#[ fi NALLY..... ]
seokmatthewz · 1 year
today's jakkkungz meal is too good ........
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agntkennedy · 1 year
pspspsps, send leon nsfw sinday questions.
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dollywheeler · 2 months
October 26th, 1996
[Harlan's Car And Motor, Camera 3, 10/26/1996, 00:32]
Grainy black-and-white security footage of a light-haired girl sitting on a curb next to a payphone in the right bottom of the frame. She’s wearing a dark skirt and knee-high boots with a white short-sleeved t-shirt, ripped at the hems. A black cardigan lays discarded by her feet, and her wrists and neck are covered with chains. Her elbows are propped up on her knees, head tilted slightly to the right as it rests on her hands. She’s gently swaying as she sits, but otherwise motionless.
There’s a sound of a car door slamming outside of the frame, followed by rushed footsteps and a sharp voice. “Holly!”
The girl’s head shoots up, eyes catching something outside the left of the frame. “Fi-nally.”
She starts to stand up, pushing herself up from the ground unsteadily, but a tall man with dark, curly hair runs into the screen and grabs her arm to help her get up. He’s wearing jeans and a sweater that doesn’t quite sit right, as if thrown on hastily.
"Holly- aren't you freezing?" He notes the cardigan by her feet and ducks down to grab it, dusting it off with a few flicks of his wrist before wrapping it around her shoulders in a quick move. The girl, Holly, rolls her head, clearly disoriented and miserable as she allows the man to drag her back towards the left side of the frame where, presumably, a car waits.
“What were you thinking?!"
“I didn’t want anyone to see me."
“You didn't-," He starts, exasperation clear in his voice and movements, "I just told you how dangerous it is to walk home on your own!”
Annoyed, voice slurred as she stops them in their tracks; “I-s Hawkins.”
“Exactly!” The man’s breathing intensifies as he turns towards her, clearly agitated. “You can’t just put your vanity over your own safety like this! If you didn’t want your friends to see you drunk you shouldn’t have gotten drunk!”
“Mike-.” Another man enters the frame, also wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. His hair is lighter and straight, his expression pinched with sympathy.
Before he can say anything else, Holly pushes Mike away, stumbling unsteadily on her feet without his support. “You think I’m vain?! And I didn’t-,”
Holly stops talking as her stumbling intensifies, turning towards the right side of the frame where the curb is lined with shrubbery. She takes a few steps closer to them before bending over, shaking as she’s clearly vomiting.
“Holly-,” Mike groans, as he moves forward to help steady her and pull her hair out of her face. The other man stands back, uncertain, before turning around and walking out of frame.
“I’m fine,” Holly mumbles as she straightens again. The light-haired man returns, holding a bottle of water. He screws it open, before stepping up to the other side of Holly and holding it out to her.
He asks; “Holly, at what time were you supposed to be home?”
She spits into the shrubbery. “I’m sleeping at Whitney’s.”
Mike and the other man exchange a look.
The light-haired man sighs, glancing at Holly as his face hardens with determination.
“Stay here, I’ll drive to Melissa’s to see if I can find Whitney.”
“What- no-“
“She might be worried, Holly!” Mike cuts in. “You left without saying anything and she's responsible for you.”
"No, Dylan is responsible for us.” Holly slurs, face twisting. “But she cancelled. She cancels a-lot.”
“Okay, Holzie, let’s sit down.” Mike guides Holly onto the curb. The other man sends Mike a look over her head, nodding before he walks back out of frame, followed by the sound of a car door slamming shut and an engine roaring to life.
Once Holly is fully sitting down again, Mike sits down next to her, elbows resting on his knees, hands twisting. His eyes follow something out of frame - most likely the car. His expression is hard to decipher in the grainy footage.
Holly leans her head against Mike’s right shoulder, eyes drooping shut, and at the touch Mike looks back toward her, the angle lighting his features as they darken.
"What were you thinking?"
