#[ aaaaAAAA. /bites fist. ]
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iniziare · 4 days ago
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I started working on a little dissection of Ruan Mei's 6th eidolon as a treat after some mess I had to address— but alas, exhaustion has claimed me, so sleep is in order, so it's a project to continue and finish in the morning after work. But I did want to leave a little snippet of it here, because it's about the (highly likely) plum blossom petal that rests on the water's reflection, and how it ties into her conversation as a visitor on the Express where she talks about researching a way to preserve flowers forever, not by turning them into dried variants of themselves, but by allowing water and thus life, to flow perpetually in their stems, essentially immortalizing them. And the part of that conversation (the end) that is most important here, is this: 'But, what remains most unforgettable… is the profound sensation of watching a flower fade away and the heartache that accompanies it.' Man, the core of her essence is right in that line— kill me before I go sleep.
And so this is what's found itself into my dissection, specifically about the plum blossom petal:
It ties directly into her wish of preserving flowers, which at its core isn't even really about flowers at all— it's about loss. She doesn’t just want to immortalize something of beauty; she’s grappling with the fundamental question of whether something can remain without losing the very quality that made it precious in the first place. The nature of a flower that is short-lived mirrors life itself, and she actively acknowledges that part of what makes it so unforgettable is the inevitability of its end. And so, this plum blossom petal above her reflection is a symbol of something that she longs for but cannot grasp. Whether that’s some sort of a metaphor for her parents (or something else) is left open to interpretation, but the imagery is really quite undeniable. Her reflection exists just beneath it, separated by the water’s surface, unable to reach out and hold it, much like how she cannot hold onto the things that have already passed. So it's a really cruel paradox: Ruan Mei seeks to preserve life, yet she understands that some things are only beautiful because they are fleeting. And perhaps, deep down, she knows that trying to keep something forever might strip it of what made it precious in the first place.
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thewhumpcaretaker · 8 months ago
I have this idea for some time, and it's something I wanna write one day, BUT I think you'd really like this idea bc it's hurt/comfort and Santino at the beach! I'm curious about your thoughts or if it's inspiring yk 👀
Santino having a wound, that's not fully healed, or not healed at all and he wants to go to the sea to feel that salt kinda "bite" his wound, he wants to feel that pain because he thinks he deserves it or whatever other reason.
John tried to talk him out of it just because he knew it would hurt, but then again, sea water could help the wound heal faster. So, John insists for Santino's own safety that he goes with him. And eventually Santino agrees. Of course it hurt and burned, it's salt on the wound and Santino maybe thought it would be easier but it hurt a lot.
Santino wants to make himself suffer even more 😞
AAAAAAAA this one cut DEEP for me!! Your asks are so good lately (well, always, but especially this one). It's so dark but honestly this is a topic that I love to write about and I think it says a lot about Santino and what he's going through. What a brutal scenario, Santino is really suffering. But John is there to make sure he's safe and build up his self-esteem, as always.
Also, as a note: the ocean is not recommended as a source of salt water to put on a wound even if it does help sometimes, because there's bacteria in the ocean! So don't try this at home.
🖤💙Salt in the Wound💙🖤
TW: self harm via salt water, attempted self harm via breaking and punching things, blaming himself for abuse, concerns over potential suicidal behavior (there is none actually attempted), Dead Dove Do Not Eat
“I am not leaving you alone like this!”
The bedroom was wrecked in every way that wouldn’t be permanent. Pillows and blankets thrown around the room, the desk overturned, even the curtains torn down. John had stepped in to stop Santino from tearing up his own poetry, but he’d let him flip the chair and splinter its legs against the floor. And why was all of this happening? Because Santino had been punished by a High Table emissary. The Adjudicator and company had approached them in the middle of the Continental lobby, informed Santino that he had broken some inscrutable rule John didn’t even know about, and then slashed him across the gut in front of the whole room of people.
After the wound was patched up he had just sort of…gone quiet. It was obvious he blamed himself. He brooded all the rest of the day, until finally John pressed him about what was wrong and he exploded.
“Fuck off, John! Get your hands off of me!” He had Santino’s arms pinned behind his back so he wouldn’t punch the walls. Reluctantly, he let go, and just as he’d expected, Santino lunged towards the wall. John was too fast and put himself in front of Santino’s fist before he could make contact. Santino stopped short, flushing even harder at the frustration of having to restrain himself in that state.
“Get out of my way.”
Santino stared at him for a long moment, his jaw set hatefully. Then he turned to walk out.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Through clenched teeth, “The beach.”
Their home was only a short walk from the ocean, and in this mood, Santino could make it there in five minutes. Horrifying scenarios flashed through John’s mind, of Santino walking out into the ocean and never coming back. His heart did a sickening sort of drop. “Why?”
Santino whirled back to him with his chin in the air, the picture of passive aggression and mock innocence. “Salt water is good for healing wounds. You want me to take care of myself so badly? Fine. Maybe I want to go for a swim.”
“That will burn like hell.”
“GOOD. But it’s healthy, so you can’t stop me.”
John practically growled in frustration. He couldn’t argue with that. He just grabbed his coat. “I’m coming with you.”
“You’re not invited.”
“I don’t care. I’m going to make sure you don’t do anything stupid.”
Santino’s scowl softened for a fraction of a second, replaced by something miserable and touched. But then he just growled back, grabbed his swim trunks, and marched out the door without another word.
They were silent on the walk to the beach, with the sun sinking down against the waves in reds and oranges as fiery as Santino’s expression. John began to hope that he’d cool down by the time they got there, but he had no such luck. Santino stripped down immediately and threw his clothes in John’s face. He would have laughed at the pettiness of it if he didn’t know how much pain was raging inside of Santino right now. So he just caught them and folded them neatly over his arm so they wouldn’t get covered with sand. Then he crossed his arms and watched from the edge of the water.
With his shirt off, and then his dressing thrown to the ground as well, John could see the red blooming across the slash on Santino’s side. The wound wasn’t deep at all, but it looked awful. It was long – an arc from the top of his ribcage on the right side to below the navel on the left. And it was still bleeding.
Santino took a first step into the water and already flinched. The evening wind was picking up and it was ice cold. “Maybe you should do this tomorrow,” John suggested. “Like noon? When it’s warmer?”
The very idea of sparing himself any pain seemed to just make Santino even more furious. He only turned back long enough to glare at John and then suddenly dashed forward, until the waves were up to his stomach.
Based on the sound he made, it couldn’t have felt good. It was a kind of yelping scream that he bit off with a long stream of swearing in Italian. John frowned hard. He knew what that felt like – he’d been in the ocean after a job before, by necessity, and it stung something awful. But all he could do was watch helplessly. At least Santino was standing still now, and seemed to be reconsidering. He even took a few steps back until the cut was mostly above the water line again.
But irritation with his own weakness seemed to give him a second wind. He plunged back in, up to his chest this time, and screamed again. This time, John couldn’t tell if it was pain or frustration or self-hatred, because it gave out into sobbing. He was crying so badly that John was worried he was going to double over into the waves. “That’s enough. I’m coming out.” He kicked off his shoes and trousers, set down their things, and waded into the frigid water.
