#[ don’t mind this buddy I’m putting credit! ]
spiderwarden · 3 months
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@heathblind made this and it made me laugh.
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ghostboneswrites2 · 5 months
I really resonated with Daryl x abused reader could you maybe do one where the reader doesn’t let their past define them and shows little signs of abuse like they’re super cheery and happy and doesn’t let their past get them down and but maybe reader has a ptsd attack by Daryl after he confronts her about being so happy especially in an apocalypse and they just realize they relate to each other even if they’re personalities are so drastically and Daryl just comforts reader 🫂
The Painted Bunting
Era: Greene Farm
Summary: Daryl is paired with you on the search for Sophia and snaps at you after growing tiresome of your seemingly endless kindness.
Note: No more laptop for now since the cord broke so I hope you’ll all forgive the lack of my usual post formatting :(
Warnings: profanity, mentions of past abuse, grumpy sassy asshole Daryl (the man we originally fell in love with)
Banner credits on this post
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        Shining hair in the rays of the sun, an infectious laugh, a beaming grin that never seemed to dissipate. A glowing beacon in the dark. That was what you were. And, admittedly, it got under his skin a little, so Daryl tended to avoid you. You weren’t oblivious to it, but you accepted it for what it was. After all, you couldn’t win them all, right? 
        You had always been that way; soft, gentle, graceful, kind. If you had never let the past change that for you, you certainly wouldn’t let present day events change it, either. Maybe the world had become a nightmare, but that didn’t mean you had to be one too. 
        Daryl thought that what really gritted his teeth about you was that through everything that had happened, you never changed a single bit. Not like the others had; not like he had. 
        After the world fell, after the camp by the quarry was overrun, after the CDC, after Sophia had gone missing, you remained exactly the same. For all of the afore mentioned, Daryl found you to be one of the most vexing people he ever had the displeasure of interacting with, second only to Shane, who could have easily been traded off for his own brother, Merle.
        Needless to say, he was peeved at the idea that you were sent on search duty with him after he hurt himself in the ravine. Rick decided a buddy system would be beneficial to all of the search party participants, and you volunteered to tag along, because of course you did.
        You weren’t so much looking forward to spending so much one on one time with the man, yourself. You didn’t necessarily have an issue with him, but you were all too aware of the issue he seemed to have with you. Really, you couldn’t relate to him at all. Not everyone around camp was perky and sweet, and rightfully so, but Daryl was such a brooding presence and you just couldn’t put yourself in that frame of mind.
        The two of you had set out just after dawn and the hours ticked by as you made friendly conversation and Daryl occasionally offered you a measly grunt in response. 
        “Do you think we’ll find anyone out here?” You asked. “I mean, aside from Sophia. I know we’ll find her.”
        “Pro’ly better if we don’t find nobody else.” Was his first verbal response all day. You shrugged. 
        “I don’t know. Could be good. I’m sure there are people who could really use some help.”
        “Ain’t our problem.” He argued. “Gotta look out for our own. The hell you worried about helpin’ strangers for when we ain’t even found the little girl we’re after?” 
        “Oh, no.” You chuckled nervously. “It’s not that I was just —“ You cut yourself off, sensing an oncoming ramble. “I didn’t mean it like that.” 
        “Mm.” He hummed, pausing his footsteps to take a breath and scan his surroundings. After a moment, he continued forward, and you followed without question . Admittedly, you had no clue how to track, so if anything you were there in case he got hurt.
        “So, if someone needed your help… You wouldn’t help?” You asked innocently.
        He whipped around to face you, the aggression behind his motion drawing you to a dead stop.
        “The hell’s your problem, huh?” He snapped. You blinked. “It’s the end of the goddamn world and you’re askin’ me about some hypothetical moral dilemma? Let me tell you somethin’, girl; ain’t no damn morals in the apocalypse. Ain’t no more law and order! It’s just us,” he paused, sending an arrow through the skull of a walker that had crept up behind you. You flinched and turned to watch its carcass thud on the forest floor. “And them.” He concluded. 
        “I—I was just making conversation.” You mumbled timidly. 
        “Why? It’s not a social call! We’re out here to find that little girl. This is why I didn’t need no damn babysitter.” He complained.
        “I was just trying to be nice.” You defended.
        “Nice?” He scoffed. That simple word seemed to trigger something in him as his eyes lit up with aggravation. “Don’t you get it? It ain’t about bein’ nice anymore. It’s about survival. Got dead people standin’ up and eatin’ people and you’re worried about bein’ nice. Walkin’ around passin’ out water and food and gigglin’ with everybody like we ain’t got a bunch o’ dead bodies stumblin’ around us just waitin’ to take a bite out.” 
        Maybe it was the way he raised his voice, or the way his eyes shot flaming daggers of fury right through your chest, or the way he threw his arms down and spat words at you like you were some puny, wretched little thing. You didn’t know what it was, but somewhere in the whirlwind of heated exchange, his voice slowly blended together with the other voice — the one that still lived in the back of your mind and ate away at you every day.
        The voice that belonged to your own father, the one person who struck true, genuine fear in you. Before you knew it, that old sensation of real terror, the one you’d buried somewhere deep inside you and covered with cement, was breaking free and engulfing you. 
        You were frozen, like a fawn under the scrutinizing gaze of a predator. The humid air felt like a thick paste as you struggled to gulp it down and catch a breath. At first, Daryl felt inclined to criticize your tears as a show of weakness, fragility, inability to handle a little raise of the voice. He quickly noticed, however, that this was no simple burst of reactionary emotions. No, this was something much deeper and it was rattling you to the core. There was a distant look in your wide eyes, one that he came to recognize, even if it took him a minute. 
       He shifted on his feet, scanning you, unsure how to intervene. 
        “Hey.” He eventually called out, but it was clear his voice wasn’t reaching you. This was the final piece of confirmation he needed. You were having an episode, the kind he experienced a few times when he first got out of his father’s abusive home. 
        He sighed and grabbed your trembling shoulders. You jumped but you didn’t flee or strike out. His touch seemed to dry you out and shrivel you up like a raisin. You shrank into yourself, hyperventilating. 
        “C’mon.” He said softly, ushering you done to your knees. “Hey. Ya gotta breathe.” 
        Your breathe only became more shallow and forced. Tears poured down your cheeks as your chest got tighter. 
        “Just breathe. That’s the only way it’s gonna stop.” He urged. He went to grab your wrists but you panicked, snatching your arms away and falling down on your back. 
        “No! Get away! You can’t do this anymore! I’m not a little kid!” You cried out.
        You were making quite a bit of noise by this point, between the gasps for air and the sobs. He crouched over you and grabbed your shoulders. 
        “(Y/N), ya ain’t there anymore. Wherever it is, it’s gone. In the past. It’s just you and me right now, and we ain’t there. We’re here.” He soothed, hoping his voice could find you somewhere in the abyss. “Just listen. Ya hear that? It’s a Painted Bunting. Look,” he pointed up into a tree at a bright multicolored bird, similar in its beauty to a parrot, only much smaller. “It’s right up there. Ya see it?” 
        Your breathing had started to slow down now, those shallow inhales finally reaching a little deeper within. Your eyes lazily followed his finger to the bright little bird singing a flute-like melody. 
        “Ya see it?” He asked again. You managed to nod once, still holding your arms tightly to your chest as you laid flat on the bed of leaves and twigs. He took a moment to see you, to really take you in, and he realized you were beautiful. Not just in the way a pretty girl with a nice personality was beautiful, but in a way that left so much of who you really were unsaid.
        “Just watch it.” He whispered, glancing back up at the feathered creature, hoping it would stick around long enough to bring you back down to earth. “They take two years to look that pretty. Did ya know that?” He asked, glancing back down at you. Your eyes were still on the bird, but you shook your head no. “Yeah. Only the males, too.” He added. “Otherwise, they’re just kinda greenish and yellowish.” 
        Once your chest was rising and falling with a steady rhythm, you finally looked over at him. Humiliation began to set in. You quickly sat yourself up and brushed the dead foliage away from your clothes and hair. 
        “I’m sorry.” You mumbled. “That hasn’t happened in a long time.” 
        “‘S okay.” He shrugged, standing himself back up as well. “Happens.”
        “Yeah, we’ll, it shouldn’t. Not nowadays.” 
        “Can’t help it when it does.” He assured you. “I get it.”
        “Maybe I should head back.” You suggested.
        “We both can. If ya wanna. It’ll be dark soon anyways.”  
        “I don’t wanna make you lose your trail or.. Ya know.” You fidgeted with the hem of your shirt.
        “Nah. Ain’t no use after dark, anyways. We’d just be stumbling in circles and bumpin’ into each other.” He insisted, contrastingly soft in comparison to before your episode. 
        “Oh. Right.” You nodded. Just as you got ready to turn back toward the farm, he cleared his throat.
        “Ya wanna talk about it?”
        “About what?” You turned back to him. He shifted his weight anxiously, chewing at the inside of his cheek. Offering an ear to listen was at least ten yards outside the perimeter of his comfort zone. “About that?” You asked. “That was nothing. Just something stupid that happens sometimes. That’s all.”
        While his tone was much kinder and warmer than before, yours was cold, dull, and tired. Those episodes could take a lot out of a person, and he was no stranger to that fact. 
        “Sometimes it helps.” He said. “Talkin’ about it. Makes it a little less…” He trailed off, searching for the word he wanted. “Less, uh… Consuming.”
        “It never gets less consuming.” You argued.
        “It does.” He insisted. 
         “And how would you know?” You asked, impatience lacing your words.
        “I used to get ‘em too.” He admitted. “Been awhile but… I just get it. That’s all.”
        You studied him. In all the weeks you’d spent around the man, you’d never seen him so genuine, or really so open. He never seemed to look at you like another person. You were always just another load on his shoulders. 
        “My dad.” You finally spoke. He nodded.
        “Me too.” 
        “I’m sorry.” You sympathized.
        “Me too.” He agreed. 
        “We should go.” You sighed, turning away again. 
        This time you didn’t wait for him, you just started walking, until he called out behind you; “‘M sorry.” You stood still, but you didn’t look back. He knew he had your attention, though, and he knew he had to say something else. “I know I did it this time. I shouldn’t’ve yelled at ya like that.”
        “It’s okay. Maybe you were right.” 
        “Nah.” He shook his head, taking slow steps to catch up to you. “I wasn’t. It’s good. Ya didn’t let none of that shit make ya bitter. Keep it that way. Else you’ll end up a grumpy redneck.” He joked. You suppressed the small smile that tugged at the corner of your lips.
        “Maybe the grumpy rednecks of the world got it figured out.” You said, walking again once you felt him catch up. 
        “Nah. I don’t know shit about shit.” He admitted, eliciting a small laugh from you. You shook your head.
        “I don’t think anyone does.” You reasoned.
        On the hike back to the Greene farm, you two shared some light banter, some stories of the past, some laughs and extended looks. He grew finder of you that day. The critical glares he’d send you from a distance were replaced with admiration and respectful nods. You’d often catch him looking and flash him a big smile, waving at him before you attention was drawn elsewhere. 
       You both learned that maybe the two of you were differently colored fruit, but you grew from the same tree, and you weren’t so different after all. And, that sentiment was never lost or forgotten. It carried with you for as long as you two knew each other. 
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Taglist || Masterlist
tags: @kissmeunicornbaobei @thesadcatt0 @clairealeehelsing @duckybird101 @tmntfixationxreader @ryoujoking @blackvelveteen1339 @yondus-girl @ladylincoln @sunshinebug9 @saylum559 @yoowhatthefuck @duffmckagansbandana @celtic-crossbow @virginsexgod69 @dazzling-roaring-20s @l0kilaufeys0n7 @uhnanix
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evolnoomym · 13 days
Secrets and Lies 🌜
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Gilf!Joel Miller, Dilf!Jack Miller x f!reader
Pt.1🌛 | Main Masterlist | Joel Miller Masterlist
Summary: The filthy Adventures continue, but now Jack joins the fun. Together they make your dream of taking them at the same time come true. But what about James?
Rating: 18+ mature content mdni!!!!
Word count: 4.5k
Authors note: Finally we got the long awaited Part 2. I hope y’all enjoy cuz I put a lot of energy into this and yes it’s filthy so don’t look at me. 👀🤭
Warnings: no y/n, female reader, Moon is not a name necessarily but more a nickname, age-gap, controversial age gap, cheating, infidelity, unethical I guess, Joel doesn’t need blue pills, 2 other male OC’s, Joel=Grandpa Jack=Son James=Grandson, Moon has tits and a vagina, hair pulling, male receiving oral, female receiving oral, use of a butt plug, ass eating, fingering, deep throating, cream pie’s, fluff in between, nipple licking & biting, anal and vaginal penetration, dp, sucking+biting, Moon bites too, dildo use, lotsssssss of lube, ambiguous ending,
If I missed anything please let me know 🙏🏻
Shoutout to @cafekitsune & @saradika-graphics for the dividers and big thank you to @joelmillerisapunk & @jennaispunk for beta reading. <3
Credit for the Gilf!Joel Pic in the Moodboard goes to @iamasaddie 😈
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so if you come across mistakes it might be due to that. 😅🫶🏻
🌜Songs that are the vibe🌛:
Crush - Ethel Cain
Love Is a Bitch - Two Feet
Guys My Age - Hey Violet
You Don’t Own Me - SAYGRACE, G-Eazy
Moth To A Flame - The Weeknd
BITCH - Allie X
Oh Child - The LION
Let Me Love You - Mario
I’m Yours - Isabel LaRosa
Love Game - Lady Gaga
BABYDOLL - Ari Abdul
Les - Childish Gambino
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After Jack had walked in on you and Joel, not a whole lot changed. In fact it seemed to only have gotten better for you. Who in their right mind would say no to two absolute hunks. Admittedly Joel had caught your eye first, but it was not undeniable that Jack was just as hot. Both are older men, mature, dominating and they know exactly how to treat a woman right. That dumbass of a boyfriend could never compare. James didn’t care about you, he was only focused on his own pleasure, but you know how pathetically he likes to brag about what a wonderful boyfriend he is. Perhaps you are not entitled to complain, you had cheated first, you are not good either but it’s worth it.
Every weekend the Millers have a family dinner, which of course being James girlfriend, you also get to attend those functions.
You are out on the back porch that oversees Joel’s beautiful lush garden, standing right by the railing, sipping on the aperol spritz that Jack had prepared for you. While the bitter sweet liquid easily goes down your throat, you watch James sit on a lounger by the pool, animatedly talking into his phone. Always busy talking to his bro’s.
As you frown into your drink you hear the glass doors slide open behind you. Picking up on their gruff, deep yet calming tone makes you immediately care less about the disappointment of another evening practically being ignored by your boyfriend.
Your frown turns into a smirk when they each come to a stop beside you and you can feel their eyes on the sides of your face.
They are equally accessing you, while you silently continue to sip on your beverage.
It’s funny, you are convinced that even if James would pay attention. Really look at you, he wouldn’t realize how not only his Father but also his Grandfather are undressing his Girlfriend with their eyes.
He is that dumb.
Joel is the one to break the peaceful quiet atmosphere. “Talkin’ to his goddamn buddies again, isn’t he?” A shiver runs up your spine from hearing his deep baritone so clear and close.
You scoff “Isn’t that what always happens, what did we expect, huh?”
Closing your eyes momentarily, you inhale deeply before continuing “But it’s not like I don’t have way better company, right?” You turn to Joel and then to Jack giving them both the smile they love seeing on your face.
“S’ right baby, you are in good hands.” Jack muses.
You look ahead smugly giggling.
“Why don’t you prove it?” It’s a challenge, would they dare to touch you when James is not far away. The flowy short skirt you decided to wear gave them the perfect opportunity and sure enough it didn’t take much longer before you felt two big warm hands slowly sliding down your back.
The sensation made your breath hitch and your mouth went dry, making you throw back the last bit of Aperol Spritz. Those big wandering hands made you feel incredibly flustered, you are pretty sure you must look like a tomato, all flushed. You could easily blame it on the unrelenting heat or the alcohol coursing through your body.
Both hands slipped past your skirt's hem, gently touching the back of your thighs and when they slide back up pulling the hem with them. One hand carefully stuffed the hem into the waistband of the skirt to secure it and you looked down at yourself to make sure the front looked unaffected.
Their hands are groping and kneading your ass cheeks so deliciously, it’s impossible to not get wet from their ministrations. Of course they can tell you struggle to keep your arousal concealed, your clenched thighs, elevated breathing, tense jaw and iron grip on the railing are already enough indication.
Either they had this situation all planned out or they are just truly that good at silently communicating. Without a saying a word, one hand move to pull your thong aside, while the other one sweeps through your moist folds, collecting a decent amount before pulling away.
Said hand which you now figure out belongs to Jack is held right in front of your face. You can smell the sweet-salty musk of your own juices on his fingers.
“Look at that baby, she’s messy, drooling all for us, ain’t she?” Your head turns to Jack, you are met with a questioning head tilt and a big smirk adorning his face. Whenever you look at them you ask yourself how you got so lucky. Jack, just like his Father, is insanely stunning. Fluffy dark brown hair, blue-grey eyes, a strong painted nose, his 3-day beard and those lips you loved feeling on your own.
It’s obvious that they enjoy playing with you.
“Go ahead Moon Love, say it, who does that little cunt belong to, huh?” He nods at you encouragingly.
“S.s..she he belongs to you” you nod stammering through the everlasting throbbing of your core.
“ ‘s a good girl, god job darlin’” Joel’s voice has your head whipping around to him. You can’t help yourself from smiling at his handsome face. Even though he’s 60 years old, you can’t deny how incredible attractive he is. His grey-white slicked back hair, the slight wrinkles around his eyes from smiling and that goddamn mustache have you wake in the knees. He’s a masterpiece.
You feel light headed, like floating, all from being sandwiched between them.
The three of you are swiftly pulled from the cloud y’all had been on by the sound of someone approaching.
Joel quickly slides your thong and skirt back in place, while Jack sucks on his fingers that had just been between your thighs. The obscene slurping noises made it hard to focus on James that suddenly decided he wanted to be part of the conversation.
You meet him halfway up the porch and he immediately slides his arms around your waist, pulling you close to his chest.
“What are we talking about,hm? Did Moon talk y’all’s ears off too about her new plant. Had that on the ride here.” He scoffs but tries to make it appear jokingly, when everyone already knows he is just being a condescending asshole for no reason.
“Nah was all us borin’ the pretty thing with our baseball nonsense, wasn’t it Jack?” Your heart soars at the way Joel perhaps not super subtly comforts you. He despises his Grandson for being such an inconsiderate boy.
When James acts like this, you feel less and less bad about what happens in secret and all the lies you tell him.
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Whenever you leave for Joel’s residence you tell your boyfriend you just want to catch up with your old friends and like the idiot that James is, he assumes you’re going to Sammy’s. You met her when you went to school to become a Kindergarten Teacher, she lives a couple hours away, that fact leaves you with enough time to spend playing with your two favorite Men in the world.
Every week, usually once, sometimes twice when the desperate need to feel their hands on your body takes over you meet up with them. In the beginning Jack was not allowed to participate, no, he could only watch from his seat how his Father defiled that sweet young girl. As much as Joel wanted to share, he struggled letting someone else have a piece of the cake, you were his precious Angel after all.
It felt so good when Joel let him eat you out for the first time and judging the iron grip Jack had on your hips, he seemed to be very excited as well. Unrelentingly lapping at your core until you came on his tongue screaming his name.
The frustrating part was that they never worked on you at the same time, which something you wanted so badly, so Joel offered to get you there.
That’s how you ended up bent over, with your knees planted on his Lazy-Boy, you were facing away from him leaning on the headrest.
“Moon Love, i know ya want to get these slutty holes filled,” he said while dragging his pointer finger down your drooling pussy and circling your puckered asshole “But I gotta prep ya for that first, can’t jus’ take the both of us without any training,hm?”
You know he’s right, they would probably hurt you if the preparation gets skipped, besides who said that couldn’t also bring you pleasure.
“Yes, I’m sorry, you are right Daddy. How will you do it?” You look over your shoulder back at him kneeling between your spread thighs, you really want to know what he had planned.
“Atta girl,” as he rose to his full height he clasped both cheeks roughly giving them a generous squeeze and pulling them apart to get another clear look at your tight hole.
“Jus’ wait a second baby, I’ve got somethin’ for ya,” with that he lets go of you.
The air shifted and you felt another pair of calloused warm hands on your plush behind, just barely grazing you in passing. After rounding you, Jack came to a halt before you and even when kneeling on the Lazy-Boy the crown of your head barely reached his chin.
“What do you think he will do to me?”
You are nervously chewing on your bottom lip and Jack reaches up with two fingers to pull it free. With the same two fingers he cradled your chin and tips your head up. “Don’t worry darling, whatever the old man has planned for you will be enjoyable. Ya know he got that experience he always brags about.” He winks at you before softly placing a kiss on your lips. It might’ve been just a quick peck but you immediately feel put at ease.
As you hear Joel come back down the stairs, Jack leans in to whisper in your ear “I’ll stay right here keep an eye on you Moon Love, hm?” When he pulls away he slightly nudges your head, his cheeky attitude makes you giggle. That’s the sound he loves so much that sweet, soft and melodic laughter fills his heart with pride.
You mouth a silent Thank you up at him.
“Ya two lovebirds havin’ fun without me, huh?” You turn your head back to Joel as he’s sitting down on the stool placed behind you. Yeah you definitely know where Jack gets his cheekiness from.
You give him your best cheeky smile “Nuh uh, we would neverrrr do that Daddy,” as you start persuasively rocking your hips from side to side.
“Tsk,tsk what a naughty little tease we’ve caught ourselves here,” you enjoyed when they almost behaved as if you weren’t right there, bend over between them.
“Anyway, I got a lil gift for our sweet girl,” Joel reached behind himself picking up a small rectangular black box and a bottle of…lube? You start frowning “Why do we need lube?”
“Cuz that sweet ass won’t get wet like your pussy baby, we will need lots of lube to make sure you have a good time.” He nods reassuring and hands you the little black box “Go on open it, show Jack what’s in the box,”
So you turn around holding it up to Jack and shake it to see if there’s any indication through sound but nothing happens.
“Okay, come on baby stop playing around and open it I’m curious,”
You slowly lift the lid off and all you see is what looks like a half-moon shaped topaz diamond surrounded by some black foam.
