#[ cor // marshal of the crownsguard ]
sparklecryptid · 1 year
I've got an idea for a royal bastard that I think you might find interesting.
Basically, Regis learns that one of his flings might have produced a kid, the timing just about matches, and tries to track them down for some paternity tests. The problem is, the last reliable sighting was when the kid was, like, ten and nothing solid since then, because war and Nifs and refuges everywhere.
Not even Cor can seem to find them no matter where he looks.
What happened was that the kid realised that they were trans and might have figured out how to use magic for pseudo-hormone therapy and stuff, and since they already needed to get new papers as a refuge they just put their new name down everywhere, and maybe they fudged their birthday a little and look their surname is the most common one in Lucis it's not their fault.
Also, they don't really care about the royalty thing so they are not coming forth, no siree.
(I leave the gender of the hypothetical kid up to you)
Pan will go ahead and say that hearing his dead-name on the news attached to a photo of him when he was a little girl was not what he planned to witness when he turned on the news after he had spent a long ass day in the archives of the local university; but that is exactly what he saw.
Pan watches for a few more minutes. The news anchor goes on to say that this is 'leaked information' and that 'the little girl in the picture is supposedly related to King Regis somehow'. It is then Pan turns off the TV and is desperately thankful that he no longer goes by Rosalyne and that 'Ardent' is a very common last name.
It's not like his old name is on any of his official documents; the chances of anyone finding him is very slim.
That does nothing to stop the worry in his chest.
Pan is proven right to worry; because the next day his little brother - who is fucking adorable and a teenager - almost gets assassinated on a tour of the library Pan works at.
And Pan can't just let that happen. He can't! So if he sort-of on purpose electrocutes all of the would-be assassins in front of an audience then-
He had reason to okay?!
Noctis looks at the charred remains of his assassins, takes a moment to look at Pan, looks at his assassins again.
Finally the prince -amidst all the panic of their surroundings - speaks.
"Don't they train you to take them in alive?"
Pan blinks.
Noctis looks at him confused.
"You are a member of the Crownsguard aren't you?"
Pan barely holds back the panicked laughter that threatens to escape.
"Yes," Pan lies, "I am. I am going to go and phone the Lord Marshal now. Please don't die in the mean time."
And once he is sure he's out of sight and that others are there to protect Noctis Pan does the only reasonable thing.
He books it.
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one-winged-dreams · 5 months
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This is EXTREMELY half-baked, the outfit is incomplete (I haven't drawn his slutty crop jacket yet and it's missing a lot of details), and I literally traced over my other insert's pose but here's my Cor kisser. It's the best of what I could depict while I'm this sick. ;_;
Cain Crux, Aranea's QPP, who has stuck by her side since they were kids and recent pain in the ass of a certain Crownsguard Marshal.
He's supposed to keep Cor up to date on what information Aranea feels like sharing, whether he wants it or not. And then accidentally seduces him along the way, oops. (They mostly get close during the time skip, before that it's all flirting on his end)
He's not all that bothersome, he's got a pretty laid-back personality, just a tiny bit smug with some low-impact teasing. Everything he does is pretty subdued and low-fuss. Except for the walloping he can deliver with his gunblade.
I'm not gonna tag anyone because i'll update it when I can stay at my PC long enough to draw properly, but feel free to reblog.
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primamchorus · 15 days
Burning Valor
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Cor Leonis, youngest person in the history of Insomnia to have become a Crownsguard at the age of thirteen, is now offered a title of nobility for his loyalty to the Crown and her people. His valorous deeds have never gone missed by King Regis. However, the decision to move forward with it weighs heavy...perhaps heavier than any decision Cor has had to make in the past.
Word Count: 2,256
FFXV: Reimagined Table of Contents
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“Marshal, a moment of your time?” The voice cut through the quiet corridor, firm yet friendly.
The marshal, a man of a lean build and serious expression hardened from years of service, stopped and turned toward the voice that called to him. Standing behind him was the king flanked only by one of his closest friends and members of the Lucian Royal Council. Of course, this meant the marshal gave them both his full attention, crossing his right arm over his chest before bowing respectfully to them.
“Highness…” the man respectfully greeted, his light blue gaze still turned toward the ground. “What can I do for you?”
“If you would, Marshal, I request your presence in a private meeting with Clarus and myself,” the king requested. This caused the man to slowly look up, the barest hint of intrigue evident in the serious expression wrought across his features.
“... No trouble at all,” the marshal replied, straightening back up into standing position. The king then nodded subtly toward Clarus, and the trio set off down the hall toward a meeting room nestled away within the base of the Citadel. Normally, Cor gave no thought to the hall and its features, but this time, he noted the long, dark shadows that were cast onto the walls with each light they passed. A distraction, perhaps.
The marshal’s mind churned and twisted with silent questions. It had been a while since he needed to be debriefed on anything major. Had Niflheim made significant movements that needed opinions or a plan of action on? Was there word back from House Vox and their branch on happenings within Niflheim controlled territories that needed the Glaive? Was that why Clarus was present?
Despite the tempest of thoughts, his expression remained stoic as ever. He continued his pace behind both individuals until, at last, they reached the door to a room the man was all too familiar with: the war room. He often came here to help plan strategic meetings and plans of action for the Crownsguard and sometimes the Kingsglaive to follow.
So what was it being used for today? And by the king himself no less?
When the door closed behind them, the marshal stood at attention, hands behind his back. He kept his gaze glued to the king, never even taking a moment to glance in Clarus’ direction. It was the king who summoned him, so it was the king he would make sure had his undivided attention.
“Be at ease, Cor,” the king said, his voice carrying the weight of years spent in leadership as he made his way to the blackwood table. He lowered himself into a chair, a slight slump in his posture -- a subtle departure from the regal bearing usually demanded by his station.
Cor finally gave the barest tilt of his head to the circumstance in which he found himself. If this was not some matter of grave import, then why was this meeting arranged? Regardless, he held his posture, only slightly relaxing his shoulders.
“Your Highness…” Cor started. “Is there ne-”
“Dispense with such formalities, Cor,” the king interjected with a bit of a tiredness to his tone, waving a hand like swatting a fly away. “It does us a disservice behind closed doors to act as if we are merely king and his loyal subject. Please, I would have you speak as you would without titles or duty influencing your every word or thought.”
“... Regis…” Cor slowly started, his posture remaining still somewhat rigid. “I’m curious as to the reason I've been summoned. This doesn’t seem like a typical briefing for a mission or military council.”
“It’s not. Which is why I approach you today with Clarus as friends and former traveling companions. Brothers, if you will,” Regis said in response. He then motioned toward one of the chairs. “If you would, it would perhaps be best if you sit. I wish to discuss this matter with you as it is something that may be seen as a heavy burden.”
Hesitating only a moment, Cor strode to a nearby chair and slowly took a seat. His eyes never left Regis, his mind only hanging onto the question: ‘whatever could he want to discuss?’
Silence hung heavy for a time before Regis finally sighed and clasped his hands together over the table’s surface. Perhaps whatever he had to say was not an easy thing. Perhaps it was just as heavy as the air felt within that moment.
"I wish to bestow upon you the honor of ennoblement, Cor."
Cor’s lips parted ever so slightly with surprise. Did he hear Regis correctly just then?
“That’s…” Cor began, eyes going to the table and tracing over the woodgrain and pattern -- as if trying to find words to use in the natural etchings. 
This would have been the first time someone was elevated to nobility in a while. Two or three centuries, if Cor recalled correctly. “That’s a large responsibility to bestow upon one who merely saw himself as lending his efforts toward the Guard and Glaive. But I suppose you wouldn’t simply do this on a whim and have discussed it at length with the rest of the Royal Council.”
