#@divider by @si-eunnis
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madamechrissy · 3 months ago
I'll look After You
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Pairings: Satoru Gojo x fem reader (reader is a mom)
Summary: You longed to hear from Satoru, After an epic night hooking up in a club bathroom, sure you'd been strangers, but he has your number, he made you feel so special... but... he never contacts you again. Ten months later, you have a beautiful baby named Reign, with those exact blue eyes. You never saw him again, couldn't even find him, so now, you are living your life as a single mom. Messy bun, dark circles, exhausted, you run into Satoru one day, and he sees her, his baby girl, and sees you struggling, he knows then, you're what's been missing in his life.
CW: Going to be sweet and emotional, Satoru is a freaking doll, misunderstanding led to him not knowing (nothing is kept from anyone on purpose) Fluffy long oneshot where Satoru falls in love with reader and his little girl. Gojo being a dad and being cute! Will have smut at the end as all my oneshots do lol, so MDNI, and flashbacks to the original bathroom smut
Full oneshot HERE
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You often wondered about him, Satoru was his name.
As you look down at your baby girl, with her brilliant blue eyes while she’s cooing happily, giving you a gummy little grin, you wonder what he’d think if he knew about her. The random guy at the bar you gave your number to after hooking up in a bathroom, the guy who never called, the guy with no social media of which to speak. The guy you never, ever saw again.
Your baby’s father, the best thing that ever happened to you, surely, but also it was very difficult, being a single mom, you’d have to go back to work soon which you were dreading, spending sleepless nights up feeding, changing her. It had been a rough pregnancy, and a shocking one at that, people had questioned you over and over, some mentioned not having her.
But something in you knew you could do this, you could have this baby, you’re broke as fuck but she has all she needs, and she makes you so happy, but those eyes are unmistakable. No one has eyes like that, except her and her… well was he really her 'dad'? You wonder if he’d run ten million miles from you if he knew, or would he have been okay with it?
It’s odd that just a night of fun, alcohol and being on antibiotics created this amazing little girl, but you can’t be upset, not when she brightens your world. But you still ache at times, for her to have a dad, you hope you’re enough. You wonder about him though, the bright energetic man, the one that had made you feel more in one evening than anyone ever.
The last man you’d been with.
Yes, it’s been that long, Reign was two months old, so you’re damn near at a year, you say it’s because you’re so busy, but something deep in you knows that you felt something for him, deeper than the obvious physical. Something about how he looked at you, at how he laughed, at how he made you feel so special.
You assume it must have been some act, clearly, here you are, alone after all. You both only knew each other’s first names, it’s true, but he had that number. Maybe it wasn’t all you thought it was? Maybe he just was that sort of guy, the one that made women think they’re his everything with one of his kisses, maybe you were just too drunk, and he was too pretty.
You blink a bit, shaking the haze thoughts of him as you yawn a bit, exhausted from Reign keeping you up all night, her tummy had been hurting. You’re sleepily putting things in the cart, baby items, groceries, the essentials, you catch sight of yourself in the mirror above the produce, wincing then. You have a messy bun and are in pajamas, god help you if you ever wanted to meet a guy.
‘Oh hi, I have a baby with a random blue eyed dude from a bar, I’m broke as fuck, and I wear pajamas to the store. Wanna date?’
Yeah. That would go over well.
“It’s… it’s… you!?” You sleepily look up then, so exhausted you barely register the six foot three man for a moment, then suddenly it all hits.
He stares at you, those blue eyes, the eyes your baby has, wide now, his pouty pink lips dropped open. He’s just as gorgeous as you remember him, like it’s some dream, you feel weak then, chest rising and falling as your breaths come too quickly. He steps closer to you then, he hasn’t seen her yet, nestled in her little car seat on the cart, you’re panicking.
“Do you even remember me? Oh my god, that night my phone broke, and I had just got it, they couldn’t transfer the numbers! And I tried to look you up? But I couldn’t find you… and I never saw you… and then- fuck I’m rambling.” He laughs nervously, swiping his hand through his snowy locks. “Forgive me, please… what I mean to say is… Hi?”
“Hi…” Your baby whines then, and Satoru pauses, blinking and you move to the side then, he steps closer when Reign opens her eyes, grinning at him.
