#[ have noodle arms ]
transgenderboobs · 8 months
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the magnus protocol is a podcast
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helsensm · 6 months
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artist-character outfit swap for mk ask on telegram (ofc it's my fav skin)
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letswonderspirit · 7 months
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myokk · 20 days
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This couldn't be happening again.
He was so foolish, to believe that he could try and befriend someone new, and that things would be fine. How could he have done this to Eloise? Sebastian had long started to believe that he, too, was also cursed: somehow everyone and everything he touched turned to ashes and he couldn't bear to see the insidious tentacles of...whatever this was reaching out to wrap around Eloise as well.
Hadn't he done enough damage already? And yet...
He couldn't let go of his hold on her body, hoping against hope that he could do something to help her. He slowly turned her body around so that she was facing him, hands reaching up to cradle her pale cheeks as he whispered feverishly: please please you can't die please Eloise please it's going to be fine...
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niofo · 1 month
other characters being scared of lucanis is my fav thing ever, even teia and viago seem to have a "thank fuck he's on our side" kind of respect. he is a dumpster fire bisexual disaster who likes coffee, but he also scares ppl shitless, let's not forget about it.
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apnourry · 2 months
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are you healthy or does the infectious disease office phlebotomist know you by name and call you "my friend!!!"
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wolfram-but-art · 4 months
[I take your engineer.
Well, try to. Since he is a fully grown 5'7 man and I am 5'3. I don't get very far with him.]
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if you were to just ask to hang out, i'm sure this would've gone a lot easier, but whatever you wanna do
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eyeofthenewt1 · 10 months
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Welcome Sam, cant wait for you to experience The Horrors.
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hazieash · 1 year
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He can have a little dark magic, as a treat
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I think a massive facet of Tim's secret identity should be that everyone in Gotham knows that if Tim had Bat Skills, he would simply be a benevolent supervillain instead. A feral little gremlin who would take out the kneecaps of every boomer trying to embezzle charity funds. Like, this is the bitch that's constantly ready to fight God in a Denny's parking lot. He would be out there committing murder every time someone tried to rezone Gotham's voting districts again; he'd just show up in their dark living room with anime eyeshine like, "oh? And you thought you could get away with this? 🔪"
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morethansky · 3 months
Oh my god, absolutely FEASTING on fanboy tears tonight as I repeatedly rewatch not only a sexy, well-choreographed and performed fight between an Asian man and an Asian Canadian but also one between a nonbinary person and a woman (who's even playing her character as queer), holy shit!!!
And, like, do you understand what it means to me to have an evil Asian character who's not a racist caricature??? Like yeah, in Star Wars, but also in Western media in general! Also very important to me is that he's ACTUALLY HOT. Asian men never get to be hot on screen in Western media, especially Asian diaspora folks. It's not only shitty in a racist way but also a travesty for hot people enjoyers such as myself!! (And I mean like one of the few times they attempted to give it somewhat of a shot, the role went to a former incel ffs.)
This is also important because Qimir getting to be hot means people are thirsting after him!!! That's an important part of representation people don't talk about enough. Just reading posts and chats where people are seeing him as physically attractive and salivating over his body makes me so emotional??
The casting director, the costumers, and the hair and makeup teams on this production, my god. First Mother Aniseya and now Qimir. They're just casually dropping some of the hottest characters in Star Wars into this show, bless.
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astralhope · 2 months
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I had to stop the episode because I was laughing too much for this frame.
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They became stickmen.
