#[ headcanon filed under ] —* ( rufus )
arentthemeasures · 2 months
Random small headcanons:
Charlie Grimille: Despite being a spirit, Charlie is able to interact with people and his environment far more than people often realize. He isn't trapped to the school, though there are certainly ways to invoke his presence there far more easily than elsewhere. When he isn't on a killing spree, he spends time observing people. He has interacted with his daughter a few times. He realizes that while there is a lot that he has missed, there is a bunch that he is happy to have missed. His tolerance for those he considers foolish or idiots is far lower than what it was when he was alive and tends to just decrease as time continues to move on. After all, an internet challenge for invoking him? Are people that stupid?
Charlie Grimille: Few people ever really see what's under the hood. Who could he possibly trust besides his daughter and former girlfriend? No one has bothered into looking into what really happened, how he ended up where he is. It would take a lot of trust for him to pull off the hood and reveal his face.
Ethan Landry: Family always comes first. No matter what the situation is and no matter who is involved. The Kirsch family is extremely tight knit and would do anything for one another, no matter what that is. Ethan and his father have a good relationship, though Wayne and Richie were closer. Ethan does look for his father's outright approval, but also knows that his father cares deeply for him.
Ethan Landry: He originally had the desire to follow in his father's footsteps, wanting to become an officer and detective. Though his brother did try to convince him to go into film and Ethan was nearly swayed. His plans all changed once Richie died and his death needed to be avenged.
Rufus Jr Firefly: Being the one who is the most "normal" passing, it's often up to RJ to bring money into the family. Especially when they don't have any victims at the household. He picks up work as a mechanic and occasionally works some private towing jobs. Everyone knows who his family is but know better than to say anything. Especially when RJ can fix just about any car that is set in front of him. If the situation were different, he could successfully run his own garage.
Caleb Quinn: Modern au- Give the chance, Caleb would have gone to school for engineering. It wouldn't have changed the course of his future. He would still become killer that he is. It simply would have refined his abilities and given his further skills to be able to develop and create various weapons. The schooling however, would have given him the capability of making patents and earning money for the designs and things created that were of the less unsavory variety.
Adam "Frank" Barrett: While all contact has been cut off from his former (not technically ex) wife and child, he does keep tabs on them every now and then. He doesn't want any ties to his previous life but this is the one little thing that he cannot let go. It's done as an assurance that they are doing well without him. He wouldn't ever reach out to either or give any indication to them that he was alive. They were better off thinking that he was dead. It's the last little good act that he did before he completely gave over to the criminal lifestyle.
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case-of-traxits · 1 year
Hi! Fellow Shinra fan! :)
I'd love a fic with Reeve and/or Rufus. Maybe them late night working on projects for Edge? (Together. Maybe begrudgingly, but also appreciative of the other's skill and competence.)
Hah, okay, so funny story. I spent literal years trying to make Rufus/Reeve a serious ship in this fandom.  So so many years.  I don't want to talk about how many years.  I blame The Conscience of the King for sticking in my head so thoroughly (you can find that here [http://www.midgar.net/king/] if you've never heard of or read it, but word of warning, it's so old that it's literally text files uploaded to a website; this thing was distributed via email rings back in the late 90s; needless to say, it does NOT take in any extended canon, only OG stuff).  Over the years, of course, I've taken most of them down in favor of my more general Turk-fic, but just. My first love, okay? It was always Rufus/Reeve. XD
Now, I realize you didn't expressly ask for Rufus/Reeve, but uh. Here's what you're getting: my trademarked ambiguous relationship style thing.  In my favorite time period, which is ambiguously before the start of the original game.  Mostly because WRO Reeve breaks my heart.
Prompted from this post. Still taking prompts! If you'd rather do a ship/character + number prompt or a symbol for a headcanon, I'm still doing those too.
In These Deep City Lights
Word count: 1274 words. Content Notes: Eh. Ambiguous relationship. Characters: Rufus Shinra and Reeve Tuesti. Summary: Reeve finds Rufus looking over one of the Midgar models.
