#[ meme. // promise me you'll try to leave it all behind. ]
themusedump · 3 months
The Horror And The Wild - a sentence meme from The Amazing Devil's 2020 album The Horror And The Wild. Feel free to adjust as needed!
The Rockrose And The Thistle
"I know the kindest thing is to leave you alone."
"I've run out of my words, my song."
"Just let me die."
"I could try to calm you down but I know you won't."
"And you'll wail, you'll scream, but I'll never stop 'cause it's all that I have left. "
"I know the kindest thing is to never leave you alone."
The Horror And The Wild
"They said it all comes down to you."
"You are that space that's in between every page, every chord and every screen."
"You are the driftwood and the rift, you're the words that I promise I don't mean."
"We're drunk but drinking."
"They thought us blind."
"Remember me I ask, remember me I sing."
"Give me back my heart you wingless thing."
"Think of all the horrors that I promised you I'd bring."
"You passed your fingers through my hair and called me child."
"I steal the hours and turn the night into day."
"How bold I was, could be - will be - still am, by God still am."
"Remember me I ask."
Wild Blue Yonder
"Without you, I'm stronger."
"How wrong you were."
"You told me I was younger, that I was filled with wonder."
"For you. I would have gone so much blonder."
"So one last time, love, come and rip my clothes off."
"Get a grip, we're grownups."
"Let's wander, till the fuckers demand an encore."
"So hold me, lover, like you used to."
"Every stone you threw, I stood on to better see the view."
"I surrender what was, what could have been."
"Every brick you hurled, I'll use to build this world."
"I'd bruise you."
Welly Boots
"A storm is coming on."
"What do you mean you've lost your scarlet welly boots?"
"Do y'know what they cost?"
"Wear a raincoat or it'll soak you to the bone."
"It's just like falling snow, I am above you and I love you."
"Don't you know that I'll be with you all along, as long as you are kind?"
"'Cause when it's cold, I'll wrap my scarf around you."
"Just because I left doesn't mean that I'm not still there."
"I get to watch you grow up now and make me proud."
"Get drunk for me, sing louder than you've sung for me."
"'Cause you were always strong."
"When you were young, you'd kick things just to see if they would fall."
"That girl, she's wrong"
"I'll stick up for you, even though you haven't got a clue."
"You haven't got a fucking clue."
"And I'm so proud of you."
"I'm not alright!"
"You were supposed to be my light and keep me safe against them all!"
"How could you leave me here!?"
"I know you're strong enough to do this on your own."
"I've been so scared."
"You left me here behind, do you not care?"
"How the fuck am I supposed to carry on without you here?"
Farewell Wanderlust
"You look like I need a drink."
"And you are?"
"I'm the hardest goodbye that you'll ever have to say."
"I promise you I'll be better."
"I promise you I'll try."
"It's my curse to try and make it right, but by trying make it worse."
"You brought me to this party but you left me here behind."
"So long to the person you begged me to be."
"You gave us such a fright. We'd hate to see your mascara drip into your pint."
"Let's take this outside 'cause we're one and the same."
"Our gods have abandoned us, left us."
"Take up arms, take my hand, let us waltz for the dead."
"I promise you I'm not broken."
"I promise you there's more. "
"Goodbye to all my darkness, there's nothing here but light."
"Adieu to all the faceless things that sleep with me at night."
"You brought me through this darkness but you left me here behind."
"Now take a good long look at what you've done to me!"
"It's what my heart just yearns to say in ways that can't be said."
"Today I somehow understand the reason I was born."
"I try so hard to make you laugh at me."
"Oh, darling, please be mine."
"It's not fair how much I love you."
"It's not fair, 'cause you make me laugh when I'm actually really fucking cross at you for something."
"How unreasonably in love I am with everything you do."
"I spend my days so close to you 'cause if I'm standing here, maybe everyone will think I'm alright."
"I know exactly what I want and it's this life that we've created."
"And if you asked me to, if you asked me, I would lose it all."
"Christ, you'll be the death of me."
"I'll spend my days so close to you 'cause if I'm standing here maybe everyone will think I'm cool."
"Where have you been?"
"It's not fair 'cause you make me ache, you bastard."
"I'll stand here with you."
That Unwanted Animal
"There's a second wind coming."
"You try so loud to love me. I cannot seem to hear."
"Can't you hear that scratching? There's something at the door."
"Be good to me."
"Can't you hear it?"
"What's the time Mr .Wolf?"
"You couldn't lie then and you sure as hell can't lie to me now."
"You stole the best years of my life."
"Do you think I'm sexy?"
"If one more guy calls me darling then I swear to you and to God I will murder them all."
"All the bastards applaud when I show that I'm flawed."
"You're not flawed darling, you're just a little under-rehearsed."
"I don't know, but I'm here."
"I've loved you, for a hundred years."
"Certainly fucking feels like it."
"The minute I met you, the colours of my life began to pour."
"I'm scared of the dark."
"And now, even though you're mad and these memories won't stay. That's okay."
"'Cause then I get to meet you for the first time every single day."
"And I will wait and hope."
Battle Cries
"I'm at the brink, don't laugh."
"And that drink, will it fix all those questions unasked?"
"Who'll save you when you fall?"
"Who died and made you king of it all?"
"Who wins this war?"
"Now the wind feels so warm on the back of my neck."
"Don't be uncouth, be a man."
"Tell the truth to me, love, does my hair look as nice?"
"Don't lie with your eyes, you know I despise that look."
"I know that I've been through the wars."
"With you, I could summon the gods and the stars."
"I won't leave without a fight."
"I won't let you turn our last night into this."
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blamemma · 1 year
OMG OMG IM SO EXCITED YOU’RE DOING THE MICRO FIC MEME! Your circus au has a chokehold on me so obviously I need to prompt SEAWEED! But take this in any direction you want.
very very sorry this is not mermaid au themed at all (although i am working on a v small thing for that actually) but this is where my mind went for this one
Martin had texted him, off-handedly, asking if he was free one night this week. Daniel groaned when the text lit up his screen, another Miami night out, or a Vegas pool party, wasn't what his aching bones needed right now, especially the week before Coachella. His diary was blocked off, tanning in the LA heat, sun beaming down on his skin, dirt bikes if he could be bothered to leave the house at all. He replies with a maybe and watches as the bubbles at the bottom of the screen appear, whilst he chucks frozen fruit into his blender.
Teams in LA for most of the week prepping for Coachella. You should take my new sound engineer on a date.
Daniel scoffs, turns the blender on and grimaces at the loud noise. He hasn't put any greens in, just sweet tangy berries and bananas with a splash of oat milk, refreshing. He pours the liquid into his glass, sticks a glass straw into it, and then texts one handed as he heads outside.
Who do you take me for? Dial-a-date
Send me a photo of him at least!
No. Martin replies.
Wednesday 9pm work for you?
You'll like him. You'll have fun. Promise. If not I'll comp all ur drinks at Coachella this weekend.
Daniel lays back on his lounger, brings the smoothie to his lips and takes a big gulp. It's been a long time since he-- Martin means well, knows what Daniel likes for the most part. It could be fun. Something different.
Okay. He responds
If it's a shit time though you're covering the bill as well. Daniel adds.
It won't be :) Martin texts back instantly.
The waitress leads Daniel to the table he'd reserved, a quiet corner near the back, a wide table, space for plenty of food for them to share. It's one of his favourite Japanese restaurants, one he's been dying to come back to since he arrived back in LA. He'd asked Martin for the guys details, so that he could text him the address himself, but he'd refused to hand them over, told Daniel that Max would be there on time, and not to worry, reassured him again they'd have fun.
Daniel wipes his hands down the front of his colourful shirt, an unreleased one from his own Enchanté collection, a conversation piece he can fall back on if the guy is into fashion as well.
"Daniel?" He hears closely behind him, a thicker accent than Martin's, more European. Daniel turns in his chair, simultaneously standing up at the same time.
"That's me." He quips, holding his hand out to be shaken. It feels overly formal to do, considering they're on a date, but it's second nature to Daniel, at corporate events or in the paddock, to hold his hand out and deliver a firm handshake. Max takes his hand, shaking it firmly.
"I am sorry that Martin put you up to this. We have been friends for a while now, but now that I am working for him, he keeps on trying to set me up with his friends. I tell him I am too busy, organising all his crap and making sure it is all smooth, but he knows my schedule this week too well." Daniel's taken aback a little, by how standoffish Max is being. "Oh, I am Max by the way, did Martin tell you that at least?"
Max moves towards his chair as he's talking, pulling it out and sitting down, leaving Daniel there, standing, taking him in. Daniel fumbles, sits back down, gets his own leg caught on the table leg and tries to play it off cool.
"Yeah he did." Daniel replies, picking up his glass of red wine and taking a sip.
Daniel gets why Martin didn't send him a picture of Max. He's attractive. Muscular and shaped, long hair at the top of his head, all ruffled like he'd barely bothered trying to style it. He's got a loose white shirt on, top button undone where Daniel can see pale skin. A freckle atop his lip that Daniel can't seem to look away from. He's not conventionally attractive by any means, but Martin's done well. Martin knew.
"So, how did you end up working for Martin then?" It seems like common ground they can talk about for now, whilst they wait to order.
"Well, I have known him since we were very young, but he went off and started doing his music stuff, and I went to university and I started studying civil engineering but then moved into audio engineering. Whenever Martin was home, or I visited him, the music was fun, it seemed good fun. So I of course change my degree for him but he had someone very experienced on his team, so I worked for some smaller DJs who were not as good and I helped make them sound better. Anyway, Harry has now quit and Martin asked if I was interested still."
"Wow, so you changed your whole life plan for your best friend?"
"No, it was not really like that at all. I do not think I would have found the job I am now doing if it was not for Martin cause he introduced me to that whole world, but I am not just doing it because of him. I have two cats at home, I would not travel this much and be away from them all the time just for Martin, I enjoy the job."
Max emphasises two cats as if he's left a wife and two children at home, fending for themselves whilst he's off basking in the Ibiza sun or jetting off to another remote festival.
"You travel a lot as well Martin was saying?" Daniel smiles gently, finally being asked a proper question. Polite date etiquette.
"Well, I used to. First year of retirement for me. Was an F1 driver. Won a couple of championships, 'ya know. So yeah, not travelling as much now. Went home for a while, back here now for a bit, go see some friends, find out what life is really all about. Home is Australia by the way."
"Yes, I used to watch you. You were a very good driver actually." Daniel notes how Max says that as if he's an expert, as if he's been commentating on Sky Sports for 25 years and can spot a generational talent from miles off. He feels like he should be offended, but he finds it endearing, complimentary. He has this innate feeling that if Max thought he was a crap driver, he'd say.
"Well, thank you very much, I guess." Daniel says, taking another sip from his red wine.
The waitress comes back over towards them and asks for their order. Daniel takes over, ordering for them both. He's tried so much of it before, he knows what's good. Tuna sashimi, California Rolls, Chicken potstickers, Vegetable tempura, Salmon maki. All different types of things they can split and share between them. The waitress smiles softly at Daniel, closing her notepad and bending to get the menus from them.
"Can I please get a Gin & Tonic, and the Beef noodles please?" Max asks.
Daniel shifts in his seat a little, taken aback, but also slightly worried he's been rude. The waitress jots down Max's order and promises to bring his drink over soon.
"Sorry, thought we could share." Daniel remarks.
"I guessed you thought that, but I am not a very big fan of seafood. I guess Martin did not tell you that." Max's eyes glint as he smiles, and Daniel relaxes again.
"Did you know, the seaweed salad you ordered, most places that is in fact just shredded cabbage. It is much cheaper for them to make and of course most people never know the difference." Max tells Daniel.
"Well I hope it's proper seaweed if I'm paying $40!" Daniel says aghast, and Max laughs, clapping his hands together.
They order plenty more drinks, and enjoy all the food before them, with Daniel having a few take-out boxes stacked in front of him to carry home, due to his presumptuous over-ordering.
Daniel adores how delighted Max gets, small jokes enticing the biggest laughs out of him, and how direct he's being. When Daniel says something wrong, he corrects him straight away. Daniel's also taken aback by how complementary Max is. He tells Daniel within 15 minutes of their date beginning that he likes his smile, and when Daniel moves on to the easy topic of his clothing line, Max praises the new designs Daniel shows him, and gently offers pointers as to what he thinks would work better.
When the waitress brings the bill over, Daniel almost feels saddened that it's over, unsure when he'll see Max again, maybe during the Coachella weekend, but he'll be busy, he knows Martin has a few warm up shows in Las Vegas and at Brooklyn Mirage before he plays on Sunday, so Max won't be at the festival the whole weekend. But he hasn't felt like this in a long time. Not since Scotty. And he doesn't want to let go just yet.
"I've got a cool vinyl collection back at my place if you're into that? Do you like cheesecake? We could get some on the way back." He tries.
"That would be very lovely." Max replies, a beaming smile lighting up his face that cause the skin around his eyes to crinkle.
"Great!" Daniel retorts.
He wakes up to a dead arm in the morning, Max laying atop of it. Daniel pushes some of his hair out of his face, kissing his head gently, and then his lips, right over the freckle, before pulling his arm out slowly. He shakes it above him, trying to get some feeling back into it, before leaning over Max and grasping his phone.
