#[ this is like my biggest pet peeve tbh when it comes to manipulative characters in general
carsonian · 8 months
*mcconaughey voice* alrightalright... Grievances Ask Game #s 3, 16, 25?
3. What's your biggest tumblr pet peeve(s)?
When folks posit as SteveTony fans and GUSH over x but y is just. There. Barely, even. Not my thing, honestly. When it comes to the fandom stuff I reblog, I'm here to see SteveTony content sure but also to get to know PEOPLE so I LOVE seeing behind the curtain into their lives, interests and headcanons. But when it's just a hyperfixation on one character over the other, I'm like Cool, good for you! But I'm not going to follow you. Just not what I'm here for. TBH: I don't use Tumblr religiously enough to have a pet peeve so maybe that's not the right answer....less of a pet peeve and more just a what-I'm-gonna-click-very-quickly-out-of.
16. Name a canonical aspect of SteveTony’s relationship that you think is problematic/not mentioned enough
Uh. MCU has the predictable hang-ups about Ultron and Civil War with Tony and Steve getting their respective character beatings. I feel like the comics have a lot more content to mine as far as problematic behaviour to explore. Maybe--as far as not mentioned enough--just HOW much of a fumble the team was. Tony leaving at the end of A:AOU, Bruce/Hulk fucking off, Nat kissing Bruce and manipulating him, Thor and Steve both being too aggro--all of this shit is so Bad when you think about it. Maybe one day I'll write a fic where they're all Like This and SteveTony are also fucking but uh. What the fuck was going on there, eh? Uhh I guess an extension of that would be Steve being written in fic as someone who pulls his punches but being the total opposite in the films up until IW. The man doesn't account for the serum much? And maybe we should explore that, even though I'll admit that I prefer writing the alternative. & I wish, on Tony's end, that his "mastermind" tendencies/pulling strings BTS were explored without flinching from his control tendencies. We could probably get some very good stories out of Hyper-Aggro!Steve x Control-Issues!Tony. We probably already have, TBF. Drop 'em in the notes, folks!
25. Share an unpopular opinion you have RE: fanfiction (writing, culture, etiquette, etc.)
Being insistent on updates is never cute! Honestly. There is the occasional "oh that's sweet that they really like the fic" but a lot of the times when I see comments--mostly on other fics, I'm not talking about mine here--that boil down to "update plz", even if it's worded kinder, I'm just like.... Shut the Fuck Up. After writing a truly horrendous amount of fic last year, I've gone full circle with the process and realised that the attention you get from readers is never going to be more fulfilling than the actual writing, so if you're constantly pushing to get stuff out to appeal to/satisfy readers, you're going to get very quickly uncharmed with the whole fic writing gig. True enjoyment is what makes it sustainable, and a huge part of that is writing on your own terms and by your own timeframe. I'm less bugged about it when I see it in my comments because I'm not out here reinventing the wheel but some very, very good writers in the fandom get a lot of that shit and every time I see it, I will indulge in an emphatic, "ah fuck you, hoss". Is that an unpopular opinion?
Ask game here.
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My completely unrequested thoughts after finishing the Grisha trilogy
here we go
Mal had big Gale energy in Siege and Storm and I wanted to throttle him but he slightly redeemed himself in Ruin and Rising in my eyes. I say slightly bc he was waaaay too intense.
I don’t know if it’s because I haven’t read YA in a long time but I was desperately waiting for Mal and Alina (or Alina and anyone really) to just...fuck? Like at some point I was really convinced this bitch was gonna die a virgin 
The constant infantilization of the Darkling is probably one of my biggest pet peeves? Like if I had to read a 500+ years or however how old the Darkling is being called “a boy, just a boy” one more time I would’ve to gouge my eyes out
Misha = 👼🏻
The crew (the fellowship of the sun? the Grisha + Mal? whatever, them)  had a great dynamic. Each character was great and entertaining so I’m really excited to read SoC
The beginning of Siege and Storm felt so rushed to me 😬
I haven't read the Tailor but I 100% believe that the Darkling could've help Genya but she was more useful to him in the Little palace and alienated from the other Grisha the bastard
Alina could be so dumb sometimes I swear I wanted to shake her. I guess it’s another common trait in YA and she’s young and in difficult situations but still. 
