#i genuinely forget to talk about anyone except for Haven sometimes and like 60% of her story is Pain fjdkfkgkg
angsty-prompt-hole · 10 months
I had the realization that I talk about Haven's incredibly fucked up life so much that no one knows that a lot of my lore and characters are also incredibly funny, so have some funny and absurd lore tidbits as a treat.
-More than half of the OG Dresden Crew (Kira, Carter, Pickle, and Emily; Allison and Cain werent involved in this) are canonically banned from Taco Bell. Why? Because Carter started a food fight and everyone got a little too into it.
-Cairn, who is a visibly nonhuman dude from another world and roughly equivalent in age to a human's mid-thrities, is chronically online and very aware of popular internet trends. He has a Tumblr. He knows what Dashcon is. He's tech savvy and taught himself how to use a phone and a computer, and then almost immediately got sucked into Tumblr.
-Lucent has a very shaky grasp on her powers, which can be angsty, but also sometimes when she sneezes entire snowdrifts suddenly appear. Highly inconvenient for Kira when she was hiding Lucent in her house without her parents knowing.
-Pickle named a lot of the animals on the Ward ranch, and most of those he named after food, except for a corgi whose name is Big Mike. His great pyrenees is named Taco Bell.
-Pickle and Maxine have an intense prank-filled rivalry for literally no discernable reason.
-Rictus, the embodiment of time as a concept, likes to eat rocks and has to be physically restrained from doing so.
-Robert DeLuna, Emily and Pickle's uncle, is literally Just Some Guy who fell through a crack in time and space and somehow ended up married to a Princess of Hell (Lyzzie, owned by @isas-oc-asylum ). They have Clark and Malfina energy.
-Fenris Brim, Haven's phoenix companion with an angsty backstory, keeps losing fights to small rodents.
-Lucent's animal companion Jannik has a secret and intense rivalry with a Prince of Hell (Cyber, who also belongs to my friend @isas-oc-asylum and who I reblog a lot about). This prince and Lucent have never met.
-Gar, a golden retriever who was experimented on, has eldritch wind powers, and sometimes when he farts he ends up stuck in trees.
-The Ringmaster, an evil man-eating lizard who runs an evil circus, gets extremely awkward and terrified if someone flirts with him.
-Jackson and Isa live together, and Isa is half fae and full of chaos, so a lot of their living together is Isa being a little shit and subjecting Jackson to her various shenanigans. She regularly drags him out of bed at 3am to go look at plants. Jackson used to be a contract killer and part of a gang.
-Rodney, one of if not the best fighter in the main gang, is a stoner who uses his plant powers to grow copious amounts of weed.
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