#???????? VERY loosely
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wizardschoooldropout · 2 months ago
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“Shower to your head, name 3 things better than postal dude r34” just start the water bro 💔
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unicyclehippo · 5 months ago
One word prompt for hawkeye/bishova: tense
(Also yay! Excited for you to try to write for them! Love ur writing and also hawkeye 🫶)
ok just a short one while i have my coffee. in the same vague story as regret & stumble
so far, kate’s talked for the whole drive.
it’s not something she’s particularly proud of, okay? it’s just a fact. she does start to think she would make an incredible politician purely on her filibuster flair but the thought passes, a little because she can’t think of anything worse than politics, a little because she starts feeling guilty that her present filibustering isn’t some grand speech in defence of civil liberties but a desperate attempt to fill the car with noise so clint won’t ask her questions.
‘—and that’s obviously where everything started to go wrong, because apparently the bell wasn’t fixed in the tower properly and the arrow doesn’t weight that much—what am i saying, you know how much arrows weigh, and this was just a flute14, they’re like, what three-eighty?’
‘three eighty-five.’
kate turned in the seat to stare at him, mouth agape. she hadn’t seen him turn his hearing aid off but she had just figured, after three hours of this, that he’d managed to tune her out. she didn’t think he was really listening.
oh well. in for an arrow, in for a quiver full.
‘right! so i didn’t think it would bring a tower down. obviously. but it turns out that the weight of the arrow is nothing and it’s actually the force you gotta calculate, which, i should obviously have realised but yknow what they say about hindsight and shooting arrows at bell towers. i guess the bell wasn’t built to be rung because when i used the snapshut head—‘
‘yeah. they have a claw on the front so when you hit something, it clicks the trigger and closes the claw around it.’
clint tilts his head. ‘huh.’
‘anyway, the arrow pulled the rope and the rope pulled the bell and the bell pulled the beam and the beam pulled the top of the tower and everything kinda…collapsed from there.’
if she had to pick when things started going wrong this year, that was probably it. or was it just the latest in a long string of things going wrong? there was an unhappy thought.
‘did you design the snapshut head?’
kate beamed at clint. she was so happy he was her partner—he knew she needed to talk. talk about taking one for the team.
‘no, i saw last years olympics champ using something similar. well, i guess i designed my snapshuts—design feels like a really sophisticated term,’ she confessed. ‘i just kept trying stuff until it worked.’
clint glanced sidelong at her. ‘yeah,’ he said. ‘that’s what designing is.’
‘oh. then yeah.’
he huffed a little laugh and turned his attention back to the road.
it was really pretty. they were still in pennsylvania and the highway ran straight and clear ahead of them. on either side, dense forests crowded in grey and green and on a distant ridge, she could make out rows of looming hemlocks like a fence of arrows.
maybe not arrows, she supposed. just because something was triangular didn’t mean it looked like an arrow.
she leaned her head against the window. it shuddered and jumped under her skull from the tiny bumps in the road and made her teeth buzz.
clint reached carefully back and grabbed his sweater, holding it out to her.
‘what’s this for?’
‘fold it up, use it as a pillow.’ he said it all stern, an order, like it wasn’t the sweetest thing in the world. ‘you’ll get a concussion if your head bangs around like that.’
‘another concussion,’ she pointed out cheerfully. ‘oh. you didn’t know that? i mean, i’m fine.’
‘mhm.’ clint glowered at the road.
kate folded up the soft sweater and tucked it between her head and the window. then, between one blink and the next, she fell asleep.
lucky barked when clint took him out to pee at the next gas station. kate jerked awake with a kick and a snort.
‘shh,’ clint soothed, patting her shoulder. ‘go back to sleep.’
‘you should have woken me up!’ kate insisted for the sixth time. ‘i can’t believe you bought chips, of all things. i mean, salt? what were you thinking? it’s gonna dry us out, parch the lips, we’re gonna be gasping for liquids, clint!’
‘will it stop you from talking?’
‘in the worst case scenario, yes.’ she narrowed her eyes at him and asked, darkly, ‘why?’
he scratched at the stubble on his chin, but not fast enough to hide his smile. ‘just wondering. there’s something blue in the icebox, by the way.’
kate twisted to check what drinks he bought. it looks like the worlds most off-brand gatorade and she gets why he just said blue. it’s not only the name but also the most prominent and upsetting feature.