He wasn’t sure if Santino heard him or not, because he didn’t move at all until John’s arms were around him.
“Come on, love. Let’s go back to shore, yeah?”
“No. I-I deserve this.” Santino didn’t hug him back. He just stood there shivering terribly.
“Because I fucked up! They had to punish me. And I’m so angry, John. I’m so angry, and there’s nothing I can do. I can’t even be angry at them. I just have to play nice because I’m powerless and it’s all my fault.”
“No you don’t. You’re allowed to hate them. You don’t have to hate yourself.” He realized they weren’t just talking about The Adjudicator, but about everyone who had hurt Santino. Especially those who he didn’t couldn’t bring himself to hate. His own father. The water swirling around their bodies was deathly cold and John felt himself starting to shake too, but he ignored it and held Santino as close as he could.
For a second, Santino cried harder against him, but it seemed to bring some kind of cathartic release. Finally, he went calm and hugged John back. He seemed drained. “Okay. This hurts too fucking much anyway. Cazzo, I didn’t expect it to be this bad.” His heart was still racing against John’s chest, probably from sheer pain.
“Yeah…I’m not surprised. Let’s go get the salt out, I brought stuff to take care of it so it doesn't hurt as much on the walk home.”
So Santino allowed himself to be led back to shore. John wrapped him in a towel and poured a fresh water bottle over the cut to rinse it. That stung too, and he was already back to whining about the pain, but John didn’t mind. As long as Santino didn’t want to make himself suffer. He kissed him hard. “You didn’t deserve that.”
He melted into the kiss and stayed curled up against his lover, trying to regain some body heat, but he couldn’t bring himself to reply.
“You didn’t, Santino. They did this to you because they’re on a power trip. Because the whole organization runs by making people feel trapped and small, and it pisses me off.”
His answer was slow and very quiet. “Honestly…I don’t want that to be true. If that’s true, then I have to do something about it.”
“Yeah.” John wove his fingers through Santino’s curls and studied his face. He was so precious, so fierce, so full of life. A world in which a person like Santino could be hurt over and over again until he wanted to hurt himself too wasn’t one that John could stand for. “We have to do something about it.”
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happy leaving womb day
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heleneplays · 2 years ago
shaking sobbing crying over SOOOO many good demos ive just had the pleasure of reading and like. AUTHORS PLS KNOW IM GOING STUPID FERAL OVER YOUR WORKS AAAAAAAA
the wars we wage by mah_sanogo (cog forum) - when I was browsing the dashingdon page I got intrigued by the summary (lmao i am currently looking for more isekai IFs >< if yall have a rec aside kingdoms & empires my inbox is OPEN <3) and while technical wise there's still a lot to correct (esp typos), the idea is VERY solid + as a fellow fan of Youjo Senki, i am SO thrilled to play, getting into a very oblivious MC and hopefully reach my goals. ALSO GOD????? CAN I FIGHT & ROMANCE GOD???? i wish 2 know bc i KNOW we can fight (technically) and im 👉🏻👈🏻
Before we are Ghosts by @anjiefiction - HELP HELP HELPPPPPPPPPPP FROM CRACK I IMMEDIATE GO TO SHAKING SOBBING THROWING UP— author i am. *clenches my fist* SO in love with this heartbreaking concept and i'm literally honest to God sobbing into my teddy bear wishing I could hug MC rn. and everyone else honestly, they need all the hugs SO bad 😭😭😭 Anyways to anyone who wants to plays this game, fucking get your tissues ready bc you'll sob with the pain and angst and. the tenderness that's still abt to come 🥺🥺🥺
Vendetta by @vendetta-if - IT'S BEEN SOOOOO LONG since i actually played through the demo, and replaying it now......... GETTING BACK INTO MY VILLAIN ERA HEE HEE HEE <3
Sinners by @sinners-if - if villain bad why hot??? <- literally the only thought in my mind EVER!!! anyway, reading the update to ch 2 on itch.io was SO unexpected, i remember only reading it on dashingdon and then. yeah. twine has never looked so good. ANYWAYS WE'RE COMING ALONG SOOOO NICELY <3 and i cannot WAIT to see what happens next!!!!!!! (also sidenote i am reading allnthe drabbles available and im. 🤡🚩over here.)
The Price of Emeralds by @thournewrites - currently scream laughing @ my MC in this one bc WOW bestie your shit out of luck!!!!!! and KDHDJDKDK HELP HELPPPPP not me getting clowned on by the og ro :((( welp! wishing them a very yess get u in that funky crew and get that money bby girl <3
Replica: between universes by @replicabetweenblogs - i see multiverse and i immediately think abt helene-verse and DEAR GOD this wip!!!!! im biting myself soooo bad rn im being absolutely INSANE abt the whole thing!!!!!!!!!! im 7 ways enamored with everyone but most especially to the bestest little sister i am going to love and cherish now and forever 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
The Eye of Eikshal by atlas7 (CoG forum) - :3c :3c :3c intrigue??? WITH A BUNCH OF FOUND FAMILY BESTIES??????? oh boy, not to mention a benefactor turned adoptive father who's wish is for the kids to actually be happy???? man. investing rn on it <3
Through Broken Lenses by Interestedparty (CoG forum) - ok on a more serious note, this story was actually one of the first ever wips i've read in dashingdon and rereading it today had me. well. feeling a lot of 😔😔😔 anyways Vi, you're so fucking mecore and much as MC is traumatized in this one, all I can say is that I she can't help but watch you :)
I actually have several more tabs left to go through but it's literally 2 am and I have been writing this on my phone since 5 pm yesterday so. yeet!!!
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stay-midnight · 4 years ago
Foolish - The supposed valentine special
Lee Felix x Male Reader
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Word Count: 2.7K Words
a/n: aaaaaaaa, the delay for this is too long 😖 i changed the concept of it from a valentines date to an anniversary date instead, hopefully it’s okay hhshs. I cannot it was supposed to be soft but somehow i made the smut escalate in the end. Tbh, I was expecting balcony sex—
Triggers: Explicit Smut, Fluffy as fuck I guess—, It’s soft.
Kinks/Warnings: Soft Dom Felix, Sub Male Reader, Anal Sex, Safe Sex, Licking, Teasing, Nipple Play, Nipple Biting, A lot of foreplay, Multiple Positions, Mentions of Fisting, Make-Out Sessions, A lot of Praise, Consensual.
Felix’s hands were getting sweaty and how fast he was tapping his thigh, he was getting nervous by the minute as the clock’s hands were moving closer to 8 PM — the time of your arrival. He licked his dry lips every half a minute as his head kept turning towards the door as if it was about to swing open. He brushed his blond hair back, taking a shallow breath.
You see, Felix prepared for one week for this, too make it as special as possible for your anniversary day.
1 year.
