#[ candy route šŸ­ ]
insufferable-homestuck Ā· 10 months
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bad ref sorry
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Dave and Dirk ; Relationship analysis
[ Candy route ]
a post dedicated to the strider father-son brother bond as portrayed within the dubious canonical writing of the candy route
a peek into the past ą¹‘
the candy timeline is the one in which our protagonist John egbert decides to stay on earth C and not go back to fight Lord English, this makes candy the "less relevant" and more off putting timeline. however he does have to retcon back into canon once to retrieve the fridge Gamzee dwells in, per the request of Calliope
when John retcons back we are met with the emotional scene of Dave and Dirk hugging it out on the rooftop, you really can't discredit how wholesomely this is written
` At the other end of the roof are Dirk and Dave, doing something he never thought heā€™d see: theyā€™re... hugging. Not just regular, noncommittal hugging. They are emphatically hugging the shit out of each other. Daveā€™s face is buried in Dirkā€™s side, and Dirkā€™s got both arms around him in a way that looks like heā€™s never actually hugged another human being before. `
` The moment Johnā€™s palms hit the fridge, Dirk turns to look at him. His head only moves an inch. Slowly, he lowers one eyebrow and returns to his poignant and deeply personal business with Dave, as if he hasnā€™t observed anything worth acknowledging at all. `
im not saying im *disappointed* with this hug is canon, i am just so fond of how this scene is described within the epilogues. now allow me to overthink it.
not only is this moment described more intensely and emotionally than in HS canon, but Dirk sees a boy appear out of nowhere to stroke then *steal* a fridge; and does not think it is even worth acknowledging. he quite literally does not bat an eye. dirk is so occupied with his brother he doesn't care about anything around him, he knows dave is in his arms and that's all he needs to know.
a peak into the past : end ą¹‘
out of the past now, into the new things that took place in Candy. ==>
Candy is the timeline in which dirk takes his life. Dirk can't take becoming irrelevant and prefers his own death, ( and Reforming later on. shout out to Ult dirk ) a Just death as arranged very carefully.
Dave was looking for Dirk for advice, he needed help with his love life and he needed his brother to tell him what to do.
when Dave is met with the news of Dirks passing he is in shambles to say the least, however this does not take him over; Ultimate dirk is still semi-writting everything. he has control and wants the best of his brother he would not let him fall into a depression.
Dirks funeral was sad, a very upsetting scene [ ignore gamzee for the entirety of it ] the first day Earth C sees rain, and a rare occurrence in which Dave takes off his shades while giving a speech about dirk
[ worthy mention; Dave carries dirks head at the funeral ]
Dave knows he CAN go back in time to save Dirk but won't on purpose, he doesn't ONLY love his brother he understands him, he understands him to be a difficult guy, and wouldn't wanna worsen the situation.
the writing goes out of its way to show you just how much the striders care for each other
the Davebot situation
robots are a very common thing in homestuck, they're pretty much everywhere maybe it was a 2009 thing. But many among the fandom seem to believe a character *becoming* a robot is equal to the character dying. that is absolutely not the case especially not when DIRK is the robot maker
[ my opinions and theories incoming ]
Dirk does not view robots as "less than" humans, he grew up around them they were his only company so much so he prefers them to humans in many instances, i think the REASON he made Davebot happen ( we all know it was the prince's doing. ) was to keep him somewhat relevant, Dirk cares about the Meat timeline cause he believes it to be more important, but he wouldn't want his brother thrown into irrelevance! he cares about him, ergo turning him into a robot, it's the best he can do for his poor sonbro doomed to being "forgotten" [ dirk makes his robots with care especially when housing family. he puts a lot of work into them and it shows just how important they are to him. Davebot is shown to be strong as shit, slicing fruit thrown at him with his katana like he's playing fruit ninja, meat!Dave wouldn't do this by choice, its dirk trying to make him stronger. I won't even touch of how RAD rosebot is. just look at what she can do and TELL me becoming a robot is equal to death. ]
ą¹‘ end ą¹‘
if i were to cover dave and dirks ENTIRE relationship in both timelines and HS^2 I would reach a character limit or my phone would explode. i have so many thoughts on it all and they're so precious, anyway in sum; Candy!Dave and Dirk should have hugged more. oh and deeply care for each other
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scorchieart Ā· 2 months
That Time Jin Had a Toothache šŸ­šŸ¦·
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Jin: Make hathte! Look upon your ailing brother and heed what becometh the man who over-indulgeth in pleathure!
