inhvmanmind-blog · 8 years
♡ - I love everything about your blog. Just EVERYTHING. 
☆ - I admire you from afar, but I’m a bit intimidated by you.
♢ - You’re one of my favorite blogs. 
♧ - I wish you would notice me. 
♤ - I don’t think our muses could interact, but I do love what you do. 
☼ - Can I tag you in a starter?
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inhvmanmind-blog · 8 years
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inhvmanmind-blog · 8 years
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okay so seeing as the anon has now revealed themselves and decided to continue on and drag this out in public ( about the view of a fucking character ) --- viewing my blog in general is going to be restricted for a short while. please excuse any trouble this causes for the mean time. i flat out don’t have the patience for this. they’ve been blocked. this is to prevent them from bugging me or my posts any further completely.
in the mean time, if you need me; i will be on im and skype. and on chris because there’s none of this going on there.
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inhvmanmind-blog · 8 years
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i was going to try and get some stuff done today, but that’ll have to wait. i’m tired and head out to maybe game or something. anon is off and will remain off until further notice. if that anon has anything else to say, they can damn well do it without hiding their face
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inhvmanmind-blog · 8 years
The anon who sent those six messages...I apologize. I've never seen you're blog before and got the urge to respond because I saw the post in passing, and I don't do rp and therefore didn't really understand any of the canon divergent stuff in the first place. I wasn't in a good mood when I sent those and I had the urge to throw my opinions at other people and argue, and I should've just moved on. I'm sorry for causing you anxiety, and you don't have to respond if you don't want to.
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too late for that, but tell me. what made you want to apologize? the fact that you suddenly realized that i’m a person with feelings and emotions or the fact that i have anxiety? did it make you feel guilty to know that your six messages made my heart beat faster than normal and i had to lean back and breathe for a few moments as i read through them before i got fed up? fuck you.
bad mood or not, that’s no excuse to take it out on me. so fuck off. you’re not forgiven. i’m in a not good mood or a bad mood pretty much 24/7 and i don’t take it out on people. not to mention.
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( can’t get the last one now that i answered it ) you spent at least half an hour bitching me out. half an hour. thirty minutes of you sitting there trying to shove your opinions down my throat and start an argument because you were in a bad mood.
also, the fact that you responded with this ask, 17 hours later, means that you’ve been watching my blog and waiting for a reply to your ask if you’re not following me because anon doesn’t give alerts. or you’re lying. neither really work in your favor.
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inhvmanmind-blog · 8 years
About your post talking about how you personally don't see Izaya as human and that he does not have a good side...I don't think he is a good person, but I don't think he's necessarily all bad either. I don't know if you've read the novels, but Izaya is far more complex in them than just some heartless evil creature that wants to make everyone miserable. Shinra describes him as having a heart more human than anyone else. He's described multiple times in the novels as not good or bad. 1/2
2/3 Now. In Izaya’s own novel series, Kadota is interviewed about Izaya, and he states that Izaya is surprisingly loyal and has a strong sense of friendship towards those that actually consider him a friend. It’s stated in the novels that Izaya is neither good or bad. You say he is shitty towards Shinra, but the way I see it, Shinra is far more shitty to him. Izaya never involves Shinra in his schemes are uses him like he does others. After Shinra is stabbed, he spends years making Nakura pay.
3/3. After Adabashi attacks Shinra, he takes revenge on him as well. He actually is stated to consider Shinra an actual friend. However, Shinra has told Izaya he wouldn’t care if he died, as long as he has Celty. All he cares about is Celty. He does not truly care for his friends. He did not care when Izaya was in the hospital. Shinra is very selfish when it comes to his obsession with Celty. Shinra wouldn’t be moved if Izaya died, but Izaya exacts revenge on those who hurt Shinra. One more…
4. I’m sorry this has gone into another message. Izaya kind of looks out for Shinra from afar, but due to not wanting to feel too attached, he still keeps his distance, and honestly, Shinra’s detachment from humans, even his friends, helps Izaya with that. There was the one time Izaya was about to betray Shinra and bring Celty’s head near her, and at the thought of betraying him, he got upset and punched a pole, and is implied to have maybe teared up by Narita. He felt guilt for betraying his…
5. He felt guilt for betraying his “only friend” as described in the novels. This scene was left out of the anime, and the anime tends to paint Izaya as more of a straight up villain than a complex human with many sides. Izaya is stated to use his obsession with humans as a way to distance himself from others because he’s terrified of having his heartbroken, or being betrayed. It doesn’t excuse his actions, however. But he is shown to be lonely, and perhaps doesn’t think so highly of himself….
