#?? is that the ship name now?? idk I initially did this just because of vibes but it is approaching /gen at an alarming rate in my mind
heavendraven · 1 year
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very self-indulgent thing I worked on today instead of schoolwork. I like to think that their impeccable vibes transcend time
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ivryne · 2 years
late night, telephones ˖ ࣪
⋆ ᳝ ֺ alhaitham x gn!reader | modern high school!au
— in which Kaveh made it his life mission to find out who is his roommate’s secret lover. [ pt two here ]
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“Yes, goodnight darling. I’ll see you tomorrow. Yeah, love you too.”
Accidentally overhearing Alhaitham’s late night phone call was one thing Kaveh didn’t plan on. But hearing those words spur from his literally cold-as-ice tongue made him question his existence. Alhaitham?? Being affectionate with someone???? Saying ‘I love you’ back??? Was Kaveh about the be called up to celestia and live his remaining life with the primodial one??
Okay it’s not even about the fact that he called them darling. OR THE FACT THAT HE SAID I LOVE YOU BACK. Even though those facts alone were something he desperately need to talk about later. But one thing Kaveh was mostly surprised at was the fact that someone wanted to be affectionate with him.
That made him wonder. Like the green haired moron does literally nothing but sit and read. Without his pretty face, perfect brawns, and outstandingly smart brain, he would be nothing. No but seriously, did you ever see Alhaitham taking a step forward to start a conversation? No, exactly! In fact he’s the one that takes the initiative to stop them.
So from now on, Kaveh decided to make it his life mission to find out who exactly is willing to suffer for the sake of being with Alhaitham.
Going to his lists of candidates he has…uhm. He can’t really think of anyone right now rather than the librarian that spends 24/7 in the library. I mean he guessed they do have one thing in common. But no let’s cross that out.
Oh yeah! Alhaitham was in the student council. He was there as secretary! Okay that opened up a few spots for some people Alhaitham could be dating.
Okay so far here is his list:
1. Vice president of the student council, Cyno
Notes: possibility 40%. Seen them talk before but they hate each other sm. Honestly giving enemies to lovers vibe but didn’t Cyno had a thing w Tighnari? Idk need to check again.
2. Student council head of social media department, Nilou
Notes: possibility 60%. Very very pretty, single too (I think??) Seen them talk but I think only abt student council matters (or is it??). Kinda too good for Alhaitham. She doesn’t seem to be the type that likes cold guys. Does that cross her out??
3. Student council head of sports department, Dehya
Notes: possibility -100%. Definitely not. Rumour spreading around that she’s dating Dunyazard. Ship them sm ngl if she turned out to he dating Alhaitham I’ll kill him for ruining my ship. But overall definitely not.
4. Student council president, [ Name ]
Notes: possibility 25%. Nah bro they too good for him. They’re literally the definition of social butterfly and he’s likes the opposite. So many ppl chasing after them fr so if they turned out to be taken by Alhaitham, I’ll personally go back to celestia myself.
So far that was the list! It was okay so far but he needed more evidence. The one with most percentage on his list was Nilou. He’ll have to ask around to find more candidates too. But he was sure that the list of candidates wouldn’t be more than 5.
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Before you questioned Kaveh to why didn’t he just asked Alhaitham, it’s because he would just stare at him blatantly and said “It’s not your problem” ! Honestly, getting an answer from Alhaitham aside for calculus matters is extremely difficult.
He did his research and observations. Alhaitham goes to the library every day (literally). He spends his time there reading the same kind of shit he does at home, staying quietly at a remote corner, away from all the other students.
There was no way this man is taken. The problem is he doesn’t even try. Like at all. 0 efforts. If Kaveh was his lover, he would’ve dump his ass in public and let him suffer the embarrassment. The worst part about that is the fact that he probably won’t even care!
After what seemed like 30 minutes, Kaveh decided that all was hopeless and finally went his merry away. Ah, if only he stayed just a minute more. Then he wouldn’t have missed your approaching figure heading towards the man whose nose is stuck in a book.
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“Hi.” A small smile graced your lips, your eyes melt into those turquoise hues, one that reeked of fondness and admiration.
No words of greetings has yet to leaves his tongue, but the way he scooted over to the right, indicating you too sit by him was more than enough.
“So, when are we going to tell him?” Alhaitham averted his gaze from his book unto you. His eyes slightly squinted, showcasing evidence of him clearly thinking.
“Is it really equivalent for him to know?” Your boyfriend asked, earning a soft chuckle from you.
“Statically speaking, not really. But the way he’s searching for candidates is so hilarious and amusing to watch, don’t you think, darling?” Alhatham lifted his book up to eye level, covering the dust of pink that shimmered around his features.
He pondered awhile before replying “Ah you’re not wrong. It is quite the fun to see him run around chasing for some bit of evidence. A mastermind are you, my love?” Now it was your turn to flush shades of red. You can see the smile of adoration on his eyes cascading through the shades of his irises.
Times like these are where you love him most. Where the two of you sit in the presence of one another, quietly scheming and watching that friend of yours running around like a detective on a case. Seeing him desperately looking for the answer when it is right in front of him, sitting cross legged and maneuvering the most amusing smile.
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do not repost, share, or copy ! Reblogs and likes very much appreciated!! Thankyou for taking ur time to read this hope you enjoyed it! Follow me for more xx
©️ shrslair.
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yellowvixen · 5 months
Initially I thought Knuckles and Jet could fit equally good as either Dagur or Snoutlout (I'm never getting used with his original name LOL), but then nah... Dagur is too much villainous in the start, like he is deliberately such a madman and had such a charisma being that villain and was so into being like that by his pure free will plus the way he was used to see the world and such that not Knuckles or Jet can fit, none of them were ever evil to begin with, one was misguided and the other is just not exactly good as well.
Knuckles being there was only guided by the aesthetic since you're considering Blaze to be Heather and then the two ✨guardians✨would be the siblings and it made sense to me for a time.
Meanwhile I just thought on Jet because of SatBK, as many point out Lamorak and Percival are siblings in the Arthurian Stories, that's it...
Buuuuuut y'know what, or rather who, have a personality that matches with Dagur? Infinite! Yes, I'm suggesting him, I feel like he has the vibes to take Dagur's role.
Then we get who would be Snoutlout and a further thought put Jet out, Initially they seemed equally perfect as them both have that dynamic, like they hype themselves and even boast like they were better than Sonic, but then the narrative is like "actually, Sonic is just as good as them... I think he's even better lol" if it even makes sense...
But then, let's be real, if there's something ridable in the universe, Jet is doing that years before than Sonic (Uh, he could be one of that group that raises the kind of dragon Heather rides, which I'm not sure of the name in the original dub)
Also, Snoutlout is kinda like Hiccup's first rival, just like Knuckles, so yeah, Knux is the better suíted.
I won't lie, I also think Vector could work as Snoutlout, his attitude + the soft and sensible side he gets in the series (and I think were carried to the second and third movies I need to rewatch) + the kid he have quite a quarrelsome big-lil bros dynamic with made Vec just pop around here
So in short, I invaded your Ask Box to suggest you to put Infinite in Dagur's role and that somehow I suggest Knuckles and Vector equally to Snoutlout's role
I thought about the twins too, but the fact one of them ends with Fishleg, who iirc is Tails, makes it harder
Yeah Jet never really wanted to KILL Sonic so he doesn't quite fit Dagur, and as you say Knuckles was just misguided and eventually becomes besties with Sonic - which is why I feel he works better as Snotlout too!
I DID actually think of Infinite as Dagur!! Even before Blaze as Heather (which might have been Chaz's idea I don't remember who said it first now lol). Cuz he definitely does fit how Dagur acts in riders/defenders but not really in rtte where he has a complete personality change and decides to be good sjfjdhfgd. But it could still work perhaps... there's enough reformed Infinite aus out there that it wouldn't be TOO weird lol. I'll see I'll see, again I'm not sticking with all the canon relationships so he doesn't have to be Blaze's brother if I do have him as Dagur.
Also I'm crying do you mean Mala? Jet as Mala, queen of the defenders of the wing? Who ends up married to Dagur?? Maybe you meant one of the others but I'm LOSING it at Jet/Infinite... that's so funny I've never considered that ship ever. Yeah why not Jet can be Mala LMAO
I don't think I would consider Vector as Snotlout (sorry) just cuz I wanted the main squad to be the classic characters y'know? And Shadow lol. That said, my original line up was Jet as Snotlout, Tails as Fishlegs, Knuckles as Tuffnut and Amy as Ruffnut. However. And I'm very sorry about this... I just don't like Jet. I don't have any real reasons, I just don't lmao so I didn't want him to be part of the main gang ^^;
I did have a vague thought of Vector being Gobber but idk... if he was he definitely wouldn't have the same dynamic with Aleena that Gobber and Stoick do lol!!
Someone mentioned Sticks as Tuffnut which is hilarious but they wouldn't have the same dynamic as Ruff and Tuff so idk. That's why I thought of just having 5 of them rather than 6 and not having twins at all (rip). Amy and Knuckles can still have the headbutting dynamic as they're both pretty hot headed, they don't need to be related to do that!
If we wanna talk about canon httyd relationships then Fishlegs also dates Heather in rtte, as well as Snotlout having a GIANT gay crush on Fishlegs in one ep, and the both of them fighting over Ruffnut in the 2nd movie. So like I'm not gonna be doing all that don't worry skfhfhsgs I'm picking and choosing the dynamics I like and want to keep.
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thegeminisage · 8 months
TNG UPDATE TIME. it's been ages. monday we did "a matter of time" (boo) and wednesday we did "new ground" (holy shit).
a matter of time: did you guys know the little guy here played pestilence on spn? his vibes were horrific. he was awful. i don't say that about the actor himself, who was obviously very good if he could get us to lean back from our screens like that, but i did NOT like that. not one bit. now every time i see him in spn gifs i get scared
anyway it's been awhile since we had such a huge dud and i did not miss it. everybody was extra stupid this episode to make the bad guy seem smart, My Least Favorite. he was also there ALL THE TIME instead of giving us a break from him which was also super awful
also he tried to kidnap data, though i love that he failed hilariously and also they made a new jersey joke
i predicted the twist of this episode - that he was from the past, not the future - about halfway through. so at least i get to feel accomplished about something.
i do like that deanna told him to fuck off. she's never mean to anybody but he REALLY deserved it
new ground: I LOVE WORF................
i'm soooo mad at people in the star trek calling worf a deadbeat dad. idk if he does something shitty later but i totally understood the ethical dilemma in this ep maybe even perhaps better than the writers wanted me to bc the thing is like. sorry
sorry to families with children. sorry to single mothers and actually to women everywhere. sorry even to wesley crusher, my perfect precious baby boy, who i will defend with my life. they SHOULD NOT BE ON STARSHIPS.