Regis gave a slight nod of confirmation, his attention firm on Cor. “The decision is ultimately yours, my friend. I will harbor no ill-will toward you should you decline.”
There were, of course, a number of benefits that would have come with going through the rite of ennoblement. Becoming part of the king’s circle of nobles would mean Cor got a greater wealth of magic bestowed to him from the Crystal. He could do his job even better. Maybe it was best while he was still within his thirties…
“I can't lie…the benefits outweigh the negatives…” Cor began in response, closing his eyes as he leaned forward. “But…I fear that moving forward with this and making a House Leonis would be short-lived… I've never had a desire to father a child, let alone find someone to make that possible. You'd be making your noble house simply for it to vanish in -- if we're fortunate -- another fifty years. Less if I can't live by that damned epithet everyone's given me.”
“I warned Regis this would be your answer,” Clarus said, his first real interaction since they had all come to meet. A look of mild annoyance settled upon Clarus’ face as he folded his arms over his chest. Regis cast a sidelong glance at him; it seemed evident that their lifelong bond perhaps saw them bickering over the decision before they approached Cor at all. Cor, meanwhile, glanced between them, a heavy, silent sigh making his shoulders and chest heave for but a moment.
Returning his attention to Cor, Regis adjusted in his seat, clearing his throat. “It matters not to me if you want the line of nobility to extend past yourself. It has always been your aid, loyalty, and unwavering, valorous spirit that have inspired me to reach out to you to build the foundation for the Valor of the King.”
Valor of the King… There was a slight ring to it. Still, it was a large responsibility to carry. Cor felt like if he was elevated to nobility, there would be some duty to seeing an heir ascend and take over. Much like all the others that came before: Hand, Shield, Arms, Heart, Eyes, and Ears.
The pregnant pause that filled the room went unmissed by all, least of all, Regis.
“But…you should know…the Crystal will recognize not only you as part of a noble family.”
Cor looked up, a flicker of intrigue and confusion making him tilt his head slightly. “What does that mean?”
“It means your younger siblings will also be recognized. Your parents, too, were they still with us,” Regis explained. “The Crystal will touch all who share your bloodline. It holds no prejudice over any one person within a family with the same blood.”
Realization set in before Cor’s expression hardened once more. “Then my sister's child…”
“...Would carry on the House Leonis line should you accept and have no intention of producing an heir to the House,” Regis finished. He sighed again, heart. “It really is a heavy burden. I have no doubt that you would require time to speak with Cera to gain her own thoughts and insights. Though the decision rests with you, her feelings and decisions are equally important to me.”
“Why didn’t you speak with her?” Cor questioned.
“I felt it wasn’t my place. The head of the House would be you should you accept, after all.” Regis made his thoughts sound so simple. Then he relaxed, going back into a somewhat slouched position in his chair. “Besides…I believe it best for her to have that discussion with you instead of hearing it from me. Though I am a king of my people and wish for their utmost wellbeing, meddling in family affairs does not befit me, wouldn’t you agree?”
Cor supposed Regis was right in a way. Still, that meant arranging a meeting with her at some point.
With a curt nod, Cor rose from his seat.
“... I'll speak with her…” Cor said. The weight of the decision still weighed heavily on his shoulders now that it was placed there. But…so long as Cera was okay with it, then he supposed he had no qualms. “I do believe having more access to the Crystal will likely be necessary against the Niflheim threat. I'll need time to get used to it if my sister approves of the arrangement.”
When Cor met with his sister, he felt a flicker of warmth to see her cheery disposition, though his face betrayed none of it. He noted with silent relief that she appeared in good health as she approached, her steps light despite the pregnancy. Stepping aside to pull out a chair for her at the table he had been waiting at, he motioned to it; something simple to ease her burden. After all, he knew that she must have had a difficult time during her stage in her pregnancy with little to no help back at home.
Cera was glowing. Clearly, she was keeping to whatever regimen she had at home to keep her appearance well kept. Her brown hair had been neatly pinned back out of her face, the rest of it secured in a loose Altissian braid.
“Keeping well?” Cor asked, his voice low so as to not disturb those around them. He took his seat once she was settled.
“Well enough,” Cera replied, a soft sigh escaping her lips. Her eyes darted from his hands, tightly clasped together, back up to his ever-serious expression. “And you? I can’t imagine you called me here just for a family reunion. You usually don't look so...troubled when it’s merely a casual outing.”
Of course Cera would see through him immediately. She always had a knack for reading between the lines, especially when it came to her brother.
A slow sigh escaped Cor as he looked down at his clasped hands.
Was this how Regis felt when he first approached Cor? The thought struck him with an uncomfortable familiarity -- sitting here, mirroring Regis's posture, burdened by a choice that seemed to weigh heavier with every breath. Cor might have laughed at the irony if the gravity of the moment was not weighing so heavily on his shoulders.
“King Regis spoke with me…” Cor began, his tongue suddenly feeling like sandpaper as he struggled to broach the subject. Should he just tear the bandage off quickly? There was little point in skirting around what needed to be said.
“And?” Cera prodded, reaching over to take up the menu at the table.
“He…wants to elevate my status to nobility…” Cor finally said. “Technically, our status. As he tells it, the Crystal doesn’t discriminate between those that share the bloodline. Should I become recognized by the Crystal, so will you. So will…your child.”
Cera’s lips parted, a look of disbelief settling on her features. She then moved the menu aside and folded her arms over the table, leaning forward as she did so. “So…what did you tell him?”
“I told him I’d speak with you,” Cor replied, voice steady, though a hint of weariness seeped into his words. He could feel fatigue creeping in, threatening to make him less patient than he intended. But he forced it down -- this was still meant to be a cordial conversation, even if Cera’s voice had taken on a bit of a sharper edge. “He believes your opinion matters just as much as mine since this decision will affect you too.”
“And what do you want?” Cera pressed. Her eyes locked onto his, searching.
“... I want to protect the Crown and its people as best as I can.”
Cera leaned back in her chair, one hand resting on the swell of her belly as she considered his response. The silence stretched between them like a taut string ready to snap. Finally, she asked, “Will having a title of nobility help with that? We’ve seen the elevated prowess of House Amicitia, House Chorus…all of them, really. Do you want what they have for yourself, Cor?”
“I find no shame in my capabilities if you don’t want it. That said…I see no downside to receiving such a boon,” Cor replied earnestly.
Cera held his gaze for a moment longer, her expression inscrutable, before finally nodding.
“… Then do it,” she said quietly. “Accept his offer of ennoblement.”
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blossom-adventures · 1 year
Bad things happen bingo request ^-^
FFXV - Go Through Me - Draucor
I am so so sorry it took so long to do this one! But I hope I’ve done a good job with it!
I officially love to idea of Cid being a fatherly figure to Cor and I love the way I’ve made him tease Cor and Titus!
Ok, here we go, from my @badthingshappenbingo card, “Go Through Me”
A Request for Aid
It was rare that the Guard and Glaive were sent out on the same mission, but when a pack of Wyvern is harassing a certain mechanic and his garage in Leide, it is clear why the King would want the issue resolved, despite all the stress he was currently dealing with, at least, it was clear to the Marshal or the Crownsguard and one of the Glaive’s Lieutenants.
Cor and Titus watched Cid storm over to the Captain of the Kingsglaive, the Captain, who was Insomnian born, looked down his nose at Cid, clearly not happy being out of the city.
“The Captain is going to get his nose broke if he keeps looking at Cid like that” Titus whispered to Cor, who smirked
“It’ll be nice to see that arrogant fuck get knocked on his back, don’t you think?”
“You in charge ‘ere, Marshal?” Cid barked, Cor stepped up to the shorter, older man.