He loved, cherished, kissed you a bunch of times, and did a lot more with you in that one year of you and him being together.
Felix would do a lot more in even more years to come. In the future, he’ll propose to you, maybe even adopt children if you ever want. He just want to spend time with you, staring at you lovingly like a fool in love.
In the present now, though. He wants to enjoy this anniversary with you. He got his friends to decorate your shared apartment — the walls are decorated with colored paper and the pictures you collected throughout the years.
Frame by frame, all of them are important to you and him — Holding special memories that can’t be replaced or forgotten.
Felix felt his breath hitch as the door handle started turning. A profound mixture of excitement and nervousness built up in the pit of his stomach.
. . .
You were humming happily as you walked up the stairs of your apartment, the medium-sizedbag dangling from your fingers. You were frantic to spend time with Felix.
Today was your one year anniversary and thus you want to relieve all stress piled up from work and just spend quality time with your man.
Face-to-face with your apartment door, you turned the knob and found it wasn’t locked which made you raise your eyebrow in confusion. You turned the knob and swung it open.
Then petals of red roses fell in the front of your vision as a clear romantic music started playing. “Lixie?” you murmur, still a bit dizzy from the suprise.
After taking a moment to regain your thoughts, you noticed the picture littered across the walls of your apartment it was you and Felix.
Then finally, in all his beauty, Felix standed in the middle with the most warmest and cutest smile that seems to always set your world alight.
You suddenly felt some wetness at your cheeks and your vision suddenly becoming blurred due to the stream of tears just freely flowing down.
Felix saw the way you were crying and walked over to hug you, “Happy Anniversary, babe.” you snuggled your wet face into neck wetting his part of the shirt there.
“F— Fe, hng.... L-Lix. Th— Thankss.. for this..” you hiccuped as he pulled you away from his neck, then kiss the beads of tears falling from your eyes away.
“Shh, don’t cry, Y/N” He comforted, gently combing your hair. You smiled and clung to him like a koala as you felt every feeling of stress leaving your body.
You wrapped your hands around his neck and kissed him and he kissed back immediately, savouring the taste of your lips with passion.
Both of you perfectly molded with each other he finally slipped his tongue in your mouth, exploring your warm cavern.
Then he pulled away which made you whine, “Let’s continue that later~ but for now, let’s celebrate and eat.” he winked at his first statement then pointed at the table which had alot of food.
“Can we finish that much?” you said looking at the overloaded table.
He grinned, “We’ll give it to Changbin and the others as thankd for helping me decorate.”
You pouted and looked at the bag you had, “I only got you some strawberry cake for our anniversary...” you said, frowning.
“I’ll make it up to you...” you mumble wiping your tears away with your wrist, taking a sit down at the table then Felix sat next to you.
“You don’t have too... It still means alot to me that you’re here now.” he smiled sheepishly while you look away shyly.
“Still my gift is inferior than your suprise...”
“Any gift you give is in a high regard. Eat Y/N~ before I eat you~” he joked but there was a slight bit of truth in that. You hit his chest but he could tell how flustered you were.
“Cute....” he praised which in turn cause you to glare at him playfully as he gave you that a grin.
. . .
He reached out for your hand after eating to dance at the sound of the melodic, sweet music playing in the backround.
You look at him with love as both of you swayed along to the tune, Felix even spun you around like how people do during ballroom dances causing you to laugh as he catched you before spinning you back around to his caring embrace.
“I love you so much, Y/N...” he whispered against your ear.
You shivered at the sensation of his hot breath when he spoke, “I love you too, so so much....” you said back, turning your head to meet his caring gaze and his smile. He leaned towards you, connecting your lips as the music creased. You felt literal sparks flying across your body because of that.
You yawn as you pulled away from him, even though this was fun — You did just came back from work so you were tired and Felix now just noticed that.
He smiled before grabbing your hands and dragging you to your shared bedroom.
. . .
He pulled you on the king-sized bed which made you smile goofily as you laid there. You were still on your work clothes but nothing can be more comforting than being near with your loved one.
You liked skinship as much as he do, that’s probably why you fit together so much.
You rarely fought as well, most of it being teasing or playful fighting. Now that you remember, the only time he got mad when you didn't tell him that you were coming home late. He was angry, you were extremely tired. Instead of reasoning with him at that time, you fought fire with fire.
You always see him around the apartment since his work is a comic designer so he’s working at home, he barely leaves unless for jogging or grocery purposes.
You were snapped out of your thoughts as Felix played with your hair. Combing and stroking it. You leaned in to his soft touch, sighing at the calming sensation.
You leaned your head back so you could look up at him and he was showing a cute smile which made you smile back at him as well.
You initiated a kiss suddenly, suprising him. He kissed back before pulling away then leaned back down again as if he couldn’t get enough of your lips.
. . .
It started with small pecks at each other, now turning into a deep make out session with him. As you felt your neck was about to break off any second now due to the uncomfortable position you were kissing him in — You flipped him over and straddled him before leaning back in, biting his bottom lip teasingly as his hands worked their way onto your buttocks, kneading it teasingly.
He groaned at the lip bite before he grabbed your waist and switched positions, with Felix on top of you — staring down at you with a mixture of lust and adoration.
“You’re so pretty and handsome...” he praised, raising your shirt slightly before leaning down and planting kisses down your tummy, slowling pushing it up while also trailing his lips upward to your chest — leaving a line of saliva.
You giggled silently at his praise before gasping at his warm lips making contact with your skin, a tingling and wet sensation was apparent on your torso as Felix was tasting you up.
He removed your shirt completely and slipped his hand down to wrap around your waist. He lifted you slightly before attaching his lips on your nipples, licking and sucking on it.
You sighed as you let your own body be taken over by pleasure, Felix hummed before moving to the other nipple, this time though — he clamped his teeth down on it causing you let out a moan at the numbing pain.
When he pulled away he was content to see your chest, wet from his saliva, and your nipples — hardened and puffy.
He looked down at you, lovingly with a hint of need and lust, you stare back at him with half-lidded eyes because of the pleasure he gives.
“You look so unreal...” You whisper with a smile, the sight of Felix’s face, basking in the moonlight shining from the window at your side, you brought up your hands and caressed his cheek, “What have I done to deserve you...” you added in a soft tone.
He smiles at your compliments, “You don’t have to do anything, because even I don’t deserve someone as loving and caring as you...” he whispered, grabbing your hand on his cheek and kissing the top of it.
You pull him down by the neck, kissing him in the lips, moving with such passion as he sneaked his tongue between your lips — tasting every corner and crevice inside your warm and wet cavern.
His other hand is trailing down to your pants unbuckling your belt skillfully with one hand, pulling it down ever so slowly.
You were being patient with his teasing but at some point your patience were wearing thin, cracks started to form on your small facade as you thrusted your hips up, hitting the bulge in his pants.
He grinned in satisfaction as finally he slowly unraveled you. He removed his shirt, making you stare at his sculptured body, drool forming at the sides of your mouth
Finally, he pulled your boxers down, making you hiss at the feeling of cold air hitting your erect dick. He hummed, giving it a few small strokes to get you more riled up.
