#[ also decided to give her a slight accent ]
buttercup-art · 3 months
this isn’t a real meme i literally just made it instead of writing a full meta on how levi talks + how that might translate into english.  feel free to steal it if you want this is just my way of feigning activity.
 ᵛᵒᶜᵃᵇᵘˡᵃʳʸ : ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ ◻
 ᵉᵐᵒᵗᶦᵒⁿ : ◼ ◼ ◻ ◻ ◻    
 ˢᵉⁿᵗᵉⁿᶜᵉ ˢᵗʳᵘᶜᵗᵘʳᵉ : ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ ◻
ᶠʳᵉᵠᵘᵉⁿᶜʸ : ◼ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻
 ᶜʳᵉᵃᵗᶦᵛᶦᵗʸ : ◼ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻
 ʷᵃᵗᶜʰᶠᵘˡⁿᵉˢˢ : ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ ◻
ᶠʳᵉᵠᵘᵉⁿᶜʸ : ◼ ◼ ◼ ◻ ◻
 ᶜʳᵉᵃᵗᶦᵛᶦᵗʸ : ◼ ◼ ◼ ◻ ◻
 ʷᵃᵗᶜʰᶠᵘˡⁿᵉˢˢ : ◼ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻
( bold all that apply ) : arse.   ass.   asshole.   bastard.   bitch.   bloody.   bugger.   bollocks.   chicken shit.  crap.   cunt.   dick.   frick.   fuck.   horseshit.   motherfucker.   piss.   prick.   screw.   shit.   shitass.   son of a bitch.   son of a motherless goat.   son of a whore.   twat.   wanker.
( given proper religious context ) :  christ on a bike.   christ on a cracker.   damn.   goddamn.   godsdamn.   hell.   holy shit.   jesus.   jesus christ.   jesus h. christ.   jesus, mary and joseph.   sweet jesus.
contractions or enunciation ?   straightforward or cryptic ?   jargon or toned ? complexity or simplicity ?   finding the right word or using the first word that comes to mind ?  masculinity, neutrality, or femininity ?   formalities or abrasiveness ?   insult or injury ?  praise or equivocation ?   frankness or lies ?   excessive or minimal hand gestures ?   name calling or magnanimity ?  friendly or blunt nicknames ?
do people have a hard time understanding or hearing your character ?   almost always  /  frequently / sometimes  /  rarely  /  never (depends on whether not that person also knows French whenever she uses it)
does your character’s point come across easily when they speak ?   almost always /  frequently  /  sometimes  /  rarely  /  never
would your character initiate conversations ?   almost always  / frequently  /  sometimes /  rarely  /  never
would your character be the one to end conversations ?   almost always  /  frequently /  sometimes  /  rarely  /  never
would your character use ‘whom’ in a sentence ?   yes  / no /  only ironically
your character wants to make a counterpoint. what word do they use ?  but  /  though  /although  /  however  / perhaps  /  mayhaps
how would your character pick up the phone ?   hello   /  hey  /  hi  /  yellow  /  yo  /  yeah  /  [name].  /  what’s up  / who is this  / what do you want
how does your character end conversations ?   walk away  /  ask if that’s everything   / say that that’s everything  /  give a proper goodbye  /   tell their company they’re done here  /  remain quiet  /  they don’t
how does your character address others ?   titles   / first names /  surnames  /  full names  /  nicknames (or insults)
what social class would others assume your character belongs to, hearing them speak ? upper /  middle  /  lower
in what ways does the way your character speak stand out to others ?   accent   / vocabulary  /  tone /  level /  politeness  /  brusqueness  /  it doesn’t
tagging: Anyone who wants to!
Stolen from: @hyperionhugo
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suugarbabe · 3 months
ballooning around | t.n x reader
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warnings: fluff
word count: ~1.9k
a.n.: this is for my wives' @finalgirllx & @thatdammchickennugget jinxed july <3 this is for week one; water balloon prompt
Truly it was a marvel that you were functioning, with as hot as it seemed to be at the villa. Somehow, Theo had convinced all of you to spend two weeks with him in Italy at his parents' very large, very private (and very expensive) villa. You say somehow, but everyone knows that with just the smidgen of widening of his big ocean eyes and you’re a fucking goner, doing anything and everything your boyfriend asks or suggests. 
Pansy and yourself had decided that if you were stuck in the heat then you might as well also get bronze; the two of you choosing to lay out by the pool, oiled and lotioned with giant sunglasses perched on your noses. You two had managed only a mere hour of peace and quiet in the sun before you were bombarded with the shouting and rowdiness of the boys. The slapping of bare feet on concrete became louder and more multiplied until you saw three bodies whip by the two of you to cannonball into the pool. 
Your body tensed, eyes closing as you braced for the feeling of sun warmed water to assault you. But it didn’t come. You peaked an eye open when you heard moans and groans of curses (both english and italian), only to see Theo, Enzo and Mattheo hovering just above the surface of the pool. “There’s not a chance in bloody hell I’m allowing you to drench us in pool water just because you lot act like you’re all eleven again in the heat,” Pansy had her wand leveled, pointed strait at the three culprits in front of you. 
It was impossible to hide the grin on your face, pulling your sunglasses down ever so slightly to make direct eye contact with your boyfriend. “Please, bella, tell your friend to let us have a little fun, yeah?” he was laying his accent on extra thick, he knew it was something that often had you melting on his every word. However the heat had you feeling extra bratty, “Not today, amore mio, it’s too hot. Leave the shenanigans for cooler temps, please.” You turned to your friend beside you, “Let them down, Pans. I wanna go inside for a drink.” 
Pansy shrugged, tugging her wand slightly to break the connection. You didn’t miss the slight gape in Theo’s mouth, his expression that of slightly betrayed, but you thought it was cute that he thought you’d give in so easily. Pansy followed you, twirling her wand between her fingers. “Ladies, looking like you’re plotting something, should I be afraid?” Blaise teased as he and Draco exited the villa, Blaise holding the door for you two to enter. Pansy spoke over her shoulder cheekily, “If you know what’s good for you, I wouldn’t plot with the three stooges in the pool.” 
Blaise wore a smirk as he held his arms up in defense, backing away and towards the pool as he let the door close behind the two of you. Sliding up to the kitchen island you let Pansy work on making the drinks as you took off your sunglasses, pulling your wand from the strap of your bikini top where you had secured it for the walk inside. Pansy quirked a curious eyebrow, “Doing some plotting of your own, babes?” You shook your head as you smiled, “Not necessarily, more like…precautionary measures.” 
You held your sunglasses at arms length, pointing the tip of your wand to one lens, “speculo vicissm.” You did the same to the other lens as Pansy laughed lightly, “A reflection charm? Pray tell, my dear, how are these going to help?” You grab the glass she had just set in front of you and threw a decorative straw in it before taking a large sip, “Fucking, Merlin, Pansy, is there any mixer in here?” Pansy just shrugged her shoulders. You took another smaller sip, “Okay, actually it’s not that bad. Anyway, we know that Theo and the others are probably plotting some childish plan to get us back for your little hover charm earlier.” 
She nodded her head, waving her hand in a circular motion as if to tell you to continue, “So I figured…what better way to see him coming than to have eyes on the back of my head. Or rather, be able to see him behind me…without him knowing.” Pansy tapped the side of her glass with her fingers outstretched, her ring making a clinking sound like a mini applause for you as you put your sunglasses back on. “Oh, that is fucking brilliant. I knew Nott had to have fallen for you for more than just a nice ass-ouch!” Pansy rubbed her arm where you swatted at her, “Okay, okay, I’m sorry, your very average ass.” 
You laughed, going to swat at her again but she jumped back, running toward the door leading to the pool. Pansy was giggling as you followed briskly after her, being distracted only by Mattheo calling your name. You walked over hesitantly, eyebrow raised and scanning your surroundings as you approached, “Is this some ploy to help Teddy get back at me, Matt? You know I’ll get you back if it is.” You pointed an accusing finger at the raven haired boy who held his hands up in defense, “I’m clean, swear. Look, no wand. I was just, erm, wondering what you were getting Nott for his birthday this year?” 
Arms crossing you sat into your hip, “Theo’s birthday is not until December…why are you asking about that?” Mattheo started stumbling over his explanation as you saw movement in the reflection charm you put on your sunglasses, “I, erm, just wanted to know because I didn’t want to get the same thing as yo-” Mattheo was cut off by you crouching down, pulling him with you. The snap of elastic led way to a burst of water hitting the fence where Mattheo and you once stood. You raised to full stature, quickly turning around while Mattheo continued to sit behind you only to see Enzo with a weak smile on his face. 
“A water balloon, really? Explain yourself, Berkshire,” your tone took that of an accusing older sister and Enzo became visibly nervous. “T-theo,” Enzo cleared his throat after his voice cracked, “ahem, erm, Theo made me do it.” You turned to face your boyfriend who seemed completely unbothered. He stretched his long, toned body across the pool floaty, feet lazily hanging into the water, “What’s wrong, cara mia? Can you handle the heat, or no?” His accent made the question more taunting then it already was. You shook your head, smirking down at him, “Okay, pretty boy. I know what you’re up to. Good luck trying to get me now.” 
But try Theo did, and fail he did often. After the mishap with Mattheo distracting, or more like attempting to distract you Theo tried three more times to soak you with water balloons. And nearly each time your sunglasses charm came in handy. When you were walking back towards the villa to get you and Pansy another round, you saw Mattheo trying to sneak up behind you, “Don’t even think about it Riddle.” You heard him groan in defeat before throwing the balloon at Enzo instead. 
When you were laying out again with Pansy, he had tried to use a hover charm. Thankfully Pansy sensed that one a mile away, using her own wand to counter his spell and send the balloons chasing Theo until he jumped back into the pool to escape. His third attempt was the lowest one in your opinion, so you’re happy it didn’t work out for him. Theo had called you over, saying he wanted a truce and that “he forgave you for foiling his plans earlier.” He tapped on your bottom lip with his thumb, something he did often when he was wanting a kiss. You wanted to believe him, even began to lean towards him until you saw Draco and Mattheo tip toeing in the reflection. The moment you saw them release the balloons you apparated to the other side of Theo, causing both balloons to hit him in the chest and forehead. 
Theo had let out a slew of curses as your hands set firmly on your hips, “Really, Malfoy, you too? Shouldn’t you be hiding in the shade with how fucking pale you are? You’re brighter than the fucking sun.” Draco scoffed, a scowl gracing his face, “Hey, just because you’re pissed at Nott, don’t take it out on me.” Theo had called a truce then, and for the last thirty minutes you felt like you had finally found peace. So when Blaise called you over to the table, you didn’t find it suspicious whatsoever. That and the fact that you fully trusted him to stay out of the rest of the boy’s childish antics. 
“So how did you manage it?” Blaise asked as you sat down. You tilted your head, “How did I manage what?” Blaise leaned his elbows on the table, hand waving as he spoke, “How did you manage to always know when they were coming? Did you put eyes in the back of your head or something, love?” You laughed lightly, handing your sunglasses over to your friend. Blaise quirked an eyebrow, picking up the sleek shades and twisting them this way and that before finally putting them on himself. He let out a low hum of recognition, smiling as he pointed a finger at you, “A mirror charm, you clever witch.” 
You nodded, leaning back in your chair, “Thank you, much. I’m very proud of that. Although I do feel slightly bad with how many times Theo got pummeled with water balloons today.” Blaise pulled your sunglasses down his nose slightly, peering at you over the lenses, “Don’t feel bad, love. He deserved that. However, I do feel bad, because I don’t think you deserve this, but they roped me into it.” Before you even had a chance to properly process what Blaise had just said, what felt like a water balloon the size of your head burst above you, essentially drenching your entire top half in frigid water. 
Turning around slowly in your chair, a look of shock still etched on your face, you saw your boyfriend standing by the edge of the pool, looking far too proud for his own good. You stood up from the patio chair you were sitting in, your look of shock now exchanged for one of determination, “Oh, you are dead meat, Theodore.” You started running after him, Theo only giggling before running away and around the pool. Enzo took your earlier seat next to Blaise, mouth half full of licorice as he spoke, “M’money’s on Theo, his legs are longer and he’s far quicker. Ten galleons he laps the pool and catches her first.” Blaise shook his head, “Nuh uh, no chance. Our little witch is gonna get him and then they’re both gonna end up in the pool.” 
Not as soon as Blaise finished his sentence did you grab hold of Theo’s shoulder, a small yelp from him heard before you both hit the water; Blaise simply smirked at Enzo, holding his hand palm up and waited for his winnings.
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prentissluvr · 24 days
flower shop, 11:00 a.m. — dean winchester
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cw : gn!reader, fluff, pet names (sweetheart), unedited, 644 words. requested ! for my 800 followers event [ open ] .
summary : dean doesn't really like flowers, but he thinks he likes you.
MOVED BLOGS TO @sammyluvr !! no longer active on this blog! all fics can be found there!
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dean does not know how to shop for flowers, and it’s abundantly clear to you as you watch him wander through the small shop. his eyes just about glaze over as he takes in all of the options. he’s clearly overwhelmed by the pure amount of different colors and types of flowers.
from where you stand, cleaning up a small water spill for your coworker, who’s sweet self gets too nervous after accidents to help customers for a solid five or ten minutes. he’s adorable and very kind, and you understand his anxiety, but sometimes you’d rather talk to handsome customers than help him out.
but the spill is small, and cleaning it takes up little time. you don’t put the cleaning supplies in the right spot in favor of approaching this mystery man. you really hope that he’s not looking for flowers for a partner.
he looks like the sort of guy that doesn’t like asking for or receiving help, but he also looks so clueless that it would genuinely be bad customer service not to offer your help. he also looks too handsome to pass up talking to.
“hi,” you greet him with a small smile. he turns to look at you, a confident smile replacing his confused features when he sees you. the bright mid-morning sunlight streams in through the shop’s wide windows, hitting his face and illuminating his unfairly pretty features. his eyelashes are long and gorgeous and his eyes are even more stunning. the sunlight makes them a pale green and his expression tells you that he knows he’s handsome.
“are you looking for something specific?” you ask, somehow keeping a hold of your composure.
his expression changes again, turning the slightest bit sheepish. he rubs the back of his neck, and you have to force yourself to focus on his words rather than the strength of his upper arms and the expanse of his chest.
“actually, yeah, i’m, uh, looking for somethin’ for my mom,” he explains. that’s the best answer he could’ve given you. a hot man looking to buy flowers for his mom? that’s a big fat yes, please from you. “nothing too fancy, just somethin’ simple for her birthday. think you could help me out, sweetheart?
you like the way he cuts the word something short, his slight accent almost as charming as his flirty smile and casually uttered pet name of sweetheart.
“i think i can,” you grin, giving your own version of the charming smile and motioning for him to follow. “i’d recommend a simple arrangement of lilies or tulips,” you say, showing off a few different color options. you go on to explain a few different routes he could take without saying too much to overwhelm him with too much information.
eventually, he decides on tulips, with no filler flowers. he really meant it when he said simple, but you agree with him aloud that you like the simplest arrangements as well.
as he pays, he looks sort of unsure. you raise your eyebrows at him, as if to ask what’s wrong.
“you know, i’m not sure if she likes flowers,” he suddenly confesses. you laugh softly, in a bit of surprise. “i- i haven’t seen her in a while.” the way he says it sounds complicated and much heavier than just not having seen her in a bit, but you don’t question it.
“well, even if she doesn’t like them, i think she'll appreciate the gesture,” you assure him. “you can always pair them with a good bottle of whiskey or something, and she won’t be able to complain then, right?”
he grins, and it’s a real smile. “i like the way you think, sweetheart.” dean doesn’t like flowers too much, and this place intimidates him and makes him feel out of place. he likes you, though, so he’ll be back.
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userpedros · 2 years
personal stash || joel miller
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pairing: Joel x female!reader
summary: Joel decides after patrol it'd be a good idea to steal from Ellie's stash and things get a lil heated.
word count: 6k+
authors note: I wrote this in pretty much one go, so it is what it is. has not been beta read, barely proofread - mostly skimmed. also, Joel isn't as much of a hardass in this because he deserves a break okay. my mans gotta be tired from always being so angry.
warnings & content : 18+. Incredibly mature themes. Mentions and use of marijuana. established friendship. age gap (15+ years (honestly probably more like 20 but)), smut, fingering, unprotected p in v, oral - fem receiving, creampie-ish, slight cum eating, slight choking. pet names (dirty and nice!) (lemme know if i missed anything!)
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“Are you sure she’s not going to notice, Joel? She’s your daughter, she’s pretty observant.” You looked over at Joel, giving him the side eye as he brought the lighter up to the end of the joint. You placed it between your lips as he lit the end, the tip illuminating a bright red before you inhaled, the end of the joint finalizing into a smokeable piece. You inhaled as Joel watched you, taking a deep breath in, holding it, and letting it out. The smoke began to curl and fill the air as Joel began to answer your question.
“’ M positive. Do y'think she’d ever suspect me? Nah. I reckon she'll suspect you.” He winked as he took the joint from your fingers, his large ones making the joint look minuscule between them. He inhaled, his eyebrows furrowing as he closed his eyes, and leaned his head back. As he breathed the thick smoke out, he sat back up, staring straight into your soul.
His salt and pepper brown hair tousled, strands going about every which way. His brown eyes looked you up and down as you took your turn with the spliff.
“Why ever would she suspect me?” Your eyebrows rose as you inhaled, and watched him watch you. “I don’t live with her.” You exhaled on the last part, watching his every move as he scooted a bit closer to you.
“I live with her but I’m not the one she usually smokes with on patrol, sweetheart.” He cocks an eyebrow and smirks as your face falls.
Your high was already beginning to settle in. You drank his words in as you realized that he paid a little more attention to you than you had originally thought. The couch in his living room began to swallow you whole as you began to drift into thought from his statement.
You were a lot younger than Joel. He was in his early fifties and well, you were a little far off from there. You’d just moved to Jackson, stumbling upon it with a group you’d been with, when you decided to stay and they decided not to. You’d made a lot of friends, weirdly enough, his surrogate daughter being one of them. Her and Dina had become like family to you, and you’d been like family to them. You’d become close enough to them that you’d obviously been spending time with Ellie’s makeshift father after your patrols together.
You had to admit, the way that Joel talked, with that Texan accent, absolutely melted you. The way he cared for Ellie, made you absolutely gooey inside. There was so much about him to like, that you couldn’t decide what you didn’t like. Well maybe besides his absolutely shit attitude sometimes but that had really grown on you too.
You knew it was probably a bit weird to be falling for your good friend’s dad, maybe to Ellie, but it had honestly started to happen before you’d even really become friends with her. But you couldn’t think about that right now because well, you were already spacing out and Joel was definitely onto you.
“You alright there?” He waved a large hand in your face as you came back to Earth. You shook your head as you looked back into his brown eyes once more before speaking.
“I’m just peachy, Joel. Just peachy.” You beamed a great big smile, or what you thought was great while he snickered at you. He coughed into his hand to hide his laughter. “What are you laughing at Miller?”
You frowned a little as you grabbed the joint from his hand, taking another few hits before handing it back.
“Ellie was right. You can't handle your weed well.” He shook his head as he peeled off his tan jacket and leaned back into the sofa. You craned your head to the side as you scoffed, dramatically jumping to sit sideways so you could look him in the eye.
As you sat cross-legged next to him, he lifted his eyebrow again and took the joint from your small fingertips. He had to lean a little to get to it, and his hand brushed against yours as he removed the burning flower from your fingers, stubbing it out in the ashtray in front of you both on the coffee table.
The brush of your skin against his sent a burning sensation throughout your body. He seemed to notice it too, never taking his eyes off yours as he grabbed onto your leg and scooted you closer to him. The area on your leg he had just been touching still seared after he removed his hand.
“I may not be able to handle my weed well, Miller, but hey, tryin’ counts for somethin’ right?” You leaned your head against the couch, watching his every move as your knee brushed against his leg.
You let it sit there for a second as he leaned his head back against the cushions and closed his eyes. He mumbled something under his breath, which you ignored as you closed your eyes. You both sat like that for a few minutes, your highs beginning to take over you both.
You and Joel had recently started to become close as you’d been with Ellie. You started taking over some patrol shifts for her whenever she wanted to spend time with Dina, and she’d taken some for you. She’d also known that you had a slight crush on Joel so she liked to call it a bit of charity that she’d extended. But she’d never tell you that she was moving patrol shifts around on purpose. She liked how you looked at Joel. He deserved someone that was compassionate, caring, and able to stand up to him when need be. You were also incredibly gorgeous so that didn’t hurt.
You’d really started to get a handle on how to talk to Joel, and he had started to learn how to talk to you. He knew, hell, everyone knew that you’d had a crush on him. It wasn’t just Ellie. It didn’t help that your face was totally readable, every emotion that you ever felt splayed across your face, even when you were trying to be discrete.
You came back to Earth a few minutes after you both had leaned your heads into the couch. The weed had been a nice way to relax after a long night of patrol. Joel had the bright idea to come back to his place and take some from Ellie’s stash, claiming that it was okay because he’d given up so many Chef Boyardee cans to her on the road so many years ago, it was the least she could do for her dear old dad.
Of course, you laughed when he said that. Rolling your eyes and blushing at the way he smiled when he talked about Ellie. The way he cared for her light a fire in you that you didn’t know existed. To see how much he’d given for the ones he loved was an attractive quality. Loyalty was important to you, especially in the world you were in now.
Joel patted you on the leg, bringing you back to reality as you lazily picked your head up to look at him.
“You alright there, lightweight?” Joel laughed as he scanned your face, taking in how happy you looked in the moment you were in. Your smile was bright and wide, something he’d grown used to in the past few months.
“’M great.” You went to speak again but a loud crash sent both of your heads whirling towards the direction the noise came from.
Of course. It was the cat Ellie had insisted Joel rescue from the cold Wyoming nights that had the ground blanketed in snow. He’d told her it was a waste of time, the kitten was completely feral but Ellie brought it home anyway, and of course Joel was unable to say no to her.
The bright orange cat mewled as he knocked over yet another small stack of books, looking back towards Joel as if to say, ‘look at what I just did.’
Joel groaned as he watched the cat knock off a small candle, going to get up to scare off the feline.
“Leave him alone. He just wants your attention. He knows you hate him so he just does this to piss you off.” You shrugged, grabbing Joel’s arm and pulling him back onto the couch.
“Y'see, I hate that damn cat. He’s always breakin’ shit and then I'm havin' to clean it up. Should’ve never let Ellie bring him home.” He groaned as he looked over at you, a smile breaking across his face as you both heard another crash from the dining area.
You both cracked up as the cat really began to howl, trying to steal the show and attention, which it seemed he was successful at.
You realized your hand was still on Joel’s arm, and you went to remove it but you decided to leave it there as you spoke. You squeezed his arm as your words spilled out of your mouth. “You let her keep it cause you’re a softie Miller.” His eyes went wide as you continued, the word vomit now unable to stop as your high took over. “But that’s not a bad thing, it’s actually really attractive how much you care for-.”
That’s when he cut you off. His hand flew to your mouth as he leaned over you. His eyebrows were scrunched together again, in his signature stare that he usually wore when he tried to close himself off.
“I’m gonna stop you right there, peach, I’m not a softie.” He leaned back as his skin burned into yours. He finally removed his hand, your mouth still feeling like it was on fire. His scent was assaulting your nostrils from being so close to him. Everything smelled like thick amber and pine.
It seemed that he had chosen to ignore the second thing you’d said, which you were grateful for, considering you had definitely not been thinking when it slipped out.
You snorted as you finally realized what he’d just said. “Okay, sure. If you’re not a softie, then I must really need glasses, my vison must be incredibly foggy.” You laughed as he continued to look irritated.
“You do have foggy vision, sweets. That’s why I do most of the work when we’re on patrol.” He rolled his eyes as he continued, “Hard for you to see what’s out there in plain sight when you’re too busy starin’ at me the whole time.”
With his last sentence, he began to smirk as your eyes grew wide. Well, can’t say you didn’t walk yourself right into that one.
You watched as his brown eyes watched you. It was now a game of who was going to talk first. Was his thick Texan accent going to be the first sound in the room or was it going to be your quiet voice?
Luckily for you, it was the stupid cat again. The reason this whole conversation had taken a turn. He jumped right into your lap and nuzzled into your hand as Joel continued to watch you. You both continued to stare directly into each other’s eyes as the feline called for attention in your lap.
After a few seconds of unrequited feelings on your end, the cat took off, leaving you both sitting there, still staring, neither of you saying a word. The smoke still lightly hung in the air; the lamp next to you illuminating the small space. The air was thick with tension and you decided it was time to speak. It didn’t seem that Joel was going to be the next one to talk as he carefully watched you, his eyebrows reaching the top of his forehead.
Your voice was barely a squeak as you finally spoke. “You mean to tell me you’ve noticed the whole time?” You cringed, breaking eye contact as you looked down at the worn, brown couch. “You really just let me stare at you the whole time and never said or did anything.”
You whistled as you began to get your bearings and deciding maybe it was time to go. The tension in the air was awkward for you and uncomfortable. It was finally noticeable to you now how obvious your small crush had been and well, you were a little embarrassed. That meant he didn’t feel the same way, if he’d known the whole damn time and never done a single thing.
“Well, I guess I should get going, it’s getting kind of late. Not to mention I’m completely embarrassed now.” You went to stand up, not moving your eyes to his when he gripped onto your leg.
“Didn’t ever say anything to you darlin’ 'cause I was a bit worried where it might go if I did.”
With his words, your eyes shot back to his once more. The weed took control, your confidence soaring as you sat back onto the couch. It was now or never and you were going for now.
“Let’s pretend you’re not worried, where would it go?” You grabbed his hand, latching onto that small piece of courage you had and laced your fingers with his. He gripped onto your hand as you set your joined palms in your lap. “I’m curious.”
You watched as he stared down at where your hands were joined, the tension in the air changing to something else, thicker, desire seeping over every pore in your body. Joel’s body language began to mirror yours as his eyes began to fill with something darker, his pupils dilating as he looked back to you.
“It might go a lil’ somethin’ like this.” With that, he leaned forward and crashed his lips to yours, instantly sealing the deal, that your relationship with him would be forever changed. You two would never be able to turn back now. Especially not when you kissed him back and pulled his bottom lip through your teeth, earning a groan from Joel.
He pulled back instantly, a pang of sadness filling you as he did. You already missed the feeling of him on your lips, it was an instant connection you’d never felt with anyone before, and it all happened within a single kiss and a split second.
“’M not sure we should be doin’ this. 'S not a good idea.” He shook his head as he started to stand up, your hand still in his. You refused to let go as you looked at him bewildered. You nodded for him to sit back down and words spilled out of your mouth again.
“You can’t just kiss me like that and then get up to go, telling me it’s a bad idea without even telling me why.” You shook your head as he continued to stand, his hand still in yours, watching your every move. His long-sleeved green flannel looked worn and tight against his arms, a small hole in his bicep now becoming your focal point. The embarrassment overshadows the fleeting confidence you just had.
His face became hard as he removed his hand from yours, placing it in his pocket. Your hand grew cold instantly from the lack of heat, falling into your lap. Sadness sank deep into the pit of your stomach. You weren’t sure how the night had gotten turned around like this but you just wanted to go back to how it had started. You wanted to go back to just being a young idiot who pined after a man old enough to be her father. It was simple and easy to do, but now you were stuck somewhere you didn’t know if you’d be able to pull yourself and Joel out of.
“I’m not good enough for you and you’re too young for me.” He turned around, walked over to where the cat had knocked things over, and picked them up. You watched the whole time, waiting for him to continue because surely, he had much better reasons than those.
But the other reasons never came out of his mouth. You watched as Joel began to build his walls up again. The same ones you had worked so incredibly hard to tear down.
You took a deep breath in as you decided you weren’t going to let this be it. You were done pining. You were either going to go home tonight and know that there would never be a chance in hell for you to be any sort of anything with Joel, or you were going to go home tonight knowing that something good was going to come out of this. Something had too.
You stood up and made your way over to where he was leaning against the dining room table.
“I know you’re not old enough to be losin’ your fuckin’ mind, Joel, because those are the lamest excuses I’ve ever fuckin’ heard.” You crossed your arms as you watched his back straighten through the worn flannel. His knees locked in his worn jeans that you loved so much.
“We live in a world where there’s goddamn mushrooms controlling and eating people. I don’t think it matters how old you are in a world like this.” You shook your head as he turned slowly, his gaze sweeping over to you. “I could give less than a single shit if you think you’re good enough for me. If I think you are, why question it? We’re in the fucking apocalypse for Christ's Sake! I don’t think there’s a single person left who is inherently good.”
You let out the long breath you’d been keeping in, not noticing how loud your voice had risen as you waited for him to speak. He had turned around and he was just staring at you now, leaning up against the dining room table, staring you down.  He stood there for a few minutes, contemplating his next move before finally standing up and walking over to you, his tall figure towering over you.
“Good god, you’ve got a mouth on you.” He grabbed your hip with one hand as he tugged you into him. “You done now or are you goin’ t’ yell at me some more, sweetheart?”
You looked up at him, pulling yourself together, and taking a deep breath before speaking. “I think I’m done now.” You linked your arms around his waist as you watched him. You guessed that your tiny little rant had changed his mind. You weren’t going to question it.
“Wise choice, darlin'.’” And with that, he crashed his lips onto yours, taking you completely off guard.
Your lips melded into his as you two began to basically swallow each other whole. You didn’t know where either of you began as he flipped you around to where he was. He walked you backward, still keeping his mouth on yours, biting down on your lower lip as you hit the edge of the dining table behind you.
He lifted you onto the table in one swift motion, earning a grunt from you as your bottom hit the wood beneath you.
You pulled away for a second to say, “Not bad lifting skills for such an ‘old man’.” You giggled as you watched his gaze harden as he looked down at you. He pulled your hips into his, his growing erection visible as it strained beneath his jeans.
“I thought you said you were done talkin’? Do I need to shut you up again?” His fingertips pressed into your hips as his hold on you hardened.
“I think you might hav-“ He cut you off mid-sentence, placing his mouth on yours once more.
He pulled back slightly to say one last thing before his tongue delved back into your mouth.
“We only have so much time before Ellie gets home from hangin’ out with Dina. So do me a favor pretty girl, cut the chit-chat.” He lifted his hand, bringing it to your chin, grabbing it harshly as he angled your head up more. “I still have yet to have my midnight snack. I get real hungry after I smoke.”
You shivered with his words as they left his mouth.
"You sure you wanna do this on your dining table, Joel?" You whispered, the words barely leaving your mouth. They hung like ghosts in the air as you waited for his response.
"Dinin' table is where you're meant to eat, ain't it?" He looked down at you with an eyebrow cocked. His words hung proudly in the air. You both eagerly closed the distance between you two once more, your mouths melding together once again as if they belonged together. You were sure nothing would ever feel like this again, the feeling of his lips on yours.
You grabbed ahold of his shirt and pulled him into you more, leaning back with every pull into him, until your back hit the cool wooden surface of the table. As it did, you groaned, Joel collapsing on top of you.
He leaned back a little, pulling his mouth from yours as he eyed the long sleeve shirt you had on.
“Hope you’re not too attached to this.” He grunted as he grabbed the neck of the fabric. His knuckles rapped along your skin as he tore the material down the middle, opening you wide to his gaze. He reached his hand into the back of the torn fabric and unhooked your bra, ripping the fabric from your body and tossing it behind him into the living room somewhere. You both went wide-eyed as you heard the clasp of your bra hit the lamp, toppling the feeble piece of furniture over.
“Oops.” Was all you managed to get out as you pulled him back to you. His lips went straight to your chest, taking one hardened pink peak into his mouth, sending your head flying back, hitting the hard wood. You didn’t even care about how bad that had hurt as he nipped and sucked. You only cared about how good it felt to have Joel’s mouth on you.
You let out a string of curse words as he pulled your nipple between his teeth, looking up at you. He than began to kiss his way down to your navel, stopping just above your pant line.
He unbuckled your pants, his lips hovering over your stomach. As you helped him shimmy yourself out of your jeans, they fell onto the floor with a smack.
He leaned down, kneeling before you as he ran a finger over your slit through your panties.
“They don’t sell things like this in Jackson, where’d these come from pretty girl?” His accent was thick as he continued running his finger over you through the lacey material of your thong.
“I’d have to kill you if I told you.” You breathed out. He smirked as he tore them down as your words left your mouth. Your slick heat glistened under the only light left in the room, the small lamp that illuminated the dining room.
In all reality, you’d just stolen the pair from an abandoned Victoria’s Secret before you’d arrived in Jackson. You never really wore them but you were glad you’d decided to take a chance tonight.
He whistled as he stared directly into your heat, rocking back on his knees a little. “Look at how ready y'are for me already. Needy little thing.”
You whined, smacking him on the shoulder, barely able to reach. “Joel.” Your breath was incredibly labored as you watched him trace over your slit once more. He traced back down, entering one finger into your pussy.
He watched you as he tunneled his finger in and out of you, curling it to hit your sensitive spot each time, earning moans from you with each stroke.
You were getting louder as he continued to stroke his finger in and out of you, the wet sounds coming from you filling the room along with your moans.
He added a second finger, mumbling a string of curse words to himself. You dared yourself to look down at him and it was the best sight you’d ever seen. He was on his knees directly in front of your aching pussy, staring down at it like it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
His fingers that were driving in and out of you were slick and glistening. As soon as he saw you staring down at him, he did something even better than what he was doing at the current moment. He leaned up and attached his mouth directly to your swollen clit and began to take turns sucking and licking.
"'S sweet for me, don't think it gets much better than this." His breath was hot on you, making it impossible to breath, only adding to the pleasure.
You couldn’t think straight, you closed your eyes and let your head hit the table once more, crying out as Joel continued to go to town on you.
“That’s it, pretty girl. Wanna hear you.” Joel whispered into your pussy as his fingers sped up, scissoring in and out of you.
“I’m pretty sure the whole town can fuckin’ hear me Joel, no need to worry.” You whined out, grabbing onto the sides of the table your knuckles turning white.
He continued for another minute, tantalizing your very near and pending orgasm before he abruptly stopped. Of course he stopped right when you couldn’t stop muttering his name. He knew you were close and It didn’t seem as though he was going to let you have it.
“Why’d you stop?” You whined out once more as you started to sit up, but were pushed down with Joel’s hand that wasn’t covered in you.
“Don’t need that bad attitude, sweet girl. Need ya to be loud for me. Want the whole neighborhood to hear what I’m doing to you.” He chuckled as he moved his glistening hand up and moved it to right in front of your mouth. “Now open wide, want you to taste how sweet you are for me.”
His fingers nudged at your mouth, you took them in, swallowing and sucking your residue off of him, maintaining eye contact with him the entire time.
“'S my good girl,” Joel muttered as he continued to watch you.
You swirled your tongue around his fingers one last time tasting your tangy residue and let his fingers go with a pop.