“I am Cid. Sorry about the delay, if it was up to me, we’d have been here 2 days ago” Cid went to say something, something Cor knew would involve insulting the King so quickly added, “it’s not His Majesty’s fault, and he and the Lord Shield send their regards.” Cid raised a brow before nodding to the Diner
“Come on, I’ll explain what’s been goin’ on, you too Titus,” Cid clapped Titus on the arm as he walked past, causing the Captain to splutter in disbelief.
“He is not the Captain here, Mr Sophiar, I am!” Titus stopped for a moment as Cid looked over his shoulder.
“And yet he looks more like a Captain than you do” Cid continued walking, making sure Titus was following him.
Once inside the Diner Cid pulled Cor into a strong hug.
“Good to see you here, Kid!” Cor’s arms were pinned to his sides by the older man, once Cid let go of Cor he looked over to Titus, “you doin’ well, Lad?” He asked, clapping Titus on the shoulder again.
“Yes, thank you, Cid”
“It’s good to see you too, Cid”
“So, why is it you’re all late? Reggie said you’d be right ‘ere?”
“That would be because of my Captain, Cid, he has a tendency to…”
“Fuck around before a deployment” Cor finished Titus’ sentence. “So, these Wyvern?”
“Dawn hunters, just as the sun rises, injured one of the Hunters pretty bad on the last attack”
“So our best bet is to wait until tomorrow morning then,” Cor looked over to Titus, who nodded
“I’ll fill the rest of them in” Titus nodded to Cid and left the Diner, once they were alone, Cid looked at Cor
“You still happy with him, Kid?” Cor rolled his eyes and smirked
“Yes, Cid, I am”
“So why aren’t you married yet?” Cor cursed under his breath and chuckled. Trust Cid to ask about his relationship.
“A lots been happening, especially recently,” with that comment, Cids smile faded
“How is the Prince?” He asked quietly
“Regis is taking him to Tenebrae next month, the Oracle has offered her aid, Titus and the other Glaive will be going too, as part of his security detail”
“But not you?”
“I’m looking after Gladio, Violet and Iris, I offered. Clarus trusts me the most with them”
“Am I talking to the same Cor Leonis I knew? Rowdy teen, always gettin’ into fights, hot headed idiot?”
“Oh he’s still there, Cid, he just needs the right situation to show up” Titus said with a smug grin on his face. “Everyone is ready, now we just need to wait until morning” Cid nodded, then ushered the 2 men to a nearby table
“I’ll get us dinner, we can have a proper catch up”
Cor rolled onto his back as his alarm sounded, if he was at home he would have rolled into Titus’ arms, but instead he felt the edge of the single bed Cid had let him use at the garage, he let out a groan, this was the part of being deployed on a mission that he hated, he really missed Titus at his side.
Once he was up, he joined the other members of the Guard and Glaive who were gathering in the forecourt of Hammerhead.
“Morning, Marshal” Cor smiled slightly as Titus walked over, handing Cor the second coffee he was holding
“Lieutenant Drautos,” he greeted his partner with a nod of his head, Titus took a sip of his coffee, just as Cid sauntered over and spoke
“Why do the pair of you hide the fact that you’re fuckin’?” Titus choked on his coffee and Cor felt heat rise to his face. Once Titus cleared his throat he looked back at Cid
“Couldn’t you have waited until I’d had a drink?” Titus coughed
“Where’s the fun in that? Seriously though, why do you keep your relationship secret?” Cor shrugged
“It’s easier,” he admitted, “we both like to keep it private, and we don’t want to deal with the accusations… people I work with don’t like the refugees, so the fact that I’m in a long term relationship with one… it’s just easier.”
“And I don’t want people asking intimate questions” Titus added, earning a raised brow from Cor, “what? You think I’m the only one interested? 3 of the mages swoon when you walk past.” Cor stared blankly at Titus as Cid burst out laughing.
“Marshal!” The Captain of the Kingsglaive stormed over “we’ve seen no sign of any Wyvern, this whole mission just seems like a waste of time” Cor looked at the Captain and was about to tell him to be patient when they all heard a screech.
“Ah, right on cue,” Cid huffed, the Captain returned to the members of the Glaive he’d brought with him and began barking orders, Cid caught Cor’s wrist as he went to do the same, “don’t get yourself killed, Kid” Cor gave Cid a nod and ran off to the Crownsguard.
The Wyverns were massive, their wingspan was easily 4 times Titus or Cor’s size and there were 5 of them! Titus was trying to bark orders to the other Glaive to use Blizzard spells instead of lightning, all while he was fighting the smallest of the 5 beasts alone, he managed to swing up onto its back, by imbedding his sword into its neck and jumping on. He felt the familiar cold sensation build up in his left hand as a Blizzard spell began to form. Titus had a natural gift with the magic granted to him by the King, if he wasn’t so skilled with a sword he’d have likely been made a mage, but he was one of the few that were incredibly skilled with both. He dragged the ice that was forming in his hand along the blade of his sword before driving it into the Wyvern’s neck, the giant beast collapsed and Titus climbed off its back.
Once he was on the ground he looked around, making sure the 4 remaining Wyverns were being dealt with, they were, at least, all but one.
Titus felt as if his world slowed down and his blood ran cold as he watched Cor get knocked backward by the largest Wyvern, he slammed into a cluster of rocks and fell limply to the ground.
“Cor…” Titus started running over, pulling out his dagger as he did and threw it at the Wyvern which was now stalking towards Cor. Titus warped to his dagger and crashed into the beasts large head, in the confusion he managed to stab at it blindly before regaining his footing in front of Cor, holding his sword tightly in his right hand and summoning some more ice into his left, the Wyvern would have to go through him if it wanted to hurt Cor.
Cor’s eyes flickered open, his head was spinning and his whole body ached, as his vision cleared he saw Titus fighting the largest Wyvern, his movements were so precise, targeting the weak parts of the creature with both his magic and his blade, managing to also warp several times to avoid a dangerous bite.
Cor pushed himself onto his feet just as Titus managed to drive his sword through the neck of the Wyvern, the beast fell limp and Titus got thrown from its back, landing on his side and staying there for a moment, unmoving. Cor stumbled over to him.
“Titus?” Cor knelt down at Titus’ side just as the Glaive started to move, pushing himself up slowly. “You idiot, you pushed yourself into Stasis didn’t you?!”
“Might have done…” Titus wheezed, his face was sickly grey and he had beads of cold sweat running from his forehead. “Are you alright?” Cor nodded despite them both knowing he was injured.
“Marshal!” Cor looked over to Monica as she ran over, “Gods I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to get to you sooner” the young woman reached into her coat pocket and pulled out a potion, she handed it over to Cor, who gladly took it
“Thank you Monica, would you help Lieutenant Drautos to his feet please? I think he’s suffering a little, he hit Stasis” Monica helped Titus stand up while Cor took the potion she’d given him before he too, pushed himself to his feet.
“Cid isn’t going to like the fact that you got hurt, Marshal” Titus said, giving Cor a weary smile
“Let me deal with Cid, Monica, make sure he rests please”
“Of course, Sir” Cor watched Monica put Titus’ right arm over her shoulders and began to lead him back towards the vans they had travelled in. Seeing Titus being supported by such a small woman would have made Cor laugh under normal circumstances, but after what the 2 men had been through today, Cor was just glad they were both still alive.
“Right…” Cor spoke to himself as he brushed off the dust from his uniform, “best report back to Cid.”