Yves: You ate four candied apples and chipped a tooth.Ā 
Jin: Excuthe me. A chipped tooth, three cavitieth, and thwollen gumth. Donā€™t thkimp out on my eulogy.Ā 
Yves: Iā€™ll be sure to mention your noble sacrificeā€”Ā 
*Jin reaches for a bear-shaped cookie. Yves swats his hand away*Ā 
Yves: Are you serious right now?Ā 
Jin: Cut me thome thlack. Luke made thothe when he heard I fell in the line of battle.
Yves: Stop acting like a martyr, you glutton.
Jin: Everything I do ith in martyrdom, little brother. The eldetht readily thaccrificeth himthelf for the betterment of the flock.
Yves: Be quiet, weā€™re not birds. And youā€™re melting the ice with all that hot air youā€™re spewing.Ā 
*Yves adds a fresh pack of ice over the melting one on Jinā€™s cheek*Ā 
Yves: Euugh! And you got spittle on the cushions, too! Keep it in, will you? I cannot understand half the words youā€™re saying anyhow.
Jin: Aww, but you had the cutetht lithp ath a child, Yves. Made the whole palath thquee every time you opened your mouth. I remember it took yearth till you finally got Tharielā€™th name right. Tharielā€¦ Th-th-tharielā€¦ Yiketh, thatā€™th a toughie.
Leon: Ah, dude. Now youā€™re getting spit all over my fancy suit.
Jin: Hey, you do look fanthy todayā€¦ Hold it. What ith that in your handth?
Leon: Exactly what you think it is. A gun!
Jin: Leon, donā€™t lie to me. I played Lukeā€™th route. I know what a gun ith.
Leon: No, you big goof. This is a heat gun. Totally harmless! On the lower settings, anyways.
Jin: Uhuh. And where did you get it?
Leon: From the All for Love! celebration event a few years back. Remember that photo shoot for the chibi dolls?
Yves: Donā€™t remind me. Nokto wouldnā€™t stop making jokes about how big my hand mirror was.
Licht: At least they didnā€™t stick you in a giant makeup bag. They made me pose for hours with those brushes and wands poking into my gut. I still have the bruises.
Jin: Uhuh. And how come Iā€™m jutht finding out about thith now?
Yves: Maybe if your smile wasnā€™t so at-risk for cavities you wouldā€™ve been invited.
Jin: Pleath. The ladieth love a man with a thweet toothā€”OUCH! Leon! What the heck, man!
Leon: Sorry, bro. Iā€™m under strict orders from Yves to puff you with hot air anytime you make an allusion to sweets.
Jin: Who died and made Yves king? Iā€™m not thaying that in mockery, by the way. Iā€™m jutht upthet thith ith yet another event you didnā€™t invite me to, it theemth.
Yves: Itā€™s for your own good! A man at your age needs proper discipline to keep out of trouble. And since words havenā€™t worked, weā€™ve elected to resort to other means.
Jin: *gasp* You didnā€™t.
Yves: I havenā€™t yet. But if you donā€™t show any progress soon Iā€™m calling in the royal dentist. I mean it, Jin.
Jin: Thcary. Back me up here, Licht.
Licht: ā€¦
Jin: Whatā€™th up, buddy? Cake got your tongueā€”Yeowch! What wath that for?
Licht: You said the c-word.Ā 
Jin: Not you too! Why dā€™ya thmile when Yves thaid the d-word? And do ya have to poke me with that giant lanthe?Ā 
Licht: Increasing the surface area of pain deamplifies the sensation at its source.
Yves: Who taught you that?
Licht: I read it in a book. *poke*
Jin: ACK! Thatā€™th it. I donā€™t want you talking to Chevalier unthupervithed anymore.Ā 
Licht: As soon as you learn to stop poaching othersā€™ pastries. Horse and I were looking forward to those candy apples all week.
Jin: Fine, fine. Iā€™m thorry. There, can you let me go now?
Yves: Not until youā€™ve proven youā€™re completely cured of your nasty saccharine habit. Weā€™re not leaving this room until you can go a full day without eating these cookies.
Jin: Youā€™d let them go bad like that? Thatā€™th too cruel!
Leon: Yeah, Iā€™m with him on this one, Yves. Couldnā€™t we just use a picture of cookies instead? Would hate to see Lukeā€™s work go to waste.
