, picking up the violin that they’d been playing behind the door he too was behind now. Watched as Tank gently rested it on their shoulder, their arms gracefully moving into position, a soft breath leaving them as Tank closed their eyes before their arms started to move.
Christian would never forget that day, he doesn’t think he could even if he tried. The sight he saw as Tank played for him was something he held close to his heart, something he’d covet for the rest of his days.
Tank bathed in a golden light as they played their music, in a tiny room filled to the brim with life and warmth as Christian listened. The light of the setting sun descending on then all, the plants shinning and glowing, a cool breeze blowing in through the cracked open window.
And if Christian started to listen to more and more classical music, that was no one’s business but his.
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feralfoxcritter · 1 year
im exhausted and in pain. but worth it. i stood outside in the rain for a bit with my partner and it was so nice until i got cold and then i decided it was time to snuggle into blankets because i dismantled my den for reasons and now ive got my partner's hoodie by me. (im laying on it because i want it to be warm before i go to sleep because if it smells like and feels like them its perfect) and i will be asking a few friends to play in the rain with me when it starts up again because oh my goodness !!
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notoriousbeb · 1 year
Okay, this is last thing I’m going to say on this subject (unless something new comes to light). But…and this is just my two cents…I am not yet fully convinced the Matty/Taylor romance is real. And I have a few reasons (under the cut for your sanity).
We know they are friends and work with the same people and have worked together. The fact that he performed with Phoebe when she opened (and likely would have last night too if not for the rain), is a good enough reason for him to be at the show. Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t he late to the first show? Maybe he was supposed to open that one with Phoebe as well.
On that note, yes, to me, opening up for the biggest tour in the world is a good enough reason to fly 20 hours (it’s not like the man was in coach). The 1975 is successful, but let’s not pretend Matt Healy is the household name Taylor Swift is. He was likely either going to the United States or to England after the Asia tour was over, and the difference in distance is negligible at that level of time commitment.
The car photos: first, we already know she hangs out late with friends after her shows. Hanging out does not necessarily equal, you know, things. ALSO, they were in a big butt SUV that was part of a caravan of her people. Who is to say they were even alone? And even if they were alone, what, she can’t just hang out with a guy friend without making out with them?
I keep seeing people saying they were together in 2014 so this was “a long time coming;” however, there are no dating photos from that time, no comments from Taylor (unless you count the tweet where she requests the media stop insinuating that she’s dating her friends) and a full-out denial from Matty where he said the rumors were “all fake.”
The Entertainment Tonight article is the only one out there that states the 2014 relationship as a fact, and it’s the only one quoting the source(s) about Jack setting them up/the mutual crushes. This tells me this article was either a placement from Taylor’s team or ET is wilding (and I don’t think the latter is likely). So, a planned announcement about Taylor’s new crush…that’s just weird to begin with, right? Has her team ever put out a quote like that, giving the details of an early relationship? Like, to me, that just seems out of left field; which leads me to my final point of contention:
Matty and the band are currently into a whole “performance art” shtick (which I will not pretend to fully understand). Could this article and the on-stage mouthed messages be part of that? Seems totally possible to me.
All that to say, these two dating could certainly be a real thing and/or fling. And if so, get it girl. You do you…But also, Harry is much better looking and does not have a history of saying douchey things, so, do with that information what you will. ;0)
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A comic I might draw later
HEAVILY inspired by MorningMark and that one scene from Casper meets Wendy (1998).
TLDR: Luz friends love her and will defend her from any threat, even petty human teenagers. Playing real fast and loose with magic and Gravesfield okay, I don't know how magic transfer over now that The Titan is gone and King is still too young but we don't have to get in to all that okay. Also this isn't proofread, this is just a silly little idea I had.
So Luz is back in human realm to finish school along with Vee. Going about her daily goings about. On days like these she likes to walk around and just think/talk with String Bean. They can’t be in the Boiling Iles every weekend so taking a walk around Earth’s nature will have to do. She is human after all. Well no one said Luz’s return was a welcomed one (and after her whole speech about Phillip in class I doubt high schoolers spared her), but who is she care about their opinions? She’s the daughter of the greatest witch who ever lived, sister to a literal god and is friends with the most powerful witches the Demon Realm has ever known! Of course no one on Earth knows or would believe her (spare Jacob), but it’s the thought that counts!