Most people who wanted to look at a model of Midgar went to Memorial Hall on the 60th floor.  It was, after all, the most impressive of the models of Midgar, with the oversized Shinra Tower in the middle and the model reactors that flared on schedule for their secondary burn process.  But it wasn't Reeve's favorite of the models.  That honor went to the one on 34.  She was a smaller model, and her reactors didn't have the fancy show mechanics that the 60th floor did, but her pieces were moveable.  In the middle of the night, he usually had the model to himself.
That was precisely why seeing someone standing in the room surprised him.  They hadn't turned on the overhead lights, and instead, they appeared to be inspecting the model purely in the light from the city itself, pouring in through the floor-to-ceiling windows.
Reeve had done that himself more times than he cared to count, and he watched the figure through the frosted glass that separated the model from the rest of the office for a few minutes before he finally went to the door.
He opened it to find Rufus leaning over the model, fingers sliding across the tops of the buildings in Upper Eight.  Reeve noticed immediately that several of the buildings were missing, and he spotted them arranged on the table to the side of the model nearest the windows.  It took him a moment, but his eyes widened as he realized that they were laid out almost identically to the last proposal for Sector Six that he'd sent the President.
He cleared his throat, but Rufus didn't jump.  He didn't even look up.  He simply made a low sound and moved another building from Sector Eight to the mocked-up representation of Six.  He studied it for another moment, and then he finally looked over at Reeve.
"Vice President," Reeve said, and he took another step into the room, letting the door shut behind him.  Under the weight of those blue eyes, that felt like a mistake.
"Reeve," Rufus murmured, and he looked back at his collection of buildings.
"I wasn't aware that you came down here," Reeve finally said, breaking the silence.  He crossed the room and picked up one of the buildings, turning it over between his fingers.
He watched as Rufus studied the model, eyes intent and focused, as though he could simply will Midgar into existence— compliance— with his gaze alone.  He spoke after a few minutes, voice measured and even, "Only when I need to see one of your proposals."
Reeve set the building he'd picked up back down where it went in Sector Four.  He supposed it made sense that Rufus would review the proposal— he was the Vice President, and despite the President's attempts to keep the position as something in name only, Rufus had done his damnedest to carve out some degree of control— but he was surprised by how seriously Rufus was taking it.
Especially when they both knew that the President himself would never approve the expenditure to rebuild Six.  There had been one chance to build Six, and when it collapsed during construction, it had taken all possibility of Midgar ever being completed with it.
"Is there anything you had concerns about?" Reeve asked instead.
Rufus straightened up, and he brushed his hair back from his face with a careless motion as he met Reeve's gaze.  "You've spent a lot of time on this one," he said instead of answering Reeve's question.
Or maybe it was the answer to Reeve's question.  He wasn't sure.
He couldn't look away from Rufus though.
"Clearly," Reeve replied, his voice low as he nodded toward the mock-up, "so have you."
A small smile touched the corner of Rufus' mouth, and he stepped in closer to Reeve, far closer than he had to in order to pick up the factory model from Four that Reeve still had his fingers on. Reeve pulled his hand back, yielding the piece to him, and Rufus' smile widened, eyes gleaming in the relative darkness of the room.  "I admire that dedication."  He turned the factory over in his hand, and then he held it up between their faces.  "You've skewed the sector too heavily to production, however."
Reeve's lips parted, and he reached up to take the factory from Rufus.  "My proposal—"
"Is bait," Rufus finished for him, raising an eyebrow.  Then he waved a hand toward the mock-up just beside him, turning to look at it once more.  "You skewed it toward things that make money because you know exactly what would catch the President's attention."
"It didn't work," Reeve pointed out after a second.  "Your father won't authorize the construction."
"My father will not be the one to complete my city."  There was a steel in Rufus' voice that caught Reeve's attention, and he smiled faintly at that possessive tone.  He set the factory back down in Four where it went once more.
"Your city?" he asked, and Rufus' eyes cut over to him, impossibly blue given how little light was actually in the room.
Rufus tilted his head slightly.  "Do you think otherwise?"
"No, of course not, sir,"  Reeve said immediately, dropping his gaze to the mock-up of Six that Rufus was still facing.
Rufus studied him for a long, quiet moment.  "You're supposed to say 'yes.'"
Reeve looked up at him sharply, watching the way the smile on Rufus' face looked a little less practiced, a little more real.  He hesitated, replaying what he'd said, and his eyes closed briefly as a faint laugh escaped him.  "You're right," he said softly.  "My duty is to serve the President's vision."