Yves: Oh, lay off it. Theyā€™re not going to spoil. And anyways, weā€™re feeding them to the horse at the end.
*Horse whinnies happily*
Leon: Thatā€™s one weird horse.
Licht: Heā€™s Clavisā€™s.
Jin + Leon: Ahh.
Yves: Speaking of, will you lot please keep it down? I had to abandon my post for this and I donā€™t want a certain someone to find out.
Jin: No one appreciateth your thaccrifith more than I.
Yves: Then youā€™ll take it up with you-know-who should my room be defiled?
Jin: If youā€™re that worried, letā€™th end thith confinement early and you can go keep a lookout for Clavith. Trutht your big bro. Iā€™m completely cured!Ā 
Yves: I trust my trust in you has plummeted since you gave yourself that second cavity this month.
Jin: Thothe Ć©clairth were worth itā€”Ouuuuch!
Leon: Keep your eye on the prize, Jin. And your drool off my pants.
Yves: Leon, try to avoid the ice pack when you blast him, please.
*Yves adds yet another ice pack*
Jin: You know, Iā€™ve been waiting for thomeone to explain, but whatā€™th with the cat hat, Yves?
Yves: Well, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, we all had to sneak away from our typical duties to set this up. Licht disguised himself as a guardsman. The most adorable one in the entire palace no less, but it served our purposes. Leon is a dapper gent, which for some reason this place seems to always have an overabundance of.Ā 
Jin: And youā€™re the pretty kitty to round out the gang?
Yves: *face turns red* I am the phantom cat who travels by shadow and blends in with the night, obviously.
Licht: Itā€™s noon. You just shut the curtains.
Leon: Plus we didnā€™t need to sneak around. Weā€™re kind of in charge of the place.
Licht: And it wasnā€™t so hard. I rode this horse all the way up here and no one noticed.
Leon: Hmm, maybe we need to review the guard rotations.
Jin: Licht, I donā€™t want you talking to Clavith unthupervithed anymore.
*horse grunts in agreement*
Yves: Back to the point! Maintaining the secrecy of this mission is of the utmost importance. What would it mean for us if word got out that the First Prince still gets cavities at his age?Ā 
Leon: Sounds like a good excuse to set up that kingdom-wide dental hygiene education campaign weā€™ve been talking about. Jin can be like our mascot.
Jin: I can keep my lollipopth then? Thweet! Ouch!
Licht: Stop encouraging him, or weā€™ll never get out of here.
Yves: Um, hello? Did anyone even listen to what Iā€™ve been saying?
Leon: You mean ninja cat? Looking sharp!
Yves: Is that all youā€¦? Never mind. Just pipe down before someone hears.
Licht: If you mean someone besides us four, they already know.
Yves: WHAT?! Who knows?
Jin: Who knowth? Hehe.
Yves: Quiet, you. *covers Jinā€™s face with another ice pack* Answer me, Licht.
Licht: Well, Nokto for one. Technically he caught me on the horse, but I didnā€™t think it counted cause it was when we were still outside.
Yves: Curse him and his impeccable detective skills. I bet he deduced Jin was in trouble just by looking at your endearing getup.
Licht: No. He said, ā€œWhatā€™s with the horse?ā€ so I told him. He gave me that bunny to pass along to Jin as well as his well wishes.
Jin: *laughs beneath the ice*Ā 
Yves: Licht, I donā€™t want you talking to Nokto unsupervised anymore.Ā 
Leon: Lighten up, Yves. They were just trying to help. Like how Luke made those cookies. And that pillow there is the beta version of Clavisā€™s latest invention, or so he told me. Even Chevalierā€”
Yves: WAIT! You saw Clavis? When?
Leon: On my way over here. He flagged me down in the hall to talk about how happy he was to see so many dapper gentlemen around as of late.
Yves: But you didnā€™t tell him about you-know-what, did you?
Jin: *giggles beneath the ice*Ā 
Leon: Nah, got him hooked on an even bigger scandal, if you catch my drift.
Licht: You didnā€™t tell him I nabbed his horse, did you? Iā€™m telling you we were really looking forward to those apples.
Leon: No. I told him Yves left his room unattended.
Yves: You what?!
Leon: So much for keeping our voices on the down-low. Listen, I promise Iā€™ll take care of whatever he leaves in there myself. Princeā€™s honor.
Yves: I may just cry.
Jin: Hehe, me too! Ouch, thith ith tho cold.
