#@n@ di@ry
Explore tagged Tumblr posts

hello fellow tumblr people and creatures.
my name is chey and my pronouns are they/them. I am 21 and looking for a place to put my thoughts where they can be interacted with and not just put into a journal to rot on a bookshelf somewhere.
I have interacted and have been on ed tumblr for years and have had a few accounts I have deleted during recovery. however, due to a huge relapse I am back.
-ˋˏ⊹ ࣪ ˖
this is an 18+ account and I will block if you break my dni:
-younger than 18 years of age don't even follow i will block you if you do
-don't be rude/mean
-no bigoted stuff
-no fatphobia/fatspo (legit f*ck you if you post that)
-no "saviors" (if my multiple therapists and doctors couldn't help me pls don't delude yourself into thinking you can)
-no coaches because,,, ew
-ˋˏ⊹ ࣪ ˖
okay, now that that's all out of the way.
this account will be posting general musings, art, poetry, and some gaming, but be warned THIS IS AN ED ACCOUNT SO PLEASE INTERACT ACCORDINGLY TO YOUR OWN TRIGGERS.
if you have any questions I do have an ask box and my dms are always open.
-ˋ,⊹ ࣪ ˖
bmi: 20
hw: 250
gw1: 230✅️
gw2: 210✅️
gw3: 200✅️
gw4: 190✅️
gw5: 170✅️
gw6: 150✅️
gw7: 130✅️
gw8: 120☑️
gw9: 115☑️
ugw: 110☑️
cw: 130lbs
- won't eat red meat, intermittent fasting, yoga, pilates
safe foods: popcorn, pickles, pretzels, soups, curry, and salads
fear foods: pizza, cheese in general, sandwich bread, pasta, cake, and frapes
-ˋˏ⊹ ࣪ ˖
if you read this far then congrats! here's a cookie cals on me 🍪
hope you enjoy your stay here and most importantly stay safe <333
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#ek wou net gou-gou sê....#(want daar is werklik niks soos die moedertaal vir 'n paar lekker vloekwoordjies voor die resies nie)#die bestuurder van kar 33 (en ja; ek weier om hom kar 1 te noem - in my oë is hy kampioen van net mooi fokol)#daai bestuurder...#is 'n moerse#donnerse#POEPEL#met 'n gesig soos 'n platgevalde rot#en daar is nie 'n enkele ding oor hom wat enige mens met 'n brein sou laat glimlag nie#dit is al.#so ja! laat hy maar sy 10 in 'n ry oormôre kry...#dit beteken net so min vir my soos wat dit vir hom beteken#(so min of meer presies NIKS)#ek weet die 'monza curse' gaan niks regtig doen nie. ek wéét#want die 'great white hope' is mos ook die 'cursebreaker...'#maar laat dit steeds net sê#elke liewe sogenaamde rekord wat hy kry proe omtrent so lekker in die mond soos rotpiepie#hierdie is letterlik so vieslik van my HA 🤣🤣 maar dis mos hoekom mens tumblr het!! en 'n moedertaal wat net so 3 ander mense hier verstaan#🫶#in elk geval! al die ergste vir daai donderse energiedrankie span môre#ek weet hulle gaan wen maar ek hoop hulle almal kry maagpyn erger as die seerste periode krampe ná daai wen#as 'n spesiale geluksê presentjie#❤️#AH WEET JY WAT EN TERWYL EK IN ELK GEVAL LELIK PRAAT OP TUMBLR!!#laat ek net ook sê oor carlos#as hý sondag 'n podium kry#dan hoop ek daai trofee gee hom metaalvergiftiging of so iets#(nie dodelik nie - net die tipe wat soos erg voedselvergiftiging is)#(naar loopmaag krampe hoofpyn; die lot)#(nie vir ewig nie! maar net genoeg dat hy dit glad nie eers 'n bietjie kan geniet nie)
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📍Requests for this list are closed.

{Angst Alphabet}
↬[Fandom(s)]•⊰ {check my character list}࿐
↬[Warnings]•⊰ {Angst}࿐
☰[Main list]•⊰ ──────┈┈┈┈─╮
╰┈➤Likes/Reblogs are appreciated࿐

[A]ccident: Would they blame themselves if you died in an accident?
⇒ [Obey me!]❣
[B]reak up: How would they break up with you?
⇒ [Jujutsu Kaisen]❣
[C]rying: How would they make you cry?
⇒ [Bungo Stray Dogs]❣
[D]eath: How would they react to your death?
⇒ [Moriarty the Patriot]❣
[E]motion: What is one emotion they would try to hide the most and how would they do it?
⇒ [Obey me!]❣
[F]ight: Do you two ever fight? How big are the fights? What do you fight about? Etc.
⇒ [Jujutsu Kaisen]❣
[G]uilt: What is the biggest thing they feel guilty about?
⇒ [Bungo Stray Dogs]❣
[H]eartbreak: What would cause them pain in the relationship? How would they deal during a break-up?
⇒ [Moriarty the Patriot]❣
[I]njured: How would they react if you are badly injured?
⇒ [Jujutsu Kaisen]❣
[J]ealousy: What do they do if they are jealous?
⇒ [Jujutsu Kaisen]❣
[K]ill: Would they kill for revenge?
⇒ [Bungo Stray Dogs]❣
[L]oss: What is their greatest loss?
⇒ [Moriarty the Patriot]❣
[M]istake: What is the worst mistake they ever made with you?
⇒ [Obey me!]❣
[N]ightmares: How often do they have them? What are they about? How do they deal with it?
⇒ [Bungo Stray Dogs]❣
[O]utrage: How and why would they get mad at you?
⇒ [Jujutsu Kaisen]❣
[P]ast: What has happened in your relationship that changed the way you saw each other?
⇒ [Bungo Stray Dogs]❣
[Q]uality: Quality? what is their most dangerous/toxic?
⇒ [Obey me!]❣
[R]ejection: How would they react to you rejecting their confession (or the other way around?)
⇒ [Moriarty the Patriot]❣
[S]cars: Battle or self-inflicted?
⇒ [Obey me!]❣
[T]rust: Have they ever broken your trust?
⇒ [Jujutsu Kaisen]❣
[U]rge: How badly do they want to see you after you guys separated?
⇒ [Bungo Stray Dogs]❣
[V]icious: What do they do when they lash out on you?
⇒ [Moriarty the Patriot]❣
[W]eak: What makes them feel weak how do they try to avoid it?
⇒ [Obey me!]❣
[X]-ray: What do they hate and show it most obviously?
⇒ [Jujutsu Kaisen]❣
[Y]earn: What is one thing that they want but can't have?
⇒ [Bungo Stray Dogs]❣
[Z]ero: What do they do/say in your dying moments?
⇒ [Moriarty the Patriot]❣

#𝙰𝚛𝚒𝚊 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗–[🐞]#𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝–[📕]#𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝𝚢 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎–[❣]#obey me x reader#jujutsu kaisen x reader#bungo stray dogs x reader#yuukoku no moriarty x reader#love and deepspace x reader
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What’s your thoughts on all of the mercs?
I'll sum it up for ya:

Just kidding! Nah, dey're not dat easy to sim-pli-fy inta short answas.
Aw crap, dis is gonna be a lot a writing. Even my in-cre-di-ble writing skills will take a minute
Spy's kinda got two sides of him- Stuck up prick n' an actually helpful guy. Like, jus yesterday, he was sittin' dere judging my skillz or whateva while I was cookin', but he still helped me out a bunch afta I burnt da hell out of it.
Pyro is in-ti-mi-dat-in during our missions n' stuff, but dey're supa nice if ya not fighting him! And when dey don't think ya a spy. All da rest of da time it's always supa fun hangin' out with her! Just gotta be careful around fire. an' things dey can set on fire.
Engie's kinda too smart for his own good sometimes. i think it kinda makes him a bit crazy. an' more dan a bit scary. Its easy ta forget how he is, but sometimes he starts usin' a buncha words I can't beleive are in en-glish an' he gets a look in his eye, an' den he shows up with a robot hand. BUT, he's supa nice an ho-nest all da rest of da time!
I jus' talked about Solly da otha day, but basically, he flips between bein' as loud as his rockets an' the next he can be thinkin' some actually pretty smart stuff. Most a da time he's just bein' in-sane though. And yelling.
