#[ aqua // drowning in an ocean of regret ]
witchembrace-a · 10 months
part six ! 6/?????
0 notes
magma-queen · 8 months
Rekindling the flames
After nearly causing the end of the world with Kyogre, and having his ass saved by some children of all people, and a Pikachu! A Pikachu ruined his plans! Archie found himself slumped as he and Shelly tried to leave the scene.
(This was right after the scene of watching the blue and red orbs destroy each other)
(Bonus points if you can read this in their anime voices >:3)
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“Sir, please… I think you need to rest. You’ve been through a lot today.” She says, her hand on his shoulder.
“I’m fine, Shell.. I promise. We just need to get away from here before any police show up…”
They both froze, Archie turns around to see Maxie and his admin Tabitha behind them.
“Oh. It’s.. just ye, Maxie…”
“We need to talk.”
Shelly and Tabitha didn’t know what to say to break the silence of their bosses staring each other down.
“Shelly, why don’t we let these two talk alone? Here, you look famished. Let me take you to get something to eat.”
At first, she was completely stunned by her rival’s actions, but she then realized… it was time to stop fighting. “Of course, I appreciate it.”
With that, they both disappeared into the town nearby. Thank goodness there was a village on this island.
The two leaders were still staring at each other, neither of them knowing what to say.
“Max, I-“
He cut him off. But he had to think, when was the last time that Archie had called him Max? Too long.
“What were you thinking?” Maxie asked him. “Do you understand how much damage you would have done? This is not what EITHER of our organizations strive for.” He had to pause. “Or.. strove for..”
“Do you understand.. that you very well could have died? Kyogre and Groudon are both more powerful and dangerous than we ever could have imagined.. and we were both fools for believing that we could actually control that kind of power..”
“I think from the experience we just had, Max… that I very well know what’s been done. Ya don’t know how much I regret that… and besides, I thought ye’d be happy if I just fell into the ocean and drown!”
“You damned fool!” Maxie shouted, on the verge of tears. “We may have had our differences since we have spilt, but I would NEVER. EVER. Want to lose you!”
Want to lose him? Has Maxie still had his feelings for him after they broke up?
He cut him off again. “Just.. let this experience be a lesson to you, Archie… and move forward. Team Magma and Team Aqua are history. This is the last we’ll see each other.”
Before he could leave, Archie rushed to him and grasped his hand.
“It doesn’t have to be like that!” He exclaimed. “Max…”
“What are you-“
Archie wraps his arms around him and holds him close. “Maxie… I’ve missed ye.. so much…”
He was completely stunned. He would’ve never imagined Archie hugging him like this, after everything they’ve been through. All the fighting, the deals, battling, and betrayal.
He didn’t know what to say. He felt his face warm up as his ex cuddled into his shoulder.
“I- will not lie, and say I haven’t missed you as well.. but..”
With no hesitation, Archie lifts his head from Maxie’s shoulder, then presses a kiss to his lips.
Maxie didn’t struggle or try to push him away. Instead, he closed his eyes and kissed him back.
Once the kiss was over, Archie spoke once more. “Please… forgive me.. for everything I’ve done.. I was such a damn fool for this entire time.. and the biggest mistake I made… was ever leaving yer side.”
“I love ye. I never stopped loving ye. Ye’ve always been my only love. Please let us rekindle our relationship, I’ll be forever lost without ye..”
Maxie had no words. He was completely blindsided by the fool. But.. then again, he was HIS fool.
“Max, Please… I love ye so much.. and I’m sorry for everything… can we please give us another chance?”
He had to think for a moment. They’ve been separated multiple times. But.. this time seemed different. Archie was in tears, begging for him to take him back. He did feel like his life was meaningless without him, and he knew that their feelings for each other never went away.
“We.. have much work to do.”
“We’ll do it together. Like we always have. We can get past our mistakes and differences, Max.”
In that moment, Maxie finally gave in and started to cry, leaning himself into Archie’s shoulder and bawling. “Y-You don’t know how long I’ve been w-waiting to hear those words!”
It’s been a long time since he’s seen Maxie cry. “Shh.. shh.. I’ve missed ye, Maxie. So much.”
“I-I- missed you too… don’t ever leave me again…”
He hugged him tightly. “I won’t, Max. Not ever again. Yer mine. And I’m yers.”
Maxie finally said the words Archie was wanting to hear. “I love you.”
”I love ye too.” He smiles, kissing his temple.
With that, they both made the decision to disband both of their teams. They agreed to put their differences aside in order to be together. They even decided to start living together, and they’ve never been closer.
One night, 6 months after they got back together, Archie noticed his boyfriend was more silent than usual before bed, he took his hand and placed it on Maxie’s shoulder.
“Max, ye’ve been really quiet today.. is everything alright, hun?”
“Yes, I’m fine.”
Archie wasn’t buying his lie. “Max, I can tell when yer lying. C’mon, ye can talk to me.”
“I told you, everything’s fine.”
Archie grinned and pulled him to his chest. “Maxie… tell me what’s bothering ye.”
He stayed silent. Archie tried to think of ways to make him spill it. Then, he remembered something. Something that ALWAYS got the redhead to spill every detail of what he wanted.
“Oh, Max?”
“Mmm… what?” He grumbled. “I told you, nothing is wrong.”
“Oh no, I just wanted to ask ye something.”
“What is it?”
Archie grinned evilly. “After all these years, I must ask… are ye still super ticklish?”
Those words horrified him. He immediately tried to wiggle out of Archie’s grip.
“No-! No I’m not-! Don’t you dare!” Maxie yelled.
“Oh, no? Well, let’s test that out, then.” He says, gently digging his fingers into Maxie’s side.
“Gmmmph-! St-stop it!”
Archie laughs, moving up a bit to a set of his ribs. “Aww c’mon, Max! Don’t ye remember all the times I cheered ye up with tickles? Huh?”
“Eeh-! Y-Yes but- ihihihi’m not- mmmmh! T-Ticklish ahahnymore!”
“Is that so?” He asks, using both hands now, trailing his wiggling fingers and skittering them down to Maxie’s hips.
He slaps his hands over his mouth, knowing that if his boyfriend hears him laugh, it was all over for him.
“Are ye okay, Max?” He laughs again, going up and down his ribs and sides simultaneously.
Even while fighting for his life not to laugh, he accidentally lets out a squeak, making Archie grin once more.
“Oh? Was that a squeak I heard? Maybe I’ve found a spot that’s still ticklish, mmm?”
The teasing was going to be the death of him. After all these years, his ticklishness never went away. And sooner rather than later, Archie was about to find out.
“I remember a particular weak spot ye had.” Archie whispers, moving from his boyfriend’s sides to his belly.
“Oh no! Not there!” He thought, internally panicking. His stomach was one of his most ticklish spots.
“Mmmmm- mhmhmhm-!”
“C’mon, Max.. ye know that ye want to laugh. C’mon~ let it out! tickle tickle tickle~”
Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore, and bursted into a fit of laughter. “Ahahahahaheheheheehe-! N-No!! Nohohohoahahahahahaahah!!!”
“Aha! I knew it! Tickle tickle tickle! Awwww… I missed seeing ye like this, Max. Looks like yer sensitivity never went away, huh?”
“Ahahahahahehehehehe- Sh-Shuhuhuhut uhuhuhup!! *snort* Okahahahay okahahahay-! Y-you gohohohot mehehehe! Ehehehehenough ahahahalready!”
“Ohohoho no, I don’t think so. Ye better spill yer guts about what’s bothering ye, or else ye’ll be laughing all night!”
“Ehehehehehehehe!!! N-Nohothing ihihihihis wrong!! Eeeeeh-!! Stahahahahahahp ihihihihihiht!! Nahahahaht my ahahaharmpihihits! Ahahahahahahahahah- cohohohome ohohohohohohn-!!”
“Hehe! I’ve always loved that laugh of yers. Ye never laugh enough anymore, and we should fix that! Coochie coochie coo!”
“NAHAHAH- Nahahahohohoho teheheheheheasing!!!” The redhead squealed, wiggling back and forth in Archie’s arms as he went back to his sides. “Y-Yohohohou’re suhuhuhuhuch a chihihihihild!!! Ehehehehe- l-let mehehehehe gohohohohohoho!!!”
“Nope~ Sorry, giggle butt. Ye know what to do to have me let ye go. Hmmm… I wonder if yer feet are still ticklish….”
That sent Maxie into a panic. “Oh fohohohor the love ohohohf gahahahahd, nohohohot thehehere!!”
Archie’s eyes lit up. “Oh! So they are, huh? Good!”
With that, Archie left his other tickle spots alone, then took his socks off.
“No no-! Archie, no!!” He pleaded, gasping for breath. “Please!! I promise, nothing is wrong!”
“Sorry, babe. But I don’t believe ye.” He laughs, poking his foot.
“Ehehehehee! Nooooohohoho!” He giggles, covering his face with a pillow. “Dohohohon’t!!”
Archie gently tickles one of his feet, sending his boyfriend into a mess of cackles.
“Dawwwww! The former leader of Team Magma, taken down by a few tickles! Coochie coochie coo!” He quickly grabs the other foot and tickles them both. “Ye ready to tell me now?”
Archie releases the iron grip on Maxie’s ankles, and lets him catch his breath. “So, what’s been bothering ye, love?”
“L-Let me.. cahahahtch.. my breath..” He coughed out. Once he finally caught his breath, he spoke. “It has occurred to me… that we’ve been broken up and gotten back together 3 separate times..”
“Yeah? There’s nothing wrong with that, babe. We love each other.”
“Yes, but.. I’m afraid of us falling apart again.. I don’t want that to happen.. Because.. I love you.”
Archie teared up. “Awwww… Maxie.. *kiss* I love ye too. I promise ye that this time will be different. We’ll work through it, together. We’re a team.”
“Oh- Maxie, honey… c’mon, don’t cry. I love ye.”
“I love you too.. Please forgive my ignorance..”
“You hush. *kiss* Yer not ignorant. Quit saying stuff like that about yerself.”
Archie smiles at him. “C’mon, no more of that..” He wipes his tears away. “Don’t make the tickle monster come back and get ye!”
He yelps as his side was poked and wiggled away from him, but not getting far. “N-No-! No tickle monster!!! Hahahahahahahahahah- nohohohoho tihihihihihickle mohohohohonster!!”
“Yes! The tickle monster is gonna getchu!” Archie gleefully attacks his sides. “Hehe, I love that laugh of yers. It’s so cute. Laugh some more, my sweet Max.”
“Ihihihihi ahahaham a grohohohown mahahahan dahahahamn it!! St-Stohohohohohoahahahahp treheheheheheeheating me lihihike ahahahahahah chihihihild!!”
“I’m not!” Archie chuckles, going to his ribs next. “I just love teasing the shit outta ye. It makes ye turn that lovely shade of red~”
“Ehehehehehehehehe!!! A-Archie!!Stahahahahahp ihihihihihihit!!”
“Eventually, I will~”
This continued for a while. Archie was happy to have his redhead smiling and laughing once again.
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siverwrites · 4 years
Another Trial
@fyeahghosttrick Ghost Swap treat for @arbuthnotblob!
I never expected to see anyone other than ourselves prompt for our ever expanding FFVI AU and it’s so cool to see more interest in it. To the point of prompting! Wow! Obviously I couldn’t resist throwing my hat into the ring.
It’s still in the middle of things which I hope is okay. World got wrecked on an apocalyptic scale. Cabs and Cidgeon fell on an island and Cabs was in coma for a year looked after by Cidgeon (Solitude). Now they’ve set off hoping to find more land and the rest of the group.