like, ok. let's get into it. i did think it was wack that worf initially sent alexander to his human parents...but that's because he wanted his son to have access to klingon society, which was something he himself DID NOT HAVE and COULD NOT GIVE ALEXANDER had anyone known alexander was worf's son. it was TOTALLY REASONABLE for worf to be thrown headfirst into parenthood and be smart enough to say, not only am i incapable of raising a child at this juncture in my life, i am incapable of connecting him to his culture, WHICH
alexander's mother was a half-klingon woman who HATED KLINGONS. she at MULTIPLE POINTS made racist remarks about them and self-disparaging remarks about her own klingon heritage. she even gave alexander, despite being "more" klingon than human dna-wise, a HUMAN NAME. obviously the tng writing room wasnt going yeah ofc worf wants him to have access to klingon culture after all that but OFC HE DOES
which makes it wack to me that he sent alexander off to live with his parents and not his brother. NO ONE KNOWS kurn is worf's brother. he could have raised alexander on the klingon homeworld as his own, or even as his nephew, and no one would ever have known he was connected to worf. whereas sending alexander to live with the humans who raised worf is a huge indicator that he is worf's child
one might say, well he thinks klingon schools would be too harsh for this kid who was essentially raised as a human. this is a legitimate and valid concern he has in the episode as well. worf would not be as harsh as the klingon schools but he WOULD give alexander access to his klingon heritage. so that's the happy medium! as a side bonus we also don't give alexander EVEN MORE abandonment issues. the problem is,
CHILDREN SHOULDN'T BE ON A STARSHIP. we see in this very episode why they shouldn't be on a starship. "oh the saucer can separate whenever to protect the kiddos" SPACE IS DANGEROUS. they never have the budget or the time to separate the saucer. they just take all those little guys into horrible experiments whenever. i could almost understand if it was like, a spaceship that just delivered freight or something but it's an EXPLORATORY SHIP its SOLE PURPOSE is to head into unknown dangers. DON'T TAKE CHILDREN.
meanwhile worf is late to work meetings and gets commed twice about his kid while he's trying to explain himself to picard like...now you've got to consider the fact that people on the enterprise live at their workplace. they are basically on call 24/7. like if a space disaster strikes it is not gonna wait until you are through with your weekend relaxation or are finished putting your kid to bed. you CAN'T be on a starship and raise your child at the same time because as a parent you have to put your child first always and as a starship officer where EVERYONE COULD DIE AT ANY TIME you have to put the ship first always and TWO THINGS can't BOTH be first priority
like, worf is literally doing the best he can. maybe he should have sent alexander to live with his brother when he was still a little squirt but it may be too late for that now. there are quite literally no good options here to this moral dilemma of "where does my baby belong" which is actually so good because worf ALSO doesn't have a place he totally belongs. they both have a foot in each world. i bet it would be really good if it wasn't on tng
ANYWAY. sorry. there's a post in the george kirk tag about star trek fathers that disses worf and it makes me see red every time. wow! TONIGHT: "hero worship" (forboding title i hate tng episodes with kids) and "violations" (equally forboding title but here's hoping it just means we'll be playing riker roulette).
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B, N and T for the ask game and with the Flash fandom :))
Yay!!! Thank you for the ask! (for my favorite fandom no less🥹) and sry I took a bit to get to this.
Time for my ✨silly little ramblings✨™️
B “A pairing-platonic, romantic or sexual-that you initially didn't consider, but someone changed your mind” : Ooooooo, this is a good one. Well I’m not a big shipper naturally tbh, unless I see undeniable chemistry and/or suggestive scenes between characters, I’m probably just going to ship what was canon— that was until I fully entered tumblr and related fandom spaces. Now I see ships everywhere. Especially with Ao3.
Ao3 has made me ship soooo many ships, the OG being Superarrow/Kariver
More recently tho: Coldflash (my current OTP), Snowest, Hartmon, and I personally prefer them as platonic but I definitely support them as a ship— Barrisco
Also as much as I hate to admit it— I understand Eobarry and why people ship it (One sidedly it’s basically canon) but I still do not like it and definitely don’t ship it. (Ok but how tf could it ever be two sided guys— it’s also creepy af) nvm I’m not jumping into that rabbit hole today.
N “Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)” : Hmm— does more fanfiction count?💀 Ok ok, three things let’s seeeee
1: More merchandise. I finally have a STAR labs sweatshirt and it is one of my most treasured possessions— but I wish there was more options, I wish we could get Ciscos vibe glasses or smth like that (I know we can on ebay and stuff, but it’d be nice if the CW or WB put in merch effort) Ah. The pain of smaller fandoms (and I say this in relation to my other big fandoms being Star Wars and the MCU)
2: Less discourse/hate. I’ve calibrated my space here on tumblr to be on the positive side of the fandom but I remember when I couldn’t look at comment sections without seeing at least 10 hate comments (from other fans may I add). Idk maybe it’s not as bad now. I also notice this was primarily around the topic of shipping; specifically around Westallen vs Snowbarry, I saw some pretty bad stuff on both sides. Personally I just believe in ship and let ship. If you don’t like a ship then that’s fine; but don’t attack the people who do. But like I said; maybe it’s not as bad now. (Sry that was a long one lol)
3: M o r e w h u m p— including taking place in later seasons; 9x4 has so much potential and I really want someone to take advantage of it (I say, knowing full well that I could write it— I can’t though; The Bad Ending is taking up all of my writing time/energy)
Either way; whumpers I love you and I hope more of you find this fandom
T “Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?” :
*Rubs hand together* Oh do I— it’s ramble time
Now as a fanfiction writer, I have to have headcanons; it’s how I make the story and characters work while giving them extra depth. Naturally however; it’s not something I would usually think of outside of that. I have created the most fanfictions for this fandom by far (It was also the first media I ever wrote it for) so naturally I indeed have headcanons that will make their way into my fics.
Oliver trained Team Flash in hand to hand combat Now this one is less of a headcanon and more something I wish happened— cause where tf did they get their training from?? Maybe I’m missing/forgetting something and if so sry my bad— but this seems like something that absolutely could’ve happened. (I’m not counting superhero fight club as canon btw; as fun as it is)
Everyone goes to therapy
Gods this one is more wishful thinking than anything else— I’ll never forgive the CW for having Barry and Iris take couples therapy when what they both need is therapy therapy. The number of life threatening scenarios the entirety of Team Flash has gone through is more than enough to warrant therapy (and some form of PTSD but that’s a whole nother topic). The only possible exception I would make is Barry, because it would not surprise me at all if Joe had him go as a kid and the therapist didn’t believe him about the man in yellow just like everyone else; plenty of people have bad experiences with therapy that make them not want to go and that’s completely understandable.
Team Flash has movie night
You can’t look me in the eye and tell me they don’t.
Barry has claustrophobia
Nothing to support this really, but hey— that’s why it’s a headcanon
Also I have sexuality headcanons for most characters but I’ll do those another time.
Sweet! This was so fun and again; thank you for the ask!!! Sorry that it was so long but I had a lot of fun :-D
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karihighman · 2 years
so @halsteadsass had some lovely thoughts about the 4x21 promo & inspired me to write my own.
there are a LOT of ways i could see this whole proposal thing happening. one being (sadly, but still possible!) that tim actually would propose to ashley. but before anyone breaks down, let me explain why i really see that as the last resort possibility:
tim bradford has always been a man to 1) stay in relationships and 2) not be spontaneous. he’s like the epitome of a person who hates surprises IMO, so why on earth would he spring one on ashley in the form of a 💍? yeah, no. next!
ps: can’t forget how long it took him to divorce his now ex-wife isabel. tim is a helper by nature. his duty is to the people he cares about, and he thought he could help his wife — and in some ways, he did. but in staying for so long, he ended up getting hurt in the process.
with rachel, he initially was against the whole long distance relationship thing because him being a man of logic looked at the statistics. STATS. about love. 🙃 and you wanna know who looks at the heart of issues (pun sort of intended?) LUCY CHEN THAT’S WHO. besides, she was one of the people encouraging him to maybe try & make it work if that’s what he wanted. so, in the s2 finale, he changed his mind & did.
pps: did we ever get a clear reason why he & rachel ended things? am i just blocking that out from my memory or something????? no seriously help me out here people 😂
anyway, moving on to the present day. lucy is with chris; tim is with ashley. now, i’ve gone on about various reasons why i see chris & lucy not working out on the podcast - but in short, the foundation isn’t there (they’ve disagreed on mental health issues numerous times & it’s even come up in lucy’s trial prep), they may have fun but like nikki said in her post, it’s not something long term, and they just don’t have that same page type of vibe that chenford has. you know how lucy said she & tim have a shorthand? it’s because they’re so in tune with each other. chrischen on the other hand isn’t. i feel like chris is more invested than lucy is — remember she called him/their relationship a “work in progress” !!!!
and y’all don’t even get me started on tim/ashley (idk their ship name😅). while i don’t mind them, i do think they’re better as individuals than they are together. they lack common ground, they don’t share any similar interests, & um yes hi so unless i missed something neither has said the oh-so-important l word. (L O V E) .... soooo there’s that to consider. why on earth would tim, a man who isn’t spontaneous & is usually meticulous in his decisions propose marriage to a woman he hasn’t even said “i love you” to yet?!?!?!?!?!?! it doesn’t track to me, y’know?
i’m also in the camp of lucy being the one to actually process her feelings first. tim may have had moments of realization over this last season (esp. since 3x09!) but i think even though he’s one to be logical, he’s also one to push things down easier. so he was able to push anything away feelings wise for lucy since 3x09, or 3x14, or 4x01 easily because it just couldn’t happen for them then. and now that he’s with someone else, i don’t think that it came up again (unless you count the dance - but we missed a critical aftermath scene in that ep so canonically(?) who knows what chenford’s thinking now!)
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so he’s able to compartmentalize easier than say, lucy “usually wears her heart on her sleeve” chen is. except, when it comes to tim, lucy hasn’t faced things since her 4x01 realization either (again, sort of omitting the dance scene b/c of the lack of aftermath — DON’T GET ME WRONG I FUCKING LOVE THAT MOMENT THOUGH).
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to recap, we’re left with two people in other relationships who each haven’t fully come to terms with their feelings for each other. i’m honestly wondering if a more plausible explanation is tim proposing those “Mother’s Day plans” to ashley that the 4x21 episode description alludes to. again, it’s just me being the english major & going back to the use of “respective” in the description, which when properly used coincides with the list in question - each item in the forthcoming list relates back to the subject - god i’m not making sense
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^ in the description above, respective relationships means whatever’s described first pertains to tim, second to lucy. so tim/ashley deal w/mother’s day; chrischen deals w/the vacation. so, i’m thinking tim is trying to reassure ashley that things will work out if she wants him to meet her mom(?) or if she would inquire about his — although see i’m still not 100% sure as to the status of mrs. bradford (is she alive still? i’d always presumed the opposite, but maybe i’m wrong)... hence why i’m leaning towards ashley would want tim to meet her mother. maybe he’s just gesturing & saying how great it’ll be. OR MAYBE THE DESCRIPTION IS PURPOSELY MISUSING RESPECTIVE & IT IS THE ROMANTIC VACATION FOR TIM/ASHLEY in which case tim’s attempting to be spontaneous & “sell” this romantic vacay idea to his girlfriend aaaaand that’s what lucy sees in the promo! {because btw, chris wanting to meet lucy’s mom or parents in general would make more sense than chrischen romantic vacation storyline IMO}
but maybe chris does wanna do a vacation & that is what’s on lucy’s mind as she’s walking & maybe that’s when she sees tim. hell, maybe she was going to go ask for his advice about said vacation idea. or the whole chris meeting her mother thing. maybe it brings up emotions surrounding bio dad for her again & since she mentioned it to tim before maybe she’s looking for a sympathetic ear again. who knows (i only wish i did - thank god we only have to wait 6 days to find out)
also one of my other friends said maybe it’s some sort of fever dream lucy has. like it cannot be real, the tim getting down on one knee thing.... maybe it’s all just a dream lucy had that gets her to wake up and realize her feelings for tim are real (nikki i believe mentioned this in her post or on other social media!)
anyhow, i’m still in the camp of lucy is needing to talk to tim, sees the “proposal” then BAM! feelings are officially being processed, all cylinders are firing. now, do i think ashley says yes? sorry to say (HAVE U SEEN TIM BRADFORD🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥) but i think she says no. and maybe lucy is only seeing the grand gesture (if it is a real proposal) and mistakes it for ashley’s yes. or, i think someone else either or here or twitter had said maybe it’s a practice round 😆 either way, i’m still thinking that everything is not what it seems when it comes to that scene — even the result if it does happen to be a real marriage proposal from tim to ashley.
i do think that regardless of the outcome, chenford probably won’t have a chance to discuss it with each other. i feel like they’ll be dummies and stew privately, or push all these weird emotions away that come up from said scene. so, i’m thinking that this undercover mission in 4x22 will be extra tension filled because of the words unspoken, feelings unsaid. and when the stakes get higher in this possible drug op, an undercover kiss or at the very least, almost kiss happens which will definitely turn chenford’s world upside down. (& bring fans like me an eternity of screaming until s5 in sept.)
ok, i think i’m done now. brownie points for you if you read this whole thing. i ramble. i’m a writer. it’s kinda my thing. oops. 🥴 hope some of this made sense. chenford endgame ftw that’s all!