Sniper's kinda funny in a way. He spends a lotta time all by himself in one a his nests or in dat camper, but it's not like he only keeps ta himself. He's actually pretty funny! an' pretty pa-shent as well. Im also scared he's gonna stab me with dat huge knife sometimes. he's pretty in-tim-i-dat-ing when he wants ta be
Demo's drunk a lot, but dat's ba-si-ca-ly his normal, so it don't effect much. He's one hell of a partyer!! an him an' soldier like ta blow shit up, which is a lotta fun ta watch. He's pretty smart too, since I thinkhe makes a lotta his bombs. When he gets really drunk though, its just a bit of a pain ta deal with him
Heavy's supa smart too, an' real good at giving advice if ya ask him for it. He loves gettin' ta fight, an' he loves medic, an' he loves his fam-i-ly. mostly. He's freakin' DEADLY when he gets angry. Good ta leave if someone pisse dhim off.
Medic's supa smart, an' helpful, an' scary as hell. I think I i knew about all da x-per-i-ments he does in da in-firm-a-ry I wouldn't wanna live on base. Bein' round Heavy usually makes him a bit less scary though, since he's planning a buncha gross lovey stuff instead a how to x-per-i-ment on you best.
holy crap dat took foreva ta write. I'm so freakin glad dis "text-ta-speech" stuff is here ta help me write a bit fasta. IM DA FASTEST WRITER ANYWAYS, but it still helps
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May i please request grunge sounding masc names n pronouns? Titles if its not too difficult please :3
masc grunge npts
boom crew/crue, cain/cane, cage, cobain dante
eddie/eddy, eric/erik guy, grease hendrix
jonas kurt, krist layne
motley, melvin pilot ronnie, rem, rusty, riff
seth, slade, sloan, stone, sid/syd, stain temple, tad, trip zepplin
1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
ai/angste/angsty/angstine/angstself di/de/dirty/dirtine/dirtself di/diste/distorty/distortine/distortionself gri/grunge/grungy/grungine/grungeself ni/nerve/nervy/nervine/nervanaself ri/riffe/ry/riffine/riffself ski/skate/skaty/skaterine/skateself
2nd p prns: you/your/yours/yourself
ao/angster/angsters/angsterself do/dir/dirtiers/dirtself do/distorter/distorters/distorterself gro/grunger/grungiers/grungerself no/nervaner/nervanars/nervself ro/riffer/riffers/rifferself sko/skater/skaters/skaterself
3rd p prns: they/them/theirs/themself
ang/st, an/angst, angst/angsts, angst/angsty di/dirt, di/rt, dirt/dirts, dirt/dirty, distor/tion, dist/ortion, distort/distorts, distort/distorted, distort/distortion gru/nge, grun/grunge, grunge/grunges, grunge/grungy, grunge/music, guitar/riff heavy/distortion nirve/nirvana, nirv/ana, nir/vana, nirvana/nirvanas rif/riff, riff/riffs skate/skates, ska/te, skate/skater, skater/boy
the grunge musician, the grunge artist, the grunged, the lover of grunge (music/aesthetics)
*one who listens to grunge music, one who enjoys grunge-related aesthetics
*using he/him for the theme but can be replaced with any prn
sorry there wasnt too much /g
#grunge names#grunge pronouns#grunge npts#grunge theme#grunge aesthetic#requested#requested list#anon answered#request answered#grunge neos#grunge neopronouns#grunge boy#masc npts#masc theme
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‘Proof of your infinite Subtraction’
it’s near≈ly element/ary
that 1ne pl[us] 2wo is pi-(pi-3)
save for my i+era+ions in poe+ry
though teacher! may dis(agree)
since I lost my dear.1
n^ow I will al*ways k(now)
that tw0 min[us] 0ne is zerø
#poetry#poeticstories#spilled ink#original poetry#poets on tumblr#mathematics#heartbreak#sillyposting
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@bizzyboyalexei al I
Writin dis no w so I don fo rget I jus
Eye’ms sore ry fer fer da stuffs eyes dais ba ck den
Said** yew ain’t useless ya nevah wherenua, yewr really ke wl n stuff bu t my brain gets so stew-pid sumtimez….. :-(
P tew… n gr… saw ree I couldn say dat beh fore
When ’s eye wak es up eyem gunna get chu a shaboinboing :-) n p tew!!
Ah cob mah boots m issin ag ain
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September 17!!!
Bih officially my Day!
Shi big thank u to everyone n errytin.
Couldn’t get here if it wuzn’t for y’all 🫶🏼
I wanna thank my momms n pops for bringing me to lyfe and Gid especially for creating my ass.
I fw dat and all the opportunities my lyfe has given me to get to wherever I’m in life.
16 was a special year and I rly loved it.
Especially when I met my future wyfe. She’s the best ting He has blessed to my life after sm pain, suffering and prayers. The Lord truly answered and I would take it for granted so. It’s truly a blessing. I can’t thank u enough. From the bottom of my heart I couldn’t done it w/o her. I’m js Gon say God ry did!! And he truly exists in my heart. I love Him forever ♾️
God I hope dis can be my breakout year. Thank u and I put my life and ur hands to guide me to a good path and always give my best.
Thank u. I love y’all.
Big 17 bih!!
teen chiko ♾️
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ii keep obsessing over ur sig design he's so cutez and aww's hfhdhs om om nom nom awwgwhgffffghfuckingmelts, my heart has been stolen (bleeds everywhere, dies.) i would give him a hug or kissy though alive or as a ghost that forever haunts him(if he ok with it). but in general your designs are very good, i love getting online just to stare at them for an hour or something. they all r forever in my mind n_n gnaws art in general bc that's also like a 5star meal oooommmmmm nooommmnnnggss its sooo gooooooddd ooookmmmmom om om om nom aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhg. also also aaaaaaah urr comic stuff is always so mmmfh >>. i loove love loooove the little bubbles and everything it's all so good it's so pleasing to look at i think i cannot look away i love the drawings n text n writing n expressions n details n talking n thoughts n everythjngh (soz if like, ewugh or a bit much haha ^_^;;)
everyone loves him so much its interesting . im glad you really like my art and comics though that shit means a lot 🥺imt rying im trying a lot
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🔻 Prologue:
The Royal Romance, an AU series
Series premise: An American teenager from New York city is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobles, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret?
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!OC (Sophia)
Other Pairing: Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC (Daniel)
All characters belong to Pixelberry, except Sophia Taylor and Bethany Beaumont.
Rating: M *Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, crude language. Please excuse all errors.
Category: Alternate Universe/on-going series/angst/fluff
Words: 874, Read: 4 minutes
Music Inspiration: Everybody Hurts by Tina Arena
A/N: My submission for @choicesflashfics Week #17, Prompt # 2 “Does it ever stop hurting?” - “No, you just make room for it.” @choicesficwriterscreations
A/N2: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the US; is Barthelemy Beaumont’s 2nd wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) was Bertrand’s mother.
A/N3: My submission for Maxwell Beaumont Appreciation Week @maxwell-beaumont-appreciation
Sophie Taylor was excited but also nervous about this new adventure. Stepping out of the airport terminal, she breathed in the warm, fragrant air of her new home.
She never imagined that she would ever be living in a different country, across the Atlantic Ocean; let alone starting her first year of studies at the University of Cordonia in the Fall.
Graduating from high school two weeks ago, she was leaving behind everything she ever knew about life.
But ever since her mother was diagnosed with cancer last Christmas, Sophie knew that her mother would start planning for her to live with her aunt in Cordonia when she passes. It was just a matter of time.
Her father had died tragically, four years before, while on the job as a firefighter. Having no siblings, or other relatives living in the U.S., she would be all alone if she stayed in her home.
Interrupting her thoughts, she heard her name being called. Sophie turned to see a familiar face in the crowd gathering at the luggage carousel, waving at her frantically.
“Sophie!” Maxwell cried out as he ran up to her.
“Max, it is so good to see you!” She dropped her luggage and allowed her cousin to fiercely hug her as she hugged him back in return.
Like Sophie, Max would be attending U of C, in the Fall. Even though he was in his fourth year master's program, Sophie welcomed the fact that she would know at least one other person on campus.
Her cousin Bertrand stepped up next to greet Sophie. Always the nobleman, he lifted her hand to place a kiss.
“It’s so good to see you. I hope your flight was comfortable.”
“It’s great to see you again, Bertrand.”