6. I don’t think that he’s someone who just needs love and that he’ll change. However, I also do not like the idea that Izaya is just through and through awful, and has no capacity to be decent to anyone or to care for anything that doesn’t benefit him. So I do, maybe controversially, think he has at least some good, but he is not a good person, or bad. I’m not good at explaining, and I understand this may be your personal view of him. Sorry for the long rant-ish messages. (End)
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you should have stopped while you were ahead because now… i’m done with you and not in the mood to phrase any of this ‘nicely’.
okay, first off — you do know that you sound like a royal douche bag, right? probably. it’s why you came into my inbox and decided to tell me everything wrong i’m supposedly doing with izaya on my blog where frankly, i can do whatever i damn well please. you’re also not sorry or you wouldn’t have done it and crawled up onto your high-horse of ‘oh, that’s cute, but let me tell you why everything you’re doing here is wrong’ — phrasing courtesy of a friend who is as fed up with you as i am. now that we got that out of the way —-
thank you so much for ignoring literally every single page on this blog, rules, about, and canon divergent. as well as every single post, headcanon, thread, and ask answered save for that specific one. where you ALSO ignored a shit ton of information because 1, it’s stated in that very ask that i got this url from the novel and 2, where in anything have i called izaya ‘some  heartless evil creature that wants to make everyone miserable ‘? or even suggested it? nowhere, that’s where. you’re pulling stuff out of your ass, mind pulling your head out of there, too? maybe then you’ll be able to read better.
i am well aware of izaya’s friendship with shinra. i’m also well aware that izaya uses him and acts like he stabbed shinra to avoid people from realizing that shinra was stabbed by nakura to defend him. i’m also painfully aware that izaya still makes nakura’s life a living hell to this day for it. but none of that means izaya isn’t still shitty to shinra ( also, yes, shinra totally wouldn’t care if izaya died when he literally got stabbed for him. ) — you know he was also ready to kill aoba, right? had a scalpel ready and everything? but seriously? acknowledging someone’s flaws, and izaya has many, doesn’t mean shinra doesn’t care. he cares about celty most, sure, but it’s inaccurate and degrading to his character to think that it’s all he cares about ( he’s not a fanboy – another friend wants to make that VERY CLEAR ) and he wouldn’t be friends with izaya at all if he didn’t care about him… a friendship i’m fairly certain shinra started. as for the hospital thing…. you do know that shinra knows izaya won’t react well to concern, right? or is this just more shit you pulled out of your ass? how much bullshit have you crammed up there?
and as for the betrayal — do you mean the moment where he had a bit of a breakdown because he couldn’t deal with that feeling of guilt? where he didn’t know exactly how to properly regulate the emotion? compared himself to one of his humans because he hated feeling that way? yeah, that doesn’t clue you into izaya’s inability to deal with things like the typical person at all. like that’s not at least part of the reason he’s stated to have an inhuman mind ( along with shizuo’s inhuman body — did you catch the novel reference this time?! or do i need to repeat myself AGAIN!? )
izaya is a complex character with a lot of components to him and i play him that way, this isn’t my first go-round with complex or manipulative characters. but izaya is NOT GOOD. at all. he’s just not ‘master evil villain’ bad either, but he is VERY BAD — extremely so. he’s fucked with women ready to commit suicide, drugged them, and then put them in suitcases to be left in the park in the middle of the night. he let himself be kidnapped just to fuck with the lady, let her torture him. he kept celty’s head away from her and tossed it around like a baseball. he’s caused people’s entire lives to be ruined and not given a damn. he caused a gang war in his city for fun. he was ready to shoot people if anri didn’t back off because humans were his.