A new text from Martin sits above the rest of his notifications.
Guess I'm not paying the bill then 😉 It reads.
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kats-fic-recs · 2 years
Bakudeku Fic Recs <3<3<3<3
(in the best way) you'll be the death of me
Katsuki pinched the bridge of his nose. "Deku. You have compiled ten notebooks on me. You know my medical history better than my mother. And I have it on good authority that when you saw me in that stupid bee suit your face was so disturbingly perverted Mineta cried."
Izuku finds out there are still things about Kacchan he can learn and grows up in the process.
How Was Your Day?
"Hi Kacchan, how was your day at work?"
happy birthday, kacchan!
“The only thing that didn’t change was Deku.
Deku kept his unreachable dreams, kept the idea that he’d be a hero some day. Kept his notebooks, and his dumb All Might pencil case. Kept his hair the same and kept his stupid freckles and kept getting on Katsuki’s nerves no matter what Katsuki did to try and stop it.
And, every year on April Twentieth, Deku kept on bringing Katsuki gifts.
melodies of a heart unbroken
Gifts, wrapped crudely (though that slowly changed until they suddenly looked almost identical to Auntie Inko’s presents) with notes that would say ‘Happy birthday, Kacchan!’ in Deku’s ugly chicken scratch.”
aka a look at katsuki and izuku's relationship throughout the years, told through memories of birthdays.
Midoriya Izuku intends to get to the bottom of why he can't cry about love.
wrinkled oranges, pigeons, and other sweet things to call your significant other
Deku,” he says, suddenly serious. “I’m fucking bored.”
Izuku blinks. “Of me? It’s a bit late for a divorce now, I think.”
In the slow, boring routine of retired life, former Pro Heroes Izuku and Katsuki are growing restless.
Katsuki turns to Izuku, his lifelong lover and precious husband, and says, "I'm fucking bored."
Sure, they're way past seventy years old. But that's not going to stop Izuku from making the last years of their life as memorable as he can.
“Hey there, you fucking nerd,” and only Katsuki Bakugou can say something like that and make it sound like a pick up line. “Whatcha got there?”
“Laundry,” Izuku says cooly. “What about you?”
Katsuki turns so Izuku can get a good look at him. Old sweatpants with a hole in the crotch. Loose fitting tank top that hasn’t seen an iron for centuries. His hands are wet, remnants of dish suds on his fingers like sparkling jewelry. “Dishes. They’re dirty. Gotta show em’ who’s boss.”
“Mmmm,” and Izuku is proud of himself for managing to moan like that without bursting into a fit of giggles. “Did I ever tell you how hot Domestic Kacchan is?”
[Or: There's something relaxing about doing housework when your job is to save the world]
Until We Meet Again
Change is the only constant in the world.
It is also the most terrifying ordeal a person has to endure.
With the War won and All For One vanquished, Izuku must prepare for the next chapter in his life: becoming a true Hero by following All Might's footsteps.
But dreams come with a price. Now, he prepares to leave everything he loves behind.
And loving Bakugou Katsuki the most makes it the hardest thing Izuku will ever do.
love meme, hate meme
It's time for the yearly Heroic Achievement Awards where well deserve pro heroes get to claim the honor and accolades that they accumulated in the previous year. This year the Best New Hero category is filled with powerhouses with big fandoms that is willing to do anything for their favorite to claim the honor of rookie of year.
But just as the stage is set for showdown of the century between the biggest named rookie in Japan, Deku and Ground Zero, and their respective fanclubs, one single social media post is about to upheaval everything.
Every Maiden Plays Pretend
“You have to promise not to tell anyone about Flame Heart Hero," says Midoriya. "Because the thing is… When I started drawing the manga, I based the main character off Kacchan.”
“Wh— Bakugo’s the heroine? Bakugo?”
For a second, Ochako thinks she’s entered an alternate universe. There’s no way shouty, stompy Bakugo belongs in a shoujo manga. He especially doesn’t fit as vulnerable, insecure Yurika-chan, who got captured by a villain in the first few chapters, failed her first Hero Class exercise and cried, lost at the Sports Festival and cried again, got kidnapped by villains in front of her whole class, didn’t get her provisional license, then got into a fight after-hours and cried some more…
“Holy shit,” breathes Ochako, “Bakugo’s the heroine.”
Public Displays of Affection
The freckled man hums and sinks lower, his eyes roving to the corner of the room like two huge green marbles rolling into the sides of a glass bowl and sticking there. He earns a sharp bang from the fist of his blonde companion hitting the counter like a gavel.
The dishes rattle with a startled clink, but the drunk man moping over them doesn’t even notice.
“Won’t drink with me,” complains freckles, leaning forward like a wilting sunflower on the end of a collapsing stalk. “Won’t let me look at anyone else, but won’t drink with me. Won’t even take a sip! The beer’s all warm and I can’t even count it as a secondhand kis—”
Across the counter, you choke on your own drink. The blonde does the same on his water - the only difference in poise is how quickly he smacks his freckled companion on the side of the head before he can finish his sentence.
A hero reaches out to touch the hearts of the people through their actions. Sometimes, they do it through heartbreak.
Bakugo and Midoriya as seen through your eyes - the eyes of a local firefighter - in an izakaya a few miles and hours away from tragedy.
Kiss Me?
Years after Katsuki left Izuku in the dust as a kid he's reminded of the gesture of affection that had his palms sweating and heart pounding when Izuku used to do it for him when they'd get scuffed up on the playground: kissing his band aids after patching him up.
Fast forward to the present and the dumb nerd is just going around offering up kisses to any old extra in their class except Katsuki and it's driving him insane. Despite him pushing these feelings within himself as deep as possible, it stings deeper than he could've ever imagined.
aka: izuku's love language is kisses
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banjomelodies · 2 years
Its always interesting to look at Paimon. She's either universally memed on, hated, or fans are neutral on her.
She's actually really interesting. More specifically, her unknown backstory is interesting. She seems to display a lot of fear of abandonment, especially in Sumerus archon questline and the new Caribert questline (which, btw, spoilers)!!
"Huh!? Why? Are you going to leave Paimon behind?"
"Promise Paimon you'll come back as soon as possible. Just a quick look!"
"Paimon thought she'd never see you again! Y—You just disappeared! Paimon waited for you for hours and hours at the city wall and you never came back! You promised Paimon you were only taking a quick look!"
- The Empty Illusions of the Sabzeruz Festival.
"Um.. so.. don't take this the wrong way or anything. But, uh, d—do you ever get tired of Paimon being around?"
"Yeah. Paimon understands.. being separated without even knowing the reason why.. it's just terrible."
- Destined Encounter
Paimon displays a lot of attachment to the Traveler as the game continues, to a point where she's almost afraid of being alone, or the Traveler getting sick of her company. It's made me wonder what could possibly have started these feelings of fear and dependency. Paimons background is completely unknown, other than the fact she's definitely not from Teyvat, considering nobody, even the Gods or Adepti, know what she is. She was found in a lake and fished out by the Traveler at some point.
I always believed Paimon was from Celestia. The fact whatever she is doesn't exist or have a name outside of "weird floating thing next to the traveler" or "the fairy" in Teyvat, the constellations that float around her, her attire and the symbols on her attire.. It's likely she's also not from Teyvat, much like the Traveler. But what was her role in Celestia if that's her origins? Was she someone who had ascended to Celestia? Was she created by one of the Gods, or even the Unknown God, as an assistant? Is it a situation similar to Scaramouche, where she was created to take the place of a different god? Or was she a different ranking adeptus that never got to fulfill her role? I've even seen people say she was a descendent of Older Seelies, due to her nature of guiding. Maybe her fear of abandonment and dependency stems from her failure in Celestia. Maybe she was brushed off as defective, and much like Scaramouche, was quickly abandoned and replaced? And she never even knew why?
Or what if her implied abandonment happened when she descended to Teyvat? Maybe she had already started guiding a different mortal, or someone who came with her from Celestia. And all of a sudden they got annoyed by her presence and abandoned her within Mondstadt, without her ever even realizing it. How long did she have to try and survive on her own before she realized they were never coming back for her? Or before the Traveler found her? Maybe that's even why she has an unhealthy attachment to food and mora, where she feels she needs to eat everything she can in case she won't have the opportunity again, or financial stability so she won't struggle surviving again.
There's a lot of theories within Paimon. I've seen people say she's a Seelie, she's the unknown god, she was created by the unknown god due to the similar appearances (which.. is literally just the hair, iirc), and I've even seen people say she could be a hidden eighth Archon or a God of Khaenri'ah. And they're all super interesting to look into.
Paimon is a character I want more lore on, and she's a character I will always adore.
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bitterroyalty-blog · 7 years
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Tᕼᗴ ᑕᕼᗩOTIᑕ ᗩᑎᘜᗴᒪ
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (8.5)
Chapter 8: Christmas Madness
"I said I want to steal the Batmobile, I promise I'll return it afterwards." - Marinette smiled sweetly at her friends as she spoke, Raven and Beastboy did not know how to respond to that
"Why!?" - Raven
"Because I want to drive the Batmobile for Christmas." - Marinette
"Great, so you have like, a week to plan your heist." - Beastboy
"You want to drive THE Batmobile? What if something happens? Oh, let me guess, you also want to paint it pink while you're at it!" - Raven
"That's... actually a really good idea, OH, should i add rainbows to it? *gasp* I CAN USE PERMANENT GLOW IN THE DARK SPRAY PAINT!" - Marinette
"A pink Batmobile with rainbows... I know what I want to see for Christmas now. Also, add sparkles if you're going all in." - Beastboy
"GENIUS– *gasp* Raven!" - Marinette
"What?" - Raven hesitantly answered, waiting for what was most likely an even crazier idea
"You know that one bread cat meme that shits rainbows?" - Marinette with a devilish grin
". . . Don't tell me-" - Raven
"CAN YOU ADD A RAINBOW EFFECT BEHIND IT???" - Marinette was practically bouncing in her spot concerningly close to the edge of the building.
"I mean... I could, but how exactly do you plan on finding, let alone stealing the Batmobile for me to be able to add a rainbow shit trail?" - Raven
Marinette thought for a moment, looked at Mushu who was bundled up in her scarf, her grin only growing more mischievous - "Mushu~"
"What? Can't you see I'm trying to stay warm here?" - Mushu lifted the scarf over his head in an attempt to avoid the conversation
"You want to use Mushu?" - Beastboy
"I mean, he has magic, but." - Raven
"Mushu?" - Marinette picked Mushu up until they were face to face
"No. Now put me down." - Mushu
"*sigh* I guess I was wrong to assume you could make it the perfect heist, sorry, I forgot that you're power is dramatic as fuck sass." - Marinette put Mushu back down as she looked to her friends
"What about Tapp? He is the Kwami of magic, so he can probably just teleport you where you want to go." - Garfield pointed to Tapp who was napping in the hoodie of Raven's cloak
". . . Blueberry." - Mushu looked up at Marinette
"Yes oh Mighty Mushu?" - Marinette with an all knowing smug grin
"Just give me your strategy, the outfit you'll wear, and the equipment you'll use so I can perfect it. Leave finding the Batmobile to Tappy." - Mushu
"... Why not just cause a situation were they need the Batmobile? Then when they leave, you take it?" - Garfield was smacked on his shoulder by Raven
"NOT HELPING!" - Raven
"No, then I won't be able to spray paint it, though a distraction would be nice." - Marinette looked over to her two friends
"No./I'll help!" - Raven and Beastboy looked at each other, staring intensely to see who would give in to helping Marinette first
"Come on Raven! I just need you two to cause a distraction, preferably some type of magical illusion, that way no one gets hurt." - Marinette
"No. Absolutely, no way in hell-" - Raven
— - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - —
𝙻𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: 𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙶𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚖 𝙷𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕 𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚞𝚖
𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚎: 𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 24, 20𝚇𝚇, 𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚜 𝙴𝚟𝚎
𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎: 7:48𝚊𝚖.
"How the fuck does she always convince me?" - Raven mumbled to herself while looking through her magical binoculars from the top of a tall buildings' roof garden, 1 block away from the Museum
"It's because yuh love me." - Wonder Quinn stood next to Raven, giving her a side hug
"No, it's because you bribed me with a new perfected magic cloak." - Raven returned the side hug as she continued to watch the Museum
"I prefer the word bargaining and 𝘵𝘦𝘤𝘩𝘯𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 it's a Christmas gift to you, I just so happened to offer it to you for a good distraction." - Wonder Quinn
"Highway robbery." - Raven
"No, all's fair in Gotham." - Wonder Quinn
"It's a miracle none of the Bats have found you yet." - Raven
"Lady Luck is on my side!" - Wonder Quinn gave Raven a thumbs up as she looked towards the Museum - "Anyway, GreenBean should soon be reporting that the Rice Batch is in the oven." - Wonder Quinn looked at her watch, 10 minutes left
"At least explain why our Codenames are food based." - Raven deadpanned
"I was hungry at the time." - Wonder Quinn just shrugged her shoulders as she went to stand closer to the edge of the building
"Why am I not surprised?" - Raven went next to Wonder Quinn and handed her the magical binoculars while keeping an eye out for the Bats
"It is what it is, PizzaRave." - Wonder Quinn said as she put the binoculars to her face
"Why did you have to name me that?" - Raven looked at Wonder Quinn, who had handed back the binoculars, and was now growing lots of flowers along the flowerbeds
"It was all I could think of in the moment." - Wonder Quinn could only shrugg as she replied before sensing a... weird soul heading towards them - "Someone's here."