An attempt to touch more on Cabanela’s whole deal which is a Lot. Hope you enjoy and thank you again for the interest! (And I hope one day you can play FFVI! It’s still one of my favourite SNES games alongside Chrono Trigger)
On AO3
The waves washed around their raft. The sky overhead remained the same sunset tones each passing day only changing at night to cast the ocean into a deeper and more threatening darkness that remained dull all the same. The island had been bursting with interest compared to this journey, Cidgeon thought to himself.
Still there was one good thing. Cabanela had finally fallen asleep at last. They were supposed to alternate, yet too many times Cidgeon took his watch in company. The stubborn fool. Then again maybe it wasn’t just stubbornness. Cabanela turned his head with a low groan and a shiver, furrows lining his brow. Was it stubbornness to keep going or avoidance of the things sleep brought? Possibly both.
Cidgeon sighed and shuffled closer. He didn’t want to wake him; Cabanela needed this sleep, disturbed or not. And what then anyway? He pulled the blanket more securely around Cabanela, fighting off the old sense of helplessness that had become far too common over the past year. He’d never been very good at this from the earliest days when the young boy’s nights were broken with nightmares and he relived the attack on Tzen. All he could do was sit by and listen if the boy woke and if he could bring himself to talk haltingly between tears or long lulls of silence. Listen and wonder how it all came to this.
Years later and he still couldn’t say what possessed him to take the boy in like that. What did he know of children, let alone one newly orphaned and home annexed? He’d berated himself multiple times in those early days. A child would only hinder his works and his efforts to maintain his secrets. And yet… And yet something had drawn him to the boy. Simple pity or something more—three decades later and he still couldn’t say, but it wasn’t a decision he regretted for one moment.
No, it was those lines etched in deep he regretted, watching him run the ragged line of exhaustion. It was failing to convince him not to go for the magic infusions in the first place. It was not being be able to help him when he needed him most, not even recognizing who it was who truly needed that aid. It was a year-long coma. It was sitting on a raft in the middle of the ocean in a world torn apart, not knowing what land was left to find and who was still out there.
The telltale prickle of magic shook Cidgeon from his thoughts. Cabanela’s eyes flashed open. Words of a spell came out monotonous and rapid.
He clapped a hand over Cabanela’s mouth, grimacing at the anger and panic rising in his eyes. Well, better some extra temporary distress than the alternative. Cabanela struggled to pull away, fingers flexing and sparks dancing off the tips.  
“Cabanela, stop. You’ll drown us.”
Blank eyes met his, blinked and narrowed as recognition dawned. Cabanela relaxed. Cidgeon removed his hand.
“Try not frying our only mode of transportation.”
Cabanela sat up. “Sorry, I… was elsewhere.”
“I noticed,” Cidgeon said dryly. “Nightmares?”
“Suppooose.” A long pause and he spoke again, his voice low with a harsh edge. “I was with him.”
Ah. He couldn’t say lightning bolts weren’t an entirely unreasonable response were they not in the middle of the ocean. Cabanela fell silent. Lovey-Dove fluttered onto his shoulder with a soft coo and he stroked her feathers absently while staring into the distance. He finally spoke again.
“Is it possible to remember anything from bein’ crowned?”
Cidgeon frowned worriedly at him. He’d hoped not. He knew only stories and rumours of some things, but others... “Briiiing in the boys from Tzen!” The Jester’s crowing still rang sharp and terrible in his memories with the nightmarish sight of mindless obedience and a rain of lightning. No, don’t let Cabanela remember that senseless slaughter.
“Do you remember something?” he asked.
“I don’t know.” Cabanela’s fingers stilled before resuming their stroking. Lovey-Dove nuzzled his jaw. “Maybe it’s everything throwin’ me for a loop. In Vector there were things that were so familiar, but I couldn’t say how. I’ve been havin’ dreams that feel real… feels like Tzen.”
“Have you been dreaming of Tzen again? It’s been a long time.”
“They’ve been comin’ baaack. And Maranda I think. I’ve heard the rumours and stories. I know I was used to torch the place.” His hand dropped from Lovey-Dove and he bowed his head with a pained grimace, fingers digging into his hair. “But I can’t quite…”
“You don’t need to,” Cidgeon said sharply. “The Slave Crown is ancient. I can’t say how much you should or shouldn’t be able to remember. I doubt those fools even fully understood what they had. Memories may remain in your subconscious, but those acts are on the Jester’s, Asbolus’s and Sith’s heads.” A figure masked and robed in white, ever present at the Jester’s side. He’d been right in front of him all along and he’d missed it. “That wasn’t you.” A silent slave with no will of his own: that wasn’t him.
“Maybe not,” Cabanela said after a pause. He turned dark eyes on Cidgeon. “I wasn’t lookin’ to see another city burn.”
“No,” Cidgeon agreed. What else could be said?
Lovey-Dove gave another coo of concern and traded Cabanela’s shoulder for her perch back among Cidgeon’s hair.
“It’s all right, old girl,” he muttered.
He reached for their supplies, pulled out two cups and cast a small-scale aqua rake into each, letting them fill with water.
“It’s not much,” he said passing one to Cabanela. “But heat that up. Something warm will do you some good.”
Cabanela cupped it close and a puff of steam arose shortly after. Cidgeon’s cup received the same treatment and he thought Cabanela would finish there. Instead he gripped Cidgeon’s shoulder for a moment and a wash of welcome warmth coursed through his clothing.
They sat in silence for a spell. It was only when Cabanela started to nod off only to jerk awake that Cidgeon spoke again.
“Get some sleep.”
“I’m fine. Few hours, riiight as rain, baby.”
“Yeah, sure, if it was a few hours,” Cidgeon countered. And not so consistently only a few and so scattered. “Look,” he continued, “I know you don’t like the idea, but a sleep spell tends toward a dreamless sleep. I can—.”
“I can’t say I neeeed more voids,” Cabanela said blithely.
“It’s not the same and you know it.”
“It’s close enough,” Cabanela snapped.
Cidgeon stared at him unperturbed. Fine, let him rant and rail; it was better than trying to bury it all under the thin and cracking veneer he’d been trying to uphold since he finally woke on the island.
“Three years.” Cabanela abruptly cut off with a deep breath, and instead fell silent once more while fixing a hard stare toward the horizon as if willing land to appear right then and there.
“You were helpless for three years,” Cidgeon said. Cabanela’s hands clenched. Two years enslaved, one a coma, all three empty. While he could see Cabanela’s hesitance, it wasn’t doing him a lick of good. Cidgeon plowed on. “And if you keep up like this you’ll be so again and then what do you think you’ll do when we do find land?”
“This is nothin’ I can’t handle.”
“I didn’t spend a year watching over you not knowing when or if you’d wake to let it happen again.”
“It won’t.”
“I…” Cabanela, grit his teeth, shuddered and drew inward. Tense. A wound up spring with nowhere to unwind.
Cidgeon found himself almost wishing they were back on the island. At least there Cabanela could leave and go vent some steam. Trapped on this small raft there was nowhere to go, leaving him with a Cabanela who was both overtired and restless—not a combination he relished or wished upon anyone.
“I won’t force it,” Cidgeon said.
“Nooo? And why should you when you can force my hand instead?”
Now Cidgeon felt first the seed of anger bloom. “Remember who you’re speaking to, boy, then you can tell me you’re ‘just fine’.”
Cabanela’s mouth twisted and the ocean received another angry glare. Cidgeon let the sullen silence stretch. He said his piece. It was up to Cabanela to make the next move. As expected it didn’t take long before he spoke again, tone low.
Cidgeon sighed. It had been so rare to hear it. Now it had been, what, three times at least since he woke and it still gave him an odd sort of pang. Not… bad, but he wondered if he’d ever get used to hearing it.
“I’m sorry,” Cabanela said. “You’re right, I’m not at my best.”
Cidgeon snorted.
“You’re nothin’ like the doc or him.” Cabanela gave a wan smile. “Why manipulaaate when you can call someone three kinds of fool?”
“I wouldn’t have to if they didn’t prove themselves to be one.”
“Point taken, prof, point taken.” He leaned back on his hands, face drawn and eyes tired, but with a set in his shoulders that told Cidgeon he’d made up his mind. “This one time. Dooo it.”
Cidgeon shook his head. Fool, fool and more fool indeed. If he’d listened in the first place they wouldn’t have had to go through all this. Goddesses forbid simplicity.
“Lie back then.” Judging by his heavier lids and slower movements as Cabanela complied it wouldn’t take much to push him over the edge anyway.
When Cabanela was settled Lovey-Dove fluttered down to settle on his chest. She received another stroking and a small smile.
“Cooomfy there, ladybird?”
“Maybe you can keep him down,” Cidgeon said.
“Wake me if something happens,” Cabanela directed at Cidgeon.
”You don’t have to tell me. Now get some sleep,” he said firmly and cast the spell.
Cabanela went slack as the spell took hold. Cidgeon eyed him. His stillness was uncomfortably reminiscent of the past year. Cidgeon never wanted a repeat of anything like that again, yet there was a certain appeal in the thought of him staying asleep until they found land. Trapped in a contained space with a man who needed things to do and didn’t have them was turning into its own special kind of trial as today’s fit of temper showed. Cidgeon let out a long sigh and looked away. Let him rest for however long this lasted. He was the most peaceful he had seen him in too long. Ridiculous man.
Just Lovey-Dove and the ocean for company now in a more welcome quiet. There was enough wind to take care of them for the time being, so he sat and let his thoughts drift with the waves, finding a different sort of rest there.
Three to four hours later by Cidgeon’s count Lovey-Dove took off from her perch on Cabanela to fly high circles above their raft. An excited chirp caught Cidgeon’s attention as she swooped back down.
“What is it, Lovey?”
 She flapped in place, shot forward a small distance then flew back.
Cidgeon squinted. His eyes were most definitely not what they used to be, but there was something in the distance. It was nothing more than a vast dark smudge on the horizon and there was a ways to go yet to reach it if reachable it was. Still, it was more than they’d seen thus far.
“Could be anything. Could be storm clouds for all we know. Let’s hope it’s something better, eh?”
Lovey-Dove took her place back in Cidgeon’s hair with another cheery chirrup.
“We won’t wake him,” Cidgeon said, giving Lovey-Dove a small pat. “It’s not enough of anything to be ‘something’ yet.”
Not yet, but as the wind pushed them onward Cidgeon’s hope grew that this time Cabanela would wake to good news at last. They were going to make it.
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thatfairyfangirl · 5 years
Part Of That World Chapter 4
Mid July beat down on the city with an unrelenting heat difficult for even the most powerful a.c. to combat with humidity so thick you almost didn't need the h2o compressor to make the moisture that fueled your powers.
“Is this hell? I'm pretty sure this is hell.” You complained to Wanda as you both laid in front of a set of fans, feeling like the air was weighing on you.
“Tony will have the air working again soon...I hope.” She replied in her thick Sokovian accent as she wiped the sweat from her brow.
"God I hope so...insulted skin in the summer SUCKS!" You whined, feeling a bead of sweat trickling down your forehead. "I think I'm actually melting." You added before a towel landed on your face.
You both looked up to see Clint and Nat standing in the doorway clad in swimsuits. “Who wants a day at the beach?” Clint asked with a smirk as he tossed a second towel to Wanda. 
"Oh God yes please!" You exclaimed as you jumped up to rush to change into your bikini.
~ ~ ~ ~
You sat happily in the water of Manhattan Beach Park, letting the cool waves crash over you, taking care to keep the area around your gills dry to avoid unwanted attention. “Oh look the beached whale is finally going home.” Bucky joked as he looked over to you, watching you frolic with Wanda and Nat. With the way the water glistened on your skin and the way the swimsuit clung to you he was almost attracted...too bad about how much you infuriated him.
“So when are we releasing you back to the wilds of Siberia? Haven't you been on loan from Hydra long enough?” You watched as your words took root in him, building anger as the joints of his bionic arm tightened making a fist.  His long dark locks tangled in the ocean breeze as he marched toward you. His eyes were hard and cold, you could only recall one time before when you saw his eyes like that...the memory of him standing over your father’s corpse hit you like a truck, planting a hint of fear in your heart as he lurched close enough for you to feel the heat of his breath on your face.