“Lix, Lix... Please.. I want— No, I need you inside me already.....” you said with desire, letting out a shaky breath as he pulled his hand away.
“Well of course, what my love wants, he gets~” he said, reaching over the nightstand drawer to grab the blueberry-scented lube and condoms.
He undressed himself, removing his shorts and boxers — throwing it somewhere in the dim room.
You glimpsed at his hard cock with a pretty pink tip, you still wondered how he manage to fit that inside you, you looked away in embarrassment at your own circling thoughts.
He chuckled lowly at that, “You can look, Y/N... I already ruined you so many times with it so what’s the point of looking away, hm?” he teasingly spoke with a husky voice.
You look at him and poked your tongue out at him playfully, causing him to snicker before squirting some lube into his fingers and lifting your legs a bit for easier access to hole.
Felix then finally slowly inserted lubricated finger, watching in awe as your hole clenched around his finger, You let out a shaky sigh, Felix’s fingers weren’t exactly big, but it still feels good. One time, he even fitted his whole fist inside you due to how tiny his hand is.
He added another two fingers, knowing that you can take his short fingers plus, he also has a need to be inside you, to be connected to you.
He pulled his fingers out, then smiled at you breathing heavily at how much he played with your fluttering hole.
Felix placed on a ultra-thin condom after biting the packet open, aligning the tip of his cock against your rim — applying a small pressure but not inserting it just yet.
You let out an impatient whine as your hole tried to suck his dick in, pathetically clenching around the tip. “Please, please Lix~ No more teasing...” you babbled, trying to sink your hips down but failing as he grabbed it with a bruising grip.
He slowly then inserted it inside you with a chuckle, watching as your face relax and your mouth forming an “O” shape. Once he saw your face relax, he thrust up into the hilt, hitting your prostate dead-on — His hips flushed against your ass.
“Ah!” you gasp out, your own neglected cock felt like bursting any moment now on how full you were. You relax yourself for Felix to move more easier.
He then started pulling out, groaning lowly before thrusting back in, “So good, so good...” you breathed out, loving the way his cock drag against your wall everytime he thrusts in.
He started a medium pace, lewd and wet sounds surrounds the room, you close your eyes and wrap your hands around the top's neck.
“You feel so good, Y/N...” he said, breathing heavily as he pursued a faster pace, the sound of skin against skin was audibly clear now — the way his hips smack against your ass was driving you crazy.
He pulls out for a bit and you let out a sound of disappointment before he asked you to flip over and you followed his command, going on all fours.
Felix shoves his cock right back in, you moaning loudly. He hits your prostate multiple times before using his other hand to slide his hand to your chest, pinching the hard bud of your nipple hard, he laughs shakily as you screamed at that.
You felt like your eyes were rolling to the back of your head as his hand roamed your inner thighs, flicking your tip teasingly before finally wrapping his hand around your hard cock, jerking it off messily and out of pace.
You didn’t know anymore, you rocked your hips back and forth — you didn’t know if you wanted to meet his hard and precise thrusts or or to buck against his hand wrapped around your base, you let out wordless whines and unidentified babbles that Felix wanted to coo at.
Felix saw that your knees were quivering, so he decided to change positions again, this time you were speared on his cock as if it was your throne, your back flushed against his sweaty chest.
This was one of your favourite positions as Felix held you close to him, increasing the feeling of sweet intimacy between the both of you as he impaled you up and down his cock.
You moaned as he hit your abused and swollen prostate for the umpteenth time, before you turned your head to meet his, sharing a hungry but a much needed kiss.
Drool dripped down your chin as your aching cock uselessly bobbed up and down in time with his thrusts, you felt lightheaded as you didn’t even realize you came, spilling on your sheets as it dripped down from the tip — your mouth releasing a drawn-out weak moan.
Felix’s thrusts turned sloppily as he saw your red tip spurt out white ropes and the sporadic clenching, he was close too.. After a few more minutes of thrusting into you and overstimulating you, he came inside the condom in a deep groan.
Felix only held you tighter against him, both of your chests heaving up and down at the tiredness. Slowly, he started pulling out of you before laying down on the bed slowly as you seemed too out of it.
He threw the used condom at the small trashbin after tying it at the side of your bed. He went to the bathroom to get some towels momentarily to clean you up.
He also got a small sheet of fabric to cover the cum-stained bed cover.
Once he saw your eyes turned more normal than the dilation it had earlier, he smiled “Good?” he asked in a heart-warming gaze.
You nodded, “Very good...” you smiled as he wiped your lubed rim and around it carefully.
“I really love you...” you said with a giggle at the end.
“I love me too~” he teased.
“Felix~!” you whined, crossing your arms around your chest.
He chuckled before going closer to you and connecting your lips, “I love you..” he mumbles sweetly against your ear.
You hummed in great appreciation, reeling him down to cuddle in his bare chest — to which he complied, combing your hair.
“You are the best thing that ever happened to me, Y/N.” Felix breathed out, smiling as you fell in a tired sleep.
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superbattrash · 3 years ago
Why is Vegeta your comfort character? (This is an invasion to ramble all you want about this, I really want to know)
*sees this ask*
*shoves everything off my desk*
aaaaaaaa, LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT VEGETAAAAA. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. I'mma just. *shadow boxes* Let me tell you about my absolute fav since I was approximately 10 years old. (this is a lie, I watched BTAS before Dragon Ball Z ran in Denmark, but you get my point)
Vegeta, prince of all Saiyans, alright, he's... he's just...
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^Same, Vegeta.
He is so dark and gritty and he is a damn fucking murderer, alright? But he's dark and gritty while also being so light and loud? Like his whole fucking deal is rage and pride and being a Saiyan.
When we first meet him, he's so.. Gah, he's so smol and yet so fucking powerful that even Goku is like 'shhhhiiiiiit' which is an amazing reaction, because of course Goku's 'shit' is more like OH HECK YES, A STRONG OPPONENT, WOOOO :D
I instantly fell in love with him because he's a classic Bad Guy(TM), and those are my favorites for some weird reason. And the journey he goes through, bestie, the journey. His entire character development???? *bites fist*
The way he - despite getting a family, being a part of the whole team-dynamic thing (reluctantly ofc) and just generally settling more down in his role as an earthling-adjacent - is still a complete asshole. He doesn't change his entire personality just because he's now a "good guy". He's still Vegeta, he's still a small ball of fury who WILL fuck you up. He's so strong and he never gives up and he's just... He's so full of pride and trauma, oh God, don't get me started on the trauma.
I am of the firm belief that this Prince of Fury has always been an asshole, alright? Like a lovable asshole, full of pride in who he is and where he's from. But boy, oh boy, when I tell you I HC Frieza as having fucked this kid up. He's been beaten down again and again all his life by the monster who killed his entire race? He's fought his ENTIRE LIFE to be stronger so that he can avenge them, so that he can be free!