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swordofthreekings · 2 years
@galahdborn from here
Nyx had been a constant presence in his life since they realized that they were soulmates. He was a chatty man, comfortable with talking to him, even if Cor didn't always answer him. He never seemed to be bothered by the fact that Cor couldn't reveal as much as Nyx might want. It had become something comfortable after enough time. He enjoyed hearing Nyx's thoughts in his mind.
And then the invasion of Galahd happened.
Cor had been among those sent to try to help, but Galahd wasn't a small place, and he hadn't managed to find his soulmate before Nyx was taken by Niflheim. He'd tried so hard to keep Nyx talking after that, to find him somehow. To at least know he was alright. But as the Marshal of the Crownsguard, there was only so much he could do.
Until the day Nyx told him to leave him alone.
Enough was enough. Cor had requested leave to go find his soulmate, and when he was told it wasn't possible with everything going on, Cor had done it anyway. He packed up the basics of what he needed and left the city before dawn.
You are my soulmate, Nyx Ulric. And I will find you and bring you back.
It would have been easier if he knew what Nyx looked like, but he decided to start searching for him by slipping into a Nif base and looking for information.
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secret-engima · 2 years
If Nox was blowing up Nif bases all over Lucis for at least 2 years, there are good odds that Regis had someone investigating it. Probably, Cor. Afterall, can't have something like this happening in your country, even if those are your enemies who are killed.
What were they thinking about it all, and do they ever learn it was Nox who was doing all of that?
Oh there was definitely someone investigating, but probably not Cor specifically? Since they didn't know it was someone using magic and Cor as the Marshal is genuinely super busy, they probably just had a team of Crownsguard working on it.
Yeah I can see them finding out eventually? It's not something Nox brings up intentionally, but I can see a slip up leading to them figuring it out (and then freaking out because CHILD)
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caparrucia · 1 year
Can you write a ficlet about Cor and Monica meeting in SiO?
For all intents and purposes, Monica Elshett is the twenty-seventh idiot who gets assigned to serve as the Marshal's second in command. The Marshal has held the post for exactly seven months and has been present in the Citadel for none of them, because he's out in the front lines, being a walking weapon of mass destruction, if the reports coming in are meant to be believed. At first, of course, the post was highly contested.
It's no small thing, to be second-in-command to the Marshal. The Marshal is the absolute authority at the head of the Crownsguard, all the bloated, conflicting, impossibly complex hierarchies within it. And more than that, this new Marshal is also the Voice of the King. Few know much about him, except that he's a man of few words and what he lacks in breeding and noble blood he more than makes up for with his capacity for violence. The Marshal has gone to the front lines, and reports keep coming back that he keeps not dying, but in practical terms all that means is that he's not there to exercise his power.
The post is appealing, is the point, and candidates fight for it. Most of them die or end up resigning fairly quickly, however. They've either incurred the wrath of the Lord Shield, who is unusually short lately, or just... accidents. It's the kind of repeated, insistent accident that makes people whisper about a saboteur being involved. Bit by bit, the post loses its shine and each new holder is more reluctant than the last.
By the time Monica is saddled with the job, no one's really gunning for it anymore, and no one's really paying attention to it. She's very forgettable, she knows. Nondescript. A consummated paper pusher, through and through. Most people look at her taking on the job and assume she's been allowed to keep it because she's too dimwitted to make dangerous use of it. After all, her first command is an audit, which takes upwards to thirteen months to complete, and no one even gets in trouble for it. At least, not publicly. And if Monica ends up spending time with the Lord Shield's wife instead of him directly, more often than not, it's of no concern.
After all, Monica Elshett is a perfectly boring, perfectly bland person, so carefully well-crafted no one really thinks twice about her or her record or the fact she's only ever existed in paper.
"You're going to love Cor," Lyra Argentum, her savior, her friend, her mentor and her real boss, tells her, on the day before their meeting is scheduled to occur.
Monica, who is neither dimwitted nor slow nor boring, does not look overly impressed. She knows there's been hands twisting reports and leaking news along, shaping the legend of the Immortal as it were. But she's also privy to the actual reports and none of it looks very impressive. Oh, the property damage and the capacity for violence is staggering, but there seems to be a recurrent lack of strategy and long-term planning in the execution of it.
The suicide attempt to retake Paddra all on his on does not inspire confidence, either, for all it pushed the King to summon his Marshal back home.
"Am I?" Monica asks, not quite defiant, because she knows Lyra as best as anyone could claim to.
"Absolutely," Lyra insists, eyebrows arched. "Not only is he earnest, he's kind. Not a single mean bone in his stupid, suicidal carcass. And yet, somehow, he's not an idiot. He's not some sheltered dandy, all bark and no bite. He's fascinating."
Monica does not comment on this, because Monica is gunning for the title of best saboteur in service of the King, and as the current holder of the title, Lyra is by all means the threshold she's aiming to surpass. Lyra is not stupid, and her word carries weight equal if not heavier than the King's, sometimes.
Monica thinks of it, when she walks into the office to find the Marshal bent over his desk, clearly horrifically hungover and in no way presentable, and yet, the first thing he says, when his eyes land on her, is:
"Oh, you're one of Lyra's girls." He grins wryly, looking thoroughly demolished by something far more brutal than the war itself. "Nice to meet you. Anything I should do to avoid getting shivved in my sleep?"
Monica doesn't even bother trying to deny it.
"More of a poison person, actually," she admits, head tilted to the side. "And not coming to the office hungover would be a great start, sir."
Irrationally, he laughs. Monica knows Lyra is right, because she can admit that's a nice sound and it doesn't immediately make her want to kill him for the audacity.
Regretfully, she'll have to let him live, then.
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a-world-in-grey · 2 years
Sola/Blood of my Blood - Sola and Tiziana
@secret-engima going back through your fem!titus tag and came across Tiziana getting put on guard duty for a heavily pregnant Aulea, and I'm like - Sola would be there. Sola would absolutely be there because from the moment she learns she's getting a little sibling she refuses to leave her mother's side she's so excited and determined to help her mom.
Just picture Tiziana's first real meeting with Aulea being the first time she really meets Sola. Tiz has heard of the Crown Princess of course, the entire Crownsguard knows of the Marshal's godsdaughter and how doting/protective he is of the girl. How proud he is of the little prodigy he trains nearly every day.
She doesn't expect, when Aulea introduces Sola to her, for the girl to look up at her with awe on her face and immediately say, "So tall."
"Yes, Drautos is very tall." Aulea says with amusement while Tiziana flounders for a response to that out of the blue comment.
"Taller than Uncle." Sola insists, looking like she wasn't aware such a thing was even possible.
Which is how Tiziana finds herself with an admirer.
Sola also fully believes Tiziana when she says that Aulea is going to have a boy, and she lights up at the idea of a little brother. Regis finds himself outnumbered at that point, and him asking if Sola doesn't want a little sister is met with a confused expression and Sola's innocent "But Mama's having a boy," backed up with the reasoning that "Mama and 'Draw-tos' say so."
Of course, then Aulea goes into premature labor, and Sola wants to come with to the hospital, and the only reason she's only breaking half a dozen traffic laws - mostly speeding laws - is because Sola's in the backseat with Aulea because Sola refused to be left behind and Aulea pointed out it wasn't worth the time it would take to argue with the girl. (Of course, Cor is not happy to hear Sola's voice in the background of Drautos' call, excitedly telling Cor that 'Mama's having the baby!' He orders Drautos to keep Sola with her at all times, even if Drautos has to go with the baby to the NICU.)
Fortunately, Sola seems fine despite the yelling Aulea is doing in the delivery room, more excited to tell Cor about how Drautos got Cor's car to start without any keys and how fast Drautos drove down the road. Sola looks up at Drautos and asks if she can learn to drive like that, and Drautos can feel Cor's stare drilling into the side of her head when she replies that Sola will have to wait until she's sixteen. But if she asks the Marshal very nicely, he might let her learn how cars work. Cor lasts approximately two seconds under Sola's stare before folding like wet paper, and Drautos hides a snicker.