Leon: If you must, do it right into that pillow. Clavis said amusing things will happen when it gets wet.
Yves: And you let Jin rest on it?!
Licht: Youā€™re the one who keeps piling melting ice bags on him.
Yves: Oh no, Jin!
*Yves removes all ice bags. Jin looks up with a twitchy smile.*
Jin: I canā€™t feel my fathe. Hehehe.
Leon: I gotcha bro.
*Leon sets the heat gun to a comfortable temperature. The boys sigh with relief once Jinā€™s face unfreezes.*
Licht: That was brutal.
Leon: Oh, yeah. I ran into Chevalier, too.
Yves: Oh, I knew this was a bad idea from the start! Why did you put me in charge, Leon?
Leon: Hey, youā€™re the best man for the job and youā€™re doing amazing. Plus, itā€™s fine. Chevalier was cool about it.
Licht: He never really does care when we get hurt.
Leon: He didnā€™t mention Jin, but he did save my behind. See technically I was supposed to return the heat gun right after the photo shoot. Something about preventing anachronisms and fourth-wall breaks, or whatever. But, I mean, come on! Whoā€™d pass this thing up? Winters have been so easy ever since. Goodbye freezing toes! And you should see how it cooks meat!
Yves: Get to the point.
Leon: Iā€™m getting there. So Clavis dumped the pillow on me because Sariel was chasing him. Caught me off guard so I didnā€™t get a chance to hide my gun. Before Sariel got too close, Chevalier showed up out of nowhere and blocked his view. That cloak of his is really impressive, Iā€™d bet he could hide the horse behind it. Luckily, Sariel was too preoccupied with hunting down Clavis to stick around and ask questions.
Jin: Aha! Told ya Chevalierā€™th a good man at heart! Thweet ath pie, that guyā€”OUCHIE! Come on, Licht, itā€™th a figure of thpeech!
Leon: Chevalier said to make sure no outsiders knew we had access to such a hi-tech weapon. Personally, I think he just wants a turn at it. They stuck him with that giant lipstick tube at the photo shoot, remember?
Jin: Et tu, Chevie? I take it back, he'th rotten and I don't want any of you talking to him anymore.
Yves: Whoa, so not even Sarielā€™s allowed to know? I feel unworthy to have access to such illicit information.
Leon: Hey, youā€™re a worthy prince and a valued member of this team. Donā€™t you forget it.
*Licht and horse nod in agreement*
Yves: *blushes* You mean it? Gosh, Iā€™m sorry Iā€™ve been so hard on you all today. Guess the pressure got to me. But no more! Weā€™re a team, and weā€™re in this together. Through the good and theā€”ARE YOU KIDDING ME, JIN?!
*Yves swats Jinā€™s hand away from the cookies again.*
Jin: What? Through the good and the bad, yeah? My weakneth maketh the retht of you thtronger. Youā€™re welcome.
*Yves grunts and stands. Jin sits up and holds the bunny like a shield.*
Jin: Whoa whoa whoa. Maybe that made you a little too thuper thtrong, haha. Now itā€™th your turn to share a weakneth tho I can catch up. Okay?Ā 
*Yves grabs Lichtā€™s lance.*
Jin: Come on. Ninja kitty? Pleathe?
*Yves takes aim.*
Jin: Pretty pleathe with sugar on topā€”Ouch! Actually, I detherved that one. Thankth, Leon.
Leon: No problem, bro. Hey, you might wanna dodge.
*Yves strikes with the lance. It pierces the bunnyā€™s head where Jinā€™s stomach lay moments before. Water starts spouting out of the doll.*
Yves: Whaā€”why was there water in that bunny? And whyā€™s it so cold?
Licht: Oh, I forgot to mention. Itā€™s an ice-pack bunny. Nokto got it on his last trip to Jade. He said itā€™s really popular with the kids there. Guess its guts melted.
Leon: Aww, thatā€™s sweetā€”OW! Actually, I deserved that one. Thanks, Jin.
Jin: Anytime. I vowed to only uthe thethe fithtth to therve my kingdom, after all.
Yves: Okay, I have no idea what he just said, but everyone off the bed because that pillow is smoking.
*Clavis's pillow shakes and fumes. Everyone rushes to the walls.*
Licht: Maybe we shouldnā€™t have brought in the gifts.
Leon: And maybe we shouldnā€™t have tossed the only key to the room out the window.
Jin: It meanth the world to me that you all care.