Her older cousin was the Duke of Ramsford, who in effect had assumed the responsibilities of his father as the patriarch of Duchy Ramsford. Her Uncle Barthelemy was currently in a coma with his health in decline. His doctor forbade his current wife, and his sons, from visiting him at the personal care home in Vallenheim, claiming that it was a directive given to him by Barthelemy himself.
Inside the town car, travelling through the Cordonian countryside to the Beaumont estate, Sophie and Max were deep in discussion getting re-acquainted after not seeing each other for a couple of years in person.
“Are you excited about starting classes in the Fall? I know you will love it there...I have so many things to show you!”
Starting her MBA at the University of Stormholt in the Fall, 17-year-old Sophie was anxious about having to adjust to not only losing her mom, but also navigating a new school environment.
“I am so grateful that you will be there. I feel like a ‘fish out of water’ in so many ways.” Sophie’s lip quivered and her hands started to tremble.
“Gosh Soph, I am so, so sorry for rambling on. I cannot even imagine the level of stress you are under.”
Maxwell wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her in for a hug.
“What about you, Max?
Uncle Barthelemy won’t let you visit him in the hospital. That must be so hard to deal with for you and Bertrand.
Does it ever stop hurting?” Sophie asks.
“Well, no, you just make room for it.” Maxwell sighs.
“It is what it is, Maxwell. There is no point dwelling on it.”
Changing the subject, Bertrand asks,
“Sophia, I know that you love horses. How would you like to adopt a horse for your very own?”
Bertrand had information on a retired derby racer that needed a new home. House Beaumont had a horse stable and was considering adding more horses.
“Really? That would be wonderful...but, I do not want to be a bother.”
“Nonsense! Consider it done!” Bertrand smiled.
“Welcome to House Beaumont, Sophie!”, Maxwell announced, as the town car slowed to turn down the long drive of the duchy.
Looking at the beautiful estate owned by her Uncle Barthelemy and Auntie Beth, Sophie appreciated how far away from her hometown of New York City she really was.
“Yes, welcome home,” Bertrand smiles fondly.
Tagging tumblrs showing interest for this fic from Sunday Six. Please let me know if you want to be added or removed⚘️@angelasscribbles @kyra75 @mom2000aggie @ao719 @writing-not @busywoman @703cowbarn @princess-geek @kingliam2019 @txemrn @harleybeaumont
#maxwell beaumont#maxwell beaumont appreciation#the royal romance#liam rys#trr#the royal romance fanfic#choices flashfics#cfwc fics of the week#prince liam#trr liam x oc
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WIP Wednesday 5.3.23

Happy Hump Day, tumblrs! I feel as if I have been MIA for a hot minute, but as usual it’s life getting in the way. I’m adulting for a lot of folks in my life right now, which doesn’t leave much time for Robin and what she wants to do. Toss in a job search, a carpal tunnel flare-up, and a car accident (no injuries, cosmetic damage which requires more time (it gonna take effort and rental car set-up to make my baby pretty again) and a deductible), and … yeah.
However, I am working as best I can on getting stories out of my head and onto the screen; not a lot of snippets but plenty of synopses below the cut if anyone is interested.
Gossip Girls (inspired by CFCW’s #YouGoGirl event): No way will I finish this story by May 4 (Star Wars Day, yay!), hence the “inspired by”.
Queen Riley of Cordonia is having a much-needed, long-awaited brunch with her girls Annabelle Parsons and Yu the Chinese Waitress. There’ll be virgin mimosas, reminiscing on how their friendships began, decent food, a Riam Riley-style breakdown of the Princes’ true parentage, and Riley the Single Mother dealing with three boys who have no idea of public decorum. TCW’s Princess Marguerite may or may not make an appearance.
Fingers: For #WorldWhiskeyDay, this is a compilation of PB characters with a common denominator using liquor to soothe hurts, douse anger, and celebrate milestones.
Waiting Room (#Not Choices): Pop culture icon Jerry Springer and the woman behind the catalyst of the Civil Rights Movement, Carolyn Bryant died on the same day. What if the Ringmaster and the Architect found themselves alone in the afterlife’s waiting room and held a conversation while awaiting the ultimate judgement?
A/N: This story will deal with mature subject matter and may contain offensive language (racial slurs apropos of the time period). This may or may not be posted here on tumblr; expect appropriate tagging and warnings if it is.
Eat Pray Love (tentative title) This is an ambitious what-if where Riley leaves Cordonia after the latest attack by the Sons of Earth. With Drake. The King of Cordonia and his Queen prepare to battle a new foe who is determined to unseat them, and only one person can help them. But will they?
Untarnished Silver: A celebration of King Liam and 25 years of Rys rule by the country, it’s citizens, family, and friends.
I also have other irons in the fire: Object of Affection, Chapter 6 of the DC AU series, The Poisoned Apple, UnRomance non-con, and possibly Thievery Corporation, the first chapter of Catch Me if You Can (a gang of art thieves matching wits with Interpol; #it’s choices), chapter 2 of Streets of New York, and chapter 2 of One Night Stand.
I do hope everyone is well, or at least making it through okay. Life can be hard and come at you fast. Take care of you, okay? Updates (if not full-blown chapters/stories) will be posted as they become available.
See you soon!
Tagging: @jared2612 @ao719 @marietrinmimi @queenjilian @indiacater @kingliam2019 @bebepac @liamxs-world @mom2000aggie @liamrhysstalker2020 @neotericthemis @twinkleallnight @umccall71 @superharriet @busywoman @gabesmommie1130 @tessa-liam @beezm @gardeningourmet @lovingchoices14 @mainstreetreader @angelasscribbles @lady-calypso @emkay512 @princessleac1 @charlotteg234 @queenrileyrose @alj4890 @yourfavaquarius111 @motorcitymademadame @queenmiarys
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The Royal Romance.
A/N: this is the next chapter in the journey of my OTP. Follow along for the fun.
Rated: Mature (at times can and will be Explicit. I'll be sure to change the rating when and if that happens). | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual. Y'all should be used to this from me by now 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: King Marquise Rys (LI) and Queen Shanelle Miller-Rys (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me and/or other authors [their characters have been mentioned and/or used in the story with their permission] ) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 16.4K words. (may be slightly more or may be slightly less. Look, I stop counting after editing and re-editing and driving myself insane. 🤷🏾♀️)
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or dm me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
This series is rated Mature and/or Explicit. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
Missing a chapter or want to read a chapter again? I got you covered! Click ——> Here!
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations
Chapter 7.) Ripple Effect. Part One.
It had been a few days since Their Majesties had gotten the news that Khari’s friend Elena Charroux had died and they had to break the news to their daughter. Khari took the news hard and was heartbroken. She didn’t understand why it happened.
At breakfast one morning Khari barely said three words to anyone before leaving for school and it started to worry her parents, specifically her mother.
“I don’t like seeing Khari like this,” Shanelle said to her husband as they walked with the twins to the throne room.
“I know. She’s heartbroken. Elena meant a lot to her and now she’s gone. And it’s a lot for her to process. But we will help her get through this.”
Shanelle shook her head sadly.
“That poor little girl. She was so young.”
“Agreed. She fought for as long as her body would allow but her body was just too weak.”
Shanelle sighed heavily.
“And her mother. My God. I can only imagine what she has to be feeling.”
“I know. Losing a child whether born or unborn, is a tragedy that I would never wish on anyone.”
Shanelle cleared her throat.
“Speaking of, what is the status of the injunction?”
“It’s been blocked and the funeral home holding Elena’s body has turned her over to her mother.”
“Good. I can only imagine the relief Lady Selene is feeling. Thank you for getting her back to her mother.”
“It was my pleasure. Unfortunately, there isn’t much I can do to Lord Phillip.”
“Why not?” Shanelle asks.
“Because as insensitive, callous, and cruel as his actions were, there is no law on the books that actually makes what he did punishable,” Marquise replied.
“Maybe it’s time to change that.”
Marquise snickered.
“That would make you very vindictive.”
“In this case, I don’t mind being vindictive. He should’ve never been able to file that injunction in the first place.”
“He had the backing of the Heads Of State of Comery Isle. Much like the hospital, there wasn’t much the courts could do to fight them.”
“Speaking of those two, have they answered the summons that was sent?” Shanelle asked.
“No. It was delivered but they haven’t bothered to answer it.” Marquise replied.
“They will.”
His Majesty raised an eyebrow at his wife.
“And what do you have up your sleeve?” He asks.
“They submitted the islands’ fiscal budget for the year for my approval and I will not approve it until they have responded to the summons.” She replied.