And just... Tiziana becoming 'Aunt Tiz' well before Cor and Tiz get into a relationship. Tiz being the main female role model for Sola after Aulea's death. And then Tiz having to balance being Sola's Captain versus being her aunt after Sola joins the glaives. Not that Tiz goes any easier on Sola. If anything, Tiziana is even harder on Sola than the rest of the glaives, because she knows full well what kind of training Sola went through under Cor and Sola can handle it.
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garbria · 1 year
CorNyx 💛?
< 3
reunion kiss / relief 
Cor sighed, absentmindedly tracing the swirls on his arm. The light brown lines of his transfer mark next to light pink of his own healed soulmark scar reassured him. Nyx was alive, and hopefully in the group of refugees a few days out from Insomnia. It burned at him that he wasn’t able to go to Galahd after the attack, couldn’t even establish communication with the survivors in the chaos. He couldn’t have made another choice, not with his oaths to the Crown, but it still ate at him, that his soulmate’s home had been attacked and he couldn’t do anything about it.
He couldn’t even go look for Nyx. He hadn’t heard about the attack on Galahd until it was well over, with the clusterfuck that was trying to secure Regis and Noctis’ safety on the way back from Tenebrae. The Empire’s move on Galahd so soon after their attack on Regis and Tenebrae had caught everyone by surprise. Cor was the most senior member of the Regis’ retinue in Insomnia, so he’d been holding things down while Regis took Noctis for healing. When Clarus called about the attack on Tenebrae, Cor had scrambled to call in every available Crownsguard and Glaive to secure Regis and Noctis’ safe return. Not to mention having to deal with the unrest in the city once the news of the death of the Oracle and threat on Regis got out.
It reminded Cor why he hated politics and politicians as much as he did. He dealt much better with problems he could stab.
At least his connection with Nyx reassured him that Nyx was alive, despite the reports of the devastation of Galahd. 
He never expected to find his soulmate in a teenager on a diplomatic trip with Regis. Though with how they found out - Nyx nearly getting himself killed protecting Regis - neither Regis nor Clarus were particularly surprised he and Nyx were a match.
Despite their dramatic first meeting, Cor had tried to keep his distance over the years, keeping in touch with letters and the occasional phone call. Nyx was only sixteen when they met, and Cor couldn’t involve a teenager in the mess that was his life. Nyx needed to have his own life, with his family and friends. He wouldn’t let the wolves of the Council, or worse, the press, get wind of Nyx’s existence. He could protect Nyx better than that.
They had agreed when Nyx reached his majority according to both Galahd and Lucis, they would create their matching soulmarks to formalize their bond. Cor had managed a few weeks off around Nyx’s 18th birthday, and they completed the ceremony together under the stars. Cor had been pleasantly surprised to see how much Nyx had grown into himself, and the focused look in his eyes as he drew his kukri over the trace of their design to mark Cor and himself made Cor’s breath catch. The phone calls became more frequent after that.
Until Noctis was attacked and Cor’s world became consumed with protecting the royal family and the kingdom. He hadn’t talked to Nyx since a few weeks before the Marilith attack, except for a quick return text to let Nyx know he was safe in Insomnia. Once his agents in the field reported the attack on Galahd, Cor had stolen a few moments to call Nyx, but it hadn’t gone through. He hadn’t had time to try again, not with everything falling apart around him. 
His people told him that a group of refugees from Galahd were on their way to Insomnia. If Nyx wasn’t among them, then he would leave the rest of this clusterfuck in Clarus’ hands and go find him. Regis and Noctis had been back for a few days, but security concerns were still high, worried that the Empire would continue its advance. Clarus could deal with all that without him for a few days if he didn’t get word on Nyx soon.
His phone rang, and he pulled himself out of his thoughts as he answered it. “Leonis.”
“Marshal, I’ve word that the Galahdan refugees are at the gate. Apparently, one of them is asking for you.” Monica’s voice was a calm anchor as Cor’s emotions threatened to wash over him.
They were supposed to be a few days out. How had they gotten here without him knowing? Was Nyx there?
“I’ll be right there.” Cor hung up without waiting for Monica’s response. He grabbed his jacket and strode down the hallway just short of a run only because running would cause panic that would further delay him.
The Crownsguard saluted as he drove up. He asked for the officer in charge as he walked up to the gate post. He could see a large group of people milling outside, but his view was mostly blocked by the Crownsguard holding them back.
“What’s going on here, Lieutenant?” Cor demanded.
“Sir, these people are demanding entry, but they have no immigration papers.” The lieutenant fidgeted nervously, not making eye contact with Cor.
“Your orders are to direct refugees to Refugee Resettlement, are they not?” Cor asked, his voice flat with disapproval. He knew there was anti-refugee sentiment on the rise in Insomnia, but he was not happy to see it in the ranks of the Crownsguard.
“But Sir…,” the lieutenant finally made eye contact.
“Are those not your orders?” Cor snapped. “Get these people moving.”
The lieutenant snapped to attention. “Yes, sir.” He turned and shouted orders at the other Crownsguard. Cor was gratified to see the crowd start to move slowly through the gate.
“What is it, Lieutenant?” Cor asked as the lieutenant turned back to him.
“Sir, there were some troublemakers in the group who tried to push their way through. We have a one of them in custody.” The lieutenant looked towards a closed door. “They thought to use your name to get through the checkpoint.”
Cor narrowed his eyes at the soon to be private. “And you didn’t inform me?”
“I didn’t think you’d want to be troubled by people trying to take advantage,” the lieutenant said, eyes widening.
“Stand aside.” Cor stalked over to the closed door, opening it to find Nyx glaring daggers at him.
Nyx blinked in surprise as Cor stepped in and closed the door behind him.
“Cor?” Nyx sounded unsure.
“Nyx,” Cor reached out to touch him, then reconsidered. “Are you hurt?”
“Cor!” Nyx practically threw himself at Cor, burying his face in his shoulder.
Cor’s arms tightened around Nyx, and Cor felt a weight lift off his chest. Nyx was here, in his arms, in more or less one piece. “I’ve got you, you’re safe now.”
Cor could feel Nyx’s shoulders shake in his embrace as Nyx cried. He rubbed Nyx’s back with one hand, and ran the other one over Nyx’s hair.
“Cor, Mother, she-” Nyx broke off and clutched Cor tighter. 
Cor could only hold on, murmuring reassurances and berating himself for not being there to help.
Eventually, Nyx’s breathing evened out and he pulled back, but Cor didn’t let him go far. Nyx looked up at him through red-rimmed eyes. Cor used a thumb to brush the tears from Nyx’s cheek, noting the new tattoo as he did so.
Cor only had the split second warning of Nyx’s eyes dropping down to Cor’s lips before Nyx was kissing him. Cor cradled Nyx’s face as he pushed into the kiss, tasting salt and something smoky. Nyx tried to deepen it but Cor pulled back to rest their foreheads together.
He hadn’t expected their first kiss to be in the holding area of a gate post, but that was Nyx, always surprising him.
“You’re safe now, Nyx. I’ll make sure of it. You’re my soulmate and that gives you rights here.” His thumb was still absently brushing Nyx’s cheek.
Nyx grimaced. “They shoved me, threw me in here, told me there was no way trash like me would know you.”
Cor went rigid with anger. “They will pay for that, I promise.”
Nyx shook his head. “Selena tried to get involved but Lib pulled her back. They’re out there waiting for me.”
“We should go find them, then.” Cor didn’t move, enjoying the feel of Nyx in his arms.