Satoru’s heart pounds in his chest, his entire world tilts on its axis, he was already so thrown off by seeing you again, the girl he hasn’t been able to stop thinking of, but now… he looks at you in shock, you look exhausted, but so beautiful, your eyes tear up then, he watches your shoulders slump, then he looks back at the baby, realization sinking in.
“She’s… is she… there’s no way…”
“She’s yours, I only hooked up with you for the past… year.” You manage to say softly, right in the middle of the fruit aisle, Satoru was finding out you have his baby.
“You did this alone?” He says then, blinking back emotions for a girl he barely knew, but who now has a part of him, a part he wants to know so badly suddenly, shocking him.
“I had no clue who you were, how to tell you, even if so, it’s not your responsibility okay? I take care of her just fine, I make it work.” Satoru’s heart breaks then, seeing how tired you are, seeing the endless baby items and cheap toilet paper, a cheap bottle of wine, is that all you get yourself?
You did this alone, you have his baby alone, altering your life while he’s living his just the same, partying with his best friends, working and living a luxurious life. Satoru was rich, and it’s clear his baby and his baby’s mother are struggling, and he’s here doing what? Could he have tried harder to find you!? Could he…
“We’re okay, you don’t have to worry. I’d never come for you for anything, I am happy being her mommy.” You say with a tired smile, reaching to touch her little chubby cheek, and Satoru has never seen anything so beautiful, the two of you.
He’s felt so empty for this year, is this what he was missing?
“Can I… please… can I know her?” He asks, gulping now, and you blink in shock, nodding quickly.
“I would love that.” You can’t stop your tears then, sniffling and shaking your head. “Please, let’s talk outside of the produce aisle?” You whisper, he nods quickly, unable to take his eyes off you, off his baby.
Coming sooon- based loosely on a request for @bunheadusa hehe, prob gonna be long I can't help myself.
perma tags- @alt--er--love @cuntphoric @seeing-stars-alt @nanasukii28 @labelt-san @makingtimemine @aldebrana @n1vi Perma Gojo tags: @chiyokoemilia @haruhatake @strychnynegirl <3
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si-eunnis · 2 years ago
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૮꒰˵っ ̫- ˵꒱ა Pink dividers!
Made by me! Reblog or fav if you save/use it
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flwerwon · 8 months ago
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ൃ♡︎ 𝓐─ngel just for m𝓮 ⠀°❀
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xenooa · 3 months ago
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rubyfemme · 7 months ago
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→ Karina x Leitora g!p
→ Palavras: 884
AVISOS: dom!karina, sub!leitora, ambiente universitário, um pouco de fluffy, smut, masturbação, leitora com pênis.
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© all rights reserved by @hotlink907
© tradução (pt/br) by @rubyfemme
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Você se recostou na cama do seu dormitório, estava exausta. A faculdade era divertida, mas as vezes, os professores exigiam muito. As coisas seriam mais fáceis se você não fosse uma aluna tão boa, mas não era de sua natureza deixar as coisas passarem.
Não que Karina a deixasse, de qualquer forma.
Algumas pessoas podem ter dito que Karina era uma namorada rígida, mas elas não conheciam toda a história. Ela tinha certos padrões, tanto para você quanto para ela mesma, e ela se certificava de que vocês as seguissem. Era muito gentil da parte dela, ela se importava com você e queria que você tivesse sucesso.
E, é claro, você adorava quando ela assumia o controle.
Ela havia lhe enviado uma mensagem de texto há alguns minutos, dizendo que estava a caminho. Você sentiu uma pontada de excitação só de ler as palavras, era assim que ela a agarrava com força. E melhor ainda, sua colega de quarto tinha ido para casa por alguns dias, o que significava que você e Karina estavam prestes a ter o dormitório totalmente só para vocês. Um tempo sozinha com sua linda namorada era exatamente o que você precisava depois de um dia como o de hoje.
A porta se abriu poucos instantes depois, e Karina nem se deu ao trabalho de bater. Ela estava sorrindo enquanto trancava a porta atrás de si.
— Alguém parece um pouco cansada. – Ela disse antes de ir até a cama com você.
Ela subiu na cama e se enroscou ao seu lado, abraçando seu corpo enquanto fazia isso.