"Indeed," Rufus murmured.  Then he motioned toward the layout for Sector Six.  "Redo the proposal.  Focus on housing this time."
Reeve hesitated.  "You know that will never—"
"The President's vision will change eventually."
Reeve’s breath caught in his throat briefly.  On the surface, that was an innocuous enough statement, but standing in that room, awash in the glow of Midgar herself, with the way Rufus was looking at him...
Rufus wasn't just the Vice President, after all.  One day—
Rufus' hand closed on Reeve's tie— red tie, Shinra red because that's what the President gifted him every year for Yule — and he adjusted it carefully.  When his fingers smoothed over the silk, the touch was soft, gentle.
Reeve wasn't sure how long they stood there, watching one another, Midgar the only silent witness to the moment between them.  Then Reeve nodded slowly.
"I'll redo the proposal," he said softly, and there was no mistaking the momentary triumph that lit Rufus' eyes.
"Good.  I'll review it personally once it's finished."  Rufus' hand dropped away from Reeve's tie then.  "For now, go home."  He didn't wait to see if Reeve did as instructed.  Instead, he turned to look out at the city in the darkness.
Reeve wasn't sure he'd ever been dismissed from one of his own floors in the Tower.  He glanced past Rufus, toward the model parts scattered across the table, but before he could ask the question, Rufus waved a hand.
"I'll clean up before I leave."
Reeve nodded.  "Very well," he said and he lingered for only a heartbeat more before he turned and left.  When the door shut behind him, Reeve glanced back, watching the way Rufus was silhouetted in the lights, figure blurry in the frosted glass that separated the model room from the rest of the office.
He wasn't sure he'd ever been dismissed from one of his own floors in the Tower, but he supposed if anyone could do it, it was Rufus Shinra.
One day, the man would rule the world.
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soartfullydone · 5 months
Rufus: 8, 12, 21. Bastion: 4, 5, 18
Rufus (shut up)
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I genuinely try to avoid learning what the fandom does at all buuut anything that paints Rufus as being domestic when he has no concept of what a normal life looks like, never mind a functional family. This man has no idea how to balance a checkbook and wouldn't have an instinctual interest in putting your feelings first. I'm not saying he can't have moments of vulnerability or being soft, but those moments are ephemeral. This man has walls around him. He distances himself from others as a rule. He has personas he shows to the board, to rank and file employees, to the general public and keeps his true self and intentions carefully hidden. He's manipulative and it comes second-nature to him. He loathes not feeling in control of a situation and isn't going to sub for you.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
A then-unnamed Darkstar was a failed genetic enhancement canine experiment that was going to be terminated. The breed was meant to follow its owner's orders without question, but Darkstar exhibited significant aggression and behavioral issues. When Rufus interceded on the experiment's behalf, it wasn't to plead mercy from his father. Instead, Rufus made a bet with him. If he could train the animal, he could keep him as his personal guard dog.
President Shinra agreed, on the condition that if Rufus failed, his son would be expected to plant a bullet in the dog's head himself. Rufus named his dog the very next day, a defiant vow to them both that he would succeed.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Whenever Rufus is in a scene, it feels like everything has suddenly been placed under a microscope. He's observant and calculating, the emotions he expresses wavering between bored, cool, muted, and amused. But the play of emotions, while subtle, are there if other characters are observant enough to clock them. Focusing on body language is a must and a nice challenge for me because so much about Rufus is what he isn't saying. Other characters have to be on their A-game while dealing with him, and that's impossible for some to manage. Since characters making missteps is always a possibility, scenes with him tend to feel alive and interesting to write, even if they're not full of action. Walking on a knife's edge just does it for me.
I guess what I don't like but I willingly do to myself is that I don't write from his perspective, at least not yet. I don't want his every thought and action to be transparent to the reader or the other characters, but that means I, the writer, have to keep track of what he verbally notes and what he mentally files away for later. And that means making a lot of side notes. A real pain in the ass, this rich boy.