‘it’s so blue…’
‘i know.’
‘this can’t be healthy.’
‘can’t be.’
‘…want half?’
clint rolled down his window and poured the dregs of his coffee into the highway gutter, passing the styrofoam cup over.
‘so. you had drinks with yelena?’
kate dug very nonchalantly into the bag of chips. she pulled out a folded chip between her pointer and middle finger.
‘did you ever get told it was bad luck to touch a folded chip with your thumb?’
‘weird.’ she shoved it in her mouth and chewed obnoxiously loud. maybe he’d take it as a hint.
he didn’t.
‘some protege you turn out to be,’ he teased (she hoped). ‘you couldn’t have waited a week? she only tried to kill me yesterday.’
‘she wasn’t trying very hard,’ kate pointed out. ‘if she wanted either of us dead, we would be dead. like, you saw her fighting, right?’
‘i’m not bad at fighting, clint! i have won—‘ she totted them up quickly. ‘seventeen trophies! important trophies! i got my black belt at fifteen. and she’s like, wow. so much better.’
clint nodded. his face stayed smooth but kate, half turned in her seat to lean against the window, had a perfect view of his hands curling tight around the steering wheel.
‘was—‘ kate stopped. shoved another chip in her mouth.
clint’s lips turned up very slightly. ‘you can ask.’
‘are you sure?’
kate thought carefully about how to phrase it. the black widow—the black widow—was a sore subject for clint. hawkeye. for obvious reasons. and with each hour that passed in this rust bucket truck that smelled now of gasoline and potato chips and dog, everything got a little bit more strange. she had known instantly who clint was when he stripped the mask from her face—the hawkeye! her hero! the world’s hero!—and then the week passed like a kidney stone and now he was hawkeye and also nathaniel’s dad and a husband and this guy. who was strange in his own right. like, who went into a gas station and bought the weirdest stuff on purpose? and kate was sitting in his passenger seat, their bows were packed together in the back seat, he had walked her dog. it was a lot. and she didn’t want to fuck it up.
‘was natasha like that?’ she asked quietly, words half vanishing under the putter of the engine so if he wanted to, he could pretend he hadn’t heard.
‘she was better.’ when kate scoffed, he grinned that tight lopsided grin, like he’d half forgotten how to smile. ‘i’m serious. she was the best. once, that meant she was the worst of the worst. and then…’
‘the shot you didn’t take.’
‘and she came to your side.’
‘not at first.’ clint opened his mouth. kate threw a chip in and cheered when he caught it between his teeth. ‘it was messy,’ he said through the crunch. ‘she killed some more people, injured more, broke into some facilities.’
‘she was a bad guy, kate.’ clint’s smile faded a touch. ‘yelena is too. just ‘cause she’s out doesn’t mean she’s changed.’
hot words raced up her throat into her mouth like bile; kate bit them back, surprised and a little weirded out by her own intensity. you don’t understand! she wanted to say, which was dumb as hell because of all the people in the world, the black widow’s best friend knew.
kate lowered her eyes to the dashboard. she thought of bell towers and scoldings and her mother’s gentle hand on her chin, looking at her the same way she had at eight years old.
‘i’ll be careful,’ she told him softly.
clint had been a trooper through the trip, kate could and would readily admit that. she was the worst road trip buddy in the world. school trips relegated to being the teachers buddy could attest to that.
the last hour, kate folded her lips tight and her hands in her lap, only reaching out to stroke lucky’s head until he glared sleepily at her out of his one eye and turned away.
‘you’re being pretty quiet.’
‘are you sure i should come?’ kate blurted.
clint laughed. ‘bit late for that, isn’t it?’
‘no? i mean, the nearest airport is, what, two hours drive? or i could rent a car and drive back. it’s really pretty here, it’d be a nice drive, i wouldn’t mind at all. because christmas is a family thing and i know your kids were really wanting you back—‘
‘you’re coming.’
clint threw her a few worried looks as the minutes ticked away.
‘she invited you. my wife. they want to meet you.’