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alderjayne · 2 years
First impression: he's a pretty different character from the source hyperfixation character but fun nonetheless. Unique way to execute a ship that I am currently enjoying. The names are neat.
Impression now: hyperfixation ENDED with canon(? mainstream??) noncanon characters now THIS annoying weird little guy has been The on and off hyperfixation for. at least the past two years? He is the most character. also too close 2 emotional home sometimes which is not a good thing. I have absolutely NO attraction emotions to him on ANY level, but I want to see him experience Many Problems That May Be His Own Fault and also have friends :^) fun to see him kind of trying to be less of a horrible teenager and recognize he wants friends and the vague shape of what he wants in general + take initiative towards some of his problems, but he's objectively still being a prick even if he's getting 🤏 little bit better, which is also funny. loser (affection) I'm glad they're hanging out with less murder now.
Favorite moment: that time he showed up at Edward's house and ended inside of it via stepmom. edit for honorable mention/close second in the most recent chapter where he was chatting with Ed in the car, ft. completely misusing the term “win win” and asking Chris’s dad if he’s seen a ghost. there were lots of thins for pt.1 I liked, but they aren’t as recent/fresh in my brain so I can’t name one from them that stands out especially more than the other ones I liked. The bit where they broke into the school was also good, though.
Idea for a story: unavoidable/forced because situation conversation with parents. Alternatively, y'know how kai did that drawing with his silhouette and the wings at one point? And how a bunch of people (and I still don't really get it, tbh I never got behind the idea) had theories or fics with Drew having wings (since DS had them)? Not to say it's gonna happen in canon or foreshadowed anything, but I think it could be kind of entertaining if "Isaac got stressed out and randomly started having wings at the time of current canon for no obvious reason" was a fic Thing too. Same idea, similar problems, different guy. Also see: extremely awkward bonding with Edward's jocks. Also also see: something with time travel maybe somehow?? Idk how. Making a reference to the orange gradient drawing kai did could work w that topic. it has the Vibes for it. also also also: Isaac actually talking to or coexisting with Nevin for more than 5 seconds, or maybe meeting Nevin before Chris drama
Unpopular opinion: I think by the time he would be genuinely romantically dating someone, gonna say Edward because that's who I see this most with, he would have more character development and act... better to them (and vise versa) than he did at the beginning of the story. Even just now (though admittedly these examples are from the most recent chapter, so they may not be the best examples for an opinion I already had before it), with the character development he needed to have in order to just be friends with Edward, he's already going "hm maybe that would be Too Much. I'm not gonna go through with actually being hypocritical enough say that," and they're joking and playing when they push each other around. ESPECIALLY if it's still canon he's demi, if he genuinely was being that snappish and had the same attitude towards him as he did in the start, which was "if you breathe near me I will bite you and/or run away; I do not want to see you" I don't see why either of them would want or choose to be in a relationship. This feels? Obvious, but a lot of ship stuff I've seen still has the og dynamic. I'm not talking about the deliberate hateship stuff, that can be fun, I mean actual "they are established Together and In Love, but still act like this to each other and are honestly annoyed the other person exists”. It could just be that the stuff was written back when that was the only dynamic they had in canon, but even then it seems like they'd have to have gotten chiller with each other and not be making constant passive aggressive comments to have gotten from canon to Hypothetical Romance. The main exception to this would be Nevin. I think he could hateship his way into anyone’s life. He's built different.
Favorite relationship: Edward, seconded by Drew. I’d also like to see him interacting with other characters more. I’m esp interested in seeing him with Barry and Dez’s girls in the future.
Favorite headcanon: def have some somewhere but I can’t think of anything uhh. hm. It seems like a potential reasoning his parents could have for being so chill with him just leaving in the middle of the night is that he’s close-ish to being a legal adult, at which point, especially if he moves out, there’s nothing stopping him from going out. current difference being that while he’s living with them they can call the police if he doesn’t come back. (probably doesn’t hurt that the area surrounding their apartment seems pretty safe when you ignore the magic stuff and janitors with bombs, and isn’t Forest With Bears for miles until you get to some random town with only weed and rich people in it. for the longest time I was SO confused with how casual characters were about sneaking out until I processed that people living in town... would not have the natural deterrents I've had growing up.)
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anxious2dsimp · 4 years
oooooh heLLO i really enjoyed your denki fic, very cute, 10000/10. since requests are open, could i get kirishima and kaminari with an s/o that Really Likes anime? headcanons or a drabbe, or whatever else you feel comfortable with :DDD
😭 Omg hi! Thank you so much, I appreciate it a ton :) You’re my first ever request & I go really excited about the idea, hope you like it! I decided to do it in Headcanon format bc there’s so much I wanna add omg I hope it isn’t too long...
Kirishima and Kaminari with an S/O that loves anime
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Pairings: Kirishima x Reader, Kaminari x Reader
Reader: Gender Neutral!
Format: Headcanons​
Warnings: None! Some light cursing courtesy of Bakugou :)
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Kirishima Eijirou:
I don’t think Kirishima watches anime regularly, or if he would even know any shows at all.
Let’s face it, he probably just watches workout YouTubers and regular action-packed movies.
HOWEVER, he loves knowing more about you, so he’ll be interested when you bring it up to him!
You probably first talked about it during a random conversation where he asked what you were currently watching.
So you just told him the plot of whichever anime you were watching atm, and he liked it so he asked for the name.
You told him it was an anime, and he was like: “so a cartoon?” sigh
*cut to you explaining how anime is more than just cartoons & how it’s a whole thing with genres and everything*
Tbh, Kiri probably wasn’t that sold on the idea...
but seeing how you lit up talking about it he wants to know more just to see you all excited and hyped
I love him sm😭
He’d probably not watch any shows by himself but watch whichever you decide to watch together to spend time with you and see your reactions <3
He’s probably paying more attention to you than the show, but he does get invested in the story since all the characters are so “manly”
Sometimes you’ll just be cuddling and you’ll rant to him about what happened in the latest episode of whatever show you’re watching on your own since he knows he won’t watch it.
And so you’ll just tell him all about the plot and the characters, and the unexpected twist and your theories...
He’ll just be attentively listening to your shenanigans thinking; “god I love them so much”
If he ever sees you crying over a show, you best believe he’ll bring you tissues and a snack, he doesn’t judge!
One time you were just sobbing on the dorm’s common room couch, still getting over your favorite character’s death in the episode you had watched the night before.
Bakugou was just like ?? and since Kirishima was getting a drink from the fridge apparently not even remotely concerned he asked:
“Shitty hair, shouldn’t you like check on your s/o or something so they shut up?”
“They’re fine, just getting over a character dying in their show. I snuggled them up in the blanket, so I’m getting them something to drink & they’ll be fine in a few hours.”
Bakugou rolls his eyes SO HARD, but Kirishima doesn’t even notice bc he’s on his way to cuddle you.
If you ever want to do something anime-related like go to a convention or go buy manga or merch he’d gladly come along.
Expect him to get you the coolest little anime-related gifts for your birthday or Christmas (along with whatever he had already planned to get you) since he knows how obsessed you are.
Overall, just a really supportive bf <3
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Kaminari Denki:
Unlike Kiri, Kaminari LOVES anime! Idk why, but he gives off massive weeb vibes to me (in the best sense)
The thing is, you had NO IDEA of this because at first he hid it from everyone.
He initially had merch in his room but Bakugou & Mina teased him about it so he hid it whenever the bakusquad would hang in his dorm :’(
He did it too when you two started dating, bc he wanted to seem cool in your eyes & not like a dork...
Oh boy how wrong he was
You didn’t hide your anime obsession but never brought the topic up bc you didn’t think anyone else in the class liked it
So you can imagine your surprise when you found out
You two were hanging out in his room, and while he was setting up a movie on his laptop you got up to grab snacks where you saw him usually take food out of.
The second you open the drawer and Denki’s brain registers it he just screams “NOOO!” at the top of his lungs.
You literally jumped so high, it really caught you off-guard lmao
So now you’re just standing there, confused asf, because all there was in there was a figurine from one of your favorite animes and snacks.
As you take it out and examine it, turning around to face your bf he’s just panicking
He’s just staring at you like a deer caught in headlights and thinking:
Omg they’re onto me, will they even know what that is? what do I say when they ask? Will they believe me if I say it's someone else’s? They’ll think I play with toys or something please let the earth swallow me, someone help!
“This figurine is sick, where’d you get it? I’ve wanted one from that show for so long!”
Kaminari just blinks at you.
Did he hear that correctly? By the look on your face, it looked that way. He thought there was no way you could possibly become even more perfect in his eyes, but you just did.
Needless to say, you two ditched the movie and spent the afternoon talking about anime.
Since then you started going to conventions together, even cosplaying for fun a couple of times (just imagine him cosplaying Zenitsu from Demon slayer & you Nezuko or Tanjiro 🥺)
You’d watch SO MANY SHOWS TOGETHER OMG, and once anime season starts you’d get together once a week to binge all the new episodes.
Also gets you cute gifts and you do the same for him (considering he doesn’t hide his anime stuff anymore).
Honestly, he doesn’t even care who teases him bc you think it’s cool and that’s all he needs to know :’)
Loves making anime references or jokes just to get you to laugh while everyone else just looks at you two like tf???
Speaking of, brace yourself because he will absolutely use anime-related pickup lines on you lol
You get to exchange mangas and wear his merch hoodies from shows you also love.