— Só tive um dia difícil. Estou bem. – Você suspira.
— É muito difícil passar um tempo comigo? – Karina faz beicinho.
— Você me conhece melhor do que isso. – Você sorri e balança a cabeça.
— Ah, que bom. – Ela disse. — Porque eu tive algumas ideias sobre como poderíamos relaxar.
— Você teve? – Você olhou para ela com interesse.
— Uhum. – Ela acenou com a cabeça.
— Mas eu pensei... – Sua voz se arrastou.
Ainda era difícil para você dizer aquilo.
— Você pensou o quê? – Karina perguntou com doçura, a mão dela roçando sua perna.
Você engoliu sabendo que ela não deixaria o assunto de lado até que você respondesse.
— Achei que você não ia me deixar gozar pelo resto da semana. – Você havia dado o controle do seus orgasmos a ela, e ela estava tirando o máximo proveito desse poder.
— Quem falou em deixar você gozar? – Karina pergunta, a mão dela agora se aproximando de sua cintura. — Talvez alguns orgasmos possam tirar sua mente das coisas.
Você sabia que não seria capaz de dizer não. Não quando ela estava olhando para você com aqueles olhos, não quando você sabia o quanto ela queria a controlar. Então você assentiu, indefesa contra os encantos dela, querendo a sensação da pele dela contra a sua mais do que qualquer outra coisa.
— Essa é a minha garota. – Disse Karina. — Muito bem.
A mão dela deslizou para dentro do seu cós e você a sentiu acariciar seu pau, que já estava enrijecido, os dedos dela desceram para fazer carícias nas suas bolas, só um pouco. Você gemeu e envolveu Karina com o braço, a puxando para mais perto de você.
— Vamos tirar você dessa roupa. – Karina disse suavemente, te ajudando se despir e gentilmente colocando suas roupas no chão.
Você gemeu, seu pau se ergueu já duro nas mãos capazes de Karina.
— Eu realmente quero gozar. – Você sussurrou.
— Eu sei, amor. – Karina disse. — Mas o que sempre dizemos?
— Boas garotas não gozam. – Você disse olhando para baixo.
Você sabia que isso era verdade, você queria desesperadamente ser uma boa menina. A dor já havia se espalhado por suas coxas e logo estaria repousando em seu estômago. Suas bolas macias estavam apertadas em seu corpo, prontas para serem liberadas a qualquer momento. Se ao menos Karina deixasse isso acontecer.
— É isso mesmo. – Karina disse. — Agora, por que não levamos você até o limite?
A mão dela começou a se mover um pouco mais rápido, fazendo com que ondas de prazer a percorressem. Você a segurou junto ao seu corpo, consciente do quanto estava indefesa.
— Eu vou... – Você mal conseguiu pronunciar as palavras antes que ela tirasse a mão de você e ficasse apenas observando sua luta, seu pau nu balançando para cima e para baixo e lutando por algum tipo de estímulo.
— Tão boa. – Karina sussurrou em seu ouvido, aumentando ainda mais sua excitação. — Quantas vezes mais você acha que pode aguentar?
— Por favor... – Você balançou a cabeça.
— Ah, alguém está agitada?
Você acenou com a cabeça. Talvez, apenas talvez, houvesse uma chance...
Karina fez beicinho.
— Que pena. É exatamente assim que eu gosto de você. Agora, incline-se para trás e prepare-se para o seu próximo orgasmo, está bem, querida?
Você gemeu, mas fez o que foi pedido. Era uma tortura, realmente era. Sua namorada deslumbrante e provocante, a levando a um frenesi indefeso e nebuloso, sem nenhum alívio à vista.
Mas, ao mesmo tempo, era exatamente o que você precisava. Não havia nada melhor do que se perder nos braços e nos olhos dela, deixando que ela assumisse o controle e lhe dissesse exatamente o que você precisava fazer.
— Obrigada. – Você murmurou quando ela começou a passar a mão em você novamente.
Ela sorriu e lhe deu um pequeno beijo na bochecha.
— Eu sei do que você precisa. – Ela disse. — Agora geme para mim.
Você não conseguiu se conter, você faz exatamente o que ela pediu.