him caring about a few select people who he can hardly show much care for in the first place does not cancel out the fact that he is a very bad person. he’ll be decent to some people if it suits him, but he’ll just as soon put a knife in your back. being ready to kill someone or make their life miserable because they hurt one of those few select people doesn’t just wash away these aspects of who he is as a person. and maybe you’re the one that needs to get your eyes checked or take off the rose colored glasses because i may love izaya, but i’ll call him out on his bullshit until the day i die.
so yeah, get down from your high horse trying to preach to me on how to write a character because that is exactly what you’re attempting to do and no hiding behind your ‘ i understand if that’s how you see him ‘ bullshit because it won’t work here. you’re an asshole and you have no right to try and dictate how i write izaya ( who i’m TIRED of being seen watered down like you’re trying to do because ‘he’s not evil!’ when i never said he was, i just said he was BAD and i wouldn’t tone that down like so many fucking people do. do i need to get you a dictionary, too? ) because guess what? this blog is ALSO canon divergent so fuck right off. you’ve frustrated more than just me with your superiority nonsense.
and no, i won’t apologize for being an ass. you did it to yourself. now leave me alone.
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inhvmanmind-blog · 8 years
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to the anon in my inbox that sent me six messages and obviously did not read my canon divergent page or my about page and has not paid attention to any of my interactions or other posts aside from one ( or understand that one post you DID manage to read ); i’ll answer you later, after i finish what i need to do around the house and some other things. for now you are being ignored. but maybe next time.. pay more attention, yeah?
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inhvmanmind-blog · 8 years
"Tell me I'm yours." ( spice things up with the angel/demon au )
sweet nothings ; accepting
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                 “Do I really need to tell you? The proof is all over your body, Shizuo~ Your wings are gray and your hair is bronze…. I wonder if I can get it to turn brown, what do you think?”
                 Teeth bite into the angel’s neck, sinking in to create a mark at the same time his tail flicks around Shizuo’s wrist to squeeze it tight. There’s scratch marks all over his skin, bites on Izaya’s own at the same time his normally midnight hair is streaked through with silver. It’s poetic in a way, how they taint and bless one another with teeth catching along his lover’s jawline and pressing his hips down insistently to grind them together slowly. The main event would come soon. Just not yet.
                   “The whole world will know you’re mine, letting me taint you like this… there’s no hiding it. But you don’t want to hide it, do you?”
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inhvmanmind-blog · 8 years
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.
Haruki Murakami, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running.
(via ryusxnka)
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inhvmanmind-blog · 8 years
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inhvmanmind-blog · 8 years
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careful reminder that the simba is terrified of hospitals and needs things pertaining to them ( especially images! ) tagged so they can avoid panic attacks. it’s the only thing that i need tagged and i’d much rather keep my mental health intact. thank you!
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inhvmanmind-blog · 8 years
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My blood runs red from the streets to sewers;
                  to the blue-black ocean and I’m caught in the tide
                                        But I don’t mind, if you don’t mind. 
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inhvmanmind-blog · 8 years
♡ - I love everything about your blog. Just EVERYTHING. 
☆ - I admire you from afar, but I’m a bit intimidated by you.
♢ - You’re one of my favorite blogs. 
♧ - I wish you would notice me. 
♤ - I don’t think our muses could interact, but I do love what you do. 
☼ - Can I tag you in a starter?