"What?-" - Raven
"Shhhhhh... Be vewy vewy qwiet." - Wonder Quinn imitating Elmer Fudd from Looney Tunes
Raven rolled her eyes, but nodded as they went to hide behind the various plants Wonder Quinn grew in the flowerbeds close to the edge as they waited in silence. Raven didn't see anyone, but Wonder Quinn could still feel them.
"Hey Raven, who you got with you?" - Batgirl poking her head around the flowerbed they were hiding behind
Both girls shouted in surprise and Raven may or may not have accidentally knocked Wonder Quinn off the side of the building
"... Oh shit." - Raven/Batgirl were about ready to jump to save Wonder Quinn, but both saw all the plants grow rapidly to chase after her. They soon saw her being lifted back onto the roof by the plants.
"As much as I like feeling the wind in my face, please, don't do that again." - Wonder Quinn dusted the imaginary dust off her as she put the plants back and thanked them
"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" - Raven walked up to WQ and saw her start to laugh slightly
"Yeah... though I'm not sure I can say the same for Mushu... his scream was so fucking hilarious!" - WQ soon started cackling as Mushu popped out
"So. Mind telling me what's going on? I felt a disturbance in the force and came here, saw you two talking and decided to come by and say hi, and now I'm seeing a Chinese Dragon?" - Batgirl tilted her head as she admired Mushu
"Um... we- her? Just talking?" - Raven was visibly sweating magic bullets... as in they were glowing slightly
"Uh-Huh, 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 believable, but really, what were you two talking about? And what's with the little dra-" - Batgirl
"𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚗! 𝙸 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚝! 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚗! 𝙼𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗: ‘𝙱𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚃𝚠𝚒𝚣𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛 𝙷𝚎𝚒𝚜𝚝’ 𝚒𝚜 𝚊 𝙶𝚘!" - 𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚋𝚘𝚢 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚊 𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚌 𝚠𝚊𝚕𝚔𝚒𝚎-𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚔𝚒𝚎
Everyone stared at each other in silence. Batgirl instantly knew it was Beastboy on the other end of the walkie-talkie
"Mind telling me what this ‘BlackTwizller Heist’ is all about?" - Batgirl
— - — - — - — - One explanation later  - — - — - — - — - —
"HAHAHAHAAA! OH MY GAWD! BATS WOULD FLIP!" - Batgirl was bent over cackling at the thought of Batman's reaction
"Yeah probably..." - Wonder Quinn looked to Raven with a slightly nervous expression as she knew the plan was ruined
"HAHAAAA... okay... hehehe... wait. Okay, I can't... hheheee, let you hahaaaa!" - Batgirl had uncontrollable laughter as she tried to be serious
"Are you okay?" - Raven/Wonder Quinn
"Hehehehe... yeah, oh man... You know what?" - Batgirl seemed to have an almost mischievously evil smile spread across her face as she looked at the two girls
"What?" - Raven and Wonder Quinn looked at Batgirl with mild confusion
"I think Bats deserves a little Christmas gift, just promise you won't do anything stupid-... well, the plan is already kinda stupid, but you know what I mean." - Batgirl seemed to have an uncontrollable smile as she took out her communication device (it's a phone, but Bats calls it that) and started typing
"What are you doing?" - Raven looked at Batgirl with suspicion
"Just texting the Bats a bet, may as well make a little profit while you're at it." - Batgirls' phone soon started buzzing with replys, she showed it to the girls with an evil grin
"30 𝚋𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚜 𝚜𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐'𝚜 𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝." - BatQueen
"35 says I'm with BatQueen!" - Red_Hooded_Goof
"36 says it'll be quite for once." - Flying_Blue_Bird
"37 says the city won't be ruined in some way, shape or form." - Running_On_S̶l̶e̶e̶p̶_Caffeine
"38 says they get themselves in Arkham." - Demonic_Robin
"39 says whatever happens, Bats will flip his sh-t." - She_Who_Sees&Knows_All
"40 says it's something big." - !NINJA!_Bat
"50 says no." - THE_Brooding_Bat
"... Just be back in time for breakfast." - Penny_For_Your_Thoughts
"Y'all are gonna be rich." - Batgirl mimicking an evil villain laugh
"... Y.E.S." - Wonder Quinn doing the same thing, but actually cackling a little bit like Harley Quinn to Batgirl's surprise
"I feel like I should be even more concerned, but in all honesty, I threw my concern out the window when you bribed me here." - Raven looked to the two with a deadpan stare
"Bargained." - WQ corrected her friend
"Bribery is still highway robbery." - Raven
"So, assuming Miss Batgirl is on our side, all we need now is for Raven to- *ᗷOOᗰ*" - WQ soon saw smoke coming from the Museum, staring for a moment before looking to Batgirl and Raven...
"Wasn't me Chief." - Raven lifted her hands up in a 'Wasn't me' gesture
". . .shit" - WQ, Batgirl and Raven began running along the rooftops towards the Museum, where they soon saw the Joker's goons loading their trucks with artifacts worth millions. They saw some civilians beign held hostage with bombs strapped to them, they couldn't see the Joker until he walked out holding something small in his hand that looked rather expensive.
"... HE HAS MY BROOCH!" - Mushu was looking very angry as the Clown pinned the brooch to his suit
"Wait what?" - WQ looked closer to the brooch... and noticed it has the same energy as Mushu - "oh."
"I'm gonna ignore the order you said that in." - Wonder Quinn
"I'm calling Bats, sorry, BlackTwizller Heist is a bust." - Batgirl
After Batgirl had called the Bats in, they could only keep an eye out  and not escalated the situation for at least 3 minutes until the other Bats arrived, so they wouldn't risk the hostages' safety. But then they saw the Joker starting to play Russian Roulette with the civilians. Wonder Quinn saw and could feel the terror they felt from their energy and she saw red. She started making her way down the building before Batgirl or Raven could stop her. Landing in an alley, she went around and behind the trucks, crawling under the first truck just as a goon passed where she was standing 3 seconds before. When she saw the Joker about 10ft. from the truck she was under, the first thing she did was send a vine to grab the switch for the bombs in his back pocket — and with some help from Mushu — he never noticed it went missing and was swapped with a seed. She quickly moved underneath another truck closer to the hostages, and began disarming the switch — thanking her Uncle Ed for teaching her everything that went into the making of deadly weapons — as she carefully removed the back panel of the switch. She easily disabled it before noticing the Joker walking up to the back of the truck she was under — about 4ft. from the hostages. She took this opportunity to place the deactivated switch back and started to crawl her way to the first truck 3 ft. away when one of the goons spotted her.
"Hey boss! We got one under the truck!" - Goon
Wonder Quinn froze as the Joker bent down and made eye contact her.
"Well, well, well, looks like you missed one!" - The Joker grabbed Wonder Quinn by the hood of her costume and tossed her to one of the more muscular goons
The Joker then pulled out his gun and shot the goon who had spotted Wonder Quinn - "Honestly, you just can't find good, thorough goons these days." - He turned his attention to Wonder Quinn and had a sense of Deja Vu
"You look familiar..." - The Joker bent his torso down slightly as his hand rested at the bottom of his chin, watching Wonder Quinn thrash under the grip of the muscular goon - "Hold her still!"
The goon listened, not wanting to be shot, and kept one hand on Wonder Quinn's wrists, while his other hand held her head still
"I've seen you somewhere before..." - Just as it seemed the Joker was about to connect the dots, smoke bombs went off around them. Wonder Quinn used the goon's startled state to break free and flip him over her shoulder and onto the Joker. Wonder Quinn saw Raven's illusion of the hostages disappear just as the other Bats arrived on scene with their respective vehicles. She made her way to Raven and the former hostages before the Joker could get back up.
"You're an idiot, you could've gotten killed!" - Raven whisper yelled as she dragged Wonder Quinn behind the magic wall she created to hide her from the other Bats and keep the people safe.
"Yeah, but it gave you enough time to get the people to safety." - Wonder Quinn looked over to the people who were saved and sighed in relief when she saw none of them had any serious physical wounds
"That doesn't change the fact that you could've been killed." - Raven
"Yeah yeah, we saved people, and got you out, BUT WHERE'S MY DAMN BROOCH BLUEBERRY?!" - Mushu
The Bats confronted the Joker and took him out rather quickly, they tied him up to a metal lamppost near the armored truck that was to take him. Mushu was staring relentlessly at Wonder Quinn, while she kept analysing the situation, and then she smiled.
"... Why are you smiling like that?" - Raven already knew she was going to do something she shouldn't
"Gonna kill two birds with one stone... figuratively of course." - And with that Wonder Quinn snuck her way past the police officers, the BatBirds, and up to the Joker, who was sitting on the ground with his arms cuffed behind him around the lamppost with a very brused face
"Pardon me Monsieur Cwack Head Clown, but ai believe zat Broche eez mine." - Wonder Quinn did her best French accent while she grabbed the Brooch, ignoring the offended brused face the Joker gave her
"You have a death wish." - The Joker spoke with a sick smile that promised pain, but it didn't scare the girl, quite the opposite actually
"Non Monsieur, you are meestakén, you are le un wiv a déath wish." - Wonder Quinn flashed a devilish smile that could easily surpass the Joker's as her eyes seemed to take on an almost cat like look with a glow of swirling and crackling toxic green and hints of black on the outer edges of her former Bright Blue orbs. Joker's brused face turned to faint shock as time seemed to stop. The more he looked into the girls' eyes, the more long forgotten fear and anxiety seemed to creep out of the depths of his mind. The voices were screaming for him to run, to get away from her, or she would and could 𝙠𝙞𝙡𝙡 him. Yet he couldn't, he felt like he was frozen as those Toxic green and shadowy black eyes stared into him, looking past the Joker and into his past. It felt like he was staring into a Black hole, or even death itself. The more it sucked him in, the harder it became to see, feel, hear. He couldn't 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙚.
‘𝐼𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ?’
Everything was going dark as her glowing green eyes remained in the growing darkness. It felt like he was fading. Being 𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙮𝙚𝙙. He didn't — 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙𝙣'𝙩 — feel anything. And as if it was about to fully consume him, it stopped by someone drawing the girls' attention away from him. It all just vanished, only leaving a phantom in it's leave as time and the girls' eyes seemed to go back to normal.
"Hey you! What are you doing?!" - Some police officer
Wonder Quinn snapped out of her stare as she looked behind her, realizing all eyes were on her. She looked to the Batmobile, then to Batman – who made eye contact with her for a full second – before booking it to the Batmobile. Hopping into the front seat she closed the door and started the Car without the keys – thanks to Mushu – and drove off. Everyone infront of the Museum was in silence as they all slowly looked to Batman
"Oh my god... someone ACTUALLY STOLE BATS' RIDE!" - Red Hood was bent over cackling with his right hand on the handle of his motorcycle
"Hood that's... pfff... not funny! hehehe, You know how Bats gets... hehehe, when you cackle like that!" - Batgirl said as she too, began to cackle
"SHUDUP! Hehehe... You're the one cackling like a mad scientist!!!" - Red Hood was unable to stand as he started to wheeze
"DON'T WHEEZE! HAHAHHHHHHHH... YOU'LL ONLY MAKE IT WORSE!!!!" - and soon Batgirl was wheezing as well
No one noticed the faint remanence of terror in the Joker's eyes, they only noticed him when he began his deranged laughing, his smile somehow even more crazed as he looked in the direction where the Batmobile had driven off in. They tossed him into the back of the armored truck heading for Arkham, never once did he stop laughing until they knocked him out.
Wonder Quinn was now driving the Batmobile. She made sure to cut all the wires that would allow them to be tracked and pulled up to an abandoned wearhouse. Once the Batmobile was parked and the wearhouse doors were closed, she put her gasmask on and got to work.
Wonder Quinn was just about done adding the glitter when Raven teleported right next to her.
"Oh, hey Rave! So, whatcha tink of my mastuh piece?" - WQ unknowingly started sounding more like her mom the more excited she got
"It's definitely an improvement." - Raven replied with a small smile
"I also got my Beautiful Brooch back if anyone was wondering." - Mushu huggin his Brooch
"Good for you?" - Raven
"Anyway, magical Brooch and Tavel Size God aside, yuh up fawh addin' de Rain-shit-bow trail?" - WQ pulled down her gasmask to show the mischievous smile that hid below
"We're already all in at this point." - Raven's eyes glowed a faint red as she began to chant her spell - "Azarath metrion zinthos."
They all watched as the Batmobile glowed before going back to it's new glittery glory
"Rev the engine real quick, I wanna see the Rain-shit-bow in person rather than on the news." - Raven
"Sure ting!" - WQ (still not realizing she was talking more and more like her mom) got in the driver's seat and revved the engine. Raven saw a puff of rainbow smoke wizz its way out of the rocket booster with a satisfied smile.
