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sarcasticsouthernbookworm · 7 months ago
Somebody make anything that happened in this season make sense to me, in no particular order
What the hell was going on with everybody’s powers, but specifically Lila’s? Like she’s still a mimic but also had laser eyes for some reason.
The vauge hand wavy sci fi science that they barely took the time to try and explain and just creates a resident evil monster I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️
Anyone who’s read the comics, is the marigold thing canon cause it really felt like a last minute ret con, it even sounded like they changed the audio on the previous season recap in the first episode to add the word in
Lila and Five make no sense as a couple imo, like Lila and Diego have actual chemistry together. The being alone together for seven years, sure fine, but the only explanation I can accept for why Five got so hung up was cause it was his first romantic relationship with an actual living person
What the hell was Abigail’s motivation, seriously do not understand that at all
Also, weren’t there tons of other miracle babies born with powers, Hargreeves didnt get them all
And so what, the Swedes and the handler get to live but the hargreeves dont?
I’ve seen a couple people mention this already, but really what was the message? Do I think every piece of story telling has to have a message? No. Do I think good story telling needs a message to be good? Yeah kinda and I think the past seasons kinda did
Six episodes Netflix?!? This is both a question and an explanation, the season was crappy because 6 episodes is no time to develop any kind of plot or character. Are y’all really that fucking cheap
Just like with shadow and bone, the cast continues to be amazing, Netflix is just doing us and them dirty
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soinlovewith · 7 months ago
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swimmingwithfish · 2 years ago
XO, Kitty and the start of the queer character evolution.
(Spoilers for XO Kitty Below!)
I’m always one for teen dramas. It’s a guilty pleasure that I take much delight in. Classic rom-coms like 10 Things I Hate About You and Clueless have always been my favourites. But to me, they always felt too straight. Too much heteronormative things and none of the queer rep I always wanted, even in more modern films and TV Shows in the genre. 
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before has always been one of my favourtie movies, so, when I found out about the spin off series XO, Kitty, I was ecstatic. Kitty had always been a character I resonated with and I loved all of Jenny Han’s other work. 
Going into it, I expected the classic two boys fighting over one girl love triangle, a gay best friend and the girl best friend that I always seem to ship the main character with. I had predicted most of the story from the start. Until.
XO, Kitty is far from the ‘girl meets boy’ I was familiar with. It’s a queer love story and a coming out story and a self-discovery story. Definitely not the black and white romance i thought it would follow. 
We have Q, the GBF, who is far from the feminine male sterotype you see in teen TV. He doesn’t give Kitty fashion advice and makeovers (which isn’t a bad thing btw), but a jock, the atheltic scholarship kid, who sure, does know a good dress when he sees one, but takes on a character that’s still such a worthy queer person without having to fall into the feminine sterotype. 
Then we have Yuri, the Korean ‘it’ girl, also the girl best friend. She’s not the bimbo pick me girl you think she might me. She’s complex and interesting and she’s gay. Her storyline is something you don’t see often, and they really delve into the struggles of what it’s like being queer in a place and family where you’re not allowed to. Her journey is beautiful and powerful and reflects the coming out struggle in such an honest way, without making her story as a queer person just about coming out. She says the line ‘I have to live a fake life just so you’ll keep loving me’, when coming out to her mum and that encompassed so much of my current queer experience, especially as a person of colour. I think that it was for me, a sort of ‘Hey! we’re in the same boat’ thing and really made me feel so much more seen. She’s a well developed queer character that isn’t reduced to a ‘placed there just for representation’ character.
And we have Kitty herself. The main character. I honestly did not expect Netflix and the producers to go in this direction, but Kitty is queer. At first, I didn’t know if they were just sorta doing it for the sake of it. It didn’t feel like a deliberate decision. Maybe more of a thought that crosses her mind during the show. But Kitty has a crush on Yuri, and the way they address it is so different. They don’t exactly show that coming out to yourself thought process (which I kind of wish they did), rather, Kitty likes Yuri and she just accepts that, which I think is cool. I like now we don’t always need this big revelation moments (although, they’re still cool), but I think it shows the progression of how we treat queer characters as not spectacles for the audience, but just, people. Kitty’s crush on Yuri also felt very resemblant to my own crush on my friend which was probably why I related to her so much but just in general, it felt so natural to just have a queer main character in a non-queer focused show. Like, this wasn’t Hearstopper. No one expected it to be, yet, here we are, and I’m so happy about that.
This evolution into organically created queer characters is something we defnintely need more of and I’m so glad that Netflix is taking the step to do so. ALTHOUGH I REALLY HOPE THIS IS NOT BECAUSE THEY’RE TRYING TO GET REDEMPTION FOR CANCELLING ALL THE OTHER SAPPHIC SHOWS. 
I also feel like though, that Jenny Han is just like a great person because whenever it’s her books being adapted, there’s always this like ‘organic queerness’. Like, in The Summer I Turned Pretty, there’s this guy Jeremiah, who in her book is presented as this straight guy, but in the show he just like kisses some guy and it was a dileberate from of causal representation (if that’s even a thing). Like kissing that guy didn’t add to the plot, but it wasn’t queerbaiting either because (well for me personally) I felt like the directors were like ‘This is Jeremiah. He’s queer, and he’s a main love interest’ and being queer didn’t like shatter the earth around him, it was just a part of him, as it is for all queer people.
But XO, Kitty itself aside from Kitty and Yuri is so good (maybe because I’m a sucker for these things), but everything about it just makes me squeal. I feel like teen TV is taking a turn in terms of creating realistic characters. And while we still have a long way to go (GENDER DIVERSE AND CULTURALLY DIVERSE PEOPLE!!!! CMON NETFLIX), XO, Kitty feels like a really big win for queer (and especially QPOC) people. 
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justanotherbarrelrat · 2 years ago
From “Can’t you read it?” to “I can read to him”
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darshanan-blog · 2 years ago
Afwaah (rumor) on #Netflix - Movie Review
Anubhav Sinha's #Afwaah on @Nerflix shines a light on the damage done when poison of hate is spread though social media and smart tech & needlessly innocent people die in the cross hairs.
Once again producer Anubhav Sinha has boldly taken on a challenging societal issue in the film, Afwaah, currently streaming on @Netflix.  Rahab Ahmad (Nawazuddin Siddiqui) is a US returned professional, professing a desire to give back to the homeland. As the film begins, Ahmad is merrily listening to jazz and driving through traffic, trying to get to a high profile literature festival where his…
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spongebobssquarepants · 2 months ago
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auntyokula · 4 months ago
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only princesses allowed at tea party
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princehowl · 2 months ago
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the dumbest smart person i know
[jan 2025]
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proxysart · 2 months ago
Innovators competition prize winning photo
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lex-the-lesbiann · 4 months ago
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sunfloowerlatte-art · 4 months ago
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0ddevilz · 4 months ago
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Also a Lest fanart because she’s so cool I love the trans representation🙏
Support me on ko-fi!🏳️‍⚧️
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tsuyonpuu · 4 months ago
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Don't worry about it Jayce 💭
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kiwimintlime · 4 months ago
"Jayce has two hands" so do I. outta my way hammer boy, I'm about to get it
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darshanan-blog · 2 years ago
Terzi (Tailor) on #Netflix - Series Review (after Season 1)
Season one of #Terzi (Tailor) is streaming on @Netflix in Turkish language with English subtitles. Based on true events, it is a gripping series with many mysteries, secrets and interesting twists and turns. Some secrets that surface as the show progresses are shocking and others stay hidden at the present time. The flow is unpredictable, fast paced and likely to keep the audience riveted.  This…
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