“I swear to god if you ever bring that up again I'll throw you back to the rest of the mermaids by your gills.” His voice was a low rumble as your breath shallowed and quickened. He wished he could take some form of joy in finally seeing the fear in you, but deep down it just made him feel worse about everything, a guilt in the pit of his gut with a reason he couldn't quite place.
You stiffened your back, taking a strong stance in an attempt to hide your temporary weakness. “Wanna bet?” You hissed as your eyes met his steely blue. “I'm stronger than you. Remember?” As you spoke you reached your palms behind your back to the sea, willing two orbs of water to breach the surface awaiting your silent command.
He leaned in just a hair closer, your noses practically touching as a way to defend himself from you forcing the water into him, well aware if he was this close you would be drowning yourself as well or outing yourself as not human to the public. “Prove it.” He snarled, calling your bluff. For a moment you both just stood there, steeping in each others anger until he finally broke the silence. “That’s what I thought. Little mermaid like you will never understand guilt and regret the way I do.” He said in a low rumble before turning and stalking away...but you did… more than he realized. Your skin was crawling, blood boiling. And for the first time since you were a teenager your emotions got the better of your powers, the orbs of water throwing themselves against Bucky’s back in rage. You looked on with wide eyes, retreating to beneath the surface of the water before he had the time to turn around. It didn't take you long to swim far enough out that no one could find you.
“You think she's alright? She's been gone a while.” Clint asked the group with worry a few hours later.
“I'm sure she's fine. It's not like she can drown.” Nat answered as she rolled over on the sand to tan her back.
“Honestly I'm more worried about Bucky.” Steve said with a chuckle as he looked over to his pal surrounded by a seemingly endless supply of women. He couldn’t remember a time this wasn’t a fact of his best friend’s life...But before the war he would put his arm around them, smile...now as they reach out to touch him he pulled away, giving a more deer in the headlights look. 
“You think she might have gone home?” Wanda thought out loud, pulling her knees into her chest, hoping that wasn’t the case. Her eyes were fixed on the water, worrying for what could be going on in the deep depths you can go until a patch of blond and aqua popped up out of the waves.
“I didn’t go home. I went to cool off.” You answered as you arranged your hair to hide the gills until they closed. “And to get away from him.” You added as you looked up to the metal arm shining in the sunlight. Your head tilted to the side as you watched him for a moment, the shine of his muscles and the stark contrast of dark hair brushing against the silver of his prosthetic arm was almost enough to make your heart flutter...too bad he was such an asshole. “Ugh,” you scoffed seeing the sea of bikinis around him. You should have figured he would be the kind of guy to surround himself with beauties… ”probably think he’s god’s gift to women.” you mumbled to yourself as you grabbed a towel, patting your gills dry you moved up to the girls, Bucky in the center of the swarm. He ruined your day, you found it only fitting to return the favor. “Hey Buck, do you recognize her?” You asked, pointing to a random girl at the end of the beach.
He followed the finger before shaking his head. “Umm no.” He answered as one of his groupies stroked a finger down the scar of metal meeting his flesh, giggling when she saw him flinch and pull away from her touch.
“Oh Buck I really wish I could be surprised by that...you go through so many...Anyway Bridget over there stopped me, she said she was too afraid to tell you in person that she’s got some itchy sores, umm,” you pointed to your crotch, “down there. And since it didn’t start until you guys slept together last month she thinks you might want to get checked.” As you spoke the smiles surrounding Bucky faded, hands slowly moving away from his muscles before they slowly scattered to anywhere but there, not wanting anything to do with that.
Bucky looked around, a hesitant smile curled his lips before looking to your face. Your arms crossed, a smug grin playing at your lips and sunlight sparkling against your moist hair and skin...if you weren’t so intolerable he’d swear you were an angel. “Thanks.” He barked reluctantly, only making your smile grow.
“Oh my pleasure.” Added bonus, now you were sure half the women in New York wouldn’t want to go near him for fear of the rumored std.
“I hate when girls fawn over me like that. They don’t see me, they see the guy with the metal arm and guns...why on earth do women these days actually want a bad guy?” Your back stiffened as your smile faded with each word Bucky spoke ...you helped him...well great…
“I...you….UGH!” You waved her hand willing a splash of water in his face as you stomped away to sit by the members of the team you actually liked, pulling a copy of Fellowship of the Ring from your bag to read as you laid with Nat.
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artificialqueens · 6 years
perfect places (craquaria): chapter three - melody
A/N: Soooo, here is when I apologize (again) for taking so long for update. I had to write two fics for my gf and one of my most special friends and I had zero inspiration. And this chapter might be a little like a filler chapter, but I swear I tried to make it up at least writing something sorta long. My writing tumblr is @ uranustrash now (promo as always bc well, choices). Feel free to follow or send hcs, or opinions, everything!! And you can check the other stuff I write too, if you want <3 xoxo
Experience on kissing was something Aquaria was sure she had. She kissed a lot of girls over the years, in all the ways possible. But, that kiss? Was one of the best kisses of her life, if it wasn’t the best. It tasted like wine - Strawberry Hills for sure -, and lust. Brianna’s touch was heavenly, as the sounds she made her do while they kissed. Even if it was a drunk kiss, it seemed right for Aquaria.
She didn’t know how they got there, all she could feel was the moment. All she could feel was Brianna’s soft lips on her, wanting more and more. Kissing her rough in a way she would never have premeditated. In Aquaria’s head, Brianna wasn’t the rough type. She imagined making out with her to be soft and tender. But, that drunk version of her was bringing up a side Aqua never knew.
Well, Brianna wasn’t playing when Aquaria felt her teeth biting her bottom lip. Everything was so intense, as she was the ocean and Aquaria drowned on her, drowned on the passion of that kiss. Between moans and whines, Brianna smiled sadistically.
Not even Aquaria knew she would be so submissive - she was usually a power bottom, even on making out. Brianna lied her down on her bed with the gentle touch of a feather and started to kiss her neck. Every kiss was heavy breathing coming from Aquaria, every bite, every teasing… It was Aquaria’s end when she decided to gift her with hickeys.
‘’Bri…’’ She whined again ‘’please…’’
‘’Shhh… I know angel, be patient’’
Even her tone was different, Aquaria couldn’t help herself when she was so desperate. She knew Bri would be bossy every time she used to tell her off, but she didn’t know she would be that dominant. That made her want her even more. Aquaria was on her lap now, Brianna’s hands under her short dark blue skirt.
Brianna could make her whine and grind against her easy. She had all the power kissing her harder and harder. Sipping her tongue on her throat with a burning desire, she kissed her even harder now.
‘’I-I think we are going too far…’’ Aquaria finally said after a lot of tries of saying a coherent sentence.
‘’Look who’s worried about the rules now, you never seem to care about the princess. You’re such a bad girl, I need to teach you a lesson so you can be my good girl’’
Did she call Aquaria Needles princess? And told her she would… Teach her a lesson? Yes, she did, and Aquaria squeezed her thighs together with every single letter of her words.
‘’You like it so much, don’t you?’’ Brianna provoked rubbing her fingers on Aquaria’s pale thighs ‘’…so much that you can’t wake up’’
It was like she was with her head above the water. At the moment she opened her eyes and realized it was a dream. She lost all the air in her lungs and had to return to the surface. Facing the wall as she drowned - drowned in her own lusty dirty thoughts - until she realized she wasn’t in her dorm. She let out a gasp when she saw Brianna sleeping peacefully in the floor.
A part of her wanted to think the fact Bri was sleeping on the floor because of her was adorable. Another part of her wanted to punch herself because of it - and because of her dream. The last sane part of Aquaria wanted to know how did she end up there?
The last thing she remembered was to have what would be her final drink - after a lot of very alcoholic drinks. She had some flashes of waking up in the middle of the night, in the dark and see a sleepy Brianna in the floor. But she thought that was a dream, and that the dream she had with her was true.
It wasn’t like she could wait for Brianna for wake up, and talk to her. She needed to leave, quick. In her dreams they would be waking up together, she would call Brianna to bed and they would cuddle. Aquaria Needles wanted to cuddle, that was the effect she had on her. But it was like Aquaria’s casual fucks: she had to leave the soon as she could in every morning. Except she was sure that they didn’t anything wild.
Brianna’s side of the room was exactly her. Tons of wall shelves filled with books, from study books to… Wait, was that Harry Potter? Of course, Cracker would be the kind of girl who read Harry Potter. And biographies, lots of them. Aquaria heard somewhere that Brianna had an obsession with last words.
Bri as a child should be so cute. On socks and cute print pajamas, tiny glasses on her angelic face. Reading biographies while her messy blonde hair fell all over her face. Something about that made Aquaria almost let out an “aww”. She started to think of herself as a child. Then, she decided tiny Aquaria and tiny Bri would never be friends anyways.
Because Aquaria wasn’t the social person she was nowadays. She used to stay home all day watching cartoons and eating cookies made by Alaska. While Sharon was in the bar drinking their money. Her moms were far from perfect when she was growing up. They were always splitting and going back together, fighting and yelling really loud. But never ever letting Aquaria know - but she found out anyway.
After a long time, they regret everything and fixed all the scars they left in each other, and in their daughter. So Aquaria’s completely dysfunctional family could be happy one time in their life. But, Aquaria did had to fuck up becoming a troublemaker. Her childhood wasn’t like Brianna’s - happy, with a loving mother supporting her to become a success. She only had a happy life after bad times passed. That didn’t last when her parents got monthly warns of the academy that she was very close to get expelled.
They never would have been friends, not with the perfect girl with a tender mom who buys her biographies. Aquaria always isolated herself from other children. Even if Brianna - the always sweet and sociable Brianna - decided to talk to her, she would cut her off.
Even sleeping, Brianna seemed tired. Aquaria felt like a hundred knives were stabbing her chest for remembering things. A loud and drunk version of her hitting on Bri. Aquaria’s face was burning with shame, she couldn’t believe. But, there was more to care about…
Damn Brianna Cracker was at her party, her secret party. Now she started to think it was all her fault. If she didn’t flirt with Brianna, she wouldn’t have to look for Aquaria in her dorm that turned into a salvage party. She didn’t think she would show up, Brianna didn’t give a fuck about her since ever. And to make everything worse Aquaria made her stay.
Now she was walking in pajamas in the school hallways - so fast that you could call that running. It was around five am, and Aquaria’s body was cursing her during the whole path. The sun was rising so Aquaria could see the sky turning from dark to a pastel blue sky full of shades of orange and pink. She thought to stop to watch that - but she gave up when she remembered she had to save her friends lives - the sun could wait.
The birds were chirping so loud, it made Aquaria curse in agony again. She was so tired that she didn’t even realize a worried Aja in the door of their dorm. Luckily, the staff never cared a lot about the students at that time - why would somebody be up at five am? activities only started at seven am, which meant she could have more two hours of heavenly sleep. Her friends would be so mad at her, they would be planning how to make her life hell.
Well, she was wrong because Aja ran into her almost suffocating her with their tight hug. Based on how tired she was, Aquaria only could let out a groan because her whole body hurt in awful pain. But a hug was nice in that time, she sighed and hugged them back. Sometimes, she thought Aja was the only one she could count on.
‘’Sis, you almost killed me of preoccupation, you were so drunk last night, we lost you…’’
‘’Hey I’m fine now, not dead, only inside’’ Aquaria winked
‘’Bitch, never do it again. We can’t live without our baby! We have to cut off your drinks’’ they placed a lock of her messy black hair under her ear
A moment of silence. Aja knew what was happening. The president of the student council was at their secret party, how wouldn’t they know?