"Did it do de ting?" - WQ looked to Raven, her eyes sparkling with mischief
"Yes. It did de ting." - Raven imitated Wonder Quinn, causing the girl to grin more
WQ paused for a moment as a very faint blush brushed her cheeks in embarrassment - "I started talking like Mama HQ didn't I?" - WQ then hopped out of the Batmobile with a big grin on her face as she looked to the new and improved Batmobile
"Yeah, but it's normal for you. I'm just glad you used your French accent around the Joker, hell forbid he finds out about you." - Raven
"Yeah Blueberry, I may not know this city, but I can tell that guy is 𝘣𝘢𝘵 -shit- crazy. He is definitely unhinged on many different levels." - Mushu, still clinging to his Brooch
"I know, I know. But those people were 𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗲𝗱. At least my little stunt stopped them and that block from blowing up." - WQ shrugged her shoulders as she went to grab her bat
"Yeah, so pros and cons, just don't do that again." - Raven
"Okay." - WQ gave a smile to Raven as she rested the bat on her shoulders
"Now, don't you have a new glitterfied Batmobile to joyride around Gotham?" - Raven pointing to the Batmobile
Marinette looked to the Batmobile squinting her eyes as she thought - "It needs a better name."
Raven also looked to the Batmobile as she spoke - "... Girlie-Batmobile?"
"Nah, needs something more glamorous." - WQ shook her head before going into a handstand
"... Why are you doing a handstand?" - Raven
"I get my best ideas when my brain is unduh pressure." - WQ kept looking at the Batmobile
". . .I got nothing." - Raven
"KILLER-GLITTER!" - WQ was standing up again as she looked to Raven
"Killer-Glitter?" - Raven repeated
"Killer-Glitter." - WQ nodded her head enthusiastically
"Okay. Now that that's settled, go on and cause your Christmas mayhem before they somehow find you before you even get started." - Raven
"Oh, right! Mushu, come on." - WQ went to Mushu and extended her hand out for him - "Also, should I wear your Brooch now that you got it back?"
"...Fine, but only cause it's you Blueberry." - Mushu handed back his Brooch only for it to instantly glow and morph into a rose gold ring - "..."
"Oh, cool. This makes it less noticable actually." - WQ put the ring on her right hand and extended said hand to Mushu
"... I give up. First I deal with a lady who fought a fucking army as a man, and now my Beautiful brooch is a Damn RING!" - Mushu was a bit teary eyed as he hopped onto Wonder Quinn's shoulder before mumbling to himself - "At least it still looks shiny."
"Your attachment to a magical jewel that can change into any form –but stayed as a Brooch– is a bit concerning." - Raven
"It hasn't change it's shape in over 10 millennias!" - Mushu
"Does this mean I can call you old fart when you're acting like a child?" - WQ was already making her way to the driver's seat when Mushu gasped dramatically
"How dare you! At the very least Ancient One!" - Mushu crossed his arms while he turned his head away
"Nah, that would imply that you're wise and overall not so dramatic... Old One or Geezer if anything." - WQ got another gasp
"No! I refuse! Just give me a nickname that isn't related to my age!" - Mushu didn't notice the grin that spread its way across WQ's face
"Okay... Moo-Moo." - WQ
"... EXCUSE YOU!?" - Mushu
"Down Bessy, no need to shout." - WQ Placed Mushu on the dashboard as she put her seatbelt on
"... Is this Karma?" - Mushu mumbled to himself as the Batmobile's door closed
"Okay, ‘Rainbow Palooza’ is a go." - WQ gave a thumbs up to Raven as she gave the signal over their walkie talkies before driving out of the wearhouse
·•· – — Over to the Siren Hideout — – ·•·
"Hey Ives!" - Harley shouted for Ivy from Marinette's room
"Yes Harls?" - Ivy was on the couch with Selina, both watching a wild life documentary as Harley came running down the spiral staircase
"Have yuh seen where cupcake went?" - Harley looked to the two women with slight panic
"No, but she's probably just out with Beastboy and Raven." - Selina
"...𝙃𝙚 𝙒𝙝𝙤 𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙉𝙤𝙩 𝘽𝙚 𝙉𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙙 did escape Arkham yesterday." - Ivy was about to get up when they heard a crash in the kitchen, only to see Raven and Beastboy stumble in cackling
"Why are you two laughing like mad- IS 𝙃𝙀 𝙒𝙃𝙊 𝙎𝙃𝘼𝙇𝙇 𝙉𝙊𝙏 𝘽𝙀 𝙉𝘼𝙈𝙀𝘿 HERE?!" - Selina
"Where's Cupcake!?" - Harley
As if on que, the TV changed to a news reporter from a helicopter and they got their answer
“𝚆𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝙱𝚊𝚝𝚖𝚘𝚋𝚒𝚕𝚎-”
"Oh my god she didn't..." - Ivy
“-𝙱𝚞𝚝 𝚊𝚕𝚜𝚘 𝚐𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚊 𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚋𝚘𝚠 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚝 𝚓𝚘𝚋-”
"She did..." - Selina spoke as a grin slowly made its way on her face
"... Oh Sweet Mudder of Violence..." - Harley
“-𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚊𝚕𝚜𝚘 𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚊 𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚋𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚕-”
"IT HAS A RAIN-SHIT-BOW ROCKET TRAIL!" - Harley was soon cackling with Raven and Beastboy as they saw the chase
·•· – — Inside the Batmobile — – ·•·
"WOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!" - Marinette was having the time of her life, she never felt more alive
"SLOW DOWN BLUEBERRY! I THINK I- I'M GONNA HURL!" - Mushu wasn't though, if he wasn't clutching the fabric of Wonder Quinn's outfit in mild terror as he watched the world whiz by in a blur, he probably would be stuck to the very back of the death ride on wheels...
"Oh come on Moo-Moo! We've only been driving for 3 minutes!" - Just as Marinette made a sharp left in an almost perfect Tokyo Drift, she spotted the news chopper that was just behind her - "...That was fast."
"JUST PULL OVER AND WE CAN GET AWAY! PLEASE!" - Mushu was begging, trying to reason with Marinette, but she wasn't listening
Suddenly, the screen on the center console starting ringing, and before she realized it, Batman –with an even bigger scowl– was loking very angrily at her
"First, what the hell did you do to MY Batmobile? Second, pull over and you won't get hurt. Third-" - Batman was cutoff
"There, that's better." - Marinette held the former wires that were for the Batmobile's communications triumphantly as she continued driving
"YOU HUNG UP ON HIM?!" - Mushu
"Yeah, now can you not yell in my ear? I can't multitask, I might crash." - Marinette then threw the wires into the back seat, as she continued looking at the road
The best way to describe the chase was complete and utter. Chaos. The Batfam were after her, as well as at least 20 cop cars. She drove perfectly, every turn and Rain-shit-bow boost was flawless. She easily lost them more times than she can list on her hands, only to get bored and restart the chase just for them to lose her again.
"Damnit Moo-Moo, you're making my escape too perfect!" - WQ made a full stop in the middle of the richer part of Gotham and noticed a very nice café. Now, normally she wouldn't go in durring a chase, but as she looked behind her and saw absolutely zero life, she decided, why not? Having Mushu with her, she didn't have to worry about much.
So, she got out and stretched a bit before walking in and ordering some pastries and coffee. At First Wonder Quinn wanted to eat quickly and get back behind the wheel, but eating too quickly isn't healthy, so she made sure to take her sweet, sweet time as she enjoyed every bite and sip of her pastries and coffee. She was there for 15 minutes, and the whole time, the Café had a screen playing the news report about her. She couldn't help the small chuckles that escaped her as she saw the utter confusion on Commissioner Gordon's face as he tried to hide his mild panic. Batman was just a bit behind him, and as always, had a poker face with his oh so charming scowl. She could even see him tapping his foot impatiently as the other cops tried to get some info on where she and the new Killer-Glitter were. That's when she noticed one of the workers acting odd and saw one of the officers run up and whisper something to Batman and Gordon.
"Time to go." - Wonder Quinn got up and made her way to the exit, watching out of the corner of her eye as the workers began to act more agitated
She stopped for a moment, turned around and walked up the the worker that was behind the counter and placed a 50 dollar bill –she may or may not have found in the Killer-Glitter– infront of the confused worker before walking out and getting back in the car just as red and blue lights were faintly visible behind her. And the chase began again. They lost her again, she restarted the chase again, then they lost her again- You get the gist of it.
This went on for about 3 hours. It was now 2 a.m., and she lost the adrenaline an hour earlier, so by this point the chase only started again and again because she didn't know what else to do. Seeing Mushu frozen in the passenger seat made her finally call it quits. She drove the Killer-Glitter back to where it all began, at the Museum, and placed it exactly where it was as if she never touched it –Aside from the new look anway. And she took a few pictures to remember this beautiful moment before walking away.
She was long gone when they found the Killer-Glitter all by its lonesome and Wonder Quinn was happy, though the night still felt like it was missing something. She was walking down some alleys when she felt another weird soul above her.
"I know you're up there Bucket Head." - Wonder Quinn looked up and saw the person jump down
"Will you stop calling me that?" - Red Hood immerged from the shadows and stood just about 4ft. away from Wonder Quinn
"Not until you let me fix your look Bucket Head. So what brings you to little ol' me?" - Wonder Quinn asked as she leaned on the wall of the alley
"1. You kinda stole Bat's ride, 2. You definitely don't have a license, and 3. I want in." - Red Hood
"I'm sorry what now?" - Mushu popped out of WQ's hoodie at Red Hood's words
"4. What the FUCK is that?" - Red Hood
"Yes I stole the Killer-Glitter, I learned how to drive from HQ, what's in it for me? and this is the All Mighty Dramatic as Fuck Mushu." - Wonder Quinn crossed her arms as she stared Red Hood down, ignoring Mushu's dramatic gasp
"More Jolly Chaos?" - Red Hood's tone was mischievous as he seemingly pulled out a big duffle bag from no wear and showed her it's contents
"... Eggs and toilet paper. You plan on egging and tp'ing Gotham?" - Wonder Quinn kept her face neutral as she rased a single eyebrow
"I got a bet I wanna win, and if you're game, we'll split the profits 50-50." - Red Hood reached out his hand as he proposed his offer
"Lets add some artful charcoal designs and Mistletoe while we're at it." - Wonder Quinn shook Red Hood's hand to seal the deal
"Ho ho ho." - Red Hood
"Now, where to first on the naughty list?" - Wonder Quinn
-Jingle Bell Rock!-
They first stopped by the Museum again and tp'd, egged, and charcoaled the building. Then they stopped by WE where they drew the Batfam symbols in charcoal, eggs and tp, and maybe a few inappropriate things courtesy of Red Hood, then they finished it by adding some mistletoe in the more secure areas of the building. Next up was the Botanical Gardens, and they only carefully added Mistletoe so they would thrive because of Wonder Quinn. Then they went to The Iceberg Lounge, they made sure it wasn't too bad with tp and eggs, but they did add a shit ton of Mistletoe to every room and some more profanities and a pile of coal courtesy of Red Hood. After that was the GSPC, where they just put some Tp and Mistletoe. Then they went to Wayne Manor on Wonder Quinn's request, they Tp'd the entire estate, egged drawings and faces of profanity courtesy of Red Hood, and drew with charcoal 'Merry Christmas' (Red Hood may or may not have left coal in the shape of a Katana for Damian). And last but not least, Arkham. The made sure to cover every nook and cranny in tp, eggs, and big lumps of coal. they may or may not have also added some Mistletoe near the bathrooms, the inmate cells, cafeteria, guard room, offices, locker rooms, gear rooms, utility closets... they pretty much got every doorway with Mistletoe.
And so they made Gotham a kissy profanity Christmas wonderland.
-Jingle Bell Rock End-
When the deed was done, they vowed to never speak of their actions to any soul of authority.
And so Marinette was walking down the alley not far from home as she hummed some Christmas songs. After a few minutes she entered the overgrown parking lot, walking through the gate into the lush garden before walking inside the hideout. She was greeted by Ivy and Selina at the door, and saw her friends and Harley replaying over and over the chase from earlier. After a slight scolding she spent the rest of the night with her family and friends on the couch, all falling asleep around 4 a.m.
•—·–·—·–·—–· In the Bat-Cave ·–—·–·—·–·—•
"Done, now we can finally sleep." - Steph, Cass, Barbara, Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian had all finally finished washing off all the paint from the Batmobile. They had just started to walk away when they heard Cass make a loud drawn out whine, the all turned to see the Batmobile coverd in glow in th dark paint
"I'm fucking breaking Father's No Kill rule!" - Damian growled as he threw his sponge at the Batmobile, watching as it weakily hit the car and flopped to the floor. Everyone just left, not wanting to go another night without sleep, Steph and Jason were already laughing like they were on Joker Gas, a sign that they 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 their sleep. Bruce would just have to deal with it.
•—·–·—·–·—–· Back to the Siren Hideout·–—·–·—·–·—•
"Breaking news, after the Batmobile was stolen late into the night and mysteriously returned, Arkham Officials found the entire facility covered in Mistletoe, tp, coal and eggs, a few other locations were also covered, the only one that seemed to only get Mistletoe was the Botanical Gardens, whoever did this, how the **** did you get Santa's traveling powers?-"
The TV was turned off by Selina as she looked to Marinette - "Look Kitten, I don't know how you did it, but I am so proud of you!" - Selina gave Marinette a hug, only to be stopped by Harley unmuting the TV
"Update, turns out the Arkham inmates didn't take to well to the Coal and Mistletoe, some are now in critical care while the others are now locked in their coal filled room-"
"D'ja rig any of de coals in Mistuh J's cell?" - Harley gave Marinette a hug as she asked her question
"They may be sharp, and he won't be able to sleep until they get the coal out." - Marinette replied
"I will say this, well done on the execution." - Ivy also hugged Marinette for a moment - "You're also grounded for driving without an adult next to you in the car."