Nyx didn’t move either. “What now?”
Cor leaned forward for one more kiss, before stepping back. “You and Selena are more than welcome to stay with me. Or I will help you find a place, if you prefer. You’re my soulmate. That makes you and Selena family. I’ll make sure you have what you need.”
Nyx shook his head, but didn’t say anything. Instead, he reached out and brushed his fingers over where he knew Cor’s soulmark was.
Cor smiled. “You’ll always have a home with me.”
Nyx’s smile was tinged with sadness, but no less genuine for it. 
“Come on, let’s go find your sister and get you settled in.” He led Nyx out, ignoring the lieutenant and reminding himself to have Monica delete the securty footage. As well as rearrange his schedule for the day. Nyx had been through a lot, Cor was going to be there for him now.
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ladykf-writes · 11 months
Find the Word Tag
Tagged by @case-of-traxits for this interesting word hunt through my fics. I'm trying to do a different fic for each! And I'm tagging @thegeeksqueaks | @vorpalgirl | @wandererriha | @yuzukimist
Rules: Search your writing for the following words, and post an excerpt containing them. Your words are the following: light, hope, alive and feeling, or some derivative like "lights" or "hopeful" --- tag me if you do these, folks!
My words were: blood, soft, feather, and sunlight. I've mentioned the chapter and linked to the fic each is from as well as the fic's status. (If you're interested in the WIPs... let me know. It's really, really appreciated.)
She struck at him, blow after whirling blow, almost too fast to follow. Almost too fast to block. Definitely too fast to reclaim the offensive.
And like an absolute idiot rookie, he went down. Tripped, of all things, and landed on his ass.
Rosso was on him in a breath with a vicious, bloodthirsty grin as she pointed her weapon at his chest. "And now, SOLDIER, you die and I will live on. I will -"
Maybe Benji should have been more brutal, in his desperation. But instead he was reckless.
He grabbed her weapon with both hands, felt the bite of metal into his palms, and offered a positively wicked grin because he had nothing left to lose.
The force of the Thundaga that he released in her split second of baffled shock threw her like a rag doll and sent Benji crashing back into a building. Her weapon went flying off somewhere, but he didn't care because she didn't get back up.
Benji managed a wheezing laugh, licking blood off his lips and tasting copper as he coughed. He got to his feet with bullheaded stubbornness, and made his way over to her still body. After a moment, he rolled her over, and hummed as he saw her chest rise shallowly. Just unconscious, then. Nice.
"Gloating is a terrible habit," he muttered, keying his mic. "Rosso is down. I repeat, Rosso the Crimson is down."
From CH 62, Nothing To Lose: Dog Whistle - a canon divergent FFVII fixit [Incomplete]
“And you said Shield Amicitia was the one who took you on, right?” Prompto asked. “When you first got in with them.”
“Adopted me like a feral stray,” Cor said dryly.
“Did you bite him?” Prompto asked, mostly teasing.
Then Cor did that ‘trying not to smile’ twitchy thing with his lips, blue eyes gleaming, and Prompto gasped.
“You bit Shield Amicitia?” He said, yet again both scandalized and delighted. Cor was really good at getting that particular response.
“I said no such thing,” Cor defended.
“Your eyes said you did,” Prompto retorted, grinning. “Oh my gods, you bit him? What did he do?”
“If I bit Clarus, I assure you he would have deserved it,” Cor said. “And taken it as his due for being a jerk in the first place.”
Prompto cackled, sinking into a chair. “Oh my gods, Cor, you are impossible.”
Cor finally let himself smile a little, soft and unaccountably fond as he watched Prompto cackling. “Do I amuse you?”
“So much,” Prompto said, wiping his eyes. “Oh man. You’re something, you know that?”
“I may have been told that on occasion,” he said, still clearly amused.
Which, fair - that made two of them. “You’re crazy, but I really appreciate that about you.”
Cor chuckled softly. “Mmh… thank you, I think.”
“Definitely,” he said, laughing one last time before getting himself under control. It was weird how comfortable he’d gotten with Cor. He didn’t feel like a stranger anymore. He was… well, he was treating him like a friend, because he felt like it. He still couldn’t picture being ‘friends’ with the Immortal Marshal of the Crownsguard but… Cor, like this, smiling and joking and softening those hard edges… yeah. Yeah, he could see himself being friends with Cor.
CH 7: Returning the Favor, A Place to Call Home - a FFXV gift / exchange fic from 2021, pre-canon Dad!Cor and Prompto [Complete]
Hojo stared at him a long moment over the rims of his glasses. "How you ever made it to First Class, let alone cultivated a reputation for being level headed and intelligent is beyond my understanding. I admit, I didn't think you or Rhapsodos should have ever been allowed to enter the SOLDIER program. I still think it was a foolish mistake as this debacle proves, but the problem here is not that you are some sort of abomination. What's wrong with you, Hewley, is that you are entirely too human."
Angeal stared back in disbelief. "Too human? Have you even looked at-"
"I have been looking at the literal design of your being for days, Hewley, so kindly shut up and let the person who knows what they're talking about talk," he interrupted, glaring at him. "Your mother was injected with Jenova cells well before your conception, and you would have inherited them along with her own natural genes in a much more complete way than Rhapsodos had. They tied into your genome thoroughly enough that you could have been promoted through Second Class with no ill effects, but the higher doses of mako required to become a First Class SOLDIER were too stimulating; it immediately began to awaken those genes to higher activity, priming you to be responsive to Genesis' manipulations."
"I don't believe he did this to me on purpose," he insisted, though the arguments the professor made left him a bit wide eyed and shaken. He didn't dare look at Zack, and a quick look at Sephiroth's too still posture kept him from a second glance. "He's lost a lot of himself, but he wouldn't do that. Not to me."
"Why not? You're far more sane than he is and you turned on your so-called friends without hesitation." Hojo was merciless with his honesty. "Is he really the better man? Is there even such a thing? You're both human. The nature of humanity is to betray others to protect themselves, it has been since the beginning of its existence. I'm honestly not sure why you keep holding it up as something to aspire to."
What was he supposed to say to that? Angeal swallowed hard, but it didn't get rid of the tightness in his throat, and no amount of blinking rid his eyes of their burn.
Hojo shook his head with a dismissive sound, turning back to the computer. "What's the human genome but a long line of advantageous mutations that have been adapted over millennia? Not, mind you, that Hollander has provided you with anything of the sort. But it's the principle of the thing in that this is nothing new, and we would all benefit from you realizing that this really doesn't make you special. You're a grown man and a SOLDIER First Class; it's about time you get over your identity crisis and realize nothing has actually changed beyond you now knowing more of your genetic history. You're the same man you were before you clued into that fact, quit being such a child about it."
Angeal made a little strangled sound, shaking his head and shaking his wings out. He followed the path of a pair of stray feathers, noting numbly when Hojo took another in gloved fingertips to set aside. "But…"
"But nothing. I'm not going to put up with your excuses." Hojo crossed over to his side table, snapping his fingers. "Get a tech in here. We need to draw a few samples and get actual testing going since there's clearly not going to be any further narratives for now."
CH 16, Too Human, To Be Human - an older but well loved FFVII FIx-It [Complete!]
The massive gate leading out of town gave way almost immediately to an old, untamed forest that stretched out as far as the eye could see. Admittedly, it was hard to be sure how far that was, when looking through a heavily wooded area. Several paths branched off, but Mint took off down one without the slightest hesitation, so he followed her. Hopefully she knew where she was going.
The forest was thick with trees, sunlight streaming down through the canopy to rich, dark earth under their feet that had been worn and packed from people walking the path. It was decidedly peaceful, comfortable, with an easy breeze that rustled the leaves above and the foliage below. Somewhere in the distance, quiet birdsong could be heard.