Overall just couple goals, I ship it so much
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robincantfunction · 3 years
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requested: yes/no(requests are open)
word count: 1201
warnings: slight mentions of racism nothing detailed in anyway at all though(mentions the black family as racists)swearing, one sex reference
lemme know if i missed any.
summary: fred and y/n are in a popular band together, and they're dating. the ships get too much and they have to tell their fans. but during an interview someone questions y/n about her racist family. but luckily fred is there for her, her hero. her lover boy.
song prompt 2: lvr boy - awfultune (i have to be honest i didn't really stick too much to it, but i had this idea so we are gonna go with it.
a/n: this is a modern au- the band is kinda supposed to give maneskin vibes but idk, although lvr boy isn't the best example of that-
toujours pur. one of the most popular bands globally, they were so frequently spoken about by all age groups, and just all people to be honest. they really were great. there music varied so much in genre, there was always something for everybody. the bandmates where what really made people love the band- on top of their killer vocals and riffs and just talent in general, their interviews, their youtube videos, their instagram lives, all of it made the public see what amazing people they truly were. fred weasley (lead guitarist) george weasley (rythm guitarist) y/n black (lead vocalist and ukulele player) harry potter (bass player) hermione granger (pianist) ron weasley (drummer) ginny weasley (acoustic guitarist). that summed up to a lot of gingers and a lot of talent. after endless obliviousness and shipping, ron and hermione finally got together- much to the fandoms satisfaction. harry and ginny were frequently shipped, but once ginny came out they started shipping her with luna, a known friend of the band. it was fun to both y/n and fred at first, all their friends were being almost nagged to get with the people they so obviously liked. it wasn't a safely guarded secret that fred and y/n were an item, they just never directly stated it. i mean what was the point? they loved each other, why vocalize it to the world? but then it happened. the tweets, the instagram posts, the tiktoks, every social media platform had to know if the hand holding, the cheek kisses, the 'i love you's', and the loving looks were all just out of friendship- or something much more. it was still fun initially, watching people try and figure out their relationship, but then it was brought into the interviews and the livestreams.
"why don't you guys just tell them? its so obvious anyway, and it's not like your hiding it." george asked after the band attempted a livestream, but ended it when the only comments were about fred and y/n. "why is it their business?" she responded softly. she wasn't wrong, but everyone except fred was still confused. "we know it's not. but come on, we're not gonna force you to do anything you're not comfortable with but it would stop all of that" ginny said, pointing to the livestream set up they have at the end of her sentence. fred and y/n knew they were right, but they were so comfortable how they were, they didn't want their relationship to be completely demolished. it was the last thing they wanted. and the last thing that either of them saw coming, but they were still cautious. "we have a couple interviews tomorrow, tell them or don't tell them. but it would be a good chance." both of them instantly knew what the other was thinking. the time has come. they're gonna tell them.
the next day were all sitting in front of an interviewer, and then another one, and then another one. and finally this one. "so, i know your name has never really been spoken about" the interviewer said, the band nodded "so what's with the band name?" everyone looked at y/n. she chuckled slightly and started explaining "so most of my family, not good people. they were pretty commonly associated with a racist organisation. like i said, not good people. well they have this family tree, personally i've only seen it once. me and my dad don't go to the family home often. it gives us the heebie geebies and they hate us. well anyway, the family tree says toujours pur, always pure. so i thought i'd mock them and suggested it as a band name. trust me, i've received many a message about it. they aren't happy." everyone chuckled, if y/n was one thing it was spiteful. "so just out of interest, has the band received any backlash about your family?" the entire band shifted in their seats, if there was one thing y/n rarely talked about it was her family. and fred was preparing to go into protective boyfriend mode. she shook her head "um, no not really." the guy looked somewhat hurt "oh. so racist family isn't something your fans have a problem with?" ok this guy was obviously being bitter, but before fred could say anything y/n jumped in "family by blood. not by nature. the only thing that correlates me with them is dna, and clearly they drew the short straw because they're missing some necessary brain cells. i'm not my 'family'. so no. i don't get backlash for something people who i've only ever had one conversation with did." the rest of the interview was very awkward. like, very.
"ok one last one and then we're done for the day" lily (their self appointed manager- not that anyone minded, she was a life saver) said, sending a sympathetic smile to y/n "i'm not doing it." everyone frowned, but understood somewhat. "y/n/n, love, one more. we'll tell them we're shagging like they want and then bounce" that made her chuckle, he always managed to that "lovely description of our relationship dear" everyone started laughing at the two. "ok. but if one more thing gets said about the fucking black family i swear to shit i will start throwing things."
the last interview was a lot more smooth. especially when fred held y/n's hand the entire time. that didn't go unnoticed by the interviewer, who commented on it a few minutes after she sat down. "so, fred and y/n. i know you to are" she paused and cleared her throat, whilst looking at their hands "close. and i know you're probably sick of hearing this but, what are you?" they chuckled a little "um... we're sorta dating" the interviewer smiled, and so did fred and y/n. it felt good to say it out loud. "i have to ask you, really quickly. is fred weasley your lover boy?" she asked, referencing their latest single "lvr boy". it was well known that y/n wrote the majority of their songs- specifically the slower bedroom artist vibe songs. y/n nodded sheepishly, never actually admitting that directly to the group no matter how obvious. "my room mate now owes me a tenner, thank you" everyone laughed, this was ok. she was ok.
"i'm sorry about earlier, love." she sighed "it's ok." he shrugged "no it's not. that was fucked up" both of their features softened "i was ok. i am ok. because you were there. and because you're here." they kissed "y'know 'm sorry bout your name. i know people give you shit for it" she pecked his lips again "don't worry about it." he shook his head "why didn't your dad take remus's name?" they both looked at each other "cause a name shouldn't be a burden. and with the person yuo love, it eases it all y'know. they don't care when they have each other." he smiled "can't wait till you have my name" he didn't mean to say it, panic evident in his eyes she smiled a genuinely happy smile "me neither" and she put her head in his chest.
he was her lover boy.
he owned her heart.
he owned her heart like no one else did.
she was always his.
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annetteblog · 4 years
Intro & My take on KM
I’m new around here so it’s supposed to be (not so short) introduction, since I don’t know how to start a blog heh. I hope to sprinkle my 0.5 cents into the KM conversation and maybe to bring a new perspective from someone, who is not a part of the typical English-speaking West.
Who /the hell/ Am I?  
(please, consider it to be said with NJ’s voice from Intro: Persona :D)
I was born in Siberia (it’s in the Asian part of Russia), currently live in the European part of the country while studying at a Uni (European in terms of geography, not in terms of everything else i’m definitely not shading rn lolllll). English is not my first language, I’ve just kind of learnt it to some extent. Due to this it takes me more time to write a post; and I may (and will) make some grammatical & other mistakes. Plus I’m lazy AND busy with Uni, so I won’t even promise to be consistent in posting smth lol. But I thought I need more practice in terms of writing in English, so here I am, actually scribbling something. This feels weird, because I’ve been around stan Tumblr since 2015, but never ever interacted, just read.
How I ended up around Jikook/Kookmin (and BTS) & My (long&messy) take on this matter
Although I had heard of BTS before, I became an Army only in October 2018. I had kinda avoided them, because you know... boybands.... sing songs about romantic love and how they love girls.......... (+I had been around Twitter when 1D been at their peak and I remember a quite toxic community of fans, whom always had scared me). Shortly, hello stereotypes. Obviously, after I got engaged I felt terribly sorry that I had been sleeping on them, but what is done cannot be undone. 
Someone I knew back then reposted one of their MVs and I, during my sad hours of procrastination, decided to watch it. Then I saw their live performance with the same song. And I thought “wow these guys can sing and dance and the music is kinda cool, i need to check this out maybe??” 
Then a funny thing happened. One of the next videos I watched (the same person had it added to their page) was a 2016 BangtanBomb where JM and JK practiced their Coming of Age dance. 
Do you know this moment with Gina from the 1st episode of Brooklyn 9-9:
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Well, that was precisely me after I watched it. I don’t even know how to explain this, it was kind of a gut feeling? Whatever you call it, I started to get suspicious and couldn’t even explain to myself why. /actually now a do have questions to this vid and the main one - why does everyone cringe that much? if it’s a girly choreo than they had done some “girly” moves before. why is there such strong reaction??/
I started to get deeper and went to some ru-shipper communities. Shipping culture among Russian speaking fans is... well, weird to some extent, but I maybe address this topic some time later. You need to consider that (as far as you probably know) Russia is quite homophonic country and sadly is not the greatest place for LGBTQ+ community at the moment. The non-frienly influential attitudes hanging in the society + the general shippers’ weirdness = the result is not that nice honestly. 
I struggled for some time in order to find more mature people (not just in terms of age but in general sanity), failed, ended up with some EXTREMELY toxic ru-fans of TK, which was/is the most popular pairing here, spent among them like 15 minutes and ran away horrified. After that I didn’t even try to engage with shippers or believers or whatever of any pair and just decided to enjoy the music and the content (which is a great idea, highly recommend!)
After a couple of days I discovered that JK makes videos. I love video, films and visual art so I immediately found them on YT, saw the titles with names of different cities from all over the world and was like “Oh that must be so cool, he’s visited so many outstanding places I’ve never been to, so I really need to watch it! I shall enjoy some beautyyy”. Then I clicked on GCFt.
Well, what can I say. I did enjoy some beauty, but not the type I had initially anticipated. The biggest clickbait in my entire life. JK should be proud of himself.
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                                       /as I said - the beauty/
I had already known Troy back then and I known the song’s lyrics so it would not be an underestimation to say - the video just blew my mind. I was like - hold on is this real? seriously?? no really really????? he manage to get away with something THAT obvious?????? dude how
As a person who edited videos AND is not a native English speaker, I don’t buy the explanation “oh he mustve didnt get the lyrics lmao”. You just don’t do that. You don’t. DON’T. You google and translate every shit you don’t understand, every word and idiom you’ve never encountered, because otherwise the possibility of an epic failure is very likely. You wouldn’t want to give your mum a video as a birthday present and then discover that you used a song with WAP-ish lyrics, right? (well maybe that would be okay in your family, I don’t judge, but that’s not the case for people I know). So don’t you dare to degrade JK’s intellectual capacities; such assumption is really offensive. He is a smart boii, he knows exactly what he’s doing in terms of his art.
So I was shocked, but decided to look for the context - maybe I missed some previous events regarding this Tokyo thing (another great idea - always check the context). Well, apparently I didn’t, because the whole narrative with the trip for two, lovely selfies etc. made my poor brain lowkey explode. (I still don’t buy the rings theory thing though)
But I didn’t give up lol! I’m a bit stubborn and it’s very hard to convince me in anything, so I decided to search for more context, more of their interactions, moreeee. Remember, the late October 2018, there were no swan lakes, RB, and even MMA18 hadn’t happened yet. 
This time I ended up watching content in more or less consistent way, and when I saw all of these scenes with affectionate JM and a cool badass i-don’t-care-about-anyone-i’m-a-manly-man-with-no-feelings-whatsoever JK, I just hysterically laughed. 