He leaned back and started to unbutton his shirt, beginning to pull it off.
“Oh that’s right Miller, give me a strip tease.” You whopped as he glared at you, stopping what he was doing.
“You’re annoying, you know that?” He huffed as he stared you down.
You giggled as he started to take his clothes off again, shedding the plaid and yanking his pants down. It was truly a sight to see and you were so grateful for the show.  You watched with anticipation, biting your bottom lip as he kicked off his pants and threw them behind him. He stalked over to you before yanking you to him without warning. You hadn’t even really had time to admire how incredibly thick he was. As you slid towards him, your ass hanging off the table as your groin smacked into his.
“You’ve got such a sweet little pussy darlin, can’t imagine how good she’s gonna feel if she tasted that great.” He grunted as you sat up on your elbows to be closer to him.
He leaned back down, taking your mouth in his once more. One of his hands snaked around and grabbed your neck, his hand now your own personal necklace. He squeezed lightly and you moaned into the kiss. He snapped his hips into you when the sound escaped your throat.
His stiff erection was now pressed into your hot, dripping center. The feeling of his thick cock strained against you was sending you into a frenzy. You broke the kiss as you leaned back as much as his hand on your throat would allow.
You looked down at where your hips met and moaned again, the sight was so incredibly hot to you, you didn’t know if you would be able to take it when he finally pushed himself inside of you.
“Admirin’ the view, you filthy little thing?” He moved his free hand to grip his cock, stepping back slightly.
He gripped his length and smacked it against your clit, sending curse words out of your lips and his. He dragged his thick length down your slit and back up again, collecting your juices on his tip. He smacked your clit once more, sending your head snapping back.
It was all too much, the feeling of his hand on your neck, his thick dick hitting your sensitive bud. You knew he wanted you to beg. Hell, the man made you beg for him to do the stupidest shit whenever you were on patrol together. You didn’t know if you should appease him or wait for him to spell it out for you. Luckily you didn’t have to because Joel seemed to be impatient enough this time.
With one final smack and a gasp from both of your lips, he ran his cock down your slit one last time before positioning it at your entrance. He looked from where you two were about to join and into your eyes.
“Y'ready? Y'sure about this? We’ll never be able to go back to how it was after this darlin’.” He huffed out as he waited for your answer. "Gonna have t'have this pussy every time we're on patrol now."
“’M sure, Joel. I’ve been waitin’ for this for a while. Need your thick cock, baby.” You whined once more as he started to push himself in.
“Oh god, don’t think I’ve ever wanted to hear somethin’ more darlin.'” And with that he pushed himself completely in, bottoming out inside of you. “Good lord, you are something else. So fuckin’ tight.” He gritted through his teeth as he pushed out and back into you.
You both watched where the two of you were joined, enjoying the view as he continued to pump himself in and out of you at a slow speed. It was so incredibly hot to you. His thick length tunneling in and out of you, looking like it belonged there. It stretched you out completely, filling you in a way you didn’t know was possible. You were pretty sure you could die happy right now with Joel Miller’s cock stuffing you full.
“Holy fuck Joel. You’re so big.” With that you looked back up at him, your eyes completely wide as he continued to watch himself. You watched as he brought one of his hands around and grabbed your right leg and hoisted it over his shoulder.
He hit a completely new spot with this position, getting a deeper and better spot with each thrust.
"And you're so incredibly tight, can't believe I waited this long t'have you."
He brought his other hand around to your front, his calloused thumb ghosting over your clit. His rough pad began to rub small circles, causing your head to snap back once more.
You kept yourself balanced on your elbows and brought your head back up, looking at him as he looked up at you.
“Ain’t nothin’ ever felt this good before wrapped around me darlin’.” He grunted, whistling immediately after as he continued to stare you down. “’M hooked on you now, pretty girl.”
You let yourself fall backward as he leaned forward, keeping a finger on your clit, still rubbing small circles, driving you absolutely mad. His lips ghosted over yours and he held himself there. His eyes screwed shut as his rhythm began to pick up.
“Holy shit Joel, don’t know how much more I can take.” You managed to squeak out.
“Is my cock too much for ya? That’s too damn bad, I’m never givin’ her up now. Gonna make her mine, make her full of me.” His breath was hot on your mouth.
You cried out as he continued to hit the most sensitive spot in your cut, you were getting so close, especially with his finger on your clit.
"Look at how drunk you're gettin' on my cock, takin' it so well for me."
You couldn’t hold it in anymore. You began to grow louder with each thrust until you suddenly burst, stars and blackness clouding your vision. You started to collapse and fall backward but Joel moved a hand from your leg and placed it behind you, steadying you.
“Mmm, couldn’t wait for me could ya?” He sent a smack down to your clit, removing his fingers. You were still convulsing with aftershocks so the smack to your sensitive only added to the experience, making the stars in your vision explode.
His groans began to grow louder as he got closer to his release. His pace sloppier as his cock started to twitch inside of you.
Suddenly, he started to explode inside of you, painting your walls with his thick cum. He pulled out just as it started and started to cum all over the outside of your pussy, he drug some up to your stomach as he rested his length there for just a second.
You were finally starting to come back to life when you noticed how incredibly sticky you were about to be.
You swopped your pointer finger down to the small little pile of cum that had collected right underneath your belly button and ran your finger through it, collecting it pad of your finger. You brought that finger to your mouth and sucked the sticky sweet residue off as he watched. His eyes grew wide and his eyebrows shot to the top of his forehead.
“You tasted me, Miller. It was only fair I get to do the same. I’ve gotta say, we taste so good together.” You moaned out the last part, watching as his pupils dilate with your words.
“Fuck, sweetheart. Gotta give an old man a second to recover before you say shit like that.” He looked away from you as he whistled out, grabbing his boxers off the floor, bringing them up to you, and cleaning you off.
You let him swipe the thin cotton material over your sensitive parts, breathing out as your swollen pussy was taken care of by him. As soon as you were cleaned up, Joel motioned for you to come closer to where he was, getting up off the table. You obeyed and walked over to where he was standing. Your legs were weak and wobbly, which Joel took notice of.
“Care for some help there darlin'?” He said, looking down at you. You just nodded as you held your arms up. You two seemed to understand each other because he swooped you up off your feet and carried you up the stairs, stopping in front of his door when you heard the door below you slam. You were naked, curled up in Joel’s arms as he held you and his boxer briefs, which he’d used to clean you up.
As the door slammed, Joel pushed into his room, tossing his briefs somewhere before shutting the door behind him. You were tired from the long shift of patrol and your vigorous nighttime activity so you were beginning to fall asleep in Joel’s arms. You couldn’t even seem to care that your clothes were strewn apart on the living room floor downstairs, giving whoever had just walked in a hint as to what the previous activities had just been.
He laid you down on his bed and tucked you in under the covers. The soft cotton and smell of Joel overtook you fast. You heard a whistle coming from outside the door, as Joel tugged on his sweatpants. His bedroom door opened as he left the room. All you could hear was Ellie giving Joel shit and him rushing down the stairs to gather all of the articles of clothing you two had left strewn about. You tried to keep your eyes open but with the high still lingering in your head and your body completely worn out, it was pretty impossible. You waited for a second as you heard his feet pound up the stairs. The door opened and a pile of clothes fell onto the floor in front of the door, Joel coming in and closing it behind him.
You watched with hooded eyes as he climbed into bed from the other side. He pulled you into him, resting your head on his chest.
“I had fun tonight.” You managed to say before closing your eyes. You took in his scent once more and the feel of his chest against your cheek before you began to drift off into sleep. Joel said something back to you but you were unable to hear it as you drifted off, grateful for weed and grateful for dining room tables.
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aimedis · 2 months
sam as a dad headcanons (+darlin') !!
sam and darlin' have one daughter (girl dad sam girl dad sam girl dad sam) ((this is like half darlin'-centric actually))
(note, there are a lot of inconsistencies with how these two would even have kids, what magical race their daughter would be (vamp-shifter hybrid), darlin's life span etc. but pls for the sake of my sanity pretend it makes sense lol)
Parents Darlin' and Sam who took a reallyyy long time to decide if they even wanted to have kids
Dad Sam who thought he wouldn't even know how to be a good dad, let alone if he wanted to have kids in the first place
Parent Darlin' who thought they were far too flawed and violent to raise a child
However, after a few years and slight jealousy from other pack parents, they decided to try
Parents Darlin' and Sam who regret not making up their minds sooner the second their daughter opens her eyes
Dad Sam who calls his daughter '(mini) darlin'" because she’s Darlin’s carbon copy
Dad Sam who also calls her 'sunshine' if she's particularly upset
Dad Sam who was far too paranoid to take his eyes off of his daughter when they first brought her home as a newborn (and he could afford to watch over her during the night/morning because he's a vampire)
Dad Sam who feels his heart shatter every time she cries
Parent Darlin' who finds themselves competing with a four year old for their mate's attention
Dad Sam who effortlessly flips between doting dad and disciplinary parent
Dad Sam who is surprisingly good at defusing the (many) tantrums his daughter throws, not getting mad but just sitting with and talking to her calmly
Parents Darlin' and Sam who were very much one and done (their daughter is too much of a handful to have any more kids)
Parent Darlin' who thinks it's both a blessing and a curse to have a daughter that acts exactly like them because on one hand, they have a mini-me and they can tell how she’ll react to certain situations but she also has their reckless nature and gives them a heart attack every other day (they find themselves yelling “Cut it out!” every single day without even looking at her)
Dad Sam who knows his daughter is just as strong as his mate but still worries over everything concerning her
Parent Darlin' and Sam who are still confused at how their toddler is so damn strong
Dad Sam who sobbed his eyes out when their daughter started school ("Wow, Sammy, you're crying almost as much as our four-year-old.")
Dad Sam who catches himself being too overbearing or protective sometimes and has to learn to let his daughter fail and get hurt occasionally
Also Dad Sam who after a few years of being her dad, becomes desensitized to her hurting herself daily (if she's not crying, he doesn't care anymore. a simple 'you good?' will do)
Dad Sam who said you would never catch him playing princesses or dress up (cue Darlin' laughing their lungs out at the sight of him in a way too tight princess dress getting his makeup done by their daughter)
Dad Sam who absolutely laughs when his daughter starts calling his Darlin' "darlin'" because of how often he calls them that
Dad Sam who is absolutely his daughter's favourite parent until Darlin' steps into the room (she will scream and cry to be in their arms)
Parents Darlin and Sam who have a very clingy very aggressive toddler that wants to be held 24/7 but will also start trying to fight them at random
Parent Darlin' who, after their daughter shifts for the first time, always play fights with her while shifted
Parent Darlin' who is constantly being forced to read at bedtime by their daughter
Dad Sam who rocks his daughter all the time in the rocking chair in her room
Parent Darlin' who finds themselves doing the high pitched baby voice they always found annoying to their daughter without even realizing it
Dad Sam who gets incredibly excited whenever his daughter's slight country accent comes out a little stronger
Dad Sam who feels his inner child heal little by little whenever he talks to his daughter the way he wished he was spoken to as a child
Parent Darlin' who acts annoyed when their daughter takes a liking to David but is silently happy she has a good relationship with him
Dad Sam who lets his daughter play wrestle with him just to laugh at her when she cries thinking she killed her dad
Dad Sam who tries not to cry whenever his daughter says he's the best dad ever
Parents Darlin' and Sam who show their daughter the same respect they want to see from her because it sets an example and she responds well to that
They are both so calm and understanding about her little temper tantrums that they don't even last long ("I know, it's hard and your feelings are too much right now. We're not gonna hit people though, okay? Okay.")
Dad Sam who has been wrapped around his daughter's finger since the day he laid eyes on her
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potatomountain · 7 months
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Pairing: Song Mingi x afab reader
Word Count: 3800
Warnings: cursing, smut, one night stand
Genre: enemies to lovers, one night stand
Summary: Public parties weren't your thing but for your best friend you could tolerate a dance club- even go home with someone for the night. Mingi was determined to make sure that was him, and after a little push from a hot stranger, you decided just for tonight you would give him a shot.
A/N: This was my third attempt, as I first tried a mingi/yeosang x reader enemies to lovers but i adore them as sweet beans too much so i stuck with the best puppy boy- Song Mingi. This is for you @mingsolo as you were right to put me on the suspect list as your secret admirer lol. Please melt like I did <3 Thanks!!!
This was done as a network event for @pirateeznet
update: there is now a part 2! "Two Just For You"
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People do anything for their best friends, including putting up with their boyfriend’s douchebag friends. You swore up and down that you were going to have a good time tonight even if that meant being nice to the other half of the partygoers.
It was your best friend’s birthday, and of course she wanted to spend it with her boyfriend of a year now, Wooyoung. Both of them were hyper and outgoing, and so into each other it was almost nauseating. You were what she called the scary dog friend with resting bitch face until you liked someone. That was all you were to Wooyoung’s friends, but he still wanted you there at the party he planned.
Party at a dance club, which also wasn’t your thing- but it was hers. You did your best to make the most of it however, dressed to the nines and intent of having a good night. If that meant getting somewhat wasted and fucking a stranger then so be it.
Now if only the thorn in your side, Song Mingi, would let you do just that. Your friend would swear up and down that he was a good guy, that he was sweet, but considering your few interactions with him, his very presence left a bad taste in your mouth. And by the sneers he often gave you, the feeling was mutual. Somehow, for some reason, he had made it his mission to see your plan for the night fail.
Every man you found yourself dancing with or flirting with, Mingi was right there, butting his nose in and saying something that would scare the man off. Weird habits, or just spouting some obscene lie about you that had the man running off.
Three or four drinks in, and quite the cutie was chatting it up with you at the bar. Slight aussie accent, tattoos, open shirt- you were more than a little interested. But of course the tall man in his red cap slipped into the seat next to you, leaning in a bit closer and grabbing your drink out of your hands. Shocked, you watched him sniff your drink before taking a sip, your jaw dropping. “Mingi!” “That’s my name.” Licking his lips he handed you back the drink, giving the man in front of you side eye. “Newest conquest?” Scoffing, you pushed him away. “Seriously? Can I not have a chat with a hot guy in peace? Is it really your intent to ruin my night?” You offered the tatted dreamboat a smile, hoping he wouldn’t run off like the rest. “Sorry about him, he’s a friend of a friend please don’t pay him no mind.” He and Mingi seemed to look each other over before he got comfortable again, pointing to your glass. “Let me get you a new one then and we can continue our conversation? Or we can talk about your ‘hot guy’ comment?” With a smirk he waved the bartender over, leaving you a little flustered. You had said that in the moment, too heated about Mingi’s constant interruptions.
Apparently it worked in your favor as you handed your current drink over to Mingi. “You can have this now. Go away.” You attempted to shoo him but he didn’t budge, instead pouting out his thick bottom lip and watching you from under the cap. “What?” “You really are insisting on this?” He muttered out while the other was busy with the bartender.
You didn’t get why he was being pouty about this, every time the two of you interacted it became some playful and childish argument. You couldn’t think of any reason why he would have any interest in you. And your only interest in him had been that he was attractive. Sharp eyes, pouty lips, deep voice… You shook your head and sneered your upper lip at him. “What I do is none of your business Mingi. Why don’t you go find someone to take home for tonight?”
Mingi stared you down, lips parting and shutting several times before he sighed and looked away. “I mean, I can always leave you two alone?” The aussie accent drew your attention back to the hottie that was your target. “This doesn’t exactly look like just a friend of a friend.” He still offered the new drink and you took it, downing it rather quickly.
“That’s all he is. But if he keeps this up he’s going to be a thorn in my side as well.” You made an effort to avoid Mingi now, leaning against the bar top and towards the man that really was drool worthy. Why hadn’t he run off yet? With Mingi acting like this? Instead he laughed, watching Mingi sulk off over the brim of his own drink. “I think you hurt his feelings.” “So? He’s trying to ruin my night.” “Or make it a good one for you?”
“And how would he be doing that if he is chasing off, on purpose, any guy I have even a little bit of interest in, hm?” You rolled your eyes before finishing the last bit of your drink, the buzz going right to your head. Mingi’s constant interference had sobered you up on more than one occasion, and the little bit of a buzz you had before had been chased away. Now you were eager to chase it again and just feel good for the night.
Christian widened his smirk, looking you over through hooded eyes before glancing over your shoulder. “So that he stands a chance of being the one to go home with you tonight.” You nearly spit out your drink, blinking up at him with evident shock. “Excuse me?”
“I mean no guy likes watching the girl they have a crush on fawn and attempt to jump on other strangers’ dicks. I’m perfectly happy being that dick by the way, but I also think you should give the poor guy a chance.” Setting his drink down, he pulled out his phone and held it out to you. “How about, you give me your number but tonight you try him out for size? If it doesn’t work, shoot me a text and I can take you out on a date. But if it does, well still text me because now I’m invested.”
Flabbergasted, you could only laugh. “You’re crazy, why would I want to sleep with him?” You still found yourself putting your number in his cell and texting your phone from his to get his number as well.
He shrugged, leaning back in his seat and bringing his drink up to his lips. “You find me attractive, so I’d say look wise he is your type. Don’t blame you either. Besides, ever had a hate fuck? Some intense shit right there, highly recommend at least one in your life.” You turned in your seat to look over Mingi once more, taking note of the way he idly danced to the music that was louder on the floor where he was. Some of his friends were nearby, Yunho having draped an arm around him and seemed to be trying to talk to him or get him out of the pout. You couldn’t deny that he had a point- several points.
“Fine. We’ll see if you’re right. Don’t go anywhere.” Setting your empty glass down you got up, making your way down the few steps to the dance floor and right towards the two towers. Yunho spotted you first, grinning as he nudged his friend a bit in your direction, saying something too quiet for you to hear. Not that you cared, not when the moment you locked eyes with Mingi your chest felt warmer.
You blamed it on the alcohol.
“You happy now?!” You yelled so he could hear you, putting your hands on your hips. “Since you keep chasing away the guys, I don't have anyone to dance with. You can take responsibility for that now.”
You tried to ignore the way his boyish grin had your cheeks feeling hot, as well as the cheers from Yunho and your best friend a bit deeper in the swarm of bodies who you hadn't realized had been watching or could hear you. It had you questioning a lot.
Not that you had a moment to process or ask, as Mingi was placing his hands on your waist and stopping all other thoughts. “I'll be your dance partner for tonight then.”
Well shit, was he right about Mingi? Did the brat have a crush on you?
Better yet… Did you really like that idea?
With a smirk you reached up and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him back into the swarm of bodies and away from his friends. He didn’t seem to care, entranced by you only. Now that he wasn’t being a thorn in your side, instead pressing into your side, you had to admit he was hella fine. And you would definitely enjoy a little hate fuck with him.
You let the music guide your body, moving it against his and turning in his grasp so your ass was against his thighs. You could feel him, the tight and slim waist under the white shirt, the designer blue and white jeans. He had looked like a fuckboy tonight and here you were, planning to test just how much of one he was.
Damn, you fell quick.
Out of simple curiosity you looked up, right at the bar on the raised landing to find the man who had pushed you to do this. He was leaning back against the bartop, watching you both with a smirk that widened when you locked eyes. As if to tease you, he grabbed the junction in his pants, giving a squeeze before pointing at Mingi behind you. Mingi who had dipped his head into the crook of your neck, his breath hot on your exposed skin and his hand splayed over your lower abdomen and holding your smaller body back against his.
Fuck you were enjoying this, enjoying his attention and touch and Christian could definitely see that. He was even laughing a bit, mouthing ‘I told you so.’
You mouthed back ‘fuck you’ only for him to grab at his dick again.
As if sensing he didn’t have your full attention, Mingi’s hold on you tightened, lips ghosting against your flesh. “I thought I chased him away?”
“Ah Mingi, were you really jealous all this time?” You couldn’t help but tease, body swaying against his to the music, purposely rubbing your ass against his thigh.
He hissed out, bringing his lips to your ear. “I just wanted to be an option, pretty girl.”
Your head rolled to the side, giving him more access to your neck as you tore your eyes away from Christian. He wasn’t your target tonight and damn, Mingi was making you really glad that you had listened to the hottie at the bar. “You’re an option now. Just for tonight, so make it count Mingi.”
“Fuck. Come home with me now? Like right now and I’ll make it a night you won’t forget.” He whispered in your ear, lips brushing the shell and hot breath on your neck causing you to shiver.
How could you tell him no when he was practically begging and rolling his body against yours to the point you could clearly feel his excitement against your lower back? Glancing over at your best friend, you caught her watching with a smug grin. Fine then, you knew when to give in. “Are you sober enough to drive?”
“Had only one- grab your shit I’ll meet you outside?” He mumbled, pulling away reluctantly, his hand sliding down to your ass and giving a quick squeeze before he did.
“Don’t make me regret this.” You huffed out, heading to the lounge area you had left your small bag at with the two of the friend group that wasn’t keen on dancing for the night. They were chatting away, paying you no mind as you grabbed your bag. Sure you talked as if you were doing Mingi a favor but you couldn’t deny how wet you were and just from dancing to three or four songs with him.
How he managed to make you even more wet from just his hand on your thigh while he drove was also beyond you. He barely talked, focused on the road with one hand on the wheel and both tense as he sped within limits. The anticipation was almost too much and you were tempted to whine.
That was the only touch until you were behind closed doors. “Wait, don't you live with some of your friends?” It dawned on you when you noticed several items that you were sure weren’t his. “They’ll find somewhere else for the night.” He kicked his shoes off, turning to lift you up before you had a chance to take your heels off. “Keep them on for now.” You lifted a brow and held onto his broad shoulders, unable to see his expression from this angle because of the cap. “Suit yourself. Your room then? I am eager to see how you’ll win me over Song Mingi.”
“Mmm you’ll see soon, princess.” He carried you down the hall, not giving you much of an option of taking in your surroundings. Not that you cared, not when you could feel his lips on the exposed skin of your chest, dipping into the valley of your breasts and breathing you in. “So soft, I could drown myself in you.”
You wondered if he had more alcohol than you to drink with how blunt he was being, or perhaps you were just easily flustered at the moment. You hadn’t even thought of Mingi in this way or would’ve given him a chance if it hadn’t been pointed out and now you were kicking yourself for not thinking about it sooner. When his lips worshiped your skin and his hands were kneading the flesh of your ass as he carried you into his room.
If you thought there were sparks before, it was full blown fireworks in your stomach when he tilted his head back and kissed you. He was a little messy, but not in a bad way. You felt like he was devouring you, laying you back on the bed as you took his hat off and tossed it aside so you could have him closer. “Mingi~”
“Yes Princess?”
“Too many clothes- get them off.” You all but demanded, yanking at his shirt as he pulled away from your body.
He made a sound of agreement in the back of his throat as he quickly made work of your clothes and his shirt. But even with the clothes gone, his hands still worshiped every part of your body. Your sides, stomach, hips and thighs before he pushed them open, licking his lips at the sight of your drenched pussy. “Oh that looks fucking delicious- you don’t mind if I have a taste do you?”
He was already leaning in before you could answer, instead gasping out at the small kitten lick he gave your folds. With a low moan he buried his face against your cunt, lips and tongue making quick work of licking up your arousal and rubbing his nose against your clit. He hitched your legs over his shoulders, your heels a heavy weight on his back as he went. Fuck he knew how to use his tongue, eating you like a starved man with his favorite treat.
Your head rolled back as pleasure assaulted your senses, breathing hitching and hands gripping at the sheets next to you. “S-shit Min- if you keep that up-” You broke off on a loud moan as his lips latched onto your clit and he sucked, making your head spin with electricity. He seemed intent on driving you to and orgasm, lips switching from your clit back to tongue fucking your pussy, back and forth, playing you like an instrument he was well familiar with.
So really you shouldn't be that shocked when he pulled a climax out of you that had you soaking his mouth and shaking against his sheets after several moments of bringing you to the peak before driving you over it. He didn’t pull away, making deep guttural sounds against your cunt as he licked up every drop he possible could while not overstimulating your bundle of nerves. You had to tug him off though, trying to catch your breath and see the dim room normally and not in a post-orgasmic haze.
“Still think you are going to regret it? Calling out for me like that?” He grumbled against your inner thigh, leaving a soft trail of love bites before he stood up.
“Fuck you.” You lashed out, pushing yourself up on your elbows and watching him through your lashes. 
“You’re doing that already Princess.” He hummed out with a cocky smirk, pulling his jeans down with his boxers and letting his fat cock spring free, slapping against his abdomen and smearing a little bit of precum in the process. “Let me get a condom first, no matter how amazing I’m sure your pussy feels raw.” Stepping out of his clothes and over to his nightstand. While he rummaged for the condom, you pushed yourself up onto your knees, kicking off your shoes now.
You couldn’t lie, you were eager for him, unable to tear your eyes off of his dick as he rolled the condom on, but you were also determined not to be outdone. “You were the one so fucking eager to fuck me you purposely chased away all the dick that I wanted.” You pointed out, patting the bed and demanding he lay down. 
He seemed a bit flustered as he laid down, leaning on his elbows and watching you swing your leg over his hips. “Was I really that obvious?” “I just thought you were being an annoying prick.” Rolling your hips to drag your cunt against the condom, you observed his reaction. 
Mingi couldn’t even look at you, his eyes trained on your cunt teasing him, biting down on his lip as he clearly enjoyed it. “What gave me away?” With a smirk, you reached between you and held him still at your entrance, teasing him with the prospect of sliding into you but not yet giving it. “Christian did. Even told me if you left me disappointed he would take me on a date.” 
His eyes flashed up to yours, anger and jealousy so obvious now. “You’ll have to tell him it's no deal then.” Gripping the bed, he thrust up, burying his full length into you. His hands flew to your hips to hold you still as he rammed up again, and again, not giving you a chance to speak. “I’ll leave you so fucking satisfied you won’t remember his name.”
With the way he filled you up, and how deep he hit in your womb, for a moment you thought he could actually do it. For a moment, he did. He stretched you out so perfectly, hitting every part of you with his big cock that you were a moaning mess and could only think of how good it felt. And how good he looked beneath you like this. 
Your hips slammed down to meet each thrust as you held onto his arms, pride swelling in your chest at his own parted and drooling lips. You weren’t going to be the only one so fucked out you couldn’t remember anything else. Intent on driving him just as crazy, you pulled his hands off him and pinned them to his sides, rolling your hips as you leaned forward and letting out a pornagraphic moan as he hit deeper. “Oh fuck- Mingi~” “Feels s’good Princess. Fuck fuck fuck~” His head fell back as he let you have control, brows pushed together as he desperately tried to meet your hips. “Ah… fuck… mm~ s’good…”
“Was it worth the wait Pretty Boy? This fucking cunt you were drooling over?” You panted out between moans, forcing yourself to stay focused on his expression because it was fucking hot. 
He nodded, gripping your ass and digging his nails in as you two fucked each other. When he moaned, like a desperate and deep whine, you clenched down around him, so close. You wanted to tell him, but his desperation grew until you were the one just getting fucked dumb on his cock. Head rolling forward and hands on either side of his head, you tried to look down between you two to watch his cock disappear into cunt with each desperate and rough thrust, the sounds of wet skin just adding to the cacophony of sounds filling the room.
It was also so much better to hear him beg for you to cum with him. “Please please- cream on my cock baby, want to feel it. S’good already, give me more.” With a broken whine, you could tell he was close.
That was all you needed to do to come undone, forehead resting against his chest and drool escaping your parted lips as you shook from the force you soaked his cock. Your head actually spun with how intense it was, vision blurry and the only thing you could process was his hot cum filling up the condom inside you, so deep you felt full.
You collapsed fully on him when he became a puddle beneath you, both of you sweaty and chests heaving in their effort to get more air. You settled in your orgasmic bliss, letting the high fade until the puddle of drool you left on his chest began to irritate your cheek. So you were the first to move, sitting up weakening and letting out a soft whimper when his softening cock moved inside you. “Gotta clean up pretty boy-”
“I know- get you some water, rest for a second…” He opened his eyes and looked up at you, full lips pulling into a smirk. “Get you ready for the next round.” You didn’t fight off the blush this time, giving his chest a playful slap before pulling off completely. “Who says I want a second round?”
“Mmmh, I do. You’re not screaming my name yet.” He sat up and pulled you back against him, kissing your shoulder in a gentle contrast to his rough hold. “Sit on my face this time. In fact, I want to eat you out until I come untouched. You taste so good I think I can. Want to test that?” Trying to hide the grin that couldn’t help itself, you nodded. “You’re on.” That date idea no longer seemed like a fun idea- not when presented with options just like that.
Just one night? Debatable.
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xanqels · 1 year
For I Have Sinned.
DarkCorruptedPriest!Joel Miller x Innocent!Reader
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Summary: Father Miller sets eyes on you, and decides then and there that you are to be ruined by him.
Parings: joel miller x f!reader
Warnings: SMUT!!! No outbreak au! reader is a virgin and very naive, loss of innocence, corruption kink (he’s into taking her vcard), blackmail, dubcon, virginity loss, fingering, slight humiliation(?), bit of mocking, pet names (darlin’, baby, sweet girl etc), dirty talk, using the lords name in vain, unprotected piv (wrap before you tap), power imbalance, oral (f receiving), age gap (reader is mid to late 20s, Joel is late 50s), Joel is an asshole in this, mentions of god/the bible/sinning. Conclusion: Joel should not be a priest. if there’s any i’ve misses please let me know.
Word Count: 4.9k
A/N: I would like to thank @chloeangelic for inspiring me to write this and also giving me some encouragement, and I’d also like to thank @toxicanonymity for inspiring me to write dark!joel and creating the joelkemon universe. Also I do apologise if the timing of the story is a bit everywhere, this is my first fanfic!! any and all criticism is welcome with open arms.
He still remembers the first day he met you.
You and your family had brought him a pie, a cherry one. They wanted to welcome him, congratulate him for becoming the new priest in their humble town. A sweet gesture from such a perfectly sweet girl and her devout family.
He remembered your face, he could draw it from memory if he wanted to - if he could draw, that was. The perfect mix of beauty, grace and innocence stood before him that very day and he was hooked. Hooked on your gaze, your smile, your scent, but most of all, your innocence and blind naivety to the world.
He knew then and there, that you were his to ruin.
Every Sunday from then on, his eyes were stuck on you, what you were wearing, the way your cheeks flushed when your eyes met his. Everything about you was mere perfection. A sight of innocence, of naivety that he couldn’t wait to take hold of and ruin for every other man.
He wanted his name to be the last thing on your lips at night, and the first thing to be spoken in the morning. He wanted to curse your mind with images of him, to make you worship him instead of God. And so, in his mind he curated the perfect plan to get you alone.
“Go forth, knowing that you are cherished,” His voice, a deep texan accent, talking to the congregation, “chosen and empowered by the Creator of the Universe.” But why did it feel as though he was talking to purely you? His words, so enchanting you lingered on every line he spoke. His sermons were fresh, new and slightly modern. A stark contrast from Father Rafferty’s sermons.
“May his grace be upon you. Now and forevermore.” He looks up, eyes scanning the room before landing on yours. Dark brown iris’ peering into your soul, as you feel your cheeks flush. He likes the way your cheeks blush when you look at him. You want him. You need him, he tells himself. “Amen.” He states as you look away, the rest of the congregation, including yourself muttering a simple ‘Amen.’
As you and your family stand up in preparation to leave, Father Miller approaches you, a wide smile on his lips with his Bible and rosary beads in hand. “Mr and Mrs Spencer.” He says, shaking your fathers hand. “How lovely it is to see you again.”
“Well, Father, we could never miss one of your services.” Your mother speaks as you look idly at the floor, eyes tracing over the darkened, dented wood from where people have walked over time. You tune out the conversation, feeling ashamed for dropping Father Millers eyes earlier, and feeling so stupid for blushing.
“Won’t you, honey?” Your fathers voice snaps you out from your thoughts, eyes wide as you look between the three of them. “Pardon?” You ask, heart thumping in your chest.
“Father Miller wants you to help him decorate the church for Easter Sunday. There’ll be plenty of other people there. I think it’d be an excellent idea.” Your father says, as your eyes dart to Father Millers. He smiles, a sweet smile. A comforting, pleasant smile which puts you at ease. Those dark chocolate brown eyes, soft and kind.
You nod, and he clasped his hands together in glee. “Well, perfect. It’ll take a little while, but there’ll be plenty of breaks and we’ll provide food. Hopefully you don’t mind me keeping your daughter occupied for the entire day.” Father Miller says, and your parents don’t seem to mind. Just as long as you’re being the perfect catholic girl you’ve always been. Just as long as you’re kept out of trouble, and as long as you help Father Miller with whatever he needs.
A devout catholic you were. Born and baptised, risen in a strong catholic household and desperate to please the priest. You’d do anything he’d say or ask, as long as it wasn’t a sin, and Joel knew that. He knew how desperate you were to please someone so close to God, his messenger, how you itched to be as pure and holy as one could be. He knew he’d got you wrapped around his little finger
And so, the plan was set in motion. And at 11am on the following Thursday, you were there at the church doors, pushing the solid oak open as you walk into the dim room, the only form of light being the candles Father Miller had lit and the sun shining through the stained-glass windows.
Expecting to be met with various murmurs and fellow church-goers, you find the place empty. Completely deserted, almost, until your eyes lay on him. Tall, stoic and his gaze piercing at you, taking you in. Your small frame, your long white dress, the way your hair lay against your shoulders. The image of innocence.
He smiles, that same sweet smile that he gave you the previous Sunday. “You made it.” He says, walking towards you with his arms out, almost as though he was going to envelope you in a hug.
But he didn’t. He clasped his hands together, rubbing his palms together. “Father Miller.” You exhale softly, eyes scoping the otherwise empty church. “I thought we were all meeting here at eleven. Where is everyone?” You ask, twirling a strand of long hair around your index finger.
He shrugs. “‘m afraid I don’t know. I did invite them.” He says, lying through his teeth. You wouldn’t know that, of course. Too naive to think any differently, to even have a thought that Father Miller may just lie to you. Truth is, he didn’t invite anyone else. Not a single soul. It was only you and him.
You frown, clearly unhappy with the way no one else seemed to turn up but you. The way they so blatantly chose to ignore Father Miller’s need for help. “But you asked for help, surely they should’ve come.”
“Perhaps they got busy.” He lies, looking around the church, eyes glaring at the empty walls. “Anyways, this place won’t decorate itself.” He grins, turning and walking towards the back, hand gesturing for you to follow.
And you do, obediently. Into the back room of the church, full of foldable tables and chairs, boxes of decorations and broken pews. It’s dark, and smells of dust and mildew. The smell violates your nose as you try to adjust to the light, and then Joel flicks a switch, and a singular, dim lightbulb sparks to life.