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yangqvr · 9 months ago
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yangqvr. ⁺ (>∀< )! she/her 𐂯 ﹑   ﹒  ྀི straight (՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞) 𝜗𝜚 intj
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kpop + mbs. ওㅤ ㅤֺㅤ ⠀⠀✧ ⠀ ㅤֺㅤ ateez/wayv ⠀ ಿৎㅤㅤ ׅ⠀ㅤ ⑅⠀adhd      ﹑  ☒  ˚ loves hp + dance
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:3 ; this user loves receiving affection ◌  ﹒ ⠀ ꢾ꣒ en- + txt   ⁺   ✿ leo
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lovelysweetlillies · 10 months ago
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teddiesworldd · 1 year ago
"don't look at me like that".
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OBSESSED with the idea that eye contact makes simon absolutely feral. look this man in the eyes and he's done for. (350 words)
a/n: my first nsfw fic! criticism appreciated as always <3
pairing: ghost x female reader
tags/warnings: nsfw, mdni!!, smutty nonsense, oral sex, orgasm denial, sub-to-dom ghost(??) reader is in 141
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if you look ghost in the eye, you bet he's foaming at the mouth under his mask. there's just something about your big doe eyes that send him to his barracks with a tent in his cargos. and being the tease you are, you use this to your advantage at every opportunity.
in meetings when you know there's nowhere for him to run off to, just a glance up at him, batting your pretty eyelashes, causes a deep growl to come from under his face coverings. luckily no one else heard him, he doesn't want the boys thinking he's some helpless needy mutt for you :(
and during training, while he's explaining something to you, he stutters through his sentences, looking into your eyes and dreaming of getting you alone.
"don't look at me like that" he would grumble, and you'd just smile kindly back at him, like you had no idea what you were doing to him.
"like what, si?"
"like that"
you know you should probably be listening to him, but it's so fun to lead him on.
it's all fun and games until he's dragging you off to his room, tossing you on the bed and stripping the both of you down to your underwear. he looks so good between your legs, balaclava hooked over the bridge of his nose while his tongue works wonders on you.
but don't think for a second that you've finished teasing him. definitely not. you look down at him while he eats you out, never breaking eye contact. you watch as he humps the sheets in response, trying to get some friction. poor boy, so uncomfy with those tight boxers on. don't worry though, he'll put you in your place soon enough. he brings you to the edge over and over again, moving his mouth away just before the knot in your stomach snaps. now he's the one looking you in the eye, blonde lashes catching the light of the room perfectly. he chuckles as he rips your orgasm away from you once more, your juices dripping down his chin. he can be so cruel :(
it's safe to say you won't be teasing him again for a while.
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˚✧. thank you for reading!
˚✧. please reblog to support me <3
˚✧. dividers by @ saradika-graphics and @ si-eunnis
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moon-ttokki-x · 1 month ago
hiii baby!!! I love your work and this is like my first request I’ve sent to anyone at all 😭 but could you do 28 and 7 for Minho ^^ tysm!!
hihi cutie~ i've actually had both of these prompts before so i got better at writing them hehe. also amogus divider bc why tf not
keychain - bf!lee minho x reader
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pairing: bf!lee know x reader
summary: you fight with minho and he comes back to make things right.
genre: non-idol! au, pretty angst, soonie doongie dori honourable mention, comfort, fluffy ending, soft minho
a/n: so i started listening to lana del rey and i wrote this to 'sad girl' also div by @si-eunnis
⛓️ prompts: 7. "I'm glad you're here." / 28. "You're looking at me like that again."
skz prompt list | skz masterlist
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You toss another dirty tissue across the countertop, sniffing as you watch it come to rest at the very edge, teetering. Leaning your cheek against the cold, marbled surface, you sigh and let the sharp feeling seep through your pores like iced water.
It does little to soothe the current puffy redness of your cheeks; how long have you been sitting here, crying? The golden hanging lights that frame the kitchen have made your hair warm to the touch, their beams caressing the messy state of it, and your back feels numb and achy from the awkward position you've been slumped in since Minho stormed out of the apartment. You sigh.
You don't even remember what you were fighting about.
Each exhale feels like it's been punched out of you as you relive the events of the past hour; him coming home, both of you tired and irritable, and then fighting over the pettiest thing that you don't even remember anymore.