"But Mushu is an Adult!" - Marinette pointed to Mushu who was in the fetal position, rocking back and forth and sucking his claw
"... I tink yuh broke him Cupcake."
*Sad Mushu Noises*
And that's how Gotham had both the best, and weirdest Christmas ever, Marinette couldn't go out for the next few day, both because she was grounded and because Robin was out for revenge.
All in all, it was an amazing Christmas.
Next chapter is finally out! Hope you're all having a wonderful day! BUG-OUT! 💮🐞💮
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punkpandapatrixk · 3 years
Full Moon in Aquarius 🐞🐍⛲🐝ALL SIGNS
With the elements/signs of the zodiac, you can freely use your Sun, Moon, Rising/Ascendant, or even your Stellium (❗️)
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Main theme: Please cut out bullshit situations from your life. Use your cool-headed logic to analyse your situations and determine what aspects are hindering you from living a happy life. Once you notice situations or people who aren't giving you back the same amount of efforts you're giving out, have the courage to ditch them!
Soul Healing for 🐞Aries Leo Sagittarius
You're sort of gullible, often, aren't you? That's because you're too generous with your energy. You have such an abundance of energy and spiritual resources—even material resources for some—that you don't think you'll ever run out. Even after you've experienced a burnout or run out of energy to share, once you regain some you immediately want to share with others.
This is because you are so positive and believe you can always have or create more to share with people. This Full Moon in Aquarius wants you to cut out that kind of bullshit mindset. You should always be cautious with whom you share because not everybody deserves to sit at your table.
'If you're a giver, remember to have limits, because the takers don't have any.' — some meme on Insta
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Soul Healing for 🐍Taurus Virgo Capricorn
Uhm... You're kinda miserly? Do you realise that you tend to be really stingy with yourself? With giving yourself the proper care and rest that your physical and mental bodies need? Yup, think about that.
You work and work all the time. When there's nothing to work on, you stress about not having any work to work on. Or, you cry about the fact that you don't have the time required to work on the projects you actually want to work on. Really, dude?
This Full Moon in Aquarius wants you to take a good analytical look at your own patterns. The patterns of thought and behaviour that are working against your own Soul's fulfilment.
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☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
Soul Healing for ⛲Gemini Libra Aquarius
Look, if you gotta shine, you gotta shine, honey. People who won't be happy with your decisions are just not your people anymore. Let go with courage. There are 7, almost 8, billion people on the Planet; what makes you think you'll end up lonely if you release these naysayers?
Have the courage to grow and go. If you have to leave people behind or be hated for making the choices that you know are for your highest good, that's worth it. Live for yourself, be authentic, allow yourself to be happy. As you continue to live in this kind of positive vibrations, the Universe is gonna respond with arranging you to meet wonderful people who are much better than what you're currently used to.
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☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
Soul Healing for 🐝Cancer Scorpio Pisces
Wow, something Divine needs to be manifested in the physical realm. Have you been feeling the nudges and urges of Destiny? You are being called to action. Whatever your heart prompts you to do during and after this Full Moon in Aquarius, know that it is part of your fulfiling what you promised to do before coming here.
Try to meditate (or at least daydream in a healthy and balanced way) about how you want to go about your plans and goals. Divine inspiration is gonna shower you with excitement big time, so you also need to breathe properly so as to remain focused without burning out. Unlike the other Elements, Water Signs are feeling super positive because you guys have literally been on the work of cutting bullshit situations from your life, your entire life.
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☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
Feel free to support me on Patreon if you love this kind of content🍑I create stories and tarot readings that calm the mind & heal from within🍒
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pervy-king-taijitu · 3 years
Idk I just thought you would find this funny.
Whitley being snooty again and Oscar doing the Franklin "ah shit here we go again" meme while unbucling his pants.
I do find this funny and 100% approve.
Oscar sighed as he watched the scene before him, Whitley talking down to several other servers. He knew Whitley was doing it to impress someone from society's "higher" class. The farm boy, who was currently working as a server at the party for additional lien, shook his head. "Ah, shit. Here we go again." he headed towards Whitley, handing off his serving tray to another worker. As he got closer, Oscar subtly unbuckled his pants.
"Oh? What is it, Oscar? Can't you see I'm busy entertaining some guests?" Whitley asked.
"You call your servers by their name?" the party guest raised his eyebrow.
"Just this one. Oscar here is one of the few I can rely on to do a job right. He has been under my employ for a while now." Whitley shrugged.
"Mister Whitley." Oscar forced a smile. "I need to speak to you. Now," he said and grabbed Whitley by his wrist.
"Hey! Wait a moment!" Whitley protested as he was dragged away by the stronger boy. "Oscar!"
Oscar ignored Whitley's protests, brought him into an empty hallway, and then opened the door to a supply closet.
"You cannot be serious." Whitley frowned. "Hey!" Oscar simply pushed him in and closed the door behind the two of them. "Now, tell me what you doin-" he was cut off by Oscar roughly kissing him.
"You're starting to act all high and mighty again," Oscar said once he pulled away from the kiss.
"Yes, well, that is what is to be expected of me at these-" Whitley was once again silenced by Oscar kissing him. He moaned into the kiss as he felt Oscar's hands slide up his chest.
"Stop it. You're better than them," Oscar began to kiss Whitley's neck, earning a small groan of pleasure from him.
"Maybe..." Whitley tilted his head to give Oscar better access to his neck. "Maybe I need another reminder..." he said as he ran a hand through Oscar's hair.
The farm boy grunted in agreement. His hands found their way down to Whitley's pants to undo his belt buckle and pant button. Whitley turned around and slowly pulled his pants and briefs down. Oscar couldn't resist grabbing one of Whitley's now exposed cheeks. The Schnee heir stepped out his pants as Oscar lowered his pants enough to free his hardening cock from his boxers.
Whitley moaned a bit when Oscar grabbed his hips and rubbed his cock against his ass. "Go on," he whispered, wanting to get started.
"Not yet," Oscar smirked. "Promise you'll start behaving?"
"Yes." Whitley nodded and shook his hips, trying to entice Oscar.
"Say it."
"I promise I'll start behaving."
"And what does that mean?" Oscar rubbed the tip of his cock against Whitley's entrance.
The white-haired boy moaned and pushed his ass back, but Oscar moved away. "I'll be nice to the other servers. Now, will you get started!?"
"What's the magic word?" Oscar smirked.
"Please, Oscar! Please fuck me!" Whitley begged. Oscar only chuckled in reply. Then he started to push his stiff member into Whitley, causing both of them to groan. Oscar moved slowly, getting inch after inch into his boyfriend. "Oh, Brothers!" Whitley moaned in pleasure when he felt Oscar fully buried in him.
Oscar began to move in and out but never let his cock altogether leave. As he started to go faster, Whitley moaned more and began to move his hips back to meet Oscar's thrusts.
"Oscar... Could you..." Whitley managed to say between his groans.
"Of course." Oscar nodded, knowing exactly what his lover wanted. He reached around the Schnee boy's waist and grabbed his cock. Oscar then began to jerk him off in time with his movements. Whitley's moans grew louder, and he placed his hands against the wall to brace himself.
"Os-Oscar. I'm getting close." Whitley moaned.
"Me too," Oscar said and increased the strength of his thrusts. "Whitley!" he cried out in pleasure as he came.
"Oscar!" Whitley moaned. The feeling of his lover flooding his insides was enough to send him over the edge and cum as well. The two of them stayed in that position for a moment, panting as they caught their breath. "What if..." Whitley finally pulled away and turned around to face Oscar. "What if I decide to go back on my promise?" he smirked a little.
Oscar frowned and grabbed Whitley to lift him. "Then I'm just going to have to give you another reminder." he moved the white-haired boy's legs, so they were wrapped around him.
"Oh no, not another lesson." Whitley smiled and wrapped his arms around Oscar's neck as well before leaning forward to kiss him. He deepened the kiss and moaned into it as he felt Oscar's larger cock rubbing against his own.
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 12 "Dorkus"
"I think you did it."
"These morons need someone to tear them a new one."
"I am going to write the missive to end all missives."
"I don't want your first time to be with a murderer."
"I love you. I would never, ever hurt you."
"I promise you're safe. That was part of the deal."
"You could never be touched."
"How many lives could you have saved?"
"Our mission never involved killing anyone."
"And it's not just wearing raw chickens on their heads and calling each other gay slurs while jumping around naked."
"It was a conspiracy."
"Stop rationalizing it. You killed people. You are not allowed to just say, "yeah, but I had a super good reason for it."
"Who did you kill?"
"What, are you gonna kill me now?"
"I would never hurt you. I just can't let you leave."
"If you could just stop, hear what I have to say, to understand---please--why I did what I did, you could still love me."
"Don't try to justify it all after the fact."
"They showed up one day thinking that I was a double agent, that I couldn't be trusted. They were going to kill me."
"Hey, hey, you can trust me, you can trust me! Ask me and I'll do anything. I'll prove it."
"Don't you see that they did that on purpose?! They knew that if you actually killed someone, you would be their slave!"
"We were the good guys. We were in this together!"
"I did this for you. Don't you understand?"
"The more I hear about this whole thing, the more I'm starting to think the idea that there are good and bad people in the world is just something adults use to get children to stay in line."
"I mean, aren't we being naive?"
"You took me literally?"
"You are already a murderer, [NAME], you don't have to be a douche as well!"
"This is not a philosophy course. This is murder-- serial murder!"
"I was so young and desperate to be special and loved."
"I never had a real girlfriend before."
"I was vulnerable enough to share my darkest fetish with you, and now you're making me feel self-conscious."
"Just come in and take me now."
"You are ridiculously and laughably gullible."
"What self-respecting man wouldn't do anything to get revenge for being degraded like that?"
"Unfortunately, I don't have great aim with a crossbow and I can't see anything in that mask."
"I don't want to be here anymore."
"I feel sick. This isn't what I wanted."
"Don't judge me for what we both know had to happen."
"You know what? Let's just run away together. You and me. Forget everything."
"Don't you see what I'm willing to do for you?"
"No! I don't want to speak to your supervisor!"
"I've gotten zero swipes on my profile!"
"Do you remember any aspect of this super simple plan?"
"I literally think you should consider undergoing a surgical procedure to remove your ovaries/testicles, thereby sparing human race exposure to your DNA."
"I mean, I'm all for public shaming. I practically invented it. It's the sign of a healthy culture. But not when I'm the one getting shamed."
"I wanted to be famous, but not like this."
"To all the so-called mainstream media, including weird web sites that nobody has heard of who have used my name as clickbait, and to all the relentless unwashed hordes on Twitter, who have taken every opportunity to mock and attack me mercilessly from the safety of their stained futons, I offer the following heartfelt sentiment. You can all suck it!"
"Despite my outward bravado, I was dead inside."
"I knew my glamorous reign of terror was over."
"I ordered an asp online so I could kill myself like Cleopatra, and now I'm just waiting for it to sense my body heat and come out and bite me so this will all be over."
"I understand that what you're going through is really intense. And I know you and I haven't really always seen eye to eye, And you say crazy-mean stuff to me all the time. And I have a real problem with your casual racism,
which is something we need to work on. But, girl, I promise I got your back."
"You're young, smart and beautiful, and you got a lot of living ahead of you."
"Maybe this is one of those teachable moments, you know? Like my grandmama says. Maybe this is where you learn the lesson that words really mean something and they can hurt people, so you just can't always say the first horrible thing that pops into your head all the time."
"Why are you being so nice to me?"
"Get me out of this suit!"
"What the hell is going on? Who is that guy?"
"Everyone on campus but me is a dork!"
"I'm gonna explode."
"When I woke up, I was wrapped in dynamite!"
"Oh, my god, it's a bomb."
"Yes, a totally innocent man who seemed super nice and probably did nothing wrong at all just got blown up in our living room. Bummer. Now, let's honor his memory by moving on."
"Can you not make it about you for one second?!"
"Stop wallowing and start concentrating on what's really important here--restoring my reputation."
"I need to go on an apology tour. You know, like celebrities, when they say something offensive, they just go on tv and apologize, and everybody forgives them, even though they don't mean it at all."
"I'm gonna fake apologize, you'll record it, we'll post it online, and it'll all be fine."
"But I thought that you said that you weren't the person who put the acid in the spray tanner."
"Why do you think the devil let me live?"
"I think you saw what you wanted to see."
"You can't kill people from a loving and positive place."
"Invasion of the dad bod snatchers."
"If it's good enough for the CIA, it's good enough for me."
"Get ready to make the most important playlist of your life."
"Well, I decided to stop denying what you and I both knew the minute we laid eyes on each other. And once I did, something inside of me, I don't know, it just, just clicked. And I guess I just wanted to get a little crazy."
"So you just decided to break into my house in the middle of the day?"
"I've been a very bad boy."
"I'm just trying to figure out what your angle is. What are you trying to get out of this?"