You grimace at the surroundings. Untidy, dusty and slightly damp. There’s a dark oak table in the corner of the room, covered in cardboard boxes that are filled to the brim. Obviously this room hardly gets properly taken care of, but in a small town like yours, you aren’t surprised. Most of the things that enter this room hardly come back out, unless needed. But, you aren’t here to judge, you’re here to help. Help this poor, middle-aged priest who blessed the community with his sermons and his striking good looks… wait what?
You sigh as you approach the table full of boxes, slender fingers prising open the lids and rooting through the boxes of old memories and décor.
Behind you, Joel was hungrily glaring at your figure. The way you got to work without any questions. So submissive, so silent. Oh, how he can’t wait to hear you moan his name. To cum all over his cock, to..
“Father Miller?” His thoughts are cut off by your melodic voice drifting through the air. “What exactly are we looking for?”
He chuckles, slowly approaching the table. “Sweetheart, it’s not Sunday, and we’re not in a sermon. Please, call me Joel. Let’s drop the formalities for now.” He smiles, looking down at you, and then, his hand is on your lower back. Hardly an inch above your ass. “Just some decorations. Some banners, the candles, my white robe should be in here somewhere.”
You gasp, the feeling foreign and leaving a strange feeling in your loins. You look up from the boxes of discarded mess, eyes meeting his. “Father Miller..” You start, but he glares at you, eyebrows raised. You squint your eyes shut and scrunch your face up, mentally cursing at yourself for not using the name he’d asked you to use. “I mean, Joel..” You clear your throat. “Why would your robe be in here? Surely it should be at your house, or somewhere safe atleast?” Your eyes slowly open, meeting his again.
He looks at his hand, gliding it up and down your back slowly, as though he was comforting you. “Well, William – Sorry, Father Rafferty left it in here for me. Just haven’t had chance to come rootin’ through the boxes.” He hums, a low tune, a soft one. “So, Sweetheart, tell me.. have you ever sinned?”
The abrupt question makes you freeze up, frown at the thought and straighten up slightly, eyebrows furrowed. “What sort of a question is that?” You ask. “Of course not. Well… I don’t think I have.” You say, wracking your brain for an answer. It’s normal for him to ask these sorts of questions, right? He’s just looking out for you. To make sure you’re on the right path, that you’re pure and holy. You’ve never even looked at another man in a sinful way, let alone kiss one. Sure, you might think the odd boy is cute, and maybe you’ve looked at Father Miller – Joel in a different way, and that’s made you feel sinful. You have to admit though, his scruffy salt and pepper beard, dark eyes and calloused hands are no match for any of the local boys. Joel was beautiful. Handsome, even. But he was thirty years your junior, and the priest. It’d ruin his career and his relationship with God, yours too. You couldn’t do it to yourself.
“You’ve never kissed a boy?” He asks, curiosity peaking. You knew kissing wasn’t a sin, but it’s not like you needed to worry about it. You shake your head, saying nothing. “Would you like to kiss one?” He asks, his body suddenly moving to engulf yours, his crotch right against your ass as he wraps his arms around your waist. You shudder at the movement, his breath hot against your ear.
“Father, I’m not sure this is right.” The formalities are back, you’re unsure, nervous and confused. Never once has he acted this way towards you, so flirtatious and curious. And yet you find yourself wanting more. A burning forming deep inside of you.
“Joel.” He corrects. “And it’s alright, darling. Won’t do nothing you don’t want me to do.” He grabs your hips and turns you around in his arms so you’re facing him. He places his index finger under your chin, lifting your head up to look at him, his eyes piercing yours.
You swallow thickly, eyes scanning his features. His scruffy beard is stark in contrast to his combed-back hair. The weathering on is face is showing, proving his age, showing how wise he is. He’s gorgeous, for an older man. You never would’ve assumed he was in his fifties, had he not told you. You bite your lip, weighing out the pros and cons in your mind of potentially giving your first kiss to this man.
“Just tell me what you want, Darlin’.” He speaks, “it’s not a sin. Well, it’s definitely not a sin if you kiss me. We won’t be doing anything wrong.” He urges, watching intently as your tongue pokes out and swipes against your lower lip. You nod, if anyone should know about sin it’s him. If anyone should know what’s right or wrong, it’s him.
He doesn’t waste a second, closing the space between the pair of you, his lips pressing against yours. They’re plump and warm against yours, and you’re not sure what to do. You try to copy his movements, lips moving when his do. It’s hard and confusing at first, but you manage to get the hang of it slowly. It’s innocent at first. Soft, sweet and oh, so innocent. But the more he presses against you, the more your back presses against you solid oak table. The sharp edge digging into your back, the pain making you gasp. Joel takes this opportunity to slide his tongue between your lips. A wet, warm foreign feeling in your mouth.
It’s a long kiss, deep and hungry. His tongue prodding and attacking your mouth every so often, and you could swear you feel something warm and tingly in your lower stomach. You’re stood awkwardly, hands by your sides with absolutely no sense of direction, that is until Joel takes your hands and places them around his neck. You allow it, and as you settle in, his hands find their place on your waist, calloused fingers digging through your cotton dress.
You wince as he nips your bottom lip with his teeth, and you pull away, a string of saliva still connecting the two of you. His eyes dark with a newfound fire in them, and something you can’t quite put your finger on.
“Fuck angel, you taste so good.” Joel whispers, his hand coming up and brushing through your hair as he takes your form in. Slightly plumped lips, red and glossy from your shared saliva, eyes wide and still in shock from the moments. “I can’t get enough of you.”
He leans in again, and even though you expect for him to kiss you again, his lips find a new place – on your neck. His beard tickles the sensitive skin, his lips trailing down your neck to your collarbone, which only just peaks out of your modest dress. Your breath catches in your throat, the fire in your stomach growing strangely stronger, more apparent. You sigh out as he plants a wet kiss against your collarbone, his tongue gliding from your collarbone up to your earlobe.
“Such a good girl.” He murmurs in your ear, his fists grabbing your dress and starting to pull it up. You gasp, placing your hand on top of his to stop him, shaking your head.
“No.” You state. “That’s a sin, I can’t go any further, Father. It’s not right.” You tussle in his grip. “I’m waiting until marriage like I should, like God said I should.”
“Oh, sweet girl.” He purrs, slowly shaking your hand off his. “It’s not a sin if you do it with me. It doesn’t count.” He lies, tugging your dress up so it’s just above your waist. He slips his free hand into the waistband of your panties, hissing as his fingers are met with your arousal. “Oh, baby.” He purrs, his finger skilfully prodding your clit. You whine in his arms. “You’re so wet, so desperate.” Wet? That’s what it is? You’re aroused? By this? That strange, unfamiliar feeling in your gut was caused by him?
His fingers swipe your clit, moving at different angles until your face twisted in pleasure and your mouth drops open. A strangled moan comes from the back of your throat, a noise you didn’t even know you could make. A noise you shouldn’t make, but you can’t help it. You can’t stop the chorus of moans falling from your lips, and to Joel it sounds just like a hymn sung in church. So beautiful and melodic to his ears. He loves it.
His index finger trails down, making you frown at the loss of pleasure, prodding your tight hole. You gasp, immediately itching to get out of his grip again. His grip only tightens, and he pulls his hand out of your panties. He looks at the wetness on his hand in the dim light, admiring the shine and your embarrassed face. “Nothing to be embarrassed about, Sweetheart.” He winks before popping his fingers in his mouth and sucking your juices clean off them. You at him in both shock and awe as he reaches behind you and clears the table off, boxes falling on the floor with decorations scattering around the room.
He lifts you up, your dress still hiked around your waist as he places you on the table, stepping between your thighs. “You gon’ show me all of you, pretty girl?” He asks, caressing your face with the same hand he just sucked clean. You felt sick to your stomach, but at the same time, you yearned for more.
“Forgive me, Father..” You mutter quietly to the man himself upstairs, as you nod your head and lift your arms up. Joel takes complete advantage of this, removing your dress and discarding it on the dirty floor. You know it’ll be dirty and possibly ruined when you retrieve it after, but you’re sure you’ll make something up to appease your parents.
He whistles lowly at the sight of you in your underwear, and since he asked if you would show him all of you, he doesn’t ask if he can unclasp your bra, he just does it, hardly giving you time to react. The cool air immediately makes your nipples harden, stiff peaks standing to attention, desperate to be touched. To be manhandled and played with. He discards your bra ontop of your dress, his hands coming back and cupping your boobs.
You bite your lip at the new sensation as he fondles them “Do you trust me?” He asks, what a stupid question – of course you do. You nod, and he removes his hands from your breasts, his fingers sliding into the waistband of your panties. You lift yourself off the table slightly, after a glare of expectance from Joel, and he pries your soaking wet panties from your body, the soft pink colour now darker where wet.
“Oh, Darlin’.” He groans as he fingers the damp patch, and your cheeks grow hot again. “I’ve hardly even touched you. Hardly even shown you what a good time I can give ya.” He grins, a devilish grin, as he stuffs your soiled panties into his back pocket.
You shiver in anticipation, any worries of sinning or ruining yourself for marriage being long gone. After all, Father Joel Miller said it was okay, and that it wasn’t a sin asking as you did it with him, and he wouldn’t lie to you, right?
He kneels down in between your legs, groaning as his knees click, a sign of his old age. It should snap you out of this, remind you this isn’t who you are, but it does the opposite. Makes you yearn for him, crave him. He grabs your thighs and thrusts you closer to him so your ass is just barely on the table. With one arm wrapped around your waist, he uses his free hand to gently spread your lips, your pussy shining with arousal in the dim light. Glistening, calling for him, he exhales shakily. “Gotta stay still for me, Baby, okay?”
He dives forward, your soaking cunt spread open for him still, and he places a gentle, chaste kiss on your clit. A simple movement that has you jolting, and him chuckling at your reaction. A low, monotone tune.
“God girl, you’re a nasty little thing, huh?” He doesn’t even give you time to answer before he licks a straight line from your tight hole up to your clit. Your moans have his cock rock hard, painfully stretching against his pants. If he doesn’t get to fuck you, he’ll definitely masturbate to the thought of your moans, the way your cheeks were red and eyes glossed over.
He repeats it a couple of more times, licking stripes up your pussy, purely doing it to wind you up and tease you further, as if you weren’t already a soaking mess for him. He takes pity on you and your whines, leaning forward and wrapping his plump lips around your clit, ravenously devouring your pussy as though he hadn’t eaten for days.
It’s pleasure unlike anything you’ve felt before. So intoxicating and mind numbing, you could live on this feeling. Your hands grip the edge of the table, knuckles turning white as you moan, your hips subconsciously rocking and grinding into his mouth. “Joel.” You groan, and he only hums in response, noisily lapping up your leaking juices.
He brings his hand down, the one that was spreading your lips, and gently prods his middle finger against your tight hole. He gently pushes it in, despite your slight squirming and whines, holding it still to allow your pussy to get used to this new feeling, to this intruder. Then, he’s slowly thrusting his finger into you, all the while he’s completely devouring your pussy.
The feeling burns slightly, but is quick to wear off as it soon turns to pleasure, his finger hitting a certain spot that makes you see stars, that makes you unaware of how loud you are, how pitiful you sound. You don’t even realise he’s brought his second finger into the mix until the burn returns and you feel yourself being stretched out further.
You cry out, your hand shooting to his wrist. “Stop.” You command, voice wavering. “Too full.” He pulls his head away, chuckling lowly at the command.
“Too full?” He asks, “How do you expect me to fit my cock in your pretty pussy if you won’t even let me put my second finger in?” He raises an eyebrow. “I thought you were my good girl, are you not? Look at how wet you are, how well you’re taking my fingers.” He gently pushes his fingers in further as he speaks. You look down, the sight simply sinful. Your tight pussy engulfing his large calloused fingers, your juices all over his fingers and knuckles.
“Slowly.” You demand, gently releasing his wrist, and thankfully, he does. He pushes his fingers in, and you’re full. Fuller than you were before, and you didn’t even know that was possible. To feel so filled up and yet.. good? It’s slow, the way his fingers thrust in and out of you, inching deeper every time. It’s progress when the burning subsides, and you nod at Joel.
“Better.” You confirm, and he doesn’t need to ask twice.
His fingers slowly pick up the pace, his tongue attacking your clit again, your hips grinding against him, desperate for more friction, and you don’t even realise you’re doing it.
The burning in your lower abdomen grows stronger, more apparent. Like you’re building up to something momentum, something life changing. “Joel.” You moan. “Fuck, oh God.” You curse, not caring for the moment who hears you curse, or use Gods name in vain. You’ll pray later.
He pulls his lips away from you, smirking up at you. “Gonna cum, baby?” He asks, but you’re unsure. “Let go, Sweet girl. Show me how you cum all over my fingers. Show me how bad you can do.”
Your mouth drops open as his fingers hit that special spot, eyes seemingly rolling into the back of your head as it washes over you. The best thing you’ve felt in your life, crashing over you again and again. You see white flashes, and you feel like you’re on cloud nine. You don’t even realise that you’ve grabbed Joel’s wrist again to keep him in place, your hips rocking back and forth on his fingers.
You’re sweaty, beads of sweat have fallen down your chest, your thighs, and when you come to, you feel filthy, sinful, wrong. Like you’ve just had a piece of you taken. You look down, mouth dropping open as you gently release him from your ironclad grip. “I’m so sorry.” You blubber.
He pulls his fingers out of you, grinning wide at his accomplishment. “Look at that..” He pops his fingers in his mouth, sucking them dry. “Not so innocent, huh? You naughty girl. I heard you curse Gods name.”
“Please don’t mention that to anyone. It was wrong of me. I’m sorry, that shouldn’t of happened.” You plead, the thought of what the community may do to you scares you. You’ve seen what lengths they go to in order to shun someone. “I’ll do anything, just don’t tell them.”
He smirks. “Well, you could do one of two things. You could get on your knees at home and pray to God that he’ll forgive you, although there’s a very low chance of that happening, you sinful little minx.” He chuckles at your sorrowful face. “Or, you can turn around, bend over and let me fuck the sin out of you. I’m sure he’ll forgive you if every drop of sin has been eradicated from your body. Your choice.” He stands, groaning softly as his knees crack again, that reminder of his age causing your pussy to pulse in arousal.
You sigh, wordlessly standing up on wobbly legs. You turn around, gently laying your sweaty body against the table. Your stomach covered in the wetness you’d left behind, the rest of your body being welcomed by the coolness of the wood. “I want him to forgive me.” You squeak.
A feeling of pride in his chest, he smiles. You hear the sound of his belt unbuckling, and then the rustle of his pants as he pulls his cock from out of his boxers. He holds his hand out infront of you. “Spit.”
You gather all the spit in your mouth, spitting it into the palm of his hand. You wonder what he’s going to use your saliva for. “This isn’t going to hurt more than your fingers, is it?” You can hear him stroking himself with your spit, a wet, sloppy sound. You can’t help but wonder what his cock looks like. Is it big? Is it thick? Is it tanned like his sunglowed skin?
“Different for everyone, Angel. Shouldn’t hurt for long if it does.” He says, his free hand adjusting your form slightly. He stands behind you, getting himself into position. “The fact you just came should make it so much easier, and less painful.” He gently pushes the tip of his cock into your tight hole, hissing.
You cry out, the burning sensation stronger than ever as you feel yourself being stretched out around his thick cock. Tears prick your eyes. It’s unpleasant, you feel like you’re being ripped into two, like his cock is going to break you. “Too big.” You cry out again.
He tuts. “You said that about my fingers.” He rolls his eyes. “Too big.” He mocks in a slightly girlish tone. This isn’t the Miller you know. This is someone entirely different. His whole demeanour has changed in a matter of seconds, from the second you bent over for him, he’s far more dominant. “We got my fingers in, didn’t we? Just breathe.” He reaches his freehand down, rubbing your clit in small circles to get you to ease up.
You do as he says, taking deep breaths in through your nose as he continues to stretch your tight hole out around him. It takes what seems like forever before he finally bottoms out, and you hear him sigh. He stays still for a moment, allowing you to adjust before starting to slowly thrust into you.
The burn takes a while to ease off, but when it does and you finally get to embrace the feeling of being truly full up, you’re in shock. You thought two fingers was full, you were wrong.
“This pussy is so fucking tight.” He grunts, his hips slapping against yours as his pace speeds up. “Should’ve fucked you sooner, Pretty girl.” You moan in response, table creaking as he fucks you against it.
“Deeper.” You blurt out. Your body and mouth no longer felt like it belonged to you, it belonged to your lust. Your desperation to cum all over his cock again.
He obliges. “So fucking needy.” He scoffs, but smirks as your moans turn into callings of his name and strings of curses, the tip of his cock nudging that oh so sweet spot you’ve learnt to appreciate in what feels like seconds.
The sounds of skin slapping, moans from you and grunts from him echo around the room, bouncing off the walls and right into your ears, reminding you how your innocence is gone, how you’re no longer pure. How sinful you’ve become, something you’ve lived your entire life avoiding. Something you were taught to never even think about happening, something you were taught to shun others for. And now look at you, what a hypocrite. Bent over a table, being fucked by a man, who despite being very attractive, is decades older than you.
That same feeling is forming in your stomach as he fucks you harder, faster, deeper than before. He’s chasing after his own orgasm too, he can’t help but crumble when it comes to you. You’re just too perfect, and your pussy is his own personal brand of heroin.
It comes abruptly, without any warning, attacks you and your senses. You’re blinded by stars, head dizzy and body feeling heavy.
He gasps, grunting loudly. “Oh, you dirty girl.” He moans, his thrusts becoming sloppy and shallow. Your pussy strangles his cock as you pulsate around it, and it pushes him over the edge.
You can feel him spilling his hot cum inside of you, his cock pulsating in response to your pussy pulsating around him. He collapses on you for a minute, his clothed chest against your naked, sweaty back. You stay like this for a while until you clear your throat and he gets up, his dick now soft as it slips out of you, a mixture of your juices trickling down your legs.
He steps back to admire the view. Your ruined pussy, pumped full of his cum, pulsating around nothing. He hums as he tucks himself back into his pants, tutting at the small wet patch near his zipper. “Messy girl.” He mutters.
You gently push yourself up, grimacing at the feeling of the mixture of your juices trickling down your soft, shaky thighs. You bend over slowly, picking your discarded bra up from the floor and putting it back on. “Can I have my underwear back?”
He shakes his head. “They’re mine now, Angel.” He gives you a cheeky grin. You groan and point down to the mess trickling down your legs, and his response to that is to give you an old rag from one of the boxes.
You clean yourself up the best you can with the resources you’re given, but it’s not enough. He’s pumped you full of his cum and it’s still trickling out. You just decide you’re going to have to pray for the best. You pick up your once pristine white dress, now crumpled and dirty from the floor. You pour, seeing as it was picture perfect only this morning. You sigh, placing it over your head.
“Now, come on. We’ve got a church to decorate.” He winks at you, grabbing a box of decorations and walking out of the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts and feelings.
Tags: @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
A/N: sorry but i think it’s absolutely ironic that I’m posting this on the day i’m actually going to church (christening).
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clearlydiamondz · 2 months
Day's in Counting
Erik!Stevens X Black!OC X Black!OC
Part One
________________ After Halle admits to her roommate and fuck buddy Normeli about her sex dry spell, Normeli and Erik decides to help relieve her stress with just a tad bit of teasing.
Warnings: Threesome, Polymerous Relationship, slight voyeurism ________________
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Normeli was a strong believer in the woman’s body and the things that pleased it. If something feels good, she thinks women deserve to experience it. Out of all the stuff that a woman’s body is put through, she believes that it deserves to be rewarded. Whether it was a simple message or even an orgasm. Being bisexual, she knew the in and outs of a woman’s body and she knew what to do with a man’s body to make her feel good.  
Normeli was a professional sex specialist. She helped many couples who lacked the sex part of their relationships, sparking new ideas and guidance to bring couples’ sex lives back to.. well life. So far, she’s had a one hundred percent success rate. 
Normeli was also very in tuned with her own sex life. She knew her own body, and the only people to touch her knew her body also. Relationships weren’t really her thing. Not yet anyway. She was still young and free and didn’t have no plans of settling down for the next two years. So finding someone who would be down to sexually please her, and also not looking for the relationship aspect was hard. 
That was until she met Mr. Stevens.
She met him at her close friend’s dinner party about a year ago. The topic of her being a sex specialist came up, and the conversation wasn’t a happy one. 
She cut into her steak bringing it to her mouth as she moaned. “Oh my god, this is so good,” she said looking up at her friend, Mia. 
“I told you! The chef here is amazing.” she gushed eating her own steak. She was about to say something, but someone walked into the private area where they were holding her event. 
He was a tall man with a perfect face. Deep dimples, bright white smile, built like a God almost. He had on a white T-Shirt, blue khakis, and a pair of white and blue Gucci shoes. His locs looked like they were just retwisted, and were braided to the back. 
“Erik!” Mia exclaimed standing up. He smiled at her, it was like Normeli fell in love with his face. 
“Congratulations!” he replied hugging her. He handed her a small gift before waving at everyone. His eyes caught a look at her to see that she was definitely checking him out. She caught his eyes too. Her dark skin looked like it was oiled down, and the all-white dress she had complimented her skin perfectly, showing her right forearm covered in tattoos. She had knotless braids thatF were parted to the side, with nude beat makeup. Her lip gloss made her lips and smile the first thing he noticed, wanting to just kiss and bite it. 
He knew everyone sitting at this table, but he wanted to get to know her personally. “Hey Erik..” he turned around and saw Mia’s sister, Aniyah. 
“What’s up.” he nodded his head toward her. He knew that Aniyah was feeling him. He always did ever since high school and even years later. She just wasn’t his type. Especially because she was a tad bit... rude. 
He sat down at the empty spot that was next to Normeli, Aniyah looked a tad bit annoyed by his action. 
“Oh, how rude of me. Erik, this is my friend Normeli. Normeli, this is my friend Erik.” she introduced the two as she looked at him. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Erik.” she smiled at him. Her voice was deep and sultry. It was like honey. It reminded him of Beyoncé a little bit. Especially with the southern accent.
“Please, the pleasure is all mine.” he smiled back at her. 
She knew when a man was flirting with her and when a man wanted her. She could read it in their body language. If it wasn’t for his body language, his eyes gave it all away.
“I’ll have someone come out to give you your dish. I made sure it had all of your modifications for your diet,” she said sitting back down and drinking her wine. 
“So, how does it feel to finally be lead council?” Normeli turned around looking at her friend. 
“So stressful but so worth it.” Mia smiled. 
“Well if anyone deserves it, it’s you.” Normeli smiled back touching her hand. 
“Me? Let’s talk about you opening up your own office! And getting your bachelor.” she said raising an eyebrow at her, Normeli sighed. 
“This is not about me. This is about you...” she trailed off as Mia scoffed. 
“A lot of black excellence is in the room so this is about us. Everyone really.” Mia told her, as Erik spoke up. 
“Office? What do you do?” Erik asked her. The waitress came by with his plate, setting it down as he thanked her. 
“I am a sex specialist,” she said. 
“What? Is that a fancy word for prostitute now? I swear people try to normalize the most heinous of things.” Aniyah rolled her eyes.
“Aniyah! Shut up!” Mia snapped at her. 
“What? I’m serious. Just say you’re a hooker and move on.” 
“Actually no, I’m not a hooker,” Normeli said laughing. “I help people and couples become in tune with their sex life and/or sexuality. Discover things about their bodies. I even help people who are planning on having a baby, and even being the doula for some.” she said with a smile. It was never her intention to be rude back. It was always best to kill with kindness. 
“She’s going to be my Douala for when I and Chris decide to have babies,” Mia said holding onto her husband’s hand. 
“Plus, I use my education in psychology to help those who have been sexually assaulted or sexually abused become in touch again. So I can reassure you, I do not have sex with my clients. That’s a huge no-no in my book.” she finished off. 
“Huh, that’s pretty interesting. What made you want to do that?” Erik said. 
“Well besides my own trauma, I feel like sex is a taboo subject when it shouldn’t be. Just like how Aniyah immediately jumped to conclusion that I was a sex worker because I specialize in intercourse,” she said. Aniyah glared at her with annoyance and anger. 
“Which is not her fault. Society has formed us to think that sex is something that you keep to yourself. And if you are open about it, you’re shamed. But I believe it’s important to have these conversations because we can avoid all the negative stereotypes that come with sex. Like called being a hoe because you’re hypersexual or being called a prude because you don’t want to have sex. And so far, my work has been a hundred percent success rate. With open conversations, I have helped three couples welcome home four beautiful babies.” she said in confidence. 
“That doesn’t even sound right. Three couples and four babies? Okay...” Aliyah scoffed. Mia glared at her once again. 
“Yeah... because twins don’t exist,” Normeli said. It made the table laugh, making Aliyah snap. 
“Okay, I’ll say it. I don’t feel comfortable with you sitting here talking about sex. It’s disgusting and I’m eating. Have some fucking decorum. No one wants to hear about your job as a sex worker. So can you like, shut up about it.” she responded back as Normeli looked at her in shock.
“Fair enough...” she awkwardly said. 
“Well me personally, I would like to hear more about it. Mind giving me your number,” he said pulling out his phone to hand it to her. 
“Of course, I can even help you and your wife if-” 
“Oh... I’m single.” he chuckled as she smirked at him. 
“Sorry...” Aliyah seethed at the fact that Erik was flirting with her. Especially even after hearing what she does for work. 
After dinner, Normeli was walking out to her car when she heard her name being yelled at. She turned around and saw Erik walking over to her car. 
“Well ain’t that something. I’m parked right next to you,” he said pointing to his white G-Wagon. 
“Hmm, it is something.” she chuckled placing her purse in her car and looking back up at Erik. “What do you have planned for the night?” she asked him. 
“Well, I’m taking some PTO, so probably just go home. Have a cold beer,” she smirked at him. 
“Well.. it doesn’t have to be,” he smirked back at her. She chuckled looking down at the ground and then back at him. 
“Make that number useful Mr.Stevens.” She would have most definitely taken that man back home with her. But because mother nature wanted to give her the monthly subscription, it was a no-go. 
“Don’t worry... I will.”
After that night, they went out to dinner to get to know each other a little bit better. It was no secret that the two of them were feeling each other. Both romantically and sexually.
Being the outspoken person she is, she invited him back to her place knowing that her roommate, Halle, wasn’t there. She would be doing extra shifts at the strip club after her classes. 
After that night, Erik swore up and down that he was not letting this girl go. Not even for a second. He’d have her at his house on every piece of furniture he had to offer. 
Normeli sat in the living room drinking some wine and reading a self-care book when she heard the front door open. Looking back, she saw Halle come with her bags and food. “You’re home early.”
“The place was dead and I needed to come home to study.” she plopped down on the couch, putting her feet on the coffee table. “My body is so sore.” she groaned rubbing the back of her neck. 
“Hm, I think I know what I can to help with that,” Normeli smirked as Halle looked at her. 
“No, the last time you said that I-”
“Ooh don’t remind me. I still have dreams about that night.” Normeli said rubbing Halle’s thighs. 
Honestly, that night seemed like something the two of them would watch in a porno while rubbing their clits. Normeli offered to give her a message. It started off innocent, while her fingers were slowly getting closer to her pussy. She knew what she was doing,  and Halle didn’t want her to stop. 
Normeli knew Halle been with girls. She would bring her friends back to the place after partying, with alcohol and a bit of weed, they were in Halle’s room fucking. Normeli heard it, for the first time being shocked because she seemed like an innocent girl. But what she heard, she couldn’t help but play with her pussy listening to the noises. 
So when Normeli had the opportunity, she took a shot at it. And scored. 
The two often messed around, especially when they are bored. She and Erik never really talked about their relationship. And even though she knew for a certain fact she wanted Erik, she always wanted Halle.
Ah... Halle. The complete opposite of Normeli. Only three years younger than Normeli. It shocked her when she found out that Halle was a stripper. She’s shy, and always has her head in a book or studying for school. She wanted to be a Labor and Delivery nurse, so she was a full-time student that danced at the nightclub. 
It was easy money, and she made a lot of it. Things that she couldn’t afford when she was just working a regular 9-5 at the hospital. She bought her first car and paid it off within a year. She paid her rent 6 months in advance. She spoiled herself with the nicest things also. 
She looked at the time and saw that it was still early. She was caught up in all her work and studied before she left her friends Desirae apartment so the night was all hers. 
“So.. how are you and Erik?” she said sitting back and looking at her. “You guys seem to be getting close,” she smirked at her. 
“No, we’re just keeping things simple. I like it. He likes it. What’s not to like?” she admitted as she sighed. 
“Gosh, I wish it was that easy for me.”
“What?” Normeli asked curiously. 
“You know, finding someone. I know a lot of people look at me weirdly because I dance. And don't even get my started on the dry spell I'm having without a guy" she confessed. It didn’t really cross Normeli’s mind that those things do affect her dating life. 
“Hmm, wow. I’m sorry about that,” she said placing her hand on her shoulder. 
“Aye, it’s alright.” she sighed. "I am so tired.. the shifts at the club is killing me." she groaned.
"You know I told you that you didn't have to do that anymore. I can give you the money for your tuition and pay the rent." Normeli reminded her.
A few months back when Normeli found out, she was shock. Halle had to basically explain that her and her sisters were in and out of foster care, so she wasn't really a 'trust fund baby'. She knew that she needed to do something with her life but sadly, college ain't cheap. Stripping was an easy and convenient way to make a lot of money.
"I can't do that. You know that. I appreciate the offer though." she smiled at her as Normeli shrugged her shoulders.
"Well, the offer is still there.. I promise."
 “Well, I’m going to take this time to catch up on some sleep,” she said grabbing her things off of the coffee table. The two of them heard a knock on the door as she looked back at Normeli. 
“Oh yeah, Erik is coming over,” she said closing her book and placing the empty glass on the table. Halle shook her head with a chuckle. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll let him in,” she said walking to the front door. She unlocked it and saw him standing there. He wore a pair of black sweatpants, a black hoodie that had writing on it with a pair of off-white Yeezy foam runners.
“Hi Erik, she’s in the living room,” she said stepping out of his way as he smiled at her. 
Halle had a tiny crush on Erik, how could she not? It seemed like he always teased her, but she always just pushed it off as just him being friendly.
But it was passed that. He thought she was a cute innocent thing. He was surprised that she was a stripper, but it intrigued him how she looks when she is dancing. 
“What’s up, Halle. How’s school going?” he asked her taking off his shoes as she groaned. 
“Don’t even get me started.” 
“Damn that bad huh?” he chuckled as she nodded. 
“Y’all have fun. Don’t be too loud,” she said running up the stairs to her room. He walked into the living room to see her standing up. 
“What’s up with you?” he said walking over to her and placing his hands on her hips as Normeli wrapped her arms around his neck. 
“Nothin’ much, I’ve been thinking about this all day,” she whispered standing on her tippy toes as he smirked. 
“Is that so? What were you thinking about?” he asked, his hands trailing up underneath her nightgown, noticing she didn’t have any underwear. 
“You fucking me with that big dick,” she said grabbing it from the outside making him smirk at her.  
“I haven’t seen you in a week. How do you think I’m feeling?” he asked stepping away from her and looking her up and down. 
“I got an idea, but I would rather you show me,” she replied stepping back and letting him drink her in. Grabbing her by her throat, Erik smashed his lips into hers as she gladly accepted his advances. She pulled off his shirt throwing it somewhere around the living room as she kissed down his chest, getting on her knees. 
“Can I suck your dick, sir?” she whispered to him. He untied the jaw strings from his sweatpants, the material loosening from his sweatpants. She drooled at the sight of his body,
He slowly pulled out his dick as she reached out to touch it but he smacked it away. “Stick your tongue out.” Following his instructions, he slowly ran his tip along her tongue, her moaning at the taste of his pre-cum seeping. 
“Beg me.” He saw how desperate she was to have his dick in her mouth. She immediately started. 
“Sir please... I haven’t worshiped this dick in so long..” she moaned out with a pout in her lips. “I just wanna please you daddy..” she moaned out as he smirked down at her. 
“Come suck this dick then girl.” he said, about to pick her up and take her to her room but she pushed him down on the couch. 
“You wanna suck my dick in the middle of the living room? What if-” she cuts him off before drooling over his dick, then putting it into her mouth with moan. “Fuck..” he whispered out throwing his head back with a moan.
~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾
Halle exited the bathtub after her she shaved and did her skin routine. She sat in her room, putting on her vanilla EOS lotion. With her face mask on, her bonnet, and her pink silk FENTY X robe, she made her way downstairs to grab her a glass of wine. Before she even went down the steps, she heard the familiar moans of Normeli. Slowly creeping down the steps so she wouldn’t be heard, she peeked over the walls to see Erik fucking her on the couch. She was riding him with her arms spreading her ass cheek, giving her a nice view of her ass cheeks and pussy spread. Erik had her braids in his hands balled up in a fist pulling it back so her face was towards the ceiling. 
Halle knew that she shouldn’t have stared but she couldn’t rip her eyes from the nasty view. She could feel her heart beat in her pussy as she bit her lip, tilting her head to the side seeing that nice black dick get wet with her friends juices. 
Deep in her desire, Erik could sense of being stared at. His eyes shot open to see the entrance of the stair case was being occupied by Halle. Her doe eyes was half way open as she licked her lips at the sight of Erik fucking her. The two locked eyes, still Halle couldn’t pull away. 
“Yeah.. fuck my pussy with that big dick.” Normeli moaned as Erik fucked her harder, not breaking the eye contact with Normeli. 
“Pull that nut outta my dick, Meli. You look so fucking gorgeous riding my dick. Fuck, you ride my dick just like that..” he moaned, slapping her in the face a few times as she bent down to kiss him. 
“I’ma cum daddy.. fuck I’ma cum.” Halle looked at his dick get coated with her cream. All she really wanted to do was go over there and suck his dick clean. The way Normeli tasted was heavenly, and she knew it would be 20x better coming off of his dick. 
“Nah, stay yo sexy ass right there and take this nut.” he grunted. Maybe it was the fact that he had an audience, and the audience just so happened to be ole innocent Halle. He came faster than any other time before, grunting Meli’s name without breaking eye contact with her. He licked his bottom lip, before lifting her off of his dick. 
Halle saw the creampie that dripped out of her pussy, right back on his dick as he winced. “Fuck daddy, let me suck that dick.” she got off of him and onto her knees in between his legs. 
“Clean your mess up.” he instructed her as she deep throated his dick with a moan. Erik looked back at Halle, but to see she had ran back up the stairs without making a noise. 
Erik smirked to himself. He was most definitely bringing this up.
After cleaning up their mess in the living room, Erik and Normeli found themselves in her room fresh out of the shower. He was leaning against the counter with just a towel wrapped around his waist as he brushed his teeth. 
“So I have to tell you something.. don’t be freaked out by it.” he said as she looked at him confusingly. “Okay..” she trailed off sitting on the edge of her bathtub and placing lotion on her legs. 
“Halle seen us.” Erik said before covering his mouth trying not to laugh. She stopped before looking at him. 