‘’I’m so sorry Aja… It’s all my fault I-’’
‘’No.’’ they stamped their feet ‘’how would that be your fault Aqua? You were drunk’’
‘’Yes, but if I hadn’t flirted with her in our French lesson she wouldn’t have to look for me… I thought she wouldn’t even show up’’
‘’Did you invite her?’’
‘’Well she invited herself, I tried to say I had something… So, no but-’’
‘’Then, isn’t your fault Aqua! You have to stop being sorry for everything, and it’s very understandable. I have to advert that everyone is kinda mad at you… She’s your crush and they think she’s your responsibility’’ they pondered “I’ll defend you if you need, I do believe in love. They hated Farrah when we started seeing each other too”
Without thinking twice, she hugged them. They got surprised, but hugged her back and sighed petting her hair.
‘’You’re like a younger sister to me, take more care of yourself okay? Drink, but don’t drink like that’’
‘’But how are you? Express your anger’’
Aja cursed and kicked a trash can, making some noise - but nothing that could wake up somebody. She could see they expressed their anger for real.
‘’I can’t get expelled Aqua… Can’t let my mom down, I wish we could, you know, hurt Brianna. Physically, I’m sorry, but I’m very angry at her'’
Aquaria’s chest hurt with the thought of Brianna getting hurt. It hurt even more with the thought of Aja getting expelled.
‘’…But you know I won’t’’
‘’I care about you too Aja, if you’re expelled I’ll never forgive myself’’
‘’Sis, isn’t your damn fault if you blame yourself one more time… I worry about my mom you know?’’
Aja’s mom was a very sweet person by what Aqua knew. She liked poetry, and flowers - smelled like flowers also. She treated Aja like the most special flower in the world. They always talked about her. About how their alcoholic dad used to be toxic to them both, and how she built a new life in a small trailer with them.
Years later, when they got a scholarship in one of the best schools in the country, she couldn’t be more proud of her child. She was the only thing they cared about - besides Farrah, of course… hearing that from Aja made Aquaria lose her mind.
She was feeling guilty, her stupid crush messed her best friend’s life. She would never forgive herself even if Aja yelled at her that it wasn’t her fault. The only thing sleepy and sad Aqua did was open her arms to them one more time, and let them cry on her chest.
‘’Sorry this was way too emotional…’’ they cried in broken sentences ‘’Fuck! My dad already disappointed my mom, I can’t disappoint her too, I’m a fucking failure. When I came out she was the only person who accepted me… She was the only person who ever cared about me besides you and Farrah. I just… I wanna give her a better life’’
‘’Listen, she will always be proud of you. I’m sure she wouldn’t care. She loves you’’ now was Aquaria’s time to pet Aja’s mint green hair;
‘’B-but I still would be a failure…’’
‘’You’re not a failure, I promise we will solve it. Should we go to our room now? I can hold your hand while we watch mean girls, like the old times’’
One funny thing about Aja, they were all badass and strong, but their favorite movie was Mean Girls. So when they first meet, they used to watch Mean Girls together all the time when school was too scary.
‘’You forgot our room turned into a party. Some people are trying to clean it, as usual, they’re almost done I have pity on their souls’’
‘’Don’t forget next time it can be us…’’
‘’If there is a next time’’ Aja sighed, still sad ‘’I was helping them… The worrying about losing my scholarship and my best friend were scaring me the fucking out’’
‘’So where are our people?’’
‘’They’re at the barn, but Farrah is in her dorm, I slept there, she offered me comfort and cuddles’’
‘’Farrah Moan seems like the kind of girl who cuddles’’
‘’She does, and her cuddles are fucking amazing. You need a cuddle, everyone needs a cuddle’’
‘’Aja what did you became?’’
‘’A big softie, we hugged three times this morning, Aquaria. I’m in a fragile state I have the right to’’
The barn was at Charles Academy proprietary, but it got forgotten and never used as a barn properly. The administration seemed to forget it existed, so that worked as a kind of deposit.
Even Bob the Eagle didn’t look there in her stakeouts, it was the perfect place. Aquaria and her friends used that as a kind of headquarter. It was all blue - different from the other barns, it was blue because CA brand color was a royal blue.
The smell of fresh paint was still there, but not as strong as the smell of alcohol when she got in. For Aquaria’s surprise, no one was sleeping. She had to handle the hugs and the ‘’I’m glad you’re safe’’ kind of thing. She wasn’t complaining, it was nice to be home.
Home meant they would mock the cute pastel pink pajamas she was wearing - that matched her so well. Home meant the alcohol smell, alcohol that consumed a lot. Home meant her friend’s warm hugs, and care. She had her moms, but her friends were like a second family for her.
‘’I hate to be a bitch, but we have to solve our little issue’’ Laila muttered
‘’I know… ‘’ addressed a very sleepy Jinkx. She woke up recently by her voice ‘’fucking student council president was there, we’re fucked! How did that happen anyways?“
Aquaria felt herself getting smaller with that comment.
While they discussed how bad the situation was, Aquaria put both of her hands on her head to think. Until she remembered some flashes of last night. Brianna dancing, she remembered of watching her untie her hair, and that was so damn sexy…
‘’Guys, We have a thing against miss perfect’’
‘’Aka her fucking crush y’all’’ Laila groaned. ‘’Aqua, I love you. But why couldn’t you keep fucking trustable people? She wouldn’t be there if you two didn’t have any connection like, why would she go to your dorm’’
‘’You could keep fucking people who like you’’ Raja addressed ‘’sorry, any girl would die to have you. Not Brianna fucking Cracker, why do you like her?’’
‘’I…’’ she tried to explain herself, but Aja put a hand on her shoulder as the protective friend they were:
‘’The nerd can be an asshole, but she’s kinda cute. Aquaria has a questionable taste, but it’s all chill since it doesn’t fuck us all so, get easy on her? Isn’t her fault guys, do you think she could betray us in that way? She has a brain, dammit. She didn’t know they would be there’’
They were sort of lying, but since Aquaria doubted she would be there, that was kinda true. She decided to keep her mouth shut and let Aja lead the situation.
‘’…Probably somebody recorded her dancing at the party?’’
‘’I did!’’
‘’Well Raven, we should tell her we will post it. It shows she was at a secret party…’’ Aquaria addressed ‘’she wouldn’t snitch us if she also got snitched”
‘’Wow, calm down baby Aqua’’ Pearl mocked ‘’she’s a savage. Blackmailing?’’ and Aquaria conclude she got high in that time of the morning. None of them did weed that much, but Pearl? She always did weed.
‘’I bet my ass that she’s planning how to snitch us all right now! I’m sorry for the folks who are cleaning, they aren’t safe as we are right now’’ Adore got up from the floor.
‘’She’s sleeping…’’
‘’How do you know that? Oh my god Aquaria, did you slept with her? Great, you saw the enemy at the party and what now? Instead of trying to take her to us so we could solve it, you decided to fucking have sex with her?’’
Aquaria’s cheeks immediately turned red with Adore’s question: ‘’I didn’t, okay? I was very drunk but I’m sure I didn’t. I remember that she saw my state, and took me to her dorm, she took care of me. Believe on me, I couldn’t say one coherent sentence’’
‘’She’s not wrong… I talked to her and she started to tell me why I should tap my webcam because FBI is watching us. Then she started to compare that with a bunch of senseless metaphors, Aqua is a clumsy drunk.’’
Katya and her Russian accent saved her ass.
Everyone laughed, and they seemed to get easy on her now. Then, they all got silent, until Aja clapped their hands: ‘’Who’s going to talk to the nerdy barbie?’’
‘’Aquaria! Is that even a question? She seems to have a lot of… Intimacy, with her’’
Not them all were getting easy on her. Adore was still looking at her as she would murder somebody.
‘’I told you, I didn’t sleep with her okay?’’
For one moment Aquaria felt sad that wasn’t a lie.
‘’…I talk to her anyway, it’s my responsibility, and I care too much about you guys’’
‘’We love you’’ Pearl got up to hug her, she had alcohol breath too ‘’don’t we?’’
‘’We do, I’m sorry for being a bitch with you’’
‘’Me too’’ Laila held her girlfriend’s hand
They sneakily went back to their dorms. They were clean now, thanks to the assigned cleaners. They were like assigned drivers but assigned to clean the mess of the parties.
Aja and Aquaria pretended they got up exactly in that time. They showered, smoked their morning cigarette watching people in the bathroom window. Aja always wore a leather jacket as a blazer, their style was very solid. Aquaria this time decided to only wear her tight uniform shirt and her shorted skirt. A black choker was the cherry on top of the cake, she looked heavenly.
‘’I guess blackmailing the nerd will be a little bit more fun for you than I expected…’’
‘’Shut up, I always dress like this’’
‘’Fair enough, the bitch stares at you all the time. You could cut the sexual tension between you two with a knife’’
‘’I wish’’ she bit her lip.
Everything seemed normal, they went to have breakfast and attended class. No one called their attention, that was good. Aquaria was doing fine, then she didn’t saw Brianna in the student council table, she almost passed out. She would be fine, for sure, or snitching them to her own mother right now.
Didn’t saw Brianna on a class either. Her first class was French, her heart was pounding so fast that she was sure the other classroom could hear it too. Maybe Brianna heard that and showed a damn sign of life. She was impatient, she wanted to see her, and not only because she could be fucking her life right now. She needed to see her, at least one more time.
And that time happened when a messy Brianna got into the class, late. Brianna Cracker was late. Brianna president of the student council Cracker. Brianna miss perfect Cracker… She couldn’t believe on it, Aquaria’s chin was on the floor.
Madam Visage looked at her with a worried look, Brianna never used to get late. Not even one single time, not even when she was sick. Brianna mumbled an inaudible ‘’sorry’’ and took her seat. Even their teacher couldn’t continue with the class, everyone was talking about her. If Aquaria got late, it would be only another normal day, but Brianna? That was like a natural disaster.
Sometimes, she used to pay attention to her in class. She was so angelic.. The way she always tied her hair in a bun, or bite her pencil a little bit when she was nervous made her so human to Aquaria. It was a Brianna that could never get seen by anyone, but Aquaria realized her. She had a worried look like the ceiling was going to fall on her head. Aquaria really wanted to hold her hand.
But no, her friends needed her too. She wouldn’t do that to Aja, friends first then lovers and crushes. So when the class ended, Aquaria waited for everyone to leave. She knew Brianna used to always stay to finish taking notes even when the teacher left. She closed the door of the class and walked to Brianna slowly and carefully in her heeled boots.
‘’Well, well, well’’
For a change, Brianna gulped and got red. Aquaria always loved the effect she had over her.
‘’Listen, I am thankful for whatever you did, and for taking care of me.’’ she sighed ‘’I am thankful, you’re. Sweet, I appreciate that. But when it comes to my friends I need to be rational.’’
‘’W-what do you mean?’’
‘’I mean that you can’t snitch us, you can’t do that’’
‘’I wasn’t going to snitch you… Aquaria, you’re… I…’’ she sighed ‘’ You have a bright future in this institution. But your friends in another hand are…“
‘’Well, if they go down, we both are going down with them’’
She played the video of Brianna dancing on her phone, and she had to admit she was sexy. Brianna looked at the video, scared, as she had seen a ghost. She was feeling bad for Brianna, but she couldn’t let Aja and her other friends down.
‘’Aquaria are you blackmailing me?’’
‘’If you tell anyone about the party, I’ll send this to your beloved mom, and to the student council… You don’t want that Bri, do you?’’
And she left Brianna there, along with that to process. She couldn’t feel remorse or regret, but somehow she cried when she arrived at her dorm. Thinking about the monster she became, and how easy would be everyone’s life if she never were alive. Her moms lives, Aja’s life, Brianna’s life, her friend’s lives… She wouldn’t have to hurt anyone or pick sides. She was a liability.