All in all her days passed by fine, save for a few particular classmates. Classmates that had known Luz since she moved to Gravesfield and seen her jump from wierdo, to normie, to reserved and now somehow even weirder? The teasing never stopped or at least you get used to it, is what she told herself. More accurately what she told to String Bean on this particular walk.
“I can’t wait for break to come! Bump finally said yes to opening a Flyer Derby Track!” She cheered. String Bean hissed happily. She turned her head towards the tree line in confusion, like a puppy. Hearing something, she quickly turned into a staff. Luz was quick to grab her worried something might of spooked her.
“This is hilarious, I know you don’t have any friends but talking to a stick is a new low.” A familiar snide voice called from the tree line coming from the bushes and onto the path.
“Ugh Anna.” Luz rolled her eyes as the three stepped out, Anna and the other two girls Luz never really caught the name of.
“If I annoyed so bad why are you always following me? And I do have friends FYI!”
“Yeah, yeah I know. Your ‘super cool and awesome friends from out of town’!” She mocked “Weird that no one’s ever seen them before-“
“People have seen them, they were here for Halloween! They were in my Summer Break Presentation!”
“Oh yeah they were,” one of the follower girls said. Anna sent a stern eye her way before striding over to Luz.
“Whatever. Doesn’t change that you don’t have any friends at school and it makes sense! All you do is creep people out.”
“You think I want to friends like you?” Luz scoffed
“Excuse me-“
“You’re so rude to everyone around you, I doubt even those two like you.”
“What do you know?! Everyone thinks you’re weird!”
“Well if being ‘normal’, whatever that means, makes me like you? I’ll pass.“
Anna huffed in anger lunging towards Luz and grabbing onto the staff. They struggled, pulling towards each other. “Stop it! You’ll hurt her!”
“Her?!” Anna pushed off her back foot taking Luz down and grabbing hold of String Bean. She raised it above her head. “It’s just a stupid stick-“
Before she could slam String Bean down, a sheet of ice covered the path took Anna and her two followers down. String Bean was tossed in the air and caught by a figure riding a long vine.
“Luz!” Willow called out, the vine spiraling down to meet her on the path. Hunter and Gus were close behind. String Bean transformed back in Willow’s hand and floated towards Luz, nuzzling into her cheek.
“Oh girl, I thought I lost you.” She cradled String Bean close.
“Is she okay?” Hunter called out finally catching up with Willow, Gus behind him.
“Yeah, just a little shaken up.” Luz replied.
“What about you Luz?” Gus asked
“I’m fine,” she smiled “What are you guys doing here?”
“Well we came to see if you wanted to hang out but it seems we caught you at a bad time.” Willow glared at the girls. They all scrambled to their feet, ready to run but were blocked by a wall suddenly appearing behind them.
“That’s bold, picking a fight and then running away?” Hunter stated
“Three on one? Talk about unfair.” Gus sneered
“I think three on three is fair enough.” Willow said, magic circles already formed.
“Guys!” Luz called. Luz looked at Anna, full of fear and for a moment saw something familiar. Even if it was fair, she sighed, “It’s not worth it, some people just never change.”
All three complied, sending their own threatening look towards the girls.
“What if they say anything?” Gus asked
“I doubt it, they would look like weirdos.” Luz smiled smugly. String Bean hissed as if to accent the point.
“See you guys on Monday.” Luz said waved off taking to the sky with her friends. Anna and her friends were awestruck at the sight but more so that no one would ever believe them.
“Well I don’t want to go near her- her creepy friends could come attack us again!” One of the girls yelled over the video call.
“We were not attacked, okay. Just Luz and her weirdo friends.” Anna huffed
“Get over it Anna, just let her be.” The other called
“When did this become my fault?!”
“When you almost got us killed today!
“For the last time, we were not attacked-“
A soft tapping at the window.
“Hold on,” she said moving towards the window. She leaned it, examining it closely. Splattered her window suddenly was a mess of purple goo. It pulled itself off the glass and formed into a body, a face started to form from the goo. A girl with purple hair and bright yellow eyes, like a cat. She tapped on the window with a smile leaving a purple smear. Anna hesitated before the girl opened the window herself.
“Hi.” She smiled
“H-Hi.” Anna stammered
“I’m gonna keep this short cause it’s late. I’m not as nice as Luz or our friends so take this as your only warning. Never hurt my girlfriend. Got it?”