Bastion (i'm being harrassed)
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Does pymary get to come with him? Because if it doesn't, I think it would kill him. This is hard, though. I've not thought much about it, so I don't have a serious answer for you but. The Gentlemen Bastards series because that's what Locke and Jean need. A pansexual necromancer bastard in desperate want of money and whose unsettling, otherworldly patron won't leave alone. Locke and Bastion would be so bitchy at each other as they try to prove who's more clever. Jean's just the right side of ugly yet fuckable that Bastion would seduce right off, and Locke would hate that, actually. He'd go for Sabetha, too—good luck to him. But Bastion's offsetting and pymary would be so useful to the thieves, and maybe, just maybe, Locke and Jean's slightly better moral compass would inspire Bastion to be the better person he wants to be but is too scared to commit to. They'd still murder people as needed, though.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Funeral by Reaper and Prison Sex by TOOL, it's instant. (They're side-by-side in my playlist for a reason.) The former captures the Black Tongue lifestyle, the swagger, glamour, and ultimate self-destructiveness of it all. And the latter is about the cycles of abuse started by Delicieu and perpetuated by Bastion onto others, coupled with his over-reliance on sex as both stimulant and escape.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
I deeply adore Bastion's relationship with Rahm Ripa. The genuine friendship between them. The mentorship Rahm tries to give Bastion. The mutual respect of an accomplished compeer. How these two can absolutely level with each other and call each other out on their bullshit. How they go along with each other's unwise endeavors anyway, for knowledge, for pymary. And of course, there's the fucking. I genuinely mourn its loss every day, but it's a hurt that hurts so good, so it's fine. It's fine. I'm fine.
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benoitblanc · 4 years
rules: answer the questions about your favorite ship (all time or current) then tag 10 people to do it too!
tagged by @chloexmorningstar (ily Sho!!!) and listen... obviously newtina is my #1 ship ever. i am doing peggysous, even though it’s a lowly #4, because reasons. and apologies to everyone for how goddamn long this got. i have a lot of feelings about these two.
SHIP AND FANDOM: peggysous/agent carter
what were their first impressions of each other?
sadly we don’t get the peggysous meet-cute- in fact, i’m just realizing now that most of my favorite ships meet offscreen, which is kind of weird. we do know that they’re each other’s only friend in the workplace, and even more than that they’re on first-name basis, so i like to think that when they met, they both kind of went wow, this one sucks a lot less than every other person that works here!, and then the rest was history.
a moment you think that both/one of them will remember forever about each other:
i mean obviously the rebar incident, but also when peggy had to choose between the literal universe and daniel and chose daniel. everything worked out and the universe was fine, but the fact that peggy “dispassionate, chief, your words” carter even took that chance speaks volumes about how much she loves him, and i think it’s something they’ll both remember for a long time.
a moment you think that both/one of them wishes hadn’t happened:
when i saw this i instantly went, “well obviously peggy’s interrogation was not a high point for them,” and then remembered that peggy asked daniel for a rain check when he asked her out and he took that to mean “i don’t want to see you again ever” and literally moved across the country, so i’d say there were a couple of rough patches lol. conversely, i think that peggy in retrospect is extremely glad she got impaled by that rebar because otherwise they would have just stayed in pining hell forever.
what is their moment for you?
if i'm not allowed to choose “literally all of season 2,” i’m going to say when peggy kidnaps rufus hunt and daniel gets angry not because she committed a felony, but because she committed a felony without him. daniel is a lot more by-the-book than almost every other character on the show, so the fact that that’s the thing he’s mad about really shows how much he’s come to trust and care for peggy. as they both say, they’re a team now.
marriage? if yes, who proposes?
yep! they get married. avengers endgame never happened. aos will never happen. i’m not sure if i like the idea of peggy or daniel actually proposing better, but daniel definitely buys the ring and agonizes over how to make the perfect proposal, and then of course they actually get engaged on a whim during some messy, high-stakes action sequence.
children? if yes, if one had to stay home with them, who would do it?
we know that peggy and whoever she canonically marries do have two kids, so assuming it’s daniel (which it is), there are definitely kids! neither of them stay home- they’re good parents but obviously very busy at work, especially peggy- but they spend as much time with them as they can, and the jarvises are more than happy to look after the kids when they can’t.
housing? where do they live together?