“That means their current budget will run out on the 29th.”
“Genius. A tad vindictive but no less genius.”
“It’ll force them to answer the summons. That’s all I care about.”
That’s when their youngest son spoke up.
“Daddy! Outside?” Zyon asked as he tapped on a glass window.
“It’s too cold right now my love. Besides, you don’t have your boots on.” He replied.
Zyon looked down at his shoes.
“Yes, my little one. You need your boots on.”
That’s when he turned to his brother.
“Amon (come on)! Go det (get) boots!”
“Let’s doe (go)!” Kylo replied before the two took off running down the hall.
“What? No! Come back here you two!” Marquise said before he and Shanelle chased after the boys.
The boys made it a little way down the hall before their parents caught up with them, and their Daddy scooped them up before sitting down at a bench to catch his breath.
“Who knew tiny humans could run so fast on short legs?” Marquise asked as he caught his breath.
“Nooo Daddy! Outside!” Zyon said as he tried to escape his Daddy’s arms.
“Now now my love. It’s too cold for you two to go outside right now.”
“I doe (go) outside!” Zyon said before he put his heave in his hands and started to cry. His Majesty knew he wouldn’t be able to tell him no.
“Okay, you two come here,” Shanelle said gently.
The two hopped down from their dad’s lap and ran to their mother.
“Now Daddy’s right. It’s too cold for you two. You’ll freeze and then turn into Mommy’s abominable snow babies. So no outside for right now.”
“No outside?” Zyon asked.
“Maybe later baby but not right now. Okay?”
“Otay (okay),” Zyon replied.
Shanelle snuggled her babies close.
“Now let’s go sit in the big chair.”
“Big chair?” Kylo asked.
“Yup. You ready?” She asked them.
“Let’s doe (go) mommy!” Zyon said as he grabbed his brother’s hand and began to run down the hall.
“Wait for me and Daddy!” Shanelle shouted as she took off after them.
Marquise groaned.
“Just as I was catching my breath!” He complained.
“Move it you old goat!” His wife shouted over her shoulder as she ran down the hall.
Once in the throne room, the boys were their normally curious and playful selves. Stealing the show as they played hide and seek while their parents conducted multiple council meetings.
“Pee boo (peek a boo) Daddy!” Kylo said from behind the curtains.
“There you are my little one! Come here. Come say hello.” Marquise said to him.
Kylo came out from behind the curtain he was hiding and climbed onto his father's lap.
“Say hi my love,” Marquise said to him.
Kylo smiled at everyone.
“Hellyo (hello)!” he said with a small wave.
When it was lunchtime the boys were ready to eat.
“Mommy! Eat yunch (lunch)?” Zyon asked.
“I think so. Right, Papa Bear?” Shanelle replied.
“Sure.” Marquise said to his wife, “Everyone! Let's take a lunch break and we'll resume our council meeting after.”
Once everyone had left, they went to a small dining room next to the throne room, where Margo was waiting.
“Hello! Hello! Good afternoon my loves!” she said in greeting.
The boys ran straight to their grandmother.
“Hello, my sweet turtle doves! How are you?” she said as she hugged them.
“Gammy (Grammy) eat yunch (lunch)?” Kylo asked.
“You want me to have lunch with you?” Margo replies.
“Pease (please) Gammy?” Kylo asked.
“I would love to have lunch with you, my sweet dove,” Margo replied.
“Gammy sit. Eat yunch.” Kylo said.
Margo sat at the small table in between the twins. The boys pushed their high chairs up to the table and sat next to her. Zyon started looking around for the attendant to take their lunch orders.
“What are you looking for, baby?” Shanelle asked Zyon.
“Dotta (gotta) find yunchman (lunchman) mommy.” Zyon replied before he spotted him, “Oh! Helyo yunchman! Helyo!”
The attendant bowed with a smile.
“Bonjour Your Highness! Good afternoon! Are you and your brother ready to order lunch?” the attendant asked.
“Yeah yeah!” Zyon replied as he grabbed his menu that was upside down.
“What would you two like?” the attendant asked.
“Nugdets (nuggets)?” Kylo asked.
“Chicken nuggets? Of course Your Highness. And what about you my Prince?” The attendant asked Zyon.
“Pisa poctect (pizza pocket)!” Zyon replies.
“Pizza pockets it is! And what else would you two like?” the attendant asked.
“Fench (French) fries!” Zyon replied.
“Okay, French fries. What about fruits and vegetables?” the attendant asked.
“Apple slice?” Zyon asked.
“Apple slices? Okay. And what about you, Your Highness?” the attendant asked Kylo.
“Gapes (grapes)!” Kylo replied.
“Grapes as well. What about your vegetables?”
“Tarrots (carrots)!” the twins replied.
“Anything else?”
“Dolfish (goldfish)?” Zyon asked.
“Petzels (pretzels)? Kylo also asked.
“Goldfish and pretzels. Now what to drink?”
“Chocate mill (chocolate milk)!” Kylo replied.
“Gape duice (grape juice)!” Zyon added.
“Very well my Princes. Now I have to get the orders of your parents and grandmother and lunch is on the way.” The attendant said to them.
Margo was impressed by her grandsons.
“Very good my loves, thank you for using your manners.” She said to the twins, “Now if only your father was as good at that age.”
Marquise made a face.
“I wasn’t that bad.”
“You weren’t always that good either.”
Once lunch was delivered the twins were ready to eat but they had to do one thing first.
“Gammy say gace (grace)?” Zyon asked as he and Kylo put their hands together.
“Yes, my love. Let’s say our grace.”
After lunch, it was back to council business for The Royals but it was building time for the twins.
“Bocks (blocks)!” Kylo said to his grandmother as he picked up the bag of blocks, “yook (look) Gammy! Bocks!”
“I see my love. What shall we build?” she asked him.
Marquise occasionally would look over to the twins to see them play with their grandmother with a smile.
“I take it you and Leo used to do that?” Shanelle whispered.
“No, we were too busy declaring war and throwing blocks at each other between the chairs,” he replied.
Once the meetings were done, it was time to pick Khari up from school. When Shanelle got to the school pick-up line, she noticed Khari walking slowly, and when she got into the car, she was silent. Just holding her book bag close to her chest. And when they got back to the residence, Khari went straight to her room. Not saying anything to anyone. Not even her brothers.
“She hasn't said a word,” Shanelle told her husband.
Marquise sighed as he shook his head.
“She's taking Elena’s death a lot harder than I thought.”
That's when Margo spoke up.
“May I try? She might open up to me.”
Marquise nodded.
“Go right ahead if you think it'll work,” Shanelle told her.
Margo nodded before walking down the hall to Khari’s bedroom. She knocked but didn't hear any response so she opened the door and when she looked, she saw Khari sitting on her bed clutching her stuffed dragon for dear life.
“What's wrong, my sweet darling?” Margo asked as she sat down next to Khari.
Khari looked up at her grandmother sadly but didn't say a word.
“Why are you so sad my love? Did something happen?” Margo asked.
Khari chewed her bottom lip before nodding her head yes.
“What happened, my love?”
“I had a bad day at school,” Khari replied quietly.
“Some of the older kids were being mean about Elena and I didn't like that.”
Margo shook her head sadly.
“That's just awful.”
Khari laid her head on her grandmother's lap and started to cry.
“I miss her Grammy. I miss her so much.” she cried.
Margo rubbed her head as she cried.
“I know you do my love.”
“It's not fair Grammy. It's not fair!”
“You're right. Death is never fair. Especially a death from cancer.”
“But why Grammy? Elena was a good girl. She never did anything bad!”
Margo thought for a moment.
“Because, my love, cancer is never fair. It doesn't care who it hurts or worse who it kills. Especially when it kills someone who had just barely begun to live their life. Trust me I would know.”
Khari looked at her grandmother before hugging her tightly.
“I’m sorry. I didn't mean to forget about you, Grammy.”
Margo kissed the top of her forehead.
“No need to apologize, my sweet love.”
“I didn't get to say goodbye. And I feel bad for her mommy. She must be so sad now.”
“Bless you for caring about her mother, sweet child.”
Khari grabbed her backpack and pulled out a drawing.
“What is this?” Margo asked.
“Our teacher, Mrs. Thibodeau gave us these to color in honor of Elena so she could hang them up on a wall. It's a penguin. They were her favorite animal.” Khari said sadly.
