#[ except for her humor ]
pinacoladamatata · 2 months
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blink and you'll miss it moments around skyhold....
#solavellan#solas#gotta put out some tender stuff to balance the chaos target team leader solas has caused.#look i just need to go feral in the tags for a moment#okay the fucking. what's he call himself? the great adversary of her people's mythology....falls in love w a woman being forced into a role#not unlike his own#i t makes me c r a z y#like at one point he's all ooooh we're elves need to make sure the humans trust us to ensure safety. gives them a castle......#then he's all ''ooh you cant change the way your legend is getting out of hand. might as well accept it''#but he disapproves if you lean into it/call yourself the herald.#he approves of you fighting against the status quo. encourages sera to sow chaos and has a VERY interesting convo w her about power#''what lop of the top?'' ''yes.'' ''well what's that do except make room for a new top to come and fuck it all up?''#at which point he fuckin STUTTERS and is like. oh fuck. you're right. my bad. and then he shuts up in quiet contemplation#he's clearly wrestling w himself. and Ohmygod the felassanstuff.#like the Guilt. the Regret.#haunting that fucking rotunda.#and yet he's so in love w lavellan if they go that route.#like clearly some stuff was missing/fumbled in game. but like#how he fuckin screams for the inquisitor at the well?????!?! OK BOI?!#im just. the dread wolf. great adversary of the dalish pantheon.#turns out to be some somber grim guy with a fatalistic sense of humor who hates tea and greatly values free will#pina art
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wavebiders · 4 months
Cloud's girlfriends have unionized
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nerdieforpedro · 8 months
Get to Know Me Tag Game
I was tagged so I'm doing it. I'm malleable that way, you know?
Thank you @bitchwitch1981 for the tag 😎
1. Were you named after anyone?
I was named after a voodoo priestess from the movie "Angel Heart." The character Lisa Bonet played. My mom is a special lady. 🤣
2. When was the last time you cried?
Sometime in the last week of 2023 when I wrote that post about my mental health journey. It was...good to write out, but a lot.
3. Do you have kids?
I have none of the tiny humans.
4. What sports do you play/ have you played?
I was allergic to them, they made me itch. I read and played video games instead like the recluse I am.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I may, at times. Usually people don't take me seriously when I'm being direct, and they think I'm being sarcastic.
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Eyes, nose and stance. Tells me if I need to keep myself between them and the exit. 👀
7. What's your eye colour?
Light brown, similar to honey. 🍯
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. It's sappy, but I like them. I will mock both horror and happy ending equally.
9. Any talents?
I can have my fingers inside you, while asking you follow-up questions, also a knack for calming sick elderly people and finding that tricky spot where the catheter goes. 🤣🤣 (I described my job in the worst way possible)
I can sing a little. I'm funny. I teach fairly well.
10. Where were you born?
United States - Maryland
11. What are your hobbies?
Listening & singing to music, writing and reading fics, day dreaming about Pedro Pascal & Oscar Isaac, watching TV, going to the movies, burning candles, reading manga, playing video games, painting my nails.
12. Do you have any pets?
The state of my houseplants have indicated to me that no matter how much I wish it, that alone will not sustain life for a dog or a cat. 😞
13. How tall are you?
5 foot 3 inches (I'm short and round, like a rolo or peppermint patty.)
14. Favourite subject in high school?
Science (Anatomy and Physiology)
15. Dream job?
Professional fanfic writer who gets paid in the number of WIPs I have. (So I would be making millions by never finishing any work.)
NP tags: @maggiemayhemnj @for-a-longlongtime @legendary-pink-dot @megamindsecretlair @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @goodwithcheese @secretelephanttattoo @avastrasposts @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @rhoorl @laurfilijames @alltheglitterandtheroar @avastrasposts @atinylittlepain @beefrobeefcal
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peatchoune · 2 months
OP every single Xiaolumi piece/comic you drop is an absolute masterpiece and I look forward to every one you do, your talent for capturing the two of them in terms of likeness and personality is second to none and I hope you know how much joy your work brings into the world 😁😁🫡🔥
Aaah this means a lot to me, thank you so much anon!!
I hold xiao and lumine's canon dynamics and individual personalities very dearly (tho ofc they're subject to interpretation especially for the traveler) and I try my best to not let the romance undertones overpower how I want to portray them! I'm really happy you resonate with that at least!
I'll do my best in the future too!