“A diamond?” You are quite confused, both had gotten you gifts before but this seems different.
Joel laughs darkly while gripping your hips “Ain’t for ya finger Angel,” one of his big hands is placed on your spine urging you to arch your back more. Before you can even think about it any longer you feel something wet and warm flickering over your puckered hole. Joel’s tongue. His beard scratches your cheeks so nicely.
“Fuckkkk, th..that feels so good,ughh” you are unable to hold the moans back.
He alternates between using the flat of his tongue on your neglected core and the pointy end on your asshole trying to wiggle his way in.
“Yes, yes Godddd Daddy, don’t stop,”
The shock of the sudden unknown stimulation has you forgetting all about the black box, but luckily Jack is right there. You don’t even register that he has taken the diamond out of its foam casing, until something cold and smooth touches your cheek. When you look up at him he’s holding onto the moon diamond but now you can see that it’s a lot more than just that.
“Wh..what is that?” You struggle to formulate straight sentences with Joel treating your cunt but mainly your asshole like a 4 star dinner.
It looks like an oval shaped metal egg is attached to the diamond, you’ve never seen anything similar before. Jack chuckles at your surprised face “ ‘s a butt plug, sweetheart, used to stretch little holes like yours.” He starts tracing over your lips with the oval shaped ending “open up baby.” Jacks dirty words combined with Joel’s tongue have your thighs quivering, hands clawing at the top of the headrest, breath coming out in short huffs. You are close to unraveling and Joel can feel it by the way your holes are furiously clenching around his tongue.
You do without further notice, dropping your jaw, rolling your tongue out and letting Jack places the cold metal into your warm waiting mouth. You wrap your lips around the toy, sucking and swirling your tongue all around.
“Yeah, atta girl suck on it before we’ll plug up your little ass” he strokes the hair out of your face and pats your cheek affectionately, glancing down at you with an adoration that is strictly reserved for you.
Yes the three of you are doing something forbidden, something that should feel bad, but its more than just mindless sex, more than a impulsive decision. You love Joel and Jack, you’ve reached a point where you can admit to have fallen not only for your boyfriend’s Dad, but also his Grandfather. Sometimes you wish to never have met James, as his part in this situation is more than inconvenient but it was necessary.
You gasp loudly around the metal in your mouth when you sense Joel’s tongue being replaced by one of his thick digits.
“Hm baby, that ass of yours ‘s the best I ever tasted, a goddamn delicacy,” while he slides the tip of his pointer finger through your slit, collecting your wetness and spreading it all over your asshole. “Look at how wet ya got sweet girl, all from that ass played with,huh?”
You reach a hand up to Jacks holding on to the plug, urging him to pull it out and once he dies you turn your head back to Joel.
He feels like the luckiest man alive when you gaze at his weathered face with your fucked out expression and gorgeous smile.
He grabs the lube bottle and tilts his head up at you “want me to put a finger in that tight hole, stretch it out more, before I push that plug in and send ya home to him.”
Before you even have the chance to respond, Joel has already squeezed a generous amount of lube onto your hole. You jump slightly at the cool gel texture that collides with your hot core. “Okay sweetheart, last chance, ya want that finger in your ass, yes or no?” Only now does it occur to you that he actually wants audible consent for what he’s about to do to you. It reminds you how precious this bond is, James, in comparison, rarely cared enough to ask you. He just took what he wanted.
As you continue to trace Joel’s face with your eyes, you reach a hand behind yourself to cup his scruffy cheek “Yes Daddy, I’d love for you to fuck my ass with your fingers, before you plug me up and send me back to him.”
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On the ride back to the flat you share with James, you reminisce about how the evening continued to unfold. Joel didn’t just fuck your ass with one finger, no, in the end he stretched you till three of his meaty digits fit.
That alongside his eager mouth sucking on your pulsing clit and Jack whispering sweet filth in your ear, had you coming in no time.
When you started to come down from reaching that high, Joel slowly with more lube added pushed the plug into your winking hole. The previous penetration made it incredibly easy and rather pleasant than uncomfortable.
Before Joel called you an Uber, he gave you intensive instructions on how to use the plug the next few days to help make the goal of taking their cocks at the same time somewhat easier.
Of course to prove that you are a good girl for them, you did just as instructed. Spending every free minute bent over in front of the bedroom mirror alternating between using the toy or your fingers.
Now almost a week later you are currently getting ready in the bathroom for the weekly Miller Dinner, putting the finishing touches to your make up and adjusting your hair. The dress you want to wear already laid out, all that’s left to do is insert the plug and off you go.
James is so obvious he doesn’t question at all why you would be so excited for the routinely Dinner, practically buzzing in your seat, giddily singing to the music blaring through the speakers with a big smile plastered across your face. In your dream you’d like to sandwiched between them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all the time. You miss them the second you leave Joel’s house, only in their company you feel so light and free.
You almost run towards the massive entrance door after James had parked his car but stop yourself at the last moment, instead waiting patiently for your boyfriend to put his hand on your lower back and push you towards the house. When the door opens it’s as if all the stress from the outside world falls away, a big weight lifted off your chest.
Again, if James would be more observant he’d notice that the way his Father and Grandfather hug you is longer than appropriate. How their hands glide down your back to squeeze your ass, noses buried in your neck to get a good waft of that sweet bourbon vanilla perfume Jack had bought for you. Speaking of Jack he has the cheekiness to not simply grope your butt, no, he decides to feel for the plug and give it a push. All while James is right there busy taking off his shoes.
As usual, when you sit down to eat at the huge maghony dinner table, it doesn’t take 5 minutes before James pulls out his phone to text god knows who. His blatant disrespect used to upset you but his extra distraction now is more than useful now. While he’s talking without a pause about the great weekend he’ll have with his buddies just a couple hours away from Austin on a camping trip. You have already begun to tune him out as you discreetly slide your spandex covered foot up Joel’s shin, all the way up over his thigh until you gently tap at his crotch his bulge more than apparent.
James nagging voice addressing you directly pulls you from the cloud you had just been floating on “Babe you gonna be okay without me?” As if you hadn’t survived many nights without him. “Of course baby, I’ll pay a visit to some old friends.” You respond while winking at Joel and Jack, yes the weekend surely will be fun.
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The first 2 days were spent like all the countless previous weekly hook-up meetings, they lapped at your pussy and ass, eating you for hours till you screamed from overstimulation. You of course got a mouth full of cock whenever you wanted, happily gagging on them. They alternated between fucking you, either Joel was pounding you while Jack watched or the other way around. If they got lucky you offered your pretty mouth for the one watching.
And the current position on Joel’s massive bed isn’t any less enticing, you are propped up on all fours. Joel’s hips flush with yours, one hand tightly gripping your hip while the other holds the clear silicone dildo he slowly inserted at the beginning of the night into your tight ring. Jack is occupying your mouth with his thick length, holding your face in his big hands, persistently hitting the back of your throat, in a rhythm that matches the one Joel uses to push against your G-Spot.
The room smells like sex, sweaty, stuffy and all that can be heard is slapping of skin mixed with the wet noises all three of your used holes make. Accompanied by the deep husky moans of both Jack and Joel. When Joel feels your walls tighten around him, the decision is quickly made to momentarily end the fun. Some silent communication must happen, because Jack suddenly shifts his hips back causing his cock to slip out of your mouth.
“You did so good for us Angel,” he leans down and presses his lips against yours briefly, a welcome distraction as Joel pulls the silicone toy from your ass.
Jack releases your lips “Okay baby, let’s get you in position, hm?” Yes you’ve talked about it, so Joel also shifts away leaving you with an empty feeling in your abdomen. He lays down on his back and you crawl on top of him, lifting up slightly as Joel lines himself up with your entrance. Jack settles up behind you grabbing your hips to help you slide down, “how’s it feel Moon?”
You lean back, resting your head on his shoulder, biting your lip while your own hands
“F..Fee.. Feels sooo good,” you bend forward planting your palms on Joel’s shoulders “, butttt there’s something missing.” all while arching your back as much as you can without risking that Joel’s cock slides out of your core.
“Ah, I know what you need babygirl,” Jack grabs the bottle of lube from the nightstand and starts to squeeze a decent amount out onto his fingers, which then wrap around his length. The slick noise makes a shiver run through your body.
“Relax baby, keep breathing, okay?” His warm moist tip starts to push into your puckered hole, it is so different to the fingers or the dildo, a warm rigid shaft parting your walls. Everything overwhelms your senses, so you seek out Joel’s comfort, nuzzling furter into his neck and instinctively biting him. Not hard enough to draw blood but definitely enough to make him gasp.
“Moon Love, ‘s okay, ya takin’ it so good.” He soothingly rubs your arms with his thumb, drawing tiny circles.
With little to no time you get used to their rhythmic push and pull. Your moans have gotten so loud that surely the whole neighborhood is getting an earful. Even through the hazy arousal clouding your mind it’s not lost on you that Jack is enjoying the tight channel of your butt, it makes him feral. He reaches for your hair carelessly gathering it into a ponytail and pulling you up, it doesn’t hurt, no, the tingling of your scalp turns you on further. That increases when Joel’s lips wrap around your hard nipple and starts biting it.
“U..uh..ughh, soo goo-“ Jack cuts you off
“Yeah feels good having his mouth on those sugar tits,” you only manage a pathetic nod.
Jack let’s go off your hair and Joel stops the assault on your nipple. As you lean back down you give him your best smile, stopping at his pursed lips for a quick kiss. When you open your eyes so close to his gorgeous face all that is on your mind are those 3 words, the ones that have been there since the first moment.
One more peck and you disappear into the safety of his neck again. “I’m so close Daddy,” you hoarsely whisper into his ear. “Ya wanna touch your little clit baby?” You nod. “Nuh, uh Moon, use your words” he knows how hard you try to not let go. “Ple..Pleaseeee, can I touch my clit, please Daddy?” You sound close to crying so Joel decides to show some mercy. “Go ahead, touch that clit, make yourself come.”
You do, with only drawing a couple small circles you fall over the edge, twitching and clenching down hard on both of them. Jack and Joel follow you suit spilling deep inside your holes. The waves of your high are still cursing through you when some commotion forces you to find back to the present moment.
Jack and Joel don’t get to catch their breaths after filling you up. “Wha…What the fuck is going on here?” James furious voice cuts through the blissful quiet. Jack instantly pulls out of you with a hiss letting his cum flow down from your used asshole to your pussy still plugged with Joel’s cock.
James thinks it’s just him walking in on something strange. His Dad and Grandfather going to town on some woman, but when you lift your head and stare straight at him while his father’s cum is dripping out of you he feels sick. “Mo..Moon, wha..what is this?” he almost wants to take a step closer but stops himself.
You don’t have the energy to answer but it’s not needed James puts two and two together. Turning away running down the stairs. Jack stumbles of the bed, grabs his shorts and hurries after James “Wait, Please James listen son..-“ the rest is cut off as they are out of hearing range.
“Fuck,” you mutter closing your eyes and putting your head down “what’s gonna happen now?”
His hands smooth over the plains of your shoulders drawing shapes on your spine. “Don’t know baby, no idea what Jack will do. But i don’t care, as long as ya here I’m happy.”
You begin to place gentle kisses to the spot you bit him earlier “Sounds like a good plan to me,”
“Good, ya gonna be the last woman I’ll love Mooni,” you sit up smacking his chest “Don’t say that Joel,” while scoffing, he’s impossible making you all sappy after fucking you brainless.
“Wait,” you move his head with your hands to face you “, where did you get that Moon Diamond Plug. I’ve been meaning to ask.”
He shrugs his shoulders “Had it specially made for ya baby girl.”
You sigh dreamily “I love you Joel,”
Without missing a beat he replies “I love you too.”
This is what heaven on earth feels like.
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©️ evolnoomym 2024. Please don’t repost, copy, translate, or feed into any AI. Support your fellow creators by reblogging, commenting, and liking!
Tags: @aurorawritestoescape @joelmillerisapunk @milla-frenchy @the-mandawhor1an @rivnedell @toxicanonymity @ace-turned-confused @strang3lov3 @pedropeach @tonysopranosrobe @moonlitbirdie @joelstummy @joelsdagger @joelslegalwhre @joelsgreys @pedge-page @littlemisspascal @fhatbhabiee @punkshort @macfrog @thundermartini @mrsmando @xdaddysprincessxx @mountainsandmayhem @syd-djarin @msjarvis @umnitsa @clawdee @taeslarityy @axshadows @pedroswife69 @604to647 @merz-8 @yesjazzywazzylove-blog @beardedjoel
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im-a-marvel-ous-hoe · 10 months
Baby, Please Come Home | Bucky Barnes (1st Day of 🎄)
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(Credits to the owner of this gif!)
Hello hello hello! Alondra here! I haven’t written anything in a long time, so I apologize if this is shit lol I’m doin a 12 days of Christmas sort of thing and I’m praying that this doesn’t flop 😅
Christmas Masterlist <- check out my other holiday fics! ✨
“Merry Christmas, doll.” I heard Bucky’s voice through the phone, his tone in a slightly higher pitch than usual. I smiled to myself as I sat down on the couch, startling Alpine for a moment as she was just starting to fall asleep. She yawned and stretched out her little white paws in front of me, her claws peaking out as she started to climb onto my lap. The princess has spoken. Looks like I’m gonna be stuck here for a little while.
“Merry Christmas, Bucky.” I spoke. The realization that we’re not spending Christmas together this year comes fluttering to the front of my mind no matter how much I've tried to ignore it these past few weeks. The only sense of warmth I have of him in our house is some old shirts he left behind and our baby Alpine. She’s quiet and craves cuddles, just like her dad. “It uh… it doesn’t sound as good on the phone as I was hoping than in person, does it?” He chuckled out, trying to find a way to lighten the mood. I shook my head, forgetting for a moment that he couldn't see me. “No, it does not.” I replied, clutching my phone close to my ear trying to imagine that he’s here right in front of me and his voice isn’t so staticy.
“You want to say hi to Alpine? She’s right here.” I looked down at the small animal on my lap as my hand began softly scratching her head. “Of course I do! Put her on.” I placed my phone on the arm rest and pressed the speaker button on my screen. “You’re on speaker, baby.” I heard him shuffling on the other end of the line before speaking up. “Alpine? You there?” The cat’s ears turned up and looked towards my phone. “You takin’ good care of your momma?”
She stood up and leaned closer to my phone, inspecting it. It’s like I could see the cogwheels in her head turn as she wondered how she could hear her dad’s voice if he wasn’t here. “She’s been keeping me company.” I smiled and heard him laugh on the other end. “Really?” He said. I could almost picture him smiling. “Yeah! We’re best buddies now. We have so many intellectual conversations.”
“I can’t wait to see it in person. I gotta get Sam to help me figure out how to take a video so I can just do it without messing up when I get home.” I chuckled at the thought of poor Sam having to deal with Bucky’s lack of phone knowledge and the constant bickering they’re bound to have. I swear, sometimes he really does act like a 100-somethin’ year old man. “Sergeant Barnes, you are something else.”
“Hey, you know I still have trouble understanding! I didn’t grow up with this kind of thing.”
“Then how is it that my grandmother is able to figure out Facebook better than you?” I laughed as he grumbled. “Your grandma had more time to figure it out! It’s not my fault she’s hip.”
I could just imagine what his face looks like right now. His eyebrows are probably scrunched up, his gaze is on the floor and his lips are pouty and just waiting to be kissed. I let out a chuckle and looked around our house. The decorations were put up soon after Thanksgiving. We played Christmas music in the background as we both decorated our tree, Alpine seeming to think this is another place for her to climb and make hers. Once Bucky put the star on top, everything just felt perfect, even though I knew I wouldn’t see him on the day of. “I’m really sorry that I wasn’t able to be there this year.” He said. “I tried my best to – ”
“Bucky, don’t worry about it. It’s okay, I completely understand. Our line of work doesn’t exactly allow us to have vacations, sort to speak. I’m not holding it against you.”
“I know, doll, but still. I thought I would at least be home for Christmas.”
“I know, baby, I know but there’s nothing else we can do about it. We’re in two different places and flights are backed up, so I guess we’ll just have to make due with what we’ve got.” I could feel tiny vibrations on my leg as Alpine purred against me, my hand not stopping to show her love. She seems content. He sighed and spoke up once again. “I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”
I smiled. “I know you will.”
He cleared his throat as if he was trying to mask the sound of something. “Bucky… was that.. were you in a – ”
“Baby, did you get the thing that I sent you yet?” He cut me off as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. “Um.. no, no I haven’t. I haven’t gotten anything.” He let out a groan. “No? Are you sure? FedEx promised me it would arrive in time for Christmas.” Alpine leaned in closer to my hand as I scratched the top of her head. “Doll, can you please do me a favor and keep an eye out for it? It could be arriving any minute.” I smiled to myself as I nodded. “Okay, I will.”
“I wanna hear as you see what I got you for Christmas.” I rolled my eyes and chuckled. “Bucky, you know I will love whatever you got me, but what I really want is you and I don’t think FedEx can send people over like that.” He let out a laugh. “Maybe they’d let me if Steve was to put in a good word.”
“You’re such an idiot.” I laughed and Alpine stirred in my lap, a quiet reminder for me to not move or else she’s gone and she’s the only thing in this house keeping me company. I could hear him huffing on the other line as I tried to figure out what he’s doing. “Bucky?”
“Where are you?”
“What do you mean where am I? You know where I’m at.”
“No, I mean are you outside? I could hear you huffin’ and puffin’. Are you trying to keep warm?”
“Maybe there’s another reason why you can hear me breathin’ so hard. I’m talkin’ to a pretty girl on the phone and she misses me just as much as I miss her.”
I stayed silent for a moment as I processed his words and gasped. You cheeky little fucker. “James!” My outburst along with Bucky’s laugh startled Alpine once more as she got up and left. “No! Kitty come back!” I could hear him practically wheezing in the background as she left to God knows where in our house. “What happened?”
“You made me scare Alpine out of my lap!” I whined as he continued to laugh at my expense. “Hey, you were the one who got the joke late and yelled, scaring our poor baby Alpine! That’s not my fault!”
“It is too! If you hadn’t made that joke, I wouldn’t have reacted that way!” I’m sure my face must be red from embarrassment as he continued on. “And to answer your question, with no hidden dirty jokes, I went out for a walk. I couldn’t stay in that hotel with Sam trying to find ways to decorate my arm with holiday decorations. Note to self, don’t let Sam buy tinsel and say it’s for the “tree at the Stark Tower”.”
I smiled at the thought of Steve being in the middle of these two teasing each other like children and not knowing which side he should take. Hearing his voice, even if it’s not crystal clear, makes me forget for a moment that he’s not here. There’s almost this sort of echo in the house that really makes you feel like you’re alone. It still breaks my heart, but I wouldn’t tell him to make him feel even worse about it. He’s trying his best and that’s all I could really hope for.
But I do wish he was here. Wherever Bucky goes, that’s home.
“Hey, I’m gonna take a wild guess here and say that you didn’t take the trash cans in like I asked you to.”
I was silent for a moment as I thought about what he said. “You didn’t, did you?” I shook my head and spoke. “Um no, I’m pretty sure I did.” I tried to lie and pretend like I didn’t forget, which in fact I know I did.
“Oh, really? Hmm… are you sure? ‘Cause something is telling me that you forgot.” I smiled and leaned back more into the couch and got comfortable. “I know I tend to be forgetful, but I’m pretty sure I already took them in.” I heard him chuckle. “Alright, alright I’ll believe you. I know you wouldn’t lie to me, baby..”
“Trying to put the guilt trip on me even when you’re not here, baby?” I laughed and grabbed the remote to turn on the TV. “I’m just stating the facts.. oh, hey, one second! I’m getting another call. I’ll be right back.” I waited for him as he placed me on hold and began to browse through Netflix to look for some good Christmas films to watch.
Before I could go to my suggestion list, I heard the doorbell ring.
“Weird, wrong number…” I heard his voice once again as he took me off hold. “Hey, I just heard the doorbell ring.” I spoke as I went to stand up. “It’s probably FedEx. Go check it out and take me with you!” I stood up, grabbed my phone and went to go and find a sweater to quickly put on. “Just uh do me a favor.” He requested. “Sure, baby. What is it?”
“I know you’re lonely at home, but try not to check out the delivery man too much, okay? Even if he is very handsome.” I laughed and shook my head. “Ohh, I don’t know Barnes. I gotta see what kind of a package I’m lookin’ at here.” I joked as he laughed. I walked over to the front door and opened it. My body stood still as my phone fell out of my hands.
“Delivery, for Mrs. – ” Before he could even finish the sentence, I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him towards me. I could feel and hear him laughing against me as his arms embraced me tighter into him. I could feel the cold air from outside come into the house, but I didn’t care. He was warm and he was standing at our doorstep.
He pulled me back so he could look at me and I could see a sheen of tears in his baby blues as he leaned down for a kiss. Both hands cupped my cheeks as he held me in place, his cold lips meeting my own. He’s grown out his stubble and it lightly tickled my top lip. I reached my hands up to tug at his hair and felt him smile against me as soft moans of content left his mouth. He pulled away too soon for my liking and looked down at me and laughed.
“Did ya miss me, doll?” I pulled him in for another kiss as he mumbled against my lips. “I can hardly tell.” His metal hand moved a strand of hair away from my face as he continued to smile at me. “But… how are you here? You’re supposed to be in – ”
“I know I know but we managed to finish the mission early and catch a flight. Turns out, Steve doesn’t mind using the Captain America card to get on a plane while running late.” He chuckled. He rubbed small circles on my cheek as I leaned into him. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“I’ve missed you too.” He leaned in to grant me one more kiss before pulling away to make a comment. “I know it seems hard to believe, but I made you a promise that I will try to be home for Christmas and I keep my promises… unlike someone I know who didn’t bring in the trash cans.”
“Oops? You’re not upset, right?” I asked as he shook his head. “No, baby I’m not upset. I could care less about them. I’ve just gone and gave myself the best present a guy could ask for… the love of his life, crying and cheeks reddened in his arms, clinging to him with all the might they can muster..” He laughed as he held me against him.
“I’m here and I’m not going anywhere… now let’s get inside, get a warm drink and see if we can warm ourselves up with each other.” He winked as I playfully slapped his arm. “Let’s go surprise Alpine.”
