#and the comments are full of fanboys being like oh…that was really good LMAO
morethansky · 3 months
Oh my god, absolutely FEASTING on fanboy tears tonight as I repeatedly rewatch not only a sexy, well-choreographed and performed fight between an Asian man and an Asian Canadian but also one between a nonbinary person and a woman (who's even playing her character as queer), holy shit!!!
And, like, do you understand what it means to me to have an evil Asian character who's not a racist caricature??? Like yeah, in Star Wars, but also in Western media in general! Also very important to me is that he's ACTUALLY HOT. Asian men never get to be hot on screen in Western media, especially Asian diaspora folks. It's not only shitty in a racist way but also a travesty for hot people enjoyers such as myself!! (And I mean like one of the few times they attempted to give it somewhat of a shot, the role went to a former incel ffs.)
This is also important because Qimir getting to be hot means people are thirsting after him!!! That's an important part of representation people don't talk about enough. Just reading posts and chats where people are seeing him as physically attractive and salivating over his body makes me so emotional??
The casting director, the costumers, and the hair and makeup teams on this production, my god. First Mother Aniseya and now Qimir. They're just casually dropping some of the hottest characters in Star Wars into this show, bless.
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S2 E5: Simon Said
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Dean makes a good point about not announcing to a bar full of hunters that Sam has psychic visions
My dog does NOT like Sam hjhjkjhjjhhj I paused the episode on his face to write some comments and my dog won't stop growling and boofing at him what did Sammy ever do to you, buddy
Ash don't sell your skills for a fucking PBR there are much better beers out there
Man... I do want to see Dean and Sam travel with Jo for a while and let her kick ass
My dog is STILL upset with Sam and I don't know why but it's VERY funny
God I do enjoy the fuck out of Andy's stupid stoner van
"So the demon wants you all out there killing with your minds, is that it? Give me a break" no actually you kinda hit the nail on the head with that one Dean
It is VERY funny how Andy makes Dean give up the Impala in like 30 seconds with a smile on his face
You can really date these episodes not only be the cell phones used but by the references to real events. Fucking OJ Simpson, really?
Dean is full-on fanboying over this van I'm cackling
"One day I'd love to sit down and eat something I didn't have to microwave in a minimart" this is literally the first time we've ever seen you eat something that you apparently microwaved at a minimart Dean
Sam just being completely unphased by Andy's powers while Dean spills his guts is the BEST scene in this episode
Andy you mind control people you got no right to question Sam's visions lmao
Still can't believe they went with the legit evil twin story
Webber looks like if Elijah Wood was 3% more twink
So Yellow Eyes can fucking dreamwalk now okay sure why not
"What am I supposed to do now?" valid question and I feel like it doesn't come up enough at the end of their cases... the Winchesters really do just steamroll through people's lives huh
I think Dean has a point here - Andy didn't want to shoot Webber, but it was that or let Webber kill Tracy and Dean, and probably Sam, too.
Oh good the boys finally realized they aren't an army of two, they have people who can and will help them
"Simon Said" final thoughts: I like Andy, I really do! I think he's a fun character, and I really like that even in the space of less than 40 minutes they were able to make him three dimensional as a character, mostly through the use of Webber as his foil.
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