Homophobic Russia, remember? I recognized this. Growing up here being LGBT myself, taught me the same type behaviour during my high school days. When a girl I kinda liked but didn’t what to admit it to myself was nice to me or (oh god) flirted with me, I did something similar. It’s like a huge panic mode. Being an introvert doesn’t help either. The funniest thing is that you may not entirely realise what exactly is going on in terms of your own feelings, especially at that age (16-18ish). In my personal case, I thought I liked her but as a friend, only later to realise that well not as a friend oops :DDD The second thing (already not so funny) is that you actually consciously or unconsciously try to avoid the subject as much as possible, as long as possible and pretend that nothing is going on. We’re just bros. Stop doing this stupid gayish thing and don’t look at me like that, you’re annoying. If you ever do this again I (gently) kick you. I’m straighter than a straight line in my math textbook. IDK, but probably that’s your brain is somehow trying to protect you. Again, in my case&position I knew that the consequences for any non-straight person being outed would be bad (TW not to the point of being killed bad, but to the point of being excluded from a big part of society). So for me it was a mixture of the internalized homophobia + lack of self reflection + just being a bit emotionally slow + very! straight community around. Shit happens, I was a teenager and made my share of mistakes, but that experience helps me to recognize the same pattern of behaviour up to this day.   
So coming back to KM, because the post is already waaay too long and I just ramble. It’s been 2+ years for me being a part of this fandom, and what can I say... Things become more intense and eventful with every year passing by ;) Funny how I felt that vibe from the 2016 dance practice video. Seeing the Black Swan performance a week ago almost had me choked, no joking. They are amazing.
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                                                    Pure Art
However, and I would like to emphasize that, I do not incline that KM are 100% romantically involved and/or gay or whatever. I tend to treat people with respect and not to make too much assumptions about their private life. That’s not my business. However, I’m also not a fan of heteronormativity, so I’m just sitting here and observe everything that’s going on putting some distance and not forgetting being generally polite and critical thinking. But if they are just straightest besties please give them an Oscar before Grammy
Anyways, I hope this blog won’t kick the bucket from the very start and I will post something every now and then. You can always ask me questions about some BTS/Jikook related stuff or something about Russia and a Russian view on mass culture topics, since I’m pretty sure some of you have very stereotypical view of what is going on here :) However, do note that I’ve never been to America or Europe, therefore I may not be aware of something verrrry obvious to you or just have a completely different experience. 
P.S.  And yeah, I’m used to say Jikook, since it’s the name which is used much more frequently in Russian.  i like it better and what will u do haha
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percyjacksonfan3 · 3 years
For the salty asks: numbers one, five, six, and twenty through twenty-three please 😇
I live for the chaos so pls just... go off my dude
Ah Tay, reason #187893467 that I love you is that you indulge me in my rants <3
Salty asks are from this post!
K this got LONG so here's a read more!
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Honestly even though I don't multi-ship often I DO usually get the appeal behind ships so this is a really short list. This will probably get me some hate but I still to this day can't get behind c/ex@ from the show that will not be named. But then again I do get the appeal of two super attractive women with chemistry and the whole ruler/ girl who makes the ruler change their ways thing. So I guess I get it even if I don't like it?
Also, and this is not to hate on Hinny, but Harry and Ginny from HP are not my cup of tea. I like what fandom has done for them but the actual content we get for them in the books (and movies, but I prefer the books) isn't enough for me to love them. Same with Mal and Alina from S & B/ Grishaverse, they're so bland to me in the books but the show is doing far better with them and actually making Mal ya know. Likeable. Again, I don't ship it, but best friends to lovers is top tier so I get it.
Oh! I also don't really get Dwalin/Ori from The Hobbit, but that is probably in large part because I'm a Dwalin/Nori shipper. Again though, all of the secondary characters' relationships in The Hobbit rely on fans to extrapolate HARD and wear extreme shipper goggles, and ik there's that scene where Dwalin helps Ori out of the river so like.. maybe that's where it's from? I don't hate it or anything but it's always something that's made me go ??? cause I have no idea where the heck it came from.
Apart from that... I can't think of any rn? I feel like I understand where all the PJO ships come from, even if I don't ship them. There are a couple that I don't understand how they can be someone's OTP, just because I find them super boring (no offense to those who ship C@leo or J@siper but I just don't love how Rick handled those relationships). In TSC I think fandom mainly vibes with the same pairings and that's true for most of my book fandoms. With the shows I watch I don't think fans majorly ship anything too out there for me. Maybe I don't interact enough with fandoms to tell. So this is all I got.
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Oh my god, oh my god, this is a can of worms, my lord. A pairing I'm not so sure about, but characters? Abso-fucking-lutely. I took a break from PJO fandom for exactly that reason and the list of characters is endless honestly, for multiple fandoms.
I won't say fandom ruined Bell@rke for me cause I still ship it, but I definitely lost enthusiasm with how toxic the shows fandom was and then that was made even worse when the show completely destroyed itself with the worst writing and plots ever in the latter seasons.
Also I have a feeling that G@me of Thrones/ @soiaf ruined one for me but I can't remember this very second. Maybe not, and again that's probably cause I don't interact with fandoms en masse, usually just through fic and following a few people I vibe with in each.
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
Yes, quite a few! I used to dislike Drarry (for obvious reasons I feel) and Romione (as a kid I wanted Hermione to be with Harry and even when I grew out of that I really didn't like she was with Ron) but fandom changed that for sure. And same with Darklina now, I was upset cause I felt like the books really underutilized their relationship and fell short of what could have been a super awesome pairing if better explored, but the show fandom is taking it in so many different ways that I'm starting to really love them despite the reasons I shouldn't.
And I won't say I hated Hayffie in THG, but definitely the only reason I ship them is from reading @ellanainthetardis's fic Have a Drink Sweetheart and then all the others written for them. That portrayal of Hayffie and the characters have become my own headcanons now because I've been reading them for so long and they're so good.
Fandom made me ship Leon and Morgana from Merlin too, though that's very lowkey. I never hated them, I just never thought of them as a pairing until reading fic.
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
Percabeth. I don't care which fandom, it's Percabeth. Growing up together, going from enemies to friends to best friends to lovers? The establishment of them being best friends and the way Rick wrote that friendship was so pure, and they are a couple with no internal problems, all external, and you just know they're gonna be together through everything, fighting at each other's side, cause that's the way they are. There's a reason they're my OTP and it's cause they are the most well-established, ride or die couple I can think of. They're just so solid.
21. What are your thoughts on crack ships?
Love em for fandom but personally I very rarely get behind crackships just because I usually need a lot of build up, scenes, good dialogue and chemistry, etc. to ship something, so most of my ships aren't crack ships. The only one I can really think of that I actively root for and ship and would read fic for is Billy/ Owen from 911 Lonestar which is just... something.
Like idk if Barduil from The Hobbit is crack because ik it's quite popular... what makes a ship a crack ship anyway? Lack of canon reference? Is it cause they two characters would be so random together because they barely ever interact? Or because it's SO unrealistic you know for sure it will never happen but want it to anyway? Or is it lack of popularity in fandom? I need someone to define this so I have a better answer :D if it's the second option then I have MANY
I love seeing fandom stuff for crack ships though, cause seriously, it's fiction, ship who you want. If you ship two characters just cause you think they're pretty side by side then that's enough for me. Make all of the fan art and fic you like.
22. Popular character you hate?
Oof. Jason from HOO. And Leo in everything after The Lost Hero. I hated Piper in The Lost Hero and Mark of Athena but like her after those. I don't like any of the book characters from S & B except Nikolai, but I like everyone in the show (except David? Why did they make him so weird? Like he's not even awkward, he's straight up rude imo, but anyway). In @soiaf I don't like Jon Snow, I think he's boring. And I despise Jorah Mormont cause I think he's creepy for having a crush on Dany.
Didn't love Stefan in TVD, too much of a goody-two-shoes. I liked dark Stefan but it felt like a totally different character. Honestly most of the characters I don't like cause they're boring or too by-the-book.
OH! A big one in M@rvel is Captain America. Can't stand him honestly, I like him as a character to have in the story, but I like never agree with him on anything. I like a couple of his one-liners but that's it really. I also don't like Gale in THG, idk if that's controversial. Or Lex@ from the show that will not be named because I think she's manipulative and not good for any of the characters i DO love.
Is Ron popular? I think so. I like fandom Ron but not canon Ron and idk why. I think I'm growing out of it but I read those books when I was like 7 initially so I thought it was awful of Ron to stop being friends with Harry because he was jealous and I never really got over that.
There are so many but I'm gonna stop now.
23. Unpopular character you love?
Again, tons. I love anyone whose got kind of a tortured backstory because it makes them more interesting to me.
I love Movieverse Hawkeye! I think Clint is great and while I wish his deafness was canon in Marvel and I don't love J Remmer, I do love Hawkeye a lot. He was honestly one of the only Marvel characters that felt consistent and in-character throughout the movies.
I like President Snow from THG just cause I think he was a fantastic villain. And Effie and Haymitch aren't unpopular, but they're probably my favourites, again because of the fics mentioned above.
Leon from Merlin!! I don't actually think he's unpopular, but he's like... my fourth favourite character in the show which I know IS considered high for most people.
Sandor Clegane from ASOIAF. Not the show, just the books. His book character is phenomenal and I am so excited for GrrM to finish the goddamn series so I know what happens to him.
The Stolls and Katie Gardner from PJO cause fandom created Tratie and sucked me in at a young age.
Bellatrix Lestrange? Is she unpopular? I don't think so but she's another one I think is a fantastic villain. I'm almost more interested in her than Voldemort tbh.
That's probably it!
Thanks so much for the ask Tay, this was tons of fun! Anyone else who's interested can feel free to fill my inbox!
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13iamlucky13 · 4 years
Rating Bandori Ships - Moca Edition:
Alright so as is probably obvious for anyone whose talked to me, I have a lot of opinions and I like to talk about my opinions. And one thing my poor multishipper heart has a lot of opinions on is Bandori ships because this fandom is either multiship heaven or hell depending on how you look at it.
So I decided 'hey why not pop off about them' so that's what I'm going to do startig with a certain Moca Aoba who I am totally not at all biased towards.
Obligatory reminder that these are just my opinions and this isn't meant as an attack on any ship. Not that I feel particularly negative towards any Moca ship I've seen yet but still.
MocaRan- 10/10
Yes I like the main arguably somewhat overrated Moca ship. What can I say? They have so much canon interaction between the two of them and their dynamic is really what got me started towards getting severely hooked on Bandori as I am now. They both are shown to care deeply for each other and seem to get the other on a really deep level. For Moca, Ran seems to bring out the most genuine shows of emotion out of her while also being a good support for her, if in a very Ran way. For Ran, Moca seems to help her take things a little less seriously, and when necessary acts as a shoulder to cry on. Sasquana broke me.
LisaMoca- 7/10
I enjoy this ship. As much as it seems to be just kind of a toss on to the people who ship YukiRan (which don't get me wrong is also a very great ship I have a thing for rivalries with tension) Lisa and Moca have a great dynamic. I tend to see it as a brOTP more often which is why I didn't give it a 9 or 10 but they definitely have potential and them kissing on company time would definitely catch my interest. They also seem like they'd be a really supportive relationship. Moca can help Lisa chill out and not be so hard on herself and Lisa can motivate Moca to do things.