Mal being the 3rd amplifier...what a plot twist. idk if I’m dumb but I did not see it coming AT ALL
I was actively rooting for Alina to die since the end of Shadow and Bone. I really don’t hate her but I just feel like she had to die and go full martyrdom so I was just pissed when Mal kept saving her lol.
When Nikolai got transformed into a gargoyle or whatever...what was the reason? I guess that’s the plot of King of Scars but still
I can see the chemistry between the Darkling and Alina but I couldn't get over the grooming vibes I'm sorry 💀
Wished we could have learned more about the twins 
I was actually annoyed that the Darkling survived the second book. Like he wasn’t that great of a villain to me and I would like for a new challenge in Ruin and Rising 
On that note, I couldn’t really empathize with the Darkling? like I get that he wanted a world where he would be accepted but the message didn’t really get across in my opinion. Leigh Bardugo could've done more to show the legitimacy of his goal if she wanted a grey character? Idk EDIT: I just finished Six of Crows and the Grisha discrimination is so much clearer she could've done that more in the Trilogy
I don’t really care for Nikolai on the throne tbh? I’d be far more interested in a book series about Sturmhond even though there’s probably flashbacks in King of Scars
the fact that Alina still cared/thirsted for the Darkling after everything he did despite the fact she honestly barely knew him even in Shadow and Bone is hilarious to me idk. I know they had this “bond” or whatever but sis he was constantly trying to kill you and your friends like go to therapy, please
When Mal just left after Alina confessed that she was seeing the Darkling in Siege and Storm...I was ready to hunt down this bitch
I really like how she wrote the Darkling’s death, his devastation was really vivid
How did no one recognize Alina after Sankta Alina died? She literally has white hair she's rebuilding her childhood home??
Genya supremacy period
Thinking back about it I don't think there is a single main character in the series who hasn't hurt Alina in some way? They all lied to her and manipulate her and hurt her in some way like it's wild
team Alina should be single but Mal is the less worst option? Or like Genya but davidgenya is everything
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pastelbatfandoms · 5 years
Get to know My Character
Taking this for My AHS Apocalypse Character. 
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01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded? Her name is Helena and yeah I suppose I picked it for the symbolism. Her name does have the word HEL in it after all.  02. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness? Her Boyfriend/Future Husband Michael Langdon would definitely be a weakness other’s could use against her.  Also Michael unintentionally does use her love for him to his advantage. Also fear of dying and becoming a Spirit again,to Haunt and nothing more.  03. What would be their favorite physical trait about themselves? Her Red hair,her figure that she definitely uses to her advantage.   04. What are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical) Just ONE?! ok...
Mentally Helena loves not only Michael’s Deviousness but his Innocence as well that few people,save for herself and Ms Mead,get to see or even understand.
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Physically? I mean he is The Anti Christ he’s meant to be Beautiful. While he was younger he had an almost Angelic Beauty to him as he got older he exuded Charm and Sexuality. 
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05. Are they sexually confident or more of the shy type? Helena has never been particularly Shy,though she used to let Michael take the lead,once he was comfortable,often until she came back from Hell.  06. Do they have any hobbies that their lover finds unusual, odd, or otherwise annoying? lol No hobbies but,I suppose being Bratty or Obstinate when he’s trying to be Authoritative to others in The Santaury,or in general,peeves him a bit. And does not go unnoticed,usually resulting in a Punishment once they are alone.  07. Is there a catchphrase or sound that they tend to make a lot (likely without being aware of it)? Not that she knows.  08. What is, perhaps, their biggest flaw? Are they aware of this or oblivious to it? Is falling for The Anti Christ a flaw? I suppose that’s a matter of opinion. Falling for Serial Killers on the other hand... 09. Do they have a favorite season? What about a favorite holiday? Christmas? lol probably Samhain tbh. But they don’t Celebrate in Traditional ways. Being a Spirit for so long Helena doesn’t really notice the changing of the seasons until she becomes Human again and even then she doesn’t care to notice it much,though she does like The Sun,something She misses after The Apocalypse. 
10. Is your character more feminine or masculine? Feminine all the way but she can still kick your ass or kill you. 11. What is something that would make your character fly into a rage? Losing Michael,Michael being hurt,also she is the Jealous type,as is Michael,so him flirting with someone else,whether it’s to Manipulate them or not,does rub her the wrong way. Usually resulting in Angry late night Sex. Which isn’t always a bad thing...