Holly's face is turned into Mike's shoulder, her voice faint and barely caught by the camera's microphone. "Wasn’t."
Mike snorts, obviously still trying to remain angry. His left knee starts bouncing quickly in front of him. "Clearly."
"I didn't know it would feel like this."
"And yet, I'm sure you knew it's illegal."
“What?” She scoffs again, halfheartedly, “Are you going to report me?"
"I could - no I should - tell mom and dad."
Holly's shoulders hiccup, as if letting out a laugh, tone sarcastic as she pushes herself away from Mike, seemingly angry. "That would mean talking to them."
Mike’s head twists as if rolling his eyes, turning to keep her in his line of sight. “I talk to mom!"
"Sure." Holly's voice sounds tired, slowing down as she trails off. Mike sighs and runs a hand through his hair. He glances back towards the upper left corner of the frame, lifting his left wrist to look at his watch. His shoulders slump, before he turns back towards Holly. After a moment, he asks; "What are you even supposed to be dressed as?"
"The girls from The Craft!" Her voice sounds louder, as if offended, shaking the bracelets on her wrists. Distracted by her own jewellery, she drops her hands in her lap, toying with the charms. "It was Dylan's idea."
"Oh, okay. Sure." Catching sight of the bottle of water next to her, he nudges her shoulder. "Drink."
Holly's face scrunches up in distaste, but she picks up the bottle and does as ordered. After a few tentative sips, she puts it down again.
They continue to sit in silence as the clock on the screen shifts numbers, until a beam of light traces over them, causing Mike to perk up, gently shaking Holly's shoulder. "Will's back."
He stands up, offering his hands to Holly and pulling her up when she takes them. Holly wobbles on her feet and whines again.
"I don't feel-," She cuts herself off and turns away from Mike, returning to the shrubbery to vomit once more.
The engine continues running, but the light-haired man, Will, walks into frame again, keeping his distance.
"Is she still vomiting?" He frowns, eyeing the pair wearily. "At what point do we have to worry about dehydration?"
"She was fine until a moment ago." He groans. "Maybe she got up too fast."
"I"m sorry," Holly whines again, straightening up and pushing her hair out of her face. "This sucks."
"Let's just go home," Will sighs, urging her and Mike towards the car.
Mike opens the door for her, eyeing her wearily as he curses under his breath. "Damn it, Holly, if you vomit in our new car, you're cleaning it out."
"I won't! I promise!"
"I don't think that's a promise within your power to keep." Mike helps her into the back seat, and Holly disappears from view behind him. He takes another moment to look into the car, before finally turning away and closing the door.
He turns towards Will, who's standing a few steps to his right, watching with a frown. Their eyes meet, and they seem to hold a conversation without speaking. Eventually Will tilts his head and shrugs, carefully, and Mike lets out a heavy sigh.
"What are we even doing here?"
Seemingly reluctant, a smile blooms over Will's face, letting out a chuckle as he reaches out to grab Mike's hand. He pulls Mike with him as he takes a step back, squeezing his hand in a quick, practiced move, before dropping it again. Mike keeps his gaze as Will continues walking around the car to the driver's side, both now grinning widely.
Opening the passenger door, Mike shakes his head and sighs again, before breaking his gaze from Will's and dropping into the front seat. The door slams shut behind him, only a second before the driver's side does the same, and the screen stays unmoving for a couple of seconds before the car takes a wide turn and disappears from view.
The frame is empty again, except for its usual sight, everything still and unmoving except for the occasional branch twitching in the wind and the numbers in the bottom left of the screen counting upwards.
[Harlan's Car And Motor, Camera 3, 10/26/1996, 01:13]
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desultory-novice · 2 months
Soooo, that last post about Noir and Adeleine's parents inspired a series of Apologies AU lore questions on the Kirby OC Tournament Discord! There was a lot so I'll just share what I wrote here!
Apologies AMA: "What do you mean they're half-fairy?!" below!