“Shut up no she didn’t.” she said standing up as he nodded. 
“No she did.”
“No she didn’t. I would have seen her.” Normeli said as he shook her head. 
“Well when you getting fucked, you have this tendency to zone out. You were riding me with your back against the staircase when she seen it.” he finished off laughing as she started to laugh too. 
“Oh my gosh.. she’s probably embarrassed. I’ll make it up to her.” she replied grabbing her toothbrush as he rinsed off his. 
“See that’s the thing though.. she didn’t just see us. Normeli she watched us.” he chuckled. She raised an eyebrow at him before saying, 
“Well how do you know she watched us?” she asked him. He winced before saying, 
“I kinda.. well I gave her a show.” he admitted as she hit his arm.  “Look I’m not apologizing. She didn’t look away, and if I’m being honest she looked turned on by it. So why not?” he shrugged as she walked out of the room with him following her. The two got into the bed after throwing their dirty towels into the laundry basket. 
“It makes sense.” she shrugged. 
“What do you mean it makes sense?” she looked at him like a deer caught in headlights before saying, 
“Well.. I mean.” she stuttered off as he raised his eyebrows at her. “Okay sometimes.. y’know... we fool around with each other.” she confessed. He looked at her in shock before shaking his head.
“Cap.” Was all he said. He knew she was bisexual, and even heard of the few things she’s done with women. He couldn’t lie and say that he wasn’t turned on by it. He wanted to see what his Normeli could do with a women’s body. 
“Daddy I hope you’re not mad.” she pouted at him before climbing onto his lap. Immediately, his hands was on her waist. “No I’m not mad. I’m just shocked. I didn’t know she... she’s so-”
“Don’t let her innocence fool you. Trust me.” she giggled, suddenly an idea popped up in her head. “Y’know... she did confess to me that she was having some issues with her sexual life... maybe we could help her out with that.. together.” she said tracing his pecs with her pointer finger as he raised an eyebrow at her. 
“Together as in..” he trailed off. 
“Like let’s tease her a little bit. We obviously know her little crush on you, and I know she can’t get enough of me and vise versa, so let’s just tease her. We can make up a lie and say that something happened in your apartment and you need to stay here for the week. I know she doesn’t work on at the hospital Saturday’s and if she doesn’t go out with her friends.. maybe we can share.” she shrugged. 
This would be the first time that she participated in a threesome, and just the thought of it made her pussy wet. Eating Halle’s sweetness while getting dicked down by Erik, or even better. Playing with her pussy as Erik fucked her. 
The possibilities were endless. 
“You are so nasty.” he chuckled before he nodded his head. “Alright I’m down.”
“Okay.. we agree. We can’t fuck her until Saturday. Deal?”
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Day #1: Monday Morning
Halle woke up from the sex dream that she had, with a squeeze of her thighs. She couldn’t help but reminisce on what she seen the night before. The way that Erik looked at her as he fucked Normeli was burned into her brain for all eternity. 
She got out of bed looking at her phone to see that it was 7 o’clock on the dot. She had to be at the hospital for her clinical hours in about two hours. She put on her night gown, (considering she liked to sleep naked) and made her way to her bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. 
Making her way down to the kitchen, she seen that it was empty before starting to make herself an ice coffee. “Hey Halle.” she turned around to see Erik standing there. He had on a pair of grey sweat shorts with some black Nike socks. She knew he wasn’t wearing any underwear because the dick print was very noticeable. She licked her lips before looking at him. 
“Oh, hey Erik! I didn’t know you were still here.” she said. She was a tad bit disappointed considering usually Monday morning’s was when she came into Normeli’s rooms for a little shower/quickie. Just to kick off the week. 
That was a no go. 
“Yeah my fault. My apartment building needs to redo the floors because of some water damage, so I’m here till Saturday. You don’t mind do you?” he asked her walking closer to her as she shook her head. 
“Of course not.” she smiled at him before quickly moving back to her coffee. It was so awkward, all she wanted to do was run and hide. Erik on the other hand was enjoying this. 
He never really got good glimpse of her, just because his main focus was always Normeli when he came over. Now, seeing her in the short night gown with a little bit of her ass cheeks showing had him taking longer peaks. The sun shun into the apartment and hit her brown skin making her glow from the lotions and oils she used the night before. 
“So...” he walked over towards her standing beside her, as she continued her coffee routine. “Do you wanna address the elephant in the room?” he whispered into her ear. He had to bend over a tad bit considering she was a lot more shorter than Normeli. 
“Oh my.. okay I am so so so sorry. I didn’t mean to really walk in on you guys, well to be fair you guys shouldn’t have been fucking in the living room but I digress.” she rambled before she continued. “Look I am so sorry. I’m not a creep I promise-”
“Oh you’re not a creep. You a freak.” he said smirking as she looked at him in shock. 
“Trust me I wasn’t getting creep vibes. It was more of a freak vibe.” he chuckled.
“I don’t know what you're-”
“Don’t lie to me, Halle.” he tsked at her, he could already feel his dominant side coming about. “I know enough about women to know when they are turned on and you-” he pushed one of her fly away hairs behind her ear before saying. “You were turned on by me fucking your roommate.” he said to her.
She bit her lip not knowing what to say. Erik then took his chance to tease her even more. “What was your favorite part huh? Was it when I made her stretch that pussy for me to let you get a better sight? Or was it when I made her cum on my dick.” he whispered to her as she gasped.
She never saw Erik like this, but it turned her on. 
“Goodmorning you guys.” Normeli walked into the kitchen as Erik stepped away from Halle, smiling at her. 
“Morning Meli.”
“Hey.” Normeli looked between the two of them before kissing Erik on the lips. “Ooh this is a cute set.” she told Halle touching the cloth as she looked back at Erik. “Isn’t it cute?” Normeli said taking a peek at her ass cheeks that were out. 
“It is. Compliments you well.” he smirked at her. “Well I’m going to get out of you ladies way, I’ma head to the gym.” he smacked Normeli’s ass as she giggled. He exited the kitchen before giving Halle one last look. 
“So.. I’m sorry about this morning. I was really looking forward to our shower this morning.” Normeli responded with a pout and traced her hands up and down her chest that was exposed from the night gown. 
“No problems.. plus I wanted to go in a tad bit earlier this morning.” she said sipping from her coffee. Normeli walked closer to her, inches away from her lips before saying, 
“Oh that reminds me, I’m hosting a little get together on Wednesday. I want you to be there.” Normeli said looking at her to see her reaction. Halle winced at the suggestion before saying, 
“I don’t know...” she trailed off. Halle never really felt like she fit in when she was invited to Normeli’s past events. Majority of Normeli’s colleagues were had years of college education while some owned powerful and successful businesses. She never felt like she had a sense of belonging and always found herself sipping on whatever they had to offer. 
“Please.. I’ll make it up to you..” Normeli trailed off, touching the lace of her night gown before Halle bit her lip. 
“You have a lot of making up to do..” Halle chuckled before looking in her eyes. 
“Trust, I’ll be making it up to you for sure.”
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Day #2: Tuesday Afternoon
Normeli came to the apartment for lunch for the next hour. She saw that Halle was already home from their camera in the kitchen. Halle was home early, usually she came early on Tuesday’s from her clinical hours and to rest before she had her shifts at night.
She found Halle in the kitchen with her baby blue nurse scrubs on cutting herself some fruit with her airpods in. Normeli tapped her shoulder as Halle turned around with a hand on her chest. 
“Shit! You scared the hell outta me!” she exclaimed. Normeli chuckled before grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge. 
‘“My fault..” Normeli trailed off before taking a sip. She leaned against the refrigerator, before looking Halle up and down. Her 4C hair was in a slick back bun, with two curls by her side burns. She switched out of her HOKA shoes, and had on the hello kitty slippers Normeli gifted her when she saw them at Marshals. 
 “You are here for your lunch break?” Halle asked her as she nodded. “Yeah.. I have an extra thirty minutes before I need to head back to the office and put some paper work into the system.” Normeli confessed as Halle nodded. Halle looked down at her apple watch before walking over towards Normeli. 
“Hm.. well why you are here.” Halle trailed off by caressing  the inside of her thigh. Halle couldn’t help but be turned on by what Normeli was wearing.  Normeli had on a brown leather skirt that stopped about mid thigh, with a white T-Shirt with the words ‘Black and Educated’ in the front in the same brown tone of the skirt. She topped it off with a pair of white heel books. 
“Can I just have a taste please. It's the least that you could owe me..” Halle replied, giving her those doe look eyes that made her weak in the knees every time. Normeli bit her lip, before saying, 
“Awe... you wanna taste my pussy?” she teased her. She traced her thumb against Halle’s lips as Halle slowly nodded. Normeli kissed her lip before Halle went into the squat position. 
Normeli was at a cross roads. She didn’t know if this would violate the terms of her’s and Erik’s little challenge.
Normeli pulled her skirt up her thighs to expose her red thongs that she wore. Halle pulled her panties down throwing them on the floor behind her. “Mmm show me that pretty pussy...” Halle whispered as Normeli lifted her left leg, giving Halle a view of her pussy. 
Halle spat at it making Normeli moan as Halle rubbed the spit into her clit, adding pressure. “You gonna be a good girl and make me cum right?” Normeli said grabbing her face as Halle nodded. 
“mm of course.” Halle replaced her fingers with her tongue as circled the nub, flattening her tongue and licking. Halle moaned at the taste of her, rolling her eyes back and closing them as Normeli’s wetness dripped. 
“That’s right.. eat my pussy just like that baby.” Normeli gasped grinding her hips as she held her leg up. Halle's hands reached underneath the skirt, grabbing a handful of her ass before jiggling it. 
“Fuck you look so beautiful right now." Halle said looking at Normeli's face. "Ride my face how you want to Normeli.” Halle said. Really she just wanted to be smothered. Normeli held her head with both of her hands before slowly sliding her pussy along her tongue. 
Halle decided to insert her middle finger. “Fuck. Your so nasty.. I love it.” Normeli moaned throwing her head back. Halle chuckled to herself before pulling away, and inserting another finger into her pussy. 
“You’re so wet.” Halle whispered. Her own pussy was throbbing, as she snuck her other hand in her scrubs before rubbing her clit over her underwear. Normeli looked down at her seeing how desperate Halle was. 
“Fuck you look so sexy when you touch yourself... I’ma cum.. I’m cumming!” she exclaimed as her juices ran down her face. “Damn...” she whimpered out as Halle kept licking. 
“You taste so fucking good. Fuck.” Halle slapped her ass before biting her thigh. She stood back up standing on her tippy toes to kiss Normeli as Normeli pushed her against the Island counter. 
Normeli’s hands found their way into her scrubs before noticing how wet her pussy was. “It’s so cute how wet you get when you eat my pussy.” Normeli giggled as Halle laughed. 
“I can’t help it...” Halle blushed before gasping as Normeli inserted her middle and ring finger. “Shit...”
“Fuck. Your pussy is so wet my fingers just went right in.��� Normeli whispered.
Normeli went to pull her pants down but the door opening and closing took them out of their trance. Her hands left her pants as she pulled her skirt down as Normeli fixed herself. 
Erik walked in placing bags of groceries on the counter, looking between the two girls. He wore a black and white varsity jacket with a black T-Shirt, black jeans with black and white Retro Jordans. He pulled of his ray bands before saying, 
“Hey, didn’t know both of y’all would be here?” he said. 
“I’m just here for my lunch.” Normeli replied. Her dark skin complexion was flushed, it almost reminded him of how she looked when she came. Erik looked at Halle seeing her face glistening before squinting his eyes. “I didn’t know you were coming so early.” Normeli said. 
“Yeah, I decided I can do the rest of my work from here. I grabbed some stuff to make dinner tonight for you guys and some wine.” he said pointing towards the bags of groceries. “Also, is there a way I can get access to the gate? I tried calling in but you didn’t answer.” he asked her as Normeli face palmed. 
“My phone is my car, my fault. Halle can send you the app that let us unlock it. Can you send it to him?” Normeli asked her. She nodded before grabbing her phone and unlocking it so she could get Erik’s number. 
He saved the contact name as:
He handed her phone back before catching something in the corner of his eye. 
He saw Normeli’s red panties on the floor. 
Halle followed his eye contact before her eyes widen. Erik started to piece everything together before chuckling to himself. "Cute slippers." he complimented the big slippers on her feet as she looked down at them.
"T-Thank you."
“Well, I need to stop and grab myself something to eat so I’m going to head out.” Normeli replied grabbing her water bottle. After she said her goodbyes, it was now Erik and Halle in the kitchen. She turned around eating from her bowl of fruit as Erik made his way over to her. 
“What were you guys doing before I came in here?” he asked her as she looked at him, slowly biting into the mango. 
“Don’t lie to me Halle.” he said grabbing her chin. He leaned down, his lips inches away from hers as her breathing hitched. “For one, I’ve eaten her pussy enough times to know what she taste and smell like. The evidence is all on your face.” he laughed then he picked up the red thongs. 
“And two, y’all left evidence.” she bit her lip as he pushed her up against the island.
He was going to have to punish Normeli later, because it definitely went against their rule. 
 “Can I taste her off of you?” he whispered as she nodded.
His lips met hers, being met with the taste of Normeli and the mangos Halle just eaten. His hands found her neck choking her lightly as she moaned into the kiss. With out breaking it, Erik lifted her on the counter as he wrapped her legs around his waist. 
“I already know what she taste like. I wanna know what you taste like.” he pushed her down on the counter as she sat up on her elbows. He took the slippers off throwing them on the ground, then pulled her scrubs off discarding them on the floor as she slowly opened her legs up. 
“Fuck.. that’s beautiful.” he whispered to himself seeing her baby pink panties. Her pussy was nice and fat. His fingers traced the cloth noticing how wet she was. He pushed her panties to side as she groaned at the teasing. 
“Please Erik..” she begged him. 
“No, you call me daddy.” he spanked her pussy as she gasped. “Let me take my time.” her pussy was just too beautiful not to appreciate it for a few seconds. He spread her lips, looking at the wetness as he rubbed her clit. 
“Daddy.. please eat my pussy. I can’t take it.” Between him and Normeli, she was a hot mess. She needed any sort of release and Erik was breaking her. 
He laid his flattened tongue against her clit, licking at the nub as her hands found his hair. He moved his head side to side, moaning into her pussy causing her to moan from the vibrations. He alternated between sucking and licking, the combination made her wetness leak down his chin. He pulled away rubbing the nub with his fingers, as she gasped. 
“You like playing with this pussy daddy?’ she asked him batting her eyelashes at him as he groaned. How could she still look so innocent while getting her pussy eaten?
“Mhm daddy loves playing with this slutty pussy.” he replied before fucking her with her tongue. 
“Uh.. shit!” she exclaimed as he looked up at her, placing his fingers on her clit and rubbing it. “Please, please don’t stop. Let me cum on that tongue please!” she moaned. 
“There you go. Be a good slut and cum on daddies tongue. Let me taste you.” he instructed her. 
In their garage, Normeli sat with the garage door open in her BMW. She looked on her phone at the camera in the kitchen, watching Erik eat Halle’s pussy. She was truly jealous of Erik, wanting nothing more but to have Halle suffocate her by sitting on her face. 
She had a perfect angle of Erik and her pussy, hearing all the sounds Halle was making. Hiking the skirt up, she could easily play with her pussy. She pushed the seat back before leaning against the door. Her fingers sound her clit as she started to rub it, moaning at how sensitive she was. 
“Fuck I need to come again..” she whimpered to herself, inserting the same two fingers in her pussy. She fingered herself watching Erik devour Halle's pussy, as Halle eyes rolled back. 
“Fuck. Fuck.. Shit!” she exclaimed as Erik stood straight, then kissing her roughly. 
“Uhh.. I’m cumming.”  Normeli came on her fingers before taking a picture of her pussy and fingers before sending  them to Erik with a text that said, 
BTW there is a camera in the kitchen
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Day #3: Wednesday Evening 
Erik stepped off of the elevator onto the rooftop. Normeli decided to have her party at the roof top on Tour de la Mode. It was lit beautiful with fairy lights and flowers. There was music and a cocktail bar.
He was greeted by some of the people that he did know, before locking eyes with Normeli. She had on a white strapless skin tight dress that went to her ankles. She wore a pair of white stiletto's, with gold jewelry. Her braids were in a bun, with a white scarf and her edges laid.
Erik stared at her licking his lips, his eyes tracing down her tall figure. She waved at Erik as he winked at her. She motioned her head towards the back area as he looked and saw Halle at one of the high tables, sipping on a Martini.
He walked back there before tapping her on the shoulders. She turned around and smiled at Erik.
"Oh, hi Erik." she greeted him.
"Hey Halle, you look nice." he complimented her. She wore a white button down dress that stopped at her mid thigh with a pair of white strapped heels. Her 4c hair had a twist out, with a white headband.
"Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself." He wore a white sweater with a Cuban link around his neck, with a pair of light blue jeans, and all white air forces.
"Why are you standing back here all by yourself?" he asked standing next to her.
"Eh.. I don't really feel like I fit in here. I'm only here to support Normeli." she said sipping from her glass.
"Why is that?" he asked looking at her.
"Everyone here is like... the smartest people in the city. From doctors to entrepreneurs. I mean, even you." she replied as he kissed his teeth.
"Aren't you in nursing school?" he asked her as she nodded. "That's hard as shit. You got to be smart for that." he replied.
"Well.. true." she mumbled looking down at the glass.
Normeli made her way to the table before smiling at them. "I'm glad you guys came!" she hugged and kissed Halle on the cheek and did the same thing for Erik.
"It's nothing." Halle smiled at her.
"Well dinner is about to be served. And I saved us a seat." she said grabbing both of their hands. They sat down at a long table, with Halle sitting in between the two. They sat across Normeli's good friends Chris and Mia.
"Oh my gosh, Hey Halle!" Mia exclaimed as Halle waved at her.
"Hey Mia! I don't think I gave my congratulations to you two." she said as Mia rubbed her pregnant belly.
"Awe thank you. We are over the moon." she said holding her husbands Chris hand as he kissed her cheek.
"How's nursing school going? You should be finishing up soon, right?" Chris asked her as she nodded.
"Two more months till graduation." she gloated as Mia clapped.
"Ooh right on time! Baby boy will be here in four months. We were actually thinking about doing a home birth. Meli suggested it after I was nervous about the hospital. We would love for you to be there if you could." she asked.
"Awe that would be sweet. I could assist you with help considering I'm her doula." Normeli replied sipping from her wine.
"Hm, I'd have to think about it. I've never done a home birth before." Halle said.
"You'll be okay. I've done three of them just in the past two months." Normeli replied. "Plus, you'll have your nursing degree by then so ethical medical laws would still apply. I know there is some sort of training for at home births nurses." Normeli suggested.
"Yeah, and we would pay for the training and your services of course." Chris butted in. She thought about it for a second before nodding.
"Okay, I'll do it. Plus how many nurses can say they delivered a baby at home." Halle chuckled as they clapped.
"Ya know that would be a great business idea. Especially for black mothers who wants a black team like me." Mia said rubbing her stomach.
"I'd invest in it." Erik replied drinking from his water glass.
"Shoot, me too." Chris chuckled.
They continued to talk about other things happening in the world, as Halle spaced out into her own thoughts. She was bought back to reality when she felt Erik's hand on her thigh. She looked up at him to see him in conversation with Chris. His hands traced up the inside of her thigh as he continued in conversation not even looking at her.
His hands trailed up closer to her upper inner thigh. She cleared her throat before Normeli looked at her. She looked down in her lap to see what Erik was doing before smirking.
Normeli placed a hand on her knee before following Erik's hands movement, Halle's breath hitching in her throat. Eventually, Normeli's hands was touching her pussy as she pushed the panties to the side. Erik took this as an advantage to insert his digits in her pussy.
She grabbed her water drinking it to prevent the moan from escaping her lips. "So Halle, have you planned anything for your graduation?" Mia asked her as Halle looked up at the couple who waited for her answer. She thought Erik would stop, but he kept going only slowing down.
"Y-yeah actually-" she cleared her throat. "My sisters and I were planning on going to Turks and Caicos." she said forcing a smile.
"Ooh how exciting. You have to throw a party before you leave." Mia replied.
"Ooh that sounds fun." Normeli said looking at Halle. In that moment, Erik curved his fingers upwards hitting her G-Spot as she moan, but covered it with a cough.
"I-I need to use the bathroom." she announced. Erik and Normeli's moved their hands not before fixing her dress so she could stand up. She rushed the area where the bathroom was leaving the two where they were.
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Day #4: Thursday Night
Halle sat in the back of the lecture hall writing notes on her iPad. She was more than tired after her shift at the hospital, but she needed to be in class today considering TEAS testing coming up in a few months. With about 15 students in class, with most of them towards the front, she felt like she could really focus.
In the middle of her lesson, she received a text message from getting the notification from both her iPad and watch. She reached into her bag before pulling out her phone to see that it was a text from Erik. Thinking something happened at the apartment, she opened the text before seeing a video where the screen was black. Putting in her airpods she played the video.
The camera lifted pointing to what she assumed was his dick. Caught by surprised, she bought her phone to her chest before making sure no one was watching. Noticing that the coast was clear, she pulled the phone back up playing the video once again.
"Come here and ride this dick..." he moaned. From the corner of the screen, she saw Normeli climb into the bed with him with nothing on.
"Mmm fuck baby this dick look so good." Normeli moaned getting on his lap and rubbing his tip with her clit.
"There you go dirty bitch... show Halle how good that pussy take this dick." he moaned out. Normeli placed his tip at the entrance as she slowly sat on it.
'"Oooh fuck." she gasped out as she fully sat on his dick. Her thighs were spread as he reach out rubbing her clit. Her clit was swollen as he took her in as she bounced up and down on his dick. '"Oooh fuck." she gasped out as she fully sat on his dick. Her thighs were spread as he reach out rubbing her clit. Her clit was swollen as he took her in as she bounced up and down on his dick.
"Shit daddy stretch this fat pussy.." she moaned out rubbing her clit as she moved her way up and down. Halle clenched her thighs together as Erik started to fuck her back. '
"Wet ass pussy... this pussy belongs on daddy dick huh? Fuck girl.." he moaned out Normeli gasped. "Shut the fuck up and take this dick." he warned her. His dick slowly started to be covered with the cream from her getting fucked, as he moaned at the wetness.
"Fuck turn around. Let her see that pussy filled with cum." he said. Right on cue, she turned herself around on his dick to give her the perfect flew. Her ass and pussy was on full display, stuffed with his big dick.
She bounced up and down on it, as she spread her cheeks reminding her off the night on Sunday night. Her ass rippled as he stuffed her pussy, not daring giving her a moment to take a break.
"Damn..this pussy feel good." he moaned as she fucked him.
"Cum in my pussy daddy please. I want it." she begged.
"Take this fucking nut.." he groaned out. His nut filled inside as she saw her cream seep down his dick. He pulled out letting the cum drip out of her pussy making sure he got a perfect view of it. He grabbed his dick rubbing it against her clit before re-entering it in her entrance, as she moaned out.
The video cut off as she looked up at the teacher who was going over the material that was going to be on the test she needed to take. She shook her head of the nasty video before locking in and paying attention.
She will not lie though, as soon as she stepped into her car she replied the video over... and over... and over. She knew that the tensions would be high as soon as she stepped into the apartment. For the last few days, her sexual frustrations were building up to the point where she needed a release. And not just by herself.
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Day #5: Friday Night
Halle sat in the dressing room in the club, taking the pin curls out of her freshly done sew in. One of her close friend, Desirae sat next to her, quizzing her for the test that she had tomorrow.
"What are the five W's that are consistent with postoperative fever?" she asked.
"Wind, Water, Wound, Walking, and Wonder Drugs." Halle said.
"Correct. Girl you got this, I don't know why you keep going over these flash cards. You got everything correct." Desirae placed the cards on the table.
"Well I can't afford to fail this test. Graduation is less then two months away." Halle sighed before spraying her curls with hair spray. Desirae was about to say something but one of the other girls, Yolanda and Kayla came over.
Yolanda was one of the problematic girls here. Being here the longest, she was more than just rude and cocky. A lot of the drama that happens here always circles back to her being the one that caused it. Kayla was her little lap dog who agreed with everything that she said.
The two girls for some odd reason didn't like Halle. They claimed it as her thinking she was better than everyone else because she was in college to become a nurse. But truly, Halle kept to herself only coming to dance and make money.
"Halle, did you take my lashes?" Kayla asked her crossing her arms over her chest.
"No. I have some from last week if you need to borrow some." Halle said looked up at her as she rolled her eyes.
"So why did Yolanda say that she saw you around my area then?" she pressed her as Halle squinted her eyes with at her.
"Girl what? I literally have been here this entire time."
"Yeah, literally since we came in here we've been sitting here getting ready and studying." Desirae defended her Yolanda rolled her eyes.
"No one was talking to you Desirae. I know what I saw."
"I have lash extensions." Halle snapped at her. "Why the fuck would I need to steal lashes from you when I can just buy my own if I needed them.. which I don't." she replied. The two girls looked at her lashes to see indeed that she on lash extensions.
"Okay girl.. whatever." Yolanda rolled her eyes. "That don't mean nothing."
"No it means something. Y'all don't have anything I want, I promise you that." Halle rolled her eyes and finishing her makeup.
"Obviously we do if you going around stealing people shit. I-"
"Okay so if you think I stole your shit, Kayla, go ask Madeline to look at the camera footage then." she snapped at the two. The two stared at her as Halle pointed to the door. "Well why are you just looking at me? If y'all know for a fact that I stole them eyelashes, go talk to Madeline. And if that camera shows me stealing them, I give y'all full permission to beat my ass."
"I ain't doing all that shit, bruh." Kayla turned around.
"Exactly. Y'all just like to start unnecessary shit because y'all are bored. Get the fuck outta our faces with that shit and talk to someone else." Desirae replied.
"Who the fuck you talking to like that?" Yolanda stepped closer as Desirae stood up. Halle stood up to stand in between the two.
"Girl ain't nobody scared of you." Desirae laughed.
"Yolanda just go back to your seat. You being messy for no reason, like c'mon now." Halle replied as Yolanda eyes fixed on her.
"And don't tell me what to do. I'll stay where ever the fuck I want. Ole uppity tight ass bitch." Yolanda snapped at Halle.
"Hey hey hey! What is going on?" Madeline walked in looking at the scene. Madeline was the owner of the club, and was probably the most sweetest lady you could imagine. Being a woman herself who used to strip, she made sure to use her past experiences to make sure she maintained a safe and clean environment for her dancers.
"Madeline come get these stupid bitches before I dog walk them please." she turned around as Madeline sighed, probably in annoyance that Yolanda was doing stupid shit once again.
"Yeah we are stupid but you accusing somebody who's wearing lash extensions of stealing lashes." Halle rolled her eyes.
"Okay smart ass and like I said that doesn't matter. This bitch think she a smart ass just because she in college the fuck?"
"Okay Yolanda just go sit back down. I'll talk to them." Madeline told her. Yolanda left not before saying a couple of other things. "I'm sorry guys. If you want you can finish up in my office." Madeline reasoned with her.
"No I'm fine." Halle said sitting back down to finish her makeup.
"Okay. Well while I'm here, Halle can you be in the private rooms. Friday's we usually have more people requesting private dances." she asked her as she nodded.
"Yeah that's fine." Halle said. She didn't really want to be on stage anyway and she made more money doing private dances.
Eventually, the girls left the dressing room. The clubs was filled as she made her way to the back rooms, not before taking a shot of Hennessey. That was before something caught her eye.
She saw Erik and Normeli standing by the bar grabbing something to drink. Normeli locked eyes with Halle, Normeli smirking and waving at her. Erik noticed it, before looking up and around then seeing Halle then waving her.
She waved back at them, but she was confused. She has never seen them in the club before, and after the week she had she wondered if it had something to do with it.
She saw Yolanda walk up to them, making conversation but their stares was focused on Halle.
Erik eyes were definitely appreciate the fit that she wore.
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'His eyes ranked over her body before landing at her feet that wore eight inch heels that were bedazzled. She walked over to Madeline who was behind the bar.
"Ooh just the girl I wanted to see. That couple over their requested you... and they are offering big money girl." she wiggled her eyebrows at her as Halle chuckled. She didn't want anyone to know that she knew them, so she decided to play along.
"Alright.. I can fuck with it. Pour me an extra shot though pretty please." she begged. Usually, the girls weren't allowed to drink on the job, just because some couldn't really handle their liquor. But Madeline had a soft spot for her. She was kind and respectful, stayed to herself and she could handle her liquor.
"Fine. But this is your last." she warned her as she nodded. Madeline gave her another shot of Hennessey as she winced downing it.
"Alright, I'll let you know how it goes." she walked over to them, as Normeli smiled at her.
"Well hello.. Sapphire." she smiled using her stage name. Halle looked over Normeli wore a short black dress that was one bad move to show all of her goodies with a black leather jacket, and a pair of thigh length boots that hugged her thighs perfectly. She matched it with a medium size Louis Vuitton bag.
Yolanda turned around before rolling her eyes at Halle. "Thank you for the offer, but we requested her." Normeli said.
"Okay, are you sure? My rates are a lot more cheaper and I can do a lot more for you for your less." Yolanda bargained with them, but it didn't work.
"Yup we're sure. You can leave now." Erik said to her getting straight to the point. She was focused on Normeli that so much that she was caught off guard by him talking. Looking behind Normeli, she saw Erik with a similar outfit. Black short sleeve button up, with black pants and a pair of Prada re-nylon and leather zip pocket combat boots.
Yolanda turned around shooting glares at her before she decided to leave the three of them alone. She turned to look at the two before saying,
"What are you guys doing here?" she asked them curiously.
"Well we were bored, and I realized that we never really got to see you in action." she suggested.
"Hope you don't mind." Erik smirked at her as she blushed. Shaking off her nervousness, she replied,
"Of course not." she bashfully said. "Well you guys can come follow me." she stated grabbing Normeli's hand as Normeli smiled at her. The three of them exited back to the rooms. The only light there was the red hue, as the music in the club became more quiet and distant. The entered one of the rooms where she knew there was a couch long enough for the both of them.
The two sat down as Halle stood over them. She slipped her hair over her shoulder as she bit her lip at them. "Come here Halle." Normeli smirked at her as Halle walked to her standing in between her widened legs. Normeli's dressed raised just a bit exposing her upper thigh and a small peak of the black laced panties she had.
"Mm turn around for us. Let us see that fat ass." Erik said leaning forward as she did what was told. She started to jiggle her ass cheeks. Erik went to reach his hand underneath the thin piece of material but she smacked his hand away.
"Aht, no touching." she teased him turning around as he raised an eyebrow with a smile.
"That's bold to say considering how I had you a few days ago on the counter." he smirked as she gasped, before looking at Normeli to see her smirking.
"I think you forgot about the camera that we have in the kitchen." Normeli laughed. Halle brown complexion turned an orange tone because of her blush.
"Awe don't be embarrassed, tell Halle what you were doing." he said looking at Normeli as she shrugged.
"I'm not going to lie... seeing you cum all over his tongue made me wet. It made me cum a few times myself." Normeli admitted with a smirk. Halle licked her lips at the mention of Normeli cumming.
"Sit on Meli's lap. I want her nice and wet when I fuck her tonight." he instructed Halle. She sat on Normeli's lap, her hands finding her way to her ass cheek jiggling it. "Oh she can touch?" Erik teased them as Normeli chuckled.
"Don't be jealous.. your time's coming." Normeli told him, as she started to grind Halle on her lap. Normeli grabbed her face looking at her in the eyes as Halle bit her lip. "Mmm pretty little thing." Normeli smiled pecking her lips as Halle giggled.
Erik couldn't help but notice that chemistry between the two girls, it was something different and he never really seen it before. The two had a look of admiration for each other that was beyond just lust.
Halle unbuckled her bra from the back, letting her tits free. Normeli happily took her right breast in her mouth, sucking on them as Halle threw her head back. Erik happily took the left one in his. The two sucked at her nipples as she grinded her hips against Normeli.
Her mind flooded to those random nights where the two of them would scissor each other till they made a mess with both of their juices combined, happily cleaning each other up.
"Sit on daddy's lap baby." she said lifting her up. Halle sat on Erik's lap as he adjusted himself as she sat directly on his dick. He grabbed her neck slightly squeezing it as she moaned.
Normeli's hand snuck in between the two before reaching inside of the thin panties before noticing how wet she was. "Ooh, look how wet her pussy got daddy." she placed her finger in front of Erik's face as he licked it off moaning.
"Taste so sweet princess." Erik praised her, kissing the valley of her breast. "Give Normeli a kiss for me." Halle looked at Normeli as the two leaned in, making out. They kissed sloppily as Erik looked at the two girls in lust, feeling his dick harden as the two made out. Normeli pulled away before Erik made Halle stand up and sit on his lap in the opposite direction. He placed her legs on each side of him as she placed her hands on the floor.
"Go ahead back, shake that ass on my dick." he encouraged her. She did exactly that, shaking her ass as the two of them grabbed her a hand full of ass cheeks.
For the next 30 minutes, the two of them had their fun with her dancing as they threw a bunch of bills on her, obviously being in a trance. After the end, as they were about to leave Erik reached into his back pocked with a stack that was folded up. She looked at him confused.
"What is this for?" she asked him.
"Um are we supposed to pay you?" he chuckled as Normeli looked back.
"Yeah but this is way above my rate... even for the both of you. Nevermind what you guys left me in the room." she said looking at the stack of 100's that was in the rubber band.
"Well I'm going to assume we did a lot more than you regular clients.. am I wrong?" Normeli asked her walking closer to her and moving her hair out of her face.
"I mean yeah but-"
"But nothing. Just take it. Especially after the week we made you go through." he winked at her as she looked at him shocked.
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Day #6: Saturday Night
Erik and Normeli found themselves in the kitchen making a home cooked meal for everyone. Normeli was drinking a glass on red wine cutting up vegetables while Erik drunk a glass of Hennessey making their steak.
Erik threw the towel over his shoulder leaning on the opposite side of the counter staring at Normeli's backside. "Hey I gotta question?" he said lowering the heat on the steaks. She turned around to look at him. "You've worked with polymerous couples, right?" he asked her as she nodded.
"Yeah seven of them actually. Four was successful and three weren't. Why?" she asked sipping on her glass of wine.
"What made the difference between the success and those that weren't?" he asked curiously as she thought about it.
"Well a major difference was that for the successful everyone was dating everyone. Everyone was interested and had feelings for everyone that was in the relationship. The unsuccessful ones the women weren't really interested in each other, only dating the masculine person. Which left room for animosity, jealousy and abandonment." she noted. She almost cringed at the misogynistic men who attempted to use their greediness to their advantage.
He nodded letting her continue,
"Umm.. oh. The amount of people that we in the relationship. For the successful ones the most who were in the relationship were like four. Anything above five was problematic. Which I'll just assume it's because the more people, the more issues." she said.