Yves: If we donā€™t make it out of this. I want you all to know that it was an absolute honor and disaster working alongside you.
Licht: Ditto.
*Horse whinnies solemnly*
Jin: It wath one heck of a ride, boyth.
*Jin pulls lollipops out from his pockets and pops them into each of his brotherā€™s and the horseā€™s gaping mouths with a salute.*
Leon: *spits out his lollipop* Itā€™s not over yet.
Yves: Leon! What are you doing? Get back here!
Leon: Princeā€™s honor, Yves. I said Iā€™d take care of it.
Yves + Licht: LEON!
*Leon straightens his suit and gives a thumbs up over his shoulder. Jin holds Yves and Licht back as Leon jumps onto the bed and covers the smoking pillow with his body. For a few moments, nothing happens. Then Leon begins laughing uncontrollably.*
Yves: Oh! Itā€™s turned him insane! Give me the lance back, Licht, we have to put him out of his misery.
Leon: Relax, hehe! Itā€™s some sort of laughing gas! Look, lookā€”hahahaā€”the tag here says: THE CHUCKLE CUSHION! Bad dreams keeping you from your good nightā€™s sleep? Simply turn the other cheek and let some of your blood, sweat, and/or tears fall onto the cushionā€™s surface to release a relaxing dose of bliss to lull you back to a happier dreamland. Warning: maximum of 9 droplets per single use; not recommended for users who suffer chronic excessive crying, sweating, or blood loss. Side effects may include uncontrollable laughter, freezing face, and increased desire to consume sugar. From Series VII of the Lelouch Trap Seriesā„¢. Hahahahaha!Ā 
Yves: Ohh, we practically drowned that pillow. And now he's caught the uncontrollable laughter.
Leon: Actually, that last 'Haha' was written on the tag, too. The most legible part, no less. Hehehe.
Yves: The loon. 'Blood loss' he writes, can you believe him?
Jin: *eyes the lance in Yvesā€™s hands* At leatht he put a warning.
Yves: As if you ever read the fine print.
Jin: Iā€™d be inclined to thtart today. Printheā€™th honor.
Yves: *sighs* Very well. I suppose thatā€™s enough excitement for one confinement. Come on, Leon, weā€™re taking you to the physician. But Iā€™m keeping my eye on you, Jin. Youā€™re on probation untilā€”Hey! Where are the cookies?
Jin: Wathnā€™t me. Honetht!
*Jin holds up his hands in surrender. Lollipops and cookies and cakes slip out from underneath his shirt onto the floor in a sugary heap. On the other side of the room, Licht feeds Lukeā€™s cookies to the horse and smiles as he opens the curtains and looks out the window.*
Leon: Scouting out the physician for me, Licht? Hahaha.
Licht: Sort of. I asked Nokto to call for the dentist, and heā€™s just arrived.
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heartfullofleeches Ā· 2 years
Since you liked my idea (I'm the one who gave a long-post about sucrose's rival!) I'll snatch šŸ­anon or šŸ¦„anon.
I like the thought of your ideas and input, so maybe sucrose's rival could be a cotton candy jester? Her/Their goal is to bring smiles and joy to humans awake and asleep. Personally I imagine sucrose has a very saturated color scheme, while the rival could have a more pastel theme. Maybe the rival is a sort of rainbow pastels of cotton candy?
šŸ­ works just fine.
Sucrose is a mixed bag - main colors being a bright pink, deep reds and white, but aside from that yea I was imagining a pastel aesthetic for her as well. While she can infect any type of dream, they usually center around a fun activity like an amusement park or a birthday you really enjoyed. She keeps a notebook of all the ones she likes, and one just for every single one of yours. I think a bad end route for her is keeping you asleep forever so you can stay together in your dream, but this is only a thought. I think this is a good start for her Character- all that's left is a name I suppose
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moonglittering Ā· 2 years
šŸ’šŸ‘‘ šŸ­!!
āœØ @tenderpulsive. meme. still accepting!
šŸ’ ā€“ What style engagement ring would your muse like best? What is their ring size? Ā 
answered here!Ā virote likes oddball, weird looking rings that break the conventions of the regular, princess cut diamond. no diamonds, period!!! like if the ring has to have some type of gemstone, make it something like. idk. cool.Ā morganite, amethyst, pearl, onyx, etc!!