"You know what I'm trying to get? 45 minutes alone, so I can go crazy on you."
"Turn out the lights!"
"These are my minions."
"Those are the hounds."
"How do you know I'm not the killer?"
"This whole file is made up."
"Somebody just swiped right on me on Tinder."
"Any guy swiping right on you is a miracle."
"You want a drag?"
"That was the best sex of my life."
"I think you're just relieved to find out that intercourse doesn't have to be followed by hours and hours of crying and a weird purchase of an engagement ring."
"Look, I never knew sex could be like that. At first, I was like, I was like, "wow, she's being really loud. Are the neighbors gonna call the police?" And then I was like, "wow, now I'm being really loud. why am I screaming so much? They're definitely gonna call the police." And then I was just stunned at how flexible you are. I mean, I thought you had to be a gymnast to get both feet behind your head."
"I just think that maybe you and I were meant to be together after all."
"I find her unbearably annoying."
"I recognized the island splash scent of that douche you use."
"What movie are you even referring to?"
"Don't patronize me. I look like a monster."
"Well, have you thought of a little plastic surgery?"
"What are you doing? I thought you came here to apologize."
"I apologize for nothing."
"All evidence points to you."
"I know it was you. Have fun in hell, bitch. And fyi, this is probably gonna hurt a lot."
"Stop recording!"
"I knew that bitch was a nut burger the minute I met her."
"But remember, she's armed and dangerous."
"Oh, please tell me you did not bring your insane and obviously blind Tinder hookup back here."
"I lost my virginity to a Nickelback song."
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Fandom: DC Titans
Title: It’s Good To Be Home
Pairings/Relationships: Core Four, Dickkory, Dick Grayson & Rachel Roth
Summary: The Wayne Manor was truly breathtaking. Rachel heard a few stories about the place from Dick and from Donna, she even got to sneak a glance at it through their memories but actually seeing it with her own eyes was a whole different experience.
The car slowed down rounding the fountain and her heartbeat sped up in her chest. They were here.
Hugs | 13. Group hugs, Core Four - for Vanessa N Isaacs
Check out the prompt list | REQUESTS OPEN
The Wayne Manor was truly breathtaking.
Rachel kept staring at it with her nose glued to the windshield of the black SUV that was taking her there. After a twelve-hour flight from Themyscira and landing in New York the Amazons really surprised her saying that they are going to escort her to Gotham and not San Francisco. Since then she was wondering what might be the reason the team relocated there (and she was hoping it was temporary) but she didn't mind as long as she'd be reunited with her family.
Right now though she wasn't thinking about that, because her mind was occupied with this enormous castle-like mansion with giant windows and high towers and open taraces and a fountain in the center of the driveway. Rachel heard a few stories about the place from Dick and from Donna, she even got to sneak a glance at it through their memories but actually seeing it with her own eyes was a whole different experience.
The car slowed down rounding the fountain and Rachel's heartbeat sped up in her chest.
They were here.
And then there was Dick - standing next to Kory with his hands in his pockets and head held high. He looked more nervous than excited and Rachel had to resist the urge to roll her eyes thinking about how frantic and worried he must have been this whole time. But when he noticed her and their eyes met, his face instantly lit up, lips turning up in a brightest smile and Rachel was getting out of the car even before the engine stopped working.
Standing in line in front of the main entrance were Dick, Kory and Gar. She had no idea they'd be notified of her arrival but apparently they knew she was coming and now there's a whole welcoming committee waiting for her. Gar was bouncing on his feet, his excitement threatening to explode like a bomb. Rachel couldn't decide what was brighter - his smile or his green hair.
Kory, gorgeous as always, was standing in the middle with her arms crossed over her chest and lips stretched in a wide happy grin. She was dressed from head to toe in various shades of her beloved purple, from high heel boots and leather pants to the shiny glittery shirt. Her long hair was darker than Rachel remembered but she smiled when she noticed that the iconic thick curls were back.
At first she just stood there, happy to stretch her legs after a long drive and looked at them, smiling so hard her cheeks hurt. They didn't move either, as if paralyzed by some invisible force, watching her from a distance.
She's not sure who took the first step.
Maybe it was her, too eager to finally reunite with them after so long. Or maybe it was them, heading towards her together as one because they couldn't stand being apart for even one second longer.
She's not sure who took the first step but Dick got to her first.
All Rachel knew was that she was running and suddenly she found herself engulfed in his strong embrace, the sensation pushing all air out from her lungs. She linked her arms around his neck when he picked her up and started twirling around in circles with her, laughing into her ear. Her feet were dangling in the air and Rachel started giggling and squealing in delight as well, feeling like a little kid. 
"Finally!" he sighed breathlessly when they stopped and he put her back on the ground. "Welcome back, sweetheart."
She stepped away from his hold to look at him but that's when she was captured again in two different sets of arms. She didn't even notice when Gar and Kory threw themselves at her, hugging her as tight as they could.
"It's been way too long." Kory told her, pressing a kiss to her temple. Rachel leaned her head to her and the two of them pressed their cheeks together, smiling.
"Don't leave us like that again!" Gar whined with his head on her other shoulder, squeezing her even tighter. Rachel started giggling again but this time it quickly turned into a choked up sob. She promised herself she wouldn't cry, but she couldn't hold it back now that she was with her family again.
Dick's expression softened, his eyes gazing at her affectionately.
"Oh, honey."
"I've missed you so much, guys." Rachel chuckled through tears, looking each one of them in the eyes. Dick walked up to the group and wrapped his arms around them all, pulling them into a group hug with Rachel in the middle.
"We've missed you, too, Rach." he murmured and kissed the top of her head.
"Mhmm." Kory nodded and cuddled closer.
"Like hell." Gar added and buried his face in her shoulder. 
The three of them held her so tight she was starting to run out of air.
"Guys-" she gasped, trying not to laugh too much. "I can't- breathe-"
Mumbling their apologies they loosened their hold a bit, but none of them were planning on completely letting go of her. They surrounded her, arms still linked together and looking at their smiling faces, Rachel couldn't be happier. It's good to be home, even if it wasn't the Tower. Dick, Kory and Gar were here and her home was with them. 
Dick's face caught her attention, his eyes to be specific and she raised an eyebrow at him, smirking.
"Are you- crying?"
"No!" he said instantly, but wiped at his cheek with the back of his hand.
"He totally is." Gar teased him, joining in on the fun. "He was one giant bubble of emotion since the moment we found out you're coming back."
"That's not true." the older man huffed.
"Oh please, that was nothing!" Kory's laugh rang in the air and Rachel turned to her with sparkling eyes. "You should have seen him in the first few weeks after you left. He was a mess!"
Gar burst out laughing, earning himself a deadly glare from Dick. Rachel couldn't stop grinning like an idiot at this entire exchange.
"Oh, yeah! He took moping around to a whole new level."
"I wasn't moping around."
"Sure, Jan."
Dick froze.
"Oh, God." Kory sighed, turning her eyes at the sky. "Here we go again." Rachel glanced between her and the boys with curiosity.
"Gar, what did I tell you about quoting memes?"
"Oh, c'mon man! It was a perfect opportunity!"
"Anyway!" Kory interrupted them with that I'm-gonna-beat-the-shit-out-of-you-if-you-don't-stop-right-now smile of hers, putting an end to their little bickering, then turned to Rachel and took her hands in hers. "After Dick finally stops denying he's overly emotional-"
"I'm not!"
"-like right now,"
"I'm not." Dick denied stubbornly, then smiled at Rachel. "I'm just happy you're back."
"-maybe you'll get to tell us how was it, hmm?" Kory finished her sentence and suddenly Rachel felt all eyes on her again. Their excitement was all over the place. She chuckled and squeezed the woman's hands back.
"Of course! I have so much to tell you!"
"Then you better start now." Gar pointed a finger at her face before walking up to her and taking her by the elbow to basically drag her in the direction of the house. "I wanna know everything! Especially if you have any new tricks up your sleeve."
Rachel shrugged innocently, but sent him a mischievous grin.
"Maybe one or two."
"Yesss!!! And wait until I'll show you around the house! This place is so dope!"
"Hey, shouldn't I be doing that?" Dick called out to them, picking up Rachel's bag from the ground where she left it.
"Exactly!" She turned to her green-haired friend. "Shouldn't he be doing that?"
"He's not gonna take you to the really cool places."
She raised an eyebrow at him, suspicious. "Such as?"
Gar glanced in both ways as if checking if no one else was listening in on their conversation, then leaned closer to Rachel and whispered. "The Batcave."
This time she couldn't hold it in anymore - she burst out laughing.
"No way!"
"Yes way!"
As Gar continued his excited rambling, Rachel looked over her shoulder at the two adults that were left behind. Dick's eyes were on her this whole time, he was smiling fondly and winked at her when their eyes met. Kory stood by his side with her hand resting on his shoulder and was sending her a look that said good luck with him now. Rachel smiled back and rolled her eyes, then followed Gar through the main entrance.
Dick watched his kids disappear behind the giant wooden door feeling light for the first time in months. Having Rachel back took a giant weight off his chest and he finally could breathe again. He didn't want to ask about Donna, not yet at least, he knew Rachel is gonna share the news with him sooner or later, no matter if they are good or bad. Right now all that mattered to him was that she was back with them and she was safe. 
"You were crying." Kory pointed out in a teasing tone, smirking at him.
"I wasn't."
"I know what I saw, Grayson."
They stared at each other for a long moment but eventually he gave up. And no, it had nothing to do with the fact that he was starting to get lost in her eyes. Or with her smile that made his heart racing.
"Okay," he sighed. "Maybe a little. I'm just glad she's back with us, you know?"
Kory smiled at him and rubbed his shoulder comfortingly.
"I know, me too. Our girl is finally back home."
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stanzoeywade · 4 years
Veronica x MC tinder!au
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I headcanon Veronica to look like Barbara Lopez, and as you can see this headcanon was inspired by this tweet.
Summary: in which you are paired with Veronica for a project and she doesn't respond to your emails but you match with her on tinder. The both of you find each other attractive but you're both gay disasters. Also in this au the MC doesn't meet Poppy on her first day of school, so they don't know about the top 3 girls of Belvoire. (Where poppy is a switch (fite me), Veronica is a top.)
Warnings: swear words, and maybe toothache inducing fluff? Thigh riding smut.
Taglist: @somewillwin @belvoiresqueenbee @origmansello @clownery-is-a-new-personality @kamilahtrash @poppysminion @poppysimp @captain-hanadeleine @poppysmc @iiizdumb @uselesslesbianfr @scattered-to-the-winds @idiot-justidiot @toyhenoctus @coldbatfriendroad​
So it begins in one of your compulsory classes, where you have to be partnered up for a big project, like 20-30% of your final grade.
Cue your professor paring you up with someone who you've never seen before in class, and you're confused because wtf??? Who is this Veronica Lombardi person??? And why is everyone staring at you with mixed reactions, some look jealous while some look like they feel bad for you.
After class, you make you way to your dorm room and you ask Zoey if she knows Veronica Lombardi and that's how you find out about the whole ranking system in Belvoire. You learn that Veronica is at the number 3 spot as one of the most popular girls on campus. You're not really interested because in all honesty it sounds too much like high school and you're already over it.
Considering that she was going to be your partner for the project, you decide to email her so that the both of you can divide the work equally, as well as ask if she has any days where she is free so that you can discuss the project in person.
It's been a week and you still don't have a response, and you're starting to think that you'll have to do the project alone. Hopefully your professor will take that into consideration once she marks you paper.
You try to start to work on the project but you're quick to realise that you're bored, so in your frustrated state, you open tinder hoping to find an outlet for your stress.
Imagine your surprise when you're matched with your project partner, who messages you. It reads "Sup babe, what are you doing tonight?"
You feel your blood pressure rise as you type angrily. "I'M DOING OUR JOINT PROJECT YOU BITCH!"
She replies with the emojis "😤😒" alongside a gif of someone saying "Rude".
You're about to lose it when another message catches your attention. "Are you from Sociology 101? I haven't attended any of the lectures, it's boring af. But you know what wouldn't be boring? We could hook up 😜" it reads.
"Un-fucking-believable" you mutter to yourself as you read the message. 'Who the hell does she think she is?' - you think to yourself, annoyed.
"Are you seriously flirting with me right now?" you text as you feel angrier each passing second.
The only response you get is a selfie of Veronica smiling cheekily at the camera, which is followed by a message saying "I promise I'd be more fun than sociology. 😉"
You barely resist the temptation of pulling your hair out and respond with "look, I get it you're rich, but just because you can get away with not doing the work, it doesn't mean that I can." Veronica looks at your response and can't help but feel a pang of guilt.
Feeling guilty, Veronica messages you. It says "look babe, I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you, we can meet up and do the project together. And maybe when we finish we can do something more fun? 😜😉"
Letting out a resigned sigh you begrudgingly ask for her address and she's all too happy to respond. "I live on campus, I'm part of the Zetas so just walk over and I'll meet you outside."
Freshening up, you make yourself look presentable and you start to make your way to the sorority house. You're surprised to see someone waiting outside, and you assume the person to be Veronica.
As you get closer you're taken aback because of Veronica. There she was in all her glory. I mean you knew she looked attractive judging by the photo she sent you, but pictures can't exactly compare to seeing the real thing.