"Anything else?
She thought about it more before snapping her fingers.
"Ooh finances. The man would add women to the relationship but didn't really have the money to support everyone. It resulted in the women having to support each other which would just cause more of a drift in the relationship." she mentioned before squinting her eyes.
"Wait a second..." she trailed off.
"Wait before you say anything, hear me out." he begged. "I know you have feelings for the both of us Meli." he told her as she gasped.
"I mean I do.. but-"
"Hold on. And I'm not going to lie. I've had a little crush on Halle and I know she is crushing on me. Seeing the two of you guys together, I have this feeling that is more than just being turned on by two girls. It's an unexplainable feeling." he mentioned as she looked at him tilting her head.
"How do we even know Halle would be down for it? She is-"
"Who told me not to let her innocence fool you?" he reminded her as she sighed. "Everything you told me makes me think we can work it out. There is only three of us, obviously we are all interested in each other and let's be forreal, I can take care of both of y'all financially. I know how much you hate her working at the club and she could quit."
"Let me think about it."
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"She's fucking lying! She did steal those clients from me!"
It was the end of her shift on Saturday night, considering she wanted to go home early. Not just because Erik and Normeli was there...yes it was... but she just wanted a self care night. There was some drama over playing in the make up rooms because of the incident last night.
Here we are, where Yolanda and Kayla was arguing with Halle about stealing those 'clients', (Normeli and Erik) from Yolanda. She swore up and down that they wanted her and after finding out how much she made from it.
Erik and Normeli paid her a total of 5k.
Some of the other girls was even upset that their was no split, the only split being with Madeline.
"Yolanda that's not true. They requested her from the moment they walked in and told me her name. They never asked for you." Madeline tried to reason with the girl, but she just wasn't having it.
"Stop fucking lying! They did not fucking want her ugly ass! She stole them from me!"
"In order for them to be stolen, they would have to have been interested in you in the first place." Halle snapped at them.
"Bitch who the fuck-" Yolanda charged at Halle but was stopped by the other strippers who were still in the back getting ready.
"Okay you know what? Yolanda, you need to go. Grab you things and leave." Madeline snapped at her as Yolanda gasped looking at her.
"What do you mean leave? I-"
"You are causing too much in here. You have gotten in 5 arguments with girls and it hasn't even been a full week yet. You need to go or I will call police to remove you from the premises." Madeline told her.
"She stole money out of my pockets! Matter of fact scary ass hoe meet me outside then bitch." she said looking at Halle.
"She's not doing any fucking thing!" Desirae snapped.
Eventually, the other girls were able get Yolanda to leave. Clearly annoyed and a little shaken, Madeline made sure security walked her out to her car.
Considering it was the last few minutes of her shifts, Halle decided to leave and head back home. After entering her apartment, she found Erik and Normeli making something in the kitchen. She put her stuff on the counter as the two looked at her. Halle noticed that Normeli still had on a silk pink robe while Erik had nothing but basketball shorts on and his gold chain.
"You good?" Normeli asked her.
"You remember that girl who wanted to dance for you yesterday?" Halle said sitting at the counter bar stool.
"The one with the odd looking face?" Erik mentioned as Normeli chuckled.
"Erik you can't say stuff like that." she chastised him before looking back at Halle.
"She claimed that I stole y'all from her because you guys wanted her first before I came in." she rolled her eyes as Erik busted out laughing.
"Ayo, that's the funniest thing I've heard all week." he said bending over as Normeli hit him with the towel.
"It was pretty funny." Halle chuckled grabbing one of the carrots that were cut up and leftover. "That was until she tried to fight me." she rolled her eyes. Erik's fits of laughter was cut short once he heard her say it.
"Did she put her hands on you?" he asked her walking in front of her.
"No, but I was thinking while driving back home, I don't think I wanna continue dancing. I have enough money saved up so I should be able to pay off my student loans. By then I can move out and-"
"Move out?" Normeli asked confused. "What do you mean move out?"
"Yeah. I know you guys want some privacy." she chuckled as Erik chuckled under his breath at the irony,
"Well you know I don't mind if you stay. I feel like it would be much better and you wouldn't have to pay a bill." Normeli tried to convince her,
"You know I can't ask you to do that." Halle replied. Normeli was saddened by it but she decided to shake it off.
"Well this will be a conversation for another day." she walked next to her flipping her hair over her shoulders. "The food will be ready in a few so how about you go in my bathroom and use my tub for a bubble bath-" she kissed her neck as Halle closed her eyes. "I'll bring you up a glass of wine-" she licked the spot as a soft moan escape her lips. "And after we eat.. we can have a little bit of fun." she smirked at her as Halle nodded. She left the two of them in the kitchen as she walked back behind the counter as Erik grabbed a handful of Normeli's ass.
"Such a bad girl." he whispered into her ear as she gasped at the sensation. She closed her eyes smiling, reaching behind her to grab Erik's dick through his basketball shorts. He turned her around pushing her against the counter.
"Be a good slut for me and wait." he said moving her hand as she pouted. He kissed her on the lips before saying, "Go ahead and fix her glass of wine." He said stepping away to finish cooking.
Halle sat in the jet tub, with her eyes closed when she heard the door open. She saw Normeli walking in with a glass of white wine, and her pink silk robe.
"This is for you." Normeli handed her the glass as she thanked her sipping out of it. Normeli dropped her robe exposing her naked body as Halle licked her lips leaning over the tub.
"Hopping in?" she asked placing her cup on the edge.
"Why not?" she stepped inside the tub with her sitting on Halle's lap. Halle leaned back as the bubbles settled between them.
"I do have a confession to make though." Normeli replied said rubbing herself against Halle as she moaned. "Erik and I... we wanna help you." she whispered into her ear as Halle tilted her head to the side.
"H-Help me with what?" she asked confusingly.
"Well... you remember when you told me last week about how you were having a dry spell?" Normeli asked her as she nodded. "Well how about the two of us.. share Erik." she said.
"I mean.. I got the hint by Wednesday." Halle giggled, "Are you sure? I don't wanna intrude or anything." Halle pouted. Normeli thought it was the cutest thing ever, before pecking her lips.
"Trust me, we want this more than anything." Normeli assured her as Halle nodded. Normeli squealed before going in for another kiss. The kiss deepened as the two girls sloppily kissed each other. "Mmm I can't wait till you show Erik how wet you really can get." Normeli smiled in the kiss. She moved her hand between the two finding Halle clit as rubbed it, making Halle gasp.
"Baby..." she whimpered as Normeli moaned.
"Fuck, I need to eat this pussy. It's been too long." Normeli replied.
"Is that so?" The voice interrupted them to see Erik leaning against the bathroom counter with his arms crossed over his chest as he smirked.
"Daddy you scared us." Normeli pouted as he chuckled walking over to the tub and kneeling down. He looked at Normeli before shaking his head.
"You are so disobedient.. you know that?" he said grabbing a handful of her braids and pulling her head back. She smiled as Halle looked at her beautiful breast. He looked back at Halle before letting Normeli go.
"Come here." he instructed Halle as she leaned in as the two of them kissed. Erik's hand wrapped around her throat as he made out with her, before she let out a gasp. He looked down and saw that Normeli was fingering her underneath the water. "Ooh fuck baby.. " Halle gasped.
Chuckling he stood up, his dick obviously hard and noticeable without anything underneath it his shorts. He grabbed towels out of the closet before saying,
"Let's get you guys dry so you can come downstairs and eat."
The three of them eventually made it downstairs, the both of them only wearing a T-Shirt with nothing underneath like Erik told them. The three of them ate talking about random things, but the sense of sexual tension was high.
Halle leg bounced in anticipation as Normeli stood up. "Thanks for the meal guys, it was good." Halle complimented them as he smiled at her.
"No problem. It's the least I can do." he smirked making her blush. Normeli stood up before saying,
"Well I'm going to go load the dish washer." she stood up grabbing the plates off of the table before walking into the kitchen. Erik was about to say something but Halle's apple watch went off as she looked at her wrist to see Madeline calling her.
"Uh give me a second guys, the club is calling me." she excused herself running upstairs to her room where her phone was on charge. She answered it,
"Hey Madeline, what's up?"
"Hey girly. I was just making sure you made it back home and you were okay?"
"Y-Yeah I'm fine. Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something." she replied. "Because I'll be graduating soon and my tests are coming up, adding that along with my clinical hours... I want to make sure that I have enough time to study. So tonight was my last night."
"Awe no. I thought I would more time with you."
"I know... but just after everything tonight and just stressed with clinical hours and studying, I think it's best." she reasoned with her.
"I understand. Look, don't let this number be lost okay? I'm always here for you even if you aren't with me anymore okay?"
"Of course. And thank you for everything." she said.
"It was my pleasure. I wish you the best of luck."
And with that they hang up. She was saddened because Madeline was the very view people she had in her life that really believed in her. After placing her phone back on charge and taking off her apple watch she walked back downstairs to see Erik alone in the kitchen. "Where is Normeli?" she asked walking around the counter.
"Mia called her. She was having some issues with the pregnancy." Erik said leaning against the counter.
"Awe.. I hope everything is alright." she pouted.
"She is fine. This is her first pregnancy so she's on edge about everything. Which is understandable." he said as she nodded. Halle could feel Erik's intense stare on her as she looked at the ground. "You know.. I'm a little jealous of Meli." he said placing his cup on the counter.
"Why would you be?" she asked, as he walked closer to her.
"The obvious being she's been keeping you all to herself." he said tracing her cheek with the the back of his hand as she looked up at him. Her thighs unconsciously rubbed against each other as she felt a throb in her pussy.
Erik noticed, before spreading her legs with his feet. His hands reached down between her thighs as she moaned. "I'm going to assume that Meli told you what we wanted to do." he said as she nodded.
"She did while we were in the bathtub." she said as he nodded.
"Do you want to? I don't want you to do anything your uncomfortable with." he told her.
"I-I want to." she quickly said as Erik chuckled.
"Someone's excited." he teased her.
"Do you blame me? Especially after the week I had." she defended herself making Erik winced.
"Well, that was all Meli. Well other then the video, that was all me." he smirked as she bit her lip. Normeli came from the patio seeing the two and smiling.
"Well it's nice seeing you guys get all comfortable." she said walking into the kitchen.
"How about I finish cleaning up in here, while you guys go upstairs yeah?" he said kissing Normeli on the lips then Halle. The two nodded before Normeli grabbed her hand as Erik smacked the two of them on the ass.
The two made their way to Normeli's room, before they got into the middle of their bed on their knees. "Are you sure you want to do this? I don't know you to do anything your uncomfortable with." Normeli asked again, but Halle nodded.
"Yes I'm sure." she said as Normeli smiled at her. She couldn't help but to kiss Halle on her lips, kissing her passionately. Without breaking the kiss, she laid Halle on her bed lifting up her t-shirt.
"Look at you being a good little slut for me." she smiled into the kiss. Her hands reached between the two of them making contact with her bare pussy. Halle sat up on her elbows as Normeli hands traced up her T-Shirts.
There was nothing stopping Normeli from bending down to her pussy and eating it until Erik showed up. "Getting started with out me?" he asked shutting the door with his foot. Normeli sat up as Erik walked towards the side of the bed. On her knee's, Erik gave Normeli a long awaited kiss. Normeli pulled away before turning back to Halle and grabbing her hand.
Halle went over to where the two was. Normeli moved out of her way as she got on her knees in front of Erik and Normeli getting behind her. Normeli could sense that she was a tad bit nervous before kissing the side of her neck. "Hey, it's all about you right now okay? No need to worry okay." Normeli made Halle look at her as Halle slowly nodded. Normeli smiled at her before kissing her on the lips. She pulled away as Erik grabbed Halle chin, making her face him. The two made out, Normeli not being able to help herself as her hand made it's way under her own T-Shirt and rubbing her clit. With her other hand, she did the same thing to Halle.
"You can't keep your hands to yourself when it comes to her huh?" Erik chuckled watching Halle's eye close in pleasure.
"You'll soon see why." Normeli winked at him. He stepped back leaving the two girls alone.
"Let daddy watch for a few minutes." he told them. Without having to tell her twice, Normeli slipped the T-Shirt over Halle's head. Normeli laid Halle on the bed before she slipped off her own shirt. Normeli spread Halle legs before settling between them and kissing her. While still kissing her, Normeli pushed Halle's right leg up where her knees were parallel with her body, grinding her clit against hers. Erik had a perfect view of the two girls pussies, watching them rub against each other and producing their wetness.
"Shit your pussy is so wet baby.." Halle gasped feeling the wetness drip down her thighs. Halle hands grabbed Normeli's hips rotating them in a circle.
Erik loved the view of their pussy sliding against each other. His dick getting even harder if it was possible.
"Fuck... use my pussy just like that." Normeli moaned throwing her head back. Halle's hand trailed up Normeli's stomach and to her chest, grabbing her breast and squeezing it. Normeli leaned down capturing Halle's lips with her, taking control and grinding her hips against Halle.
"Your pussy is so wet baby, are you excited?" Normeli teased her as she nodded squeezing her eyes shut.
"Mhm.. yes..fuck keep going like that I'm gonna cum." Halle gasped out, grinding her own hips for more pressure to be applied to her clit.
"Good girl, show daddy how wet this pretty pussy can get." Normeli smirked at her. Like a dam breaking, Halle squirted on Normeli's pussy and thighs with a squeak and a moan.
"Oh...my God!" she exclaimed. Erik heard the splashing sounds between the two girls, eyebrows widen with curiosity as he looked to see their juices mixing together.
"Don't stop Meli. Let me see her do it again." Erik instructed rubbing his dick through his shorts, licking his lips. Erik didn't have to tell her twice, she would keep going for the rest of the night if there was no promise of any dick.
"P-Please Meli don't stop... I wanna cum again." Halle begged her, which made Normeli slow down. Halle whimpered as Erik made Normeli look at him by pulling her head back with her braids.
"Aht aht. Be a good girl and let Halle cum. You been teasing her all week." Erik chastised her as Normeli pouted still circling her hips slowly.
"But I like it when she begs."
Damn... she begs too? Erik really can't help but to think he hit something more than a jackpot with these two.
"Please.. I'll be a good slut for you!" Halle pleaded, looking up with her doe like eyes. Normeli felt the tightening in her lower abdomen, looking at her look so innocent. Normeli was caught off guard by Erik smacking and grabbing her ass making her buck forward. Erik then whispered in her ear,
"Make our pretty girl cum, before I punish you."
Not really wanting to be punished at the moment, Normeli followed Erik's instructions before going at a pace that made both her and Halle cum at the same time. Normeli's cream leaked down Halle's pussy as Halle's pussy squirted again.
"Damn it.." Halle whined starting to feel sensitive.
"Mmm there you go. Such a good slut for me." Erik kissed Normeli on the lips as she climbed off of Halle. The two made out with each other, Halle couldn't help herself as her hands found their way to her clit circling the sensitive nub.
The two pulled away hearing the wet sound of her pussy. "Mmm daddy can I eat her pussy?" Normeli asked staring at her pussy and licking her lips.
"Go ahead and sit on her face." Erik told Normeli. Normeli sat on Halle's face, facing Erik so that they were in a 69 position. Erik chuckled before saying,
"Greedy little bitch." he chuckled kneeling down to be faced with Halle's pussy. Halle's hand found their way to Normeli's ass cheek as she sat her down on her tongue. A vibration was felt when Erik entered two fingers in Halle as he made a 'come here' motion. Normeli leaned down, licking Halle's clit as Erik fingered her pussy.
"Fuck baby," Normeli glided her pussy along Normeli's tongue, Halle moaning at the taste. Her mouth circled around her clit before Erik replaced his fingers with his tongue.
The feeling of their two tongues was a feeling that was incredibly different. Purposely, the two would occasionly slide their tongues against each other as they ate her pussy, sharing the sweetness of her.
"What the fuck..." she whispered to herself, still smothered by Normeli's pussy, she moved her head side to side, playing with her clit making Normeli moan.
"Baby, you keep eating my pussy like that I'm cum all over you pretty face." Normeli gasped, as Erik pulled away, his lips and beard glistening with her slime.
"Let me taste your cum." Halle slapped her ass as she came, her sweetness dripping down the side of Halle's face as she continued eating. "Fuck!" Normeli yelled out as Erik smiled at the two girls.
"Come on Halle, cum for daddy." Erik said inserting three fingers as Halle gasped. Normeli sat up, applying pressure to Halle's stomach as she squirted on Erik's hand. Erik bent down licking up her mess, before standing back up and sharing it was Normeli as they kissed. They broke away before Normeli removed herself from the top as the two helped her sit up.
"Mmm, you did such a good job.' Normeli praised her, kissing her neck and shoulders.
"Come give daddy a kiss." Halle lips connected with his. He tongue kissed her loving the taste of the two of them together moaning in his mouth. She pulled away before kissing Normeli, getting the same taste and moaning. Halle felt something poking her on the stomach before looking down and seeing Erik's hard dick bobbing up and down. Hesitantly, she reached out for it.
"Go ahead and touch it. You know you want to." he teased her as she grabbed it with a slight squeeze. Her eyes widen at the size of it that she felt, but her mouth watered at the thought of him fucking her throat.
"I wanna suck your dick." she flat out said as Erik smirked at her. He back away before saying,
"Get on y'all knees." The two got up from the bed with Normeli being on the right and Halle being on the left. Kneeling in front of him as he took off his white t-shirt over his body and pulled down his basketball shorts, his dick hitting up against his abs.
By far, Erik had the most gorgeous dick that she ever laid eyes on. In real life and on porn. He was a good 7 or 8 inches, with a vein that ran along the side of his dick. His mushroom tip dick leaked pre cum while his dick throbbed.
"You know what I want Normeli. Show Halle."
Normeli smirked before placing sloppy kisses on the side of his dick. After a few seconds, Normeli followed along doing it on the other side. The two met at his tip as they kissed each other while licking his tip tasting his pre-cum.
"Y'all better get my dick nice and wet." He warned them.
Normeli grabbed the base of his dick before Halle placed his tip in her mouth sucking it. He moaned throwing his head back as she started to suck his dick.
"Fuck Halle.." he tilted his hips in a position to add more of his dick to her mouth which she gladly took. "Fuck... there you go. Take this dick down your fucking throat pretty little slut."
Normeli noticed his balls unattended for, as she gladly as she licked and played with it with her mouth. Eventually, Halle could fit his entire dick in her mouth and down her throat as she bobbed her head on it. Saliva dripped down her chest as she pulled away coughing a bit.
Normeli took the chance to put his dick in her mouth. Halle immediately replaced Normeli, placing his other ball in her mouth sucking and playing on it.
"Mmm, you two making daddy's dick feel good.. fuck!" he moaned thrusting his hips, his dick in her throat as she played with her tits. The sound of his dick going in and out of Normeli's throat made Halle's pussy throb as she moaned.
Halle pulled away from his balls, as he grabbed the two girls to make them stand up. "Lay on the side of the bed Halle, let me give you this dick." Halle sat on the edge of the bed laying down as Normeli went to her head, placing her head on her lap. Erik grabbed the back of her legs pushing them to her chest to see her pussy wet, wetter then the day he had her on the counter.
He thrusted his hips sliding his dick along her pussy lips as she moaned at his teasing. "You want this dick, baby?"
She nodded her head, but Erik squeezing her face with his hand. "Talk to me when I ask you something. You want this dick, girl?" he said still slowly moving his dick.
"Yes, please." she moaned out.
"Mhm.. beg daddy to fuck this tight pussy." Normeli said reaching over and rubbing Halle's clit as she moaned closing her eyes.
"Pretty please daddy. I need your big dick in my pussy please." she whimpered, slowly moving her hips for some kind of relief.
"That's not really convincing..." he trailed off.
"I-I'll let you cum in me." she innocently said biting her lip. Normeli giggled as Erik through his head back, whispering a quiet' fuck to himself. Without warning, he slowly pushed his way into her as she gasped out in pleasure and pain.
It's been a minute since Halle last had sex with a man, and Erik was the biggest dude she's been with in general.
"Daddy.. shit!" she squealed as he rubbed her clit, feeling her pussy being stretched out. She felt as if her walls were being intruded every way possible.
"Look at you taking this dick.. fuck." he moaned looking down at her. Her eyes were open in shock, as he continued to fuck her at a slow pace just so he could get used to it. Normeli removed Halle's head from her lap, before getting on her knees and leaning down to kiss her, like the spider mans kiss only laying down.
"His dick feel good in your pussy doesn't it baby girl." Normeli said reaching over and playing with Normeli's nipple as she groaned.
Erik's hip thrusted faster as she gasped out, the pain feeling easily going away as she was engulfed in pleasure. "Ooh fuck daddy, your dick is so big." Halle exclaimed closing her eyes, but Erik grabbed her throat squeezing it.
"Open your eyes when I fuck you." he said changing his pace and fucking her slowly. The feeling caught her off guard as she opened her eyes as he picked up the pace.
Erik threw one of her legs over his shoulder, before pounding her pussy again.
"Fuck I- wait-" she attempted to place her hand on his lower abdomen to slow him down but before she could, he slapped it away.
"Move your fucking hands." he grunted. Normeli grabbed her hands restraining her as Halle eyes rolled back as the pleasure was overwhelming.
"Be a good slut for us and take that dick. Mmm baby your pussy looks so good taking his dick." Normeli moaned, slowly touching herself with her ass up in the air. Erik had the perfect view as he looked in the mirror behind her, having the perfect view of her ass and pussy.
"You're in my stomach." she moaned out.
"That's where I'm supposed to be. Go ahead and squirt on my dick baby." he rubbed against her clit in a side to side motion quickly applying pressure, as her juices squirted out in tinny spurts.
"Oooh baby." Normeli moaned out drooling at the sight of her squirting on him, her juices hitting his lower abdomen. Normeli moved forward as Erik pulled out taking her leg off his shoulders, about to instruct her to clean him off, but of course her freaky self was already doing it.
"Fuck Meli, why you so nasty girl?" he said rubbing Halle's clit as she moaned. She smelled Normeli's arousal, before grabbing her hips and mothering his face between her ass cheeks as she ate her pussy, smacking and jiggling her ass.
"Uh daddy! She's eating my pussy again.." she moaned around his dick.
"I think she like's eating that pussy as much as I do." he chuckled. How could they not? She always tasted like water and cranberries, and when she was aroused it smelled so sweet.
"Mm she taste so good off of your dick." Normeli said sitting up smirking, as he grabbed her face and kissed her. Continuing to kiss, she rubbed his tip against Halle's clit before aligning it with her hole. Grabbing the base, she inserted it in herself as he moaned in the kiss.
"Mmm, please fuck me with that dick.." Halle moaned out widening her legs, as Normeli grabbed Halle's legs open to let Erik fuck her.
"Goddamn this pussy... fuck." he whispered as Normeli smirked at him.
"You love fucking her pussy?" Normeli asked him as he looked down at her nodding.
"Shit- I fucking love this pussy." he moaned out. Her pussy tugged at his dick, he grunted at the sudden tightness before looking down and seeing her cream on his dick.
The feeling was different for Halle, as she moaned pulling away from Normeli's pussy, her head hitting the mattress.
"I'm cumming, fuck daddy please don't stop." Halle exclaimed as Normeli stared at the sight beneath her.
"Oooh.. she's never done this." Normeli moaned excitedly.
Halle was a whimpering mess. It was like her orgasm wasn't stopping, and it didn't help that Normeli was rubbing her clit.
"Mhm, I feel you cumming on this dick. Keep going Halle, fuck you feel so good." Erik encouraged Halle. Normeli removed herself from Halle, to see Halle covered once again in her juices but her eyes was crossed.
Erik slowly pulled out as she shook a little bit, as both Normeli and Erik kissed her on the cheeks.
"Shh, your doing such a good job." Erik praised her, "Do you need a break?" he asked her as she nodded.
"B-But I don't mind watching..." she bit her lip, looking between the two. Normeli smiled before Erik chuckled.
"Move over so I can lay down in the bed." The two girls moved over as he laid by the pillows in the middle of the bed, with his dick standing in the air. Halle grabbed the base of his dick, before kissing and sucking the tip. Spitting on it, Halle started to deep throat it herself as Erik grabbed her hair pushing his dick down her throat.
"There you go baby.." Normeli encouraged her. "Get it nice and wet for me."
"Shit- fuck I'm touching that back of yo throat." Erik moaned before pulling her off by her hair, a trail of saliva dripping from her mouth to his dick. "Come here." he directed her, as she settled to his side, kissing her. The two made out before he felt Normeli sit on his dick, slowly sliding in as he moaned into Halle's mouth.
"Fuuuck, make me cum Meli." he moaned out. Halle laid her head back on the pillows where Erik was, as she looked up at Normeli. Normeli threw her head back moaning as she grabbed her tits playing with them.
"Daddy, I love it this dick so much." Normeli moaned out, as Erik grunted.
"Mmm wet ass pussy. You got this wet looking at me fuck her?" Erik teased her as Normeli bounced up and down on his dick.
"Fuck yes." Erik's hands went to the side of him where Normeli was, tracing down her stomach and to her pussy, slowly rubbing her clit.
"Mmm, show Meli your pussy baby. Let her see me playing with it." he instructed Halle. Halle widen her leg to give Normeli a view of her pussy. Just as he thought, Normeli's pussy tighten at the sight of Halle's pussy being played with.
"Ooh fuck daddy." Halle gasped turning her head to look at him, but his mouth was on her as soon as she turned it. The two made out as Normeli eyes squinted shut.
Erik pulled away from Halle, turning his attention back to Normeli who placed her feet by each side of Erik bouncing. Erik thrusted his hips upward letting, as she gasped with her eyes widen.
"Damn I'm cumming. I'm cumming. I'm cumming." she squeezed her eyes as her pussy juices leaked down his dick, getting on his thighs.
"Fuck I'm close, I'm close " he moaned out. Normeli hopped off of his dick as Halle went on her knees to let him cum on her face. Normeli was right in front of her face as Erik grunted jerking himself off.
"Nasty ass bitches catch this fucking nut.. uh fuuuck!" he groaned out as his load of cum hit the two girls in the faces. "Fuck y'all look so fucking sexy." he moaned out.
Normeli and her made out, his cum slowly dripping it's way into their mouths. Swallowing all of his nut, the two sat up as Erik breath heavily looking between the two.
"Fuck.. y'all are gonna drive me crazy."
~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾ ̾~̾
Erik woke up the next morning, rubbing his eyes with a yawn. He looked around before attempting to sit up only to be met with Normeli and Halle sleeping on each side of his chess.
He laid there for about ten extra minutes looking at the ceiling while tracing circles on Halle's back and playing with Normeli's braids. Considering after the night the three had, he decided to make everyone some breakfast. He slowly unraveled the two girls before crawling out of bed, and grabbing his boxers placing them on.
As they slept, the two girls unknowingly cuddled into each other after feeling the bed suddenly being empty. Erik thought it was the cutest thing.
After brushing his teeth, he made his way downstairs and to the kitchen to make breakfast. Deciding just to make avocado toast, he started to collect his ingredients.
In the mist of his cooking and thinking, he heard someone come down the stairs to see Normeli walking in with a yawn. "Goodmorning." she greeted him.
"Goodmorning." he said kissing her forehead. "Halle is still asleep?" he asked her as she nodded.
"Yeah, usually Sunday's she sleep in since she doesn't have a shift at the hospital." she informed him he licked the spoon that had the avocado on it before crossing his arms.
"So, have you thought about it?" he asked her. She knew what he was talking about, and actually hoped he would bring it up. Especially after yesterday with Halle mentioning that she wanted to move out.
"I actually have." she said as Erik nodded for her continue. "We should propose the idea." she shrugged as Erik smirked at her.
"But, there is a way that we could propose the idea. It's a taboo topic on it's own, and I don't know how she feels about Polymerous relationships." she mentioned standing up.
"Well how about we bring her breakfast in bed, and just talk about it with her?" he suggested.
"Bet." Normeli made Halle her cup of coffee since she knew she couldn't a morning without it.
Erik suddenly remember Halle mentioning that she needed to pay off her student loans. Out of curiosity, he asked Normeli,
"By chance do you know how much Halle owes for her student loans?" he asked her as she shook her head. "Got an idea?"
"No.. I know every time she gets paid she pays on it so I'm going to assume it may not be that much anymore." she suggested. "Why?"
"Well I was just thinking about it... maybe I could pay off the rest of it." he shrugged as she chuckled.
"I've been trying to do it for months. Good luck."
After fixing the breakfast, Erik wrote her a check for 15K. He thought it was a overshot but better safe then sorry. He kept the check in his book before bringing the food upstairs following behind Normeli.
The two opened the door to see that she was still sleeping, laid out on her stomach with her hands above her head. Erik placed the food on the night stand, as Normeli placed the coffee mug on the other night stand. She got into the bed moving the hair out of Halle's face to see her lips pouting with a small puddle of drool on her silk pillow.
Halle chuckled before slightly shaking her awake. She groaned a little turning her head before her snores were heard again. Normeli looked up at Erik as he went to the other side of Normeli looking at her face and seeing the dried slob on the side of pillow.
"Damn... we did that?" he asked seeing her exposed neck with the dark red and purple hickies. Normeli noticed it before saying,
"Yeah.. she not going to be happy about that." she chuckled, remembering an instance that happened month ago. Normeli got carried away with the hickey's on one of their Monday morning showers. It took her more time to do her makeup since she had to be at the hospital.
"Halle..." Erik trailed off, shaking her as she stayed sleep. An idea popped into his head as he started to kiss her ear. "Come on, wake up for me baby." he whispered in her ear as she stirred in her sleep at the ticklish sensation. Normeli caught on before kissing her exposed shoulders.
Her eyebrows scrunched as her eyes fluttered open as he smiled at her. She groaned as the two of them sat up to give her some room. "Goodmorning gorgeous." Erik complimented her as she sat up on her elbows, scratching her throat.
"Mmm good morning." Normeli kissed her neck as Halle groaned.
"What time is it?" she yawned.
"It is seven o'clock." Erik answered her as she looked at him with a squinted her eyes at him.
"On a Sunday?" He nodded slowly, confusion written on his face before he looked back at Normeli to see her making a 'yikes' expression.
"I know we woke you up, but we just wanted to give you breakfast in bed." Normeli smiled innocently at her. "I mean... after last night and all." she winked at Halle as Halle blushed.
"How about we sit up, so you can eat." Erik suggested as she nodded slowly sitting up, wincing at the soreness in her thighs and between her legs.
"You okay?" Normeli asked her.
"Yeah.. just a tad bit sore." Halle replied, "Worth it though.." she whispered under her breath but Erik heard it. He chuckled before placing the plate on her lap. Normeli gave her the mug as she smelled the fresh roasted beans before smiling.
"Alright.. this makes it a tiny bit better for waking me up. Ya know, on my only day off." she mumbled into the mug.
"Anywho..." Normeli trailed off. "We actually wanted to talk to you about something?" she said more in a question tone.
"About what?" she took a bite of the toast, loving the taste of it. Damn this man knew how to cook.
"Okay before we mention this conversation, if it makes you feel uncomfortable we will stop and move on from her." Erik told her moving the hair out of her face as she nodded slowly, swallowing her food.
"Not gonna lie y'all making me real nervous." she chuckled nervously.
"Oh no, it's nothing to be nervous about. Actually, we think you may like this." Normeli smiled at her. "Have you ever heard of a Polymerous relationship?" she asked her as she nodded.
"Yeah.. actually." she took another before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "It's like multiple people in a relationship." she answered. After a few seconds, Halle started to become a little suspicious by how weird they were acting.
"How do you feel about it?" Erik asked her as she shrugged.
"Um.. I see no problem with it. Date who you wanna date." she said sipping more coffee from her mug.
"Would you ever do it?" Normeli asked her. Her eyebrows raised in shock as she shrugged her shoulders.
"I mean, I never really thought about it. But the opportunity for it never really fell on my lap." she said, knowing what they were hinting at. "You guys can just say it." she said feeling like they were beating around the bush.
"Well we want you to be our girlfriend." Erik flat out said.
"You could've just started off like that ya know." Halle chuckled taking another bite of her toast. "Um," she cleared her throat. "S-So how do we know that this is going to work out?"
"Well I've worked with polymerous relationships before, and to be fair we have all the indicators amongst the three of us that we could work out." Normeli explained to her. Halle nodded slowly processing everything.
"There is one thing that I didn't mention before." Normeli remember. "If we have an issue with anything, don't be hesitant to talk about it. I mean, that's important for all relationships but especially because we just don't have one other person's feeling to worry about, two." Normeli said looking at the two of them.
"No problem.." Erik smiled at Normeli.
"Of course." Halle smiled at Normeli grabbing her hand.
"How about this, tonight we go out and celebrate. There is a nice Greek restaurant downtown. It's a five star Michelin restaurant and I'd think you guys would enjoy it." he told them standing up.
"Oooh like a date? That would be exciting!" Normeli exclaimed.
"I'm down."
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twst-kumi · 9 months
Weeping maiden
Prologue part 2
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Name] was woken up by Flora, an old fairy who worked in RSA to help around. She decided to take care of her, mentioning how she used to take care of a teenage girl in the past.
“_I hope you had a good night darling. I prepared a surprise for you.
_Good morning Flora.”
[Name] yawned before walking down the stairs to the living area. She looked at the red fairy going around using magic to prepare breakfast. Flora then pulled a small box on the table.
“_Here, I made it myself.
_Thank you, Flora.
_The Headmage said he didn't have a girl uniform. So I asked him to give me some tissue here and there to make your uniform.
_Thank you, I love it but… it's pink.
_Yes! Lovely isn't it?
_ Isn't the school uniform white and Blue?
_But pink would be better for a sweet princess like yourself.
_ I'm not…
_Now, now, you will be late. So dress up and off you go.”
A knock was heard on the door before the young girl could even argue back. She looked at the fairy leaving for the door as she took the uniform. [Name] came back after some time.
Flora was chatting with a young man. With his long pale blond hair, light purple eyes, and a sleepy look he looked so soft and delicate. He wore the school uniform with a pink and blue cardigan inside. It was as if the colors tried to mix. His eyes twinkled when he saw her.
“_Good morning, I'm Aurelius a first-year like you. The headmaster asked me to be your guide since we are in the same class.
_ I'm [Name], let's be friends.
_It would be my pleasure, Princess.”
The young girl felt a little bashful. Aurelius smiled teasingly as he held his hand to her. [Name] walked with the young man, he held her hand all the way. She felt like she may have to say something but didn’t dare. Chatting with him was surprisingly easy even when her social skills were so low. Aurelius was a good listener.
As they walked upon the main road, she could see two rows of statues. Like in NRC, they seemed also to have important people they were inspired by. Noticing her curious look, Aurelius tactfully started to talk about them.
“_This is the Seven Lights, their equally renowned like the great seven. Oh, but you must not know them too. I will tell you more about them afterward if you want.