“Ahh! That’s right!” He walked in and yelled out. “Alpine? Daddy’s home! Where are you sweetheart?” I closed the door behind us and smiled at the thought of him finally being home. He took off his jacket just as she came out from wherever she was hiding. He crouched down as she walked up to welcome him home. “Hey, you. Ya missed me?” He chuckled as he looked up at me.
“Yeah?” He smiled up at me, his cheeks rosy as he uttered, “Merry Christmas.”
I hope y’all liked it! Please let me know your thoughts! Likes, comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!
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callofdudes · 2 months
Call it your own what if bestie ☺️☺️
An alternate reality where Tommy, Beth and Joseph are still alive. Simon invites y/n back to Manchester to visit them and a huge amount of chaos unfolds between the two
I really really enjoy making this au with you @itsscromp and it's given me a bazillion and one ideas for it. It's kind of funny how in the reboot I imagine Simon and Tommy's complexions switcheroo-d. You've sucked me in, I was listening to Billie while I wrote this periodically.
Summary: When Joseph's birthday comes up, Simon takes leave to head home and spend time with them. With him, comes y/n with nothing better to do, looking to meet the family.
Riley family functions.
Simon didn’t speak about his family much. It was a private matter close to his heart, and after so many rough years he wasn’t ready to share that with the world. He'd been putting things back together with his brother, and for once in his life, things seemed to be working out in his favor.  
Meeting you had changed something in him. When he was changed to 141 his barrier started to deplete just enough that you could wiggle your way into a friendship with the brute. And Simon wasn’t bad. Everyone feared him but the bravado he showed the world wasn’t what those closest to him saw. 
You’d been his friend for a while, and Simon had never mentioned his family. Hell, you didn’t know if he even had a family. Given his whole identity and government shtick you almost assumed not. 
Simon was in his little world, however. His nephew’s birthday was coming up and he’d promised Tommy he’d be there. So, he took his 30 days and before long started to pack. And that’s when you saw him. 
“Where are you going, Lt?” 
He grunted half-heartedly. “Not your business.” He zipped up his suitcase and pondered over what he might get Joseph. The little guy already had toys, and he wasn’t that old. A couple of years? It had been a while admittedly. Maybe he was 6 by now?? 
“Oh, come on. Don’t want to tell your buddy where you’re going??” You walked over and looked over what he was packing. Clothes, snacks? Paperwork?  
“Ghost, where are you going?” 
“Already answered you.” He grunted. You gave him a look as he left his room after packing up. You crossed your arms, and in his mind, Simon heard Beth chiding him for not being open with his friend. He could imagine her saying, “Invite your friend, I’m sure they’d love to hang out with you, and Joseph can get some more social time.” 
“You’re not going to stop bugging me, are you?” 
You considered and then shook your head. “Nuh uh.” 
He rolled his eyes and sighed. “Going back to my family for the month. Nephew’s birthday is coming up. They want me there.” 
“Aw, you have a nephew??” You smiled, already walking faster to keep up with him. “How old is he?” 
Simon shrugged. “Five, maybe six? But that’s givin’ the kid credit.”  
You chuckled softly as you followed along. “So, you like your nephew??” You smirked upon seeing the little glint of warmth in his otherwise unresponsive irises. 
“Yeah, I guess so.” He stopped and turned to you, catching you off guard with your stride. “Let me guess…” 
“I’d love to meet your family; I could use a break.” You smiled. “If that isn’t too forward.” 
He considered this, shifting back and forth from foot to foot. And eventually, he relented. “If your shit isn’t packed by tomorrow don’t bother coming.” 
You smiled wide. “Right away lieutenant.” You winked and headed off. 
A couple days later, Ghost found himself squished on a plane with you. His legs tucked in; his arms folded awkwardly as his elbows pressed into the hard armrest. 
You were curled up similarly, Simon never spent enough money on these dumb flights to get him comfortably from base to Manchester.  
“So, what are they like??” You asked to try and pass the time, turning to him. 
Simon grumbled and shifted again. “They’re fine. Nephew’s a little ball of energy. Can never get that kid to relax. Beth, my brother’s wife is… Strong-willed. If you could put it that way.” 
“Oh?? Strong, is she?” 
He raised his eyebrows. “That’s an understatement. Not mean, but not afraid to call bullshit in her house.” 
You nodded. An awkward moment passed between you, and then you frowned. “What... what about your brother??” 
Simon was quiet throughout the flight. “He’s not bad. Can be an asshole, like every older brother.” 
“Oh, so he’s older?” 
Simon huffed. Seemingly annoyed he got stuck with the role of the younger sibling. Forced to live life vicariously through his brother. 
“Well, they sound very nice, it’ll be nice to meet them.” You reassured him. Simon didn’t talk about his family for the rest of the flight until the plane landed. You grabbed your bags from the terminal at the airport and headed to your cab. 
 Manchester was dark and gloomy by this point in the evening. Rain started to flick down on the windows and drip down from the rooftops. 
You looked around, taking in some of the features of gloomy Manchester. The drive was quiet, the sound of the rain and the tires was the only noise between you both.  
Finally, Simon lifted his head upon reaching a pale blue house, light pouring out from the window, soft white curtains fogging up any inside activities. The railing looked somewhat old, wrapped in Christmas lights that hadn’t been taken down yet. 
“Is this it? It looks nice.” You spoke. 
“Yeah, it is.” Simon paid the driver and got out into the rain. The pour got harder as you two flipped the trunk and got your bags.  
“Lovely weather!” You said over the rain, seeing the wet cat look on Simon’s face. “Bloody hell.” He remembered times when Tommy would lock the house after he got home from school so Simon would have to sit out in the pouring rain until their father came home. 
He walked up the wet steps, seeing the lilacs were growing nice. He stood at the door and knocked heavily after a moment of hesitation.  
“Coming!” There was a call from inside, someone rushing to the door. A woman opened the door, looking around the same age as Simon. She smiled upon seeing the younger man, “Simon! Oh, my goodness, come in out of the rain.” Her chest-length hair tied back into a messy bun, a few strands falling into her face. 
“Oh, and your friend, I assume?” 
“Y/n. Yes. A friend.” Simon came in out of the rain, and you followed. Beth led the two of you into the house and instructed Simon where to put his bags for the time.  
“Come in, get comfy. Tea? Coffee?” She turned back to you two with a polite, yet warm smile. 
“Coffee please.” You spoke up, “Thank you.” 
“Of course. Simon, I’m making you a London fog.”  
Simon opened his mouth to speak before waving his hand with a curt dismissal. “Sure, fine. Do whatever the hell you want.” 
You chuckled and sat on the couch. “This is nice.” You looked around once comfortable. The carpet was nice, and they had some decorations up. The house smelled of cinnamon and scented candles were set up in the kitchen. The soft beige color of the walls feels simple but not out of place, making it a warm atmosphere. Toys were scattered around the room where the Christmas tree was in the corner. 
“Why is that bloody thing still up?” Simon grumbled.  
“Maybe they haven’t had time to take it down?” You whispered to him, gently hitting his side. “Ease up.” 
Simon huffed softly and crossed his arms. Beth hummed gently as she made drinks. “Thomas! Simon is here!” She called.  
Simon’s thumb dug into his bicep; arms firmly crossed over his chest. He tried to ease the twist and pound inside his chest.  
“Comin!” A voice called back. 
Tommy wandered down the stairs, a little one clinging onto his pant leg. Tommy looked over at Simon and smiled a little. “Hey, you made it ok?” 
“Hello, we did.” 
Tommy looked toward you. “Oh?”  
“Oh, y/n” You smiled, quickly rushing to introduce yourself. “Thomas. I see you’ve met my less handsome half.” 
“Fuck off.” 
“Don’t use that language around Joseph.” The two tossed words back like a mental game of ping pong. Passing off ideas to see how comfortable they could get invading each other’s space. But that was brothers, already poking each other's buttons as much as they could. 
While they did, you smiled at the small boy clinging onto his dad. He peered over, looking at you. 
You waved softly, but that only prompted him to hide more. 
Beth returned with tea, giving Simon his London Fog, and your coffee. The mugs were warm and decorated with sayings like ‘best mom’ and ‘I wear this expression to work’.  
“Here you are.” 
“Thank you.” You brought your lips to the cup, hovering over the warm drink, blowing over the cup gently. 
Tommy sat in the seat across from you and Simon. “How’s work been?” 
“How do you think?” Simon replied. 
Tommy shrugged. “I dunno. A pain?” He opened his arms when Joseph beckoned to be in his arms, allowing the little guy to climb onto his lap. Tommy gently patted Joseph’s back, “Well, I’m sure Joseph is happy you’re here.” 
You saw Simon’s snippy attitude soften. Joseph looked over at him, nodding in agreement with his dad.  
Simon took a sip of his tea. “Remind me, how old are you Joseph? One?” 
Joseph went shy and shook his head against Tommy’s shoulder. 
“Oh you’re not?? Hm, what about two?” 
“No…” Joseph whispered with a soft smile. 
Simon leaned back, propping up his leg so his ankle rested against his knee. “Ok, tell me if I’m warm?”  
Joseph didn’t say anything, but Simon took it as a yes. “Ten??” 
Joseph giggled a little, shaking his head. 
“What about… Six?” 
Joseph considered this, and Tommy leaned in to whisper, yes, he was turning six. Joseph nodded, looking over at Uncle Simon with a small smile now. Through his small smile, his gap-toothed expression was evident. It warmed your heart at how adorable the little guy was.  
“You’re getting pretty old. Dad’ll start charging you rent soon.” 
“Oh shush.” Beth gently scolded him. 
“Gotta prepare him for when he’ll be pitching in for rent. That’s what we did when we were little-“ 
“What’s the rule about no trauma dumping on the first day?” 
“No trauma dumping on the first day…” He muttered and sipped his tea. 
“Sharp mind.” She teasingly patted his shoulder. She was like the firm older sister Simon didn’t have the dreaded experience with. He suffered enough with a brother, he couldn’t begin to imagine that with a sister. 
He was glad Tommy didn’t find a pushover pill pusher, but she was like a ruler. Bend it too far and it snaps right back to hit you in your face. But she was a lovely woman regardless. She’d been the main middleman for the brother's continued talks, working toward tranquil redemption. 
“Did you two get dinner??” She perked up, looking over at you.  
“Oh, no we didn’t. It’s no problem though-“  
She raised her hand and stood. “I’ve got leftovers from last night I can toss in the oven quick for ya.” 
“Yes ma’am.” Simon didn’t argue this time. 
While she did that you three talked together. Tommy asked you about how you enjoyed and dealt with working with Simon. The playful banter between the brothers made you chuckle in between serious conversations. Cheap quips and snide teasing. 
Beth brought you two trays of cabbage rolls, and oh my goodness they were heavenly. The best cabbage rolls you’d had in your entire life.  
“Oh, Beth,” You hummed, eagerly digging into more. Beth smiled proudly. 
“Told her once, she should go on Master Chef.” Tommy said to Simon. 
“You kiddin’? She’d make Ramsey cry.” 
The two snickered, you and Simon finishing the last of the leftovers. The pace of the evening continued on. 
Soon it was Joseph’s bedtime, and Beth went to tuck him in. Not before rushing for a quick hug from Uncle Simon, who squeezed him gently. “Go on, get some sleep, bubs.” 
He rushed to Mom, who picked him up and carried him to bed. You were the next to go, yawning and slumping into the comfy couch. “I think he’s onto something.”  
“Tired too, huh?” Tommy nodded. “Well, you two had a long flight here. Best let you get some rest. The spare room is open, we’ve got an air mattress we can set up? Unless one of you wants the pull-out couch.” 
“I can take the couch.” Simon muttered. 
You wanted to fight it, but if Simon wasn’t comfortable sharing a space with you, you wouldn’t push.  
Tommy nodded and got up. “Come on then, I’ll show you the spare room.” 
You followed Tommy closely and made it to the bedroom. A queen bed with comfy blankets and a nightlight on the side desk.  
“Thank you, for the hospitality.” 
Tommy nodded. “Look, he may be an asshole. But any friend of Simon’s is a friend of ours… For the most part.” 
You chuckled softly. “Goodnight Simon!” You called back, hearing him grunt in indignation.  
Simon slept on the pull-out couch. Slept is a very loose term. It was sleep, and then periodically waking up when the house settled or just to do a once over of the shadowy, dark living room.  
He survived the night in the house, around 6 he heard shuffling upstairs. 
Beth opened one eye slowly, barely aware Tommy was leaving bed. “Thomas…” She reached out and grabbed his hand gently.  
Tommy looked down at her, gently squeezing her hand. “I’m going to shower, not leaving yet.” 
“I’ll make you breakfast…” 
He gently shook his head, leaned down, and kissed her tenderly. “I’ll pick something up.” She hummed, resigning and shifting back asleep. Tommy grabbed his work clothes and went to have his shower. After which he cuddled her some more before heading downstairs.  
Simon skulked over the counter, a cup of tea in hand. Tommy brushed his hair back, jumping slightly when he saw Simon. “Fuckin’ hell… Ugly mug in the mornin'" He muttered. 
“You’re one to talk.”  
“Skeleton lookin’ ass.”  
“Suck up.” 
“At least I have a wife.” Tommy grumbled.  
“You can keep her.” 
“I planned on it.” 
The two nodded firmly. Tommy grabbed his work jacket and started to put on his boots. He grabbed his keys and went for the door, then sighed softly.  
Simon looked up from his cup. “Wot?” 
“I’m… Glad you came to stay.” 
Simon looked down again. He didn’t say anything, leaving Tommy in an awkward silence. “Alright…” Tommy inhaled deeply and stepped out the door. 
When the door closed again, Simon’s shoulders dropped, and he continued to sip his tea.  
He felt heavy at the table, letting the warm drink wash over his muscles, soothing each overactive muscle. 
You were the next person up. After dressing you wandered out to the living room, spotting Simon clanking around as quietly as possible in the kitchen. 
“Looking for food?” 
“Forgot where Beth keeps her instant meals…” 
You raised an eyebrow as he continued to roam around the cupboards and cabinets. You looked at the fridge and wandered over, inside were five or more stacked meal preps she’d done. “Had you checked in here?”  
He perked up and looked at the fridge. A pause. “I was going there next.” 
You couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’m sure.” You pulled out the one labeled Tuna Salad and popped open the lid.  
Simon took his meds in the meantime, and you served each a bowl. “She’ll be ok with this?” 
Simon shrugged. “She usually doesn’t give a shit what I eat.”  
You both sat at the table and ate in peaceful silence until Beth joined you. “Oh, Tuna Salad? That does sound good.” She went to the container, seeing there was still enough for her, Joseph, and Tommy when he got home. 
She joined you at the table.  
“Where’s Tommy?” 
“He’s at work. But, he’ll be off early for Joseph’s birthday tomorrow.” 
“That’s nice.” 
Not long after, the little guy scuttled down the stairs and rushed over to Mum. “Mama…” He gently tugged her shirt.  
“Hey baby.” And smiled at him. 
“Where’s dad…?” 
“Work baby, he’ll be home later. You hungry?” 
He nodded, so she got up and served him a bowl of Tuna Salad. He poked at it, sticking his finger in the tuna and eating from his palm. 
You chuckled softly, and Joseph’s gaze was on you. You looked down at your food, letting Joseph eat. 
Beth gave him a soft look. “Did you tell Uncle Simon we got your electric train working?” 
Joseph momentarily stopped mashing the food and looked up.  
Simon took a sip of his tea. “You get it working?” 
“Dad,” He made motions with his tuna and lettuce-covered hands. “Fixed it.” 
“You gotta show me then. It looked pretty cool in the video.” That made Joseph smile. His toothy little smile, those two front teeth missing, giving him an adorable smile. 
He rushed from the table, making Beth chuckle. He wiped his hands on his pajama pants, that she wasn’t too happy to see. He went to the living room and scrambled to get the electric train from under the tree.  
Simon moved from the kitchen to the living room, squatting down while his nephew set up the tracks. They are all connected and could be rearranged to make different paths. The bottom of the connecting train’s rail piece was a small button.  
Joseph pressed it, and the train started up. His smile remained bright, proud of his cool train. 
Simon whistled softly, “Well look at that.”  
Joseph pushed the button again and the train sped up a knot. Simon watched the train go in its circle, pistons trekking quickly over each wheel to keep it moving. 
“What if we made it go underneath?” 
Simon looked around for visual representation and spotted a stack of Beth’s books. “Sorry.” He said half-heartedly and stacked them, putting one of the tracks across the staircase leveled books. “You think we could build it to go up?” 
Joseph’s eyes lit up like saucers, nodding wildly. He scooted closer and Simon helped him build an extravagant track for his train.  
You smiled, watching the inner child of such a harsh man shine through. “Is he always like this here?” 
Beth hummed softly. "Eventually. Sometimes it takes him a bit. But that's Uncle Simon." 
It was warm and lively. You joined them halfway through to see their progress. "Ooh, looks good."  
"Thanks for the approval, Egg." 
A heartbeat or two later you both heard explosive giggles. Simon smiled softly and looked at Joseph who laughed.  
"What's so funny?" Your smile softened too. 
Joseph's cheeks went red, hiccing and giggling. "Egg!" 
The two of you chuckled too. "Yes, that's Egg." 
"Cracks people up." You grinned. Simon said, "Oh, that was good." 
"Right? I'm so quick with it." 
Joseph was laughing in tears but managed to recover.
"I coined it for them."  
"Thanks for that." Said sarcastically. “But the call signs aren’t technically supposed to be cool, and I don’t think I have the worst call sign on base.” 
"You're welcome." Simon replied, taking all credit. 
Your visit with the Riley family was fun. For Simon’s family, you didn’t expect them to be as lively as they were. Beth was Tommy a pair of incredible parents. 
“Dada.” Joseph pointed out the window to a truck driving along the neighborhood, beckoning his father over. Tommy came over, kneeled beside Joseph, and watched the garbage truck go by. "Look at that, hey?" He smiled a little, admiring his son's happy expression. And they sat there watching the garbage men go down the street.
He'd sit with Mama Beth at the table as she cut his toasties for him. Pecking a soft kiss on his hair and helping him with anything he needed.
Joseph would sit on his dad's lap, cuddling with him and his stuffie as they watched Tommy's favorite cowboy movies or YouTube videos on cool machinery. Joseph loved it, and would usually fall asleep if it was late. His dad went upstairs and tucked him into bed.
Uncle Simon would continue to play with him and take Joseph out for adventures. Telling him his awful jokes and the PG version of his missions. Joseph saw him as the ultimate hero, aside from his parents.
Tommy was always there to have the occasional casual conversation, hated talking about his work. Beth would let you invade her kitchen and would not hesitate to put you in place if you got rowdy.
Whenever Simon and Tommy started to act like brothers do. The classic pranks like pink hair dye in the shampoo, laxatives in tea, and tearing off the moustache with duct tape, she's the one to end it. And they never fight Beth.
You were there to witness Simon and Tommy coming in after a game of football covered in mud. And the horror in her face when she was told they might have gotten tangled up in the plants... You've never seen Simon submit so easily. His sister-in-law is scary ok!?
But she was chill with you. You're her new favorite.
And then came Joseph's birthday. The brothers were rowdy. Of course they let the little guy sleep in, his birthday being on a Sunday.
Beth and Tommy got up to make Sunday breakfast and the rest of you periodically got up.
"Ew, Beth, what is that?" *Simon scrunched his nose.
She looked over at him before frowning. "My husband you dumbfuck."
Simon raised his eyebrows briefly. "Shoulda seen that coming..."
Tommy snickered, leaning over to give Beth a kiss while washing the strawberries. "That's my love." Beth smiled a little, nudging him back and stealing another kiss.
"Ok, ok we get it, you're in love." Simon said, his tone in a sarcastic drawl. "Ugh... Get a room."
"Yeah, you wish we would." Tommy gave Beth a light snack on the butt.
"Oi! Behave- both of you." Beth went slightly pink, shaking her head and reprimanding the two back into their place. The brothers continuing to mime mocking words at each other. Simon stuck out his tongue, Tommy flipped the middle finger.
Geez, it was like watching two middle school kids argue over the sandbox.
"Well, everyone seems lively today." You looked at Simon, nudging him to stop sticking out his tongue at his brother.
"Huh?" One Simon who had been very caught up in his young sibling antics. "Yes, yes very."
You chuckled and shook your head softly. Oh boy, you know he didn't hear a word you said.
And then the little guy came waddling in. "Mama...??" *He rubbed his tired eyes, going over to her and grabbing onto her side, hugging it.
"Good morning, baby. You sleep ok?" *She reached out, gently ruffling his soft hair.
"You ready for your birthday breakfast?" She asked, combing through his hair. "Mhm." *He replied.
Tommy and Beth got the table set and brought food over, serving Joseph up a plate of pancakes and whipped cream on top. Joseph muttered out a quick thank you before eagerly digging in. Consuming it like a black hole.
Simon smirked as Joseph inhaled his pancakes.
"Wow." You whispered.
"He inherited my appetite. It skips a generation." Simon replied with a smirk.
"Oh, does it now? Are Joseph's grandchildren going to get it?"
"Very likely. It's horrible."
"I feel so bad for them." You chuckled, smiling softly and grabbing a serving.
It was odd seeing Simon like this, but it was rather endearing as well. Simon was always this big strong man, and he still was, absolutely. But something about getting to see him domestic hot differently. Seeing how he got up with his brother, how gentle he was with his nephew, and the snarky little shit with his sister-in-law. You smiled as you watched them, saw how they interacted.
Joseph seemed equally as happy to have his family all in one place. And then Tommy brought a couple boxes to the table. "Ok bud, all yours."
Joseph looked at the boxes, eyeing them with stars in his pupils. He bounced in his chair and picked the top one up, early tearing into it to see what it was. He shrieked, his smile going wide. "Batman!?"
"Yep." Simon smiled proudly, watching Joseph pick up the Batman costume he'd ordered online. He was lucky it had reached their house in time.
"That's from uncle Simon." Beth said.
"Thank you!" He squirmed from his seat, eagerly to wrap his arms around his uncle. Simon gave Joseph a little assuring squeeze. "Any time, bubs."
Tommy pushed a present closer, and Joseph smiled at his parents. This was from them. He could feel it. So he broke it open, and looked inside, smiling warmly. A remote control car.
"You've done well with the train, so we figure it can't hurt to let you go 4-wheel drive."