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Addendum: As a "Papa's Girl" child, Adeleine was very close to her dad and DID hear stories about fairies from him growing up!
However, after the death of their parents, Noir, who had reason to believe that they had been killed on purpose and not in an accident (he was right ; _ ;) was adamant about scrubbing away any and all of those kinds of memories. He himself has succeeded in blocking out that there was ever anything special about their family.
(This frightening and scary rejection of their family from her brother was part of what led to Adeleine's "shut in" period as they moved from shelter to shelter that Raquelle was able to work her out of.)
It worked for Adeleine too, in time, and though she still loves fairies, she would say something like "I used to like to imagine I was a fairy when I was little!" but would not take it seriously!
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...And so! Now everyone knows more! Dess fi~nally answering the question of "Why Noir?"
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yeonslayjun · 8 months
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cheiyunn · 6 months
Kimisute main story [3部 ] Part 6
[Dreadnought Music office]
Kenta: Thank you for your work. What is it you called us in for today
Kenta: To ask for everyone to come means that this is an important discussion…
Mashu: I’d like to have you all participate in this
Kenta: 「Special project to celebrate Iryuu Koga’s return」..!?
Nayuta: …!
Miyuki: So, you want us to also participate in this sales ranking game thing…?
Kenta: (...usually I’d immediately say yes to this but at the same time I’d like to not corner Nayuta any more than already done… what to do…?)
Nayuta: …got it
Reon: You sure?
Nayuta: I’ll pummel him to the ground since at least now he’s thinking that there isn’t any out there that can best him
Mashu: …It’s good to hear you have motivation
Mashu: The release of the new songs related to the tie-ups will be aligned with this sales ranking project then
Nayuta: yeah
Kenta: I understand. Then, once we finalize the demo we’ll contact you again
Mashu: Do so. That is all.
Ryo: See ya later, president-san
--[A few days later]--
--[Door knocks]--
Kenta: Nayuta, how long do you intend to be holed up like that. Please, could you come out for a bit
--[Door opens]--
Nayuta: Don’t bother me
Kenta: Saying that, do you know how long you’ve been in there. I know its normal for you to do that, but do take some breaks in between
Nayuta: …you don’t need to tell me. I’ll rest when I need to
Kenta: You’re lying. Day and night, there’s a constant sign of you working
Kenta: It’s not just me, everyone else is just as worried
Nayuta: Tsk… shut up
--[Nayuta walks away]--
Kenta: Where do you intend to go?
Nayuta: Cause you’re so noisy, I’m going out for a walk 
Nayuta: ….Don’t tail me
Kenta: …I understand. At least just make it so you’re able to be contacted
Nayuta: yeah…
--[Nayuta leaves]--
Ryo: …Kenken, how was Nayuta?
Kenta: Somehow got him to leave his room. He said he’d go out for a bit of a walk
Ryo: It’s normal for him to stay in his room but.. Nayuta seemed like he was more troubled than normal…
Ryo: Maybe, the thing about his dad is really bothering him
Kenta: I’d assume so. To add on that he’s already someone who pushes himself to the limit, I just wish he’d take care of himself a little more…
Ryo: Should we make something for when he comes home?
Kenta: Yeah. Preferably something easy to take in and filling… we need to factor in nutrition too…
Ryo: If there's anything I can do, just tell me okay. I want to help you too, Kenken
Kenta: …thank you, Ryo
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[Park  /  In front of clinic]
Nayuta: ( Tsk… it’ll be a pain if they see the medicine. ….better hide it)
Nayuta: ( 「If you don’t take the medication properly and not rest enough, there’s a high chance that your condition could worsen」huh… Why now of all times…)
Reon: Welcome back. Were you able to catch a breather
Nayuta: That doesn’t concern you. Leave me be
Reon: If we do, you’ll just completely stop living like a human being 
Reon: You know that Kenta-san was super worried about you right?