You can't help but think that Veronica is gorgeous, I mean with that face she could be a supermodel and ohh my god she has legs that go on for days.
Snapping out of your daze, you just see Veronica flashing you a charming smile.
You weren't the only one checking the other person out though, Veronica couldn't help but think that you were cute, especially in that crop top and varsity jacket. 'She's smart and easy on the eyes to boot, this will be fun.' - she thinks as she turns on the charm, ready to seduce.
You approach her, anger coming back as you poke your finger on her shoulder whilst saying "I'm so fucking mad at you, I could have finished the project already but your ass was MIA, so I couldn't start."
Veronica winces at each poke, irritated, she tugs on your wrist and pulls you close. "You could have looked for me personally you know." she says cockily.
Your anger dissipates a little because she had a point and with a resigned sigh you say "Fair enough, still doesn't make up for the fact that you didn't reply to my emails."
Veronica just rolls her eyes at you. "Well we could stand here and argue or we can go inside and actually work on the project." she says sarcastically.
As you make you way inside the sorority house, you can't help but feel amazed by the expensive furniture and decorations. It looked like a house fit for royalty and if you're being honest you're a bit jealous because they get to live in luxury.
You follow Veronica to her room and you're immediately surprised by what you see. Her room is big, however it is decorated modestly, and it's much simpler than what you imagined. The atmosphere feels a bit awkward and you make conversation by complimenting her room. "Your room seems really cozy."
Veronica looks at you, a soft smile graces her features and she says "Thanks." She puts a stray strand of her behind her ears and you can't help but admire her.
"If taking a picture of my room would've gotten you to come over, I would have done so already." she flirts.
You can't help giggle and you're relieved that the awkward atmosphere has been replaced with a comfortable silence.
Your giggle attracts Veronica's attention and her cheeks flush because who gave you the right to be so cute.
The two of you start to work on the project and you're pleasantly surprised to learn that Veronica understands the syllabus despite the fact that she hasn't attended any of the lectures. The two of you get a lot more work done than what you expected and before either of you realise, it's already dark outside.
You feel your eyes drooping as you try to stay awake, and you notice how dark it is and you're about to tell Veronica that you're about to leave when she says "It's already dark outside, you should probably stay it's not safe to be walking around in the middle of the night."
You mull it over and decide to stay. 'Fuck it, I'm too tired to walk back' - you think to yourself as you nod your head to Veronica.
Veronica walks over to her closet and pull out pyjamas, which she hand over to you as well as a spare toothbrush. "You should go and clean up, you can sleep on the bed." she says kindly. You raise an eyebrow at her. "This better not be a plan to get me to sleep with you Lombardi." you say jokingly. She just laughs at your joke and tells you to clean up, you're too tired to argue back so you concede.
Fast-forward to the next morning, you wake up in someone's arms and you snuggle closer until you realise. 'WTF, why am I being cuddled and where the fuck am I?' - you think to yourself slightly panicking. Your eyes open and you turn around to see that Veronica was asleep, you try to get out of her grip but she just pulls you closer whilst murmuring in her sleep.
You don't want to wake her up because she looks so comfortable and at ease and you know that you're stuck there until she wakes up.
Veronica wakes up and she feels something or someone in her arms, she then remembers that you slept over, not in the way she wanted but hey she's not complaining, especially since you were cutely staring at her with a confused expression.
Deciding to tease you, she plants a kiss on your lips and you freeze. A blush creeping on your face and Veronica was about to apologise for going too far when you cut her off by kissing her back. She could get used to this she thinks.
She pulls away and notices the blush on your cheeks. "I thought you didn't like me Hughes?" she says mischieviously, and you just look away.
Realising that her arms weren't around you anymore, you get up and Veronica whines at the lack of physical contact and warmth, you narrowly avoid being pulled back down onto the bed.
You just shoot her a soft smile and say "Thanks for letting me stay over, I'm gonna go get changed and leave, I'll see you later."
You quickly get changed and as you leave her room, you can feel your heart pounding in your chest because you can't stop thinking about the kiss you shared with Veronica. You continue to zone out for the rest of the day, wondering what it would be like to kiss her again.
The next time the two of you meet, Veronica is more straightforward when it comes to flirting, and you're always left a flustered and blushing mess. Veronica thinks you look so cute, especially since she's the reason why you're flustered. The two of you become friends and you exchange numbers because using tinder to communicate was getting annoying.
You're surprised when Veronica messages you with random memes at god awful hours and you can't even get mad because they make you laugh and it becomes something you look forward to each day.
That's when you start to develop feelings for Veronica, and you're not sure what to do because she's flirty with everyone and you're not sure if she likes you back.
Veronica invites you to a frat party, and as soon as you get there a few people introduce themselves to you. One of the frat boys tries to flirt with you and you're immediately pulled back by Veronica as she says "Fuck off Luis, she with me." Your eyes widen as you realise what Veronica said.
You don't have the chance to ask what she means as she drags you off to a room, where she immediately kisses you, hand finding it's way down to your hips and gripping it possessively. She continues to kiss you, each kiss deeper and rougher than the last. The barrage of kisses only stop due to both of you needing to breathe.
Your chest heaves as you feel Veronica lean in to whisper "You're mine, and I don't like it when people touch what's mine." You feel shivers down your back as she says that.
Veronica locks the door and she pulls you towards the bed where she sits and pull you in for another kiss. You're pulled onto her lap as her lips trail down your jaw to the base of your neck, alternating between biting and sucking to leave marks. You can feel a wave of arousal make it's way down to your core, and a small groans escapes your lips.
Spurred on by your reaction, Veronica starts to unbutton your shirt, quickly taking it off with deft hands. She starts to grope your breasts as she unhooks your bra with her other hand. Lips finding it's way to nipples, and you can't stop yourself from moaning when her teeth grazes against it.
Instinctively, your hips starts to jerk against her thigh and it quickly catches Veronica's attention as she looks at you with narrowed eyes and pupils blown.
She pulls your hips down flush against her thigh, and leaning in she whispers "Grind." and you're quick to obey her as she sucks and bites on your shoulder and collarbone, making sure to leave marks on each patch of skin she can reach.
You slowly start to grind against her, and in order to help you out, she starts to move her thigh against your centre, working you up faster and you let out long breathy moans and whimpers at the friction against your centre. Spurred on by your reaction, Veronica uses her fingers to touch and play with your clit, and this makes you moan out her name "V, that feels so good.", and she can't get enough.
She grinds her thigh faster and she starts to use her finger to help you climax. Your body starts to convulse and your back arches as you reach your climax. Veronica's fingers helping you ride out your orgasm. A loud moan escapes your mouth and for a moment your vision turns white, head empty except the pleasure you feel. Your chest heaves as you try to catch your breath.
As soon as you regain your bearings, you can see the smug look Veronica has, and you do nothing but roll your eyes as you say "Yeah, yeah that felt really good, stop being so smug." Veronica's eyes just lights up as she raises her arms in mock surrender and says "Hey, you said it not me."
"So, I guess this means we're dating?" you ask shyly, as your cheeks flush. Veronica just kisses you softly and says "Yeah."
That's how the two of you start dating.
A/N: I saw that there was a lack of Veronica x MC content so yeah enjoy, and please reply if you want me to write a dating Veronica headcanon like I did for Poppy. Thanks for reading, bye.
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rusty-tetanus-nail · 4 years
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[Gunshots] Through Your Heart
a The C*W Sniper x Reader fanfic
The story of how You finding your One True Love finally released the Jackles Tapes™.
Author’s Note: If you actually read this fic, I will judge you.
It's the first non-virtual con since the finale and you've paid half a month’s rent to see the monkeys on stage awkwardly talk their way out of giving the gays what they really want. You've long since lost hope of anyone so much as acknowledging Cas' confession, but as long as Jensen keeps his sexy silence intact you're at peace with that. 
The fandom knows what's up anyway, even if the C*W tries to silence everyone involved with the show. You chuckle, remembering that one time when you opened tumblr and everyone was talking in riddles about [gunshots]. It took you at least an hour to figure out where that particular meme came from, but that's just season 16 for you. The confusion is half the fun. Of course the fandom would come up with the most ridiculous explanations as to why the cast and crew aren't allowed to validate Hellers, instead of just facing the reality that they all don't get it and have wrong opinions about things.
You open yet another nondescript brownish looking door, trying to find your way back to the panel hall. Whoever thought colour coding every single signpost and door instead of just using letters and arrows to point the way deserves to be fired. 
You take a deep breath to calm down and look at your phone.
"Fuck!" You curse out loud. You're so late. The main panel has already started and you're still utterly lost with no one nearby to ask for directions.
...not that you would ask for directions. You shudder. Egh people. 
You hear a faint cheering coming from behind the dark wooden door at the end of the deserted corridor. Bingo!
You run across the hallway, so ready to see the convention madness for yourself and open the door with a grin.
Instantly, the cheering grows louder and then subsides, leaving room for someone to speak. You look around confused. You can hear the panel just fine, but you’re not in the main hall.
Cautiously, you take a step forward. No that's not quite right. You are in the right room, but in the wrong place. Instead of being on the ground floor looking up at the actors on the stage, you’re on a balcony of sorts, hidden away near the ceiling. From here you can see everything. The whole crowd of fans, the stage. It's not the first row seat that you paid the other half of this month’s rent for, but it’s a nice view nevertheless and feels far less claustrophobic than downstairs with all the people around you doing their best to give you a headache. Maybe you'll just stay here and enjoy the rest of the show. No point in missing more of it than you already have.
You lean against the railing and watch as a staff member gives the microphone to a nervous looking fan. You cross your fingers, silently cheering them on, hoping they'll get through this in one piece.
The fan starts to talk and from the corner of your eyes you see something move. Startled, you stumble forward over the railing and for a moment you're certain that this is how you die.
A hand grips you tight by your several layers of flannel and pulls you back onto the floor of the balcony saving you from certain death.
You look up in a daze and see the silhouette of your saviour illuminated by the ceiling lights standing over you holding a sniper rifle. Somewhere in the distance you hear the fan continue their question ignorant of your almost death.
Your saviour moves with practiced ease back to the railing and aims their weapon at the people below. 
Shit. This can’t be happening. You try to get up and stop them from whatever they're about to do, but when you reach the figure and grab their wrist it's already too late.
"So about the Cartwright Twi-" [gunshots]
The fan falls to their knees and is carried off as someone on stage lets out an uncomfortable laugh and makes a joke about fainting. You watch the proceedings in shock, still gripping the sniper's wrist.
"What did you do?" You bite out, more harshly than you intended. In the back of your mind you know you should probably run away instead of arguing with the assassin, but there’s just something about them that makes you feel safe and unthreatened.
"My job." A gruff voice replies and as they turn you finally catch a first proper glimpse at the sniper's face. You let go of them almost immediately.
Oh no. They're hot.
The sniper pulls their wrist close to their chest and strokes the parts of their skin that your hand previously occupied. And odd knot forms in your stomach. You take a step closer and they shift away unused to the presence of another person.
You try to reach out again, but think better of it. You don’t want to scare the beautiful person in front of you. Your hand falls down limply to your side and the sniper follows your movements with their eyes still refusing to look directly at you.
You open your mouth to ask who they are, but you get interrupted when Jensen starts speaking. Instantaneously the sniper is all business again, aims their rifle and-
“Actually I think Dean is b-” [gunshots]
Jensen bends over and starts coughing violently, his sentence hanging forever unsaid in the room.
The sniper lowers their gun and looks emotionlessly at the scene they just caused.
“You’re-” You start, but the sniper holds up their hand to stop you.
“Don’t. Just go and pretend you never saw anything or I’ll shoot you as well.”
You shake your head.
“No. I don’t think you will.” Taking a chance you close the distance between the both of you and take the sniper’s free hand, intertwining your fingers with theirs. Their breath hitches as you touch them and they lower their eyes, but don’t move away. You take it as a good sign.
“You’re the C*W Sniper, aren’t you?” You whisper astonished. “I can’t believe you’re real.”
A fan with a faintly Spanish sounding accent is given the microphone. With their free hand the sniper reaches down and pulls out a gun from their thigh holster and- [gunshots]
What was once an almost unnoticeable accent is now unrecognizable word salad. Everyone laughs and writes the incident off as the fan simply being nervous. You frown.
“This isn’t right.”
“They’ll be able to speak again in a couple of minutes.”
You tighten your fingers around the snipers hand and try to unsuccessfully catch their eyes.
“Still doesn’t make it right. You didn’t even know if they’d mention anything about-”
The sniper aims their gun at you.
“I have my orders.”
Your eyes finally meet for the first time and the previous argument is forgotten as the world around you bursts into vibrant colours. 
“What the f-”
This isn’t possible. You’ve always been severely colour blind. People don’t just randomly heal from that. You shouldn’t be seeing any of this.
The sniper's cold eyes grow warm and mirror your own in wonderment. They look around before settling their eyes back on you and a soft “oh” escapes their lips.
“You’re my soulmate.” Their rough voice takes on a heart wrenching tone and you shake your head disbelievingly.
“No. Soulmates aren’t real. They were made up for fanfics.”
“That’s what the CW wants you to think.” The sniper says with a sad smile and breaks eye contact again. “The CW’s reach and power is far greater than anything you could possibly imagine.”