“Good.” She smiled. Her form distorted as her skin turned back into a dark purple. The slime slide off the windowsill and down the side of house all the way to the forest behind.
Anna was stunned staring out the window, her friends calling her name in the background.
Meanwhile at Luz’s house, the Hexside Crew set up for a movie night. “Amity! The popcorn’s ready.” Luz called
“Coming! Ghost thought she heard something.” Amity called back. She knelt down to let the incoming abomination slip back into her vase. Amity smiled to herself as she came into the kitchen. She grabbed a bowl and kissed Luz on the cheek.
“You’re smiley, did Ghost catch something?”
“No, just thinking about this spell Em taught me. I can show it to you later.”
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urmomification · 2 years
spiderman steve au
- he lives in new york w his roommate billy
- they're more just roommates than actual friends, they aren't close but sometimes watch movies together etc
- billy notices that steve is weirdly secretive but mostly plays it up to him just being like that just kinda assumes that steve just likes his privacy
- steve Always keeps his bedroom locked when he's in there and the door closed when he isn't
- steve intentionally playing stupid to keep people off his trail (he makes all his own tech and stuff)
- steve will come home w an array of green yellow and purple bruises and cuts and never talks abt it
- one time he comes home w just abt the worst black eye billy's ever seen (and he's seen a lot)
- steve always plays it off tho, saying he tripped or something that clearly isn't true
- billy never presses it bc honestly he doesnt care enough to (doesnt stop him from being extraordinarily curious tho)
- like how is this pretty boy getting his shit rocked every other night and having nothing but shitty lies to cover it up
- honestly the only reason steve is so bad at lying is bc hes not used to having a roommate but money was tight so here he was
- billy would rather die than admit it but he loves spiderman, thinks hes a total badass
- steve always tries to change the subject when he comes up, billy just thinks steve doesn't like him
- eventually it goes from steve coming home beat up at 2am and shuffling to the bathroom by himself to billy waking up whenever he gets home to keep him company to billy even helping sometimes when steve is especially beat up
- one night tho steve gets absolutely destroyed (like several broken ribs, stabbed, probably a concussion, etc. its not pretty)
- its a fight for his life just to make it back to their apartment, each swing tugging on something here and tearing something there
- as he works his way back to their place he cant see straight, hes exhausted, one arm wrapped around his stomach, an is mostly just swinging bc of the momentum he has
- makes it top of the a building a few down from his and can see his and billy's window to their living room and the rickety fire escape up the side of the building
- hardly makes it there, swinging directly into the side of the fire escape, rattling what feels like the whole building, and rolling over the side to lay on the grates
- heaves a few breaths and steels himself to stand up
- peels his hand off his stomach to survey the damage, hes in really bad shape, abdomen and arm covered in blood, suit sliced open in several spots, he can feel bruises forming just about everywhere on him
- he pulls himself off the fire escape and leaning heavily on the railings, makes it to their window and slides it as far open as it goes before literally falling thru it
- he groans and lies on the ground for another few moments before standing up again and putting practically all his weight on the wall
- (hes still in his suit too, itd be too risky to change w the chance of the fabric ripping open his wounds again, hes aware of how stupid this is (coming home w his suit on w knowledge that billy will probably wake up and come to at least check on him) but hes honestly more worried for his life at this point)
- 'bathroom bathroom bathroom bathroom' is the only thing going thru his head as he goes from the wall to the back of the couch to the hall where he needs to pause to keep himself from puking right then and there w how violently his vision is swimming
- he rips his mask off and bringing it to his stomach as another thing to apply pressure w (also so he doesnt puke in it. gross)
- steve wouldve picked up on it sooner if it weren't for the ringing in his ears but spider sense tells him someones here
- he pries his head off the wall to see billy's door swing open and him step into the hall in pj pants rubbing at his eyes
- he knows its too dark for billy to see him right now, but hes breathing like theres a car on his chest so theres no doubt that billy will notice him within a few seconds
- as soon as billy's hand drop from his eye, he stiffens as he finally notices the breathing and 'steve? that u?'