Nayuta: One after another, all of you just butting in with your two cents…
Reon: If that really bothers you, then at least do the bare minimum for living activities
--[Door opens]--
Kenta: Nayuta, you’re back
Miyuki: You fi–nally left your room. For starters, it's a relief that you're alive and kicking
Nayuta: …I’m going back to my room. Don’t bother me
Kenta: At the very least eat a bit before you go back. You haven’t ate anything right, here, we made some
Nayuta: Don’t need it. Just hand me the water
Miyuki: Hah… could you cut the stoic-act in half? I’ll give you my jelly supplements so at least just take that and eat in your room
Nayuta: …hmph
--[Nayuta enters his room]--
Reon: Kenta-san….
Kenta: It’s the usual thing. If we just leave it in the fridge, he’ll take it out when he feels like it
Kenta: At least he took Miyuki’s jelly supplements, so there’s one good thing
Miyuki: But still, how long does he intend to hole up like that? If he keeps exerting himself at that rate, he’ll really pass out no?
Kenta: I’d assume until the song is done but still… Perhaps I really should be more forceful towards him…
Miyuki: Doesn’t he get that if he really does fall it’ll all be for nothing…
Reon: The Nayuta from the past few days feels more and more like he’s running through and it’s hard to watch…
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makahitaki · 8 months
*crying and choking while hiccuping *
i can-n-n fi-hi-nally go be-eee-ed
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Now let’s stay on top!
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mattiepieofchaos · 6 months
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anonymous-red-506 · 8 months
Finally is pronounced "final-e" and finale is pronounced "fi-nally"
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English spelling hurts me
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sunnys-aesthetic · 1 year
Guess who’s fi nally back
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battlefairies · 1 year
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Our party blackguard claimed this suit of armour last session, so now I am at liberty to share its (D&D 3.5 edition) properties online. But first, some lore:
“Hide, hide, the Red Man is here Moloh-Chi the Soulless with his mask made for fear You may hide, you may run or you may stand up and try to defeat the Once-Defeated but he knows how you’ll die: One blow, you’re senseless two blows, defenceless Three blows, you’re reeling Four blows, you’re kneeling Five blows, begging, crying Six blows, fi-nally dying And seven are the blows all in all needed to cut up your soul.”
Dark folklore surrounds the character of Moloh-Chi, a warrior said to have made some grisly pact with the Lower Planes. While he was probably a real, historic figure from the Eastern Spine of the World region during the fledgeling years of the Netheril empire, precious little is known for sure. Legend has it that a star-crossed love for the daughter of a prefect caused Moloh-Chi to forfeit his soul to a devil in exchange for power, and then went on to single-handedly slaughter, raze and burn the prefect’s village.
The two lovers eloped and hid in the mountains, where the authorities at last found and challenged Moloh-Chi. His life ended with a killing blow from a soldier who had aimed his spear at the obidome or sash clip the prefect’s daughter had fastened over her lover’s heart.
Folkloristic tales of the region since speak of a ghost clad in red armour wandering the land, with a bitter hatred towards all mortals still possessing their souls.
It is unsure whether the name ‘Moloh-chi’ was derived from the word moloch, meaning something demanding terrible sacrifices, or if that word itself sprung from the legend of Moloh-Chi the Soulless.
Moloh-Chi’s +2 Plate Armour of Dread Lore
This unique set of +2 Full Plate functions normally despite being incredibly old and looking a bit worse for wear.
In addition to its enhancement bonus, this suit of armour grants the wearer a chance to strike fear in the hearts of bystanders each time he or she scores a (confirmed) critical hit on an opponent with a melee weapon or unarmed strike.
When the wearer confirms their critical hit and as part of the wearer’s turn, any humanoid with fewer HD than the wearer and within 30 ft. becomes eligible for the armour’s panic-inducing property. The wearer can freely choose which of these effectively get targeted, and which are exempt.