Of course, like most forests, there were dangers amid the deceptive peacefulness. They came upon a group of Pollywogs, more of a nuisance than an actual threat even in a group. They bobbed through the air in silence, their fat yellow bodies showing up clearly against the backdrop of greens and brown. As soon as they spotted Mint and Rue, they came over with a burst of speed, lavender head tails whipping behind them as they snapped their jaws in an attempt at menacing. Mint didn't even bother to raise her hoops, making a sharp gesture instead and sending out a spray of energy. Balls of golden light shot through the air, impacting into the monsters and taking several down in the first shot. Only one of them had the presence of mind to evade the attack, but when it swerved it went directly into range of Rue's Arc Edge. A single powerful slash downward and the final Pollywog hit the dirt with a soft thud.
From CH 6, A Fortunate Encounter: Dewprism: Journey to the [Relic] - a Threads of Fate semi-novelization [On hiatus]
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meissashush · 2 years
CorNyx - either Morning 5 "Sorry, I didn't want to wake you" or Night 18 "Do you want to keep the light on?"? ♥️
18. “Do you want to keep the light on?”
Cor looked like hell. They both did, Nyx knew, but there was something so much worse about seeing the unflappable Immortal exhausted. He’d seen the edges of it before, yeah. The dark circles and the blank looks in response to bad jokes that would usually warrant at least a glare and the minor spelling mistakes in otherwise flawless reports. He’d seen the pile of coffee cups on his desk at disgusting hours in the morning. He’d even seen him with his shirt on backwards, one notable morning, and had the honor of seeing him flush with embarrassment when Nyx pointed it out. This was different. Cor was sitting on one of the cots that had been laid out for them, staring blankly at his phone. The phone that had died about three hours ago, the event of which had elicited a series of expletives from the Marshal that the rest of them had respectfully ignored. Nyx had kept silent on the subject, his own phone long since dead due to its abysmal battery-life, but he knew worry was eating Cor at the seams. Now, alone in the room designated for those ‘off-shift’, Nyx did not know how to approach him. They had only been… whatever it was they were for a short time. It was something so fragile that he was still harboring it from even Libertus, and so tenuous that he was constantly walking on eggshells. He knew Cor was probably worried. They all were, cut off from the outside world and waiting on a signal that might not come. Nyx himself had been pacing so much that he had been ordered by an under-ranking Crownsguard to go cool off, the same soldier that had the brass balls to tell Cor to take a nap in the very same breath. Now, shoved together into the tiny ‘bedroom’ of the safe-house, Nyx could feel the depth of that worry clawing at his skin. “They’re fine,” Nyx said, wincing at the hollow way it fell off his tongue. “Regis, Clarus, the prince. They’re fine. We got the alert, remember? They’re safe in the Citadel.”
Cor did not even grunt in response. He just sat, blank-eyed, staring at the plastic brick in his hands.  Nyx swallowed the building unease in his throat, taking a step towards him. Cor did not acknowledge the movement, so Nyx cautiously approached. He knew, on some level, that he was being a bit ridiculous, but at the moment he felt like he was on the very edge of something unknown and did not want to stick his foot through some boundary he’d yet to encounter. “We’re on the south end,” he ventured carefully to the ledge, perching on the cot in front of Cor. “No where near your apartment.” No where near his home. No where near where he kept his heart hidden, as Nyx now knew well, ever since Cor had started to let him in. Cor kept staring at his phone. Nyx took a deep breath, steeling himself for the worst, then took the leap. He put his hand gently over the blank screen. Cor’s eyes shot up to him, instantly sharpening out of their dull revere. Nyx forced down the urge to flinch, but only just. “She’s okay,” Nyx said, soft words from the man with his hand in a dog’s mouth. “You don’t know that,” Cor growled. “No,” Nyx conceded. “But there’s no reason she should have been anywhere near it. Your kid hates crowds, Cor. The speech was televised. There’s no reason she would have gone.” Cor was still glaring at him, blue eyes sharp above bruise-black circles. Watching him, cautious but not quite hostile. Nyx pressed his luck. “She would have told you, right? If she had planned to go?” Nyx did not know if his kid would have told him. Nyx did not know the kid much at all, given the way she avoided him like the plague. But he knew she was reasonably responsible and more than a little shy, and he was banking on her being the sort of kid to stay home and sleep the weekends through. Cor was still staring at him, but his eyes were losing their bite. Just a bit. “Kid’s probably sitting at home, worried just like you, but safe. She wouldn’t want you to be driving yourself up a wall all night. She knows we couldn’t call her, anyway, even if our phone’s weren’t dead. She’s a smart kid.” Nyx continued, gently easing the phone out of Cor’s hand. By some miracle, he let him. Cor buried his face into his newly freed hands, scrubbing at his eyes. “I can’t sleep like this.” “What can I do to help?” Cor glanced up at him, eyes soft now with exhaustion and gentle in the way Nyx had only seen tucked away in the dark of a bedroom. Nyx gave him a small smile. Cor barely managed one in return, eyes darting to the phone in Nyx’s hands before falling back into his cupped palms. “I don’t know,” Cor confessed to the concrete floor. “Distract me?” Nyx bit back a rueful laugh, “don’t think we have enough privacy for that, unfortunately.” Cor shot him a glare that didn’t quite manage it’s usual heat, “I meant talk. About something other than this.” “Now, that,” Nyx chuckled. “That I can do. But you have to lay down, first. I’m not catching you if you fall asleep sitting up.” Cor rolled his eyes, tipping himself backwards into the cot in a way that made the steel frame creak from the effort. Nyx placed Cor’s phone on the folding table beside them before fishing his own out of his pocket and depositing it there too. He almost stood to hit the over-head light switch, before he considered the situation more. “Light on?” “Nah,” Cor said to the ceiling. “Eyes fucking hurt.” Nyx snorted as he took a few steps to hit the switch, the room still illuminated enough from the light spilling in from the ajar door helping him find his way back to the cot. He tipped himself into it with as much grace as Cor, letting himself settle into the familiar cradle of a shit canvas cot.
He reached out across the small gulf between them, palm offered upward. Warm, calloused fingers slipped between his, and the anxiety that was still fluttering in Nyx’s chest finally settled. He rubbed his thumb along the side of Cor’s hand, slow and gentle. “Did I ever tell you about that time we convinced Crowe that unicorns were real?”
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andywinter16 · 1 year
Would it be okie to ask you to write hcs on cor and drautos falling for the same person and they ended up picking drautos. Breaking poor cors heart
HELL YES anonie!!! I need to say that if I had to chose then only both (I know, I am greedy but look at them! XD)
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so let me put you in the situation - you´re working in the Citadel, (unspecific profession)that is in daily contact with both Titus and Cor
it all starts absolutely innocently (compliments there and there from both of them)
fleeting touch from Cor when you brough him a coffee, brief smile from Titus your way (you slowly fell under their charming spell, wishfully thinking that they would reciprocate your feelings)
but why would such handsome and prideful men be interested in you, right? So you tucked your feelings away, after all it wasn´t professional.