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tony-luvv · 6 years
Mar 20 - Proposal Day
Warning: Beach Times, Namor Knows What He Wants, Tony in Speedos, Namor x Tony
Ao3 Link
Fanfiction Link
Master Holiday List
On a normal day, Namor would have never given the Avengers a second glance. But today was different.
In recent times his mother, Fen, had started showing her age. Slowing down, spending more time in her room. Even though her body was aging and changing her routine, her heart stayed strong with her son. For her son, she wanted nothing more than for him to find a mate. Her biggest regret in life was not having more time with his father. Which meant she wanted him to find a mate and soon.
Taking matters into her own hand, she tried to set him up with atlanteans from around the castle. If Namor didn’t find a solution soon he would go mad.
But for now he’d take a simple break from the underwater kingdom. So he made his way to land. Although he didn’t much care for the humans, he could find some form of distraction among them.
Today his distraction came in the form of the Avengers. The team of Earth’s protectors were having a ‘beach day.’
As he neared the beach he took in everyone. The captain and thunderer were battling against James and James. The falcon and hawk man watching and cheering on the sidelines. Further from the game he saw the two magic wielders. Possibly arguing while magic glowed around them. The rest were spread out in the sand. The shifting beast was reading under an umbrella. The red haired assassin was lounging on a chair.
His eyes skimmed over a few more members, just taking a basic observation of the beach scene they created. Just a cursory glance until his eyes landed on Stark.
Being human, the submariner never gave the man much thought aside from the basic knowledge. A prince among his people, he had wealth, beauty and brains.
Namor recognized all of this long ago, but today it was different.
Stark was lounging in the sun, body on display. And my, what a display it was.
Baring nothing but a speedo the man’s skin flourished under the skin, soaking up the sun’s rays and giving his lightly tanned body a fresh glow. A body that was toned and beautiful. Namor had never seen this much of Stark’s body before and he was slightly disheartened this was his first time. His stomach was flat with hints of abs, enough to show his work to stay in shape. His arms that cradled his head were packed with muscle, a clear indicator of his hard labor. But what really drew Namor in were those thighs. Thick and soft, something he’d love to sink his teeth into.
They looked even juicer up close.
“Stark.” The genius startled out of a doze and sat up.
“Namor! What the hell–” His voice cut out when the Atlantean dropped down on one knee. Namor reach forward and grabbed his hand, holding it between them, “Are you o–”
“Anthony Stark.”
The atlantean’s stare was intense as he kneeled before him, hands held firmly between them. “Yes?”
“Will you marry me?”
A million thoughts wanted to race through his head but Namor’s vibrant green eyes kept them at bay. Those eyes begged him to focus and say something.
“Okay. . .” and it just rolled off the tongue making Namor smile, something Tony had never seen before. “I mean, um, yes?”
He vaguely heard the shouts from his teammates but their voices were drowned out by Namor. The aqua man leaned forward right into Tony’s space and kissed him. Like the rest of this encounter, it was unexpected but surprisingly pleasant. Namor was sweet, he didn’t push for more than the press of their lips. A faint smile curling against his stunned lips. Then he did something Tony never would have expected from the stoic man, he playfully nipped his bottom lip. Gasping he watched Namor pull away from him, shit eating grin so small but clear as the man watched him, “You’ll make a lovely bride.”
“Whoa! Can we back up for a second.” Steve was standing next to them looking very angry.
“Issue Captain Rogers?” Namor stood to his full height, standing toe to toe with the patriotic Avenger. Facing someone other than his bride-to-be Namor reverted back to his stony physic.
“Yes! What is the meaning of this? The last time you saw us you were saying humans were beneath you. Tony is very human Namor, is this supposed to be some form of slavery?” Tony blinked, he really didn’t think this thing through. But it wasn’t every day that a buff man crawled out of the ocean and asked for your hand in marriage. Maybe he should have asked more questions first?
“Anthony has displayed a new beauty I was unaware of and I want him.” It was so like Namor to be straight to the point.
“So you’re after his body?” Steve was nearly shrieking at this point. Hands clenching by his sides, teeth grinding as a crowd of their friends gathered around them. Tony got comfortable on his towel, preparing for one hell of a show.
“He did look quite delicious laid out in the beach. But tell me Captain, why are you so upset by this? It’s not as if Anthony is yours, surely he wouldn’t have said yes if he was. Or he sees that I am the better man.” Steve took an angry step closer but was quickly pulled back by Bucky and Sam.
Rhodey took the chance to step forward, “I have a few questions for you Namor.”
“I suppose you would, come. Let us step aside for a moment.” Namor gestured away from everyone, allowing the Colonel to lead them away. Namor kneeled next to Tony’s sitting figure again, “I shall be only a moment my dear.” He gazed at him, index finger and thumb holding his head up. The rough pad of his thumb idly played with his bottom lip and trimmed beard. Mesmerized, he merely nodded. Again Namor gave him one of those rare smiles, pressing said smile against his cheek.
Then he was gone, following Rhodey across the sand away from the group. He could faintly hear angry whispers between Steve and Sam, but he didn’t take in any of the content. Gaze locked onto Namor’s back.
He only pulled his eyes away when a body plopped down in front of him. Barton.
“Really Stark?”
He shrugged his shoulders, gaze turning back to Namor as if the man’s body gave a siren call that only Tony could hear. “I’m not getting any younger.”
Clint jumped when a bolt of green energy beamed aggressively behind Tony. Looking past the distracted genius, Clint watched as Loki literally green with envy. It made a chill run down the back of the archers spine. Especially when it seemed Loki wasn’t going to calm down.
It was a miracle that Strange stepped up next to his fellow sorcerer, “Did you know it was that easy to get Stark?”
Loki sheathed for another few seconds before the green flames started simmering around him, “No, I did not.” Strange just patted his shoulder, disappointment displayed in every ounce of his body.
I apologize for any mistakes or if this is crappy, i haven’t looked over it so it’s un-beta’d. Hope you enjoyed it.
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lionfangeda · 7 years
11. A violent kiss and/or 6. A kiss that was regretted HECK ME UP
SEND A NUMBER, GET A KISS(can either be left as drabble or turned into thread)STATUS || ACCEPTING
he grew weary of seeing him at each and every one of these events.a mockery dressed in fine clothes, when he would forget to contain the volume of his laughter, it echoed across the marble floors and cream-painted walls.often did he cringe when it hit his ears, clutching the glass of wine a little harder, stirring questions of concerns from his companions of the evening.often was he capable of scrounging back his false smile to reassure it was simply a sudden headache, others he excused himself when they’d catch each other’s stares, and the billowing rage at his cocky smirk became intolerable.
the cool air was a relief from the blistering, humid heat that had ravaged them at the beginning of the party.the summer sun finally set, when he sought out the bliss of quiet and peace from the noise of the banquet hall (and him), he was greeted by a soft breeze and ocean waves lapping at the shore.
it was a beautiful beachfront venue, a perfect place for aqua to preen and brag of their accomplishments.the charities funded, their upcoming event sponsored at the oceanic museum, how far their conservation had reached in saving hoenn’s native habitats.weak-minded and soft for their native region, it was of no surprise that those willing to listen so easily opened up their wallets and offered donations.
wine suddenly tasting bitter, pleasant buzz turning into fierce headache, his free hand rose to massage at his temples when the creak of the french doors opening had him pausing.and when he turned, gold locking with blue-grey, he immediately thought of splashing the remainder of his drink in his face.
but his wine deserved better than archie.
‘ enjoying your night? ‘ he sneered, the clarity he had mere hours before dimmed, fogged over with inebriation.as often as he liked to believe himself better than his alcoholic father before him, perhaps reaching for those additional glasses in order to cope left him just as low.
‘ kissed ass plenty? got the hand-outs you were looking for? ‘if archie spoke, he wasn’t listening, the roar in his ears enough to drown out the movement of his mouth, the arrogance in his smirk.there was something so satisfying in how quickly it changed from confident to shocked as his fingers twisted into his shirt (he hoped he wrinkled that ironed collar), lips curling back to flash sharp fangs in a contemptuous smile.
‘ here. let me give you my hand-out. ‘
soft lips were not enough to provide cushion against the clash of their teeth, fingers digging deeper into his collar as he kept him rooted.it was a kiss primarily with teeth, canines digging into soft flesh, tongue lapping to taste metal.
and with a sudden realization, the clarity he had ached for all evening snapping in too late, he shoved him back, wine splashing over his hand.
‘ ugh--- ‘
disgust flashed in a whirlwind of emotion across his face, wine glass dropped into the grass besides the paved walkway.icy sobriety washed over him, the night air suddenly all too frigid as he jerked himself away, not checking to see whether it was wine or blood that was splattered on the back of his hand.
‘ stay away from me, ‘ he spat, as if archie had wrought this against him, letting their shoulders jam together as he jerked back inside.he should have stayed home.
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blahblahblippyblah · 7 years
Solangelo:  Kiss on the Big House Roof
Nico woke up in a panic as usual. His dreams were always haunted with the depths of Tartarus, and also ended in him drowning in popcorn. Drowning in popcorn may seem silly and maybe even fun for most people, but not to a demigod who once spent time as a stalk of corn.  He check he alarm clock beside he bed.  Was 3 in the afternoon? He sat up and sighed.
Being the only camper in cabin 13 had its benefits. It meant that he was head counsellor which meant he got to choose what his cabin did all day. It also meant it was easy for him to get out of training. Of course he couldn’t push his luck of Chiron would be at his door every morning to make sure Nico didn’t sleep his summer away. The Hades cabin was very dark, therefore it was very easy to accidently sleep in since there was no natural way of knowing the sun had risen. It was also always cold in the Hades cabin. Probably because it was made of solid obsidian. This was a benefit in the summer when it was scorching outside, but Nico didn’t know how this was going to work out come winter. Nico laid back down in his blankets. For a minute he contemplated going back to bed so he could stay up later tonight. He might even go for a midnight stroll through the forest. That sounded nice to him. He enjoyed walking in the dark.  The forest at Camp Half-blood was the most entertaining place to walk in the middle of the night since he scared the bejebus out of the dryads and satyrs.
Just as he closed his eye he heard a rap at the door. He opened one eye and looked at the door weighing his chance of pretending he wasn’t here. Then he heard a voice behind the door.
“Nico I know you’re in there. Get out here and come hang out or I’ll come in there and drag you out.”
It was the voice of Jason Grace. Nico sighed thankfully. For a minute he thought he jinxed himself and it was Chiron.
“Give me a sec, I got to clean up and get dressed”  he shouted back.
“Fine we will be at the beach”. Nico heard Jason walk off the Hades cabin porch.
Nico got up and went to the bathroom to clean up. He then went and picked out some appropriate clothes. It was warm at the beach so he grabbed some long black shorts, and his all too creative black t-shirt with dancing skeletons. There were a few holes in it from past quests, but Nico didn’t care. It was his favourite shirt.
He grabbed his stygian iron sword and strapped it to his belt. You know your typical beach wear.  He walked out of the cabin and walked through the bustle of Camp. Camp was full of activity because this was the last days the summer campers would be here. Soon everyone would be headed back to their homes, and only a few year rounder’s would be staying. Tonight there was going to be a big camp fire, with fireworks curtesy of the Hephaestus cabin.  As he passed the Hephaestus cabin he saw tons of burly looking kids scrambling with tons of explosives and various dangerous thing preparing the show. He heard Harley excitedly telling to his siblings about how he had packed the firework he was holding to turn in a giant dragon of sparklers that would attack another dragon he was going to make in another colour.
Nico really hoped that the firework dragons did what they were supposed to so he wouldn’t have to fight fireworks tonight.
As he approached the beach he noticed 3 people sprawled out on the sand. Two other people were in the water.  Jason, Annabeth and Will were on beach towels all talking to each other and watching as piper rode some waves on her surfboard. Percy sat on his surfboard probably making the waves, as Nico was pretty sure he had never seen waves this big in Long Island before.