Joseph smiled, waddled to hug both mum and dad. And they hugged him, of course.
And you felt like you couldn't come to their house without getting their son a gift.
So you slid it across the table, smiling at Joseph, who perked up and looked at it. Ooo.
He picked up the gift shyly. "Thank you..."
He looked it over before opening it up. He smiled, looking down at the bag of gummy worms.
"it's... Not much, but your uncle likes them, and I trusted his word that you did too."
Joseph took the bag, and looked at you, giving you a big, happy smile. "Thank you!"
It warmed your heart in a way you couldn't describe. There was nothing better than spending all the time with family. And Simon's family seemed wonderful.
(I wanted to explore with the family more, not sure if I did them heaps of justice but this project took a bit to come to me and I couldn't cram all my thoughts on the Riley's coherently into this without frying. But I want more for these three, I promise.)
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razorblade180 · 8 months
An Option
Stelle stumbles in with cuts and bruises all over her arms and face.
Caelus:Woah…what happened to you?
Stelle: Automatons and their mechanical koi contraptions. Ugh, I’m over those things. There has to be a better way to get materials.
Caelus:You’re bleeding.
Stelle:It’s fine.
Caelus: That’s the Destruction in you talking.
Stelle:Pfft, as you’re Mr. Preservation? My risks are just a little flashier than yours.
Caelus: Butt. Seat. Right now.
The girl groaned as she walked over to a chair while Caelus got up to get the first aid kit. Everyone bone felt like the abandoned door on a haunted house as Stelle tried to relax her body. Caelus came back quickly, brushing her tangled hair out of her face and gently putting a cotton ball doused with rubbing alcohol on a cheek cut that made her wince.
Steele: Hiss! That stings!
Caelus:I bet it does! Probably not as much as it was to get in the first place. Man, you really at shit.
Stelle:Thank you. That’s exactly what I wanted to hear after helping people all evening. Immaculate bed side manner.
Caelus:You’re extra feisty today. Credits for your troubles?
Stelle:I’m tired is all. I don’t know…maybe feeling the stress of everything?
Caelus:It pays to relax. You don’t have to face everything. I can swap jobs with you more often.
Stelle:I like my responsibilities. Plus not being active all the time doesn’t feel good.
Caelus:I’m active! I just don’t feel the need to go into the Simulated Universe every day! You need meaningful ways to spend hours.
Stelle:We don’t all have people inviting us for “personal encounters”
Caelus:…Ah, so that’s what the problem is about? You need to get laid.
The man witnessed the slowest head turn in history as Stelle’s jaw dropped from his audacity. Caelus didn’t even blink while putting another bandage on her arm.
Stelle:Do you think I’m not trying!? We all can’t be suffering from success like you!
Caelus:Like me!?
Stelle:Yes, you! You and Dan Heng in March’s room!
Caelus:I didn’t know what was happening!? She called us in there saying she needed help. I thought another spider entered her room. I wasn’t expecting her to the “I offer you a proposal” stance.
Stelle:She’s so dorky. It’s great.
Caelus:Surprisingly good negotiator. Regardless, not my fault and not a common occurrence.
Stelle:Siver Wolf.
Caelus: Barely here and a shot in the dark. I’m not saying I wasn’t interested but I didn’t expect things to be so…casual.
Stelle:Still counts. Topaz.
Caelus:I’ve never done anything with Topaz. I just think she’s beautiful.
Stelle:What? But you hangout sometimes.
Caelus:Yeah, and? We just like hanging around cute pets. That’s it. I don’t even think she likes me.
Stelle:Eh, her mind is a mystery. I’m sure she wouldn’t hate it.
Caelus:I don’t think that’s the point at all. Anyways, it’s not like you can’t get a date or a potential “buddy” to spend time with. You’re way more attractive than me.
Stelle:That’s not hard.
Caelus:You can do your own stitches.
Stelle:I’m sorry. Please don’t stop. It was a bitter joke!
Caelus:Stop crying. My hands are still moving aren’t they? So, pick someone you fancy.
Stelle:You’re forgetting my luck is atrocious. Bronya is taken.
Stelle:I don’t think Welt could bring himself to see me in that light.
Caelus:A trait that maybe you should consider with him.
Stelle:He’s handsome! I don’t have to look at him like a parent! He’s just an older guy! It would be no different than liking Jing Yuan or Blade!
Caelus:Those two have enough baggage to fill the train. Asta thinks you’re cute.
Stelle:The last thing Asta needs is more rumors and drama.
Caelus: Ruan Mei?
Stelle:Why would I like her? We’ve barely met…I think?
Caelus:Wait, I’m an idiot. Don’t you like Argenti? You seemed like a fan.
Stelle:Did you forget the part where that man told us goodbye to find the Aeon on Beauty as he jumped off the train!? I would love to have dinner with him but he’s a bit busy! I hope he crashes into us again.
Caelus:Or you know, dock normally? That’s an option. Didn’t you go to dinner with Gepard.
Stelle:He’s definitely a sweetie. However… *red* No, there’s no way I could feel comfortable sharing my needs with him without dying of embarrassment. Especially when I’m friends with Serval!
Caelus:I don’t think he’d judge you, but I could definitely see how awkward that could be.
Stelle:And let’s not forget the one person I wholeheartedly swooned over may not have been the person around for most of my conversations and got their neck snapped. My luck is probably why Nanook likes me. *deflates* Maybe I should phone it in and become a Celestial Jade enthusiast.
Caelus:…Am I an option?
That question hung in the air for a moment, slowly registering to Stelle’s brain. Her eyes then gradually widened as she turned her head to see him focusing in a leg injury. That did nothing to hide the growing red on his ears.
Caelus:It’s a pretty straightforward question. If this situation is about being stressed, opportunity, and comfortability then…. it’s not that crazy.
Stelle:Are you saying you would say yes?
Caelus:No! I’m saying if I was an option for you that o could see it and it would make sense! It’s not like any good would come from you not at hundred percent.
Stelle: Caelus, so you would say yes?
Caelus:…I mean who would put up with you effortlessly?
Stelle:You’re in kicking distance.
Caelus:You’d pull your stitches. Anyways, it was just a random thought. Forget I said anything.
Stelle:….You’re not, not an option; I guess?
He finally fishes the last of her main injuries. Caelus rises to his feet and closes the first aid kit with a satisfying case click that filled the awkward silence.
Stelle:Thanks for the pick-me-up.
Caelus:No biggie. Just doing what I can and all. Welp…time to put this back! See ya. *walks away*
Stelle looked down at his careful needle and gently bandaged wraps. Not even Welt or Himeko could do a better job. If anything, Caelus was good with his han-
Stelle:Fuuuuuuuk. Noooooo don’t think thaaaaat. *covers face* Damnit all. Why’d you have to ask that?
Caelus:(Why did I say that!?)
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worksby-d · 2 years
An Everyone Thinks It Oneshot 
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Pairing: Chris Evans x fem!Reader 
Summary: Your second first time together. 
Warnings: RPF, implied smut (bigger focus on the before and after sorry girlies use your imaginations), implications of past toxic relationships, a smidgen of angst, 18+
Word count: ~1,700
      ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
As the movie you’re watching ends, Chris pulls you closer beneath the big blanket you’re sharing. His arm hooks around you as if to keep you in place just a little longer. 
A silence fills the room as you stay put, resting your head on his shoulder to watch the credits roll. You’ve both come to dread this part of your date nights – The inevitable end when one of you has to leave to pick your son up from whoever you lied to in order to have another secret evening alone.
It’s your turn tonight. At least it’s supposed to be. 
“You’ve probably gotta get going to pick up buddy boy from my mom, huh?” 
He presses a kiss to the top of your head before you sit up to look at him. His eyes are bright from the reflection of the TV.
“Mm-mm,” you shake your head and let your words come out slowly to gauge his thoughts. “I asked her to keep him overnight tonight.”
“Really?” You can tell they begin to run wild as the smile on his face grows. “So…” 
“So…” You hum back, quieting him with a kiss before moving onto his lap. “You better make it worth my while because I feel bad about lying to her again.” 
“I’ll make you forget all about it,” he whispers. 
“Is that a promise?” 
With a nod, his nose brushes against yours and he’s desperate for you to be closer, but he’s letting you take the lead.
“I swear.”
“All right,” you sigh, teasing him with a doubtful tone. And as if you’re reading his mind, you put your lips back on his again. “I trust you.” 
Your last three words are a lot more serious sounding and he knows by the way you relax against him as you say it that they have a deeper meaning. It’s not only about trusting him to make you forget about the little bit of guilt, but about trusting him enough to take this step in your relationship. 
Holding you close as your kisses become more heated, he tests the waters by slowly dropping his hands from your back to your waist. His fingers slip under your shirt until you feel his warm palms resting against your bare skin. 
You eventually have to reluctantly pull away, refusing to let your first time be on his couch. Catching his breath, he watches as you stand up and hold your hand out for him so you can guide him to his bedroom.
      ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
As good as he’s already proving to be at making you forget about what was worrying you before, it’s the insecurities in the very depths of your mind that are taking its place.
Your hands on his sides tug lightly on his shirt to get his attention. “Chris,” you speak up softly, feeling like you need to before too many clothes start coming off. 
You don’t push him away or try to move yourself, but he lets up immediately. Lifting his face from the crook of your neck, his eyes meet yours looking for any signs of discomfort on you.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing…” It takes you a second to figure out how to say what you’re thinking. You shift a bit beneath him, fingers wandering and getting distracted by a button on his t-shirt. “I don’t– I don't look the same as I did when we did this the first time.”
He doesn’t mean to laugh, but that’s so far from what’s on his mind right now. He’s quick to kiss away the wrinkle on your forehead when you raise an eyebrow at him. 
“To be fair, I was hammered that night,” he tries to explain. “I don’t remember what you looked like.” 
You roll your eyes thinking about it, not exactly feeling better when you look back on that night, but you do crack a smile.
“I’m being serious,” you chuckle, playfully shoving his chest. “What if–”
“Nothing,” he cuts you off. “No what ifs. I love your body. This body gave us our son.”
He can feel you relax against the bed as he says it.
“But besides that… I think you’re so beautiful.” Before you can shake your head or hide your face, he gives you a soft kiss. “Stunning…” He goes on, giving you another kiss between each word. “Gorgeous even!”
“Shut up,” you laugh, pulling him back down for good to hush him.
      ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
If you were asked how long you’ve been laying in his embrace, you wouldn’t be able to answer. Completely content with your head on his chest, your focus is only on the sound of his heartbeat against your ear until his voice interrupts the quiet.
“Earth to Y/N,” he whispers, gently squeezing your upper arm. 
You hum, and if it’s even possible, nestle closer to him. “What?”
“Was that okay?” If you’re not mistaken, he’s the one with nerves for once. “You’re scaring me with the silence.”
You let him sweat for a moment, but can’t help but laugh. “You’re crazy.” Tilting your head, you give him a languid kiss. “Was more than okay.” 
He lets out a quiet scoff, directed at himself for being doubtful. 
“Hell yeah it was.” His smug self is back just like that, holding up a hand for a high five. 
“Oh my God,” you groan, rolling your eyes at his gesture, but you're no better than him, giving in and pressing your hand to his. “You’re an idiot.” 
“Watch it,” he laughs. “You’re the one that just high fived me back.”
He leans in for one more quick kiss, mumbling something about getting up to start a shower. 
“No,” you beg, drawing out the word. 
“You can stay laying here for a minute–” 
“Alone?” You pout. 
“Come on then,” he chuckles, helping you out of bed and toward the bathroom with him.
      ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Making it the short way to the shower feels like a blur. You’re exhausted, letting him hold you underneath the water. 
If you stay still much longer, you’re convinced his hands rubbing your back would soothe you to sleep right here. 
His chest shakes against your own as he lets out a quiet laugh. 
“Didn’t take you for the clingy type,” he jokes–or tries to at least. 
He knows he said something wrong when he feels you tense up though. 
“Sorry–” You instantly back away from him, but force a laugh to disguise the fact you’re terrified if he’s actually bothered by it. 
“Oh, no– I was just…” He wishes he could take it back. “I was teasing. Sorry–” 
Shaking your head, you flash him a smile. “It’s okay.” 
He holds his arms back out for you, but you just grab some body wash from behind him to finish cleaning up. 
An unmistakable tension grows until Chris decides to be the one to put an end to it, getting out of the shower first to find a warm towel to hand to you. 
The silence continues though as you both get ready for bed. You want to get over it and move on, but your mind is torturing you with the thought of him realizing how unbearable you might be–if not now, eventually.
You take your time on purpose, needing to have the moment alone when he walks out of the room. 
      ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
After a couple deep breaths and splashes of cold water on your face, you eventually step back into the bedroom. 
He’s remaking the bed when your eyes fall on him. 
Passing him, you reach for a pillow and finally muster the courage to say something.
“So, I can go sleep in one of your guest rooms if you don’t want me in here…” 
“What?” He stops adjusting the blankets to look at you. “Why wouldn’t you just sleep in here?” 
“Well, I don’t–” You shrug. “I don’t know. I don’t wanna, like, assume…” 
He’s at a loss, taking a careful step closer to you. “Did I do something? I thought we were having a really good night and then you started acting weird.” 
You so badly want to interrupt and deny it, but you can’t. 
“I made that remark about you being clingy… I didn’t mean that, I swear.” 
“I know… But– but if you did…” Tears gloss over your eyes. “I’m just trying to– I want to do everything right. I don't wanna screw this up by being needy or– or suffocating. It sounded just the same as all the other times I’ve been told that.” 
The confused look on his face softens. “I didn’t say any of that…” He knows who has though and he could kill him right about now.
“Yet.” You ignore him, rambling at this point. “Damn it. I know that’s stupid. I know it is–” 
Taking a few considerate steps closer to you, he takes the pillow out of your hands and tosses it back on the bed. He keeps his arms held out for you and you let him take you in them this time. 
“Relax, relax, relax.” He repeats the words until he feels you calm down under his touch. 
It takes a while, but he finally hears you let out a deep breath. 
“I would hold you all day long if I could,” he whispers. “I’m sorry I said what I did.” 
“But you shouldn’t have to be. I have a lot I haven’t worked through… Clearly.” You find it in you to let out a short laugh. “It’s not your fault.” 
“It’s okay. We’ll work through it together.” 
He feels your nod, but you don't say anything right away. 
“I did have a really good night,” you promise when you’re ready to talk again. “Thank you.” 
He gently brings a hand up to guide your head off his shoulder so he can kiss you.
Smiling as he pulls away, he holds out his other hand, pointing toward the bed. “Spend the rest of the night with me then? …Please?” 
“Okay,” you nod. “I’d love to.” 
      ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Tag list: @patzammit @denisemarieangelina @thummbelina @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc @princess-evans-addict @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @turtoix @katiew1973 @harrysthiccthighss @bluemusickid @rocketrhap3000 @mrspeacem1nusone @geminievans1 @doozywoozy @americasass91 @dwights-new-plague @wwwmarissa92 @redhairedfeistynerd @whxre4cevans @aubreeskailynn @white-wolf1940 @melchills-j @xoxabs88xox @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @before-we-get-started @chrissquares @christowhore @ice-dtae @mariestark @justile @rogersbarber @dilfbarber @livstilinski @payperhearts @vintagestarlight @chaeycunty @miss-ariella @bemysugarbean @t-stark35 @seitmai @reginaphalange2403 @raelorns21
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intoxicated-chan · 1 year
𝟎𝟎𝟐 *ೃ༄ 𝐏𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤
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© 2023 Intoxicated-Chan, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform with permission. None of the photos used belong to me! Credits to @/cafekitsune for the divider!!
Series’ Masterlist // Wattpad Vers.
Word Count ➳❥ 1.2k
(A/n) ➳❥ So, I’ve started watching Game of Thrones… Let’s just say Jon Snow has me in a chokehold. Anyways there are two more books for Miguel O’Hara.
Content Warnings ➳❥ Swearing, animal cruelty, harassment, violence, assault…
⊰ Previously ⊰ YOU’RE HERE « « ⊰ Next ⊰
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There were many times in your life that you believed to be your fault. The times where your mother would curse you out for a simple mistake, the ashamed look your grandmother always had whenever she looked your way. It made you want to disappear from their sights and so you wrapped yourself into false senses of security. How your own mind played games when you-
You tear your eyes away from the screen of your laptop, they land on a puppy sitting in front of you. You let out a gasp and set your laptop to the side, “C’mere boy.” You pat your legs, letting the puppy walk towards you.
“What are you doing out here?” It makes your heart break. You lean over and take the puppy into your arms. You feel around his neck and feel no collar. He’s awfully dirty and but not matted, dirt was just seeped into his fur.
You look at your laptop, seeing the time, “If I take you then I lose my internship…” You sadly pout, “But if I leave you here…”
Alchemax Building // 3:13 PM
You run through the building of Alchemax and nearly slam into the elevator. Five minutes… You’re late. It’s only your second day and you’re already late.
Listening to Lyla’s advice she gave on your first day, you ran past the employees ordering you to get them their coffee. It was embarrassing enough to be late, and you wanted to save what dignity you had left… If you had any.
“Where’s (Y/n)?” Mr. O’Hara asks Lyla who’s looking through camera footage.
“She’s just a few steps away from-”
The doors to his office are roughly open and you nearly fall to the ground. You panting, hard. But you force yourself to stand and carefully close the door, “My apologies, Mr. O’Hara.”
“So glad that you can join us. I was beginning to worry.” Mr. O’Hara tells you.
You come to his desk and sit down in the chair that’s in front of his desk, “I’m sorry that I’m late. There was a puppy in the park.” You set your bag down next to you.
“You were late because of a puppy?” Mr. O’Hara stares at you.
“I couldn’t just leave the puppy alone! It was a puppy.” You admit.
Mr. O’Hara lets out a very obvious huff, “And the puppy?”
“Dropped him off at a shelter.” You answer.
His eyes narrow at you, before huffing once more, “Take these to Dr. Octavius and don’t overstay your welcome in her office.” Sliding a few files to you.
“Yes sir.” You say, taking the files and walking out of his office.
Once you make it into the elevator, you let out a silent cheer as you successfully snuck in the puppy. You feel him move around in your bag, you left it open just big enough for him to stick his nose out.
“Don’t worry, little buddy, I’m not going to leave you.” You whisper. You fix your posture once you make it to the R&D floor. You immediately head to Dr. Octavius’ office.
You knock, “Is that you, (Y/n)?” You hear.
“Yes it is.”
“Come, come in!” You enter her office, “Miguel sent you, didn’t he?” She looks up from her papers, you close the door behind you.
“Yes he did.”
“You look awfully tired, did you run here?”
“Yeah…” You sigh, handing her the files.
“What caused you to be so late?”
“There was a abandoned puppy, and-”
“You brought it here, didn’t you?”
It was like the puppy was trying to embarrass you even more. The puppy barks, letting her know that they were in fact, here and with you. You sigh in defeat, unzipping your half closed bag and pulling out the puppy.
“I couldn’t leave him in the park.” You hold him close to your chest.
Dr. Octavius awes loudly, “Aww! Look at the little guy. May I?” You nod, handing him to her, “You can leave him here with me. I can get him cleaned up and check his vitals, Miguel doesn’t have to know.”
“But what if he finds out?”
“I can already see the headlines, If the CEO couldn’t be any more crueler! Intern fired over bringing abandoned puppy to work! He likes to avoid any attention and pays off reporters to not report anything. Which is why Alchemax is so mysterious.” She answers.
“Thank you so much, Dr. Octavius.”
“Hey, it’s no problem. I could use some serotonin in this dull place.”
(Y/n)’s Apartment // 9:12 PM
Another successful day in your eyes, even more with Rusty by your side. You watch him immediately make himself comfortable on your couch.
“You must be hungry.” You smile and then it hits you… You forgot to buy dog food!
“God dammit!” You sigh. You grab your keys, wallet, and your phone, “I’ll be back, Rusty.” You tell him.
The closest pet store is only a couple minutes away and closes in less than an hour. Surprisingly it’s open so late. You were in and out of the small store, grabbing and buying the specific food for your little child and you were out of there.
Your phone read, 9:22 PM. You hold the heavy bag with both of your arms. Now there was nothing else to worry about, only your essay which is due in a week and work tomorrow.
“Hey, there little lady.” A guy spoke from the alleyway, he came out from the shadows. Disheveled and reeked of cigarettes, “What’s a girl doing out here so late at night?”
“I’m sorry but I have to get home.” You answer, walking away.
“Hey, I’m not done!” He catches up to you and starts walking with you but you were quick to stop.
“Please, leave me alone.”
“What’s got you in a rush?”
“I have a boyfriend waiting for me.”
“And he lets you walk out dressed like that?”
“Excuse me?”
“All I’m saying is that I can treat you real good.”
You scoff and walk in a different direction, away from your apartment. You left the man standing there, hoping that he finally left you alone.
He suddenly appears, “Think you can get away from me? I know when a woman is playing hard to get. I know you want me.”
“Hell no.” You back up. The man grabs your arms, pulling you with him, “Get off of me-!”
One hand comes over your mouth, “Quiet! I’m sure your boyfriend doesn’t mind sharing.” He whispers in your ear.
His voice makes your stomach churn and not in a good way. Every part of your body felt disgusting. You struggled against his grip, dropping the dog food and began kicking and punching.
“Let go of me!”
“Shut up!” He shouts back, throwing you to the ground.
The impact makes you cough. Your eyes shut in pain as you hiss.
“Hey-!” The man’s shout is cut off and all you hear is silence.
You open your eyes and see nothing, the man is no longer standing there, and the dog food is now closer to you.
“What the fuck?” You whisper.
You snatch up the bag and hurry home, not looking back.
“Does this man have any friends or family?”
She scans through many screens, “No, why?”
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Taglist // @neteyamsbulletwound , @cupid-whisprs , @marsyay78 , @lukepattersin , @natthernandez , @brokeb1mbo , @jockteker ,
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t0ast-ghost · 3 months
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home thoughts!!!
Love me some good ol’ treks and I know this is the one with the whales (which reminds me of hitchhikers guide to the galaxy)
Warning for spoiling the whole movie (don’t cry over spoiled movie if you don’t have to! Go watch it for yourself!)
Let’s get going:
- okay Harve Bennett. I see you in the credits.