MocaHima- 6/10
This is another situation where I have a harder time seeing it as anything but some very good platonic love. They have a dynamic together that is extremely fun don't get me wrong, but by that token I don't feel the same tension between them. Moca's teasing of Himari tends to feel like less flirting in disguise and more like the way she'd tease a sibling. Besides Himari clearly has a type and Idk how much Moca fits that. They are shown to care for each other quite a lot though and in a situation where they are plopped together romantically I can see them having a wholesome dynamic since they have such a good platonic base
SayoMoca- 9/10
I've seen this all of once that didn't involve the two of them in an OT3 with Tsugu, and honestly? I'm kinda there for both, but this is just about Sayo and Moca. Now this is mainly because grumpy x clown is my jam, I really don't know how much canon there actually is to go on here. I really like the idea of them both bonding over how ridiculous Yukina and Ran's posturing can be, Moca narrating every encounter like a sports commentator for fun with Sayo acting like she's ignoring it but quietly adding in her own remarks and Moca catching them. There's also potential in Lisa sorta shoving them together either to try to help motivate Moca or maybe to help Sayo with Hina in a way by giving her 'practice' with the other eccentric genius of Bandori. Either way there's a lot of ways to kickstart it but once it gets going I also think they would have a really good dynamic for somewhat similar reasons to LisaMoca with a side of it seeming similarly balanced to MocaRan.
HinaMoca- 8/10
I'm honestly not too sure why I jam with these guys together as much as I do but that doesn't stop me. One of them is enough to cause chaos so what happens when you put the both of them together? Also they would be the types to blast an extra bassboosted version of Megalovina or even just play it on guitar at their wedding if they even bothered to do something as traditional as that and I'd be there for it
ChisaMoca- 7/10
This is a ship I've been slowly warming up to so this rating is kinda subject to change. Initially I didn't understand it as they barely interact in canon and I didn't see much potential in their dynamic but the more I think on it the more there seems to be. This is mainly because, in one case a literal sense, both are actresses. Chisato literally but Moca definitely puts on her own acts and clown show. So the idea of the two being able to peek under the other's mask is kind of interesting to me. Also serious x clown will never not vibe
MisaMoca- 8/10
I don't ship this in a serious sense so I can't give it full marks but in comedy or crack, even crack taken seriously they are god tier. They're the types who would behave like an old married couple but somehow in a really chill low-energy way. There's a great fic that has them having an ironic candle-lit dinner date that sums up why pretty well I can link it if anyone sees this and wants it
TomoMoca- 6/10
Pretty much the same as HimaMoca except instead of Moca not being Tomoe's type it's more about how even if they did both have mutual feelings I have a hard time figuring out how they'd get together in the first place. Tomoe probably wouldn't realize her feelings even if she had them and Moca would do her best to bury them under humor and good ol emotional suppression. If they did manage to get together though I can see them being cute.
SaayaMoca- 5/10
I don't really feel much when it comes to this as a romantic ship. It's there I guess? I like these guys a lot platonically and don't have a reason to dislike it romantically but it doesn't really make me feel anything. There's potential but I just feel like on most fronts LisaMoca is superior.
MocaTsugu- 11/10
Probably my OTP for the fandom if I'm being honest and the fact that it's chronically underrated hurts. Don't get me wrong I adore MocaRan and SayoTsugu is also very good I've got nothing against the chocomints, but come on. The obvious name play is right there! In all seriousness though I love these guys both as a platonic and romantic pairing so much. It might just be me, but I swear it feels like every time Moca's ever actively suggested something Tsugu was the first to jump on the support train. Moca doesn't seem to really punch down with her teasing of Tsugu the same way she does with Himari and Ran either, and if I remember right there's been at least a few times it's seemed to border on flirting territory even when considering it's Moca. The two also have several of the things the other Moca ships have going for them but I think these two do it better. Tsugu being a gentle but consistent motivator who deeply cares for Moca gives me life. And Moca herself has potential to be a calming presence with her chill demeanor who could get Tsugu to take a break for once in her life like she deserves. I'm also absolute trash for the headcanon that Afterglow all took turns having crushes on Tsugu in middle school. I just like the idea that Moca never really got over that crush and it comes back in full force once they're in highschool. Pair that with some good Tsugu lacking self-worth angst and believing her feelings towards Moca aren't reciprocated because Moca clearly has a thing for Ran and even if she doesn't there's still no way she has feelings for her no matter how many times she calls her 'Tsugurific'.
And there ya go. This ended up way longer than I expected it to and tbh for most of them I have a lot more thoughts but I didn't want to turn this into a novel. Tldr MocaTsugu underrated and I have no life :')
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staysuki · 3 years
i m alive
read about 10 chapters of slc continuously and it messed up my brain in ways you cannot imagine because of the many many things going on 😤 i can see myself in jake for ordering a ratatouille for the movie's sake 💀 first of all, i honestly cannot understand why restaurants would go to such lengths to use fancy language in menus 👁️👄👁️ i mean yeah, it s because it s literally what it s called bUt plS i just want to eat my pasta with garlic and olive oil sauce in peace. at least put pictures or a short description :">> i m not rk, idk rk stuff so bear with me 👊
thanks to lovegame anon smort sexc brain, i already expected the wonbi (wonpil & bibi) scandal 😎 but if i were them, i would ve stayed just for the drama 💅 but ig they won t have any proper closure without privacy so eh. the waiter cutting them off is just hilarious lmfao i died there 💀 an innocent man got caught up in the mess but in their defense, homie didn t bother trying to read the mood. dasurv 1/2
my assumptions about lia is so wrong, kinda feel bad for not trusting her, not one bit 😭 instead of a fight between lia and y/n, it s with ryujin. but yeah, that was a bitchy move XD anyways, rip jake s face.
felix touching y/n without consent is weird and creepy af 🚩🚩🚩 i still love him not as much as i do to seungmin though 😌 when he straight up sent a selfie to hyunjin SJFJDSAJFJKDFKJFDKJFDKFKJFADSK NAUR. but hyunjin did really seem 😏thirsty 🥵 sneakily asking for pics 👀 still, bestie sent a pic LMFAO send me one too pls. if hyunjin really had the hots for felix, i wouldn t blame him. THIS IS FELIX WE RE TALKING ABOUT.
who tf is samuel? is it hyunjin s nickname or something? a new character? like THE kim samuel? or hwang s father is so much of an ass that he thought his son is named samuel?
i love seungmin s character here, no one can change my name ugh. oh dbuh lovegame anon approved him na :>> lakas talaga. the tiktok that lovegame anon shared OMGGG NO. seungmin is adorable periodt. no. true, slc really showed his character development omaygad. seungmin king. seungmin lang. seungmin lahat.
regarding the rat, i still don t know who tf lmfao. initially, i suspected jisung. plus the fact that he literally gave away a ticket that could probably serve me a whole year to hyunjin. AND Y/N ,, OMG HE HAS 2 OF THOSE, NOTE THAT. i thought that it s a way to steal hyunjin s art while he s gone and stuff like that ya know. bUT i remember that hyunjin stated that jisung is filthy rich so idk anymore. anyways, i STILL AND WILL FOREVER doubt it d be seungmin. i just feel it. it s not him guys lolololol
🍕 try listening to opm AAAAAAA kiyo, alisson shore. shortone are my :">>> used to listen to them during my sad gurl phase bc why not. the lyrics are in filo but the melody itself is chill so i feel like you ll vibe with it. missed u 👉👈
btw i saw someone with pp hair here idk lol
how are you ash :33 i missed u 2 <3333
- ␈
WELCOME BACK 😭♥️ i missed you, hope you're alright and had a great long weekend or smth~ (sorry for the crazy updates and messy plotlines, i swear it'll all fall into place soon 😭)
JSHWJSHS true, i hate restaurants like that too (even though sometimes it's really just a name) i always look for descriptions or pictures too 😭. dw, i'm not rk either, i literally just searched up "fancy french menus" JSHWJSHWH—oh the things i research for fanfiction~
WONBI 💀💀. seungmin isn't chismoso 💔. but yeah, they needed that privacy and final confrontation, and i doubt it'd be comfortable to do with three other outsiders (even though they're all just family). THE WAITER PLS. I REALLY WANTED TO DO THAT BIT 🙈
yah, y'all always sus everyone in this fic, i'm used to it now.
PLS he wasn't asking for one but lmfao 😭 hyunlix ship then mayhaps~ would've been cute if felix isn't straight up backstabbing him— in fact, all of their friend group's interactions are lowkey cute if you don't think about the fact that there's some sneaky shit going on in the background 💔💔💔
p.s. !! samuel is hyunjin's english name irl!! 👁👁 from when he lived in the states for a bit as a child iirc. there's def gonna be some backstory as to why his dad calls him by his english name instead but i think you can already get the gist as to why.
pizza anon still susses out jisung 💀 so who knows, maybe one of y'all is right. YEAH HE'S FILTHY RICH, that's the newest jisung revelation, and he's so humble about it too, kinda, idk. like, according to jae's research, that's almost 20k dollars just for two people to look at "drawings in walls"— which, in our currency, is almost one million pesos 🥵🥵🥵🥵 bruh. this is some real rich rich people shit (p.s. i didn't mean to make it THAT expensive, i was just dumb LMFAO). also not your seungmin bias showing, there's still a chance it's him yk 😭
also for the record, the bangs already grew out, i don't have pp hair anymore 🤨🤨🤨, besides, i keep my hair tied up here cuz its so HoT pls.
i'm good uwu, glad to be back home~ we're in the same timezone na yehey, hope you're good too! glad you're able to send asks again, i missed ur wild thoughts 😙
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
July 28: 3x01 Spock’s Brain
Today’s ep was the infamous Spock’s Brain. I’d never seen it before and always insisted I didn’t want to but...this is a complete rewatch so I guess I kinda had to.
As predicted, it was bad. Utter nonsense for a premise and the actual execution shot through with sexism. There were some aspects that I did like but most of them have been done better by other eps--and in any case were not worth the ridiculous basis of the ep itself. Honestly, if I were watching all this live, and I waited months for this, I might have wondered if the show weren’t better off cancelled.
But I would have been wrong because the next ep is The Enterprise Incident so! Sometimes you just need to be patient.
This episode is starting out so strangely. Why is the bridge being shot from all these weird angles? And why do the colors seem...duller?
They really can spy on these other ships, huh?
“My name is Captain James Kirk.” Not breaking out the middle initial today, I see.
Chapel going for the drama as she falls down.
Kirk too, sprawled over his chair. (Makes me think of “The chair is, in fact, not bolted to the ground.”)
This honestly reads like a bad parody of Star Trek.
Ridiculous lines include: “His brain is gone.” “His incredible Vulcan physique.” “In search of his brain.” “Where are you going to look for his brain?” “It was taken out, it can be put back in.”
“Spock’s body is more dependent on his brain” than a human’s. Ummmm I feel like there’s something suspicious in there.
The only good thing about this ep is Kirk’s devotion to Spock.
Seriously why does the bridge look so different? Filming it from a different location changes everything.
When Kirk paces in front of the view screen, it really shows off how small it is.
“The spaceship that has Spock’s brain.”
I like these schematics and Chekov’s little presentation here. Also Kirk can automatically put years to all the planet evolution codes or whatever--like on the one hand, of course he can, that’s his job, but on another... what a nerd.
Honestly these people--obviously, they are underground on the ice planet. Obviously!!! I actually do appreciate this scene in general, with the bridge crew working out a problem on the bridge, which actually almost never happens--it’s definitely the best scene of the ep--but still. It’s obviously the ice planet.
Also, I like that Uhura gets to contribute. She thinks outside of the box, asks the good questions. Don’t just look at the outside evolution of the planet--ask about what the brain could be used for, and where it might be.
“Get there, find the brain.”
Oh no, he accidentally called Scotty Spock :(
“High of 40. Livable.” I realize this is a Russian joke but that’s really not that bad lol. Definitely not an ice age anymore.