12. Is there some particular talent, skill, or attribute that they simply could not give up? I mean being able to talk to the living and have them see her while a Ghost was a perk. (and vice versa) As well as Generally being a Witch and The Demonic Powers she received while in Hell. 
13. What are your character’s sleeping habits? Heavy or light sleeper? Blanket stealer? One that always rolls onto the floor? Pushes their lover onto the floor? Sleep talker or walker? They are both Light sleepers. Helena is not used to sleeping much since she didn’t have to while dead. Also who can sleep with all those Do Gooders and White Witches trying to kill you. 14. Do they live alone or with family? How do they feel about their family/roommates? Helena lived in The “Murder House” as it was coined years ago,so she’s always been around a lot of people,though I suppose LIVING isn’t the right word. When Michael brought her back Helena moved in with him and Ms Mead.  15. Is there a certain person in this world that they cannot stand? The very mention of this person’s name makes them tremble with anger or fear. Her Ex,Dandy Mott. But when that someone is responsible for your Murder you tend to hold a grudge. Helena used to be scared off him especially when she descended into Hell,the first time,and had to relive her Murder over and over again. Until Michael came to get her and Disintegrated Dandy for good. 
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16. Is your character the athletic type or more of a couch potato? What are some sports/games that they like? lol Neither. She keeps fit on The Hearts of her Enemies ;) 17. Does your character have dreams of getting married and/or having children? Yes and Maybe. Though I think Michael is more keen on Adopting. We’ll name her Sabrina... 18. What kind of home would they want to live in? Where would they place this abode? Somewhere Regal like a Mansion,A Castle or a Sanctuary.  19. Would your character be the kind to get into fights? (physical or verbal) Would they be a good fighter or cave in rather easily? Only if she were standing up for Michael,Lucifer ect.. or if someone said something she didn’t like and she was in a mood. Helena is an excellent Fighter now. 
20. Does your character like animals? What are some of their favorite animals? Would they want pets? What about mythological creatures? Not be stereotypical but she really likes Snakes and Crows,as well as Raven’s. Her favorite Mythological Creature is The Cerberus. 
21. What is one of your character’s biggest fears? How would they react when dealing with this fear? Helena has pretty much faced her fears. They’ve both Loved and Lost and Loved and Lost again. 
22. What kind of tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, freckles, and other such unique physical features do they have? Helena’s features are quite normal,though she does have an Otherwordly Aura around her that only Magnifies once she Descends into Hell the last time. Also The powers that Lucifer Bestows on her can make her eyes glow and turn more Demonic.  Helena is also more seductive and alluring once her and Michael reach adult hood,or Michael does anyway.
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23. What is your character like when it comes to school? What subjects are they good/bad at? Do they get in trouble a lot or are well behaved? lol School they are well past that. She was very good in school and well behaved until she met Dandy,though she was still Book Smart. Dandy wouldn’t have it any other way.  24. In their own words, how would your character describe what their lover is like? What isn’t he like?... I will be making a A-Z Head-canons for what Michael is like Sexually,so stay tuned for that! 25. Is there something traumatic from your character’s past that greatly affects them even to this day? Her Death (Both when Dandy killed her and when The Coven did) The things that happened to her in Hell.  26. What is their lover like sexually? How do they feel about their lover’s quirks, needs, etc? ^^ See above. 27. If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it? Killing Someone.... 28. If your character became a celebrity, what would they be famous for? A Model or a Famous Psychic/Tarot Reader.  29. What is one of the most courageous things your character has ever done for a loved one? Died for them.  30. When it comes to the arts (music, film, theater, etc), what does your character like? Anything Retro or Vintage (like from The 1920′s to 80′s) Classical Music or anything with a Dark Ambiance. After discovering TV again Helena recently fell in love with The Craft,Interview With a Vampire, (because Lestat reminds her of Michael),Dusk Till Dawn and AMC’s Freakshow (it reminds her of simpler times) She also has a weakness for Slasher Films.  31. Would your character be the kind capable of killing? Would they enjoy killing or only use it when necessary or, perhaps, refuse to kill no matter what? Yes and Both.  32. If your character’s lover offered to take them out on a dream date, what would they want to do? Just alone in there room,the two of them,or taking a stroll talking about anything & everything,including The end of the world. Michael is very curious. Followed by Ritualistic Sex that evening.  33. If your character wanted to be alone, where would they go? Helena rarely likes being alone as she was alone for far too long as a Ghost. But when she does need her down time she prefers practicing her Spells in The Woods alone at night or in her Darkened room with a glass of Wine while reading an Erotic or Historical Romance Series.  34. Does your character have favorite foods? (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks, etc) Not really. She prefers a good Home cooked Meal like Ms Mead or Constance used to make but she isn’t picky.  35. Is your character afraid of death? If they got to choose how to die, how would they want to go? pffft been there,done that. Twice.  36. Does your character have any medical conditions? Are they serious or minor? Do they affect their day to day life? No
37. What are some of your character’s pet peeves? What are some things that annoy them or disgust them? Being Disrespected,being made Jealous. 