- I like the Saratoga crew. Too bad they’re probably gonna die immediately
- HIII SAREK!!! God he’s hot I hate him so much
- “Personal bias! His son was saved by Kirk.” His son is also married to Kirk so…
- McCoy got to choose the name of the ship :))
- Kirk’s wearing the same shirt.. oh wait they all are nvm
- Spock on a rock
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- Hi Amanda!
- “Spock, the retraining of your mind has been in the Vulcan way so you may not understand feelings, but as my son, you have them.”
- Amanda trying to tell Spock that his friends care about him so much that they go against what is logical and it mirrors how in journey to babel Spock was not willing to sacrifice the good of the many (the ship) for the good of the one (his father) so I’m wondering if they will have an arc for him realizing that sometimes you want the one and not the many
- I like the problems they keep having with projectors/videos. Or not exactly problems but in the beginning they had to ask multiple times for the video to stop playing and here they are just talking over the transmission in the background. It adds a sense of confusion and havoc that I think makes it delightfully more realistic
- The Bird of Prey is such a beautiful design
- “I did not wish to be shot down on the way to our own funeral.” lol nice Chekov
- Nooo Spock and Saavik don’t have the mentor/mentee vibes anymore :(((
- Kirk really wants Spock to call him Jim… he misses his husband :(
- Bones is right. And then he leaves Kirk with the “That’s what I thought.” And the entire bridge crew is just like ‘don’t engage, look away, the husbands are fighting but just don’t look.’
- The copy pasted Saavik and Amanda
- “Hi. Busy?” McCoy sliding over to Spock
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- McCoy just say you’re happy he’s back. He misses his verbal sparring buddy omg
- “Forgive me, Doctor, I’m receiving a number of distress calls.” McCoy is SHOCKED like, ‘did he just purposely reject me???’ I’m crying
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- sad! Your husband died and now he doesn’t want to fight with you!!
- hi bitch! (It’s Sarek)
- so the transmission is for whales. That’s cool.
- Uhura would make a sick DJ. She’s remixing the whale sounds
- “Bones, you stay here.” “No way. Somebody’s got to keep an eye on him.” He’s trying to look out for his husbands
- love sci fi that is like ‘sea creatures interacting with space hmmm yess I think it will’ cause if you think about it, there’s a lot of sea that is unexplored just like space (yeah I’m talking about HGttG again)
- McCoy DOES NOT want them to travel back in time
- The chaos in the control room with someone on the screen talking over everyone else in the room… perfection
- Sometimes Kirk sounds like Seth Macfarlane
- “You really gonna try time travel in this rust bucket?” “We’ve done it before.” “Sure. Slingshot around the sun, pick up enough speed and you’re in time warp. If you don’t, you’re fried.” “You prefer to do nothing?” “I prefer a dose of common sense. You’re proposing that we go backwards in time, find humpback whales, then bring them froward in time, drop them off, and hope to hell they tell this probe what to go do with itself.” “That’s the general idea.” “Well, that’s crazy.” “You have a better idea? Now’s the time.” Yep. That summarizes it better than I could ever. How McCoy stays married to this man is a mystery
- The command base hears that Kirk is going to time travel and PANICS
- “May fortune favour the foolish.” Good Kirk line
- The ship is actively falling apart
- They’re back in time!
- Sulu lore! he was born in sanfransico or however you spell it
- McCoy trying not to laugh at Spock’s little bandana. Kirk smiles for a second and then remembers himself
- THEYRE IN THE WILD! SET LOSE! Who let them roam free?!
- Winchell’s Donut House. Wonder if that’s still open. Or real. Damn, I want donuts.
- Kirk almost getting run over “Well a double dumbass on you!” And then he throws up his hands omg I love him
- They’re all slaying
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- “The rest of you, break up. You look like a cadet review.” They’re all kinda lost tho
- Spock in the pawn shop is looking like, ‘those were a birthday present from our husband. Why would you give them away :(‘
- Kirk and his powerful skills of deduction. He won’t let Spock just infodump :(
- They’re all really good looking.
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- UHURA AND CHEKOV TEAM UP! Something I didn’t know I needed (I need it)
- NO LITTLE RUSSIAN BOY! Don’t ask for directions from a cop to a nuclear weapons base in the 1980s!
- “No one pays attention to you unless you swear every other word.” WELL. Okay. I’m not offended. At all.
- Spock frowning at the whales dying on the screen
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- “To hunt a species to extinction is not logical.” There’s a lot of times you think ‘Vulcans can be emotionless which could equal cruelty’ but looking at this, humans with emotions turn out more cruel because that is an emotion. We want and are greedy. It’s surprising that Vulcans are friends with humans because of just how much illogical carnage we have wrought. Anyway.
- Hey Jim. Where’s Spock?
- Kirk becoming more and more worried that he can’t find Spock. And then he turns around AND HES IN THE TANK.. this is why McCoy wants to come along. Jim cannot watch him well enough
- Spock’s ass can’t believe he went in there to mind meld with the whales
- Sopping wet Spock
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- “The hell they did.” SPOCK SWEAR OMG
- “Can’t you remember?” “The hell I can’t.” I love him so much, he’s being a little shit, this is on purpose. I think writers should let him say hell and other expletives more often
- “Oh come on, Bob! I don’t know about you, but my compassion for someone is not limited to my estimate of their intelligence.” DID YALL IN THE BACK HEAR THIS???
- Uhura and Chekov on the beach with the seagulls
- Gillian’s got a “I ❤️ whales” sticker on her truck. I love her.
- “I think he did a little to much LDS.” I think Kirk meant to say Spock does LSD? I’m assuming?
- This lady just picked up two husbands trying to save the whales.. that’s very lucky for her
- “Are you sure it isn’t time for a colourful metaphor.” LET SPOCK SAY FUCK
- “You guys like Italian?” Spock and Kirk proceeding to fight by saying no and yes repeatedly is my favourite
- They’re just letting Scotty and McCoy roam around???
- I love McCoy and Scotty improvising together, and Scotty going off and getting upset
- “May my assistant join us?” “Don’t bury yourself in the part.”
- Sulu just gets to nerd out about helicopters
- McCoy sitting on any and all surfaces like it’s a chair. Scotty joining him.
- McCoy handing Scotty the mouse like he’s so proud of himself
- McCoy’s got his ✨dazzling✨ eyes on rn
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- “We’d be altering the future.” “Well, how do you know he didn’t invent the thing.” Scotty. That’s not how time travel works.
- So basically McCoy gets Jim and Spock out of trouble but gets into trouble when he’s with Scotty
- THEYRE JUST LEAVING SPOCK IN THE PARK oh wait he’s going to the ship
- Get yourself a partner who would cry over whales
- “I’m from Iowa, I only work in outer space.” This man smh
- Oh no. Get Chekov out of there. Holy shit.
- “Must be the radiation.” He proceeds to throw the phaser at the guy and then runs out the door
- Gillian not afraid to slap Bob over whales
- Did- did Sulu steal a helicopter? Yes. Yes he did.
- Gillian sees Spock with his ears and eyebrows and she’s like ‘yeah makes sense’
- “Admiral, may I suggest that Dr. McCoy is correct?” Spock agrees with McCoy. 208 dead, 15 injured
- Gillian is surrounded by the polycule. She just wants her whales to be safe.
- McCoy is literally the best. He saw this person suffering and then immediately helped
- “Uh, excuse me, we’ll take that.” They steal the gurney and Gillian immediately hops onto it. I love her.
- “This woman has immediate postprandial upper abdominal distension.” “What did you say she’s got?” “Cramps” McCoy saw the security and went ‘Yep they’re stupid’ he didn’t even bother with a proper lie
- In an argument between a 20th century doctor and McCoy, I would bet McCoy any and every time
- I love when McCoy is just.. appalled at old medicine
- Chekov slowly regaining awareness and he lifts his head only for Kirk to push his face down with a, ‘not now, Pavel.’
- I like how the crew right now have been using Chekov’s first name and are protective of him.
- Sulu immediately being there to help Chekov get back on the ship 🥺🥺🥺
- This woman is so into whales that she would time travel for them
- Is McCoy sitting on the console and leaning over it to talk to talk to Spock? Yes, yes he is.
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- “Well, then you’re just gonna have to take your best shot.” “Best shot?” “Guess, Spock.” “Guessing is not in my nature, Doctor.” “Well, nobody’s perfect.” He lets that last line drawl and then stares at Spock for a little too long. That’s flirting.
- That was the most intense countdown. I felt like something might happen to the whales within those ten seconds and I was worried
- “So I will make a… guess.” McCoy is rubbing off on Spock
- “No, Spock. He [Kirk] means that he feels safer about your guesses than most other people’s facts.” Hehe
- She was so happy just staring at her whales but then Kirk goes and interrupts that
- “I belong here, I am a whale biologist.” They are so lucky that they ran into someone THIS interested in whales
- McCoy resists the urge to just look at Spock when they’re travelling back to their time
- I like how there’s a hatch leading outside on the bridge… of a spaceship.
- forgot how hot Kirk’s poofy sleeves are
- They have a scene where everyone just gets absolutely drenched
- I’m so glad they didn’t have subtitles for the whales and probes. It’s more realistic for the universe. Starfleet doesn’t know what they’re saying, the crew doesn’t know what they’re saying, we shouldn’t know what they’re saying. It’s not how the universe works.
- They’re cheering for whales. I love when people cheer for things
- They’re all playing in the water omg this is adorable
- hi bitch (Sarek)
- Jim walks in with McCoy right behind him and Spock goes to join them from where he’s sitting
- I love Scotty’s little moustache it’s so :<
- McCoy is NOT listening, he’s got like nyan cat theme playing in his head
- I think McCoy should run up to Spock and Kirk and get them to kiss here
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- Scott and Sulu arguing over which ship they think they’ll get <3
- McCoy is leaning so sluttily on the new bridge
The credits just showing pictures of each of the cast is adorable
See ya on the flip flop
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buttercupjosh · 6 months
Seasons of Love
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(Gif credit to @youmustlovehim)
Word count: 2,772
Genres: strangers to lovers to exes, a little bittersweet
Warnings: none
A/N: I’ve had pieces of details of this fic in mind for a while and I started to slowly write it out over the past few months. This title comes from Seasons of Love from the musical RENT, although there’s nothing in the story connects to specific details from that. The story is not based off of anything specific, just a plot that had been simmering in me for some time. It’s not set at a specific moment in time (It’s taking place in a fictional future but you could also say that it’s set this season. However, the season is still ongoing at the moment and anything can happen or change). It’s written with a female reader in mind because I’m a female of color but the reader doesn’t specifically have to be a POC or a woman and there’s little dialogue. As always, I’m open to any and all feedback, comments or questions; just put them in my inbox or dm me. Thank you so much in advance for reading, I appreciate it😌
(P.S. I have other stories (linked here) that I have written for other players as well if you want to check it out)
““How do you measure a year in the life? How about love?” -Seasons of Love from the RENT musical soundtrack
“Excuse me, is this a good book to read?” a deep accented voice asks you.
“Dune? For sure, it’s an epic story,” you reply.
“Do you think I could finish it in 4 days?” the voice asks.
“4 days? Unless you’re an Olympian at reading and processing complex storylines, I’d say it might take you close to 4 weeks or even 4 months to read it all,” you respond.
“Oh,” the voice says in defeat, “what do you recommend then?”
You list off some sci-fi recs for the towering cute man and he takes your suggestions into mind before deciding to get a copy of We, a novel written by his fellow countryman Yevgeny Zamyatin.
“I’ve never read that one,” you chimed.
“Should we start a book club then so you can read it?” the voice asks with a chuckle.
“Um, how can I start a book club with someone whose name I don’t even know?”
Slightly embarrassed, the voice introduces himself as Andrei and you introduce yourself to him as you shake hands. His hand in yours felt so comforting for someone you just met under an hour ago. Andrei was impressed that you knew so much about books. One of his New Year’s resolutions was to read more so that’s how he ended up at Barnes and Noble talking to you. You were at the store, just looking around for something new to read, and stumbled into the sci-fi section before checking out with your new copy of Happy Place by Emily Henry.
“So are we starting this book club then, Andrei?” you slyly ask.
Andrei wanted to have someone as a reading buddy to discuss reading with him (the other guys on the team weren’t as into reading as him) and it didn’t hurt that he had someone who knew a lot about literature right in front of him so he agreed to it.
“As long as you read “We” with me, please?” Andrei charmingly requested.
Although sci-fi wasn’t your thing at the moment, you couldn’t quite say no to the man with big brown doe eyes so you grabbed a copy off the shelf. Before going over the parameters of the newly formed book club, Andrei kindly paid for both of your books and you decided to discuss the rules in the cafe located inside of the store.
You and Andrei sat in a semi-secluded booth towards the back of the cafe and began sharing some of your backstories with each other over drinks and muffins. Andrei was again impressed by your educational background of holding an MFA in Creative Writing from NC State and your job as an adjunct English professor at Wake Tech Community College; it definitely explained your love of reading but your dream was to move to New York and become an author one day. You were working on a manuscript for a cute romance novel but still had a lot of things to do before it was ready to be presented to a publisher. The professor job was just a placeholder until you finished up your manuscript and saved up enough money to get a literary agent; you loved writing as much as you loved reading but getting your foot in the door in the writing industry was rough. You listened to Andrei as he told his story about his life and how he ended up in America through his hockey career. You and Andrei were both curious about each other and asked so many questions to each other for such a long time that you didn’t even notice that the store was going to close. Neither of you wanted your time together to end but you both had lives to get to outside of the store. You both laughed when you realized that you and Andrei spent so much time getting to know each other that not once throughout your conversation did you discuss the rules of the book club. Before leaving, you and Andrei exchanged numbers. You both agreed to read the first 50 pages and scheduled to meet up at a different cafe to discuss what you read so far in two weeks.
Within a year, the book club didn’t last long but it did lead to you and Andrei being in constant contact with each other. Due to both of your schedules, neither of you really had the time to sit down and have deep intellectual discussions about what you read; you both did end up finishing reading We but you finished it at different paces. Being the book lover you are, you completed the book first but Andrei finished reading the book while on the road and he wanted to discuss the ending with you so bad that he surprisingly FaceTime called you. That one FaceTime call with Andrei turned into a long series of texts, phone calls, and more FaceTime calls and eventually spending time together offline. You and Andrei considered each other to be just friends but that friendship eventually turned into you falling for each other.
Andrei was a hot commodity around Raleigh and in Russia with his DMs bursting at the seams but he only had eyes for you. He had never fallen in love with someone the way that he did for you; being with you was different than what he was used to but it worked in the best way. You knew the risks and chaos of being with a busy, famous athlete but Andrei was worth all of it. You blended and adjusted well into the hockey romantic partner lifestyle and Andrei even taught you how to ice skate. Despite the busyness of your lives, you and Andrei still showed up for and made time for each other, even if it was something as small as meeting up at your place for a post-afternoon game milkshake from The Shiny Diner or as big as taking Andrei as your date to your work holiday party. Whenever you had the time, you and Andrei created fun, everlasting memories together. A somewhat sweet memory that Andrei would always remember was when on one cold evening, you wanted to surprise your Russian boyfriend by attempting to make him borscht, a traditional Eastern European soup that was his favorite comfort food. The soup did not come well at all so you and Andrei ended up ordering Panera Bread to warm your bones. Although the soup you made tasted unpleasant, Andrei appreciated the fact that you took the time and effort to learn something from his culture and did that from your heart. The poetic thing about your relationship was that you patiently understood each other, despite the language and culture barrier; your relationship just worked like two puzzle pieces clicking together into place.
As the flowers bloomed around Raleigh, the school year for you ended on a good note and unsurprisingly, the Canes made playoffs. Deep into your manuscript writing, Andrei surprised you with a trip to New York after the Canes were eliminated from playoffs. You and Andrei were already spending the entire off-season together so this trip wasn’t a necessity but it was a nice thing to do.
Your time in New York was amazing and full of love, fun, and plenty of delicious food. While you were in the City, you took the opportunity to meet with some potential literary agents and publishers; although your manuscript was about 90 percent done, it didn’t hurt to check those things out. Andrei was supportive of you and your dreams but he selfishly wished that those dreams didn’t include moving to New York and that you would stay in Raleigh and have a life with him there. He had already known his future was tightly connected to the City of Oaks but you had a desire to create a future somewhere else. You knew these dreams of yours could possibly involve leaving the love of your life; neither of you tried not to dwell too hard on the stress and pressure that those dreams added to your relationship. You also knew the publishing industry was cutthroat and competitive and that there was no guarantee that your book would be picked up by a top publisher but those realities didn’t stop you from at least trying to take the steps towards that dream.
Outside of this pressure, you and Andrei still made the best of your time in NYC. You also loved musical theater so of course, you had to catch a Broadway show. Andrei, being the amazing boyfriend that he is, actually secured tickets for the two of you to see Hamilton at the Richard Rogers Theater. You had watched the live stage production on Disney+ and knew the entire soundtrack; Andrei went into the show blindly, only remembering bits and pieces from the songs that you played around him. Seeing Hamilton live on Broadway was a great experience that you both enjoyed. You and Andrei got to see New York City in a different light; you got to explore more of the city that you longed to call home and Andrei got to see more of the city as a true tourist. This entire trip was something that you both would forever cherish.
Not long after you left New York, you went to Russia for the first time to meet and spend time with his family and friends and to see the place that made Andrei into the man that you love. You learned more about Russian culture, Andrei’s childhood, and even was a guest at his cousin’s wedding. Andrei’s friends and family approved of you as a person and they liked you with him; they could all tell how truly in love you were with each other. You also spent some time together in Turkey and around Europe for some much-needed relaxation; you got to see the beautiful blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea in Greece, eat authentic handmade pasta in Italy, and kiss your lover in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
Traveling around with Andrei made you feel like you were the protagonist of a great summer read. Speaking of reading, Andrei still maintained his goal of reading more books, reading just about anything and everything, and even started to recommend things for you to read. Before you would fall asleep at night, you would share with each other a fact or synopsis of something that you read that day.
While Andrei was occupied with his off-season training during the day, you applied for publishing jobs, presented your finally completed manuscript to several literary agents, and ended up securing one. It was relieving to officially have a literary agent to represent you but the next biggest hurdle was the painstaking editing process and waiting for your work to be picked up by the right publisher.
After the bliss of the off-season ended, it was time for the hustle and bustle of your teaching job and hockey season to return. About 2 weeks before preseason started, you and Andrei moved in together. It was exciting to get to live with your lover and spend even more time (whenever you could) with him. It was also nice that you got to add your style to the place and make it your own; having a home also meant that you could host your friends, Andrei’s teammates, and sometimes family for holidays and events and create more cherished memories together. Being a hopeless romantic who loved romance novels, you had always wondered who would be the man to sweep you off your feet but you sort of already knew that man was Andrei.
A fun memory that you made together was the Sunday before the season opener, you and Andrei took a trip to a local corn maze with a pumpkin patch to take cute couple photos together and to also check it out. These photos would be added into some of the new picture frames and a scrapbook of memories in your shared home. The photographer did an excellent job, capturing the love that flowed between you in still moments. For the rest of your time, you wandered around the corn maze, hand-in-hand, with your lovely boyfriend. The infamous oak trees in Raleigh began to shed their leaves and the year began inching closer and closer towards the end.
Winter part 2
One snowy morning, you got an email from McGraw Hill, offering you a job as an educational copy editor in their NYC office. You couldn’t believe it, you were on the path of working at a publisher and hopefully, one day getting your book published; all that you had been working so hard for was starting to pay off in tremendous ways. The only issue that was concerning you was breaking the news to Andrei. You knew he would be happy for you but you also knew what the next steps were. You tried to hold in your tears but after practice, Andrei came home to you crying. He immediately dropped his stuff and concerningly asked you what was wrong. You explained to Andrei that you were crying joyfully over the news you received. Words couldn’t describe how proud Andrei was for you so he picked you up and spun you around in happiness.
“I’m so proud of you, my love,” Andrei repeated as he peppered kisses around your face.
He was truly proud of you but the ecstasy of the good news came with the most painful come down. Andrei didn’t want you to move to New York but he had already known for a while that you wanted to leave. He did try to convince you to stay and he hoped for months that you would change your mind but you didn’t so he helped you pack some of your things. Andrei couldn’t help you move up there so he entrusted Nykki, Martin Necas’ girlfriend, to help you settle into your new home and life, more than 500 miles away from the address you once shared.
You and Andrei did try dating long distance but your relationship unfortunately didn’t last very long. Between the responsibilities of your new job, revising over your manuscript, trying to get your book published somewhere, and Andrei’s hectic hockey schedule, you began to drift apart from each other and the physical distance between you didn’t help either. You enjoyed living in New York and you did miss each other from time to time but Andrei knew it would be unfair to ask you to give up on your dreams to come back to Raleigh and be with him. Despite not dating anymore, you and Andrei talked occasionally but not as frequently as it was when you first met and still remained friends. It was okay that the relationship had run its course because it taught you both a lot about love. Andrei came into your life for a season and those seasons you shared together were full of so much undeniable light and love. The love that you shared was different from the romance novels you read but your relationship wrote its own beautiful story.
Before catching his flight to Miami for the NHL All-Star break, Andrei went into the bookstore at Raleigh-Durham International Airport to look for a book to read on his flight. In the book section, he spotted Seasons of Love, written by you with a New York Times Bestseller sticker on the cover. Over the years, Andrei had heard some things about your novel in passing but he purposely avoided reading the book because the breakup was a bit painful for him. After you achieved getting your book published, you wanted to send Andrei a signed copy but decided against it because you weren’t sure if he would actually read the story and didn’t want to come across as pretentious either. He debated back and forth about getting the book before finally asking a store employee about their opinion about it.
“I read that one. It’s a fictional story but I heard it’s loosely based on a true story about the author’s relationship with some cool guy. It’s a super good read if you like romance," said the store employee.
Hearing what the store employee said about your book made Andrei’s heart warm a little and he purchased it as his read for his trip. After returning back to Raleigh, conveniently, there was a book signing by a familiar author at a local Barnes and Noble that Andrei decided to attend. Although Andrei didn’t get his happy ending with you in real life, you sure gave him one with the words that you wrote on the page.