_It’s okay, can you tell me more about the seven lights?”
Aurelius looked excited by the prospect, he eagerly started to blabber about them. [Name] smiled not even noticing the slight blush on his cheek as he talked with her.
“_Sure, the beautiful princess you see there, is Snow White. They say that she was so beautiful that she had to flee from her home. She took care of seven children in a cottage deep in the forest. She came back after she worked hard and discovered a seven-jewelled mine. She ended up saving a kingdom from a terrible queen and saved the kingdom from bankrupt with the mine. Her dorm is Apple Red, they have the most hard-working people here.
_You would never have imagined it, looking at her. She looks so delicate.
_I know, it’s incredible, right? The next one is my dorm. Belle-Rose is based on the famous beast Tamer. She tamed a terrible beast thanks to her knowledge and saved her village. It was said that she was a dreamer and enjoyed romance stories a lot. It must be why I’m in this dorm.”
Both laughed as they looked at the other statues.
“_This little girl is…
_The lady in blue. She saved a kingdom from a tyrannical queen.”
They turned around to see a delicate-looking boy. His hair was short and platinum blond. It gave him an icy but soft look coupled with his light blue eyes. He smiled softly before lifting her hand to put a light kiss on it. Aurelius frowned a little uncomfortable by the boy’s action. Even more so when he looked at the violet-eyed boy and had a small smirk. Aurelius could tell they weren’t going to be big friends.
“_Alexis Lewis, a first-year from the Whitecourt dorm. Nice to meet you, my lady.”
[Name] could hear his British accent even when he talked. His eyes looked calm but she could see a small gleam in it. A teasing little light barely contained behind his smooth appearance.
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rustingcat · 1 year
Chapter 2 romance
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"You were part of the science guild?" Lena asked, astonished.
They were in Zor-El's lab in the floating city of Argo. After showing them the plans, he insisted on giving them a tour of his new lab in the guild's grounds.
"Yeah," Kara simply mumbled in response.
"Not only that," Zor-El continued. "But she was the top of her class! She was going to be the youngest member in all of Krypton's history."
"Father, you're exaggerating."
"Not at all. She has been my personal assistant in my lab since she was five years old, helping me finish that kellex update that was driving me crazy."
"I never knew." Lena studied Kara's familiar figure. She still found so many ways to surprise her, Lena wondered what else she was hiding under that sheepish smile.
"That I was a nerd?"
"No, that I knew, I have seen your watch history on netflix. But I never knew you were into science, you always seemed baffled when I talked about it."
"Yeah, well, earth has different terminology you see, also a slight difference in gravity, which makes things different, not to mention the periodic table and all of that… But I also just wanted to dive into something different after I came to earth." Kara studied the table closely, testing the edge of it with her fingernails. Her smile, while still very present on her face, never really reached her eyes.
"And why is that, Inah? You could've advanced earth's understanding by lightyears," Zor-El proclaimed.
"It's just–" she stopped for a moment, "didn't seem right at the time." She finished instead, flashing her father a bigger grin. Kara's eyes were always smiling, but Lena could see how forced the smile really was, as if there was something else simmering underneath.
"Kara,I could really use some fresh air. Why don't you join me?" Lena quickly suggested it before Zor-El could respond.
The air in Argo felt different. She wasn't sure if it was for the lack of pollution, or simply the fact that it was an alien territory.
"Do you want to go back? We got what we came for. I know you said you wanted to spend some time with your parents, but you seem so uncomfortable Kara, we can just go back."
"No," Kara trailed away with uncertainty. She was quiet for a while. Lena decided to wait  for her to continue as they walked side by side through the alien city Kara once called home.
"I should want to spend time with them right? They are my parents. Wouldn't you want to spend more time with your mother if you had the chance?" Kara asked, almost pleading for something in her voice.
"I… yes?" Lena wasn't sure what to say. "I would like to say yes, but I don't know… I found so many things out about her when I visited her hometown. I suppose I don't really know what she was really like, if we would even get along." That trip to Ireland really shook the image of her mother she had conjured in her mind, she was quite honestly afraid to learn more. 
"We never really know our parents do we?" Kara chuckled bitterly. She paused for a moment before she continued. "I wanted them so badly when I first came to earth. I saw them everywhere, from the supermarket, to my school teachers to my dreams, always coming to rescue me back home. I looked up to them, I always wanted to impress my mum, and I wanted to be just like my dad when I grew up." Kara stopped next to some railing at the end of the town, securing the cliff from falling to the refugee encampment below. She rested her arms on the top of the cool metal and looked at the sky, her eyes drifting miles away.
"Then why didn't you pursue science on earth?" Lena asked gently.
"Kal and the Danvers were always going on about how I should hide my identity, anything that might make me alien. It's not just my powers, it was the cultural differences, mannerism, accent, pop culture, everything. You know I learned calculus when I was four, so I feared showing any of that in school would raise suspicion." She took a deep breath and turned to face Lena, leaning her back against the railing. "Also, I suppose, after a while, thinking about that stuff just started to hurt. It always reminded me of home, and it just hurt to think about it."
"I'm sorry if I ever made you uncomfortable in any way." Lena took a step closer, but feared reaching out. She held herself out of habit, fearing she might have hurt her best friend for years without realising it.
"No, Lena you didn't hurt me, quite the opposite actually. After years I managed to avoid thinking about it, I focused on other activities and studies and just tried to keep myself from sticking out. After becoming Supergirl I learned some new information about my parents, realised that everything I thought about them was wrong. I held both them and Krypton on such a high pedestal, without even knowing them at all, not really anyway. When I met you, you reminded me of why I fell in love with science, engineering and innovating. You always talk with so much love and enthusiasm about each project, always trying to make the world a better place. You made it everything I thought it was, everything it should be."
Lena felt her cheeks flash as a smile spread on her face. "Maybe we can try to work on it together. If you're interested of course." She walked next to the railing, putting both hands to stabilize herself as she looked at the valley below.
"Yes. I'd love that." Kara smiled, turning back towards the valley only shifting closer to Lena so they stood almost shoulder to shoulder.
"Good. Then we can maybe even finish it in time for their wedding, it would be the perfect timing for them to know that they can feel secure about their future and know they can raise a family in whatever way they choose."
Kara let out a small laugh, almost a giggle as the smile finally returned to her face.
"What?" Lena inquired with a matching smile on her lips.
"It's just, everything on earth is always so romantic."
"Yeah. It was always so cold and calculated on Krypton. Everything has a very clear purpose and the drive for creation was always efficiency. But on earth there's always a story, a connection. Everything feels like art, you lot romanticise everything. It's one of my favourite things about earth."
Lena's smile grew wider. Despite everything she went through, Kara still had this wonderful optimistic and hopeful outlook on everything that radiated positivity wherever she went. Lena let herself bask in it whenever she could, feeling lucky to simply be granted the opportunity. She wasn't sure what possessed her to ask her next question.
"Do you want kids?" Her body flushed red hot when she realised what she just asked.
"Yes, I always wanted kids." Kara answered simply, as if she didn't find the sudden question strange. "How about you? Do you want kids?"
Lena took a moment, taking a deep breath before she answered. "I… Well, I grew up with the Luthors and they are not the kind of family you want to bring a child to." She said with a forced smile.
"But, do you want to?"
"Maybe? Yes. I suppose with the right person. I fear I might be a terrible mum."
"What? No! Lena, you would be an amazing mother. I just know it." Kara's smile almost made her believe it. "You'd have two amazing super smart kids-"
"Two?" Lena asked, amused with a raised brow.
"At least two," Kara nodded to herself. "And they would be the smartest kids in school and win every award in whatever sport they choose to participate in."
"Oh, are they athletes, too?"
"Of course, sport is very important Lena." Kara answered seriously.
Lena laughed in response. She loved how ridiculous Kara could be.
"And I would spoil them rotten of course. Giving them the best snacks and telling them the funniest jokes."
"You would, wouldn't you." It was said as a statement. Damn Kara and her descriptions, she could almost see it in her mind.
"Yes! I would be the coolest aunt! Their favourite aunt Kara." She finished with a satisfied grin.
"Aunt Kara." Lena's words felt bitter in her mouth, yet she tried to force her best genuine smile.
"And you would get to be cool aunt Lena as well, of course. Oh, we should definitely try to have our kids at the same time so they could grow up to be best friends." Kara added excitedly.
"Yeah," Lena feared her smile might come off as a bit manic. "We certainly should."
"We'll make sure they know they have no expectations they need to fulfill, so they can grow up free to be who they are." Kara continued in a lower voice, saying it almost to herself, turning her head to watch the sky.
"You'd make a great mum too, Kara." Lena said with all the honesty she could master, probably carrying slightly more emotions then she intended.
Kara smiled, shifting a bit closer, to lean some of her weight on Lena's shoulder as they continued to watch the starry night above them.
Read here on ao3
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nyctoaerah · 5 months
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[ SYPNOSIS ] You found yourself stripped of your immortality, a punishment for daring to flout the edicts laid down by your father. Your transgressions? Two-fold. First, the grave sin of disobedience, and Secondly, the cardinal offense of falling irrevocably in love with your Lady in waiting. In your father’s eyes, the sanctity of your divinity was tarnished by a same-gender relationship, a concept that he vehemently repudiated as aberrant and abhorrent. Such unforgivable love, he pontificated, dulled your goddess-like essence. Thus he used his powers and casted you adrift into a parallel universe suffused with curses and sorcerers whose love aren't really the healthy type of love, a punishment to show you that ‘Love’ isn’t all about sunshine and rainbows.
[ WARNINGS ] Gore, Slow Burn Yandere, Love Percentage Au.
[ PAIRINGS ] Yandere! Jjk x Fem! Isekai’d! Goddess Reader.
[ LOVE INTERESTS ]Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Shoko Ieri, Yuki Tsukumo, Kento Nanami, Utahime Iori, Choso, Toji Fushiguro, Sukuna Ryomen.
[ NOTE ] Hearts and Reblogs are greatly appreciated<3. Also posted in Quotev and Wattpad
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WITH A TILT OF your head, you felt a slight shudder travel through your body when Ataraxia's fingers grazed your at your skin. The warmth of her breath against your skin sent a comforting sensation as you took a deep inhale.
“I know you already have a plethora of jewelry, but... I want to give you this as a token of my affection,” she whispered, her nimble fingers placing a delicate necklace on your neck. You noticed that her nails were currently painted with an azure hue that mirrored the depths of her eyes that was akin to the vast ocean.
“Your nail color, it's different,” you murmured, recalling her once pristine nails that were adorned with silver accents.
“Yes,” Ataraxia replied, pausing to meet your gaze, feeling the pad of your thumb tracing the curve of her lips.
“It suits you,” you complimented, prompting her to release a flattered laugh.
“Well, you mentioned adoring the color of my eyes, so I decided to match it with my nails, my lady, ‘have to hear some compliments coming from my girl’s  pretty mouth, you know?” she confessed with a laugh.
You heaved a contented sigh, pressing a tender kiss on her forehead, your lips pressing against her forehead longer than expected.
“mhm, ‘course i do,” You mumbled. “After all, why wouldn't i?”
“I could look into your eyes for all eternity and not get bored at all. your eyes is orphic and i see the stars in them. You're the half of my soul, my lucent apricity inscape.”
As you spoke, the words flowed smoothly from your mouth as you reclined back. Ataraxia blinked, feeling butterflies on her stomach because of your words. A laugh bubbled up in her throat as she leaned in to gently kiss your neck, making you hum. Her hand lingered against the curve of your waist, her fingers deftly caressing it before moving to place the necklace again.
“What a romantic goddess i have,”
Ataraxia murmured, her voice laced with a touch of fluster. A pink hue kissed her cheeks, caught off guard by this unexpected display of romance from you. Normally, you exuded chaos and an adventurous spirit, with a penchant for using vulgar language, even in the presence of Aionarch—Like a total brazzen mindless rogue. She couldn't fathom who had imparted such vocabulary to you though. Yet, in this moment, your unexpected romanticism rendered her speechless, your words leaving her in awe.
“I never pegged you for a romantic, sinta.” she jested, and you responded by playfully rolling your eyes.
“I'm not,” you insisted, exhaling heavily as your chest rose and fell with each breath.
“But you are,” she countered with a tender smile. “Only with you,” you admitted, for It was true; you didn't display this side of yourself to others and Ataraxia was the singular exception.
“I'm flattered then.” She replied.
"Maybe I keep some surprises up my sleeve,” you mused,
“You make it sound like I've uncovered a hidden treasure,” she jested.
“Perhaps you have,” you whispered as you looked it the necklace, the upper part of the necklace resembled a tiara that was adorned electroplated chains with a blue sapphire at its center.
“What's the significance of this though?” you questioned softly, feeling Ataraxia's warm fingertips brushing against the curve of your neck, fastening the necklace tighter so it won't fall.
“It's pretty,” you whispered, a smile playing on your lips as your eyes reflected a mix of wonder and perplexity as you felt the cool metal of the necklace pressed against your collarbone.
“You're prettier,” Ataraxia responded before stepping back, a satisfied look on her face. 
“I know,” you acknowledged, reaching up to gently touch the necklace, marveling at its craftsmanship with parted lips as you glanced at Ataraxia.
“Enlighten me, though, sinta. Why did you give me this?” you inquired once more.  
“You radiate beauty,”  Ataraxia responded with a tone of admiration, her voice filled with warmth and a bright smile lighting up her face as she cleverly sidestepped your query, leaving you momentarily confused.
“I know, and so are you radiating beauty,” you stated nonchalantly as you fluttered your eyelashes, peering down at her intently.
“You seem to be evading my query though, why is that, hm?” you added with a hint of teasing, prompting Ataraxia to playfully roll her eyes at you. 
“Am I really?” she quipped. 
“Yeah? and I want you to answer my question,” you persisted, a playful pout forming on your lips as you lightly poked her cheek, eliciting a giggle from her. 
“So persistent and curious, are you?”
She softly told you, her voice smooth as a velvet as her fingers glided along your jawline in a relaxed and leisure manner, following a pattern with attention to detail.
“But where's the fun in giving away my secrets so easily?”
She said, earning an amused scoff from you.
“Fine, keep your secrets then.” you responded with a hint of amusement playing on your countenance.
“But know that I'm not one to shy away from a challenge.” your smirk was strained and forced.
“Hmm, Are you sure?” Ataraxia inquired, a quizzical expression crossing her features as she observed the subtle transformation of the smirk on your countenance suddenly dipping down into a frown. 
“Hey, now, don't let your emotions boil over, do not sulk, beautiful,”
Ataraxia soothed, her head shaking gently as she witnessed you folding your arms across your chest, a petulant pout betraying your irritation as you averted your gaze. Ataraxia couldn't help but notice the sporadic bouts of childishness that colored your demeanor, yet it was precisely this aspect of your personality that endeared you to her. She cherished you for your authentic self.
“That exquisite visage of yours was sculpted to be worshipped, not for melancholy,” Ataraxia whispered softly, her touch delicate as she caressed your cheeks with a tender hand. 
“Don't be mad, goddess,”
“That necklace, it's just a gift from a girl who's hopelessly in love with you,”
She finally revealed, seemingly wanting to end the banter, but unfortunately for her, you won't let the reason slip through your fingers like the morning mist.
“Is it really?”
“Why’re you feeling so suspicious about my intentions, my soul? Is it truly objectionable to give a gift to the one who brings brightness to my darkest hours and warmth to my coldest moments?”
She evaded your suspicions once again as she pinched your cheeks as if they were her own personal stress reliever, You could feel her soft hands and the pads of her fingers pressing against your facial muscles and you couldn't help but smirk as you allowed her to have her way while your fingers gently ran through her dark, glossy onyx hair, humming as you felt the velvety texture of each individual strand, her hair was soft and smooth,  akin to the luxurious feel of fine silk against your skin.
The memories of her lingered in your mind, the gentle brush of her touch, the melodic tones of her voice, and every detail of her presence filled your thoughts.
Your brows knit in puzzlement, a furrowed ridge of hesitation etching across your features as the memory of her giving you the necklace suddenly came in your mind—your divine intuition was telling you something, and you know it.
But what was it telling you?
Your hand dipped down to your neckline, feeling the sensation of the chilled metal meeting your fingertips before letting your hand fall down to your collarbone, tracing the lines of your clavicle.
‘Are you trying to tell me something, ataraxia?’ You wondered.
Your shoulders stiffened imperceptibly, a subtle tension creeping into your muscles as thoughts of ataraxia plagued your mind. Could she be alluding to a hidden warning? Telling you about a foreboding  danger?
You raised a hand to touch your neck, your finger tips pressing against the scalene muscles as you listened to your pulse, it was a rhythm that perhaps was a bit fast than usual.
You noticed the incongruity between your mind and body, you could sense that even your body language and  rigid posture was telling you that something was wrong.
Your eyes then drifted downwards and you noticed the faint outline of a scar on your wrists, along with other cut marks.
‘What the hell?’ You lifted your wrist up for closer examination, and it was indeed a scar. 
Why did your wounds turned into scars instead of just disappearing like it always did?
Though, that wasn't the only thing that was confusing you in your regeneration ability, you also noticed that the wounds you sustained refused to heal in your normal form, leading you to speculate if aionarch had intervened in some way—probably, and that is why you were forced to shapeshift.
Transforming into a phoenix granted you the ability to regenerate, a trait that allowed you to heal all traces of injury—but why did your body marred scars?
Suddenly, you remembered that when you woke up an inexplicable sense of foreboding stirred within you, because a very heavy something probably smacked and was thrown into you—You ended up transforming back into your human form though after that.
You paused as recollections of past adversaries of throwing heavy obstacles your way resurfaced in your mind. One particularly vivid memory involved being ostracized by the people of your celestial empire, who had secretly formed an official aionarch haters fanclub.
And since you have a deep-seated animosity towards your father, you attempted to join the group, only to be rejected by its members, all because you were his fucking daughter.
Despite your attempts to distance yourself from aionarch's actions, and to claim that you're not like him, you were branded as a sycophant , a pick me girl and ostracized. The fanclub went as far as hurling a massive pillar at you that probably was around 27 ft.
The memory made you cringe, but ultimately, you slightly found satisfaction in the fact that aionarch took revenge by killing all those who had dared to harm you. It was perhaps the only act of paternal care you received from that tyrant throughout your life—protecting you at all costs.
It was a bittersweet realization though—that while he shielded you from external threats, there was no protection from his own tyrannical tendencies. In the end, the question remained—who would safeguard you from him?
No one. Not even your mother can protect you from him. He was the most powerful being after all.
And as there was no one else to shield you from him, you had no choice but to take matters into your own hands. Your instinct was to safeguard yourself and also protect ataraxia, yet the repercussions eventually caught up with you. Now, he has transported you to this weird realm, leaving you feeling disoriented and uncertain.
Wait, hold up, How did your thoughts went from ataraxia to this? Why can't you just focus on one thought?
A sudden sense of unease settled in the pit of your stomach, signaling that something dangerous was imminent.
Your brows knit together in concentration, your hearing sharpening as you instinctively straightened your shrimp posture. 
The wind began to howl, the leaves on the trees and on the ground rustled loudly. Suddenly, there was sounds of movements followed by silence—and two creatures emerged out of nowhere.
The silence around you seemed deafening, with only the faint ringing in your ears breaking through the quiet, and as you focused on the scene before you, your eyes suddenly widened, your pupils shrinking, lips parting slightly.
Your face twisted in disgust as you gazed upon the strange creatures before you. They bore a striking resemblance to the hideous beings that inhabits the underworld—They were ugly as fuck.
One of the creatures had a grotesque appearance—three eyes and a bird-like body armed with sharp blade-like wings. Another creature appeared more human-like—a woman one at that. it was wearing a white kimono yet its elongated neck twisted in an unnatural way, resembling marshmallow, it has a smile on its face like a porcelain doll, as well as make up.
“What the fuck is that?” You gawked.
The sight of the woman's unnaturally contorted long neck caused a sickening sensation in your stomach. As her head twisted and inverted before your eyes, you felt a wave of revulsion wash over you. A feeling of nausea caused bile to rise up in your lower esophageal sphincter then to your throat. Desperately trying to suppress the urge to vomit, you forced down all the stomach acid that threatened to spill out.
“Uh.. who are you two?” You said awkwardly, not knowing what to say as you took a step back.
Suddenly, the strange woman-like creature extended its fucking hair which transformed into long blsck tendrils, it swiftly shot forth in your direction and coiled around your ankles, securing its hold with such intensity that it felt like a leech stubbornly latching onto you, it has a sharpness akin to thorns on a rose, causing a sensation of pain as it pricked at your skin.
“Wait— what the fuck?!”
Your throat constricted as the tendrils tightened its grip, almost as if it were attempting to fracture your bones, the tendrils reminded you so much of the vines from Xeranthi's magical (cursed) garden—that was crafted specifically to harm Aionarch. those vines possessed a deadly poison capable of harming deities, with thorns as sharp as blades that could pierce through the skin of anyone who came into contact with them—and you know it, after all, you first-hand experienced those.
For you had the same eyes as your father and lacking any resemblance to your mother, you were mistaken for aionarch by the vine. It took a week to completely rid yourself of the poison, but you managed to survive the ordeal though. However, the main focus here is the tendrils of the woman, which bore a striking resemblance to the vine found in your mother's garden—so perhaps they could be removed just as the same way xeranthi's vines could be removed.
You leaned forward, a grimace on your face, you gritted your teeth together, hands dipping down and wrapping around the tendrils in an attempt to pull out the stubborn thing embedded in your skin. The sharp thorns dug into your flesh, causing a sharp sting that made you involuntarily let out a ‘tch’ of discomfort.
“Hey! Let go” you exclaimed, annoyance evident in your voice. your fingers constricted tight on to the slimy tendrils with all your might as your knuckles grew taut and pale as you strained against the creature's grasp, pushing through the flesh-like appendages, your fingers pierced through the tendrils like a needle piercing through a fine cloth and Purple-hued blood seeped from the torn flesh, staining your skin as you finally managed to break free from its hold on your ankle. The creature let out a piercing shriek of disbelief and pain, its grip faltering as you tore through its twisted form, the sound reverberating in your ears long after it had let you go.
Your lips compressed into a tight line, brows drawn together in consternation, while a swift, harsh inhale rushed through your nostrils as you took in a fighting stance.
Just as you dared to believe you had eluded the danger, the sinewy tendrils struck once more, ensnaring both your hands and seizing your ankles. It yanked your limbs all together , binding them securely. Your jaw slackened in a moment of shock. A sharp sound of frustration escaping your lips as your body contorted, attempting to escape the sinewy grasp encircling you.
A growl of frustration bubbles in your throat as you began to babble and rant.
“First that manwhore aionarch almost killed me and tortured me on that light thingy and then something smacked my back, and then my wounds refused to heal and.. and ”
You don't even know why you're ranting right now but you know that you needed to buy time, to find out the weakness of thede creatures. Squinting down at the ugly creatures, you noticed that The creatures remained ominously silent while their visages showed a snarl—teeth baring at you.
“and.. now you're trying to fuck the already fucked up things up!” you exclaimed, each word dripping with annoyance as you exhaled sharply, your breath billowing visibly in the air. Your nails dug fiercely into the writhing tendrils, the pressure of your grip akin to a vice.
“Well, tell you what—”
Your monologue was cut short by a startled yelp that involuntarily erupted from your throat as the  tendrils tightened.
“You! I'll kill—!”
the tree-eyed creature suddenly spun around rapidly, resembling a beyblade hurtling towards you with the intention to cut the shit out of you but with swift reflexes, you managed to roll to the side and narrowly avoid its attack.
Your vocal cords scraped against the confines of your throat as a shriek clawed its way out of your lips with the whites of your eyes stretched wide, aghast as the tendrils hoisted you into the air by your lower limbs, suspending you in air like a  prey awaiting the jaws of ravenous predators.
Unexpectedly, the twisting tendrils of the woman like creature forcefully slammed you to the ground, causing pain to shot forth through you as your face made impact with the surface. Clenching your jaw in pain, you felt the tendrils hoist you up once more, the movement accompanied by the sharp stab of a broken nose and crimson-tinted blood dripping from your nostrils. The coppery flavor of blood mixed with the ache as it trickled down your forehead as the collision with the ground seared your skin upon contact.
‘Kill them.’
A voice in your head said, and your hand began to heat up and generate fire as your eyes shook with fury as you placed your hand in its tendrils.
With a piercing shriek, the woman recoiled as its tendrils were engulfed in a searing inferno ignited by you, and soon enough, the woman was set on fire and burned.
The creature, spinning, refused to retreat unlike its predecessor though. You raised your hands, fire already beginning to take form, and With lightning speed, the distance between you two evaporated, and a breathless moment ensued as the lethal edges loomed perilously close to your flesh.
But just as the lethal edges were about to make contact, your necklace suddenly exploded, and sharp ice shards surged forth forward towards the threat.
Your eyes widened in disbelief, the rush of adrenaline drowning out all sound except for the erratic drumming of your heart in your chest. A gasp escaped your lips, your jaw slackening in astonishment, as you witnessed the shattered remains of the necklace metamorphose into icy constructs, aswell as the way those massive, sharp icicles erupted from the ground, impaling the creature and causing its innards to spill out as it was skewered by the ice. The body slowly slumped down along the icy pillars, while the creature's organs remained suspended at the tips of the shards.  
More icicles suddenly shot up from the ground, heading directly towards the other burning creature that slammed you on the ground. The icicles pierced through the creature's body,  leaving it impaled by ice shards. The sharp points of the icicles penetrated deep into its skull, specifically targeting its cerebral cortex and the intricate folds of its brain spurted out of the broken skull. purple-colored fluid began to trickle down from the creature, The sounds of the ice breaking through flesh and bone, mixed with the creature's faint sound of being in pain, filled the air.
You stood there in shock, mouth agape and eyes wide as you took in the sight of the two creatures impaled by the ice. Your focus shifted from them to the source of the ice itself, causing a chill to run down your spine and making your hands hesitate to summon fire. As you glanced down at the broken necklace given to you by Ataraxia, a sudden realization struck you. Could it have been Ataraxia who created this ice? Recalling the intricate ice statue of you she had made for your room, you couldn't help but connect the dots. It seemed entirely possible that Ataraxia was behind this. You studied the ice on the ground, noticing the resemblance to the ice crystals you were familiar with from Ataraxia's creations. 
As you felt a lump forming in your throat, your brows knitted together in confusion upon realizing that it was, in fact, Ataraxia. Could the necklace she had been a deliberate act to shield you from harm? You couldn't help but recall that she had always been vague about the true purpose of the necklace, but now it all made sense—it was meant to keep you safe. A sense of relief washed over you, causing your shoulders to sag slightly in a moment of realization. However, your brief respite was interrupted by a flash of crimson light hurtling towards you, causing you to freeze in your tracks. And the only thought that raced through your mind was the urgent need to transform into another form as a means of defense.  
For unknown reasons, the strange impulse to morph into a worm consumed your thoughts, leading you to to shapeshift into a fucking worm. Now, as a grotesque, oversized worm, you slithered awkwardly amidst the wreckage of the forest you and ataraxia's ice decimated, bewildered by your own actions.
Why had you chosen to shapeshift into this repulsive form? The mere thought of humans catching sight of you in this state made your skin crawl—Because imagine seeing an oversized worm that has a fucking face. You let out a frustrated groan, humiliation flooding your senses as you dragged your elongated body through the damp soil.
While you cannot fathom the reasoning behind it, you acknowledge that it proved advantageous when a crimson light materialized, because you mannaged to burrow onto the ground and maneuver like the very creature you had become. Though decidedly larger than your average worm, the discomfort of your current guise paled in comparison to the necessity for survival.
But still, it's fucking weird to turn into a worm!
Sure, you may have had asked ataraxia if she would love you even if you were a worm, but you did not expect that those whimsical musings would soon turn into a reality. Now, as you squirmed in your transformed state, embodying the guise of a worm, a gnawing curiosity plagued your mind—would Ataraxia love this wretched appearance now? 
But speaking of Ataraxia, you were convinced that the creatures that had viciously attacked you was killed by the said goddess. Ataraxia's handiwork was unmistakable. And you were grateful, for had it not been for her protection through the necklace, you would've been six feet underground.
Crawling clumsily across the ground, a sudden interruption shattered the eerie silence. A deep, voice pierced the air, causing a shiver to run down your spine.
“There you are,” the voice echoed, sending a chill through your exoskeleton. Confusion gripped you, your worm-like mouth forming slurred words in an unrecognizable tone. Before you could comprehend the situation, strong hands enveloped your form, lifting you from the ground easily as if you're not an overweight worm, and you could feel the rough touch of the calloused palms against your slimy exoskeleton.
You stared in disbelief. You couldn't comprehend the situation unfolding before you. Whose hands were these that had picked you up so abruptly? The touch of the fingers that gripped you felt slimy against your skin, sending shivers down your spine. 
Looking upwards, you saw a burly and muscular man with shoulder-length straight black hair framing his face. His eyes bore a greenish hue, and it bore into yours with an intensity that made you uneasy. The man had thin eyebrows, a scar on his lip, and a ruggedly handsome appearance, but that was not your main focus, because your focus is on unexpectedly large boobs.
You couldn't tear your gaze away from the sheer size of his manly bosom.  Because what the fuck, why is his boobs so big?
“Finished eatin’ already, huh?” he remarked, amusement evident in his tone.
“Good, ‘cause we’re leavin’, need to get money, ‘cause we’re currently broke,”
What. You gawked.
Without warning, he hoisted you onto his shoulders, his broad frame supporting your weight effortlessly. You barely had time to process the situation before a pungent odor assaulted your senses, emanating from the man's body. 
The stench of sweat mixed with expired saliva overwhelmed you. What the fuck is this smell? You felt like crying, does this man even showers?
He smelled so bad.
Trying to resist the urge to revert back to your original form took every ounce of strength and willpower you possessed.
Reflecting back, you were beginning to regret transforming into a worm in the first place, given the uncomfortable situation you now found yourself in. However, you couldn't have possibly predicted that the man would jus casually pick you up and place you on his shoulder; it seemed illogical for anyone to treat a large, worm with a face in such a peculiar manner.  
The stench that emanated from him was unbearable, a putrid scent that was assaulting your senses. It was so overpowering that you couldn't help but wonder if your reaction was warranted or an exaggeration in the moment. and In your effort to distance yourself, you wriggled and twisted, desperate to evade the offensive grasp of his unwashed shoulders.
Because what's the point of surviving death from the two creatures that attacked you when this man's smell is killing you instead?
Suguru placed a restraining hand on the small of satoru's waist, a gesture meant to prevent the white haired man from impulsively lunging at their teacher. It was clear that Satoru was poised to do just that, fueled by his intense enthusiasm.
Satoru continued to speak and babble about the phoenix, telling yaga and shoko how powerful they would become if they were to cook and eat the phoenix, while Suguru let out a resigned sigh and turned his eyes away. Suguru had an initial plan to have his powerful cursed spirits subdue and incapacitate the phoenix, but unfortunately for him, they were killed for some unknown reasons.
These grade one cursed spirits were incredibly strong and not easy to defeat, so how did they get killed? The mystery of who had killed his cursed spirits lingered in Suguru's mind, causing his brows to furrow as a sense of unease settled in. His throat constricted imperceptibly, and he unconsciously tightened his grip on Satoru's waist, but the man didn't seemed bothered as he was too deep in telling shoko and yaga what they found in the Forrest.
“I swear! There's a phoenix in the forest and it was talking too!” He raised his hands and utilized dramatic gestures to emphasize his point. 
“Oh yeah?”
Shoko drawled, showing her interest in Satoru's statement. However, a closer examination of her eyes revealed doubt about the truthfulness of satoru's words. It was clear that she did not believe him, as it seemed far-fetched to think that someone like Satoru, who seemed immature and is a total manchild, had actually encountered a talking phoenix in the forest. After all, phoenixes are mythical creatures and they are extinct and animals can't speak.
Therefore, it was likely that Satoru was simply dreaming. Shoko's gaze shifted to Suguru, noticing his discomfort and the disoriented look on his face, as if he was deep in thought. This observation caused Shoko to raise her brows, questioning whether Satoru's story could be true after all. 
Humoring Satoru, Shoko asked, “How large was it?” This simple question made Satoru feel heard and acknowledged.
Puffing out his chest, Satoru exclaimed,
“It was huge!” He illustrated the size by making a wide circle motion with his hand. 
 “Like very huge!”
Yaga, feeling exasperated, questioned,
“Are you sure that this isn't just a dream?”
After listening to Satoru's verbose monologue for nearly thirty minutes, yaga had become extremely tired. Yaga observed Suguru's uncharacteristic silence, making yaga believe that there's something fishy happening.
The relentless rambling had started to erode Yaga's confidence in Satoru's credibility, making it challenging for him to believe in the veracity of his words—especially since satoru's words were delivered poorly.
“I swear I'm not lying!” Satoru insisted defensively, his jaw tensing slightly.   Why is it so difficult for them to trust him? Is their faith in him so fragile? It is quite baffling, because if only Yaga would have faith in him, they could successfully capture the phoenix, cook it, and enjoy a lavish feast!
Who wouldn't be excited about having a mythical creature like the phoenix as their meal? After all, the phoenix supercharged version of chicken.
Why is it so hard for them to grasp the potential powers they could acquire by eating the phoenix? Satoru was dumbfounded by the inability of the others to comprehend his plan. While he was trying to be strategic, they dismissed his ideas as mere fantasies. It was truly frustrating for him to witness such narrow-mindedness.  
Satoru shifted his gaze towards suguru, hoping that his friend's word would hold more weight in the situation. suguru had always been known for his honesty and reliability, qualities that could potentially sway others' opinions in their favor.
While satoru considered that his own credibility might not be enough to convince others, he felt confident that suguru's reputation would lend more credibility to their shared message. essentially, there was a slim possibility that yaga would be more inclined to trust suguru's account of events than satoru's.  
“Suguru saw it too!” Satoru said, pulling the black haired man out of his thoughts.
“Uh... yes..” Suguru murmured in a low voice, his brows knitting as Satoru gradually shifted his weight and leaned closer, the warmth of his back pressing into Suguru's chest.
“See? Even suguru knows it!” 
“You're blackmailing him,”   Yaga spoke in a flat tone, observing Suguru's unease and coming to the conclusion that Satoru was likely pressuring the man for some reason.  
“I would never do such a thing!” Satoru denied vigorously, shaking his head, feeling offended.
“Well, in reality, you might,” Shoko chimed in, a smile playing on her lips as she leaned her head in her palms in intrigue.
“You blackmailed utahime-senpai back then, so who's to say that you won't blackmail geto?” Shoko pointed out as her mind drifted back to the time when Satoru had wielded a juicy piece of blackmail against Utahime after catching her in the midst of doing some bizarre ritual while wearing a cult mask. As the memory resurfaced, Satoru swiftly interjected,
“That was back then”
“He did what?” Yaga's voice cut through the room like a dagger, his eyes boring into Shoko. The air crackled with tension as she met his gaze with a nonchalant shrug, her fingers deftly weaving intricate braids in her hair.