“They give pain and delight.” So they’re dominatrixes?
“You are small.” Well no need to be mean about it.
Don’t you have a companion?? Love that that’s one of their synonyms for “spouse” or “partner.”
The alien men look like they’re wearing short jean skirts.
“A dead and buried city on a planet in a glacial age.” That’s a good idea. Could have done something better with that.
Chekov’s still stuck on the no women thing, I think.
Why did they dress Spock in a leftover outfit from This Side of Paradise?
McCoy and his stimulants again, waking up the alien lady after they stunned her. Multi-purpose.
“I know nothing about a brain.” Clearly.
So all the women live below ground, and all the men live above...
Ah-ha, they have found Spock’s voice.
“There is a definite pleasurable experience connected with the hearing of your voice.” This ep is almost worth it for that line.
Also Kirk’s face when he hears Spock’s voice.
I like that Spock is still funny. Honestly he’s probably funnier disembodied. This is a very humorous Spock characterization. “That is a practical idea. It seems unlikely that I shall be able to get to you.”
They’re being quite sexist, aren’t they? “No engineering geniuses here. Only women. None of these women could ever have done surgery on Spock’s brain.” Like I know it’s that they’re obviously (or supposedly obviously) naive and childlike but like combining that with the sex segregated society and the actual phrasing of these lines (WOMEN?? Engineers?? Doctors??) plus Kirk assuming the Controller is a man (who says?) all creates this like definite sexist vibe while watching. Ugh make it stop.
How can Spock’s brain control everything? They’ve only had it for 5 minutes.
“Mistress.” I told you they were dominatrixes.
Oh yeah Captain Sulu!!
More sexist quotes: “What a way to maintain control over a man.” “I’ve certainly noticed their delightful aspects.” Please stop talking; you’re digging yourselves in a deeper hole.
(Seriously though--I feel like the unspoken world building fact here is that the women need the men for procreation specifically, which is why they capture the men, and then control them--using the “pain belts”--to have sex--the “pleasure.” They probably also use them for other labor, given the presence of the male guards and the line “they won’t help us if we don’t control them” or whatever it was. But surely the delightfulness of the women is more than their physical appearance, is what I’m saying.)
What is the commentary on gender here? Women = scary, dumb, and hot?
Yeah, how DOES Spock’s brain fit into this?
Lol at Spock’s empty body calmly watching them all fighting.
“Science will triumph.” A real lost opportunity in the AOS-verse to have Kirk say this after a bar brawl.
“You are a disembodied brain.” I feel like there’s a (McCoy) joke in here about how he’s reached his ideal state.
His body is the building. (I was right, I totally called this plot point as soon as Spock started talking about his incredibly large body and how his brain was still doing things like regulating oxygen. I must say... this is not a bad idea, except for the brain stealing part. Like there’s something in there, the idea of the complex as a body, powered by a brain. Idk.)
So basically Spock is taking another opportunity to insult Bones’ medical skills. Oh Spock, never change.
I feel like Bones is enjoying his Spock puppet, on some level.
“Pain bands.”
Use the Spock puppet, Kirk! Use it to fight the lady alien!
“The controller is young and powerful, perfect.” / “How very flattering.” LOL I can’t believe this is real.
“You took his brain. You will put it back.”
So the alien lady puts on the spiky helmet and now she’s suddenly smart. I hate thissssssssssss.
(I actually do think the idea of old knowledge stored outside of the... brains...of the current generation, for their own protection, as decided by the paternalist elders... is not itself a bad concept. Of course it’s also a concept that other eps did better, like The Apple or For the World is Hollow or even Return of the Archons. Again, combining it with all the gross things they said about women earlier just leaves a bad taste. Even though--even though!!--we don’t know who the elder people were. Like, was this a matriarchal society that saved the women in the underground because they were better? Or was it a patriarchal society that put the women in the underground because they were considered weak and in need of protection? I rather assumed the second, but I think there’s some evidence for the first, in particular, that the story reeks of Sexualized Male Fear. What’s a better combination of hot and scary than a matriarchy of women in short skirts?)
“Got your gun.” (But the other way around.)
“Our need for the Controller is more important than your need for your friend.” That sounds an awful lot like “The needs of the many outweigh needs of the one” and we all know what Kirk thinks about that. That said, he’s really not...engaging with her facially fair argument at all.
“No one may kill a man. Not for any purpose. It cannot be condoned.”
Love Scotty’s acting skills. Gotta get this gun back really fast--create a diversion by fainting! But not too much!
I do love McCoy. He’s an adventurer too. He pretends he’s not but he jumps at the chance to discover and learn. He will not hesitate to put himself in danger if it’s for the common good or to protect his friends.
“Put the teacher on.”
Now finally Kirk is engaging with the fate of the society he’s encountered lol. Like, again, he’s not wrong; they’ve stagnated under the computer/controller and it’s not moral to steal from someone else to keep your comfortable and boring life going when you could just do the work yourself, but coming this late, it feels like an afterthought. It’s also weird that she just like stood by and let them take Spock and his brain after all that to do about...not letting them have the brain. Like at the end of the day she was not so inept. Also, they never explained what happens to all the knowledge in the teacher. One would assume they’d have to access it--or not? They’re just to start from scratch? Also legit I guess. And finally... all I can really hear, in the emphasis on integrating with the men again, is “You’ll learn how to develop a society naturally and also about heterosexual sex wink wink.” (Except that as I said... I think they know about that.)
I see McCoy’s regretting that “child’s play” talk now.
“Give priority to reconnecting Spock’s vocal cords.” Yep that’s how the brain works for sure.
Wow Spock really does have to do everything himself. Including operate on himself.
“This Vulcan is telling me how to operate.”
How did he operate without...opening Spock’s skull... in any way??
Not to question the verisimilitude of Spock’s Brain lol.
Everyone’s being so rude--Spock is providing valuable last minute exposition/explanation about this weird-ass society!
It’s always odd when they don’t return to the bridge. Like, they’re not going to collect Chekov?
That was... something.
I liked a few things: any excuse for Kirk to be devoted to Spock; the humor Spock showed; I liked the bridge scene where they looked at the map of the planets; and I liked certain things about the premise of the episode, although, like I said, most of the general aspects (post-disaster society, reliance on computers, etc.) had been done better in other episodes. I liked the look into the Male Brain lol.
What I didn’t like was how outright ridiculous the basic catalyzing event was--Spock’s brain has been literally stolen like??? Are you kidding me? That led to a considerable amount of dialogue that read like a Star Trek parody. Did not like that. And of course, as I said... the sexism. I think I’ve unpacked that enough. It didn’t need to be sexist, and you can explain it in a way that’s not, but the vibe sure was. It was like... well a lot of TOS is like this imo. You can give it an A (or at least a B) for effort, but what comes out is so obviously tainted by the sexism of the creators. Like, for example, how they say they believe in women who are just as capable and professional as men, but struggle to show it. This ep wanted to show a matriarchal society but it wasn’t really a matriarchal society--it was a Freudian dream that was all about the male psyche and what it most fears and wants.
All that said.. the next ep is a D.C. Fontana creation featuring one of my favorite TOS Ladies, the Female Romulan Commander, so I will be receiving a consolation prize.
Also the AOS verse is still more sexist and doesn’t have an excuse I said what I said.
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dickytwister · 4 years
HEY do you maybe have like an oc page or could you tell me something about all your ocs because i'm Interested and you have my full attention :eyes:
AHSJDKGLHL that's so sweet i'm nfjghl???? i don't have an oc page bc i'm the embodiment of an old man being given an iphone after 50 years of using a rotary phone but !!! i can yell abt them a bit aaa thank you for asking abt them 🥺🥺💚
i put everything under the cut bc dear god i have a lot to say abt my kids and i'm not gonna make everyone scroll through that HHHHHH haw 🤠🤠
elliot fletcher
- he's my deputy in fc5!! he's from waverly in iowa and he's just...very tired nfjfkhl give my poor man a break
- everytime his radio crackles he ages 10 years and if it's john talking add another 10 years
- he keeps the three heralds alive but he doesn't care abt joseph <3
- gets in trouble bc he's impulsive af nfjghl when jacob is close to the cage?? ram his face in the bars. when john leans like rlly close in the confession scene?? headbutt 😌🙏🏼
- the only people who know abt his past are earl, grace, faith and john, the rest just kinda speculate and elliot lets them believe what they want bc not only does he rlly not want ppl to know the actual truth, it's also very funny to listen to the stuff they can come up with
- speaking of faith he often seeks her for advice and sometimes they get high together and he gets teary eyed bc she's just... very nice to him and when all you see everyday is violence it's overwhelming to be shown a little bit of kindness 🥲🙏🏼
- he's in love with john but also he'd kick him across the county if he could but also he'd give his life for him
- after the bombs and all he unlocks his final form and becomes A Husband™, complete with a beard, a scarf and bad jokes that make john want to officially marry him so he can divorce his ass
- fun fact i came up with the name elliot fletcher bc i thought it sounded neat but recently i found out there's a trans actor called elliot fletcher too??? like what were the odds ngl that's so cool
carter quill
- this is my character in the marvel dnd game my brother is dming!!
- his parents are peter quill and kitty pryde and he inherited his mom's powers (so he can become immaterial and stuff uwu) and his dad's tiny pebble brain~
- he grew up on a ship with the guardians so his family is just... a bunch of uncles, one of which is a tree
- he's part of an initiative called the peacekeepers with isaaq cage (luke cage's and jessica jones' son), finneas "zorn" reeves (brock rumlow's and sinthea shmidt's son), lu "highway star" khan (the mandarin's son), alexis "hex" pythagoras (doctor strange's protégé) and ev-lin (ronan the destroyer's daughter who also happens to be carter's bully when they were 11 HHHHHH)
- everyone agrees that carter is just... a puppy. a little labrador. so overexcited. head empty. he doesn't know what's going on but he's having fun with his friends and that's what matters <3
- he died once and went to hell for like 66 years bc he held a bomb while it was exploding but he got better and he doesn't remember most of his time in hell but also he's a lil traumatised
- he wears cute skirts sometimes and also froggie themed clothes 🥰🥰 he's terrible at applying nail polish and it ends up smudged most of the time bc he can't sit still for more than two minutes without going insane but he still likes it
- he has a pet bird called ink!! he thought it was a nice name bc his last name is quill so u know,,, ink,,, quill,,,, he inherited his dad's terrible humor also
- he's fruity and has a big fat crush on one of his teammates 😳😳👉🏼👈🏼
- he strictly refuses to kill, so he uses stunt energy guns and a three section staff to fight!! he accidentally killed someone once and threw up
- he knows asl and is fluent in it!! he's also very bad at reading measurements when cooking (and reading in general) so he relies on their proto-ai, dadji, to help him cook and he listens to audiobooks a lot!!
- idk what else to say abt him except like two games ago he was in the hospital bc lu got hurt and he wanted to get him muffins from a coffee shop across the streets but he panicked when faced with the selection so he bought one of each and came back to the hospital room with like,,,, twenty muffins
- i found this pic of his face claim and it honestly just radiates his vibe so here have it
Tumblr media
thorgran galvish
- he's my dwarf enchanter from another homebrew dnd game!! in this universe (and maybe others idk shit abt actual dnd HHHH forgive me) enchanter dwarves are lowkey enslaved bc of their rare link with magic
- thorgran blew up a wall and ran away to the surface so now he's a fugitive and he's constantly on the run uwu trust issues ensue
- he loves the sky so much?? especially at night?? he knows abt constellations, but he thinks they're just whatever you see in the stars and doesn't know there are like,,, actual constellations so he sits on the roof of a tall building sometimes and finds his own constellations
- he also tries to draw them but he rlly sucks at it aslkdsgl that doesn't stop him from filling his journal with little stars and drawings!!