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songs and quotes for the muse ☆ ( under the cut )
tagged by: stole from @spiritdreamt tagging: youuuuu
five SONGS for my muse:
scrawny by wallows: Still wear the same shoes I did back then / I'd switch it up but I don't like change / Scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle / I say the wrong shit at the right times, If I'm offending them I don't mind / You don't like my clothes but you still like my smile / They might think they're cooler than me by a mile / I can still have wisdom and look like a child.
i don't smoke by mitski: I don't smoke except for when I'm missing you / So if you need to be mean be mean to me, I can take it and put it inside of me / if your hands need to break more than trinkets in your room, you can lean on my arm as you break my heart / just don't leave me alone, wondering where you are / I am stronger than you give me credit for
look who's inside again by bo burnham: trying to be funny and stuck in a room / try making faces, try telling jokes, making little sounds / I was a kid who was stuck in his room. there isn't much more to say about it / when you're a kid and you're stuck in your room you'll do any old shit to get out of it / Well, well look who's inside again / went out to look for a reason to hide again / well, well buddy, you found it / now, come out with your hands up. we've got you surrounded
seventeen going under by sam fender: I remember the sickness was forever / That's the thing, it lingers and claws you when you're down / I was far too scared to hit him but I would hit him in a heartbeat now / see I spent my teens enraged, spiralin' in silence / and I armed myself with a grin 'cause I was always the fuckin' joker, buried in their humor / God, the kid looks so sad / I see my mother
sloppy seconds by watsky: I don't care where you've been, how many miles, I still love you / show me someone who says they got no baggage, I'll show you somebody whose got no story / my favorite sweater was a present that I got a couple presidents ago and I promised that I would rock it till it's thread bare / every single person gotta couple skeletons / and there is not a single place that I would rather be / I'm fucked up just like you are, and you're fucked up just like me
five QUOTES for my muse:
“I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless and they don’t want anyone else to feel like that.” - Robin Williams
“When Mom scolded you freely, you more frequently called her Mom. The word ‘Mom’ is familiar and it hides a plea: Please look after me. Please stop yelling at me and stroke my head; please be on my side, whether I’m right or wrong. You never stopped calling her Mom.” — Kyung-sook Shin, Please Look After Mom
"I want you to know that it is okay not to love me. [ … ] You are not the first person. I want you to know that you are not the first who found it a little too tough, who took two steps back when my jaws started snapping."
"Oh, I could call you names now. List a hundred reasons for why you were awful. But what would that do? Where would it leave me? I still loved you. I still have to live with that."
“in a dream I saw my mother with the love of her life and no children; it was the happiest i'd ever seen her" ―  Rupi Kaur, The sun and her flowers
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phantomphangphucker · 5 months
Phic Phight - Too Fine Too Be Normal
@lexosaurus @hannahmanderr @zombiemerlin
When outsiders have to deal with any member of the weirdo trio it really is best to just roll with the punches. Plus, Orson actually LIKES his techy internet buddy; so what if he’s some kind of superhero pharaoh or something?
Orson blinks at his screen, not for the first time feeling confused and baffled over TooFine’s chat comments.
TooFine: brb gotta go eat a bat, nightshade found the plant paint I covered her fruit tree in
He’s assuming what the guy means is that ‘nightshade’, TooFine’s friend, is trying to hit him with a baseball bat. Strange and extreme but at least this time he’s not claiming to have ‘accidentally fallen into another dimension’. Whenever TooFine leaves suddenly it’s always wildy outlandish stories. Certainly there’s no way he thinks Orson actually believes them right? Yes it was very funny anyways. Reading TF’s impressive imagination always made him feel a little better about life, like even if your life is simple and plain you can bring some crazy into it with your mind.
Sometimes though, it’s clear he’s actually telling the truth, like that one time they were on voice chat and Orson dad popped in to try and convince him to let him teach him how to hunt again, Orson liked meat but he had zero desire to actually go and kill things. But TF started talking guns too, apparently that thing about TF’s in person friend having parents who made weapons was very much true. TF impressed Orson’s dad, meaning his dad now approved of the friendship. At least TF didn’t bring up that ‘ectoplasm’ stuff while his dad was around, the last thing Orson wanted was his dad thinking all his online friends were crazy too. His dad definitely didn’t believe the claim that TF’s friends parents also had a modified military vehicle they used on the actual road; something about how military treads can’t be used on roads because they’re too damaging. TF followed that up with ‘our roads can withstand some pretty heavy artillery’, Orson’s chuckle and eye roll probably convinced his dad that TF was screwing around with him a little.
Either way, hopefully TF gets back in time to keep helping him with this stupid drone he’s trying to build. He’d love to be able to go get the mail without having to actually go outside, so much wasted effort when he’d rather be gaming or reading. Then he gets a voice chat request, the voice that comes through is not TF’s
“Oh shit hey, you actually picked up, wow I can’t believe he made an outsider friend. Weird”, this new teen clears his throat, “okay so, Nightshade actually might have knocked him out in a fit of rage? So he’ll be a bit- hey! No! Put that down! You don’t get to hit him again just because I’m protecting his PDA!”.
TF actually used a PDA? Such old tech? Why? Weird.
“Emilie is PINK! PINK!”.
The boy teen groans, “ugh. Goths. Anyway, while he’s out, he give you any ideas for a good birthday gift? I’ve been banned from giving him weapons or explosives, and the last time I got him a souped up hard drive he hacked the federal government and filed the presidents taxes for some insane reason”.
Orson blinks, “I think he’s been talking a lot about electric cars and electric bikes? What happened after he… did the presidents taxes?”. He really just wants to know where this guy was going to take that level of bullshit.
“I’d rather ideas that don’t require me to steal my rich arch enemy uncles credit card. And eh, nothing much, just got abducted by some secret service folks up into the Appalachian mountains for some ‘one on one’ talks time. He got some new wicked scars out of it even, one looks like a hockey stick! I don’t even have one like that yet! But hey, what’s life without a few abductions here and there? The gov loves shooting me!”.
Orson makes a face, alright so were TF’s friends just as bad as him? Shaking his head, “get him a lock picking kit then, in case anyone abducts him with handcuffs or something”. What the actual hell? He absolutely has to google this.
“Oh that’s not bad-oh hey buddy! You good? No lumps and bumps? No booboos or owies?”.
“You jerk, I’m fine. Why is she still armed!”.
“Emile. Is. PINK”.
“It suits her!”.
“She’s a black apple tree! Pink is never her colour!”.
Oh so the goth did actually name her plants, odd but not insane. And yeah, a hacker did actually do the presidents taxes… weird. There’s no way that was actually TF right? Was he friends with an actual hacker?
“Oh T I totally voice called, or whatever, your online buddy? It seemed like the chat was recent and shit so you know”.
“Man, you are way too overprotective and way too much of a mother hen for a dead guy. Gimme that”.
“Hey at least dead hens can shoot laser beams out of their mouths, way cooler than living ones”.
TF clearly has his… PDA back, “you’re still working on that ‘let me be lazy’ drone right?”.
Orson blinks, “yes, but real talk, did you actually file the presidents taxes?”.
“Oh my zone! DP you shit head! Ugh, look the guy was trying to embezzle my towns funding to buy another yacht, so I figured hey why not forcibly report all his off shore accounts and that weird charity donation to a Russian network. I also might have gone after all his staff too? They weren’t impressed but I call anarchy and how was I supposed to know his people would actually not suck at tracking people?”.
“T, dude, I’m pretty sure the federal government and the goddamn president have better tracking than those G.I.W. morons”.
“Are you going to fix Emilie or what!”.
Orson flips through google results a little more and yeah, a ton of people got hacked for taxes… Hell Orson even stumbles on a whistle blower data leak about ties to Russia that he nopes out of real quick. “TF bud, that’s super concerning”.
“Heh. Fair enough and- oh shit!”. There’s an actual explosion over the line. “Hey, you wanna actually witness shit for a change, because good goddamn. DP! Have you been skipping sleep again! Why is the goddamn sleep god throwing a building at us!”.
You know what.
Fuck it.
Orson sends the zoom invite, it’s accepted immediately. It’s actual pure chaos. There’s shouting, what looks like a sentient star cover blank wearing a mask in the sky, a glowing black and white teen throwing actual everything forbid bath bombs at the thing in the sky. TF looks like he’s from freaking ancient Egypt, with a helm on and everything. Then a bunch of glowing vines shove TF out of screen, a girl in a green and black body suit with a freaking cape chasing after.
For a second he’s wondering if TF is playing a massive prank on him and somehow created a hyper realistic superhero show set up. The… PDA is pointed up at the sky as the voice of the guy who started the voice chat shouts, “I HAVE MIDTERMS! WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO!”.
The blanket creature shouting back, “SLEEP!”.
“Oh yeah I guess I should have seen that one coming”.
Okay so. TF’s friend, whose parents make weapons, is a superhero or something? Google to the rescue.
TF shouts, “why are you stabbing me! There’s a god in the sky! Fight him!”.
“Naw, UnderGrowth actually likes Nocturne, since sleeping humans aren’t actively polluting Mother Nature”.
“Fuck that stupid grass stain”.
“I’m going to end you”.
Orson blinks at his phone, DP, Danny Phantom. A real person, in a real town, that looked like a real superhero. It’s that rumoured haunted town actually, a real haunted town. What the actual hell? Is he friends with a superhero or sidekick? Who’s also a hacker? And eats a concerning amount of meat without getting sick somehow? Has all the stories he’s been getting, and not reacting strongly too, been real??? Alright, okay, gotta play it cool self. He probably actually thought Orson was taking him seriously and has decided that Orson passed some kind of weirdness meter test. This was basically almost an identity reveal wasn’t it? Holy crap he’s involved in a real life comic book secret identity reveal.
The ‘Nocturne’ guy gets blasted into a wall, DP pelting It with eggs he got from somewhere. The Nocturne holding up a massive canister over Its head, “YOU WILL FAIL IF YOU DO NOT SLEEP!”.
“Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit”, TF comes sorta back on screen, grabbing up his PDA, the ‘facial markings’ don’t look like make up, it looks like it’s part of his skin. “Okay okay, so that right up there is a massive thing of halothane vapour from the looks of it, fun. So we’re all probably gonna pass out here, feel free to disconnect if shit gets boring”.
Orson squeaks a little, “boring? You get up to some insane shit. Why is a… sleep god? Trying to knock y’all out?”. Roll with the punches, gotta roll with the punches. Freak out later.
TF snickers, “DP doesn’t get enough sleep and has been frustrating this ghost since he formed. God’s am I right? Ha!”.
“Get back here you!”.
“Oh for crying out loud! I’ll fix your freaking plant okay! Ugh!”. TF gets smacked into a wall all by the plant girl anyways.
Orson eyes the parts of his drone before looking back to the screen, “why are you helping a random friend you made, build a drone when this crap is going on?”. Because it seriously has to be asked.
TF uses sand to push himself out of the wall rubble, “eh, normalicy is nice and shit, plus you’re impressively chill. I bring up sneaking into a death gods liquor cabinet and you just give me a ‘that’s nice, have fun. Don’t hospitalise yourself’. Sure, Red’s chill but she’s more DP’s friend”, smirking, “and his ex, plus she rides a hoverboard and shoots ghosts so…”.
Oh okay, so there’s a fourth one. This is completely insane. Whelp. Guess he’s in it now though. Orson shrugging, “I’ve always been a pretty laid back guy, though this is definitely the craziest thing I’ve seen. Way worse than that chic on drugs or something who was trying to bite people”.
“Oh yeah drugs are bad, way worse than hacking regardless what the government has to say about it”.
Then the canister explodes, giving Orson a serious anxiety spike as bits of metal impale in things and gas starts going everywhere. DP actually does a comedic salute in the air before just falling to the ground. The Nocturne guy looks very pleased with Itself and actually wraps around the probably unconscious teen, hissing at the plant girl when she tries to approach.
TF cringing, “stupid obsessive ghosts. DP looks like he’s been bent like a shrimp”, TF moving his PDA camera and yeah the black and white teens position is kinda shrimp like.
All Orson can think to say is, “great, now I’m hungry”.
TF laughing while hurling a fist full of sand, “HA! Yeah sushi would be great right now”.
“You disgust me”.
Was it normal for ‘villains’ to seemingly baby heroes? Because that’s what this looks like. Nocturne literally just wants the black and white teen to sleep, that’s it. Weird. And then freaking pillow monsters??? Start storming the screen, TF and Nightshade/plant girl doing battle with them. The zoom gets cut out so Orson is just going to assume the device got broke.
That happened.
One question, well many really, but why is someone so tech focused going with a freaking Egyptian theme? Nightshade made sense, he’s pretty sure even her ‘code name’ is actually a plant. And DP was, well, a literal ghost so the Phantom name made sense. Weird that ghosts were actually real still. Yes he’s seen some stuff about them on the news occasionally but it still seemed so far fetched. And he’s pretty sure he saw some people dressed up as DP at last years comic con.
Very weird.
Well. Nothing for it now. So he sends TF a message asking if he’s good. It takes multiple hours but….
TooFine: we’re good, DP’s still out cold and has been abducted into a sleep gods lair but like, we good. Sleepy Blanket won’t try to skin him like some people.
OriOri: that’s good? I mean, his skin would probably make a poor blanket?
TooFine: HA! Thats the kinda joke DP would make! He’ll be proud
TooFine: he’ll be proud whenever he wakes up
TooFine: and when Sleepy Blanket stops acting like a crazy dragon protecting its horde
TooFine: and when he finds his way back to the land of living
OriOri: it’ll be a while
TooFine: good. He really should sleep more
TooFine: the dumbass
OriOri: if he gets so little his pissed off god then yeah. That’s impressive actually
TooFine: you have no idea. Anyways, tots sorry for dipping on your little project. I’d offer Techy’s services as make up but he’s an idiot with newer tech
Orson has no clue who that is and isn’t going to ask.
OriOri: at this point I’m more curious why the heck you went with an Egyptian theme for a guy who hacks the federal gov and makes visual horror games
TooFine: eh, it would be kinda weird if a reincarnated pharaoh wasn’t Egyptian themed, you know how it is. Technically you don’t but you know you know
Orson sighs, this was so weird. But he is so not going to let on that he never believe the shit TF said.
OriOri: I guess? Now do you know how to better connect female usb c to an hdmi, cause it’s pissing me off
TooFine: *snort*
TooFine: but of course I do. Debendint on how far you need the connection to work you might have to bike something from scratch. I tots got blueprints and they are definitely not stolen from the fbi terror investigations unit. Definitely not.
Orson was probably going to get arrested one day because of this, but screw it, TF was fun to talk too and made his mostly boring life more interesting. Not interesting enough to ever consider moving to the guys nightmare town though. Not a chance in Hell.
Prompts: Tucker fucked up. Hard. But it’s like, how the hell was he supposed to know that hacking the federal government was a bad idea? Nocturne takes a liking to Danny and decides to help teach him a lesson, whether Danny wants it or not. Outsider POV. Tucker makes a new online acquaintance, and will casually allude to the crazy shit he and his friends get up to while ghost hunting. The new acquaintance thinks Tucker is just embellishing the truth, until…
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anonymousewrites · 1 year
Clan of Three (Book 1) Chapter Nine
Father Figure! Mandalorian/Din Djarin x Teen! Reader
Chapter Nine: The Team
Summary: (Y/N) and Mando have to team up with other people and aren't enjoying themselves.
            “So, what’s this job?” asked (Y/N) as Mando flew towards a spaceport.
            “I’ll get the details once we arrive,” said Mando.
            “You have no idea?” asked (Y/N), raising an eyebrow.
            “I’ve worked with Ran before,” said Mando. “And we need the credits.”
            “What do you want me to do?” said (Y/N), leaning forward.
            “Put the Child in the compartment at the back of the Razorcrest,” said Mando. “And stick close.”
            “Right,” said (Y/N), standing up and picking up the Child. He babbled questioningly at them as they carried him to the back compartment. “Sorry, buddy, you need to stay here for a little. Just take a nap. You like those.” (Y/N) closed the door and found Mando opening the hull doors.
            (Y/N) stayed by his side as they walked down into the spaceport. People were going about their business around them, but it was clear this place wasn’t exactly on the right side of the law.
            “Mando,” greeted an older man with a beard. “Is that you under that bucket?” He extended a hand, and Mando shook it.
            “Ran,” he greeted.
            “And who’s your friend?” said Ran, smiling and leaning towards (Y/N).
            They looked at Mando, and he nodded. “(Y/N),” they said, refusing to extend their hand.
            Ran was unperturbed and addressed Mando again. “I didn’t really know if I’d ever see you in these parts again. Good to see you. You know, to be honest, I was a little surprised when you reached out to me. You know, ‘cause I…I hear things. Like maybe things between you and the Guild aren’t workin’ out.”
            “I’ll be fine,” said Mando.
            “Okay. Well, you know the policy. No questions,” said Ran. “And you, you’re welcome back here anytime.”
            This explains why Mando wanted a job from him. He won’t ask what trouble Mando is in, thought (Y/N).
            “So, what’s the job?” asked Mando.
            “Yeah, one of our associates ran afoul of some competitors and got himself caught,” said Ran. “So I’m puttin’ together a crew to spring him.”
            (Y/N) furrowed their brow. Something itched at their mind, and a feeling of distrust settled in them. They shook it off, attributing it to their general distrust of people now and the fact that Ran wasn’t in legal business, but it took a while to fade away.
            “It’s a five person job. I got four. Don’t worry, kid, we’re always happy to have more hands on deck,” said Ran. He gestured to the Razorcrest. “All I need is the right, and you brought it, Mando.”
            “The ship wasn’t part of the deal,” said Mando.
            “Well, the Crest is the only reason I let you back in here,” said Ran. Mando turned towards him, his head tilted dangerously. “What’s with the look? Is that gratitude?” questioned Ran, becoming serious.
            Now the itch had grown in (Y/N)’s mind. Ran could not be trusted, and they had very little doubt that he wouldn’t betray Mando in some way.
            Ran chuckled suddenly, breaking the tension. “Uh-huh. I think it is.” He walked off, leaving Mando and (Y/N) beside the Razorcrest.
            “We can’t trust him,” murmured (Y/N) quietly. Mando looked down at them. “I know it.”
            “We’ll be careful,” said Mando, nodding.
            He almost reached out, but he remembered the look on their face when Ran had tried to shake their hand. Clearly, they didn’t like physical touch and only put up with in when absolutely necessary, like in fights or when Mando asked for it during the job on Tatooine. He winced inwardly. He hadn’t meant to make them uncomfortable, and he’d refrain from further physical touch if (Y/N) showed similar signs of discomfort around him. He hadn’t done anything outside of what was necessary, yet, so he wasn’t sure how they’d react, but he’d stop himself until they seemed comfortable.
            “Mando! (Y/N),” called Ran. “Come meet the team!” They caught back up to him as he walked over to a corner of the docking room. “Hey, Mayfeld,” said Ran.
            A bald man with a gun strapped to his back turned from packing some weapons up. “Yeah?”
            “This is Mando, the guy I was tellin’ you about,” said Ran. “We used to do jobs way back when.”
            “This is the guy?” Mayfeld made a show of not seeming impressed.
            “Yeah, we were all young, tryin’ to make a name for ourselves,” said Ran. He chuckled. “Yeah, but runnin’ with a Mandalorian, that was…That brought us some reputation.”
            “Oh, yeah? What did he get out of it?” questioned Mayfeld.
            “I asked him that one time. You remember what you said, Mando?” laughed Ran. Mando didn’t respond, but Ran spoke anyways. “ ‘Target practice.’ We did some crazy stuff, didn’t we?”
            “That was a long time ago,” said Mando. (Y/N) suspected he didn’t look back at it quite as fondly as Ran did.
            “Who’s the kid?” asked Mayfeld, jerking his head at (Y/N).
            “(Y/N),” they said shortly, crossing their arms.
            “Kriff, you’re young to be doing this,” he remarked sneeringly.
            “Try to keep up, old man,” retorted (Y/N).
            Mayfeld scoffed. “You sure you can handle this?”
            “They’re my Foundling,” said Mando firmly. (Y/N) glanced at him, wondering what it meant.
            “The hell does that mean?” scoffed Mayfeld.
            Ran waved a hand. “Some Mandalorian thing. No point arguing over it.” He turned to Mando. “Mayfeld, he’s gonna run point on this job. If he says it, it’s like it’s comin’ from me. You good with that?”
            “You tell me,” said Mando.
            Ran laughed, ignoring the tension. “You haven’t changed one bit.”
            “Yeah, well, things have changed around here,” said Mayfeld.
            “Mayfeld, he’s one of the best triggermen I’ve ever seen,” said Ran. “Former Imperial Sharpshooter.”
            (Y/N)’s blood ran cold, and they tried to push away the sinking feeling in their stomach. Mayfeld was still untrustworthy, but he was former imperial. Not anymore.
            “That’s not saying much,” said Mando.
            “I wasn’t a stormtrooper, wiseass,” snapped Mayfeld.
            “Don’t take long, does it?” chuckled Ran. He gestured, and the group walked back over to the Razorcrest and several people walked out to the meet them—the rest of the team.
            “Razorcrest? I can’t believe that thing can fly,” scoffed Mayfeld. “Looks like a Canto Bight slot machine.” He was trying to make a dig at Mando, but he didn’t fall for the bait. “The good-lookin’ fellow there with the horns, that’s Burg,” introduced Mayfeld, gesturing to a massive man with red skin and thick red horns. “This may surprise you, but he’s our muscle.”
            Burg stood in front of Mando and huffed, circling him. “So, this is a Mandalorian. I thought they’d be bigger.”
            He turned to (Y/N) and towered above them. They stared back, not flinching. “What is this thing?”
            “Some kind of Mandalorian spawn,” sneered Mayfeld.
            “Tiny,” grunted Burg. He stepped away, bored.
            Mando took a step nearer to (Y/N) as Mayfeld brought them to the next team member. “Droid’s name is Zero.” The droid was black with an insect-like configuration.
            “I thought you said you had four,” said Mando.
            “He does,” said a feminine voice sneeringly behind them.
            The group turned around to see a twi’lek with pale purple-blue skin and lekku facing them. “Hello, Mando,” she said, prowling around them. Once again, (Y/N) felt distrust flash through them.
            “Xi’an,” said Mando evenly.
            Xi’an flipped a knife around in her hand. “Tell me why I shouldn’t cut you down where you stand?” She hissed and raised her dagger to his throat.
            (Y/N) drew their dagger, and Mando blocked their arm before a fight could begin. “Nice to see you, too,” he said.