We he approached Jason noticed him and waved. Annabeth and Jason were both sporting Camp Half-blood t-shirts, except Jason was wearing blue board shorts while Annabeth had bathing suit bottoms on. Will was leaning back on the sand half on his towel wearing plain orange shorts and a bright white t-shirt. Nico was glad to see him out of his tye dye shirts. He looked much better in white. Nico then swore at himself in his head for thinking that way.
What a dork Nico thought.
Then he smiled, Jason was great. Probably he only person he trusted. His list was short so you knew it was a very covenant list.  He only 2 other people that had made it were Reyna and Coach Hedge. Although as Nico go closer to Will he realised that Will was slowly making his list.
When he reached them he could hear Annabeth going on about artificial sweetener. Nico didn’t know how they got on that subject, but decided to let her continue her rant. He went to go sit in the sand beside Jason but Will caught his attention and waved for him to come sit on his towel with him. Nico was grateful because the sand was burning hot. He didn’t know how Will had the tolerance to lay his legs in the sand.
Nico looked out at the ocean. He watched as Piper paddled out to a wave with Percy. As they got close she stood up and rode the wave towards the beach. Percy on the other hand managed to get on top of his board shakily. He rode it for about 5 seconds before the board went flying from under him and he face planted in the waves. Nico snorted out loud, and quickly covered his mouth to stop the embarrassing sound.
He remembered when he first met Percy he asked him whether he was a good surfer since his dad was Poseidon. Apparently Poseidon wasn’t the god of surfers.
Jason stared laughing too. Annabeth stopped talking and looked up at what they were laughing at. Percy’s head could be seen bobbing out of the water. Piper had reached the shore and was walking towards them. Percy summoned a water current and aqua manned himself to the shore as well. His lost board washed up behind him.
Hey both came over and sat down. Will reached behind him and passed hem some sunscreen.
“Reapply or you’re going to regret it” he warned. “I can feel you guys are staring to burn”
They did as they were told. Will threw me a bottle too.
“You as well pale death boy”
He glared at him but did as I was told.
Percy laid back on the sand.
“I didn’t think it would be so hard” He protested.
Piper grinned “Just takes some practice”
Percy frowned. Then he sat up and grabbed Annabeth’s hand. The whole back of him was covered in sand.
“Come try it with me” he said.
Annabeth didn’t argue. She got up and walked hand in hand with him to the water.
“So Nico how are you doing?” Jason asked.
Nico thought it a strange question but Jason must have been trying to start a conversation with him.  So he went with it.
“Um fine I guess. Jus tired a lot lately.  You know nightmares. But I also think it might have to do with the fact the Hades cabin is super creepy. I don’t know who decorated it but I am not a vampire.”
Everyone frowned at the nightmare comment but didn’t saying anything. Demigods knew all about nightmares.
“Maybe Will can help you redecorate over the fall.” Piper suggested. “I’m sure he’d be able to brighten the place up” she joked.
“Ha ha, very funny sun god joke. But I don’t have my dad’s blinding personality or gifts so the most I could do is help repaint” Will replied.
Piper just smiled. She caught Nico’s eyes and he was prey sure she was up to something. It was the look Percy got when he was going to do something Annabeth told him not to do.
Nico averted his gaze. Piper’s mom was the god of love. He really hoped she could sense the sight tension Nico had right now being so close to Will.  He tried his best to keep a acceptable distance from Will so as to not raise questions, but also far enough so that Wills feeling didn’t get hurt. He guessed they were friends now so it might be rude. Well friends might not be exactly what they were. But Nico didn’t have a name for someone he was friends who he really liked, and had kissed only 1 ½ times. Also no one knew about those last 2 parts.
He finished putting on sunscreen. He had accidently forgot to run in a large patch on his nose. But no one said anything. They sat on the beach talking about yearly plans. Jason was going to travel between the camps between going to school with Piper in LA to build temples for he minor gods. Piper didn’t really have anything planned except spending time with her dad who agreed to take the year off from filming and touring. Coach Hedge, Nellie, and baby chuck were going with them too. Just one big happy family.  Nico was kind jealous. It sounded as if they had a lot to look forward to this winter. Plus baby Chuck was the most adorable little kid Nico had ever seen. It was also the first baby to not cry when he held it. Not than Nico had held a lot of babies. But most would start crying even if he passed their strollers. Chuck just grumpily shaked his fist and demanded more milk and mushed up recycled cardboard. Baby goats were weird that way.
Wil talked about how he wanted to start his first aid course, as well as work on his healing skills. A summer of training and improvement. How very typical demigod of him. Nico thought about what he wanted to do. He couldn’t think of anything. Then he thought about Will’s plans, and honestly they stated to sound very nice. He definetly could improve his skills. Other often told him that he was the most powerful demigod they met, yet Nico didn’t feel that way. He wanted to be a great hero, not some half hero hat passed out from using his powers to much.
He must have looked upset because Piper interjected his thinking .
“What’s wrong Nico?” she asked.
“Nothing I was just thinking about the same thing Will was saying. I think I want to stay at camp and work on my powers some more. It would be nice to be able to shadow travel without fading into the darkness.” Nico replied
“ Well this is the place to work on it Nico” Jason chimed in. “I mean what better place than home”
Nico smiled.
“Ya I guess this is home now,  but if it’s going to be home then I need to get rid of the coffin like decor in my cabin” Nico joked.
Everyone smiled.
 That night the campfire burned several stories tall. The singing from every camper and the excited atmosphere made it grow larger than Nico had ever seen it before.
Nico sat by the edge of the circle legs crossed with his hands in the grass behind him. Will came up beside him and sat down. He had put his first aid instructor sweater on. Red surprisingly went with his tan skin and blonde hair. It kind of made him resemble the flames hat were coming out of the camp fire.
Will didn’t say anything for a while. He just stared at the campers who had all begun a chorus of
‘When I’m gone. When I’m gone. You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone’
He felt something brush against his left hand. He jerked it away out of habit. Stupid battle reflexes. He noticed it was just Will’s hand. Will gave an apologetic smile. Nico returned it and put his hand back down where it was. Will moved his hand over Nico’s. It was subtle but Nico checkd around to make sure no one was looking.
Will looked at Nico.
“Is this ok?” he asked “ I mean if not I can go I don’t want to feel…” he trailed off
“it’s ok. I promise. Just umm idk if I want everyone to know yet?” Nico said very quietly.
Will gave him a sympathetic smile. Nico felt bad about what he just said. Not because it wasn’t how he felt, but because he didn’t want Will to feel like Nico was shunning him because he was scared.
“It’s not you Will. I promise. It’s just… well. I don’t know how everyone would react. I’m not very liked as it is. And ….” He trailed off and stayed silent for a long time.
Will just kindly smiled at him.
“Hey it’s ok Nico. I just want to let you know I really like you” he whispered for Nico’s sake.
Nico sat uncomfortably. He didn’t saying anything for a while. Then he realised Will’s smile was fading. Nico had a feeling he might have hurt Will’s feelings. Will just told him he like him, and Nico had said nothing.
“Hey, do you want to go somewhere cool?” he asked Will.
“Of course”
Will went to get up but Nico ushered him back down. He looked over his shoulders to make sure no one was still looking. He caught Jason’s face in the crowd smiling at him from beside Piper. He had a sly smirk on his face eyeing him and Will sitting beside each other. He raised an eyebrow at Nico from across the campfire. Nico suck his tongue out at Jason and then the and will faded into the shadows holding tight to Wills hand.
They reappeared sitting on top of the big house roof. From there they had a great view of the campfire and the whole camp from the strawberry fields to Canoe Lake.
Even though he was still sitting Nico swayed. The travel knocked his brain fuzzy, he was seeing double and his eyelids grew heavy. His ears rang and everything stared to flash white. The oh to familiar feeling of passing out. He gripped the roof shingles for support. Wil, looked no better. This was Wills first time shadow traveling. Which was pretty disorienting. Yet he shook his head and composed himself.
“Whoa there death boy” Will said and steadied Nico against himself.
Nico didn’t pull back he let himself fall into Wills shoulder. Nico groaned.
“Here drink this” Will said as he passed Nico a water bottle from his sweater. “Its’s unicorn horn and Tiber river water. I got some from Reyna before she left. As I heard it’s the only thing that works for you.”
Nico thought it was wired that Will had taken it upon himself to carry the unicorn water with himself just in case Nico needed it, but he didn’t protest and drank half he bottle. He felt much better after a few minutes. Although he was now still pretty tired, as though he ran 5 k and then eneded up on the roof.
“So why are we up here?” Will asked. “Not that I’m complaining I mean it’s very beautiful up here I’ve never seen camp from this angle”
Nico sat up from Wills support. He gently laid his hand on Wills which was holding ono the roof.
“I wanted to say I like you too” Nico said.
Will smiled wide.
“Although I’m not sure why you like me. I mean I’m all dark and scary to everyone else. Most people don’t really like the whole death thing very much”
Will let out a small laugh.
“Really because as I see it for a guy who wear nothing but black and commutes to the underworld you’re a big softy. Also for a big softie you’re also the most powerful demigod I have ever met. It’s super attractive. I mean watching you fight during the battle, Wow. I’ve never seen someone so... just wow. And you’re kind of cute I guess” Will replied.
Now that Nico admitted to liking Will he noticed Will was getting some of his son of Apollo ego back.
Nico smiled. He felt a little more courageous around Will “Kind of unfair don’t you think? You get kind of cute and I get smoking hot.”
Wills smiled couldn’t get any bigger. His tan skin glowed in the dark, his hair stuck out like a dirty blond flag, and his teeth shone white against the black sky.
From where Will was sitting all he could see of Nico was his pale face like a moon. His dark hair and clothes blended into the night seamlessly. Will could make out where his eye where though. They twinkled in the moonlight mimicking the stars behind Nico. Will had heard about opposites attracting. And this was definitely the case. His dad the god of the sun and warmth, and Nico son of the god who represented everything about the cold dark. They would perfectly balance each other.
They sat in silence listening to the campers sing camp songs. Nico still held Wills hand. It was warm and Nico used it reheat his cold fingers. The fireworks stared over the lake. And Nico had to give it to the Hephaestus kids they were the best fireworks he had ever seen. The fireworks formed bright colorful constellations of ancient gods and heroes who re-enacted their tales in the sky. From below they could just make out the voices Will’s cabin mates reciting out their stories in song as the fireworks danced across the sky. Hercules wrestle with a hydra in the sky in dazzling blue and purple.
Nico was listening intently and gazing up at the sky. He laughed when they started to tell the tales of the adventures the crew of the Argo 2 had gone on. They got to the part of the story where Heracles got buried with coconuts by the great hero Piper. Nico could make out Jason and Piper standing on a picnic table. Jason held up Piper’s arms and ushered for her to make a bow. Nico laughed and then turned his head to watch Will. Will was laughing as well, listening to the story for the first time. Then next thing Nico knew he was pressing his lips up against Wills. He wrapped his arms around Wills neck and pulled him closer. Will was shocked for a second and then leaned into the kiss more enthusiastically than Nico. He curled one hand into Nico’s hair behind his head and the other went down to his lower back. Nico moved his lips to match the pace if Wills. He had never kissed anyone before so he was slowly following Wills lead hoping he was doing it right. His head swan with heat. He completely forgot where they were. He could smell sunshine and citrus coming from Wills hair, his lips tasted like orange juice and freshly picked strawberries. He gasped for breath, he had forgot to breath. Will pulled his face back from Nico’s but they kept their hand there they were.
Nico looked into Wills eyes. They were shinning bright blue as if a small piece of the clear daytime sky was shining through the night.
“You ok?” Will asked. ”You’re swaying. Are you going to pass out? Do you need anything?” Will asked.