“He blackmailed Utahime-senpai,” Shoko confessed with a chill grin dancing on her lips.
“Gojo,” Yaga uttered in a low, warning tone.
A deep groan escaped Satoru as he shifted uneasily, the vein on his neck pulsating with frustration. He clenched his fists, feeling a surge of irritation at the changing dynamics of their conversation. Satoru was in no mood to dwell with a topic consisting utahime.
“Come on! Let's just shift our focus back to the phoenix,” Satoru pleaded, his exasperation palpable.
“But i assure you guys, I have no intentions of resorting to blackmail, Suguru.” His words were tinged with a hint of grumbling discontent. Shoko couldn't help but chuckle softly at the exchange, finding amusement in the banter unfolding before her.
Sensing the escalating tension, Suguru let out a weary sigh, his patience waning as he longed for the ordeal to reach its resolution.
“Seems like someone’s on the verge of tears,” he remarked with an air of exasperation, unable to suppress his frustration any longer.
Satoru’s gasp of mock offense filled the air in response to the taunt.
“HUH? you're supposed to be on my side!” Satoru whined.
“you know what? Suguru, just speak up and tell em’!” Satoru said, his succulent lips curved into a petulant pout, and his long, white lashes fluttered as he fixed his imploring gaze on Suguru.
Suguru’s brow knitted in confusion as he reached a hand to knead the tense knots in his neck, feeling the stress of the situation coil like a viper within him. “Tell them what?” he questioned dumbly.
“That I’m tellin’ the truth” 
“This is stupid”   Yaga let out a deep sigh, filled with exasperation, as he watched Satoru seemingly wasting their precious time. The exaggerated claims made by Satoru, such as talking about a speaking phoenix, sounded so far-fetched and unrealistic to Yaga. The idea of cooking and eating a phoenix seemed particularly foolish and nonsensical to him too.
“It is, sensei.”
Shoko agreed, her indifference palpable as she lounged on her chair, feigning interest while observing the unfolding drama.
“UGH! If you guys won’t believe me then just ask suguru!”
Suguru was completely unprepared and struggled to find the right words, his mouth moving—closing and opening as if he were a fish out of water. He shifted his eyes away, unsure of how to properly convey the situation. Yaga, Shoko, and Satoru watched him closely, their eyes fixed on him as they waited for a response from him.
“Well?” Yaga tapped his foot.
“Why me?” suguru asked them with narrowed eyes, mouth dipping down into a frown, shoulders slouching in tension.
“Nevermind,” he muttered, a strained yet bemused smile playing on his lips as he endeavored to maintain a facade of composure.
“Satoru is telling the truth,” Suguru finally affirmed, his gaze sincere as he sought to convey his conviction to the skeptics before him.
“You're only defending him because he's your bestfriend ” Yaga said, the skepticism evident in his tone while watching suguru poke Satoru's cheek with his forefinger, the pads of suguru's fingers lightly traced the curve of satoru's jawline as he looked at yaga, a small smirk forming in his lips.
“It's true though. You guys should see it for yourself.”
𝟎𝟎𝟏.Ataraxia’s given necklace
So the necklace is specifically made to protect [Name], it won’t get triggered if [Name] was fighting, but it will get triggered if [Name] is gonna die from the attack that she was about to receive.
𝟎𝟎𝟏.The fight only lasted for about 3 minutes and it was really fast, just kind of placed sn expanded version of the cringe fight or whatever.
𝟎𝟎𝟐.Toji had mistaken [Name] for his worm because [Name] ended up shapeshifting into toji's worm unintentionally and coincidentally, he also doesn't know that it's not his worm because he doesn't know the difference, save for the smell.
𝟎𝟎𝟑.When toji said that "you finished eating" it means that the worm had finished feeding on whatever dead animal/human is on the forest because the forest [Name] was in is sort of a suicide forest.
𝟎𝟎𝟒.Toji's real worm was still eating.
𝟎𝟎𝟓.Yaga accepted after hearing the 2 hour explanation of suguru and sent the first years to confirm whether there really is a phoenix.
𝟎𝟎𝟔.Red was released after two minutes because gojo kept on getting distracted
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╰┈➤ ; 𝟎%
—𝐒atoru is already imagining how you would taste<3. He begged to join yu and kento in searching for you in the forest, but kento didn't want him to join them.
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╰┈➤ 𝟓% (𝐔𝐩 𝟑%)
—𝐒uguru was already having suspicions about you, he asked if you were a creation of yaga but the older male said no, and suguru was very much starting to have thoughts that you're not really a phoenix, and he was starting to suspect that you're a shapeshifter or something. (He watches theory videos about shapeshifting things)
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╰┈➤ 𝟎%
—𝐓oji was confused because his worm is acting weird, though, he's still clueless that you're not actually his worm. He's still confused though, because you doesn't smell like his worm.
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╰┈➤ 𝟐% (𝐔𝐩 𝟐%)
—𝐒hoko was intrigued by you. She wanted to see you. Or maybe she just wanted to conduct experiments on you. She still doesn't believe that you exist though. 
Satoru is very much gonna act like a brat in here. Also, I'm kind of pissed at gege for giving my boy suguru an L. Like he nerfed suguru and all that, like giving all the attention and power to yuta, satoru and yuki but making suguru weak. It just pissed me off. I intend to make him powerful as he is, just like his and satoru's title as the “strongest”.
Anyways, It's kind of a thing in my country where we count toji as "maasim" (smelly) cause he seems like he doesn't take a bath or something HAHHAHA, and also, enjoy the readers life as toji's worm<3 (for now).
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song-star-rini · 8 days
now playing… アイドル! (Idol)
genre: idol shenanigan / slight crack? (ft other characters!)
ad libs: RP blog au! (if you come from my rin blog you probably would get the context better)
notes: made this for fun for my frequents on the rin itoshi blog @underlash-owl ---mentions of a lot of people who come to the blog often ^^
if i missed anyone pls don’t get offended!! also i tried to get everyone’s pronouns and internet names + also i wrote this purely on impulse please don’t fight me
🌠 : @reapkusho @kuro-min @wabatle @rinitoshiplzdateme @rinitoshisgirl ☆
@tigreblvnc @starfire7 @ssstar @soleilonthesun @galaxynajma ☆
@someprettyname @bachi-the-bee ☆
(for any descriptions i used the picrews :3 lmk if i got anything wrong!)
group name : idolists
part 1 / 2 / 3
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“you’re all fucking insufferable. you especially.” rin spats harshly, but despite his harsh words, he doesn’t move a muscle as the makeup artist dusts away at his cheeks.
rini who is sitting across from him, holds back a strained chuckle as they snap a picture of the male in front of them, leaning to their right to shows Najma the photo.
a sly grin stretches her lips as she looks between the screen and the soccer player.
“looking good”
“shut the fuck up najma”
rin let out a stiff breath when the door closed and the makeup artist had finally left, leaving the three of them alone.
“calm down dawg it’s not like you look bad,” rini shrugged, but that didn’t do much to soothe the younger itoshi brother.
“does it look like i give a shit? why did you even agree to this deal? i wasted so much free time practicing for a small ass concert.” rin complained.
he brings his hands to his face but retracts when he remembers that he just got his makeup done by the artist.
“you didn't lose any time for your boyfriend called soccer, so don't worry.” najma chirps, initiating an eyeroll from rin.
rini wasn’t wrong, rin didn’t look bad, he looked great, like an actual idol from somewhere. he didn’t look pro but he couldn’t be mistaken for a rookie either.
the male adorned the teal cargo pants with the white shirt and black varsity jacket perfectly. the white shirt had a small blue lock logo and the jacket had the PXG symbol on the back.
the outfit theme overall was bright accents of teal and blue with black being the overall back up.
silver rings looped around his fingers as piercings marked his ears, a single soccer ball silver chain dangled from his neck.
so uh..
why was he in here?
because his mod thought it’d be great to perform for some fans of his as an idol, he’d sing some songs, only three since he wasn’t a full time performer.
the playlist looks like: future perfect (pass the mic), drunk dazed, both the japanese version and some compromises in the choreography, and the last song is called 99 PERCENT. (including another song hooo)
yes, all songs mentioned are all sung by a group of 7, so of course, rin has some soccer friends to bring with him. so within this soccer idol group, we got shidou, bachira, reo, chigiri, isagi, and.. sae.
all were chosen by his mod, who might not see the light of day tomorrow, but that’s not what we’re here for.
the group let the rini decide what to call their temporary idol alias, and they chose ‘idolists’ a play on ‘egoists’ (don’t come after me if cringe)
the group had practice, all taking up roles, weak in singing? you’re a dancer. and vice versa. rini hadn’t slept properly in days to make sure this silly little promo event would do well.
maybe another cuss filled conversation passes, and its time for najma to leave and to let the group get together before the curtains rise.
the group meets in the back stage room, all dressed accordingly, can you guess who’s the center? rin.
“yippee!! did you see?! there’s so many people!” bachira squeals as he jumps up and down and around, he snuck a peak of the seats and saw a lot of fans chatter eagerly to see their faves on stage.
“it’s nothing compared to what i’ve seen.” reo comments nonchalantly, but bachira rolls his eyes.
“yeah.. but uh.. are you sure this is a good idea..?” isagi asks, but instead of rini, shidou answers for him.
“too late to think about that jackass.” he grins, a bit evil and a bit excited. and then he goes back to fawning over sae’s outfit, it wasn’t that extreme just a chest window that shidou couldn’t get his ass over.
isagi grits his teeth slightly and hisses out a “right.” then turns to the bright red head who they’re all waiting for. “come on chigiri..” but the long haired male doesn’t even spare a glance.
but the conversations muffle together for rin, nothing interesting being said, the only thing that the boy could pay any attention to is his brother.
but someone steps in and waves an obnoxious hand in his face.
“focus bro, lock in,” is all emi said, half serious, half joking. but it effectively made rin tear his eyes off of his 'family' member.
“there’s no time for soccer beef, just do what you practiced, or who knows.. beat him another way.”
whether it was intentional or not, what emi said had written its way into his head, and was slightly echoing as he steps up to the stage, everyone following behind him.
the curtain raises and the crowd erupts, the boys haven’t even moved a muscle. but anyone would practically explode if they saw their idol, right?
ok so this is rlly an intro to the trilogy(?)
so uh ill tag everyone when the next part comes out, which actually has the performance :OOO
if you wanna be tagged just lmk :#
also my frequents have updated but i wont be adding them to this series
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sokovianheadtilt · 1 year
Chase Of My Adoration
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Wanda Maximoff x female!avenger!reader
Summary: You and Wanda broke up 6 months ago, and you fall into each other’s orbit once again, what will happen this time?
A/N: i haven’t written for Wanda in so long and i want to again. It gets a lil spicy (it’s smut why am i lying) which is something i’ve never done before, if it’s terrible, my bad i have a lot to learn, enjoy!!!
Warnings: slight angst, smut, fingering, oral
Word Count: 1.6k
When you and Wanda decided to end your two-year-long relationship, you weren’t sure you would survive it. She was the love of your life you were sure of it, but when things got rocky, you didn’t know how to fix it. You felt her getting distant. You did everything, showed her more affection, tried to get her to go on dates she would always turn down, buy her flowers, but nothing worked. She kept pulling away until you couldn’t take it anymore. You knew what you deserved and would not let her treat you as disposable. 
It was hard to ignore her fully when you both lived in the Avengers Tower. When your friends caught wind of what had happened between you two, you both did your best to reassure them that they shouldn’t choose sides. You both knew if that happened, it would be Germany all over again. 0n missions, if you had to work together due to your powers being so similar, then you would, but that was it. Everything changed the night the Avengers were throwing a small party after another successful attempt at saving the world.
You put on your best dress, a red silk dress with a slit cut out on the side of your leg, your hair perfectly curled, and your makeup perfectly done. You felt gorgeous like everyone’s eyes would be on you, yet you were only concerned about one set of eyes, and she was sitting over by the bar. You avoided her for now and decided to strike up a conversation between Steve and Natasha. 
As the party went on, you decided to go to the bathroom to calm your nerves a bit. You kept looking over at Wanda, debating if you should go over to her or not. You refrained from looking into her mind to see what she was thinking out of respect for you, also she would know and you couldn’t handle that embarrassment right now. You stood in front of the mirror and took a few deep breaths. You touched up your makeup when you heard the bathroom door open. You glanced over and saw Wanda walk inside. You stopped what you were doing and stared at her. 
“You could’ve talked to me you know” she said in that sexy Sokovian accent 
“Well, I wanted to give you your space” You put your makeup away, not turning to face her. 
Wanda moved to stand beside you, leaning against the sink, raking her eyes over your body. “I miss you, Y/N” You froze a bit before clearing your throat before speaking “You should’ve thought of that before treating me like shit” You turned to face her “I gave you everything! And you threw it away like it was nothing! You never even told me why. Was it something I did? Was I too needy? Did I smother you?” you could feel your throat closing up as you felt the tears threatening to fall. 
“I never meant to hurt you, Y/N. I don’t know what happened to me. I felt like….I felt like I didn’t deserve you. I felt like I didn’t deserve happiness and because you were so amazing I decided to push you away to punish myself” Wanda explained
You wanted to rush to hug her, to tell her how she deserved happiness and everything good in the world, but you couldn’t help but feel angry as you shoved her a bit. 
“Why did you feel like you couldn’t trust me with that then?” you huffed “I would’ve been there for you, we could’ve gotten you help” You crossed your arms 
“I wasn’t thinking and I messed up the greatest relationship I’ve ever had” She reached out to uncross your arms, holding on to your wrist “And I know you still want me. I know you’ve been looking at me all night my love” Wanda moved to step closer to you as you muttered “Don’t call me that” 
“You used to love when I called you that. I never got over you Y/N, I spend day and night thinking about you, the way you loved me” She put your hands on your waist “The way I used to hold you” She kissed your cheek “The way I used to fuck you” she whispered as your eyes went wide “W-Wanda-” you started but she cut you off “You think I don’t know you don’t miss me?” she moved to set you on the top of the sink, using her powers to lock the door “I do…” you whispered to her. 
Your faces are so close. You can feel her breath on your face as you looked into her green eyes. You wanted to resist her, make her work for it, but you couldn’t resist, you were only human. You were a weak woman but you need the reassurance first. 
“I can’t let this happen if you’re going to hurt me again” you told her softly “My heart can’t take it”
Wanda nodded a little “I will spend the rest of my life making up for the pain I’ve caused you”
You wanted to believe her but you took a glimpse into her mind to see if she was being truthful and you got your answer. You leaned in to kiss her roughly, moving a hand into the back of her head, gripping her hair. You felt Wanda bunch your dress around your waist exposing the red lace panties you were wearing underneath. When Wanda pulled away and glanced down to look at them, she let out a soft laugh.
“These are the panties you wear when you want this pretty pussy played with. Is that what you wanted Y/N?” she moved to kiss your neck 
“Um- I- I don’t know” you answered sheepishly 
“You know, you just don’t want to admit it” Wanda moved a hand down between your legs, running a finger over your slit over the cloth covering it, and smiled at the small gasp you let out 
“Wanda, please” you pleaded “I need you so bad” you moaned out 
“Don’t worry my love, you’ll get what you want” She moved to pull your panties off, stuffing them in her pocket “You’ll get these back eventually” she smirked as you rolled your eyes.
Wanda pulled you closer to the edge of the sink, pulling down the straps of your dress. She ran her fingers over the curve of your neck, pressing a kiss to the curve of it before pulling down your dress a bit more to expose your breasts. Wanda moved to attach her lips to one of your nipples, her other hand groping the other. You let out a loud gasp, leaning your head back against the mirror. 
“Fuck Wanda” you moaned out as she gently bit at your nipple and moved to do the same to the other before standing back up. “Be mindful there are people outside that door my love. Don’t want them to hear how much you want me, you have to be quiet detka” She pressed a kiss to your lips and moved her hand down to your pussy, feeling the wetness pooling within it. 
“Oh you’re so wet for me, my love” She moved to slide two fingers inside you, resulting in a loud moan from you before you quieted yourself by biting your lip. You felt her starting to gently pump her fingers, wrapping your legs around her, and looked down at her “Wanda I need more, please, I need it so bad I want you to wreck me” you begged. You felt so submissive, willing to let her do whatever she wanted to you at this moment. Wanda seemed pleased with your request as she sped up her fingers, scissoring inside you as she hit your sweet spot each time. 
“Yes that’s it, fuck keep gong baby, I love it” you moaned out loudly, not caring who could hear you. In this moment, all you cared about was you and Wanda. She moved to kneel between your legs, moving to attach her mouth to your clit, sucking on it wildly.
You grabbed onto her hair, hearing your moans echo around the bathroom walls as you gyrated your hips as if you were riding her face. “That’s it baby” you moaned “You love how I taste don’t you?” you smirked and pulled her head away to make her look at you “Answer me” you demanded
“You taste like heaven detka. I want nothing more than to have you come on my tongue and fingers” She smiled as you guided her head back to your folds. You balanced yourself on the edge of the sink, relishing in the intense pleasure you were receiving after 6 months of no sex. 
“Fuck I’m almost there” you warned the Sokovian woman “Come for me then detka” she said before burying your head back between your legs and soon you came all over her face with a shout. 
As you caught your breath, you leaned back against the mirror, watching as Wanda stood up and wiped her mouth off with her hand, running her tongue over her fingers that were just inside you “Just as I suspected, delicious as ever” she moved to give you a soft kiss “Clean yourself up and meet me upstairs in my room. Don’t keep me waiting my love” she ordered as she fixed her hair before leaving the bathroom. 
You jumped down from the counter and fixed your dress, hair, and makeup slightly before rushing out of the room. And if anyone knew what just occurred, they kept it to themselves. After all, you didn’t care, you got the love of your life back and that’s all that matters.
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thelovelylolly · 6 months
a request for Tommy Miller coming to the rescue when readers car breaks down late at night + Tommy putting his coat around her so she doesn't get cold.
Car Troubles
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summary: your car breaks down and you know only one person who's up this late warnings: being alone in the middle of nowhere at night (not sure if that's a true warning, but might as well), pre/no outbreak, fem! reader who's described as smaller than tommy word count: 1.2k notes: tommy my love, he'd come to anyone's rescue and i love him for that (also this is so funny bc my car died on me the other day and i had to get it jumpstarted by someone else lmao)
"No, no, no!" You yelled as you hit your steering wheel.
You were able to pull your car to the side of the road right before the battery died. You groaned as you tried to turn your key, hoping the engine would turn over. Instead, you heard a wheezing sound from your engine before you stopped trying. You leaned your head against the head rest and ran through all your options.
You could try to figure things out by yourself and fix it, but it was late and you were alone on an empty road. You didn't really want to get out of your car at all, you didn't want to risk becoming a face on a missing poster. Which left you with your second option, calling someone.
You didn't know what time it was or how far you were from town, so most of your friends most likely wouldn't answer or be willing to come get you. Most meaning everyone, except for Tommy.
You quickly grabbed your phone from your purse in the passenger's seat and dialed his number. As it rang, you made sure your doors were locked and you didn't see anyone suspicious around.
"Hello?" Tommy's tired voice came from the other end.
"Hey, Tommy, it's me," you quickly answered.
"Oh, hey, sweetheart. Why are you calling me this late? Everything okay?" He asked as you heard sheets shifting around in the background.
You ignored the way his nickname for you made your cheeks warm a bit. "My car died on the side of the road. Do you think you can come get me or jumpstart my car?"
"Yeah, I'll come get you," he paused to quickly pull on some pants and a shirt before swiping his keys from his dresser, "where are you?"
"I'm a few miles from the highway, on the exit with that retro diner," you said.
"Alright, do you want to stay on the phone with me?"
"I would, but I should probably save the battery. I'll call you if it's an emergency, okay?"
"Okay, see you in a bit, sweetheart," he said before hanging up.
You sighed and put your phone back in your bag before leaning back in your seat. You wrapped your arms around yourself as a shiver ran through you. Of course the night your car decided to die was one of those rare nights in Austin when the air was brisk and windy.
You tried to ignore the slight chill slipping into your car by thinking about other things, mainly Tommy. You were happy you had a friend like him. Not only was he willing to help no matter the time of day, he was caring and funny. He was also handsome, but you'd never say it out loud. You didn't want to cross that line between friends and more, even though you two had been dancing around it for months.
Were you waiting for him to give you a sure sign he was into you? Maybe, but was that so bad? You were willing to be the one who makes the first move, you just didn't want to misread anything between you two.
However, Tommy being a gentleman and coming to your rescue late at night was making it harder not to make that first move.
You saw headlights approaching and were brought back to the present. You watched as Tommy got closer and pulled off to the side of the rode in front of your car. You quickly got out of your car and walked over to his driver's side to meet him.
"Hey," you said, crossing your arms in front of you to keep yourself warm in the brisk night air.
"Hey, you doin' alright, sweetheart?" He replied, his accent becoming heavier with his tiredness.
"I'm fine, just ready to go home, y'know?"
"Then, let's get this car fixed."
He flashed you a smile before walking over and popping your engine open. You moved to the side of your car and watched him work, his headlights being the only good source of light. Watching his hands work made you forget about the cold for a moment, but a sudden breeze caused your teeth to chatter and your hands to shake for a few seconds.
Tommy glanced up at you, worry in his eyes. "You cold?"
"Y-yeah, but I'll-"
He cut you off by standing up and taking off his jacket. He stepped closer and wrapped his jacket around your shoulders. It was big on your frame, you nearly drowned in it, but you didn't care as you slipped your arms into the sleeves. The jacket smelled like him and it gave you some relief from the cold. Tommy was standing close to you, so close that if you leaned forward just a bit, your lips would meet.
You saw his eyes fall then meet yours again. He cleared his throat and stepped away, getting back to work. He found your battery before going and grabbing his jumper cables, then turned the ignition off on his car. He quickly opened his engine up and found his battery.
He then handed the cables to you to put on your battery. Once both cables were on, he turned to you and met your gaze. "Let's see if it worked."
You nodded with a smile, then rounded your car and hopped in the driver's seat. You turned your keep and the engine finally turned over. You got out of the car and quickly went over to Tommy, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a tight hug.
"Thank you!" Your words were muffled with your face buried in his neck.
He laughed as his arms wrapped tightly around you. "Anytime, sweetheart."
You pulled away just enough to meet his eyes, the two of you smiling like idiots. You saw his eyes dart down again, and you took that as your sign. You leaned in slowly, a bit hesitant, too. As you just started to tilt your head to the side, Tommy closed the gap between you two. Your lips met and it made all that time dancing around your feelings worth it. His lips were soft and fit with yours perfectly as he pulled you even closer. The cold, the cars, everything went out the window and your thoughts were just him and his lips.
It only lasted a few moments, but it felt much longer. You both pulled away and slowly let each other go.
"You, uh, need anything else?" He asked, his hands holding yours for the last bit of contact.
You shook your head. "I think I'm good." Especially after kissing you, you silently add on.
"Alright, well," he finally let your hands go and took care of the cables before shutting your engines, "I'll call you tomorrow."
You two stand between your cars, not really wanting the moment to end. "Sounds good," you reply with a smile.
He quickly kissed your cheek, his lips staying close to your ear. "Talk to you then, sweetheart."
Leaving you blushing, he rounded his car and went to the driver side. You watched as he climbed in before doing the same. He pulled back out onto the road first and you followed behind him.
Maybe you should have car troubles more often.
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babyxbluexmoon · 2 years
☁︎ 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑒 ☁︎
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Yandere! Neteyam x Fem! Human! Reader!
warnings: 𝘺andere behaviour, murder, drowning, possessive behaviour, toxic behaviour, yandere neteyam, smut, rape to consented, choking, spit kink, biting, forced mating, manipulation, impreg. Not proof read.
synopsis : y/n was never truely a fan of the na'vi, she found them too tall for comfort, scary. She wished she was never bought here by her father who had no one else to give her too. now with him dead, she was orphaned, raised by the scientists of the pandora labs. however, being too scared of the world around her, she stayed in her room, only letting few care and see her. until today.
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"Y/n? What are you doing out of your room?" Norm asked the teenager who was too afriad to ever leave her bedroom. The h/c girl shrugged, "felt brave today I suppose.." she admitted, and walked into the lab where she was met with Spider, readying his mask to head out into the world of non-breathable air, and people of blue. "Y/n! Your out of your room?" The boy asked, his light dred locks messy as always, his body faintly painted in blue stripes. "Yeah.. where are you going?" She asked, protective of her other orphaned friend.
"Out to see the Sully's. Wanna join me?" He offered and she shrugged, and paused, thinking it over before deciding to give it a chance. "Sure, I suppose... just stay close to me.. yeah?" She asked and he nodded, handing her a mask. "They wont hurt you, I promise.". With those words she felt atleast slightly more assured, and put on the mask, pressing in the button, allowing herself to breath. He walked out of the labratory and Y/n hesitantly followed, closing the door behind her and she was met by the world outside. She had never been out here before.
"Great right? Air feels amazing." Spider smiled up at her and she was tempted to go back inside, her small body begining to move on it's own before Spider clasped her hand, his almost swallowing hers. "Come on!" He laughed lightly, dragging her and she basically held her breath, unaware of the events to come. Unaware of the make she would soon come to fear... and love.
He took her over to the Ikrans where she gasped softly, and backed away but he went behind her and gently pushed her back towards, "they won't hurt you, if you don't seem a threat." He reassured and she sighed, trying to push back but she couldn't. Infront of her stood a yellowish ikran, beautiful and scary. It made a noise towards her, and she swallowed heavily, "This one is Neteyam's." He said, and she processes the name in her head, "Ne..te.. yam.." she muttered, and then looked at the beast.
Spider only looked away for a second when he saw Neteyam and Lo'ak approching when he heard her giggle. He turned back and the three males saw her petting the ikran, that surpeisingly, strangely, nuzzled into her hands, seeming to enjoy her touch. She scratched under his chin, admiring his colours when a voice spoke, english with a heavy na'vi accent. "He likes you." It said and Y/n whipped her head around, seeing two na'vi folks. She retracted her hands, making the beast let out a whine.
"S-sorry.." she said, and Spider stood infront of her. "Neteyam, Lo'ak, this is Y/n, or the girl who never leaves her room. Y/n, this is Neteyam and Lo'ak. They are Jake Sully's sons." He explained and she swallowed again, nodding as a greeting. Neteyam approched, petting the Ikrans head. "He usually doesn't allow humans to touch him. You are special." He spoke to her, and as they made eye contact, both their hearts skipped a beat in sync.
'He doesn't look scary..' she thought, ripping her eyes from him, and soon saw an even taller male approching, and she gulped. It was Jake Sully, the Olo'eyktan of this clan. "Is this really little Y/n, why haven't you grown." He said, giving her a slight smile with she slightly returned, then also gave Neytiri the same expression when she arrived with their youngest child, Tuk.
"Wow, your short." Tuk laughed lightly, standing at five foot seven while Y/n stood at five foot five. Y/n chuckled, then noticed how Neteyam seemed to be studying her as his Ikran nuzzled her back, making her jump, then turned to him and smiled slightly, petting him once again, only for him to sniff at her mask and growl softly. "This..? I-I need it to breath.." she explained to him as if he could understand or respond.
"You.. wanna fly?" Neteyam asked her suddenly, making all eyes move to him. She was about to respond, but Neytiri spoke, "Y/n is a very.. fragile human. Flying is too dangerous for her." She said, and Y/n just gave a calm expression, but then Spider grabbed her hand, "come on, I want to show you around!" He said and vegan dragging the stumbling girl who struggled to keep up with him. "Come on guys!" He called and Lo'ak decided to follow, and soon Neteyam and Tuk did aswell.
They took Y/n through the forest, showing her diffrent creatires, plants, explaining doffrent things to her, and soon Kiri joined them aswell, and another friend, Nuk'tai. He was another omaticaya, slightly shorter than Neteyam, only slightly. Y/n got slowly more comfortable as they went on, soon spotting something. "What is that..?" She asked Lo'ak who hummed, looking at whatever she was staring at, seeing an Eywa seed floating over, and soon landing on her hand.
Neteyam watching, his ears twitching as his tail began to gently sway. He felt strange, as if he wanted to feel her hand. Was it soft or rough, warm or cold. He wanted to feel her hair, long and h/c. Look closer into those deep e/c orbs, with those long black lashes, and her glissening s/c skin, flawless aside from scars around her nails, matching Kiri's which showed she either bit or scratched at them.
He deicded to stay close to her, watching how her much curvier body moved, diffrent to Kiri's and his mothers, andany other female omaticaya. Until the omaticaya females, her thighs jiggled gently as she walked, her waist smallish, but her breasts larger, bouncy looking. Her hands had an extra finger like his siblings and father, and her face wasn't as defined as them, but it had characters, like her little button nose.
He swallowed, then eyed her clothes, and found himself hating them. Why cover so much of a nice body. He decided to give into a small thought and spoke. "Why don't you dress like we do? It will be fun." He suggested, and before the sky girl could answer, Tuktirey spoke out. "Yes!! Follow!" Shesaid and grabbed Y/n's hand, dragging her. He found it funny that an eight year old was taller than Y/n. A teenager.
Y/n sat, letting the girls sort her some clothes and she blushed deeply at the top they choose. A few necklaces, designed to only cover the nipples and bots of the breast, but not completely. "I-I will look naked.." she said softly, "you wont, promise." Kiri smiled, and then her and Tuk hide her from the males as she changed and they held her. She had a skirt like cloth covering her bottom half, then those lovely necklaces covering her front.
The girl then began to braid her hair, and the boys collected some beads. As Neteyam laid hiseyes on her beautifully sculptured body, he felt his mouth water. He licled his bottom lip, and decided to advace futher. He sat cross legged infront of the girl, forcing her eyes to meet his chest, then he face, before he began braiding the beads into her long locks. Kiri then began to paint her body once her hair was done and clothes, matching her to Spuder with faint blue stripes.
She then got some blue, red, yellow and orange feathers, and tied a small ponytail in the bacl of her hair, leaving the rest down and placed the feathers around it, and two by her ears. "There, you are done." She said and Y/n looked down at herself in the pond water beside them. She swallowed, her breasts almost showing, her thighs completely on show, her flat stomach. She was most definetly feeling naked.
Neteyam however, his stomach was doing backflips, his head spinning, his tail swaying, his ears twitching, his lips parting, licking his lower one. His pupils slightly dialated. However, a sudden call of anger washed over him when he saw Nul'tai doing the same thing. Looking at her like his next meal, and he had to swallow a growl itching to climb from his throat.
He suddenly felt like grabbing and holding her, biting her neck until crimson ran down that squishy, soft, small body she had. Show him she was not his for gawing at. 'Why...? We just met..? She's a human..' he thought to himself, confused as his eyes scanned her, making him bite his bottom lip. 'But Eywa.. I want...' as the two made eye contact, his finished his thoughts in an instant. 'I want her.'.
Later that night, the Sully kids walked the humans back to the labratory, and Neteyam felt as if he was letring go of his braid, watching her walk up those stairs. Spider walked in, but before she could, he spoke. "Come again, tomorrow." He said, trying not to sound demanding, and she tilted her head, "Um.. sure, Neteyam. Goodnight." She gave him a smile, and he rubbed his blue lips together. "Goodnight, Y/n.".
Morning came around and Y/n was approched by the pandora head scientist,offering her to make her an avatar body, as he had the equiement too, so she she could breath and possibly become more comfortable. She decided on a maybe, saying she would think about. It was one thing hanging out with them, but becoming one? Now that was a very.. alien thing to her.
She put on a mask and left, this time without Spider who was still sleeping. She walked around until spotting Neteyam alone. Slowly, she approched, and tapped his shoulder onxe, making his head turned to her, a stran of his many braids waving away from his eye. "Y/n." he said in a welcoming tone, and she gave a gentle smile, "Neteyam, hello. May I sit with you..?" she asked and he nodded.
Y/n sat down cross legged, and he admired her still seeable body, considering she was wearing the clothes his sisters made her, and the paint. "I was given an offer." She said and he looked over, his exoression unreadable. "Hm?" He urged for her to continue. "I was offered to have an avatar made for me. That way it will be easier to explore, and breath without a mask. Neteyam took a moment to think about it, but then realised.
If she became an avatar, he could kiss her, feel those cheeks. Sure, she eould be skinnier, taller, but my god, he could.. he could kiss her. He could.. claim her with the connection of braids. Then human or na'vi, she would be his. He felt disgustee by his own selfish thoughts over a girl he barely knew, who barely knew him, but he couldn't sleep last night, her eyes, her face, her body, her voice filling his head.
"I think you should go for it." He replied and she responded with a head tilt. "You can have the best of both worlds. And if you explore yourself as na'vi, you may become more comfortable. You will be able to claim an ikran aswell." He pointed out, and she hummed. 'I could force you to walk through the eye of the great mother, and become like me permantely. My mate,.' He thought.
She actually slightly agreed with his statement. He had a point. "You know, I might just do that." She replied, then looked out at the skies oytside the rocky dome their clan remained in for safety away from the not so nice sky people. Her eyes held grest curiosity, which Neteyam admired. He wondered how he fell so fast, so hard, so quick. Why he wanted her to himself. He had deep, shameful urges to mate with her, right here and now, whether she wanted it or not, and that made his stomach drop at the fact he knew, if he wasn't restraining himself. He'd do it.
And so, later that week, after agreeing to have an avatar of herself made,the Sully children and her looked over her avatar body in the tank, floating. It wasn't ready yet, some features needing to be added. She was.. beautiful. He actually kept her body shape slightly, only slightly slimmer which made Neteyams heart throb. Her face was like her own, but firecer, her pointy ears adorable.
"What do you think?" Norm asked her and she looked over, "She- I..? I look pretty cool. One question. Why keep me short?" she asked, her avatar height only standing at six foot seven. "Because.. well I took your height and went with it." He explained with a shrug, making her chuckle and Nuk'tai patted her hair. "Well shorty, omce your in that body, I'll help you claim an Ikran." he promised and she giggled, "sounds good, Nuk." The human replied and Neteyam bit down on his tongue, drawing crimson in his mouth, the matalic taste seeping down his throat.
However, he decided to play it safe and said, "Mind if I join? I would like to watch." He asked and Y/n nodded, "sure. But how do you claim an Ikran?" She asked, and Nuk'tai made an awkward expression before speaking. "We'll tell you when the time comes." He said, rubbing her small shoulders and Neteyam gripped his hand into a fist, trying to ignore it. 'Stop touching her. I hate it. Stop it. Shes.. shes my mate.' He thought to himself, but contained the burning rage pulsing through him.