38. What kind of weather does your character like? Cloudy skies, rainy days, sunshine, etc? Again no Preference. 
39. When people look at your character, is there some assumption they might make about them just by appearance? Is that assumption correct? Anything anyone assumes about her now is absolutely Correct. Except she is not being coerced into anything she says or does. 
40. Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others? Already kind of answered this one. read Question 30. 41. Does your character’s family affect your character in any way? Her real Family are all dead. Her Surrogate Family mean the world to her though. Dead and Living.  42. Is there anything in your character’s past that they regret, haunts them, or they wish they could change? being taken advantage of by Dandy. Killing without a purpose or end game.  43. Does your character have a switch that changes aspects of their personality whether they are around friends, family, etc. Is there someone who gets to see their true self? Michael,Constance and even Lucifer always get to see her True Self. Though she can be a bit more on around Lucifer.  44. Is there a particular event that would emotionally devastate your character? Having Michael die in her arms would be traumatic,the way she died in his.  45. Is your character the kind to hide their true emotions or do they wear their heart on their sleeve? Depends on who it is.
46. What is some random affectionate thing that your character always does to their lover? They are not one’s for PDA but if Helena can tell Michael is getting worked up she’ll go over and gently squeeze his hand or put a hand on his shoulder,calming him with Magic.  47. Is your character outgoing? Would they be the leader of the friend group, or the quiet one that gets dragged along? Outgoing now for sure. Helena’s done being told what to do. Which doesn’t go over very well with Cordelia or Lucifer. She’s very much a leader,but will share the spotlight.  48. Is there anything in particular that would ignite your character’s jealousy? Or does your character not get envious? Um Obviously Michael being Flirty with someone else,especially a Follower.  49. What is something that your character has nightmares about? Are these frequent? Do they heavily affect your character’s mood? ^See Dandy.  50. If your character confessed love to their crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc, what would they say? She has or rather Michael just sensed it and told her he loved her too. Followed by a Passionate Kiss. It didn’t take long,they are destined after all. And have always been together in one form or another.
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inhvmanmind-blog · 8 years
( misconception; izaya is actually super transparent and EVERYONE can tell what he's thinking if they watch him hard enough. like he clearly doesn't hide anything. )
misconception correction ; accepting
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maker preserve me, i can feel your mutual salt from here, caesar. and as sarcastically as you put it — this is actually a really big issue i have. it’s actually in my rules for this very reason. izaya’s manipulative as all hell and almost never gives off a dangerous vibe. the only times that he does is when he is straight up doing it on purpose. so all this is really is degrading to his character?
mikado is straight out told izaya is someone to avoid at first ( and in the anime, warned away from him rather bluntly by kida ) but still ends up trusting him and thinking he’s not a bad guy. there are actually a lot of people that shouldn’t trust izaya and KNOW they shouldn’t trust him… that end up trusting him anyway. he is scary good at manipulation and has perfected the art of making himself seem like no threat at all.
literally the only exception to this? shizuo. why? cause shizuo always thinks that izaya did the bad shit regardless of any proof that he might have. it’s always izaya and most of the time he’s right so no reason to ever think otherwise.
but yeah, no. izaya isn’t someone you just ‘feel’ like something is off about and, as i’ve stated in my rules, if you have your character assume this then i’ll drop the thread as if it’s on fire.
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lou-bonfightme · 7 years
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Toulouse Henri Bonfamille - Character Sheet
if you get sleep or if you get none / the cock's gonna call in the morning, baby / check the cupboard for your daddy's gun / red sun rises like an early warning / the lord's gonna come for your first born son / his hair's on fire and his heart is burning / so go to the river where the water runs / wash him deep where the tides are turning...