i have absolutely no idea where the original base of shield was, and i don’t think the ac one-shot is actually canon, so let’s say for argument’s sake, and for the sake of “most of the characters i headcanon as being involved with shield’s creation were located in california in the late 40s anyway,” and for the sake of “as of 1995 there was still a prominent shield base located in l.a.,” that it was near los angeles. in which case i guess peggy could just move in wherever daniel’s living. it looked like a nice enough place. 
pets? do they get a pet together?
i don’t see them as pet people, honestly. i think bernard has put them off that idea.
who would kill/remove the spider and who would leave it under a cup and leave the room?
peggy is definitely terrified of spiders just because i think the “peggy carter, the same woman who fought in the war and took down dottie underwood and punched me in the nose, is afraid of spiders?” “shut up, jack!” conversation would be hilarious. this leaves daniel as the de facto getter-ridder of spiders.
who sings all day long and who gets so used to it they don’t even hear it anymore?
this is not something i'd ever pictured either of them doing; however, i’m absolutely loving the idea of serious, professional daniel singing under his breath while working on case files. peggy thinks this is the cutest thing in the world but figured out very early on that if she comments on it, he stops, so now she just lets it happen without a word.
who can cook a gourmet meal for two and who can maybe use the toaster?
peggy obviously can’t cook to save her life. i think the entire fandom has accepted this as fact. daniel i can see as a decent cook, but i think if for whatever reason they actually need to provide food for anyone other than themselves, peggy calls jarvis in a panic and makes him do it.
who wakes up before the sun rises and who would sleep in until 2pm if they didn’t have an alarm?
neither of them really strike me as early risers (or late risers- they seem to have a reasonable sleep schedule when they aren’t up to spy shenanigans), but peggy definitely gets up before daniel.
who is more affectionate/touchy?
in public i think they’re both usually very professional or at least not blatantly affectionate, but in private or with friends they cannot keep their hands off each other. peggy is usually the worse offender but it’s oftentimes a toss-up. they drive jack crazy. 
who wears the other’s hoodies/shirts?
look i don’t think this is something they’d do, but i’m definitely giggling at the thought of peggy walking around in a fucking hawaiian shirt that’s about two sizes too big for her.
who said “I love you” first?
i like to think that a very exhausted peggy, after daniel did something like bring her coffee when she was working on case files at one in the morning, groaned “daniel sousa, i bloody love you” without really thinking about it and then promptly became so re-engrossed with the files that she nearly missed daniel’s quiet “...love you too, peg.” 
tagging @erumpets @florenepugh @wespers @mollyweasly @nataliarvmanova @romanocff @saralahnce @captleia  @billhaders @wintersoeldiers and anyone else who wants to do it :) 
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directorlazard · 7 years
Headcanon: Layers of the Muse
I did a post like this a couple years back, and wanted to revamp it to reflect how Lazard has grown in depth over the past several years playing him. Of course, no one ever wants to break the fourth wall or have someone godmodding by letting their character know something IC that the mun would only know OOC, but there are often details that specific muses might know. If you have someone with a particular people watching habit, or training, it’s actually more realistic to assume they’re going to pick up on some extra things. So this is my little cheat sheet to help.
Any individual would notice:
Lazard is roughly 5'10 tall, leanly built, blond haired and blue eyed
He shares some similar features with Rufus, and a lot of features that the President had as a young man, especially in the set of his jaw and brows
He speaks in a light tenor, Upper Plate accent, unless he’s exhausted; at that point hints of a Slum accent peek through
He knows all his operatives by face and last name, and usually first name as well
He regularly seems overtired and stressed
Someone very observant would also notice:
He’s built solidly with a lot more muscle than his desk job should call for
There is a hint of a glow to his eyes when he takes his glasses off, also visible with any strong surge of adrenaline or emotion
He doesn’t seem to need his glasses to see
He has a faint scar on his throat, and several small ones on his knuckles
He’s clearly very familiar with the Slums, in a way suggesting personal experience
A trained fighter would also notice:
The gloves he wears are custom tailored fighting gloves
His reflexes are quicker than an untrained civilian should be
He has significant skill with materia, particularly healing ones
He does actually know how to throw a punch, and is suspiciously good at dodging
Those with access to his personnel file would know:
He is the bastard son of President Shinra, born in 1972 to Rosalind Deusericus
He grew up in the Sector 4 Slums, near the reactor, and over the years has gotten a baseline mako level that approaches the low end of the Third Class SOLDIER level
He’s worked in ShinRa since he was fifteen, starting in the Financial Dept. before his transfer to SOLDIER
He has no medical need for his glasses, they’re used to obscure the glow from mako exposure
Medical flags: an allergy to chocobos, currently under treatment for insomnia, has evaded seeing a company therapist despite a strong suggestion to from his doctor
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thecxmmissioner · 7 years
Headcanon file: Meteorfall, and the origin of the W.R.O. —
Although Reeve is generally a very proactive person who deals with stress by working harder, there are some things that shake him to the core and render him temporarily immobile. 