Margo gently took the drawing out of her granddaughter’s hands and studied it.
“I think it is absolutely sweet that you all would do this for her.”
“I asked my teacher if I could keep mine so I could give it to Elena’s mommy and she said yes.”
“You want to give it to her?” Margo asked.
“Yes. Daddy will speak at Elena’s memorial so I wanted to give this to her mommy.” Khari replied.
“That is a wonderful idea, my love. I'm sure she'll appreciate your kindness toward her.”
“You really think so?” Khari asks.
“Yes, my love. Even the smallest act of kindness can mean the world to someone in their time of need.”
Khari nodded before hugging her grandmother.
“Thank you for cheering me up, Grammy.”
“My sweet darling, I am only doing what Grandpa would've done. He would not let his little sunshine walk around being sad.”
Khari smiled softly at her.
“You know what I think?” Margo asked.
“What's that Grammy?”
“I think that when Elena got to the happy place with all of the angels. She started looking around for someone she knew. And guess who found her?”
“Yes, that's right. And when he found her, he took her by the hand and told her that they're together now. And that they'll watch over you together.”
Khari smiled.
“I like that Grammy. That way she's not alone.”
Margo nodded.
“Thank you, Grammy,” Khari said as she hugged her grandmother, “I gotta go say hi to the boys. Since I didn't do that when I got home.”
Margo kissed her forehead softly.
“Be off with you now.”
Margo watched as Khari ran off to see her brothers and parents. When the Princess got to the living area the boys were playing with the dogs.
“There's my girl. How are you feeling?” Marquise asked.
“Better. Thanks to Grammy. I'm sorry I didn't say anything to anyone when I came home. I was…really sad.” Khari replied.
“Come here, my love.”
Khari climbed into her Daddy’s lap.
“Your mother and I were beginning to worry about you.”
“I know and I’m sorry.”
“It's okay baby. Death affects everyone differently. And how you grieve and process is how you grieve. We just didn't want you to totally shut down. That's all.” Shanelle said to her.
Khari nodded.
“Yes, my love?”
“Before we go to Elena’s memorial, can we stop by one of the toy shops? I want to get a gift for Elena’s mommy.”
“Of course we can, my love. What did you have in mind?” he replies.
“I want to get her a stuffed penguin if we can find one.”
Marquise nodded.
“I will put a call in to find one. How's that?” he asked.
“Thank you, Daddy,” Khari said before hugging him and then going to play with her brothers and their dogs.
On the day of Elena’s memorial, the Princess was quiet on the ride to the church. When they got to the church Khari was slow to get out of the car behind her father. When the Princess looked up at the entrance she squeezed her eyes shut while clutching the stuffed penguin close to her chest. Her father knelt to look into her eyes.
“Are you ready?” he asked her softly.
“No,” she replied as she shook her head no.
“Look at me, my love.”
Khari looked at her father with tears in her eyes.
“Your mother and I are right here. I know you’re sad but you’re not alone. Alright?”
Khari nodded before drying her eyes. While holding the stuffed penguin in her right arm, the Princess slipped her left hand into her Daddy’s right hand. Khari looked at her mother beside her, who smiled softly and rubbed her shoulders before they made their way into the sanctuary. At the altar was Elena’s casket and her mother’s receiving line. When Lady Selene spotted them walking down the line, she smiled softly.
“Hello, Your Majesties. Thank you for coming,” she said to the royal family in greeting before looking at Khari, “hello Princess. Thank you for coming as well.”
Khari smiled sadly as she looked up at her.
“Hi,” she replied softly.
Selene noticed the penguin toy in Khari’s arms.
“What's that?” she asked Khari pointing to the toy.
Khari looked down at the toy before looking back at her.
“This is for you. My mommy and daddy helped me buy it.” Khari replied.
“May I?” Selene asked.
Khari nodded slowly as she handed Selene the stuffed penguin.
“I know that penguins were Elena’s favorite,” Khari said sadly.
Lady Selene smiled at Khari.
“Yes, they were. Thank you for this most precious gift, Princess. And thank you for being her friend. Your friendship meant the world to her. You were her best friend.”
“She was my friend too,” Khari said sadly.
“Come here.” Lady Selene said softly as she opened her arms to Khari. Khari looked up at her with tears in her eyes as she went to her.
“You poor thing,” she said as she hugged a crying Khari.
“I miss her. I miss her so much.” Khari cried.
“I know you do, sweetheart. We all do. You meant the world to her.”
“I never got to say goodbye.”
“I know. And I’m so sorry for that. But I do want you to know that I cherish the friendship you two shared. And you know what else?” she asked Khari.
“What's that?” Khari asked.
“Now that she's with angels, she can watch over us as our guardian angel.” Lady Selene replied.
“Yes, my dear. She's our little guardian angel. Yours and mine. Your kindness to her is immeasurable to me. You didn't have to but you did. And I can't thank you enough for being such a sweet, kind-hearted little girl. I want you to know that you are always welcome in my home.”
“You mean it?” Khari asked.
“Yes, sweetheart. My home is always open to you.” Lady Selene replied with a smile. “Thank you for this precious gift. It will bring me so much comfort and joy in the coming days. Thank you for thinking of me.”
Khari nodded with a small smile.
“And thank you both for coming.” Lady Selene said to her parents before addressing Marquise, “Your Majesty, I can not tell you how thankful I am that you agreed to speak today. You didn't and don't have to.”
Marquise bowed to her.
“My lady, it is my honor. I assure you.”
Lady Selene smiled.
“I should let you three go so I can greet other guests but from the bottom of my heart, I thank all of you for the kindness you've shown me and especially shown to her.”
The Royals smiled at Elena’s mother before making their way down the line. And running into Jean-Marc.
“Well, you’re a sight for sore eyes,” Marquise said to him.
“Likewise, Your Majesty,” Jean-Marc replied as the two shook hands.
“It's good to see you old friend. Welcome home.”
Jean-Marc nodded gratefully.
“Thank you, Marquise. Truly I can't tell you how much it means to me to be able to be home after all these years. Thanks to you lifting our family’s exile, we’ll be able to properly bury my father.”
Marquise nodded.
“I’m happy I could help. I'm just sorry I never asked what happened to you and your family.”
Jean-Marc nodded before looking at Shanelle and Khari and bowing to them.
“Hello, Your Majesty. It is an honor to meet you. And hello again Princess. It's good to see you.”
Khari smiled softly at him.
“Hello, Jean-Marc. I've heard so much about you. And do accept my apologies on behalf of His Majesty for stealing a goal from you.” Shanelle replied.
Jean-Marc snorted while Marquise rolled his eyes good-naturedly.
“You hear that Your Majesty? Even Her Majesty knows you stole that goal from me.”
“You two will never let me live that down.”
“Nope.” Shanelle quipped.
“Please do not let me keep you all. Again, thank you, Marquise. For everything you've done.”
“It was my pleasure,” Marquise replied.
Jean-Marc nodded before stepping aside to let them pass. When the family got to the end of the line, there stood Elena’s small casket. Marquise picked his daughter up so she could see.
“She looks like she's sleeping,” Khari said quietly.
“She does. She looks peaceful.” Marquise replied.
“Sweet girl. She looks beautiful.” Shanelle added.
“I wish she could wake up so we could play again,” Khari said with a sniffle.
Shanelle rubbed Khari’s back.
“We know you do.”
“Wake up Elena. You gotta wake up. Please wake up. We’ll play all you want I promise. You just have to wake up.” Khari said with tears in her eyes. Marquise held Khari close as she cried.
“It's okay my love. I know you miss her. It'll be alright.” Marquise whispered in comfort to his daughter. “Come, let's take our seats.”
As they made their way to their seats, they were greeted by Elena’s grandmother and a woman Marquise hadn't seen in years.
“Hello Your Majesties, thank you for coming.” Countess Gladys said to them in greeting before smiling at Khari, “Hello Princess. I hear you and my granddaughter were great friends.”
“Hi,” Khari replied quietly.
“Your Majesty,” Countess Gladys said to Marquise, “I’d like to introduce you to my sister-in-law, Lady Freida Eriksson-Archambeau. Freida, you remember His Majesty don’t you?”
Lady Freida bowed her head with a smile.
“Your Majesty? My goodness. You were His Highness the last time I saw you. It's good to see you. Thank you for what all you've done for our family.” she said to Marquise.
“My lady, it is good to see you as well. And please it was nothing.”