‘no,’ he drawled, ‘the other girl archer who saved my life.’
he admitted it! kate very coolly grinned and pumped her fist in a secret little cheer.
‘okay,’ she said again.
she thought it sounded very happy that time, she thought she was very happy that time, but then clint had to sling a question her way—unfair—and she wasn’t so sure.
‘do you want to be there?’ he scratched at his head, above his deafened ear. ‘i didn’t really ask, i guess. did you want to stay in the city?’
kate leaned against the soft sweater and turned her eyes to the highway. the grass plain and the rolling hills that curtained the barton farm from the rest of ohio and the world.
‘nah,’ she said, tone light. ‘are you kidding? and miss out on christmas with the real hawkeye?’
given that she had raised her misgivings like, twelve seconds ago, she deserved his very intense and disbelieving side-eye. but it was sweet that he didn’t press.
cooper, she learned, was like his dad in that he kept most of his thoughts inside his head. he was less like his dad because when kate started rambling, he actually seemed to enjoy it and laughed at all her jokes. he probably got that from his mom, who was the most incredible host. warm and gracious and welcoming from the get go.
nathaniel—nate—was cheeky and bright and goofy and totally enamoured with lucky. he was at that age where he constantly had sticky hands and something on his face and when he laughed more than anything else.
lila was an odd combination of her parents. she looked a lot like her mom, and older than her years in the way kate remembered from high school, wanting to seem older than she was. she was so obviously sharp, clever and pointed and had a ton of questions for kate that started off kind and got way more… harsh wasn’t the right word. protective, maybe. of her dad and his time he had promised them. of herself, when it came to this stranger who had stolen their dad for a long precious week.
‘so, you’re like, his apprentice now or something?’ lila asked when her parents were busy in the kitchen kissing hello and, kate assumed, telling her some of the more important things that had happened.
‘um. something like that.’
‘that’s cool. you’re an archer like him?’
‘yeah, yep.’
‘and you nearly got both of you killed?’
‘i’m just asking.’
‘not in front of nate,’ laura murmured, with a sweet smile. ‘and maybe not at all, yeah hun?’ she tugged at her daughter’s ponytail lightly, teasing.
‘i don’t mind,’ kate lied brightly, sitting tall and tense on the sofa with the girl. ‘it’s totally fair to ask.’
‘see! she doesn’t mind.’
kate had to look away when laura sent her daughter The Look; her ribs ached, clenching so tight around her chest, and it was weirdly hard to breathe for a second.
‘—ate? kate?’
a soft hand touched her shoulder. kate jumped up from the sofa, jostling laura and her own hot cocoa.
‘hey, sweetie, are you—‘
‘which way to the little girl’s room, sorry? it was a helluva long drive,’ she laughed, and chattered as lila stood at another parental look and guided her through a warren of doors and halls to the guest toilet.
‘sorry for badgering you,’ she said quietly, sharply, but not begrudgingly. ‘i’m just glad he’s home.’
and safe, she didn’t say.
kate smiled down at the girl. ‘i get it,’ and rolled her eyes when lila huffed and strode away. wild. she was usually so good with people, and especially kids. she had it on good authority that she was still just an older kid a lot of the time.
tucking away in the washroom, kate sat and let herself breathe. it smelled of lavender soap and some leafy plant on the windowsill. everything was clean and kitschy and so not home that kate had to curl up tight around her bruised and battered body and press her face into her coat, smell the singed sleeve and remember that yeah, she had fought kingpin and a thousand tracksuit goons yesterday and—and everything else that happened too.
her pocket shivered. more accurately, the phone in her pocket shook with an incoming text.
(yelena), the ID said. kate had changed it pretty fast. not that she was likely to forget.
no message to say you are there safe? how rude.
kate laughed softly.
we got here safe. no thanks to clint
should she have said that? yelena wasn’t on the warpath anymore but would she get it was a joke?
he bought this weird blue drink, she started, and kept talking until clint called her for dinner.
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louisisalarrie · 9 months ago
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thedailyvio · 5 months ago
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Day 311
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pxnxply · 5 months ago
I think my main survival verse for Eöl will be either he never goes to Gondolin or he accepts staying. But I do want a verse where he survives the fall somehow. Because it's just funny to imagine him bouncing off the cliffs and then just standing up at the bottom and walking away.