He doesn’t form the W.R.O. immediately in the wake of Meteorfall. In one fell swoop he loses his home ( his Midgar apartment gets completely annihilated and he loses everything he had in it ), his job, his city, his mother ( he believes she perished in the event itself until he has that conversation with Denzel four years later ), ( depending on verse, his significant other ), many other coworkers and acquaintances ( his years-loyal secretary Margaret among the casualties of Meteorfall ), and faith in what he’s been doing with his life for the past eighteen years ( i.e., building mako reactors ). This is absolutely too much for him to just pick up the pieces and start rebuilding right away.
Instead, he retreats to Junon, where he has a secondary apartment on the top tiers of the city. The fact that he still has some shelter, some belongings, and some money ( because the funds in Midgar banks are probably inaccessible, throwing the world into economic chaos as well as every other kind of chaos ) gives him some aid that post-event life would otherwise be much more difficult without, but it does next to nothing to alleviate the massive amounts of grief that he is experiencing at this time.
But ShinRa had a presence in Junon, and the Urban Development Department had a Junon-based branch that oversaw Junon-based matters. While the population of Junon wasn’t scathed nearly as bad as Midgar had been ( they suffered some extreme flooding and tidal waves, but that was mostly the lower city ), many had relatives in Midgar and otherwise keenly felt the impact of this worldwide event. Those who had worked under Reeve naturally looked to him for answers and some leadership, and he had scant amounts of either one to offer them.
But he knew the guidance they were seeking was more about making people feel like they were in the good hands of someone capable, even if Reeve was truly anything but at the moment, so he made a phone-in effort at organizing some reconstruction of Lower Junon.
Meanwhile, the beginnings of what would later become the city of Edge was being formed by the surviving residents of Midgar and Kalm. Rufus gets involved in this and puts Shinra money behind it, and part of Reeve knows he should be there instead. He sends Rufus some workers from Junon and some construction materials, but otherwise keeps a stark distance from the remainders of the company. The donation is half a gesture of goodwill, half a diplomatic move, and half a message that he and whatever he is leading in Junon is now a separate entity from ShinRa and whatever Rufus is leading from Healen. And that Edge is neutral ground.
It’s around this time that Reeve’s father, who had been safe from Meteorfall due to working a job in Kalm at the time, falls ill to the same mysterious disease claiming refugees left and right. Reeve goes to him in Kalm, but little can be done except to provide some comfort at the end of his life.
Losing his father to Geostigma prompts Reeve to formally organize his operation into the World Regenesis Organization and he builds its Headquarters between Edge and Kalm, where most of the refugees are located. Some of these early W.R.O. members stay in Junon, retaining a small presence there, but many move north with intentions of lending aid to the Midgar refugees, who are in far greater need than the residents of Junon. From here, the W.R.O. assumes a larger role in the construction of Edge, with its highly organized task force and the leadership of the former Director of Urban Development, and suddenly his and Rufus’s positions are reversed. Now it’s Rufus lending aid to the W.R.O. and the W.R.O. that is the face of the rebuilding efforts.
Under Reeve and the W.R.O., Edge becomes less of a shanty town and more of a city. The roads get properly paved and painted, a transit system gets established ( primarily buses; it will be years yet before a subway system is installed ), vital infrastructure such as a postal system, law enforcement, schools, etc. are organized and established...all around the statue that Rufus had erected to establish ShinRa’s presence in the area. And while no one knows that the W.R.O.’s money comes from Rufus ( Reeve, by the way, most certainly does, regardless of what he might otherwise claim ), ShinRa continues to more visibly support larger building projects in order to get the ShinRa name on things and establish their new public image.
Geostigma, however, continues to plague them for some time...
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