“No, it was definitely something. Your reversal of my family’s exile is what brought my husband home where he belongs.”
“I’m sorry that I didn’t know sooner so that when I did lift the exile, I could’ve told him personally, but, I am happy that you all are home.”
“When you took the throne, he believed in you. He knew how horribly your father treated you. He also knew that you would never be anything like him as a King. He knew that one day you would find out, and would work to let us come home. So again, I thank you.”
“It was my pleasure, my lady.”
Lady Freida smiled at him as they took their seats. Just as everyone else was finding a seat in the sanctuary, there was a commotion at the entrance. It was Lord Charroux and a woman. Lady Jacqueline Yearling.
“Get out of my way!” He shouted as he stormed down the aisle. He stopped when he got to Elena’s casket. “No! No! No! You can’t be gone! You can’t be!”
That’s when he turned his rage to her mother.
“You! You did this! You tried to ban me from saying goodbye to my daughter! You no good harlot!”
“I didn’t ban you from anything! You were clearly occupied with other matters!” She hissed at him while giving the woman he brought with him a death stare. “You shouldn’t be here Jacqueline!”
“Don’t you dare drag her into this!” He snapped at Lady Selene.
“Why not? She’s half the reason you left!”
“Selene, please! Not now!” Jacqueline tried to say to her.
“Not now?! Okay, Jacqueline, when do you suggest we do this, hmm?” Selene asked her.
Jacqueline took a deep breath and cleared her throat.
“I didn’t come here to start a fight, Selene.”
“Good, then you can leave Jacqueline.”
“Absolutely not! She stays!” Lord Phillip proclaimed.
“I will not have my soon-to-be ex-husband's mistress at my daughter’s memorial!” Selene said as she stood her ground. A hush fell over the crowd.
Jacqueline shuddered at Selene’s words.
“Despite what you may think of me, Selene. I loved Elena.”
“No, you didn’t. Because if you did, you wouldn’t have stabbed us both in the back.”
“I am her Godmother—” Jacqueline tried to say before Selene cut her off, “You were her Godmother. Until I found out you were sleeping with him behind my back! After everything I did for you! I was loyal to you! When your brother was convicted in Italy, I was there for you! When your parents cut you off and you had nowhere to go, I opened up my home to you and got you a job so you could support yourself! Meanwhile, you were plotting against me! You knew how rocky our relationship was! And you took advantage of it! I confided in you! I trusted you and you preyed on that! You sat back, watched, and happily helped to destroy the family I was trying desperately to save!”
“I never meant to hurt you, Selene. I swear it. It’s just…Phillip and I…when we fell in love…it just happened, it wasn’t to spite you.”
Selene scoffed.
“Well, that’s good for you. I’m glad you found your happiness. Even if it did come at the expense of me and my daughter!”
Lady Selene then turned to Lord Phillip.
“And you! How dare you decide to show up now! Our daughter was sick for years, and you were nowhere to be found. When I needed you, you were busy living your life however you saw fit. When Elena begged you to come home, you constantly lied to her! You put yourself before our daughter! The only reason you decided to come around now, is because your lover and her incessant need to be kept has put a strain on your finances. Thank God for Their Majesties getting involved and putting a stop to you terrorizing me.”
Lady Selene took a steadying breath.
“Phillip, the only reason I will allow you to stay is because of Elena. Because before she took her final breath, she made me promise that I would honor her very last wish. She wanted to see you one last time so this is your last time seeing her. Now sit down!” Lady Selene said to him before turning back to Lady Jacqueline, “but you? I will not have you here! You’ve done your damage so now you can leave and go straight to hell while you’re at it!”
“I will not have you speaking to her in any kind of way.” Phillip sneered as he took a menacing step towards her. He stopped in his tracks when Jean-Marc and Marquise both stood up.
“You will not take another step towards my cousin,” Jean-Marc warned him.
“It’s alright Phillip. I’ll go.” Lady Jacqueline spoke up.
“Jacqueline please!” Lord Phillip pleaded.
“No, Phillip. I don’t want there to be any more conflict. I’ll see you at home.” She said to him before speaking to Selene, “Selene please believe me when I say this, I never meant for any of this to happen the way that it did. I never meant to hurt you or Elena. I love you both. I still do. I always will. I just hope that one day you’ll forgive me.”
“Never. I will never forgive you for betraying me. Now get out!” Lady Selene snapped at her.
Everyone watched as Lady Jacqueline made her exit. Lord Phillip shook his head before leveling a glare at Lady Selene.
“You always were jealous of her. That’s why I left. Because she is a better woman than you will ever be. That’s why I can’t wait to be divorced from you. So she and I can start our own family.” He sneered at her.
Selene raised an eyebrow at Lord Phillip.
“I’ll let you in on a little secret that she would never tell you. She’s infertile. When we were younger she found out that she has a rare genetic condition that prevents her from ever conceiving children. Because much like the Heads Of State Of Comery Isle have to, you also have to have a blood heir to pass on your position in their administration to. No exceptions. So good luck with that.”
Lord Phillip stared at her with his mouth open.
“Now sit down Phillip!” She hissed at him. “And oh! You will not sit anywhere near me and my family!”
With a nod from their King, security escorted Lord Charroux to a seat in the back of the sanctuary. The memorial went smoothly. And as requested by Lady Selene, Shanelle gave a solo. She sang Elliot Yamin’s ‘A Song For You’. And Marquise gave the eulogy.
“I give speeches all the time so you think this would come easy for me. But this is not easy. When I was asked by Lady Selene to give the eulogy I was honored, grateful, and moved to be asked. Because she could’ve chosen anyone but she chose me, so to you my Lady, I say thank you. Grieving the loss of a child is a pain I can not describe. It is constant. It is indeed like a wave. Sometimes you feel nothing, other times you feel like you’re drowning and can't breathe. So I want to offer words of comfort and encouragement to you, my lady.”
Marquise said before clearing his throat.
“Admittedly I didn’t know your daughter long but my daughter did. They were the best of friends. And when they saw each other that day at the hospital, I saw how both of them lit up. When they spoke to one another, there were giggles, and jokes, and smiles, and joy, and happiness. And I cherish the time they spent together. I will always cherish it. I mourn with you. I mourn for you. We all do. As I said, losing a child is a pain I can not describe and I will never be able to. But I encourage you to hold onto and remember the enduring love you had for her and especially the love she had for you. You will have days where it will be harder than others but in that moment, I hope you will remember her bright smile. Remember the beautiful light in her eyes. Remember how much of a joy it was to be with her.”
Lady Selene smiled up at him.
“I want to end this eulogy with an action instead of a word. My Lady, with your blessing and permission, I’d like to honor your beautiful daughter and her memory, by naming the new child cancer center, The Elena Charroux Treatment Center.”
Lady Selene looked over to Shanelle in shock who merely smiled encouragingly.
“But wait there’s more. In addition to naming the new child cancer center after her, I would like to establish a cancer research fund in her honor as well, so that we can finally find a cure.”
“Yes. You have my permission, my King. Thank you so much.” Lady Selene replied in tears.
“And to the sweet angel that is now watching us all, I hope you are smiling and giggling. I hope you’re running through the endless fields of flowers in heaven. I hope you are surrounded by as many penguin toys as you can stand. I hope you can slide down all of the rainbows. I want you to know we will take care of your mother and grandmother. We will watch over them. We will encourage them. We will protect them. We will give them love. As you would have. You will be missed but know that you are always loved. Your job on this earth is now done. Enjoy your rest amongst the angels. We’ll see you when we get to the other side.”
When Marquise stepped down from the podium, he laid a hand on Elena’s casket. When he faced her mother, she hugged him.
“Merci mon roi. pour tout ce que vous avez fait.” She whispered to him.
“De rien madame. cela a été un honneur.” He replied before taking his seat next to his wife and daughter. Khari looked up at him with a small smile.
“You did good Daddy.” She whispered to him.
“Thank you, my little love.” He whispered back before kissing her forehead softly.
Everyone watched as Lady Selene prepared to say her final goodbye to her daughter.
“My baby. My sweet angel. I’m so sorry I couldn’t save you. I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you from this monster. I miss you terribly. But mommy will be strong. I promise you that. I will be strong for us. I love you. I love you so much. I’m sorry my baby. I’m so sorry” She said as she watched her daughter’s casket close for the final time. Lady Selene closed her eyes before taking an unsteady step back and falling to the floor.