            Xi’an laughed manically before taking a step back and sighing. “I missed you.” She traced his beskar armor. “This is shiny. You wear it well.” She pivoted and grinned at (Y/N) and their dagger. “Aww, want a fight?”
            “Only if you’re looking for one,” said (Y/N), narrowing their eyes.
            Xi’an glared at their insolence and took a step forward, but Mando was in front of (Y/N) before she could attack. “Xi’an,” he said warningly. “(Y/N) is with me.”
            “They a pet? Keep them on a leash,” hissed Xi’an.
            “Xi’an,” repeated Mando.
            “Alright, break it up till you get on the ship,” said Ran. “Right now we don’t have much time.”
            Xi’an winked at Mando and stepped back. Mayfeld rolled his eyes. “Let’s get to work,” he said.
            While Zero entered the Razorcrest, the rest of the team to go over the job. (Y/N) stood next to Mando, and he made sure he was ready to get between them and anyone who tried something.
            “So, the package is being moved on a fortified transport ship,” explained Mayfeld. “Now, we got a limited window to board, find our friend, and get him out of there before they make their jump.” He brought up the hologram schematic.
            “That’s a New Republic prison ship,” said Mando sharply. “Your man wasn’t taken by a rival syndicate. He was arrested.”
            Mayfeld leaned over the table threateningly. “So what?”
            “A job is a job,” said Ran.
            “That’s a max security transport, and I’m not looking for that kinda heat,” said Mando.
            “Well, neither are we. So just don’t mess up,” said Ran.
            “The good news for you is the ship is manned by droids,” said Xi’an. “Still hate the machines, Mando?” He didn’t respond.
            Zero walked out of the Razorcrest. “Despite recent modifications, the ship is still quite a mess. The power lines are leaking, the navigation is intermittent, and the hyperdrive is only operating at 67.3% efficiency. We have much better ships. Why are we using this one?”
            “’Cause the Razorcrest is off the Imperial and the New Republic grid,” explained Ran. “It’s a ghost.”
            “Yeah, and we need a ship that can get close enough to jam New Republic code,” added Mayfeld. “So, when we drop out of hyperspace here—” he brought up a star map “—if we immediately bank into this kinda attitude, we should be right in their blind spot, which will give us enough time for your ship to scramble our signal.”
            “It’s not possible. Even for the Crest,” said Mando.
            Ran nodded to Zero. “That’s why he’s flying.”
            Mando’s not gonna like that, thought (Y/N). Sure enough, Mando was staring at Ran hard enough that it was clear he was displeased, even with the helmet.
            “Mando, I know you’re a pretty good pilot, but we need you on the trigger. Not on the wheel,” said Ran.
            “Don’t worry, Mandalorian. My response time is quicker than organics’. And I’m smarter, too,” said Zero.
            Ran patted him and pushed him away. “Alright, I—yeah, that’s good. Forgive the programming. He’s a little rough around the edges. But he is the best.”
            “How can you trust it?” questioned Mando.
            “You know me, Mando. I don’t trust anybody,” said Ran, chuckling.
            Mando turned away. “Come on, (Y/N).” They hurried after him as he walked up the gangplank.
            “Just like the good old days, huh, Mando?” called Ran.
            Mando shut the hull door firmly behind him. A moment later, Zero lifted the Razorcrest into the air and flew them out of the spaceport. In another moment, they were in hyperspace.
            Mando quickly took a place standing in the cockpit and watched Zero distrustfully. (Y/N) sat in the hold, making sure no one got near the compartment where the Child was sleeping. They knew it was best if none of these people found him. Xi’an was balancing her knife of her finger, Mayfeld sat calmly in one seat, and Burg was pacing back and forth.
            “Will you sit down?” snapped Xi’an. Burg slammed his hand into the ceiling in response, and she snarled at him. Burg just laughed.
            (Y/N) was relieved when Mando walked back out since at least they weren’t stuck in the room with those maniacs by themself. Burg was frustrated when Mando closed the doors of his weapons closet and went to open another door. (Y/N) tensed since it was the compartment where the Child was, but Mando blocked Burg’s arm. Burg growled.
            “Hey, hey, hey. Okay. Okay. Okay, I get it,” said Mayfeld, trying to keep a fight from breaking out. “I’m a little particular about my personal space, too. So let’s just do this job. We get in, we get out, and you don’t have to see our faces anymore.”
            “Someone tell me why we even need a Mandalorian,” huffed Burg.
            “Well, apparently they’re the greatest warriors in the galaxy,” said Mayfeld. “So they say.”
            “Then why are they all dead?” scoffed Burg, and (Y/N) bristled while the rest of the group snickered.
            “Well, you flew with him, Xi’an,” said Mayfeld. “Is he as good as they say?”
            “Ask him about the job on Alzoc III,” said Xi’an.
            “I did what I had to,” responded Mando.
            Xi’an chuckled darkly. “Oh, but you liked it.” Mando didn’t take the bait and remained silent.
            Burg pointed at (Y/N) as he lumbered across the room. “What about this thing? Is it Mandalorian?”
            “No,” said Mayfeld. “Ushti. You can tell by the markings.” He gestured to their eyes.
            “They’re real?” questioned Burg, disbelieving.
            He reached out suddenly and grabbed at (Y/N)’s face to see if their eye markings were real. (Y/N) reacted instinctively, every memory of imperial scientists poking and prodding them welling up in their mind. They thrashed and kicked Burg, but he didn’t react since he was much tougher.
            “Let me go!” hissed (Y/N), and Burg just laughed.
            He wasn’t laughing when Mando grabbed him roughly. Caught off guard, Burg stumbled back as Mando shoved him away from (Y/N) and stood in front of them protectively as they trembled. (Y/N) glared furiously, holding their dagger tightly in case Burg tried something again.
            “Don’t touch them,” said Mando, a clear warning to everyone in the room.
            Burg, angry, advanced again, and Mando matched his attack, knocking him away. Burg stumbled back and accidentally hid the button to open the back container. It slid open to reveal the Child inside. Mayfeld and Xi’an leaned forward in interest.
            “Whoa, what is that?” asked Mayfeld. He approached the Child. “You get lonely up here, buddy, huh?”
            The Child cooed nervously, and (Y/N) ran forward to scoop him up before Mayfeld or anyone else could touch him.
            “What is it, like a pet or something?” questioned Mayfeld. He reached out to touch the Child, and (Y/N)’s grip on their knife tightened warningly. Mayfeld held up his hands, making a show of not coming closer.
            “Maybe that code of yours has made you soft,” simpered Xi’an.
            Luckily, before the tension could develop into an argument, the Razorcrest abruptly exited hyperspace, and the sudden jolt knocked everyone off their feet.
            “Commencing final approach,” announced Zero. “Cloaking signal, now.”
            The Razorcrest spun in midair, and everyone was thrown around the cabin. (Y/N) yelped, holding the Child tight, and Mando quickly grabbed them both, keeping them close and secure so they wouldn’t get hurt.
            “Engaging coupling now,” said Zero. The Razorcrest thunked as it connected to the prison ship. “Coupling confirmed. We are down. Commence extraction now.”
            (Y/N) stood and placed the Child back in his compartment. “You were good. Now just stay here until we get back.” The Child smiled and patted their hand as if he understood. ((Y/N) suspected he did but pretended not to so he could do whatever he wanted and then act innocent).
            “Useless droid didn’t even give us a proper countdown,” spat Xi’an.
            “Z, are you sure they can’t see us?” asked Mayfeld over the intercom.
            “The Razorcrest is scrambling our signature, and I am inside the prison system. It’s impressive that this gunship had survived the Empire without being impounded,” said Zero.
            “Alright, we got a job to do,” said Mayfeld. “Mando, you’re up.”
            Mando opened the floor hatch of the Razorcrest and unscrewed the entry hatch to the New Republic ship. (Y/N) felt a strange foreboding gather in their gut, and they glanced around, only seeing the others on the team watching them and Mando.
            “Alright. Let’s go,” said Mayfeld.
            And one-by-one, they dropped into the prison ship.
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karahalloway · 10 months
Sleepless in New York: Epilogue - Into The Night
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Series: TRR
Pairing: Drake Walker x F!OC (Harper Gale)
Synopsis: What if Drake met Harper on the first night of Prince Christian’s New York bachelor party? A stand-alone AU written from Drake's POV.
Masterlist: Sleepless in New York
Chapter Summary: On the long-dreaded night of the Masquerade Ball, Drake has a revelation...
Word Count: 4,600
Rating/Warnings: M (angst, way too many f-bombs, drinking, references to drug-use, fluffy fluff fluff)
Chapter theme song:
A/N1: This is my slightly belated submission for @choicesprompts Flufftober 2023 event I got this out as fast as I could! The prompt that this fits is '31 - You don’t know me and I promise I’m not a creepy stalker but...' and possibly this one:
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A/N2: I have no clue how many people actually listen to the chapter theme songs for these fics, but if you have time, I highly encourage you to listen to this one! I dredged it from the depths of my Middle School memories because I realised that it was perfect for this chapter (in my head, if Sleepless were a movie/TV show, this is the song that would play as the end credits song).
Epilogue - Into The Night
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"You okay?"
I shoot a scoff across the room. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?"
"You could," Chris concedes, meeting my eye through the full-length mirror as he adjusts a cuff. "But I am not the one who has been staring into that whiskey glass for the past ten minutes."
"Speak for yourself," I reply, quickly draining what's left of my drink. "You've been eyeing up your reflection for the past fifteen."
"I just want to make a good first impression, is all..." he admits while obsessing over the gold aiguillette draped across his jacket.
"Isn't that what the job of the so-called ladies?" I ask dryly, dropping the now empty glass back onto the bar cart.
"I am certain they will be pulling out all the stops," he sighs, smoothing his already immaculate hair down. "But, given the occasion, it is only fair that I reciprocate."
"Well, short of emergency Botox, I think you've more than crossed that T."
Chris snaps his head around in bewilderment. "Pardon me?"
I shrug apathetically. "You're fast approaching thirty, buddy. And those crow's feet aren't doing you any favours."
He quirks a brow at me. "I think you'll find that they are laugh lines..."
"Now you're just splitting grey hairs, old man..."
Chris bursts out laughing. "Speak for yourself, Drake! You were born three months before me!"
"True," I concede. "But unlike you, I ain't got no wrinkles."
His mouth pulls into a knowing smirk. "Only because you hide them under all that unkept facial hair!"
"You should try it sometime," I riposte, running my hand suggestively over the bristles on my jaw.
Chris shakes his head with a wry grin. "I must've done something very wrong at some point for you to be my best friend..."
I spread my arms. "Hey. I'm just here to keep you humble."
Chris scoffs. "Yes. By reminding me that I'm fast approaching middle age..."
"It took your mind off the Ball, didn't it?"
"Yes," he concedes after a pause. "I suppose it did."
"Not just a hat rack, my friend," I grin with a tap on my temple. "But seriously. You look great. Warts and all."
A wan smile ghosts his lips. "Thanks, mate. You don't look too shabby yourself."
I glance down at the black tux that I'm wearing. "Yeah. Well... Given the occasion, I figured I should make some kind of effort as well."
"You know you don't have to dress up on my account... I know how much you dislike donning evening wear."
"Tell that to the prick who put 'black tie' on the invite..."
Chris chuckles. "That would be my father."
"Figures..." I say with a roll of my eyes. "He's got more dinner jackets than you can shake a stick at."
"A necessity when you are a king, I'm afraid..." Chris reminds me. "But at least it isn't a white tie 'do."
"Oh, sweet Jesus..." I groan, remembering the last royal event that I had to subject myself to in a bow tie and matching waistcoat. "I was sweating like a priest in a brothel strapped up in that monkey suit."
"It certainly did not help that the air conditioning system had been broken..."
"In the middle of a heatwave..." I add. "With five hundred people packed into a room."
"Yes, that Venice trip certainly was memorable."
"For all the wrong reasons," I grunt sourly. "I somehow managed to get food poisoning as well."
"I remember," nods Chris sympathetically. "But at least you missed the terrible opera."
"Honestly, I would've traded that hellhole of a night for an entire week's worth of bad arias..." I grumble. "I definitely got the short end of the stick in that trade."
"You only say that because you do not know what it is to sit through four hours of off-key yodelling," Chris says with grimace.
"No," I admit solemnly. "Because I always bring earplugs."
Chris' eyes widen. "And you never thought to share them?"
"Doesn't really work if you only block one ear..."
Chris rewards my factual clap-back with a shove. "You are a sod, you know that right?"
"Thought that was old news," I reply with a grin, dodging out of the way.
"And yet you nevertheless continue to raise the bar..."
"Hey," I wink as I reverse my way back to the bar cart. "I have high standards."
Chris shakes his head with a wry grin. "You're impossible."
"Thought I was a sod," I quip over my shoulder as I refill both our glasses.
"An impossible sod," accedes Chris wryly as he slips on his monogrammed Breitling.
"Just so we're clear..." I smirk as I retrace my steps to offer him one of the tumblers.
"Thanks," he acknowledges, taking the heavy crystal. "What shall we toast to?"
I think for a second. "How 'bout blind, dumb luck?"
Chris lifts a brow. "That's a new one."
"Seems to be in short supply of late," I tell him, raising my glass.
"Very true," he agrees. "To Lady Luck, then! May she bestow her golden smile upon us once again!"
"'Cause we could all do with a fuckin' break," I add dryly, clinking my glass against his.
Chris brings the gin to his mouth with a laugh. "Did we not just have one?"
"Not all of us," I remind him, throwing my refill back.
"Well, we'll need to make sure you take some time in lieu, then."
"I'll be fine," I assure him. "I'll just chalk it up as overtime."
Chris chuckles. "At the rate you're going, you'll soon have more overtime on the books than regular time."
"Yeah, well..." I shrug. "Shit needs doing. But I'm planning on dropping off the grid for a couple of weeks once the Bash is behind us."
"Take a whole month," Chris advises, clapping a hand onto my shoulder. "You will have more than earned it by then."
I scoff. "I can't just—"
He firms up his grip. "I insist."
Lifting my gaze, I find his clear, emerald eyes locking me down.
I huff out a low breath. "Fine. I'll think about it."
"That is the best I'm going to get out of you, isn't it?"
"Yep," I tell him with a slap on his arm. "Now, hop to it, Cinderella — your ball awaits."
"Yes, I suppose we best get on," he concedes, depositing his empty glass on a side table. "Would be rude to turn up late for my own party..."
Turning on his heel, he strides determinedly towards the door of his suite. The footman stationed by the wall quickly grabs the latch and pulls the door back.
"Here we go..." I mutter under my breath as I drop my tumbler off as well and follow after him.
This is it. The start of the slow, downward skid towards the inevitable. The beginning of the end.
Because tonight's ball kicks off not just the months-long circus that is the social season, but the countdown to Chris' coronation as well.
As despite all the official interviews and press releases, it's no secret within the Palace that Constantine is living on borrowed time. His pancreatic cancer had been diagnosed too late, and even with vigorous treatment, it had spread. And even based on the most optimistic outlook, chances are good that he won't make it to Christmas.
Which is why New York — by necessity — had been such a whirlwind tour. Because any day could end up being the old bastard's last, and Chris has to be ready to step up to the plate at a moment's notice. Not that he isn't already running the country in all but name... It just isn't official yet.
But that's why the race to find the next Queen is exactly that — a high-stakes time-trial where the clock is against everyone.
Especially Chris.
Because if Constantine's condition takes a sudden turn for the worse, Chris may not get the luxury of choice. As some dumbass had had the bright idea a few centuries ago to enact a law that states that Cordonian monarchs must be married or engaged at the time of their coronation. Which means that Chris' hand could end up being forced by circumstances — and selfish interests — outside his control.
So, we better pray that he finds someone, and fast. Or that the doctors are wrong. Ideally both.
Otherwise, we're gonna be up the proverbial creek without a paddle, hurtling down the rapids of a constitutional crisis that could very literally tear the kingdom apart.
"Well... This is it," declares Chris as we arrive at the doors of the ballroom.
"Yep," I agree over the soft hubbub of gossip and classical music that's seeping out into the ante-room we're standing in. "Last chance to cut and a run."
"I am honestly considering it," he admits with a shaky laugh as the footmen prepare to open the double-height doors.
"Hey," I say, stepping in front of him. "If you need a time out—"
He shakes his head. "I'll be fine."
"You sure?" I ask, fixing him with a critical eye as I wave at the staff to hold their horses.
"Yes," he nods determinedly. "Just... Just some last-minute nerves, is all."
"Understandable," I concede. "There are only about a dozen girls on the other side of that door waiting to throw themselves at you."
He eyes the barrier uneasily. "I suppose I should feel flattered..."
"...but you're seriously thinking about jumping off the balcony."
He bites out a strangled laugh. "Is it that obvious?"
"You never could beat me at poker."
"Shit..." he mutters, running an agitated hand down his face.
"Hey," I say, clamping my hands onto his shoulders to make him look at me. "It's a fucked up situation. I get it. Your dad's got one foot in the grave, you're trying to run a country, and the last thing you want to do is play Royal Bachelor in front of all these tossers. But you need a Queen. And the season's your best bet at finding one."
"But how will I know which is the one?"
"You won't," I admit. "Until you do."
Christ knows Gale struck me like white lightning out of the blue...
His lips curve into a ghost of a smile. "Blind, dumb luck..."
"Blind, dumb luck," I confirm, giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
Chris heaves a low exhale. "Here's to chance, then."
"Knock 'em dead, buddy," I say with a grin as I step back.
Chris lines himself up in front of the entranceway again. The footmen reach for the handles as the herald takes his position.
I give everyone the go.
The double doors swing open, and the herald clears his voice.
The music and the hubbub come to an abrupt halt as every neck in the room cranes around with unfettered interest.
"Preeesenting His Royal Highness, the Duke of Applewood!"
Chris squares his shoulders and lifts his head. And just like that, the man disappears and in his place stands the Prince — cool, composed, collected — any wayward reservations masked behind the diplomatic smile he's been practising since the age of three.
The crowd parts...
...and with one final inhale, Chris steps over the threshold and the doors close behind him.
A breath that I didn't realise I'd been holding explodes out of me.
Phase 1 — check.
Now to try and get through the remainder of the ball without any front-page scandals, culinary clusterfucks, or assassination attempts upsetting the carefully staged high-society apple cart.
Because I hadn't been joking earlier when I'd said we could all do with a fuckin' break. The media storm kicked up by Leo's abdication was still raging in full force through the pages of the tabloids, and it's only gonna be a matter of time before the paps get wind of Constantine's condition.
Which is why it's so critical that tonight's event goes off without a hitch. As the royal family — Chris especially — is in desperate need of a publicity uplift before the coronation... and the funeral.
And it's my job to quarterback while Bastien coordinates from the command centre.
So, I need to be especially on it tonight. As we can't afford any cock-ups.
Spinning on my heel, I make my way towards the closest side-door as I activate the hidden mic clipped to my jacket. "Falcon has flown, over."
"Confirmed," comes the crackled sound of Bastien's voice over the comms. "Blue Team — do you have eyes on Falcon?"
"We have eyes on Falcon, over," affirms Marquez.
"Walker, you're clear to take up secondary position, over."
"Roger that, over."
I feel my shoulders relax slightly as I reach the end of the service corridor.
So far, so good.
Just need to stay focused for the next six-or-so hours, and make sure that nothing goes sideways.
Opening the white-washed door in front of me, I slip into the ballroom near the back of the royal dais. Clicking the latch closed softly behind me, I catch sight of Constantine.
He's dressed to the nines in full royal regalia, patent oxfords polished to within an inch of their life. But the carefully coordinated window dressing can't hide the fact that the old man is a shadow of his former self.
His cheeks are sunken, his greying hair is sparse, and despite the carefully applied make-up, his skin lacks the usual vigour of health.
But I gotta hand it to the man. Despite his failing health, he's out here tonight. Putting on a united front for the sake of the kingdom — for the sake of his son — to make sure that the royal show goes on. Even if it fucking kills him.
Because that's the price of duty.
And regardless of his other failings — of which there are many — you have to respect him for that, if nothing else.
He spots me out of the corner of his periphery. "Drake..."
"Sir," I acknowledge with a respectful nod, coming to a stop.
"I trust everything is under control?"
He eyes me for a moment before leaning back into his upholstered chair. "Let's ensure that it stays that way."
Knowing a dismissal when I hear one, I resume my path around the perimeter, scanning the crowd as I walk, always keeping at least one eye on Chris.
Because Constantine's direction had been clear.
Don't fuck up.
Not that I plan to.
I learnt my lesson the hard way in New York about taking my eyes off the ball. And like hell am I gonna—
"Managed to find a new shirt, I see..."
I freeze. No fuckin' way.
I must've imagined it. A trick of the space... A wayward echo... An auditory illusion.
But if that's true, then who the hell is standing behind me? Eyes locked onto my back like a laser-sight? Their familiar scent tickling my nose?
Camomile with a hint of honey.
I shake my head, trying to rejig my senses.
It doesn't work.
Which leaves me with just one option.
Steeling myself, I turn slowly around, part of me convinced that I've well and truly lost the plot, part of me 'bout ready to believe in miracles.
Because that voice... Here? That's just not possible. Unless there was something in that whiskey and I'm tripping major ballsacks right now.
Wouldn't be the first time Max pulled a stunt like that...
But as I complete the about-face, it quickly becomes clear that I ain't just obviously high — I've lost my motherfuckin' mind completely.
That, or a bomb has just gone off in the ballroom and I'm now stood at the Gates of Heaven, about to receive final judgement.
Because I can think of no other scenario that would explain why she's here, in front of me, wrapped in a shimmering, floor-length white dress that clings to her curves like wisps of a dream, a coy smile playing at her lips.
"But I guess you can't show up at a place like this in cowboy boots and Wrangler jeans, huh?"
The soft lilt of her voice slices through me like a boot knife. "Harp—"
I make the mistake of catching her eye.
And whatever semblance of rationale thought I may have had left dissolves instantly in the sparkle of her hazel-green gaze.
The crowd... The Schubert... The entire fucking kingdom crashes into inconsequence as I feel my already tenuous grip on reality slip, leaving me stranded on the twilight edge of reason, struggling for breath.
I have no clue how long I stand there, rooted to the spot like a vegetate stoner as I try — and fail — to make sense of what the actual fuck is happening.
Because this shit? It sure as hell ain't real.