"Lay in this capsual." The scientist instructed while Norm helped her in. Her avatar was complete, done quickly swiftly, clothed and done up all nice and ready. She let out a shakey breath as the Sully's and Spider awaited her avatar body to awaken. Neteyam was excited, but tried to hide it, though his swishing tail was betraying him horribly. She was gorgouse, and he loved her this way, though human her was amazing aswell.
The capsual was closed abd she felt strange, paniced for a small moment, then sighed and closed her eyes, soon her mind drifting off into nothingness. She blinked, letting a small noise excape her lips as she blinked, seeing everyone around her. "Lo'ak.." she mumbled, seeing him the cloest to her head. "How'd you feel?" Norm asked, coming over with his mask off as she sat up off the bed she laid apone.
Neteyam smiled at her slightly. There she was, his mate, his lover, his everything. No one elses,nothing elses, just his. "Can you speak, Y/n?" Norm asked her and she parted her lips, but realised the air was thick, and only just about breathable. "Here." Kiri handed her a mouth mask, which she took a breath of pandora air and then let out a sigh again. "Thank you.. and yes, yes I can speak."
Nuk'tai came over and smiled, pushing some hair behind her ear, her pointy blue ear. The hair was still half down with a small ponytail, but it had some braids running through it with beads, and then of course her queue, her connection. She slowly stood up with the help of Kiri and wobbled slightly, but then shook her head and worked to stabalise herself before slowly walking. "Can you wa- oh, perfect." Norm smiled.
Spider came in and grinned up at her, "finally not a shorty." He said and she look over, "shush you or I'll wack you with my braid." She giggled. Everyone was happy, and so was Neteyam, aside from the fact that he wanted to rip Nuk'tai to pieces, touching what belong to him, how dare he? The group helped her move about, testing her tail, her fingers, her toes, her ears. Jake and Neytiri came over and helped her out of the lab, then she looked around, her showy, beautiful clothescupping her unaturally curvier body, since they kept her that way for her comfort.
"Right, have you done the training Spider has?" Lo'ak asked and she nodded, "I know the basics." Y/n replied, taking in how tall she was from the ground now, how her senses were enhansed. She could feel her new body parts, like her tail, her ears, her braid. Nuk'tai took her finger fingered hand in hia four fingered one, and began to drag her. "Come on, Ikran time!" he cheered and Lo'ak joined after them, followed closely by a lowely growling Neteyam and a giggling Tuk and Kiri. They took her up the moutains, helping her climb and teaching her how to use her new strenghs.
It was good she understood na'vi atleast, so it was easier for them to explain. Soon, they made it to the banshees docking area, where wild banshee's flew and roamed. She smiled, amazed. "So, how do I know which one is mine?" She asked, not quite caught up on Ikran studies. "They will try to kill you." Lo'ak replied and she blinked, "brilliant..". So there Y/n slowly walked through the squealing banshees, piercing her ears painfully as she looked around. Soon, a light purple wnd blue one turnee to face her, and hissed at her, so she instinctively hissed back. "Beat, and connect your braid." Spider explained.
"O-ok.." she uttered, and Neteyam already gripped his knife to protect her, just incase, however he did find her hiss attractive, 'I will make her walj through the eye of Eywa.. she will be na'vi, beside me..' he thought and grinned slightly, until his eyes caught Nuk'tai, watching her intensely as her moved around with the Ikran, before the banshee went for her, and she dodged, then heard Kiri, "jump on it's back!". She did as instructed and climbed quickly onto it's back, grabbing the connector but it soon began to jump and spin about, screeching and roaring.
She fell off with a grunt, but got up and hopped up again, wrapping her legs around it's jaw, forcing it closed, then connected her queue to the Ikran, making its pupils dialate. She panted softly, then listened as Kiri instructed her to fly to seal it. She moved off its head and onto it's back, and spoke, "Fly." Gently, and off the banshee took, making her squeal and grip on tight. "Slower!". Soon it slowed down, and she let out a breath of relife, "Good.. Good..?" She leaned and looked under. "Good girl.." she soon got the hang of it, and Lo'ak, Nut'tai and Neteyam joined her, with Spider on Lo'ak's, Kiri on Nuk'tai's and Tuk on Neteyams. "Your doing it!" Nuk'tai cheered and she giggled.
"What are you naming her?" Tuk asked and Y/n hummed softly, "Hmmm..? I'll name her..... Amitia." She said and they all nodded in approval. She did a few test tricks, circles, dropping down and catching itself, spinning. It was amazing hiw quickly she understood, and soon Tuk got on behind her, laughing happily as she hugged her waist. Seeing Y/n with his little sister, made Neteyams heart flutter, and his tail sway gently. God he wanted her, now.
Finally, his breaking point arrived when they landed, and Nuk'tai helped her off the beast, then took her smaller hands in his. "You were amazing, Y/n. You looked stunning.." he said, and glanced at her lips. In that moment, Neteyam snapped. He tried to stop it, god he tried. He held himself to his Ikran but his body soon moved on it's own, going over to the male and gripping his shoulder tighter then needed. "Can we talk?" He asked and Nuk'tai nodded, "sure.".
The two males walked off, and once they got far enough, Neteyam suddenly grabbed his queue and began ragging him deeper into the forest, shoving a cloth in his mouth. He screamed and tried to fight back against him, struggling. He bought him to a pond and threw him in, then got in the the shallow bit after him, and held him down. He struggled against him, struggling as he was forced under the water, splashin to break free. After some time, Neteyam pulled him up and growled at him.
"Y/n is mine." He said. "My fucking mate. You dirtied her with your hands.. I hope Eywa has mercy on you to die quickly.." he spoke darjly, his eyes holding a great craze, with sharp, small pupils, his bottom lip twitching as he growled before shoving him back in the water before he could answer, drowning him. A slow death purposley. He keot holding until the others body fell limb, but Neteyam kept holding him under incase he was pretending.
He pulled him along until he found a big rock, barely liftable. Perfect. He used some vines and tied his legs together, then tied them to the rock and went behind it, grunting as hr pushed on it until finally it dropped into the pond, dragging his lifeless body with it. Neteyam watched with sly orbs, like a panther watching it's preys life fade from it's eyes.
Soon, he was definetly dead, lost and gone. He let go and walked out thewater, his breathing heavy and rapid. "Shit.. oh Eywa, what have I...-" he paused himself. "He.. deserved it. He tried to take whats.. what belongs to me.." he said darkly, "My Y/n.. fuck, I need her.. now. Right fucking now.". He made his way to to the others, and soon sawY/n with her Ikran, alone. Perfect.
He approched her, and with every step was an argument in his brain. 'This is wrong Neteyam. Stop right now. No, no, She's yours, you can do as you please with her. Stop! Do it!' Ran through his mind, as he got closer and closer, until suddenly he was behind her. He pulled out his knife, and suddenly smacked the back of it down on the back of her head, making her grunt and collasp into his arms unconious. "I'm sorry, my mate.. forgive me.".
He took her body and hid it for a moment while he went and snucl to the labratory, and pressed the button on her capsual, letting her free. She opened her eyes and gasped at the sight of Neteyam. "So-something happened to Avatar me.." she said gently and he nodded, giving her a mask. "Come on." He said and she felt slightly confused by his demanding tone. They left the labratory and she tried to find her Avatar body, and he just followed.
Soon he pretended to spot it, and spoke. "Over there. Look." They went over and she saw the prickles of blood dripping down the back of her neck, making her gasp. "What happened..?" She uttered, "this." Suddenly he hit a nerve in the back of her head with his hand, and down she went. He slung the Avatar body over his shoulder, then her human body under his other arm, carrying them away.
He left the rock hideout, and snuck away to the forest. "You drive me crazy and we only met yesterday.. fuck me.. I've never snuck away before.. the things you do to me.." he said, holding her closely. Arriving at the magical place, the tree of souls, or, Eywa, he went over and laid her down at the foot of the tree, laying her bodies head to head. Before anything, he leant to her human body and kissed it deeply, "this is how it has to me, my Y/n. May Eywa, please, for the love, guide you.". He began chanting, knowing the words, praying it worked. He took off her mask as the wind picked up slightly and her human body gasped gently, but he didn't break his consontration.
He heard a small noise after some time and peeked his eyes open, her human body waa taken into the grass around the tree, sucked into the ground, lost. Her Avatar body however, moved slightly and he crawled above her, looking down. Her eyes fluttered open, those golden orbs meeting his own ones and he smiled lovingly. "Ahh.. there you are." He spoke in na'vi, andshe tilted her head. "Neteyam..? Where are we? How am I in my avatar again?" She asked, and he placed his hands on her shoulders, "shush.. take it easy.." he spoke softly.
He took her braid from underneath her, and bit his bottom lip as he forced a connection between him and her. She gasped and stared up at him with wide eyes. "Ne-Neteyam!?" Y/n squeaked, definetly understanding that from being told and reading about it. "Wh-why would you do that!? Where are we?" She asked, and tried to pull her queue from his, but he held them together with his hand. "I'm sorry, Y/n.. I tried not too.." he said, then crawled ontop of her, until she was laid down and he was hovered above her.
"Neteyam let go.." she said, so lost by the situation before a surprised muffled squeak excaped her lips as his lips crashed against hers, and she struggling underneath him, trying to push on his chest bit he was much bigger and stronger then Y/n. She thrashed about and soon bit down on his bottom lip, making him wince and pull away. He growled and moved their bonded queue's, flipping her onto her stomach. "Was going to make this eaay for you, but it seems I need you to fear me before loving me.. thats alright...".
She felt tears well up in her golden orbs, "Neteyam wheres my human body..?" She asked, looking at where they were the Tree of Souls. She knew this is where Toruk Makto became full na'vi, andshe instantly feared the worest. "Oh her.. she has become apart of Eywa now. You can be with me forever now, my mate.. never needing to leave this body of yours. Permantely my mate." He said, biting on the bacl of her neck, making her whine as she gripped the grass, begining to sob.
"It's ok to cry, you'll be moaning in a moment." He reassured. That voice trying to give him asense of his actions had faded away. All he could do, see, was her. He knew what he wanted, and it was his mother who once told him 'when you want something, fight for it.' And he did when he drowned Nuk'tai and now got rid of her human body. She belonged to him, because he wanted her to belong to him. She didn't need a say when he had already made the decision.
He removed his loincloth, then her skirt, and took off her necklaces, laying them side. He took off hia choker, and the clothing on his waist, before sitting on his knees, adirming her ass, squishier than a normal na'vi from how the scientist made her. Leant down and swiped his tounge over the slit of her vagina, feeling her twtich. He then leant back up and placed a few gently kisses on her ass, forcing her head to lay on the grass as he plumetted two of his big slim blue fingers inbetween her lips, and inserted them into her vagina hole, sinking into her core warmth.
Y/n let out a muffled sob, tears sinking into the grass. It felt really good, but fuck, why was he doing this to her? Why did it have to be this way between the two? "stop Neteyam.." she begged, a line of sweat mixing with the tears, the uncontrolable tears that were slightly turning his on as he slammed his fingers into her core, harder and harder, hitting all the right places.
"Fuck yeah, Y/n.. thats it.." he praised, watching her folds become soaked in pure juices of arousel alone. Her body quivered, trying to get away but the hold on her braid was preventing it. He pulled out, slick following after his fingers, attaching him to her before he snapped, then he moved and grabbed her hips, his hard dick ready to take her as his own. He placed his tip to her entrance and she let out a squeak, "Stop! Stop it!" The girl cried, but in his slid, pushing her walls to open around him. She screamed and he covered her mouth, his body looming over hers. "Shut up.. you'll love it in a minute..".
He began to move his hips in and out, realising she was virgin, which wasn't surprising considering where she had been living. He grunted at her tightness, and she trembled, sobbing quietly as small breaths excaped her mouth. "My mate.. my fucking mate.." he spoke and she whimpered. "Please stop.." she mumbled, and suddenly he pulled out and flipped her over, moving their connected braids before slamming back inside, pushing all his lengh in, which was a pretty good size.
"You are mine to break.." he growled, having zero mercy left as his hips slammed back and forth inside her, letting grunts and breath out as she cried and moaned. Her hands were trying to push him away, but soon his lifted her legs onto his shoulders, and pinned her hands to the grassy ground. "Fuck Nuk'tai.. everyone.. you are my bitch.." he snarled, inches from her face and soon he closed the gap, kissing her roughly, shoving his tongue between her lips, forcing her to take him in her mouth, saliva mixing painfully beautifully.
After sometime, he pulled his lips away, staring down at her drool covered lips, licking his own, his stomach tingling at the view. He could feel her tightening around him, and she could feel him twitching. Y/n let out a breath, her eyes rolling back, and thighs clenching, her mind becoming fuzzy. 'Y/n.. stop..' she thought to herself, but the pleasure was welcomed by her body not listening to her brain.
"Stop.." she said weakly, but then gasped as Neteyam's hand came around her throat, him humming. "Fucking choke.. I will make you adore this.. do you not realise you need me..?" He asked and her eyes peered up at him. "You'd be lost without me, flower.." he leant closer. "Doesn't this feel good..? You can have this and more as much as you want.. I'm yours, and you are mine. Together forever.. no one to get in the way.." he promised and she stared up at him, slight widen orbs and choked gasps excaping her mouth.
"You need me." He said, moving his hand from her throat to her cheek, his hips slowing. "And I fucking need you. God damn it, I need you.. I need you so bad.." he said, an kissed her lips gently, making her shiver and let out a whimper. "Neteyam.." she uttered, suddenly her brain began to spin. 'D-do I need him...?' She askee herself, her thoughts begining to stir up wildly. 'We haven't even interacted much but.. this..' her eyes glanced at their connection, she could feel everything from him. How much he truely wanted and needed her.
"Please.. give into me, my love.. my syulang.." he said gently, and she felt as if a fog clouded her mind, blinding her from the tragic situation she was truely in. "Neteyam.." she huffed out, and slowly he let her wrists free, and hesitantly she wrapped them around his neck. He stopped his hips and removed her legs, wrapping them around his waist, then keant to where they bare chests where touching and began move and a medium but hard pace, making her moan out, tilting her head back.
"See how... how good that feels..?" He groaned out, letting a soft moan excape his own lips, and she nodded slowly, her tail that was once wagging like crazy, now relaxing on the grass. Her ears that were pinned to her head, how droopy and adorable. "See? You've always belonged to me.. you just never realised.." he said, and began to kiss her sensually, passionately. They both felt their highs approching and she moaned into his mouth, him swallowing down her noises gratefully.
"I'm going to make sure the entire clan.. the entirety of pandora knows your mine.. you will carry my seed in you.." he said and her eyes widened slightly, but he quickly settled her. "We will be together forever.. a little family of our own.." he smiled at her and she relaxed again, the pleasure becoming overwhelming as he reached one hand down and began rubbing the pad of his finger over her clit, rubbing nice circles, simulating her more and soon her legs began to shake, making his breathing heavily as she slowly clenching on him.
He felt her getting tighter, and his own regions begining to need a release. "Thats it, pretty girl.. come on, you can do it.." he urged, praising his mate who who cried out, tossing her head back against the grass and after a few more thrusts, he placed his head down on her chest, moaning out as he released inside her, feeling their liquids mixing. "You will carry my love for you.." he placed his hand on her stomach. And you are..." he kissed up her body, then to her lips.
"𝘔𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦... forever Y/n.".
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makriiii · 8 months
Caught XIV (Arthur Morgan × f!reader)
Word count: 4.2k
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Special thanks to @iceman-kazansky! You're so sweet. I love the reposts, I hope you enjoy this one also! I know it was long awaited :)
Warnings: 18+, mentions of blood, swearing.
Caught XIV
The camp was lit with voices and laughing around you whilst you sat unbothered on a log overlooking the lake you had so admired when you had first laid your eyes upon it.
The day had been one of your nicest yet. The Arthur had not been buzzing around for you only to have to swat away. No, rather it was peaceful.
You weren't being unattentive but the sound of soft footsteps still made you snap your head around to look at the person approaching.
The finest lady in camp. Dutch's favorite girl. The one you had no opinion on yet as most of the time neither of you looked each other's way. The way she appeared made it seem like she strayed away too far from her well to do family, but you couldn't tell if that was true or just what it looked to be.
Her skirt dressed the worn wood kindly as she sat with distance from you. Quite frankly you had not a clue on whether you should say something or leave her to her own but she decided for you.
"You're that other O'Driscoll, aren't you?" She questioned, her green eyes giving you only a second of grace before scanning the horizon of the lake.
It took you a moment, unsure of where she was going with this and distracted by the sudden sight of Arthur, who was making his way toward an idling Dutch on the shore of the lake, not too far from you. "Unfortunately."
Molly's eyes scan you up and down, a familiar look of disparage glinted in her gaze. "You seem close with Arthur." She stated outright rather bluntly.
Shaking off the stare she had given you and comprehending her bold words you replied in short, "I suppose it could look that way."
"I feel like you're trying something." Her irish accent shone through with her clearly disdained words.
It was an accusation not unaccustomed by yourself, and you weren't in the mood for more of it. "I have no power to propagandize that man. He's as stubborn as an ass."
It seemed if it wasn't Arthur, it was someone else. Would the O'Driscoll talk ever end? You felt as though you had proved yourself more than needed.
"Why haven't you and your sly little buddy left yet then?" Her interrogation had you slipping on your hat in preparation of departure.
"We're just looking out for our lives, miss. If it's not the law, then it's our former members." You made sure to emphasize the past tense. O'Driscoll's gang was certainly in the past for you, whether you wanted it or not.
With that, you got up and started walking away. Perhaps you'd take a trip to town, get away from camp for a while.
"I didn't say you could go?" She scolded with a bark of her voice.
Saying more could be bad, saying nothing could also be bad. So you chose silence, you didn't want trouble with Dutch's girl.
As you walked through camp with a stretch of your back, a hand stabbed at your ribs, a sensitive part that reminded you unfortunately, you were ticklish.
You hunched over with a gasp, your arms throwing themselves to your sides to defend from further attack. It was already evident who it was.
Dutch and Arthur strolled by you, Arthur with a slight smirk watching you. Dutch caught on and studied you for a second.
"Why don't you come along to fish, Mrs. O'driscoll? Arthur told me of your struggle last time." He chuckled after Arthur gave him a slight shake of his head, a warning to redact his offer.
Mrs. O'driscoll was a new one for sure. The nicknames seemed to come from a never ending stream of creativity you despised.
Was there any way that you could say no to Dutch? No was never to be said to Colm, and learning from that, you agreed. "Alright, as long as it delights Arthur."
"It does not particularly-" Arthur rumbles before he gets guided forward by an interrupting Dutch.
"Oh, he might jump out of his boots with excitement." He laughs with a pat to Arthur's back. Like father and son. It was cute, admittedly, to see notorious outlaws have such a bond.
Hosea was waiting for the pair, and now for you as he questioned your proximity to them. "She taggin' along as well?"
"She needs to see your flare with fishing, Hosea." Dutch proclaims with a grunt as he pulls himself up in his saddle.
"Alright, let me show you how its done then." With an aloof attitude and a nod, he leads the group out of camp.
The ride you had with the three of the men wasn't heavy with feelings of stress or worry on your part. Dutch spoke of the activities he wanted done down in this town, of the money the gang needed. It felt as though you were finally one of them.
Dutch was sure to tell you all that he wanted everyone to be on the down low. Just to snoop around for now. That was easy enough for you.
It wasn't long after you got close to the tracks that the quiet atmosphere of hooves and voices was filled with the thundering of a train.
"Looks like law up ahead." Dutch chimes, his words directing your eyes to the stopped caged carriage up ahead. "Play it cool."
You and Arthur exchange glances before he made his way from your left to your right. A barrier between you and the law for whatever reason.
"Hello gentlemen." Came a mellifluous voice from the metal bars, grabbing everyone's attention.
"Well!" Came a surprised chortle from Dutch. "Look what the cat drug in."
"Ive seemed to have gotten myself in a spot of bother." You hadn't caught it before but now the smooth accent of a brit plastered his words.
You had not a clue who this man was or how he knew the gang. It was only so long that you would find out however.
"Quiet back there." Grumbled the lawman from upfront, his fist hammering down on the metal to rattle the cage.
Dutch examined this for a moment, "lets see if we cant sort this out."
The small talk that commenced turned into the talk similar of a lawyer. Defending the "silly fancy fop." Clearly, he was important if this was worth the trouble.
The other imprisoned men in the back took Dutch's distraction and started picking at the lock, providing entertainment for you and Arthur who sat there watching.
Dutch didn't get finished before the man had the lock off and the creaky doors opening, the other three men following with no hesitation.
"Shit!" Exclaims the sheriff, his and his partners eyes wide as their captives latched onto the train now departing. "The Anderson boys! I cant have more scandal!"
"Allow us to help, my friend." Dutch offers, his gaze not waiting a moment longer to send you and Arthur off. "Arthur... y/n."
Arthur sighed, "chase wanted men?" He confirms, ushering you on with a glance.
"And-" he points to the lawman's partner, "take Archibald with ya."
You followed, your horse already springing into action, your adrenaline not short after that.
"Just what I signed up for..." Arthur clearly discontent with what he got to be volunteered for. "Come on, big guy."
He helped Archibald up on his horse and took off beside you and after the train. The sight of the men on the back of the train and your chasing brought you back to the very day that was the reason you were here now.
Archibald hollered from the back, encouraging you forward with jarring words. "Keep your guns holstered, we need them Anderson boys alive."
You clicked your tongue, pushing your mare forward, surprised at the speed in which the train was already traveling.
Archibald nagged again. "Come on hurry!"
His words were met with swift retort of displeasure from Arthur. "All right."
"Come on, we're losing them!"
"Will you relax? We're not losing 'em!"
"Faster, come on! What's your name, sir?" Archibald seemed to have a speed in mind that a horse would have trouble reaching with two riders on its back. "And how about you, lady?"
"Arthur. Arthur Callahan." Replied a grumpy Arthur. Although you didn't have much sympathy for him, it made you smile in the face of this situation.
"Y/n Callahan." Without a fake last name in mind, you copied Arthurs.
"Faster, Mr. and Mrs. Callahan, please. My neck is on the line here!"
"I get it. We're doing our best." Arthur grunts. His eyes were trained on you, curious that you copied him.
The last of the four was dangling off the back of the train, struggling to pull himself up. His buddy fortunately came back for him.
"You sure I can't just shoot him?" Arthur asks, disregarding what he had been told moments earlier.
"No. Did I not say that?" Archibald scolds, watching the men escape further up the train.
"You've said plenty." Arthur was on his last straw and you appreciated the help from Archibald.
"So long deputies!" Came a man monkeying around on the roof of the final cart, teasing and whooping.
The water tower in the back posed a quickly approaching threat to the completely oblivious man who was but too quick to celebrate his victory.
You cringed back as the harsh smack of the back of his head met with funnel to the water tower. Your horse barely missing his body now knocked clean out on the tracks.
"Idiot. Now get after the others, come on!" He shouted at you and Arthur, keeping your minds trained on the ones who were conscious.
The train started slowing as it passed the big red building that was the station, which Archibald pointed out.
Your horses now were more of a match for the speed and you both came up alongside the train.
"You think you both can jump on there?"
"She can." Arthur outs you with non-existent hesitation. "But why me?"
"Because you ride like my grandmother!" Insisted Archibald, which would have you chuckling right in Arthur's face had you not been distracted.
One of the men started throwing bottles, one would've hit you if the man wasn't so bad at judging distance, the glass shattering in the distance that you covered quickly.
"Now he's throwing bottles. The lowdown bastard!" Archibald squealed, dodging one heading right for him.
You took the liberty of joining the Anderson boys on the train first as you were ahead of Arthur and Archibald. Arthur not mere moments fore he was behind you.
You caught your breath for a second, catching another bottle hurled at you while Arthur faced him head on.
The man atop the cargo on the train managed a good kick on Arthur who fell to the side. His neck quickly subject to the squeezing of the Anderson boy's hand.
"You bastard!" Screamed the man as he held onto Arthur with vigor.
You felt a strange sense of anger wash over you as you made for Arthurs aid, grabbing a good fistful of cloth and heaving the man off with Arthurs help.
"Thats it!" Came Archibalds encouragement from the side lines. In his hands were your horses reins. Kind of him, you thought, to bring your horse.
You helped Arthur up and both of you started for the rest of them, although admittedly, without a gun, you'd have to let Arthur do most of the strong arming.
"Come on, both of you! I'm relying on you guys!" Archibald was certainly one for constant reminding.
The sprinting on the train felt counter productive, it was certainly more work than just regular running.
Arthur made sure to be in front of you, he was like a big shield and ran surprisingly fast for how large he is.
"You hold it right there!" Arthur shouts at the other two men who were barely in sight ahead of you.
You had to jump atop the roof and Arthur, the gentleman that he is, helped none.
This normally would not have been a problem, but with your weak arm, it left you struggling.
Arthur had pushed through it despite his shoulder and was ready to go off and leave you but he didn't. He stood above you and held out his hand.
"Let's go, Mrs. Callahan." His face gave away the fact that he enjoyed this activity with you. Also by the fact he was picking on you again.
"I'm coming, grandmother." You were sure to tease back. His hand gripped yours and with the strength of not a grandmother, pulled you up with ease. He gave you a scoff before continuing on after the Andersons with you.
"Come on, shitbags!" Mocked one of the men from ahead. Jumping from cart to cart and down again to keep ahead of you both.
The second time you both needed to climb Arthur just grabbed you and heaved you up, his shoulder clearly bothered him as a pained grunt was heard from behind you.
Atop this car one of the men was right there, but your mind was on helping Arthur instead. As you gripped under his arms and pulled, footsteps pounded behind you.
The guy came right back around and started coming for you, which was not good. To say the least.
"You're the law?" He scoffs, your not so threatening appearance seemed to spur him on more. "We're runnin from you?" He hadn't seemed to notice that Arthur was also hot on his tail.
He was large and he was not letting up. His heavy footsteps thundering toward you shook the metal roof under you.
Your hand instinctively brushed the gun at your hip but Archibalds multiple requests lingered in your mind.
He was quick to be on you, throwing out your arms to brace yourself and push him away from you as his hands met your shoulders, trying to wrestle you off the train car entirely.
His strength was clear as you both struggled, your body wobbling closer and closer to the edge.
"Not so scary now, huh?" This man derides before his eyes widen at the friend you had in tow.
Arthur pulls him off and throws him to the ground, his back meeting the hard metal with a thud.
You take the chance to continue after the other, perhaps just threatening the man with your gun would do. You felt like you weren't being of much help, which hit you right in the gut.
"Damn bastard!" Hollers the man now at Arthurs mercy from behind you. "Get away from me!"
That was his final spew of nonsense before his consciousness loses itself to Arthur's fist.
Ahead was the final member of this gang that was in need of a catching. You had to jump down and get inside of the car he had slipped into.
The running came to a halt, the final cart being cold and the smell of fresh meat filled your nose. A particular pleasure that wasn't all that pleasurable.
"Quit runnin'. You ain't got much of a chance anyway, Anderson."
"Yeah? And what are you gonna do little lady?" He jeers from his cornered position at the front of the train cart.
"Don't worry your head about me. It's him." You point back to the man behind you. It wouldn't be like that had you been able to use your gun. It certainly felt strange being so powerless but not unfamiliar. Arthur always reminded you.
"Do we need to bother?" Arthur groans, rolling his shoulder with a wince.
"Let me go!" The man demands, his aggressive stomps closing the distance between him and Arthur.
"I can't do that." Arthur replies, holding up his fists. The man had a knife, which worried you slightly as you watched this fight ensue.
The sudden halting of the train threw all three of you forward suddenly, the man caught off guard, was doubly caught off guard by Arthur taking his chance to take him on.
They wrestled around, the sounds of fists hitting bodies were apparent. Despite Arthurs effort, the man kept getting closer to where you stood, which then had you counting your options on what to do if he changes his target.
His knife went clean through Arthurs forearm, who in turn gasped in pain. You wanted to do something, but getting in Arthurs way would do more harm than good.
He stumbled back from Arthur, his proximity to you no less than an arm length, it presented an opportunity. With your good arm and the back of your gun, you brought it down hard on the back of the man's head. Not enough to knock him out but enough for Arthur to.
You and Arthur stared at each other for a moment before hunching over to catch your breath. The spontaneity of this situation finally hit you and the realization made you laugh breathily. Arthur gave you a look before he couldn't help but give a small chuckle as well.
Motioning for his bleeding arm, you tear off the remaining cloth from his shirt and shape it into a decent enough improvised gauze.
"Can't fix my shirt now, I guess." Arthur observes the obvious but he didn't seem to be genuinely mad by the prospect of it.
"All this blood of yours ruined it already." You shake your head, tying the torn cloth gently around his arm gently.
"Suppose you're right." He admits, a conceded smile drawn on his face.
"That's how it always is." You tease, not being sure what to do with your hands now that they have blood on them. "At Least you got him."
"That's also how it always is." He repeats in a voice that sounded like it was suppose to be a mockery of yours.
"I expect no less from you, grandma dearest." You praise, even if it wasn't exactly that.
"Leave out grandma, please." He shakes his head, his laugh turning into a tired smile.
"Just dearest?" Your eyebrow raises with a teasing smirk.
"Just dearest." He confirms, meeting your eyes with an equal look on his face.
Despite him saying things like this before, you haven't found yourself any more prepared for it than the time previous. "If you're going to flirt, at least try."
"Okay then." He stands upright and as he gears himself up for the "flirting" a loud, galling voice comes from the outside of the cart.
"Hello? Is everything alright in there?" For the past minute, Archibald had vanished from your mind, only to return at an unsatisfactory time.
Arthur was audibly and visibly displeased as he reported back to the lawman, "well... I don't think he's dead... but I think we won the fight."
Arthur picked up the downed man, and Archibald pulled the door open to finally see what happened. "Bring him out here."
"Deputy." Arthur nods with a greet as you follow out behind him.
"Sounded like quite a commotion. Is that him?" The lawman examines the blonde Anderson to check.
"I sincerely hope so." Grumps Arthur. His temporary humor gone from just moments ago.
"Old Anders Anderson." Scoffs Archibald with a look of scorn.
That there was the head man, a surprise that he didn't have more in him. Though in all fairness, he got ganged up when you joined Arthur for a second.
You all mounted, following Archibald to where you needed to go take this man not unlike you and Arthur, to the can.
The ride basically amounted to nothing more than a tour from Archibald. He spoke of the Gray's and the Braithwaite's. One, a respectable family. The other, not so much.
Arthur kept glancing at you while you both listened to him talk about these families, their fortune and their feud. You both knew it sounded like something Dutch and Hosea would love to hear about.
The road brought you lot into town quickly, greeted by a fairly large saloon, sure to be mentioned was that it was owned by the Gray's. As most things were said to be in this town. Rhodes, so it was.
Hosea sat outside of the sheriff's office, greeting you all as you rode up and it wasn't long till Dutch barged out of the door behind Sheriff Gray.
"I told you Arthur would deliver, man has a passion for justice." Dutch exclaims behind the sheriff as he meets the rest of everyone back outside.
Sheriff Gray thanked you and Arthur for the help, setting Trelawny free from his imprisonment in return for the task you had completed.
All of this for a man you'd never met. Though as much as you thought about it, there was no regret. Running alongside Arthur and the two of you on that train together had been a surprising amount of fun.
Dutch and the Sheriff exchanged conversation for a short while before warning Dutch to keep Trelawny out of trouble.
Now quickly did you find that Trelawny was quite the talker.
"And you are?" He coo's with a slight bow and a hand shake.
"Y/n l/n." You nod, returning his hand shake.
"How lovely to meet you, Miss l/n." He kindly nods before spinning back around to lead the group of you.
Trelawny reiterated the story of the Gray's and Braithwaite's. Long standing feud, gold that was fought over, cousins marrying cousins or not marrying cousins. It was strangely interesting.
"I want you guys to check that out later." Dutch was sure to mention, directing it towards you, Hosea and Arthur.
Trelawny warned of all the talk, 500 miles around, north and south, "super agents" or sorts of that matter.
Dutch laughed with disbelief. "Super agents? All talk."
"Oh, no doubt." Trelawny agreed before turning back around to face all of you. His words were that of departure, which surprised you, having just met this man no less than five minutes ago.
Dutch shrugged when Hosea looked at him, even surprised, nodding a goodbye to Trelawny.
As your group of four made way back to your horses, Dutch brought up the rich families.
"Hosea, I want you to check out the Braithwaite's. Arthur, you and y/n sniff around the Gray's place."
You nodded your agreement and Arthur his. "Our friend Archibald showed us the Gray's place earlier." Told Arthur, recounting your recent ride.
Dutch and Hosea now chattered together up ahead, leaving you and Arthur to walk together behind them.
The two of you were so close together your shoulders brushed but neither of you seemed to care enough to make any distance.
"So who was that?" You ask Arthur curiously.
"Oh, Trelawny? A slippery con man of sorts. We've known him for a good while."
You hum your acknowledgement, "he's not a part of the gang?"
"He is. Just, that's why he's slippery. Doesnt stay nowhere too long."
You give it some thought. The man looked like a high fligher and in towns like this, spelled trouble. You had found that out before you had become particularly opinionated against the law.
You rubbed your sore arm, the scab formed around the wound was sure to leave a scar. It hurt everytime you prodded at it too much but admittedly it became a bad habit.
"How's your arm after that?" You guessed he was referring to the man you had scuffled with no less than an hour ago.
"It's not bad." You dismiss with a wave of your hand. "Your shoulder is more worrisome, that cut too. Think you should rest it for a while."
Arthur looked over at you with a subtle look of sarcastic shock. "Worried for me now, are ya?"
You bumped into him with your shoulder, your discontent frown unable to stay for long as a smile crept up on you.
As close as that man could get to giggling was what he was doing.
"Quite the fishin’ trip, huh?" Arthur proclaims ahead to Hosea and Dutch.
"The fish weren't so easy to catch neither." You sigh, tired from all that runnin you had to do.
"No, that they weren't." Dutch laughs in agreement, talking like the one who gladly had to do none of the fishing. "There's still time. I'm up for it."
"How about you two?" Hosea questions, looking you and Arthur up and down. "Or have you had enough of the chase for one day?"
Arthur meets your eye, seemingly checking if you'd want anything to do with it first.
"Pearson will need something for the soup." You agreed, pushing down the unsavory idea of handing over your catch for the stew Pearson would cook up.
"Yeah alright then." Arthur adds, agreeing with the rest. Hosea, happy with this, mounted his horse behind Dutch and Arthur.
Amongst the riding, Hosea and Dutch told stories of the past, ones involving Trelawny. Everyone in the group had a good laugh at these stories, and for this moment, you had not a care in the world. Not even the feeling of being an outcast haunted you as you and your fateful friends - perhaps, if you could call them that, made your way to your planned fishing trip.
So far, just a fishing trip is never actually "just" a fishing trip. Just a dangerous date.
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