Targets must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + ½ wearer’s HD + wearer’s CHA modifier) or become panicked (PHB p. 311) for 1d6 rounds. Creatures who make their save instead become shaken (PHB p. 312) for 1 round and become immune to the armour’s panic-inducing property for the next 24 hours.
Moderate Necromancy [fear, mind-affecting].
(No Price or Weight because math is hard and people who care about encumbrance don't deserve to wear this imo)
Disclaimer: homebrew item, but the Forgotten Realms setting belongs to Ed Greenwood and Wizards of the Coast / Hasbro. "Visions of Pelvuria" is the name of my campaign.
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cii-thirtyfourth · 2 months
damn im more emotional than i thought when i saw team japan fi-fking-nally got the medals they deserve 🥹🥹🥹😭♥️
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elsalouisa · 5 months
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"On the other hand, hearing Aunt Katya speak about God was different. She had explained to me that although God was everywhere, His real home was within us; that He was brighter than sunshine and that each of us should try to rid ourselves of anything tending to obscure His light. “For instance,” she said, “last night when you threw yourself upon the maid Tanya and began to beat her with your fists…” “Yes, but I did it because she was mean: she was beating Mama’s dog, which Mama didn’t like for anyone to touch.” “Yes, but Mama would have liked even less to see you beating one of the maids with your fists,” Aunt Katya said. She spoke in a sweet, penetrating voice, and ended by telling me of how great it is to forgive others their faults, looking instead for one’s own, and what a wonderful opportunity had just opened before me—the chance of my erasing the dark spot which I had planted between God and myself. When the time came for our making our yearly Lenten devotions be- fore Easter, I would have to give a great deal of thought to how to train myself not to attack people like a little wild beast, especially servants, who were in no position to give me a sound thrashing in return. “But if I fight my hot temper, then what?” I asked. “Then the dark spot on your heart will begin to rub off and God’s light will fi- nally burst out from behind it and transform everything—yourself and your life.” This sounded like a wonderful adventurous undertaking, and I began to daydream of how I would begin to fight my vices, perhaps not right away, but some time later, closer to Easter, and of how triumphantly this fight would end by  Easter Midnight Mass and the rozgovenniye—the family fast-breaking celebration with koulich and paskha that followed it". 
"Visits to the Imperial Court"  Olga Ilyin (Boratynsky)
Photo - Boratynsky family celebrating Easter, 1910.
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faultywires125 · 9 months
I held on to shit you liked for way too long Kept it on the same pedestal I put you on Try to puzzle myself together always come out wrong
I think this spring will mark a decade, me still moving on. What I projected on to you Was more than one could be
You were part of every dream I had for future me I’ve been workin on it But work is never done.