The way my baby cries, bestie, I can't :'(
He just wants to be free, he wants to live for himself but in all those years he forgot how to do that? Because all he had to hold onto was the fact that HE would have to kill Frieza and he never got farther than that in his dreams and and and
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And that's not even mentioning the whole fucking ANDROID / CELL / BUU SAGA?????? GOD I AM WEAK, I AM SOBBING ON MY FUCKING KNEES, I cannot explain to you how I was screaming into my pillow at 12 years old, when I read through Dragon Ball (that a boy from my class let me borrow because we lived on the same street and he saw I was a nerd early on lol) and I got to volume 38. Yes I still remember the volume, because BESTIE. BESTIIIIIE. My boy SACRIFICES HIMSELF, even though he's under fucking brainwashing.
Do you understand????? Vegeta, prince of my fucking heart, has so much pride (and love and strength) in his tiny body that he could overthrow the hold Babidi has on him and HE FUCKING BLOWS HIMSELF UP AFTER HUGGING HIS LIL BOY AND I AM D E A D
Vegeta is my comfort character because he never gives up, even when he knows he doesn't stand a chance. Vegeta is my comfort character because he doesn't change who he is, even though people tell / pressure him to do so. He stays true to who he is while also growing as a person and he is fucking strong. He's such a complex character but he can also just be a straight up bad-turned-good guy and I love that.
And this is all without me mentioning the FUCKING PERFECT DYNAMIC he's got with Goku. The whole Superbat mirror thing? Wait, I'll find it, @dulcineawrites said it much more eloquently than I could ever :')
Heeeeeere it is
Uh, yea, um. I think that's enough Vegeta ranting for now. Thank you and I'm sorry? uwu
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yummyinmytwistedtummy · 4 years ago
AaaAAaAa these ask interactions are so good! So had some...thoughts... How about some stuffing w/ Jamil, him messing w/ you as you feed him cause he knows your thoughts about this kinda thing 😏
I- This one was very self indulgent lol!
   Jamil repressed a soft belch behind his fist and swallowed the air back down in order to avoid being rude. He had eaten a particularly large dinner and couldn’t wait to get back to his room so he could rest… And eat more.
   He smirked knowing you would be there waiting for him with dessert and a drink, ready to satisfy his every greedy need. 
   Normally Jamil was very reserved and quiet about himself and his own personal interests. He settled for being an average person despite the hedonistic lust that bubbled inside him. The desire to have someone else dote on him for once was a strong one and a reason why he indulged in your interests as well.
   That and he rarely had the chance to really enjoy eating a meal. 
   He pushed open the door to his room and shut it quietly behind him. He smiled upon seeing you, seated on the edge of his bed. His smile transformed into a smirk as he caught your eyes on his already distended stomach, which was mostly hidden beneath his sweater, but noticeable if you looked for it.
   “Like what you see?” He teased, relishing in the way you snapped your eyes up to meet his, a dark blush appearing on your cheeks. He chuckled and sat on the bed next to you before lifting his sweater and shirt off to expose his round belly to you.
   He lays back on a pillow and beckons you to him with one finger. “I might look full but I’m still so hungry so tell me what you got for tonight.” He loves to act like he’s commanding you and loves how it makes you squirm as well so it’s a pretty often occurrence.
   You pull out a box of 30 cookies and his eyes go wide. “Y-you don’t have to eat all of them if you’re too fu-” He held up a hand and looked at you with steel eyes. “Is that it? Diamond if that’s all you planned on feeding me I might just eat you instead. You’d be so much more filling.” he purred low in your ear and you shivered. 
   He licked a quick stripe across your cheek and pulled back with a chuckle. “Honestly you’re too easy, diamond.” 
   You huffed and set the box down next to him before realizing that he wouldn’t eat them unless you were feeding them to him. As you lifted the first cookie he smirked and leaned forward, taking a large bite, but not before hesitating to lick his lips and give you a good view of his open mouth.
   He moaned around the cookie in his mouth and swallowed quickly before opening for more. You fed him 18 cookies before he began to slow down. He huffed and panted after each swallow and groaned as he rubbed his upset stomach.
   Sensing the issue, you presented him with some soda which he took with amusement and watched as he chugged down the whole 2-litres. His gut expanded bit by bit and you carefully placed a hand over the taut skin. 
   Finally he pulled the bottle away from his lips and dropped it to his side, panting heavily. You bit your lip and shifted eagerly as a loud gurgle signaled what came next. His eyes widened and he hiccuped before placing a hand over his mouth to try and prevent it. It didn’t work as his hand was blown back by the sheer force of the massive belch that erupted out of him.
   Almost 13 seconds in length and loud enough that the other people in the dorm probably could have heard it in the lounge had there not been music blasting for Kalim’s party. The cookie dish shook and your hair was blasted back as the stench of spicy foods and sickly sweet soda surrounded you and sank into the walls.
   Jamil slumped back on his pillows with his mouth open in a pant. His eyes were slightly crossed and there was a flush on his cheeks. When he finally caught his breath he moaned loudly and gazed over at you with a lazy smirk.
   “I think I can fit more cookies now.”
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viastro · 5 years ago
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𝘁𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗮 承 : 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 | true colors (5/5)
a week before the showcase
“Why are you here seok?” Jihoon asks tiredly as he holds the door open, rubbing his eye with the back of his hand.
“I wanted to talk to you.” Seokmin responds, stepping into the apartment without permission. Jihoon frowns, letting out a defeated sigh, “Yeah I’ll let you in seok. No need to ask or anything, it’s not like it’s three in the fucking morning.” 
“Is yn here?” He asks, completely ignoring what Jihoon said, to which Jihoon shakes his head no, “She slept over at her mom’s tonight, she has to help out at the restaurant tomorrow.” 
“I want to ask yn to be my girlfriend at the showcase.” Seokmin tells Jihoon as they sit down at the dining table, and Jihoon lets out a small chuckle. 
“Was wondering when you were gonna stop tiptoeing around it. I’m in.” Jihoon says and Seokmin lets out a relieved smile. 
“Really?” Seokmin asks and Jihoon nods with tired eyes, and Seokmin proceeds to let him know that the rest of the guys know of the idea.
“So, what’s the plan?” 
day of the showcase
“Is everyone having fun tonight?!” You yell into the mic, receiving loud cheers in response. You smile back at the rest of the band, and Seokmin shoots you finger guns. This results in a louder cheer making you laugh. 
“We’re so glad that you guys loved fallin’ flower! Woozi worked so hard on composing and producing the song, and we sure as hell spent a lot of time rehearsing it for you guys.” Jeonghan says and everyone cheers once again, chanting Jihoon’s name as well. 
“This has been one of our biggest releases so far, and all the love you’ve shown to Tsuki… it means a lot to us. Thank you.” Jihoon thanks, and he receives more chants of his name. 