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I do find it interesting that ATLA managed to use a very black and white narrative (stop Evil Empire) to tell several character stories with some nuance, while TDP claims it has a nuanced conflict and flattens everything to try and make up for that, ultimately leading to protagonist centred morality more than anything. And if they didn’t want me to compare the two then they should have let go of the ATLA references right away.
you're right and you should say it.
the constant and shoehorned references to ATLA do not really do this show any favors. honestly might be part of the problem (why are there 7 primals with color-coded elves? to follow ATLA's pattern of marketable separable elements. why is it an adventure story with a core crew? because ATLA was like this too. etc etc.)
but anyway. yeah. ATLA had a very simple main conflict to provide a constant source of tension throughout the show (even if they dropped the ball at the last season re: the plot), and this structure allowed for episodes that explore other aspects of the setting and characters while still making everything feel relevant and tied together by said conflict. it's not some arthouse show by any means, but it has good compelling story work into it. genuinely great show.
tdp immediately opens up with the nuance and it never really delves deeper. you'd think that opening with characters being aware of the cycle of violence stuff would be interesting and the show would explore that more, but it just... flatlines there. there's no progression or graduation or exploration of themes as the seasons go on like in ATLA. very rarely are there new questions being asked or arcs that feel sensical.
honestly the main characters having to be perfect in every situation is the biggest problem with tdp. the mains are not allowed to have shortcomings or mistaken judgements or anything to meaningfully interact in any way with the nuanced set-up. they emotionally exist entirely outside it, which ends up making them the Messiahs of Peace Who Can Do No Wrong. good for fandoms i guess, people bitched and whined about bato and the water tribe for years. but it's not very good for storytelling.
and also, they're just bad characters and the writers can't put two and two together while still asking you to take their world very seriously.
anyways i'm just rambling at this point. good observation.
#tdp#tdp critical#for the tag filterers#ezran is legitimately a fucking awful character#callum is pointless and doesn't make sense within the larger world of the show#remember that <<path to darkness>> fear in season 4? no build-up#no exploration. nothing. just signposting for a Dark Arc because all the cool kids are doing it#like unless you were stupid it was clear that both viren and callum struggled with feelings of insecurity and wanting to be great#like really. no reason except extremely shitty foreshadowing and honestly a waste of screentime. like i'm sorry#but the fart jokes were unironically more characterful. claudia is emotionally immature#never got over her childhood. and her poopoofarty humor is a legitimate way of portraying that. viren realizes this. see i can be nice.#but like. for the mains? the human rayla joke may be funnier but does rayla's prejudice against humans ever play a role in her character?#oh no she's not allowed to be bigoted. neither are her parents. they have to be Good All Along.#and like the sad thing is the characterization of claudia like this is most likely not completely intentional.#devon giehl is like oh claudia likes terry because she thinks he's special in only a way *she* can see.#and not the more obvious nuanced explanation of claudia generally believing things about elves + dragons#but having the sense to realize that this doesn't mean every single individual is evil. but no she's just IRRATIONAL. ok then.#writers shut up and not ruin something that accidentally worked challenge level: impossible#asks#ask#anon#good ask honestly.#just rambling at this point
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to-the-batcomputer · 2 months
i kind of don't like any of the kids calling bruce "dad." maybe it's my own issues, but it can be really tough to give someone that title. and give BATMAN that title, who could react in a lot of different ways, many of them bad... damian's the only one, but he uses "father" and that makes sense so. no "dad" at wayne manor imo
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a-room-of-my-own · 10 months
I’m a bit of a goofball at work and there’s this girl who’s 10 years younger than me (biologically) but 20 years older (mentally) who sucks the joy out every minute of every day by rolling her eyes every time someone says something and being apparently convinced she’s the smartest person in the room (spoiler alert : she isn’t - she just went to a posh university, a prépa, the French will get it - so she thinks she’s extremely intelligent because she read Proust).
Obviously the job sucks, everyone is below her, especially management, and she would be sooooo much better at any other company.