I'm sprinting through park trails at night trying to outrun The specter that is haunting me That is the rising sun Which means another day has passed without me becoming Something a former me could stand to ever fucking see
Think I was fi-nally rounding the corner of the track on which I found Myself running round
incentivized by scent through a maze Gears resume grinding, this time is erased All just illusions, no progress was made
I got up to the top the rut my path had plowed And then the world totally shut down
This rut was dug by our own routine Needed some structure, some support beams What I've constructed, is toppling on me Mania-induced false epiphanies
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444namesplus · 11 months
Aabled Aade Aaded Aagalf Aak Aakey Aal Aan Aapet Aaport Aar Aarbant Aarint Aariël Aark Aastoe Aate Aative Ablated Able Ablieve Abs Acally Acony Acur Adom Adorse Adriete Adrovam Ady Aga Agre Aiscal Ald Alderia Aler Aleroug Aligant All Ally Almith Amative Amendy Amet Ametrio Ammine Amy Anake Anantal Ancious Ando Andy Ane Ang Anian Aniaphy Ank Annome Ano Anocray Ans Ansin Antaal Anted Anth Antic Antive Antje Antoary Apandes Aptible Arcaly Areting Aring Ark Arkino Arrow Arse Art Artic Arupt Ary Ascomy Assian Ast Astunch Ate Aud Aug Aurieng Bable Ban Bant Baran Bard Barga Bark Barkje Bas Basible Bastork Bated Batic Beadog Beart Bed Bel Beld Beran Bia Biabby Bicarm Bioul Bious Bir Bish Bite Ble Blemn Bleon Bles Blese Blespen Bletlet Blion Blumse Boal Bobek Bol Bolve Bong Bowlet Brizzly Bron Buff Bugh Bught Bul Bur Buric Cal Cale Calise Calth Cane Cang Capper Cary Cascan Cated Catious Cattrus Cervate Cha Chal Chale Chan Cher Chesse Chible Chime Chimel Chint Chog Chrit Classh Cle Clous Clugnox Coa Cob Cobje Cobse Code Colanis Colitic Colke Coll Colt Com Coman Con Cona Conal Coner Coneve Conful Coninee Cont Conthor Coose Coot Cordtak Corious Cormle Corn Cors Cort Corty Cory Coult Coursel Cous Cousive Cowas Cowl Cra Craable Cracous Cran Cre Cred Cresp Crot Crowl Crupon Crus Cud Cul Cultje Curbolt Cureal Curillo Curte Cury Cus Daafrot Daerat Damer Damus Dar Darbiss Darien Davight Daviou Deal Ded Dees Dele Deliek Delo Den Dens Dess Dete Deve Dew Diant Diante Dic Dica Dices Die Dieperm Dil Dilly Din Dious Dis Dish Disking Dist Docke Dol Doles Don Dorazy Dous Dow Dowl Dried Drier Drous Dul Dulane Dule Dulsid Dunk Dus Eadal Eadrit Eathine Eette Efaw Efowl Ele Elishad Ellis Elo Elt
Emarrog Eming Emins Emous Endale Ent Enve Envully Erful Ess Eve Excian Exious Exy Fail Faing Fant Fat Fative Feeafje Fene Fenje Ficenar Fick Fict Fid Fient Fieve Fina Finke Fir Fird Firdse Fireble Fired Firent Firieng Firy Fis Fiscal Fiss Fist Fisted Fistive Flad Flard Fleda Fling Floyal Flybus Flypse Fole Fonia Fonke Foo Foonat Foose For Fore Forn Fow Frachim Fraille Fraina Fre Frea Frect Fred Free Freer Freflee Frele Frik Fron Frow Frud Gal Gande Gart Gel Gelic Gen Genje Ger Gerk Gia Gian Gibitic Giciaas Gidowl Gieral Ging Give Glactle Gle Glexy Glish Gocer Goel Goent Golke Goonk Gootert Gootive Gor Gorogm Gra Grat Greld Grelish Grelly Grent Gres Gresous Gric Griekey Grog Guagus Guak Gue Guelp Guid Guidsh Guile Guingry Guitz Gusil Hadming Hairey Hal Haldere Hamet Har Harai Harses Hary Hatre Haud Hautef Hautse Haw Heal Hean Heardse Heark Hed Hee Heernes Heous Her Herenew Hes Het Hids Hight Homar Honk