You cup the sniper’s face with your free hand and softly stroke their cheek with your thumb, almost entranced at the new connection you made with the not quite stranger in front of you. The sniper closes their eyes and leans into your touch. Your heart starts pounding and you wish for the moment to never end.
“You should leave.”
“Not without you.” You reply not missing a beat, trying not to get distracted by the sniper’s full lips and delicate features contrasting their hard battleworn exterior.
“I’m not safe to be around. I’ve hurt people.” The sniper turns around and lets go of your hand, but you hold on tight, too scared they’ll disappear as suddenly as they entered your life. Clutching their hand tightly, you pull them close and swirl them around forcing them to face you.
“I don’t care.” You say resolutely. “Whatever hold the C*W has on you, we’ll figure it out. Together.”
The sniper shakes their head and looks frantically over to the stage where Jensen is about to give his phone to a staff member.
“I- I can’t. I have to- I have nothing else but this.” They aim their gun at the stage, but you gently push their raised arm down. Your sniper doesn’t resist, but their hands are trembling. They’re scared, you realise. They’re scared and they need you.
“You have me. Please, I promise. Everything will be alright. Let me take care of you.”
The gun falls to the ground and the sniper lets themself be enveloped into your embrace. You hold them tightly as they fall apart in your arms and wait patiently until they stop shaking all the while whispering sweet reassurances into their ear.
“It won’t be easy.” They mumble against your shoulder and straighten up to look into your eyes. “The C*W will want to eliminate us. I’m not their only assassin.”
“Let them come. We’ll make them regret ever messing with us.” You say with a wicked grin and your sniper grins back with tears in their eyes.
You throw your arms over your snipers shoulders and lean your forehead against theirs.
“I’d really like to kiss you now.”
“Yes please.” The sniper says, almost breathlessly and you capture your soulmate’s lips for the first time. 
Fireworks explode in your soul and the crowd cheers as the Jackles Tapes are finally released and played on the big screen behind Jensen and Misha, who take the opportunity to ask every minor to leave the room as they’re about to reenact the secret good ending of Supernatural.
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elveny · 5 years
OTP Song Meme
I was tagged quite a while ago by @midnightprelude and it’s a wonderful meme, but it was not something I could just do, it took me a bit of digging. But here we go :D
Tagging forth @curiousthimble, @kunstpause, @greyias, @captainderyn, @faerieavalon, @thevikingwoman, @pikapeppa, @honekitteh and whoever wants to grab it! ♥
What songs you associate with a couple (romantic or otherwise) of your choice? 
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Solas and Lyssa
The Keeper by Kina Grannis
Leaves on the ground, waiting but there’s no sound Years go by, layers of love, lust, fire Ice all around, everything lost and found (Take me, hold me, save me, keep me safe) Blankets of dirt, collections of dreams and hurt (Memories buried lately in this place) Nobody has to know I’ll be the warmth when your heart’s growing cold And you’re on your own I’ll be the compass that points you to north I will be your keeper Sand and stone, struggles to claim and own (Take my burden, I can’t bear the weight) Wars lost won, promises come undone (I’ve been fighting, trying not to break) Nobody has to know I’ll be the warmth when your heart’s growing cold And you’re on your own I’ll be the compass that points you to north When you’re lost along the road I’ll be the voice of an old favorite song Taking you back home I’ll be the guard at the top of the tower I will be your keeper Nobody has to know 
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Fenris, Isabela and Adriene
Scars by Boy Epic
I'll take my bow I won't make a sound I whisper truce as the ashes hit the ground Hush love No, I'm not what you think that I'm made of I'm a story I'm a breakup Just a hero on a bridge that's burning down Can you see my scars? Can you feel my heart? This is all of me for all of the world to see So, who's it gonna be? The one that you only need I gave it all and all you gave was sweet misery So, who's gonna save us now when the ashes hit the ground? I gave it all and all you gave was sweet misery This is the end My beloved friends I'm lost in dreams and all I know is where I've been Run love I'm the truth that you're afraid of I'm a fever that you made up Just a martyr on a bridge that's burning down
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Fenris and Adriene
Party of One by Brandi Carlile
Waiter, send this to the table, the party of one The only other lonely soul in this place And so you're finishing up your coffee But then where're you gonna run? Where'd you get that look on your face? You should always let the sun go down on your anger And let it burn you to sleep And bring it closer to danger To surrender and retreat Sing your sad soul to sleep I loved you the first time I saw you And you know I love you still And I am tired but I am yours Don't even think about your freedom Or taking that flight Or going back upon your promise after fighting for the right Because your eggshells and your "I" statements And your weaponized words Are paper tigers now Oh, your constant overthinking and your secretive drinking Are making you more and more alone And girl, you can slam the door behind you It ain't ever gonna close Because when you're home, you're already home I am tired, I am tired, tired I loved you the first time I saw you And you know I love you still I loved you the first time I saw you And you know I love you still I don't wanna be right anymore Lord, I don't wanna fight anymore I'm not taking your side anymore Oh, I am tired I am not my own And I am leaving And I'm coming home 'Cause I am yours, I am yours 
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Theron and Jiune
Safe And Sound by Taylor Swift
I remember tears streaming down your face When I said, "I'll never let you go." When all those shadows almost killed your light I remember you said, "Don't leave me here alone," But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight Just close your eyes The sun is going down You'll be alright No one can hurt you now Come morning light You and I'll be safe and sound Don't you dare look out your window, darling. Everything's on fire The war outside our door keeps raging on Hold on to this lullaby Even when the music's gone Gone Just close your eyes The sun is going down You'll be alright No one can hurt you now Come morning light You and I'll be safe and sound 
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marimelwrites · 2 years
Goodbye - Sloan & Ayla (because I enjoy pain apparently)
From this Last Interaction/Goodbye meme here!
This wasn't meant to be dangerous, that was what Sloan kept telling himself. It was only a year. He could handle a year of time apart. What's more, he could take leave somewhere during that time and come back to Ayla, break up his time away so that it didn't feel so long. It didn't make leaving her any easier. This was one of the hardest things about having chosen this as his career path. The goodbyes never seemed to get any easier, no matter how many times he did them.
He was saying goodbye to her at home, he wasn't having her go with him and see him off. There wasn't a need. Not to mention it was an odd hour, and she had to get to work. Hopefully, his leaving wouldn't hurt too much. Sloan was hoping that the fact she still had to work would be enough to distract her from the loneliness his leaving would cause whenever she was at home. If he could take her with him, he would. Even better, if he didn't have to leave at all, he would just stay with her, but that wasn't an option.
Getting dressed in uniform was routine, the difference today was that Sloan wasn't moving quickly. He put each item on slowly, reluctantly, his eyes shifting back to Ayla's form as she watched him in that quiet way that she would any time he was leaving. His boots were last, and once those were on and laced, he rose and turned to face her with a heavy sigh. God, she looked so beautiful, but there was an undeniable sadness in her eyes and he wished he could take that away.
"My strong baby," He muttered as he pulled her toward him, and then picked her up so that her legs were wrapped around him. "Don't miss me too much while I'm gone, yeah?"
He leaned in and kissed her slowly. "I promise I'll video chat whenever I can, call you any moment I can't, and you'll get all sorts of emails from me. Cross my heart..."
His promise was one she could always count on. If there was one thing Sloan never missed a chance at, it was ensuring that he got to speak to the woman he loved. He was one lucky bastard, and he knew it, that and everyone in his unit along with his fellow officers reminded him of it constantly.
"I'll let you know as soon as I've made it safe, okay? Keep your phone on, ringer turned high, because my call might be in the middle of the night... but don't stay up late for me. If you don't answer, I'll know you were asleep and I'll try you again later. So, don't stress if you miss my call." Sloan explained, and then he began to walk, still carrying her, towards the front door of their home. He kissed her again, a slow, but deep kiss, one where he could remember the feel of Ayla's lips against his even when he was gone.
Stopping just before the door, he checked the time on his watch and gave another heavy sigh. "Alright, angel, I've gotta go." Kissing her once again, he was reluctant to pull away as he set her down. His fingers trailed across her cheekbone, and along her jawline until he caught her chin so he could kiss her one last time. "Seni çok seviyorum." He smiled at her and pulled the door open, his eyes remaining on her, and blew her a kiss, "See you soon, angel."
Finally, he turned and shut the door behind him, clearing his throat at the emotion that had built it's way up inside him. He hopped into his car, and before he moved, he reached up to the visor, pulling the photos of Ayla that he had stuck there when he brought his bags down the evening before. He tucked them into his hat so he wouldn't forget them when he got out of the car later, and with that, left his home and heart.
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 13 "The Final Girl(s)"
"It was a plan 20 years in the making. And it worked."
"Now, this is a hammer. Hammers are good for bashing people in the skull and watching them bleed to death, okay?"
"Easily cuts through muscle and bone, and has the added advantage of making sure your victim's final emotion is terror."
"I needed a persona to hide behind while we murdered people and stuff."
'As for me, what I've noticed is that the more weird and gross you are, the less people want to know about you. No one asks the kid with terrible acne what their favorite movie is or where they were born."
"My butt could launch a thousand ships."
"All killers have a cool costume; Jason with his hockey mask, Freddy Krueger's sweater and hat, Cujo's totally realistic dog costume."
"Unisex, kind of satanic. But not, like, a giant goat head satanic."
"I think he's dead."
"Stabbing can be pretty dramatic."
"Wait, we're spraying acid on the furniture?"
"Obvi, I was the brains of the operation."
"Your high school transcripts are clearly faked. And I'm guessing you made up your SAT scores, 'cause it's not possible to get one million percent on them."
"I've got a bedazzler back in my room."
"I hope you guys aren't freaked out by my appearance. Or lack of social skills and money."
"Come on. Let's go mingle, babies."
"I've always said that being nice is a really good quality. It could save your life one day."
"Order is restored, as they say. More than restored--reborn."
"I mean, someone had to take all the blame."
"Can we save the shoe?"
"Also, it helps to be completely frickin' insane."
"Because for a plan like this to work, you have to be willing to totally commit."
"I mean, desperate times call for desperate measures."
"This was the price I had to pay if I wanted to get away with murder and pin it all on someone else."
"Because some people don't deserve to just get murdered. They need to be truly punished."
"I didn't do it, I swear!"
"I'm one of the good guys!"
"You bite your own toenails."
"Okay, I am flexible."
"When I fart, I cup it in my hand and smell it."
"Dear god, shut up!"
"Oh, I see where this is going. You're gonna try and pin all of these murders on me so I spend the rest of my life in prison."
"The doctors were able to save my eyeball, and they said that I'm gonna make a full recovery."
"You're the killer!"
"Your entire life story is totally fabricated."
"She definitely was not adopted."
"Wait, I do know! I know where I know you from. You're from that prostate commercial."
"We took her in out of the kindness of our hearts. And also for the tax deduction."
"As soon as she learned to talk, I wanted to disown her."
"Our daughter sucks."
"But, sweetie, you're toxic, and you're bumming us out, so it's time for you to go."
"You can't arrest me-- don't you need, like, a warrant or something from a judge?"
"Wait, you think I'm the killer?"
"Well, just saying you saw something isn't evidence."
"Uh, if you're gonna just continue to accuse everyone, could we at least sit down?"
"I don't have a diners club card! Is diners club still even a thing?"
"I didn't know the oil was boiling!"
"What is your game here?"
"I mean, I am a pillar of this community."
"What better way for you to knock off everyone that you hate, because they're different from you or not as popular or not as pretty, than to murder them one by one?!"
"This is what I like to call first-class entertainment."
"You'll never take me alive!"
"Are these strippers?"
"I just don't understand how you just end it."
"I don't have a choice is what I'm telling you."
"Don't let it end like this."
"It was never gonna work out between us."
"We got too close to the sun, baby. We shined too bright."
"I promise I will never bang anyone the way I banged you."
"What do you mean, "what charity"? Just charity. All proceeds will go to charity."
"My friends are dead! I have nothing left!"
"I wrote up a quick book and became a media sensation."
"Women are better."
"If you think about all of human history, add up the wars and the genocide, all the oppression, the violence, the exploitation, the degradation of the human spirit, what do all those things have in common? Dudes. They have dudes in common, right?"
"It's true, a lot of people had to die to make that happen, but I often catch myself thinking, "you know what? Maybe it was worth it."
"But I suppose money still talks."
"We're gonna make cookies and brownies, and eat them while we talk about our feelings."
"At least some good came out of all of that evil."
"These kids were martyrs for a much bigger cause."
"It's not my fault that all of that happened to me."
"Maybe if I would've had a real dad, my brother wouldn't have turned into such a douche."
"They're dead. And that is your fault."
"I didn't kill any of these kids."
"Are you getting me a car?"
"I think you need your space."
"I was under the impression that I had the inalienable right to a jury of my peers. Look at these hippos. These are not my peers."
"This is a kangaroo court."
"You can't ignore the verdict."
"My dad is super gross rich. Like, disgusting rich. He'll have me out of prison in no time."
"You're going to an asylum."
"You're rude, entitled, narcissistic, racist and insane."
"Your entire defense consisted of you screaming at the jury that you didn't kill anybody and then threatening to kill them if they found you guilty."
"I think I'm ready to show you my ears."
"I love it here! I never want to leave!"
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