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synthaphone · 29 days
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had a brain blast... is this why they made inteleon stick thin
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festering-bacteria · 1 year
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More doodles! I’m extremely ill abt jfkonfucius atm, thye make me lose my mind
ALSSSOOO omg these four images together rlly show how inconsistent my style is 😭 Confucius looks different in ALL of them
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bogkeep · 19 days
desire: want to develop my fursona character, give them their own name and plop them into a specific aesthetic - idk if it's urban fantasy exactly, but the thing where you mix fantasy items with modern ones, like This vibe, a bit like they've been isekai'd to a fantasy adventure and then came back. then i can draw them both in a fantastical setting and a non-fantastical one and play around with themes of feeling out of place no matter where you go,
roadblock: still struggling to draw my own fursona very well
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headfullof-ideas · 19 days
Rivalries (at least ones that aren’t in the pre-existing lore, Ala Viggo and riders, Alpheus and Ant, so on and so forth…)
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I genuinely don’t really see Snotlout and Alpheus getting along. Their personalities clash too much, and Snotlout just gets beef with anyone new in this story, due to trying to protect the other riders. Alpheus being a little pompous and cocky and ‘so this is the brainless muscle-head?’ Upon first meeting didn’t really help either. Lots of petty pranks and fights between these two, with poor Ant playing mediator, albeit reluctantly due to not knowing Alpheus too well himself, he just knows Snotlout. Honestly I’m not sure about Alpheus and Dagur either, i don’t know if Alpheus would play nice with someone named Deranged, though I do see Dagur enjoying messing with him, but that’s neither here nor there-
Kaiko and Viggo have had beef for longer than Fontaine has been alive, so Viggo starts sweating when he realizes that Ant is Kaikos kid. She also scares him a little bit…or a lot a bit. Assassination attempts have been had, on both sides. As well as petty smack downs with whatever they can get their hands on. Like the drawing above, where little-sibling-extraordinaire Viggo (not to be confused to these two being siblings, just that their fights can resemble sibling fights sometimes) is utterly losing.
Camicazi and Mad Madeline are a case of thief meets thief, but Madeline is better at it than Camicazi, with the additional bonus of being a sea-faring pirate, and also being nearly five to six years younger than Camicazi. And Camicazi HATES someone being better at something than she is, especially something she insists on being so good at. So naturally they clash. Maddie spends most of it just messing with Camicazi, much to the older girls infuriation.
I would like to clarify that Astrid and Fontaine’s rivalry has nothing to do with race, though Astrid has never really interacted with a person of color due to the overall whiteness of the Archipelago, Ant being the only person with darker skin she’s ever met till she leaves the Archipelago. No, it’s because they’re both stubborn, Astrid hates being called out on her not-so-great actions, and being held responsible for those actions, and Fontaine loves pointing this out and poking the metaphorical sleeping bear that is an easy-to-piss-off Astrid Hofferson. There may be a bit of petty grudge-holding due to what Fontaine has heard about stuff that happened between Astrid and Ant too, which also pisses Astrid off. Fontaine has the same flaw of being incapable of acknowledging her own mistakes though, so Astrid makes plenty of jabs in her direction too with the same effectiveness.
Heather is obsessed with Kari’s dragon Ardyn, and Kari is mad about the time she straight up tried to run off with Ardyn. This is probably the pettiest of rivalries here, next to Camicazi and Madeline anyways. Heather pretty much just pulled an Alpheus and started having beef with a thirteen year old for no real reason beyond spite and petty rage. Granted, little Kari is a menace who is not above biting, and has bitten Heather, so there’s some of a reasonable grudge there. (Especially not helped by Heathers older brother teaching the little brat how to shoot a crossbow-) It’s hard to feel justified venting to someone about it though when you’re reminded you’re getting into squabbles with a tweenager a head and a half shorter than you who hasn’t even started puberty yet. Heather’s younger than Alpheus is in the show, so it’s a little less embarrassing when she loses, especially when it’s over something wildly different
These are the ones I can think of, and I’ve got doodles i want to draw to further elaborate on these dynamics, that might not come to light in the actual story itself. I dunno yet, we’ll see. I’m juggling a couple of things irl at the moment, so new stuff might be a bit scarce, but i’m hoping to send chapter three to my beta in a few days! So hopefully chapter three comes out sometime in the next few weeks
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