“I’m fine, just new to this” Nico admitted.
Will smiled “Ok, can I kiss you again then?”
Will didn’t need an answer because Nico flew himself back toward Wills lips. Nico could feel Will smiling as he kissed him. Will rubbed his fingers into Nico’s hair massaging his head slightly and to hold it steady as his increased he intensity of his kiss. Nico tighten his grasp around Wills neck.
When the last of the fireworks died out and campers could be seen walking back to their cabin will looked down at Nico. Nico was curled up under Wills arms leaning against his shoulder. His arms were wrapped around Wills waist. Will smiled. He felt like he was on top of the world, not just the Big House roof.
He shook Nico awake gently. Nico’s eyes fluttered open and he grumbled.
“You missed the best part of the fireworks. They talked about your heroic escape and fights and journey. They went to make you stand up to bow no one could find you “ Will laughed.
Nico made a sarcastic face.
“Jason saw me disappear with you. Hell cover me” Nico said.
Will looked at him quizzically. Nico had been very adamant about keep them a secret for now, yet Jason knew. Nico must had read his thought because he started to explain about how Jason was the first to know about Nico’s secrets. And how Jason had helped him through his fight with cupid .Will listened quietly.  He didn’t know about any of this but he felt grateful Nico was sharing it with him. It helped him understand Nico’s reclusive behaviour towards him and Camp Half-blood.
“The only other 2 people to know are Coach Hedge and Reyna. They saw my feelings of fear and hate when I unleashed in on our trip with the Parthenos.”
Will nodded. His leaned in and kissed Nico on the cheek.
“Come one death boy. Let’s climb down before the harpies come and eat us for a late night snack.”
Nico punched him arm but returned the kiss on the cheek to Will.
When Will got back to his cabin his siblings demanded to know where he disappeared to but Will shook them off by slipping into the bathroom. Although he was pretty sure he could hear them hypothesizing where he had been. Seeing as only 1 other camper went missing that night.
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ao3feed-mythology · 5 years
Under My Love-Love Umbrella
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Z8aTDe
by Darkrealmist
Ai and Roboppy successfully obtain SOL Technologies’ code key, and celebrate with a post-victory jaunt in the rain.
Words: 427, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS, Yu-Gi-Oh! - All Media Types, Rihanna (Musician), Ancient Greek Religion & Lore
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Ai | Ignis, Roboppy (Yu-Gi-Oh), Zaizen Aoi, Zaizen Akira, Revolver | Kougami Ryouken, Lightning (Yu-Gi-Oh), Flame (Yu-Gi-Oh), Aqua (Yu-Gi-Oh), Earth (Yu-Gi-Oh), Windy (Yu-Gi-Oh), Pandor (Yu-Gi-Oh), Fujiki Yuusaku, Rihanna Fenty, Pandora (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore)
Relationships: Ai| Ignis/Roboppy (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Additional Tags: Acceptance, Affection, Affectionate Insults, Age Difference, Airplanes, Androids, Angst, Angst and Feels, Angst and Humor, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Anime, Artificial Intelligence, Asian Character(s), Bad Weather, Battle, Big Brothers, Bisexual Character, Bisexual Male Character, Boys In Love, Boys' Love, Brother Feels, Brotherly Affection, Brotherly Love, Brothers, Brother-Sister Relationships, Canon - Anime Dub, Canon Backstory, Canon Bisexual Character, Canon Character of Color, Canon Queer Relationship, Canon Relationships, Canon Trans Character, Card Games, Celebrations, Character Development, Character(s) of Color, Children, Civil War, Comfort, Comfort/Angst, Compare and Contrast, Complete, Computers, Constructed Reality, Cosplay, Cross-cultural, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, Cultural References, Cussing, Cute, Cute Ending, Cute Kids, Cybercrimes, Cyberpunk, Dating, Depression, Despair, Devotion, Dialect, Dorkiness, Double Entendre, Doubt, Drowning, Dubious Ethics, Dubious Morality, Duelling, Duel Monsters, During Canon, Emoticons, Emotional, Emotional Baggage, Emotional Hurt, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotions, Endearments, Enemies, Episode Related, Ethical Dilemmas, Ethics, Evil Corporations, Evolution, Family, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Family Loss, Fanfiction, Fanservice, Fantasy, Fear, Ficlet, Fights, Flashbacks, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Humor, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Fluffy Ending, Flying, Freedom, Free Will, Friendship, Friends to Enemies, Fun, Funny, Games, Gender Identity, Genderswap, Grief/Mourning, Guilt, Guilty Pleasures, Hacking, Happy, Happy Ending, Harm to Children, Heroes to Villains, Hero Worship, Het and Slash, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Hobbies, Hope, Hope vs. Despair, Human Resources, Humanity, Human Sacrifice, Humor, Hurt, Hurt/Comfort, In-Jokes, Innocence, Inspired by Music, Internet, Japanese Character(s), Japanese Culture, Joyful, Justice, Knights - Freeform, Laughter, Leviathans, LGBTQ Character, Lies, Little Sisters, Loneliness, Loyalty, Machines, Maids, Male Antagonist, Male Character of Color, Male Slash, Memes, Mental Anguish, Mentor/Sidekick, Merpeople, Minions, Minor Canonical Character(s), Minor Character(s), Mischief, Misgendering, Missions, Monsters, Moral Ambiguity, Moral Dilemmas, Morality, Morally Ambiguous Character, Near Death Experiences, Nervousness, Oblivious, Ocean, One Shot, Originally Posted Elsewhere, Originally Posted on FanFiction.Net, Pandora's Box, Partnership, Personal Growth, Pet Names, Philosophy, Plans, POV Antagonist, POV Nonhuman, Pride, Princes & Princesses, Protectiveness, Protective Older Brothers, Protective Siblings, Psychological Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Puns & Word Play, Queer Youth, Quests, Rain, Rare Characters, Rare Pairings, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, References to Canon, References to Depression, Regret, Reminiscing, Robotics, Robots, Role-Playing Game, Romance, Romantic Angst, Romantic Comedy, Romantic Fluff, Romantic Gestures, Scheming, Science Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Sea Monsters, Self-Discovery, Self-Esteem, Self-Esteem Issues, Sex Change, Shock, Short, Short & Sweet, Short One Shot, Shounen-ai, Showing Off, Sibling Bonding, Sibling Love, Sisters, Song Lyrics, Song Parody, Slash, Speciesism, Step-siblings, Strategy & Tactics, Survival, Survivor Guilt, Swearing, Team, Team Bonding, Team Dynamics, Team Feels, Team Up, Teasing, Technology, Threats of Violence, Traditions, Tragedy, Trans Character, Transgender, Trans Male Character, Trauma, Tricksters, Umbrellas, Unconsciousness, Understanding, Underwater, Urban Fantasy, Video & Computer Games, Villains, Virtual Reality, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, Water, Wordcount: 100-500, Wordcount: 100-1.000, Wordcount: Under 10.000, Word Games, Worry, Comedy, Love, Love Stories, Misunderstandings
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Z8aTDe
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honeybutterinthesun · 7 years
Living b/c of the Dead
Summer '16 began a death spree in which, week by week, friends, close ones, relatives, loved ones, acquaintances, fond ones, seemed to be plucked from the Earth in rapid succession.  Each death came with a different taste, none of which I wanted to swallow. Each loss also came with a unique and brilliant offering.
I believe when loss hurts so bad part of it is because that person, or relationship, or furball had something that we want a little more of. They had that something we adore, or admire, or crave. When we can identify this with each loss, it can help to bring their spirit and special qualities into our world and into our character.
This is the short list of the lessons I gleaned from several beings who sparkled, changed, and warmed our beautiful planet. 
 1. "Life is fucking short" 
 JASON MCAIN, Activist-comrade, former office friend, drowning while fly fishing
Jason and I had a pact to never have children. We backed our progressive political position with issues like overpopulation and environmental collapse. When reading of his death I saw he was survived by twin sons. WTF Jason? We had a pact! Upon returning to Colorado I was told by mutual friends that he had decided life was fucking short, he loved his wife, and his wife wanted children.
I love you Jason. Well done.
And, since his death, I too have realized, life is fucking short, I also want children and I am SO grateful he had two while he was here. They will be heroes. 
 2. Show love.
COREY JONES, Drummer, fellow musician, shot to death by a police officer
I had a gig with Corey the Saturday before he was shot... and had a feeling - I should hug him goodbye before I leave. I hug everyone all the time, really. But sometimes I don't. Or I get too busy or caught up in myself. I was distracted packing my gear, who knows, and then just left. I regret not taking a moment to be present, to connect with Corey, hug him, have a moment with him. I would give a lot to hug him now. A lot of people would. He was my exact age, in perfect health. It's totally cliche, but it's true... Love on people, really be with them. Ask them the questions you'd ask if they were leaving the planet tomorrow. How would your last meal with your mother be, or your last conversation with your strange neighbor? Be present, every time. 
 3. It's never too late to be the best version of yourself. 
JACK MILLER SENIOR, Army Officer, my grandfather, natural causes.
My father described my grandfather as distant and cold. He wasn't a loving or doting father growing up. However, in his old age, he literally blossomed before our eyes... into a sweet, compassionate, and deeply kind man. The morning of his funeral, the waitress at his favorite old western diner started crying when we told her why he wasn't there on that Sunday like every other Sunday. "I will miss that smile. I will really miss him." In his 80s he confessed to my father how profoundly proud he was of him. I knew I was loved and adored every time I was with him it was abundantly clear in his bubbly laugh and radiant, smiling eyes.
It's never, ever, too late to reinvent yourself.
Or, tell someone you love them.
Or, smile love with your eyes.
 4. Be you.
(Be sweet)
SWEETIE, my favorite chicken, most likely eaten by a fox.
Chickens are cool. Each member of the flock has their own personality. And, most chickens are not that into humans and kinda' do their own thing. Not Sweetie. She was a cuddly and smart Labrador puppy in a fluffy chicken costume. Damn, I'm getting choked up just typing about her. Wild. She loved to be held, and to snuggle in my arms (and bed 😬), and stand like a parrot on my shoulder, and play, and drink water from my palm. All the other chickens were like "you're weird, and clearly not a chicken." They didn't get her. But, could care less, in fact she was high up on the pecking order. She was just herself, and fun, and loving, and sweet, even when the flock, and evolution, and the genetics would have predicted otherwise.
So, be the weird chicken that's strangely sweet and adorable. ;)  
5. Rally. 
TASHI NICOLE KING, dear friend, mother of a 2 year old sweetheart, wife of one of my BFFs, breast cancer.
This one rocked me the most, and has changed my life to the core. Several months after marrying my dear friend Bryan, a union that sent ripples of celebration literally around the world to anyone who had even met either one of them, Tashi was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. They spent the next four years chasing life as it slipped from her beautiful body. They ate, tasted, danced, lived, and traveled with intense purpose and passion. 
In the sweltering summer in Harlem, visiting friends, she, drained by chemo, sat fragile on the sofa. "Tashi, you look miserable, lets just chill." She sat in silence for a moment.
"Let's rally."
They walked the streets of Harlem, saw live music, and laughed while cool watermelon juice dripped down thier chins. In a traditional Shambhala Buddhist service we sat with her body, meditating, and chanting Tibetan pleas to release her from her sense of taste, her sense of smell, her sight, hearing, feeling... wow. 
 I felt despair in the depths of a black-indigo ocean of loss. Like any season, it passed and the nectar of the beings I miss has propelled me into living in a way I had never before imagined.