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justletmeon12 · 1 year ago
Angel: Hey, Al, could you kill Valentino and tape it for me?
Alastor: I don't take requests. Besides, why would you want a tape?
Angel: Well... how often do you get to hear your housemate on the radio?
Alastor: I'm on the radio every day!
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irelandseyeonmythology · 1 year ago
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Well, I've found my dream job if academia doesn't work out.
(Source: Ronald Hutton, Blood and Mistletoe)
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k4saneterritory · 2 years ago
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reverend daughter, who do you mourn // a cavalier's favour to her lady
(sort of a redo - this time i used 4 layers!!)
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stardust948 · 1 year ago
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Zutara Lavaboy and Sharkgirl redesign
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ent-is-indecisive · 6 months ago
Decarating my shoes. Also cricut vinyl sticker is so disappointing. Im adding glue as i go but i need to find a proper sealant. Hesitating with covering it with oil paint varnish since thats what i did with my last painted shoes
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anewkindofme · 3 months ago
Robert: You look like me. Everybody's always said so. Jackson: They say some people look like their dogs, too. That doesn't mean anything.
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snickerlesscage · 4 months ago
Had a dream last night that I was helping Misha run a boarding house for disadvantaged youth and it was one of the girls' birthdays. I was setting up the decorations and he was meant to be making a pineapple upside down cake. He didn't add any dry ingredients and was essentially just boiling some pineapple slices in a cake tin. Later on he told some of our guests that he was my work daddy and I blushed so hard that I woke up.
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leporidaecervinae · 1 year ago
It slips through his fingers like a blade to a joint
Digs deep the well of hatred
Swings against the pale blue white
Eyes like soft soil creased in effervescent joy
Brings bitten nails to chapped lips
He sits on his lonesome ivory chair
Prays peace brings love to his voided soul
Not all that is lost can be found in hope
Blinked miss the smile that saves the sun
Light so strong it burns the one
Who craves the heat the most
Bones dry and brittle, skin rough
Edged with nothing but loss
He craves the respite, the company, the flux
Shifting waves take them out to sea
Clutching harrowed fingers to an existence not meant for thee
He waits. He yearns. He pleads.
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squarebracketsmileyface · 8 months ago
drops another spotify link in your askbox like a raccoon bringing you a rock
A rock :D
I am glad it is not candy floss or it would have disolved /ref
This is such a cute song what. (Song is She Wants Me (To Be Loved) by The Happy Fits) It's so funky I love it. I was like "awwww happy Amy and Alex song" until like right at the end and I was like wait no she doesn't like him back, not Amy and Alex, Amy is very in love with him. But eh, still cute Amy and Alex. They'd dance in the kitchen to this, Amy would put on a cute dress that spins really well, and Alex would twirl her around the kitchen with the lights low and this song in the background. He'd be smiling so fondly the entire time, just absolutely enamoured with her and how happy she looks.
Also this could be a Jaylex song if it was specifically Jaylex in uni before things went to shit. So basically, like, their first couple times sleeping together and that's it. But like, idk I'm just imagining Jay listening to this in some of those shitty little headphones they always had in the computer rooms in high school. You know the ones with the really thin foam pads that made your ears hurt when you wore them? He'd listen to it through those while he's working on a Marble Hornets script with Alex, and every time Alex isn't looking, Jay just stares at him with this song playing singing along in his head but changing the lyrics to he/him
Like: "I can't stop feelin', I want [his] love // But all my dreamin' is not enough // So in the mornin', the sun will rise // And I'll wake up and [he] won't be mine"
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joshuaalbert · 1 year ago
truly I cannot get over how insane it is to be wearing the symbol of a formation that resulted in the death of your friend under your command and ruined your entire life on a jacket like? 15 years later or whatever??? hello????
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was watching korone and I was hearing her say the word yankee a lot and I was sort've confused as there didn't seem to be anything stereotypically american on the screen but apparently it's a term for a delinquent youth
there's apparently a whole subculture where they're just shitty and rude and it seems to be (loosely, as with any long distance cultural exchange) based off the american punk subculture
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