“This has been a wonderful concert, thank you guys for giving Tsuki so much love. I promise our next comeback will be even better than fallin’ flower, I’ve already heard the sneak peek,” You put a finger to your lips to signal that it’s a secret, and everyone screams. You giggle before continuing, “I can’t wait to see you guys at the next concert-” 
You suddenly can’t see as a blindfold goes over your eyes, making you squeal in confusion. The cheers get louder and you struggle against whoever is tying the blindfold. “Shhh, everything will be alright. Don’t worry.” Jeonghan whispers in your ear, making you squeak.
“What’s going on?” You ask as you get lifted up, by who you assume to be Mingyu, making you squeak once again. “Where are you taking me Mingyu!?” Mingyu giggles in response, setting you down in a chair. 
“What’s going on?! Why are you guys being weird?!” You whine as Jun rubs your shoulders in an attempt to calm you down. “Don’t worry! You’re gonna love this!” Jihoon tells you and you bite the inside of your cheek nervously. 
There’s a hush over the crowd and you take that chance to yell, “The hell is going ON!” making the crowd laugh and the guys chuckle beside you, nudging you a bit. There’s a hush over the crowd once again, and you hear Seokmin’s guitar begin to play.
“Is Seokmin not beside me?” You whisper to whoever is on your right.
“Okay, good to know.” 
You recognize the tune after a second, and feel your heart warm. It’s one of your favorite songs, True Colors by Cyndi Lauper. The blindfold gets untied, and you blink a few times, only to realize that the fans' lightsticks are now rainbow. You gasp slightly at the beautiful sight, raising your hand to cover your mouth.
Seokmin is standing in the middle of the stage, the light on him, and your eyes start to water at the sight. The boys squeal quietly beside you, Jeonghan and Mingyu shaking each other excitedly. While Jun is holding a rainbow lightstick himself, shaking it around wildly. 
“You with the sad eyes…” You look back up at Seokmin, who has his eyes closed as he strums the simple tune. His voice is like honey, sweet, and soft. You only hear his voice occasionally, when he’s cooking ramen, or when you sneak into the studio to hear his background vocals, so hearing it in all its glory is beautiful. 
“Don’t be discouraged, oh I realize, it’s hard to take courage.” He opens his eyes to look out among the crowd, letting out a small smile.
“In a world full of people, you can lose sight of it all. The darkness inside you, can make you feel so strong.” You look down as tears leave your eyes, and Jihoon pats your back to try and offer comfort.
“I’m gonna beat him up after this.” You whisper with a small sniffle, making Jun giggle a bit. 
“Show me a smile, then. Don’t be unhappy, can’t remember when I last saw you laughing.” Seokmin sings, he’s currently shitting bricks right now, but it doesn’t show in his voice.
“This world makes you crazy, and you’ve taken all you can bear. Just call me up, cause I will always be there.” He wonders what you’re thinking as he sings, feeling his heartbeat really hard against his chest. He takes a deep, shaky breath, before beginning again.
“And I see your true colors, shining through. I see your true colors,” Seokmin stops strumming for a moment, allowing you to only hear your rapid heartbeat. He takes the microphone off the stand, turning to face you, letting out a nervous laugh once he takes notice of your tears.
He walks over to you, and you squeeze your fists to your side, feeling your nails dig into your palm as he now stands right in front of you. The boys are silently quaking to your right, holding their phones up to take a video.
“And that’s why I love you.” 
The crowd lets out a small collective gasp after he sings the line, and you look down as more tears run down your cheeks. You let out an embarrassed chuckle, looking back up at him. Mingyu puts on his guitar, continuing the tune now that Seokmin is holding the microphone. Jihoon hands you an extra mic, and you lift it up to your mouth.
“So don’t be afraid..” Seokmin smiles at you, the nervousness washing away as you sing back to him.
“To let them show,” Seokmin lifts up his microphone so that you two can harmonize, “Your true colors, true colors, are beautiful…” 
You smile as another tear falls from your eye, and he lifts up a hand to brush it away with his thumb, making the crowd let out a small cheer. 
“Like a rainbow.” You both smile at each other as Mingyu softly strums the last note. 
“Yn, will you be my girlfriend?” Seokmin asks you and you giggle, standing up from the chair. You go onto your tiptoes and wrap your arms around the back of his neck, you lean in and softly press your lips to his as your answer. 
The crowd erupts in a deafening cheer, followed by Jun screaming, “HOLY FUCKING SHIT!” Mingyu, Jeonghan and Jun huddle into a circle while jumping, and do a victory screech. Jihoon smiles from the side, clapping his hands softly.
Somehow, you both can’t hear the noise. Your senses only focused on each other as you both pull away with shy smiles and cheeks that are now tinged a pretty shade of pink. He brushes his nose against yours and you laugh as he lays a small kiss on the tip of it. 
“I love you.” He whispers against your lips and you smile.
“I love you too, Seokmin.” 
masterlist | next
ミ★ taglist: @omgnctchina @babiesanshine @loveseung​ @yejiult @rjsmochii @yaebbinnie @uglyratlmao (if you wanna be added to the taglist even tho there’s only two more parts let me know!)
aaaAAAAA thank you guys so much for showing so much love to trivia love! This is my first ever mini social media au, and I wasn’t sure if it’d do that well, but it got a lot more love than I thought it would! There’s still a small bonus part coming tomorrow, so be prepared !
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pink-slinky-the-best · 5 years ago
Hello! Yes I am the anon and please don't worry about not answering my question! It happens sometimes ;; I'll just say it here again if you don't mind; I love your writing so far and I cannot wait to see more in the future! I was thinking if you could do a Greaser! Spinel with her S/O being an artist? (I just fell hard for greaser Spinel and I LOVE it. No bar can messure the gayness I have now.) Thank you in advance and sorry if it's too much to ask. ;;; Also; your blog is a blessing thank u
[aaaaaaaa-- I am so sorry this took so long, anon! First I accidentally delete the ask and then I take so long to write it,,,]
[The truth is that I actually didn't save the finished fic and it didn't post properly,, and I lost all of it and I accidentally got a grudge on the ask--]
[Right off the bat,, thank you for liking my writing! almost 100 followers and I'm very glad people actually enjoy my mediocre writing!! And it's absolutely no worries about this ask, I love the ask and I love Greaser! Spinel too💖💖]
[And a massive thanks to @knifebean for helping me get to properly know how to write Greaser! Spinel :>]
The Look For You Is You
A pencil drops to your desk with a light tap, as you recline on your chair, letting a sigh whistle through your teeth as your orbs set themselves on the setting blaze, dipping into the faraway hills. A coat of the hazy hues glow up your room, a comforting light of dim golds and oranges, among the sky's widened ranges of ripping purple and fading blue. You gaze down and feel a smile tug at your lips- your eyes lay upon a small sketch of Spinel, one of the many you were doing this passing afternoon. It was a tried sketch of her familiar leather jacket, and you remember the familiar warmth you'd feel coursing through you when you took her arm in yours or laid yourself on her shoulders- how she'd give you a grin, a smirk, and returning whatever affection you were giving. Unfortunately, you had told Spinel that you were busy with a few things at home, unknowing that it actually wouldn't have taken you half as much time as you thought. Now, here you were- missing her, but too ashamed to call her back, assuming that she'd have already made other plans with her gang or something.