She’s been there for 4 year like it’s really a mysterious mystery why other agencies aren’t actively chasing her like 🤭
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freckliedan · 1 month
assumed u were an only child because you don't mention your siblings often (if ever?) + i'm an only child myself and tend to assume everyone else is until proven otherwise. the concept of having siblings is still genuinely wild to me so i basically never think people live that experience
hell yeah thank you for the info on that bc i never know how i come across to others! so real and relatable to have areas of just not conceptualizing a different experience of the world.
my sister and i aren't really close at all & haven't been since i was like 14—it's not like we actively don't get along, we call on the phone sometimes? we're just really different people. i definitely do not have the experience of being good friends with a sibling the way a lot of my friends with siblings do & have had multiple friends i made as an adult guess i was an only child too.
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eve-is-a-terf · 4 months
being just like your mom when your parents are divorced is a little interesting... like how can he love me when i inherited myself from her
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brownsugar-chan · 2 years
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Yes I know it's 2/4 lol but here's some little old twins!
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gil-ecthel · 2 years
Here’s my very specific, personal wish for ROP (preferably season 2 but I’m patient) concerning Celeborn. Galadriel mentions that he went missing after a war and since we know he’s alive he’s probably been captured and made a slave worker or something. So she needs to find him, but she does so on accident, and she almost doesn’t because she’s learnt from her mistakes with Halbrand about barging on without restraint. She’s about to turn her back on it and leave (wherever it is he/they are(preferably by her own initiative instead of someone hounding her to) when she finds him. And then she goes absolutely feral. Oh yes, I want her to regress. I want her to go back to the violent restlessness she had in season 1 (something she was just starting to shed at the very end of the season) and convince herself she would have found him sooner if she hadn’t let herself become weak. And then I want to watch her become the wise lady of the woods alongside her husband and their daughter!
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maid-en-gubal · 1 year
Gentle LFRP
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"Then, everything changed when the WoL attacked the Great Gubal Library..."
The Basics --
Name: Rofan "Lesrekta" Age: Difficult to answer Race: "Veena, Viera" Gender: Technically genderless, but the female form truly is marvelous (she/they) Sexuality: Love At First Sight except there's always someone new Server: Leviathan
Short Synopsis --
A product of Sharlayan research, Rofan is but one of many denizens that call the Great Gubal Library home. Their present form is little more than a glamour, the visage that of a familiar figure from long before the Garlean invasion. Spun from words of ardor and admiration, they are an amalgam of the greatest literary works pertaining to love in all its many forms – Rofan is the very concept itself. After the library’s depths were unceremoniously plundered and her guardians slain by those that would call themselves the Warriors of Light, raiders continued to darken their doorstep, pilfering the vaults and potentially endangering the world with the “treasures” that have begun to circulate. Thus a small platoon of her remaining wardens have left the isolation of her hold, to fulfill their duties – detaining those that have escaped, or kill them trying. Lest they too awaken… But Rofan faces an even greater threat on the Outside: living. Their worldviews are constantly at odds with the reality of the rest of the world, and now they must contend with the fact that they’re not even real; where could a mere caricature possibly fit in the colorful tapestry of life?
About the Operator --
♦ As I’m 28, I would prefer to interact with anyone 21+; if that is not you, please do not perceive me. Everyone else, perceive me gently, I’m shy. ♦ I’m not new to FFXIV, but I am coming back from about a 2 year hiatus, and even then the farthest I made it was the end of the main story of Stormblood. I’m starting over from scratch with Rofan. Specifically so I can run through Heavensward again. I think you all know why. If you find yourself on Leviathan for whatever reason and you see me running around, feel free to say hi although I’m sorry if I run away right after. As a character, Rofan is infinitely more bold than I am, I swear. ♦ I haven’t RPed in a while so to call this an RP blog feels like a disservice to all of you. But I’ve got over a decade of it under my belt for what it’s worth! Honestly, I just wanted to share my character with others since I don’t have anyone else to talk to about this in my immediate friend group. And if anything comes out of it, neat! More than anything, I just want something to think about while I’m at work battling spotty wi-fi. ♦ SERIOUSLY, ASK ME ABOUT MY BOOK DEMON LORE I’VE GOT A WHOLE PAGE DEDICATED TO IT ON MY NOTES APP LIKE HOW THEY FEED ON AMBIENT AETHER BUT ROFAN ENJOYS LOVE LETTERS FOR DESERT – ♦ I should add I have no hard limits so I kindly ask that you communicate your’s as I would prefer to avoid needlessly upsetting you. ♦ I’ll do a more serious full scale profile at some point for Rofan as well as a carrd (no but seriously, where was this back in my RP heyday because this is rad as hell), when I’m feeling braver about dipping my toes back in the water.