Archetype — The Caregiver Birthday — May 10, 1995 Zodiac Sign — Taurus MBTI — ENTJ Enneagram — 3, the Achiever Temperament — Choleric  Hogwarts House — Slytherdor Moral Alignment — True Neutral Primary Vice — Pride Primary Virtue — Diligence Element — Earth
Mother — Adelaide Bonfamille (nee LaBlanc) (Portia de Rossi FC) Father — Hector Bonfamille (Tony Goldwyn) Mother’s Occupation — socialite Father’s Occupation — politician Family Finances — wealthy Birth Order — oldest child Brothers — Berlioz Bonfamille (Matt Hitt FC, 20, Birthday: June 20, 1997) Sisters — Marie Bonfamille (Olivia Holt FC, 17, Birthday: April 22, 2000) Other Close Family — Maternal Aunt: Duchess LaBlanc Best Friend — Hades Other Friends — Sophie, Daisy Enemies — Roger, Perdita, literally so many people tbh Pets — A cat that is not his. Also his plants.   Home Life During Childhood — emotionally manipulative/abusive; argumentative with father; parental disagreements; was put in charge of younger siblings Town or City Name(s) — Paris, France Details of Town(s) or City(s) — loved the river and parks, only place he had refuge What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — rather plain, big windows, bright, painted a cream color, not a lot of toys but an easel and paints in one corner, a large desk with art supplies. Any Sports or Clubs — nope, he focused solely on his art. Favorite Toy or Game — didn’t really play a lot of games, but he liked building legos with his siblings, or reading to them. Schooling — did excellently in school Favorite Subject — science (especially biology), though he has a fondness for literature as well. Popular or Loner — loner, but girls liked him alot; he had the broody bad boy thing going on, which annoyed him immensely. Important Experiences or Events — moving to Swynlake Health Problems — undiagnosed manic depressive; some minor PTSD and agoraphobia Culture — french, and proud of it. Religion and beliefs — raised catholic, attending church mainly to keep up appearances, he finds parts of religion very beautiful, but also calls bullshit on most of it; he’s too logical and scientific to really find any sort of comfort in it; respects those who are religious though; has a predisposed inclination to dislike muslims based on rhetoric and a lack of proper understanding about the religion.
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Freddy Carter Complexion — pale and freckly! Hair Colour — Russet Eye Colour — Green Height — 6′0 Build — slight and tall Tattoos — none and never will Piercings — none Common Hairstyle — perfectly styled 90% of the time, if you catch him without his hair styled he really likes you. Clothing Style — the Most fashionable, very flamboyant, lots of colour Mannerisms — tucks his hands behind his back when he’s nervous or being respectful, if he’s embarrassed his ears turn red Usual Expression —
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — not since he’s become a werewolf, but he never really got sick Physical Ailments — none Neurological Conditions — bipolar II Allergies —  none Grooming Habits — grooms better than some of my girls lmao. takes very good care of himself--when he’s not in a depressive state, then he has more trouble, but if he’s going out he’ll still go through the motions. Sleeping Habits — terrible sleeper. has really bad insomnia. is up late a lot, sleeps in late a lot. wakes up a lot throughout the night. tosses and turns. has trouble falling asleep. Eating Habits — super picky eater. when depressive/manic sometimes doesn’t eat that much Exercise Habits —  lmao what exercise Emotional Stability — off his meds? like a 2/10, on his meds he’s closer to a 6/10 probably.  Body Temperature — normal Sociability — very charming, knows what to say to get people to like him. that doesn’t always mean he says those things lol Addictions — none really?  Drug Use — smokes pot, doesn’t do other drugs thank god that’d be so bad Alcohol Use — drinks more than he should
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — what habits are not bad habits? Thinking he is right about everything, pointing out people’s flaws, getting in fights, generally believing he knows better than everyone else, not feeling out his emotions, withdrawing when things get tough, not speaking to anyone about things that suck in his life, taking on all challenges alone, i could go on... Good Habits — he’s a good brother, he takes care of his siblings, he takes care of himself, for the most part; he’s an excellent studier; he’s very loyal once you win his loyalty Best Characteristic — his unfaltering loyalty Worst Characteristic — his lack of ability to properly communicate his emotions Worst Memory — all the times he had to hide in the closet, or his father sent him to bed with no dinner and kept him there for hours Best Memory — his siblings being born Proud of — his siblings, his art (sometimes) Embarrassed by — not much, honestly. When people catch him having a proper emotion Driving Style — doesn’t drive but he’d be a total soccer mom Strong Points — his loyalty. It’s unwavering and uncompromising Temperament — volatile Attitude — melancholic. Weakness — not being emotionally vulnerable. Seriously, it would solve so many of his issues Fears — not being good enough, being unlovable, worried that he will always be horribly bitter Phobias — pfft nothING (jk he’s lowkey afraid of storms) Secrets — lmao so many where to start? Mostly that he actually does crave affection Regrets — lol everything; probably the biggest is being so hard on ber during their teen years Feels Vulnerable When — he’s having emotion Pet Peeves — god where do i start? People who dont say what’s on their mind Motivation — protecting his siblings is his main motivation Short Term Goals and Hopes — he doens’t really have any im realizing this rn Long Term Goals and Hopes — also does not have many here Sexuality — grey asexual, biromantic (he could be either rly) Exercise Routine  — pfft exercise is for the weak Day or Night Person — night owl Introvert or Extrovert —  introverted extrovert lou really does thrive in a crowd but needs a lot of recharge time after Optimist or Pessimist — pessimist highkey