Standing up, you feel the muscles in your legs stretch with the simple action, and you sigh- doing simple stretch kicks, feeling everything in your legs get lighter. You bring a hand to the back of your head, getting a feel of your hair- somewhat oily, and an odd frizzy mess. Evening is nearing, and you decide that it's time for a shower- before it gets too cold.
You put a finger to your chin, gazing down at your chosen wardrobe apparel- deciding between two pieces of houseware. You shrug, deciding to just go with whatever you feel is the most comfortable between the two, and nearly put the other one inside your wardrobe, closing the doors with a slam and throwing your rear back onto your chair, gazing down at the untouched sketch of Spinel's leather jacket- black shading to accentuate the familiar black colour. Then, a drop of water drips onto the sketched sleeve of the jacket, and you immediately reel back- realising that even though you've wiped down the rest of your body and already put a top on- you haven't really dried your hair yet. Grabbing a soft fistful of your hair, your sigh and shake your head to lazily attempt to air-dry it. You feel droplets of water shake about, drops rolling on your desk and such, as well as drops rolling down your neck, behind your ear, and on your forehead. You stand up, intending to originally get your already wet towel back and dry your hair again- until your doorbell rings, and thrice at that. Whoever is at your door is dearly impatient.
You let out a heavy sigh through your minty fresh lips, grab your towel off the hanger and swing your door open, dashing to your door as your hands hurriedly but gently dry your hair, the towel absorbing even more water out of your hair. Before reaching your front door, you toss aside the towel to the coat hanger, your locks still wet but... considerably less so. Forgetting to even gaze through your peephole, you grasp the cold stainless steel of your front door's knob, your other hand turning the door lock twice, and bring the handle down, opening the door with a click. You peek through the open crack of your doorway, and just as quickly, magenta eyes stared back at yours, their orbs lined by a curious look. Immediately, you recognise the look and swing the door open, revealing Spinel, with a growing grin on her face, a glow rising in her tear-streaked cheeks.
"Spineeeeell!" You excitedly yell out, a goofy grin now plastered on your face, that happiness quickly reaching your eyes as well. It doesn't take long for her to lift her head and her eyes to eye you up and down-- noticing the somewhat damp clothes and wet hair.
"Doll!" She yells out in the same manner as you, copying your enthusiasm. You feel a giggle rise out of you at the sight of her and you immediately leap into her, wrapping your arms around her neck, feeling that same leather collar- it's cold, yet nothing could be warmer than the feeling of that firm black leather.
You feel her arms immediately wrap around you, taking a feel for your figure, before coiling around you in a loving embrace, one hand laying at your side, and another slithering up your back and playing with your hair, brushing her fingers and sorting herself through your wet locks. You lift your head from her chest, and Spinel gives you a proud smirk, seeing that excitement flaring in your orbs at the sight of her own cool magenta ones. "Missed me, toots?" She calls out, leaning closer to you, a hot breath fanning across your wet locks. You feel a heat rise in your own cheeks, as you tighten your arms around her neck and pull yourself closer to her, "Thought about you in the shower, so glad to see you now." You answered back, leaning forward as well. Within that look in her eyes, you see the familiar need she has for you as well.
Her fingers tug lightly on a handful of your wet locks, "This makes sense, then." She rests her palm on the top of your head, her other hand gladly feeling down to your back to your hip, pulling you closer to her in a tender embrace, her arms still almost endlessly coiled around you, you see her eyes eagerly eyeing you up and down, giving way for your own smirk. "You need a few kisses to make up for me being gone for a few?"
She eyes your smirk, and she leans in with a rather heated, physical reply- a heated kiss, her lips, hot and needy, eagerly smashing into your own cold, minty ones. Surprise licks at your skin, but you're quick to easily lean into the kiss and move your own lips against her, missing the lusting warmth of her kisses, moving your lips familiarly against hers, feeling her palm rested against the back of your head, a fistful of your wet locks in her hands, pressing you further into your heated make-out. You feel the need she has in the kiss, the need for you and your warmth- your lips on hers. She loved this, and so did you. That's why you fell in love with someone like her anyhow.
You melt in her coiled embrace when you feel her lean in and softly bite on your bottom lip, nibbling eagerly, tasting your skin and lusting more for your taste- tilting her head to deepen the kiss, almost clacking your teeth together. In return, you feel her eagerness pause when you just as eagerly glide your tongue across the warmth of her top lip, slipping a moan into the kiss- sending even more motivation into Spinel as she bites down onto your bottom lip, before she obliges to your own needs and lets your tongue explore her familiar sweetness, coaxing her tongue to dance with yours as you don't fight for the kiss' dominant spot, instead opting to explore the literal sweet spots of her mouth. Always so sweet, but it was a dessert you were always welcome to come and indulge in.
You feel her pull away, a hot breath drawing over your neck, but you take an arm away from her neck and you cup her cheek in your palm, "Easy, Spins," you murmur in her ear, feeling her shoulders drop, "Let's save the fun for later." You giggle into her ear, looking behind her and checking if anyone had seen you two intensely making out in your doorway. Fortunately, nobody was either passing or just didn't linger.
You hear her whimper, a rare sound to hear out of her- before you feel her arms begin to uncoil around you, and she pulls back, that lust gone from her eyes and replaced with that familiar look. "Fine, fine- that's a promise, toots." She says, one of her hands on your hips. She jerks a thumb to behind her. "Not to get off-track, but I came to pick you up for a ride. Y'know, it ain't good to coop up all day." She says, taking a step back. You immediately gaze down at your casual apparel, but you shrug and don't really care either way. You excuse yourself from Spinel to get a couple of things and get your keys- solely to lock your door.
It wasn't much longer until you were on the back of her ride, your arms wrapped tightly around her chest, pressing yourself closer to her as the wind flailed and sorted itself through your hair. Riding through the night, her speeding ride ripped through the still silence of the newly risen night, a familiar thrill as she takes a familiar path that only led to one destination, the foot of the ocean, the shore of Earth's giant waving mirror.
Bringing her ride to a halt, you immediately let your body take itself to it's instinctual action and hop off her ride, careful not to jostle up your bag too much- a jingle of metal keys and a hard cover evident. She takes a tender gaze at your form, lit up by the newly risen moon- a stark contrast of white and a dark blue filling the sky in the absence of the sun's hues. A smile tugs at her lips, baring her teeth in the least menacing way possible. A warmth courses through her gem, that warmth she'd felt the first time her eyes met yours, now understood in a new light.
Your orbs wandered around the sight, familiar and welcome. The frothy washings a wholly familiar sound to your ears. Immediately, you dig into your bag with a quick moment and bringing out your sketch pad, a sharpened pencil stuck to the ringing binders in its wide, eager to try your best to capture this moment- no matter how common of a sight it was, it was an Earthly beauty you could never get tired of. It wasn't something you...or anyone else for that matter, appreciated too much in the hustle and bustle of an all too much normal life with days filled with the regular and the mundane.