Then he left.
You're not sure if he's coming back; he didn't take anything but his phone, which had been in his pocket as soon as he came in, and his work bag, which is still smashed against the wall where he'd dropped it with a sigh on coming home.
You can't fight a weak smile at the habit; you've installed multiple hooks along the wall so he can hang his bag up when he gets home, but every time you did, he'd always just drop it on the floor anyway, kicking off his shoes at the door.
And you'd smile and gesture at the hooks, but he'd just ignore them, kissing your fed-up expression off your face with a gentle mouth and squeezing your shoulder with a warm, solid hand.
The way he always does.
You look at those hooks now; one of the cats' collars is hanging off them, and several other items like hair ties and rings of keys adorn the others. You came into the kitchen one day and saw Minho hanging a cat toy from the hook nearest to the door so that, when he wasn't home, the cats would be able to play. Dori sits there now, batting with fluffy white paws at the feathers and bells on the string.
Ding, ding. Ding.
You're not sure why you're thinking of such things; surely anyone in your current situation would incessantly cry their eyes out, wailing at the mistake of fighting with their partner, instead of thinking about plastic wall hooks and under-stimulated cats.
You're so distracted that you don't even notice the apartment door open again, so slowly that it takes about half a minute for Minho to actually step inside.
He's soaked.
The smell of the night rain that he brings with him is suddenly so prominent inside the still air of the apartment that it's what makes you look up.
"Minho," you whisper, eyes red and puffy. You scrub a hand across your face, the skin stinging at the harsh treatment. You hadn't even heard the rain outside.
He doesn't look at you, just takes off his shoes, very deliberately. There's a little puddle of rainwater around his feet and you fight back an exhale as his socked feet meet the wet tiles. Dori immediately goes to nuzzle against his legs and then hisses at the unpleasant wetness of his owner's legs.
But Minho doesn't seem to notice, simply taking off layers until he's stood in his slacks and white work shirt, which is the only dry item of clothing he has on. He drops the rest of his clothes in a pile.
His eyes finally lift themselves to meet yours; the warmth in them is gone, replaced by something unreadable. A dull, heavy feeling settles in your gut, a sense of finality washing over your being. You know this is the moment that he'll say he wants to leave, that he just can't find it in himself to love you. He'll go to your shared room and start packing a suitcase, and take the cats with him, all while you wail and tug at his arms for him not to leave, please, Minho, don't leave-
"I'm sorry," he whispers.
Your gaze flits to his. Your voice is croaky, cracked, saturated with sadness. "What?"
He steps forward, ignoring the insistent mewing of Soonie and Doongie, who have just come into the room. "I'm sorry. I should have just left to clear my head and then came back, but I've been gone half the night."
You blink and look through tired eyes to the clock on the wall. It takes you a couple seconds to process the time. It's 1 am. Minho came home at 9 pm. You don't even know how many hours that is.
"How long were you walking in the rain?" You say, still whispering lest you scare him off again.
He shrugs. His mouth opens, like he wants to say something, but he's hesitant, like he's not sure how it will be received.
He speaks anyway. "I stalled for a while. I didn't know if you'd be here when I came back..." His fingers twist in the slightly damp material of his white shirt, fidgeting.
Your indignance suddenly takes over your upset state and you sit up straighter. "I would have waited all night for you, Minho. I wasn't going to leave..."
"I know," he says solemnly, and then quietly, "I'm glad you're here."
You nod and slowly slide off the chair you've been slumped in, disturbing a few of the tissues scattered across the countertop. "I'm sorry too, Min. I shouldn't have kept the argument going."
He shakes his head. "We were both tired. It happens."
You both stand in silence for a minute, neither one of you sure how to continue the conversation. It's almost awkward until Minho steps forward, taking out something from his pocket. He shyly holds it out.
You take a small step forward and take the small item from him. Unfolding your fingers from around it, you blink through unshed tears to see a small keychain resting in the palm of your hand. It's a little cat with its mouth open, its fur pattern like Soonie's, but grey instead of ginger. There's another attachment of a pink peach, and the clip keyring attachment is shaped like a heart.