- all steve can do is grunt, jaw clamped so tightly shut to keep from retching what might be left in his stomach up onto the carpet hes bleeding onto
- 'dude where are u' billy mumbles as he reaches for the light switch by slapping his arm against the wall until he finds it
- steve sees this and knows if that light comes on hes doomed but he cant move and the bathroom door is situated nearly perfectly between them, so hes really got no where to go
- the light flicks on
- 'what the fuck'
- steve's head feels like its now about to implode then explode comically onto the walls of their apartment
- he squeezes his eyes shut and starts to blindly scramble towards the bathroom, feeling his whole stomach start to turn upside down
- practically throwing himself onto the hard tile in front of the toilet before heaving like theres something trying to get out of him
- billy slowly walks up to the bathroom door, still not 100% sure he saw that right (spider man (also steve?)(???)) standing (leaning) in his hall looking like hed just been run over by about 4 monster trucks
- he peeks his head in to see steve's head almost fully in the toilet bowl, mostly just the torn suit and mask on the floor being visible, breathing like he'll never fully catch his breath again
- billy practically runs to the kitchen to grab the biggest cup of water known to man before bringing it back to the bathroom for steve
- at this point, steve's stomach has evened out, but he is eyes remain closed and his head is resting on the rim of the toilet, spitting once to get the gunk out of his mouth
- billy tentatively knocks against the door 'uh, hey man. i got, uh, i got you some water?'
- steve grunts, peels his right arm off his stomach (revealing the mangled mess of suit and skin and blood there) to reach for the cup
- billy nearly drops it when he sees steve's stomach
- lets steve take a few sips before 'steve man what the hell happened let me look at u'
- billy flushes the toilet and kneels in front of steve, pushes him against the wall so he's leaning back instead
- 'how the hell do i get this off steve' grabbing at the suit
- 'hargrove, leave me alone'
- 'like hell im not leaving u alone like this' gives up on the suit to dig thru the cabinet to find the first aid kit
- he hears steve hiss and then groan from behind him and he turns to see steve working the suit off down to his hips
- billy's head spins a little with how much blood is left on steve's hands and stomach when he settles back against the wall
- he shuffles back over
- 'ok first things first, concussion check'
- 'i can tell u i have a concussion, billy, i got hit in the head w a crowbar like i was a fucking baseball'
- billy winces 'ok perfect. awesome. did u get fucking stabbed too? what the hell happened'
- a short nod, 'yeah that too. probably the more pressing issue.'
- 'jesus, uh. ok, yeah. i can do this' billy starts digging the thru the first aid to find wipes
- 'this is about to sting like a mother fucker but i need to see where ur cut and where there's just blood' and starts on steve's face, dabbing at the crusted blood there
- steve winces once but from then on clenches his jaw and focuses on a point on the wall just above billy's head
- billy gets to his stomach and takes a break to check in w steve, hands him the water again
- 'well, good news is there's not many deep cuts and they seem to mostly closed up already which is, interesting'
- 'i heal quickly, i was more worried abt taking another hit than i was bleeding out on the street'
- 'good lord man'
- steve takes a deep breath and straightens up against the wall before looking down at himself
- 'yea i should be good now honestly. if i get this wrapped up and go to bed i should be at least a bit better by morning. uh, thanks. u can go back to bed'
- steve reaches for the gauze and wrappings before billy snatches them up and holds them out of his reach
- 'there's no way in hell that im gonna leave u here to clean urself up, u Literally. Almost died. im staying to help u'
- 'billy. go back to bed im fine'
- 'no'
- 'billy'
- 'im not leaving u alone to deal w this'
- 'i don't need ur help'
- 'maybe not but ur getting it' billy sets down the gauze and starts patting around on steve's chest checking for where the broken ribs are
- steve sucks in a breath and mutters 'yeah some of those r definitely broken.' knocks his head against the wall 'there's not much either of us can do about that part, they'll fix themselves in a day or so'
- 'i don't even wanna know how u know that'
- steve chuckles
- 'ok. i'm gonna wipe u down again ur like, still covered in blood.' billy turns around to grab a washcloth
- steve's eyes are closed and his breathing has (thankfully) evened out a bit
- billy starts on his face again then works down his neck and shoulders then each arm and hand then down his chest to the wound on his stomach that has practically fully stopped bleeding by now (he stops there to marvel at it a little) (definitely not to watch steve breath for a moment)
- 'ok ur all cleaned up now for the most part, can u get the rest of ur, uh. getup? off? for me'
- 'if u wanted to get in my pants hargrove u should've just asked' steve cracks an eye open and grins at him before peeling himself away from the wall to start wiggling the suit down his legs