The sound of her voice finally unglitches my brain.
I blink.
But she's still there. Staring at me. Like an unabating hallucination with a bad sense of humour.
With concerted effort, I force myself to choke out the only salient question. "The hell are you doing here?"
"Looking for you."
"You left your jackets behind and—"
My jaw drops. "Are you fucking kidding me?"
Who — in their right mind — chases someone halfway around the world? Because of a goddamn jacket?
Nobody. That's who.
The girl's obviously crazy.
Her smile falters slightly. "I thought I'd surprise you..."
"Yeah. Well, I hate surprises," I cut in acerbically, still trying to process this shitshow.
"Yes," she snips, hazel eyes hardening. "That much is becoming clear!"
"What the fuck did you expect, Gale?" I hit back. "That I'd just—?"
"I don't know what I was expecting!" she snaps, the force of her annoyance propelling her forward as she flings an arm out. "But it sure as hell wasn't this!"
"Well, that makes two of us," I bite out, suddenly finding myself nose-to-nose with her. "Because I would've expected a fucking heads-up!"
Her eyes narrow. "Do you know how many Drake Walkers there are online?"
I feel my jaw clench. "What the hell does that—?"
"Over a hundred!" she shouts into my face... loud enough for a few nearby aristos to turn their heads. "And none of them are you!"
I grab her by the arm. "So, you just decide to jump on a plane and—?"
"Yes! Because it's not like I had your number, either, Walker," she continues forcefully, jabbing me in the chest. "Because you just left and—"
"You fucking think I don't know that!" I yell back, the inherent accusation of her words ripping away the last vestiges of my sanity.
Several more heads to turn.
But I don't give a shit.
Because I can't seem to think straight around this girl on the best of days. Let alone when she springs herself on me like some damn jack-in-the-box — for the third fuckin' time just as many days — leaving me slap-faced and scrambling, and then accuses me of being an asshole?
Like fuck am I gonna act rational...
...also, why the hell does she have to look so damn good in that dress?
She's glaring up at me, chest heaving. "This was obviously a bad idea..."
I scoff humourlessly, her face inches from mine. "No fucking shit."
Her body tenses... but in the next instant the fight goes out of her just as fast as it ignited. Dropping her gaze, she mutters, "Glad we got that cleared up..."
There's something in her tone that I can't quite place.
But my burnt-out brain is too slow at cottoning on, and before I have a chance to figure it out, she's spun out of my grasp and I'm left holding nothing but air...
...but by the time I look up, she's already turned and vanished into the crush.
That obviously came out wrong.
But what the fuck had she been thinking? For me to just throw my hat over the moon like some star-struck moron? To sweep her off her feet and kiss her like we were in a goddamn rom-com?
I catch sight of the flash of her honey-caramel hair halfway across the room.
That's exactly what I should've done.
Ignoring every single warning light going off in my head — she's not been vetted, she didn't have an invite, how the fuck did she even find me? — I throw myself after her.
Because as pissed off as I am that she was able to get the jump on me like she did — someone's sure as shit getting fired for that — I can't deny the fact that I'm still a complete and utter fool for her.
And the thought of her walking out on me — like I'd walked out on her — hits worse than a bullet to the gut.
"Harper!" I shout, pushing through the crowd of beady-eyed onlookers to try and get to her, much to their undisguised disgust.
"Oi, watch it, you!"
"C'est intolérable!"
"Do you know who I am!"
But if she hears me over the growing furore, she doesn't stop.
"For fuck's sake..." I grunt under my breath as I momentarily lose sight of her in the sea of heads.
This girl's going to be the death of me.
But if I'm going to have any chance of catching her, I know I need a change of strategy.
Spinning on my heel, I cut a hard and fast path back to the edge of the ballroom, spilling more than a few fancy drinks in the process as I knock aristos out of the way like bowling pins.
Heedless of the chaos left in my wake, I burst out onto the periphery of the crush. Throwing myself into a sprint back towards the tail end of the room, I bump off anyone stupid enough to get in my way.
I'm not losing her again.
Rushing past the raised dais, I see Constantine turn his head in my direction...
...but I've blown past him before he has a chance to open his mouth.
Sliding to a haphazard stop in front of the wall, I pause for just long enough to wrench the hidden door open before hurling myself down the service corridor.
Rushing past doors and junctions on my left and right, I pull up a mental blueprint of the Palace, trying to extrapolate her most likely position based on her speed and prior trajectory, and cross-reference that against how fast I'm going to determine the best option for an interception.
There. The main foyer.
Skidding around a corner, I double-time it down the narrow passageways, praying and hoping that I've been able to make up for time lost in the ballroom.
Arriving at the exit point, I throw myself against the door — nearly dislocating my shoulder in the process — and crash back out into the Palace-proper...
...but I can't see her anywhere.
"Fuck!" I cuss, running an agitated hand through my hair as I spin around.
Maybe I miscalculated. Maybe she's already gone. Maybe—
I collide bodily with someone speeding around the corner from the opposite direction, their head smacking into my jaw.
Agony shoots through my mouth as the unexpected impact causes me to bite down on my tongue.
But the sharp sting of the pain doesn't stop my body from reacting. If anything, it kicks my training into gear. Moving more on instinct than anything else, I execute a targeted sidestep to realign my centre as my hand snaps out to grab the other person by the arm to stop them from falling backwards.
Using their weight as a fulcrum, I redirect the force of our momentum into a spin to bring both of us to a stop next to the wall.
"You okay?" I ask, peering down at the panting, hot mess in my arms.
Gale snaps her head up so fast she nearly breaks my nose as well. "How the hell did you get in front of me?"
"Trade secret," I tell her.
She lays into me. On the exact same spot she hit me last night.
"Christ!" I exclaim, reeling back. "What the hell was that—?"
"For being an asshole!" she decries, hitting me again.
"Asshole?" I scoff. "You fucking ran into me!"
"Well, maybe I wouldn't have done if you hadn't been such a jerk, Walker!" she shouts, smacking me again.
"What do you want, then?" I demand, catching her wrist. "A goddamn apology?"
Her eyes blaze. "It would be a damn good st—"
Fuck it.
Giving her wrist a hard tug, I use the inherent resistance in her arm to yank her forward. And before she has a chance to object, I've crashed my lips against hers.
I hear her suck in a sharp breath of surprise before her body suddenly softens, melting against mine with a sigh as she gives into me.
The scent of her wildflower perfume subsumes me as she throws an arm around my neck, and I'm — at long last — home.
Because it's not until this moment that I realise how much I fucking missed her. Even though I barely know her, and I have no clue how... or even if we can make this — whatever this is — work, I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I was a monumental idiot for not going back to find her in New York...
...for the fact that I walked out on her in the first place.
Because this girl? She's unlike anything I've ever seen before.
The sheer fact that she's here — despite all the myriad-and-one ways in which I've screwed up with her — proves that.
And I'll be damned if I'll find another like her.
"Harper... I'm sorry," I pant between kisses, reaching up to cup her face in my palms. "For being an asshole... for being a jerk... for getting you fired... for hurting you... for—"
"I'm sorry, too..." she gasps, gripping my hair as my lips skate down her neck. "I didn't mean to... freak you out... like that... and I should've—"
"How did you even get here?" I ask, spinning her around to press her up against the wall behind me.
"Leo," she moans, arching up towards me as I drop a hand down to her ass, pulling her back into me. "He came to the apartment and—"
I scoff as I capture her mouth again. "Un-fuckin'-real..."
I'm gonna murder the bastard.
Because if this is his batshit way of saying 'thank you' for me being here for Chris instead of him, then he's definitely more than one brick shy of a load.
As regardless of whatever kind of happy reunion he'd cooked up in his mind, there's only one possible outcome to this royal SNAFU — me losing my job. Because there's no way in hell that Bast will be able to overlook the fact that I deserted my post to chase after a girl.
As unlike last time, there are a good two-dozen witnesses who can throw me under the bus. And they'll do so with impunity, given half a chance. Because one of those witnesses is Constantine. And no way is he gonna let such a flagrant dereliction of duty fly. Especially not after the very clear command he gave me.
Plus, it's not like I can justify my behaviour with any kind of rational argument. Or swear on a stack of Bibles that I won't do it again.
I'd tried that in New York.
It hadn't worked.
But as I glance down at Gale's flushed face, one thing is crystal clear.
I'll deal with that shit in the morning...
~ Fin ~
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A/N: This is it! We have arrived at the end! 🤗 Thank you so much for bearing with me over the course of this fic, which has been 2 long years in the making! Hopefully, the journey was worth it! There will be some Extras in the near future (art, a bonus chapter), but no ETA on any of these yet (too many other WIPs I want/need to finish). Thank you to everyone who took the time to read, reblog, comment, emote, and generally encourage me through this project! I - for one! - have certainly grown to love Drake more as a result! 🥰 Hope you have too!
@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @kingliam2019 @petiteboheme @angelasscribbles @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @tinkie1973 @twinkle-320 @knaussal @nikkis1983 @lunaseasblog @ficloverevie @indiana-jr @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kristinamae093 @eversoaringqueen12 @peonierose @3pawandme @alexabeta @veebug8 @fanfiction-she-wrote @queenmiarys @lancelotsimp @coco-lina-s @lolablackwrites @ivyflowers13 @persephone13 @hollygirl1269 @adri-ja-96 @harleybeaumont @katedrakeohd @uneravine @alj4890
Sleepless in New York only
Picture Credits: Harper - Cordonia - Drake - Constantine - Kiss - Christian
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Would you mind doing a one shot there Annie has a rough day like really rough 🥺 and andy does everything in his will power to make her comfortable including waking up in the middle of the night from back pain from the baby so he gives her a massage and the one thing leads to another and things get spicy 🥵 please 🥺🥹
I love this series please don’t ever stop! I’ll still support and read. Btw I’m a silent follower never really done this hope this message gets to you 👉🏼👈🏼
I can do that! I took me a while to answer cuz I had work to do.
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: Annie is having a rough day and she take out her frustration with Andy.
Warnings: crying, cursing words, pregnancy syntoms, sex, Andy.
A/N: none.
Word count: 2109
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
GIFS not mine, you can find the credits in each gif :)
One of the things Andy never liked about Annie, (yes, believe it or not he doesn’t like things about her), was when she shut down because something bother her. She got moody and in general just stop talking. And no matter how many times Andy has told her he was there for her, she kept doing it.
Today was one of those days. Her maternity leave began 2 weeks ago and Annie woke up only to realize her belly had grown more. She had an early doctor’s appointment, she changed, stood in front of the mirror and she looked huge; she couldn’t even see her feet.
“Good morning, honey!” Andy said cheerfully as he walked in to get changed for the day. He had just showered, so a towel was the only thing on his body. Of course he looked good, Annie could see his abs because he was not carrying a child on his belly. Annie turned to see him with hate in her eyes. “Ok, no good morning then.” He got closer willing to give her a kiss but she just dodged him. “Alright… so, you want me to come with you to your doctor’s appointment?”
“But what if the baby show us if it a girl or a boy?”
“Argh! That’s not gonna happen! If it hasn’t happened yet, it’s not going to happen now!”
“Hey, I haven’t done anything to you, I just asked a simple question there’s no need to be so bitchy!”
“Fuck you!”
Annie left the room, went downstairs and left. Jake walked into the room carrying his lunchbox and his backpack. Andy was sitting on the bed already putting his socks on.
“Mommy leave me.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll take you to school.”
“She upset again?”
“It’s gonna be a long day, buddy.”
And it was. Lunch wasn’t any different. Annie didn’t cook and when Andy asked why she yelled at him and told him he had hands and he could cook himself. After that she went straight to their room and stayed there for the rest of the day.
Andy didn’t get near her until it was time for him to sleep. He walked into the room and saw his wife drifting off hugging her pregnancy pillow.
“Wanna talk?” Andy said cautiously but Annie ignored him completely and closed her eyes. “Good night.” He sighed, got himself comfortable and went to sleep.
It has been 3 hours since Andy turned off the tv and began snoring. Annie was fully awake, she was hungry and in so much pain. In fact she has been in pain from the moment she woke up. It was a small sting on her waist but now it was full pain. She turned and sat on the edge of the bed trying her best not to wake Andy up. She stood up, only to realize she couldn’t stand up straight.
“Jesus.” She put both her hands on the back of her waist and went downstairs to the kitchen to make something to eat and at least calm her hunger.
She grabbed everything to make a sandwich, sat on one of the stools and prepare her food. Once she was done she proceed to eat it. After she finished of course she got thirsty, but when she tried to reach for a glass a sharp pain hit right in her waist, sending some sort of electricity through her spine, her knees buckled and the scream that came out of her mouth was loud enough to wake up the entire neighborhood. She was in all fours on the floor when she heard the footsteps of Andy running down the stairs.
“Honey!” He rushed to the floor, “You ok?” Annie shook her head avoiding his sight, “Is it time?” She shook her head again, “Baby, talk to me.”
Annie turned to see him, cheeks covered in her tears, “My back hurts so bad.”
“Do you think you can sit on the floor?” She nodded and move to be sited against the counter. She took a deep breath and turned to see a very worried Andy. “I’ll help you get up. You think you can do that?”
“I don’t know.”
“Ok, I’m gonna sit behind you and help you stand.” He put himself between the counter and her. Put his arms under her armpits and made her stand.
“FUCK!” Annie yelled as she felt the pain again.
“I’m sorry.”
“It hurts real bad.”
“On my waist.” She lifted her top and pointed the area. “I’m too tired.”
Andy moved his hands under her very prominent belly and lifted it. Annie sighed in relief when she felt the weight being lifted off of her.
“That feels so good.”
“Yeah?” She nodded as she leaned against her husband’s chest. “Can you try to walk to the living room? I won’t let you go, I promise.”
“Yeah.” She gave two steps as Andy kept lifting her belly from behind her.
“Good, you’re doing so good, baby girl.” Annie waddled to the couch; her little penguin walk, as Andy called it, was heavier than the days before. Andy moved to be in front of her, took her hands and help her sat down on the couch. “Be right back, ok?”
Andy came back a couple of minutes later, carrying a warm towel and some baby oil. She noticed how Annie was drifting off again.
“Honey?” She opened her eyes, “How long have you not been sleeping properly?”
“A week.”
“What? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Cuz you’re tired too! You still have to go to work!”
“Honey,” He sat next to her, “We are in this together, if you are not sleeping you need to tell me.” Annie didn’t say anything, “I hate when you don’t tell me what’s wrong. When did the pain start?” Andy move her shirt up and placed the warm towel on her waist. The heat began to bring comfort to her muscles.
“This morning. I thought it’ll go away. I thought it was because I slept in a wrong position, but then the doctor said it was because of the baby weight. To be honest I’m so uncomfortable lately, I want this to be over and it makes me feels like I’m a horrible woman because everyone says I should enjoy my pregnancy but I feel so fucked up!”
“Well, all of those people can go fuck themselves, ok?” Annie smiled to that, “If you are miserable, it’s fine!” Andy moved on the couch to be behind her, “Now, you think if I give you a massage the pain will go away?”
“I honestly don’t know.”
“Let’s figure it out,” Andy put some baby oil on the pal of his hand, “lift the back of your shirt and hold it there.” Andy’s finger began to rub gently above the towel. His long fingers went from her waist, across her spine and to her ribs.
“I’m sorry I was a bitch today to you.”
“It’s ok, you were in pain.” He removed the towel and began rubbing on the waist.
“Oh god! That feels so good!” She leaned to the front as Andy kept rubbing.
It wasn’t long before Andy fingers went under her sleeping shorts touching her butt cheeks.
“You have like a bump here.” Andy pressed one of his fingers on her left butt cheek.
“I think is your sciatic.” Andy rubbed harder and Annie winced, “Maybe if you take your short off I could…”
“How convenient.” Annie said and Andy laughed.
“I mean it, you want the pain go away or no?”
“Fine!” Annie stood up and pulled her shorts down, she was not wearing underwear. Andy put the towel on the couch and she sat on it. “hehe my ass is gonna be warm now.”
The massage continue for about 5 minutes and it helped a lot. She felt sore but not in pain anymore. Andy’s fingers were still rubbing softly on her back when she let herself fall against his chest, she turned to the side and smile at him.
“Thank you.” She leaned in and gave him a peck.
“You’re most welcome.” Andy kissed her back, softly at first, but then Annie put her hand on the nape of his head, mouths open and their tongues dancing. Andy’s oily fingers got under her shirt and to her breast.
“Mmmm.” Annie moaned against his lips when Andy pinched her nipples. Andy broke the kiss and move his lips to her neck.
“You need another kind of massage?” Andy asked her in a husky voice.
“Yes, please.”
“Ok, relaxed and open your legs.” Andy rested her back on his chest, bend her knees and opened her legs. Andy’s hand went south and using his middles and index finger rubbed softly her slit. “My, my, you already wet.” Andy moved his fingers up and down her slid without touching her clit. “What were you thinking while I was massaging you, naughty girl?”
“Liar.” Andy nip her ear and his fingers rubbed her little button.
“Oh! Yes, there.” Andy moved his fingers to her entrance rubbing it as well making her whimper.
Andy couldn’t see her pussy but he could fell her.
“I bet she looks all pretty right now, wet and raw just for me.”
“Andy, please!”
“What’s wrong baby?”
“Can you put your fingers in me?”
“So polite, of course I can, but I won’t, not yet.”
“What? Why not?!”
“I wanna keep playing with her.”
“No, please, don’t tease me.”     
“No?” Andy rubbed her clit faster and then stopped. “Ok.”
“No! I was about to cum!”
“You say no teasing.”
“Andy, please!”
Andy stood up and kneel in front of the couch, dark lustful eyes staring down at her pussy.
“See, all pretty!” Andy didn’t give her a warning before he latch to her pussy like a starve man.
“FUCK!” Annie throw her head back. She could feel his lips sucking her clit and lapping at her hole. “Oh god! Yes!” He began to tongue fuck her. His warm tongue getting in and out of her wet entrance. Annie touched her boobs feeling her orgasm approached, “Yes! Just like that! Please, don’t stop!” Andy could feel her pulsing hole on his mouth. “ANDY!” her hands took a hold of his head and keept him on her pussy. A gush of liquid came out of her and directly to Andy’s face. “FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!”
Andy’s tongue kept licking her pussy as Annie came down form her height. When he turned to see Annie his beard was drench.
“Oh my god. Andy, I’m sorry, I ‘ve never…”
“I know!” He kissed the top of her clit, “It was amazing.”
“Oh, yeah.” He stood up and throw his boxer briefs across the room. He stroke a couple of times, “you think you can do that again?”
“I… I don’t know.”
Andy climbed on the couch and help Annie to get on her side. He lifted her leg and position himself in her entrance.
“Let’s find out.” She was so wet Andy slid in easily. “Fuck, you feel so fucking good.”
 He gave no warning and he wasn’t in the mood of been soft with her. He pounded hard into her, his balls hitting on her ass. Annie’s moaned filled the silence, “You like that?”
“Whose pussy is this, huh?”
“Damn right is mine.” Andy’s hand went to her clit and as he thrusted into her and rubbed it fast, “oh I can feel you squeezing me, baby.”
“Andy!” He didn’t stop, in fact he moved faster, “Please!”
“One more, baby. I know you can. Come on!” As soon as Andy said that she came again, her pussy contracted against his dick. “FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!” She milked her cock and he spilled his seed inside her. Andy took a deep breath and kissed the back of Annie’s head. “Do you think you can sleep now?”
But Annie didn’t answer. Andy moved to see her sleeping already, H laughed a bit but couldn’t blame her because he also felt exhausted. He stood, put his boxers back on, and took Annie in his arms to bring her back to their room.
By the time he walked into the room and placed Annie next to her pregnancy pillow the clock on his bed side table was marking 5:20 a.m.
“Maybe I should shower already.” He said softly.
“Don’t go to work.” Annie said in a sleepy voice. “Stay.”
Andy smiled, slid on his side of the bed and kissed Annie on the forehead “good night, honey.” One more kiss, “I’ll be here when you wake up.”
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BD Episode 11 thoughts! SPOILERS
Omg I was waiting on the edge of  my seat for todays episode and honestly? Not as angsty as I was thinking it was going to be.
1st, I thought Kazuki and Rei going separate ways would be a much bigger argument, but they just....leave. Which honestly might be sadder, because it makes it feel like neither of them even have the energy to fight for each other anymore. They don’t have the strength to keep from drifting away from each other and that's heartbreaking. I do like that decision though, I think it makes sense that Kazuki wouldn’t want to be in that apartment anymore without Miri or Rei and that rei would retreat back into his persona as a stone cold assassin. They are both grieving in their respective ways.
2nd, I don’t like Misaki, and her dying doesn’t really make me like her more per se. BUT I will give her credit, she was trying, REALLY trying, not just passively being her mom but actively trying to do right by her. I don’t think that absolves her of sending her daughter to a criminal, not caring if she lived or died, BUT perhaps if she had the time she could have made amends. 
I have seen some people saying killing her in this fashion is cheap and misogynistic and I don’t agree. I can agree that this was probably the easiest and least creative way to get Miri back into the hands of our Buddy Daddies, but the show only has one episode left. The show runners don’t have the luxury of more time to make a more compelling or complex arc for Misaki, nor do I really think she deserves it. I don’t agree that killing female character= misogyny or sexism. It’s a show that, by design, is about two men, that’s like getting upset that anime’s about male sports teams don’t have enough strong female characters. I think Misaki served her role, and the fact that she got any good characterization before ep 11 is again, perhaps more than she deserved. She got to love her daughter, to live with her and stood strong on her promise to be better, those facts prove that people can change, a big theme for the show. Plus, I don’t think this plot beat is unrealistic for the context of the show, I mean we saw how the organization treats the lovers of those who try to leave. It makes sense that rei’s dad would finally put his foot down and remove the “distractions” from his heir, including Kazuki mind you!
and finally 3rd, them leaving, I’ve heard we only have one episode left, so I’m worried about how well they will wrap this up. Because we KNOW they can’t just leave, we’ve seen what happens. But they also make no reference to actually taking out the organization themselves, so I dunno? I can’t guess where this is going, I HOPE we put a bullet in between boss’s eyes. But I do love that it’s Rei fighting kazuki for them to remain a family, he is invested now and he won’t let his family leave him again and that's really sweet.
Our Buddy daddies are daddies again!
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