You look up at Minho. His face is red. You remember suddenly that he's quite shy when it comes to giving things to people, and you can't fight the urge to throw yourself into his arms.
This little keychain is Minho's apology.
His skin is cold, damp from the rain, and the collar of his shirt is wet from the rain, but you hold him close anyway. You wrap your arms around his middle, squeezing your eyes shut. He's almost fetched up against the wall from how hard you threw yourself at him, but his arms find their familiar place around your shoulders.
You pull back slightly, gazing up at him. As if he wasn't soaked enough, your tears have left two patches on his chest, but he doesn't seem to mind.
"You're looking at me like that again." Minho says quietly.
You hum, a tear spilling down your cheek. "Looking at you like what?"
You see his throat bob, swallow hard. You can feel the constant thrum of his heart through the damp fabric of his shirt.
Minho gulps. "You always look at me like than when- when-"
"When I say I love you?" You finish for him.
Minho nods inaudibly, the movement of his head so small you almost don't see it at all. You smile, tilting your head at him, the tears beginning to slow.
You both stand there for who knows how long, clinging to each other, trapping between your bodies the smell of rain and fade cologne. Finally, Minho talks.
"I love you too."
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a/n: this was way too long
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rosittas · 1 year ago
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ㅤㅤHave you ever thought about that place that brings or would bring you peace and tranquility on some special or normal day in your life? Or that place with which you feel connected or identified 100%, either because of your personality or do you consider it as a comfort zone to let your thoughts take you to the top?
ㅤㅤSince I say this; This event will require you to make a moodboard with an image of that favorite and comfortable place that you have already gone to or that you want to visit, whether it is Paris, the streets of New York, the beach, the city, a forest, or whether a landscape of a country or city which you want to visit, just let your imagination fly and I just want you to have fun and make beautiful memories and thoughts when you make this moodboard.
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ㅤㅤꭷ  ࣪   ⊹ㅤㅤㅤℐnformationㅤ🪽
ㅤThis event will end on May 1th , so if I see a moodboard after that date it will not be valid.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤTo hold this event there is no need to follow me (only if you want), you have to tag me when you publish it, so I can see it (either on the moodboard or in the comments of it), comment “joining” and reblogging (either in another account that you have of your choice) and tag 2 or 3 people who are encouraged to do it and finally when you publish your moodbard put the hashtag of my event which is:
#ㅤ꒰͡ ㅤ𝒮𝑎𝑓𝑒𝑡𝑦 𝒵𝑜𝑛𝑒 ℰ𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡 : 𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑠ㅤ ͡꒱
ㅤIt's your moodboard, you can customize it however you want, whether your moodboard has an image of your favorite artist or not, it doesn't matter.
ㅤYour moodboard has to be 100% yours, if I see that you copy from another moodboard, I will disqualify it. Also be careful if you are going to use things from other blogs without their authorship or credits, for example, dividers, symbols, bios, gifs, images made by those blogs, etc.
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ㅤㅤㅤꭷ  ࣪   ⊹ㅤㅤㅤ𝒫rizesㅤ🪽
ㅤfirst place:
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤ100 reblogs (applies for a post you like) .
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤmini bios pack (of the topic or singer you like) .
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤ4 headers for your blog from the singer, band or characters you want to the theme or color you want .
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤ5 dividers made by me (in the color or theme you like) .
ㅤsecond place:
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤ80 reblogs (applies for the publication you like) .
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤ3 dividers made by me (to your liking) .
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤtumblr or ig pack (whichever you like, only one, it's your choice) to decorate your blog or profile (to the taste you want) .
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤmini symbol pack .
ㅤthird place:
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤ60 reblogs (applies for the publication you like) .
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤmini user pack (of the theme, singer or character you like) .
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤa moodboard of the singer or character you want .
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤ30 reblogs .