Flipping through your sketchpad, you caught sight of your Spinel sketch, and paused, the pencil gripped in one hand. A torrent of tender warmth caused your heart to swell, crimson strings coiling around you and tugging, tears pricking the lids of your eyes.
But with Spinel, you couldn't really call your life mundane and normal, could you? It was a normal that was welcome and not in the slightest bit mundane.
Caught up in your revelating moment, you didn't catch the sound of heavy, steel tipped boots crunching sand underneath it, and in another moment, a chuckle next to your ear brought you out of your daze. "Is that me? Gee, good job on the jacket, doll- ya' did good."
A smile tugged on your lips, blinking the tears away. There was a time, early in your new relationship, that you adored her look so much that you kept drawing her-- sketches, coloured full-body shots, all that sort. You adored it so much, you were embarrassed to show it to her.
No, not just embarrassed. You were...ashamed. Ashamed that you weren't doing good enough to really capture that feeling, that look, the colours, and the moments you drew.
So, no wonder you're glad she caught you from behind one day, absentmindedly sketching her ride- a mechanical sketch that left you confused, but eager nontheless.
You raise the pad above your head, giving way to your own chuckle, "Of course it's you, Spinsy. That entire pad might as well be dedicated to ya." You feel the pad slip away from your hands, and among the passing breezes, hear the flipping of paper- that fwip, one after another- in between the messy fwoo of the crinkling paper.
You feel her drop to sit behind you, her hands wrapping around you once more, giving you back your pad. "I'm flattered, dollface- ya sure like my look." Your curious at the way you noticed her voice drifted off to a thought.
"It's cute, it's unique- it's you." You reply back simply, hugging her arms that are already loosely coiled around your chest closer to you.
This simply rises another chuckle out of her.
"Ya wanna take the look for a spin as well?"
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icharchivist · 4 years ago
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bites fist this makes me soft bc he says that like "oh no cant believe i am forced to play santa""no one is forcing you of anything Chikage""I am FORCED for THE KIDS to play SANTA""i swear you dont have t-""I HAVE TO"
im soft tho bc last christmas event it's Hisoka who was Sakuya's santa and now Chikage is taking over
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another child that start the day with mAKING ME CRY AS IF I WASNT EMOTIONALLY COMPROMISED ABOUT THE GINGERBREAD.... and the fact that now Hisoka is totally at ease with asking stuff like that to Chikage aaaaaaaa
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you guys are hazard to society
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and the lonely kids all being happy at home here is enough to make me melt...
that's all I'll post since posting all 24 lines is a Lot but im soft and i love them all so much...
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transformationstuck · 7 years ago
Three bitches
"Will you two stop fighting like a pair of wild bitches!" Aranea screamed in frustration as Meenah and Damara continued their pummeling match, Aranea just trying to get between them and seperate them even for a moment as fists were flying from the sea dweller as biting and grabbing were produced from the rust blood as Aranea was just pulled into the fray suffering both of them occasionally battering her.
"{Flat chested fish cow started this} Damara shrieked Suplexing Meenah who landed on top of Aranea, who in return shrieked as she got a face full of Peixes who promptly got up and tackled Damara to the ground with a growl with Aranea sandwhiching them together still trying to pull Meenha off the Megido.
"Shut it ya  stupid talkfin slut!" Meenah barked back as she  gripped Damara's chest squeezing her rumbles spheres as her head was pulled back by Aranea still trying to break them up much to the failed efforts of the Serket. Meenah cackling as she felt Damara squirm trying to get the Fushia blood off of her body, she was into rough stuff but this ridiculous by her standards.
"I swear if you two don't stop I will Make you!" Aranea yelled grabbing Damara and Meenah's shirt necks, just to hand onto the two of them so she doesn't get thrown out of the brawl which had formed over either something very personal or more likely the most trivial of things.
"{AAAAAAAA!!}" Damara yelled flailing her arms as she tried to bite Meenah.
"Aaaaaaaaaaa!!" Meenah yelled back trying to choke Damara with her braids.
"ENOUGH!!!!!!!!" Aranea yells loudest of all using her light healing powers to try stop this having had more then enough of this nonsense, the whole scuffle slowing down in a white bright light as the three calmed down slightly, Leaving Damara panting on the floor, Aranea sighing and Meenah grumbling.
A sound broke Meenah and Aranea's attention as Damara continued to pant eyes rolling back a little, Meenah confused as Aranea lets out a moan as  they felt a huge mass of pressure and comfort from their legs, Meenah the first to react as she tried to get out of this dog pile to no avail.
"I... I t-thinth I dith thith... wronggggrrrr..." Aranea spoke in a half growl half husky tone as a loud crack was hear and felt, The three of them yelping with Damara moaning with Aranea as Meenah groaned.
The three had shiften, their bodies and flesh had twisted from the waist down, the loud crack and sensation being the merging and reshaping of their bones, the three of them looking up at the sky, joined at the hips as their abdomins began to merge also, Aranea babbling increasingly incoherently about messing something up, Damara moaning and panting like a dog in heat and Meenah just struggling to keep control of herself in this weirdness. [Pwoopff!]
The three's legs shifted in shape, muscle and bone altering to that of something significantly more canine as their  joints and bones settled as their feet ballooned into a large fluffy paw capable of supporting them, Grey and black fur spreading across their continually merging forms. The three let out a moan a their Torso's merged together, Breathing feeling strange and alien as the trio shared  their insides which probably was something  particularly unsettling as it wasn't like they had a pair of lungs each which would make talking a real oddity.
Damara and Aranea becoming nothing more than panting moaning fools at this point their heads either side of Meenah who seemed to remain the only one with their thinking ability, their arms having merged into two large muscular limbs, one covered in rust tinted fur, the other Cobalt tinted fur with their torso coated in thin Fushia tinted fur and fuzz, the changes seemingly complete with an eruption of a tail consisting of all three of their blood colours, leaving Meenah as a central head, with Damara on her right and Aranea on her left.
"W-... what the fuck was that Aranea!?" Meenah barked, her voice a vew octives lower than expected due to their new larger structure and organs, Aranea turning to Meenah with a dumb look on her face with a prang of guilt or remorse or confusion. Damara her head towards Meenahs licking the back of Meenah's neck as their new forms hands begin to touch and grope their form. Meenah completely along for the ride as it seems the more feral the m
ind the more control over their shared body, meaning Damara who's currently consumed with beastial lust was behind this sexual overload, Aranea second on the wheel which might just be damara dragging her down, Meenah is seemingly exempt from this rule due to her blood cast for that seems to be the only logical reason.
The trio grinding their two pairs of breasts on top of each other grinding and rutting against the ground, one hand fingering their rear as their other strokes their large canine fushia, Maroon and Cobalt bulge, the trio moaning despite Meenah's protesting, the bestial girls fucknig themselves long into the night...
-punished mod x
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