I have traveled to over 16 new countries in one year, tasted the most beautiful cakes in Scotland, jumped screaming off bridges into aqua rivers in Switzerland, and slept on Swedish train station floors. I risked my entire heart for love, again and again, and have felt the highs of neon flavored love and been comforted by strangers, crying, heartbroken on long plane rides over new oceans. I have survived deep valleys of loneliness and fear, literally ran up mountains in Ireland, and enjoyed long hugs and deep conversations with strangers and loved ones that I will never forget. I start every morning and end every evening with meditation, yoga, and looking deeply into the sky - I know it brings out the best in me. I've daydreamed, plucked some crazy ideas from my core, and chased them deep into uncertainty. I got my yoga certification, I learned to sail, bought a sailboat, lived on it, loved it...
And now, I'm selling it to move to Australia. 
Life's short. 
Show love.
Be the best version of yourself.
Be you.
(Be sweet). and 
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amidalogicdive · 8 years
Incubus - Dream Three
The party buzzed below the small alcove sitting above the main floor. A flash of bright colors and overly exaggerated voices filled the room as the festivities continued late into the night, obviously excited to be recognized enough by the King of Lucis to be invited. Event’s, like the one below, held little interest for the Prince, yet the sound of the citizens and politicians were a welcome distraction considering the alternative. Partially listening to the myriad of sounds that rose and washed over him, they were too distorted to actually make any sense to his ears. Still, it was a blessing, honestly, being wrapped in the warmth and noise of so many.
So, he sat in the shadows, well hidden from the revelries in his forgotten sanctuary. It would have been hard to distinguish the man from his surroundings even if it could be easily seen, wrinkled pajamas blending well it the dark space, one side of his hair flattened as the rest stuck out in all directions. Eyes like the darkened galaxies that graced their night skies seemed to focus on nothing in particular, his fingers absently running over the small carbuncle figurine in his hands. For a brief moment, he was thankful he hadn’t been required to attend, but Noctis needed the noise, the distraction to soothe his frayed nerves.
It was almost a requirement, anything to escape the dreams that haunted him even now, though he’d long abandoned his bed.
Normally he would have got to Ignis. He was his escape and knew how to soothe the Prince back into slumber, but he had not been in his chambers when Noctis had gone to seek said comfort. At first, he had thought to wait on the man, but the silence had grown and brought back the sounds and visions that seemed to enjoy plaguing him in his waking hours as well. That had led the sleepy Prince to find an escape, anything that would be a distraction for his weary mind which had soon led him here, sitting on the floor as the noise from below washed away the sounds that had echoed in his mind. It helped and world work for the time being, but his very being called for Ignis, for the relief only he could bring.
He wanted to feel those warm hands caressing his back, running through his hair as he always did as he spoke. Noctis could admit to himself that he rarely listened to the words, Ignis could have been reading from the many documents that he gathered from the meetings he attended and he would have been none the wiser. It was the tone, Ignis’ voice held a deeper note than his own, and the accent he had never lost after moving to Insomnia only amplified the effect it held over the Prince. Yes, he was clingy when it came to the advisor and knew some found him spoiled, holding to one retainer and refusing all others. Noctis has heard the whispers, knew that many of the nobles felt he was aloof, his attitude off-putting for one who would someday be King.
Yet, Ignis was the only person who had ever alleviate the fears that seemed to haunt him on a constant basis. He was the only person who kept him sane when all he wanted was to fall into madness and let the darkness win.
But it wasn’t all bad, and there were nights where he found himself wrapped in a blissful and dreamless sleep. Other nights the crystal high above him would whisper, reminding him of the tide washing in, only to depart moments later. Then the images would come, like an old movie, showing him the Kings of past. They would speak to Noctis in the old tongue, voices filled with such sadness; and even though he’d never been taught, he understood every word. Of how they had waited for the True King, the one who would bring the Dawn and in doing so create a second coming for their star. That many had sacrificed all for the coming King, but with those words said they would fall silent, watching him with unseeing eyes.
Such dreams only left Noctis with more questions, than actual answers; but wouldn't argue when it held off the nightmares.
For they, he found, were not so kind.
Shortly after returning from Tenebrae they had come. At first, he believed his father’s words; they were simply caused by his fears from the Empire's attack. Sadly, it was more than that. Even his beloved Carbuncle, who never abandoned him when the darkness came, could seem weak in their presence. They moved slowly, as if a storm were blowing, blotting out the light over time as the shadows of unknown enemies moved closer to enveloped his dream world. Coiling around his body like a snake, Noctis could feel them tighten, choking him and pulling him under as if to force the very breath from his body. Then the scenes would change. Painted red like blood, the world around him would shift and become burnt by fire and void of life. Noctis could feel the air around him, so hot that he would gasp for air; as a pain centered upon his chest would grow and grow until it was all he knew.
The nightmares had come to destroy him, to take his very life.
Noctis couldn’t count the times he had awoke; gasping for air as he pulled at his clothes and bedding as if they were the culprit. Once he'd felt as if he were drowning. Choking, he forced his mind into the waking world, only to realize that he’d bitten his own tongue in panic and coughed up the blood moments later. Noctis thought it couldn't get worse, but that was proven wrong the day he hurt the very person who was a comfort to him.
The nightmares came as they always did, the darkness, blood, and pain seeming to be a common theme. The shadows had come with a vengeance, hunting Noctis like a common animal, only to impale him upon a sword moments later. The burned landscape seemed to echo with their laughter, mocked him as he forced himself awake, grasping his chest in pain. The hands that had reached out to touch him had been unexpected, and his mind still heavy with sleep feared that he was still being held within the dream. Noctis had done what he always did, fought back. It was moments later he realized his mistake. Ignis held no anger as he said beside him on the bed, lip bleeding, a dark bruise started to form on his jaw. He simply sat there, words of forgiveness falling easily as Noctis laid there shaking in his arms.
Now he knew regret, the dreams that had only hurt him had caused pain in another and he'd found himself avoiding Ignis for weeks. It was only after a rash of nightmares that had left him sleepless for many days, did he finally give in and go to him once more. So, it went, and at times it was hard for Noctis to tell one dream from another, the darkness and old Kings so intent on fighting for his attention. As he grew older he found himself suffering in silence, only turned to his future advisor when sleep was desperately needed. With that, he had now come full circle to his present situation: Sitting on the floor of a small alcove, allowing the noise from below to push away the fear in his mind and heart. Even though he was unable to find Ignis, per normal, the din was delightful and allowed his mind to wander.
There were no shadows bringing blood and destruction. No scenes of darkness, or the mocking cries as they praised their one True King, before hunting him down. It was sad, he thought, that one could become so numb to such things and yet fear to see them. That Noctis chose to forgo sleep to keep the dreams at bay was futile, and only caused him to nod off constantly. But such was life and it was the only way he knew how to fight back.
So, he focused on the sounds from the party, washing out everything else around him as he fought off sleep… and lost.
It was different this time, the dreams never came and in place, there was a sense of contentment. Noctis felt warm, safe as if he were drifting out open the peaceful ocean, only then did he sense the presence beside him. It wasn’t like the old Kings or the darkness, it was physical, tangible, comforting, and he couldn’t help but smile. Rousing himself from the light sleep he’d fallen into, Noctis first saw the dark slacks that were pushed up against his own legs then heard the beating of another’s heart echoing in his ear. A light humming washed around him, and Noctis could feel the fingers that caressed his hair, strong and sure in their movements. He couldn’t help the light snort, very undignified for a Prince, that left his mouth as he moved closer to the source of comfort. He had found him, but then Ignis always knew how to find him.
“Your Highness, while such creativity is appreciated in a hideaway.” His voice held a note of amusement, though Noctis was sure there had been panic at one point. “I must admit, was in quite a state when I couldn’t find you.”
Just hearing Ignis speak made him feel safe, and was also sexy beyond belief; at least in his mind. “Your fault.” Rubbing his face against the other's shirt, Noctis let out a yawn. The party continued below, so he knew he hadn’t of fallen asleep for too long. “Shoulda been in bed cuz I wanted to stay with you.” He replied sleepily.
The fingers pause momentarily, but before Noct could say anything they continued to stroke the dark tresses. “Mm, I see. Then I must beg forgiveness and strive to become more lethargic in my ways.”
“Would help.” He stretched like a cat, all legs, and limbs, before nuzzling the older male's neck. “But, I kinda like you how you are.” Noctis looked up as he chuckled, meeting aqua eyes.
“Greatly appreciated, Your Highness.” He felt relaxed, content, and the Prince found this reflected in Ignis’ eyes. “I must ask that we retire. The hour is late, and you have school Highness.”
Groaning loudly, he knew none of the party-goers below would hear him. “Don’t suppose I could skip?” It was rare he asked, and Ignis knew that. Everything was finally crashing down on him, the lack of sleep, the dreams… the feeling of happiness as the brunette continued to hold him close.  
“Noct,” He knew the rejection was coming but blinked when he felt the other's forehead rest upon his own. “I do sense a bit of a temperature; bed rest may be required. If so, I may have to pass upon my duties for the day and care for our crowned Prince instead.”
A small smile broke as Noctis closed the scant distance between them, his lips pressing innocently into the ones above him. As always, they were warm and compliant as he went to deepen the kiss, his fingers caressing along his advisor’s jawline. Ignis made no fuss, grasping at the Prince's' hair as he returned the gesture. He knew that Ignis always gave into him, but also knew the feeling was mutual and had been for a long time. Perhaps, even before Noctis had realized his love for Ignis. So, the kiss continued on lazily, his hand moving from his jaw, down his neck and finally clutching Ignis’ shirt as he pulled back. Smirking as Ignis nipping as his bottom lip, he could feel the brunette trying to keep him close; if only for a moment longer.
“If you’re my nurse, I promise to be good and stay in bed.” The words were all but purred out as he pulled at Ignis, feeling the hitch in the others breathing before leaning down to kiss him once again.
“I find that highly unlikely.” He whispered as they pulled away from the kiss once again. “Nonetheless, I shall strive to stay by your side as requested. Now, may I be granted a suggestion?” He nodded, cuddling against him. “If Your Highness wishes to continue such activities, shall we depart to your room?” In a rush, the nightmares came crashing down upon him and his breathing hitched. Ignis, now used to the Prince’s many moods, was quick to act upon this. “Then again, my room is closer and might be warmer.”
Noctis didn’t acknowledge the change in location, he was simply relieved that Ignis knew what to do when such panic attacks came. Feeling him rise, he took the offered hand and quickly pressed himself against the other's body. “Iggy, I love you.” The two stood there for a moment, feeling the gentle kiss pressed to his forehead a moment later.
“Yes, I am well aware Noct.” Huffing slightly, he allowed Ignis to guide him through the halls. Maybe the others at court were right, and he was selfish, wayward…stubborn. He didn’t try and fool himself. Didn’t think that he was anything special, honestly, and could have been happy living a simple life. But, he was Prince and if he had to be who he was, Noctis was glad Ignis was there beside him.
Making it to the bedroom, Noctis instantly made his way over and under the covers as the brunette went to change. Soon he felt the bed shift, rolling over to cuddle against Ignis, his legs tangling up with the others. “Good night, Iggy.” Their hearts were like the crystal high above them, locked up tight and guarded continuously against attack. The Prince rarely spoke his true feelings, but even if Ignis didn’t respond, Noct knew what it meant to him to hear any words of love. How his heart would race, his dedication remaining a never-ending source of strength, his love accepted calmly and quietly.
Noctis felt the same.
Drifting off, he focused on the hand rubbing his back gently. Focused on the rise and fall of the chest below him, his heart beating out a comforting rhythm. “I love you too, Noct.” Even in his lethargic state, he couldn’t help but let out a puff of amusement as his arms tightened.
The words should never have been spoken, but it was far too late for both of them. Devotion, loyalty, love…they were all entwined and could never be broken apart. It was the very thing that made their bond as strong as it was, and to be so deeply bound, as inseparable as the land and sea, was their desire. He knew Ignis would stand by his side, and if he were to fall, the other would gladly follow him.
After all, as Ignis had once told him after reading the prophecy: As King, he must give all for his people, so Ignis would give all for his King.
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