But oh my, weren´t you wrong! Those men were crushing hard on you the moment they saw you
When they realised they were in love ... You needed help with something and both of them were at the right time at your service. "Marshal, Captain if it isn´t inapropriate of me, I would like to reward you for your assistance." You took leap of faith and shyly kissed of their cheeks while tiptoeing. You just made those huge dangerous men blush, you know ...
and the realisation that both of them wanted the same person ... let´s just say that war wasn´t only outside Insomnia
You were showered with such exquisite gifts. If one bought you 50 pieces of your favourite flowers that the other had to double it and add something extra (those men have tons of money that just laid on their bank accounts)
and don´t let me start about the over the top dates! Theatre play that was sold out, VIP tickets to your favourite band, romantic dinner on the roof of palace, to name a few ...
both of them were intense in their courting, they even wear tailored suit because of you (Cor even dusted his old Crownsguard uniform, that hugs his form perfectly)
you were realising that even though you spent time with both of them equally ... Titus was the one who occupied your mind and dreams (very pleasant dreams, indeed)
so you called Cor, that you wanted to meet somewhere private
"Cor, you´re wonderful man with such a pure heart, everyone would be happy to be yours truly, but ... I am not that person who will be at your side. I am sorry, but I made my choice. I wish you only the best in life, Cor."
That ... that hurt him so much, it felt like his heart broke in many pieces. He respects of course your decision, but deep down ... he wished it could be him besides you
Cor immerses himself in the work, to forget his shattered heart (still, he makes sure you´re okay, and if Titus isn´t mistreating you)
but would you regret choosing Titus? Only time will tell ...
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every-lemon · 2 years
Setting aside, for now, the fact that I desperately want to ask about EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE, let's go with "Prompto pawns a gun."
awwwww hehe thanks for the ask!! @errantknightess asked about this one too! so here we are....
oh man, I don't have much to say, it's just a scene! i hoard scenes and then they grow into stories sometimes. this might become something larger about the bros making more of a home base in Lestallum.
He takes inventory one more time, then decides it’s probably time to part with the pistol he got during his Crownsguard ceremony. He’s been keeping it for what it means to him—the weight of cool metal pressed into his palms by Marshal Leonis himself, entrusted to him so he could stand beside Noctis at his wedding, a symbol that he gets to be there . . .
But he’s here, isn’t he? And he’s been entrusted with a lot more than the directive Cor had given him to “just keep yourself out of trouble.”
So he passes it over the counter to the waiting shop. Which . . . yields an exceedingly disappointing 25 gil. Not that you can put a price on, y’know, priceless memories, but still.
All of it was pretty terrifying, honestly. It made Prompto glad he’d known Noct as a nerd who couldn’t touch Prompto in any FPS before he’d known him as a terrifying wielder of death magic. (He’s still getting used to that, honestly. Five weeks ago, the most dramatic thing he’d seen Noct do was pull an entire cooler out of the armiger.)
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kayuripax · 2 years
Noctis has a complicated relationship with exercise. It hurts. More than it should, ever since the Accident. His lower back screams at him whenever he walks too much, whenever he twists and turns in ways he shouldn't. He understands that Gladio doesn't mean anything by it when he gets called a lazy layabout, and that knowing how to move and fight does keep him safe. And yet, it hurts. There are days Noctis barely manages to get out of bed, the pain too severe. He just grits his teeth and does it anyways. Training is the worst on those days. And then the road trip happens. He isn't home anymore. He is alone. His dad isn't there anymore to keep him steady when his legs buckle. His physical therapist isn't withing easy reach, unable to keep him on the one regiment that doesn't make him want to cry. All he has are his sworn brothers, a car, and a wheelchair in the armiger that he hopes he doesn't have to use. It's a vain hope. The hunt for the dual horn goes well, but that night, when they all lie in the cots of the caravan, Noctis can feel the way his back starts to pinch. It doesn't get better in the morning. He moves slower than his dad did with his cane, and he can feel Cid giving him the raised eyebrow. When the Regalia finally runs again, Noctis slips into the seat with a half-concealed moan of pain. Great. Just great. Dungeon-diving with Cor just makes it worse. And he can see that the Crownsguard Marshal can see Noctis struggling. Noctis doesn't want to use it. Not here, not in the wilderness, not where stairs and pits and broken rubble prevent him from doing it well. It's the Royal Arm that is his death knell. When the weapon dissolves, so does the strength of his legs. He can just feel them give before Gladio is already there and hoisting him up. His lower back screams in pain. Great. Galdin Quay is reached with Noctis being unable to walk. Summoning the chair from the armiger and transferring over from the car is a cakewalk for him, but getting him onto the boardwalk is less so. He likes the salty sea breeze, the slight creak of the wooden planks below his wheels. His legs feel too weak to work well, jostle a little. And then there is that stranger. He feels familiar, in a way Noctis can't pinpoint. The man seems a bit startled to see him using the chair, but doesn't make one of the usual comments. Noctis can appreciate that. No "too young for that". No "are you sure you need that". All he gets is a slightly cocky grin, an Oracle Ascension coin, and the information that the ships won't sail. The self proclaimed "man of no consequence" may be suspicious as fuck, but at least he isn't ableist.
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blossom-adventures · 1 year
Nyx Week 2023… Day One: Blades!
For a little context about my OC you can find it here ☺️
Violet arrived at the Kingsglaive training facility and walked into the building, her intention was to find the Captain, after all she was here to drop off some reports to him from the Marshal.
When he wasn’t found in his office, she wandered the facility for a little bit, she could have called him, she knew he always had his phone on him, but instead she made her way to the training grounds, passing the armoury as she went.
“You lost Crownsguard?” A voice called, she turned around to see Nyx, who smiled when he realised ho it really was, “oh, Lady Amicitia, if you’re hoping to see Drautos then you’ve just missed him” Nyx leant against the wall and unsheathed one of his Kukris and began to absentmindedly clean the blade. “One of the new recruits landed wrong after a warp so the Captain’s took them to hospital, he won’t be long” Violet acknowledged that she had heard him but her eyes stayed focused on his blade. “You alright?”
“Hmmm? Oh yes, sorry, I was just admiring your blade, I’m trying to work out what the two fangs on the end of the hilt belong to”
“Oh, they’re from a Coeurl”
“A Coeurl? Wow… can I have a closer look? I’ve never seen a Coeurl, are they native to Galahd?” Nyx hummed a confirmation and gave Violet a smile before tossing the blade, catching it in his hand by the blade, allowing him to hand it to her, hilt first. “It’s heavier than I expected it to be” Violet said as she took the blade.
“What do you train with, Lady Amicitia?”
“Long swords or katanas, I train with Cor a lot, or Captain Drautos, I don’t think I’d be able to wield the type of swords my father and brother use, they’re too heavy for me, my father has commissioned my own sword to be made, it should be ready soon” Violet looked at the blade, “what’s this little mark, here?” She asked as she pointed to a small shield that was etched into the metal
“Oh, that’s the mark of my clan, my family crest, that blade is one of the few things I have from Galahd” Violet gave him a soft smile
“Thank you for sharing that with me, this blade must mean a lot to you”
“It does” Nyx said as Violet handed the blade back to him
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swordofthreekings · 2 years
@galahdborn gets a little Marshal
He was the youngest Marshal Lucis had ever had. By a lot.
Cor Leonis had become a Crownsguard when he was thirteen, when even the King and his Shield couldn't deny his prowess with a sword after fighting Clarus to a stand still.
He had become part of the personal Royal Guard, looking after Regis and his family when he was fifteen.
He had fought in skirmishes and battles all over Lucis, had challenged the Blademaster and was the only one to ever come back alive. He had infiltrated Niflheim bases and labs, and taken down airships.
At nineteen, he'd become the second in command. At twenty, he became the Marshal.
Cor no longer felt the need to prove himself that had plauged his teenage years.
As much.
There were times his temper still got the better of him.
Like that moment, which saw him standing uncomfortably close to one of the Glaives, icy eyes narrowed on the man's face. "If you have something to say about the Crownsguard or the King's decision to make me Marshal, then say it to my face."
They were gathering a small crowd around them. He didn't care.
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