- billy looks away to get more wipes and rinse out the washcloth before he turns back to see steve in nothing but a pair of black boxers, long legs stretched out across the tile and the suit lying over the side of the tub next to him
- he looks for just a moment too long
- 'picture'll last longer'
- 'sorry'
- honestly if billy's being honest this is a little too close to a wet dream for him
- he crouches down, starting my steve's ankles (not trusting himself to faced directly w steve's crotch and thighs)
- slowly works his way his knees on both legs before looking up at steve when he presses the wipe to his thigh
- steve is watching his hands with a hooded tired look and it drives a hot nasty feeling down billy's spine and his face flushes just a bit before he rushes a bit thru finishing
- sits back and grabs the wrap again
- 'can u sit up? im gonna wrap u up now'
- 'mm' steve mumbles but shoves himself off the wall to sit up at least a bit straight
- billy leans in and steve moves his hands over his head to make room
- billy makes quick work of wrapping and tying everything up before he sits back on his knees
- 'there. all fixed up' he hands steve the water one more time, billy gets up to start fishing for pain killers
- 'high strength stuff is in my room, i'll grab it there' steve mutters as he tries to shimmy off the floor
- billy walks back over and helps him up
- 'sounds good to me pretty boy, let's get u to bed'
- with steve's arm around billy's shoulders, they shuffle out of the small bathroom into the small hall and into steve's small bedroom
- he sits steve down on the edge of his bed before turning around to go refill the water
- comes back and steve is still sitting up but his head is drooped slighting forward and his eyes r closed
- billy walks up to him and pats his cheek a few times 'cmon stay w me for a few more minutes then u can go to sleep ok? where're the pain killers?'
- ' top draw, desk'
- billy grabs them (they're prescription, he wonders how he got his hands on them)
- hands the pills to steve followed by the water 'ok lay down, carefully get settled i'll be right back'
- billy goes back to his room and grabs his blanket off his bed and a hoodie and by the time he's back steve is totally out cold
- billy pulls his hoodie on and sits w his back against the bed and rests his temple on steve's nightstand and pulls his blanket over him before falling asleep right there
- steve wakes up first somehow, and pushes himself to sit up
- he goes to get up but he sees billy curled up on his floor w his own blanket pulled up around his chin and he's drooling a little against the nightstand he's still leaning against
- steve blinks for a few seconds, trying to remember Why. Billy was laying there
- he scoots around him and hobbles to the bathroom
- sees his mask on the floor and suit on the tub before all (most) of it comes back to him
- billy knows
- he leans on the sink to process that for a second before splashing some water on his face and makes his way back to his bedroom
- kinda just stands in the doorway and just kinda looks at billy in his space, deciding he doesn't hate the idea of billy knowing
- potentially even ok with billy knowing
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acescard · 1 year
50k words into my LOZ fic 😅 this is a long boy
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survivorsxdogs · 2 years
Least favorite wild dog pack member?
Probably somewhere between Dart and Alpha (the half wolf).
But it’s hard to say Alpha, because Alpha was great in Alpha’s Tale, and he was at least interesting to me in the first couple books he was in. But then, somewhere around Endless Lake (maybe even in The Broken Path), his writing...changed? Alpha and Lucky were supposed to have come to some sort of agreement at the end of Darkness Falls, but in TBP, they never touch on this again. Alpha also seemed more complicated in the earlier books. As strict as his laws and punishments were, he was on some level capable of caring about the dogs in his Pack, and he had a couple neutral-to-even-gentle moments. By Endless Lake and Storm of Dogs, however, he turns on his Packmates easily, and he’s needlessly cruel even to his own detriment (see: renaming Storm “Savage” and then exclusively calling her Savage even when he’s trying to get her to come save him). So I’m not sure if it’s the character that I dislike as much the writing for him.
For Dart, it’s the perpetual anger, the way she spied on Arrow in Into the Shadows to such an extent that she couldn’t even scout properly, the way she was still trying to blame Breeze’s crimes on Storm and Arrow even after it was clear they were innocent. She causes a lot of drama, which would be good if it was interesting, plot-driving drama (like what Breeze causes), but it’s not; it’s stupid drama that anyone in the Pack could resolve in a heartbeat if they thought about it at all.
TL;DR, character-wise Dart’s my least favorite; writing-wise, I really dislike how Alpha was handled, to the point that it detracts from my enjoyment of the character.
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ashoss · 7 months
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patrol is fun :DD
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