Honoi Hous Hum Humes Huncow Hundew Hysive Icaning Icork Ied Ien Ierne Ight Imand Iming Imone Impar Imple Impre Imse Inake Inantul Inar Inbo Inbray Inco Incrous Inded Indemu Indieke Indulve Ine Inegal Ineorna Iney Ing Ingbeke Inger Ingrie Innet Ino Inost Invidsh Ird Ireact Irrow Itemijk Itunke Jaades Jaaker Jaal Jaalia Jaan Jacara Jach Jagle Jane Japate Jass Jast Jastic Joal Joarie Joch Johanus Johark Johaud Jose Joself Josna Joste Kan Kanuse Kee Kia Kill Kin Kincat King Kingm Kne Knekent Kner Koentje Komel Kray Kraying Lacenin Lam Lamu Lar Leasped Lemined Let Lian Liblay Lied Lighted Lineke Lionek Liplark Lis Lish Lished Lishon List Litoiso Live Loacon Loe Logame Lono Lorn Lorp Lorty Lose Losious Lous Low Lowl Loyak Luelf Lug Luudus Mablue Mack Maded Madedo Maden Magazy Mage Magen Magent Magerp Mal Malded Man Mandic Mani Mar Maretic Mari Marik Marnus Marre Marroak Martive Mast Mat Mate Matheep Matic Mating Maxed Meacoon Mele Melego Ment Mentaly Mentive Mers Mespik Met Metful Midne Midyba Miebal Mina Ming Mint Minus Miret Miticia Moderve Modist Modna Molen Mon Monalog Mone Monete Mony Moo Moofly Mookal Mord Morm Mory Most Mouray Mous Moutth Mus Nach Nack Naitive Nalish Nally Nam Nammit Naptife Narmle
Ned Neet Nelic Nes Ney Niane Nicart Nious Nitchic Niël Nockbo Nockwid Norbus Noster Obart Obnont Obsea Obure Obvigh Offird Oper Opet Opha Ophar Opous Orly Orm Orneve Osectle Ous Pable Paive Pandic Pang Panise Pantje Pard Park Paslo Paspant Pastard Paste Pat Patiot Pear Ped Pedeang Pen Penise Penth Per Perawk Perik Perman Pers Petes Phal Phameet Phee Phy Pid Pighty Pik Pimard Pine Ping Pird Pirteng Piscoly Plar Plight Poing Pois Poke Pole Polishy Pombo Pon Pona Ponek Ponk Pontal Ponzo Por Pory Pous Praing Pran Pre Pree Pref Presp Prest Pri Prile Pring Prion Prions Proate Prog Prommie Pron Prose Protim Prus Pught Pul Pummic Pupid Purk Pus Quare Quel Quelle Quewd Rable Ran Rand Rane Rant Ras Ratifus Ratint Reaging Reart Reas Reater Recawk Redel Redic Reitte Rel Relhelf Relow Renesel Rente Rentive Rep Res Ress Ret Rey Rhic Ric Rieks Rieng Rildepe Rimple Rited Rizzly Roft Rom Ronke Rooma Roon Rost Rous Rowl Sad Sagiver Same Sanatte Sang Sangal Santed Sconist Scruud Scura Seat Sed Sedam Sen Seneks Senge Ser Serus Shal Shard Sharma Sher Shruin Shyps Sig Sil Siog Sisth Sive Ske Sle Slo Slows Slueble Slught Slus Sluuk Smin Smous Smée Snamble Sob Sold Soleer Somatty Soment Sop Sopones Sopuna Sorady Sory Sout Spaston Spelder Sper Spiele Spir Spon Spum Spus Squel Stal Starm Ster Sther Sticall Stijn Stin Stious Suak Suale Submi Sul Sumb Sumbas Sund Sunrar Sus Swar Swileck Sworow Synch Tak Tedem Tenim Tentje Ter Terape Term Thed Thent Thful Thiea Thiefle Thod Tibut Tic Tifier Tiful Tion Tive Tivenus Tocks Tof Toish Tompat Tomper Ton Tont Tonvull Top Tor Torgal Torm Tors Tort Trachte Tral Trarsed Tratic Tray Tret Triam Trider Triele Trient Tristed Troate Trow Truping Trusin Tug Tuouse Turcent Ture Turel Turos Uls Una Und Undee Une Unfiss Unflee Unful Ung Unger Unred Unree Unreser Unress Uns Unsina Unt Uzbel Uzzark Vable Vagine Vagjer Vak Vat Vee Ver Vie Vijs Vine Visia Vity Vul Waldran Walemal Walp Warian Wary Wha Whal Whar Wids Wied Wijn Wijs Wilded Wiles Wilis Winic Wole Womin Wor Workbow Wormat Wornoi Yal Yous
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