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angsty-prompt-hole · 10 months
I had the realization that I talk about Haven's incredibly fucked up life so much that no one knows that a lot of my lore and characters are also incredibly funny, so have some funny and absurd lore tidbits as a treat.
-More than half of the OG Dresden Crew (Kira, Carter, Pickle, and Emily; Allison and Cain werent involved in this) are canonically banned from Taco Bell. Why? Because Carter started a food fight and everyone got a little too into it.
-Cairn, who is a visibly nonhuman dude from another world and roughly equivalent in age to a human's mid-thrities, is chronically online and very aware of popular internet trends. He has a Tumblr. He knows what Dashcon is. He's tech savvy and taught himself how to use a phone and a computer, and then almost immediately got sucked into Tumblr.
-Lucent has a very shaky grasp on her powers, which can be angsty, but also sometimes when she sneezes entire snowdrifts suddenly appear. Highly inconvenient for Kira when she was hiding Lucent in her house without her parents knowing.
-Pickle named a lot of the animals on the Ward ranch, and most of those he named after food, except for a corgi whose name is Big Mike. His great pyrenees is named Taco Bell.
-Pickle and Maxine have an intense prank-filled rivalry for literally no discernable reason.
-Rictus, the embodiment of time as a concept, likes to eat rocks and has to be physically restrained from doing so.
-Robert DeLuna, Emily and Pickle's uncle, is literally Just Some Guy who fell through a crack in time and space and somehow ended up married to a Princess of Hell (Lyzzie, owned by @isas-oc-asylum ). They have Clark and Malfina energy.
-Fenris Brim, Haven's phoenix companion with an angsty backstory, keeps losing fights to small rodents.
-Lucent's animal companion Jannik has a secret and intense rivalry with a Prince of Hell (Cyber, who also belongs to my friend @isas-oc-asylum and who I reblog a lot about). This prince and Lucent have never met.
-Gar, a golden retriever who was experimented on, has eldritch wind powers, and sometimes when he farts he ends up stuck in trees.
-The Ringmaster, an evil man-eating lizard who runs an evil circus, gets extremely awkward and terrified if someone flirts with him.
-Jackson and Isa live together, and Isa is half fae and full of chaos, so a lot of their living together is Isa being a little shit and subjecting Jackson to her various shenanigans. She regularly drags him out of bed at 3am to go look at plants. Jackson used to be a contract killer and part of a gang.
-Rodney, one of if not the best fighter in the main gang, is a stoner who uses his plant powers to grow copious amounts of weed.
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lunaetis · 1 year
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@maquiscursed​ asked :
i changed my mind and did it over lunch because i was inspired.(for al-haitham obv) (LOVE U)
are you eden’s type ? || no longer accepting
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─「エデン」─  it was a challenge for her not to let out a LAUGH or two while reading these comments he made to each and everyone of the box. some, she was expecting, while some came as a bit of a SURPRISE ( especially the one with canines. she thought he would be a cat person but that was a pleasant surprise. ) she almost rolled her eyes at the competitive box. sometimes ? really ? more like all the time.
                “ you know i’m going to hold you responsible for this, yes ? you can’t take it back. ” gloved fingers held the paper up for him to see as though reminding him that she was going to tuck this away for safekeeping. and she did, in the safety of her jacket, before shuffling towards him. she settled before the scribe, leaning forward and body supported by both her hands. eden tilted her head, amber hues met his eyes in close proximity. she held his gaze silently for a moment longer before a smile broke free in a softened manner.
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                “ yeah, beautiful, alright. ” one ego boost wouldn’t hurt that much, no ?
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nekoro-san · 2 years
*Spoiler SxF chapter 73*
At this point, I’m hoping for Yuri and Yor backstory upcoming in the future.
I felt bad for Billy backstory, but then, we still need the main character sympathy related to them right now. I mean, both Yor and Yuri are the one whose slaughter their members , and Billy has bad history to the sss and police. But there are reasons why Yor join Garden and Yuri join Sss.
If Endo ignored this then it’s such a miss opportunity. I want to see the parallel. But then, I guess we will leave to Anya done the sympathy job for Billy ( hope he still alive in this arc, I think if Endo really think of the backstory for him, there is a chance for his character still get going)
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mielmoto · 2 years
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honey being cryo is just great. i can’t think of a single cryo user whose last nerve she could not Adeptly™ get on.
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