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ㅤㅤꭷ  ࣪   ⊹ㅤㅤㅤℐmportantㅤ🪽
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤdm me to claim your prizes (please don't harass or spam, be patient)
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤI reblog on my secondary account (@yoonitosrb)
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤI will publish your awards on this @rosittas account and I will tag you in the comments.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤꭷ  ࣪   ⊹ㅤㅤㅤ𝒯agsㅤ🪽
@japnz , @jazzitos , @tookio , @gigittamic , @wiotas , @thsv , @poeticore , @poemale , @poetiqe , @fairytopea , @v6mpcat , @v6que , @nayeist , @ojiito , @obrigados , @p-oisn , @bambicito , @si-eunnis , @koosuvi , @is2bunnies , @agsthv , @alfaire , @florietas , @gaecoo , @fuckici , @iluvrei , @s-heon , @vg-k , @pommecita , @wonlita , @a-sap , @mjngs , @yeritos , @phuoris , @cupcek , @minslune , @also-web .
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shintaru · 9 months ago
Welcome to Shintaru’s shuttle
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Midorima’s lucky item, Jiho’s therapist, Luffy’s straw hat, Char’s chef, Wooin’s lollipop, Owen’s Shelly Scott, slut for sabbath crew & a whore for Ethel Cain music.
My personal blog is @owenight But this one is my writing blog
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Navigation Inactive
master lists
About me
Taglist - list of characters that I’ll write for. You can ask to be tagged for specific characters!
Prompt list
Windbreaker webtoon discord server
Upcoming posts
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I don’t own any of the characters or the media that I write about!! The rights go to their owners. I just write for fun and to improve my skills.
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Extra info:
My requests are closed atm, I’m going to get caught up and re open them!!
Thank you to everyone who sent in requests I didn’t expect anyone to like my writing or want to request anything from me so I’m very excited to get them all started and posted!!
Currently reading windbreaker, blue lock, & lookism
Currently watching/ rewatching Kuroko’s basketball, avatar the last air bender, naruto, one piece, & Saiki K
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All the dividers I use on my page are from @thecutestgrotto @anitalenia @cafekitsune @si-eunnis & me
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si-eunnis · 2 years ago
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﹙instagram highlights.﹚ㅤㅤㅤㅤ@ sieunnis
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𓆩 ♰ 𓆪 당신의 𔘓 ༺༻ モラ☆
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short-n-soup · 4 months ago
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This is (yet another) blog run by Robyn, also known as @nomydear-onlyyou.
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Names: Robyn / Kit / Ellis
Pronouns: they/them + xe/xem + it/its
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Tag system~
#short n’ soup💗 - Original posts
#reblog💗 - Reblogs
#ask💗 - Asks
#vent💗 - Vent posts
#suggestive💗 - Suggestive posts
#song link💗 - Song links
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All userboxes will have been made by your’s truly. Dividers will be found under #dividers💗. And for direct credits: @bernardsbendystraws, @konatasoup, @si-eunnis.
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poemsforchan · 1 year ago
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┌─────────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────────┐
♫₊˚.🎧 ✩。♪ kora 22y she/her ♫₊˚.🎧 ✩。♪ ✧˚🪐♡⸝⸝🐺⋆byf // tags and anons // masterlist REQUESTS OPEN 🎸⋆⭒˚。⋆ anime blog: @sweetbbyshion
recent work: Do It Like That (Bang Chan), Love Galore (Bang Chan)
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dividers by: @anitalenia @si-eunnis @cafekitsune
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heartcandiies · 2 years ago
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A small, independent, single muse and multi verse blog for a lovely and lively character named Emu Otori from a game named Project SEKAI!
This blog was performed with love by Mystic (She/They) on 10/09/2023! 💝
Emu's adventure on making everyone smile can be depends on what is currently happening behind the scenes... So, please be patient with me if you can do it!
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Profile Picture (Avatar): angelldose
Banner: ...?
Dividers: si-eunnis
Icon Borders: serapojii
Graphics: ...?
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rjunhuang · 6 days ago
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rika. 9teen. s.asian. she/they. scorpio. intj. queer+ace. ravenclaw. cabin 5 & 8. renjun's lovergirl. ☘️
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╰・ masterlist | inbox (open for chats & more)
୨୧ requests are 📝 open !!
i may take time to get to them. i'm a busy girl. please don't request smut — i'm asexual! this is a sfw blog (sorta). some reblogs/reqs many contain smut. english is not my mother tongue :)
୨୧ currently listening to 🎧 sun tan - wallows
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──── please do not modify, translate, plagiarize, copy, or claim any of my works as yours. fuck ai! dividers by si-eunnis & bernardsbendystraws.
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