Her cousin and Marquise sprang into action, rolling her onto her back. Marquise checked for a pulse but he couldn’t feel one.
“She’s not breathing.” He said to Jean-Marc, “My lady, can you hear me?”
She didn’t respond.
“Guards! Get Emergency Services in here now!” Marquise called out to his guards before starting CPR.
Meanwhile, Shanelle did what she could to keep their daughter calm.
“Mommy, what’s happening?” Khari asked.
“I don’t know baby but everything will be okay,” Shanelle replied.
“Her mommy is gonna be okay right?” Khari asked.
“Yes, baby. She’ll be fine.”
When Emergency Services arrived, they were able to revive Lady Selene and get her on a gurney. As they took her outside to the ambulance, Shanelle pulled her husband aside.
“Go with them.” She whispered to him.
“Are you sure?” He asked.
“Yes. I’ll take Khari home. She's seen enough for one day. Let me know how it all goes.” She replied.
“Alright. I’ll see you later.”
Later that day, Marquise returned to the palace and gave his wife a rundown of what happened at the hospital.
“Lord Phillip showed up at the hospital?!” Shanelle asked.
“Yes. Showed up and caused a scene. Accused Lady Selene of wanting to ruin him. Called her every name in the book. My guards had to restrain him.” Marquise replied.
“Where is he now?” She asks.
“In the dungeons of Comery Isle until I figure out what to do with him.”
Shanelle nodded decisively.
“Leave him there to stew for a few days. Then we can address this issue properly once he's cooled off.”
“Very well. How is Khari?” He asks.
“She’s okay. She was worried about Lady Selene though.” Shanelle replies.
“I’m sure she was. Where is she by the way?” He asks.
“Taking a nap with the boys. They played Spyro until they all got sleepy.” She replied.
“Good. I’ll speak with her after she wakes up.”
“Okay. How are you by the way?” Shanelle asked.
“I’m alright. It’s been a long day. My heart goes out to Lady Selene and her family. As tragic as this was, I did find a silver lining for today.” He replied.
“What’s that?”
“The family will be burying the former commander with Elena’s casket.”
“That’s really sweet.”
“Since Lady Gladys kept her brother’s plot at their family cemetery, they’ll be buried together.”
“I’m glad you were able to lift the exile order and allow them to come home.”
“I am as well. I will never understand why father dearest banned him for a mistake he made on his own.”
Shanelle paused as they sat down.
“If you don’t mind telling me, what exactly happened that made him unfairly hate the former Commander?” She asked.
“It all started back during the Great War between the kingdoms. The Dialgosa Pass was a territory that was initially controlled by King Mordecai but because of his alliance with your grandfather, he allowed King Dominic to station troops there. It’s a small valley that runs through East and South Cordonia.” He replied.
“Okay, so what happened?” She asked.
“Your grandfather had planted a mole in the ranks, and that mole gave him information that my father would be advancing troops in that area, so King Dominic set a trap for them. Sebastian’s unit had set up camp there that night intending to go further into East Cordonia. But they never made it. Your grandfather’s troops ambushed them while most of them slept. Killing them all. It was said Sebastian was the last to die but there was no real confirmation of that.”
“I never knew that. I knew that Sebastian was killed but I never knew that part of it.”
“Commander Archambeau found out that the mole had been supplying your grandfather with troop information, so he went to tell my father to pull Sebastian’s unit back before it was too late but he wouldn’t listen. Instead, he listened to Barthelemy who was adamant about this being the right decision, and went ahead and unknowingly sent Sebastian to his death.”
Shanelle shook her head.
“What did your mother think?”
“She was furious. From what mom has told me, my mother ripped into my father for being naive enough to listen to and trust someone, meaning Barthelemy, who had no military experience or training whatsoever to make this decision. And when my father decided he wasn't going to tell Nadia that it was his blunder that got Sebastian killed, my mother hit the roof. He planned to lie to her about what happened but my mother wasn’t having any of it. She made him tell Nadia and all but forced him and the Monarchy to take care of her and Carlo for the rest of their lives.”
“The Monarchy wasn’t trying to take care of them?”
“No. They were prepared to give him a General’s final send-off but that was it. So she put it in her will that they would be taken care of. It’s one of the reasons why they were given Sebastian’s duchy instead of it going back to the people.”
Shanelle let out a breath.
“I always knew your father was a coward but this? Not even I thought he’d be this.”
“Unfortunately he was,” Marquise said as he shook his head.
Over the next few days, the Royals watched over their daughter who was slowly becoming herself again. By the time it was time for the Royals to head west to Las Vegas, Khari was herself again.
“Now promise you’ll be good for your grandmothers. Okay?” Marquise told her.
“Yes, Daddy. I’ll be good. Me and the boys will be on our best behavior. Just promise me that you’ll bring me back a football.” Khari said to her dad.
“I’ll see what I can do. We’ll see you Monday. I love you.”
“I love you too Daddy! Go have fun!”
With a sweet kiss to each of his children’s foreheads, Shanelle, Marquise, and her father were off to Las Vegas for Super Bowl weekend. They were staying at Shanelle’s Las Vegas hotel. While the men were going for the game, Shanelle was going for the Usher Halftime Show.
Because of the money Marquise paid, they were given a tour of the stadium, where he and Damien took several pictures. When they got to their skybox, His Majesty couldn’t help but FaceTime Logan and tell him about the view.
“Hello?” Logan said as he answered.
“I got something to show you,” Marquise said to him.
“What?” Logan asked.
That’s when Marquise turned his camera around and showed him the view.
“Oh shit! Where are you?”
“Vegas! Live and direct!”
“Oh man!”
“You coming?” Marquise asked.
“Oh, you got jokes. You got me on tickets?”
“Logan. I bought a 2 million dollar skybox. You don’t need tickets. You just need to show up.”
“On my way!”
“Move it, Ellis!”
“Be there in a few!”
Not even an hour later Logan was walking through the door of the skybox with his father-in-law in tow.
“So this is how the other half lives? And you got Lowyn on deck too? You are the best brother-in-law a guy could ever have.”
Marquise snorted as he lit his cigar.
“You make sure you tell Sam Dalton that.”
Logan took a swig of his drink.
“But for real, thank you for inviting me.”
“Always. This is about to be one of the best Super Bowls on record. It would be criminal to miss it.”
“True.” He agreed before calling out to his father-in-law, “Chief you good?”
“Yup. I’m perfect. This view is unmatched.” He replied as he toasted with Shanelle’s father.
“Okay, Logan. Who wins?” Marquise asks.
“NFC all day my guy.”
“Pity. And here I thought you were smarter than that.”
“You think Mahomes will repeat?”
“Yes. He’s looking to build a dynasty. And he’s got the team to do just that.”
Logan raised an eyebrow at Marquise.
“How much you wanna bet San Francisco wins this year?”
“Get ready to lose Your Highness.”
“My good man. I don’t lose. I either win or I learn.”
“Nelson Mandela said that.”
“I know. He’s the one who told it to me.”
“You met Mandela?”
“When I was a child.”
Just as Logan started to speak Shanelle came walking into the skybox with Dee in tow.
“Oh no! Trouble just walked in.” Logan teased.
“Shut up boy!” Shanelle snapped at him.
“For the record, I was talking about Dee but hey if the shoe fits big sis, rock it.”
“Like she said, shut up Logan,” Dee said to him.
Marquise snorted at the look on Logan’s face.
“Did you girls see him?” Marquise asked the ladies.
They both started talking all at once.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Marquise said with a chuckle.
“Man, I still don’t see the hype with him,” Logan muttered a little too loudly.
“That’s because you have two left feet,” Shanelle said to him.
“I do not!” Logan protested.
“Who can ever forget little Logan trying to breakdance?” Dee asked.
Shanelle snorted.
“And nearly breaking his neck in the process,” Shanelle added.
Logan sucked his teeth.
“Y’all can go sit down now.”
“Aww poor baby bro. You’ll be okay. How was your flight?” Shanelle asked.
“Short,” Logan replied.
“Like you?” Shanelle teased.
“I’m 6’1!” He replied.
“I don’t know that’s still pretty short, Logan,” Dee added.
The girls cackled at the look on Logan’s face.
“You two are so mean to me!”
“We love you, Lo!” The girls said to him.
“Yeah yeah. Love y’all too.”