- during my very first game with him he found his rival, who turned out to be a 16 years old teenager?? millennial/gen z rivalry
- agh i don't have much abt him yet bc i've only just started to play him but he's my beefiest boy and also a dilf 🥰🥰
theadric "elder" montajay
- yet another character from the same universe as thorgran, but this time it's a funky little halfling bard
- his instrument is the violin!! he tried every other instrument and his mom was very supportive despite how bad he was at all of them. his community was raided and his father died, so he inherited his violin and that turned out to be the only instrument he could play
- took his love of the economy to the next level when he decided to fuck every gang leader he could find to control their operations and ruin their organizations so the money they hoarded could be put back in circulation
- accidentally fell in love with a half-orc gang leader and was abt to tell him the truth abt what he was doing but was exposed by the first person he'd cheated so he had to run without explaining himself to his lover smh ://
- "i don't wanna fall in the slutty bard cliché," i say before immediately giving elder the tightest leather pants and opening his shirt to show his majestic chest hair.
- surprisingly good with kids?? anyone younger than him who looks sad becomes His Child and he turns into a lil mama, tasting the food of an inn first to assure it's not poisoned, giving hugs, soft shit like that ngl he's just a mom 😔😔
- we abandoned the game he was in but we left off when he'd just escaped a dwarven prison with his new child and others owo anyway slutty bard with chest hair?? that's just the witcher's jaskier
- my gay pirate lady!! i don't have much abt her either bc AAA BRAINROT but !!! i still love her very much
- she's a hybrid between a human and a psaarinch (fish folks in our homebrew universe uwu) and she looks very human except she has like shark abilities?? she can smell blood, taste with her skin, breathe underwater for like two hours or smth, sharper teeth,,
- she started off as a privateer but like what was the kingdom gonna do?? track her down to make sure everything she did was legal?? nah man she got that sweet fleet and became a pirate
- she beats men up in inns and gives their wives a good time <3
- she's very close to her crew and they're kinda just a big family
- she fights with those s-shaped staffs?? but they're actually blades ngfhl she's very agile and looks like she's dancing when she's actually fighting
- fun fact she's my second shark oc the first one was called maito and she was a yellow lantern in a dc game we did (the main difference between them is that maito loved men while scylla is very much a lesbian 😌🙏🏼)
i have like so many more of them but that's already such a long post and i don't wanna do too much NGL if u wanna know more hmu i'll yell some more 😎😎🙏🏼🙏🏼
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best-enemies · 4 years
For the fandom ask meme thing can I request the whole damn alphabet or is that not very cash money of me? I’m nosy lmao I wanna know all of them!
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
I’ve had my current OTP for like almost 8 years and it’s, obviously, Thoschei (Doctor/Master). My other current obsession is the Gallifrey OT4 hehehe
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
It’s funny because I didn’t ship Hannigram at first... I’d thought the idea of a cannibal having a relationship was terrifying because what if they had sex and Hannibal got hungry in the middle of the act? Lmaoooo 
But yeah they’re my endgame now. I watched the show when it first aired and I was about 14/15 years old so now you see why I thought that. Although I’m still afraid I’m gonna be reading a fic and Hannibal will suddendly bite Will’s dick off or smth AKJHSAKJSAHSASKAJ
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
Uhhh Doctor/Clara. Mainly because I don’t like to ship the Doctor with companions (there may be one or two exceptions but I don’t ship them enough to actually say I ship them lol) and I don’t know I just never vibed with it
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t (again: be nice)
Doctor/River. I mean, I did like it for a while years ago but now it’s just... eh. I think she has a waaay better chemistry with the 12th Doctor, but still don’t ship it. I might give it a try once I listen to the River audios but so far meh. I’m not much of a multishipper anyway.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
God. I’ve written a couple of Academy Era (focused on the Deca) crack fanfics and I still have to translate them to English. They’re pure garbage but I love them. I have a lot of fun writing crack fics because they’re easier and I can ignore whatever piece of canon I want just for the laughs
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
Guess it’s Doctor Who, been here (in and out of the fandom) for over 8/9 years
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
Uhhhh I think it was Han Solo and Leia, since I was a kid really. I wanted to marry both of them lol
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., tv shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)
I had to google what a source text is and still don’t know
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
I don’t think so, but Twitter definitively has. I remember a couple years ago I was curious to see what voltron was about and watched a few episodes, it was ok, fun and cute but the fandom was so annoying I stopped watching it for good and don’t care about it enough to pick it up again
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
I had definitively forgotten about supernatural until I saw it all over my dashboard in the year of our lord 2020 lmao like in my wholock days I tried to watch the show because everyone on my dash (is it still called dashboard?) was talking about it and I watched about 8 episodes before dropping it. But seeing it again on the dash was actually a happy surprise because the memes are too funny hahaha
K -Say something nice about someone in any of your fandoms
I’m extremely shy irl and on the internet as well but I wanna say that  @janeturenne is one of the best authors ever and her fanfics are a blessing in my life; also @thebraxiatelcollection who brings awesome content to my dash and is also one of the best authors. And of course, you, Jack, also one of the best authors god I’m so BLESSED
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
Uhhh I guess I’m neutral about the current companions. They’re not my favorites but I don’t really dislike them - they had a lot of potential and chibs came up with some good storylines but did not develop them well in my opinion. I think Graham is a fun grandpa whom I’m going to miss when he leaves; Ryan is cool and could’ve done a lot more if the writers had kept a few things, it’d be awesome if he vlogged all of their adventures. He’s like the one I was curious to see more but sadly didn’t feel a connection; and Yaz, I hope she’ll keep growing and that her friendship with the Doctor will finally be developed to a level we can connect to her.
It sounds weird because with the fam it’s always ‘what I wish could have been’ because I never felt really connected to them :(
M - Say something genuinely nice about a ship that you don’t ship (or its shippers, or anything related to you)
Ok... I don’t really ship Rey/Finn but I think it’s one of the sweetest ships ever, and if they ended up together I’d be happy. They love each other and are there for each other always so, yeah :D
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
I don’t know if I got the question right but it’s three things I wish I saw more in my main fandom? Well, if it’s that, then, 3 things about the Doctor Who fandom: 1) people having more civilized or light-hearted discussions about things. Like, I genuinely disliked an 8th doctor audio I listened once that my friends loved, and they made fun of me and we joked about it. Also once we were in a live twitch video playing among us and discussing doctor who, and then we got into a ship “discourse” as a joke and nobody really cared and just laughed because everyone knew it’s fictional shit so why get mad over it? 2) Doctor Who has a titanic amount of content, it’s all canon but at the same time it’s not, so who cares? If you want to listen to Big Finish audios and if you can afford it, then lisiten; if you can’t, it’s okay, no one has the right to tell you you’re less of a fan. Just tell them to fuck off; 3) The best way to keep fandom alive is by creating content. Here in my local fandom we have several podcasts dedicated to all areas of the whoniverse (the show, the expanded universe, the audios, etc), those old fandom websites who do serious work to bring news to the fans, people who make subtitles for the classic series (we don’t have it available here so they do their best to make it accessible to other fans), accounts dedicated to promoting dr who fans who create content, and we even have people making their own audiodramas with dw characters and writing book-lenght fanfiction to help explain the show to people who’ve never watched it, and a great variety of things. I’ve seen a few of these things in the international fandom, mostly by older fans, so I wish younger fans about my age who have the means to make this kind of stuff would make it too. Maybe there’d be less twitter drama out there lol
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
“the killing moon” by echo & the bunnymen reminds me of thoschei. yep it was totally random
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
The fact that we don’t have a pride and prejudice AU for brax/romana yet is driving me insane
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
I’ve mentioned it before but doctor/river, don’t really remember why idk I just don’t vibe with it anymore. But also because thoschei has so many different pairings in 1 ship that I don’t really feel the need to ship them with anyone else lol
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
GOD I NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT’S SO SPECIFIC ok fellow academy era stans gather around if you have read Divided Loyalties there’s a scene where it SHOWS that Magnus had a crush on Ushas. And NO ONE HAS EVER TALKED ABOUT THEM and the power couple they would’ve made. I write them into all my fanfics in hopes of making other people ship them but I’ve had no success so far
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
The Master is a big fan of musicals and in the 77 years he spent on earth he watched every single one ever. I’m gonna be bold and say that when he was young, still Koschei, he was an artist, and thought about dropping everything to become an actor on Gallifrey. Time Lords do appreciate art, and have their own plays, but it’s just the same old and boring ones the young people don’t care about. The Master then created a shocking performance that was way ahead of its time and the older Time Lords were so appalled they banned him from writing and presenting plays and that’s his villain origin story
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
1) The Doctor and the Master married on Gallifrey and the entire show is just them having the most litigious divorce in the universe (still isn’t final because the Master has killed all the judges); 2) Ushas/The Rani is ace; 3) The Deca was a 10 people polyamorous relationship; 4) Romana and Livia were girlfriends at the Academy and they hate each other now because the break up was baad; 5) Romana writes fanfiction; 6) Romana/Leela had a thing in Davidia I KNOW it; 7) Leela pegs Narvin; 8) Brax has a life-size painting of Romana at his collection or a statue or smth; 9) Brax’s dream in Reborn is actually REAL and he’s married to Romana, Leela and Narvin all at the same time
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
I don’t even think I’m in 5 fandoms but
Doctor Who: The Master, The Doctor, Romana, Leela, Sarah Jane, Bill (this was the hardest thing ever)
The X-Files: Mulder, Scully, Monica, and can I add The Lone Gunmen too?
Star Wars: Leia, Obi-Wan, Finn, Poe Dameron and honorable mention to Din Djarin and Grogu
Hannibal: Hannibal, Will, Bev, Alana, Chiyoh
V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
That’s hard
Doctor Who: thoschei ofc, gallifrey ot4.......... uuhh as you can see i don’t ship many pairings in the show
The X-Files: Mulder and Scully. And whatever Scully and Monica had going on because they definitively flirted
Star Wars: Poe/Finn, Han/Leia, whatever Han/Lando had going on too
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships
WHATVASHAJSKAJSA ok this is a little embarassing but I don’t have a lot of kinks for many ships... I guess I have some for thoschei like, choking, whipping, blindfolds/gagging, bondage, begging, biting, sem-public, phone sex, dirty talk, body worship, praise kink, etc. Alright alright I know it’s a lot but in my defense they've shown half of these on the show
The Master, Romana, Leela, Brax, Narvin, Bill Potts, Martha Jones, Sarah Jane, Donna Noble, Lucie Miller. No particular order for most of them but the Master is my precious baby and I will die for this mf
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
Not many, usually the people I follow are in the same fandoms as I am but I’ve seen some mutuals reblog some Hadestown stuff which is a play that I’ve never seen but definitively would because the protagonists look hot 
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
it took me three hours to do this but it was fun!! thank you bb <3
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