Likes and Styles:
Music — Classics. Classical. Stuff with not a lot of lyrics. Though, he’s also fond of the Opera. He really likes Faust and Don Giovanni. Also, he secretly likes a couple of musicals--Les Miserables and Cats are probably his favourites, though he very rarely indulges in them. Books — Candide by Voltaire is his favourite novel, he’s read it several times. He is a fan of the gothic period, he enjoys books like The Phantom of the Opera. Is not a huge Victor Hugo fan because he finds him a bit wordy, but he does like Hunchback of Notre Dame. He prefers concise language in his novels, but also likes beautiful imagery. He’s an avid reader. Magazines — He reads National Geographic and TBH probably gets a copy of Vogue, as well as a few museum magazines, just to keep up with the art scene. Foods — Lou is not a very big sweets person, he prefers richer foods. His favorite is frozen grapes--red or green, that doesn’t really matter. He’s almost always snacking on grapes. Drinks — Lou loves champagne. He also is an avid drinker of water. Animals — Lou loves birds, they’re his favorite. He’s also a fan of reptiles. And he has a particular interest in dinosaurs. Sports — Lol. Social Issues — Lou takes a bit of a middle road on these issues. There are things that he is rather passionate about--such as LGBTQIA rights (this is a recent development), but he also has some rather...unethical opinions about things like immigration that he usually keeps to himself because he knows that they are contentious subject. Favorite Saying — “Chacun voit midi à sa porte” Translation: Everyone sees noon on his doorstep. Basically, everyone views the world the way that they view it. Color — Ah, he cannot choose--but he does gravitate to warmer, earth colors in his paintings, oranges and reds and browns. Clothing — Lou is extremely fashionable and he always is dressed impeccably. He loves color and very rarely wears dull ones. Jewelry — Not a huge fan of jewlery, I’m sure he has a nice watch though, that his father gave him. Games — Chess. Puzzles. Things that challenge the mind. Websites — Eh, he’s got a tumblr blog, and he’s #instafamous so. TV Shows — Lou doesn’t watch television enough to have favorite shows but he detests reality shows and probably watches them with his brother to make fun of people. Movies — Lou doesn’t watch movies often, but he loves good cinematography. Also, documentaries. Especially nature and historical ones. (Also loves Legally Blonde on the lowkey.) Greatest Want — To be needed. Greatest Need — To learn to embrace his emotions.
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — lives at his mother’s home in Swynlake Household furnishings — very modern, aligned with the latest Parisian fashion. Favorite Possession — his art studio, does that count?? Most Cherished Possession — the drawer of arts and crafts that lou kept from his siblings when they were little. Neighborhood — the woods, very posh Town or City Name — Swynlake Details of Town or City — small magic friendly Married Before — to Anita Dearly, long story. Significant Other Before — none. Children — none. Relationship with Family — close with his siblings, though closer with Marie than Berlioz, a bit of a momma’s boy, and has a cordial relationship with his father, is very close with his life-long nanny, Nounou. Car — none. Career — will probably be an artist; should be a surgeon. Dream Career — surgeon he just doesn’t know it yet Dream Life — a successful magical animal treatment center, where he can also practice his art on the side; very little chance of having a family but deep down would love a wife/husband and children, maybe he’ll adopt. (he does not know any of this.) Love Life — a hot mess; tries not to develop feelings for people. Talents or Skills — painting, obviously Intelligence Level — he’s very intelligent and observant Finances — wealthy af
Your Character’s Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers — he’s been a student. Past Lovers — many; mostly one night stands, very few repeats Biggest Mistakes — being so hard on ber in secondary; marrying anita. Biggest Achievements — uhmmmmm his art has hung in several galleries
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stevensgrnts · 7 years
all for the questionnaire!
also for @kisaageckos
what is your sexuality?
as of right now I don’t have a specific label. mainly because i don’t know what to identify myself as lol. right now I’m comfortable with queer. idk how to explain my thoughts on this. 
what do gender do you identify as?
how long have you been aware of your sexuality/gender?