šŸ‘‘ ā€“ How do you feel about royalty AUā€™s or Arranged Marriage AUā€™s?
viā€™s already in his royalty au. heā€™s space royalty so i cannot comment on him being in an actual royal au! i think royalty auā€™s are fine, i donā€™t have a strong opinion on diff auā€™s. theyre just different circumstances and setting to explore. as for arranged marriage auā€™s, i also donā€™t have an opinion on them because virote would fucking NEVER. lol.
he donā€™t even like when his friends try to hook him up with someone.
iā€™ll say this: if anyone ever tried to shimmy virote into a marriage he didnā€™t ask for, the only arrangement thatā€™s gonna be made is their funeral. heā€™s already told his family this too... glfjglkfd. i dont care about arranged marriage auā€™s simply because my muse is someone that cannot be set up into loving someone. not even if that person was perfect for him.
outside of vi, i donā€™t feel one way or another about them.
šŸ­ ā€“ What are some thoughtful gift ideas to get your muse?
depends on what it isā€¦ heā€™s a practical gift type, both giving and receiving. like, if he makes someone a gift, its something they can use. like a bath oil mixture or some handmade bookmarks or hand painted platesā€¦ something that specifically caters to that person. if that person loves roses, vi compiles a bunch of rose stuff. rose flavored drinks, candies, rose infused salt, rose infused vodka if they enjoy a good alcohol gift. stuff like that! makes them a coaster made with dried petals and resinā€¦
anyway im driftin off topic lol. he loves handmade gifts! since no one can truly buy him anything since he has everything he wants if it can be bought, he definitely prefers the handmade route. preferably art or candlesā€¦ custom perfume mixā€¦.. sighā€¦. but you know what, as long as someone put their work and sincerity into the gift, heā€™ll love it!
trinkets, unless theyre from a local shop and made w. love, have no effect on him.
even when he receives flowers, he likes flowers that he can use for something later. but honestly if heā€™s given plants, heā€™d rather be giving a bundle of herbs tied together with twine.
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sugucidal Ā· 1 year
diviiie dis theme is so cute soso cutes šŸŒŸ ! ! all da pink n purple makes mi taste cotton candy in my mouth hehe :3 obsessed wif da otome game style u went for , i fink i wld deffies try to romance nanami ą«®ź’°ą¾€ą½² Ā“āˆ©āˆ©` ź’±ą¾€ą½²įƒ hoping dat ur sunday is a magical one dearie ! muahmuahmuaaah šŸ’šŸ’­ ! !
cococutie!!! haii tytyty sm šŸ©· im so happy u like itt ą«®įŠā‘… į“—Ķˆ Ė• į“—Ķˆ ź’±įƒ and ohmygosh ur totally right !! the pink n purples are very reminiscent of cotton candy šŸ˜‹šŸ­ n nanamis route is such a good choice šŸ¤­ (ps: his route is actually the most romantic one hehe)
sending u a bunch of bear hugs n wishing you a super lucky week in return coco šŸ¦¢šŸ¹šŸŽ€
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trickshooting Ā· 2 years
šŸ­: Garreth!
Halloween Prompts!
šŸ­: Our muses buying halloween candy together
Garreth could recognize some of these brands, as some were distributed in Kalos and Sinnoh. Pikachu Puffs, Peppermints in the shape of Staryus, and of course one of his personal favorites. Chocolate Chansey Eggs. Delicious. But some of these Galarian brands were straight up weird. Alcremie Jelly Beans, Falinks Lollypops, and Eiscue Popsicles? These felt a bit too close to home. He looked down at the man with him, Kabu, the fire type gym leader and basically his Halloween date, as he asked. "So...whats the most popular? I'm guessing you're handing it out on Halloween?" He asked with some genuine curiosity. He also wondered what Kabu would dress up as.
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Garreth personally planned to dress up as a sexy something, after all, Halloween was meant to be fun! Maybe go to a Halloween party, or something similar. "....y'know, I think you could pull of an Arcanine costume, depending on what kind of route you wanna go~!" He said with a light smirk, were-arcanine could be cute....
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insufferable-homestuck Ā· 10 months
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noooww that i know what im withouuut you cant just leave meeee
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im mr loverman and you know how the song goes
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sadstuck tonight queen?
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Random assessment of quotes in Candy that I had to stop and screenshot [ Candy spoilers? ]
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i will defend yiffany to my grave,, you don't get her like i do
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drawing is making me physically sick rn and I don't want to draw I don't want to do anything
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