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inhvmanmind-blog · 8 years
Magnus Bane Sentence Starters
“Only trust yourself.” “Does he normally just lie on the floor like that without moving?” “I was alive when the Dead Sea was just a lake that was feeling a little poorly.” “I have a deep understanding of the human psyche, at least that’s what Freud always said.” “Mad men rarely make sense, mostly they just hate.” “Marriage is a wonderful institution… not that I would know.” “Last chance to save yourself.” “A regrettable choice of words,” “Is he more of a flower or cologne man?” “Pretty boy, get your team ready.” “Right, we should… join the party.” “Move it along, teenagers. The only person who gets to canoodle in my bedroom is my magnificent self.” “There’s nothing to be ashamed of, ____.” “For almost a century, I’ve closed myself to feeling anything for anyone.” “You’ve unlocked something in me.” “They say time heals all wounds, but that presumes the source of the grief is finite.” “I need your strength.” “Let me spell it out for you, I wanted to see you again.” “I’m not being cryptic, I’m being coy.” “Come in. And try not to murder any of my guests.” “True love cannot die.” “He hated us enough to kill us all.” “I love a challenge.” “I’m tired of you only wanting me around when you need something.” “You’ve inflicted worse.” “This fight’s far from over.” “To us.” “So if you were planning on teaching yourself the lambada on a greased platform over a pit full of knives, I wouldn’t.” “There’s no turning back.” “Maybe you should start living for yourself, do what’s in your heart.” “Your heart beats faster when they walk by, your skin tingles every time they enter a room…” “The good suffer, the evil flourish, and all that is mortal passes away,” “I know you feel what I feel.” “When things get crazy, don’t push me away.” “You continue to surprise me.” “You should leave him here. I could hang hats on him and things.” “I don’t care how many people you haven’t been with.” “I’m not okay, because you’re not okay.” “But you are different, and it’s a good thing.”
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inhvmanmind-blog · 8 years
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careful reminder that the simba is terrified of hospitals and needs things pertaining to them ( especially images! ) tagged so they can avoid panic attacks. it’s the only thing that i need tagged and i’d much rather keep my mental health intact. thank you!
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inhvmanmind-blog · 8 years
Misconception: Izaya is a sociopath/psychopath
misconception correction ; accepting
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nope. also… why do bad guys that are manipulative always have to get labeled with these? stop making mental illnesses villainizing in general. thanks.
but lets start with what both of those actually are, just to get why it doesn’t fit out of the way. firstly, psychopaths tend to have an issue in their brain where empathy is generated that just doesn’t respond to others being in pain. this issue is something that they’re born with and izaya was born with no such thing ( also considering, as you’ll see — he doesn’t fit all the criteria ). they’re also more aggressive in general than izaya ever is unless he has reason to be without the proper treatment.
sociopaths are manipulative and compulsive liars — but their empathy is generally more so intact, though their moral compass is skewed. this can lead to them doing things that are morally wrong, but they don’t see it as such. while that might sound like izaya, it’s not for also the next part.
both of these ( from all the sources i have found and the research that i have done ) require whoever to also have anti-social personality disorder. this has symptoms with things such as being anti-social, ignoring rules constantly, lying A LOT, acting impulsively, poor planning, being bad with responsibilities, lack of restraint, irritability, and so on. as you can see, there’s only really two of these that fit izaya and everything else is terribly wrong.
so, while, yes, there are certain and specific aspects from each that could be applied to izaya — there is not enough for him to be considered either. whether by my canon or not — canon izaya is very obviously not either of these and honestly i’d appreciate that assumption getting thrown into the void.
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inhvmanmind-blog · 8 years
( misconception; izaya is actually super transparent and EVERYONE can tell what he's thinking if they watch him hard enough. like he clearly doesn't hide anything. )
misconception correction ; accepting
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maker preserve me, i can feel your mutual salt from here, caesar. and as sarcastically as you put it — this is actually a really big issue i have. it’s actually in my rules for this very reason. izaya’s manipulative as all hell and almost never gives off a dangerous vibe. the only times that he does is when he is straight up doing it on purpose. so all this is really is degrading to his character?
mikado is straight out told izaya is someone to avoid at first ( and in the anime, warned away from him rather bluntly by kida ) but still ends up trusting him and thinking he’s not a bad guy. there are actually a lot of people that shouldn’t trust izaya and KNOW they shouldn’t trust him… that end up trusting him anyway. he is scary good at manipulation and has perfected the art of making himself seem like no threat at all.
literally the only exception to this? shizuo. why? cause shizuo always thinks that izaya did the bad shit regardless of any proof that he might have. it’s always izaya and most of the time he’s right so no reason to ever think otherwise.
but yeah, no. izaya isn’t someone you just ‘feel’ like something is off about and, as i’ve stated in my rules, if you have your character assume this then i’ll drop the thread as if it’s on fire.
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