The girls took their seats as the game got underway. But all the girls cared about was the Usher Concert at Halftime. And true to his form Usher did not disappoint during his halftime show. And by the end of the game, which had gone into overtime, Marquise’s premonition was correct. Kansas City won which meant the AFC won and Logan lost their bet.
“One of these days you’re gonna learn to listen to me,” Marquise said as he counted his money.
Logan snorted.
“Yeah yeah. But seriously, thanks for inviting me, man. I had a great time and I’m sure the Chief will be bragging about this for days.”
“Anytime. Thank you for joining us. I’ll see you in a couple of days. And don't worry I'll send a check to cover what you lost.”
“Yup yup.”
Before he left Logan got a hug from Her Majesty.
“Thanks for coming babe.” She said to him.
“Thank your husband. See I knew you marrying him would be the best thing that ever happened to me.”
Shanelle rolled her eyes.
“You make sure my angels get their signed jerseys.”
“Yes, mom.”
Shanelle sucked her teeth and then smirked.
“I love you little bro.”
“Love you too sis.”
With one last hug, she watched her baby brother and his father-in-law head back to Los Angeles before they headed back to Cordonia.
You've reached the end of Part One. Stay tuned for part two.
#khoicesbyk#choices#choices stories you play#pixelberry#fanfic#choices fanfiction#king marquise#king of cordonia#queen shanelle#queen of cordonia#king and queen of cordonia#black couple#black love#black marriage#my otp forever#otp forever#my otp#otp#choicesincolor#choices fic writers creations#cfwc fics of the week#fics of the week#black king liam#the royal romance
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Hello! I'm going to tell you about myself, So you don't have to look through my rentry

Pronouns: They/It/Glitch/Null/Nym/Prox/Xe/Vey (Currently using: Thing/Things, He/Him, Ry/Ryx and It/Glitch/Null)
16 (Birthday is November 8th)
Legally blind in my right eye, ND
Eclectic witch (Thunder, Traditional, Green, Gray, Crystal, House)
Yandere + Kekkondere + Megadere (Yes I use these to describe myself)
Age regressor + dreamer (0-3), Pet regressor + dreamer, Cg

..... (7/31/20-1/14/24), 4/29/30 -QPR WITH MY LOVELY
Online family: Midnight (Mum), EJ/Louis (Dad), Grim (Second mum), Cato (Uncle), Ozzy/River (Sibiling) ( @/riverissilly ), Vinny/Dakota (Brother), Dizzy/Eli (Sibiling), Cookie (Sibiling), Avryn, Kio/Cicada, Olive (TRIPLETS), Z (Mother of my kids minus 4) (Ex-wife), Stars (Mother of my kids minus 8) (QPR wife), Akari (Godparent of my kids), Cloud/Zai(Lovestruck sys) (Child), Casimir (Child), Ares (Child), Lyla/Astro (Child), Oliver (Child), Nebula/Naevis/Miko(Starry void sys)(Daughter), Roxy & Bennie (Kds(?)), Seraphim/Francis(Seraphim System)(Child) ( @/the-church-of-strabismus ), Divinity(Child), Blue/Miles(Daughter), Rattie/RTS (Rat tail society)(Child), Edd/Aubrey/Jordan(Niece/nephew), Tyler(Nephew), Ayva(Grandchild), Twinkie(Grandchild)
William Afton kin, Fictionlink, Copinglink, Mirrorlink, Conceptkin, Songkin, Otherlink, Fictionhearted? Plantlink, Voidpunk, Aldernic, Horrorvesi, Ocvior
Reality shifter (Has yet to shift cause I keep forgetting)
Blog things
Rp brackets/sign offs: Jennywise, Pennywise, Nightwise, Lanawise, Dawn, Thunder, And Midnight(JW, PW, NW, LW, DN, THDR, MDN) Jennywise's kids: Milo and Sonnet (ML, SNT) Pennywise's kids: Holly(wise), Persephone (HL, PHE)
Morrigan (Me) -MG, Kioshi (Me, Again) -KOSH (I'ma do none if it's just me-), Ezra, Athena, Saturn (EZ, AE, SU)
Glitchtrap/William, Delilah, Vanny/Vanessa, Kerrigan, Flare (GT, WA, DLH, VY, KRG, FRE)
Melody, Rain, Mareen, Daeva, Alex, Blaire (MD, RN, MIM, DPC, ALX, BR)
Vinnywise, Danawise, Kelseywise, Korawise, Iris, Cleowise, Tatum (VW, DW, KW, KW2, IR, CW, TM)
Glamrock Mangle, Glamrock Foxy, Roxanne, Glamrock Chica, Glamrock Casey, Glamrock Bowie, Alvira, Rockstar Tangle, Sunshine, Roux, Madame (GRM, GRF, RW, GRC, GRC2, GRB, AVR, RTG, STF, RTR, MTW)
Suki/009, Jaylyn/048, Vivian/068, Sparrow/072, Lixius/097, Zeppelin/105, Xia/117, And Dai/281 (EPT, JY, EPX, SP, LX, ZN, XI, DI)
Other blog things
Tags: ☆ender glitches☆ -Main posts
☆ender codes☆ -Reblogs
☆ender manifests☆ -Replying on reblogs
☆ender breaching☆ -Venting/ranting
☆ender searching☆ -Bad tumblrs that need to be blocked
☆👁hypnose n spiral🌈☆ -Me n my friens fursona posts :3
🔮Glitchtrap breaches🔮 -Either regressed/dreaming or age(d)re rp
🎈JW dances🎈 -Caregiver rp
🏁Roxy races🏁 -Caregiver rp
👁Kitpup belps👁 -Me regressed
📻Alastor purrs📻 -Pet(d)re (perhaps) rp
-📻Alastor alterhuman...☆
-🍁Bobby Bearhug alterhuman...☆
-💿William Afton alterhuman...☆
-🍷🕸Angel Dust alterhuman...☆
-🍎Amanda alterhuman...☆
-💤🧸C.C alterhuman...☆

UPDATE: One has been changed to @the-glitched-daycare One has been added: @alastortheradiocat
Some userboxes I use

#about me#☆ender glitches☆#☆ender codes☆#☆ender manifests☆#☆ender breaching☆#☆ender searching☆#☆👁️hypnose n spiral🌈☆#🔮Glitchtrap breaches🔮#🎈JW dances🎈#🏁Roxy races🏁#👁Kitpup belps👁#-📻Alastor alterhuman...☆#-🍁Bobby Bearhug alterhuman...☆#-💿William Afton alterhuman...☆
18 notes
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Mega hater post incoming that only I care abt BTW!!!!!
Every time I see or in any way sense ry*n/k*rina (romantically) I feel much like a rabid animal. I logically understand some people I guess think Ryan is 20 years old but it's just not realistic......
Karina deserves to have some guy in her life who sees her as a normal person instead of in any way romantic/sexual light bc of her fucked up idol/sexualized nurse hero gimmick. And that person is Ryan
Ry*n/k*rina is kinda the ship u make when u wanna conceptualize a hetship as "He gets pegged" And there is no further substance. These two have nothing to offer to each other. Except Ryan treating Karina like a normal person and like. The bar is literally on the floor.
However Karina has nothing to offer to Ryan like yknow. Ryan goes to 1000 dates and travels around the globe and lives independently and has a life and Oh he kinda also almost died. Meanwhile Karina has an unattainable crush on a middle-aged man who misses his dead wife. I'm sorry but she is entirely out of her depth here
Ryan does seem like a generic fuckboy but the point is that he isn't....there is no highshool romance to be found here.... He's actually insightful and nice in his own way and he is also really weird and doesn't know how to act normal which gets him in trouble.
I get stomachache when any of my senses catch a whiff of this ship. Suddenly I feel as if Ryan is an unicellular amoeba and not fit to have a rlship of any kind..please leave him.outside in the rain in a wet cardboard box all alone its what he deserves
I feel like there's so many interesting Ryan dynamics too like even funny ones like Antonio or something. Just do it. Anything but his buddy hero. And s2 rly threatened me with them too bc idfk what they're smoking but idfk what they wanted to do.
Thank you audiodrama abt advising Keith about love that included romance mentions and also zero ry*n/k*rina moments I love you
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if your pronouns aren't on this list, tell me so I can add them.
Mostly it's just the first two forms that matter for most of the pronoun pin designs, but people kept asking for the full sets, which is why they're all listed out.
You know, I had these sorted into groups of 10 but tumblr decided to undo that. so. RIP.
ace/aces/acelf (or aceself)
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