I’ve always knew my gender aligned with my sex but my sexuality was always a question mark. It wasn’t until my sophomore year of high school I realized I wasn’t straight.
do you have any preferences?
men and/or women
share a positive memory about coming out!
me and my guy friend chris both accidentally came out to each other because a friend of ours wanted to go to a strip club for her birthday. we started arguing whether we should go to a male strip club or a female one. I think you can imagine who wanted what.
how do you feel about pride month?
I think it’s great. I haven’t had the chance to celebrate or attend a pride festival myself but I want to so bad!! I’m also not out to my family just a few people so I don’t feel like I can fully celebrate.
do you participate in pride related events? any other events?
no :/ I want to though. I really want to go to SF for pride.
how do you feel about lgbtq roles in media?
i feel bad saying it but I’m always kind of wary because it’s almost always a token character put into the narrative to appear diverse. I hate that lgbt+ characters are killed off for pain and angst. I do love lgbt characters that have storylines that aren’t about coming out or discovering their sexuality. It’s important yes, but seeing lgbt characters content and happy is so important.
do you feel pride in who you are?
I’m a self deprecating fuck but my sexuality has nothing to do with that lol
who has been your supportive idols in your self discovery?
i don’t know??
tell us about your first crush?
I think my first crush was on a girl in my kindergarten class. I remember just being like w ow i wanna hold your hand.
what sort of advice to have you lgbtq teens?
Your sexuality is fluid so it’s okay to not be 100% certain. If you need a label the go figure it out but it’s also not the most important thing about you.
have you come out to friends and family?
only a few friends. my family has asked but are just waiting for me to finally say it.
how do you feel about the term “coming out” ?
it’s fine I guess?? I never really thought about it tbh.
do you believe there is a “closet” to come out of?
I think it’s weird we refer to it as being in a closet like our sexuality is another skeleton collecting dust.
any tips on coming out?
haven’t done it yet so no I don’t.
what’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to lgbtq characterization in media?
that they’re created to be Other. Or perceived as easy, cheaters, predators, etc.
what’s your favorite parts of lgbtq characterization in media?
the normalization of queer couples in happy committed relationships. they’re treated like straight characters rather than a diversity check box to cross off.
what did your teachers say about the lgbtqa community in school?
my school was so welcoming and made sure the school was a safe space.
do you practice safe sex with the same gender?
I haven’t willingly had sex with anyone at all.
what’s an absolute turn off for you in the opposite/same gender?
arrogance, controlling, manipulative, ignorance
what’s an absolute turn on for you in the opposite/same gender?
vulnerability, loyalty, kindness, strength.   
how do you feel about lgbtq clubs/apps/websites?
I think they’re super important tbh. I wish I had joined the pride club at my high school. I don’t think I would have been as confused or felt as alone. I can’t tell you how many informational lgbt+ websites I’ve been on.
how do you feel about the term “queer” ?
I’m personally okay with it. I know a lot of people don’t like it or don’t like that I identify as queer.
how does you country view the lgbtq community?
I wanna say the better majority is okay with the lgbtq community.
favorite lgbtq actor/actress?
Ezra Miller, Laverne Cox, Kate Mickinnon, Tituss Burgess
any tips for heterosexual and/or cisgender people on how to handle lgbtq events/news?
I think one thing that really gets me is most cis/het see themselves as the norm so they don’t realize the treatment of the lgbt community is strange and cruel. So just…fucking educate yourself.
what’s the most annoying question you have ever gotten?
when I identified as ace I had someone ask if it was because I was raped.
how do you feel about receiving questions about your sexuality/gender?
im okay with it just don’t be weird or rude about it. who I fuck and how isn’t your business??  Or you the statements that it was just a phase and it’ll just pass bc I haven’t found the right guy.
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